Agenda 01/15/2008 Item #16B12
Agenda Item No. 16612
January 15, 200S
Page 1 of 22
Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approve the selection
committee's ranking of a qualified firm and award a Contract under RFP 08-5006
for Professional Consulting Services for the 1-75 and Everglades Boulevard
Interchange Justification Report (IJR), in the amount of $639,819.50
OBJECTIVE: To engage professional consulting services from a highly qualified firm
in a cost effective manner to perform on the County's behalf an Interchange Justification
Report (I.1R) Study.
CONSIDERATIONS: The County and the Metropolitan Planning Organization has
identi fied the 1..75 and Everglades Boulevard interchange as a critical component of the
future roadway network. The recently approved Omnibus Bill includes Federal funding
lor the interchange. The County and a prior consultant (Kimley-Horn & Associates, Inc.)
have completed the !easihili!,' study and have suhmitted the Methodology Letter of
Understanding (MIIJIJ). The submission and approval of the MLOU,ets the guidelines
for the I.IR. The general objective of the 1.1 R is to provide documented information
necessary It)!' the Florida DepaJirnent of Transportation (FDOT) to determine the required
improvements to the tmnsporlation facility and to provide, to the extent leasible, data that
may be used in conjunction with a I'rojeet Development and F.nvironment (PD&F.)
Study. The Interchange Justification Report (l.IR) process shall be governed by the
Department's Topic No. 000-525-015-f The Interchange Justification process is
governed by Topic No. 525-030-160-g and by intonnation as contained within the
Interchange Handbook and its supplements (Policy and Technical Resource Documents).
The Florida Department of Transportation's Policy No. 000-525-015 requires that new
interchanges or modifications to existing interchanges on Florida Intrastate Highway
System (FIHS) limited access facilities is minimized. Any proposed interchanges must
follow the process, and the analysis and documentation requirements established in the
Depaliment's Interchange Justification Procedure.
The IJR process tlu'ough the use of the Efficient TranspOliation Decision Making process
(ETDM) incorporates the initial steps to ensuring the IJR is compliant with all of the
requirements of the National Enviromnental Policy Act (NEPA): Federal Law and
Executive Orders; applicable Federal regulations included in the FHW A Federal-Aid
Policy Guide; and applicable State laws and regulations. The project documentation
prepared by the consultant in accordance with the IJR process shall therefore comply
with all applicable State and Federal laws, executive orders, and regulations.
In addition to the l.IR, the consultant will also be responsible for the development and
submittal of an application lor interim access at the existing Everglades Boulevard
overpass. This will include coordination with the South Florida Water Management
District in their current use at this location for temporary access for the restoration
Agenda Item No. 168'12
clanuary 15, 2008
Page 2 of 22
The study and its required documentation shall be objective and complete, and developed
in compliance with all applicable State and Federal regulations, including, but not limited
. Chapter 335.18],338.00] and 339.155 of the Florida Statutes
. F]orida Administrative Rule 14-97
. Title 23 Section 77], Code of Federal Regulations (23 CFR 771)
. Federal Aidllighway Program Manua] issuanccs (or their replacements)
. FDOT'S IJR Process (in its entirety)
. All applicable State and local long-range transportation plans and
apprc1veJ local comprehensiv'"c plans, governing the considerations for
and content of an [',nvl romnenLal Assessmt:nt
rhe consultant shall pert(mn Lhe necessary coordination with I'cderal, State. and loea]
agencies aCl1ni.nisterl11g community J~lcilities and service's. rhe consultant shall also
identity other ('ili/,en groups. business. civic. and lninority. which would have an
influence upon the study and the preparation 01 the I.!R w; dircclc:cll>:y Ihe "I'plicalll I'his
coordination \"..ill :;,;peclfical!y include rl:gular cuntact \\'ith inca] govcrnmcnt"s public
vvorks, community dC"'CJUpmCllL ;:conomk development, and other appropriate staff
throughout the lik of the study
I'he study is an interchange ](lr 1-75 at Everg]ades Boulevard in Co Ilier County, Florida.
The study area is generally bounded by Iml110kalce Road to the north, 1-75 to the west
and south, and SR 29 to the east. The primary study roadways in the study area include
but may not be limited to:
. I ml110kalee Road
. Go]dcn Gate Boulevard (East of CR 951)
. Go]den Gate Parkway (West ofCR 95])
. Pine Ridge Road
. Collier Boulevard (CR 95])
. SR 84/Davis Boulevard
. Wilson Boulevard
. Everglades Boulevard
. SR 29
In addition, there are four existing interchanges to the nOlih/west of the new interchange,
and one interchange to the east that may be influenced. Therefore the analysis will be
based upon the following five interchanges:
. 1-75 & Immokalee Road/CR 846
. ]-75 & Pine Ridge Road
. 1-75 & Golden Gate Parkway
Agenda Item No. 16B 12
January 15, 200S
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. 1-75 & Collier Boulevard/CR 951
The total study area along 1-75 is approximately 30.6 miles. The distance between the
two adjacent interchanges (1,75 & Collier BoulevardlCR 951 interchange and the 1-75 &
SR 29 interchange) is approximately 21 miles. The logical termini for the proposed
interchange at 1-75 and Everglades 130ulevard will be at the ramp termini on Everglades
130ulevard and one-half mile either side of the Everglades Boulevard overpass on 1-75.
rhe consultant shall include (as an alternative) in their analyses an alternate interchange
location approximatelv three miles east of Everglades Boulevard with it new or improved
no!ih/soulh a!1erial f~lcility, l'he COflsultant is !'csponsiblel(J1' preparing the f'ollo\ving
technicalmemorandul11s. lellcrs and reports filr this pruject:
:) Rcvisions to. the Pruject Study Design (1-75/Ever[!lades 130ulevard Feasibility
Rcvislonslu the !\'/lcthc)lJolo\2,} L..ctwr of ljndcrstanding (l\./lLOL )
., \ Lx[~;ting Condition:" ;:llld Project f"raH'le echnical rvkmorandu111)
4) /\Itcrnativcs Develllpmcnt and r;,'/<.J.luati()n ('r'echnical f\,1enl()randu111)
5) Preliminary Interchange Prupusal (DraIlI.lR - Repor!)
6) Final Preliminary Interchange Proposal (Finall.lR - Rep0l1,1
7) Application Iix Temporary Access (Technical Memorandum)
The selection committee has made a recummendation based on the folluwing three firms
in order of technical score.
I. AIM Engineering
2. Alnerican Consulting
3. URS Corp.
Staff has negotiated with AIM Engineering m the amount of $639,819.50 for thcse
FISCAL IMPACT: Funds for this cuntract are budgeted in FY 08 in Gas Tax Fund
(313) Project 60060, 1-75 Interchange @ Everglades Blvd Study in the amount
$639,8] 9.50.
management guidelines will be followed.
Collier County grov,1h and access
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: (I) Approve the
committee's selection and ranking oftirms; (2) award the contract to the top ranked firm;
and (3) authorize the Chainnan to sign said cuntract on behalf of the Board,
,i\genda Item No, 16812
January 15, 2008
Page 4 of 22
Prepared By: Nick Casalanguida, Director, Transportation Planning Department
Attachments: (I) Fee Sheets: (2) Scope of Services: (3) Rate Schedule
Page lof2
Aaenda Item No, 16B 12
- January 15, 200S
Page 5 of 22
Item Number:
Item Summary:
RecomnH;,ndatlon that the Board of County Corr,missloners approve the selection ::'.olnmittses
I-anklng of 3 QU2iified Fmn and 8\fv';Fd '" ContraU under RFF' 08-5006 for Professi,-:!nal
Consulting Servi:::es i'CF thE: !--5 [1nd E:er'g!,;;de~, E:\oule\.ord interci;,:mg(; JUstif,s8tlon F:eport
;URL In the ameu,,! c/ $62,9:-,1950
Meeting Date:
1, 'I 5/;2008 D. UC', ':iC P'.hfl
Approved By
t\iiPC: Dinict,H
TransnortaUon S;O'r\frc(~'f,
;i'~!_r.;,pori:",j(ln ;>;ill~nlng
'::r26!::007 3A,! PM
A pIU"oved By
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,\pproved By
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"-;-anspOi'~atiDr: ::(,rd(;~'s /-' {-::T!in.
2i2T'2aCi' 7:5Ti f>['A
Approved By
Sharon Newman
Accounting Supervisor
Transportation Services
TranspOltation Services P.,dmin
1/2/20088:55 PM
Approved By
Steve Carnell
PUl'chasingfGeneral Svcs Dire-cl'or
Administrative Services
1/3f2008 2;12 PM
Approved By
Pat Lehnhard
ExeGutive Secretary
Transportation Services
Transportation Services Admin
113120083:06 PM
Approved By
OMB Coordinator
Applications Analyst
Administrative Services
Information Technology
113120083:51 PM
Approved By
Rhonda Rembert
Contract Specialist
Administrative Services
113120085:02 PM
Approved By
Susan Usher
Senior Management/Budget Analyst
County Manager's Office
Office of Management & Budget
1/71200811:09 AM
file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\98-January%20 15, %202008\ 16. %20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 1... 1/9/2008
Page 2 of 2
Agenda Item No, '16812
,January 15, 200S
Page 6 of 22
Approved By
[v'lichae! Smykowski
Management & Budget Director
County Manager's Offi:.e
Office of Managcrn'2rlt & 8ucl~FH
'US/20Ga 8:41 AM
ApprOVl'd By
,:am0S v, Mudd
County lii1.a:'laqL<'
Soard ot Count}"
County !\f:anBgC! s Dffi ~,
';,9/2001' 2:IS f')M
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fiJe://C:IAgendaTestIExportI98-January%20 15, %2020081 J 6. %20CONSENT%20AGENDA 11... 1I9/2008
Agenda Item No. 15812
January 15, 200S
Page 7 of 22
Collier County (APPLICANT), in cooperation with the Florida Department of
Transportation, is seeking a properly qualified engineering firm to conduct an Interchange
Justification Report (IJR) for the proposed 1-75 and Everglades Boulevard interchange.
The general objective of the study is to provide documented information necessary for the
Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to determine the required improvements to
the transportation facility and to provide, to the extent feasible, data that may be used in
conjunction with a Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study, The Interchange
Justification Report (IJR) process shall be governed by the Department's Topic No. 000-
525-015-1. The Interchange Justification process is governed by Topic No. 525-030-160-g
and by information as contained within the Interchange Handbook and its supplements
(Policy and Technical Resource Documents). All information regarding proposals of this
type is located at the Department website at . book. Throug hout
this scope of services, these publications will be defined as the IJR Process,
The Florida Department of Transportation's Policy No. 000-525-015 requires that new
interchanges or modifications to existing interchanges on Florida Intrastate Highway
System (FIHS) limited access facilities is minimized. Any proposed interchanges must
follow the process, and the analysis and documentation requirements established in the
Department's Interchange Justification Procedure.
The IJR Process through the use of the Efficient Transportation Decision Making Process
(ETDM) incorporates the initial steps to ensuring the IJR is compliant with all of the
requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA); Federal law and Executive
Orders; applicable Federal regulations included in the FHWA Federal-Aid Policy Guide;
and applicable State laws and regulations. The project documentation prepared by the
CONSULTANT in accordance with the IJR Process shall therefore comply with all
applicable State and Federal laws, executive orders, and regulations.
This Scope of Services will establish which items described in the IJR Process are
specifically included in this contract, and which of the items will be the responsibility of the
CONSU L T ANT and which will be the responsibility of the APPLICANT.
In addition to the IJR, the CONSULTANT will also be responsible for the development and
submittal of an application for interim access at the existing Everglades Boulevard
overpass. This will include coordination with the South Florida Water Management District
in their current use at this location for temporary access for the restoration project.
RFP # _ - 1-75/Everglades Boulevard IJR Study
RFP OS-5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd. IJR
Agenda Item No. 16812
January 15, 200S
Page S of 22
The study and its required documentation shall be objective and complete, and developed
in compliance with all applicable State and Federal regulations, including, but not limited
. Chapter 335,181, 338.001 and 339.155 of the Florida Statutes
. Florida Administrative Rule 14-97
. Title 23 Section 771, Code of Federal Regulations (23 CFR 771)
. Federal Aid Highway Program Manual issuances (or their replacements)
. FOOT'S IJR Process (in its entirety)
. All applicable State and local long-range transportation plans and approved
local comprehensive plans. governing the considerations for and content of
an Environmental Assessment
Through coordination with FOOT, revisions to the above list, underway at the time of
contract execution, will apply,
The CONSULTANT shall perform the necessary coordination with Federal, State. and
local agencies administering community facilities and services. The CONSULTANT shall
also identify other citizen groups. business, civic. and minority, which would have an
influence upon the study and the preparation of the IJR as directed by the APPLICANT.
This coordination will specifically include regular contact with local government's publiC
works. community development, economic development, and other appropriate staff
throughout the life of the study.
The CONSULTANT may be called upon to prepare the conlent of letters from the
APPLICANT personnel to other agencies, public officials, etc. The CONSULTANT shall
mark development plans per individual property owner requests, etc,. regarding the effect
of the project on the properties in question as directed by the APPLICANT, The
CONSULTANT shall use existing and current information and mapping from State,
regional, and local agencies, private sources, and their own files and observations. The
CONSULTANT is encouraged to seek and notify the APPLICANT of unforeseen
information and issues that are relevant to the project decision.
The study is an interchange for 1-75 at Everglades Boulevard in Collier County, Florida.
The study area is generally bounded by lmmokalee Road to the north, 1-75 to the west and
south, and SR 29 to the east The primary study roadways in the study area include but
may not be limited to:
. lmmokalee Road
. Golden Gate Boulevard (East of CR 951)
. Golden Gate Parkway (West of CR 951)
. Pine Ridge Road
. Collier Boulevard (CR 951)
. SR 84/0avis Boulevard
. Wilson Boulevard
RFP OS-5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd, IJR
Agenda Item No. 16B 12
January 15. 200S
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. Everglades Boulevard
. SR 29
In addition, there are four existing interchanges to the northlwest of the new interchange,
and one interchange to the east that may be influenced. Therefore the analysis will be
based upon the following five interchanges:
. 1-75 & Immokalee RoadlCR 846
. 1-75 & Pine Ridge Road
. 1-75 & Golden Gate Parkway
. 1-75 & Collier BoulevardlCR 951
. 1-75 & SR 29
The total study area along 1-75 is approximately 30.6 miles. The distance between the two
adjacent interchanges (1-75 & Collier BoulevardlCR 951 interchange and the 1-75 & SR 29
interchange) is approximately 21 miles, The logical termini for the proposed interchange at
1-75 and Everglades Boulevard will be at the ramp termini on Everglades Boulevard and
one-half mile either side of the Everglades Boulevard overpass on 1-75.
The CONSULTANT shall include (as an alternative) in their analyses an alternate
interchange location approximately three miles east of Everglades Boulevard with a new or
improved northlsouth arterial facility. The CONSULTANT is responsible for preparing the
following technical memorandums, letters and reports for this project:
1) Revisions to the Project Study Design (1-75/Everglades Boulevard
Feasibility Study)
2) Revisions to the Methodology Letter of Understanding (MLOU)
3) Existing Conditions and Project Traffic (Technical Memorandum)
4) Alternatives Development and Evaluation (Technical Memorandum)
5) Preliminary Interchange Proposal (Draft IJR - Report)
6) Final Preliminary Interchange Proposal (FinalIJR - Report)
7) Application for Temporary Access (Technical Memorandum)
The documents as noted above utilizes a modified sequential process as outlined within
the IJR Process. The Department and FHWA retain the right to combine, reduce or
increase the modified sequential process as noted above in the event that additional
detailed information may be required by unforeseen circumstances and/or events revealed
during the study process. The need for more detailed information will only be as described
within the IJR Process and as requested by the District Interchange Review Committee
(DIRC) or other government agency. Additional allowances may be provided for costs
associated with the production of these supplemental documents but not for labor directly
associated with the production of the supplemental documents as it represents only
refinements to the review process but not to the level of work required to fulfill the
obligations of this specific Scope of Services,
RFP OS-5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd. IJR
Agenda Item No, 16812
January 15, 200S
Page 10 of 22
The CONSULTANT shall formulate a specific work plan that satisfies all requirements of
the project's components. The work plan shall address all components of the Scope of
Services outlined herein Prior to initiating any work activities. the Applicant's Project
Manager will approve this work plan (fully described in Section III of this document).
The CONSULTANT will review the existing Project Study Design (Feasibility Study) efforts
and identify any additional issues that should be included and incorporated into the
Methodology Letter of Understanding (MLOU). The CONSULTANT will work with the
District Interchange Review Committee (DIRC) to reach an agreement on any
modifications to the Project Study Design. If required by the DIRC, the CONSULTANT
will conduct a follow-up meeting with DIRC and other impacted agencies/stakeholders.
The Methodology Letter of Understanding has been submitted in advance of the study.
The CONSULTANT will coordinate with the DIRC to address the modification(s) to the
Project Study Design and to incorporate the modification(s) into the Methodology Letter of
Understanding (MLOU).
The CONSULTANT will maintain communication and coordination with the DIRC
throughout the study to ensure that updates and changes to the MLOU as may be required
by the DIRC or FHWA are incorporated into the MLOU and included in the IJR study
The CONSULTANT will collect relevant data from the APPLICANT, Collier Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO), and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to
support the IJR. The CONSULTANT will perform quality control/quality assurance
reviews of the collected data to ensure that current traffic volumes and data are valid and
reasonable, and smooth and balance the volumes if necessary. The list of all the data
sources that need to be collected in support of the analysis is provided below:
. MDT from the Florida Traffic Information DVD, (2006)
. ADT from Collier County Traffic OperationsDepartment, (2003-2005)
· Existing and future land use data from Collier County Build-Out Study
. Adopted MPO model and land use data sets
. Development Plans within the primary study area (DRls, PUDs, etc)
RFP OS-5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd, IJR
Agenda Item No. 16B12
January 15, 200S
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. Environmental data from Collier County
. Existing plans, programs, and project lists from Collier County and FOOT
. FOOT straight line diagrams
. RCI data
Actual field traffic volume counts will be collected at several locations within the study area.
For accuracy purposes, collected counts will be compared with previous year 2005, 2004,
and 2003 counts collected by FOOT and Collier County.
Along mainline 1-75, the most recent counts will be obtained from FOOT. Existing signal
timing sheets will be obtained from Collier County for signalized intersections to be
analyzed. Where available, traffic reports will be secured for the significant proposed
developments previously mentioned within the study area.
Manual turning-movement and mechanical traffic counts will be conducted concurrently at
designated locations within the study area. Four hour manual Turning-Movement Counts
(TMC) on typical weekdays (from Tuesday to Thursday) will be collected during the AM
and PM peak periods. Seventy,two hour machine counts will be collected on the mainline
of 1-75 and ramp locations in addition to arterial roadways. Vehicle classification counts
will be included only on the arterial roadways. Existing 1-75 classification count information
will be used along with vehicle classification during the TMCs. The traffic data collection
will extend at a minimum one-half mile from the interchange or to the first signalized
intersection on the cross road. The collected data will be adjusted to reflect seasonal,
daily, and directional fluctuations, in accordance with FOOT standards. The following
locations are, at a minimum. where machine and turning movement counts will be taken:
. Golden Gate Boulevard & Everglades Boulevard
. Golden Gate Boulevard & CR 951
. Golden Gate Boulevard & Wilson Boulevard
. Golden Gate Boulevard & Oesoto Boulevard
. Immokalee Road & CR 951
. Pine Ridge Road & CR 951
. Golden Gate Parkway & CR 951
. CR 951/Collier Boulevard & SR 84IDavis Boulevard
. 1-75 Ramps & Immokalee Road
. 1-75 Ramps & Pine Ridge Road
. 1-75 Ramps & CR 951/Collier Boulevard
. 1-75 Ramps & Golden Gate Parkway
. 1-75 Ramps & SR 29
. Minimum of first signalized intersection to either side of the ramp intersections to
signalized intersections within one half mile of the ramp intersections.
Other locations may be determined to be necessary as part of the final MLOU.
RFP OS-5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd. IJR
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The CONSULTANT will be responsible for gathering the most recent three (3) years of
crash data in the study area, The CONSULTANT will also gather the exiting signal timing
information and field verify the implemented timings and phasing.
The CONSULTANT will prepare an information package that will be used in the Kickoff
meeting. The information package will include transportation and land use plans, the
purpose and need for the project. proposed opening year and funding strategy.
relationship of the proposed interchange to other interchanges in the area, the
identification of potential exceptions to FOOT policies and a preliminary assessment of
potential fatal flaws.
After the DIRC, FOOT and FHWA have signed the MLOU, the CONSULTANT will prepare
the IJR consistent with the items agreed to in the MLOU and FOOT's Interchange
Handbook, The IJR will be submitted to the APPLICANT. FOOT. and FHWA If required,
the CONSULTANT will prepare separate technical memorandums for the approval of
travel demand forecasting techniques (model validation, etc,), existing conditions, and
future conditions operational analyses The CONSULTANT will also prepare responses to
requests for additional information or review comments. Once all issues have beell
adequately addressed. the CONSULTANT will provide the final IJR to the DIRC, FOOT
and FHWA that incorporates all agreed-to changes ill the review process
The IJR will include
APPLICANT INFORMATION: This section will identify the APPLICANT and their contact
BACKGROUND: This section will identify supporting information from previous studies or
data acquired to introduce the project to FOOT and support the project purpose.
PURPOSE: This section will identify the project's purpose and objectives.
PROJECT LOCATION: This section will include aerial photography of the project area and
area of influence, a map displaying the subject interchange location and a brief description
of the preliminary area of influence. Maps will be to scale or be schematic drawings
showing distances between interchanges, intersections, and other key features. The
subject interchange location will be identified by milepost, relationship to adjacent
interchanges and system linkages. Factors used to define the area of influence will be
discussed, including interchange spacing, signal locations, anticipated traffic impacts,
anticipated land use changes and proposed transportation improvements.
METHODOLOGY: This section will summarize the methodology used to develop the
Interchange Proposal. The discussion will provide sufficient detail for the reader to
understand the processes used. Where established guidelines were used, CONSULTANT
will identify the guideline and deviancies from standard procedures employed. If requested
by the APPLICANT, the signed MLOU will be included in an appendix.
RFP OS-5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd. IJR
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January 15, 200S
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EXISTING CONDITIONS: This section will identify the conditions that existed in the
project's base year. Text, figures and tables will be used as appropriate to describe the
existing land use, transportation system, demand, performance, and environmental
conditions considering the following:
Demographics - This section will identify significant population and employment statistics
within the project area of influence. A ZDATA1, ZDATA2, and ZDATA3 summary
for traffic analysis zones for the base year from the selected travel demand
forecasting model will be included.
Existing Land Use - Existing land use within the project area will be summarized by
general land use classifications (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional,
recreational, etc.), Major developments within the study area. including approved
DRI's will be identified
Existing Roadway Network - Facilities within the project area of influence will be identified
by functional classification, laneage and access control (e,g., limited - or controlled-
access), In addition to a discussion, a figure will be provided illustrating each facility
within the study area.
Alternative Travel Modes- Existing single occupant vehicle (SOV) alternatives related to
the project will be identified in this section. These modes may include special
use/HOV. park and ride, bus transit, fixed-guide way mass transit. airports, ports
and forms of non-motorized transportation facilities, A figure will be provided
illustrating the location of these modes,
Interchanges - This section will describe the existing configuration, geometry and other
design features of existing interchanges in the area of influence, including
identifying elements that do not meet current design standards. This section will
also identify any approved buy not yet constructed interchanges, defining their
geometry and status. Also any other interchanges being developed in the area of
influence will be identified.
. Existing Traffic Data - This section will discuss existing traffic and travel data
. Level of Service - This section will summarize the existing operating conditions
assessment results. Tables and figures will be employed to summarize operational
. Existing Accident Data - This section will summarize existing accident data
supporting the need for the project.
. Existing Environmental Constraints - This section will identify any known potential
environmental fatal flaws or areas of concern that will be addressed during this
effort or in subsequent project phases. This analysis is not intended to provide
extensive examination of environmental and community impact issues that will be
accomplished in the NEPA process.
NEED: The CONSULTANT will identify the need for improvement using existing
conditions analysis results and the conditions anticipated to occur in the analysis years
RFP OS-5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd. IJR
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January 15, 200S
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under the No-Build Alternative. In addition to any operational or system performance
deficiencies, other factors such as the need for system linkage will be presented.
ALTERNATIVES: This section will discuss the alternatives considered. A brief narrative
regarding location and design elements will be provided for each alternative. At a
minimum. the following alternatives will be considered:
. No-Build Alternative;
. Transportation System Management Alternative;
. Alternative Travel Modes:
. Modified Existing Alternative;
. All Build Alternatives,
Each of these alternatives will be identified in independent sections. The proposed
modifications and engineering factors including structures. landscaping, schedule. cost.
and traffic control devices will be discussed for each alternative considered,
FUTURE YEAR TRAFFIC: This section will document the development of the future year
design traffic for each alternative, Information to be contained shall include network and
project validation, future travel demand projections and the design traffic projections,
ALTERNATIVES ANALYSIS: This section will discuss the analysis of alternatives based
on engineering policies and standards, traffic operations, environmental impacts, and the
Applicant's objectives. Using the agreed to evaluation criteria in the MLOU, the
CONSULTANT will select a set of viable alternatives, These alternatives may then be
evaluated in economic cost and benefits terms and a financial analysis will be performed.
This analysis will consider the following:
. Conformance with Transportation Plans - This section will discuss the proposal's
relationship to facility Master Plans, Action Plans, or similar investment studies and
the FIHS.
. Compliance with Policies and Engineering Standards - This section will document
each alternatives consistency with FOOT and FHWA policies and engineering
. Coordination - This section will discuss each alternatives relationship to approved
transportation, land use plans and programs, related ORI's in the area, and required
Access Management Plans. This section will also summarize the public
involvement which occurred during the project.
. System Performance - System performance measures will be discussed in this
section. These measures include the project's effect on system wide vehicle-miles
of travel, vehicle-hours of travel, and average travel speed.
· Operational Performance - The levels of service for each mainline individual
element within the interchange area of influence and along crossroads to include
existing and proposed access connections and median openings will be presented.
RFP OS-5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd. IJR
Agenda Item No, 16B 12
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. Environmental Impacts - A potential environmental impact summary considering all
NEPA elements from a fatal flaw perspective for each alternative will be presented.
This section will identify the attainment status of the area for the National Ambient
Air Quality Standards (NMQS) established in the Clean Air Act Amendment.
. Safety - Potential safety benefits will be discussed as appropriate. This section will
also discuss the project's relationship regarding emergency service vehicles and
hurricane response capacity if appropriate.
. Alternatives Comparison - This section will include an alternative evaluation which
includes factors agreed to in the MLOU. Viable Alternatives - This section will
present the viable or recommended alternatives selected from this analysis for
financial evaluation,
FUNDING PLAN: A funding plan will be included. This plan will identify the specific funding
programs or private sources needed to support all of the improvements proposed in this
report .
RECOMMENDATIONS: This section will discuss the preferred alternative selection and
any recommendations for further action, such as programming the design phase.
APPENDICES: Appendices will be used for traffic operational analysis documentation and
other supporting documents. Lane configuration schematic and figures illustrating the
existing geometry overlaid with proposed geometry are required, at a minimum. These
figures clearly show dimensions for the acceleration and deceleration lane spacing. lane
transition taper lengths, auxiliary lanes, and interchange spacing.
Within ten (10) days after Notice to Proceed the CONSULTANT shall provide a project
schedule to address completion of the IJR Process within an established time. Said
schedule shall be subject to approval by the District.
Upon approval of the project schedule, the CONSULTANT shall provide a work plan. The
project work plan will address all aspects of the Project Components, communications,
coordination, process and applicable standards/references in the work plan. The
Department's project manager and DIRC will approve the work plan.
The CONSULTANT shall provide the following number of "hard copies" for each document
or document type listed below:
. Project Study Design Report - 10 Copies
. MLOU - Originals - as required, 3 copies
. Technical Memorandums - 10 Copies
. Preliminary Interchange Proposal (Draft IJR) -15 Copies
RFP OS,5006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd, IJR
Agenda Item No,16B 12
January 15, 200S
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. Final Interchange Proposal (FinaIIJR) - 25 Copies
. Application for Temporary Access (Technical Memorandum) - 15 Copies
The CONSULTANT shall also provide each of the submittals above in electronic format.
This format shall be a pdf or other "ready to print" format. Submittals will be professionally
organized such they will become part of the permanent electronic record. In addition, all
alternatives shall be developed in accordance with the concepts as denoted in the PD&E
process and to current Department standards.
All data collected as well as GIS. design and modeling files shall also be provided to the
County in their original electronic format.
Unless notified otherwise by the Department's project manager, the CONSULTANT shall
be prepared to meet on a monthly basis and provide a project briefing along with a written
progress report. which describes in detail the work accomplished by task. These progress
reports shall be delivered to the District concurrently with monthly invoices,
In addition to the monthly progress report meetings, the CONSULTANT shall provide up to
six (6) briefings/presentations over the duration of the contract period, These briefings are
intended to inform local government agencies, civic and special interest groups. elected
officials, and the general public about the study process, the concepts under consideration.
and the alternatives under review The CONSULTANT will assist the APPLICANT in
conducting one (1) public workshop to obtain public comments on the preferred alternative
for the Interchange Proposal. These briefings and workshops may be done in conjunction
with the PD&E study briefings, workshops and public hearings. The CONSULTANT will be
responsible for advertising and all pertinent physical arrangements associated with
conducting the public workshop.
Copies of all written correspondence between the CONSULTANT and any outside party
pertaining specifically to work performed under this Scope of Services shall be provided to
Department's Project Manager within 3 days of the receipt or mailing of said
correspondence. In addition, at the completion of the project the consultant shall provide
the Department in electronic format, a complete set of professionally organized project
files. These files shall be in a pdf or other "ready to print" format.
The CONSULTANT will be required at the outset of the contract to prepare and submit an
application document sufficient in detail for the consideration of interim access at
Everglades Boulevard to 1-75 by FDOT and FHWA. CONSULTANT efforts should be
coordinated with the South Florida Water Management District who currently has applied
for a restricted temporary access at this location for the restoration project. If successful,
the APPLICANT may request the CONSULTANT to develop the necessary construction
RFP OS-S006 1-75 & Everglades Blvd. IJR
Agenda item No, 16B 12
January 15, 200S
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plans to implement to access connection to FDOT and FHWA standards. The fee for
these services shall be negotiated in accordance with the terms consistent with the method
of compensation, for a fair, competitive and reasonable cost, considering the scope and
complexity of the project(s). A Supplemental Amendment adding the additional services
shall be executed in accordance with the standard consultant agreement.
At the Florida Department of Transportation's option, the CONSULTANT may be
requested to provide Project Development and Environment (PD&E) study services. The
fee for these services shall be negotiated in accordance with the terms consistent with the
method of compensation. for a fair, competitive and reasonable cost, considering the
scope and complexity of the project(s) A Supplemental Amendment adding the additional
services shall be executed in accordance with the standard consultant agreement.
At the APPLICANT'S or the Florida Department of Transportation's option, the
CONSULTANT may be requested to provide extended services including but not limited to
additional traffic analysis, survey and preliminary design sufficient to begin the right-of-way
planning phase of the project. The fee for these services shall be negotiated in
accordance with the terms consistent with the method of compensation, for a fair,
competitive and reasonable cost, considering the scope and complexity of the project(s). A
Supplemental Amendment adding the additional services shall be executed in accordance
with the standard consultant agreement.
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08-5006 Fixed Term 1-75 and Everalades Blvd. Interchanae Justification Report
Typical Industry
Professional Designations Rate
Project Principal.
Principal Division Manager $195,OO/hr
Manager, Division
Project Manager Manager $165.00/hr
Senior Engineer Resident Engineer $140,OO/hr
Senior Economist Senior Ecologist $12000/hr
Senior Transportation Lead Planner Project
Planner , Planning Manager $125,OO/hr
Project Planner,
Planner Planner $95,OO/hr
Engineer $115,OO/hr
Senior Environmental Environmental
Specialist Scientist $100.00/hr
Inspector $75,OO/hr
Designer Landscape Architect $100.00/hr
GIS Technician Specialist $80.00/hr
Public Involvement Public Relations $100.00/hr
Clerical Assistant $50.00/hr
GIS Analyst $100.00/hr
This list is not intended to be all inclusive. Hourly rate fees for other categories of
professional, support and other services shall be mutually negotiated by the County and
firm on a project by project basis as needed.
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B.1.1 As a condition precedent to payment. CONSULTANT shall submit to OWNER as
part of its monthly invoice a progress report reflecting the Project design and
construction status, in terms of the total work effort estimated to be required for the
completion of the Basic Services and any then-authorized Additional Services. as of the
last day of the subject monthly billing cycle, Among other things, the report shall show
all Service items and the percentage complete of each item,
B 1.1.1 All monthly status reports and invoices shall be mailed to the attention
Nick Casalanguida
2885 South Horseshoe Drive
Naples Florida 34104
B.2.1. For the Basic Services provided for in this Agreement, OWNER agrees to make
the lump sum payments to CONSULTANT in accordance with the terms stated below.
Payments will be made in accordance with the following Schedule; however, the
payment of any particular line item noted below shall not be due until all services
associated with any such line item have been completed to OWNER'S reasonable
1. Task 1- Traffic Data Collection $76,190.00 Upon Completion of Task
2. Task 2 - Travel Demand $64,860.00 Upon Approval of Documents
3. Task 3 - Technical Memo #1 Draft $25,440.00 Upon Approval of Documents
and Final
4. Task 4 - Technical Memo #2 Draft $25,44000_ Upon Approval of Documents
and Final
5. Task 5 - Traffic Operations $100,430.00_ Upon Approval of Documents
6. Task 6 - Draft Interchange $49,560.00_ Upon Approval of Documents
Justification Report
7. Task 7 - Finallnterchanoe $36,180.00 Uoon Approval of Documents
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Justification Report
8. Task 8 - Meetings and $43,40000_ Not to Exceed
9, Task 9 - Engineerina Analvsis $85,960.00 Upon Approval of Documents
10. Task 10 - Environmental Analysis 29 170.00 UDon ADnroval of Documents
11 Task 11 - Public Involvement 45790.00 Not to Exceed
Quality Control@5% 31 685.00
Direct Out of Pocket Expenses at $ 25.714.50_ Not to Exceed .
5% of Labor
! Grand Total Estimated Fee $ 639,819.50 I
. ,
8,2,2, The fees noted in Section 2,1, shall constitute the lump sum amount of Six Hundred
Thirty Nine Thousand Eight Hundred Nineteen Dollars and Fifty Cents ($639,819.50)
to be paid to CONSULTANT for the performance of the Basic Services.
8.2,3, For Additional Services provided pursuant to Article 2 of the Agreement. if any,
OWNER agrees to pay CONSULTANT a negotiated total fee and Reimbursable
Expenses based on the services to be provided and as set forth in the
Amendment authorizing such Additional Services, The negotiated fee shall be
based upon the rates specified in Attachment I to this Schedule 8 and all
Reimbursable Expenses shall comply with the provision of Section 341 below.
There shall be no overtime pay on Additional Services without OWNER'S prior
written approval.
8.2.4. The compensation provided for under Sections 2.1 of this Schedule 8, shall be
the total and complete amount payable to CONSULTANT for the 8asic Services
to be performed under the provisions of this Agreement, and shall include the
cost of all materials, equipment, supplies and out-of-pocket expenses incurred in
the performance of all such services.
8.2.5 Notwithstanding anything in the Agreement to the contrary, CONSULTANT
acknowledges and agrees that in the event of a dispute concerning payments for
Services performed under this Agreement. CONSULTANT shall continue to
perform the Services required of it under this Agreement, as directed by
OWNER, pending resolution of the dispute provided that OWNER continues to
pay to CONSULTANT all amounts that OWNER does not dispute are due and
8.3.1. CONSULTANT shall submit, with each of the monthly status reports provided for
under Section 1.1 of this Schedule B, an invoice for fees earned in the
performance of Basic Services and Additional Services during the subject billing
month. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, the CONSULTANT shall
submit no more than one invoice per month for all fees earned that month for
both Basic Services and Additional Services. Invoices shall be reasonably
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substantiated, identify the services rendered and must be submitted in triplicate
in a form and manner required by Owner. Additionally, the number of the
purchase order granting approval for such services shall appear on all invoices.
B.3.2. Invoices not properly prepared (mathematical errors, billing not reflecting actual
work done, no signature, etc.) shall be returned to CONSULTANT for correction.
Invoices shall be submitted on CONSULTANT'S letterhead and must include the
Purchase Order Number and Project name and shall not be submitted more than
one time monthly.
B,3.3 Payments for Additional Services of CONSULTANT as defined in Article 2
hereinabove and for reimbursable expenses will be made monthly upon
presentation of a detailed invoice with supporting documentation,
B.3.4 Unless specific rates have been established in Attachment 1, attached to this
Schedule B, CONSULTANT agrees that, with respect to any subconsultant or
subcontractor to be utilized by CONSULTANT for Additional Services,
CONSULTANT shall be limited to a maximum markup of 5% on the fees and
expenses associated with such subconsultants and subcontractors,
B,3.4.1 Reimbursable Expenses associated with Additional Services must
comply with section 112.061, Fla. Stat., or as set forth in the Agreement,
be charged without mark-up by the CONSULTANT, and shall consist
only of the following items:
B. Cost for reproducing documents that exceed the number of
documents described in this Agreement and postage and
handling of Drawings and Specifications.
B. Travel expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred with
respect to Project related trips, to the extent such trips are
approved by OWNER. Such expenses, if approved by
OWNER, may include coach airfare, standard accommodations
and meals, all in accordance with section 112.061, F.S. Further,
such expenses, if approved by OWNER, may include mileage
for trips that are from/to destinations outside of Collier or Lee
Counties. Such trips within Collier and Lee Counties are
expressly excluded.
B. Permit Fees required by the Project.
B. Expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular rates
approved in advance and in writing by OWNER.
B. Expense of models for the County's use.
B. Other items on request and approved in writing by the OWNER.
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B.3.4.2 Should a conflict exist between the dollar amounts set forth in Section
112,061, F.S.. and the Agreement. the terms of the Agreement shall
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