BCC Minutes 08/15/1978 R Naples, Florida, August 15, 19 LET IT BE REMEt1BERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and alRo acting as the Governing Boardls' of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor VICE-CHAIRHAN: David C. Brown C. R. "Russ" Nimer Thomas P. Archer Clifford Nenzel ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Debbie Pantano, Deputy Clerk; Donald A. Pickworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Mary Murgan, Administrative Aida to the Doard; C. Nilliam Norman, County Manager; Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development; Clifford Ddrksdale, County Engineer; Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director; and William McNulty, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA DOARD OF COU~TY CO~~ISSIONERS FINAL AGENDA August 15, 1978 REQUESTS TO ADDRESS TilE DOi\RD OF C0,,-:,TY COMMISSIONERS, WIlICH ARE NOT 0; 'l'I1IS AGENDA, WILL BE HEARl) AT 11: 00 A.M. 1. INVOCATION 2. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE J. APl'HOVAI. OF Am~NOA 4. APPHOVAL OF MINUTES * A. Regular meetings of July 18 and 25 and special meetings of July 21 and 27. nAI) ..,~') August 15, 1978 1] . MISCF.Lr~NEOUS CORRESPONDENCE 14. NEW DUSINESS A. Planning (1) Report and recommendation of Transit Study CACi re Ph I DnT Transit Study. I * 1:, . UTILITY DIVISION: Marco Island Water/Sewer Utility. Consulta presentations - l:30 p.m. A. 1:30 - 2:00 American Appraisal D. 2:00 - 2:30 Black, CrOl'/ and Eidsness c. 2:30 - 3:00 Briley, l1ild llnd Associates D. 3:00 - 3:30 Hazen and Sawyer, Engineers E. 3:30 - 4:00 Stanley lIole and Associates F. 4:00 - 4:30 Watson and Company G. 4:30 - ~:OO \Hlson, r-liller, Dart. 1n, Soll & l'eek 16. ADJOURN · Ad~itions and Deletions to the hgcnda FINAL AGENDA APPROVED WITH ADDITION/DELETION Chairman Pistor requested the item under "Utility Director's Re) concerning Sewer Area "A" Sewage Treatment Plant be deleted from the Agenda. Commissioner Archer requested an item be added under "New Busin, concerning the ap~ointment of an individual to LEAA Governor's Advisl Board. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Agenda be approved with the afore- : mentioned addition and deletion. b.\:~ 042 r:.:: 757 b~~~ o 42 P.'.~: 158 August 15, 1978 ~IINUTES OF REGULAR SESSIONS OF JULY 18 AND. 25 AND SPECIAL SESSIONS OF JULY 21 AND 27 - APPROVED AS SUBMITTED .' Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the minutes of the Regular Sessions of July 18 and 25 and the Special Sessions of. July 21 and 27 be approved as submitted. Commissi0ner Wenzel reserved the right to offer possible corrections to the minutes of July 27, 1978 pending his further review of same. ERNESTINE STEPHAN AND OLIVER CURRY PRESENTED FIVE-YEAR SERVICE AWARDS Chairman Pistor, on behalf of the Board, presented Ms. Ernestine Stephan with a Five-Year Service Award with his congratulations. Oliver Curry waR not present to receive same award. ORDINANCE 78-40 MIENDING THE COLLIER COUNTY LIGH'rING DISTRICT TO INCLUDE THE CREATION OF THE LELY TROPICAL ESTATES UNIT 2 STREET LIGfi'l'ING DISTRICT - ADOPTED Legal notice having bAen published in the Naples Daily N~ws on July 27, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed WiPl the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed ordinance amending the Collier County Lighting District to include the creation of the Lely Tropical Estates Unit 2 Street Lighting District.. County Hanager Norman noted the Board has received a report from the Engineering Department recommending the petition be approved with service to begin October 1, 1979. There being no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the public hearing be closed. 11otion carried unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Co~nissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ordinance as numbered and r' II i . J .J August 15, 1978 titled below amending the Collier County Lighting District to include t:le creation of the Lely Tropical Estates Unit 2 Street Lighting District be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book '8. ORDINAllCr.: ::0. 78-'~O AN ORDINAl.ICE ANE1:D: ::C ORDINANCE NO, 72-1 BY ADDING CERTAIt~ L~:JS OF LELY TROPICAL ESTATES UI\IT 2 TO '"-:::.: COLLIER COUNTY LIGHTING DISTRICT, ?ROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION. AND AI1 EFFECTIVE D,\1:::. RESOLUTION R-78-l23 RE PETITIO~ BY RALPH AND GRACE DALESSIO TO VACATE BAY ROAD, MARCO ISLAND, U~IT 13 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Marco Island Eagle on July 27, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a pro?osed resolution re petition by Ralph and Grace Dalessio to vacate Day Road, Marco Island, Unit 13. County Manager Norman noted this petition has been reviewed by the Engineering and Utility Departments as well as the Water Management Advisory Board and has been recommended for approval. County P,nginAAr C.liff R~r~~n~lp rpfprrpn to fl visual map to locate the property. There being no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wehzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimo~sly 5/0, that Resolution ~-78-l23 re the petition by Ralph and Grace Dalessio to vacate Bay Road, Marco Island, Unit 13 be adopted. ~ ,~\ 042 p':~ 759 August 15, 1970 RFSOLUTION R-78-l24 HE PETITION BY LELY ESTATES, INC. TO VACATE A PORTION OF THE PLAT FOR LEroY GOLF ESTATES, ST. ANDREWS, EAST _ ADOPTED SUDJECT TO EXISTING DRAINAGE ~ND UTILITY EASEMENTS BEING RETAINED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 31, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider a proposed resolution re Petition by Lely Estates, Inc. to vacate a portion of the plat for Lely Golf Estates, St. Andrews East. County Manager Norman stated the purpose of vacting Lots 11, 12, and 13, Dlock 29, and Lots 1 ann 2, Block 3D, is that the Club- house at Lely Estates is built on these lots which were thought to have been vacated by now; the reaSOn for vacating Lot 1, Block 31 is to allow the construction of Augusta Boulevard which will connect with Forest Hills Boulevard. He further stated the Water Management Advisory Doard and the Utility and Engineering Departments have reviewed the req1lest and recommend approval to the Board of County Commissioners with the stipulation that all drainage and utility easements be retained. There being no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner l'lenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5/0, that Resolution R-78-124 re the Petition by Lely Estates, Inc. to vacate a portion of the plat for Lely Golf Estates, St. Andrews East be adopted subject to existing drainage and utility easemen~s bein9 retained. 11 11 11 11 * * 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 * ~~'C~ 042 r!.:: 761.' B2~~ 042 P:,:: 76~ August 15, 1978 PETITION CCSL-7B-6-C AND PETITION V-78-22-C BY FRANCIS C. WEBER _ SEE ACTION TAKEN LATER IN THE MEETING Some discussion concerning the two petitions occurred. Chairman Pistor directed this matter be postponed until later in the meeting as the petitioner had not yet arrived. ; PETITION V-78-2l-C BY PAUL STIGER, VANDERBILT WEST CORP., REQUESTING SIDE YAP.D VI\IHIINC'E FOR LOTS 3, 1, & 5 LESS TilE N 100' OF LOT 5, nAKER-CARROLL POINT, BLOCK A, VANDERBILT BEACH AREA - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEI1BER 5, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition V-78-2l-C by Paul Stiger, Vanderbilt West Corp., requesting side yard variance for Lots 3, 4, & 5 less the N 100' of Lo, 5, Baker-Carroll Point, Block A, Vanderbilt Beach area be authorized for public hearing for September 5, 1978. PETITION R-78-l3-C RY IVILLI~~ JONES REQUESTING REZONING FROM RM-l 11ULTI-FAI-lILY '1'0 GRC, GENERAL RETAIL COI-1MERCIAL, ON PART OF LOT 36, LOCATED NORTH OF THE CHEVRON AND SHELL STATIONS ON EAST TRAIL _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 10, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition R-78-l3-C by lVilliam .Jones requesting rezoning from RM-l Hul ti-Family to GRC, General Retail Commercial, on part of Lot 36, Naples Grove & Truck C~mpany's Little Farms No. 2 which is located north of the Chevron and Shell stations un the East Trail be advertised for public hearing for October 10, 1978. PETITION R-78-l4-C BY GOTH, INC. REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO RS-3 AND CC, SINGLE FN1ILY AND CONVENIENCE CmlMERCIAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 12, T49S, R25E LOCATED NORTH OF ENTRANCE TO BARRON COLLIER HIGH SCHOOL _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 10, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Petition R-78-l4-C by Goth, Inc. requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "RS-3" and "CC", Single Family and Convenience Commercial for property located in Section r--\ J August 15, 1978 12, T495, R25E which is located just north of entrance to Barron Co11;er High School be ~dvertised for public hearing for October 10, 1978. REQUEST DY CRAIG L. BEFFERT FOR VACATION OF l2' UTILITY EASEMENT BETWEEN LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK 225, GOLDEN GATE UNIT 6 - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 5, 1978 Commissioner \~enzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the request by Craig L. Meffert for vacation of 12' utility e,'sement between Lots 1 & 2, Block 225, Golden Gate Unit 6 be advertised for public hearing for September 5, 1978. REVISED PRELHlINARY ASSESS~IENT ROLL FOR PRICE STREET IMPROVEMENT _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 12, 1978 County Engine~r Clifford Barksdale noted the original assessment roll was cased on improvements for Price Street on a one-time basis; however, the residents requested that the roads be improved to County standards and accepted for maintenAnce upon completion. He noted the front footage method is the most equitable for this district at $12.16 per front foot. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Nimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the revised preliminary Assessment Roll for Price Street Imf'rovement District be advertised for public hearing for September 12, 1978. REQUEST BY U. S. GOVERNMENT FOR RENEWAL OF LAND USE PERMIT FOR USE OF IMMOKAL~ AIRPORT PROPERTY FOR TRAINING PURPOSES _ APPROVED - CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT County Manager Norman reco~ended the proposed agreement with the federal government to use County property for training purposes be signed_by the ChairmAn and the agreement be accepted subject to the conditions set forth therein. OC'~~ 042 (:.~: 765 b~C~ 042 Pt.:: 786 August 15, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by CommiRsioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign agreement per request by the U. S. government for renewal of Land Use Permit for use of Immokalee Airport property for training purposes. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .----. ~ '" b~'~~ 042 Pt.:: 768 August 15, 1978 CHAIro~ AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LEASE ~HAT ALLOWS THE CITY OF EVERGLADES TO BE REIMBU.<SED FOR SUPPORTIV[ TRAINING EQUIPMENT TO CETA PARTI- CIPANTS IN FY78 PROJECT County Manager Norman explained that CETA is proposing to lease a typewriter and a chain saw as supportive training equipment from the City of Everglades and that said lease will ~nable the City to be reimbursed in the amount of $826.85. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commi~sioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a lease that allows the City of Everglades to be reimbursed for supportive training equipment to CETA participants in FY 78 project. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~~r~ 042 P!,~.: 770 August 15, 1978 . INSTALLATION OF 50' ANTENNA TOWER FOR CIVIL DEFENSE - APPROVED County Manager Norman noted that Civil Defense's primary source of lddio communication_ is with fifteen South Florida counties as well as the Area Headquarters in Jupiter and the present 20' antenna mounted on top of the Cou~thouse is experiencing limited communications with same. He noted the State Communications Officer has rp.commp.nc'l I" ,1 incrl"l'Isln'] the tower height to 50' which should significantly improve reception. Mr. Norman stated thp. cost of the 50' antenna is $400, 50% of which is eligible for Federal Matching Funds. In response to Commissioner Wenzel's question, Mr. Norman replied the antenna will be secured well to wi thstand high-speed winds. In response to Commissioner Archer's inquiry, Mr. Walker, Civil Dcfcnse Director, stated a strobe light could be placed on the antenna. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board approve the purchase of the 50' antenna tower with the condition that a pro?er light be placed on top and the Civil Dofense Director be authorized to file an application for matching fundo. REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF PROGRAM PAPER FOR CIVIL DEFENSE FOR FY79 _ 1',CTImJ DBFBRRED County Manager Norman explained the civil Defense Agency is required each year to prepare a Program Paper for submittal to state and federal governments itemizing the need for and amount of federal funds required to implement the program. Mr. Norman noted that two changes have occurred on the Program Paper. The first is a requ~st for an outdoor warning system and also a "Plectroc" warning system in the amount of $40,000 and also to implement a disaster training seminar for qualified volunteers. August 15, 1978 ~lr. Norman recommended the Doard approve the Program Paper as corrected. At the request of Commissioner Wimer, who stated he would like to see additional changes, Chairman Pistor directed this matter be deferred. RESOLUTION R-78-l25 RE PETITION V-78-22-C BY FRANCIS C. WEBER REQUESTING FRONT YARD AND DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS SET-BACK VARIANCES FOR LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK A, BAKER-CARROLL POINT, UNIT 2, VANDERBILT BEACH AREA - ADOPTED ~IITH STIPULATIONS. RESOLUTION R- 78-126 RE PETITION CCSL-78-6-C BY SAME PETITIONER REQUESTING COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETDACK LINE VARIANCE FOR SAME PROPERTY _ ADOPTED Legal notices having been published in the Naples Daily News on July 28, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-78-22-C by Francis C. Web"r requesting front yard and distance between buildings set-back variances and Petition CCSL-78-6-C by same requesting Coastal Construction Setback Line Variance for Lots 1 & 2, Dlock A, Baker-Carroll Point, Unit 2, Vanderbilt Beach area. Regarding the Coastal Construction setback variance petition, Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated the area in questior, is north of the Vanderbilt Be~ch area but south of the Ramada Inn and the petitioner is requesting the variance to construct an 8' balcony on each of the 13 floors of Building "A"; to extend a portion of Building "B" 16' west - plus an 8' balcony on all 13 floors as well as an additional 8' beyond this point (total: 24' extension); to extend the poolS' and the deck 25' west of the coastal setback line. Dr. Spagna stated he is recommending approval of the petition subject to the stipulations contained in the resolution. Mr. Stanley Hole, representing the owner and developer of subject property, referred to a drawing showing the proposed setback lines. '" . '"' _......, h:'~l: 042 P:,~: 772 August 15, 1978 ~lr. Francis C. Weber, owner and developer, stated the reasons for his requects is due to the property configuration. 110 WElnt on t" describe the layout of the buildings and how he hopes to overcome the problems caused by the shape of the lot in reference to the setback line. Mr. Weber ~tated he is planning on building breezeways between the buildings as well as providing a permanent beach access. Mr. Walter S. Wilde, President of Vanderbilt Beach Property Owners Association, stated the committeEl has studied these petitions ~nd feels that the pool may be detrimental to the overall view of the beach and that the buildings should be decreased in height so as to decrease the density. There being no other persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer stressed the fact that the aforementioned beach access is to be a footpath, primarily for the residents in tho area. The petitioner acknowledged his agreement with this. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that ReSOlution R-78-125 re Petition V-78-22-C by Francis C. Weber requesting front yard and distance between buildings set-back variances for Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Uaker-Carroll Point, Unit 2, Vanderbilt Beach area be adopted with the modifications agreedeu to by the petitioner in his letter dated August 14, 1978, with additional modifications (l) reducing one building by 10' between buildings, thereby reducing the variance by 6' on the street (2) removal of parking structures to provide breeze- way and (3) providing a footpath for residential use. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Nenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that Resolution R-78-l26 re Petition August 15, 1978 CCSL-78-6-C by Francis C. Weber requesting coastal construction setback line variance for Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Baker-Carroll Point, Unit 2, Vanderbilt Beach area be adopted. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * nA? ~~ B~('~ 042 P.'.:: 778 August 15, 1978 * * * * RECESS: 10:05 A.M. until 10:17 A.M. * * * * FINAL ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS IN NAPLES MOBILE ESTATES - APPROVED County Manager Norman noted the Engineering Department has inspected the streets of the Naples Mobile Estates Subdivision and determined that all deficiencies have been satisfactorily , corrected and the streets now meet the requirements for acceptance by the County for maintenance. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board approve the final acceptance for maintenance of the streets in Naples Mobile Estates and release of Performance Bond S 71 20 33 dated May 24, 1972 from Aetna Insurance Company in the amount of $1,000. RESOLUTION 78-127 RE PETITION PU-78-ll-C BY NAPLES SHRINE CLUB REQUESTING PROVISIONAL USE (6) OF THE ESTATES DISTRICT FOR A CLUIlHOUSE ON TRACT 96, UNIT 29, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES LOCATED ON THE SW CORNER OF GOLDEN GATE PARKWAY AND 64TH ST., SW - ADOPTED PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED County Manager Norman stat~d the staff has reviewed Petition PU-78-11-C and the CAPC, on July 20, 1978, recommended approval subject to the staff's stipulations which were agreed to by the Petitioner and are contained in the Agreement. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that Resolution 78-127 re Petition PU-78-l1-C by Naples Shrine Club requesting Provisional Use (6) of the Estates District for a Clubhouse on Tract 96, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates on the SW corner of Golden Gate ~drkway and 64th St., SW be adopted with the stipulations contained in the Agreement. Mr. Brad Richmond, petitioner, stated he haG agreed to all the stipulations set down by the staff. The motion carried unanimously 5/0. r- 1 August 15, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 70-135 INVOLVING A TRANSFER NITHIN DEPARTMENT DUDGET FOR STORAGE FACILITY (PARKS AND RECREATION) - ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $590.00 County Manager Norman stated the Board had previously requested the staff look into the possibility of storing maintenance equipment in the Motor Pool garage; however, there is not adequate space. lie further stated the Parks and Recreation Department is requesting a budget amendment within their budget to purchase a storage facility for the maintenance equipment. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer und carried unanimously 5/0, that Budget Amendment 78-135 to nppropriate funds for the purchase of a storage shed for maintenance equipment used at the Courthouse grounds be adopted in the amount of $590.00. * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * ~~~~ 04Z P:.~: 783 August 15, 1978 APPEAL OF PUBLIC NUISANCE ABATEHEHT BY L. N. INGRAM III - CRANTED In answer to Mr. Ingram, Mr. Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director stnted he personally did not inspect the property in question, (Lot 13, D10ck 420, Marco Beach, Unit No. 13), but submitted photographs to the Board of the property. Mr. Ingram noted the charge against him is that his property constitutes a fire hazard and argued that much of the County-owned property, as well as various subdivisions in the County, looks worse than his property. Mr. Ingram submitted photographs he look himself of Marco Island lots that were overgrown with grass Dnd weed, some as high as 6 feet. Mr. Ingram suggested that the County adopt some sort of "lawn mowing" ordinance. County Attorney Pickworth stated he does not believe the City's lawn mowing ordinance is constitutional and there is a CAse law proving so. Commissioner Wimer commented he has viewed the property himself and could find no grounds by which it constitutes any type of fire hazard. He suggested the Zoning Department be better informed and standards be set as to what exactly constitute~ a [ire hazard. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the charges against L. N. Ingram III constituting his property as a fire hazard be dismissed, the appeal beirlg granted. Motion carried 3/2, Co~issioners Wenzel and Pistor dissenting. DISCUSSION HE COUNTY SERVICES FOLLOWING POSSIBLE INCORPORATION OF MARCO ISLAND County Manager Norman stated that on July ll, 1978 the Board received a letter from Mrs. Jane C. Paulus, Chairman of the Marco Island Committee to study incorporation asking what services the County will continue to provide to r1arco Island, if incorporated. B~~~ 042 Pf,:: 785 BOC~ 042 p~:: 786 August 15, 1978 County Attorney Pickworth referred to his memo of August 14, 1978 to the Commissioners outlining the services that will or will not continue to be provided by the County if Marco Island is incorporated. He stated that "mandated services" such as the Sheriff's Department, Road and Bridge services, Tax Collector, Clerk of Courts, etc., would continue to be provided. Also, he continued, the only special districts the County w:lll be responsible for is the MSTU '1 and the Marco Water and Sewer District. Mr. Pickworth then stated that the police power juris~iction of Collier County to regulate various activities does not extend within a municipality and the City has the right to opt out of any ordinance established by the County. A brief discussion was held concerning the fire dis~rict with Mr. Pickworth pointing out that if the City incorporates, at that time ,1 special fire district must also be in"~orporated. Mrs. Paulus requested an outline of the police powers of Collier County if Marco Island is incorpo~ated. Mr. Lee Plummer, resident of Marco Island, questioned if the rate of taxin] will decrease due to the cease in some County se~vices. Mr. Pickworth replied in the negative. Mr. Ira Evans, Committee member, questioned at what poil1t th,' County services would cease if Marco Island is incorporated. Mr. Pickworth explained that the County and the newly corporated City can make some sort of inter-local agreement as to what services the County will provide. Commissioner Wimer spoke on behalf of the Board and stated they will cooperate with the residents of Marco Island if and when they decide to incorporate. He suggested that the Board make it official policy to not take any official stand on the question of incorporation but if it happens, they will do their best to facilitate the change of ad~inistration as efficiently as possible, so that the new administration will work in the best interest of the County and City. August 15, 1978 DISCUSSION RE LEASE-PURCHASE OF A 4500 MODEL XEROX COPYING MACIIINE IHTH AUDITRON ATTACH!1ENT FOR THE FIRST FLOOR OR DUILDING "F" - CONTINUED ONE WEEK County Nanager Norman noted the Purchasing Director, Frank Wilcox, had prepared a report on the efficiency of the Xerox muchines presently in use at the Courthouse. Mr. Norman stated the report is recommending the Chairman be authorized to execute a lease-purchase agreement for a 4500 Model Xerox for the first floor. lie continued, the study was conducted due to complaints by departments on the first floor that the 660 machine now provided is inadequate. . * * * At this point in the meeting, Commissioner Archer left at 11:13 A.M. . . * * Ch~irman Pist07 directerl t~e County Manager to look further into the mntter and come back next week with a recommendation. The sales representative from the Xerox Corporation noted that the price for the Xerox 4500 will be increasing within two wQeks. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the issue be continued for one week. Motion carried 4/0, C~mmissioner Archer not present at the time of vote. SUPERVISOR OF THE GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER RECLASSIFIED FROM PAY GRADE 15 TO PAY GRADE 19 County Man~ger Norman informed the Board the Golden Gate Advisory Board has requested the position of the Supervisor of the Community Center be reclassified due to additional duties carried out by same Which were not part of the original job description. Mr. Norman noted this position is CETA funded and will not require a budget change. nd? ,....7R7 bOCK oo~~ August 15, 1978 Commissioner Wimer expressed concern over the fact that many positions are coming before the Board requesting reclassi- fication and stated these employees should be awarded merit raises instead, if justified. He noted that when CETA funds are no longer available, it will be the Golden Gate taxpayers' responsibility to fund the position. * * * * At this point in the meeting, Commissioner A~cher returned at 11:21 A.M. * * * * Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the Supervisor of the Golden Gate Community Center be reclasqified from Pay Grade 15 to Pay Grade 19 as requested by the Golden Gate Advisory Board. Motion carried 4/1, Commissioner Wenzel dissenting. WATER WELL, PERMIT FOR SWEET BAY NURSERY - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Utility Director Irving Berzon explained the petitioner is requesting a 6 inch well for irrigation purposes of a nursery. He noted the Water Management Board has reviewed this request and recommends approval with tho usual stipulations as follows: 1. That the water quality sample analysis be provided. 2. Driller's log and well testing report be provided to Utility Department. Mr. Berzon reported that the desired pumping capacity is 500 gpm; however, the petitioner intends to use the pump for one hour every other day in the summer months and one-half hour every other day during the winter months. He stated the petitioner must obtain a comsumptive use permit from the South Florida Water Management District due to the capacity of the well. August l5, 1978 Commissioner Wimer expressed concern over the fact that the request is for n 6" wall for only two acres of land. The petitioner explained the only reason he is requesting that size well is for protection against frost in the winter. Mr. Berzon suggested a monitor could be placed on the well to determine the amount of water being used. He also stated the SFWND will chock on the situation and take whatever steps necessary if the Board so recommends. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the water well permit requested by Sweet Bay Nursery be approved with the stipulations as mentioned above and that the SFWMD be apprised of the Board's concern re the potential capacity rate of the well. DISCUSSION RE MAINTENANCE OF WATER CONTROL STRUCTURE - TO BE WORKSHOPPED MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 1978 Utility Director Irving Berzon stated the Big Cypress Basin Board is proposing that the seven structures acting as salinity barriers be taken over for maintenance and operation by the South Florida Water Management District to be paid out of Basin Board funds and tho work to be performed by district crews in Clewiston. He further stated there is a total of 20 water control structures throughout the County and that the Water MI'lnA'J..m..nt- 1\(lvisorj' DO:l~d, .:lftcr conoidcr.:ltion, rocommends that all water control struct~res be maintained by the Big Cypress Dasin and the SFWMD and that only one organization should be designated to retain total responsibility for such operation and maintenance. Commissioner Wenzel suggested this item be workshopped at a later date. Chairman Piator directed the matter be scheduled for Workshop on Monday, August 21, 1978. ~ ". 04.2 1"...7AA &~r~ 042 P:.::?30 August 15, 1978 UTILITY DIRECTOR REPORTS ON DER ADVISORY RE SEWER AREA "A" Utility Director Irving Berzon stated on June 20, 1978 the Board received a notice from the DER and again on August 7, 1978, a warning notice, advising that under the operating permit issued [or tho Sewer Aroa "1\" Wastewater TrAatment Piant, complete containment of effluent is required in the evaporation-percolation ponds. He further stated the County's Engineering Consultant has advised the DER that the overflow pipes in questiQn were part of the plans and specifications for the construction of the plant which were reviewed and approved by the DER and granted the issuance of the permlt. Mr. Derzon stated that in order to correct the situation the overflow elevation would be raiseu nine inches reducing the potential for overflows. He noted that if the ele- vation is raised much more, the berm could possibly be destroyed. DISCUSSION AND REPOHT RE TRANSIT STUDY - PHASE II TO BE CONTINUED AS OUTLINED DY THE CITIZEN'S TlDVISORY COUNCIL Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, noted the Doard had entered into an llgreement with DOT and the Urban ~lass Transit 1\dministration to conduct a study to determine the need for a public transit system in Collier County. Dr. Spagna explained this study was broke~ down into four (4) phases. He further explained the DOT has completed Phase I and is recommending the remaining 3 phases not be undertaken due to the negative community attitude towards the results of Phase I. Dr. Spagna . went on to say the Citizen~ Advisory Committee mot on July 19, 1978 and recommends to the Board that the study be continued into Phase I" dS the Committee feels the techniques used to estimate ridership and costs did not accurately refl~ct existing conditions in Collier County. He noted the Committee also recommends that if the results of the Phase II study is received with a negative attitude, they will recommend at that time the study be discontinued. r---, August 15, 1978 In response to Chairman Pistor's inquiry, Dr. Spagna stated the County is responsible for 10\ of the funds needed to do th~ study, wit~ DOT allocating 10' of the cost and the UMTA funding the remaining 80\. He further stated the Board had previously pledged their 10~ and, therefore, no additional monies are required to complete the study. Commissioner Wenzel expressed his approval of the continuance of the study. Hr. Miltol Sacks, Committee Chairman, voiced the Committee's request to cant Lnue with the Phase II study stating it will give the Committee a chance to explore alt~rnatives to the Phase I study "hich may be more feasible for Collier C0unty's needs. Commissioner Wimer encouraged the Co~nmittee to undertake Phase II and suggested looking into the possibility of establishing a transit system operated aD a privat~ busines1 in Collier County. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Citizen's Advisory Committee continue the Transit Study into Phase II as previously outljned by the Committee. ROUTINE DILLS - APPROVED FOR PAY~ffiNT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills heing presented have been processed fOllowing established procedures and that funds are available, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Nimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the bills be ~pproved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from August 2, 1979 through August 15, 1978: ACCOUNT WARRANT NO. Collier County Nater/Sewer Utility Division Utility Division General Fund Sewer District "A" DCC Payroll DCC Payroll County Warrants 24 25 39 27 48260 47549-4El215 7901-8319 n4? '70" bOCK 042 p~:: 79Z August 15, 1978 SPECIAL BILL FOR SMALLY, WELLFORD, AND NALVEN, INC., CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND SURVEYORS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $94,940.00 - FISCAL OFFICER TO BRING BACK RECOMMENDATION FOR ACTION NEXT WEEK FiscaL Officer Harold Hall requested the Board's approval in the payment of a bill to Smally, Wellford, and Nalven Inc., who were the consulting engineers and surveyo'rs for work on the Immokalee Nater/Sewer System, in the amount of $94,940.000 to be paid out of the General Fund and reimbursed from the Immokalee W~ter/Sewer District whon funds become available., In response to Commissioner Wimer, Utility Director Irving Berzon stated the firm had bean told before any work was under- taken that there may be a delay in the payment of their bill for their services. lie also stated the above mentioned figure does not reflect th~ total cost of the engineer's work as they are not completely done with the project. Mr. Berzon further stated the engineering firm is merely requesting an approximate time they may expect payment. He noted there is a small millage on the Immokalce sewer district which will help with the payment of this bill. Commissioners I'lenzel and Brown expressed their d~sire to delay making a decision at this time and stated they would like to wait until the results of the pending Immokalee Water/Sewer District refer~ndum. Mr. Hall briefly discussed various methods for the payment of the bill, stressing that a decision should be made as soon as possible. Chairman Pis tor directed the Fiscal Officer to come back next week with a final recommendation on the matter. * * * * RECESS: 12:00 noon until 1:35 P.M., Commissioner Archer not present at the time the meeting reconvened. * * * * August 1S, 1978 CIIAIRNAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR THE SPECIAL ASSISTANT STATE ATTORNEY TO PROSECUTE VIOLATIONS OF BOTH CITY AND COUNTY ORDINANCES County 'ttorney Donald Pi~kworth stated he has discussed the matter of the Special Assistant State Attorney with the Clerk and they concur it is appropriate for the County to fund 60% of the Attorney's salary and the City be responsible for the remaining 40% for services rendered by the ~pecial Attorney prosecuting both County and City ordinances. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Archer absent, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the annual contract for the Special Assistant State Attorney to prosecute violations of the City and County ordinances. 111 111 * 111 * * * 111 * * * 111 111 : * * 111 111 * * ~I",i'l~ 042 ?,'",:- 793 .J August 15, 1978 DISCUSSION RE RECEIPT OF DOUBLE TAXATION RESOLUTION FROM CITY OF NAPLES - COUNTY ATTORNEY TO RESPOND TO THE CITY NITHIN 90 DAYS REGARDING THE RESOLUTION County Attorney Donald PicKwortn aCKnowledged receipt of the City's Double Taxation Resolution and commented he needs to discuss the mctlltu. wiLli L',e Cour.ty MD.""D.g'Elr tlnd the l"ioe:11 Officer before making an appropriate response to the City within the required 90-day period. DUDGET AMENDMENT '7S-124 INVOLVING TRANSFER WITHIN DEPARTMENT BUDGET TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF CHEMICALS AND AERIAL APPLICATION TO AQUATIC I'TEED IN THE GOLDEN GATE AREA - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $lB,750.00 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0, Commissioner Archer not present at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment 17S-124 involving a transfer within the Aquatic Weed Department to appropriate funds for the purchase of chemicals and aerial applications to Aquatic Weed in the Golden Gate area be adopted in the amount of $lS,750.00 * * * * * * * * * * * ~ * * * * * * . :f:,'~', . 't .J flA'"l ~"'r"" I .1 August 15, 1978 DUDGET AMENDMENT 178-125 TO PROPERLY CLASSIFY TilE PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT PUMP UNITS AND ENGiNE UNITS FOR THE AQUATIC PLANT SPRAY SYSTEMS - ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $1,500 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0, Commissioner Archer not present at the time of the vote. that Budget. Ampn~mpnt '7~-125 involving n transfer of funds within the d6partment to properly classify the purchase of the replacement pump units and engine units for the Aquatic Plant Spray systems previously budgeted unde.7 Miscellaneous Supplies be adopted in the amount of $1,500. .. * .. * * .. * * * .. .. .. * * .. .. .. : B(1~K 042 Pt.~~ 797 J I. .. j August 15, 1978 BUDGET AMEND!4ENT '78-126 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR MAINTENANCE OF EUUIPMENT AND r1ISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES FROM UNUSED FUNDS APPROPRIATED FOR TRAVEL AND CONTINGENCIES FOR OCHOPEE FIRE DEPARTMENT - ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $4,000.00 Commiasioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote, that budget Amendment i7B-l26 involving a transfer of funds within department budget to appropriate funds for the maintenance of equipment and miscellaneous supplies from unused funds previously allocated for Travel and Contingencies for the Ochopee Fire Department be adopted in the amount of $4,000.00 . . * . . * . . . . .. * " . * . . * : 80C~ 042 Pt.:: 799 .'1.' . ''''I.~fi'''' August 15, 1978 BUDGET Mll>NmlENT 178-127 TO ALLOCATE FUNDS FOR PAYMENT OF THE nU,lOKALEE LANDFILL PROPERTY ...EASE - ADOPTED IN THE A!\10UHT OF $1,000 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0, Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment 170-127 involving a transfer within department budget to allocate funds for payment of the Immokalee Landfill Property Lease from the existing Site Develop- ment account be adopted in the amoun~ of $l,OOO. jl ,. ,. ,. jl * * * jl jl 111 * ,. 111 * 111 * .: BOCK 042 PI.;: 8J1 :~'rr hugust 15, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT '78-128 TO TRANSFER TITLE VI POSITION .78 TO EDISON CO~~UNITY COLLEGE - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,246.68. Commissioner \'lenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0, Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment '78-128 involving a transfer within a department budget (CETA) to transfer Title VI posi tion 178 to Edison Commulli ty College per contract be adopted in the amount of $1,246.68. 1/ 1/ * * * * 1/ * '" 1/ * * * 1/ * * * * .: M'I~( 042. p!,::-803 .' '..... :I, " . ~, ~, ....,.;. , i August 15, 1978 BUDGET lIMENDMENT '78-129 TO SET UP ACCOUNT FOR SHORT-TERM PROJECT (CETA) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,415.87. CommiJsioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0, Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment 178-129 involving a transfer within a department budget (CETA) to set up an account for a short-term project be adopted in the amount of $2,415.87. * '" '" '" '" * * .. .. '" .. .. .. * '" .. .. '" * '" .:' ~N~~ 04.2 Pf.~: 80S t(;;~ I. ._.J BUDGET AHENDMENT *7S-l30 TO TRANSFER MONIES WITHIN THE SPECIAL Ol,YMPICS PROJECT (CETA) - ADOP'l'ED IN THE A1~OUNT OF $350.00 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carrie~ unanimously 4/0, ~ommissioner Archer not present at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment t78-130 involving a transfer within a department budget to transfer monies within the Special Olympics Project for CETA be adopted in the amount of $350.00. .. .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. * .. .. * .. .. .. * .. .:' B(1~~ 042 p~:: 807 , , .~}.' .~,~.~1~'~;, August 15, 1978 BUDGET AMEND1~NT 178-131 FOR RENTAL OF PORT-A-JON FOR SWALE PROJECT - (CETA) - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $100.00 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment 178-131 involving transfer within a department budget (CETA) for rental of a ~ort-A-Jon for the Swale Project be adopted in the amount of $lOO.OO. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : Q"". 042 ,n-' $M,q ,'~,".J "'::~~(\";' .,\.~'l..~~'~'~~~ ~,r.~;" '. ., . ." t;-:; "<:'., , .':~ 1.:11 August 15, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT '78-132 TO PLACE NOBILE UNIT MAINTENANCE FUNDS IN LIDRARY BUDGET - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,114.00 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment '78-132 involving transfer within a department to place mobile unit maintenance funds in the Library budget be adopted in the Amount of $2,114.00. * * * * * * * * * .. * * * * * .. * * * : BliCK 042 . Pf.~: 811 ".." . BOaK L J August 15, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT '78-133 TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR TEt~ORARY EMPLOYEE FOR THE LI~RARY - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $715.00 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment '78-133 involving a transfer within a department to provide funds for a temporary employee for the Library be adopted in the amount of $715.00. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .: 042 ~~ 813 . "':";15..L).':', "-",,,,:. . ~. ;. J. L August 15, 1978 DUDGET AMENDMENT '78-134 TRA~SFERRING FUNDS FROM CONTINGENCY TO HELICOPTER - ADOPTED IN THE ANOUNT OF $4,000.00. STAFF DIRECTED TO LOOK INTO POSSIBILITY OF CHARGING INDIVIDUAL DEPARTMENTS FOR THEIR USAGE OF THE HELICOPTER Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that Civil Defense is requesting a budget amendment between department bUdgets to pro- vide funds to continue flight operations of the Helicopter through September 30, 1978. A brief discussion was held concerning the increase of costs in operating the helicopter. r~. Hall noted there is no set policy whereby each department pays for its use of the helicopter. Commissioner Wimer commented that a few years ago, following the purchase of the first Helicopter, the staff was directed to draw up some sort of pOlicy charging each department for using the Helicopter. . . * * At this point in the meeting, Commissioner Archer returned lit 1:45 P.M. * * * * Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Budget Amendment #78-134 transferrring funds from Contingency to Helicopter to enable the continuance of flight operations through September 30, 1970 be adopted in the amount of $4,000.00. Motion carried 4/l, Commisl:lioner Nimer dissenting. The staff was directed to look into the matter of drawing up a policy as mentioned previously. * * * * * * * * * * * e(l('~ 042 PC B15 ,tf I ~:." . . " ('.- ..... .~"'if'- :1''\.. ...... . :.tf .J August 15, 1978 CHAIR!-1AN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN "STATEMENT OF ASSURANCE" FOR FEDERAL RF.VENUE SP\RING FOR FY 1978-79 Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noted that the Statement of Assurance states that the Board of County Commissioners will follow the Federal Revenue Sharing guidelines pertaining to contract awards and audit procedures similar to previous Statements signed in the past years. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the ChairmAn be authorized to sign the "Statement of Assurance" for Federal Revenue Sharing for FY 197B-79. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . .: ". ~(\r>~ ,~:'..,~. . 042 P!.~-817 . l ~ .: . , ':"~'\ : .. \'. <. August 15, 1978 DISCUSSION RE GOLDEN GATE FUND USE - ACTION DEFERRED UNTIL LATER IN THE f.IEETING A bllef discussion was held between the Board and the Utility Director as to the alternatives in paying for the Golden Gate Estates Study Committee expenses. Chairman Pistor noted the funds could either be allocated from the monies collected from GAC or it could come out of ad valorem taxes. Chairman Pistor directed this matter be deferred until later in the meeting when the County Attorney would be present. WILLIAM J. REAGAN RECO~L~ENDED FOR APPOINTMENT TO LEAA GOVERNOR'S BOARD (REGION 9 CRIMINAL JUSTICE ADVISORY BOARD) Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board recommend to the Governor the appointment of William J. Reagan to fulfill Chief Gary Young's term on the ~EAA Governor's Advisory Board (Region 9 Criminal Justice Advisory Board). CONSULTANT PRESENTATIONS RE MARCO ISLAND WATER/SEWER UTILITY _ FINAL ACTIuN TAKEN LATER IN THE 1.~ETING Utility Director Irving Berzon stated the firms will give their presentation in alphabetical order and the last consultant scheduled will appear later and explain his company's reason for withdrawing from the competition. ANERICAN APPRAISAL Mr. Ron Wilkson, District Manager for American Appraisal, began his presentation by stating that his company is experienced , in dealing with all types of businessess and governments in th~ areas of property evaluation and control of fixed asset property records. He stated his firm has become the world's largest evaluation firm, to date, with the most qualified designated appraisers and engineers strategically stationed throughout the country. Mr. Nilkson went on to name the people who would be involved with the project 8C~K 04e PI.;': 819 , I 11:" {J .. .~ I' . ,""I.,I-,Oj.o', ,"", . bm. Q.{2 p~;:BZO , 'I' ~ ii, . . :. . .,." ,. . ~ ;."t~>'~, :,-, t :-"':'1'. August 15, 1978 if Awarded to AmeriCAn AppraiSAl and also ~~ve the~r credentials. He also nAmed various projects his firm was involved with appraisal analyses. Mr. Wilkson then introduced Mr. Ge~e Kaskowski, Regulated Industry Division from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to describe the chief operating ability of the firm. In response to ChairmAn Pistor's question, Mr. Wilkson stated his company would most likely do the entire project internally with no hiring of any local businesses. Mr. Kaskowski describe~ his division's major,functions And abilities in assessing property. He noted several major industries and local governments in which American Appraisal has had experience in developing cost and property records systems, as well as ad valorem taxing evaluations. Mr. Kaskowski outlined several methods his firm could entail to meet the specifications the Board may have for this project in terms of evaluation, appraisal, depreciation, book accounting, prcperty record keeping and financing. In response to Commissioner Wimer's question, Mr. Kaskowski stated he has not determined any range of cost for the project. Mr. Berzon stated he had told all the potentiAl firms they were not to determine such cost at this time. Mr. Kaskowski stated, to his knowledge, his firm's reports have never been used as a basis for a bond issue. Mr. Wilkson stated his company's name has appeared on property acquisitions in the prospectus for property offering; however, never in utility areas. CH2M HILL (BLACK, CROW & EIDSNESS) Mr. Ted Smallwood, CH2M Hill (Black, Crow & Eidsness), stated his firm consists of engineers, economists, planners And scientists which would benefit the County in this particular project. He introduced Mr. George HermAnson, Engineer and Mr. Larry Pinson, Economist. August lS, 1978 Mr. Hermanson stated he is with the Naples office of BC&E and he would be managing the project as well as being responsible for the technical aspects. He outlined the following objectives of the project: 1. The acquisition of the system 2. The integration of the system with the proposed County system 3. The rehabilitation of the Marco Igland system to present- day standards 4. Expansion of the existing system as futuro development dictates and that to accomplish these objectives, Collier County neens to determine the feasibility of the project, to consider the alterna- tives, the acquisition of the funds required and finally, the actual implementation of the project. Mr. Hermanson then described, in detail, how his firm would achieve the aforementioned Objectives. Mr. Pinson stated he would consider the information gathered by the engineer and determine the assessment value of the property. He further stated this can be accomplished through several different methods, which he briefly discussed. Mr. Pinson noted he would have to be closely involved with the County staff in achieving the final objectives to make sure they would be in line with the County's desires. Mr. Smallwood briefly summarized the reasons he feels his firm would be beot qualified to undertake the project, the main reason being they are a local firm. He noted BC&E has experience in this type of work. Mr. Smallwood submitted a written report answering questions that were addressed to his firm prior to this moeting concernlng the project. In response to Mr. Berzon's question, Mr. Smallwood estimated a time span of 120 days to complete the project. BRILEY, WILD & ASSOeIATES, INC. Mr. Carl Montecki, Briley, Wild & Associates, began his presentation by stating that his firm consists of engineers, management, and planning and serve almost strictly cities and Bal'K ,:. 042<~;: 821 "i:;'H: :; :. ,~'" I . '/ ~(~~.;. " "'.1 '..:-:x'{/':' .500K 04.2 Pl.:: 822 ,:~. . , ~. 1'4f';' [:. \'- . :~ ." " Auqust 15, 1978 counties. He explained he would be mostly:. involved with the managemont aspect of tho project. Mr. Montecki then introduced Mr. Arthur Birchall, who would be working directly with the County, and Mr. Donald Wanstall, the Project Manager. He went on to name other personnel of his firm who wo~ld also be involved with the County's project. Mr. Montecki then brie~ly outlined the schedulp. his firm would utilitize to complete the project. Mr. Birchall stated a brochure has been prep}'red answering the questions which accompanied the County's request for proposal and submitted such brochure to the Board. He referred to a chart to explain in detail the procedures he would follow if awarded the contract. Mr. Wanstall, Project Manager, stated he is head of the grants-management financial division. He explained that a report would be submitted to the Board explaining all the alternatives nvnilnhl~ fnr the syst~m, after which a program of implementation would be prepared. He stated a revenue report was made up by his firm for a bond issue for the purchase of a private utility system hy a municipality which would be included in the prospectus for the bond issue, noting his company has had much experience in such matters. Hr. />:ontecki summarized the presentation by stating his firm will prepare a report ~stabli8hing fair-market value and within said report will be a statement outlining any deficiencies of the system; a total cost and revenue summary to be used with the bond market will also be included in the report. He further noted he is submitting to the Boald a report which outlines the complete presentation. In answer to Mr. Berzon, Mr. Montecki estimated approximately three months to complete the project. . * . . . J . J August 15, 1978 At this point in the meeting, Ted Smallwood, Black, Crow & Etdsness, requested that the srectators in the Boardroom be re- quastad to leave aB not all of the engineering firms had made their presentations. Mr. Berzon explained that they had asked him if they could observe the presentations as they had already made theirs before the Board. Hr. Smallwood commented that the other engineers all feel the same way and do not think it very professional that anyone be present during their presentations. Chairman Pistor requested that the gentlemen leave. * * * * RECESS: 3:15 P.M. until 3:20 P.M. * * * * HAZEN & SAWYER Mr. Gary Boers, Hazen & Sawyer Engineers, introduced himself and Mr. Douglas Andrews of the same firm and stated he would like to briefly present his firm's qualifications. Hr. Boers listed hi& company's experience in dealing with utility evaluations, noting that an important aspect of the work has been financial manngement. He stated Hazen & Sawyer is adequately staffed to meet the County's needs and proceeded to inform the Board of his staff's qualifications. Mr. B03rs listed various municipalities for whom his company had performed utility analyses. He stated he has prepared a proiect outline report which he submitted to the Board and briefly discussed the contents of such. He noted there is a time schedule at the end of the report and stated he is estimating completion of the ~roject approximately the middle of January (four months). Chairman Pistor noted that in the report, Hazen & Sawyer is not able to do all the work themselves and would require a local B(1~K O~2 p~:=823 . : ..~ .' .~v;:; .', ,~, .~l ..~~~.~~i~:~l,' :"~;r ;.. .' f;cy,~ , ;.'...,,",m.J" 0\1.1.;.......,... " ; ,: '~:,~. ;...'~ ; ~~ .... .:~"" ~t;;.~ . :'. .,.N'. ~ .... .. . . , . . ;~.t.'. :,V.::; " n jl) . Oft A '"t':':, BOeK' \JoCll'.. ft.:~ ~~ ":'>;~:lo';.~":,'.;;;, : "~.'l'(,,.,.,.~.,,,. ;', ',,:~:.":':.~ ~h ' , ,~~.;~.( I, AU9ust 15, 1978 contractor be called in. Mr. Boers stated he would not contact a contractor, rather it will be the county:js responsibility. He further R~ated his company is prepared to help finance the acquisi- tion. STANLEY HOLE & ASSOCIATES : Mr. Stanley Hole of Stanley Hole & Associates, introduced himself and Art Charloff, Business Manager and Sergio Montes, also of Stanlef Hole & Associates. Mr. Hole stated his firm is particularly interested in the project as they are a local firm and they prefer to have local assignments. He stressed his company's experience in the type of work the Board is requiring. Mr. Hole commented that their clients have always accepted the appraisals in this type of project; however, Stanley Hole has never been involved with bond financing. lie then submitted to the Board a recommendation letter from one of his clients. Mr. Hole stated his company will be able to main- tain total objectivity and independence with the project. He briefly explained the outline to be followed if awarded the contract, also noting the staff involved. Mr. Charloff briefly discussed the evaluation method he planned to utilize (referring to a chart). He noted his rirm has been involved in obtaining grants in the past, adding that it is usually difficult to obtain grants for an existing system. Mr. Hole summarized the presentation by reiterating his previous statements. He noted his firm will subcontract for the labor portion of the project. Mr. Hole then described various projects his firm had been involved in similar to the County's needs; however, he noted all his previous clients were private businesses. _..J August 15, 1978 In response to Mr. Berzon, Mr. Hole' stated he has not estimated any time span for completing the project noting, however, that his company can be ready within 15 days of being awarded the contract to commence with the project. WATSON & COt1PANY lolr. John Reites, area representative for '''atson & Company, stated his company has been operating since 1951 and have architectural and engineering disciplines within the company. He listed several road construction projects his company has been involved in, as well as various building projects, such as Lely High School and Naples Post Office. Mr. Dale Lester, President of Watson & Company, introduced Nr. Dale March as a member of the recently opened office in the area. Mr. Lester stated his firm has had a good deal of experience with utility systems and local governme.nts, mainly city governments. He further stated his company is familar with the system on Marco Island. ~Ir. Lester estimated the time periOd for completion of the project to be approximately three months. He commented he has been involved in the type of bond financing AS the Board may require. . . * . At this point in the meeting, Mr. Berzon described the voting system for the Commissioners to select the consultant. He requested the Commissioners rank three firms in the order of their Choice; the No. 1 choice having 3 points, No. 2 choice having 2 points And No. 3 choice having 1 point. The Commissioners wrote their three choices down and submitted them to Mr. Berzon to tally. See action taken prior to close of meeting. . * * * ,', ..': , 80CK . 042;:~I'.::B2~;;;"'" . .~,)'j,'(" ' . ~ 'f'~i:" I.':'~ \'-' '. . ';\: ~I, ': . ....L: . .:,~~", " . .,0( ".Ir ~ . ". 't...:.:,> '.. BOCK 042 p~::~6 ; ,. '\;~J ,. . 'r.. ~t'-:~:'''r~('':' ", . .,' . !"~"'~' \.:.!,..."",...'\...,"I,..... ......,:....;'.:....'1.", '.. ,';' ..,.... ''''';'.1,.,;' . I ..~. \ ...... ..~.,. ......~,.v... ", . ,',:;:a o.l.tr.I~,,";("ll~i';"I." ", .:,i~:l,~'. ~ '.;.'. .' '.:"': ~r"';' "llfl' 'I ':'./ ' t.~fi II 1. '.l~ '.,' .... .,..,..,;-'.t,~1.~,';.,\'~.f'C""lt...,..,.;:~:;' ~.: ':""',' ,I( ." ,.,' ;.t'. ,~~,.., ,.' '",' . . if August 15, 1978 BIOLOGICAL ASSESS~mNT RE DER FILE NO. ll-9393-5E READ INTO THE RECORD AND ACCEPTED PENDING VERIFICATION OF PROJECT BY THE ENGINEERINr. DEPART~mNT Administrative Aide to the Board Nary 1-lorgan read 1" ~.:> the record the biological assessment re DER File :0. ll-9393-5E pertaining to State Project No. 03590-3609; Box CUlvert, SR 846, Cocohatchee River. Commissioner Wenzel expressed his concern over the box culvert and stated he would like it stipulated it' is placed in a permanent location, referring to the possible 4-1aning of SR 846. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the DER report be accepted and the aforementioned project be approved pending verification from the Engineering Department. Commissioner Archer noted the original plan for 4-laning said road has been changed and the road will remain 2 lanes. 11 11 11 * 11 11 11 * * 11 * 11 * * 11 * * * . . I' ' tl!... "( I \ ~. I", I LHi l__J August 15, 1978 cHAIRr1AN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF NAPLES CONCERNI~'~ MAINTENANCE OF ^ SCREENING HEDGE ALONG SANDPIPER BOULEVARD Purusant to previous Board action authorizing an agreement with the City of Naples concerning the maintenance of a screening hedge along Sandpiper Boulevard and for payment of such costs, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/~ that the Chairman be authorized to sign and the Clerk to attest said agreement. * * * * . * * * . . * * * * * . * . * ~ ..; '.! &='~i\ G"i~+"t'\L. '.'1! ',' " ,,. ," . . . r""... . . .\ . , ,).. ~. , '-~4-,;:5~"" . , J y'" 'j "~;i"lIj)~~ 'J" '" ':."4~'t'." ,,;'1.:-1; "., .~., ".~l':' ~" . . j l _._j August 15, 1978 * * * * At this point in the meeting, Mr. Bill Barton of Wilson, ~liller, Barton, SolI & Peek, stated his firm had withdrawn from the presentations for the Marco Island water system due to the fact the company is overloaded with work at this time and would not have the adequate staff to fully service the Board as they may require. He added his firm is willing to work with the Utility Director as District Engineer in reviewing the results of the evaluation when it comes in. * * * * CHAIRNAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN Al1ENDNENT TO LGCPA CONTRACT WHICH GRANTS TIME EXTENSION PURSUANT TO CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED BY THE BOARD ON 8/1/78 Commissioner Nenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimouSly 5/0, that the Chairman be authorizod to sign an amendment to the local Government Compreh~sive Plan contract granting a time extension. Administrative Aide to the Board l1ary Morgan noted this is being offered to everyone who has received grants and is pursuant to correspondence received by the Board on August 1, 1978. * * * * * * f * * * * * * * * * )", . 'J.\' .~.).~ .."""", , . ", 04'2"pl:~ e33 . "4 <r.b ~';'.J;; , .,'~'" I~.f.' ,,' .: .f'~t(l A" , I ':1' ~(l(:>K ..',",,:B00K 042 p~::.a36 '.~,~,~i;l::, :'.'l~!\'1" ,/ .'.,':'~.~.. -\",,', :' '{L,/~:"t" ",;~f~1 .' , " :.;...\.... ,'" ,.,.'t''''l , 'J .~ \'... .' 4l'" . . '''I August 15, 1978 COMMISSIONER WENZEL APPOINTED AS MEMBER OF S. W. FLORIDA MENTAL HEALTH BOAR,; Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan explained that Jack Conroy resigned from his position on the;s. W. Florida Mental Health Board and a replacement is needed. She noted the Board meets the third Thursday of each month at 12100 noon at their offices in Fort Myers. Commissioner Wenzel commented he is able to serve on the Board until the term expires in November. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Commissioner Wenzel bo appointed as a member of the S.W. Florida Mental Health Board. RESIGNATION OF GOMER JONES FROM OCHOPEE FIRE ADVISORY BOARD _ ACCEPTED; APPROPRIATE LETTER AND CERTIFICATE OF APPRECIATION _ AUTHORIZED Commissioner Archar moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5/0, that the Doard accept the resignation of Gomer Jones from the Ochopee Fire Advisory Board and authorize the appropriate letter and certificate of appreciation be sent to the individual. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO U.S. DEPT. OF ARMY CORPS. ENGINEERS RE APPLICATION FOR FILL PERMIT MADE BY CORAL RIDGE _ COLLIER PROPERTIES Commissioner Nen?el moved, seconded by Commissioner Nimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to the U.S. Dept. of Army Corps. Engineers re the application for a fill permit made by Coral Ridge-Collier Properties. Administrative Aide to the Board Mary ~Iorgan noted this pertains to their commitment to donate land to Collier County for governmental uses. '---' l__J August 15, 1978 CHAIRMAN PISTOR AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND SOUTH CENTRAL FLORIDA HEALTH SYSTEMS COUNCIL MEETING RE GRANT APPLICATION MADE BY COLLIER HEALTH SERVICES, INC. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0, that Chairman Pistor be authorized to attend the South Centr.al Florida Health Systems Council meeting on August 22, 1978 at lIDO P.M. in Building "C". Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan explained this concerns the applica- tion for a Certificate of Need for a home health agency grant application as made by Collier Health Services, Inc. PETITION BY RESIDENTS OF SATURN COURT RE ~mRCO LIGHTING DISTRICT _ ACCEPTED-REFERRED TO ENGINEERING Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board accept the petition from the residents of Saturn Court requesting to be included in the Marco Lighting District and refer SAme to Engineering Dept. CIlAIRNAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AGREEMENT LEASING PROPERTY AT THE IMMOKALEE MVI STATION TO THE DIVISION OF DRIVER LICENSES. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to ~ign an agreement leasing property at the Immokalee MVI Station to the Division of Driver Licenses for a mobile office and the County Attorney be directed to prepare such an agreement. BOARD ACKNOWLEDGES RECEIPT OF CITY RESOLUTION RE DOUBLE TAXATION- COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO MAKE RESPONSE commis~ioner'yenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5/0, that the Board accept and file for the record the City Resolution regarding Double Taxation and the County Attorney be directed to make an appropriate response within 90 days. ". 'I:' BOCK o4i:~~:~837 .' ,'~ ... " . ..'"~ (.r- J.' ~' l;.. ,I,f-I\:'\' ":. '..i 1,', r.~,:"""I.i.I" ' . j ~,' , . '. ,I /. . ~;"': ~Ec~;,. 94? r~;: BS8 t:,~'.j>~I,~.'}',:,'.1.'i.:""'~.":~':.11 ;. ;. ,f, , ~~A, of. ;', ,:,,~", ,'f:~,;;~~t :;;:,: ,.1,~~.~1;' ': . j' ~ August 15, 1978 ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE NOTED RECErPT OF LETTER DATED 8/8/78 FROM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION INDIC~TING APPLICATION FOR TELEHETRY PROGRAM HAS BEEN APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $57,270. Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of a letter dated August 8, 1978 from Florida Dept. of Administration indicating that the applica~i~ for telemetry equipment in the amount of $57,270, Project t78-04-20-L-31l-023 has been approved effective August 1, 1978. She stated there is n deadline of 90 days in which to commence activities or the project is due to cancellation. Mrs. Morgan also stated the County Manager has received a copy of the same letter. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments uS indicated below: 1. Letter dated 8/10/78 from Judge Carlton regarding the appropriation for feasibility studies for future county building needs and improvements I filed. 2. Letter dated 8/2/78 from Insurance Services Office of Fla. re Golden Gate Fire Control District rating indicating they have inspected said fire department and have issued a Class 7 for insurance purposes; filed. 3. Naples Wilderness Program: LEAA Grant, revised budget as of 7/28/78 adjustmentl '3 for Grant '78-Al-09-FD01. XC to Judge Trettis; filed 4. Naples Nilderness Program: LEAA Grant '78-J6-09-FD011 adjustment 13; budget revision, 7/28/78. XC to Judge Trettis; filed. 5. Letter dated 8/8/78 from HRS transmitting a corrected Certificate of Need No. 890 for the Board's application for a home health agency with termination date being 7/18/79; filed. 6. Letter dated 8/7/78 from U.S. Dept. of Agriculture re Rural Development application 'FL-E-0646 same being subject for reconsideration. XC to Dr. Spagna for William Horner, Planningj filed, 7. Notices of hearings from South Central Fla. Health Systems Council, Inc. on various health related projects within the district; filed. - ----- - 8CoCK . 042 Pt.;: 84:0',;, ", . . ~ . '-. r' ;, ;......i?ii;l;'! " :-> _ {,1''')....'.'i1~~~.lrt.,. ". \ J \' .,,'In.(' 4 ,),l) I ~' , '..""'.~~,L/.. '.... !'t',:., i'1..\~~.i~.:;, ,~1:l '~'\:I.~~'~~,,~~')?;';>~':!;-;~"~'J,' :'~~":: /., A~.~~t~l;\;!~JS:"":Y:' August 15, 1978 23. Anonymous note from constituent ~ the Board's decision to name a street Rose Apple Lane, filed. 24. Memo dated 7/31/,8 from County Manager responding to the procedural questions on Zoning appeals indicating tests or standards are cle~ly defined in existing ordinances, the Zoning Dept. will analyze each request based on these standards; filed. ~ ~ 25. South Fla. Water Management DJstrict comments dated 7/25/71 on Water Management District .6 application, original to Utility Director; filed. 26. Letter dated 7/27/78 from Dr. Douglas J. ~tephenson, chiropractor, advising that his service a are available, xc to County Manager and Personnel Dept, filed. 27. Letter dated 7/28/78 from Robert T. Wheeler advising that he is resigning effective 8/25/78, filed. 28. List of firms submitting proposals for the development of the county water supply, treatment and transmisRion system, filed. 29. Copy of letter dated 7/26/78 from the Governor to Anne Hora appointing her to the Fla. Balance of State Prime Sponsor Advisory Council with the t~rm ending 12/31/78; fil 30. Copy of Building Report of 7/31/78 month ended, filed. 3l. Letter dated 8/4/78 from Betsy Moulton indicating support of program by Home Economist, filed. 32. Notice of change of address for Govornor's W\ghway Safety Commission; filed. 33. DER notice of public hearings, xc to Engineering, Planning, and Utilities; filed. 34. P.S.C. Notices: Docket '780590-CCT for MorgRn Drive Away of Fla., Inc. to transport motor vehicles for use as recreational purposes, filed. 35. P.S.C. Notice: Docket No. 78-568-CCT for Suddath Van Lines, Inc. extension of certificate No. 88, filed. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CERTIFICATE DERD NO. 169 RECORDED AND FILED FOR THE RECORD Pursuant to action of the Board January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Memoric Gardens cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deed No. 169 was recorded and filed for the record. ',,'. ;:: )~.C\*H~~,; rp:~~t!f;,;,~:,.c, ',:., I ..~:..: i:'"'' IV:"': .. I:', :t . ~~.~,i"~'f~'~,' . .It;..'(' '";j~.,)'.I'" 'j I . :.~' ;'If August 15, 1978 CONCEPT OF PLANS FOR THE DISTRICT BY SOUTH~~ST FLORIDA MENTAL HEALTH BOARD, INC. - APPROVED' After a brief discussion, the Board approved the concept of plans of the Southwest Florida Mental Health Board for District VIII plan for mental health services. Chairm!n Pistor directed this item be scheduled for Workshop session for further consider- ation. DISCUSSION HE GOLDEN GATE FUND USE - COUNTY ATTORNEY DIRECTED TO LOOK INTO THE ~~TTER AND BRING BACK BEFORE THE BOARD Chairman Pistor informed the County Attorney that a statement was read from an agreement dated October 7, 1977 with GAC indicating the use of the monies in the Golden Gate fund. Utility Director Berzon stated he is questioning the Board's desire to utilize the funds for anything other than what the agreement stipulates. County Attorney Pickworth expressed his concern in this matter by stating the Doard should be very cautious so as not to have a "third-party benefi~iary" file charges against the County for viOlating the ngreemdnt. He also stated he needs more time to consider this matter before giving a definite recommendation. Chairman Piotor requested the County Attorney to bring back n rp.commendation the following week. DLACK, CROW, & EIDSNESS SELECTED ~S CONSULTANT RE MARCO ISLAND WATER/SEWER UTILITY Utility Director Irving Berzon announced the top three choices for the Engineering consultant firm re the Marco Island Water/Sewer Utility per the Commissioner's written ballots. He stated that American Appraisal had collected a total of 9 points (based on previously mentioned voting system), and Black, Crow, & Eidsness and Stanley Hole and Associates had tied for second place with 8 points each. Mr. Berzon also stated that Watson & Company had received 4 pointsl Briley, Wild & Associates received 1 point; and Hazen & Sawyer received no votes at all. ..--. ..r--w --- l. ...J August 15, 1978 At this point, Commissioner Wimer changed his third choice vote from American Appraisal to Hazen & Sawyer thereby decreasing American's points from 9 to 8 and giving 1 point to Hazen & Sawyer which resulted in a three-way tie for first place. Mr. Berzon commented the issue was not to change the first place vote but rather to vote only on the original tie for second place between Stanley Hole and Black, Crow & Eidsness. It was the consensus of the Board to now break the 3-way tie for first place. The Commissioners each expressed their top three choices orally. Mr. Berzon tallied up the votes which resulted in Stanley Hole and Black, Crow & Eidsness in first place with a total of 9 points each and Watson Company and American Appraisal tied for second place with 6 points each. Commissioner Wimer again changed his vote deleting his third choice, Stanley Hole, and putting Watson Company (second choice) in its place. This resulted in Stanley Hole now with 8 points and Watson Company with 5 points. Commissione= Wimer also voted American Appraisal as his No. 2 choice thereby increasing their score to 8 points. At this point, Commissioner Archer stated he wanted a verbatim transcript of the above vote and that ~e was not voting any further in the matter as he had already done so twice. After a br~ef discussion, the Board decided to vote again by written ballot among the 4 contenders (American Appraisal, Watson & Company, Black, Crow, , Eidsness and Stanley Hole). . . , At this point, Commissioner Archer left the meeting at ~ . . * approximately 5:00 P.M. .. . . * . . , . -1;j' .." ..'...";. " :.;. ,. " ,:".'_, . " ,,':' ",,' ~,t;;!:."::~...~ .):. '.'.~., ~< . ');,. ..4.'1..'.q~t~ii,!.i.:....;:;~"!:: r\,\~iM',. .:-,.':'/r;\ \1''''''' J. ....J, '. 0 . 8 .~- ',~ ,tJ'J'..' .;~;,t/'1ff.'1.J;t','~r-'..~l('''''.'(I,'. L' ~;-." "o~'CK 'l~ "; ,;" . ,......:\".'~:~d .l~;:'. ,..1.,(....., \~~':,~."' . .' ...._, .,..~~~.~:~::~,:\! ': :;;; .." :<~.,.',:Ul'r.~. 042 p/.;,:84.4' '.:' ," ".' ' ,., \ .',' ,'.', "it) ":;/;':~{.tf'\1(;~;;:' "';":~:';;{';\'?'<~'''';::';'i/'' '")'iJ~d~ !.. ..,!t{J,~':; i" .'.'.' r'7;~~~j,-t~jfr.'~~'i;'\\~ ,;/':',tfi;:;!y~:~ {;\\t:~,~y;~ ;;"'\1?~l.;.. \ '~I:;''''''~:;''~<'''''' ,; ....:~\. :~ ".';. ,,,~:,:.,::,,:! '; :. .~,.:, ~., '," ..,', ~:""\' ;:". . Auqust 15, 1978 As a result of the last vote, Mr. Ber~6n stated that Black, Crow, , Eidsness received 8 points as No.1; Stanley Hole received 7 points as No.2, Watson and Company with 6 points as No.3, and American Appraisal with J points as No.4. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, to adopt the rankings as mentioned above, and carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Archer ~ot present at the time of the vote. * * * * There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time 5107 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS EX-OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL {? ~y2 tG PISTOR, CHAIRMAN " ;' , I ,.---, ....--, ..----,