North Collier Regional Park
Naples, Florida
June 19,2019
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Parks and Recreation Advisory
Board in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on
this date at2:00 P.M. at North Collier Regional Park, 15000 Livingston Road,
Naples, FL, with the following members present:
CFIAIRMAN: Mr. Edward "Ski" Olesky
Ms. Daphnie Bercher, Advisory Board Member
IVIr. Phil Brougham, Advisory Board Member
Mr. Joshua Fruth, Advisory Board Member
Ms. Rebecca Gibson-Laemel, Advisory Board Member
Mr. Barry Williams, Division Director, Parks and Recreation Division
Ms. Jeanine McPherson, Assistant Director, Parks and Recreation Division
Mr. Rick Garby, Superintendent, Parks and Recreation Division
Mr. Miguel Rojas, Jr., Administrative Assistant, Parks and Recreation Division
Ms. Margaret Bishop, Principal Project Manager, Facilities Management
Mr. Dominick J. Amico, Jr., Agnoli, Barber & Brundage
Ms. Dakota Bernal, Agnoli, Barber & Brundage
Ms. Debra Frenkel, Executive Director, Freedom Waters Foundation
Mr. Winston White, Vice-President, Collier County Sports Council
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Packet Pg. 564 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited, and a moment of silence observed.
III. Approval of the Agenda
A change in the order of discussion of agenda items was requested, as follows:
1. U.S. Open Pickleball Championship Update (New Business)
2. East Naples Community Park Master Plan (Old Business)
3. Murdo Smith Naming Rights (Old Business)
Ms. Brougham entered a motion to approve the June 19,2019 meeting agenda, as
amended. Mr. Fruth seconded the motion. All members were infavor. The motion
was carried.
IV. Approval of May 15,2019 Minutes
Correction to May 15,2019 minutes: Ms. Gibson-Laemel's inquiry regarding toll booth
project status was referenced to Barefoot Beach and not Tiger Tail Beach as written.
Ms. Gibson-Laemel entered a motion to approve the May 15, 2019 meeting minutes,
with the noted coruection. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brougham- All members
were infavor. The motion was carried,
V. Capital Projects Update - Ms. Bishop
*Big Corkscrew Island Regional Park: This project will go out for solicitation of bids
at the end of the curent week and will be active for 60 days due to the size and
complexity of the project. The utility project is currently ongoing and upon completion
of the project, construction will commence in October 2019.
fBarefoot Beach Boardwalk and Pavilions Project: A solicitation for bids to renovate
beach access and 5 pavilions along the beach will be posted within the current week.
TDC approval is anticipated in September 2019, BCC approval sought in October 2019,
and the contract awarded in November 2019.
*Clam Pass Boardwalk Temporary Repair Project: This project is presently out for
bids, due June 26,2019. Following feedback received from the Naples Grande,
construction will begin in August 2019, following the retum of Collier students back to
+Tiger Tail Beach Restrooms: Bids for the restrooms project will go out in July 2019,
with construction to begin in October 2019.
*Manatee Community Park: Mr. Brougham requested clarification of the project
status for Manatee Community Park, which is recorded on the list of Capital Projects as
"study complete." Mr. Williams noted that this status refers to Manatee Community Park
having previously been evaluated as a potential site for affordable housing.
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Packet Pg. 565 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)
Mr. Brougham inquired as to the status of possible further development of the Manatee
Park site, such as into gardens, as previously discussed. Mr. Williams stated a meeting for
community input was under consideration for Fall 2019, possibly utilizing a consultant to
develop a charette, working from the original design plan from ten years ago.
+Eagle Lakes Community Park (ELCP) Master Plan: Mr. Brougham inquired as to
the status of the ELCP Master Plan, which is not included on the current list of Capital
Projects. Mr. Williams stated that discussions are presently being had with Senior
Management. Feedback on desirable elements at the Park has been received from
PARAB, as well as citizens attending a recent Town Hall meeting on this topic. The most
compelling suggestion has been for the addition of a gymnasium, which could also house
classrooms. Funding for the project is included in the Parks budget ask for next year,
which is being presented to the BCC at the June 2019 budget hearing.
*Ann Olesky Erosion Control Repair: Mr. Olesky inquired as to the status of this
project. Ms. Bishop stated that the appropriate Florida Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) permitting had been obtained, however Staff was still awaiting
permitting by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation, a partner in the project and responsible for the placement of fish
attractants/plantings, is facing the potential for grant funding expiration, pending receipt
of USACE permitting.
VI. New Business
a. U.S. Open Pickleball Update - Mr. Williams
Mr. Williams shared statistics provided by Ms. Terri Graham, President, for the 2019
U.S. Open Pickleball Championship, held April2T - May 4,2019. The 8-day event
drew 2161 players, representing 47 states and 20 countries. There were 10,000+
visitors to East Naples Community Park where the event was held, with sell outs at
the Championship Court on Friday and Saturday. News coverage included t hours of
broadcast on CBS Sports Network, 25 hours of live streaming on the Pickleball
Channel, as well as local coverage on Fox, CBS, NBC, and ABC. Suggestions for
improvements for next years' event includes more parking and additional restroom
b. Be Well in Paradise - Mr. Winston White
Mr. White, a 7 -year resident of Collier County, addressed PARAB for discussion of
the "Be Well in Paradise" initiative. A wellness task force was originally created by
the CVB, Blue Zones Project, and local businesses to develop a program in order to
attract wellness tourism. Mr. White was subsequently brought on to expand the
program, which culminated in a BCC proclamation that January 19,2019 would be
the first annual Wellness Day in Collier County. 50+ scheduled wellness activities
were carried out throughout the county on that day and the event was deemed a huge
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Packet Pg. 566 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)
A wellness expo was also conducted at the J.W. Marriott Marco Island Beach Resort
to bring together the wellness task force and local businesses to identify ways to make
the most of all areas of the County within the wellness initiative. One outcome of the
expo was a desire for the ability to utilize Parks facilities whenever possible for future
events, such as the celebration of international events like Global Wellness Day, held
on June 15, and the upcoming Wellness Weekend, which will be held September 2l-
22,2019. Plans for the September event include a Family Wellness Day, ideally to be
celebrated at four County Park sites, with activities planned for each location. Mr.
White noted that a wellness focused scavenger/treasure hunt activity at the park sites
is under consideration and feedback from PARAB was being sought as to which park
locations may be the most suitable for this activity.
Ms. Gibson-Laemel pointed out the direct correlation between wellness and the Parks
Division. Mr. Williams concurred and agreed that Parks Staff will work with the Be
Well in Paradise initiative to identiff appropriate park sites for collaborative events.
Immokalee Tree Community Foundation Grant - Mr. Williams
Mr. Williams stated that he had met with Ms. Eileen Connolly-Keesler,
President/CEO at Community Foundation of Collier, who had offered to provide a
grant for the purchase and installation of trees in Immokalee. A tour was conducted
of several park locations in Immokalee, with the Immokalee Sports Complex chosen
as the site for the tree plantings; specifically, planting palm trees to shade the
bleachers at the soccer fields.
On May 1,2019, the Parks Division received an Agreement letter from the
Foundation, awarding $10,000 to purchase and install trees at the Immokalee Sports
Mr. Williams was now seeking PARAB endorsement to accept and execute the
$10,000 in funding from the Community Foundation for the purchase and installation
of trees at the Immokalee Sports Complex, per the grant Agreement, and to approve
any necessary budget amendments. Mr. Fruth inquired as to whether $10,000 would
be adequate to cover the cost of 56 sabal palms for the project. Mr. Williams stated
that an additional project cost estimate was pending, however if the budget exceeded
the $10,000 grant amount, the Parks Division did have funding to cover the deficit.
Ms. Gibson-Loemel entered a motion to endorse the acceptance and execution of
fundingfrom the Collier County Community Foundation in the amount of $10,000
to install trees at the Immokalee Sports Complex, per the Grant Agreement, und to
approve any necessary budget umendments. Mr. Fruth seconded the motion. All
were infavor. The motion was caruied.
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Packet Pg. 567 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)
VII. Old Business
a. Murdo Smith Naming Rights - Ms. Debra Frenkel
Ms. Frankel, Executive Director and Founder of Freedom Waters Foundation (FWF),
addressed PARAB for discussion of renaming the Adaptive Sailing Center at Sugden
Park in honor of Mr. Murdo Smith. Ms. Frenkel noted having met Mr. Smith many
years prior and acknowledged his extensive involvement with Parks endeavors,
specifically dedicating himself as a volunteer post-retirement for the Adaptive Sailing
Program at Sugden Regional Park. Following the recent untimely passing of Mr.
Smith, Ms. Frankel is seeking endorsement of renaming the Adaptive Sailing Center
in Mr. Smith's name.
Mr. Brougham inquired as to whether the building renaming had been met with
approval by Mr. Smith's family. Ms. Frenkel noted that Mr. Smith's wife and
children had verbally expressed their support for the initiative. Ms. Frenkel stated she
had been in contact with Mr. Mike Sheffield, Director, Communications and
Customer Relations at Collier County Government, and was prepared to seek 1,000
signatures on a petition in support of the building renaming. Mr. Brougham suggested
that Ms. Frenkel may wish to discuss a more expeditious method for approval of a
building renaming with Mr. Sheffield, with a motion entered by a County
Commissioner to rename an appropriate County building in Mr. Smith's name. BCC
approval of this motion could result in moving forward expeditiously with the
building name change. Ms. Frenkel stated that she would be in contact with Mr.
Sheffield for further clarification and would therefore not be pursuing signatures for a
petition at this time.
It was the consensus of the Advisory Board that the wishes of the family regarding
this initiative should take precedent and should be verified prior to moving forward.
Following verification of family approval, as well as PARAB endorsement, Ms.
Bercher stated she would broach the topic with a County Commissioner and obtain
more information as to whether the item needed to be added to the BCC agenda,
possibly the meeting scheduled for July 2019. Ms. Frenkel stated she would
telephone Mrs. Smith again personally, as well as Ms. McPherson suggested that
Parks Staff may contact Mr. Smith's family for written verification of their approval
of the initiative. It was noted that feedback on the renaming of the Adaptive Sailing
Center should also be solicited from the Sugden family, for whom the Park is named.
Ms. Bercher volunteered to contact Ms. Sugden in this regard.
Mr. Williams stated that if a suggestion for renaming of the Adaptive Sailing Center
was made by a Commissioner on the dais to Communications and the County
Manager, this issue could be formally brought back to the Parks Division, thus having
been fully vetted. Further, the County Manager may also be the appropriate party to
contact the Sugden family.
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Packet Pg. 568 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)
Mr. Williams recommended performing all due diligence, noting there was no
urgency, as well as allowing for appropriate time to plan a ceremony in the Fall, at the v
start of Season. Further, the suggestion for renaming of Parks facilities is an initiative
that should originate from outside of the Parks Division. As such, no further action
would be taken by Parks Staff at this time regarding renaming the Adaptive Sailing
Center, pending direction from the County Manager.
Mr. Brougham entered a motion to endorse the renaming of the appropriatefacility
in the Collier County Parks system in honor of Mr. Murdo Smith, with prior
approvalfrom Mr. Smith'sfamily. Ms. Bercher seconded the motion. All were in
favor. The motion was carried.
b. ENCP Master PIan - Mr. D'Amico, Ms. Bernal: A Master Plan design for
East Naples Community Park (ENCP) has been developed by Agnoli, Barber &
Brundage, Inc. and was presented to PARAB for review. Mr. Williams noted that an
endorsement of the ENCP Master Plan was being sought from PARAB prior to
presentation to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for their review and
firrther direction. The Master Plan design is being created in support of park
renovation to accommodate pickleball activities, including future U.S. Open
Pickleball Championship events at the park. The elements of the design resulted from
feedback from Parks and Recreation Staff, U.S. Open Pickleball Staff, as well as
community feedback received at a public meeting. v
The current site has 54 pickleball courts,4 racquetball courts, 1-ll2 soccer fields, a
12,000 square feet community center, a 1200 square feet bathroom facility,
maintenance shed, and209 parking spaces. The design project is scheduled to be
completed in three phases.
Phase I site plan improvements are anticipated to be completed in 2020, adding 10
additional pickleball courts, an electrical building, and a temporary maintenance area
with a shell pathway. Phase II site plan improvements (scheduled for 2021) includes
an additional 421 parking spaces (total parking spaces of 630), construction of a
permanent maintenance structure, 7300+ square feet Welcome Center, which will
include restrooms, locker rooms and pro shop, as well as widening of the road leading
behind the park to 24 feet to allow better access. Phase III timeline is yet to be
determined, however design elements include a 3500 seat, multi-use pickleball
stadium, 38,000 square feet Community Center that includes an additional 10 indoor
pickleball courts, as well as additional parking, to total 1241 parking spaces.
Discussions remain ongoing with the School District regarding acquisition of
property adjacent to the park, which would provide an additional 480 parking spaces.
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Packet Pg. 569 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)
Mr. Olesky requested clarification regarding the removal of all soccer fields in the
Master Plan design. Mr. Williams noted that 1-l12 fields had been preserved for use
during the transition of fields at nearby Eagle Lakes Community Park to artificial turf,
which had been the stated preference of the local soccer league, which has now been
completed and is in use. Feedback from the local soccer league and community has
been very positive in this regard.
A desire for a minimum of one tennis court at ENCP had been expressed by a
member of the local community. Ms. McPherson noted that Parks Staff had
examined data trends of court usage for tennis play, going back over the previous ten
years, with numbers having significantly dwindled at the current time, thought
primarily due to public transition to pickleball play. This data had been taken into
consideration in the current Master Plan design.
Mr. Olesky inquired as to any potential environmental impact with park expansion
into the wooded areas on the perimeter of the park. Mr. D'Amico noted that this area
is currently designated as School District property, but appropriate environmental
mitigation would be pursued prior to any potential expansion into this area.
Mr. Fruth inquired as to the location of shade structures within the new design. It was
noted that small shade structures are proposed to be scattered throughout the park.
Mr. Fruth also inquired if consideration was being given to utilization of the park as a
hurricane shelter. Mr. Williams stated that the park is located within a designated
flood plain; however, hurricane shutters can be installed on the buildings, which may
allow for use as a cooling shelter. Mr. Fruth noted that once all current code
requirements are met, hurricane shelter designation may possibly be achieved with
only nominal adjustments.
Mr. Brougham noted the total estimated cost for the Master Plan design was $22M+
and inquired whether impact fees would be used as a funding source. Mr. Williams
stated that the existing park was not built using impact feels and the issue was being
researched as to whether surtax funding and/or impact fees may be utilized for
funding of certain elements of the design. Naming rights and donations are also
potential funding sources. Funding is currently available for Phase I of the design,
with the plan to bring on additional phases as financing is identified. Mr. Brougham
also suggested pursuing funding by the Tourist Development Council.
Ms. Gibson-Laemel stated her endorsement of the Master Plan design, particularly
the enhanced community center and playground, which will continue to support local
community activities, apart from pickleball.
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Packet Pg. 570 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)
Mr. Brougham entered a motion to endorse the East Naples Community Park
Master Plan as presented M* Gibson-Laemel seconded the motion. All were in
favor. The motion was canied.
c. NFC Fitness Center Scholarship - Mr. Williams
Mr. Williams stated that favorable feedback from Senior Management had been
received regarding this initiative. Positive feedback on the Fitness Courts has also
been received from the Parks and Recreation Division in Pensacola, Florida, who
currently has three Fitness Courts in their Parks, with only minor issues related to
weathering of equipment close to the beach. Parks Staff is therefore requesting an
endorsement from PARAB to proceed with the application for grant funding from
NFC Fitness for the establishment of outdoor Fitness Courts at the Collier County
Sports Complex and Events Center, North Collier Regional Park, and Big Corkscrew
Island Regional Park.
Ms. Bercher inquired as to whether overhead shelter from the sun and rain was
included, which could potentially increase the level of participation. Mr. Fruth noted
that body resistance and not metal mechanical equipment is used at each exercise
station, however noted that a shade structure would be of great benefit. Usage of the
Fitness Courts located at parks with similar demographics to Collier County was
studied and was noted to be heavier in the mornings and evenings, possibly due to
more favorable weather conditions at those times. Mr. Williams noted that
consideration could be given to the possible inclusion of shade structures, particularly
at parks which are currently in development, such as the Collier Sports Complex and
Big Corkscrew Regional Park.
Mr. Fruth entered a motion to endorse the grant application in the amount of
$90,000 from NFC Fitness for the establishment of three Fitness Courts at the
Collier County Sports Complex and Events Center, North Collier Regional Park,
and Big Corkscrew Island Regional Purk. Mr. Brougham seconded the motion. All
were infavor. The motion was approved.
VIII. 311 Report
Mr. Williams shared that three inquiries had been submitted by PARAB members via the
31 1 app over the preceding month.
IX. Director's Highlights
+Mr. Williams welcomed Ms. Daphnie Bercher as the newest member of the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board, having previously received endorsement by PARAB and
with subsequent approval by the Board of County Commissioners.
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Packet Pg. 571 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)
+Mr. Williams noted that a meeting is planned with Mr. Charles Schumacher to discuss
issues and recommendations that Mr. Schumacher had identified pertaining to Veterans'
+Mr. Williams reported an incidence of sexual assault at Barefoot Beach. Cameras have
since been installed at Barefoot Beach, and all Beach Park locations are being reviewed
for the potential installation of cameras. The wireless cameras would be monitored
through Facilities Management.
+Mr. Williams stated that July has been designated as Parks and Recreation month. Staff
will be in attendance at the June 25, 2019 BCC meeting for this proclamation. Small
activities at various Park locations will take place in July, however a County wide
scavenger hunt is also plarured; the Great Park Scavenger Hunt. Clues will be posted on
the Parks website which reference different park locations. Participants must name the
park, snap a picture at the park site, and post and tag Parks and Recreation online.
Participants who correctly solve l0/31 clues at month end will receive apize, with a
grand prize for the individual who visits the most parks.
Public/Board Comments
+There were no comments from members of the public.
+Ms. Bercher expressed her appreciation for having been chosen to participate as a
PARAB member. She also thanked Staff and PARAB for past cooperation in support of
events she has held at Park sites in the past.
+Mr. Brougham noted that no PARAB meeting is scheduled for July 2019, with the next
meeting to be held in August 2019.
XI. Adjournment
There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned.
These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
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as presented, or as amended.
Packet Pg. 572 Attachment: PARAB Meeting Minutes - June 19, 2019 (Signed) (10004 : Parks and Recreation Advisory Board - August 21, 2019)