Agenda 01/15/2008 Item #16G 1
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hg9nda item r'~o. 113<"31
Janu8,v 15. 2:)03
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Item Number:
Item Summary:
Recommendation that the Community Redevelopment Agency approve a monetary
sponsorship of $5,000.00 to Bayshore Cultural Arts, Inc. for the 2008 Hearts In The Garden
event from t~e Bayshore Gateway Triangle Trust Fund (Fund 187) FY08 Marketing &
Promotions budget for event set-up costs, rentals. security, entertainment, printing and
advertising expenses only, and declare the sponsorship serves a valid public purp:Jse
Meeting Date:
1/15/200890000 AM
Prepared By
David Jackson
Executive Director
Community Redevelopment
Bay s hore~Gatewa~. Red~ve lopment
12/19/20071:27:17 PM
Approved By-
David Jackson
Executive Director
Community Redevelopment
Bayshore~Gateway Redevelopment
12119/20071:27 PM
Approved By
OMB Coordinator
Applications Analyst
A.dministrative ServJc~s
!:1formatkn Tec.:!moJogy
Approved By
Mark Isackson
3udget Analyst
County Manager's Office
Office of Management & 8udget
121281200710:19 AM
Approved By
James V. Mudd
County Manager
8::"ard (if CClmty
County Man~ger'sOffice
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Recommendation that the Community Rcdevelopment Agency approve a monetary
sponsorship of $5,000.00 to Bayshore Culturltl Arts, Inc. for the 2008 "Hearts In The
Garden" event from the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Trust Fund (Fund 187) FY08
Marketing & Promotions hudget for event set-up costs, rentals, security, entertainment,
printing and advertising expenses only, and declare the sponsorship sen'es a valid puhlic
OB.JECTIVE: Recommendation lhat the Communily Redevelopment Agency approve a
monetary sponsorship of $5,000,00 to Bayshore Cultural Arls. Inc, for the 2008 "Heal1s In The
Gardcn" cvent from the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Trust Fund (Fund 187) FY08 Markeling &
Promotions budget for event set-up costs. renlals, security, entel1ainment, printing and
advcl1ising expenses only, and declare the sponsorship scrves a valid public purpose,
A, FS 163 COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT, FS 163AOO( I )(c) Cooperation by public
bodies stales: For the purpose of aiding in the planning, undertaking. or earrying out of
community redevelopment and related activities authori7cd by this par!. any public body may,
upon such terms. wilh or without consideration. as il may dctermine do any and all things
necessary to aid or cooperate in lhe planning or carrying oul of a community redevelopment plan
and related activities,
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA Master Rcdewlopment Pian dctails four strategies to eliminate
slum and blight (pages 1-7 and IV-19):
1. Improve Private Invcstment Climate
" MOIl' Ahead With Catalyst I'rojects
3. Promotion. To overcome some aspects of East Naples' image, promotion initiatives
will he required. Components of this strategy include:
a, Chamber, Coumy, and Council co-sp<lllsorship of one or more ethnic festivals
annuallv in the area.
b. There is a need to host promotion,,1 "ctilities hoth indoors, when encouraged
to do so by the weather, and outdoors.
4, Recommendcd Phasing
C. PAST PUBLIC SUPPORT, Ovcr the lasl four years, the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA
has suppol1cd the growth and cxpclnsion of thc Bayshore Cultural ;\rts organization, In 2007
Bayshore Cultural ;\11s held their second "llem1s in the Garden" cvenl at lhc Naples Botanical
Garden. Thc CRA sponsored the event II ith $5.000,00,
CONSIDERA nONS: The Bayshore Cultural Arts, Inc a locally-based 50 I C3 organization,
opcrates solely within lhc boundaries of the CRil, and will be a major participant in the future
growth of the area, Each year the group hosts their annual "I Jearts in lhe Garden" event at the
Naples Botanical Gardcn, It has been succcssful in drawing local resident and lourisl inlerest to
the community, and demonstrated the groups' ability to produce a quality event.
At lheir regularly scheduled meeting on December 4, 2007, the Bayshorc Gatcway Triangle
Local CRA Advisory Hoard heard a request fi'om Bayshore Cullural /\rls, Ine, for monetary
supporl for the lhircJ annual "Hearls in the Garden" event held at lhe Botanical Gardens - Exhibit
A, The advisory Board unanimously approved to recommend that the CRA Board approve a
$5,000,00 monetary sponsorship ilH the 2008 "Jlearts in the Garden" event. The approved
funding will be alloealed to event hard costs (sel-up, rcmals, polieing/security, entertainment,
priming and advcl1iscment -- Exhibil B hudget attached) and will he reimbursed to Bayshorc
Cultural /\Iis upon delivery of paid invoices/reccipts,
PllBLIC PURPOSE: To assist and i11cilitate the growth and development of a CRA-hased not-
for-profit cultural organizalion lhat supports the eduealion and dcvelopment of art and cultural
activities lor the citizens in a designaled blighted area of Collier County,
FISCAL IMPACT: The FY08 Bayshore Gateway Triangle Fund (Fund 187) has $20,000
allocated for Markeling and I'romolions !i)r programs, projcets and events (public or private)
planned or undcrway wilhin lhe Bayshorc Gateway Triangle CRA,
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4,7 of the Future Land Use Element of the
Gro\\1h Management Plan stales that redevclopmcnt plans may he developed for speci fie areas
within the Counly, including the Bayshorc Gateway Triangle CRA, that may consider alternative
land use plans, modifications to development standards, improvemcnts to inCraslructw'e and
incentives 10 encourage redevelopment.
RECOM\'IENDA TlON: ThaI the Community Rcdcvclopmcnl Agency approve a monetary
sponsorship of $5,00(1,()0 to Bayshore Cultural Arts, Inc fill' the 2008 "Hearts In The Garden"
event from the Bayshore Cialeway Triangle Trust Fund (Fund 187) FY08 Markcting &
Promotions budget to reimburse ('yent set-up costs. rentals. security'. entertainment. printing and
advertising expenses only, and declare lhe sponsorship serves a valid public pUI'pose,
Prepared by:
David L, .lackson on Deccmber 19,2007
Executive Director, Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency
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Bayshore Cultural Arts, Inc.
Yall r Bridge La lhe AI-ls
Call for Artists, Sculptors, Ceramicists or artists
working in three-dimensional forms to participate in
the third annual HeArts in the Garden Event
February 14, 2008
Naples Botanical Garden
5:30 to 8:30 p.ln.
The Theme is LOVE
Canvases may be picked up at the CRA office
Bayshore Gateway Triangle eRA, 2740 Bayshore Driw, Unit 17
Naples, FL 34112,643,111,5. \Vlv\v,colliercra.col11
2008 HeARTS in the Garden
Event description:
A collaborative partnership event with Naples Botanical Garden, HeARTS IN THE
GARDEN. is a Valentines Day Al,t Show featuring juried local multi-media art and
local musicians on Thursday, February 14, 200g,
The purpose of this educational series is to provide:
. Perform:mce opportunities for local musicians
o Juried art show and sale opportunities for local multi-media artislS
o Quality, professional and diverse arts and culture programs Ihroogh collaborative
parlncrships with diverse artists and cultural providers
o Enhanced quality of culluralliCc for the Bayshore community
General purpose of organization:
The mission of Ba)'shore Cultural Arts, Inc. (BCA) is to enhance the quality of life for
the community by crealing a cultural cnvironment which will establish and support
education. artistic and cultural programs and facilities. Strategic objectives are:
. Collaborate \\'ith partners to crCJtc a comprehensive cultural master plan.
o Cc'nsolidate a dedicatcd arts district within Bayshore that acknowledges and
complements existing arts based facilities.
. Create an environment in which local husinc'ises will embrace the arts as an
ccullomic dC\'L~lop!11cl1l tool.
. Develop an environment 10 make Bay..,hurc a place of choice to work and live.
and to create and consume art products and services.
. Develop art~ educational pn1gramming that rea('h~s all re,sidents, helps bridge
cultures and enhances art skills.
BCA will ~rDW with the community's reI ilalizdt;on and is prescntly working in
pJ.rtnership with the Bayshore Community Redevelopment Authority (eRA) to develop a
Cultural Ans District to provide a full pwgrJ.111 of cultural and arts,based venues 10
enhance the quality (,f life, and provide a place for 'lIb/cultural-hased businesses dnd
artisans to fh1Ur!sh.
Brief history of the organization:
Bayshore Arts was created in 2004 as a non-profit 50] C3 organization, The Board of
Directors \\'orked diligently to nuild a solid foundation for the organization to launch its
prugrdlll of d:'l"jqing fledgling community artists to Jispla.' ,-1Ild ,-.;cll their \\'ork and gro\\
their husiness in 3 favorable and supportive environment.
By April 2005 Ihe Board of Directors decided Ihe time was right to establish a permanent
presence and set up their headquarters al 3200 Bayshore Drive, Naples, Florida, With an
active o,lice space and small art gallery Ihal displayed selected art works for sale,
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Bayshore Arts found that many local residents and area philanthropists discovered the
organization and became a\varc of the mission to create an art and cultural destination for
the community,
As the organization's mcmbership grew and news uf their supportive work reached
professional organizations, civic and governmental groups, it becamc apparent that
greater community cultural needs were not being mCL Thus reorganization was
imperative to meet the art and cultural necds and attract the professional mcmbership to
expand the organizations mission. [n early 2006 the Board of Directors began an internal
visioning process to expand thc missiun statement, rewrite thc by laws and crcatc an
aggres~ivc business plan. During this process the group adopted a new name "Bayshore
Cultural Arts, Inc, Your Bridge to the Arts." In 2007 BCA relocated its office to thc
CRA Office,
Since its inception. tbe organization has presentcd/participated in programs including
lectures, craft workshops, music/art lessons, local school rnentoring and local artht
exhibits and co-sponsored and produced local art shows and musical pcrformances,
Population groups that will benefit from the requested funds:
In liaison with diverse artists (local musicians and multi-media artists), this event will
provide arts and culture access 10 the Bayshore Community. an underserved populatiun.
as well as promoting and pruviding support to the growth of the proposed Bayshore
Cultural DistricL Target populations who will bcncfit from funding include: performing
and visual artists, the Bayshurc community and Naples Botanical Garden targeted
Sources of additional contributions:
Targeted sources for sponsorships are Bayshore developers and private individuals who
have an interest in the redevelopment 01' Bayshure as an Arts and Cultural District.
(please see altached budget and sponsorship package),
SquiullJI lell rtsI nTlw(;lIrden/12.4 .07
Bayshore Cultural Arts. Inc. mCA)
Projected Budget
( II Ticket Sales
2000'$35 per person
(2) Sponsorship
(31 Renl~lln-Kind
Total Revenues
S I. 000
F~cili\y Rental
Equipment Rental/Parking
Art Supply Expenses
(Imitations, Posters, Tickets, C~rds) 2,O(JO
Total Lxpcn,cs
i 1,\ Uasd (In a\Tr<J~l' th:b:l pric-: pC ~,~5 rlLor P,-'1'SI\I1. S""U fur Mcmhcr" ,md )-1.() j"(lr f'\nll-r'\'1clllhl'r,>..
121 ."llflf1(lrl frolll (hi..' eRA would ;I:<"isl HC\ in ()hlainin~ addi!i()n~d in\l'Q(1rs.
c':\) III kInd titillation (l!"lcI11ai f<lrib!) hy N:lpiL'S Blllanil'al Garden.
l.Juli:HI,,fHl::1I1,lnThd':l1'iklliKC .\/('1< ,1,,'12(i ~ \ i7