Resolution 2000-025 1604 " In:SOI.liTIO:'i OF TilE nO,\Hn OF COUNTY CO:\I:'\I1SSlONF:RS. COLLlt:l{ COUNTY. F1.0Rm". AlJTIlO1U1.1N(; Tilt: t:XF.CUTION OF l.l:\lIn:n CSt". I.lCE;'IiSE ,\c;n.n::\usrs nY TilE ("11 Al R:'\IAN OF Tilt: BO,\IW nm Tilt: 2rHlll (',\1.E;'Iin,\H YE,\l{. RF.S01.lJTIO:'ol NO, 20(\O~ \\"IlEREAS. then.: IS a nl.'nelit to the Cl1Illlty nllll to the pllhlie jr Ihe ad11linistr:llive procedures cnncernin); l.imiled t 'sc I_icense A!:!reernents arc eXI,edi1eo. while maintaining the safegllards of staff .md le!:!al counsel re\iew of such ,\gn:ernellts; al1\l \YIIEnL\S. the Bllanl ..1' (-"Ullty ("nnlmissioners rccogni/es the hcneftlor reducing. time for Bn:1Tl1 ;Ippr.,\:ll nn re\ lewc.l .11111 :1I'prm ed I imitell1 :se I.icense Agreements ;'IiO\\". TIIUU:FOHE m: IT Ht:Sm.n:n nY Tilt: nO,\RO OF COU:'iTY CO:\1:\lISS10:'-it:HS. ("0 I. I. 11-: n ('()l!~TY. F1.0IUnA thai: 1. The Bo;ml nr Cl1l1nly ('.,m11\issillners lines hcrcny allthori:!c the Chain"an of the Ihlard of ("'lllT\ty Cnmmissillners 10 c\eellle Limited Use Agreements. fllr lhnsc special c\'cnts listed hclew. following approval hy the Re:11 I'r"perty Man;lgemenl Department. the Clicnt-Department. the Risk ~ lanayemenl Department and the County Altonley's Omce. _ (",\<kn (;;'ll' :\re.l ('hamhc! <11 I 11l11merCe_ Ine (( i..hlen (i;lte Festival ami Annual Art Show) _ C i"l.kn (ialC H"lar~ Cluh t nHlstl11asl ree S:lles & Bass Tlluntal11entl _ TIIC ,\rt \ ca!=lll-..t :--larl'u h\.II111. 111\", tArt an.l ("ran Shows) . Supcr\I!,4lr "t Ueellllns (,I (-l1lh,-r ('mlllty _ nnri,l;, (Voter Access) _ (;oMen I jale I- ralern:\1 Unler ..1' Lid" (,.\nnu.ll T ilSIC of (iolden (iale) . \l1laleur 1{,llhl1 ,'\'''''1.111''11 III ~1\lllh\\cst '.Inrid" (('ielo.l Day ACli\'jtic~1 _ 1'01.1 ;'Iiarlc. ( '1\ Il" ,\...,.,',.lll,II1 1\ bnalL'c I'<:sl,\ ,,\) _ I ),l\i,11 ,1\\ fl.-IKC \lentall k:l\th (\-nler, lnc (Anl1uall'lIn Sk:tte) . I '""Il 'rlllsers llt':s; "r1es. l11c, I ",hlll.lrshl!, FlIlllll{;lisen . (kl;t~lll1 Scqucn,e 111' h!,:.hl. IlIe l ,\rts ;Inll ("rafts Slul\\') 2. 'I hc alllhllrllath11l of Ihl' (-h:,irl11illl 10 c,ecute Limltell Use License ^g.re~'menls hereunder sh.lll C\ll'l1.! only r,'r the ~I"ltl ".i1end:lr y,'.II, , '\I11S HeSl,llllll\n ad'lr:,'1I1hls :1::;':1\. day of -, ~~;;-_,., 2000. ;Ificr 1111,linn. second amI majority \ole, ATTEST D\VIGllT E. 1lJ{1 JCK_ ctlt\.. "'c - "'_ J. .' --_.~...... -.:..~- . I krlll\ (-kr~_ Attest ., to Ch&inaan-s s1711.turt On1,_ BOARD 0 . COUNTY CC~~1 ISSIONFHS ("O!l.Ir (,Ol!N~Y' :1.0 ~ _ , 1\Y -if' I .,--. ,.~._... ,- -- -, ---.-- .._- - .._- --.-.- ----- , Ch"innan Approved as 10 filtll: .1l1.! Ieg;,1 !;lIf1icielley: I I -1_ !j,,' ~l___ J lleiJi F, Ashllln ^"sisI.1nt ('O\ll\ly A II II n".: \ .._.,.._---_.,.~.,_..-_.._._......_-_..._'-_..P---,._~ -