Resolution 2000-024 1.hD3 RI'SOIFrlO:-': :\0, 20(lIl-L4 1\ l-U:SOl.lHIO;-"; OF Tf If-. BOARD OF ('ou:-:n' CO~l~lISSI():-:ERS Or: COLLIER ('Ol'~TY, FLORIDA. RFL:\nWi TO TilE :\CQUISITIO:'\ OF PROPERTIES. I>E1.HjATI~(j ,\1 lTI10rUTY TO TilE CAl.ENDAR YE/\R :!OOI) CI1A!R\lA:-: OF TilE BO:\IW OF cm :~TY (,O:\I~1ISS!O~ERS TO EXECUTE~ CERTAI:-': DOCm1E:">:TS I:">:CIDENT TO PROPERTIES ACQUISITlON ON BE11ALF OF TilE BOARD. AUTIIORIZI~G STAFF TO PROCEED WITH CERTAIN I\CT1VITIES REQUIRED TO l:XPFDlTE SAil> PROPERTY ACQUISITION. AND WAIVING CERTAIN I'IWCEDI 'R:\!. RE(ll 'IRI'l\lIXl'S IN ACCORDANCE WITII TIlE CAPITAl. l\ll'lHl\'1\IF~ I Ll.l\lr~T OF TilE CO\ :N'I Y'S GROWTII \1:\~,.\(;E:\lEt"T I'I.A~ \\'IlFREAS. \h.: .:\p.:<lI\1\HIS :l\.'qUiSlliol1 \lrpropcrty is Ofp<lrall1llUl1tllllportalll:e to Ih.: timdy compl..:ti..11 ..I' 111.1Il~ capilal impnl\ ':l1h'llt pflljcCts, and allOlil1ing illfrastructure gnals ill .,CC0fl!;Hlec wilh thc Capilallmpnn'cllll:l1t 1;l..:mcl1lor,hc Coullty's {inmth \!;l11at:el11cnt Plan; and WJlFRLAS. aeeoll1plishil1t! the property ;Il'quisitinn ami l"Ol1slnl.:tion on or ahead lIf ~c:h'du1c ~h;dl r.'qulrc a prlll'.'rh Cll\lrdillaled le<ll11 dlilrt :111l0ng 111\: indi\idll:d ,kp;UlrneI1IS ;l11d a:-'.'IICles .:h;lq.~.'d" 1111 "\c'r..lI rc'sl'''IISlhilllY j"or Ihe pnlj.:\'ls. lh<.: I'lIhli" \\'od..s 1':I1~ir1eerillg ()~partT1lelll. the Rc,d I'ft'l'c'l1y \\'\T1;I!!ellwnt [kl'arlT1lcI11. thc om.:c "j" the County ,\Itorney, and the BoaI'll oj" {'''"llly l"111l1111SS101lcrs, \\ hcrein cert;lin routine processes retllllre stream Ii 11 IIlg amI ahhrenalinn \\ hcre\ er p,'sslhk ~()\\" IIlIRIT(JI{E, HI'. IT RESOI.\'ED BY TilE BOAIW OF {"OI;:,\TY ('O~1:\lIS. SIOSI]{S OJ- ('(11.1 II.\{ ('()I '~TY, FLORID:\. that thc ll11anlotTollllly C0I11Iniss;oners..r ('oIlier (',,"nly. 1'l"rllla, r.'':''~IlI'''' Ihc irnpnl1ann: Ilf l'lllnpleling the \aripus .:apilal imprm'C1l1CllIS projects althe ~'iIfllC,1 pos'ilhle 11I1'C; ami further, the Bo;m! rccoglllles the relationship orthe prnjecl schedllle to 11I.'dIO!' Ih.' ,', I',Cllrr,'IIL:\ reqllirclllenls "j"Collier County's ('tllllprchensi\'e Plan. :\:\1) rI IS II'RllIl,!t 1.:IS(JI\'I'1l th;lItl1\: !loanl ol'("ounlY COl11lllission.'rs of Collier COllllly. !.Iorl,l". r.''''~'III/C:- Ih.: . II 11'011 a 111.:': oj"lll.'!an,1 rithlS aCljllisili\ll1 flll1CIIOn OIlld its relalllltlshlJ' ,.. 111<.0\ .'1'."\ i""IC( I ,chedllk: ;1I1d the Boanl dcsir.'s 10 f;ll'lIilah: an(\ expedile Ihe land righls aC4uiSlll\ln I'r< ,,'css t\l Ih.:..:\ kill thaI il is .'ll1l'o\\'cred 1(1 do so hy 101\\. :\:\ [) IT IS F1 'RT III:R RI S( Jl.\"ED \hOlt Ihe following measurcs arc rcas'mably IlCeCSS;lI'Y for the cfticier1t alld .'\pe(l1l1ollS nl,II1a.~cmellt .md cClll1p1clinn of capit;ll projects: I, rhe Il, ';Ihllllll''illty I "'l1Il11SsIDIICr" III ;1"Cnnlalll'C \\ Ilh Ih.: pro\'isi(ll1~ of (''':Iptel' \25. ~ ~ 5. ['Inrida SI;ltlll.'s.II.'rth:, 1<wl1:t1I;. ',\:lj\C' IIIC rnl'lIn:lII.:nl fpr a jillrllal, IIHkpendcnt appraisal repOrl for Ihc purchase 01"1 l'n1p.:ll\ wheTe Ihc 1'1ln:It.lsc priee oflhc p.lrcd (thc eOlllpensalil'll due to the propcrty (1\\l1er) IS kss than One 1l11lldrClI ThClus;IIHI and 011/1 00 Dollars (S I O(),OOIl,OO). 111 lieu of ~~ l"~~ 1 1603 the imlcpel1d.:nt appraisal report, staff i~ herehy <I11thonzctllo make pureha~c offcrs for thc properties, the dllll:lr amllllnts of \\'hi~'h shall he pfl:dicaled lln "staff compensation estimates". i ,c.. hascd IIpon independent apprais;lls (and the data therefrom) oht.lineu on si 111 ilar properlies .H1d upon considcr;ll;on and nppli.:atinl1 (,I' appfl1pri;lle market value amI cosl data pertinenttn thc suhjcet p:lrcels, :!, The Chainllan of the llllard of County COl11missioners is herehy authorized to execule Appraisal Agfl:ements on hehalfllfthe Boaru with appraisallinn(s) from the pre-qualilicll short-list which. based Up(ln the analvsi, al1d rcc"l11l11~'ndalioll of stal"!', is (arc) nest ahle to HT,e the needs of the project in a limely and cost-effective 1l1:IIlIlCr. 3. l;pon the appro\'a! hy !he C(lllnt)' :\Itomey's ()mce of all docul11L'nts necessary for the suhject propeny acquisition. Re.tll'rnperty \lanagCl11enl Dep"rtment stOlfI' i~ herehy encour:lged tll .1lTer il11nlcdiate deli\'er)' 10 the respectl\'e property owners of the full Cl1mpens;ltion (as cstahlished hy the aplHai sal f1f stalT wlllp.:n-atioll .:slIl11atcs ill :I\:cmdanee with the provisions of Chapter 125.355, Florida Statutcs). in return for the 11I1IllCdi:lte 0111.1 proper c,\eCluion of thc respectivc c:lsemellls and,'or deeds, and such I1lher kr:11 doeumcnts and,'or aflitla\"its ,IS the ("ollnl)' ,\Horn..:)"s OfJice deems appropriale in nnkr tll protect the interests of the County; and the Board ofCounly Commissioners herehy authmi/~s Its Chaimwn and any suhsequent Chainmlll, for the life of tilt: projecl, to c.\ecu!.: allY :11111 ;ill ,H:rcclllenls ;lI1d other Icgal instrul11cnts p.:rtincnl to ~uch pmpeny acquisition which have lKcn rc\ ICI~.'d al1d ;lppw\'t:ll hy the ('ounty Attonley's Office, 4, In thos.: Il1sl:ll1co:s II h.:rc Ilc!.!lltlat.'d settlements may he ohtained \'ia the "Purchase ,\grcel11t:nl" or "Easem.:nl Agr~'.'I1lCI11" rl1cChallisl11. the Puhlic Works Administr;llor. or his designee, is hcrehy delegated thc authority to appro\c Ih..: purchase of hll10 interests aho\'e the staff compensation estimate or apprai,cd \':due "'HI P:1Y Ilomwlly relah:d costs when it is inlhe hest interest of the projCC1. WilhillllK' pf('-rala "har~ of Ihe land rit!hls aClluisitiol1 budge! for the p;\rcel being acquired. onl\' \\ hell the dll'["cr.'lIcc hd\\ ,'~Il the purchas.... price and the staff COlllpcl1s;ltion eSlimate or appraised \';Jlue IS les, thall 1:1I1l'ell Thollsand and 00,"] l)l) Dollars (S 15,O()(J,Ol)) or the curren! purchasing hl1111S c~la,lishL'd hy thc Colh....r ("nul1ty Purchasing Department; provided. Project funJil1l; is a\':lilahlc. '1 hIS ~ct\kl11':1l1 aPPf(I\',,1 authority ;'( dele),tated hy the Ooard of County Cnl1l111issitllll'rs tl1ll,: \:\1....nI11lal SII.11 apprO\ als dl1l1tl\ ,,'nlliet with the pnwisinl1s ofSeclion 1::5,355, F1ori,la SI;lllItCS, hl'l~ ;: \~IDJJ 5, The Cl1a;ml;lI1 orthe Board orCounty COlllll1i~~ioners is hcrehy aulhori/cd to exccute Purchasc Agrcements and E.lselllcnt J\greements wherc the 1;1I1d own,r has agrecd to sell the rcquired land rights 10 thc County atthcir appraiscd valuc or ,It tbat amount consillcred thc "Administrati\'c Selllcment/\lllounl" as SIKh h.-rlll IS internally used hy Ihc ,lllminislr;lIin: agencics of Collier Cnunty. (1. \\'h('re the prt'perty ,'wner ;I~r.:es, hy swnrn aflidavit or agr(,(,lllent ("Purchase J\grcelllent" or "Eascment Agreement"~, t.. wllwy a nceessary intcresl in real property 10 the County. and upon thc proper e:,<ecllt1l1l1 hy lhe property owner of those casements amI/or .Ieeds. amI such other legal ,hx:umenls as lbe (JITICI' or the (""Ully AllllnlCY may hav(' required, the Bo,lnl herehy aulhori/es I) lhe CllIlllt)' 1\1l('mcy, or IllS deSignee, the authority to c:,<ccute a closing st;ltement on behalf of the nr,anl, ,1I1d 2) the !'in:IIKe I lcp;U1111erllthe authority to issue w,m:1I1Is payahlc to the property o\\'nert~l orrcconl III those amllunts ,IS shall he specified on a dosillg statemcnt and which shall hc ha~cdllp<)n Ihe appr;llsal or st;lff compcnsalion estimate in accord;ll1ee with the prc'Visions or Ch.fptcr 125.:155, Hnrida Statules, 7, Alllille tn prnpcrtlcl\ which have heen ohtainl'd in the manner descrihed <Ihon: shall he deemed "acccpted" hy thc !I".1fL1 "I ("lIlrlty ('ollll1lis~illnl'rs, as the gO\'crnillg hody of Collier {'ounty, Florida. a political suhdi\l,;ilJlI of the Slate of "Illfida. amI as sllch. staff is hcreby Oluthori/cd to rccnnl it in thc puhllc r.:<:tlnh of ('oilier ('ounty, F1orid;I, said deeds and slIch other instruments as may he rCljuircd I., rcmolc the hen of any enculllor,mcc from the aCljllircd property. T! I rs IU:S(}\.I :T!( IS ,\Dc WIT'!) Ihls~l~,day ,\r"'..~,., ~ot)() af1er Illotion, second ,md ~~:J- majority votl', 1\ TTEST: DWIGIIT L BIWCj.;. CURK ~ " ". '-,..j' ~ ,_.""-'~.... . I kpuly Clerk , A tttst II to 01. tnl<<n . S slqn,turr on',. Approved as tn 1""11 ;ul<l legal slIt1ici.'llcy: BOAR )F COUNTY CO~lMISSIO~ERS OF, Ll,.~E.R c01Nn//tJ!!?^ (f~-f &~~;; By: , , )JL~.~{:. .J- /I Ileidi F. Ashlnn Assist,lnt Cnuuty All"f11CY ;'.1-1.... -.