Resolution 2001-442 t 8A RESOLUTION NO. 2001- ~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN; AND THE GOLDEN GATE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. WHEREAS, Collier County, pursuant to Section 163.3161, et. sea., Florida Statutes, the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, was required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 provides authority for local govemments to amend their respective comprehensive plans and outlines certain procedures to amend adopted comprehensive plans pursuant to Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, Collier County has prepared Plan Amendments to the following elements of its Growth Management Plan: Future Land Use Element; including the Future Land Use Map Golden Gate Area Master Plan Element; including the Golden Gate Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission has considered the proposed amendments to the Growth Management Plan pursuant to the authority granted to it by Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes, and has recommended approval of said amendments to the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of Collier County's proposed Growth Management Plan Amendments, various State agencies and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) have ninety (90) days to review the proposed Amendments and DCA must transmit, in writing, to Collier County, its comments along with any objections and any recommendations for modification, within said ninety (90) days pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, Collier County, upon receipt of the wrillen comments from DCA must adopt, adopt with changes or not adopt the proposed Growth Management Plan Amendments, within sixty (60) days of such receipt pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the DCA, within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Collier County's adopted Growth Management Plan Amendments, must review and determine if the Plan Amendments are in compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Act of 1985; the State Comprehensive Plan; the appropriate Regional Policy Plan and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Bv The Board Of Countv Commissioners Of Collier County. Florida, that: Words underlined are additions; Words strusk tl1rel,lgh are deletions '01 .1 IJ/t'~ The Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the proposed Growth . Management Plan Amendments, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein, for the purpose of transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs thereby initiating the required State evaluation of the Growth Management Plan Amendments prior to final adoption and State determination of compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 and Rule 9J5, Florida Administrative Code, Minimum Criteria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Determination of Compliance. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion; second and majority vote this. /,~Z, da, Y,~, .... ~,~~ ,2001. A~ES~: ~ .. ~ ::: BOARD OF COUN~ COMMISSIONERS ~IGHT,~R~K, Clerk COLLIER COUNt, FLORIDA '¢ ...... JA ~ a ~ ~t~'1 CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Marj°rieOlvl. Student Assistant County Attorney 2001 GMP Transmittal Resolution Words underlined are additions; Words stru~ are deletions GOLDEN GATE MASTER PLAN ELEMENT ..,- Exhibit A CP-2001-1 2. ESTATES DESIGNATION (page 25, GGMP) a. Estates-Mixed Use District 1) Residential Estates Subdistrict - Single-family residential development may be allowed within the Estates Mixed Use Subdistdct at a maximum density of one unit per 2% gross acres unless the lot is considered a legal non-conforming lot of record. 2) Neiqhborhood Centers Subdistrict - Recognizing the need to provide basic goods and services to Estates residents, Neighborhood Centers have been designated on the Golden Gate Area Future Land Use Map. The Neighborhood Center designation does not guarantee that commercial zoning will be granted. The designation only provides the opportunity to request commercial zoning. a) Location The locations are based on intersections of major roads and spacing criteda (See Map 9). The centers are designed to concentrate all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can be readily accommodated and to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development. · (Ill)The node at the NE and SE quadrants of Wilson and Golden Gate Boulevards is approximately 12.15 acres in size and consists of Tract 1, Unit 14, Tract 17, Unit 13 and the western half of Tract 18, Unit 13 Golden Gate Estates. The SE quadrant of Wilson and Golden Gate Boulevards is 7.15 acres, allows 5.00 acres of commercial development or Conditional Uses, as permitted in the Estates zoning district, and allocates 2.15 acres to project buffering and right-of-way for Golden Gate Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard. · The node at CR-951 and Pine Ridge Road is located on both sides of the intersection. Tracts 109-! 12 114 and thc NI/2 cf Trcct 11.3, Unit 26, Golden Gate Estates are included in this node as eligible for commercial development. The S!/2 of Tr3~ ! ! 3 3,-,d thc E 1/2 of Tract 107, Unit 26 are is also included within this node but are is only to be used for buffer, water management and open space. (I) b) Criteda for development at the nodes are as follows: · Limited to Iow intensity transitional commercial uses that are compatible with both residential and commercial, · Convenience commercial to provide for small scale shopping and personal needs, and [Words underlined are added; Words str~ are deleted] ! · Intermediate commemial to provide for a wider variety of goods and services in areas that have a higher degree of automobile traffic. These uses shall be similar to C-1, C-2, or C-3, zoning districts outlined in the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance 91-102, adopted October 30, 1991). · Future commercial uses are limited to the intersection of Pine Ridge Road and CR-951. This Neighborhood Center may be developed at 100% commercial and must provide intemal circulation, and any rezoning is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. This Neighborhood Center may also be utilized for single family residential or conditional uses allowed in the Estates zoning district such as churches, social or fraternal organizations, childcare centers, schools, and group care facilities. · The parcels immediately adjacent to the existing commercial zoning at the northeast quadrant of Golden Gate Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard may qualify for Conditional Use under the transitional use provision of the Conditional Use Subdistrict of this Master Plan Element. · A single project shall utilize no more than 50% of the total allowed commercial acreage. The percentage may be increased at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners; · The project is encouraged to make provisions for shared parking arrangements with adjoining developments; · Access points shall be limited to one per 180 feet commencing from the right-of-way of the major intersecting streets of the Neighborhood Center. A maximum of three curb cuts per quadrant shall be allowed; · Driveways and curb cuts shall be consolidated with adjoining developments, whenever possible; · Driveways accessing parcels on opposite sides of the roadway shall be in direct alignment; · Projects directly abutting Estates zoned property shall provide, at a minimum, a 75 foot buffer of retained native vegetation in which no parking or water management uses are permitted; except that for valid, approved conditional uses, no such buffer is required. · Proiects shall provide a 2§-foot wide landscape buffer abuttinq the external right of way. This buffer shall contain two sta,q.qered rows of trees that shall be spaced no more than 30 feet on center1 and a double row hedqe at least 24 inches in hei.qht at time of plantinq and attainin,q a minimum of three feet in heiqht within one year. If existinq trees are not available to be preserved, then a 2-foot hi.qb undulatinq berm at a 3:1 slope shall be provided. A minimum of 50% of the 25- foot wide buffer area shall be comprised of a meanderinq bed of shrubs and .qround covers other than .qrass. · For Tract 1141 Golden Gate Estates, Unit 26, access shall be restricted to 11th Avenue S.W. Also, vehicular interconnection shall be provided {o the adiacent property(s) in the Neighborhood Center. [Words underlined are added; Wordsw..**'"_..."'L' *~,.... ..... w.=,~', are deleted] 2 EXHIBIT A 8A PETITION CP-2001-01 OO'.D'.~O^*"AR~^ [ GOLDEN GATE AREA PUTURE LAND USE MAP LEGEND FUTURE LAND USE MAP NAPLE~ [MMOKALEE ROAD GOLDEN GATE ~8OULEVARD WH[~ BLVD. ~ SUBJECT SITE ~ {CP-2001-01) S.R.~4 GOLDEN aATE EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-01 MAP 9 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS Collier County, Florida C.r. 846 ¢.R. 858 C.R. 84-6 __ GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD ~~ WHITE BLVD. d SUBJECT SITE  (CP-2001-011 ~ INTERSTATE- 75 LEGEND NE]GHBORHO00 C~IT~RS BY: GRAPHICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION ~ PROPOSI~3 ADOITION ~REPARED COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION I I I FILE: OCFLU-CP-2OOI-O1A.DWG DATE: 9,/01 0 1 MI 2 MI 28 FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION CP-2001-2 1. URBAN DESIGNATION A. URBAN MIXED-USE DISTRICT (page 18 FLUE) 11. Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict The intent of this Subdistrict is to allow for limited small-scale retail, office and residential uses while requirin.q that the proiect result in a true mixed-use development. The Activity Centers to the North and South provide for larqe-scale commercial uses, while this Subdistrict is intended to promote small-scale mixed use development with pedestrian orientation to serve existinq and future residential development in the immediate area. This Subdistdct is intended to be an example for future mixed-use nodes, providinq residents with a pedestrian scale development while also reducinq existinq tdp lenqth,-, for small-scale commercial services. Commercial uses for the purpose of this section are limited to those allowed in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zoninq Districts except as noted below. The development of this Subdistrict will be qoverned by the following criteria: a. Rezoninq is encoura.qed to be in the form of a PUD. b. A unified planned development with common architectural theme, which utilizes shared parking and cross accesses. c. Retail uses will be capped at a maximum of 3,250 square feet per acre for the total project. d. Office uses will be capped at a maximum of 4,250 square feet per acre for the total proiect. e. Residential development will be subject to a maximum of 15 dwellinq unite per acre for the total proiect. f. Maximum lot coveraqe for buildinqs is capped at 35% for the total proiect g. No more than 25% of the total built square foota.qe will be devoted to sinql~ story buildin.qs. h. Primary entrances to all retail and commercial uses shall be desiqned for access from the intedor of the site. Buildinqs frontin.q on Airport Road will provide secondary accesses facinq the street. i. All four sides of each buildinq must be utilized in a common architectural theme. j. A residential component equal to at least 25% of the allowable maximum density must be constructed before completion of an aq.qre.qate total of 40,000 square feet retail or office uses. k. Residential units may be located throuqhout the Subdistdct. I. Inteqration of residential and office or retail uses in the same buildinq is encouraqed. A minimum of 40% of the commercial square foota.qe shall be within mixed use buildinqs (residential and commercial). m. Pedestrian connections are encouraqed to all perimeter properties n. No buildinq footprint will exceed 15,000 square feet. Common stairs, breezeways or elevators may ioin individual buildinqs [Words underlined are added; Words struck thrcugh are deleted] 1 · ' o. No buildinq shall exceed three stories in hei,qht with no allowance for under buildina parkincl. p. Drive-throuqh establishments will be limited to banks with no more than three drive-throuqh lanes~ these drive-throuqh lanes must be architecturally inte,qrated into the main buildinq. q. No ,qasoline service stations will be permitted r. All buildinqs will be connected with pedestrian features. s. A twenty-foot wide landscape Type D buffer shall be required alonq Airport- Pullinq Road. A twenty- foot wide Type C landscape buffer shall be required alonq all other perimeter property lines. t. Parkinq areas must be screened from Airport-Pullinq Road and from any properties adjacent to this Subdistdct. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if the amendment is approved: II IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Policy 1.1: (PAGE 10, FLUE) The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistdcts for: A. URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistdct 2. Urban Residential Fdnge Subdistrict 3. Urban Coastal Fdnge Subdistdct 4. Business Park Subdistdct 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistdct 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistdct 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistdct 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistdct 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistdct 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistdct 11. Buckley Mixed-Use Subdistrict FUTURE LAND UES DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION I. URBAN DESIGNATION (page 17, FLUE) Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majodty of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than 10% of Collier County's land area. The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been establishe~l based on several factors, including: patterns of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and [Words underlined are added; Words..."*-.v..'"u *~'.. .. ..... v_=.~', are deleted] 2 proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. Urban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: a. Residential uses including single family, multi-family, duplex, and mobile home. The maximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. b. Non-residential uses including: 12. Gommercial uses subject to criteria identified in the Urban - Mixed Use District, PUD Neighborhood Village (;enter Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistdct, Traditional Nei§hborhood Design Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistfict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commeroial Infill Subdistriot, ~nd Vanderbilt Beach/Oollier Boulevard Gommer¢ial $ubdistrict, and Buckley Mixed Use $ubdistrict, and in the Urban Commercial District, Mixed Use Activity Oenter $ubdistrict, and Interchange Activity (;enter $ubdistrict, and Livingston/Pine Ridge Gommer¢ial Infill Subdistrict, and in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Oveday. {IV) DENSITY RATING SYSTEM (page 2§, FLUE) The Density Rating $ystem is only applicable to areas designated Urban, Urban-Mixed Use District, as identified on the Future Land Use Map, exolusive of the Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict, and exolusive of Urban areas encompassed by the Immokalee Area Master Plan, Golden Gate Area Master Plan, and Marco Island Master Plan. The Density Rating $ystem is applicable to the Urban Ooastal Fringe $ubdistrict to the extent that the residential density cap of 4 dwelling units per acre is not exoeeded, except for the density bonus for Affordable Housing and Transfer of Development Rights, and except as provided for in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay. This Density Rating System only applies to residential dwelling units. Within the applicable Urban Designated Areas, a base density of 4 residential dwelling units per gross acre is permitted, though not an entitlement. This base level of density may be adjusted depending upon the characteristics of the project. The Buckley Mixed-Use $ubdistrict is not subiect to the "Density Ratinq System", but is subiect to the densities established by this subdistrict. B. URBAN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict (page 27, FLUE) Mixed Use Activity Centers have been designated on the Future Land Use Map Series identified in the Future Land Use Element. The locations are based on intersections of major roads and on spacing criteria. There are 19 Mixed Use Activity Centers which compdse approximately 3,000 acres, including 3 Interchange Activity Centers (#-4, 9, 10) which will be discussed separately. Two Activity Centers #19 and 21 have been deleted and replaced by the land use designations identified in the Marco Island Master Plan and Future Land Use Map. The Mixed-Use Activity Center concept is designed to concentrate almost all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can readily be accommodated, to avoid stdp and disorganized patterns of commercial development, and to create focal points within the community. Additionally, some commercial development is allowed outside of Mixed Use Activity Centers in the PUD Neighborhood Village Center [Words underlined are added; Words -'*'-"-" ............. =.. are deleted] - Subdistdct, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Interchange Activity Center Subdistdct, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistdct, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Subdistdct, Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistdct, Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, Buckley Mixed Use Subdistdct, the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay and by Policies 4.7, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 of the Future Land Use Element. [Words underlined are added; Words s.,*r'--'ck through are deleted] 4 EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001. BUCKLEY MIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BILT BEACH ROAD EXT. SUBJECT SITE CP-2OO1-O2  LEGEND SCALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND EN~RONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION SUBDISTRICT DATE: 9/(]1 FILE: CP-2001-O2-A.DWG 0 1000 FT. 2000 FT. , t8A FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION CP-2001-3 B. URBAN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 3. Livin.qston/Pine Ridqe Commercial Infill Subdistrict (page 31, FLUE) This Subdistrict consists of two parcels; one parcel consists of 17.5 acres and is located at the southeast quadrant of Livingston Road, a collector roadway, and Pine Ridge Road, a minor arterial roadway. The second parcel consists of 10.47 acres and is located at the northwest quadrant of Livinqston Road and Pine Rid.qe Road. In addition to uses allowed in the Plan, the intent of the Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict is to provide shopping, personal services and employment for the surrounding residential areas within a convenient travel distance and to provide commercial services in an acceptable manner along a new collector roadway. The Subdistrict is intended to be compatible with the neighboring commercial, public use and high density residential properties and will utilize well- planned access points to improve current and future traffic flows in the area. a. Southeast Quadrant If permitted by the South Florida Water Management District, emergency access to the North Naples Fire District fire station located immediately east of the property will be provided improving response times to all properties located south along Livingston Road. Interconnection to adjacent properties immediately to the South and immediately to the East will be studied and provided if deemed feasible, as a part of the rezoning action relating to the subject property. Building height is limited to one story with a 35 foot maximum for all retail and general commercial uses. General and medical office uses are limited to three stories with a 50 foot maximum height. Any project developed in this Subd!ctdct Quadrant may be comprised of any combination of retail commercial and/or office uses, provided that the total square footage does not exceed 125,000 square feet. A minimum 50-foot buffer of existing native vegetation will be preserved along all project boundaries located adjacent to area zoned agricultural. b. Northwest Quadrant The feasibility of interconnections to the adjacent properties to the North and Wesl will be considered and, if deemed feasible, will be required during the rezonin.q or the subject property. ' . ..This quadrant shall be limited to .qeneral and medical office uses, provided that the total buildinq square footage does not exceed 40,000 square feet. Buildinq hei.qhl shall be limited to three stories with a 50 foot maximum height ' [Words underlined are added; Words struck thrcugh are deleted] EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-0~ LIVINGSTON / PINE RIDGE. COMMERCIAL INFILL DISTRIC? COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA SUBJECT SITE CP-2001-03 ~ Oc~ LEGEND i ~. ~ SUBDISTRICT SCALE PREPARED BY: GRAPHICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION JJJJJ j~ J J I ~ PROPOSED COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERV1CES DIVISION 0 1000 FT. 2000 FT. ADDITION DATE: 9/01 FILE: CP-2ooI-O3A.DWG FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT : Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION CP-2001-4 1. URBAN DESIGNATION A. URBAN-MIXED USE DISTRICT (page 18, FLUE) ]2. HENDERSON CREEK MIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT The Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict consists of a roximatel 83 acres and is Iocate~ east of Collier Boulevard S.R. 951 and south of U.S. 41 Tamiami Trail East. The intent of the Subdistrict is rimaril to rovide for a mixture of re ional commercial uses and residential develo ment to serve the South Na les Ro al Faka aim and Marco Island areas. The rima intent of the Subdistrict is not to rovide for communi and nei hborhood com.m.ercial uses. The focus of the residential corn onent of the Subdistrict shall be the rows~on of workforce housin to su ort the commercial uses within the Subdistdct as well as in the South Na les Ro al Faka aim and Marco Island areas. The entire Subdistrict shall be ~er a unified lan' this unified lan is encoura ed to be in the form of a Planned ~ment. For ur oses of this Subdistrict the term "re ional commercial" is defined as: Retail uses icall dominated b lar e anchors includin discount de artment stores off- rice stores warehouse clubs and the like some of which offer a lar e selection in a articular merchandise cate o . Re ional retail uses also icall utilize s uare foota es ran in from 20 000 to over ~re feet. Re ional commercial uses enerall have arima trade area of 5 to 10 miles with a ical store se aration of 5 miles for an individual r ional commercial business. ~rements and limitations for the Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict are as follows: · Access to the Subdistrict shall be rovided from Collier Boulevard SR 951 and U.S. 41. These access oints shall be connected b a Ioo road that is o en to the ublic. · Vehicular and edestdan interconnections shall be rovided between the residential and commercial ortions of the Subdistdct. · .T. he unified plan of development within the Subdistrict shall include provisions for vehicular and edestdan interconnection to ro erties to the north. · Commercial corn onents of this Subdistrict shall front on Collier Boulevard. Commercial uses are limited to a maximum of 40 acres and 325 000 s uare feet of ross leasable floor area. · The maximum intensi of commercial uses are those allowed in the C-4 General Commercial Zonin District. · At least one re ional commercial use is re uired to occu a minimum of 100 000 s uare feet of ross leasable floor area. Each remainin r ional commercial use must occu a minimum of 20 000 s uare feet of ross leasable floor area. ·Non-re ional commercial uses rohibited in this Subdistdct include roce stores fitness centers auto re air auto sales and ersonal service uses. · Non re ional commercial uses are limited to a maxim o - ' ' ' 'um of 10 % of the total allowed commercial s uare foota e 32 500 s uare feet. [Words .underlined are added; words st~JcP, thrc'_'qh are deleted] 1 · .~, maximum of four out-parcels are allowed, all of which must abut Collier Boulevard. All out-parcels shall provide internal vehicular access. All out-parcels are limited to non- reqional commercial uses. No out-parcel shall exceed five acres. · Commercial development shall be restricted to one-story buildinqs with a maximum hei.qht of 35 feet. · Residential development shall be limited to a maximum of 500 dwellinq units, subject to the Density Ratin.q System. However, a minimum of 200 affordable housinq units shall be provided. · Residential dwellinqs shall be limited to a maximum hei.qht of three habitable stories. · Both commercial and residential development shall be desi.qned in a common architectural theme. · Prior to commencement of any development in the Subdistrict, a unified plan of development for the entire Subdistrict must be approved by the Board of Collier County Commissioners. · The type of landscape buffers within this Subdistrict shall be no less than that required in mixed use activity centers. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if amendment is approved: II IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY GOALS, OBdECTIVES AND POLICIES Policy 1.1: (page 10, FLUE) The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistdcts for: A. URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistrict 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict 3. Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistdct 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict 11. Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION I. URBAN DESIGNATION (page 17, FLUE) Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majority of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than 10% of Collier County's land area'. [Words underlined are added; words st~ are deleted] The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been established based on several factors, including: patterns of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. Urban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: a. Residential uses including single family, multi-family, duplex, and mobile home. The maximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. b. Non-residential uses including: 12. Commercial uses subject to criteria identified in the Urban - Mixed Use District, PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistdct, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistdct, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistdct, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict and Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, and in the Urban Commercial District, Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistdct, and Interchange Activity Center Subdistdct, and Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistdct, and Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistri¢~, and in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay. B, URBAN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict (page 27, FLUE) Mixed Use Activity Centers have been designated on the Future Land Use Map Series identified in the Future Land Use Element. The locations are based on intersections of major roads and on spacing criteria. There are 19 Mixed Use Activity Centers which compdse approximately 3,000 acres, including 3 Interchange Activity Centers (#.4, 9, 10) which will be discussed separately. Two Activity Centers #19 and 21 have been deleted and replaced by the land use designations identified in the Marco Island Master Plan and Future Land Use Map. The Mixed-Use Activity Center concept is designed to concentrate almost all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can readily be accommodated, to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development, and to create focal points within the community. Additionally, some commercial development is allowed outside of Mixed Use Activity Centers in the PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistdct, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Interchange Activity Center Subdistdct, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistdct, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Subdistdct, Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistdct, Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistdct, the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Ove'Hay and by Policies 4.7, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 of the Future Land Use Element. [Words underlined are added' words are deleted ----------- ~ EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-~001-¢ HENDERSON CREEK i~IIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT COLLIERCOUNTY,FLORIDA ' t8A i SUBJECT SITE CP-2001-04 MANATEE ~' SCALE I LEGEND CO~4MUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION 0 DATE: 9/01 FILE: CP-2OOI-O4A,DWG 1000 FT. 2000 FT. SUE]DISTRICT FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION CP-2001-5 I. URBAN DESIGNATION A. Urban - Mixed Use District (page 18, FLUE) 13. Research and Technolo.qy Park Subdistric' The Research and Technolo.qy Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix o~ tar.qeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry; health technolo,qy industry, !nformation technoloqy industry, and li.qht, with minimal environmental impacl,~; man. ufacturinq indusiry - and non-industrial uses, desiqned in an attractive park-lik~; environment with Iow structural density where buildinq covera,qe ran,qes betweef~ 25% to 45% and where landscaped areas provide for bufferin,q and enioyment bv the employees and patrons of the Park. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall b~,, allowed as a Subdistrict in the Urban-Mixed Use District, Urban Commercial Districl and Urban Industrial District, and may include the ,qeneral uses allowed within eacl~ District. These parks may include the specific uses set forth below, and shall comply with the followinq ,qeneral conditions: a. Research and Technolo.qy Parks shall be permitted to include up to 20% of the total acrea.qe for non-tar.qet industry uses of the type identified in paraqraph d. below; and, up to 20% of the total acrea,qe for workforce housinq, except as provided in Para.qraph i. below. At a minimum, 60% of the total park acrea,qe musl be devoted to tarqet industry uses identified in Para,qraph c. below. The specific; percenta.qe and mix of each cate.qory of use for tar,qet industries, non-tar.qe[ industries and workforce housinq shall be determined at the time of re-zonin,q in accordance with the criteria specified in the Land Development Code b. Access to arterial and collector road systems shall be in accordance with tho Collier County Access Manaqement Policy and consistent with Obiective 7 and .Policy 7.1 of the Transportation Element. c. The tar.qet Industries identified by the Economic Development Council oi' Collier County are aviation, biomedical and information technolo,qies and include; the followinq uses: Software development and pro.qrammin,q; internet .technoloqies and electronic commerce; multimedia activities and CD-ROr~I development; data and information processinq; call center and customer support activities; professional services that are export based such as laboratory researcl~ or testin.q activities; Ii.qht manufacturinq in the hi.qb tach tar,qet sectors of aviation, biomedical and information technolo.qies; office uses in connection with on-sito research, development testinq and related manufacturincl; c~eneral administrative-; offices of research and development firms; educational, scientific and research orqanizations; production facilities and operations. d. Non-tarqet industry uses may include hotels at a maximum density of 26 unil,,~ per acre and those uses of the C-1 throuqh C-3 zonin,q districts that provide; su_F_p__port services to the target industries such as eneral office banks fitness centers, personal and professional services, medical, financial and convenienco [Words underlined are added; Words -* .... ............. sales and services, computer related businesses and services, employee training, technical conferencinq, day care center, restaurants and corporate an~l government offices. e. When the Research and Technoloqy Park is located within the Urbaf, Industrial District or includes industrialLy_zoned land those uses allowed in the Industrial Zoning. District S~ermitt~d that the total industrial acreaqe is not .qreater than the amount previously zoned or desiqnated industrial. When a Research and Technolo_q.y_Park is located in the Urban Commercial District or Urban-Mixed Use District, the industrial uses shall be limited to thoso target industry uses. f. Research and Technology_Parks must be a minimum of 35 acres in size. ~q. Research and Technolog..y__p~rks located within Interstate Activit Center .quadrants that permit industrial uses shall also be required to meet the standard., as stated under the Interstate Activity_Center Subdistrict for commercial and industrial land uses. h. Standards for Research and Technoloqy Parks shall be adopted for tho develo__pment of individual building_p_grcels and_qeneral standards for buffedn landscapin.q, open space, si.qnac]e, liphtinq, screenin.q of outdoor storacle, parking and access manaqement. ' ' i. When located in a District other than the Urban Industrial District, tho Research and Technolo.qy Park must be adiacent to, and have direct access to, ;~ road classified as an arterial or collector in the Transportation Element. |~ Research and Technolo.qy Parks shall not be located on land abutting residentially zoned property, unless the Park provides workforce housin.q on thf; nearest developable tract(s) to such abuttinq land(s). When abuttinq residentially zoned land, up to 40% of the Park's total acreaqe may be devoted to workforco housinq. ' k. Whenever workforce housinq ("affordable housin.q") is provided, it is allowed at a density consistent with the Density Ratinq System. I. Buildinq permits for non-industrial uses identified in Paragraph d. above shall _not be issued for more than 10,000 square feet of build nq area prior to issuanco of the first buildinq permit for a tar.qet industrial use. ' m. Research and Technolo.qy Parks must be compatible with surroundin,q lanai uses. . n. Research and Technolog. y_Parks are encoura ed to utilize PUD zonin . o. The Planned Unit Development Ordinance or .Rezonin~ Research and Technolo Pa~ect shall list s ecificall all ermitted uses and development standards consistent with the criteria identified in this provision The maximum acreaqe eliqible to be utilized for a Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict within the Urban-Mixed Use District is 500 acres, exclusive of open spaco and conservation areas. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if amendment is approved: B. Urban Commercial District (page 27, FLUE) [Words underlined are added; Words -+ .... t,,k ..... ~, ............. u,~ are deleted] 2 '? 8/1 4. Research and Technolo.qv Park Subdistrict The Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix or tar.qeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry, biomedical technolo.qy induStry, information technolo.qy industry, and liqht, Iow environmental impact manufacturin~ industry - and non~industrial uses, desi.qned n an attractive park-like environment 'Witl-, Iow structural density where buildin.q covera.qe ran.qes between 25% to 45% and wher(; landscaped areas provide for buffe~in.q and ~njoyr~ent by the employees and patrons Ol the park Research and Technolo.qy Parks shall be allowed as a subdistrict in tho Urban Commercial District subject to the criteria set forth under the Research an~l Technolo.qy Park Subdistrict in the Urban Mixed Use District. C. Urban - Industrial District (page 32, FLUE) The Research and Technolo.qy Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix or tar.qeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry, biomedical technolo.qy industry, infOrmation technolo.qy industry, and li.qht, Iow environmental impact manUfacturinq industry - and non-in'dustrial uses, des'i.qned n an attractive park-like environment'with Iow structural density where buildinq coveraqe ran.qes between 25% to 45% and whero landscaped areas provide for bufferin.q and enjoyment by the employees and patrons o~ the park. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall be allowed as a subdistdct in tho Urban - Industrial District subject to the criteria set forth under the Research an, I Technoloqy Park Subdistrict in the Urban Mixed Use District. II IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Policy 1.1' (page 10, FLUE) The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistricts for: A. URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistrict 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict 3. Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict B. URBAN - COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict 2. Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict 3. Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Research and Technolo.qy Park Subdistrict C. URBAN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 1. Business Park Subdistrict 2. Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict [Words underlined are added; Words et .... ~,,~, ..... ~ ............. u,, are deleted] FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DE$ORIPTION SEOTION I. URBAN DESIGNATION (page 'l~', FLUE) Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majority of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than '10% of Collier County's land area. The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been established based on several factors, including: p@tterns of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. Urban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: a. Residential uses including single family, multi-family, duplex, and mobile home. The maximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. b. Non-residential uses including: '17. Research and Technoloqy Park uses subject to criteria identified in the Urban-Mixell Use District, Urban Commercial District and Urban-industrial District. [Words underlined are added; Words ~ are deleted] 4 COLLIER COUNTY 2001/2002 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS TRANSMITTAL HEARINGS October 18, 2001 CCPC November 13, 2001 BCC ' I'8A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PUBLIC HEARING FOR TI-W~ 2001 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENTS OBJECTIVE: For the Board of County Commissioners to review the 2001 Amendments to the Collier County Growth Management Plan and consider approving said Amendments for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. CONSIDERATION: Chapter 163, F.S., provides for an amendment process for the adopted County Growth Management Plan. · Resolution 97-431 provides for a public petition process to amend the Plan. · The CCPC held their transmittal heating on October 18, 2001. · This transmittal heating considers amendments to the following Elements of the Plan: <) Future Land Use Element 0 Golden Gate Area Master Plan FISCAL IMPACT:. There are no fiscal impacts to Collier County as a result of these amendments to the Growth Management Plan. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Approval of these Amendments by the Board of County Commissioners for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs will commence the Department's ninety (90) day review process and ultimately return these Amendments to the Planning Commission and the Board of County Commissioners for a final adoption hearing. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: None HISTORICAL/ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT: The amendments to the Growth Management Plan do not contain lands identified as being in areas of historical or archaeological probability. EAC RECOMMF4NDATION: Comprehensive Plan amendments are not reviewed by EAC. CCPC RECOMMENDATION: See recommendation provided below each petition. PLANNING SERVICES STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: See recommendation provided below each petition. At the CCPC heating, staff noted general text changes were needed to all five petitions, for clarification and format purposes, and that these changes were not substantive in nature. The CCPC had no objection and incorporated this in their motion. Also, three of these petitions establish a new Subdistrict in the FLUE, which necessitates certain "house-cleaning" changes. The text contained in the exhibits to the transmittal Resolution incorpor: changes plus those made at the CCPC hearing. NOV 13 2pOl P~. 1. PETITION CP-200]-I, R. Bruce Anderson of Young, van Assenderp, Varnadoe & Anderson & D. Wayne Arnold of Q. Orady Minor & Associates, represeming LDJ Associates, requesting an amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan text and Golden Gate Future Land Use Element Map to change the designation from Residential Estates Subdistrict to Neighborhood Center Subdistrict, and modify standards, for 5 acres located on the northwest comer of Collier Blvd. (CR-951) and 11th Avenue SW, in Section 15, Township 49 South, Range 26 East. At the CCPC hearing, staff had no objection to the petitioner's request to add the word "external" pertaining to the landscape buffer. Staff Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to transmit to the Department of Community Affairs. CCPC Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with recommendation to transmit to the Department of Community Affairs, per staff's recommendation. 2. PETITION CP-2001-2, Karen Bishop of PMS, Inc., of Naples representing Buckley Enterprises, requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map to create the Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict allowing 172,500 sq. ft. of office and retail commercial uses, and 345 dwelling units, and changing the designation from Urban Residential Subdistrict to Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, for 22.84 acres located on the west side of Airport-Pulling Road, 300' north of Orange Blossom Drive, in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. At the CCPC hearing, staff had no objection to the petitioner's request to reduce from "50%" to "40%" the amount of commercial square feet required in mixed use buildings. Staff Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to forward to the Department of Community Affairs. CCPC Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to forward to the Department of Community Affairs, per staff's recommendation. 3. PETITION CP-2001-3, Terrance Kepple of Kepple Engineering, Inc., representing Northside Construction Company, requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map to change the designation from Urban Residential Subdistrict to Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict to permit a maximum of 40,000 sq. ft. of commercial development, for 10.47 acres located on the ~,GENDA ITEM NOV 13 PS. --. northwest comer of Pine Ridge and Livingston Roads, in Section 12, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. Staff Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to forward to the Department of Community Affairs. CCPC Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with recommendation to transmit to the Department of Community Affairs, per staff's recommendation. 4. PETITION CP-2001-4, D. Wayne Arnold of Q. Grady Minor & Associates representing ~Warstler-Schrage Development Co., LLC, requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Element and Future Land Use Map to create the Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict allowing 325,000 sq. ft. of commercial uses and up to 500 dwelling units, subject to the Density Rating System, and changing the designation from Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict to Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict, for 83 acres located on the east side of Collier Blvd. (CR-951) and the south side of U.S. 41 East, in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East. At the CCPC hearing, the petitioner submitted a proposed definition of"regional commercial" to add to this amendment. Staff had no objection but noted the text might need to be modified somewhat, prior to adoption. Staff Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to forward to the Department of Community Affairs. CCPC Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with recommendation to forward to the Department of Community Affairs, per staWs recommendation and subject to any needed clarification regarding prohibited uses (concern expressed that prohition on grocery stores might preclude a discount store containing a grocery within e.g. Walmart Superstore). 5. PETITION CP-2001-5, Comprehensive Planning Section, representing the Board of County Commissioners, requesting an amendment to the Future Land Use Element to establish the Research and Technology Subdistrict within the Urban Mixed Use District. Staff Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to forward to the Department of Community Affairs. CCPC Recommendation: That the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with recommendation for forward to the Department of Community Affairs, per staff's recommendation. AC.O~A I~ NOV 1337.001 8A RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners review the Growth Management Plan Amendments and consider adopting or adopting with changes a Resolution approving these amendments for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs. M2~CIA R. KEND:~LL, PLANNING TECI-INICIAN REVIEWED BY: Date: t/0.3 ,--~0 -C// STAN LISTII~ER, ~ COMPREHENSWE PLANNING MANAGER REVIEWD BY: .~:~'/~ - }dq,~ Date: /'~-.~'~ TOM KUCK, P.E. IbTTER.IM PLANNING SERVICES DIRECTOR APPROVED BY: ~' [)~ Date: J(~ M.~DUNN~CK, III i~rEam ~OMINISrP.~TOR CO~XT¥ DEVELOmEm & ENVtaO~,mENrAL SERVXCES DrY,SION AGENDA ITE. M NOV ! 3 2001 ~._/'~ 4 RESOLUTION NO. 2001- ~ . ~ A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE -"""'" FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN; AND THE GOLDEN GATE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. WHEREAS, Collier County, pursuant to Section 163.3161, et. seq., Florida Statutes, the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, was required to prepare and adopt a comprehensive plan; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of County Commissioners adopted the Collier County Growth Management Plan on January 10, 1989; and WHEREAS, the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 provides authority for local governments to amend their respective comprehensive plans and outlines certain procedures to amend adopted comprehensive plans pursuant to Sections 163.3184 and 163.3187, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, Collier County has prepared Plan Amendments to the following elements of its Growth Management Plan: Future Land Use Element; including the Future Land Use Map Golden Gate Area Master Plan Element; including the Golden Gate Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Planning Commission has considered the proposed amendments to the Growth Management Plan pursuant to the authority granted to it by Section 163.3174, Florida Statutes, and has recommended approval of said amendments to the Board of County Commissioners; and WHEREAS, upon receipt of Collier County's proposed Growth Management Plan Amendments, various State agencies and the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) have ninety (90) days to review the proposed Amendments and DCA must transmit, in writing, to Collier County, its comments along with any objections and any recommendations for modification, within said ninety (90) days pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, Collier County, upon receipt of the written comments from DCA must adopt, adopt with changes or not adopt the proposed Growth Management Plan Amendments, within sixty (60) days of such receipt pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the DCA, within forty-five (45) days of receipt of Collier County's adopted Growth Management Plan Amendments, must review and determine if the Plan Amendments are in compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Act of 1985; the State Comprehensive Plan; the appropriate Regional Policy Plan and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By The Board Of County Commissioners Of Collier County, Florida, that: Words underlined are additions; Words struck thrcugh are deletions Yhe Board of County Commissioners hereby approves the proposed Growth 8 A Management Plan Amendments, attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated by reference herein, for the purpose of transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs thereby initiating the required State evaluation of the Growth Management Plan Amendments prior to final adoption and State determination of compliance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act of 1985 and Rule 9J5, Florida Administrative Code, Minimum Criteria for Review of Local Government Comprehensive Plans and Determination of Compliance. THIS RESOLUTION ADOPTED after motion; second and majority vote this day of ,2001. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DWIGHT E, BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: JAMES D. CARTER, PHD., CHAIRMAN Approvedastoform andlegalsufficiency: Marjorie(.~l, Student Assistant County Attorney 2001 GMP Transmittal Resolution Words underlined are additions; Words "..truck th;eu~,h are deletions FUTURE LANE USE ELEMENT Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION CP-2001-3 B. URBAN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 3. Livin.qstonlPine Rid.qe Commercial Infill Subdistrict (page 31, FLUE) This Subdistrict consists of two parcels; one parcel consists of 17.5 acres and is located at the southeast quadrant of Livingston Road, a collector roadway~ and Pine Ridge Road, a minor arterial roadway. The second parcel consists of 10.47 acres and is located at the northwest quadrant of Livin.qston Road and Pine Ridqe Road. In addition to uses allowed in the Plan, the intent of the Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict is to provide shopping, personal services and employment for the surrounding residential areas within a convenient travel distance and to provide commercial services in an acceptable manner along a new collector roadway. The Subdistrict is intended to be compatible with the neighboring commercial, public use and high density residential properties and will utilize well- planned access points to improve current and future traffic flows in the area. a. Southeast Quadrant If permitted by the South Florida Water Management District, emergency access to the North Naples Fire District fire station located immediately east of the property will be provided improving response times to all properties located south along Livingston Road. Interconnection to adjacent properties immediately to the South and immediately to the East will be studied and provided if deemed feasible, as a part of the rezoning action relating to the subject property. Building height is limited to one story with a 35 foot maximum for all retail and general commercial uses. General and medical office uses are limited to three stories with a 50 foot maximum height. Any project developed in this S,..'bd!=tdct Quadrant may be comprised of any combination of retail commercial and/or office uses, provided that the total square footage does not exceed 125,000 square feet. A minimum 50-foot buffer of existing native vegetation will be preserved along all project boundaries located adjacent to area zoned agricultural. b. Northwest Quadrant The feasibility of interconnections to the adiacent properties to the North and West will be considered and, if deemed feasible, will be required during the rezonin.q of the subiect property. Buildin.q height is limited to one story with a 35 foot maximum for all retail and general commercial uses. Buildin.q height is limited to three stories with a 50 foot maximum for all .qeneral and medical office uses. Any proiect developed in this Quadrant may utilize any combination of retail commercial and/or office uses, provided that the total buildinq square foota.qe does not exceed 40,000 square feet. [Words underlined are added; Words...,"*-,wv,.'"u *~'., ,. ..... v.~.~', are deleted] GOLDEN GATE MASTER PLAN ELEMENT Exhibit A CP-2001-1 2. ESTATES DESIGNATION (page 25, GGMP) a. Estates-Mixed Use District 1_.[ Residential Estates Subdistrict - Single-family residential development may be allowed within the Estates Mixed Use Subdistrict at a maximum density of one unit per 2% gross acres unless the lot is considered a legal non-conforming lot of record. 2) Nei.qhborhood Centers Subdistrict - Recognizing the need to provide basic goods and services to Estates residents, Neighborhood Centers have been designated on the Golden Gate Area Future Land Use Map. The Neighborhood Center designation does not guarantee that commercial zoning will be granted. The designation only provides the opportunity to request commercial zoning. a) Location The locations are based on intersections of major roads and spacing criteria (See Map 9). The centers are designed to concentrate all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can be readily accommodated and to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development. · (Ill)The node at the NE and SE quadrants of Wilson and Golden Gate Boulevards is approximately 12.15 acres in size and consists of Tract 1, Unit 14, Tract 17, Unit 13 and the western half of Tract 18, Unit 13 Golden Gate Estates. The SE quadrant of Wilson and Golden Gate Boulevards is 7.15 acres, allows 5.00 acres of commercial development or Conditional Uses, as permitted in the Estates zoning district, and allocates 2.15 acres to project buffering and right-of-way for Golden Gate Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard. · The node at CR-951 and Pine Ridge Road is located on both sides of the intersection. Tracts 109 112 114,.., ,..~"'~ ~'".,,v .. ,,- ..,~"~/o ,.~ 7...,.,, ,...... ~, ~,..,'~ Unit 26, Golden Gate Estates are included in this node as eligible for commercial development. The S!/2 cf Tr:ct ! !3 :nd the El/2 of Tract 107, Unit 26 are is also included within this node but are is only to be used for buffer, water management and open space. (I) b) Criteria for development at the nodes are as follows: · Limited to Iow intensity transitional commercial uses that are compatible with both residential and commercial, ·Convenience commercial to provide for small scale shopping and personal needs, and [Words underlined are added; Words struck *~' ...... ..... ~.,~' are deleted] ! · Intermediate commercial to provide for a wider variety of goods and services in areas that have a higher degree of automobile traffic. These uses shall be similar to C-1, C-2, or C-3, zoning districts outlined in the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance 91-102, adopted October 30, 1991 ). · Future commercial uses are limited to the intersection of Pine Ridge Road and CR-951. This Neighborhood Center may be developed at 100% commercial and must provide internal circulation, and any rezoning is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. This Neighborhood Center may also be utilized for single family residential or conditional uses allowed in the Estates zoning district such as churches, social or fraternal organizations, childcare centers, schools, and group care facilities. · The parcels immediately adjacent to the existing commercial zoning at the northeast quadrant of Golden Gate Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard may qualify for Conditional Use under the transitional use provision of the Conditional Use Subdistrict of this Master Plan Element. · A single project shall utilize no more than 50% of the total allowed commercial acreage. The percentage may be increased at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners; · The project is encouraged to make provisions for shared parking arrangements with adjoining developments; Access points shall be limited to one per 180 feet commencing from the right-of-way of the major intersecting streets of the Neighborhood Center. A maximum of three curb cuts per quadrant shall be allowed; · Driveways and curb cuts shall be consolidated with adjoining developments, whenever possible; · Driveways accessing parcels on opposite sides of the roadway shall be in direct alignment; · Projects directly abutting Estates zoned property shall provide, at a minimum, a 75 foot buffer of retained native vegetation in which no parking or water management uses are permitted; except that for valid, approved conditional uses, no such buffer is required. · Projects shall provide a 25-foot wide landscape buffer abuttinq the external riqht of way. This buffer shall contain two staqclered rows of trees that shall be spaced no more than 30 feet on center1 and a double row hedge at least 24 inches in height at time of planting and attaininq a minimum of three feet in height within one year. If existinq trees are not available to be preserved, then a 2-foot high undulating berm at a 3:1 slope shall be provided. A minimum of 50% of the 25 foot wide buffer area shall be comprised of a meanderinq bed of shrubs and ground covers other than grass. · For Tract 1141 Golden Gate Estates, Unit 26, access shall be restricted to 11th Avenue S.W. Also, vehicular interconnection shall be provided to the adjacent propertv('s) in the Neiqhborhood Center. [Words underlined are added; Words struck through are deleted] 2 ~ PETITION CP-2001~01 EXHIBIT A OOLDE~a^TE ARE^ GOLDEN GATE AREA FUTURE [,AND USE MAP LEGEND FUTURE LAND USE MAP ~ S£rrLff~4~T ~E.~ NAPLES IMMOKALEE ROAD INFILL URB~ RESIDENnAL ~ ~ OIL ~LL ROAD NAPLES IMMOKALEE ROAD RAND~L ~ RANOALL BOULEVARD I ~> COMMERCIAL Oi~TRICT VANDERBIL'I WHITE BLVD. SUBJECT SITE (CP-2001-011 "" S.R.-84 DAVIS BLVD. EXT ~ S.R.-84 AMENDED - OCTOBER '27. 1997 AMENDED - APRIL 14. 199E* I EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-01 GOLDEN GATE ESTATES' "~,:~ __ NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS Collier County, Florida C.R. 846 C.R. 858 ~1 C.R. 846 ~ bJ GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD ~fl WHITE BLVD. d SUBJECT SITE ~ (CP-2001-01) ~ INTERSTATE- 75 ~~ PROPOS~DGA'I~ ESTATESADDillON J NDGHBORHO00 CEN'I~RS LEGEND NEI{~dBORHOO0 CENI'~RS PREPARED BY: GRAPHICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION~'~/'////'~ i COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION 0 1 MI 2 MI FILE: GCFLU-CP-2OOI-O1A.DWG DATE: 9//01 28 FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION CP-2001-2 1. URBAN DESIGNATION A. URBAN MIXED-USE DISTRICT (page 18 FLUE) 11. Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict The intent of this Subdistrict is to allow for limited small-scale retail, office and residential uses while requiring that the project result in a true mixed-use development. The Activity Centers to the North and South provide for larqe-scale commercial uses, while this Subdistrict is intended to promote small-scale mixed use development with pedes[rian orientation to serve existing and future residential development in the immediate area. This Subdistrict is intended to be an example for future mixed-use nodes, providing residents with a pedestrian scale development while also reducing existin.q trip lenHths for small-scale commercial services. Commercial uses for the purpose of this section are limited to those allowed in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 Zoning Districts except as noted below. The development of this Subdistrict will be governed by the following criteria: a. Rezoning is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. b. A unified planned development with common architectural theme, which utilizes shared parking and cross accesses. c. Retail uses will be capped at a maximum of 3,250 square feet per acre for the total proiect. d. Office uses will be capped at a maximum of 4,250 square feet per acre for e. Residential development will be subiect to a maximum of 15 dwelling units per acre for the total proiect. f. Maximum lot coverage for buildinqs is capped at 35% for the total proiect. g. No more than 25% of the total built square footage will be devoted to single h. Primary entrances to all retail and commercial uses shall be designed for access from the interior of the site. Buildings fronting on Airport Road will provide secondary accesses facinq the street. i. All four sides of each building must be utilized in a common architectural theme. j. ~, residential component equal to at least 25% of the allowable maximum density must be constructed before completion of an agqre.qate total of 40,000 square feet retail or office uses. k. Residential units may be located throuqhout the Subdistdct. I. Inteqration of residential and office or retail uses in the same building is encouraged. A minimum of 40% of the commercial square footage shall be within mixed use bu dings (residential and commercial). m. Pedestrian connections are encouraqed to all perimeter properties. n. No building footprint will exceed 15,000 square feet. Common stairs, breezeways or elevators may loin individual buildings [Words underlined are added; Words st~ are deleted] o. No buildinq shall exceed three stories in heiqht with no allowance for under buildinq parking. p. Drive-through establishments will be limited to banks with no more than three drive-through lanes; these drive-throuqh lanes must be architecturally integrated into the main building. q. No gasoline service stations will be permitted r. All buildings will be connected with pedestrian features. s. A twenty-foot wide landscape Type D buffer shall be required alon.q Airport- Pullinq Road. A twenty- foot wide Type C landscape buffer shall be required along all other perimeter property lines. t. Parkinq areas must be screened from Airport-Pulling Road and from any properties adiacent to this Subdistrict. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if the amendment is approved: II IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Policy 1.1: (PAGE 10, FLUE) The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistricts for: A, URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistrict 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict 3. Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict 11. Buckley Mixed-Use Subdistrict FUTURE LAND UES DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION I. URBAN DESIGNATION (page 17, FLUE) Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majority of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than 10% of Collier County's land area. The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been established based on several factors, including: pattems of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and [Words underlined are added; Words str'--'ck thrcugh are deleted] proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. Urban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: a. Residential uses including single family, multi-family, duplex, and mobile home. The maximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. b. Non-residential uses including: 12. Commercial uses subject to criteria identified in the Urban - Mixed Use District, PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, and Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, and in the Urban Commercial District, Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict, and Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, and Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay. (IV) DENSITY RATING SYSTEM (page 25, FLUE) The Density Rating System is only applicable to areas designated Urban, Urban-Mixed Use District, as identified on the Future Land Use Map, exclusive of the Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict, and exclusive of Urban areas encompassed by the Immokalee Area Master Plan, Golden Gate Area Master Plan, and Marco Island Master Plan. The Density Rating System is applicable to the Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict to the extent that the residential density cap of 4 dwelling units per acre is not exceeded, except for the density bonus for Affordable Housing and Transfer of Development Rights, and except as provided for in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay. This Density Rating System only applies to residential dwelling units. Within the applicable Urban Designated Areas, a base density of 4 residential dwelling units per gross acre is permitted, though not an entitlement. This base level of density may be adjusted depending upon the characteristics of the project. The Buckley Mixed-Use Subdistrict is not subiect to the "Density Rating System", but is subject to the densities established by this subdistrict. B. URBAN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict (page 27, FLUE) Mixed Use Activity Centers have been designated on the Future Land Use Map Series identified in the Future Land Use Element. The locations are based on intersections of major roads and on spacing criteria. There are 19 Mixed Use Activity Centers which comprise approximately 3,000 acres, including 3 Interchange Activity Centers (fl4, 9, 10) which will be discussed separately. Two Activity Centers #19 and 21 have been deleted and replaced by the land use designations identified in the Marco Island Master Plan and Future Land Use Map. The Mixed-Use Activity Center concept is designed to concentrate almost all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can readily be accommodated, to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development, and to create focal points within the community. Additionally, some commercial development is allowed outside of Mixed Use Activity Centers in the PUD Neighborhood Village Center [Words underlined are added; Words ~ are deleted] 3 Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Subdistrict, Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay and by Policies 4.7, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 of the Future Land Use Element. [VVords underlined are added; Words struck thrcugh are deleted] 4 EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-02 BUCKLEY MIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ~ 8 VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD EXT. SUBJECT SITE CP-2001-02 LEGEND SCALE PREPARED BY: GRAPHICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SEC3]ON COMMUNITYDEYELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION 0 1000 FT. 2000 FT. DATE: 9/01 FILE: CP-2OOI-O2-A.DWG EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-03 LIVINGSTON / PINE RIDGE. COMMERCIAL INFILL DISTRICT COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA SUBJECT SITE CP-2001-03 LEGEND ~xxx%~l SUBDISTRICT SCALE ADDITION PREPARED BY: GRAPHICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION 0 1000 FT. 2000 FT. COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION -- DATE: 9/01 FILE: CP-2OOI-O3A.DWG FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT ' Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION CP-2001-4 1. URBAN DESIGNATION A. URBAN-MIXED USE DISTRICT (page 18, FLUE) 12. HENDERSON CREEK MIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT The Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict consists of approximately 83 acres and is located east of Collier Boulevard (S.R. 951) and south of U.S. 41 (Tamiami Trail East). The intent of the Subdistrict is primarily to provide for a mixture of regional commercial uses and residential development, to serve the South Naples, Royal Fakapalm and Marco Island areas. The primary intent of the Subdistrict is not to provide for community and neiqhborhood commercial uses. The focus of the residential component of the Subdistrict shall be tl,e provision of workforce housing to support the commercial uses within the Subdistrict, a= well as in the South Naples, Royal Fakapalm and Marco Island areas. The entire Subdistrict shall be developed under a unified plan; this unified plan is encouraged to be in the form of a Planned Unit Development. For purposes of this Subdistrict, the term "regional commercial" is defined as: Retail uses typically dominated by large anchors, inc udin,q discount department stores, off-price sto, es, warehouse clubs, and the like, some of which offer a large selection in a particular merchandise category. Re.qional retail uses also typically utilize square foota.qes ranging from 20,000 to eve, 100, 000 square feet. Regional commercial uses generally have a primary trade area of 5 to 10 miles, with a typical store separation of 5 miles for any individual regional commercial business. Specific requirements and limitations for the Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict are as follows: · Access to the Subdistrict shall be provided from Collier Boulevard (SR 951) and U.S. 41. These access points shall be connected by a loop road that is open to the public. · Vehicular and pedestrian interconnections shall be provided between the residential and commercial portions of the Subdistrict. · The unified plan of development within the Subdistrict shall include provisions for vehicular and pedestrian interconnection to properties to the north. · Commercial components of this Subdistrict shall front on Collier Boulevard. · Commercial uses are limited to a maximum of 40 acres and 325,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area. · The maximum intensity of commercial uses are those allowed in the C-4, General Commercial, Zoninq District. · At least one regional commercial use is required to occupy a minimum of 100,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area. Each remaining regional commercial usu must occupy a minimum of 20,000 square feet of gross leasable floor area. · Non-regional commercial uses prohibited in this Subdistrict include grocery stores, fitness centers, auto repair, auto sales, and personal service uses. · Non-re.qional commercial uses are limited to a maximum of 10% of the total allowed commercial square footage (32,500 square feet). [Words underlined are added; words..., ''+ .... .v,..,u*~,, ..... ~.,~,~, .... ~r~. deleted1 1 · A maximum of four out-parcels are allowed, all of which must abut Collier Boulevard. All out-parcels shall provide internal vehicular access. All out-parcels are limited to non re.qional commercial uses. No out-parcel shall exceed five acres_ · Commercial development shall be restricted to one-story buildinqs with a maximum heiqht of 35 feet. · Residential development shall be limited to a maximum of §00 dwellin.q units, subiect tn the Density Ratin.q System. However, a minimum of 200 affordable housinq units shall be provided. · Residential dwellinqs shall be limited to a maximum heiqht of three habitable stories. · Both commercial and residential development shall be desiqned in a common architectural theme. · Prior to commencement of any development in the Subdistrict, a unified plan of development for the entire Subdistrict must be approved by the Board of Collier County Commissioners. · The type of landscape buffers within this Subdistrict shall be no less than that required in mixed use activity centers. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if amendment is approved: II IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Policy 1.1: (page 10, FLUE) The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistricts for: A. URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistrict 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict 3. Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict 11. Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION I. URBAN DESIGNATION (page 17, FLUE) Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majority of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than 10% of Collier County's land area. [Words underlined are added; words ctruckthrcuqh are deleted1 2 The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been established based on several factors, including: patterns of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. Urban Designated Areas w~ll accommodate the following uses: a. Residential uses including single family, multi-family, duplex, and mobile home. The maximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. b. Non-residential uses including: 12. Commercial uses subiect to criteria identified in the Urban - Mixed Use District, PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Traditional Neighborhood Design SubdistFict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict and Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, and in the Urban Commercial District, Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict, and Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, and Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict, and in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay. B. URBAN COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict (page 27, FLUE) Mixed Use Activity Centers have been designated on the Future Land Use Map Series identified in the Future Land Use Element. The locations are based on intersections of major roads and on spacing criteria. There are 19 Mixed Use Activity Centers which comprise approximately 3,000 acres, including 3 Interchange Activity Centers (~4, 9, 10) which will be discussed separately. Two Activity Centers #19 and 21 have been deleted and replaced by the land use designations identified in the Marco Island Master Plan and Future Land Use Map. The Mixed-Use Activity Center concept is designed to concentrate almost all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can readily be accommodated, to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development, and to create focal points within the community. Additionally, some commercial development is allowed outside of Mixed Use Activity Centers in the PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Subdistrict, Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict, the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay and by Policies 4.7, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 of the Future Land Use Element. [Words underlined are added; words ............. --* .... ~-*~- ..... ~,,~' are deleted1 3 EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-04 HENDERSON CREEK I~IIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ ~ I~ 8/I, SUBJECT SITE CP-2001-04 MANATEE ROAD LEGEND SCALE COMMUNITYDEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION DATE: 9/01 FILE: CP-2OOI-O4A,DWG FUTURE LANE USE ELEMENT Exhibit A FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION CP-2001-5 I. URBAN DESIGNATION A. Urban - Mixed Use District (page 18, FLUE) 13. Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict The Research and Technology Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix of targeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry; health technoloqy industry, information technoloqy industry, and light, with minimal environmental impact.~ manufacturinq industry - and non-industrial uses, desi.qned in an attractive park-like environment with Iow structural density where buildinq coveraqe ranqes between 25% to 45% and where landscaped areas provide for bufferinq and enioyment by the employees and patrons of the Park. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall be allowed as a Subdistrict in the Urban-Mixed Use District, Urban Commercial District and Urban Industrial District, and may include the .qeneral uses allowed within each District. These parks may include the specific uses set forth below, and shall comply with the followinq general conditions: a. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall be permitted to include up to 20% of the total acreage for non-tar.qet industry uses of the type identified in para.qraph d. below; and, up to 20% of the total acreaqe for workforce housin.q, except as provided in Paraqraph i. below. At a minimum, 60% of the total park acreage must be devoted to tarqet industry uses identified in Paraqraph c. below. The specific. percentaqe and mix of each cateqory of use for target industries, non-tar.qet industries and workforce housinq shall be determined at the time of re-zoninq in accordance with the criteria specified in the Land Development Code. b. Access to arterial and collector road systems shall be in accordance with the Collier County Access Manaqement Policy and consistent with Objective 7 and Policy 7.1 of the Transportation Element. c. The tarqet Industries identified by the Economic Development Council of Collier County are aviation, biomedical and information technoloqies and include the followinq uses: Software development and pro.qramming; internet technologies and electronic commerce; multimedia activities and CD-ROM development; data and information processing; call center and customer support activities; professional services that are export based such as laboratory research or testing activities; li.qht manufacturinq in the hiqh tech target sectors of aviation, biomedical and information technologies; office uses in connection with on-site research, development testinq and related manufacturinq; general administrative offices of research and development firms; educational, scientific and research organizations; production facilities and operations. d. Non-tarqet industry uses may include hotels at a maximum density of 26 unit-~ per acre and those uses of the C-1 throuqh C-3 zoninq districts that provide support services to the target industries such as general office, banks, fitness centers, personal and professional services, medical, financial and convenience [Words underlined are added; Words 6, .... ............. ~,. are deleted] sales and services, computer related businesses and services1 employee traininql technical conferencinq, day care center, restaurants and corporate and government offices. e. When the Research and Technology Park is located within the Urban Industrial District or includes industrially zoned land, those uses allowed in the Industrial Zoninq District shall be permitted provided that the total industrial acreage is not greater than the amount previously zoned or desiqnated industrial. When a Research and Technology Park is located in the Urban Commercial District or Urban-Mixed Use District, the industrial uses shall be limited to those target industry uses. f. Research and Technology Parks must be a minimum of 35 acres in size. g. Research and Technoloqy Parks located within Interstate Activity Center quadrants that permit industrial uses shall also be required to meet the standards as stated under the Interstate Activity Center Subdistrict for commercial and industrial land uses. h. Standards for Research and Technology Parks shall be adopted for the development of individual buildinq parcels and general standards for bufferinq, landscaping, open space, si.qna~e, liclhtin.q, screeninq of outdoor storage, parkin~ and access management. i. When located in a District other than the Urban Industrial District, the Research and Technology Park must be adjacent to, and have direct access to, a road classified as an arterial or collector in the Transpodation Element. j. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall not be located on land abuttinq residentially zoned property, unless the Park provides workforce housinq on the nearest developable tract(s) to such abutting land(s). When abuttinq residentially zoned land, up to 40% of the Park's total acreage may be devoted to workforce housing. k. Whenever workforce housinq ("affordable housinq") is provided, it is allowed at a density consistent with the Density Rating System.. I. Building permits for non-industrial uses identified in Paragraph d. above shall not be issued for more than 10,000 square feet of building area prior to issuance of the first building permit for a target industrial use. m. Research and Technoloqy Parks must be compatible with surroundinq land uses. n. Research and Technology Parks are encouraged to utilize PUD zoning. o. The Planned Unit Development Ordinance or Rezoning Ordinance for a Research and Technology Park project shall list specifically all permitted uses and development standards consistent with the criteria identified in this provision. The maximum acreaqe eligible to be utilized for a Research and Technology Park Subdistrict within the Urban-Mixed Use District is 500 acres, exclusive of open space and conservation areas. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if amendment is approved: B. Urban Commercial District (page 27, FLUE) [Words underlined are added; Words st.-.:'ckthrc'.:'gh are deleted] 2 4. Research and Technoloq¥ Park Subdistrict The Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix of tar.qeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry, biomedical technology industry, information technoloqy industry, and light, Iow environmental impact manufacturing industry - and non-industrial uses, designed in an attractive park-like environment with Iow structural density where buildinq coverage ran.qes between 25% to 45% and where landscaped areas provide for bufferin.q and enioyment by the employees and patrons of the.park. Research and Technology Parks shall be allowed as a subdistrict in the Urban Commercial District subiect to the criteria set forth under the Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict in the Urban Mixed Use District. C. Urban - Industrial District (page 32, FLUE) The Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix of targeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry, biomedical technolo.qy industry, information technoloqy industry, and light, Iow environmental impact manufacturing industry - and non-industrial uses, designed in an attractive park-like environment with Iow structural density where buildinq coverage ranges between 25% to 45% and where landscaped areas provide for buffering and enioyment by the employees and patrons of the park. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall be allowed as a subdistrict in the Urban - Industrial District subject to the criteria set forth under the Research and Technology Park Subdistrict in the Urban Mixed Use District. II IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY GOALS, OBJECTIVES AND POLICIES Policy 1.1: (page 10, FLUE) The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistricts for: A. URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistrict 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict 3. Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistdct 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistdct 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict B. URBAN - COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict 2. Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict 3. Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict C. URBAN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 1. Business Park Subdistrict 2. Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict [Words underlined are added; Words struckthrcugh are deleted] 3 FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION DESCRIPTION SECTION I. URBAN DESIGNATION (page 17, FLUE) Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majority of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than 10% of Collier County's land area. The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been established based on several factors, including: pattems of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. Urban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: a. Residential uses including single family, multi-family, duplex, and mobile home. The maximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. b. Non-residential uses including: 17'. Research and Technoloqy Park uses subiect to criteria identified in the Urban-Mixed Use District, Urban Commercial District and Urban-Industrial District. [Words underlined are added; Words struckthrcugh are deleted] 4 Memorandum To: Board of County Commissioners From: Marcia R. Kendall, Planning Technician Date: November 6, 2001 Subject: Certified Ad for GMP Amendments for Meeting of November 13, 2001 Please be advised that due to the timeframe and slowness of mail, we have yet to receive the Certified Ad to be included in this notebook. An uncertified copy of the ad has been included, which ran on Friday, November 2, 2001 and Monday, November 5, 2001. As soon as this Certification has been received, it will be included in this notebook for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. Thank you. Cc: Stan Litsinger, AICP Comprehensive Planning Services Manager mk/f:\marcia's docs Comprehensive Planning Services Section NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGE TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN The Board of County Commissioners propoSes to adopt the following by Resolution f°r transmittal t° the State °f Fl°ride Department °f C°mm~nity A~airsi~r ~eliminarYreview and comment: ,' . -.~ RESOLUTION NO. 2001- = A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN; AND THE GOLDEN GATE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR TRANSMI'I-FAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. A public hearing on the Resolution will be held on November 13, 2001 at 9:00 AM in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Administration Build- ing, County Government Center, East Naples, Florida. All interested parties are invited to appear and be heard. Copies of the proposed Resolution are available for inspection at the Collier County Clerk's Office, 4th Floor, Administration Building, County Government Center, East Ne. pies, Flodda; and at Comprehensive Planning Section, 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5;00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Any questions pertain- ing to these documents should be directed to the Comprehensive Planning Section. Written comments filed with the Clerk to the Board's Office prior to November 13, 2001, will be read and considered at the public hearing. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commis- sioners with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of that proceeding, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. - "1 ~--" .. , Collier Countg I ~ Florida ~ [ - G BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA JAMES d. CARTER, Ph.D., CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By:/s/Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk #99511654 November 5, 2001 NOTICE OF PROPOSED CHANGE TO THE GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN- The Board of County Commissioners proposes t° adopt the following by Resolution f°r transmittal t° the State °f Fl°rida Department °f C°mm~nity A~ai~r PAmliminarYreview and comment: RESOLUTION NO. 2001- A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; THE GOLDEN GATE AREA MASTER PLAN; AND THE GOLDEN GATE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS. A public hearing on the Resolution will be held On November 13, 2001 at 9:00 AM in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Administration Build- ing, County Govemment Center, East NaPles, Florida. All interested parties are invited to appear and be heard. Copies of the proposed Resolution are available for inspection at the Collier County Clerk's Office, 4th Floor, Administration Building, County Govemment Center, East NapleS, Florida; and at Comprehensive Planning Section, 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5;00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Any qUestions pertain- ing to these docUments should be directed to the Comprehensive Planning Section. Written comments filed with the Clerk to the Board's Office prior to November 13, 2001, will be read and considered at the public hearing. If a person decides t° appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commis- sioners with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of that proceeding, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is~ to be based, !, Colll.~, Counttl _ Florida ;  BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA JAMES d. CARTER, Ph.D., CHAIRMAN DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By:/s/Ellie Hoffman, Deputy Clerk L654 Nov. 2. 2003 NAPLES DAILY NEWS :"'~ Published Daily - ~: Naples, FL 34102 Affidavit of Publication State of Florida County of Collier Before the undersigned they serve as the authority., personally appeared Phil Lewis, who on oath says that they serve as the Editor of the Naples Daily, a daily newspaper published at Naples, in Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida; that the attached copy of the advertising, being a PUBLIC NOTICE in the matter of PUBLIC NOTICE was published in said newspaper 1 time in the issue on October 7,2001 Affiant further says that the said Naples Daily News is a newspaper published at Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Collier County, Florida; distributed in Collier and Lee counties of Florida, each day and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Naples, in said Collier County, Florida, for a period of I year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for pu~n the said newsp...aper. ( Sl'~ature of afffant-5 - '~ Sworn to and subscribed before me This 8th day of October, 2001 ,,,;'.' ;'";,,,, .-' 5-'~ra~',.. Nancy Evans ~ '~.~ MY COMMISSION # CC849310 EXPIRES ..:,~?/?:' July 18, 2003 ' ;,',-' ~.?,'" 8ONOED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE, INC Notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held by the Collier County Planning Commission on Thursday, October 18, 2001 at 8:30! A.M. in the Board of County Commissioners Meeting Room, 3rd Floor, Administration Building, County Government Center, 3301 East Tamia- mi Trail, Naples, Florida. The purpose of the hearing is to consider.a recommendation on the 2001 Growth Management Plan Amendments to the Future Land Use Element and The Future Land Use Map; The Golden Gate Area Master. Plan and The Golden Gate Future Land Use Map; and a recommenda- tion for transmittal to the Department of COmmunity Affairs. The resolu- tion title is as follows: RESOLUTION NO. 2001- A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PROPOS~-D AMENDMENTS TO THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; THE FUTURE LAND USE MAP; THE GOLDEN GATE AREA' MASTER PLAN; AND THE GOLDEN GATE FUTURE LAND USE MAP OF THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR TRANSMITTAL TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS· All interested parties are invited to appear and be heard. Copies of the proposed amendment are available for inspection at the Comprehen- sive Planning SectiOn, 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive~ Naples, Florida be- tween the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M., Monday through Friday. Any questions pertaining to these documents should be directed to the Comprehensive Planning Section· (941-403-2300) Written comments filed with the Comprehensive Planning Section prior to October 18, 2001, will be read and considered at the public hearing, i r-- If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Collier County Planning Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of that proceeding, and for such purpose he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the pro- ceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Joyceanna J. Rautio, Chairman Collier County Planning Commission Collier Countti Florida #99515759 AGENDA ITEM 8-F MEMORANDUM TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION, PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION DATE: October 5, 2001 RE: PETITION NO. CP-2001-1, GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT AGENT/APPLICANT: Applicant:: Larry Brooks LDJ Associates 8800 SW 116th Street Miami, Florida 33176 Agent: R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. D. Wayne Arnold, AICP Young, VanAssenderp, Varnadoe & Anderson Q. Grady Minor & Associates 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 3800 Via del Rey Naples, Florida 34108 Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 - Owner: North 150 feet of Tract 114 South 180 feet of Tract 114 Larry E.Brooks, Maria R. Brooks, James E. BrooksLarry E. Brooks,Trustee ofthat Certain Declaration David L. Brooks, Valerie A. Brooks of Trust dated August 26, 1997 8800 SW 116th Street 8800 SW 116th Street Miami, Florida 33716 Miami, Florida 33716 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject property, containing 5 acres, is located in the nodhwest quadrant of the intersection of 11th Avenue S.W. and Collier Boulevard, approximately 1,000 feet south of Pine Ridge Road. It is located in the Urban Estates Planning Community. The property is designated Estates, Estates- Mixed Use Subdistrict, Neighborhood Center Subdistrict. REQUESTED ACTION: This petitioner seeks to: 1) Amend the existing Golden Gate Area Master Plan Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan to expand the Estates Neighborhood Center boundary at Pine Ridge Road and Collier Boulevard to include Tract 114, Golden Gate Estates Unit 26 (thereby making it eligible for a commercial rezone with access from the subject site onto 11th Ave. S.W.). The proposed text change also revises the right of way buffer requirement for all properties within the Neighborhood Centers Subdistrict, and eliminates the 165' wide (S1/2 of Tract 113) buffer/water management/open space area for the subject Neighborhood Center. The proposed text changes are as follows: ESTATES DESIGNATION ; A. Estates-Mixed Use District 1) Residential Estates Subdistrict - Single-family residential development may be allowed within the Estates Mixed Use Subdistrict at a maximum density of one unit per 2% gross acres unless the lot is considered a legal non-conforming lot of record. 2) Neighborhood Centers Subdistrict - Recognizing the need to provide basic goods and services to Estates residents, Neighborhood Centers have been designated on the Golden Gate Area Future Land Use Map. The Neighborhood Center designation does not guarantee that commercial zoning will be granted. The designation only provides the opportunity to request commercial zoning. a) Location The locations are based on intersections of major roads and spacing criteria (See Map 9). The centers are designed to concentrate all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can be readily accommodated and to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development. · The node at the NE and SE quadrants of Wilson and Golden Gate Boulevards is approximately 12.15 acres in size and consists of Tract 1, Unit 14, Tract 17, Unit 13 and the western half of Tract 18, Unit 13 Golden Gate Estates. The SE quadrant of Wilson and Golden Gate Boulevards is 7.15 acres, allows 5.00 acres of commercial development or Conditional Uses, as permitted in the Estates zoning district, and allocates 2.15 acres to project buffering and right-of-way for Golden Gate Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard. · The node at CR-951 and Pine Ridge Road is located on both sides of the intersection. Tracts 109 ! !2 114 and tho H!/2 of Tract 113, Unit 26, Golden Gate Estates are included in this node as eligible for commercial development. The S!/2 of Tract ! !3 and the El/2 of Tract 107, Unit 26 are is also included within this node but are is only to be used for buffer, water management and open space. b) Criteria for development at the nodes are as follows: · Limited to Iow intensity transitional commercial uses that are compatible with both residential and commercial, · Convenience commercial to provide for small scale shopping and personal needs, and · Intermediate commercial to provide for a wider variety of goods and services in areas that have a higher degree of automobile traffic. These uses shall be similar to C-1, C-2, or C-3, zoning districts outlined in the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance 91-102, adopted October 30, 1991). · Future commercial uses are limited to the intersection of Pine Ridge Road and CR-951. This Neighborhood Center may be developed at 100% commercial and must provide internal circulation, and any rezoning is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. This Neighborhood Center may also be utilized for single family residential or conditional uses allowed in organizations, childcare centers, schools, and group care facilities. ;'.,~ · The parcels immediately adjacent to the existing commercial zoning at the northeast quadrant of Golden Gate Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard may qualify for Conditional Use under the transitional use provision of the Conditional Use Subdistrict of this Master Plan Element. · A single project shall utilize no more than 50% of the total allowed commercial acreage. The percentage may be increased at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners; · The project is encouraged to make provisions for shared parking arrangements with adjoining developments; · Access points shall be limited to one per 180 feet commencing from the right-of-way of the major intersecting streets of the Neighborhood Center. A maximum of three curb cuts per quadrant shall be allowed; · Driveways and curb cuts shall be consolidated with adjoining developments, whenever possible; · Driveways accessing parcels on opposite sides of the roadway shall be in direct alignment; · Projects directly abutting Estates zoned property shall provide, at a minimum, a 75 foot buffer of retained native vegetation in which no parking or water management uses are permitted; except that for valid, approved conditional uses, no such buffer is required. · Projects -'~'"" ..... :,4,....~ ~...., ,.,:,~,. 'r .... r' ~.,,~ ....,4 .... i~,.,,4 .',. · Proiects located in this Subdistrict shall be exempt from the ri,qht-of-wa¥ requirement of a six- foot wall, fence, berm or combination thereof. These projects shall provide a meandering Type D landscape buffer hedge. In addition, a minimum of 50 percent of the 25-footwide buffer area shall be composed of a meandering bed of shrubs and ground covers other than grass. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The petitioner proposes to expand the Estates Neighborhood Center boundary at Pine Ridge Road and Collier Boulevard, thereby making the subject site eligible for a commercial rezone with access from the subject site onto 11th Ave. S.W. The petitioner also seeks to make changes to the landscape buffer requirements within the Estates Neighborhood Center. SURROUNDING LAND USE, ZONING AND FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Exist n,q Conditions: The entire subject property is presently vacant, designated Estates, Estates-Mixed Use District, Residential Estates Subdistrict on the Future Land Use Map, and zoned E, Estates. The subject property can currently be developed as a single-family residence at a maximum density of one unit per 2 ¼ gross acre; essential services as defined in the Land Development Code; parks, open space and recreational uses; and group housing. 3 Surroun~n,q Land Use: North: Immediately north of the site is 12.5-acres of vacant property that is zoned Estates and located within the Estates Neighborhood Center Subdistrict. The GGAMP limits the S1/2 of Tract 113, adjacent to the north of the subject site, to buffer water management and open space uses. West: Immediately west of the site is a single family home. East: Immediately east of the site and across Collier Boulevard is a model home on a 2.5-acre parcel. South: Immediately south and across 11th Avenue S.W. is a model home on a 2.5-acre parcel. All surrounding properties are zoned E, Estates and all are designated Estates, Estates-Mixed Use District, Residential Estates Subdistrict, except the 12.5 acres of vacant property located within the Neighborhood Center Subdistrict. STAFF ANALYSIS: Environmental Impacts: Environmental Specialist within Current Planning Section has reviewed the proposed plan amendment and finds no consistency issues. Traffic Capacity/Traffic Circulation Analysis: Comprehensive Staff has made the following analysis in regards to the subject property; · Collier Boulevard (CR-951) from Golden Gate Boulevard to Vanderbilt Beach Road currently operates at LOS E with an AADT of 16,921. The anticipated additional traffic added by the proposed project is 1.3% of the existing traffic. This segment of Collier Blvd. is classified as a collector road in the Transportation Element. · Collier Boulevard (CR-951) is currently 4 lanes. Although it is anticipated that Collier Boulevard (CR-951) will be expanded to a 6-lane facility in the future, it is still shown as a 4-lane facility on the 2020 Financially-Feasible Plan in the Transportation Element. · The subject property will have access from 11th Ave SW, which is a 2-lane, undivided local road that ends 1 mile west of Collier Boulevard (CR-951). · During adoption of EAR-based amendments, at which the time this Neighborhood Center was enlarged to +20 acres, the Board of County Commissioners discussed a loop road running from Collier Boulevard (CR-951) to Pine Ridge Road. Though the Board of County Commissioners didn't place such a requirement in the GGAMP, it was represented by the agent for those property owners that such a loop road would be provided. Transportation staff has reviewed the applicant's traffic impact information and has made the following determination: The access shall be limited to 11m Ave SW only and shall have interconnections with the rest of the subdistrict to promote circulation. Based on the amendment analysis, the proposed "CP" amendment is deemed consistent with the Transportation Element. Public Facilities Level of Service Analysis: Comprehensive Planning Staff has reviewed the petitioner's Public Facilities Level of Service Analysis for the other Category A public facilities (potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage and community and regional parks), and finds no consistency issues regarding the proposed amendment. 4 Oommercial Demand Analysis: The petitioner has prepared and submitted a market feasibility and demand analysis for the subject parcel. As defined in this petitioner's analysis, the subject site would serve the geographic markets area that extends from Logan Boulevard on the west to Wilson Boulevard on the east, and Green Boulevard on the south to Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension to the north. This market area includes approximately 20 square miles of property most of which are zoned and designated as Golden Gate Estates. The Growth Management Plan had designated approximately 34 acres of land within the petitioner's market area for potential commercial development. At present, 12.96 acres within the market area are commercial zoned. The petitioners Market Demand Analysis has a market trade area that overlaps the market trade area for the Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict that was approved March 2001. Accordingly, it is staff's opinion that any demand demonstrated in the petitioner's analysis is somewhat overstated. Appropriateness of ChanRe: The petitioner proposes to add an additional 5 acres to the existing Neighborhood Center Subdistrict of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. The petitioner states that the addition of this 5 acre parcel to the Neighborhood Center is logical in that it is adjacent to the existing neighborhood center boundary and abuts 11th Avenue S.W. to the south. The petitioner also states that extending the Neighborhood Center designation to the intersection creates a logical break for neighborhood commercial activities along Collier Boulevard, and it has the advantage of providing access to the Neighborhood Center for local residents without requiring them to utilize Collier Boulevard. The intent of the stringent criteria in the Neighborhood Center is to maintain a semi-rural character. One of the existing criteria is the 165' buffer/open space requirement that provides transition to the adjacent Estates property that are limited to Single Family Dwelling Units. This petition removes this buffer requirement from the southern portion of the current Neighborhood Center boundary (Sl/2 of Tract 113). The petitioner also seeks to change the right of way buffer requirement, which in staff's analysis, does not maintain the character of the surrounding character or provide adequate transition. There needs to be transition so as not to encourage further expansion of the Neighborhood Center down Collier Boulevard (CR 951). As permitted under the current zoning, the subject property could be developed for residential with one dwelling unit per 2 ¼ acre (total of two single family dwellings). Staff analysis indicates that the petitioners landscape buffer is significantly less than the current requirement for the subject property. Staff has provided replacement language to provide surrounding properties with a sufficient landscape buffer. This buffer will ensure that the development of this property will blend in with the character of the area. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: ~ Staff analysis indicates that extending the Neighborhood Center boundary to the 11th Avenue SW intersection does create a logical break. ~ The zoning of the 5 acre subject parcel is Estates (E) which allows two single family dwelling units. ~ The subject property abuts a single-family home. ~ The petitioner's proposed landscape buffer is insufficient to provide a transition to property 5 ,' t'SA limited to a SFDU, to maintain the semi-rural character of the area, and to discourage additional requests for commercial development running south along Collier Blvd. ~ The petitioners Market Demand Analysis has a market trade area that overlaps the market trade area for the Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict that was approved March 2001. ~ During adoption of EAR-based amendments, at which the time this Neighborhood Center was enlarged to +20 acres, the Board of County Commissioners discussed a Iccp road running from Collier Boulevard (CR-951) to Pine Ridge Road. This would be a desirable and beneficial addition, and is recommended by both the Planning and Transportation staff. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to transmit to DCA with the language changes noted below. STAFF LANGUAGE TO REPLACE PETITIONERS LANGUAGE Delete (petitioner's proposed text) · Projects located in this Subdistrict shall be exempt from the right-of-way requirement of a six- foot wall, fence, berm or combination thereof. These projects shall provide a meanderino TVDe D landscape buffer hedge. In addition, a minimum of 50 percent of the 25-footwide buffer area shall be composed of a meandering bed of shrubs and ground covers other than .qrass. Insert (staff's proposed text) · Projects shall provide a 25-foot wide landscape buffer abutting the right of way with two sta.q.qered rows of trees that shall be spaced no more than 30' on center, a double row hedge at least 24 inches in hei.qht at time of planting and attaining a minimum of three feet height within one year shall be required. Where existing trees are not available to preserve a 3:1, 2-foot high undulatin.q berm shall be provided. A minimum of 50% of the 25-foot wide buffer area shall be comprised of a meandering bed of shrubs and ground covers other than grass. Insert (staff's proposed text) · For Tract 114, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 26, access shall be restricted to 11th Avenue S.W. Also, vehicular interconnection shall be provided to the adiacent property(s) in the Neighborhood Center. 6 PREPARED BY: DATE: D. Aaron Blair Se nior~..~r REVIEWED BY: _ _~_~,-, DATE: ~n ~er, ~' , Comprehen~e PIsnni~ Manager APP"O~D BY: ~~~ DATE: Tom Kuck, Intedm Planning Se~c~ Dire~r Commun~ ~velopment & En~ronme~l Se~ Jo~unnuck, A~ng Admin~ator ~mun~ ~velopment & En~ronmen~l Se~ PETITION NO.: CP-2001-01 Staff Report for October 18, 2001 CCPC Meeting. NOTE: This petition has been advertised for the November 13, 2001, BCC Meeting. COLLAR COUNTY PLAN~SSION: JOYCE~NNA J. RAUTIO, CHAIRMAN EXHIBITmr~_.uAm,} liA . i v -- .i' ~[~?ET[TION CP-2001-01 °o,.DEN O^*~.AR~^ GOLDEN GATE AREA PUTURE LAND US~ MAP ~~ FUTURE LAND USE MAP NAPLES IMMOKALEE ROAD JRflAN RESIOEN hAL ~ ~ ~ RE~DEN TIAL C~OAL OI5~lCT ~ ~ NAPLES IMMOKALEE ROAD R~DABL VANDERBILq ~ , BEACH RD. '~ (IOLDI/N QATE SUBJECT SITE (CP-2001-01) S.R -84 DAVIS BLVD. EXT ~ S.R.OI4 ~ ~ EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-20Ol-01 MAP 9 NEIGHBORHOOD CENTERS Collier County, Florida C.R. 846 C.R. 858 C.R. 846 _.----------- ¢ 113 _.J GOLDEN GATE BOULEVARD I __ · .Fl WHITE BLVD. _ SUBJECT SITE  (CP-2001-01) ~ INTERSTATE- 75 ! LRO~ND ~ CEN*I'~RsNEIGHBORHO00 I PREPARED BY: GRAPHICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION ~ PROPOSED ADOtTION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION i ~ m FILE: GGFLU-CP-2OOI-O1A.DWG DATE: 9/01 0 1 MI 2 MI 28 THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN APPLICATOIN NUMBER ~_~ {P - ~ o© 1 - l DATE RECEIVED PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE DATE DATE SUFFICIENT This application, with all required supplemental data and information, must be completed and accompanied by the appropriate fee, and returned to the Comprehensive Planning Section, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida 34104. 941-403-2300 (Fax 941-643-6968). The application must be reviewed by staff for sufficiency within 30 calendar days following the filing deadline before it will be processed and advertised for public hearing. The applicant will be notified in writing, of the sufficiency determination. If insufficient, the applicant will have 30 days to remedy the deficiencies; For additional information on the processing of the application, see Resolution 97-431 (attached). If you have any questions, please contact the Comprehensive Planning Section at 941-403-2300. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS I. GENERAL INFOMRATION A__:_. Name of Applicant Larry Brooks Company LDJ Associates Address 8800 SW 116th Street City Miami State FL Zip Code 33176 Phone Number (305)238-$232 Fax Number (305)378-1210 Name of Agent * R. Bruce Anderson, Esq. · THIS WILL BE THE PERSON CONTACTED FOR ALL BUSINESS RELATED TO THE PETITION. Company Youn.cl, vanAssenderp, Varnadoe & Anderson Address 801 Laurel Oak Drive, Suite 300 City Naples State FL Zip Code 34108 Phone Number (941) 597-2814 Fax Number (941) 597-1060 Name of Agent D. Wayne Arnold, AICP, Company... Q. Grad,/Minor & Associates Address 3800 Via del Rey City Bonita SDrin_(:ls State FL Zip Code 34134 Phone Number... (941) 947-1144 Fax Number (941) 947-0375 C. Name of Owner (s) of Record - North 150 Feet of Tract 114 Larry Brooks, Maria R. Brooks, David L. Brooks, Valerie A. Brooks, James E. Brook~ Address 8800 SW 116~ Street City Miami State FL Zip Code .. 33716 Phone Number 1'305)238-5232 Fax Number (305)378-1210 Name of Owner (s) of Record - South 180 Feet of Tract 114 Larry E. Brooks1 Trustee of that Certain Declaration of Trust dated August 26, 199/ Address 8800 SW 1160, Street City Miami State FL Zip Code 33716 Phone Number. (305)238-5232 Fax Number (305)378-1210 D. Name, Address and Qualifications of additional planners, architects, engineers, ~ environmental consultants and other professionals providing information contained r' 8A in this application. Rae Ann Boylan, President .Boylan Environmental Consultants, Inc. 11100 Metro Parkway, Suite 4 _Fort Myers, FI 33912 B_.9.y_lan Environmental rovides environmental and ecolo ical assessments ve etation and habitat ma___~_gj_Qg,_and environmental im act assessments. Ms. Bo lan holds a Bachelor's De ree in ~ Biolo ical Sciences from Stetson Universi and a Master of Science De ree in Environmental Engineerin~ Science from the University of Florida I1. Disclosure of Interest Information: A. If the property is owned fee simple by an INDIVIDUAL, Tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list all parties with an ownership interest as well as the percentage of such interest. (Use additional sheets if necessary). North 150 feet of Tract 114 Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Larry E. Brooks, 8800 SW 1160, St, Miami, FL 16 2/3% Maria R. Brooks, 8800 SW 1160, St, Miami, FL 16 2/3% David L. Brooks, 8800 SW 1160, St, Miami, FL 16 2/3% Valerie A. Brooks, 8800 SW 1160, St, Miami, FL 16 2/3% James E. Brooks, 8800 SW 116= St, Miami, FL 33 1/3% B. If the property is owned by a CORPORATION, list the officers and stockholders and the percentage of stock owned by each. Name and Address Percentage of Stock C. If the property is in the name of a TRUSTEE, list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest. South 180 feet of Tract 114. Name and Address Percentage of Interest Larry E. Brooks, 8800 SW 1160, St, Miami, FI 20 516% Maria R. Brooks, 8800 SW 1160, St, Miami, FI 12 316% David L. Brooks, 8800 SW 1160, St, Miami, FI 20 $16% Valerie A. Brooks, 8800 SW 116th St, Miami, FI 12 316% James E. Brooks, 8800 SW 116°, St, Miami, FI 33 2/6% D. If the propert~ is in the name of a GENEI~u~.L or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP list lhe name of the general and/or limited partners. , Name and Address Percentage of Ownership E. If there is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an individual or individuals, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purchasers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Date of Contract: - F. If any contingency clause or contract terms involve additional parties, list all individuals or officers, if a corporation, partnership, or trust. Name and Address G. Date subject property acquired (X) leased ( ):... Term of lease yrs./mos. South 180 feet acquired on 2/1199; North 150 feet acquired on 4/~/99 If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate date of option: and date , option terminates: _, or anticipated closing:. H. Should any changes of ownership or changes in contracts for purchase occur subsequent to the date of application, but prior to the date of the final public hearing, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his behalf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. III. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract 114 Golden Gate Estates Unit 26 Plat Book 7 Pa es 15 and 16 Collier County, Florida .... B. GENERAL LOCATION The 5 acre arcel is located in the northwest uadrant of the intersection of 11th Avenue S.W. and Collier Boulevard, al~l~roximately 1,000 feet south of Pine Ridge Road. C. PLANNING COMMUNITY Golden Gate D. TAZ 80 E. SIZE IN ACRES 5 acres F. ZONING E, Estates G. SURROUNDING LAND USE PATTERN The ~1m Ave. S.W. to the south and Collier Blvd. to the east. A sin le-famil residence is located west of the sub ect site. Pro erties to the north are zoned Estates and are located in the Nei hborhood Centers Subdistrict of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. H. FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATIONS (S) Golden Gate Area Master Plan, Golden Gat~'~ Estates designation. IV. TYPE OF REQUEST: A. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN ELEMENT (S) TO BE AMENDED: Housing Element Recreation/Open Space Traffic Circulation Sub-Element Mass Transit Sub-Element Aviation Sub-Element Potable Water Sub-Element Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element NGWAR Sub-Element Solid Waste Sub-Element Drainage Sub-Element Capital Improvement Element CCME Element Future Land Use Element X Golden Gate Master Plan Immokalee Master Plan ~. B. AMEND PAGE (S) OF THE Golden Gate Area Master Plan ELEMENT AS FOLLOWS: (Use GO--to identify language to be deleted; Use Underline to identify language to be added). Attach additional pages if necessary: " .P. lease see attached text. C. AMEND FUTURE LAND USE MAP(S) DESIGNATION FROM N/A TO D. AMEND OTHER MAP(S) AND EXHIBITS AS FOLLOWS: (Name & Page #) NIA 4 E._:_ DESCRIBE ADOITINAL CHANGES REQUESTED: Revised buffer references in Neighborhoo.~ Centers Subdistrict text to be consistent with Land Development Code amendment, Ordinance 2000 92. V. REQUIRED INFORMATION: NOTE: ALL AERIALS MUST BE AT A SCALE OF NO SMALLER THAN 1"=400'. At least one copy reduced to 8-1/2 x 11 shall be provided of all aerials and/or maps. A. LAND USE X Provide general location map showing surrounding developments (PUD, DRI's, existing zoning) with subject property outlined. X Provide most recent aerial of site showing subject boundaries, source, and date. X Provide a map and summary table of ~xisting land use and zoning within a radius of 300 feet from boundaries of subject property, B. FUTURE LAND USE AND DESIGNATION X Provide map of existing Future Land Use Designation(s) of subject property and adjacent lands, with acreage totals for each land use designation on the subject property. C. ENVIRONMENTAL X Provide most recent aerial and summary table of acreage of native habitats and soils occurring on site. HABITAT IDENTIFICATION MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FDOT-FLORIDA LAND USE, COVER AND FORMS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (FLUCCS CODE). NOTE: THIS MAY BE INDICATED ON SAME AERIAL AS THE LAND USE AERIAL IN ~A" ABOVE. X Provide a summary table of Federal (US Fish & Wildlife Service) and State (Florida Game & Freshwater Fish Commission) listed plant and animal species known to occur on the site and/or known to inhabit biological communities similar to the site (e.g. panther or black bear range, avian rookery, bird migratory route, etc.).ldentify historic and/or archaeological sites on the subject property. D. GROW'r'H MANAGEMENT Reference 9J-11.006, F.A.C. and Collier County's Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.1.2 (Copies attached). 1. INSERT "Y" FOR YES OR "N" FOR NO IN RESPONSE TO THE FOLLOWING: N Is the proposed amendment located in an Area of Critical State Concern? (Reference 9J-11.006(1)(a)(5), F.A.C.). IF so, identify area located in ACSC. N Is the proposed amendment directly related to a proposed Development of Regional Impact pursuant to Chapter 380 F.S. ? (Reference 9J-11.006(1)(a)7.a, F.A.C.) N Is the proposed amendment directly related to a proposed Small Scale Development Activity pursuant to Subsection 163.3187 (1)(c), F.S. ? (Reference 9J-11.006(1)(a)7.b, F.A.C.) Does the proposed amendment create a significant impact in population which is defined as a potential increase in County-wide population by more than 5% of population projections? (Reference Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.2). If 5 yes, indicate mitigation measures being proposed in conjunction with the ~ proposed amendment, t" 8A Y Does the proposed land use cause an increase in density and/or intensit~ to the uses permitted in a specific land use designation and district identified (commercial, industrial, etc.) or is the proposed land use a new land use designation or district? (Reference Rule 9J-5.006(5) F.A.C.). If so, provide data and analysis to support the suitability of land for the proposed use, and of environmentally sensitive land, ground water and natural resources. (Reference Rule 9J-1 1.007, F.A.C.) See Attached. E. PUBLIC FACILITIES (Please see attached LOS Analysis) 1. Provide the existing Level of Service Standard (LOS) and document the impact the proposed change will have on the following public facilities: Potable Water N/A Sanitary Sewer Arterial & Collector Roads; Name specific road and LOS Drainage Solid Waste NIA Parks: Community and Regional If the proposed amendment involves an increase in residential density, or an increase in intensity for commercial and/or industrial development that would cause the LOS for public facilities to fall below the adopted LOS, indicate mitigation measures being proposed in conjunction with the proposed amendment. (Reference Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.5) 2. X Provide a map showing the location of existing services and public facilities that will serve the subject property (i.e. water, sewer, fire protection, police protection, schools and emergency medical services. 3. X Document proposed services and public facilities, identify provider, and describe the effect the proposed change will have on schools, fire protection and emergency medical services. F. OTHER Identify the following areas relating to the subject property: X Flood zone based on Flood Insurance Rate Map data (FIRM). · -. N/A Location of wellfields and cones of influence, if applicable. (Identified on Collier County Zoning Maps) , ..N/A Traffic Congestion Boundary, if applicable N/A- Coastal Management Boundary, if applicable NIA High Noise Contours (65 LDN or higher) surrounding the Naples Airport, if applicable (identified on Collier County Zoning Maps). G. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION X $3,000 non-refundable filing fee, plus $30/acre for each affected acre for Future Land Use map amendments, made payable to the Board of County Commissioners due at time of submittal. NIA $1,500 non-refundable filing fee for a Small Scale Amendment made ~.._ payable to the Board of County Commissioners due at time of submittal. X Proof of ownership (copy of deed) X _ Notarized Letter of Authorization if Agent is no/the Owner (See attached form) X 1 Original and 5 complete, signed applications with all attachments including maps, at time of submittal. After sufficiency is completed, 25 copies of the complete application will be required. at a scale of 1"=400' or at a scale as determined during the pre-application meeting. MAY-3-2001 09:48A FROM: 4032462 TO:99470375 p:2x2 Please complete the following and submit to the Addressing Section for Review. Not all items will apply to every project. Items in bold type.are required. ' 1. Legal description of subject prope.rty or properties (copy of lengthy description may be attached) 2. FoiLo (Property ID) nq~nber(s) of above (attach to, or associate with, legal description if rnore than one) I 3. Street address or addresses (as applicable, ifa/ready assigned) 4. Location map, showing exact location of project/site in relation to nearest public road right-of-way (attach) 5. Copy of survey (NEEDED ONLY FOR UNPLATTED PROPERTIES) 6. Proposed project name (if applicable) 7. Proposed Street names (if applicable) 8. Site Development Plan Number (FOR EXISTING PROJECTS/SITES ONLY) SDP c -' '~etition Type - (Complete a separate Addressing Checklist for each Petition Type) ['-] SDP (Site Development Plan) [-] PPL (Plans & Plat Review) n'] SDPA (SDP Amendment) [---] PSP (Preliminary Subdivision Plat) [--] SDPI (SDP Insubstantial Change) [-'] FP (Final Plat) [-] SIP (Site Improvement Plan) [-] LLA (Lot Line Adjustment) [] SIPA (SIP Amendment) [--] BL (Blasting Permit) [--] SNR (Street Name Change) ["-] ROW (Right-of-Way Permit) [--] Vegetation/Exotic (Veg. Removal Permits) [-'] EXP (Excavation Permit) [--] Land Use Petition ('Variance, Conditional Use, FI VRSFP (Veg. Removal & Site Fill Permit) .Boat Dock Ext., Rez, one, PUD rezone, etc.) [~ Other-Describe: C~~~ 'm3[~ Ao,~,,~la.~,x~- 10. ~Project or development namels proposed for, or aiready appearing in, condominium documents (if applicable; indicate whether proposed or existing) 11. Please Check One: ~ Checklist is to be Fa~ed Back [-] Personally Picked U.P 12. Applicant Nam.'-~. ~"9~ ~v'vx~[C~. Phone q?l- I[[(~'~ Fax 13. Signature on Addressing Checklist does not constitute Project and/or Street Name approval and is subject to further review by the Addressing Section. FOR STAFF USE ONLY ' Primary Number ~ Address Number ~ '-'~ 'lress Number ~.'t~ ~ ]gMA~~-'-'~xg.~ftg,~ dress Number Approved ---~----{/ 0 ~ ~' , Date Revised 3-21-01 ~ [ '~' ' O 2 OO1 ,I. ,ETTER OF AUTHORIZATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I hereby authorize R. Bruce Anderson and D. Wayne Arnold, AICP (Name of Agent} to serve as my Agents in a request to amend the Collier County Growth Management Plan affecting property identified in this Application. Signed: _.,~ q---///~--~-~ Dale: Larry E · Brooks I hereby cedify that I have the authority to make the foregoing application, and that the application is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. Larry E. Brooks STATE OF { ~z:,,~- COUNTY OF { ~ ~'~ ~d subscribed b~fore me ,his ~-~ day of J OFFICIAL NOTARY SEAL J J LINDA A PEREZ I J NOTARY PUBLIC F~ ,~TE OF FLORIDA CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: J COMMmSIO~,, .~O. CCS20792 J MYCOMMISSION FXP. MAR, 24r2003 who is personally known to me, ~"~who has produced'~/g)~t0,4. ,Jj£z~z'...~-~/~ti~:~ as identification and did take an Oath did not take and Oath NOTICE - BE AWARE THAT: Florida Statute Section 837.06 - False Official Law states that: "Whoever knowingly makes a false statement in w~ting with the intent to misleacl a public servant in the performance o! his official duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor pf the second clegree, punishable as provided by a line to a maximum of $500.00 and/or maximum o! a sixty clay Jail term." .an,e: ^CT,ONT,TL SER¥'C - **× 2429753 OR: 2509 PG: 0199 Address: 3733TamtamlTrallNo"h ~[C'~'~ [~ 0~iC[~ ~5[C~ 0[ C~,~L[5~, fc~: .:, ~[ Naples,~ 34103 ~2'~3'~ a[ ~2:~')~ ~'73~ ~. ~.~. This Instrument Prepared by: ERIC BORGIA ~,.. ~:e: of ACTION TITLE SERVICES ~,~ ~. ~. as a necessary incident to the ~lfillment of conditions ~0C-.~0 3~5,0~ contained in a title insurance commitment issued by it. Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Number(s): ~C~10N ~17~ C0 """ ' 8A Gramee(s) S.S.~(s): sP~ct ~Bov~ ,,,s ~,~ Fo~ ,~tss,~G DaT~ ............................................. FILE NO: 99010031 WA~TYDEED (The l*rm~ '$ramo& m~ 'grmnl~*' ~r~m shall ~ comtr~d to i~lu~ all g~rl a~ lingular ~ plural ~ ih* con~exl T~s Warranty Deed Made mis 1st day of February A.D. 19 99 . by JOHN HIGGINS whose marital status is: hereinafter called the grantor, whose post office address is: to LARRY E. BROOKS, TRUSTEE OF UNDER THAT CERTIAN DECLARATION OF TRUS' DATED AUGUST 26,. 1997 whose post office address is: 8800 S.W. ll6TH STREET MIAMI, FL 33176 ~ereinafter called the grantee, WITNESSETH: That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $t0.00 Dollars, and other valuable considerations. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in COLLIER County, Florida, viz: THE SOUTH 180 FEET OF TRACT 114, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, UNIT NO. 26, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGES 15 AND 16, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORI DA. GRANTOR WARRANT.S SUBJECT PROPERTY IS UNIMPROVED, NON-HOMESTEAD PROP~ RTY AND THAT IT IS NOT CONTIGUOUS TO THEIR HOMESTEAD. This properly []{] [is not] the homestead of the Grantor(s). TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will 'end the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 19 9 8, reservations, restrictions and easements of record, if any. IN WITNESS WHERF_/~/, Grantor bas hereunto set grantor's hand a,j~ seal the da~' and year first above written. Witness Signature: '~' (Seal Witness Printed Name: (Seal Wimess Signature: Witness Printed Name: / /' Wimess Signature:' ' ~- Wimess Printed Name: : SANDRA COVERINI ('Seal Witness Signature: Wimess Printed Name: ,STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF COLLIER The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1st day of February , 19 99 who is/are personally knownao rrl6~'~o My Commisston expires: :~.~.. #¢0 593778 ..-.._~S Naples, FL ~4~03 This Inslrumenl Prepared by: ERIC M. BORGIA Of ACTION TITLE SERVICES as a necessary incident to the/~llBIment of conditions conlained in a tille insurance commitment issued by it. Properly Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Number(s): ACTION HTLE CO 37930800000 PiCK ................................................... SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR PROCESSING DATA ................................................. FILE NO: 99030116 WAR~NTYDEED ,his Wa=ant,'ee who-e marital status is: I'4ARRIED hereinafter called the grantor, whose post office address is: 10084 DENOEU ROAD BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33437 ~ to LARRY E. BROOKS, AN UNDIVIDED 16 AND 2/3 % INTEREST MARIA R. BROOKS, AN UNDIVIDED 16 AND 2/3 % INTEREST DAVID L. BROOKS & VALERIE A. BROOKS, EACH AN UNDIVIDED 16 AND 2/3 % INTEREST A_ND JAMES E. BROOKS whose post office address is: AN UNDIVIDED 33 AND 1/3 % INTEREST 8800 S.W. ll6TH STREET, MIAMI, FL 33176 -~ereinafler called the grantee, WITNESSETH: That said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10.00 Dollars. and other valuable considerations. receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and conlkms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in COLLIER County. Florida. viz: THE NORTH 150 FEET OF TRACT 114, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES, UNIT NO. 26, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, OF RECORD IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 15, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. This property [i~1 [is not] the homestead of the Grantor(s). TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. To Have and to Hold, the same in fee simple forever. &nd the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple: that the grantor has good right anti lawful authority m sell and convey siiid land; that the gramor hereby lhlly warrants thc title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever: and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 19 9 8, reservations, restrictions and easements of record, if any. IN WI~SS W~OF, Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal ~e day and year tirst above wrmen. Signed. Sealed a~ Delivered in O~resence: : ~. , ~ J/~ / ~Z ',~ ~- . , (Seal Witness ~lgnamre: ~~ ~~ 'BEUFORD N. Witness Printed Name: Witness Signature: "' ~ ,~ ~a / O ~ (Seal Na.. GENEVIEVE H Witness Signature: ~Oo,'m ~r~ )~ ~ (Seal Witness Printed Na~: .-, / % ~ , ] (Seal Wime>, P:inted Nay2: STATE OF ~/~l The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /~ dayof ~X / 19~ by BEUFORD N. ~IBBIS ~D ~ENEVIEVE H. ~IBBIS,' HUSB~D ~D as identification. 11 Serial Number: {[~i,~,,7,~" . '_ , ~ :a;. Notary Public TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I hereby authorize R. Bruce Anderson and D. Wayne Arnold, (Name of Agent) to serve as my Agents in a request to amend the Collier County Growth Management Plan affec.~ng property icl_entifie.d in this Application. ValerJe A. Brooks I hereby certify that I have the authority to make the foregoing application, and that the application is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. Valerle A. Brooks STATE OF (FLORIDA) COUNTY OF (COLLIER) Sworn to and subscribed before me this '7 day of June, 2001. by ~,~e~~l~dl~~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: - Notary Public [ ,, .~m.r~:m:.r~_,.~,, I~NOTA~-.--' ~' "~-'TATEOFI~.ORIDA CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: I ........ ,,~=~EX~: DE-C~ ZT'J.I~ II MY CO,~ .:;:~.?N ~r. u~. ~,~ //who is personally known to me, ~ who has produced ~s identification and/ ~ did take an Oath did not take an Oath NOTICE - BE AWARE THAT: Florida Statute Section 837.06 - False Official Law dates that: "Whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with the intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his official duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided by a fine to a maximum of $500.00 and/or maximum of a sixty day jail term." TO WHOM IT ,M~¥ CONCERN I hereby outho~e R. Bruce Anderson and D. Wayne Amold,, (Name of Agent) to serve os my Agents in a request to amend the Collier County Growth Management Plar~offec~g pr~ope~enfifi/~, in this Application. Mazia R. Brooks I hereby certify that I have the authority to make the foregoing application, and that the application is flue, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. Maria R. Brooks STATE OF (FLORIDA) COUNTY OF (COLLIER) Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~'~ clay of June, 2001. by ~/~~~. MY COMMISSION EXP1RES: Notary Public J J co~;~oN ~. ~ I CH~SE ~E OF ~E FOEOWlNG: L~y~~oN ~p, D~c. ~.J ~~o is p~sonally known to me, ~o has ~uced as identification an~id take an Oath did not take an ~th NOTICE - BE AWARE THAT: Florida Statute Section 837.06 - False Official Law states that:. 'Whoever knowingly makes a false statement in wrffing with the intent to mislead a public servant in the performance o~ his official duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided by a fine to a maximum of 5500.00 and/or maximum c~ a sixty day jag term." TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN I hereby authorize R. Bruce Anderson and D. Wayne Arnold, (Name of Agent) to serve as my Agents in a request to amend the Collier County Growth Management Plan affecting prQperly identified in this Application. Signed: ~/,~-b';~?-,~_('~~': Date: ~'~rpr~, ~)'~(:'1 David L Brooks I hereby certify that I have the authority to make the foregoing application, and that the application is true, correct and complete to the best of my knowledge. David L Brooks STATE OF (FLORIDA) COUNTY OF (COLLIER) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6TM day of June, 2001. by ~ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: -EJJz-dbeth M. Dillinghan~ - -..-.z- ~- ..... ~r~nuarv ?, _2~3 Notary Public ;:~.¢..:~ c!.:z.~Bc~ ~. DILL~ lJ ";~, ~ ', r. CHOOSE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: '~--'~--=-~"-'~2~ ~/P~i~ u"~'"~"_ _ If X who is personally known to me, who has produced as identification and did take an Oath X did not take an Oath NOTICE - BE AWARE THAT: Flodda Statute Section 837.06 - False Official Law states that:. "Whoever knowingly makes a false statement in writing with the intent to mislead a public servant in the performance of his official duty shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided by a fine to a maximum of ,$500.00 and/or maximum of a sixty day jail term." KEY POINTS/UNDERSTANDINGS/CONCLUSIONS A. Estates - Mixed Use District ~.:"' 1. Residential Estates Subdistrict - Single-family residential development may be allowed within the Estates Mixed Use Subdistrict at a maximum density, of one unit per 2lA gross acres unless the lot is considered a legal non-conforming lot of record. 2. Neighborhood Centers Subdistrict - Recognizing the need to provide basic goods and services to Estates residents, Neighborhood Centers have been designated on the Golden Gate Area Future Land Use Map. The Neighborhood Center designation does not guarantee that commercial zoning will be granted. The designation only provides the opportunity to request commercial zoning. a) Location The locations are based on intersections of major roads and spacing criteria (See Map 9). The centers are designed to concentrate all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can be readily accommodated and to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development. · The node at the NE and SE quadrants of Wilson and Golden Gate Boulevards is approximately 12.15 acres in size and consists of Tract 1, Unit 14, Tract 17, Unit 13 and the western half of Tract 18, Unit 13Golden Gate Estates. The SE quadrant of Wilson and Golden Gate Boulevards is 7.15 acres, allows 5.00 acres - of commercial development or Conditional Uses, as permitted in the Estates zoning district, and allocates 2.15 acres to project buffering and right-of-way for Golden Gate Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard. · The node at CR-951 and Pine Ridge is located on both sides of the intersection. Tracts 109 112 114 ~'~ *~ XT ~/_ ^C'V,~, Il': Unit 26 Golden Gate Estates are included in this node as eligible for commercial development. The S V: cf Tract 44-Yand-t4~ E '/2 of Tract 107, Unit 26 is also included within this node but is only to be used for buffer, water management and open space. b) Criteria for development at the nodes are as follows: · Limited to Iow intensity transitional commercial uses that are compatible with both residential and commercial, · Convenience commercial to provide for small scale shopping and personal needs, and · Intermediate commercial to provide for a wider variety of goods and services in areas that have a higher degree of automobile traffic. These uses shall be similar to C-l, C-2, or C-3, zoning districts outlined in the Collier County Land Development Code (Ordinance 91-102, adopted October 30, 1991). · Future commercial uses are limited to the intersection of Pine Ridge Road and CR-951. This Neighborhood Center may be developed at 100% commercial and must provide internal circulation, and any rezoning is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. This Neighborhood Center may also be utilized for single-family F:UOB~B ROOKS'~ESTATES.DOC BCPA Page 2 residential or Conditional Uses allowed in the Estates zoning district such as churches, social or fraternal organizations, child care centers, schools, and group care facilities. · The parcels immediately adjacent to the existing commercial zoning at the northeast quadrant of Golden Gate Boulevard and Wilson Boulevard may qualify for Conditional Use under the transitional use provision of the Conditional Use Subdistrict of this Master Plan Element. · A single project shall utilize no more than 50% of the total allowed ~ommercial acreage. The percentage may be increased at the discretion of the Board of County Commissioners; ·The project is encouraged to make provisions for shared parking arrangements with adjoining developments; · Access points shall be limited to one per 180 feet commencing from the right-of- way of the major intersecting streets of the Neighborhood Center. A maximmn of three curb cuts shall be consolidated with adjoining developments, whenever possible; · Driveways and curb cuts shall be consolidated with adjoining developments, whenever possible; · Driveways accessing parcels on opposite sides of the roadway shall be in direct alignment; · Projects directly abutting Estates zoned property shall provide, at a minimum, a 75 foot buffer of retained native vegetation in which no parking or water management uses are permitted; except that for valid, approved conditional uses, no such buffer is required; · Projects located in this subdistrict shall be exempt from the fight-of-way requirement of a six-foot wall, fence, hedge, berm or combination thereof. These proiects shall provide a meandering Type D landscape buffer hedge. In addition, a minimum of 50 percent of the 25-footwide buffer area shall be composed of a meandering bed of shrubs and ground covers other than grass. F:~OB'XBROOKS~STATES. DOC BCPA Exhibit V.D.1. Growth Management The subject amendment proposes to add an additional 5 acres to the existing Neighborhood Centers Subdistrict of the Golden Gate Area Master Plan. The property is located at the northwest quadrant of the intersection of 11th Avenue S.W. and Collier Boulevard (C.R. 951). The existing neighborhood center boundary is located immediately north of the subject property (Tract 114, Golden Gate Estates, Unit 26). The addition of this 5 acre parcel to the neighborhood center is logical in that it is adjacent to the existing neighborhood center boundary and abuts 11th Avenue S.W. to the south. Extending the neighborhood center designation to the intersection creates a logical break for neighborhood commercial activities along Collier Boulevard, and it has the advantage of providing access to the neighborhood center for local residents without requiring them to utilize Collier Boulevard. The proposed amendment is compatible with the surrounding development pattern in that the Plan currently requires significant buffeting along the western property boundary of Tract 114 to insure that the future commercial uses on the site do not create negative impacts to Estates zoned properties along 11th Avenue S.W. The proposed amendment does not create any level of service issues with respect to public facilities. No environmental or wildlife issues are associated with the inclusion of this parcel in the Neighborhood Centers Subdistrict. C:\My Documents\Brooks Comp Plan Amendment\Exhibit V Data.doc Surrounding Land Use and Zoning Surrounding Land Use and Zonin~ Land Use Zonin~ Acreage North Vacant, within E 12.5 neighborhood center South Model Home E 2.25 Model Home E 2.25 East SF Home E 2.5 SF Home E 2.5 Model Home E 2.5 West SF Home E 2.5 SF Home E 1.25 Note: All surrounding properties are designated Golden Gate Estates Land Use Designation except those noted as being located within The neighborhood center subdistrict. F:~JOB~BROO KS\W ALEXHIB V A- DOC BCPA Q. GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATES, P.A.Engineers Surveyors? '~8A ~ :-" Civil · Land · Planners ' :_ Q. GRADY MINOR, P.E. D. WAYNE ARNOLD, A.I.C.P. ~M2kRK W. MINOR, P.E. ERIC V. SANDOVAL, PS. bf. ~AN SMITH, P.E. THOMAS CHERNESIOf, P$.M. L. _ ~ID W. SCHM1Tr, P.E. ALAN V. ROSENL~N MICHAEL J. DELATE, P.E. Collier County Growth Management Plan Amendment Golden Gate Area Master Plan 5+ Acres Market Demand Analysis Prepared for LDJ Associates Prepared by D. Wayne Arnold, AICP (941) 947-1144 · FAX (941) 947-0375 · E-Mail: engineering~gradyminor.com 3800 Via Del Rey · Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 Market Demand Analysis Proposed Golden Gate Master Plan Amendment Collier Boulevard/Pine Ridge Road The purpose of the market demand analysis is to determine the existing and projected commercial needs within the defined market area of the proposed commercial property. The proposed amendment to the Golden Gate Area Master Plan, proposes to add 5 acres of property to the Neighborhood Center located at the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Pine Ridge Road and Collier Boulevard (C.R. 951). The subject 5 acre parcel is located immediately south of the existing Neighborhood Center having frontage on Collier Boulevard, Pine Ridge Road and 11th Avenue S.W. Both Collier Boulevard and Pine Ridge Road are currently 4-lane roads. Collier Boulevard is planned to be expanded to a 6-lane facility over the next 5 to 10 year planning horizon. The proposed plan amendment would have the effect of designating an additional 5 acres of land for commercial rezoning potential. The market area for this Neighborhood Center was determined to include properties within Urban Estates, Golden Gate and the Rural Estates Planning Communities. The geographic market area extends from Logan Boulevard on the west to Wilson Boulevard on the east, and Green Boulevard on the south to Vanderbilt Beach Road Extension to the north. This market area includes approximately 20 square miles of property most of which are zoned and designated as Golden Gate Estates. The market area is graphically demonstrated in Exhibit 1. The subject property is ideally located for commercial development. The nearest activity center is an interchange activity center located approximately 3 miles west of the subject site at 1-75 and Pine Ridge Road. The nearest neighborhood center is located approximately 4 miles to the east of the subject site at the eastem intersection of Wilson Boulevard and Golden Gate Boulevard. Pine Ridge Road is one of the two major arterial roadways linking Golden Gate Estates with the urban designated areas of Collier County. The property's location on the south side of Pine Ridge Road makes for convenient vehicular access and is ideally suited for capturing homeward bound trips. Commercial development at this location will also provide for additional employment opportunities · for residents within the market area and provide for fewer and shorter vehicle trips on the County's arterial roadway netWork. The Collier County Growth management Plan has designated approximately 34 acres of land in this market area for commercial development potential. The existing neighborhood center is comprised of approximately 16.25 acres south of Pine Ridge Road, and approximately 8.5 acres north of Pine Ridge Road. Approximately 5 acres of the 16.25 acre neighborhood center are restricted to open space and buffer uses ar/d cannot support commercial development. At present, 12.96 acres within the market area are commercially zoned including Sungate Center PUD (9.1 acres) and a C-3 parcel (Pine Gate Center) comprising approximately 3.8 acres. The market area included an approximate 3,700 residential units in 2000. Based on an annualized rate of growth of 7% for housing units in Golden Gate Estates, it is projected that by the Year 2003, which would be the first year for commercial development on the subject site, approximately 3,950 dwelling units will exist in the market area. By using an estimate of 3 persons per household, it is projected that the market area will have a permanent population of nearly 12,000 by the Year 2003. Population and housing unit data is attached as Exhibit 2. Year 2000 housing unit data for all of Golden Gate Estates is provided by the Collier County Appraiser's Office and is attached as Appendix 1. Although no activity centers are located in the market area of this proposed plan amendment, certain market assumptions and data have been utilized from the 1997 market. Conditions Study and 1995 Collier County Commercial land Use Study. A demand analysis has been prepared using the methodologies outlined in the 1997 Market Conditions Report, one based on a standard square foot of commercial to population ratio and the other using retail sales figures per capita. Both methodologies identify a shortage of retail space in the market area in the Year 2003. The retail sales/square foot methodology yields a shortage of nearly 120 acres of retail space, while the retail square foot/person methodology yields a shortage of 46 acres of commercial space. The estimated demand calculations are attached as Exhibit 3. In either case, the proposed expansion of the Neighborhood Center by 5 acres, still results in a shortage of commercial space within the market area in the year 2003. The geographic location of the subject 5 acre parcel will extend the Neighborhood Center to a logical boundary along a functional arterial roadway. Building permit records indicate that the Golden Gate Estates area continues to see one of the highest growth rates for housing units in Collier County. The existing pinegate Center located immediately north, across Pine Ridge Road is a well utilized center and currently has only one vacant tenant space. Based on the County's accepted commercial demand methodology, population data, and the locational characteristics of the property, there is justification to support the Neighborhood Center Land Use designation on the subject property. \\QGM 1 ~SYSkIOB'~BC CPAM S~W ALMARKETAN.DOC BCCPAMS ~ ._ m w m ~ '~ ~ ~&N~ Exhibit 3 Estimated Demand Based on Historical Analysis 2003 Trade Area Housing Units 3,960 Household Income $50,000 Retail Sales/square foot $220.87 Supportable Retail square foot 896,455 Supportable square foot with 5% vacancy 941,277 Supportable Commercial Average (FAR. 1421) 152 acres Less Approved/Designated Commercial 34 Shortage of Commercial Land (118 acres) Trade Area Population 11,880 Retail square foot/person 40 Supportable Retail square foot 475,200 With 5% vacancy rate 498,960 Supportable Commercial at FAR. 1421 80 acres Less Existing Commercial 34 acres Shortage of Commercial Land (46) acres \\QGM I XSYSkIOB~BCC PAMS~WA~4ARKETAN.DOC BCCPAMS APPENDIX! -GGCOUNT 2000/03/17 11:34:01 Collier Co Property Appraiser LOTS HOHES VACANT T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 1 242 151 91 T~ DLDEN GATE EST UNIT 3 231 157 74 ~ ~ T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 4 199 111 88 I T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 5 248 144 104 ~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 6 234 158 76 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 7 238 136 102 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 8 247 133 114 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 9 249 127 122 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 10 238 138 100 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 11 263 137 126 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 12 280 167 113 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 13 307 130 177 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 13 TR 119 3 2 1 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 13 TR 149 3 2 1 T# GOLDEN GATE EST UNfT 14 292 135 157 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 15 238 146 92 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 16 198 33 165 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 17 241 45 196 T# GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 18 239 78 161 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 19 257 110 147 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 20 255 84 171 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 21 178 61 117 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 22 229 71 158 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 23 280 89 191 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 24 286 69 217 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 25 274 58 216 T~-'~OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 25 TR 21 3 2 1 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 25 TR 111 3 1 2 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 26 283 191 92 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 27 449 320 129 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 28 431 315 116 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 29 273 199 74 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 30 243 171 72 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 30 TR 77 2 1 1 'T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 31 259 189 70 'T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 31 TR 7 4 3 1 ~T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 32 213 161 52 ~T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 32 TR 93 3 2 1 .T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 33 318 229 89 'T~ ~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 34 254 188 66 'T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 35 201 127 74 'T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 36 248 28 220 -T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 37 235 8 227 :T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 38 294 4 290 ;T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 39 303 10 293 ~T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 40 248 1 247 ;T# GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 41 279 7 272 7T# GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 42 273 2 271 ~T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 43 360 9 351 ;T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 44 341 19 322 ;T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 45 302 6 296 ~T~--GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 46 302 4 298 3T~ 3OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 47 377 3 374 ;T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 48 277 131 146 ;T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 49 346 153 193 -GGCOUNT 2000/03/17 11:34:01 Collier Co Property Appraiser LOTS .HOMES VACANT GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 50 ~ ~5 ~ ~ ~QLDEN GATE EST UNIT 51 423 142 281 ' ~ 8~ LDEN GATE EST UNIT 32 103 0 , -- GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT SS 0 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 53A 8 0 8 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 59 324 30 294 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 60 305 23 282 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 61 264 5 259 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 62 400 12 388 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 63 351 13 338 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 64 299 27 272 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 65 387 12 375 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 65A 33 1 32 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 67 385 3 382 GOLDEN GATE EST UNiT 67A 14 0 14 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 68 403 34 369 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 69 357 48 309 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 70 353 42 311 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 71 401 57 344 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 72 288 4 284 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 73 235 17 218 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 74 254 43 211 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 75 252 40 212 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 76 276 73 203 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 77 286 84 202 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 78 312 34 278 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 79 297 17 280 -~'OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 80 320 98 222 ~OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 81 383 107 276 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 81 3 2 1 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 82 314 37 277 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 83 256 31 225 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 84 282 17 265 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 85 289 9 280 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 86 268 6 262 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 87 272 24 248 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 88 243 23 220 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 89 256 8 248 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 90 272 6 266 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 91 274 2 272 'GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 9lA 29 0 29 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 92 237 17 220 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 9~A 51 2 49 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 93 262 13 249 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 93A 24 1 23 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 95 322 228 94 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 96 209 155 54 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 97 299 195 104 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 98 56 3 53 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 98A 2 0 2 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 99 78 0 78 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 99A 2 0 2 --GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 100 68 0 68 3OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 100A 6 0 6 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 101 54 0 54 GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 102 70 0 70 ~-GGCOUNT 2000/03/17 11:34:01 Collier Co Property Appraiser LOTS HO~ES ~ACANT 'T, GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 103 52 0 52 , ~ 8 A "~ -- 'T~ ~OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 104 46 0 46 ! ' T~ OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 105 58 1 57 ~ ~ 'T# GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 106 68 0 68 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 107 80 0 80 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 108 52 0 52 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 109 77 0 77 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 110 60 0 60 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 111 61 0 61 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 112 77 0 77 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 113 71 0 71 T# GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT l13A 2 0 2 ~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 114 74 0 74 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT l14A 4 0 4 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 118 69 0 69 T# GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 119 57 0 57 T# GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 121 63 0 63 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 123 66 0 66 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 123A 3 0 3 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 124 64 1 63 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 127 72 0 72 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 130 80 0 80 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 131 79 0 79 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 134 75 0 75 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 135 65 0 65 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 136 62 0 62 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 137 81 0 81 T~ OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 140 62 0 62 T# ~OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 141 61 0 61 r~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 142 51 0 51 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 143 59 0 59 ?~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 144 82 0 82 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 145 82 0 82 I~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 146 68 1 67 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 147 102 0 102 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 147A 1 0 1 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 148 88 0 88 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 149 49 0 49 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 150 63 0 63 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 151 37 0 37 T~ .GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 152 73 0 73 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 153 69 0 69 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 154 77 0 77 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 155 80 0 80 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 156 82 0 82 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 157 76 0 76 ?~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 158 29 0 29 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 159 63 0 63 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 160 74 0 74 r~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 161 98 0 98 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 162 152 0 152 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 163 137 0 137 !~ .~OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 164 167 0 167 ?~ DLDEN GATE EST UNIT 165 29 0 29 T~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 166 72 0 72 ?~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 167 54 0 54 -GGCOUNT 2000/03/17 11:34:01 Collier Co Property Appraiser LOTS HOHES VACANT '# GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 171 '~ .~OLDEN GATE EST UNIT 172 82 0 82 '# )LDEN GATE EST UNIT 193 340 162 178 ~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 194 331 197 134 ~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 195 317 197 120 ~ GOLDEN GATE EST UNIT 195 TR 51 2 1 1 nd of Report: Collier Co Property Appraiser * V.E. Public Facilities Level of Service Analysi.~ 1. Provide the existing Level of Service Standard (LOS) and document the impact the proposed change will have on the following public facilities: Potable Water: The subject project is located west of the urban boundary with standards for Potable Water established in the Capital Improvement Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The currently adopted minimum Level of Service (LOS) Standards and 1999 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) for Potable Water are as follows: Potable Water LOS Standard 185 GPD/Capita Available Inventory as of 9/30/99 24.0 MGD Required Inventory as of 9/30/04 22.7 MGD Planned CIE FY 00-04 8.0 MGD 5-Year Surplus or (Deficit) 17.3 MGD Min.;mm standards for Potable Water are being met or exceeded. It is estimated that potable water demand for the project will be 4,500 GPD. This demand will have little impact on the Regional Water System. Sanitary_ Sewer: The subject project is located west of the urban boundary with standards for Sanitary Sewer established in the Capital Improvement Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The currently adopted minimum Level of Service (LOS) Standards and 1999 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) for Sanitary Sewer are as follows: Sanitary Sewer , .. LOS Standard 145 GPD/Capita Available Inventory as of 9/30/99 9.5 MGD , Required Inventory as of 9/30/04 9.5 MGD Planned CIE FY 00-04 5.0 MGD 5-Year Surplus or (Deficit) 4.0 MGD Minimum standards for Sanitary Sewer are being met or exceeded. It is estimated that wastewater demand for the project will be 4,500 GPD. This demand will have little impact on the Regional Wastewater System. C:kMy DocumentskBrooks Comp Plan Amendment\LOS Analysis.doc Arterial and Collector Roads: ~ Please refer to the Traffic Impact Statement for discussions of the project's impact on level of service for arterial and collector roadways within the project's radius of development influence. DrainaRe: The subject project is located west of the urban boundary with standards for Drainage established in the Capital Improvement Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The currently adopted minimum Level of Service (LOS) Standards and 1999 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AU-IR) for Drainage are as follows: Drainage LOS Standard Future Development - 25 year, 3 day storm Existing Development - current service level Available Inventory as of 9/30/99 373 Canal Miles Required Inventory as of 9/30/04 373 Canal Miles Planned CIE FY 00-04 N/A 5-Year Surplus or (Deficit) N/A - The proposed development in the amendment area will be designed to comply with the 25 year, 3 day storm routing requirements. Solid Waste: The subject project is located west of the urban boundary with standards for Solid Waste established in the Capital Improvement Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The currently adopted minimum Level of Service (LOS) Standards and 1999 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) for Solid Waste are as follows: ., .. Solid Waste LOS Standard 10 years of permittable capacity at average disposal rate/previous 5 , years Available Inventory as of 9/30/99 4,922,068 Site Tons Required Inventory as of 9/30/04 3,357,490 Site Tons Planned CIE FY 00-04 0 Site Tons 5-Year Surplus or (Deficit) (6041) Site Tons No adverse impacts to the existing solid waste facilities are anticipated from this 5-acre commercial project. Parks: Community and Regional - As there are no proposed residential units associated with this commercial project, no adverse impacts to the County's community and regional parks are anticipated. Brooks 11th Ave \ C.R. 951 Parcel Protected Species Survey +/- 5 Acres Prepared. by~ nvironmen~.~ Consultants,~c. Wetland & Wildlife Surv~onmental Permitting, Impact ~sse~srnents I I000 Metro Parkway. Suiu: 4. Fort Myers, Florida~ 33912 Phone:(941) 418-0671 Fax:{941) 418-0672 - April23,2001 Brooks I !th Ave \ C.R. 951 Parcel Protected Species Survey Page 2 8.4 INTRODUCTION An Environmental scientist from Boylan Environmental Consultants, Inc conducted field investigations of the +/- $ acre Brooks Parcel on the 1 lth and 23rd of April, 2001. The purpose of the investigations was to identify the presence of protected species and habitat. The site is located in portions of Section 15, Township 49 South, l~ange 26 East, in Collier County, Florida. The property is located immediately west of Collier Blvd (C.R. 951), north of the intersection of 11th Avenue S.W. METHODOLOGY Thc species survey was conducted using the parallel belt transect survey methodology discussed in thc Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission publication "Ecology and Habitat Protection Needs of Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) Populations Found on Lands Slated for Large-scale Development in Florida." This method is comprised of a several step process. First, vegetation communities or land-uses on thc study area arc delineated on an aerial photograph using thc Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (FLUCCS). Next, thc FLUCCS codes arc cross-referenced with a Protected Species List. This species list names the protected species which have a probability of occurring in that particular FLUCCS community. With a list of the potential listed plants and animals, each FLUCCS community is searched in the field for these species. An intensive pedestrian survey is conducted using belt transects as a means of searching for plants and animals. In addition, periodic "stop-look-listen" and quiet stalking methods are conducted for animals. Signs or sightings of these species are then recorded. For this survey, particular attention was paid to the presence or absence of gopher tortoise, red- cockaded woodpeckers, and Big Cypress fox squirrels. The following section describes the FLUCCS communities identified on the site, followed by discussion of the species observed. Site Conditions The temperature ranged from thc upper 70's to thc upper 80's during thc field investigations. Cloud cover was generally absent. Survey times varied from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., with approximately 5 man-hours logged on the property. The entire site is undeveloped and is bordered by a variety of uses, including roadways to the south and east, residential development to thc west, and undeveloped land to thc north. C:\BEC\Protected Species Survey.doc . : Protected Species Survey Page 3 Listed below are the FLUCCS communities identified on the site. The following community descriptions correspond to the mappings on the attached FLUCCS map. See Florida Land Use, Cover and Forms Classification System (Department of Transportation 1985) for definitions. Pine Fiatwoods, FLUCCS 411 (0.76 Acres) This is the community is found along the western property line. Vegetation consists of slash pine, cabbage palm, and scattered oak in the canopy. Other vegetation observed includes dense grapevine, palmetto, smilax, poison ivy, Caesar weed, beautyberry, Brazilian pepper, myrsine, buckthom, penny royal, dahoon holly, and woodbine. Disturbed Pine Flatwoods, FLUCCS 411/740 (3.74 Acres) This is the community dominates most of the parcel. Human disturbance is evident in the form of dumped debris and historic lime rock clearingkfill areas. Vegetation consists of scattered slash pine and cabbage palm in the canopy. Scattered live oak can be found throughout. Other vegetation observed includes dense grapevine, palmetto, smilax, poison ivy, Caesar weed, beautyberry, Brazilian pepper, myrsine, buckthorn, penny royal, dahoon holly, and woodbine. Disturbed Lands, FLUCCS 740 (0.50 Acres) This community is found in a north-south swath in the central portion of the property. Canopy vegetation is absent. A partial lime rock roadbed appears to have been laid down previously and then abandoned. Other vegetation present includes grapevine, poison ivy, black berry, and buckthom. Species Presence The various listed species which may occur in the FLUCCS communities have been tabulated on the attached Table 1. See attached drawing entitled "Brooks 951/11th Ave SW Parcel--FLUCCS Mapping & Protected Species Survey" for specific locations of field survey results. No signs of protected species were observed on the parcel. ' DISCUSSION The parcel is immediately adjacent to a very busy road and nearly surrounded by development. Gopher tortoise habitat is present on the parcel, but no gopher tortoise burrows were observed. This again may be to the highly disturbed nature of the property. Other wildlife sightings on or near the property included several ground doves, a southern black racers, a black vulture, and several mourning doves. C:\BEC\Protected Species ~urvey.doc '  , ..~ Brooks !1th Ave\ C. IL 951 Parcel I t 8 .~~ Protected Species Survey i Page 4 Table 1. Protected species list according to FLUCCS category with corresponding field survey results. FLUCCS [ Potential Listed Speele~ [ % CoveraRe [ Present [ Absent [ Denstt~ ] Visibility (ft) 411 Beautiful Pawpaw 90 X 30 Big Cypress Fox Squirrel 90 X 30 Eastern Indigo Snake 90 X 30 Fakahatchee Burmannia 90 X 30 Florida Black Bear 90 X 30 Florida Coontie 90 X 30 Florida Panther 90 X 30 Gopher Frog 90 X 30 Gopher Tortoise 90 X 30 Red-Cockaded Woodpecker 90 X 30 Satinleaf 90 X 30 Southeastern American Keslxel 90 X 30 Twisted Air Plant 90 X 30 411/740 Beautiful Pawpaw 90 X 75 Big Cypress Fox Squirrel 90 X 75 Eastern Indigo Snake 90 X 75 Fakahatchee Burmannia 90 X 75 Florida Black Bear 90 X 75 Florida Coontie 90 X 75 Florida Panther 90 X 75 Gopher Frog 90 X 75 Gopher Tortoise 90 X 75 Red-Cockaded Woodpecker 90 X 75 Satinleaf 90 X 50 Southeastern American Kestrel 90 X 50 Twisted Air Plant 90 X 50 740 Burrowing Owl 95 X 100 Gopher Tortoise 95 X 100 C:~BEC\Protected Species Survey.doc I:Ue~elnog Je!llOO TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT FOR BROOKS GOLDEN GATE PLAN AMENDMENT Prepared by: GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. CIVIL ENGINEERS · LAND SURVEYORS · PLANNERS 3800 Via Del Rey Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 (941) 947-1144 APRIL, 2001 F:x, JO B~BROO KS\~DS~C PATIS.doc 1. 8A '..t . Page I BROOKS GOLDEN GATE PLAN AMENDMENT INTRODUCTION The proposed Brooks Golden Gate Plan Amendment is to add approximately 5 acres to the existing activity node located in the southwest quadrant of Collier Boulevard (C.R. 951) and Pine Ridge Road in Section 15, Township 49 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. For project location please refer to Figure 1, Location Map, page 2. The allowable uses for the property will be limited to C-1 to C-3, lower intensity commercial development. SCOPE The following analyses are included in this report: I. Trip Generation Calculations (at buildout) presented for Peak Season Daily Traffic (PSDT) including the respective peak hour volumes. 2. Trip Assignment within the Radius of Development Influence (P,.DI). 3. Existing Traffic Volumes within the RDI; AADT volumes, PSDT volumes, and Level of Service (LOS). ~-' 4. Discussion of impacts to roadways within the RDI. TRIP GENERA TION Trip generation rates are estimated using 6th Edition Trip Generation published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Land Use Code 814, Specialty Retail Center and Land Use Code 710, General Office were used to estimate trip generation for the project. The peak hour results are similar for both uses, however the daily is higher for the specialty retail use. In order to be conservative, we "will use the daily traffic volumes for specialty retail and the peak hour results for general office for the remainder of the analYsis in this report. Summaries of the Trip Generation Calculations for the project are shown on Tables 1 and 2, on pages 3 and 4. The trip generation for the project is estimated to be 1,423 trip ends for daily traffic volume and 119 trip ends during the highest peak hour (PM). Please refer to the ANALYSIS section for details conceming the effects of these traffic volumes on the level of service for roadway links within the RDI. F3JOB\B ROOKS\CDS\BC PATIS.do¢ Page 2 FIGURE VA~OC=.~SILT BEACH ROAD I ISL.ANO WALK uRSAAI MIXED tJSl[ VANOERSILT PUD C~N~Y ~U8 ~ C~NmY ~ 3 ACn~N~E ~ PINE  > GA~ 4 ~ ESTA~S K~NGTON '~ ~ SITE OAKS PUO ~ LOCATION MAP N.T.S. F:~IOB~B ROOKS\CDS~BCPAI'IS.doc Page 3 Table 1 Golden Gate Plan Amendment SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION CALCULATION FOR 35 TH.GR.SQ.FT. OF SPECIALTY RETAIL CENTER 4-16-01 AVERAGE STANDARD ADJUSTMENT DR-WAY RATE DEVIATION FACTOR VOLUME AVG WKDY 2-WAY VOL 40 . 67 13 . 70 1 . 00 1423 7-9 A/4 PK HR EN/TER 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM PK HR EXIT 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 7-9 AM PK HR TOTAL 0.00 0.00 !.00 0 4-6 PM PK HR ElqTER 1.11 0.00 1.00 39 4-6 PM PK HR EXIT 1.48 0.00 1.00 52 4-6 PM PK HR TOTAL 2.59 1.74 1.00 91 SATURDAY 2-WAY VOL 42 . 04 13 . 97 1.00 1471 PK HR ENTER 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 PK HR EXIT 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 PK HR TOTAL 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 SUNDAY 2-W/%Y VOL 20.43 10.27 1.00 715 PK HR ENTER 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 PK HR EXIT 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 PK HR TOTAL 0.00 0.00 1.00 0 Note: A zero rate indicates no rate data available The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: 0, R^2 = 0 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: 0 RA2 = 0 , 0 Enter, 0 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: 0 R^2 = 0 , 0 Enter, 0 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: 0 R^2 = 0 , 0 Enter, 0 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: 0 R^2 = 0 , 0 Enter, 0 Exit Sat. 2-Way Volume: 0, R^2 = 0 Sat. Pk Hr. Total: 0 R^2 = 0 0 Enter, 0 Exit Sun. 2-Way Volume: 0, R^2 = 0 Sun. Pk Hr. Total: 0 R^2 = 0 , 0 Enter, 0 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS FSJOBq3ROOKS\CDS~BCPATIS.doc Page 4 .--- Table 2 go].den Ga=e ~].an Amendment. SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION CALCULATION FOR 35 TH.GR.SQ.FT. OF GENERAL OFFICE 4-16-01 AVERAGE STANDARD ADJUSTMENT DR- WAY RATE DEVIATION FACTOR VOLUME AVG WKDY 2-WAY VOL 16.93 0.00 1.00 593 7-9 AM PK HR ENd, ER 2.03 0.00 1.00 71 7-9 AM PK HR EXIT 0.28 0.00 1.00 10 7-9 AM PK HR TOTAL 2.31 0.00 1.00 81 4-6 PM PK HR ENTER 0.58 0.00 1.00 20 4-6 PM PK HR EXIT 2.81 0.00 1.00 98 4-6 PM PK HR TOTAL 3.39 0.00 1.00 119 SATURDAY 2 -WAY VOL 2 . 66 0 . 00 1 . 00 93 PK HR ENd'ER 0.25 0.00 1.00 9 PK HR EXIT 0 . 21 0 . 00 1 . 00 7 PK HR TOTAL 0.46 0.00 1.00 16 SUNDAY 2-WAY VOL 0.83 0.00 1.00 29 PK HR ENd'ER 0.1l 0.00 1.00 4 PK HR EXIT 0.08 0.00 1.00 3 PK HR TOTAL 0.20 0.00 1.00 7 Note: A zero rate indicates no rate data available The above rates were calculated from these equations: 24-Hr. 2-Way Volume: LN(T) = .768LN(X) + 3.654, R^2 = .8 7-9 AM Peak Hr. Total: LN(T) = .797LN(X) + 1.558 R~2 = .83. .88 Enter, .12 Exit 4-6 PM Peak Hr. Total: T = 1.121(X) + 79.295 ., .. R^2 = .82 , .17 Enter, .83 Exit AM Gen Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .797LN(X) + 1.558 R^2 =_ .83 .88 Enter, .12 Exit PM Gen Pk Hr. Total: T = 1.121(X) + 79.295 R^2 = .82 .17 Enter, .83 Exit Sat. 2-Way Volume: T = 2.136(~) + 18.473, R^2 = .66 Sat. Pk Hr. Total: LN(T) = .814LN(X) + .115 R^2 = .59 .54 Enter, .46 Exit Sun. 2-Way Volume: LN(T) = .863LN(X) + .306, R^2 = .5 Sun. Pk Hr. Total: fag(T) = .605LN(X) ~ -.228 R^2 = .56 , .58 Enter, .42 Exit Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation, 6th Edition, 1997. TRIP GENEP~%TION BY MICROTRANS F:UOBXBROOKS\CDSq3CPATIS.doc Page .5 The projected directional distribution of traffic to and fi.om Brooks Golden Gate Plan Amendment site was determined using population and surrounding trip attractions. Project directional distribution is shown on Table 3, page 6. The distribution is shown for roadways within the Radius of Development Influence (RDI) only, based on the trip generation calculations discussed above and 1% of LOS 'C' capacity for the roadway links. EXISTING TRAFFIC Table 4, page 7, shows existing 2001 AADT and PSDT traffic volumes, including peak hour volumes, for all major roadway links within the RDI. The values were taken from the 2000 traffic count report and projected using the growth rotes therein. The traffic count data is presented in Appendix A, Supporting Data. A peak season factor of 1.22 was used for all roadways in the RDI. Level of Service (LOS) determinations are made based on the Collier County Service Volume Tables lA through ID. These service volume tables are also presented in Appendix A, Supporting Data. DISCUSSION The impact of project traffic volumes on the roadway network surrounding the project is not significant. The volume of proposed project traffic does not degrade the level of service of any of the roadway links within the project RDI below acceptable standards. However, there are se~ents that are projected to operate at substandard levels of service without project traffic and deserve further discussion. The segment of Collier Boulevard from Golden Gate Boulevard to Vanderbilt Beach Road currently operates at LOS E. The anticipated additional traffic added by the proposed project is 1.3% of the existing.traffic on the link. This additional traffic does not further degrade the LOS of the segment. .Vanderbilt Beach Road from Logan Boulevard to Oakes Boulevard also shows a degraded level of service in year 2001 analysis. Additional volume added by the proposed project is 1% of the existing traffic volume. The addition of project traffic does not further degrade the LOS of the segment. In addition, several road segments drop to substandard levels of service during the peak season for existing volumes. Collier Boulevard from Vanderbilt Beach Road to Immokalee Road and Logan Boulevard from Pine Ridge Road to Vanderbilt Beach Road drop to LOS E for the peak season. Vanderbilt Beach Road from Collier Boulevard to Logan Boulevard drops to LOS F during peak season. Project traffic will add between 0.6% and 1.2% over existing volumes to these roadway links. Again, the addition of project traffic does not further degrade the LOS of any of these segments. This development is consistent with the policies of the Traffic Circulation Element of the Growth Management Plan. F:UOB~,ROO KS\C DS\BCPATIS.doc ' t8/I .,. APPENDIX A SUPPORTING DATA F:UOB~B ROOKS~C~CPATIS.doc 2000 tm~c cotm~ I ! Edward I. Kant, P.E., Transportation Operaxiona Director Prepared by: Nancy Frye Engineering Technician nancyfrye~colliergov.net $~nuary 2000 introduction In April 1989, Collier County Transportation Deparmaent took over all traffic counting activities on State roads (except for 1-75) and County roads in unincorporated coastal Collier County. The County now maintains 12'7 stations at which single 24-hour counts are taken quarterly, 23 semi-annual count stations and 37 annual count stations. These counts are taken to measure seasonal variations and to identify growth patterns. Special counts are taken from time to time at other locations in response to the need for additional da~t, Approximately 100 of these special counts are taken each year. The counts given in this tabulation are the average of all counts taken during the calendar y~ar indicated, and represent an estimate of average weekday traffic for the location. A column has been included to give the percentage of change from the prior year as either an increase or decrease in waffic volume presented at each location (indicating an overall Countywide average incrmse of 8.04 %). Count stations are listed alphabetically and a map is included for the Naples, Immokaiee, Marco, Copeland and Ever~ades City area count stations. A report is also included listing the 1999 and 2000 quarters indicating the Peak to Annual percent change for 2000. It should be noted that peak season traffic increases over AADT an average of 122% on Collier County roadways. Unless otherwise indicated, all stations are located within 500 to l,O00 feet of the referenced intersect/on. All entries are 24-hour, two-way totals averaged to give the Average Annual Daily Total (AADT) and the numbers stated are considered to be raw data. Should more detailed information be needed, please call Transportation Operations at (94 l) 774-8494. Collier County Annual Traffic Counts ~, (Listed Alphabetically, ~' ~',R~ Sta. T ! Location 1996 J 1997 1998 1999 2000 Change 99-00 513 Q,111tl~AveNortheastofVanderbiltDr(cRg01)l 6,0361 5,961i 6,423 7,819 8,715 11.46% 585 Q 111thAveNorthwestofVanderbiltDr(cRgo~) 7,652t 8,087~ 7,951 4,930 4,887 -0.88% 665 A 29 (SR) north of Farm Worker's Village l 8,641 11,532 9,033 -22.34% 591 A 29 (SR) north of SR 82 5,689 5,954 5,982 6,514 6,868 5.43% 615 A 129 (SR) north of US 41 fSR 90)(TamiamiTrail E.) 2,015 2,358 2,143 3.110 2,066 -33.57% 582 A 29 (SR) south of US 41 (SRg0) 3,705 3,543 3,270 2.752 3,398 23.03% 661 A!82(SR) westofSR29 8,581 8.862 10,069 13.62% 619 A 846 (Devil's Garden Rd) eastofSR29 2,973i 2.753 3,234 3670 4,112 12.04% 553 Q A~rport Rd(CR31) north ofDavis Blvd (SR84) 37,401 39,276 38,486 38.537'43,314 12.40% 501 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) north of Golden Gate Pkwy. (CR 886) 43,845 44,364 47,603 46,329 49,738 7.36% 599 Q Airport Rd (cR 31) north of Orange Blossom Dr 33,258 35,578 39,176 40,587 46,382 14.28% 503 Q Airport Rd (cR 31) north of Pine Ridge Rd (CR 896) 35,288 38,882 40,439 41,073 43,525 5.97% 543 Q Airport Rd (cR 31) north of US 41 (sR 45) (Tamiami Trail) 22,037 22,439 19,631 19,282 24,424 26.67% 659 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) north of Vanderbilt Beach Ext (CR 882) 30,659 31,212 34,876 11.74% 552 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) south of Davis Bird (SR 84) 29,805 31,337 30,812 29,540 33,147 12.21% 533 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) south of Golden Gate Pkwy (cF{ 886) 50,884 54,456 58,447 56,138 58,644 4.46% 554 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) south of Immokalee Rd (CR 848) 24,541 23,112 24,057 26,189 30,474 16.36% 502 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) south of Pine Ridge Rd (CR 896) 43,235 42,587 44,770 47,574 51,035 .7.27% 717 S Bald Eagle Dr(cR953) north of Heathwood Dr 10,338 10,002 11,366 11,344 12,697; 11.92% 70_..._.~0~.S Bald Eagle Dr (cR 953) north of Barfietd Dr 8,014 8,518 8,009 7,175 7,201i 0.36% 53: ~ Bald Eagle Dr (cR 953) north ofCollier Blvd (SR951) 10,420 10,019 11,273 13,071 11,043 -15.52% 540 Q Bald Eagle Dr (cR 953) south of CollierBIvd (SR951) 9,994 8,141 10,206 9,151 10,416! 13.82% 522' Q Barfieid Dr south of Collier Bird (sR 951) 6,339 7,026 6,762 6,435 7,350 14.22% 701 S Barfield Dr east of Bald Eagle Dr(cR953) 4,236 4,541 4,238 4,012 4,032 0.50% 621 Q Barfield Dr north of Collier Blvd (SR 95B 3,246 3,493 3,428 3,136 3,375 7.61% 718 S Barfield Dr north of San Marco Rd (cR 92) 6,515 7,288 7,268 6.547 7,064 7.89% 711 S Barfield Drnorth of Winterbem/ Dr 5,005 5,529 5,511 5.!76 4,573 -11.66% 713 S Bar'field Dr south of Winterberry Dr 2,703 2,988 3,056 3,064 4,108 34.07% 521' Q Bayshore Dr north of WeekAve 15,093 15,527 14,973 14,561 15,728 8.02% 626 A Camp Keais Rd south oflmmokalee Rd(cRs4s) 1,513 1,457 2,187 1,715 2,011 17.26% 660 A Capd Blvd west of Collier Blvd (SR 951) 4,452 3,788 4,133 9.11% 610 Q Carson Rd north of lake Trafford Rd (CR 890) 5,183 4,838 5,051 5,347 5,374 0.51% 618 A Chokoloskee Causeway south of Plantation Parkway 2,049 2,062 2,144 1,521 1,763 15.91% 573 Q Collier Blvd (cP. 95D north of Davis Blvd (SP. 84) 29,507 33,306 34,728 35.413 36,610 3.38% 584 Q tCollier Bird (CR951) north of Golden Gate Bird 9,649 11,231 12,828 14,123 15,459 9.46% 525 Q Collier Blvd (cR951)north of Golden Gate Pkwy (CR886) 17,690 19,186 21,045 23.189 24,157 4.18% 536 Q Collier Bird (CR 951) north of Pine Ridge Rd (CR 896) 18,658 ; 20,246 21,835 23,665 25,465 7.61% 602 Q Collier Bird (CR 951) north of Rattlesnake Ham Rd (CR 864) 17,761 22,466! 24,925 25.701 25,968 1.04% 532 Q CollierBIvd(cR95~)north of US41 (sR9o)(TamiamiTrail) 13,990 17,415 20,482 22,324 25,073 12.31% -307* Q Collier Bird (CR951) south of Golden Gate Pkw~(cR886) 13,518 15,591 17,032 17,785~18,908 6.31% 655 Q Collier Blvd (cR 951)south of Immokalee Rd (CR 846) ! 10,818 12,450i, 13,239 6.34% 557 Q Collier Bird (CR 95~) south of Lely Cultural Blvd 20,682! 22,388! 21,919 -2.09% $0____3.~Q Collier Blvd (CR 951) south of Rattlesnake Ham Rd (CR 8641 33,597 20,571 23,300 23,258 24,247 4.25% 55 ~ Collier Bird (CR 951) south of US 41 (sR 90) (Tamiami Trail) 26,989 28,692 30,339 27,773 29,346 5.66% 555 Q Collier Bird (SR 951) eastof Bald Eagle Dr (~-ft 953) 16,157 15,574 17,600 15,817 16,504 5.68% 624 Q Collier Bird (SR 951) north of San Marco Rd (CR 92) 15,327 15,866 17,426 14,433 15,775 9.30% 7'08 S Collier Bird (SR 951) north of Winterberry Dr 11,423 11,625 11,241 10.469 9,990 -4.58% Page 1 of 5 1/22/2001 Collier County AnnualTrafficCoun,s ' ~' 8~ (Listed Alphabetically) Sta. T Location 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Change 99-00 -327 Q CollierBIvd(SR951)southofCapnBIvd(CR952) 21,126 22.069 23,032 2~, 912 22,927 4.63% 556 Q Collier Blvd (SR 951) south of Marco Bridge (Jolley Brid~le) 20,914 22,211 23,342 21.346 22,422 6.54% 716 S Collier Blvd (SR 951) south of San Marco Rd (CR 92) 15,280 15,788 14,752 13.498 15,951 18.17% 710 S Collier Blvd (SR 951) south of Winterberq/ Dr 9,556 5,555 9,190 8 543 10,655 23.28% -323 Q Collier BIvd (SR 951) west of Bald Eagle Dr (CR 953) 18,396 18,436 20,586 17 764 18,123 2.02% 520 Q County Barn Rd north of Rattlesnake Ham Rd (CR 864) 8,993 8,298 9,890 11241 10,644 -5.31% S41 A County Barn Rd south ofCC R&B Facility 3,332j12.602 15,520 17 714 16,171 -8.71% County Barn Roi south of DavisBIvd(sR84) 11,442111,191 13,102 14484 14,005 -3.31% 519 Q 559 Q DavisBIvd(SRa4) east of Airport Rd ¢CR 31) 18,436118,016 20,311 24.780 27,112 9.41% 558 Q Davis Blvd (SR 84) west of Airport Rd (OR 31) 23,876 23,332 24,794 24,848 28,532 14.83% -301 Q DavisBlvd(SRS4)westofCollierBIvd(CR951) 16,709 16,732 16,579 19,397 21,058 8.56% 560 Q Davis Bird (sRs4) west of Radio Rd(cR856) 8,132 8,565 9,457 10,460 11,763 12.46% 538 Q!Davis Blvd (sR 84) west of Santa Barbara Bird 19,273 19,212 22,196 24.340 27,321 12.25% -338 A Desoto Bird north of Golden Gate Bird (OR 876) 503 658 696 788 929 17.89% -339 A Desoto Bird south of Golden Gate Bird (CR876) 1,088 1,115 1,147 948 927 -2.22% 704 S Elkcam Circle east of Bald Eagle Dr (cR953) 5,474 6,562 6,664 6,944 8,173 17.69% 705 S Elkcam Circle west of Bald Eagle Dr(CR 953) 2,032 1,708 3,725 5.394 3,701 -31.40% -336 A Everglades Blvd north of Golden Gate Blvd (CR876) 1,761 1,954 2,091 2,731 3,166 15.93% -335 A Everglades Bird north of Oil Well Rd (CR858) 700 902 2,610 1,771 1,882 6.27% -337..L.A Everglades Blvd south of Golden Gate Bird (CR876) 2,352 2,425 2,610 3,077 3,242 5.36% 54! '~ First St south (CRS4~)south of Main St(SR29) 11,751 11,289 11,600 12,239 11,687 -4.51% 531 Q GoldenGateBIvd(CR87s)eastofCollierBIvd(cRgsl) 13,763 14,123 15,322 15,163 17,054 12.47% -352 A Golden Gate Bird (OR 876) east of Wilson Bird 9,679 12,110 11,067 -8.62% -353 A Golden Gate Bird (OR 876) west of 13 St NW 14,508 DISC. DISC. $78 Q Golden Gate Blvd (CR 876) west of Wilson Blvd 12.161 13,706 12.70% 508 QiGolden Gate Pkwy (CR~SS) east of AJrport Rd (CR31) 22,755'25,766 27,215 26,417 28,022 6.07% :305 Q iGolden Gate Pkwy (OR aSS) east of Santa Barbara Bird 25,061 26,318 27,237 28,120 26,998 -3.99% 507 Q i Golden Gate Pkwy (cR 886) west of Airport Rd (CR 31) 38,184 42,183 45,220'43,117 43,062 -0.13% 510 Q Golden Gate Pkwy (CR886)westofCollier Blvd(cR951) 14,73815,160 15,931 16,398 16,851 2.76% 530 Q IGolden Gate Pkwy (CR 886) west of Goodlette Rd (OR 851) 18,677 18,109 20,064 19,959 25,993 30.23% 509* Q Golden Gate Pkwy (oR 886) west of Santa Barbara Bird 21,529 25,354 26,136 26,544 27,818 4.80% 505 Q Goodlette Rd (oR 851) north of 22nd Ave north 32,967 34.001 33,179 32,218 33,444 3.80% 595 Q:GoodletteRd(cRs51)northofOrangeBIossomDr 15,169 16,486 16,333 17,443 19,120 9.61% 581 Q Gocdiette Rd (cR 85 ~ ) ncrth of Pine Ridge Rd (cR 896) 16,256 17.528 18,332 18,777 20,957 11.61% 569 Q Goodtette Rd (oR ~5~1 south of First Ave south 25,409;27.345 18,934 19,215 24,800 29.06% 504 Q Oocdlette Rd (CR SS~) south of Golden Gate Pkwy (CR 886) 34,969 34.992 33,681 31.821 '32,554 2.30% 594 Q Gooc~lette Rd(CR85~) south of Immokalee Rd(cRa46) 10,781 11.583 12,072 12.981 14,602 12.49% 596 Q Goodlette Rd (cR ~51) south of Orange Blossom Dr 15,600 16,886 17,950 18.170 20,533j 13.00% 506 Q Ooodlette Rd (oR ss~) south of Pine Ridge Rd (OR 896) 31.237 29,970 31,813 29,444 31,874: 8.25% 542 Q Green Bird east of Santa Barbara Blvd 7.247 7.832 8,462 8.717 10,346 18.69% -343 Q Green Blvd west of Collier Blvd(cR95~) 4,192 4,946 5,312 5.372 6,135 14.21% 583 A Oulfshore Dr south of Bayview Dr 5,725 5.861~ 5,968 5.9951 5,172 -13.73% 714..S Heatnwood Dr north of San Marco Or (cR 92) 5,330 5.447 6,115 6.065! 6,920 14.10% 71: ~ Heathwood Or south of San Marco Dr(CR 92) 4,244 4.123 4,797 5,000 5,366 7.32% -375 Q Immokalee Rd (s4s) east of Wilson Blvd 14.577 16,208 11.19% .325 Q Immokalee Rd (OR 846) east of Goodlette Rd (oR 85~) !33,286 34.508 33,492 34,024 34,271 0.72% 567 Q Immokalee Rd (OR 946) east of A~rport Rd (OR 31) ,25.448 29.713 32,423 33,5231 28,939 -13.68% Page 2 of 5 1/22/2001 Collier Count. Annual Traffic Counts ~1 '-' (Listed Alphabetically) Sta. T Location 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Change 99-00 593 Q ImmokaleeRdrcRa46) east of Collier BIvd (cR 951) 10,979 12,691 16,893 17411 18,361 5.46% 568 Q Immokalee Rd (CR ~,6) east of 1-75 .~SR 93) 17,034 21,693 22,967 24.797 28,242 13.89% 566 Q lmmokalee Rd (cR ~,6) east of US 41 (SR 45) (TamiamiTrail) 32,486 32,063 33,035 35.087 34,082 -2.87% 620 Q Immokalee Rd ;cR 846) north of Stockade Rd 7,015 6,124 7,923 8.286 7,870 -5.03% 586 A Immokalee Rd (CR 846) south of Oil Well Rd (CR 858) 7,734 8,619 9,406 10. 146 11,994 18.22% 365-° Q !lmmokalee Rd ~cR ~46)west of US 4! (CR 45) (Tamiami Trail) 12,420 13,029 13.515 14.908115,142 1.57% 556 Q ;Immokalee Rd ,'CR846) west of Collier BIvd (CR 951) 14,088 la.907 15,346 9.56% 649 A !lmmokalee Rd {CR 846) west of Wilson Bird 13.880 16.524 Changed to 674 `374 Q Immokalee Road (CR 848) west of W~lson Blvd ~ .331 Q J&CBIvdwestofAirportRd(CR31) 10,168 10,491 11,536 11.122 12,033 8.19% `314 A Jane's Scenic Dr west of SR 29 926 844 832 917 786 -14.29% 707 S Kendall Dr west of Collier BIvd (sR 951) 2,436 1,904 2,689 2,604 3,033 16.47% 609 Q !Lake Trafford Rd (CR 890) west of Carson Rd 5,949 5,623 5,819 6,134 6,269 2.20% 551 Q LakeTrafford Rd (cR 890) west of North 15thSt(SR29) 10,883 10,685 10,996 11,228 11,482 2.26% 587 Q Logan Blvd north of Pine Ridge Rd (cR896) 6,331 6,880 8,389 9.63410,656 10.61% 588 Q Logan Blvd south of Pine Ridge Rd (CR 896) 23,155 25,191 27,745 28,524:31,065 8.91% :354 A Logan BIvd south of Vanderbilt Beach Ext.(CR862) 6,713 7,724 8,594 11.26% 564 A Main St (SR 29) west of South 1st St (CR 846) 14,168 13,144 12,835 -2.35% 558 A Manatee Rd east of Collier Bird (CR 951) 5,465 DISC. DISC 723 S Manatee Rd east of Collier Blvd (CR 951) .4,.10.4 4,255 3.68% $12'"-"~ New Market Rd (SR 29A) east of North 15th St (SR29) 6,400 6,353 6,411 6,830 7,414 8.55% 550 ,2 New Market Rd (SR29A) south of Broward St 6,847 6,421 7,024 7,714 7,835 1.57% `363 Q North 15th St (sR 29) north of Lake Trafford Rd (cR 890) 8,356 8,814 9,294 5.45% `383 Q North 15th St (sR 29) south of Lake Trafford Rd (CR 89O) 14,768 17,213 16.56% :362 Q North 15th St (SR 29) south of Monroe St 7,650 8,044 DISC 590 A North 1st St north of Main St(sR29) 8,108 8,458 8,128 7,091 7,113 0.31% `345 A Oakes BIvd north of Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR 862) 4,595 5,935 7,104 8.749 9,892 13.07% `382 Q Oakes Blvd south of Immokalee Rd (CR 846) 7,766 9,088 17.02% 725 S Oil Well Rd (CR 858) east of Big Cypress Elem Sch 2,808 4,383 56.07% 724 S Oil Well Rd (CR 858) east of Immokalee Rd (CR 846) 3,710 5,950 60.36% 547 Q Old US 41 (CR ~7) at Lee County Line 9,886i 10,643i 17,067 10,484111,94'1 13.90% 597 Q Orange Blossom Dr east of Goodlette Rd (See 647) 8,392 7,196 DISC. See Station 647 $47 Q Orange Blossom Dr east of Timberline Dr 5,806 6,0941 7,2471 18.92% 598 Q Orange Blossom Dr west of Airport Rd (See 647) 8,577 7,390 DISC. See Station 647 526 Q [Pine Ridge Rd ~CR 896) east of Airport Rd (CR 31) 40,135 38,667 41,558 40,975146,311 13.02% 514 Q IPine Ridge Rd (CR ,~96) east of Goodlette Rd (CR 851) 51,251 45,948 46,586 47.803150,483 6.05% 535 Q Pine Ridge Rd (CR896)eastof Logan Bird (Santa Barbara) 13,497 13,731 14,512! 14,834 16,554 13.12% 512' Q PineRidge Rd(cR898) eastofUS41 (SR45)(TamiamiTr) 36,669 34,577 37,787 37,331 35,016 -6.20% 515 Q Pine Ridge Rd (cR 898) west of Airport Rd (CR ~1) 43,560 40,624 40,309 37,830 44,735 18.25% '300' Q PineRidge Rd(cRsee) west of Logan Bird 28,378 27,980 29,993 30,072 31,027 3.18% 534 A Plantation Parkway east of CR 29 707 570 628 577 622 7.80% 544 Q Radio Rd (CR 858) east of Airport Rd (cR 31) 20,666 21,046 19,671 20,717 22,943 10.74% 589 A ' Radio Rd (cR ~58~ east of Santa Barbara BIvd 11,277 13,101 14,553 13,103 13,261 1.20% 58? .... '~ Radio Rd (0R858~ west of Davis Bird (SR84) 7.`347i 9,512 527 Q Radio Rd (cR s~) west of San[a Barbara BIvd 17,211 19,627 22,034 22,24322,017 -1.01% 651 A Randall Bird east oflmmokalee Rd (cR848) 3,424 4,145 5,520 33.17% 534 Q Rattlesnake Ham Rd (CR 864) east of County Barn Rd [11,610 10,692 11,062 12,302 13,065 6.20% Page 3 of 5 1/22/2001 Collier County Annual Traffic Counts (Listed Alphabetically) Sta. T Location 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Change 99-00 516 Q Rattlesnake Ham Rd (cR 864) eastofUS41 (sRg0/TamiamiTr) 13,781 12,!56 11,097 11,089 13,103 18.16% 518 Q RattlesnaKe Ham Rd(CR864) westof Collier Bird (CR951) 3.788 5.049 5,542 6.497 6,890 6.05% 517 Q Rattlesnake Ham Rd (cR a64) west of County Bam Rd 10,889 9.918 10,523 10.931 11,856 8.46% 719 S San Marco Dr (CR 92) east of Floral St 3,850 4,002 2,998 3,797 4,465 17.59% 541 Q San Marco Rd (CR92) east of Collier BIvd (SR951) 5,197 5,!74 5.319 4,453 6,161 38.35% 542 Q San Marco Rd ~CR 92) west of Barfield Dr 8,718 8,481 9.208 8,851 9,263 4.65% -348 A Sanctuary Rd north of Immokalee Rd (CR 846) 1,089 7 I0t 777 9.37% 537 Q ~ Santa Barbara Blvd north of Davis BIvd (CR84) 11,184 12,391 14,509 15.915 17,746 11.51% 529 QISanta Barbara Blvd north of Golden Gate Pkwy(cR886) 19,680 22.184;23,t61 24,918 25,939 4.10% -306 Q iSanta Barbara Bird north of Radio Rd (CR 856) 22,277 26,443 ~r 27,816 26,065 28,300 8.57% 528 Q Santa Barbara Blvd south of Golden Gate Pkwy (CR 886) 26,206 28,392 30,287 31,985 31,815 -0.53% 511 Q Seagate Dr west of US 41 (SR45)('ramiamiTrail) .14,162 14,532 14,501 14,286 14,831 3.81% 720 S Shadowlawn Dr north of Davis Bird (SR 84) 6,106 5,125 5,289 4,926 4,739 -3.81% 523 Q Shadowtawn Dr south of Davis Blvd (SR 84) 7,711 7,712 8,560 8,417 7,337 -12.84% -344 Q Thomasson Drwest of Lombardy Lane 5,899 6,290! 6,341 DISC DISC 706 S Tiger[ail Ct west of Collier Blvd (SR951) 2,497 2,743 2,789 2,412 2,5701 6.55% 546 Q US 41 (SR45) at Lee County Line 29,321 25,582 30,900~ 30,838 31,891 3.41% ~.64'*Q US 41 (SR 45) north of Immokatee Rd (CR 848) 43,832 51,072 47,841 46,248 46,468 0.48% 562 Q US 41 (SR 45) north of Pine Ridge Rd (CR 896) 47,052 45,594 46,656 43,902 44,117 0.49% 577' _Q US41 (SR45) south of 99thAve North 38,325,42,194 39,988 39,310 37,974 -3.40%' 56! US 41 (SR45) south of Pine Ridge Rd (cR 896) 47,36548,917 51,348 50,940 52,426 2.9Z% -33*- Q i US 41 (SR 45) south of Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR 862) 38,421 40,558 40,480 40,274 41,613 3.32% -304 Q US 41 (SR 90) east of Airport Rd (CR 31) 40,314 40,658 34,822 34,742 40,214 15.75% -308 Q US41 (SR9o) east of Collier Blvd (CR 951) 10,181 10,677 11,048 10,970 10,789 -1.65% 545 Q US 41 (SR go) east of Davis Blvd (sR64) 31,481 30,33525,89525,498131,156 22.19% 572 Q US 41 (SR 90) east of Rattlesnake Ham Rd (CR 864) 34,378: 34,156 33,805 32.154t 33,566 4.39% -316 A US 41 (SR 90) east of SR 29/CR 29 4,463 4,339 3,962 7.544 4,217 -44.10% 571 Q US41 (SR gO) west of Collier BIvd (sR 951) 23,460 23,409 23,780 22,140 22,992 3.85% 570 Q US 41 (sRgo) westofSan Marco Rd (CR92) 4,424 4,633 4,790i 5,013 4,875 -2.75% -317 A US 41 (SR 90) west of SR 29/CR29 5,215 4.763 4,942 8,62t 5,120 -22.67% -346 Q Vanderbilt Beach Ext. (CR 862) east of Pelican Ridge NA 13,319 18,488 19,970 22,118 10.76% 579 Q Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR862) east of Airport Rd (cR31) 10,490 13,488 17,611 20,502 24,391 18.97% -366 Q Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR 862) east of Goodlette Rd (CR 851) 20,433 22,487 10.05% -368 Q Vanderbilt Beach Rd (oR 862) east of Vineyards Blvd 6.876 13,977 17,4,40 24.77% 721 S VanderbiltBeach Rd (CR862) east of Vine~/ards Bird 8,550i11.795 See Station 668 580 Q Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR 862) west of Collier Bird (CR951) 4,4!41 5.467i 6.893 8,362 10,3621 23.91% 567 Q 'Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR 862) west of Cakes Bird 16.799!20,587~ 22.55% 722 S Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR 862) west of Cakes Bird 8.282 10,560 14,438 See Station 667 524 Q Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR862) westofUS 41 (SR45/TamiamiTr) 14.393 16.641 19,131 18.020 17,816 -1.13% 633 Q,Vanderbilt Dr(CR 9Ol) north of Vanderbilt Bch Rd (CR862) 6.395 6,661 8,225 7.'303 8,596 13.05% ,, 578 Q Vanderbilt Dr (CR 9el) north of 111th Ave North 7.617 8.066 8.859 8,564111,466 32.34% 548 Q Vanderbilt Or(CR901) north of Wiggins Pass Rd(cR888) 7.587 7.918 8,753 9 ~.80!10,419 13.50% 532 Q Vanderbilt Or iCR 9ol) south of 111th Ave N 4,998 5.189 5,838 5,7721 7,075 22.57% 6--'~- "' ~, Vineyards Blvd south of Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR 862) 5.804 4.488 7,200 60.43% -311 Q Westclox Rd west of North 15thSt(sR29) 2,582 2.572 2,627 2,822 2,952 4.59% 592 A Wiggins Pass Rd (CR 888) east of Gulf Harbor Rd 6,076 6.770 6,530 DISC. DISC. -370 Q Wiggins Pass Rd(cRs88) east of Vanderbilt Dr(CRgOl) ~ 3.990 4,167 4.44% Page 4 of 5 1/22/2001 Collier County Annual Traffic Counts (Listed Alphabetically) .~ta. T Location 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 C~n~99-oo 389 O W~l~lins Pass Rd (cR ~) west of US 41 (sR4s) 6.404 6,168 -3.69% 380 O Wilson Bird north of Golden Gate Blvd (CR 876) 3,449 3,9t 1 13.40% 376 Q Wilson Blvd northoflmmokaleeRd(cRs4~) 1,114 1,182 6.10% 381 Q Wilson Bird south of Golden Gate Bird 348 408 17.31% 350 A Wilson Blvd south of Immokalee Rd (cP. 846) 2,594 2,800 3,639 29.96% '09 S Winterbern/Dr east of Collier Blvd (SR 951) 4,055 4,165 4,091 3,909 4,368 11.73% "12 S Winterberry Dr west of Barfield Dr 3,829 4,037 4,126 3,733 3,926 5.17% "03 S Yellowbird St east of Bald Ea~]te Dr (CR 953) 1,238 1,289 1.256 1,260 1,440 14.25% "02 S Yellowbird St south of Collier Blvd (sR951) 1,652 1,734 1.802 1,757 1,935 10.10% A = Annual Count Stations Minimum Change -44.10% O = Quarterly Count Stations Average Change 8.04% S = Semi-Annual Count Stations Maximum Change 60.43% * 3-Quarter average due to construction or equipment failure *' 2-Quarter average due to construction *** 1st Quarter only due to construction Page 5 of 5 1/22/2001 'rAuI.IC I^ &#NU&(, AVail&KC O&ll.! S£tVICC VO[.l/ll/:.S J'~_. U#llktl rleo-N&y Group O Lanes/Typ.~ Undivided Undivided Divided undivided Divided Undivided Divided (I.le Co 4.]3 sl~nals_..j'~,, c m(lel [.uve| of Sucvice (21 vi C houc A n c Il,lit 19,]88 28,200 21,688 11,981 2e,]oe 21,]0e 22,788 Group A il.]4 Co I.?S si~nsis ~er mile! 2 U.dlvlded vlthnu¢, lift-turn bats Undivided 2 Divided 4 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Undivided Divided Group B (8.76 to I.S sic)nils pec mile) &ones/Type(21 2 Undivided vithouc le[c-turn bays 2 Undfv Jded Divided Undivided Divided Undivided Divided Group ~ (!.6 to 2.S sign&Is P~F mile) f. ines/Type{2! 2 Undivided viChout left-turn boys 2 Undivided 2 Divided 4 Undivided 4 Divided 6 Undivided 6 Divided J6,408 )8,908 48,688 43,388 45,888 54,908 58.400 61,8~8 65,088 68,8~ 57,780 61.58~ 64.280 68,490 72,400 Level DE SerVice , A~ B C O E 1],701 14.900 15,400 16,318 17,280 16,208 IT,GO0 18.300 19,488 29,400 17.1n8 18,680 19,300 28,498 2Z,508 33,S88 35,708 36,988 ~8,90a 4L,88e 35o388 ]?.&8~ ]8,808 41,888 43,108 51.008 5],608 55,598 56,588 6%,588 53,600 56.608 58,490 6L,608 64,669 Leve! DE Service A B C il,O0O 13,600 14,489 11,968 16,200 17,108 12.500 I?.O0fl 18,088 25,i08 ]3,308 34,609 26,488 ~5,1OO 36.488 38,688 50,508 52,200 48,&88 5].2~8 54.989 Level of Service D 15,199 18,880 18,989 36,386 36,289 54,689 57,498 15,90L 16,900 19,908 37,988 39,990 57,880 A B C O ~ -- 18,900 Il,SOl 14,780 15,508 -- 12,908 ]6,808 17,480 18,400 -- 13,606 16,990 18,388 19,408 -- 27,409 33,288 35,498 37,388 -- 28,908 3(,9ee 37o388 39,208 -- 41.280 5e,48e 53,5ee 56,~88 -- 41,)08 53.180 55,388 59,000 TRA-~-12 (Y]:) (£X) TABLE 1D FOR FDOT's ARNUAL AVERAGE DAILY VOLUHE8 NON-STATE ROADWAYS, MULTIPLE AND TWO UNINTERRUPTED ~RTERIALS ~NE (A) MUlti Lane Rural Arterials (Signal Group 8,4 MI/I.TI{..A~E U'I~Iihr'rI~.RITuP'rED iliG[iWAy.cj I) I vld ,.~.' I~er~ II,,7, 4 L}fldi--'"N,, fl,)-, 4 [)iv/lleys 4F. }il'Il I't).qTF:ll .~1'££fl ^" 11 C Two-I.ANE UNIN'FEE. RU~D I[IGI-[WAY~ K..~ MI'Il I'OSTTCO I.,4ned/ l.evel ef S,-~.i¢,- L~.-id.,:L/ ^ n C I) 2 Undlv/H. Ray s 4 .F~'J,O 7.900 I I .'!~ I S,qO0 2:2,~00 2 Undiv/T~r,i S.3JO 9..'100 13.'lrXJ . I 8.~Q. L4 n~4/ 2 Undl v/Ne 4R MPI! Ir"O.CrT'RO 3PEI~.I) I~vel e( .eee-~¢e .- ^-- fl C l) F: e.eoo I.'70Q 14,2'00 21JO0 ?JOG I 1.400 I 8110101 I 2,000 I 1',S00 24,!00 Doc. Reft 48121HAIGM TRA-I-17 Cvx) ¢IXl (continued) FDOT's ~NNUAL aVERAGE DAILY VOLUMES FOR NON-ST~TE RO~D~rAYSo MULTIPLE ~ND TWO LANE UNINTERRUPTED ~RTERIALS (B) Two Lane Local Roads (Signal Group L) NON-STaTE RO~tDW~YS M~JOR CITY[COUNTY ROADWAYS Lanes/ 2 Undiv. 4 Div. 6 Div. Level of Service A** B_** C 10,900 13,400 14,700 23,800 29,500 31,900 36,600 44,700 47,900 T~A 1-18 Plan Amendment 95-1 adopted by Ordinance 95-12 on March 14, 199! 0WVA39F~O8 W3199OD p- Z w 0A]B VWVSWV8 VINVS gZ - 31VISW31NI 0 T Z OVOW 9NI99~d-l~lOd~llV Z O0Q- Z E~ 0 Z w Z ~o IO I ' VNV3 INVDVA 3~OH 3~OH 3S Iii O~JYA~ Ld _J 8 i ~ .u~ ~-~o II i,i ~) u.J (/') ( 0 ~o~ ~ oo~ , II I~ iz ~- ~ '~l t,J >- ,,,o II 12 .< ._juz u ,~,, ~ ~'~ II i ~- o iTi ~ ~ ~'t '" n ~ II IZ ~ ,,~-~ r~ ' -- ~t-- Ii I~' " ~J t / ) ~ T3 II ~z ~ i ~0 ~ <Zo ~- -- ,-:, . ~ §/. - 3.L¥.LS~-~.L~I ~ II < ---, >:¢. I II o ~¢ ~. I II ~: z:~ .~ I I IT ,,, Zm, ~ I <~ z_ z J E,, / / f/ 8A MAP OF: TWP.49S - SECTION 15- RANGE 26E - SHEET NO. 46A NAPLES, FLORIDA ON MICROFILM IN THE CLERK TO THE BOARD MINUTES & RECORDS DEPARTMENT TO: FROM: DATE: RE: AGENT: AGENDA ITEM 8-G MEMORANDUM COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION October 8, 2001 PETITION NO. CP-2001-2, BUCKLEY MIXED USE SUB-DISTRICT Agent: Owner: Karen Bishop PMS, Inc. of Naples 2335 Tamiami North, Suite 408 Naples, Florida 34103 Donald E. Buckley Buckley Enterprises 7501 Airport Pulling Road N. Naples, Florida 34109 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject site is adjacent north of the new Collier County public library site located at the northwest corner of Airport Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive and is in the North Naples Planning Community. REQUESTED ACTION: This petition seeks to amend the existing Future Land Use Element and Map of the Collier County Growth Management Plan to create a new mixed use subdistrict known as the "Buckley Mixed Use Sub-district" to the Urban-Mixed Use District for specified lands located northwest of the corner of Airport Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive (approximately 22.84 acres). The proposed text change adds the following language as noted by below: A. URBAN MIXED-USE DISTRICT Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict The intent of this subdistrict is to allow for limited small-scale retail, office and residential uses while requiring that the proiect result in a true mixed-use development. The Activity Centers to the North and South provide for lar.qe-scale commercial uses, while this subdistrict will promote small-scale mixed use development with pedestrian orientation to serve the homes of both existing and future development in the immediate area. This subdistrict is intended to be an example for future mixed-use nodes, providin.q residents with a pedestrian scale development while also reducin.q existin.q trip lenqths for small-scale commercial services. Commercial uses for the purpose of this section are limited to those allowed in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zoning Note: words struck through are deleted; words underlined are added AGENDA ITEM ~G districts except as noted below. f~Owin~riteria: The development of this subdistrict will be governed by the f. g. h. Rezoninq is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. A Unified planned development with a common architectural theme, which has shared parking and cross access a.qreements, will be developed. 'Retail uses will be capped at a maximum of 3,250 sq. ft. per acre for the total proiect. Office uses will be capped at a maximum of 4,250 sq. ft. per acre for the total proiect. Residential development will be subject to a maximum of 15 dwellinq units/acre for the total project. Maximum lot coveraqe for buildinqs is capped at 35% for the total project. No more than 25% of the total built square footaqe will be devoted to sinqle story buildings. Primary entrances to all retail and commercial uses shall be desiqned for access from the interior of the site. Buildinqs fronting on Airport Road will provide secondary accesses facinq the street. All four sides of each buildinq must be finished in a common architectural theme. j. A residential component equal to at least 25% of the allowable maximum density must be constructed before the subdistrict completes an aggregate total of 40,000 sq. ft. retail or office uses. k. Residential units may be located throuqhout the site. I. Integration of residential and office or retail uses in the same buildinq is encouraged. A minimum of 50% of the commercial square feet shall be within mixed use buildings (residential and commercial). m. Pedestrian connections are encouraqed to all perimeter properties where feasible and desired by adjoining property owners. n. No buildinq footprint will exceed 15,000 sq. ft. Common stairs; breezeways or elevators may join individual buildin.qs o. No buildinq shall exceed three stories with no allowance for under buildin.q parkin.q. p. Drive-thru establishments will be limited to banks with no more than 3 lanes; these drive-thru lanes must be architecturally integrated into the main building. q. No gasoline service stations will be permitted r. All buildings will be connected with pedestrian features. s. Twenty-foot wide landscape Type D buffers alonq Airport-Pulling Road and a twenty- foot wide Type C buffer alonq all other perimeter property lines will be required. t. Parking areas will be screened from Airport-Pulling Road and any properties adjacent to this Sub district. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if the amendment is approved: Policy 1.1: The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistricts for: A. URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistrict 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict 2 Note: words struck through are deleted; words underlined are added AGENDA iTEM 8-G 3. Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistdct 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict 11. Buckley Mixed-Use Subdistrict 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict Mixed Use Activity Centers have been designated on the Future Land Use Map Series identified in the Future Land Use Element. The locations are based on intersections of major roads and on spacing criteria. There are 19 Mixed Use Activity Centers which comprise approximately 3,000 acres, including 3 Interchange Activity Centers (fl4, 9, 10) which will be discussed separately. Two Activity Centers #19 and 21 have been deleted and replaced by the land use designations identified in the Marco Island Master Plan and Future Land Use Map. The Mixed-Use Activity Center concept is designed to concentrate almost all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can readily be accommodated, to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development, and to create focal points within the community. Additionally, some commercial development is allowed outside of Mixed Use Activity Centers in the PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Subdistrict, Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, Buckle¥ Mixed Use Subdistrict, the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay and by Policies 4.7, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 of the Future Land Use Element. I. URBAN DESIGNATION Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majority of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than 10% of Collier County's land area. The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been established based on several factors, including: patterns of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. Urban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: Note: words str'"'" *~' ..... ~..~' are deleted; words underlined are added AGENDA ITEM 8-G ",n'k'Aximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. :. b.'Non-residential uses including: 12. Commercial uses subject to criteria identified in the Urban - Mixed Use District, PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, and Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, and in the Urban Commercial District, Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict, and Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, and Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The intent of this amendment is to develop a small-scale mixed use development that encourages the principals of Traditional Neighborhood Districts at a small scale by developing residential, retail and office on one site. The amendment establishes a mixed use, site specific subdistrict that creates a pedestrian friendly environment for small size retail and office uses with a residential component developed on one site. The amendment proposes to cap retail uses at 3250 square feet per acre and office uses at 4250 square feet per acre while ensuring mixed use development by requiring that a minimum of 50% of the commercial have a residential component within the same building. A minimum of 25% of the maximum residential density would have to be constructed prior to the development of 40,000 square feet of commercial space (86 dwelling units at 15 units per acre density). The entire site is 22.84 acres. If built out to maximum capacity the project site could be developed with 74,230 square feet of retail; 97,070 square feet of office; and 343 residential units. The proposed amendment permits C-1, C-2 and C-3 uses, limits drive-thru establishments to banks with no more than 3 lanes and does not allow gasoline service stations. The proposed project also provides for architectural design standards beyond the County's current standards. All four sides of the building must be finished in a common architectural theme. Primary access to the buildings will be from the interior of the site and buildings fronting Airport Road will provide a secondary access facing the street. SURROUNDING LAND USE, ZONING AND FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Existing Conditions: The subject site is approximately 23 acres in size and is designated on the Future Land Use Map as Urban - Mixed Use District/Urban Residential Subdistrict and is within the Traffic Congestion Area as identified on the Future Land Use Map. Under the critieria of these designations, 3 dwelling units (du) per acre may be permitted. In addition, the parcels could be eligible for an additional 8 du/acre under the Affordable Housing provision of the Density Rating System. Both parcels are currently zoned Agricultural (A) and are currently being utilized by a commercial nursery. 4 Note: words struc~ thrcugh are deleted; words underlined are added .... AGENDA ITEM 8-G District/Urban Residential Subdistrict t, ZONING PROJECT NAME GI~OSS DEI~SITY NoAh: PUD Brighton Gardens, Assisted Living Facility 22.76 East: PUD PUd a a Airport-Pulling Road (Currently expanding to 6 N/A lanes) Vineyards, Residential Community 3.02 Lakeside of Naples, Residential Community 4.01 Conditional Use, Church N/A Plant Nursery N/A South A West: PUD Future Collier County Public Library Site N/A Emerald Lakes (also known as Bridget Lake), 3.54 Residential Community STAFF ANALYSIS: Environmental Impacts: Since the subject site has been used as a commercial nursery there should not be any environmental impacts with the proposed amendment. Effects on Hi.qh Ran.qe Population Projections: The residential component of the proposed project is small (maximum of 343 dwelling units)and should not have a significant impact on population projections. Traffic Capacity/Traffic Circulation Analysis: A Traffic Impact Statement (TIS) was prepared as part of this application. The Transportation Planning Services Department reviewed the TIS and has no objections to this application. The roadway impacted by this amendment would be Airport Road from Pine Ridge Road, north to Vanderbilt Beach Road. The current adopted level of service is LOS D. Airport Road is currently being widened to six lanes between Pine Ridge and Vanderbilt Beach Road and is expected to operate at LOS C upon completion. Public Facilities Demand Analysis: The demand for water and sewer would increase with the proposed change. The current allowable density for the project is 3 dwelling units per acre with a maximum number of dwelling units of 69 single family homes. The proposed amendment would permit 343 dwelling units and 171,300 square feet of commercial. The impact of the proposed change is noted below. Water (gallons/day) Sewer (gallons/day Proposed 105,200 87,100 Current (3 dwelling units per acre) 19,200 15,600 Although this petition will result in increased impacts upon Category A public facilities, (collector roadway, potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, solid waste, community and regional parks), these impacts will not be significant as defined in the Capital Improvement Element and other applicable Growth Management Elements. Note: words str,--'ck through are deleted; words .underlined are added AGENDA ITEM 8-G Comi'ner~ial Demand Analysis The petitioner has not provided a market analysis for the subject site. To justify the need for additional commercial within the North Naples area the petitioner suggests without documentation that the demand for small scale commercial space exceeds the current supply and any new commercial development being built will be constructed as "Power Centers" with 200,000 or more square feet. The petitioner suggests that the rental rates within these "Power Centers" are higher than small retailers can afford and therefore there is a need for smaller retail establishments such as the one being proposed. The petitioner states that the vacancy rate for built commercial properties in the Noah Naples area is below 3% which is below state and national averages (The Commercial Composite, John R. Wood Realtors). The 1995 Commercial Land Use Inventory prepared by the Collier County Comprehensive Planning Section reported that in the North Naples Planning Community 784.71 acres were zoned commercial. Out of the acreage zoned commercial, 3,358,570 million square feet of commercial development has been built. In addition, 53.36 acres are zoned industrial but have commercial uses on the property with a total of 471,566 square feet of commercial uses developed on this land. Therefore in 1995, there was a total of 838 acres of commercially zoned property and 3.8 million square feet of commercial space. The 1997 Market-Conditions Study prepared by Fraser & Mohkle Associates, Inc. analyzed the Noah Naples Planning Community based on the 1995 Commercial land inventory. The report calculates the Commercial Land-Use Demand for the Noah Naples Planning Community from 1986 to 1995. The 1995 supportable square footage was estimated at 2,268,702 with a land requirement of 323.59 acres. In 2000, supportable square footage is estimated at 3,537,540 with 504.56 total land required in acres. In 2005, it is estimated that the North Naples Planning Community could support 4,734,019 square feet of commercial development with a total land requirement of 675.22 acres. Based on the 1995 inventory and the Market Conditions study, Collier County had a surplus of 162.85 acres of land zoned for commercial uses in the Noah Naples Planning Community. The Commercial Inventory Study was updated with 1997 figures in 1998. This inventory prepared by the Collier County Comprehensive Planning Section, reports that in the North Naples Planning Community there are 972.86 acres of land currently zoned commercial. Out of the acreage zoned commercial there are 3,859,766 million square feet of commercial development built. In addition, there are 48.21 acres of land zoned for Industrial but have commercial uses located on the property for an additional 468,790 square feet of commercial development within the North Naples Planning Community. Therefore in 1997 there were 4,328,556 square feet of commercial space built in the North Naples Planning Community. Between 1995 and 1997 there have been an additional 134.79 acres zoned for commercial uses in the Noah Naples Planning Community and 500,000 additional square feet of commercial space built in the same time period. This additional commercial acreage brings the surplus of commercially zoned land to 297.64 for the projected commercial needs in 2005. The Airport-Pulling Road corridor between Pine Ridge Road and Vanderbilt Road is anchored by two Activity Centers. Activity Center #11 - Airport-Pulling Road and Vanderbilt Beach Road consists of approximately 143 acres permitted for 910,000 square feet of commercial and 450 hotel rooms. Activity Center #13 - Airport-Pulling and Pine Ridge Road is 347.5 acres permitted 6 Note: words :t,".:'c~ thrcugh are deleted; words underlined are added AGENDA ITEM 8-G · " for 1,556,000 square feet of commercial. The boundaries of these Activity Centei's are less than one mile from the proposed subject site. Based on the 1998 commercial inventory there were 499 properties that were identified as commercially zoned in the North Naples Planning Community. Out of these parcels only 27 or 5% were over 10 acres. Therefore the majority of property still available for commercial development in the North Naples Planning Community would be available for small-scale retail development as proposed by this amendment. While, based on the 1998 Commercial Inventory, there is sufficient commercial acreage in the North Naples Planning Community to exceed the County's projected demand up to the year 2005, this project would be one of the first of its kind to be developed in the County. A mix of uses to include a substantial residential component could set an example for development and redevelopment of this type, at a smaller scale, that provides opportunities for residents to live, work and shop within the same development and limit, to some degree, the impact on the existing roadway system. APPROPRIATENESS OFCHANGE: Although there are residential developments along this portion of Airport-Pulling Road (from Pine Ridge to Vanderbilt Beach Road), pedestrian access to the subject site will be difficult for many due to the lack of sidewalk/bike path connections to the proposed development other than along Airport Road and the width of Airport-Pulling Road that separates the residential areas to the subject site. The Airport-Pulling Road corridor between Pine Ridge Road and Vanderbilt Road is anchored by two Activity Centers. Activity Center #11 - Airport-Pulling Road and Vanderbilt Beach Road consists of approximately 143 acres permitted for 910,000 square feet of commercial and 450 hotel rooms. Activity Center #13 - Airport-Pulling and Pine Ridge Road is 347.5 acres permitted for 1,556,000 square feet of commercial. The boundaries of these Activity Centers are less than one mile from the proposed subject site. Similar approved and developed uses along this segment of the Airport-Pulling Road corridor between the two Activity Centers are consistent and compatible with the proposed amendment as shown below. Compatible Uses Along Airport Road Segment lLone Oak PUD I Office Willow Park Collier County Public Library Brighton Gardens Assisted Living Facility Orange Blossom Mixed Use Subdistrict Office and Retail Community Facility Community Facility (Residential) Mixed Use - Residential, Office and Retail The Lone Oak PUD (AKA Walden Oaks) southeast of the project site has 25,000 square feet of office space and the Willow Park PUD (rezoned from CF in June 1998) is approved for 7.47acres for office and retail uses. The new Collier County Public Library is being constructed on the adjacent property to the south and will be interconnected to the subject site if the proposed uses are approved. North of the subject site is the Brighton Gardens Assisted Living Facility. Brighton Gardens PUD is 5.14 acres in size and is approved and developed with 117 units giving a gross density of 22.76 units per acre. Note: words ctrusk though are deleted; words underlined are added AGENDA ITEM 8-G This proposed amendment is similar to and patterned after the Orange Blossom Mixed Use Subdistrict. The Subdistrict located at the northeast corner of Orange Blossom and Airport- Pulling Roads allows for 72,150 square feet of retail; 101,010 square feet of office and up to 57 residential units. A comparison to the proposed Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict is provided below. Acre Retai Retail Offic Office Total Max Du/A Du Du s I Max. Sf e Max. Sf Commercial c Max. Min Sf/Ac Sf/Ac Sf OB Mixed 14.43 5000 72,150 7000 101,01 173,160 4 58 15 Use 0 Subdistric t Proposed 22.84 3250 74,230 4250 97,070 171,300 15 343 88 Buckley Mixed Use Subdistric t Similar to the Orange Blossom Mixed Use Subdistrict, the amendment double counts the acreage for commercial and residential uses, something not allowed in Activity Centers. The Orange Blossom Mixed Use Subdistrict allows up to 3 dwelling units per acre consistent with the Density Rating System. Activity Centers allow up to 11 dwelling units per acre, but only on separate tracts from commercial. The Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict allows for up to 15 dwelling units per acre. The amount of commercial allowed for both the proposed subdistrict and the Orange Blossom Mixed Use Subdistrict exceed that needed to serve the residential density on site. Both would serve the commercial needs of the traveling public and others located near, but not on site. However, the commercial intensity in the proposed subdistrict is less than allowed in the Orange Blossom Mixed Use Subdistrict. The Orange Blossom Mixed Use Subdistrict at 14.43 acres is 8.4 acres less than the proposed subdistrict, but allows 1860 more square feet of commercial than does that proposed for the Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict at 22.84 acres. Residential density is higher for the proposed subdistrict and, as proposed and designed, the commercial located on the subject site would more likely capture a significantly higher proportion of its business from residents on site than if the density was lower. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: · Based on the 1998 Commercial Inventory, there is sufficient commercial acreage in the North Naples Planning Community to exceed the County's projected demand up to the year 2005. Also, 95% of the undeveloped commercial parcels in the North Naples Planning Community are less than 10 acres. · Although there are residential developments along this portion of Airport-Pulling Road (from Pine Ridge to Vanderbilt Beach Road), their access to the subject site will most likely be by automobile due to lack of interconnections to the proposed development (Emerald Lakes adjacent to the west)and the width of Airport-Pulling Road that 8 Note: words struck through are deleted; words underlined are added separates the residential areas to the subject site (Lakeside and the Vineyards PUD's to the east). · The proposed Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict is compatible and consistent with the mixed use, residential and non-residential uses along this segment of the Airport-Pulling Road corridor. · Opportunities for interconnectivity with adjacent residential will be one the major difficulties of new small-scale mixed use development in Collier County. The potential for increased internal capture by allowing higher densities on site will partially mitigate this issue. Market conditions and/or increased traffic congestion on major roadways may provide incentives for existing neighborhoods to seek interconnections in the future. · This project would be one of the first of its kind to be developed in the County. A mix of uses to include a substantial residential component could set an example for development and redevelopment of this type, at a smaller scale, that provides opportunities for residents to live, work and shop within the same development and limit, to some degree, the impact on the existing roadway system. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) forward Petition CP- 2001-02 to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) with a recommendation to transmit this amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). 9 Note: words str'--'ck thro';gh are deleted; words underlined are added -- PREPARED BY: I'OR, AICR DATE PLANNER COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION REVIEWED BY: STAN LITSINGE~ AICP / DATE COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING MANAGER THOMAS KUCK, P.E. DATE INTERIM PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR Jq~ DUNNUCK, ADMINISTRATOR DATE - Ce~MUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL sERVICES DIVISION Petition No.' CP-2001-02 COLLIER COUNTY P LA~G COMMISSION: JoYCEfNNA J. RAUTIO,~,CHAIRMAN 10 Note: words ~ are deleted; words underlined are added EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-02 COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD EXT. SUBJECT SITE CP-2001-02  LEGEND SCALE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERV1CES DIV1SION 0 1000 FT. 2000 FT. DATE: 9/01 FILE: CP-2DO1-O2-A.DWG !'811 APPLICATION FOR A RI=OU£$T TO THE OOLLIE~ OOU~TY ~O~TH ~A~A~E~E~T PLA~ GMPA-2001-AR~33 APPLIOATION NU~BER~ BUOKLEY MI~ED USE SUBDISTRIGT PRE-APPLICATION OONFE~ PRO, EOT: 200105001 DATE ~UFFIOIENT MAY 04, 2001 Thi~ application, with all required ~upplemental data and information, mu~t be oompleted and a~oompanied by the appropriate fee, and returned to the Comprehensive Planning ~e~tion, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida ~4104. 941-403-2300 (Fax 941-643-~g68). The application mu~t be reviewed by ~taff for ~u~oienoy within ~0 calendar d~y~ following the filing deadline before il will be prooe~ed and adve~i~ed for publio hearing. The applicant will be notified in writing, of the ~u~oienoy determination. If in~u~oient, the applioant will have ~0 day~ to remedy the deficiencies. For additional information on the prooe~ing of the application, ~ee Re~olution 97-4~1 (attached). If you have any que~tion~, please oonta~t the Oomprehen~ive Planning ~eotion at 941- 403-2300. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENT-q I. GENERAL INFORMATION Company ~,~cF-.le,_~/ g n-~c~ri ' Address ~501 Aic~t~jl~in&s~ ~, I State P ~ Zip Code ..,~ Phone Number 5q~-IIA5 FaxNumber a. Name of Agent * ~A~ ~, *THIS WILL BE THE PERSON CONTACTED FOR ~LL BUSINESS RE~TED TO THE P~ITION. Address ~55 Ni T~m~A~i ~r~l, Sui+~ City ~ 165 State FL Zip Code ~ c. Name of Owner (s) of Record ~~ ~S : Address City State Zip Code Phone Number Fax Number D. Name, Address and Qualifications of additional planners, architects, engineers, environmental consultants and other professionals providing information contained in this application. ~ ffl~lT ~ II. Disclosure of Interest Information: ~ 8 A A. If the property is owned fee simple by an INDIVIDUAL, tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list all parties with an ownership interest as well as the percentage of such interest. (Use additional sheets if necessary). Name and Address Percentage of Ownership B. If the property is owned by a CORPORATION, list the officers and stockholders and the percentage of stock owned by each. Name and Address, and Office Percentage of Stock C. 'If the property is' in the name of a TRUSTEE, list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest. Name and Address Percentage of Interest D. If the property is in the name of a GENERAL or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, list the name of the general and/or limited partners. ~ Name and Address_ Percentage of Ownership If there is a BONYRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an individual or individual~, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purchasers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Date of Contract: F. If any contingency clause or contract terms involve additional parties, list all individuals or officers, if a corporation, padnership, or trust. Name and Address G. Date subject property acquired ~ leased ( ):~Term of lease yrs./mos. ._ If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate date of option: and date option terminates: , or anticipated closing date H. Should any changes of ownership or changes in contracts for purchase occur subsequent to the date of application, but prior to the date of the final public hearing, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his behalf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. 3 III. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY --- A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION E..~ .il{ ,:J~ ,T c~ . i' 8~ ""~ B. GE~NERALLOCATION ~J~d orncr c los m ' C. P~NNINGCOUUUUl~0r~ ~ICS D. T~ 5~ I- II,q ' E. SIZE IN ACRES ~- t~, H~ F. ZONING R G. SURROUNDING LAND USE PA~ERN- ~ ~ Hi ~lT I-B H. FUTURE~ND USE MAP DESIGNATION (S) U~ ~5~~i~ IV, TYPE OF REQUEST A. GRO~H MANAGEMENT P~N ELEMENT(S) TO BE AMENDED: Housing Element Recreation/Open Space Traffic Circulation Sub-Element Mass Transit Sub-Element Aviation Sub-Element Potable Water Sub-Element Sanita~ Sewer Sub-element NGWAR Sub-Element Solid Waste Sub-Element Drainage Sub-Element Capital Improvement Element COME Element -- ~ Future Land Use Element Golden Gate Master Plan Immokalee Master Plan B. AMEND PAGE(S) ~ ~ OF THEI ~, L, U, ELEMENT AS FOLLOWS: (Use ~,..~ ..... *~.... ~.u,.."- t~ identi~ language to be deleted; Use Underline to identi~ language to be added). Attach additional pages if necessa~: C. AMEND FUTURE LAND USE MAP(S) DESIGNATION FROM [~_'P-,~A-k) :R:~:E~i~:~fqT~,~l.mo ~)UC~IE--')/ ~XE'b- ~;~ .~b~iEy~'I'IC'-)- D. AMEND OTHER MAP(S) AND EXHIBITS AS FOLLOWS: (Name & Page #) E. DESCRIBE ADDITIONAL CHANGES REQUESTED: 8.4 V. REQUIRED INFORMATION NOTE: ALL AERIALS MUST BE AT A SCALE OF NO SMALLER THAN I"=400'. At least one copy reduced to g 1/2x II shall be provided of all aerials and/or maps. A. LAND USE ~ Provide general location map showing surrounding developments (PUD, DRrs, existing zoning) with subject property outlined. ._~ Provide most recent aerial of site showing subject boundaries, sources and da~ Provide a map and summary table of existing land use and zoning within a radius of 300 feet from boundaries of'subject property. B. .FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION ~/' Provide map of existing Future Land Use Designation(s) of subject property and adjacent lands, with acreage totals for each land use designation on the subject property. C. .ENVIRONMENTAL Va' Provide most recent aerial and summary table of acreage of native habitats and soils occurring on site. HABITAT IDENTIFICATION MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FIX)T-FLORIDA LAND USE, COVER AND FORMS CLASSn~/CATION SYSTEM (FLUCCS CODE). NOTE: THIS MAY BE INDICATED ON SAME AERIAL AS AER/AL IN "A" ABOVE..~[~i~ [~X~ I~I'T' .~..~ ,~ ~'~ LAND USE :.]k].] ]~Provide a summary table of Federal (US Fish & Wildlife Servioe) and State (Florida Game & Freshwater Fish Commission) listed plant and animal species known to occur on the site and/or known to inhabit biological communities similar to the site (e.g. panther or black bear ,/, range, avian rookery, bird migratory route, etc.). . v Identify historic and/or arch~a~l,~g~,s,i.t~s.o,,.n ~e s~!bjeet property. D. GROWTH MANAGEMENT O~r~ ~.attlo I/.4-."~ Reference 9J-11.006, Ie.A.C. and Collier County's Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.1.2 (Copies attached). 1. INSERT ~yM FOR YES OR '~N~' FOR NO IN RESPONSE TO THE FOLLOWING: .~ Is the proposed amendment located in an Area of Critical State Concern? (Reference 9J-11.006(1)(a)(5), F.A.C.). If so, ·identify area located in ACSC. .~. Is the proposed amendment directly related to a proposed Development of Regional Impact pursuant to Chapter 380, F.S. ? (Reference 9J-11.006 (1)(a) 7.a, F.A.C.) ., .~_ Is the proposed amendment directly related to a proposed Small Scale Development Activity pursuant to Subsection 163.3187 (1)(c), F.S.? (Reference 9J-11.006(1)(a)7.b, F.A.C.)Does the proposed amendment create a significant impact in population which is clef'reed as a potential increase in County-wide population by more than 5% of population Projections? (Reference Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.2). If yes, indicate mitigation measures being proposed-in conjunction with the proposed  amendment. · Does the proposed landuse cause an increase in density and/or intensity to the uses permitted in a specific land use designation and district identified (commercial, industrial, etc.) or is the proposed land use a new land use designation or district?(Referenee Rule 9J-5.006(5) F.A.C.). If so, provide data and analysis to support the suitability of land for the proposed use, and compatibility of use with surrounding land uses, and as it concerns protection of environmentally sensitive land, ground water and natural resources. (Reference Rule 9J-! 1.007, F.A.C.) 5 ' '8/I E. PUBLIC FACILITIES ~ ~' 1. Provide the existing Leve~ of Service Standard (LOS) and document the impact '-- the proposed change will have on the following public facilities: ~-l~J~r'r'~, . ~ Potable Water Sanita~ Sewer Aderial & Collector Roads: Name specific road and LOS  Drainage Solid Waste : !/' Parks: Community and Regional If the proposed amendment involves an increase in residential density, or an increase in intensity for commercial and/or industrial development that would cause the LOS for public facilities to fall below the adopted LOS, indicate. mitigation measures being proposed in COnjunction with the proposed amend- m~,J, (Reference Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.5) 2. Provide a map showing the location of existing'services and public facilities that will serve the subject properly (i.e. water, sewer, fire protection, p_olice pr_.o_tectio, n,,sc~ools and-emergency medical services. ~(l'~J~"J~ ~ f~,.~ 3. ~ Document proposed services and public facilities, identify provider, and describe the effect the proposed change will have on schools, fire protection and emergency medical services. ~(~I~IT Identify the following areas relating to the subject property: ~ FlOOd zone based on Flood Insurance Rate Map data (FIRM). .'~,/~ Location of wellfields and cones of influence, if applicable. (Identified on Collier  County Zoning Maps) Traffic Congestion 'Boundary, if applicable Coastal Management Boundary, if applicable High Noise Contours (65 LDN or higher) surrounding the Naples Airport, if applicable (Identified on Collier County Zoning Maps). _(3. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION v/' $3,000 non-refundable filing fee, plus $30/acre for each affected acre for Future Land Use map am~nd~nents, made payable to the Board of County Commissioners due at time of submittal. '-'- $1,500 non-refundable filing fee for a Small Scale Amendment made payable to the ..~Board of County Commissioners due at time of submittal. Proof of ownership (Copy of deed) Notarized Letter of Authorization if Agent is not the Owner (See attached form) 10dginal and 5 complete, signed, applications with all attachments including maps, at time of submittal. After sufficiency is completed, 25 copies of the complete application will be required. *Maps shall include: North arrow, name and location of principal roadways and shall be at a scale of 1"=400' or at a scale as determined during the pre-application meeting. TO who,, iT MAY CONCER.: -- (Name Of, ~g~nt) to serve as my Agent In a request to amend Ihe Co 'ier C~nty GroWth Management Plan a[fectlng proporty Id/e~tified in thl~ Application, hereby ceni~ the~ I have Ihe nuihorl~ ~o m~ke the forgoing ,ppli~t~n. and ~nt the applier ~ru~ ~rm~t and ~on~lutu.to ~e best o~ ~y Knowle Ige. Na~ - Typed or P~flted COUNTYOF (C0[~[C() perso~aliY ~= to me,. ~o has pr~ ~ as ~entlli~t[on an~ .... d~ take an Oath did not take an NOTICE - BE Al rARE ~AT= Rorida Statute Section 831.06, False Official S~ ~ments Law states "Whoever knowlngl~ mabel l lal~ statement In' vrltlng w~ the Intent to mislead a pu~tlc secant In the ~o~ance of h~ official duty sh~ ~11 ~ guil~ of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided by a fine to a ma:~mum of $500.00 an~or maximum of a day jail t~rm." G M PA-2001-AR-833 BUCKLEY MIXED USE SUBDISTRICT PROJECT: 2001050015 MAY O4, 2001 7 September 12, 2001 Ms. Amy Taylor, AICP Comprehensive Planning Section Collier County Development Services 2800 N. Horseshoe Drive Naples, Florida 34104 Subject: Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, Sufficiency Review GMPA Petition 2001-AR-833 Dear Ms. Taylor: Included for your review are 15 (fifteen) copies of the application and supporting documentation along with a reply letter addressing the comments from the sufficiency review. Please review them for completeness and contact me if any additional information is needed. Sincerely, Karen K. Bishop President 2335 Tamiami Trail N. - Suite 408 - Naples FL 34103 / (941) 435-9080 x5 - Fax (941) 435-9082 E-mail: PMSPenney@aol.com Inc. , 8,q .., Response to County comments Buckley Mixed Use Subdistrict, Comprehensive Plan Amendment application I.D. Provide qualifications of professionals contributing information in the application. Qualifications have also been added to Exhibit 2. Karen K. Bishop PMS, Inc. of Naples 2335 N. Tamiami Trail, Suite 408 Naples, FL 34103 Qualifications: 21 years of experience in the area of site design, permitting and land development. Joseph McHarfis McHarris Planning and Design 1312 Grand Canal Drive Naples, FL 34103 Qualifications: 9 years Local Experience in the Area of Planning and Design. Reed K. Jarvi, P.E. Vanasse Daylor 12730 New Brittany Blvd., Suite 600 Fort Myers, FL 33907 Qualifications: 17 years experience in engineering including 12 years local experience in land development and transpor- tation engineering. IILG. Make Correction on Exhibit 1-B for land identified as AG, Vacant. Property is developed as a plant Nursery. Exhibit revised as noted. IV.¢.Reconcile name of proposed designation with name in Exhibit 4 Changed "Airport Gardens" to "Buckley" at thc 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence V.B Provide acreage totals of proposed land use designation on Future Land Use Map exhibit. Exhibit revised as noted. V.C. To document the nature and existing condition of the site, provide the required Environmental and Archeological information to include most recent aerial with summary table of soils and FLUCCS (Flor- ida Land Use Cover and Class~cation System) code and documentation from the County's historic and archeological probability maps. Information has been provided in Exhibits l-E, 1-F and 1-G. and directly accessible to the subject property. The data and analysis should include the existing develop- ment, and potential of existing vacant commercial properties both zoned and designated. If the realtor newsletter is to be used as support documentation, provide another photocopy. The copy provided in the application for review cuts off portions of the text. The need for neighborhood commercial/mixed-use development has been clearly established by public consensus in both the "FOCUS" study and with the more recent "Collier County Community Character Plan" which identifies neighborhood commer- cial as a basic component missing in or existing development pattern. The general area adjacent to the Buckley property is largely comprised of residential type uses not within a suitable walking dis- tance that provide opportunities for shopping and a workplace close to home. The property immediately to the west is a residential community called Emerald Lakes, the property to the east is a residential community called Lakeside, the property to the north is an Assisted Living Facility (ALF), and the property to the south is the new location for the Public Library. Other neighborhoods in close proximity to the property and which are located on the same side of the road are the Villages of Monterey, Autumn Woods, Bear Creek and Mills Run to name a few. The closet existing commercial to these neighborhoods is located at the intersection of Airport and Vanderbilt beach road and not within walking or an easy bike ride distance. This commercial is part of an activity center and is designed to provide services for the greater area by automobile. Any commercial that would be developed on the East side of Airport Pulling Road would not be able to service residential areas on the West side without the use of a car be- cause of the high volume of traffic along Airport Pulling Road. This road is also scheduled for six lanes, which would make crossing the road even more dangerous than present, especially for older citizens and children. The "Collier County Community Character Plan" also states in this introduction "The Goal of the community character plan is to protect and extend cherished aspects of Collier County by redirecting the available growth into forms that enhance character rather than degrade it." The Buckley mixed-use subdistrict is located on a parcel of land that will be developed into something other than what it is being used for today, this is a fact. The subdistrict proposed by this amendment has taken into account the request of the community for small-scale mixed-use projects designed to provide everyday goods and services to specific neighborhoods. The Buckley devel- opment will be designed so as to enhance the character of the community instead of degrading it. The Buckley mixed-use subdis- trict will provide a high standards for the new development, while adding benefit to the existing maturing neighborhoods by pro- viding access to everyday goods and services, with opportunities for shopping and work close to home. V.E.1. Provide the adopted level of service and document the impact the proposed change will have on public facilities. Drainage: The subject site is in the Airport Road Canal Basin, which has an Adopted Level of Service Standard of D, according to Policy 1.2.1 of Ordinance 97-61. The proposed development plan will include a system of detention basins that will attenuate the rainfall event runoff in accordance with Collier County and SFWMD requirements. The post development runoff from the subject property will be a decrease from the existing condition, improving the current conditions. It is anticipated that the proposed change will not have an adverse impact on the Adopted Level of Service. Sanitary Sewer: The subject property is within the NOrth'Sewer Service Area. The Adopted Level of Service standard in the North Area for Sanitary Sewer is 121 gpcd (gallons per capita per day), in accordance with Policy 1.2.1 of Ordinance 97-58. The previ- ously submitted projected flows for the subject property are concurrent with the Standards. Actual flows will be submitted at time of SDP application, and a certificate of adequate public facilities will be required prior to start of construction, based on availabil- ity at that time. It is anticipated that the proposed change will not have an adverse impact on the Adopted Level of Service. Potable Water: The subject property is within the County Water Sewer District. The Adopted Level of Service standard in the Dis- trict for Potable Water is 185 gpcd (gallons per capita per day), in accordance with Policy 1.3.1 of Ordinance 97-57. The previ- ously submitted projected demands for the subject property are concurrent with the Standards. Actual demands will be submitted at time of SDP application, and a certificate of adequate public facilities will be required prior to start of construction, based on availability at that time. It is anticipated that the proposed change will not have an adverse impact on the Adopted Level of Ser- vice. Traffic: The Adopted Level of Service for the adjacent roadway network is D. This includes both Airport Pulling Road and Or- ange Blossom Drive. In accordance with the Traffic Analysis previously provided, with the six-lane expansion of Airport Pulling Road, both Airport Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive will be Level of Service C or better for the existing use of the project area, the proposed use of the project area and alternative uses of the project area. None of the analyzed scenarios project the pos- sible project traffic as significant (greater than 5% of LOS C Service Volume). See the Traffic Analysis for more detailed infor- mation on the five land use scenarios analyzed. V.E.2.Show water and sewer facilities that will serve the site on Exhibits. ,~ .n~ Exhibit 1-A revised as noted. V.F.Identify on the application that the Traffic Congestion Boundary is applicable. Application has been revised. Exhibit 1-D:Correct spelling on Exhibit. Exhibit 1-D revised as noted. Exhibit #2: Under V.D.1. provide data and analysis to support statements such as improved accessibil. ity and reduction of trip lengths for the adjacent properties. It is widely recognized that one of the key benefits to a mixed-use design is the reduced traffic trips and thus a reduction in congestion on major routes. "Mixed-used-variety rich neighborhoods has benefits in the three key areas. First, in transportation, the mixing of uses is the most powerful way to reduce, unnecessary traffic congestion because many auto trips are either shortened or eliminated..."-Collier County Community Character Plan. By providing everyday goods and services within a reasonable · distance to these existing residential communities, trips will be eliminated or reduced. Providing neighborhood commercial in this location with provide shopping/retail facilities to the numerous residential communi- ties that surround the project. The intention of the project is to provide the main access opposite the Lakeside community on Air- port Road. Initial discussions with Collier County Transportation Engineering and Construction Management staff have been positive for this location. The regional public library is under construction directly south of this project. It has full access on Or- ange Blossom Drive and right-in access from Airport Road. The developer intends to have a cross access with the library thus providing direct access for the residential communities on Orange Blossom Drive to the shopping/retail facilities at the project. Likewise, the proposed residential units on the project will have direct access to the recreational facilities of the regional library. In addition, the six-lane expansion of Airport Pulling Road is underway. This construction will reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of the road and add sidewalks to the east side of the road, which will enhance pedestrian access to this and other projects in the area. Currently the closest shopping retail facilities for the residential communities such as Emerald Lakes, Villages of Monterey, Cay Lagoon, and Sleepy Hollow are a minimum of one mile away. Therefore, currently the shopping trip produced by each residential unit in these communities must travel a minimum of two miles (one mile each way) to complete that trip. With the completion of this project, some of those shopping trips can be accommodated by the shopping component of the project with a minimum length of less than 2/3 miles (1/3 mile each way). Thus, at least for the shopping trip, there is a potential reduction of approximately 66%. With the proposed project being a mixed-use project~ the~ will be a reduction of trips on the adjacent road network because of in- ternal capture. The proposed land uses (345 multi-family DU's, 97,750 sf of office, and 74,750 sf of retail) as stand alone projects would produce 878 PM Peak Season Peak Hour trips. Using methodology provided by the Institute of Transportation Engineers in the Trip Generation Manual for internal capture, the PM Peak Season Peak Hour trips are projected to be reduced by 146 trips, a 17% reduction. This is in addition to the shortening of the residential shopping trips from the surrounding residential communi- ties. Please see the Traffic Analysis for more detailed information. Exhibit 4:Demonstrate accessibility via pedestrian and or bike path facilities from adjacent neighbor- hoods. Provide correct name of proposed text land use designation. Explain how the language of the pro- posed text is structured as to manage design without "potential abuses". Provide empirical data to sup- port the assertions that commercial uses in Collier county are the "wrong type and in the wrong loca- tions" for small businesses and that small businesses are rare. Demonstrate accessibility via pedestrian and or bike path facilities from adjacent neighborhoods: Adjacent properties and Neighborhoods are presently connected by a bike path and sidewalk along Orange Blossom. The Buckley property would provide interconnection to these properties via a pedestrian link along Airport Pulling Road to the ALF to the north and to the library to the south of the project. The pedestrian link through the library will connect the project to and from Or- ange Blossom and thus will provide a continuous link to the surrounding neighborhoods. Provisions will also be provided for in- ternal connections (vehicular and/or pedestrian) between each buildings and from within the property up to the adjacent property lines for the purpose of providing intereonnection to these adjacent properties as part of the overall design for the project. The de- cision to connect at these locations will be at the discretion of the adjacent properties/owners. Provide correct name of proposed text land use designation: Changed "Airport Gardens" to "Buckley" at the 2nd paragraph, 2"a sentence Explain how the language of the proposed text is structured as to manage design without "potential abuses": Mechanism have been provided as part of this amendment to avoid any potential design abuses related to this type of develop- ment, by mandating a common Architectural theme that provides similar architecture for all sides of the building plus the imple- mentation of design guidelines as part of the development to ensure a high quality of design, by placing caps on the type of uses, by providing provisions for maximum lot coverage, by defining a mandatory residential component as part of the project to ensure a true mix of uses, by making pedestrian interconnections within the site and between adjacent sites a part of the approval for this amendment, and by providing maximum square footages for individual buildings along with a maximum number of stories to en- sure a small town feel to the development. These are just a few of the safeguard mechanism that have been provide for in this document to manage design without potential abuses. Provide empirical data to support the assertions that commercial uses in Collier county are the "wrong type and in the wrong locations"for small businesses and that small businesses are rare. The statement that commercial is the "wrong type and at the wrong location" has been echoed and validated in both the "FOCUS" study and with the Collier County Community Character Plan. Both studies have relied heavily on community input, which point out the dissatisfaction of the community with the current pattern of development, which includes commercial in the county. "Col- lier County residents have tired of seeing new development that does not add to the county's unique setting of interesting towns surrounded by natural beauty..."This is also demonstrated by the very high approval rating of the neighborhood center picture along with the mixed-use picture when compared with the very low rating for the shopping center pictures. (See attached pictures and preferences below from the Collier County Community Character Plan) 1..6 · (:oilier t:O~j~t¥ C.omm~:it¥ Character ~lan NeighborhOod Centers ResUltS pair '/P13 d~picts two Very differen~.ne!ghborbood.~ceater~.. :Both ~on~ain retail:and .restaurant uses, but tn the one image (from Third st~t $~uth: in gaPles): the Pe~est~aii realrii.is.gen~b~, with benches an~ outdoor din!ag c rea Chug' fn[e~t :and :activity on .the~s~dewalk, l~he:..b~iil~g .fa~es are :~led.and well: maintained; ~e landscaping lS beat~ful;.ana:.even de~s'~ti~h ~s th~ ~:i~.]~:.~e::a~ac~i '~!~-6.s). in the other image, a view from the s{cl~'k of a Strip comra~iai cer~terl.in: Eas/:ff~i~lesil the g~es[x:ian reabn is cold, sterile, and uninteresting d~e'ia:part to. the lack of archit~Si~i~ai d~ai!s.ahd signSge:, and the st~'~le grays and Mdtes along the Iorgg, monotonous nm of pOOrly marked doors'and windows (-3~3). PHONE NO. : 94:143-746.~6 Apr. 26 2001 10:41AM P3 COLLIEg COUNTY **** DEVEL4DPI~NT S~RVICES DEP~R:TMENT ~'O~ZC OF I~iETZNG NO3~S BY GMPA-2001 -AR-833 ( C F- 2_ oo [-7_') BUCKLEY MIXED USE SUBDISTRICT PROJECT: 2001050015 MAY 04, 2001 ~' ................. u~,uu~ HHUN~ NU. ~ 9414574656 Apr. 26 2001 10~40AM P2 '"'8/! Exhibit 1-A Exhibit 1-B Exhibit 1-C Exhibit 1-D Exhibit 1-E Exhibit 1-F Exhibit 1-G Exhibit 2 Exhibit 3 Exhibit 4 Exhibit 4-A Exhibit 5 LIST OF EXHIBITS Location Map Existing Land Use Map and Summary Table Furore Land Use Map Vicinity Aerial County Aerial with FLUCCS Map Soils Map Archeological Data Detailed Response to Application Question Proposed Amendment Language Data and Analysis to support the proposed change Appraisal Research Corporation of Naples Study on Retail Space Warranty Deed FF'S BPELICAN MARSH ELEM. SCHOOL .< o z N S SCALE: 1"= 2000' PELICAN MARSH LA FONTANA [RBILT BEACH ROAD VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD EXT. NORTH REGI( ~MERALD LAKES OF NAPLES ,T CITRUS GARDENS RRST BAP~ST CHURCH OF NAPLES BEAR CREEK KEYSTONE PLACE ~RINCESS 12 BARRON COLLER HIGH SCHOOL ==A NEW BEGINNINGS L~:~SCHOOL 80400 80400EXH1 LLI~[[ [12730 New Brittany, Suite 600 1l ~1~o~t ~", FL. 33907 II ~IFax: (941} 43~-4636 [E-Mail: admin~vanday, eom PMA INa OF NAPLES 2335 Tomiorni Troll N. Suite 408 Noplcs, Fl. 34103 I' = 2000' 04-23-01 EXHIBIT 1-A LOCATION MAP Revised ~KER AKE _LAS N SCALE: 1"= 500' 8A VINEYARDS TRACT EMERALD LAKES LAKESIDE OF NAPLES II ORANGE BLOSSOM DR. 300' TRACT ORAN BLOS GE ~OM ENS LAND USES WITHIN 300' OF SUBJECT PROPERTIES: NORTH: PUD, BRIGHTON GARDENS, (ALF) -EAST: 1. PUD, VINL-'FARDS, RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY 2. PUD, LAKESIDE OF NAPLES, RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY 3. AG. CONDITIONAL USE, CHURCH 4. AG, PLANT NURSERY SOUTH: AG, COLLIER COUNTY LIBRARY, [UNDER CONST.) WEST: PUD, EMERALD LAKES, RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY 80400 80400EXH SMC PMS~ INC OF I~PLE$ 2335 Tom,omi Troll N. Suite 408 Noples, Fl. 34103 I "=~00' VANA~. & DAYLOI/, 12730 New Brittany, Suite 600 Fort Myers, FL. 33907 EXHIBIT 1-B Revised 7/6/01 04-23-01 EXISTING LAND USE MAP & SUMMARY TABLE .T~A~H RflAD - S SCALE: 1" = 2000' C~ URBAN RESIDENTIAL SUBDISTRICT AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN I BUSINESS PARK SUBDISTRICT ESTATES DESIGNATION GiNFiLOODLETrE/PINE RIDGE COMMERCIAL L SUBDISTRICT MIXED USE ACTIVITY CENTER SUBDISTRICT ORANGE BLOSSOM MIXED USE SOBDiSTRICT ' I I I I Ill TRAFFIC CONGESTION BOUNDARY PINE RIDGE RI]Al C.R, 896) 80400 12730 New Brittany, Suite 600 II ~C~ ~. Fort Myere, FL. 33907 J] 80z~OO-~XH[ Phone: (941) 437-4601 PM~ INa OF NAPLES 2,]35 Tomlomi Trail N. Suite 408 Noples, FI. $4~03 2000' 0~-25-0~ Revised 7/6/0~ EXHIBIT 1-C / FUTURE LAND U8E MAP 8A ' Revised 07-06-01 1273 New Brittany Suite 600 P~ lNG OF NAPLES ..... ~ ~o~,., .... ~. ~0~ ~ ~ ~**~,. ~*.,~ EXHIBIT 1-D 80400EXH1 Phone: (941) 437-4601 Suite 8A EXHIBIT 1-E MAP OF: TWP.49S - SECTION 02S - 25E - SHEET NO. 18B NAPLES, FLORIDA RANGE ON MICROFILM IN THE CLERK TO THE BOARD MINUTES & RECORDS DEPARTMENT EXHIBIT 1-F 8A o) 17 3.3 HYDRIC H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H 2 3 4 6 7 8 I0 11 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 25 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 56 NO. COLLIER COUNTY SOIL LEGEND SERIES AND PHASE HOLOPAW FS, LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM MALABAR FS CHOBEE, LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM AND DANIA MUCKS DEPRESSIONAL RIVIERA, LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM-COPELAND FS IMMOKALEE FS MYAKKA FS OLDSMAR FS, LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM HALLANDALE FS PINEDA FS, LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM POMELLO FS OLDSMAR BASINGER FS RIVIERA FS, LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM FT. DRUM AND MALABAR HIGH FS BOCA FS CHOBEE, WINDER AND GATOR SOILS, DEPRESSIONAL HOLOPAW AND OKE,ELANTA SOILS, DEPRESSIONAL BOCA, RIVIERA, ~LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM AND COPELAND FS, DEPRESSIONAL HOLOPAW FS PINEDA AND RIVIERA FS WABASSO FS HILOLO LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM, JUPITER AND MARGATE SOILS URBAN LAND URBAN LAND HOLOPAW BASINGER COMPLEX URBAN LAND IMMOKALEE OLDSMAR LIMESTONE_ SUBSTRATUM COMPLEX URBAN LAND AQUENTS COMPLEX ORGANIC SUBSTRATUM UDORTHENTS SHAPED TUSCAWILLA FS URBAN LAND MATLACHA LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM BOCA COMPLEX SATELLITE FS DURBIN 'AND WULFERT MUCKS URBAN LAND SATELLITE COMPLEX CANAVERAL BEACHES ASSOCIATION WINDER, RIVIERA, LIMESTONE SUBSTRATUM AND CHOBEE SOILS, DEPRESSIONAL PAOLA FS (1-8 percent slopes) PENNSUCCO SOIL (marl prairie) HALLANDALE AND BOCA FS (slough) OCHOPEE FSL, PRAIRIE (marl) OCHOPEE FSL KESSON MUCK, FREQUENTLY FLOODED ESTERO AND PECKISH SOILS, FREQUENTLY FLOODED JUPITER BOCA COMPLEX BASINGER FS, OCCASIONALLY FLOODED (17) Basinger Fine Sand- This nearly level, poorly drained soil is in sloughs and poorly defined drainageways. Individual areas are elongated and irregular in shape and range from 20 to 800 acres. The slope is 0 to 2 percent. Typically, the surface layer is grayish brown fine sand about 3 inches thick. The subsurface layer is light gray fine sand to a depth of about 25 inches. The subsoil is brown fine sand to a depth of about 44 inches. The substratum is brown fine sand to a depth of about 80 inches. In 95 percent of areas mapped as this soil, Basinger and similar soils make up 83 to 100 percent of the map unit. The characteristics of Malabar soils are similar. Soils of dissimilar characteristics included in this unit are small areas of Immokalee soil on flatwood landscape positions. This soil makes up 17 percent or less of the map unit. The permeability of this soil is rapid. The available water capacity is low. In most years, under natural conditions, the seasonal high water table is within 12 inches of the surface for 3 to 6 months. In other months, the water table is below 12 inches of the surface for 3 to 6 months. In other months, the water table is below 12 inches and recedes to a depth of more than 40 inches during extended dry periods. During periods of high rainfall, the soil is covered by shallow slowly moving water for periods of about 7 to 30 days. Natural vegetation consists of scattered south Florida slash pine, cypress, cabbage palm, saw palmetto, wax myrtle, blue maidencance, sandcordgrass, pineland threeawn, chalky bluestem and St. Johns wart. This soil is poorly suited to cultivated crops because of wetness and droughtiness. With good water-control measures and soil-improving measures, the soil can be made suitable for many fruit and vegetable crops. A water control system is needed to remove excess water in wet seasons and provide water through subsurface irrigation in dry seasons. Due to rapid permeability water tables are difficult to maintain. Row crops should be rotated with cover crops. Seedbed preparation should include bedding of the rows. Fertilizer and lime should be. added according to the need of the crops. With proper water control, the soil is moderately suited to citrus. Water control systems that maintain good drainage to an effective delXh are needed. Bedding the soil prior to planting provides good surface and internal drainage and elevates the tree above the seasonal high water table. A good grass cover crop between the trees helps to protect the soil from blowing when the trees are younger. With good water control management, this soil is well suited to citrus. Water control systems that maintain good drainage to an effective depth are needed. Bedding the soil prior to planting provides good surface and internal drainage and elevates the trees above the seasonal high water table. A good grass cover crop between the trees helps to protect the soil from blowing when the trees are younger. With good water control management, this soil is well suited to pasture. A water control system is needed to remove excess water during the wet season. It is well suited to pangolagrass, bahiagrass and clover. Excellent pastures of grass or grass-clover mixtures can be grown with good management. Regular applications of fertilizer and controlled grazing are needed for highest yields. This soil is well suited for desirable range plant production. The dominant forage consists of blue maidencane, chalky bluestem and bluejoint panicum. Management practices should include deferred grazing. This Basinger soil is in the slough range site. This soil has severe limitations for most urban uses because of the high water table. To overcome this limitation, building sites and septic tank absorption fields should be mounded. This soil also has severe limitations for recreational development because of wetness and sandy texture. Problems associated with wetness can be corrected by providing adequate drainage and drainage outlets to control the high water table. The sandy texture limitation can be overcome by adding suitable topsoil or by resurfacing the area. This Basinger soil is in capability subclass IVw. (20) Ft. Drum and Malabar, High, Fine Sands- These nearly level, poorly drained soils are on ridges boarding sloughs. Individual areas are elongated and irregular in shape, and ranges from 10 to 200 acres. The slope is 0 to 2 percent. Typically, the Ft. Drum soil has a surface layer of very dark grayish brown fine sand about 5 inches thick. The subsoil is fine sand to a depth of about 20 inches; the upper par is light brownish gray and the lower part is light gray. The substratum is fine sand to a depth of about 80 inches; the upper part is brownish yellow, the middle part is white and the lower part is brown. Typically, the Malabar High soil has a surface of dark gray fine sand about 2 inches thick. The subsurface layer is light brownish gray fine sand to a depth of about 15 inches. The subsoil extends to a depth of about 72 inches; the upper part is brownish yellow and yellow fine sand, the middle part is very pale brown and light gray fine sand, the lower part is grayish brown, mottled, sandy clay loam. The substratum is light gray fine sand to a depth of about 80 inches. Areas mapped can consist entirely of Ft. Drum soil, Malabar soil, or any combination of the two soils. The two soils were not separated in mapping because of similar management needs and soils characteristics. Soils of dissimilar characteristics included in this unit are small areas of Basinger, Holopaw and Pineda soil on slough landscape positions. These soils make up about 0 to 18 percent of the unit. The permeability of the Ft. Dram soil is rapid. The permeability of the Malabar soil is slow. The available water capacity of these soils is low. In most years, under natural conditions, the seasonal high water table is between 6 to 18 inches of the surface for 1 to 6 months. In other months, the water table is below 18 inches and recedes to a depth of more than 40 inches during extended dry periods. Rarely is it above the surface. Natural vegetation consists mostly of south Florida slash pine, saw palmetto, live oak, cabbage palm, wax myrtle, chalky bluestem, creeping bluestem, low panicum and pineland threeawn. These soils are poorly suited to cultivated crops because of wetness and droughtiness. The number of adapted crops is limited unless very intensive management practices are followed. With good water control and soil improvi,ng measures, these soils can be made suitable for many fruit and vegetable crops. A water control system is needed to remove excess water in wet seasons and provide water through subsurface irrigation in dry season. Row crops should be rotated with cover crops. Seedbed preparation should include bedding of the rows. Fertilizer and lime should be added according to the need of the crops. With proper water control, these soils are well suited to citrus. Water control systems that maintain good drainage to an effective depth are needed. Bedding the soil prior to planting provides good surface and internal drainage and elevates the trees above the seasonal high water table. A good grass over crop between the trees helps to protect the soils from blowing when the trees are young. With good water control management, these soils are well suited to pasture. A water control system is needed to remove excess water during the wet season. It is well suited to 8/1 panglograss, bahiagrass and clover. Excellent pastures of grass or grass-clover mixtures can be grown with good management. Regular applications of fertilizers and controlled grazing are needed for highest yields. These soils are moderately suited for desirable range plant production. The dominant forage is creeping bluestem, lopsided indiangrass, pineland threeawn and chalky bluestem. Management practices should include deferred grazing and brush control. The Ft. Dram and Malabar soils are in the Flatwoods range site. These soils are moderately suited for desirable range plant production. The dominant forage is creeping bluestem, lopsided indiangrass, pineland threeawn and chalky bluestem. Management practices should include deferred grazing and brush control. The Ft. Dram and Malabar soils are in the Flatwoods range site. These soils have severe limitations for most urban uses because of wetness. If these soils are used as septic tank absorption fields, they should be mounded to maintain the system well above the seasonal high water table. For recreational uses, these soils also have severe limitations because of wetness, but with proper drainage to remove excess surface water during wet periods, many of these limitations can be overcome. Ft. Dram and Malabar soils are in capability subclass IVw. (32) Urban Land- Urban land consists of areas that are 75 percent or more covered with streets, buildings, parking lots, shopping-centers, highways, industrial areas, airports and other urban structures. Small areas of undisturbed soils are mostly lawns, vacant lots, playgrounds and green areas. The original soil in some areas have been altered by filling, grading and shaping. Urban land is nearly level except for some parking areas that are sloped to drain offwater. Individual areas are usually rectangular in shape and range from 10 to 1200 acres. The slope is 0 to 2 percent. Soils included in this unit are small areas of Boca, Hallandale, Immokalee and Myakka soils with less than 12 inches of fill material spread over the surface. These soils make up about 25 percent or less of the unit. The depth of the water table varies with the amount of fill material and the extent of artificial drainage within any mapped area. Urban land will remain in its present use; therefore, no other uses are rated. This map unit has not been assigned a capability class. FLOAJDA DEP&RTMENT OF STATE MEMBER ~, ~ ~ ~ EXHIBIT 1-G ~,~o. ~ ~* ~ 1~ ~flo~ FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES July 6, 2001 Ms. Marielle Kitchener Tun'ell & Associates Inc. FAX: 941-643-6632 Dear Ms. Kitchener: In response to your inquiry of June 29, 2001, the Florida Master Site File lists no previously recorded cultural tesoturees within the following parcel: T49S, R25£, Sec 2. In interpreting the results of our search, please remember the following points: · Areas which have not been completely surveyed, such as yours, may contain unrecorded archaeological sites, unrecorded hbtorically important structures~ or both, · As you may know, state and federal hws require formal environmental review for some projects. Record searches by thc staff of the Florida Master Site File do not constitute such a review of cultural resources, If your project falls under these laws, you should contact the Compliance Review Section of the Bureau of Historic Preservation at 850= 48%2333. Sincerely, ~-6424 Florida Master Site File Division of Historical Resources State SunCom: 205-6440 R. A. Gray Building Fax line: 850-245-6439 500 South Bronough Street Emaih fmsfile~mail, dos. statefl, us Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 , Web: http:llwww, dos. state,fl. usldhrtmsf/ DIRECTOR'S OFFICE R.A Gray BuildL, qg * 500 South Bronough Street · Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 * (850)488-1480 FAX: (850)488-3353 · WWW Address http;//www, dos~state.fl,ua ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH E] HISTORIC PRESERVATION f'l HISTORICAL MUSEUMS C: tbOB tn~egative, doc .hdy 6, 2001 I.D. Name, address and qualifications of additional planners, architects, engineers, environmental consultants and other professionals providing information contained in this application Karen Bishop, President Project Management Services of Naples Inc. 2335 Tamiami Trail North Suite 408 Naples, F1 34103 Qualifications: 21 years of experience in the area of site design, permitting and land development Joseph McHarris, President McHarris Planning and Design 1312 Grand Canal Drive Naples, F1 34110 Qual~cations: 9 years of local experience in the area of planning and design Reed Jarvi P.E. Vanasse & Daylor 12730 New Brittany Suite # 600 Fort Myers, F1 33907 Quali~cations: 17years of experience in engineering including 1£ years local experience in land development and transportation engineering III.A. Legal Description TRACT 1 ' * That part of the east half of Section 2, Township 49South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; thence along the east line of said Section 2, S 02© 13' 05" E 1589.69 feet; thence N89°59'01'' W 100.08 feet to the west right-of-way line of State Road 31 (Pulling Road), and the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein described; thence along the west right-of-way line of State Road 31, S02°13'05'' E 994.53 feet; thence S89°56'19'' W 500.36 feet; thence N 02013'05" W 995.21 feet; thence S 89°59'01" E 500.38 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 11.42 acres more or less. That part of east half of Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida; thence along the east line of said Section 2, S 02°13'05" E 1589.69 feet; thence N 89°59'01'' W 100.08 feet to the west right-of-way line of State Road 31 (Pulling Road) thence along the west right-of- way line of State Road 31. S 02°13'05'' W 994.53 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein described thence continuing along the west right-of-way line of State Road 31, S 02o13'05" W 994.52 feet; thence S 89°51 '40" W 500.33 feet; thence N 02013'05" W 995.20 feet; thence N 89°56'19" E 500.36 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing 11.42 acres more or less. V.D. 1. Does the proposed land use cause an increase in density and or intensity to the uses permitted in a specific land use designation and district identified (commercial, industrial, etc.) or is the proposed land use a new land use designation or district? (Reference Rule 9J-$.006(5) F.A.C.) If so, provide data and analysis t support the suitability of land for the proposed use, and compatibility of use with surrounding land uses, and as it concerns protection of environmentally sensitive land, ground, ground water and natural resources. (Reference Rule 9J-11. 007, F.~4. C) Thc proposed land use designation is a new land usc district that is limited to less than 24 acres in thc North Naples planning community. This amendment is a response to thc continuing trend of large-scale retail proliferation, the decline of small-scale, accessible community based retail in and around the existing communities, and the continuing response from the public for developments of this type. This amendment would have the affect of reducing trip lengths for the adjacent properties and providing an alternative to getting in ones vehicle for many everyday conveniences. The need for neighborhood commercial/mixed-use development has been clearly established by public consensus in both the "FOCUS" study and with the more recent "Collier County Community Character Plan" which identifies neighborhood commercial as a basic component missing in or existing development pattern. The general area adjacent to the Buckley property is largely comprised of residential type uses not within a suitable walking distance that provide opportunities for shopping and a workplace close to home. The property immediately to the west is a residential' community called Emerald Lakes, the property to the east is a residential community called Lakeside, the property to the north is an Assisted Living Facility (ALF), and the property to the south is the new location for the Public Library. Other neighborhoods in close proximity to the property and which are located on the same side of the road are the Villages of Monterey, Autumn Woods, Bear Creek and Mills Run to name a few. The closet existing commercial to these neighborhoods is located at the intersection of Airport and Vanderbilt beach road and not within walking or an easy bike ride distance. This commercial is part of an activity center and is designed to provide services for the greater area by automobile. Any commercial that would be developed on the East side of Airport Pulling Road would not be able to service residential areas on the West side without the use of a car because of the high volume of traffic along Airport Pulling Road. This road is also scheduled for six lanes, which would make crossing the road even more dangerous than present, especially for older citizens and children. The "Collier County Community Character Plan" also states in this introduction "The Goal of the community character plan is to protect and extend cherished aspects of Collier County by redirecting the available growth into forms that enhance character rather than degrade it." The Buckley mixed-use subdistrict is located on a parcel of land that will be developed into something other than what it is being used for today, this is a fact. The Subdistrict proposed by this amendment has taken into account the request of the community for small-scale mixed-use projects designed to provide everyday goods and services to specific neighborhoods. The Buckley development will be designed so as to enhance the character of the community instead of degrading it. The Buckley mixed-use subdistrict will provide a high standards for the new development, while adding benefit to the existing maturing neighborhoods by providing access to everyday goods and services, with opportunities for shopping and work close to home. Compatibility is achieved by locating the retail components closer to the arterial road and the residential uses adjacent to existing residential areas. This amendment requires a true mix of uses and limits total developable square footage of retail and office space to less than half the amount normally allowable. As proposed, no negative impact to environmentally sensitive land or ground water resources would occur through the creation of this district. V.E.1, V.E.2 and V.E.3. Public Facilities Portable Water and Sanitary_ Sewers will be provided by Collier County. Force Mains exist in the right of way at or near the subject property with capacity available based on probable time frames for development. Any development of the properties will be required to obtain a certificate of adeqtlate public facilities prior to commencement of construction. Sanitary_ Sewer: The subject property is within the North Sewer Service Area. The Adopted Level of Service standard in the North Area for Sanitary Sewer is 121 gpcd (gallons per capita per day), in accordance with Policy 1.2.1 of Ordinance 97-58. The previously submitted projected flows for the subject property are concurrent with the Standards. Actual flows will be submitted at time of SDP application, and a certificate of adequate public facilities will be required prior to start of construction, based on availability at that time. It is anticipated that the proposed change will not have an adverse impact on the Adopted Level of Service. Potable Water: The subject property is within the County Water Sewer District. The Adopted Level of Service standard in the District for Potable Water is 185 gpcd (gallons per capita per day), in accordance with Policy 1.3.1 of Ordinance 97-57. The previously submitted projected demands for the subject property are concurrent with the Standards. Actual demands will be submitted at time of SDP application, and a certificate of adequate public facilities will be required prior to start of construction, based on availability at that time. It is anticipated that the proposed change will not have an adverse impact on the Adopted Level of Service. Traffic: The Adopted Level of Service for the adjacent roadway network is D. This includes both Airport Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive. In accordance with the Traffic Analysis previously provided, with the six-lane expansion of Airport Pulling Road, both Airport Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive will be Level of Service C or better for the existing use of the project area, the proposed use of the project area and alternative uses of the project area. None of the analyzed scenarios project the possible project traffic as significant (greater than 5% of LOS C Service Volume). See the Traffic Analysis for more detailed information on the five land use scenarios analyzed. Drainage will be governed by South Florida Water Management District and/or Collier County. Drainage: The subject site is in the Airport Road Canal Basin, which has an Adopted Level of Service Standard of D, according to Policy 1.2.1 of Ordinance 97-61. The proposed development plan will include a system of detention basins that will attenuate the rainfall event runoff in accordance with Collier County and SFWMD requirements. The post development runoff from the subject property will be a decrease from the existing condition, improving the current conditions. It is anticipated that the proposed change will not have an adverse impact on the Adopted Level of Service. Solid Waste will be handled by the Waste Management of Collier County- under commercial contract. A capacity issues is not foreseeable at the time capacity is needed at this location. Parks: Community and Regional will potentially see an increase in service requests due to the mixed use nature of the development when compared to a the current residential or institutional uses allowed. Through payment of impact fees and increased property tax revenues, any additional operational 'impacts will be addressed Schools will potentially see an increase in service requests due to the mixed use nature of the development when compared to a the current residential or institutional uses allowed. Through payment of impact fees and increased property tax revenues, any additional operational impacts will be addressed Fire, Police protection and Emergency Medical Services will potentially see an increase in service requests due to the mixed use nature of the development when compared to a the current residential or institutional uses allowed. Through payment of impact fees and increased property tax revenues, any additional operational impacts will be addressed. Buckley Mixed-Use Sub district The intent of this district is to allow for limited small-scale retail, office and residential uses while requiring that the project result in a true mixed-use development. The Activity Centers to the North and South provide for large-scale commercial uses, while this sub district will promote small-scale mixed-use development with pedestrian orientation to serve the homes both existing and future in the immediate area. This sub district is intended to be an example for future mixed-use nodes, providing residents with a pedestrian scale development while also reducing existing trip lengths for small-scale commercial services. Commercial uses for the purpose of this section are limited to those allowed in the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zoning districts except as noted below. The development of this sub district will be governed by the following criteria: a. Rezoning is encouraged to be in the form of a PUD. b. A Unified planned development with a common architectural theme, which has shared parking and cross access agreements, will be developed. c. Retail uses will be capped at a maximum of 3,250 sq, ft. per acre for the total project. d. Office uses will be capped at a maximum of 4,250 sq. ft. per acre for the total project. e. Residential development will be subject to a maximum of 15 DU's / acre for the total project. f. Maximum lot coverage for buildings is capped at 35% for the total project. g. No more than 25% of the total built square footage will be devoted to single story buildings. h. Primary entrances to all retail and commercial uses shall be designed for access from the interior of the site. Buildings fronting on Airport Road will provide secondary accesses facing those streets. i. All four sides of each building must be finished in a common architectural theme. j. A residential component equal to at least 25% of the allowable maximum base density under ratings system must be constructed before the sub district completes an aggregate total of 40,000 sq. ft. retail or office uses. k. Residential units may be located throughout the site. 1. Integration of residential and office or retail uses in the same building is encouraged. m. Pedestrian connections are encouraged to all perimeter properties where feasible and desired by adjoining property owners. n. No building footprint will exceed 15,000 sq. ft. Common stairs; breezeways or elevators may join individual buildings. o. No building shall exceed three stories with no allowance for under building parking. p. Drive-thru establishments will be limited to banks with no more than 3 lanes .... architecturally integrated into the main building. r. All buildings will be connected with pedestrian features. s. Twenty ft. wide landscape Type D buffers along Airport-Pulling Road and a 20 ft. wide Type C buffer along all other perimeter property lines will be required. t. Parking areas will be screened from Airport-Pulling Road and adjacent properties. u. The Office and Infill Commercial Sub district provision is not applicable to any properties adjacent to this Sub district. Exhibit 4 V.D. DATA AND ANALYSIS TO SUPPPORT THE PROPOSED CHANGE Introduction The purpose of this amendment to the GMP is to be able to applying innovative and flexible planning and development strategies that are otherwise not available at this time to the property in question, while adding benefit to the surrounding properties and overall community. Benefits to the existing neighborhoods and community will be provided by reduced congestion on existing roads and by providing essential services within walking and biking distances. Mixed-use development is not new of unusual, but require different standards than are presently provided for in the Land Development code. This type of development also requires a higher quality of design and greater commitment from the developer. Narrative Description This application has two parts. The first is a proposed text amendment to the Future Land Use Element, which will create a new land use designation Known as the Airport Gardens Mixed-Use Sub-District. The second part of the application is an amendment to the Future Land Use Map for the parcel identified in the legal description. The Board of County Commissioners recently adopted a study on community character, (Towards Better Places) which supports the notion of mixed-use designs. The study was an extension of FOCUS (the Future of Our Community Created by US) and other community groups requesting a change in the existing development pattern to allow mixed-use developments as a standard not as an exception to the rule. This proposed amendment application follows the intent of the document and as requested in countless community surveys. The document is structured in such a way as to manage design without potential abuses. Mechanism have been provided as part of this amendment to avoid any potential design abuses related to this type of development, by mandating a common Architectural theme that provides similar architecture for all sides of the building plus the implementation of design guidelines as part of the development to ensure a high quality of design, by placing caps on the type of uses, by providing provisions for maximum 'lot coverage, by defining a mandatory residential component as part of the project to ensure a true mix of uses, by making pedestrian interconnections within the site and between adjacent sites a part of the approval for this amendment, and by providing maximum square footages for individual buildings along with a maximum number of stories to ensure a small town feel to the development. These are just a few of the safeguard mechanism that have been provide for in this document to manage design without potential abuses. Why Mixed-use centers First it is time to recognize the shortcomings of the Activity Center Concepts. While they have succeeded in stopping the strip center along major corridors they have not promoted a mix of uses that would be able to sustain themselves and provide the small town atmosphere so often requested in community surveys. Instead they have become major power centers; drawing traffic from all parts of the county. With activity centers acting as power centers and neighborhood commercial facilities, come additional trips not being supplied close to a neighborhood. The additional trips at these major intersections are a major part to the cause of traffic congestion for these intersections. The Activity center Design concept, along with the lack of smaller commercial locations have forced residents into their cars to access these centers for their basic needs which could and should be supplied closer to neighborhoods. A trip for a few items that could be done by bike or by walking is not an option for the majority of people in Collier County. In effect these Activity centers have become strip center shopping malls and regional convenience center that require the use of a car to get around within them. Second it is very difficult to locate and grow small and locally owned businesses in Collier County. This is in part due to the majority of commercial being concentrated in these activity centers. While the corporate nature of retail and mega-store is in part to blame, the concept of the activity centers has made the situation worse. Because nearly all future commercial is required to exist in Activity Centers, it has driven up the land price dramatically for purchasers and tenants alike. It has also put most of the commercial into the hands of a few creating a monopoly type situation, again increasing the cost of commercial property. Throughout America there have traditionally been locations for small retailers such as dry cleaners, salons, convenience stores and other such services close to ones home. This is not the case in Collier County. "Mom and Pop" retailers are as rare as the Florida Panther. A recent study prepared by Appraisal Research Corporation of Naples indicated a need for additional commercial space in all but two locations in the county (copy attached). While the areas of east and South Naples have and excess of retail space available, the balance of the unincorporated portion of the county shows a vacancy rate of less than 3%, well below the state and national averages. The area of North Naples, which is the subject of this amendment, has an incredibly low vacancy rate in local centers of 1.18%. While additional commercial space is being constructed countywide, it is of the salge power type centers that continues to keep small retailers and service related businesses paying power center prices that cost as much as $26.50 per square feet. Barbershops, salons, dry cleaners and the like are forced to absorb these high-priced rents with little of no options. According to the report, the demand for retail space is strong even considering existing and future construction of new centers. While the inventory for commercial zoning is barely keeping pace with the growth, it is the wrong type of inventory and the wrong location for these services. The statement that commercial is the "wrong type and at the wrong location" has been echoed and validated in both the "FOCUS" study and with the Collier County Community Character Plan. Both studies have relied heavily on community input, which point out the dissatisfaction of the community with the current pattern of development, which includes commercial in the county. "Collier County residents have tired of seeing new development that does not add to the county's unique setting of interesting towns surrounded by natural beauty... "This is also demonstrated by the very high approval rating of the neighborhood center picture along with the mixed-use picture when compared with the very low rating for the shopping center pictures. (See attached pictures and preferences below from the Collier County Community Character Plan) 1.6 Collier County Community Character Plan MORE CIS RESULTS +6.5 -3.3 Neighborhood Centers Results pair #13 depicts two very different neighborhood centers. Both contain retail and restaurant uses, but in the one image (from Third Street South in Naples), the pedestrian realm is generous, with benches and outdoor dining creating interest and activity on the sidewalk, the building facades are varied and well- maintained, the landscaping is beautiful, and even details such as the street lights are a~tractive. (+6.5). In the other image, a view from the sidewalk of a strip commercial center in East Naples, the pedestrian realm is cold, sterile, and uninteresting, due in part to the lack of architectural details and signage, and the sterile grays and whites along the long, monotonous run of poorly marked doors and windows (-3.3). With giants like Walgreen, Toys are Use, and other similar commercial chains purchasing sizable out-parcels in the activity center, small-scale retail is left to pay Power Center prices to exist in this market. One look at the intersection of Pine Ridge and Airport Road tells the story of larger chain stores consuming most available retail space. While community groups continue to cry for small-scale development, our regulations continue to cater to the larger retailers and the concept of activity centers because there are no alternative locations. Current GMP continues to compound the situation because they actually discourage mixed-use and encourage the development that exists today. New commercial zoning is allowed'onl~ when located next to existing commercial zoning or located wholly within a new development. This relegates existing communities to the poor land planning of the past without any mechanism to apply new more flexible and pedestrian friendly planning designs to these communities as they mature and have the rooftops that can benefit from and sustain such services. Case studies The following are examples of mixed-use projects for review. The studies are intended to provide insight into the varying types of mixed-use projects. 8/1 Kent Town Center, located - on an in£fll site on Main Street [:?: --~'--~ ~ F .... 4~.._ - in a small historic village, successfully blends new commercial structures into ~..:..__ the exiting streetscape. Echoing the massing and ..!:~ ~__ details of older structures to either side of the project, the project successfully accom- modates a relatively large -- office and retail complex within the character of the community. In addition to its sensitivity to the site, the project also provides a ~'"""~-- landscaped courtyard as an The commercial q~ace is divided between two bui/dihgs that approxqmate the scale of adjacent bm/dings. amenity to tenants and patrons. The buildings mm'ntain the local arebt'tecture of the ~ommuniO. The murfyard provides pubEc q~ace and connect~ to the parking lot at the rear oft&property. The Village Commons, in South Hadley, Massachusetts, is located on a prominent site at the intersection of two highways. The property is owned by Mt. Holyoke College, which developed the project after a fLre ~ destroyed the commercial buildings that were ~ previously located on the site. In order to retain the character of its surroundings, nearly 100,000 square feet of office and retail space and 19 residential units are dispersed between 11 separate buildings. The project was designed so that the structures would maintain the traditional "street lme" on College Street, while forming an mterior courtyard at the center of the site. All parking is located to the rear of the property. Two new buil&~s ~ank an okkr buil~'nv on Colk~e ~ctr~tt. ~ ~ ~~~.~~ /I As the buildmgs face a street and an mterior courtyard, the architecture of the project is four- i .~ sided. Each building varies in its architectural '(.[ ~__~~/~~ vocabulary, but all utilize similar proportions, colors and materials. The layout of the buildings on the site may appear somewhat random when viewing the site plan, but a closer inspection reveals the great care that was exercised in ~~~-,..,; ~1~ courtyard.arranging the buildings and creatmg the interior The silt plan above shows the layout of the 11 buildings at the intersection of two high~,~ys. The photo below shows the character of the interior courtyard. Colonial Square, located on Goodlette Road in Naples, stands out as a successful example in Collier County of the importance of strict architectural regulations, In order to position the office complex within a competitive market and'give the project a distinct character, specific regulations were adopted to guide all development on the ~.~' -- site, Even though Tl~e 4tOlan shays tha lqout of the propery, Mth common greem at fha cvnter of each o21ict block. construction has occurred over a period of time, the architecture of the buildings is consistent. The unified architectural character of the development is one of the main reason~ ; tenants have chosen to locate businesses at Colonial Square. Due to the fact that it is like no other complex in the area, patrons easily recognize the location, The mnsistent architectural vocabula~y giw the projact instant recognition. This a~ffal ritzy thaws the project's location adjacent to single- and ra~ltifarai~y anat. 8/I Unlike other projects illustrated in these case studies, Fifth Avenue South is a collection of over 50 inchvidual properties ~'"T"" ........ customer base, the property owners along I the street joined with the Cit7 of Naples in hiring a consultant to develop a master r::-m -- I[.-i --- plan for the street, which was adopted in 1994. The key to the drastic tumaround of the ~- street was the adoption of zoning and .~. ~'~ .- ,~. ............... parking regulations which replaced the suburban standards that had prevented Tbe raazttrplan (above) demonstrates the small-scaled lot$ and buildn~s along Fifth most properties from redeveloping. The Avenue. The photo (below) i$ indicative of the ~pe of build~'neg encoura~ged b~y the new regulations require buildings to be lo- architeclural r~gu/ations of the overlay distffct. cared at the front setback, which defines the streetscape and provides a continuous row of shop windows to enhance the pedestrian experience, Parking requirements were adjusted to reflect the fact that patrons of businesses on Fifth Avenue often park once while visiting several shops, restaurants or offices, resulting in a natural shared parking arrangement, Outdoor a~ning ix encouraged an Fifth Avenue, and adds to the ~fe of the street. Case Study Summary Fifth Avenue South - Naples, Florida This is a classic Main Street design that provides a mixture of residential, commercial and entertainment for the city of Naples. It is a great example ufa larger sized "local" mixed-use development with all of the components needed for SUCCESS. Kent Town Center - Kent, Connecticut This is a great example of small infill development with a relatively large program that is sensitive to the surrounding area. It provides all the essential elements of a well-planned mixed-use project rich in architecture and makes a memorable place for the community Village Commons - South Hadly, Massachusetts This is a Good campus style design. Multiple small buildings are placed on a green creating small intimate spaces for gathering. This example shows how each building can utilize different architectural designs while maintaining consistancy by utilizing similar materials and proportions. Colonial Square -Naples, Florida An example of a project utilizing a unified design theme and well distributed parking around the site. The lack of residential and commercial components and defining public spaces provides a sterile atmosphere during the day and at night. Pedestrian movement is also restricted on site due to the lack of inter connected pedestrian linkages to, and around the site. Housing integration into this development would have expedited the development timeframe for the project and provided live work opportunity that does not exist today. The following is a matrix of components found in well-designed mixed-use developments. These elements shall be incorporated into the regulations pertaining to this plan amendment. 0 0 c~ ~ r~ o o ~z~ = Four-sided architecture · · · [] Unified design · · · · Landscaping · · · · Pedestrian-scaled elements/signage · · · · Windows on the street · · · · Sidewalk / pedestrian access · · · · Two stories (or more) · · · · Residential component · · N · Located adjacent to residential area · · · · Common green / open spaces · · N N Parking behind buildings · · [] · Small parking lots (pods) · · · [] On-street parking · · N · Defined street edges · · · · Civic buildings N · N · -- Small-building scale / sizes · · · · CASE STUDY MATRIX OF ELEMENTS Key: · = Yes (strong component of project) [] = Partial (exists to some degree) N = No Diagrammatic Analysis The following is a diagrammatic analysis showing the intended location for the site along with the relationship to the existing uses surrounding the property. - - ~ ' ,, r'. - · Why Mixed-use commercial at this location. The proposed amendment provides the opportunity to integrate a mixed-use development into an existing area with existing rooftops that need and would benefit from the neighborhood retail. By locating a mixed-use development at this location we can reduce trips by providing essential services closer to the residential areas. The location exists between two activity centers and in the middle of an existing residential communities, thus reducing trips to half their distance while providing easy opportunity to walk or bike to the proposed site. The property presently is used for a nursery and if developed under the current codes could be developed as Single £amily housing, low income housing, institutional or as an Adult Learning facility. All of which will increase the trips being generated to the activity centers, instead of capturing them on site. It is widely recognized that one of the key benefits to a mixed-use design is thc reduced traffic trips and thus a reduction in congestion on major routes. "Mixed-used-variety rich neighborhoods has benefits in the three key areas. First, in transportation, the mixing of uses is the most powcr£ul way to reduce, unnecessary traffic congestion because many auto trips are either shortened or eliminated..."-Collier County Community Plan. By providing everyday goods and services within a reasonable distance to these - existing residential communities, trips will be eliminated or reduced. Providing neighborhood commercial in this location with provide shopping/retail facilities to the numerous residential communities that surround the project. The intention of the project is to provide the main access opposite the Lakeside community on Airport Road. Initial discussions with Collier County Transportation Engineering and Construction Management staff have been positive for this location. The regional public library is under construction directly south of this project. It has full access on Orange Blossom Drive and right-in access from Airport Road. The developer intends to have a cross access with the library thus providing direct access for the residential communities on Orange Blossom Drive to the shopping/retail facilities at the project. Likewise, the proposed residential units on the project will have direct access to the recreational facilities of the regional library. In addition, the six-lane expansion of Airport Pulling Road is underway. This construction will reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of the road and add sidewalks to the east side of the road, which will enhance pedestrian access to this and other projects in the area. Currently the closest shopping retail facilities for the residential communities such as Emerald Lakes, Villages of Monterey, Cay Lagoon, and Sleepy Hollow are a minimum of one mile away. Therefore, currently the shopping trip produced by each residential unit in these communities must travel a minimum of two miles (one mile each way) to complete that trip. With the completion of this project, some of those shopping trips can be accommodated by the shopping component of the project with a minimum length of less than 2/3 miles (1/3 mile each way). Thus, at least for the shopping trip, there is a potential reduction of approximately 66%. With the proposed project being a mixed-use project, there will be a reduction of trips on the adjacent road network because of internal capture. The proposed land uses (345 multi-family DU's, 97,750 sf of office, and 74,750 sfof retail) as stand alone projects would produce 878 PM Peak Season Peak Hour trips. Using methodology provided by the Institute of Transportation Engineers in the Trip Generation Manual for internal capture, the PM Peak Season Peak Hour trips are projected to be reduced by 146 trips, a 17% reduction. This is in addition to the shortening of the residential shopping trips from the surrounding residential communities. The need for the Buckley Mixed USe s~tb district designation in the GMP is supported by several conditions: 1 The property proposed for this district is not acceptable for traditional residential development. The properties size (23 acres), location, and odd shape make it very difficult to market for low-density residential developments with any success. 2 The property fronts a 4-lane highway, which is scheduled to be widened to 6 lanes. The remaining uses are affordable housing, assisted living facilities, and churches and civic buildings. An affordable housing project less than a quarter - mile South resulted in several hundred objections and was denied recently. The parcel subject to this amendment is even closer to existing homes than the failed affordable housing application. It has also been suggested by the BCC that affordable housing needs to be distributed around the county and not concentrated in any one area. With the already existing affordable housing at in this area suggests that this is not a suitable site. The area has also seen 2- assisted living facilities come on line within a half-mile radius in the last 3 years and are not yet at full capacity. Churches, civic and cultural facilities are also located within the area and are typically seeking deeper parcels. In short, there is no viable use for the property in the foreseeable future under the currant GMP. 3 The area has seen however, a significant growth in residential units in large developments. The County is building a central library next door and a large church based multi-use compound has been approved to the East consisting of an ALF, school and church. With all of this planned growth, there has been consideration for the commercial needs of this many residents without the use of an automobile. 4 This application mandates the inclusion of residential with office or retail. In fact, the property owner cannot build more than 50% of the residential or office potential without completing a minimum of 25% of the allowable residential units. 5 The proposed amendment requires design standards in excess of Collier Counties (award winning) commercial design guidelines. In order for a small-scale commercial site to be truly effective, it must be located within walking or cycling distance from existing planned residences or businesses. There is probably no way to definitively determine a specific number of households that must be present for a district of this type, but existing or planned pedestrian connections are required to all adjacent residential developments to the greatest extent practical. Adjacent properties and Neighborhoods are presently connected by a bike path and sidewalk along Orange Blossom. The Buckley property would provide interconnection to these properties via a pedestrian link, along Airport Pulling Road to the ALF to the north and to the library to the south of the project. The pedestrian link through the library will connect the project to and from Orange Blossom and thus will provide a continuous link to the surrounding neighborhoods. Provisions will also be provided for internal connections (vehicular and/or pedestrian) between each buildings and from within the property up to the adjacent property lines for the purpose of providing interconnection to these adjacent properties as part of the overall design for the project. The decision to connect at these locations will be at the discretion of the adjacent properties/owners. Based on the current land development codes and discussion with the county staff, the property could be developed with single family at 69 dwelling units, (3 DU per acre (base density of 4 DU/Ac-IDU/Ac because within traffic Congestion Zone)) or a mixture of 35 8/I Single family units and an Adult Living Facility (ALF) with 253 units (4 x SF DU per acre), or the property could be developed with 253 affordable housing units (11 units per acre (base density of 3 DU/Ac plus bonus density of 8 DU/Ac)). Our proposed land use would allow for a mixed-use development consisting of a maximum of 345 multifamily units, office space at 4,250 sfper acre, and retail at 3,250 sfper acre. The proposed language has reduced (more than cut in half) what would normally be the achievable square footage for singular retail or office uses to ensure that a mixed-use project is created. Unlike activity centers, a residential component must be constructed prior to build-out of office or retail uses. By placing maximum sizes in addition to the additional design standards that address mandatory pedestrian connections, site design criteria as well as building and parking placement, and scale, this type of development is providing what has been established as a need for the community. Any comparison to mini-activity centers is unwarranted. Activity Centers have become the primary way to develop commercial and retail centers. This district will be a voluntary one and therefore can contain more specific, detailed or stringent criteria within it's zoning. Also, by it being located near existing or proposed dwelling units within pedestrian friendly distances, these small centers can accomplish a desired but unachieved goal of the activity centers, which is a true mixed-use development giving residents a choice in how they access shops and services. Conclusion: This project demonstrates innovative and flexible planning and development strategies that are otherwise not available at this time to the property. The development is consistent with the recently adopted study on community character, which supports the notion of mixed-use development. The location and the odd size of this property do not accommodate traditional development easily, and would provide less of a benefit to the community if developed in that manner. The property developed as proposed will provide benefits to the adjacent existing neighborhoods though the use of the retail and office facilities that are with in reasonable distances to their homes. This plan amendment as proposed provides the community with an better project than would otherwise be expected because of the higher standards of development, and the higher quality of design that meets the desires of the community. Retail Space Readily Absorbed Vacancy rates for retail space are low. according to recent data gathered within the Collie~ County/Bonita Springs area. There were 455 total retail properties identified within the Collier County. and Bonit~ Springs area (using US 41 South of Corkscrew Road south to Marco Island and the Gulfol Mexico to CR 951 as boundaries). Retail properties, or plazas, are identi'fied as one of six basic .types ' * of centers: Convenience - traditionally contains a minimum of three stores with a total gross leasable area (GLA) of up to 30,000 square feet. (Example: River Reach Plaza) Neighborhood- tradi- Ask the Exp ts: tionallybuilt around a su- permarket as the principal The John Wood and rypk~ly Commercial Division taining a GLA of about Q: What ls the range of eommon area 60,000 square feet..(Ex- charges for retail centers? ample: Kings Lake Square, A: Depending upon the services in- RiverChase) c[uded in common area charees, most CAM charges range from ~3.00 to Community- tradition- $4.00 per square foot. 'ally built around a junior Q: How long is the typical retail lease? department store, variety · A: Three to five yea}~ with usually one store, super drugstore, or The John ~ Wood Comme,'c~a,,l Division has handled the leasing and management of the Gateuay Plaza ~br a number of years. It or two renewal periods, discount department store contains 68,000 s~uare feet and h probabfi, best described as a com. Q: Does the State of Florlda charge as the major tenant, in ad- munity center. ,although o,picallv smaller $han others. sales tax on commercial rental pay- dition to a supermarket. menu? A: Yes, currently 6% of the amount of Typical size is about 150.000 square feet GLA, but may range from 100,000 to 500,000 the payment, square feet. (Example: Pine Ridge Crossing) Do you have a commercial Power - traditionally contains at least four category-specific, off-price anchors of real estate question? 20,000 square feet or more, typically occupying 85% or more of the total GLA. Call a John R. Wood (Example: Carillon Center) _ commercial expert at Regional - traditionally built around one or t~vo full-line department stores ofgen- (941) 261-3400. erallv not less than 50,000 square feet with a typical size of about 500,000 square feet GLA. May range from 250,000 to more than 900.000 square feet. (Example: Statistical research provided by Appraisal Research Corporation. t~uerside Shops) A/ld, uaco~u, du,zliu c/,is ,,'wsl~'u,'r is provtTted to be Super Regional -traditionallv built around three or more £tdl-line department iu/;~r.t,tcio,t,d,uut i; h,':'i,.v,z[ to b,' .~,',':tratc. btu ,tot stores generally of not less than 75.000 square feet each ~vith a typical size of about couri~ueed u~:¥t pa~e ... 1,000,000 square feet GLA. Sizes range from'about 500,000 to more than 1,500,000 square feet. (Example: Coastland Cent~ -- In addition to the six types of shopping centers, analysts gathered data for shopping centers grouped into two bro~ categories based on physical configuration: strip centers and enclosed malls. A strip center has a minimum of three store managed as a coordinated entity, and does not have any enclosed interior common areas. An enclosed mall is managed aS coordinated entity, has enclosed interior common areas, and may be a component 6f a larger, mixed-use development. TI vast majority of retail center_s in the Collier County/Bonita Springs market are a strip center configuration. Studies identific only two enclosed mall centers: Coastland Center and Tin City. Out of the total 455 retail plazas, 100 properties were surveyed which included three of the center types defined above ar one of the broad categories. These include community, neighborhood, convenience and strip centers. The percentages listed within this newsletter include only the 100 retail plazas surveyed. The other 355 retail plaz: appeared to be 100% occupied. With 78% of the 455 total retail centers in our area apparently fully occupied and many ne neighborhood and community type centers currently under construction, it appears the demand for retail space is strong. Currently in Southwest Florida, there are 11 new retail plazas under constrUction totaling approximately 550,000 squa~ feet of rentable space. Seven of these 11 plazas are being built in the North Naples and Bonita Springs area, indicating th'. most of the growth is north bound. At press time, there was also a proposal currently underway to knock down and redevelo , The Sandpiper PlaZa in East Naples which is a 831000 squai Number of foot plaza. Location Plazas Surveyed As previously mentioned, only three center "types" were faun Bonita Springs I 7 in the survey. In addition, the following table will show that ce: Central Naples 18 rain geographical 'areas were more heavily surveyed than other: East Naples 1 7 Golden Gate 3 'Dollars & Cents of Shopping Centers: 1998, by M. Beyard, A. Kramer t Marco Island 6 Azsociares, K. Peterkin and J. Kegle Copyright 1998 by the Urban Lan North Naples 22 Institute Old Naples 12 South Naples 3 (NOTE: In 1998, the John R. Wood Commercial Division so~ and leased over $150 million of commercial properties. A goo Urban Estates 2 percentage of those properties were retail centers throughout ti. Southwest Florida area.) RATES BY CENTER TYPE nc or Local Vacancy Community [~]~. CommUhity ~ Co.mmunity. ~ 0.00% Convenience [ $2.64 Convenience l~$4.00 Convenience [] 3.64"/. t Neighborhood ~ 5.65% Neighborhood j~j $6.00 Neighborhood ~jjjj $5.14 ~ [] Minimum [] Maximum [] Average ~Anchor ~Local ~Totol muni ~,tter that exem li es a re- . a tal Rates · development project. ~j John R. ~ Wood Commercial Division Rental rates for the 100 previously mentioned centers w ' brokered&esaleofthe?lazain 1995 for $7.5 million and continues to examined for 1999.' The rental rates have been broken down oversee the leasing of the center. "Center Type" as well as "Geographical Area". In addition, tables to the left show vacancy percentages and overall anm I~~$ BY LOOATION percentages for all areas in 1998 and 1999. For Community ce ters, Anchor Base Ra~ Anchor Local Vacancy ranged from $9.54 Bonita ~ Bonita ~ Bonita J]1'01°/° $12.00 per. square fo Springs J{!K~J Springs 1,2~,~~t Springs ~ annually, with an avera ~ J$14.69 J ~ of $'10.51. Local Ba Rates ranged from $8.¢ ~ J Ha.aa% Central Jfk~jj Central j.~,-,:~~ Cen*ral Jja.4~ to $26.50 with an ave Nap~os Naplos J]Ja.a9% age of $16.08. For Neig Naples J$15.~4 J J$15.00 J borhood centers Anch, Base Rates ranged fro. East [jJsze4 Emi J~ East ~ $6.00 to $~6.00 p, ~ ~ i~~iJ sqUare foot annually, wi, an average of $9.98. Lt golden ~ golden ~ golden J0.00% cai Base Rates ranged rrm gate" J.J.I~j/~i~ (3ate J$.18~ .... ... ~ate J]a. B0% $5.14 to $29.00 with a J$1~.00 ] J$18.9~ J . [j1.19o/° average of $15.01. Fc Convenience ce~ ANNU ' Marco J J~J $4.00 J 0.00% PERCEN[. t(3E$ ters Anchor Ba: Marco Marco J~jJ5.17% (Aii~ ;) Rates range Island" ~ Island. J ~}!~i~J Island ~ ~ '!~ 4.~v/° 1998 j-] ~.73% $20.00 pe ~ ~ J0.00o/0 ] 1.3B% square foot an North North 'Q1.18% nually, with a. North I.$!§~5~J Naples J*~:~~J Naples Naples , J SH.7~ J J$14.B8 J J]0.49% ]1.41% average o ' " 1999 ~ $13.26. Loca ~ J 0.00% ~ Base Rate Old J$~S 00'~ Old ~ ranged, fron NopSi, Nop o, average of $13.12. South ~ South jjJ~Jj~JjJ~ South J0.00% ' Does not include C/LM Naples" j'$1~.~3~j Naples J$~.00~J Naples Urban ~ Estates J $~o,00,:.~:.~=~JUrban .-, · - Estates I$~s.s0 ! .... I~1 ~4i,im~ I--I =o×i~ I--1 ^~ogo Ul^~oho~ "Only or~e property available for survey. ~LEUS ~. ~U~Y, individually and as ~xecuco~ of the Estate of H. M. BUCKLEY ~d THO~ E. BUC~EY, a~ Personal Representative of ~he Estate of Har~ BUC~E~ deceased of *he~.~of ~ll/er .5lose of Florida , g,onfoW, ond }~Y M. BUC~EY, III, DON~D E. BUC~Y, and ~0~ E. BUC~EY co-partners doin~ business ~der the fi~ name ~d ~tyle of Buekley w~ ~. o~ o~,~u is 7501 North ALFpOF~ Koad, NS~I~, FloFL4a 33942 T~n ~O ~/100 ..................................................... o~ o~er ~od o~ ~luable co~d~ofls b wid g~lor in ho~d Pold by sol4 O~ I~ r~t w~,~f is d~r~ {o~. ~fuO~. ~,g ofld b~ ;fl Co~e~ Coumy, FbKda. offer Mid grcmlo, does hereby YuSy ~afronf ~e 6fie ~o M:d Ion~, ami w;(! deiend Ihe same against ~e lawful claims of Oer~ofls whomsoever. '~ "GeoMO~" o~1 "gronfee" o~e used lo, ~gulm' Or pJvral, oS cO.lext r~qq;ires. $iOfled; sooted Of~d d,~d.ifl,~r aen~aciv~ of nba Est. ace of ~ M. COUNTY OF GOLLIT~ ! HEREBY CERTIFY Iha! e. Ih;~ 4o¥ ~etore me, ~n olfi(g~ d. ly queG~ed to mice a~knowledgme.~, ~er~onolly Thamas ~. ~k~cl_e~, as Pe~cmal Rep~e~e~ca~Lve of r. he Esr. ace of fiarr~ M. ~k~ckley Io mt known to be fha person described iff orml who executed tho forego;no ;n*frumefl~ o~d ockfloWlodgod before me lhof 19 8]1~ my ' · A ~"~l',." :'".'l ·: -' .~<~i,~ ~.....1 .'(" . GMPA-2001-AR.833 (/C t)- zoo I -'~_~) :.... BUCKLEY MIXED USE 8UBDISTRICT L PROJECT: 2001050015 MAY 04, 2001 .... ...: uul zzl~ 00(J38 I .... ' ........ ":'?' ' OR,BO0/~ PAGE The North ha)f of the following described property: That Part of the East half of Section 2, Township 49 South, RenEge 2S East. Collier County, Florida, described as follows; Commencing at the Northeast cOrne~' of Section 2, Township 49 South, Ranqe 2S East, CollieroCou~¥," Florida; thence along the Eas~ life of said Section 2. South Z -13 -05 East )589.69 feet; thence North 8g -59 -01" We~t 100.08 Feet to the W~s~ Right of Way line of State ~oad 31 {Pulling Road), and the POINT O~ BEGINNING of the parcel herein described; thence along ~.V~toRioht of Way linc or. State Road ' ~3'-0S" East ~v.ub feet; thence South Bg~-SI'.4D,' West ~n ]~ ~. thence North 2~- 13 05 We~t lggO.ql feet~ thence South 8gO-Sg'_01 East ~00.38 feet to the Point of Beginning. Containing ~.B]g acres of land more or less. Subject to an easement over an~ across all that part of the East half of Section 2, Township 4g SOuth, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida, described es fo)lows; cone~encing at the Northeast corner of Section Township 4g South, Range ~5 Eas~, Collier County, Florida; thence along East li~e of Said Section ~, SOuth ~v-%3'-OS. gast 267 0 f , 8~v , . g, 1 eett thence North · -59 -34 west 100.08 feet to the West Right of Way line of State Road 31 (Pulling Road); and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the easement herein desc~ibe~; thence along the West Right Of Way 11 e OS" Eas~ 100.08 feet: thence North 8g~-s9'-34,' We~ 500 38 f , h North 2~-13'-05'' West 100.08 feet; thence South 8~-5g':34'' ~:~ ~0~ feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of the easement herein described; containing 1,14g acres more or less. The aforesaid easement ts a 100.08 foot wide non-exclusive easemont through the property conveyed herein for the purPoSe of permitting the owner of the property to the imnediate West o~ the property conveyed herein to remove fill . m~terial The Crantee sh~ll h~ve the ~t~ht to relocate.sUch easement by riling for record a deed of easement approved by the than owner ~djacent property, whO shall have the right to require the Grantee to pay all exnenSes in connection therewith, including the expenses of relocation. This easement shall terminate on April 30, 1987, or on such earlier date as the owner of the adjacent property to the West has ceased removing fill From his ))roPerty as evidenced by nonuser for 189 consecutive days. The Gran:or hereby grants tO the Grantee the right to lay pipe for ihe purpose of removing surface water as far into the adjacent property to the.West as is necessary. The owner Of the property to the West shall be allowed to remove fill from such property up to the property line. The pro~erty to the West referred to herein is more accurately described on that certain warranty deed executed on this date by the Grantors herein to Highway Pavers, Ins. being a part Of the East half of Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 2S East, Collier Court:y, Florida. COLLIER COUNTY RECOROED 84 %~ARRANT¥ D~:D 'X'O TRUST££ UNDER ~D TRUST ~ PU~SUA~ ~0 S~ON ~89,0~1 ~LORZDA S~ATUT~S DATE ApP~,I. 22, 1986 ~u~: Com an 'aa .'.,_l ~ t the Gr~n:or* The ~ ' v~luable considera:io:s in' .... ~!lars., and. other Bood aliens, remise$, .~aleaae~ ~h~a~a ~rancs, bargains, sells ~ "-" ~llo~ing de~crlbad real iat~e in' ~he County' o~ See a~ach~d legal ~escrip~ion P~GE hereinafter called "the property". TO ~VE ~ ~0 HO~ the said proptrcy in ~ee ~i~ple u~n :he ~u~Cs and for Uhe uses and ~u~ose~ herein and ~n said crusc agree- me~= ~eC ~orth. ' Full. power and au=horley is hereby granted to sa~d tm.prove, subd~vide;. ~otec~ ............. ' C?,,stce to ~ -- -~ -,~-'~oe~ ~ aal~ property or any parc thereof. co cea~cate parxb,, lt~ece, ht~hvey~ or alley~ and ~o vacate any - subdivision o~.~t, thereoZ, and ~o res~bdiv~de sang r. .. con-id .... ' ..... Y e~,, to convey either with or v~chouc m a successor Or evcces~or~ in ..... : " --- r ............. '.. mor~lase, pled{{ ur o~h{~l~e enc~b~r t~{d proper~y o: ,m'..*, u~aesenci or future, a~d ~po~ any terms a~d ~or any :~eri. od ..: te~ of 99 years, and to reneu or exceed le~ses ~po~x any ::~.~..:.; ~or any period or periods of C[me a~d co am~n,I, chan~ ~,~. ~::..;. :' and options ~o renew leases and options co purchase ~h~, ~'h(.l.. f~xins the amount of preaen~ or future rentals, co par~ici, o: ,~xchan~a said p~opercy, or any par~ thereof, for o~:h,:: · ~,~semen~s o~ charses o[ any kind, ~o rel~lst, ti)nye', .... . ,',~ ~o said promises or any pa~t thsreo~, and ~o deal -,,i,'h 'a:" 2}~o~e~Ey and evoxy par~ 2hereoE in itl o~her ~v~. · ..kCil:~ON L- BOUGHNER, · ~9 - 28t. b Avenue '~" OR BO0~ ~.. and for such other cOnsideraClons aa ic would be 1 for any person ovning 2he s%me to deal/with.the same, vhecher similar ' ". co or d[[ferenc £rol/¥Che ~ays:.above s~ecified, ac any time or .! tim~.s hereafter, :/.j..':' '- Any contract,'0bligat[on or indebtedness incurred or' entered Ap . anG no~ ~ndiv~dusIIy ~nd ~he Trustee shall have no obligation vha~soever ~it respect co any such con~ract, Ob~igation or 2~debte~es~ ex~ep~ only ~o far as ~he trun~ property ~ ~he.acc~L possessi~ of the True~ee be applicable ~or ~he pa~en~ and d[~c~ar e ~ber - be expressly ~der '~ -~ ......... ~ _ roi, and ~c ~v~an~s, ~derta~uge a~d agreements hereinafter ~ade on ~he part , covenants., ~dercak~n~s and a~reemencs o~ said Trustee. a~e never~he~e$~ made and in~ended not ae persona[ ~eP~esencaC~on~, ~arrant~es, covenants, ~derC~k~s and agreements by the Trustee or for the purpose or ~[th ~he ~nten~ion o~ b[ndin~ sa~d Trustee P~rso~ally, but are ~ade and intended for the purpose of only ~he t~s~ peo~erty ePeaiflc~lly described berein perusal ltab/lley or ~ersona~ ........ : d that no shall ac any time be asserted or enfo--4~ [ ........ d by nor ind[vld~lly on accost of any'i~e~r~t execuced by or on accoun~ of any repree~Ca~%on, ~a~ , covens such nersonal l~abil~e~--;~'~-ez~n~r.eXp~e~se~ or implied, and ah -arson _ =---;, ~_~ny, o~nS e~ress~y ~aived and release be char-~ -.--~ ~.co~r~c$on; ~aomsoever ~nt ~aCsoevar =hall d '. [~l~n~ ~or record o~fe Deed. · In no case I~ll.~y par~y deal[~ ~h said crus~ee In a property, or Co ~om said property or any par~ thereoff eh.all ~e conveyed, c~trac~ed co be sold, lea~ed d't~s or ~r~gaged by ssi tee, be obliged to see ~o ~he a 1[ ' oi.~y p~chase~neY~ reno. or mo--~ ~ ....... ~ __ , p~ eat~on cna necessity or qx '~e e o~ o ..... ~,,c ~_ _~,, .... ~.~. _n y . any ac~ o~ ee~ ~rue~ee, or ~ ~= =?~e~ or pr~e~ed to.~n~uire into any of ~he ~erms off c~c.~reemen~; ~a;e~rv ~ee~ t~s* ~--' ........ property shall be a~cluaive evidence in ~a~r of every person relyl~ upon or cla~t~l ~der any such conveyance, lease or other inst~ment, (a) hhaC at the time of ~he delivery thereof the crust created'by ~h~a Ini~cure ~d by said t~usc aEreemen~ vis In full ~orce ~d e~[ect, (b) cha~ ~uch conveyance ~r ocher ine:r~en~ va~ executed In accord~ce vith ~he trusts, conditions and limitations 'con~a~ed in chis Indenture ~d in 8aid Cru~c a~ree~enc or In ........... ~end~nt thereof and bindini noon ~=r~c~ar~e~ ther~der, Cc) that the cruscee wa~ d~y authorized ~- empovered ~o ~x~e ~d deliver every ~uch deed, ~rust conveyance ~e ~GdG ~:~ e~cCesoor or s~cces~or n Crust, ~hac such gucaesoor or eueeeee6~8 i~ ~ru~ have been properly appointed and are fully vested rich all the title, estate, riKhc~, powers. in trust. <., ~ [ncere.t of each beneficiary under the tr~sc ~reeme~r "~': hereunder and o~ a[l'per.cn, claL~ under ~hem or ~n. of arisin~ from the sa14 or o~her diuposi~on of said and such interest Is hereby declare~ ~o Be person~l property, and no beneficiary heralder ~haI1 have any ~i~[e or in~erei~. legal or equitable, in or co said proper~ ~ such, bu~ only '" an ~nterasC ~ the po~ses~$o~ ea~ings, avails and proceeds' %':' thereof as a~oresatd. ... grantor ie law~ulXy seized of Salt property ~n fee s~mple. the grantor has good right and la~fu% authori~y co eel.1 n~d OR BOOK convey ~aI~ propertyl .~ha~ the ~rancor hereby fuI~y ~arrant~ the ~Itle :o aaid pzopercy and will defend the same a atnst the lawful claims proper~y ~ of all perso~ whomsoever; and thatg~aid fr~ off al~ ene~brances; emcep~ ~axes accruing IN WITNESS ~g~OF, the Said hand a~d seal tht~ 6th day o~ June SX~ed, ~ealed and delivered our PreSence: WITNESSED STATE OF ~ORIDA · he foregoing ~SCrumen~ was acknowledged before me chis day of , 19~.___ by COI~OII. ATE ACKNOWLEDGemENT STATE OF FLORIDA · CO~ OF COLLIER . · ~e foregoing ~men~ was ackn~led~ed before me Chis 6~h day Of Oune ,, Ig by (name and C~Cle) A~to~ey a~ ~ . co0m oF I hEREBY CEKTIFY chat on this day before me, an off£¢ar duly qual£fied to cake acknowledgments, personally appeared Ileus Buckley, individually and as Executor of the Estate of ~. M. Bueklay ~o me kn~n ~o be the person describe~ ~n and who execu:ed the fore- going Warranty Deed and acknowledged before me cha~ ~he executed ~ITNgS~ my hand and o~icial seal in ~he County an4~ta~e last aforesaid ~his '/~ day o~ NO~ .... ...f: .. - ..~ I ZUU UUUa~O ./"'" R BO0 The South half of :he following described property: .That part Of ~he East half of Sec:ion 2, To,shiP 4~ South. ~ Range 2~ Eaa:, Collier Councy, Florida, described as follo~; Co~enc~ng at :h~ Northeaac co:nar o[ Section 2, ~out~, Ra~Se 25 Las~. Co~l~ .... hip ~9 the ,nsc Line o,:"..,~--- e: Court,,, ~lgr~a; Caence ....... ccc:ion 2, South 2"-13'-05" Ea~ce feet: :henee North 89*-59'-01" West I00.08 Feet ~o :he Ues~ 60 OF'a~GINRING of the parcel herein d~scribed; ' chance along ~he ~e:;C Right of ~,'av llnc of S~acc, Ro:~a ~1. So'uch 2°.~),,05,, Eanc 1989.05 fee~; thence South 89~-5,.' ..' .. chalice Souci~ 89'-59'-0I" Ea~c 590.38 fe~.c co ch~, Be~innins. .. Conc;~/ning 22.839 acres of land aoce or Les;. half of Sec:ion 2, Towmship i9 South, Range 25 gas::, Collier: COunty, Florida, described as ~l~ows.; co~nrfluncing at cbc Nor, i, corner of Section g, To, ship ~ ~ouch, R~nl;e 25 Ease. Colli.~.r County, l lerlda: chance al Chence ~9r:;i 89'-~9'-3&" 100.08 fee: ~o the We~c Right of ~;ay line ~f State Road 31 (Pulling'Road); and the POINT OF BEGINNI~;G of Cbc oasemcllc described: ..,~, :hence along che ~et.: Righc of ' · thence Norch 89"-59 Ue~t }00.38 feet; ~hence Notch 2'-13'-05" Wes: 100.08 thence Sou~h 89"-~9'-34" East 500.38 feec :o :he POINT OF Acres more or less. ,. The aforeNaid ea~eme~: is a ~00.08 foo: wide non-mxclus&ve Conveyed herein co remove fill ml~ritl. The Gran~ee shall hav~. ~he riEht to relocate ~uah easement b~ [ilin~ for recora a (l~cd c,~' easemen~ approve4 by chi ~h~n o~er of such a~jacen~ property. shall have the rtgh= :o te~/re :he Grantee co pay all expenses in ~ eonnee~ion theNewith ineludin& :he expenses of reloca:ion. This easement ~hall ~e~i~ate on April 30, 1987 as the ~er of -~- -~ ...... ., or on au~h earlier ~vin8 ~ilI fzom his .~..~_proper~g co the West has ceased re- seeutive daya ~. ~[_~c~ as.evidenced by nonuser ~or 180 con- ~ r = u~ re~vxng surface water as far Ln~o the adjacent property co the ~ea: a~ is necessary. The o~er :he property co the Wese shall be allo~ed :o remove fill from property up to :h~. property line. The re er - ~_ge~ein is.~re':aeeuratelv des ~.a ~- ~._? co_cge ~est referred R~ge 2~ East, Collier County, Florida ton 2. To~ehzp &9 ~,..,.,. WATER / SEWER DEMANDS for BUCK!,EY PROPERTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT Prepared for: PMS, Inc of Naples 2335 Tamiami Tr. N., Ste 408 Naples, FL 34103 GMPA-2001-AR-833 (~C P-Zoot-Z ~ BUCKLEY MIXED USE SUBDISTRICT PROJECT: 2001050015 Prepared by: MAY 04, 2001 Vanasse & Daylor, LLP 12730 New Brittany Blvd, Suite 600 ~ Fort Myers, Florida 33907 V&D#80400 April 2001 STATEMENT OF UTILITY PROVISION.~ I. POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT UNDER EXISTING COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION A. Assumptions 1. Scenario A = 23 Acres x 3 DU/Ac. = 69 DU (Sin.qle Family) 2. Scenario B = 11.5 Ac. x 3 DU/Ac. = 35 DU (SF) + 11.5 Ac. x 12ALF/Ac. = 138 DU (ALE) 3. Scenario C = 23 Ac. x 11 DU/Ac. = 253 DU (Work Force Housin.q - Apts) B. Water Demand Calculations: 1. Scenario A (69 SF units X 1.81 persons/unit)X 154 gallons/person/day = 19,200 ~pd Peak Demand = 19,200 gpd x 2.5 -- 48,000 gpd 2..Scenario B (35 SF units X 1.81 persons/unit) X 154 gallons/person/day = 9,800 ~pd. plus (138 residents X 154 gallons/resident/day) + (20 employees X 25 gal./employee/day) = 21,800 add Total, Scenario B = 31,600 odd Peak Demand -- 31,600 gpd x 2.5 = 79,000 gpd 3. Scenario C (253 MF units X 1.42 persons/unit) X 154 gallons/person/day = _55,300 qpd Peak Demand -- 55,300 gpd x 2.5 = 138,250 gpd C. Sewer Flow Calculations: 1..Scenario A (69 SF units X 1.81 persons/unit) X 125 gallons/person/day - _15,600 ~d Peak Flow: 15,600 gpd x 3.5 = 54,600 gpd 2. Scenado B (35 SF units X 1.81 persons/unit) X 125 gallons/person/day = 7,900 clpd, plus (138 residents X 125 gallons/re, sident/day) + (20 employees X 20 gal./employee/day) = 17,700 .qpd Total, Scenario ~ = 25,600 %d Peak Flow: 25,600 gpd x 3.5 = 89,600 §pal 3. Scenario C (253 MF units X 1.42 persons/unit) X 125 gallons/person/day - 44,900 _~pd Peak Flow = 44,900 gpd x 3.5 = 157,150 gpd II. POTENTIAL DEVELOPMENT UNDER PROPOSED COMP. PLAN DESIGNATION A. Assumptions 1.23 Acres x 3,250/Ac (retail) = .74,750 SF (Retail) 2. 23 Acres x 4,250/Ac (office) = 97,750 SF (Office) 3.23 Ac. x 15 DU/Ac (MF). = 345 DU (Multi-Family) B. Water Demand Calculations: 1. 74,750 SFX 0.19 gpd/SF = 14,200 2. 97,750 SF X 0.19 gpd/SF = 15,600 3. (345 MF units X 1.42 persons/unit) X 154 gallons/person/day = 75,400 Total Water Demand = 105,200 gpd Peak Flow= 105,200 gpd x 2.5 -- 263,000 gpd C. Sewer Flow Calculations: 4. 74,750 SFX 0.15 gpd/SF = 11,200 ~pd .. 5. 97,750 SF X 0.15 gpd/SF = .14,700 ~pd 6. (345 MF units X 1.42 persons/unit) X 125 gallons/person/day = 61,200 Total Sewer Flow = 87,100 gpd Peak Flow = 87,150 gpd x 3.5 = 304,850 gpd BUCKLEY PARCEL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHANGE TRAFFIC ANALYSIS Prepared by: Vanasse & Daylor, LLP 12730 New Brittany Blvd., Suite 600 Fort Myers, Florida 33907 #80400 April 2001 GMPA-2001-AR-833 ~'C P- Zoo t-~ BUCKLEY MIXED USE SUBDISTRICT PROJECT: 2001050015 MAY 04, 2001 h\Projects\804\804OO\TIS\804OOTIS.doc B P£UCAN MARSH ELEM. SCHOOL N w ~.~~E PELICAN NARSH IFFS I I-- c~ 0 LA FONTANA IZ: BEACH ROAD VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD EXT. " =-MERALD LAKES OF NAPLES CITRUS GARDENS 1 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF NAPLES ----BEAR KEYSTONE PLACE 12 BARRON cOMER HIGH SCHOOL IA NEW BEGINNINGS L~SCHOOL 80400 12?SO New BrtU~y, Su~e eO0 I/ ~ I~ ~ ~8 ~. ,~ ~... ~ ~,o~ . EXHIBIT 1-A 80400EXH1 ~ ~ ~ ~ite ~ Phone: (,t) ~?-~01 JJ 2~ Tom,mi Tm, H. ~ ,~= .,,~ .~_.~, , ~., ,..,~ LOCATION MAP EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Buckley Parcel is located on the west side of Airport Pulling Road just north of the planned County Regional Library (old Collier County Animal Control site) in the Collier County (see Exhibit I-A Location Map). The site is approximately 23 acres in size and currently used as a nursery. The current Future Land Use for the site is Urban Residential and the site is within the Traffic Congestion Zone. The proposed Land Use for the site includes Retail Uses at 3,250 sf per acre, Office Uses at 4,250 sf per acre and Multi-Family Uses at 15 DU per acre based on a total acreage. Project traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway network are less than 5% of the LOS C for the adjacent roadway. The traffic projections for the network with the proposed changes to the Future Land Use Plan do not show any Level of Service problems in the area adjacent to the project. Therefore, the proposed land uses does not significantly or adversely affect the adjacent roadway network. I:\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TiS.doc 1 The Buckley Parcel is located on the west side of Airport Pulling Road just north of the planned County Regional Library (old Collier County Animal Control site) in the Collier County (see Exhibit I-A Location Map). The site is approximately 23 acres in size and currently is used as a nursery. The current Future Land Use for the site is Urban Residential and the site is within the Traffic Congestion Zone. The proposed Land Use for the site includes Retail Uses at 3,250 sf per acre, Office Uses at 4,250 sf per acre and Multi-Family Uses at 15 DU per acre based on total acreage. Project traffic impacts to the adjacent roadway network are less than 5% of the LOS C for the adjacent roadway. Therefore, the proposed land use does not significantly affect the roadway network. I:\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TIS.doc 2 Consistent with the current policy of Collier County, project trip generation was based on ITE Trip Generation (6th Edition). The following trip generation formulas were used: Nursery (LU 818): ADT: T -- 19.50(X) AM Peak Hour: T = 0.26(X) PM Peak Hour: T -- 0.45(X) Single-family (LU 210): ADT: Ln(T) = 0.920 Ln(X) + 2.707 AM Peak Hour: T = 0.700(X) + 9.477 PM Peak Hour: Ln(T) ~. 0.901 Ln(X) + 0.527 ALF-Retirement Community (LU 250): ADT: PM Peak Hour/0.10 AM Peak Hour: T = 0.170(X) - 0.355 PM Peak Hour: T = 0.269(X) - 2.514 Affordable House-Apartments (LU 220): ADT: T = 5.994(X) + 134.114 AM Peak Hour: T = 0.497(X) + 3.238 PM Peak Hour: T '-' 0.541(X) + 18.743 Multi-family (LU 230): ADT: Ln(T) = 0.850 Ln(X) + 2.564 AM Peak Hour: Ln(T) = 0.790 Ln(X) + 0.298 PM Peak Hour: Ln(T) -- 0.827 Ln(X) + 0.309 Shopping Center (LU 820):' , ADT: Ln(T) - 0.643 Ln(X ) + 5.866 AM Peak Hour: Ln(T) = 0.596 Ln(X ) + 2.329 PM Peak Hour: Ln(T): 0.660 Ln(X) + 3.403 General Office Building (LU 710) ADT: Ln (T) - 0.768 Ln (X) + 3.654 AM Peak Hour: Ln (T) - 0.797 Ln (X) + 1.558 PM Peak Hour: T -- 1.121(X) + 79.295 I:\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TIS.doc 3 EXISTING LAND USE The existing land use consists of 23 acres of nursery. The projected trip generation of the existing land use is shown in Table 1. TABLE 1 TRIP GENERATION-CURRENT LAND USE AM PM Land Use ADT Peak Enter .Exit .Peak Enter Exit Nursery (LU 818) 23 Ac 449 6 3 3 10 5 5 Totals 449 6 3 3 10 5 5 CURRENT FUTURE LAND USE The Future Land Use Map for Collier County shows the parcel as Urban Residential. Several different land use possibilities exist within this future land use. Three potential scenarios have been investigated to determine potential trip generation for this site. T~ese are shown in Tables 2A, 2B and 2C. Table 2A shows the trip generation for the single family land use at the density of 3 DU/Acre (base density of 4 DU/Ac -1 DU/Ac because within Traffic Congestion Zone. Table 2B shows the trip generation for the single family land use at the density shown in Table 2A for 50% of the land and the ALF land use at four times the single family density. Table 2C shows the trip generation for affordable housing apartments at a density of 11 DU/Ac (base density of 3 DU/Ac plus bonus density of 8 DU/Ac). TABLE 2A TRIP GENERATION-POTENTIAL LAND USE (ALL SINGLE FAMILY) AM PM Land Use ADT Peak Enter Exi.__~t Peak Enter Exit Single Family (LU 210): 69 DU 737 58 14 43 77 49 28 Totals 737 58 14 43 77 49 28 I:\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TIS.doc 4 TABLE 2B TRIP GENERATiON-POTENTIAL LAND USE (50% SINGLE FAMILY/50% ALF) AM PM Land Use .ADT peak Enter .Exit Peak .Enter .Exit Single Family (LU 210): 35 DU 395 34 8 25 42 27 15 ALF (LU 250): 138 DU 346 23 10 13 35 19 15 Totals 741 57 19 38 76 46 30 TABLE 2C TRIP GENERATION-POTENTIAL LAND USE {ALL AFFORDABLE HOUSING WITII DENSITY BONUS) AM PM · Land Use ADT ,Peak .Enter Exi__~t Peak .Enter Exit Apartments (LU 220): 253 DU 1651 129 21 108 156 104 51 Totals 1,651 129 21 108 156 104 51 I:\Projects',804\80400\TIS\80400TiS.doc 5 PROPOSED LAND USE 8 This project proposes a change to the Future Land Use to Mixed Development consisting of retail land uses at 3,250 sf/Ac, office land uses at 4,250 sf/Ac and residential multi-family land uses at 15 DU/Ac. The trip generation for this land use mix is shown in Table 3A. TABLE 3A TRIP GENERATION-PROPOSED LAND USE (MIXED USES) AM PM Land Use ,ADT Peak .Enter Exit Peak Enter ..Exit Multi-Family (LU 230): 345 DU 1,865 136 23 113 171 115 56 Office (LU 710): 97,750 SF 1,304 183 161 22 189 32 157 Retail (LU 820): 74,750 SF.. 5,653 134 82 52 518 249 269 Totals 8,822 454 266 187 878 395 483 H.owever, since the proposed land use includes mixed uses, there will be a percentage of the traffic generated that will be attracted internally to other land uses within the _ development. This internal capture was determined utilizing the rates and summary sheet shown in the ITE Trip Generation Handbook (see Appendix A). In addition, the retail land use will experience pass-by capture from the people that are projected to be traveling along Airport Pulling Road. Figure 5.5 from the ITE Trip Generation Handbook was used to determine the percentage Of Pass-By Capture (see Appendix A). The resultant projected trip generation has been adjusted for the PM Peak Hour and is shown in Table 3B. h\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TIS,doc 6 TABLE 3B TRIP GENERATION-PROPOSED LAND USE (MIXED USES)ADUSTED FOR INTERNAL CAPTURE AND PASS-BY CAPTURF~'~ PM Land Use Peak Enter Exit Multi-Family (LU 230): 345 DU 171 115 56 Mixed Use Intemal Capture -60 -34 -26 Office (LU 710): 97,750 SF 189 32 157 Mixed Use Internal Capture -15 -8 -7 Retail (LU 820): 74,750 SF 518 249 269 Mixed Use Internal Capture -71 -31 -40 Passby Capture 42% -188 -91 -96 Totals 544 231 313 h\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TIS.doc 7 ADJACENT ROADWAY NETWORK Airport Pulling Road Airport Pulling Road in the vicinity of the project is currently under construction to be expanded into a six lane divided arterial. It is under county jurisdiction. Orange Blossom Drive Orange Blossom Drive in the vicinity of the project is a two lane undivided collector. It is under county jurisdiction. COMMITFED ROAD IMPROVEMENTS Roadway improvements that are currently under construction or scheduled for construction within the next three years were considered to be a committed improvement. These were identified in the Collier County Transportation Improvement Plan and FDOT Adopted Work Programs for Collier County, Fiscal Year 2000/2001- 2005/2006. Road improvements are committed for construction in order to help alleviate current area road deficiencies and support future area development. Construction on Airport Pulling Road to expand it to six-lanes from Pine Ridge Road to Vanderbilt Beach Road has recently started. Other committed improvements in the area include: A) the four- lane expansion of Goodlette-Frank Road from Pine Ridge Road to Vanderbilt Beach Road by year 2002; B) the completion of Livingston Road from Radio R~)ad to Immokalee Road as a six-lane arterial and from Immokalee Road into Lee County as a four-lane arterial by year 2003; C) the six-lane expansion of Pine Ridge Road from Airport Pulling Road past 1-75 whi(~h i~ currently under construction; and D) the four-lane expansion of Vanderbilt Beach Road from Airport Pulling Road to Logan Boulevard in year 2002. h\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TIS.doc 8 TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENT The pattern of site traffic distribution is based upon locations of generators and attractors in the area of the project. The traffic distribution for the project is shown in Table 4. TABLE 4 TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND ROUTE ASSIGNMENT SUMMARY Land Use Traffic Distribution Orange Blossom west of Library access 10%, Airport north of project 45% Airport south of project 45% I':\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TIS.doc 9 LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSI-~ The roadway segments analyzed include Airport Pulling Road and Orange Blossom Drive. The trip distribution was applied to the site-generated traffic volumes to determine the site-generated vehicle trips assignment for each scenario. Subsequently, the site-generated vehicle-trip assignments were superimposed onto the projected buildout year background traffic network to determine traffic with the project. The buildout of the project is anticipated to be completed by year 2006. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC An average growth rate for each segment of the roadway network was determined from the 1995 to 2000 Collier County historical traffic count data. These growth rates were 8.7% for Airport Pulling Road and 11.7% for Orange Blossom Drive, It is our opinion that these high growth rates will not continue for Airport Pulling Road 'due to construction of Livingston Road and other expanded parallel facilities. Collier County Transportation Planning was contacted to determine the Peak Season Daily Traffic Volumes for the n(Srth south corridor from the recent FSUTMS computer simulations. These have been completed for year 2005 on an interim basis for the Existing plus Committed network discussed earlier under the Committed Road Improvements section. Table 5 shows the volumes given with conversation to Average Daily Traffic utilizing the FDOT MOCF. TABLE 5 PROJECTED TRAFFIC VOLUMES- (2005) Road Se.qment PSDT '' MOCF .ADT Airport Road north of Orange Blossom 54,300 0.88 47,800 Livingston Road north of Orange Blossom 23,900 0.88 21,000 Goodlette Road north of Orange Blossom, ~ 17400 0.88 15,300 US 41 south of Vanderbilt Beach Rd 51,600 0.88 45,400 1-75 north of Pine Ridge Road 49,100 0.88 43,200 Total 196,300 172,700 h\Pr°jects~'804\80400\TIS\80400TIS'd°c 10 The existing traffic volumes for the north-south corridor were determined from the Collier County Transportation Operations Department 2000 Traffic Counts Report and are shown in Table 6. TABLE 6 EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES- (2000) Road Se.qment ADT Airport Road north of Orange Blossom 46,400 Livingston Road north of Orange Blossom 0 GOodlette Road north of Orange Blossom 19,100 US 41 south of Vanderbilt Beach Rd 41,600 1-75 north of Pine Ridge Road 47,700 Total 154,800 The existing traffic volumes were used with the FSUTMS projected traffic volumes (adjusted to average daily traffic) to determine a growth rate for the north-south corridor. Tt~is growth rate has been determined to be 2.2%. By using just the data from the projected and existing traffic volumes for Airport Pulling Road, a growth rate of 0.6% is determined. To remain conservative, the corridor growth rate has been using for Airport Pulling Road. The background traffic (Table 7) was than projected to year 2006 Peak Hour Two-Way using the Collier County Truck Factor (95.24%) and K~o0 (9.7%). The Collier County Directional Factor (56%) was used to determine'the 2006 Peak Hour ~irectional Traffic Volumes. The data sources used for this analysis are shown in Appendix B. TABLE 7 ~ ~ BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES- (2006) 2000 2000 Growth 2006 2006 Road Segment _ADT K~0o pk Hour* Rate .ADT .pkHour* Orange Blossom west of Library access 7,247 9.70% 669 11.7% 14,100 1,303 Airport north of project 46,382 9.70% 4,285 2.2% 52,900 4,887 Airport south of project 46,382 9.70% 4,285 2.2% 52,900 4,887 *Adjusted for Truck Factor of 95.24% I:\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TiS.doc 11 TOTAL TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITH VARIOUS LAND USE SCENARIOR - The potential project traffic shown in Tables 1-3 was added to the projected background 2006 Peak Season Peak Hour Directional traffic as determined from Table 7 to determine the projected 2006 Peak Hour "without the project" and "with the project" for the various scenarios. These are presented in Tables 8A through 8E. The LOS tables utilized in the analysis are shown in Appendix C. TABLE 8A 2006 PROJECTED PM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC FOR CURRENT LAND ,USE P~k Peak FMPeak Pe~ LC6 Tr'~c F~d Dmct- Back Fi~ject Tdal Eb~ LOS as%(:f R:3aOA~y Type ich gou'd Tr'~c Tr'~c LOSC LGSD LOSE LCG,.~.dgo. rd ~ LCSC Qa'~B~v, estdUbaya~ 2LU FR 573 I 574 870 930 930 920 C C 0.1% V~ 729 I 730 870 920' 930 930 C C 0.1% /~rt. mlhdl:roject 6LD N3 2,737 2 2,739 2,933 2,g~O 2,~0 2,~0 C C 0.1% S9 2,159 2 2,153 2,a20 2,~0 2,~90 2,~0 C C 0.1% /~irpotsculhdl~ect 6LD N9 2,737 2 2,739 2,930 2,!~902,990 2,S~0 C C 0.1% -- ~ 2,159 2 2,153 2,933 2,9g0 2,~0 2,g~O C C 0.1% I :\Projects\804\80400\TI S\80400TI S.doc 12 TABLE 8B 8A 2006 PROJECTED PM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC POTENTIAL LAND ,USE (ALL SINGLE FAMILY) Peak ~ FMPeak Ped~ LC:IS Traffic ~Y T~ ~ ~ T~c T~ ~C ~D ~E ~~~ ~C ~B~dU~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C Q~ ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C O~/o TABLE 8C 2006 PROJECTED PM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL T~FFIC POTENTIAL LAND USE (50% SINGLE FAMILY/50% ALF) ~ ~ ~ ~ L~ T~c ~ B~ ~ ~ T~ ~ L~ ~%~ ~B~dU~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C 0.~4 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C 0.~/~ ~ ~1~ ~ ~171 ~ ~ ~ ~ C C 0.~4 I:\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TiS.doc 13 TABLE 8D 8A 2006 PROJECTED PM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL TRAFFIC POTENTIAL LANE USE (ALL AFFORDABLE HOUSING WITH DENSITY BONUS) ~ Pe~ FMPe~k ~ L(~ Tr'-~cas R::ed Drect- Back ~Y T~ ~ ~ T~c T~c ~C ~D ~E ~~ ~ L~C ~B~dU~ ~ ~ ~ 10 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C 1~/o ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C C 0.~/o TABLE 8E 2006 PROJECTE~ PM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONAL T~FFIC PROPOSED LAND ,USE (MIXED USES WITH INTERNAL AND PASS-BY CAPTURE) ~Y T~ ~ ~ T~c T~c ~C ~D ~E L~~L~ ~C ~ ~ 31 I:\Projects\804\804OO\TIS\804OOTiS.doc 14 TRAFFIC IMPACTS 8A According to the DCA/DRI Transportation Uniform Standard Rule (9J-2.045), a project is found to have a significant and adverse impact on a state or regionally significant roadway if it is found to meet both of the following criteria: (1) the project will utilize 5 percent or more of the maximum peak hour service volume at the adopted level of service standard; and (2) the roadway is projected to operate below the adopted level of service standard. A review of Table 8A through 8E indicates that there are no roadway segments in the adjacent area that would be both significantly and adversely impacted by the project in year 2006 for any of the scenarios (existing to proposed). CONCLUSION Arterials and collector Roads that will be impacted by this amendment would be Airport Road from Pine Ridge Road North to Vanderbilt beach Road. The current level of Service for this segment is LOS D. Capacity for this segment is 39,600 trips with recent counts indicating 46,400 tdps existing. Currently the road is under construction to expand to six lanes, therefore providing a LOS C for planning purposes. This amendment does not anticipate affecting traffic in excess of 5% of LOS C I:\Projects\804\80400\TIS\80400TiS.doc 15 8A * APPENDIX A , ~ 84 Figure 5.5 Shopping Center (820) Average Pass-By Trip Percentage vs: 1,000 Sq. Feet Gross Leasable Area On a: Weekday, P.M. Peak Period Number of Studies: 100 Average 1,000 Sq. Feet GLA: 329 Data Plot 120 ~oo ........................ '" ~ ......: ...... : .............: ...... i ...... : ...... i ...... ~ 90 ...... :' ~4 .......... ' ............~ ...... : .............· ......................... ~, so ...x. ................................... · ..... ~ ............................ . ..... ~' ~1_~. --: ...... : ...... '. ...... ."' : : : : : : ._ 70 '''':'''X~ . ..... ' ...... : ...... ; ...... .: ...... ;. ...... ; ...... ~"~ ~o~-~i"___ ...... ! ............. ! ...... !. ...... i ...... i ...... ! ...... i .... ~.!. ...... ! ...... 1~×:× .~: i ×i .ii i ! :::: so -t - .'~ .~<-:- - -x- ·; ............ -.' ...... '. ...... ...... : .....· ....... .... ~ ~ \×' .~ . × : × : : : : ---: ....... : .... .. '~ 1 ~,~,;x : : x: : :×: : : : : <~ '°-t'"~"~"'×"!'".~~.~. ~ ........ × !! i ! i '::' : ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... · '~ .x . · x · . i .; ..... : ...... 30 . -.: .... -~ ...... ; ............ : ...... : ..... ' ..... '. ' 20 ' ' . . .: ...... x · · : : x : 10 ' ' · X ..... '''. ..... 0 100 200 300 . 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 X = 1,000. Sq. Feet Gross Leasable Area X Actual Data Pointa -- Fitted Curve Fitted Curve Equation: Ln(T) = -0.291 Ln(X) + 51001 R2 = 0.37 Trip Generation Handbook Chapter5 [] ITE 43 Table 7.1 Unconstrain. ed Internal Capture Rates for Trip Origins within a Multi-Use Development WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR MIDDAY PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT DAILY STREET TRAFFIC from OFFICE to Office 2% 1% 2% to Retail 20% 23% 22% to Residential 0% 2% 2% from RETAIL to Office 3% 3% 3% tO Retail 29% 20% 30% to Residential 7% 12% 11% from RESIDENTIAL to Office N/A N/A N/A " to Retail 34% 53% 38% to Residential N/A N/A N/A Caution: The estimated typical internal capture rates presented in this table rely directly on data collected at a limited number of multi-use sites in Florida. While ITE recognizes the limitations of these data, they represent the only known credible data on multi-use internal capture rates and are provided as illustxative of typical rates. If local data on internal capture rates by paired land uses can be obtainea~ tbe local data may be given lrreference. N/A -- Not Available; logic indicates there is some interaction between these two land uses; however, the limited data ~ample on which this table is based did not record any interaction. Tdp Generation Handbook Chapter 7 [] ITE 87 8/I ; Table 7.2 Unconstrained Internal Capture Rates for Trip Destinations Within a Multi-Use Development WEEKDAY P.M. PEAK HOUR MIDDAY PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT DAILY STREET TRAFFIC to OFFICE from Office 6% 6% 2% from Retail 38% 31% 15% from Residential 0% 0% N/A to RETAIL from Office 4% 2% 4% from Retail · '. 31% 20% 28% from Residential 5% 9% 9% to RESIDENTIAL from Office 0% 2% 3% from Retail 37% 31% 33% from Residential N/A N/A N/A Caution: The estimated typical internal capture rates presented in this table rdy directly on data collected at a limited number of multi-use sites in Florida. While ITE recognizes the limitations of these data,.they represent the only known credible data on multi-use internal capture rates and are provided as illustrative of typical rates. If' local data o~ internal capture rates by paired land uses can be obtained~ the local data may be given proeerence. N/A -- Not Available;.Iogic indicates there is some interaction between these two land uses;however, the limited data sample on Which this table is based did not record any interaction. ' 88 ITE [] Trip Generation Handbook Chapter 7 8~ APPENDIX B -- GENERALIZED SERVICE VOLUME INPUTS MINOR .INPUT ~.P~T._E_Pd..~ COLLECToR .Traffic Characteristics "K" Factor (Planning Analysis Hour) ~ "D" Factor (Directional Split) :097 .560 PHF (Peak Hour Factor) .940 .940 Adjusted Saturation Flow Rate 1,850 1,700 % Turns From Exclusive Lanes . 30 35 Roadway Characteristics Area Type Urban Urban Arterihl Class 1 2 Posted Speed 45 30 Roadway Median Yes (~) Yes Left-Tm Bays Yes Yes ._Signalized Characteristics Signals Per Mile Arrival Type 1-3 1-3 Type of Signal System Semiactuated Semiactuated System Cycle Length 120 '120 Weighted Thru Movement g/C 0.40 0.35 Footnote: I) For a roadway without a median, reduce the service volumes by 5 percent. 84 ; APPENDIX C Annual Traffic Counts (Listed Alphabetically) [Sta. T Location 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Change 99-00 '3 Q 111thAveNortheastofVanderbiltDr(cRgo1) 6,036 5,961 6,423 7,819 8,715 11.46%- ~85 Q 111thAveNorthwestofVanderbiltDr(cRgo1) 7,652 '8,087 7,951 4,930 4,887" .0.88%- 665 A 29 (SR) north of Farm Worker's Village 8,641' 11,632 9,033 -22.34% 591 A 29 (SR) north of SR82 5,689 5,954 5,982 6,514 6,868 5.43% - 615 A 29(SR) north of US 41(Sa g0) ffamiami Trail E.) 2,015, 2,358. 2,143 3,110 2,066 -33.57% 582 A 29 (SR) south of US 41 (SR90) 3,705 3,543' 3,270 2,762 3,398 23.03% 661 A 82 (SR) west of SR 29 8,581 8,862 10,069 13.62% 619 A 846 (Devil's Garden Rd) east of SR 29 2,973 2,753 3,234 3,670 4,112 12.04% 553 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) north of Davis Blvd (sa 84) 37,401 39,276 38,486 38,537 43,314 12.40% 599 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) north of Orange Blossom Dr 33,258 35,578 39,176 40,587 46,382 14.28'--'-""-;~--/o --"5'0'~"~'~(CR31) no O ~ne ~ge (CR896) ~~~~~~~oo 543 Q Airport Rd (cR 31) north of US 41 (SR45)(TamiamiTrail) 22,037 22,43919,631 19,28~'1~ 26.67"'--'--'"'"'~---/~ 659 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) north of Vanderbilt Beach Ext (CR 862) 30,659 31,212 34,876 11.74% 552 Q Airport Rd (cR 31) south of Davis BIvd (sR 84) . 29,805 31,337 30,812 29,540 33;147 12.21% 533 Q Airport Rd (CR 31) south of Golden Gate Pkwy (cR 886) 50,884 54,456 58,447 56,138 58,644 4.46% 554 Q'Airport Rd (CR 31) south oflmmokalee Rd (CR846) 24,541 23,112 24,057 26,189 30,474 16.36%. 502 Q Airport Rd (OR 31) south of Pine Ridge Rd (CF{ 896) 43,235 42,587 44,770 47,574 51,035 7.27% 717 S Bald Eagle Dr(CR953) north of Heathwood Dr 10,338 10,002'11,366 11,344'12,697 11.92% 700 S Bald Eagle Dr (cR 953) north of Barfield Dr 8,014 8,518 8,009 7,175 7,201 0.36% 539 Q Bald Eagle Dr(CR953) north of CollierBlvd (SR951) 10,420' 10,019 11,273,13,071 11,043 -15.52% - 540 Q Bald Eagle Dr(CR953) south of Collier BIvd (SR951) 9,994 8,141 10,206 9,151 10,416 t3.82% 622* Q Barfield Dr south of Collier Bird (SR951) 6,339 7,026 6,762 6,435 7,350: t4.22% -- ~ S Barfield Dr east of Bald Eagle Dr(cR953) 4,236 4,541 4,238 4,012 4,032 0.50% ~..-1 Q 'Barfield Dr north of Collier BIvd (SR951) 3,246 3,493 3,428' 3,136 3,375 7.61% 718 S Barfield Dr north of San Marco Rd (CR 92) 6,515 7,288 7,268 6,547 7,064 7.89% 711 S Barfield Dr north of Winterberry Dr 5,005' 5,529 5,511 5,176 4,573 -11.66% 713 S Barfield Drsouth of Winterberry Dr 2,703 2,988 3,056 3,064; 4,108 34.07% 521' Q Bayshore Dr north of WeekAve 15,093'15,527 14,973 14,561 15,728 8.02% 626 A .Camp Keais Rd south oflmmokalee Rd (CR846) 1,513 1,457 2,187 1,715 2,011 ' 17.26% 660 A Capri BIvd west of Collier BIvd (sR 951) 4,452 3,788 4,133 9.11% 610 Q Carson Rd north of lake Trafford Rd (CR 890) 5,183 4,838 5,051 5,347 5,374 0.51% 618 A Chokoloskee Causeway south of Plantation Parkway 2,049~ 2,062 2,144 1,521 1,763 15.91% 573 Q:Collier Bird (CR 951) north of Davis Bird (SR 84) 29,507 33,306 34,728 35,413 36,610 3.38% 584 Q Collier Bird (CR 951) north of Golden Gate Blvd 9,649 11,231 12,828 14,123~ 15,459 9.46% J~ 525 Q Collier Blvd (CR 951) north of Golden Gate Pkwy (cR 886) 17,690!19,166 21,045 23,189 24,157 4.18% 536 Q Collier Bird (CR 951) north of Pine Ridge Rd (CR 896) 18,658 20,246'21,835 23,665 25,465 7.61% 602 Q Collier Blvd (CR 951) north of Rattlesnake Ham Rd (CR 864) 17,761 22,466 24,925~ 25,701 25,968 1.04% 532 Q Collier Bird (CR 951) north of US 41 (SR 9O) (Tamiami Trail) 13,990 17,415 20,482 22,324 25 073 12.31% 607* Q, Collier Blvd (CR 951) south of Golden Gate Pkwy (CR88S) 13,618 t5,591 17,032 17,785 18 908 6.31% 655 Q Collier Bird (CR 951) south of Immokalee Rd (CR 846) 10,818 12,450 13,239 6.34% 657 Q Collier Bird (cR 951) south of Lely Cultural Bird 20,682 22,388 21,919 -2.0'9% 603 Q ,Collier Blvd (CR 951) south of Rattlesnake Ham Rd (CR 864) 33,597 20,571 23,300 23,258 24,247: 4.25% 557 Q Co[lier Blvd (CR 951) south of US 41 (SR 9O) (Tamiami Trail) 26,989 28,692 30,339 27,773 29,346; 5.66% 555 Q Collier Blvd (SR 951) eastofBald Eagle Dr(CR 953) 16,157 15,574 17,600' 15,617!t6.504 5.68% 624 Q Collier Blvd (SR 951) north of San Marco Rd (CR 92) 15,327 15,866 17,426 14,433 15,775 9.30% _7.~q S Collier Blvd (SR 951) north of Winterberry Dr 11,423~ 11,625 11,241 10,469 9 990 -4.58% Page 1 of 5 1/22/2001 )3 658 723 612 550 663 ( "'~b2 - 590 645 682 725 724 547 647 598 526 514 535 ~12' 515 900* ~34 744 789 585 Collier County Annual Traffic Counts (Listed Alphabetically) Location Immokalee Rd (CR 846) east of Collier Blvd (cR 951) Immokalee Rd (CR 846) east of 1-75 ('SE{ 93) Immokalee Rd (CR 846) east. of US 41 (SR 45) (Tamlami Trail) Immokalee Rd (CR 846) north of Stockade Rd Immokalee Rd (CR 846) south of Oil Well Rd (CR 858) Immokalee Rd (CR 846) west of US 41 (CE{ 45) (Tamiami Trail) Immokalee Rd (CR 846) west of Collier Blvd (CR 951) Immokalee Rd (CR 848) west of Wilson Bird JmmokaJee Road (cR 846) west of Wilson Bird J & C Blvd west of Airport Rd (CR 31) Jane's Scenic Dr west of SR 29 Kendall Dr west of Collier Bird (sE{ 951) Lake Trafford Rd (cR 890) west of Carson Rd Lake Trafford Rd (CR 890) west of North 15th St (sE{ 29) Logan Blvd north of Pine Ridg_.___e Rd (CR 896) Logan Blvd south of Pine Ridg.__~e Rd (CR 896) Logan Blvd south of Vanderbilt Beach Ext.(cR 862) ~in--St (SR 29) west of South 1st St (CR 846) Manatee Rd east of Collier Blvd (CR 951) 951) New Market Rd (SE{ 29A) east of North 15th St (sE{ 29) New Market Rd (SR 29A) south of Broward St -- North 15th St (sE{ 29) north of Lake Trafford Rd (CR 890) North 15th St (sE{ 29) south of Lake Trafford Rd ( cE{ 890) North 15th St (SR 29) south of Monroe St North 1st St north of Main St (sE{ 29) Oakes Bird north of Vanderbilt Beach Rd (CR 862) Oakes Bird south of Immoka'lee Rd (CR 846) 858) Well (CR 858) east of Immokalee Rd Old US 41 (CR 887) at Lee County Lithe ~range Blossom Dr east of Timberline Dr' Pine Ridge Rd (CF{ 896) east of Airport Rd (CR 31)' ;, Pine Ridge Rd (cR 896) east of Goodlette Rd (cE{ 851) Pine Ridge Rd (CR 896) east of Logan Blvd ('Santa Barbara' Pine Ridge Rd (cE{ 896) east of US 41 (sE{ 45) (Tamiami Pine Ridge Rd (cF{ 896) west of Airport Rd (c'-'~ 31) Pine Ridge Rd (cR 896) west of Logan Blvd Plantation Parkway east of CR 29 Radio Rd (CR 856) east of Airport Rd (cR 31) Radio Rd (OR 856) east of Santa Barbara Bird Radio Rd (CR 856) west of Davis Blvd (SR 84) Radio Rd (CR 856) west of Santa Barbara Blvd Randall Blvd'east of Immokalee Rd (cR 846) Rattlesnake Ham Rd (OR 864) east of County Barn Rd Page 3 .of 5 1/22/2001 3,710 5.46% -2.87% -5.03% 18.22% 1.57% 9.56% led 8.19% 16.47% 2.20% 2.26% 10.61% 8.91% 11.26% -2.35% 3.68% 8.55% 1.$7% 6.45% 16.56% 0.31% 13.07% 17.02% 56.07% 50.36% 13.90% .18.92% '13.02% 6.05% 13.12% -6.20% 18.25% 3.18% 7.80% t 0.74% 1.20% -1.01% 33.17% 6.20% ROUTE-SPECIFIC SEGMENT 1 TABLE 1-1 ART-TAB Version 2.0 Arterial Level of Service Volume Tables Based on Chapter 11 of the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual Update Florida Department of Transportation DESCRIPTION ROAD NAME:AJrpon Road From:lmrnokalee Roed To: Pine Ridge Road PEAK I~RECTION:NB Study Time Period:PM PEAK Analysis Date: 1997 conditions Number of Lanes: AADT: User Notes: Au ust1995 * (Inc!,__,de,_ vehicle= in exclu..~i~ turn lane=) 1.428571 Intersections ~er milf~ Level oi' Service [.~'~£s A B C I N/A 630 92O 2 N/A 1,320 1,920 3 N/A 2,030 2,920 4 N/A 2,700 3.890 D E 1.000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,990 2,990 3,990 3,990 TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS K FACTOR: D FACTOR: PHF: ADJ. SATURATION FLCRN RATE: % TURNS FROM EXCLUSIVE LANES: ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS URBAN, TRANSITIONING, OR RURAL AREA TYPE: 'ARTERIAL CLASS: FREE FLOW SI:~ED (mi~): TOTAL LENGTH OF ARTERIAL MEDIANS (Y/N): Y LEFT TURN BAYS (Y/N): Y ~,GNALJZATION CHARACTERISTICS NO. SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS:" ARRNAL TYPE. PEAK D~RECTION: 0.0eT (0.06 - 020) o.51B (o.5o. 1.oo) 0.970 (0.70 - 1.oo) 1,8S0 (1400 - 2000) 24 (0-100) U (U. T. or R) 1 (1,2, ¢x 3) 4s (4s. 4o, u 35) 4.2 6 4 (1.2.3,4,5 or 6) TYPE SIGNAL SYSTEM: S (P. $. ;x A) (P-Pr~med. $-Sem~,_~__*e,~ A=Actuat~') SYSTEM CYCLE LENGTH (sec): 140 (60 - 180) WEIGHTED THRU (Include= vehicle= in exclusive turn lanea) 1.428571 Intetsec'~s z~er mite Level of Sef~ce t.~$ A B C D E 2 N/A 1210 1,780 1.920 1,920 4 N/A 2,550 3,710 3,850 3,850 6 N/A 3,900 5.630 5,770 5,770 8 N/A 5,200 7.500 7,690 LAN£S 1 2 3 4 (inClt-~e_* Vehicles in excJu.~/e turn lane=) 1.428571 Intars~.fions ~er mil~ A B C D E N/A 12,500 · 18,300 19,800 19,~X) N/A 26200 38,200 39,600 3~,600 6 N/A 40,200 58,000 59,500 59,500 8 N/A 53,600 77,400 79,300 79,300 Itte level of service is not achievable Iht vic Ratio for Full Hour . Level of Service A B C D E N/A 0.63 0.93 1.00 1.00 N/A 0.~ 0.9~ 1 .IX) 1.00 N/A 0.68 0.98 1.00 1.00 N/A 0.68 0.98 1.00 1.0~ TRAN 19 t ART-TAB Version 2.0 Arterial Level of S~rvice Volume Tables Based on Chapter 11 of the 1994 Highway Capacity Manual Update Florida Department of Transportation AuRust 1995 DESCRIPTION ROAD NAME: Collector Road From: To: PEN( DIRECTION: Study Time Period: PM PEAK Analysis Date: 1997 conditions Number of Lanes: AN)T: User Notes: Generalized Service Volume · ~' I si~lnal per mile ~' TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS K FACTOR: D FACTOR: PHF: ADJ. SATURATION FLOW RATE: % TURNS FROM EXCLUSIVE LANES: ROADWAY CHARACTERISTICS URBAN, TRANSITIONING, OR RURAL AREA TYPE: ARTERIAL CLASS: FREE FL.OW SPEED (mph): TOTAL LENGTH. OF ARTERIAL (mi): MEDIANS (Y/N): Y LEFT TURN BAYS (Y~I): Y SIGNALIZATION CHARACTERISTICS NO. sIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONs: ARRIVAL TYPE. PEA~ DIRECTION: TYPE SIGNAL SYSTEM: --Range--- 0.097 (0.06 - 0.20) 0.560 (0.50- 1 .(X)) 0.940 (0.70- 1.00) 1,700 (1400- 2000) 3s (o. ~0o) U (U, T, or R) 2 (1,2, or 3) 30 ( 3 3 3 (1.2,3,4.5 o~ 6) S (P, S. er A) (P=Pretfrnecl. S=$emiactueted. A=Actuateo) SYSTEM CYCLE LENGTH (sec): 120 (60 - 180) WEIGHTED THRU MOVEMENT g/C: 0.35 (0.20 - 0.80) PEAK HOUR 'PEAK DIRECTION VOLUME (include.~ vehicle~ in exclu.dve turn lane=) [ IntemectJons Der mile Level of Service L~.N£S A B C D E 1 N/A 390 870 920 920 2 N/A 810 1,780 1,830 1,830 3 N/A 1,230 2,700 2,750 2.750 4 N/A 1,650 3,620 3,660 3.660 PEAK HOUR VOLUME (BOTH DIRECTIONS) (Include= vehic~ea in exclu~ve turn lane=) 1 Intersec~ons Der mile Level of Service L~U~£S A B C D E 2 N/A 690 1,550 1,630 1.630 4 N/A 1.440 3,180 3,270 3~70 6 N/A 2.190 4,820 4,900 4,900 8 N/A 2.950 6.470 6,540 6.540 AVERA'GE ANNUAL DAILy TRAFFIC (AADT) (include= v~cle~ in exclusive turn lane=) .1. Intersections Der ~jl~ Level of Service LA~£S A B C D E 2 N/A 7,100 16,000 16.9(30 16.900 4 N/A 14,800 32,800 33.700 33,700 6 N/A 22,600 49,700 50.600 50,600 8 N/A 30,400 66,700 67,400 67.400 N/A means the level of service is not achievable Peak Hour Peak Direction Through/Right vic Ratio for Full Ilea' Level of Service L~ES A B C D E 1 N/A 0.42 0.95 1.00 1.00 2 N/A 0.44 0.97 1.00 1 .IX) 3 N/A 0.45 0.98 1.00 1.00 4 N/A 0.45 0.99 1.00 1 TRAN 21c COLGEN1 .WK1 8A MAP OF: TWP.49S - SECTION 02N- RANGE 25E - SHEET NO. 18B NAPLES, FLORIDA ON MICROFILM IN THE CLERK TO THE BOARD MINUTES & RECORDS DEPARTMENT TO: FROM: MEMORANDUM COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION, PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION DATE: RE: OCTOBER 5, 2001 PETITION NO. CP-2001-03, GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT AGENT/APPLICANT/OWNER Agent: Terrence Kepple Kepple Engineering, Inc. 3806 Exchange Ave. Naples, F1 34101 Applicant: J. Steven Ferguson Northside Construction Co. 800 Northside Dr. Summersville, WV 26651 Owner: Northside Construction Co. 800 Northside Dr. Summersville, WV 26651 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject property, containing Livingston and Pine Ridge Road. attached exhibits "A") 10.47 acres more or less, is located at the northwest quadrant of The parcel lies within the North Naples Planning Community. (See REQUESTED ACTION: This petition seeks to: 1) Amend the existing Future Land Use Element and map of the Collier County Growth Management Plan for the addition of 10.47 acres to the Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Sub-District of the Urban Commercial District for the specified lands. The proposed text change adds language under the Urban Commercial District, Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, page 31, Section B, (V), 3 as follows: 3.)Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict This subdistrict consists of two parcels, one consists of 17.5 acres and is located at the southeast quadrant of Livingston Road, a collector roadway and Pine Ridge Road, a minor arterial roadway. The second consists of 10.47 acres and is located at the northwest quadrant of Livingston Road and Pine Ridge Road. In addition to uses allowed in the Plan, the intent of the Livingston/Pint Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict is to provide shopping, personal services and employment for the surrounding residential areas within a convenient travel distance and to provide commercial services in an acceptable manner along a new collector roadway. The Subdistrict is intended to be compatible with the neighboring commercial, public use and high density residential properties and will utilize well-planned access points to improve current and future flows in the area. wordsstra'~" ........ ,u ..... ~..u are deleted; words underlined are added a.)SoutheastQuadrant 8 A ;'"~ -'- If permitted by the South Florida Water Management District, emergency access to the North Naples Fire District fire station located immediately east to the property will be provided improving response times to all properties located south along Livingston Road. Interconnection to adjacent properties immediately to the South and immediately to the East will be studied and provided if deemed feasible, as a part of the rezoning action relating to the subject property. Building height is limited to one story with a 35 foot maximum for all retail and general commercial uses. General and medical office uses are limited to three stories with a 50 foot maximum height. Any project developed in the Eub~is~ict Quadrant may be comprised of any combination of retail commercial and/or office uses, provided that the total square footage does not exceed 125, 000 square feet. A minimum 50ofoot buffer of existing native vegetation will be preserved along all project boundaries located adjacent to area zoned agricultural. b).Northwest Quadrant Interconnection to the adjacent properties to the North and West will be studied and provided if deemed feasible, as a part of the rezoning action relating to the subject property. Building height is limited to one story with a 35 foot maximum for all retail and general commercial uses. General and medical office uses are limited to three stories with a 50 foot 8H maximum height. Any project developed in the Quadrant may be comprised of any combination of retail commercial and/or office uses, provided that the total square footage does not exceed 40,000 square feet. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The petitioner proposes to add 10.47 acres to the Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict so as to allow retail and commercial office uses on the site at the northwest comer of Livingston and Pine Ridge Road. The Northwest Quadrant would allow single-story retail commercial uses and up to three-story professional or medical related offices. As proposed, this amendment would allow a maximum of 40,000 square feet of leasable area for retail commercial and office development. SURROUNDING LAND USE~ ZONING AND FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Existing Conditions: The subject site is zoned Rural Agricultural District (A) currently allowing 1- du/5 acres. The property is presently developed as a retail landscape nursery and vegetable/fruit stand. It is designated Urban Mixed-Use District/Urban Residential Sub-district and is entirely within a Mixed Use Activity Center Residential Density Band. The Future Land Use Designation for this 10.47 acre property would allow multifamily housing at the density shown below, if the following density bonuses were applied. BASE DENSITY 4 Density Bonus Additional Units/Acre Activity Center Residential Density Band 3 Total without Affordable Housing Provision 7 Affordable Housing Provision 8 Total with Affordable Housing Provision 15 units per acre In addition to multifamily housing, the subject site would be eligible for a number of conditional uses such as churches, child care facilities, ALF, recreation and open space uses, essential services, etc. · :° words ...... ~kr^"g*' are deleted; words underlined are added 2 Surrounding Land Use: North: East: The Community School of Naples is a private School serving K-12 and is zoned Community Facility (CF). The current Future Land Use Designation is Urban Mixed-Use District/Urban Residential Subdistrict and the property is within an Activity Center Residential Density Band. Across Livingston Road, single family dwelling on land zoned E, Estates. The current Furore Land Use Designation is Estates-Mixed Use District, Residential Estates Subdistrict. West: Conditional Use in the "A" zoning district developed as the Etude de Ballet (Naples Progressive Gymnastics Camp), a dance school and recreational camp. The current Future Land Use Designation is Urban Mixed-Use District/Urban Residential Subdistrict and the property is located within an Activity Center Residential Density Band South: Related Group PUD on south side of Pine Ridge Road. The PUD is a completely developed rental apartment community containing 276 dwelling units on 39 acres. The current Future Land use Designation is Urban Mixed-Use District/Urban Residential Subdistrict and the property lies within an Activity Center Residential Density Band. STAFF ANALYSIS: Environmental Impacts: The entire site has previously been cleared for agricultural uses. No listed animal or plant species are known to inhabit the site. Traffic Capacity/Traffic Circulation Analysis: Staff has reviewed the applicant's Traffic Impact Study (TIS) for the proposed amendment, which will permit small scale C-3 and C-4 retail uses. The petitioner's TIS indicates the difference in trip generation between the existing retail nursery and currently permitted residential uses verses the possible small scale retail uses will not exceed the significance test of five percent of the adopted level of service of the peak hour volume of Pine Ridge Road and Livingston Road. Based on the petitioner's TIS this amendment would be consistent with the Policy 5.1 and 5.2 of the Transportation Element. Staff has concerns regarding the TIS pertaining to the number of trips assigned to the existing retail nursery. However, the magnitude of the difference should not effect the outcome of the TIS in regard to compliance with the reference policies. Access is not an issue determined at the comprehensive plan level. The segment of Pine Ridge Road from Airport Road to 1-75, is currently a four lane divided arterial, is under construction to widen same to six lanes. The segment of Livingston Road from Immokalee to Pine Ridge Road is scheduled for construction as a six lane arterial in the current Fiscal Year. Public Facilities Impact: Utilizing the level of service standards identified in the Capital Improvements Element of the Comprehensive Plan the proposed commercial uses would result in a lesser impact on public facilities than the current 73 residential units (7 DU/A) allowed under the Growth Management Plan. Appropriateness of Change: The petitioner proposes that the property is more suited for commercial development than residential development due ~to the existing FPL easement comprising of the western 6.7 acres of the 10.5+__acre site. The petitioner states thc usable portion of the subject parcel ranges from 57 feet wide to a maximum of 167 feet in width and substantial buffering from Livingston Road and Pine Ridge Road would be necessary to make a viable residential project. In addition, the petitioner proposes this property to be an island surrounded by commercial and public facility uses and major roadways, and that thc use of this site for residential uses would be incompatible with the current uses and the long range function (arteriaFcollcctor roads) of thc immediate area. 8H As permitted under the current future land use designation, the subject property could be developed for multi-family residential with up to seven dwelling units per gross acre using the Residential Density Band bonus; and, with the Affordable Housing density bonus, up to 15 dwelling units per acre could be developed. However, staff concurs with the petitioner that the size and configuration of the site, due to F.P.L. easement, as well as the abutting roadways, would make it unsuitable for a residential development. Certain, nonresidential uses such as private or public schools, churches, recreational and public facilities, child care, adult living facilities and social or fraternal organizations could be developed on this site as well and could be compatible with the surrounding area. The proposed use of retail commercial may not be compatible with the single-family home on the Estates zoning east of the subject site. However, that site borders Livingston Road and this segment of Livingston Road is scheduled for four-laning within the current (5 year) Capital Improvement Plan. It is anticipated that, due to its location, that property will eventually be the site of an amendment to the Growth Management Plan. The proposed commercial uses are compatible with the existing public facility development to the north and west of the subject property. The proposed use of retail commercial may not be a compatible use to the multi-family development to the south of the subject site. However, the sites are divided by Pine Ridge Road a 4 lane divided highway scheduled for 6 laning within the current (5 year) Capital Improvement Plan. Commercial Demand Analysis: The site is within the North Naples Planning Community, and borders the Central Naples Planning Community and Urban Estates Planning Community. The chart below identifies the commercial inventory of the three Planning Communities. Area Total Acres Developed Acres Undev. Acres Developed S F North Naples 972.86 524.19 448.67 3,859,766 Central Naples 312.02 251.54 60.48 2,017,181 Urban Estates 373.47 30.7 342.77 194,803 Sources: 1998 Commercial Inventory (based upon 1997 Property Appraiser data) and current zoning maps The petitioner prepared and submitted a market feasibility and demand analysis for the subject parcel. As defined in the petitioner's analysis, the subject's primary market area and analysis was determined to be within a two-mile radius from its location and the study focused on the projected future supply and demand of the trade area. The petitioner surveyed the existing supply and demand of retail space in the primary trade area. Their inventory included shopping centers, strip retail centers, stand alone store buildings, etc., and concluded there is currently 920,277+ square feet of retail space in the primary trade area. This study did not include the Home Depot Store, Lowes Home Center and Costco Wholesale Club in the analysis. In addition, to determine the need for additional land to be zoned for retail use the petitioner performed an analysis of potential commercial retail space. Their analysis did not include the Pine Air Lake PUD which is zoned for 707,000 square feet of retail commercial space as well as 250, 000 square feet of office space. Via this process they concluded there is 38.05+ acres or 1,677,059 square feet of vacant property with zoning appropriate for retail use within the two-mile radius of the subject site. The petitioner estimated the amount of commercial retail space that could be developed on the land utilizing a market average of 20% building to land area to estimate that there is a potential of 335,411 square feet of commercial retail space within the trade area. The inventory does not include the additional 17.5 acres site at the southeast comer of Pine Ridge Road and Livingston Road that has a potential of 125,000 square feet of neighborhood retail development. 4 In conclusion, the petitioner's statistical analysis indicated an oversupply of retail space exists in the current market. However, the statistical oversupply is projected to be absorbed by 2003, at which point the market will be in a state of shortage. 8tl The petitioner's analysis and staff's analysis of the trade area are summarized below for comparison: Standard Two Mile Trade Area Petitioner County Staff Square Feet Existing Retail Space 981,277 1,351,547 Staff figures based on the ! 998 Commercial Inventory (based upon the 1997 Property Appraiser's data). Standard Two Mile Trade Area Existing Vacant Commercial Acrease Petitioner County Staff 38.50 55.80 Total acreage excludes Pine Air Lake PUD approved for 957,000 square feet of commercial. Staff figures are based on a compilation of the 1998 Commercial Inventory, 2001 Property Appraiser's data and the 1999-2001 approved rezones. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: · Based upon total existing commercial inventory in the primary trade center, staff believes there is an adequate supply to meet present demand. · The magnitude and scale of this project of 40,000 commercial square feet is similar to neighborhood commercial development. · The subject property does not abut any commercially zoned property or property eligible for commercial zoning. · The subject property is bordered by community facility and conditional use zoning to the north and west, single residential estates zoned property to the east separated by Livingston Road and multi-residential zoned property to the south separated by Pine Ridge Road. The subject site has residential development options of up to 15 units acre with the affordable housing density bonus applied. However, staff concurs with the petitioner that the site is not suitable for a residential project. · The subject site is eligible for institutional uses (adult living facilities, child care, churches, private and public schools, social organizations, public and recreational facilities). These uses may be compatible but are also impacted somewhat by abutting traffic and the FPL easement. · The subject 10.5 acre site is encompassed by a 6.7 acre FPL easement limiting the usable acreage of the site to 3.8 acres, ranging from 57 feet to 167 feet in width. · Although the subject site may not be appropriate for multi-family development, conditional use or community facility development may be appropriate and compatible with development on all surrounding properties. · There are some traffic-related concerns, as previously noted. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: That the CCPC forward Petition CP-2001-3 to the BCC with a recommendation of approval to transmit to the DCA. Reviewed By: ~ ~ ~ Date: /0-~ ~' '- ~t~ Lits~ger, A~P, Man~ Comprehensive Plmng Section Approved By: ~ ~ Date: /O -/~ -~/ Tom Kuck, AICP, Interim Pla~ing Se~ices Director Pla~ng Services Depa~ent Approved By: ~~ 1~ Date: [ ~' '"~, Jo~ Du~ Acting Ad~ms~ator C4~uniW Development and Enviro~en~l Se~ices Division PETITIONNO.: CP-2001-03 StaffReport for October 18, 2001 CCPC Meeting. NOTE: This petition has been advertised for the November 13, 2001, BCC Meeting. JOYC~-~NA,, J. RAUTI0,C~AIRMAN 6 EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-03 LIVINGSTON / PINE RIDGE COMMERCIAL INFILL DISTRICT COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA SUBJECT SITE CP-2001-03 LEGEND ~-~.'~,~ SU B DI S TRI C T SCALE ADDITION PREPARED BY: GRAPHICS AND ~CHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION 0 1000 FT. 2000 FT. COMMUNITY DE~LOPMENT AND EN~RONMENTAL SER~CES DI~SiON OA~: 9/01 FILE: CP-2OOI-O3A.DWG APPLICATION FOR A REQUEST TO AMEND THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN APPLICATION NUMBER ~-c',3,b0 ~-,~ DATE RECEIVED PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE DATE January 22, 2001 DATE SUFFICIENT This application, with all required supplemental data and information, must be completed and accompanied by the appropriate fee, and returned to the Comprehensive Planning Section, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida 34104. 941-403-2300 (Fax 941-643-6968). The application must be reviewed by staff for sufficiency within 30 calendar days following the filing deadline before it will be processed and advertised for public hearing. The applicant will be notified in writing, of the sufficiency determination. If insufficient, the applicant will have 30 days to remedy the deficiencies. For additional information on the processing of the application, see Resolution 97-431 (attached). If you have any questions, please contact the Comprehensive Planning Section at 941- 403-2300. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS I, GENERAL INFORMATION A. Name of Applicant J. Steven Ferguson Company Northside Construction Co. Address 800 Nort;hside Dr. City Summersville State WV Zip Code 26651 Phone Number 304-872-4841 Fax Number 304-872-3285 B. Name of Agent * Terrance Kepple · THIS WILL BE THE PERSON CONTACTED FOR ALL BUSINESS RELATED TO THE PETITION. Company Kepple Enqineerinq~ Inc. Address 3806 Exchange Ave. City Naples State FL Zip Code 34104 Phone Number 403- 1780 Fax Number 403- 1787 C. Name of Owner (s) of Record Northside Construction Co. Address 800 Northside Dr. City Summersville State WV ZipCode 26651 Phone Number 304-872-4841 FaxNumber 304-872-3285 D. Name, Address and Qualifications of additional planners, architects, engineers, environmental consultants and other professionals providing information contained in this application. A. If the property is owned fee simple by an INDIVIDUAL, tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list all parties with an ownership interest as well as the percentage of such interest. (Use additional sheets if necessary). Name and Address Percentage of Ownership B. If the property is owned by a CORPORATION, list the officers and stockholders and the percentage of stock owned by each. Name and Address, and Office Percentage of Stock C. If the property is in the name of a TRUSTEE, list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest. Name and Address Percentage of Interest D. If the property is in the name ~ a GENERAL or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, list the name of the general and~r limited partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership J. Steven Ferquson, Gen. Partner 33 1/3% 1004 Vauqhn Ave., Summersville WV 26651 R. Bruce Ferquson~ Gen. Partner 33 1/3% 381Clarissa Dr. Summersville, WV 26651 L. Lucille Ferquson~ Gen. Partner 33 1/3% 2 Woodside Dr. Suam~ersville, WV 26651 2 E. If there is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an individual or individuals, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names of the contract purchasers below, ..... including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Date of Contract: F. If any contingency clause or contract terms involve additional parties, list all individuals or officers, if a corporation, partnership, or trust. Name and Address G. Date subject property acquired ~() leased ( ): 8/1 9 9 4 Term of lease yrs./mos. If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate date of option: and date option terminates: , or anticipated closing date H. Should any changes of ownership or changes in contracts for purchase occur subsequent to the date of application, but prior to the date of the final public hearing, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his behalf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION East 510 feet of SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Section 12, Twp 49 S Rng 25 E Less S 75 feet and E 30 feet and Less order of taking Desc. in OR 2660, P~ 3364 B. GENERALLOCATION Pine Ridge & Livingston Rd. C. PLANNING COMMUNITY North Naples D. TAZ 66 E. SIZEINACRES 10,47 F. ZONING Aqricultural w/CU G. SURROUNDING LAND USE PATTERN H. FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATION(S) Urban Mixed use District Urban Residential Subdistrict IV. TYPE OF REQUEST A. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN ELEMENT(S) TO BE AMENDED: Housing Element Recreation/Open Space Traffic Circulation Sub-Element Mass Transit Sub-Element Aviation Sub-Element Potable Water Sub-Element Sanitary Sewer Sub-element NGWAR Sub-Element Solid Waste Sub-Element Drainage Sub-Element :~ Capital Improvement Element CCME Element X Future Land Use Element Golden Gate Master Plan Immokalee Master Plan B. AMEND PAGE(S) 1 8- 2 3 OF THE FLUE ELEMENT AS FOLLOWS: (Use-~ to identify language to be deleted; Use ~ to identify language to be added). Attach additional pages if necessary: * See Exhibit "A" (attached) C. AMEND FUTURELAND USE MAP(S) DESIGNATION FROM Urban Residential Subdis~c~ct Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercia~ Infill Subdistrict D. AMEND OTHER MAP(S)AND EXHIBITS ASFOLLOWS:(Name&Page#) Map FLUE-10 E. DESCRIBE ADDITIONAL CHANGES REQUESTED: V. REQUIRED INFORMATION NOTE: ALL AERIALS MUST BE AT A SCALE OF NO SMALLER THAN I"---400'. At least one copy reduced to 8 l/2x H shall be provided of all aerials and/or maps. A. LAND USE Provide general location map showing surrounding developments (PUD, DRI'S, existing zoning) with subject property outlined. X Provide most recent aerial of site showing subject boundaries, source, and date. X Provide a map and summary table of existing land use and zoning within a radius of 300 feet from boundaries of subject property. B. FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION X Provide map of existing Future Land Use Designation(s) of subject property and adjacent lands, with acreage totals for each land usc designation on the subject property. C. ENVIRONMENTAL X Provide most recent aerial and summary table of acreage of native habitats and soils occurring on site. HABITAT IDENTIFICATION MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FDOT-FLORIDA LAND USE, COVER AND FORMS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (FLUCCS CODE). NOTE: THIS MAY BE INDICATED ON SAME AERIAL AS THE LAND USE AERIAL IN "A" ABOVE. X Provide a summary table of Federal (US Fish & Wildlife Service) and State (Florida Game & Freshwater Fish Commission) listed plant and animal species known to occur on the site and/or known to inhabit biological communities similar to the site (e.g. panther or black bear range, avian rookery, bird migratory route, etc.). ~ Identify historic and/or archaeological sites on the subject property. D. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Reference 9J-11.006, F.A.C. and Collier County's Capital Improvements Element Policy 1.1.2 (Copies attached). I. INSERT "Y" FOR YES OR "N" FOR NO IN RESPONSE TO THE FOLLOWING: N Is the proposed amendment located in an Area of Critical State Concern? (Reference 9J-I 1.006(1)(a)(5), F.A.C.). If so, identify area located in ACSC. N Is the proposed amendment directly related to a proposed Development of Regional Impact pursuant to Chapter 380, F.S. ? (Reference 9J-11.006 (1)(a) 7.a, F.A.C.) N Is the proposed amendment directly related to a proposed Small Scale Development Activity pursuant to Subsection 163.3187 (1)(c), F.S.? (Reference 9J-11.006(l)(a)7.b, F.A.C.)Does the proposed amendment create a significant impact in population which is defined as a potential increase in County-wide population by more than 5% of population projections? (Reference Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.2). If yes, indicate mitigation measures being proposed in conjunction with the proposed amendment. ¥ Does the proposed land use cause an increase in density and/or intensity to the uses permitted in a specific land use designation and district identified (commercial, industrial, etc.) or is the proposed land use a new land use designation or distriet?(Reference Rule 9J-5.006(5) F.A.C.). If so, provide data and analysis to support the suitability of land for the proposed use, and ~- compatibility of use with surrounding land uses, and as it concerns protection of environmentally sensitive land, ground water and natural resources. (Reference Rule 9J-1 1.007, F.A.C.) 5 E. PUBLIC FACILITIES ~ 1. Provide the existing Level of Service Standard (LOS) and document the impact the proposed change will have on the following public facilities: × Potable Water X Sanitary Sewer X Arterial & Collector Roads: Name specific road and LOS Drainage X Solid Waste X Parks: Community and Regional If the proposed amendment involves an increase in residential density, or an increase in intensity for commercial and/or industrial development that would cause the LOS for public facilities to fall below the adopted LOS, indicate mitigation measures being proposed in conjunction with the proposed amend- ment. (Reference Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.5) 2. X Provide a map showing the location of existing services and public facilities that will serve the subject property (i.e. water, sewer, fire protection, police protection, schools and emergency medical services. 3. X Document proposed services and public facilities, identify provider, and describe the effect the proposed change will have on schools, fire protection and emergency medical services. Identify the following areas relating to the subject property: Flood zone based on Flood Insurance Rate Map data (FIRM). Location of wellfields and cones of influence, if applicable. (Identified on Collier County Zoning Maps) Traffic Congestion Boundary, if applicable Coastal Management Boundary, if applicable High Noise Contours (65 LDN or higher) surrounding the Naples Airport, if applicable (Identified on Collier County Zoning Maps). G. SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION X $3,000 non-refundable filing fee, plus $30/acre for each affected acre for Future Land Use map amendments, made payable to the Board of County Commissioners due at time of submittal. N,~, $1,500 non-refundable filing fee for a Small Scale Amendment made payable to the Board of County Commissioners due at time of submittal. X Proof of ownership (Copy of deed) 3( Notarized Letter of Authorization if Agent is not the Owner (See attached form) × 1 Original and 5 complete, signed applications with all attachments including maps, at time of submittal. After sufficiency is completed, 25 copies of the complete application will be required. *Maps shall include: North arrow, name and location of principal roadways and shall be at a scale of 1"=400' or at a scale as determined during the pre-application meeting. LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: I hereby authorize Terrance 14epple (Name of Agent) to ser~e as my Agent In a request to amem:t the Collier County Growth Management Plan affecting proper~y Identlfle~d irt~his Ap,.~ation. I hereby certify that I have the authority to make the foregoing al)l~ltcation, and that the application ts Irue. co, ecl and cornl~lete to the best of my knowledge. 3. Steven Fergt~son Nerne. Typed or Printe~l STATE O; ( F/~,,~' COUNTY OF ( ./'~,///~,.," ) '~ Notary U lC I~ TERRANCE L. KEPPLE ,~;. ~, )_~j MY COMMISSION · CC 784599 c. oos o.E o. who has produc®d as identmca~mr~ and did taka an Oelh ~ did nol tek® an Oath NOTICE - ~ AWARE ?HAT: Florl¢la Statute 8ectio~ 837.~ - Fel~e Official Statemeate Lew statee that: 'Wl~oe~er know#t~ makee a falee etetement In w~tfln~ with the Inlent ~o mlal®ad a public a~ent I~t the perf~rmenca of hie effl¢ia! ~Jty ahall be ~ullt¥ efa mis¢temeaner ef the second deg--, I~ltl~hable a~ l~o¥lded by a fine to a maximum ef ~.~ a~lor maximum of ~ay Jell Support Information GMP Amendment ApPlication Livingston Rd./Pine Ridge Rd. Commercial Infill District I.D. Name, address and qualifications of additional planners, architects, engineers, environmental consultants and other professionals providing information contained in this application. Terrance L. Kepple, P.E. Kepple Engineering, Inc. 3806 Exchange Ave. Naples, FL 34104 II.H. The property is under the ownership of Northside Construction Co. No contracts are pending and the property is not listed for sale. Should any change occur during the application period, proper notification will be provided. V.C The property is currently being used as a landscape nursery and electric transmission lines within the FPL easement. Previously, the property had been cleared and fanned for many years. Due to this past development, there are minimal native plant or animal species inhabiting the property and only those that are generally within developed areas. There are no known endangered or listed plant or animal species inhabiting this property. V.D.I. Provide the data and analysis to support the suitability of the site for the proposed use and compatibility of use with the surrounding land uses and, as it concerns, protection of environmental sensitive land, ground water and natural resources. The property is currently zoned Agricultural with a Conditional Use for a retail landscape nursery. The property is currently being used as a retail landscape nursery and vegetable/fruit stand. The proposed amendment to retail commercial will represent an increase from the existing use and zoning, however, the GMP designation for the site should be used as the basis for comparison. The property is designated as Urban Residential on the Future Land Use Map and is located within the density band of the Airport Rd./Pine Ridge Rd. commercial activity center. The maximum permitted density, for market rate units, is 7 units/acre and could be as high as 15 units/acre if affordable housing were provided. The future residential density could be 7 units/acre x 10.5 acre = 73 units to a maximum of 157 using affordable housing. The property consists of 10.5 acres, of which the western 6.7 acres are an existing FPL easement. The usable property is therefore bounded by Livingston Rd. to the East, Pine Ridge Rd. to the South and FPL easement to the West. Immediately to the West of the FPL easement is the existing ballet studio and the Community School. The usable parcel (east of the FPL easement) ranges from 57 feet wide to a maximum of 167 feet in width. To utilize this site as a residential project, substantial buffering from Livingston Rd and Pine Ridge Rd. would be necessary to make a viable project. Due to the width of the property and its location success as a residential project is unlikely. The proposed district will be compatible with surrounding zoning as well as provide commercial property along a roadway providing access to a significant number of homes and businesses. Traffic generation will increase as a result of the amendment, but use of potable water and sewer will be less than the allowable residential uses. Since the site is currently developed, there would be little or no impact on natural resources. Growth Management Data and Analysis Compatibility The property is bordered on the East by Livingston Rd., currently under design and permitting for a six lane collector road,. On the South by Pine Ridge Rd, currently under construction as a six lane arterial road. Located on the West boundary is a ballet studio and the Community School properties. In addition the western 235 feet of the subject property is a FPL easement containing a major FPL transmission line(s). Directly to the North is the Community School property and the extension of the FPL easement. This property is essentially an "island" surrounded by commercial, public facility uses and major roadways, which therefore restrict the future use of the land to compatible uses. Pine Ridge & Livingston roads will have tens of thousands of vehicles a day traveling them and with the school and dance studio properties to the west, it is only logical to assume that retail use of this property will be compatible. The use of this site for residential uses would actually be incompatible with the current uses and the long range function (arterial/collector roads) of the immediate area. Protection of environmentally sensitive lands, ground water and natural resources. The site is currently developed and had previously been cleared for farming and the FPL easement. There are no environmentally sensitive lands on the property and the existing uses restrict the suitability for wildlife, other than those that are compatible with developed sites. It is expected that the FPL easement will remain mostly pervious, allowing for groundwater recharge, and any development of the site will require construction in accordance with SFWMD criteria for water quality and quantity. Need for commercial in the area The Pine Ridge/I-75 interchange activity center, to the east, was created in 1989 for the convenience of the motoring public and contains interstate and regional based uses such as motels, gas stations and fast food restaurants. The Airport/Pine Ridge Rd. intersection, designated as a commercial activity center, has experienced rapid growth in an attempt to k~p pace with the residential ~owth in t~e area, In addition, due to this ~owth, the int~ection has exl~'ienced unwanted congestion along with the need for additio~l consumer semces (cor~ercial). With the exl~cted residential g~o~Ch along the Livingston Rd condor, the additional thousands of homes/residents will create additional need for commercial businesses and employment located nearby. The existing neighborhood commercial uses at the Vineyards and the Pine Ridge/Airport intersection are already being overloaded. The addition of commercial uses in the Pine Ridge/Livingston interchange area will decrease the need for these new residents to join the existing congestion at either the Pine Ridge/I- 75 interchange or the Pine Ridge/Airport interchange. V,E,1. Provide the existing Level of Service standard (LOS) and document the impact the proposed change will have on the following public facilities: The application is for general commercial uses, with a maximum of 40,000 sf. This should be compared to a reasonable assumption of 7 residential units/acre, currently allowable under the GMP. This density is based on the assumption that a low density project would not be feasible at this location and that the base density of 4 units/acre would have an additional 3 units/acre added due to the commercial density band. This would equate to a project with 73 residential units. Potable Water Curremly allowable: 73 residential units @ 2.5 residents/unit x 185 glxl/capita = 33,762 glXt Proposed 40,000 sf commercial @ 0.14 gpd/sf = 5,600 glxt (equivalent to 30.3 capita x 185 glxt) The proposal would reduce potable water use by 75% Sanitary Sewer Currently allowable: 73 residential units ~ 2.5 residents/unit x 145 glxl/capita = 26,462gpd Proposed 40,000 sfcommercial ~ 0.109 gpd/sf= 4,360 gpd (equivalent to 30.1 capita x 145 gpd) The proposal would reduce sanitary sewer use by 75% Traffic The proposed project will have no negative impact to the Transportation network (see Exhibit B). 8/1 Drainage :.Y The site is requ/red to be constructed in accordance with SFWMD criteria for quality and quantity. In addition, thc area in the FPL easement is not expected to have any appreciable decrease in pervious area. Outfall will be to the Livingston Rd. drainage system, wh/ch has been designed to accommodate the outfall from this project. There would bc no negative impact on the County drainage system. Solid Waste Solid waste will be handled by Waste Management of Collier County under a commercial account and will have no significant impact to the level of service currently provided to the residents and businesses of Collier County. Parks The proposal will not increase any demand for Community or Regional Parks. V.E.2. Location of existing services and public facilities that will serve the project. The Collier County Sheriffs substation in Golden Gate and North Naples will serve this project. Collier County potable water and sanitary sewer are available in the right-of-way of Pine Ridge Rd. The fire and EMS station are located on the south side of Pine Ridge Rd. 600 +/- feet east of Livingston Rd. This commercial project will have no direct impact on schools or libraries. Hospital services will be provided by Naples Community Hospital or the new Cleveland Clinic. V.E.3. Document proposed services and public facilities, identify provider and describe the effect the proposed change will have on school, for protection and emergency medical services. Services will be provided by: North Naples Fire District Collier County Public Schools Collier County Sheriffs Office Collier County Emergency Medical Services The impact of this project over the alternative of residential will have minimal or no increase in required services. With the new fire station located 600 feet from the intersection, minimal impact on fire services is expected. V.F. This project is located in Flood Zone X, as indicated on the Collier County FIRM maps. B. URBAN - COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 3.)Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict This subdistrict consists of two parcels, one consists of 17.5 acres and is located at the southeast quadrant of Livingston Road, a collector roadway and Pine Ridge Road, a minor arterial roadway. The second consists of 10.47 acres and is located at the northwest quadrant of Livingston Road and Pine Ridge Road. In addition to uses allowed in the Plan, the intent of the Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict is to provide shopping, personal services and employment for the surrounding residential areas within a convenient travel distance and to provide commercial services in an acceptable manner along a new collector roadway. The Subdistrict is intended to be compatible with the neighboring commercial, public use and high density residential properties and will utilize well-planned access points to improve current and future traffic flows in the area. a).Southeast Quadrant If permitted by the South Florida Water Management District, emergency access to the North Naples Fire District fire station located immediately east to the property will be provided improving response times to all properties located south along Livingston Road. Interconnection to adjacent properties immediately to the South and immediately to the East will be studied and provided if deemed feasible, as a part of the rezoning action relating to the subject property. Building height is limited to one story with a 35 foot maximum for all retail and general commercial uses. General and medical office uses are limited to three stories with a 50 foot maximum height. Any project developed in this S-a~'?,2~'~¢: QlaallrgtK.may be comprised of any combination of retail commercial and/or office uses, provided that the total square footage does not exceed 125,000 square feet. A minimum 50-foot buffer of existing native vegetation will be preserved along all project boundaries located adjacent to areas zoned agricultural. b).Northwest Qua~ant ]nterconnection to the pro_nerties to adjacent properties to the North and West will be studied and .m'ovided if deemed feas~le, as a part of the.reT~oning action relatin~ to the subject pro_hetty. - Building height is limited to one story_ with a 35 foot maximum for all retail and general commercial uses. General and medical office uses are limited to three stories with a 50 foot maximum height. Any project developed in this ~,__aadrant may be comprised of any combination of retail commercial and/or office uses. ~ovided that the total square foota~ does not exceed 40,000 square feet. EXHIBIT A 3806 Exchange Avenue ,, Naples, Florida 34104 * (941) 403-1780 * Fax (941) 403-178/ GMP Amendment Livingston Rd.Pine Ridge Rd. Commercial lnfiil District April 2001 Traffic Impact Statement The proposed development is a proposed commercial development consisting of a maximum of 40,000 sr. of floor area. The project consists ora 10.5 acre parcel, of which 6.7 acres are used by an existing FPL easement. Comparison between the existing use, the allowable residential and the proposed use is provided. The existing (2000) traffic on Pine Ridge Rd. is 46,311 cars/day. The adopted LOSS for Pine Ridge Rd. is LOSS C. It is currently under construction to six lanes in this area and will be operating at a LOS C or better upon completion of the widening project. Livingston Rd is expected to be under construction this year to construct six lanes from Golden Gate Parkway to Vanderbilt Dr., currently, the road does not make this connection. In accordance with ITE Trip Generation manual these facilities would gemerate the following traffic: Existing Retail Nursery Average Vehicle Trip Ends, On a weekday 96.2/acre x 10.5 acre = 1,010.1 trips (2.2% of existing Pine Ridge) 50% entering - 505 trips 50% exiting - 505 trips Allowable Residential (73 multi-family units) Average Vehicle Trip Ends, On a weekday 73 units x 6.63 trips = 484 trips (1.0% of existing Pine Ridge) 50% entering - 242 trips 50% exiting - 242 trips Proposed Commercial (40,000 sf shopping center) Average Vehicle Trip Ends, On a weekday 42.92/1000 sfx 40,000 = 1,717 trips (3.7% of existing Pine Ridge) 50% entering - 858.4 trips 50% exiting - 858.4 trips Peak Hour of adjacent street AM 1.03/1000 sfx 40,000 = 41.2 trips 61% entering - 25.1 trips 39% exiting - 16.1 trips Peak Hour of adjacent street PM 3.74/1000 sfx 40,000 = 149.6 trips 48% entering - 73.3 trips 52% exiting - 77.8 trips Peak Hour of generator 4.97/1000 sfx 40,000 -- 198.8 trips 52% entering - 103.4 trips 48% exiting - 95.4 trips Proposed development impact on Pine Ridge and Livingston Rd. It would be expected that upon construction of this project, approximately half of this project% traffic would utilize Pine Ridge Rd. and half would utilize the future Livingston Rd. Under this assumption, the proposed project would generate less traffic (858 trips) on Pine Ridge Rd. than is currently being generated by the retail nursery (1,010 trips). Therefore, there would be no impact on the adopted LOSS. Livingston Rd. is being constructed as a 6 lane collector road with a LOSS C. This project will generate approximately 1.6% of the roads capacity and will have no negative impact on the roads LOSS. LOCATION MAP 8A ' RNG 251 RNG ~6 j~ ~15 14 13 GULF OF MEXICO ~4 '~ R~IO RD (CR ese" NAPLES NORTH ~UADRANGLE tNO{CAIES H{SIOR~ SIRUCTUR[ (NOT TO SCALE) 6REAS OF HISTORICAL/ARCHAEOLOGICAL PROBABILITY INDICATES ~C~EOL~IC~ SITE (NOT TO SCALE) Se~lces & Public Facil ties Naples ~ i It ~oMen Gate s USA IMag 13.00 ~ 1:62,500 (at centeO J I ' , ! ~,1 I '~ I I ?H~: COMMUNITY SCHOOL I I I I I I I I I I I I I , PUD C~SS ~CN I I I G~NASTI~ I . I ~ Reside~tia.1 I ~ Subd i str Pine Ridge Ur S Subd i st r~ c : PUD ' Existing Future Land Use Designations SF-3 ~ I S IT~ "= "~ LI~NGS[~ t , . ~ ._., ~ -- --1-~'. j~ ! ~ ~ I I ~-~ / "" ~tioa H~me ~z~ti~ ~a4 ~ ~ia~ Site Pine Ridge Fcailizer Re~il ~d~a~ N~c~ ~CU (~o P~ .~) North & NW Community School of NaplesPrivate school (K-12) CF West Etude de Ballet Dance school & recreational camp A/CU East Livingston Rd./ road right-of-way/ Golden Gate Estates single family homes Estates South Pine Ridge Rd right-of-way A Existing Land Use VoA. 001980 001678 "°- 8A 855268 9ql~UG30 ¢:H 9:08 0R BOOK )ICIER C0UHTY RECORDED . ~ D~D ~ ~ 29~ day o[ AUGUST , A.D. 199~ by ~~? ~. S~IP? , ~US~ ~ i~IVIDU~bY  Te~nm[te~ ca,Xed the g~anto~, co '~ u~ION ~MP~ , -' WEST VIRGINIA GENE.L p~TNERSHIP hezeinafcer called 9rsntee: WI~SETH: That the grantor, for and in consxderatlon of the sum of $10.00 and other valuable consideratxons, receipt whereof here~ ackn~led~ed, hereby ~rants, ~rgains, sells, aliens, remises, releames, conveys and conf[~s unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in ~LLIER county. Florida. : , OF ~E ~T 510 FE~ OF ~E SO~T 1/4 OF THE So~T 1/4 SE~I~ ~2. ~S~IP 49 ~. ~GE 25 ~T. ~LLIER ~Y, F~RI~. ~S ~E ~T ]0 FEET ~ SO~ 75 FEET THEREOF, FOR G~R W~S S~E~ pROPERTY IS ~T THEIR H~ESTZ~D PROPERTY, NOR IS IT ~I~US ~ ~EIR H~EST~. ~l~ IS ~ATED ~0~ ~[ Coral Oablea, FL [  [~ ~: Taxes (or 1994, and aubse~ent yeal~ not yet due and ~y~ble. ~ning and U~e Reatrictlons i~eed by governmental authorities. and reetrictiona and ea~e~nts c~n to the su~ivie~on. ~ER with all tene~nts, heredi~ame~.te and appurtenances thereto balottgin9 or in an~iee ap~rtainin~. ~ ~ ~ ~ NO~. the sa~ in fee simple f~rever. ~ the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee sidle; that the ~rantor h~e g~d righ~ and lawful authority to sell and convey said land: that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and wil~ defend the ea~e against ~he lawful claims of all persons wh~r~ and that eaid land i~ free of all encu~rances, except ~axel acc~ing luble~enC to ~ce~r 3&, 1993. IN NI~SS ~EREOF, the said grantor has 8igned and sealed theoe pr~ent~ the day and year first a~ve written. ~ers~al Pro~t~ lam 0016-/9 · co~r~ o, ~ O'R SO0~i 8A PAG~ X ~Y ~TI~ ~T ON ~IS DAY, BE~RE ME, ~ OFFICER DULY p~y ~p~D ROBERT S. SEIPP , ~USTEE ~ INDIVIDU~LY ~ ~ ~ ~ BE ~ p~N(S} D~IBED IN ~ ~O EXEC~ED THE ~l~ XN~~, ~O Ack. ED BE~RE ME ~T EXE~ED THE ( } ~O ~S p~SON~LY ~ ~ ME, O~ ( ) ~O DID OR ~ } DID NOT T~ ~ OATH. WI~SS ~ ~ ~ OFFICI~ S~ .~ TH~S 29TH DAY OF AUGUST, ~ N~E (S~] ~ ~ ~:SSZON EXPIRES: THIS INSTRUHENT pRSPARED BY: ACTXOtq TXTL~ S~VI~S 2272 9. ~I~T R~, SUITE 102 ~, ~ 33962 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE TWENTIETH JUDICIAL CIRCU1T, IN ~,~ ~o~ cou~ co~T~, ~~ ~ COUNTY, FLORIDA, a : ~ of~h~ ~ of Florida, : CASE NO.: 00-0136-CA PARCF2.,S: Il0& 116 ~IDE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, The pleadings in this cause are sufficient and the Petitioner is properly exercising ~ted authodty. That the property ia being acquired for a public purpose, That the taking of this property ia reasonably necessary to serve the public purpose the property is being acquired. 5. That the Amended Declaration of Taking and E~tim~te of Value filed in this cause by Petitioner was made in good faith and bnsed upon a valid appraisal. 6. Upon the payment of the Estimate of Value as contained in the Amended Declaration of Takin~ hereinafter specified into the Re~is~ry of this Court, the right, title or interest described in Ex/d/dr "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference shall vest in Petitioner, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. 7. W'tthin twenty days of thi~ order, P~itioner shall deposit into the Court Registry th~ amount of Tbrt~ H~,sdr~d Ten Thoussmd l~our H~ndr~d smd No/100 ($310,400.00) as the good faith estimate of value as set forth in Petitioner's Amended Declaration of Taking. 8. That th~ deposit of money will secure the persons lawfully entitled ~o the compensation that ~ ~ ultinmeJy determined by tirol judgment of this court. 9. That upon deposit, as set forth abov.~, and without further notice or orde~ of this Court, the P~itioner shall be entitled to possession of the property described herein. DONE AND ORDERED in Chamb~s at Naples, Collier County, Florida, on this day of April, 2O00. Circuit Court lud~ ~RTIFICAT~ OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy ofthe foresoing has been furnished by Unit,.~d States Mail to all persons listed in the attached Service Li~t, on this~ day of April. 2000. 2 ~'S'KETCH OF DESCRIPTION $.89'32'18'£. 480.05' Curve number ] R~dlus = 5686.33' A = 06'07'58' Arc = 608,66' Chord = 608.36' Chord Brg. S.07';~0'll°E. C~'ve number ~ R~dlus = 5806.33' ~ A = 0~'0P'37' ~ Arc = ;~07.09' ~ CURVE -~ Chord = ~07.07' NO. 1 ~ b i'. Chord Br0. S.09'L~P'52'E. .; · PARCEL 110.~ 21.06 ~ P~O.B. 385.04' ~o.oo,~ S.SB'3~'~5'F- 4so.o5' PINE ~ rD-G'ri~- I~ 0 A--~-- i. O0' CR-896 (150' R/W) P.O.C. GENERAL NOTES 1) P.O.C. Indicates Point o¢ Con~encenen~ P_) P.D,B, Indlco~tes Point oF Beginning .,. 3) Sec. Indicates Section 4) Tep. Indicates Township 5) Rge. Indicates R~nge 6) R/W Indicates Right-of-way 7) ALL distances ~re In ?eel ~ncl e:eclm~ls thqreoF 8) BeGrlngs c~re bGsed on the Etts't line o¢ scdd Sec"don l~ ~s being N,OO'tT'.03'~, ')) No~ v.~tld unless signed and sealed wl~h ~he embossed · seal, of' 'the professional land sur'veyor THIS IS ONLY A SKETCH , 9 SHEET 2 OF 2 ...... :__J I''-'°-'" 1 PUBLI ORKS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT. ," :3 '.,." , 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL NAPLES, FLORIDA 341'L2 ~ [J ~ (941) 774..8192 t$,Zbbo? .RO EC'r.ARc .o .......... .... LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT A SURVEY.) TAX PARCEL ~ee ~tmple ttt~e A PORT{ON OF LAND LYIlqG 1N SECTION 1{, TOWNSI'HP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 26 EAST, COIJ.IER COUNTY, FLOPJDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SECTION 18; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 36 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID 0 SECTION 18, A DISTANCE OF 967.32 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 21 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE QF 84.08 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF PINE 2JDGE ROAD (C.R. 896) AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID POIN'r' BEING THE BEGINNING OF A NON-TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO TH~ SOUTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF 5654.58 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE ,.~ OF 2 DEGREES 49 MINUTES 50 SECONDS, AND A CHORD OF 2'/9.32 FEET BEARING SOUTH 85 DEGREES 45 MINUTES 41 SECONDS EAS'P, THENCE EAST ALONG SAID ° ' CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 27~.35 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 84 DEGREES 20 MINUTES 44 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 44.30 ~ THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 22 Mn~n~rEs 85 sEcoNDs EAST, A DISTANCE OF 38.20 FEE~, THENCE NORTH 84 DE~S 20 MINUTES 44 SECONDS WEST, ,~ DISTANCE OF 48.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF CURVATURE OF A TANGENT CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTH, HAVING A RADIUS OF .'~i9.58 FEET AND A CL~vrP, AL ANGLE OF 2 DEGREES 4S MINUTES 39 SECONDS; THENCE WEST ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 275.68 FEET; THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 21 MINLfTE$15 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 35.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; SAID DF. SCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 0.260 ACRE (11,.129 SQUARE FEET}, MORE OR LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS Lq THE NORTH UNE OF SAiD SECTION 18 BEING NORTH 89 DEGREES 34 MINUTES 36 SECONDS EAST. PARCEL 116 · RICHMOND. .. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR-FL REG. # 2406 PUBUC WORKS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX 3301 EAST TAMiAMI TRAIL NAPLES. FLORIDA 34112 SHEET 1 OF 2 " PUBLIC W'ORKS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT (94~) 774-8~92 SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION ~ = 0P'49'50' Chord = :~79.3~' . Chord Br9, S.85'45'41'£. ' R~dlu$ = 5619.58' h = 0P'48'39' Chord = ~75,66' -- Chord ]~rg, N, BS'45'O4'W. : , 4 '44" S.8 '20 E. · 44.50' -- C~ s.oo=n?'. ..8 f'w. 84.08 ~N.;o ' I, . '21'15'W. I ~-P.D.B. 1) P.D.C. Indlcectes Poln~ of' Commencement: P) P.D.I~. Indic~.tes Poln.t oF Beginning P.D.C. 3) Sec, Indict'res Sec.tlon Northwest corner of 4) Twp. [ndlc~'l:es' Township Section 18, Twp. 4g S., 5) Rge. Indlc~'ces R~nge Rge 26 E. 6) R/",/ Indlc~.tes Elgh.t-oF-wc~y Collier County, Florida 7) Att dlst:onces ,,re In Fee.[ ~n,'J decimals '[hereof 8) geor'lngs c~re bossed on' 'the Nor-.[h tine of' Sect:Ion lB os being N.BD'34'3G'E, 9) No'l; vGLId untess signed ~nd seckLed wi.th .the embossed scot of' 'the pr-of'esslonol, lcmd su~'veyor THIS IS ONLY A SI<El'CH / NOT TO SHEET ~ OF 2 L.M.R. .[ SCALE 18-98 116 '- Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33302 Atlomey for Northside Construction Company & Pine Ridse Fertilizer and Garden Center, Inc. Plorid~ powe~ & Usht ~ Pos~ Ofice Box O2910O ~ ~io~ 33174 Stephen E. Da~to~ Esquire Pave~k lt~verfldd, D~lt~t, Hnrrison Post ~ ~ 1507 ' ' i~3 H~ Fort M~ ~ W. 2~ ~~S~ T~ ~ 3~01 330 ~ 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (NOT a SURVEY) t fee .simple title COMMENCING AT THE. SOUTHEAST COPJqER OF SECTION 12, TOW~ISH]P 49 SOUTH, RANGE 2~ .FAST COLLIT=~ COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID POINT OF COMMENCEMENT BEING 13{E C~E~E ID~B~ON OF I~6S143N ROAD (C.R. 881) AND PINE RIDGE ROAD (Cit. SS~)', TH2NCE NOZI'H 0 DEGREES I? ~ 03 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE ri-Asr LINE OF SAID S~CTION 12, A DISTANCE OF 75.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGiIEES 31 ~ 15 SI~COND$ WEST, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING;. THENCE NORTH 0 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST ALONG ALINE LYING 30 FEET EAST, AS MEASURED PERP~ICULAR TO.SAID EAST LINE OF SECTION 12, A DISTANCE OF 1245.71 FEET; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREE~ 32 MINUTF. S 18 SECONDS WEST. A DISTANCE OF 187.45 FEET TO THE POIDTI' OF CURVATURE OF A NON-TANGEIq'r CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE EAST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 5~06.33 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2 DEGREI~ 02 MINUTES 37 SECONf~:~, AND A CHORD OF 207.07 FEET BEARING SOUTH 9 DEGRE. ES 22 MINUTES 52 SECONDS ~ ~CE SOUTH ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCI~ OF 207.09 FEET TO ~ POINT OF CURVATURE OF A REVERSE CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE WEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 56M.33 FEET, A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 6 Di~GREES 07 MINUTES 58 SECONDS, AND A CHORD OF 608.36 FEET BEARING SOUTH 7 DEGREES 20 ~ 11 SECONDS EAST'. THENCE SOLrI~I ALONG SAID CURVE, A DISTANCE OF 608.66 FEL~T;, THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 13' MINUTES 03 SECONDS EAST, A DISTANCE OF 413.86 FEEl'. THENCE SOUTH 45 DEGREES 0~ MINUTES 14 SECONDS WEST, A DISTANCE OF 21.06 FEET, THENCE SOUTH S9 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST. A DISTANCE OF 3~5.04 FEE~, THBNCE SOUTH 00 DEGREES I ? MINUTES 03 SECONDS BAST A DISTANC~ OF 10.00 FE~'T TO THE NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF AFORF. SAID PINE RIDGE ROAD; THENGE SOUllt S9 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST ALONG SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE. A DISTANCE OF 480.05 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEOINNINO; SAID DESCRIBED TRACT CONTAINING 3.253 ACRES (141,691) SQUARE FEET), MORE OP. LESS. BASIS OF BEARINGS IS TH~ ~ LINE OF SECTION 12 BEING NORTH 00 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 03 SE. CONDS WEST. PARf..~:L I10 PRO~881~ ~0 8U~O~L;' REG. ~ 24~ PURL~ ~RK8 E~INEE~NG DEP~E~. C~IER COU~ G~RN~ C~PL~ ~¢w ra~¢ ~ Collier County Property Appraiser Tax Roll Inquiry System Folio Numbe~0256360507 --ss ~ner Namel[NOR~ Sink CONS~U~ON COMP Addr~[~ NOR~S~E DR Ci~][SUM~~LE 1[ Statq~~~51-201? ~al 1~49 25 E 510 ~ OF SEI/4 OF D~cfiption SEI/4 LESS E ~ A~ S 75 LKSS O~ER OF TAnG DESC OR 2~ ~ 3~ l[8~tion II 12 ~lTo~n~hip~ 49 ~ng~ II ]lStrap ~ 11492s12 0~.~AI2 II~" Code II~ 2~ Final Tax Roll Sai~ Histo~ Ma~etWnu~ll ~~.~ Il ~.t~ II ~oog-~g~ IIAmount Land ValueH ~~.~ Improv~ Value][ $270,1 Assess~ Value][ Exempt V~auel[ ~.~ Taxable Value][ ~,~2.~ Last Updated: 04/06/2001 http://www.collierappraiser, com/RecordDetail.asp?FoliolD=00256360507 4/20/01 AGENDA ITEM 8-1 MEMORANDUM TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION, PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT, COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION DATE: October 5, 2001 RE: PETITION NO. CP-2001-4, GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN AMENDMENT AGENT/APPLICANT: Applicant: William L. Schrage Warstler-Schrage Development Company, LLC 8910 Purdue Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 Agent: Richard Yovanovich D. Wayne Arnold, AICP Goodlette, Coleman and Johnson Q. Grady Minor & Associates 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 3800 Via del Rey Naples, Florida 34103 Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 Owner: Robert E. Smith & Gary L. Smith 1056 Smith Road Columbus, IN 43207 GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject property, containing 83 acres, is located ¼ mile south of U.S. 41 on the east side of S.R. 951/Collier Boulevard within the South Naples Planning Community. The site also fronts the south side of US 41, approximately 3000' east of Collier Boulevard. The property is designated Urban, Urban Mixed Use District, Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict. REQUESTED ACTION: This petitioner seeks to: 1 ) Amend the existing Future Land Use Element and Map of the Collier County Growth Management Plan to establish the "Henderson Creek Mixed Use Sub-District" for specified lands. The proposed text change is as follows: HENDERSON CREEK MIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT 'r, lhe Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict consists of approximately 84 acres and is located ~ east of Collier Boulevard (S.R. 951) and south of U.S. 41 (Tamiami Trail East). The intent of the Subdistrict is primarily to provide for a mixture of reqional commercial uses and integral residential development, to serve the South Naples, Royal Fakapalm and Marco Island areas. Conversely, the primary intent of the Subdistrict is not to provide community and neighborhood commercial uses. The focus of the residential component of the Subdistrict shall be the provision of workforce housin.q in support of the permitted commercial uses within tho Subdistrict, as well as in the South Naples, Royal Fakapalm and Marco Island areas. The entire Subdistrict will be developed under a unified plan; this unified plan is encouraqed in the form of a Planned Unit Development. Specific requirements and limitations for the Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict are as follows: · Access to the Subdistrict shall be provided from Collier Boulevard and U.S. 41. These access points shall be connected by a (loop) road that is open to the public. · Vehicular and pedestrian interconnections shall be provided between the residential and commercial portions of the Subdistrict. · Development within the Subdistrict shall make provisions for vehicular and pedestrian interconnection to properties to the north. · Commercial components of this Subdistrict shall be oriented toward the Collier Boulevard road frontaqe. · Commercial uses are limited to a maximum of 40 acres and 325,000 square feet of .qros.~ leasable area. · The maximum intensity of commercial uses are those allowed in the C-4, General Commercial, zoning district. · At least one reqional commercial use is required to occupy a minimum of 100,000 s.f. of building area. Each remaining re.qional commercial use must occupy a minimum of 20,000 s.f. of buildinq area. · Non-re.qional commercial uses prohibited in this Subdistrict include grocery stores, fitness centers, auto repair, auto sales, personal services · Non-reqional commercial uses are limited to a maximum of 10% of the total allowed commercial square feet (32,500 s.f.). · A maximum of four out-parcels are allowed, all of which must front Collier Blvd. (SR-951). All out-parcels shall provide internal vehicular access. All out-parcels are limited to non.. regional commercial uses. No out-parcel can exceed five acres. ·Commercial development shall be restricted to one-story buildings with a maximum height of 35 feet. · Residential development shall be limited to a maximum of 500 dwellin.q units, subject to the Density Rating System. However, a minimum of 200 affordable housinq units shall be provided. · Residential dwellinqs shall be limited to a maximum heiqht of three habitable stories. ·Both commercial and residential development shall be designed in a consistent architectural theme. ·Prior to commencement of any development in the Subdistrict, a unified plan of development for the entire Subdistrict must be approved by Collier County. · Landscape buffers within this Subdistrict shall be no less than that required in mixed-uso activity centers. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if amendment is approved: Policy 1.1: The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistricts for: A. URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistrict 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict 3. Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict 11. Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict Mixed Use Activity Centers have been designated on the Future Land Use Map Series identified in the Future Land Use Element. The locations are based on intersections of major roads and on spacing criteria. There are 19 Mixed Use Activity Centers which comprise approximately 3,000 acres, including 3 Interchange Activity Centers (~4, 9, 10) which will be discussed separately. Two Activity Centers #19 and 21 have been deleted and replaced by the land use designations identified in the Marco island Master Plan and Future Land Use Map. The Mixed-Use Activity Center concept is designed to concentrate almost all new commercial zoning in locations where traffic impacts can readily be accommodated, to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development, and to create focal points within the community. Additionally, some commercial development is allowed outside of Mixed Use Activity Centers in the PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Subdistrict, Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict, the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay and by Policies 4.7, 5.9, 5.10, and 5.11 of the Future Land Use Element. I. URBAN DESIGNATION Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majority of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than 10% of Collier County's land area. The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been established based on several factors, including: patterns of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. 3 U~ban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: a. Residential uses including single family, multi-family, duplex, and mobile home. The maximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. b. Non-residential uses including: 12. Commercial uses subject to criteria identified in the Urban - Mixed Use District, PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict, Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict, Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict, Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict, Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict and Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict, and in the Urban Commercial District, Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict, and Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict, and Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict, and Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict, and in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Overlay. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The petitioner proposes to add a new land use designation for a specific site so as to alloW for a mixture of regional commercial uses and integral residential development, to serve the south Naples and Marco Island areas. The subject site consists of approximately 84 acres and is located east of S.R. 951 and south of U.S. 41 (Tamiami Trail East). The "Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict" would be restricted to one-story buildings with a maximum height of 35 feet. As proposed, commercial uses are limited to a maximum of 40 acres and 325,000 square feet of gross leasable area, and a maximum of 500 dwelling units within the residential development. However, a minimum of 200 affordable housing units must be provided. The density rating system of the Future Land Use Element will govern the residential density. Residential dwellings are limited to a maximum height of three habitable stories. Both commercial and residential development must be designed in a consistent architectural theme. SURROUNDING LAND USE~ ZONING AND FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Existing Conditions: The entire subject property is presently vacant and designated Urban Coastal Fringe on the Future Land Use Map. The subject property is zoned RSF-3 and can currently be developed as single-family residences at a maximum density of three units per gross acre. However, if the project meets the definitions and requirements of the Affordable Housing Density Bonus Ordinance, a bonus of up to 8 residential units per gross acre may be added for a maximum density of 11 DU/A. Surrounding Land Use: North: North of the site is a couple of vacant parcels that are zoned C-4, C-2, and A. Most of those parcels are located within Activity Center 18 with exception of the Agricultural zoned land. West: West of the site is Eagle Creek PUD, a residential golf course community approved for 470 residential units. East: East of the site is a mobile home park zoned TTRVC. South: South of the site is Holiday Manor mobile home park that is zoned MH. All surrounding properties are designated Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict. 4 STAFF ANALYSIS: Environmental Impacts: The Current Planning Environmental Specialist has reviewed the proposed amendment and finds no consistency issues. Traffic Capacity/Traffic Circulation Analysis: Comments received from the Transportation Planning Department yields an understanding that they have no objection to the approval of this petition for transmittal to DCA. Comprehensive Planning Staff has made the following analysis in regards to the subject property; · SR-951 from Manatee Road to U.S. 41 has an adopted LOS D with an AADT of 35,211(counts submitted from petitioner). The anticipated additional traffic added by the proposed project from Manatee Road to U.S. 41 is an additional 5360 AADT (counts submitted from petitioner). ·SR-951 is currently a 4 lane minor arterial. The Transportation Element shows that SR- 951 will be expanded to a 6-lane facility within the next 5 to 10 year planning horizon. · U.S 41 East from SR 951 to CR 92 has an adopted LOS D with an AADT of 10,492. (counts submitted from petitioner). The anticipated additional traffic added by the proposed project from U.S. 41 East to CR 92 is an additional 3656 AADT (counts submitted from petitioner). ·U.S 41 East, from the SR 951 intersection eastward is currently a 2-lane principal arterial. U.S. 41 East, from the SR 951 intersection eastward to CR 92 is shown in the Transportation Element to be expanded to a 4-lane facility within the next 5 to 10 year planning horizon. · The subject property will have access from SR-951 as well as U.S. 41 East. These -- access points will be connected by a (loop) road that is open to the public. Public Facilities Level of Service Analysis: Comprehensive Planning Staff has reviewed the petitioner's Public Facilities Level of Service Analysis and finds no consistency issues regarding all other category A Public Facilities (Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, and Community and Regional Parks). Commercial Demand Analysis: The petitioner has prepared and submitted a market feasibility and demand analysis for the subject parcel. As stated in the petitioner's analysis, the subject site is appropriate for development of building material and mass merchandising outlets. The petitioner's analysis lists the following reasons why the subject property has optimum Iocational advantages for commercial use: substantial residential development north, south and west of the site; direct access to the site for south-bound travelers exiting south from 1-75 Exit 15; and positioning in the center of a rapidly- developing Primary Trade Area (PTA). The petitioner's Primary Trade Area is the planning communities of East Naples and South Naples. TABLE a HENDERSON CREEK MIXED-USE Home Depot-Pine Ridge SUBDIS TRICT Total 83 Acres 18.45 Acres Total Commercial Acreage: 40 149,700 sq. ft. Total Commercial: 325,000 sq. ft Home Depot-Airport Road 8.84 Acres 135,112 sq. ft. Sams Club-lmmokalee Road 21.795 Acres 163,280 sq. ft. Costco-Naples Boulevard 13.8 Acres 136,469 sq. ft. Sports Authority- Airport Road 4.699 Acres 42,250 sq. ft. Appropriateness of Chan.qe: The petitioner contends that the subject 83-acre site should be established as a mixed-use subdistrict due to the expressed demand for regional commercial development, substantial residential development surrounding the subject site, its access to the roadway network from traffic exiting from 1-75 exit 15, and its position in the center of a rapidly developing trade area. The petitioner states that the Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict will make provisions for vehicular and pedestrian interconnection to properties to the north that are within Activity Center #18. As permitted under the current zoning, the subject property could be developed for residential with up to three dwelling units per gross acre. With density bonuses (affordable housing provision), a maximum addition of 8 units per gross acre could be added for a total of 11 DU/A. Residential uses are compatible with the existing residential development along US 41 and SR 951. Nonresidential uses such as private or public schools, churches, recreational and public facilities, child care or adult living facilities could be developed on this site as well. Any of these uses would be compatible with the residential uses to the south, west, and east of the subject property. The petitioner does not indicate the site cannot be developed in accordance with the existing FLUE designation. Instead, the petitioner states in the market analysis that the highest and best use of the land is commercial. Further, the petitioner asserts there is a demand in this area for sites large enough to accommodate regional commercial uses. There are approximately 140+/- acres with in Activity Center #18 and all but approximately 12 acres are zoned commercial. There are approximately 82 acres of undeveloped commercially zoned property within Activity Center #18. There are approximately 57 acres of developed commercially zoned property within Activity Center #18. Most of the undeveloped commercial property within Activity Center #18 does not offer the proper depth or lot size to support a regional mass-merchandising outlet. Within the South Naples Planning Community there is approximately 802 acres of commercially zoned land with a total of approximately 961,648 square feet of commercial uses already built. There is approximately 149 acres of vacant commercial property within the South Naples Planning Community. 8/! Total Commercial Acres Total Commercial Acres 140 802 Total Vacant Commercial Acres Total Vacant Commercial Acres 82 149 *Source 1998 Commercial Inventory prepared by Comprehensive Planning Section During the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) process for the GMP, it was generally recognized that mixed use Activity Centers were not developing with a mixture of uses; rather, they were developing as commercial centers. In effort to eliminate some of the opportunity for more commercial development within Activity Centers, the EAR-based amendments to the GMP resulted in site-specific boundaries for all Activity Centers. For the most part, these boundaries followed existing commercial zoning (as opposed to maintaining the Y= mile square configuration that comprised 160 acres.) Activity Center # 18 was one of those with changed boundaries; instead of 160 acres, it now comprises of +/- 140 acres, +/-128 acres of that total is zoned commercial. Though this petition is not requesting an expansion of Activity Center #18, it is requesting an opportunity for up to 40 acres for commercial development on a site adjacent to Activity Center #18. Though the focus of this amendment is provision of "regional commercial uses", there is no specific definition of this term in the GMP or LDC, and between 192,500 s.f. and 225,00 s.f. of "regional commercial uses" could be developed with in buildings as small as 20,000 s.f. In staff's opinion, there is a significant inventory of available commercial sites to accommodate buildings of that size. For these reasons, though staff supports this petition for transmittal, staff will continue review of this petition and may, at adoption hearings, recommend additional changes to the petitioner's text. These changes could include providing a definition of "regional commercial uses", providing additional building square feet limitations, and listing additional prohibited non- regional uses. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: ~ Within the petitioners Primary Trade Area, there is a very limited supply of adequate sites to accommodate regional mass merchandising outlets. ~ There are approximately 82.43 acres of undeveloped commercial zoned property within Activity Center #18. ~ Most of the undeveloped commercial property within Activity Center #18 does not offer the proper depth or lot size to support a regional mass-merchandising outlet. ~ The Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict text requires that at least "one regional commercial use is required to occupy a minimum of 100,000 s.f. of building area. Each remaining regional commercial use must occupy a minimum of 20,000 s.f. of building area." ~ The Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict text requires "a minimum of 200 affordable housing units". 7 'SA ~ U.S 41 East from SR 951 to GR 92 has an adopted LOS D with an AADT of 10,492. (counts submitted from petitioner). The anticipated additional traffic added by the proposed project from U.S. 41 East to OR 92 is an additional 36,56 AADT (counts submitted from petitioner). ~ 8R-951 from Manatee Road to U.S. 41 has an adopted LOS D with an AADT of 36,211(counts submitted from petitioner). The anticipated additional traffic added by the proposed project from Manatee Road to U.S. 41 is an additional 5360 AADT (counts submitted from petitioner). STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the petition be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation to transmit to DCA. D Aaron Blair ~ - REVIEWED BY: ~ { ?'~'~'~)¢J/-"/~ -- DATE: / s~a~,C'Litsinger, AIOP Comprehensive Planning Manager Tom Kuck, Interim Planning Services Director APPROVED BY:'ol~l~unnuck,o Acting Administrator DATE: CoNImunity Development & Environmental Services Division PETITION NO.: CP-2001-o~1 Staff Report for October 181 2001 CCPC Meeting. NOTE: This petition has been advertised for the November 13, 2001, BCC Meeting. JOYCEA~NA J. RAUTIO, C~IAIRMAN EXHIBIT A PETITION CP-2001-04 HENDERSON CREEK MIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA SUBJECT SITE CP-2001-04 MANATEE SCALE PREPARED BY: GRAPHICS AND TECHNICAL SUPPORT SECTION 0 1000 FT. 2000 FT. COMMUNITY DEYELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION DATE: 9/01 FILE: CP-2OOI-O4A.DWG APPLICATION FOR A REQUEST TO AMEND THE COLLIER COUNTY GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN APPLICATOIN NUMBER ~._1© - 300 ~ - ~ DATE RECEIVED PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE DATE DATE SUFFICIENT This application, with all required supplemental data and information, must be completed and accompanied by the appropriate fee, and returned to the Comprehensive Planning Section, 2800 North Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida 34104. 94 i -403--2300 (Fax 941-643-6968). The application must De reviewed by staff for sufficiency within 30 calendar days following the filing cleadlJne before it will be processed and advertised for public hearing. The applicant will be notified in writing, of the sufficiency determination. If insufficient, the applicant will have 30 days to remedy the deficiencies. For additional information on the processing of the application, see Resolution 97-431 (attached). If you have any questions, please contact the Comprehensive Planning Section at 941- 403-2300. SUBMISSION REC~UIREMENTS I. GENERAL INFOMRATION A. Name of Applicant William L. Schra.qe Company Warstler- Schrage Development Company, LLC Address 8910 Purdue Road City Indianapolis State Indiana Zip Code 46268 Phone Number 317-870-2436 Fax Number 317-870-2437 B. Name of Agent * D. Wayne Arnold, AICP · THIS WILL BE THE PERSON CONTACTED FOR ALL BUSINESS RELATED TO THE PETITION. Company q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A. Address 3800 Via Del Rey City Bonita Sprin.qs State Florida Zip Code 341 34 Phone Number 941-947-1144 Fax Number 941-947-0375 C. Name of Agent * Richard Yovanovich · THIS WILL BE THE PERSON CONTACTED FOR ALL BUSINESS RELATED TO THE PETITION. Company Ooodlette, Coleman and Johnson Address 4001 Tamiami Trail North, Suite 300 City Naples State Florida Zip Code 34103 Phone Number 941-435-~k535 Fax Number 941-435-1218 C. Name of Owner (s) of Record Robert E. Smith and Gap/L. Smith Address 1056 Smith Road City Columbus State Indiana Zip Code 43207 Phone Number 614-443-3252 Fax Number ;~-- ~ - ~i'i,~i~bh-h~ tcji co~s-01tc~fits-~n ~l-o"thef 'pTofessi(~h~ls-pro~c~ing-iri f0rm~tion- ~iitaine~! -~---~.~.~;.~ ~-~""" " in this application. Chuck Mohlke, Fraser Mohlke and Associates, Inc., 375 2nd Avenue South, Naples, Flodda 34102 Oesa Woss de Cze.qe, Southem Biomes, Inc., 1602 Woodford Avenue, Fort Myers, Flodda 33901 11. Disclosure of Interest ,nformcrl'io.: 8~ 'i?ii A. If the property is owned fee simple by an INDIVIDUAL, Tenancy by the entirety, tenancy in common, or joint tenancy, list all parties with an ownership interest as well as the percentage of such interest. {Use additional sheets if necessary]. Name and Address Percentage af Ownership B. If the property is owned by a CORPORATION, list the officers and stockholders and the percentage of stock owned by each. Name and Address Percentage of Stock C. If the property is in the name of a TRUSTEE, list the beneficiaries of the trust with the percentage of interest. Name and Address Percentage of Interest Robert E. Smith and Gary L. Smith, Individually And as Co-Trustees of the Clifford Smith Trust dated 02/24/81 as amended and restated on 01/23/85 and as Co-Trustees of the Muriel M. Smith Trust dated 02/24/81 as amended and Restated on 01/23/85 D. If the property is in the name of a GENERAL or LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, list the name of the general and/or limited partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership 2 E. If there is a CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE, with an individual or individuals, a Corporation, Trustee, or a Partnership, list the names af the contract purchasers below, including the officers, stockholders, beneficiaries, or partners. Name and Address Percentage of Ownership Gateway Shoppes Associates, LLC Robert Warstler William L. Schraqe Date of Contract: Au,ClUSt 2000 F. If any cantingency clause or contract terms invalve additional parties, list all individuals or officers, if a corporatian, partnership, or trust. Name and Address Not Applicable G. Date subject property acquired ( ) leased ( ): Term of lease~.y~s./mos. If, Petitioner has option to buy, indicate date of option: and date option terminates: Au.qust 2002, or anticipated closing: Au.qust 15, 2002 H. Should any changes of ownership or changes in contracts for purchase occur subsequent to the date of application, but prior to the date of the final public headng, it is the responsibility of the applicant, or agent on his behalf, to submit a supplemental disclosure of interest form. II~.-"DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: B. GENERAL LOCATION 1/~ mile south of U.S. 41 on S.R. 951/Collier Boulevard E. SIZE IN ACRES 83 + acres F. ZONING RSF-3 ~"~URROUNDING LAND USE PATI'ERN '"'~ '~ H. FUTURE LAND USE MAP DESIGNATIONS (S) Urban Mixed Use, Urban Coastal Frin.qe ' ~'~ Subdistrict IV. TYPE OF REQUEST: A. GROWI'H MANAGEMENT PLAN ELEMENT (S) TO BE AMENDED: Housing Element Recreation/Open Space Traffic Circulation Sub-Element Mass Transit Sub-Element Aviation Sub-Element Potable Water Sub-Element Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element ~ NGWAR Sub-Element Solid Waste Sub-Element Drainage Sub-Element Capital Improvement Element CCME Element ~' Future Land Use Element Golden Gate Master Plan Immokalee Master Plan B. AMEND PAGE (S) 23 OF THE Future Land Use ELEMENT AS FOLLOWS: (Use Cross t.hro,Jg,~s to identity language to be deleted; Use Underline to identify language to be added). Attach additional pages if necessary: To add new plan desi.qnation description for Henderson Creek Subdistdct. C. AMEND FUTURE LAND USE MAP(S) DESIGNATION FROM Urban Mixed Use, Urban Coastal Frin.qe Subdistdct TO Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistdct D. AMEND OTHER MAP (S) AND EXHIBITS AS FOLLOWS: (Name & Page #) E. DESCRIBE ADDITINAL CHANGES REQUESTED: Please see attached proposed text amendment to the Future Land Use Element. -~ REQUIRED INFORMATION: NOTE: ALL AERIALS MUST BE AT A SCALE OF NO SMALLER THAN 1"=400'. At least one copy reduced to 8- - /2 x I 1 shall be provided of all aerials and/or maps. - ' A?LAND-USE ...... - ..... ~**'~~~'~/"*"' 'Provide general location map showing surro~J~opments Jl~JD,--~ DRI's, existing zoning) with subject-property outlined. ~' Provide most recent aedal of site showing subject boundaries, source, and Provide a map and summary table of existing land use and zoning within a radius of 300 feet from boundaries of subject property. .~UTURE LAND USE AND DESIGNATION '~ ,j' .. Provide map of existing Future Land Use Designation(s) of subject properly and adjacent lands, with acreage totals for each land use designation on the subject property. C. ENVIRONMENTAL . Provide most recent aedal and summary table of acreage of native habitats and soils occurring on site. HABITAT IDENTIFICATION MUST BE CONSISTENT WITH THE FDOT-FLORIDA LAND USE, COVER AND FORMS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (FLUCCS CODE). NOTE: THIS MAY BE INDICATED ON SAME AERIAL AS THE LAND USE AERIAL IN "A" ABOVE. ,/' . Provide a summary table of Federal (US Fish & Wildlife Service) and State (Florida Game & Freshwater F~sh Commission) listed plant and animal species known to occur on the site and/or known to inhabit biological communities similar to the site (e.g. panther or black bear range, avian rookery, bird migratory route, etc.).identity historic and/or archaeological sites on the subject property. D. GROWTH MANAGEMENT Reference ?J-11.00&, F.A.C. and Collier County's Capital Improvements Element .... Policy 1.1.2 (Copies attached). 1. INSERT "Y" FOR YES OR "N" FOR NO IN RESPONSE TO THE FOLLOWING: N Is the proposed amendment located in an Area of Critical State Concern? (Reference 9J-11.006(1 )(a)(5), F.A.C.). IF so, identity area located in ACSC. N Is the proposed amendment directly related to a proposed Development of Regional Impact pursuant to Chapter 380 F.S. ? (Reference 9J-11.006(1 )(a)7.a, F.A.C.) N Is the proposed amendment directly related to a proposed Small Scale Development Activity pursuant to Subsection 163.3187 (1)[c), F.S. ? (Reference 9J-11.006(1 )(a)7.b, F.A.C.) Does the proposed amendment create a significant impact in population which is defined as a potential increase in County-wide population by more than 5% of population projections? (Reference Capital Improvement Element Policy 1.1.2). If yes, indicate mitigation measures being proposed in conjunction with the proposed amendment. Y Does the proposed land use cause an increase in density and/or intensity to the uses permitted in a specific land use designation and district identified (commercial, industrial, etc.) or is the proposed land use a new land use designation or district? (Reference Rule 9J-5.006(5) F.A.C.). If so, provide data and analysis to support the suitability of land for the proposed use, and of environmentally sensitive land, ground water and natural resources. (Reference Rule 9J-1 1.007, F.A.C.) F~ I~BLIC FACILITIES 1. Provide the existing Level of Service Standard (LOS) and document the impact the proposed change will have on the follov,4ng public facilities: Potable Water Sanitary Sewer Artedal & Collector Roads; Name specific road and LOS Drainc]ge Solid Waste Parks: Community and Regional '"'Please see attached analysis If the proposed amendment involves an increase in residential density, or an increase in intensity for commercial and/or industrial development that would cause the LOS for public fac~-lities to fall below the adopted LOS, indicate mitigation measures being proposed in conjunction with the proposed amendment. (Reference Capital Improvement Element Policy ! .1.5) 2. _,/' Provide a map showing the location of existing services and public facilities that wi~! serve the subject property (i.e. water, sewer, fire protection, police protection, schools and emergency medical services. 3. ~__ Document proposed services and public facilities, identity provider, and describe the effect the proposed change will have on schools, fire ~ ~, protection and emergency medical services. --. Identity the following areas relating to the subject property: AR-7 Flood zone based on Rood Insurance Rate Map data (FIRM). N/A Location of wellfields and cones of influence, if applicable. (Identified on Collier County Zoning Maps) ~ Traffic Congestion Boundary, if applicable Coastal Management Boundary, if applicable N/A High Noise Contours (65 LDN or higher) surrounding the Naples Airpod, if applicable (identified on Collier County Zoning Maps). G. SLIPI~LEI~ENTAL INFORI~ATION ~ $3,CX)0 non-refundable filing fee, plus $,30/acre for each affected acre for Future Land Use map amendments, made payable to the Board of County Commissioners due at time of submittal. $1,500 non-refundable filing fee for a Small Scale Amendment made payable to the Board of County Commissioners due at time of submittal. ~ Proof of ownership (copy of deed) Notarized Letter of Authorization if Agent is not the Owner (See attached form) 10dginal and 5 complete, signed applications with all attachments including ~ maps, at time of submittal. After sufficiency is completed, 25 copies of the complete application will be required. "Maps shall include: North arrow, name and location of principal roadways and shall be at a scale of !"=400' or at a scale as determined during the pre-application meeting. --'-27-0! 11:29A P.'I1 Q GRADY MINOR 941 947 0~75 04/26 '01 11:38 ?0 ~OM IT ~Y C~CE~ S~n~: " STATE OF ( -~.~,~,~,<x ) COUNTY OF ( W%~; ~ ~, OF THE F~~ CHO~E a~ not ~e aha O~ Q. GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Civil Engineers Land Surveyors Planners Q. ~P,.AD¥ MI~O~ P.~. D. WAXN~ Am~OLD, A. rC_P. MARK W. MINOR, P.E. ERIC V. SANDOVAL, P-.q.M. r'~'~.~d~l SMITH, P.E. THOMAS CHERNESKY, P-S.M. [D W. SCHWa, P.E. ALAN V. ROS'I~iAN MICHAEL J. DE-LATE, P.E. Mr. Aaron Blair Senior Planner Collier County Comprehensive Planning 2800 North Horseshoe Drive Naples, F1 34104 Re: Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict Dear Mr. Blair: Enclosed, please fred one original and four copies of the revised application materials for the Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict Growth Management Plan amendment. I have highlighted the original copy of your August 14, 2001 letter which identified the sufficiency comments for the application. I have also attached revised text for the new subdistrict, which addresses your verbal comments relating to commercial intensities, and residential allocation based on the density rating system. As I mentioned to Mr. Litsinger in our recent telephone conversation, the property owner is forwarding a copy of a signed and notarized authorization, granting Mr. Yovanovich and me the authority to file the subject amendment. Please note that the sales contract, which is provided in this submittal, does permit the applicant (Warstler-Schrage)' to obtain zoning and land use approvals on the subject property. I will forward a copy of the original signed and notarized authorization to you upon my receipt. Please contact either Richard Yovanovich or me if you have any comments. ~'-~~Sincerely' ",.. ~ D. Wayne Arnold, AICP C: Bill Schrage Richard Yovanovich (941) 947-1144 FAX (941) 947-0375 E-Mail: engineering~gradyminor.com 3800 Via Del Rey Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 V.E. Public Facilities Level of Service Ana!ysis 1. Provide the existing Level of Service Standard (LOS) and document the impact the[. proposed change will have on the following public facilities: Potable Water: The subject project is located west of the urban boundary with standards for Potable Water established in the Capital Improvement Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The currently adopted minimum Level of Service (LOS) Standards and 1999 Annual Update and Inventory. Report (AUIR) for Potable Water are as follows: Potable Water LOS Standard 185 GPD/Capita Available Inventory as of 9/30/99 24.0 MGD Required Inventory as of 9/30/04 22.7 MGD Planned CIE FY 00-04 8.0 MGD 5-Year Surplus or (Deficit) 17.3 MGD Minimum standards for Potable Water are being met or exceeded. It is estimated that potable water demand for the project will be 125,750 GPD. This demand will not have a significant impact on the Regional Water System. Sanitary Sewer: The subject project is located west of the urban boundary with standards for Sanitary Sewer established in the Capital Improvement Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The currently adopted minimum Level of Service (LOS) Standards and 1999 Annual Update and Inventory. Report (AUIR) for Sanitary Sewer are as follows: Sanitary Sewer LOS Standard 145 GPD/Capita Available Inventory as of 9/30/99 9.5 MGD Required Inventory as of 9/30/04 9.5 MGD Planned CIE FY 00-04 5.0 MGD 5-Year Surplus or (Deficit) 4.0 MGD Minimum standards for Sanitary Sewer are being met or exceeded. It is estimated that wastewater demand for the project will be 98,750 GPD. This demand will not have a significant impact on the Regional Wastewater System. F:UOB\SCHRAGE\CDSkLOS.doc Arterial and Collector Roads: Please refer to the Traffic Impact Statement for discussions of the project's impact on level of service for arterial and collector roadways within the project's radius of development influence. Drainage: - ;. The subject project is located west of the urban boundary with standards for Drainage established in the Capital Improvement Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The currently adopted minimum Level of Service (LOS) Standards and 1999 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) for Drainage are as follows:' Drainage LOS Standard Future Development - 25 year, 3 day storm Existing Development - current service level Available Inventory as of 9/30/99 373 Canal Miles Required Inventory as of 9/30/04 373 Canal Miles Planned CIE FY 00-04 N/A 5-Year Surplus or (Deficit) N/A The proposed development in the amendment area will be designed to comply with the 25 year, 3 day storm routing requirements. Solid Waste: The subject project is located west of the urban boundary with standards for Solid Waste estabiished in the Capital Improvement Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. The currently adopted minimum Level of Service (LOS) Standards and 1999 Annual Update and Inventory Report (AUIR) for Solid Waste are as follows: Solid Waste LOS Standard 10 years ofpermittable capacity at average disposal rate/previous 5 years Available Inventory as of 9/30/99 4,922,068 Site Tons Required Inventory as of 9/30/04 3,357,490 Site Tons Planned CIE FY 00-04 0 Site Tons 5-Year Surplus or (Deficit) (6041) Site Tons No adverse impacts to the existing solid waste facilities are anticipated from this 5-acre commercial project. Parks: Community and Regional There are 500 proposed residential units associated with this project. No adverse impacts to the County's community and regional parks are anticipated. TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT FOR HENDERSON CREEK MIXED USE SUBDISTRICT Prepared by: 3800 Via Del Rey Bonita Springs, Florida 34134 (941) 947-1144 JULY, 2001 Revised September 18, 2001 \\QGM 1 \SYSXJOB~S CHRAGE\CDS~CPATlS.DOC Page 1 HENDERSON CREEK MIXED USE SUBDISTRICT INTRODUCTION ' ~ The proposed Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict consists of approximately 84 acres located in the southeast quadrant of Collier Boulevard (C.R. 951) and U.S. 41 in Section 3, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, Collier County, Florida. For project location please refer to Figure 1, Location Map, page 2. The subdistrict will provide for a mixture of regional commercial uses and integral residential development. SCOPE The following analyses are included in this report: 1. Trip Generation Calculations (at buildout) presented for Peak Season Daily Traffic (PSDT) including the respective peak hour volumes. 2. Trip Assignment within the Radius of Development Influence (RDI). 3. Existing Traffic Volumes within the RDI; AADT volumes, PSDT volumes, and Level of Service (LOS). ..... 4. Discussion of impacts to roadways within the RDI. TRIP GENERA TION Trip generation rates are estimated using 6th Edition Trip Generation published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Land Use Code 820, Shopping Center and Land Use Code 230, Residential Condominium were used to estimate trip generation for the project. A summary of the Trip Generation Calculation for the project is shown on Table 1 on page 3. The raw trip generation for the project shown in Table 1 has been adjusted for pass-by capture by the shopping center use. A 40% pass-by capture rate has been used to compute the net new trips for the proposed use. An adjusted tabulation of the trip generation is shown at the bottom of Table 1. The net new trip generation is estimated to be 11,284 trip ends for daily traffic volume and 1054 trip ends during the highest peak hour (PM). Please refer to the DISCUSSION section for details concerning the effects of these traffic volumes on the level of service for roadway links within the RDI. \\QGM 1 ~SYSXJOB\SCHRAGE\CDS\SCPATI S.DOC Page 2 FIGURE Page 3 '- Table 1 ~ "~ Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict ~' 8 S~Y OF AVERJkGE VEHICLE TRIP G~TION A~GE WEE~AY DRI~WAY VOL~ES ' ~ 7-30-01 24 HOUR AM PK HOUR PM PK HOUR TWO - WAY LAND USE SIZE VOLUME ENTER EXIT ENTER EXIT SHOPPING CENTER 325 T.G.L.A~ 14545 197 126 656 711 RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM 506 DWELLING UNITS 2557 31 152 156 77 TOTAL 17102 228 278 812 788 Note: A zero rate indicates no rate data available ADJUSTED TRIP GENERATION - 40% PASS-BY CAPTURE FOR SHOPPING CENI'ER 24 HOUR AM PEAK HOUR PM PEAK HOUR TWO-WAY LAND USE SIZE VOLUME ENTER EXIT . ENTER EXIT SHOPPING CEN'I~R 325 T.G.L.A. 8727 118 76 394 427 RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM 500 DWELLING UNITS 2557 31 152 156 77 TOTAL 11284 149 228 550 504 F:UOB~SCHRAGEX, CDS~SCPATIS.DOC TRIP GENERATION BY MICROTRANS Page 4 The projected directional distribution of traffic to and from Henderson Creek Mixed Use Subdistrict site was determined using population and surrounding trip attractions. A modified Fratar method calculation was used based on population projections for the area and proportional distribution of existing traffic. Please refer to the calculations shown in Appendix A, Supporting Data. A more refined trip assignment will be included in subsequent TIS reports for rezoning of the property, should the comprehensive plan change be recommended for approval. The project directional distribution is shown on Table 2, page 5and also on Figure 2, page 6. The distribution is shown for roadways within the Radius of Development Influence (RDI) only, based on a 5-mile radius from the project site. EXISTING TRAFFIC Table 3, page 7, shows existing 2001 AADT and PSDT traffic volumes, including peak hour volumes, for all maj or roadway links within the RDI. Values were provided by Transportation Planning staff for the roadway links within the RDI. A peak season factor of 1.22 was used for all roadways in the RDI. Level of Service (LOS) determinations are made based on the Collier County Service Volume Tables presented in the Growth Management Plan. These service volume tables are also presented in Appendix A, Supporting Data. Table 4, page 8, shows 2001 traffic volumes, with project generated traffic included, for all major roadway links within the RDI. The effect of project generated traffic on the surrounding roadway links is discussed below. DISCUSSION The results of the enclosed LOS analysis indicate that several roadway links may have some operational problems during peak season. Based on the AADT volumes provided by staff and the LOS tables from the Collier County Growth Management Plan, four of the roadway links within the RDI operate at LOS F during peak season. All roadway segments operate at LOS D or better for AADT traffic volumes, except the two-lane section of Collier Boulevard approaching the Marco Island Bridge. The segment of Collier Boulevard between Manatee Road and U.S. 41 is affected by the addition of project traffic. U.S. 41 east of Collier Boulevard may also be affected. Level of Service is not severely degraded by the addition of project traffic. It is proposed that more detailed trip distribution and assignment methods, along with more detailed LOS analysis of the affected links be provided at the time of rezoning of the property. This development will be shown to be consistent with the policies of the Traffic Circulation Element of the Growth Management Plan at the time of rezoning. \\QGM 1 \SYSLIOB\SCHRAGE\CDS~SCPATIS.DOC PAGE 6 TRIP DISTRIBUTION MAP N.T. 5. APPENDIX A SUPPORTING DATA F:UOBXSCHRAGE~CDS~SC'PATIS.DOC ~- 19u ROUTE-SPECiFIC SEGMENT 23 ART-TAB Version 2.0 Arterial Level of Service Volume Tables ~A Based °n Chapte~ 11 °f the 1994 Highway Ca~ Manual Update 8 A Florida Department of Transportation I DESCRJPTION PEAK HOUR'PEAK DIRECTION VOLUME (~nc.k_~_ ! vehic~ in excJu..~Jve turn ROAD NAME: Isle of Capri 1 lntem~_-t~-ts Del m~ From:US 41 .To: Menate~ Read Leve~ ot' Sen4ce ~ >>>>>>>>>> Pc-AK DCR:ECTXDN: NB LAN~ A B C D E ~ Sa.,cty T'm'~ Pe,God: PM PEAK 1 N/A 940 1,060 1,060 1,060 i An~ D~t~: 1997 co¢~clition= 2 NrA 1,960 2,120 2,120 2.120 Number ~ L.nr~s: 3 N/A 3,1:X)0 3,190 3.190 3,190 ~ AADT: 4 N,'A 4,060 4.250 4,250 4,250 ~ No{es: Fre~ ~ speed = 55 (45 used) Seamen! tencjth = 1.1 [1 used) PEA~ NO,IR'VOLUME ~lncl,__.:~__~ w,h~cJe.s in ex~ turn 'TRAFFIC CHAR~CTERJSTICS .!. Inte~ction-, ~ mile ----Rsnge---- K FACTCXR: 0.097 (0.06 - 0.20) Lev~ or' D FACTCXR: 0.528 (0.50 - 1.00) ~ A B C ID E PHF: 0.~3 (0.70- tOO) 2 N/A 1.770 2,010 2,010 2.010 ADJ. S~TURAT'ION FLOW RATE: 1,850 (1400. 2000) 4 N/A 3.710 4,020 4.0213 4.020 % TURNS FROM EXCLUSNE LANES: 45 (0 - 100) 6 N/^ 5,680 6.030 6,030 6,030 8' NrA 7,690 8.050 8.050 8.050 ·tOADWAY C HARACTEPJSTICS AVF, R. AG'E ANNUAL DAILY TRAFFIC IAADT) URBAN. TP,,~,NSITXD~NG. OR (lnc, k~ ~h~Je,s in exclu,~e turn RURAL. AREA TYPE: U (U. T. c~ R) 1 Int~ns oer mil~ ARTEFUAL CLASS: 1 (I. 2. or 3) FREE FLOW SPEED (mp~): 45 (45. 40. or 35) Lev~ c~ TOTAL LENGTH OF ARTERIAL (mB: I ~ A B C O E MEDCANS (Y/h0: Y 2 N/A 18.:~30 20.700 20.700 20.700 _ LEFT TURN BAYS (Y/N~: Y 4 I'UA 38.200 41.500 4.1.500 41.500 ;IGN, ,4TION CHAR~CTEP-J~TICS 8 N/A 79.300 82.900 82.900 82,900 NO. SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS: 1 N/A m~an~ ~ ~ c~ s~rvice is not ARRNAL TYPE. PEAK DCRECTION: 3 (1 :~.3.4.5 o~ 6) Peak Hour Peak Direcdon Through/PJght vic Ratio for Full Hour TYPE SIGNAL SYSTEM: S (P. S. or A) (P~Pmb'med. $--$err~ctuet~d. A =Acf~et~c~ Leval of Se~ce SYSTEM CYCLE LENGTH (sec): 103 (60 - 180) LANES A B C D E WEIGHTED THRU MOVEMENT g,'C: 0.31 {0.20 - 0.80) 1 N/A 0.8~ 1.00 1.00 2 N/A 0.92 ~ .00 1.00 1.00 3 N/A 0.g4 1.00 1.00 1.00 4 N/A 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 - TRAN- 'rAl~l,fs I-Zz] : ! t'"; 1.... ! RO~JTE-,SPF_C~FK.~ SF,GMENT 44 TABLe. ART-TAB Version 2.0 Arteda' Levet of Service Volume Tables Based o~ Chapter 11 of a3e 1994 Highw3y Capacity Manual Update Florida Department of Transportation ~ ROAD NAME: US 41 ~ v~h~c/e.= in exc/u,~,~ From: AJrpoct R~ad Z~ ~ To: P. aa:le:~'~ake Hammock Road t:>E. AK >>>>>>>>>> PEAK [:XRECT'ION: EB Level Study T'm-,e Pe~k:,d: PM PEAK L~.W£S ^ B C D E ,Amal~ Date: 1997 co~:litio~ 1 N/A N/A 800 960 1.010 Numbe~. ed Lanes: 2 N/A N/A 1,670 1.9~0 2.020 AADT: 3 N/A N/A 2.570 3,000 3,~30 L.~ef Notes: 4 N/A N/A 3,430 4.000 4.040 TRAFFIC CHARACTEFUSTICS ( I nclude~ vel,~ la~ ~n e x c lu..~ turn lane.t) ---Rang= _' ~ lnterse,:~ions ~>er m~ K FACTOr: 0.097 (0.06 - 0~d3) Lev~ ed D FACTOR: 0.59~ (0.50 - 1.00) I..A.,~ ^ B C D E PHF: 0..~0 (0.70- 1.00) 2 N/A N/^ 1.330 $.600 1.690 ADJ. ,~ATURATK:~ FLOW RATE: 1,~50 (1403- 2000) 4 N/^ N/A 2.7~J0 3,320 3.370 % TURNS FROM F-XCt. USR/E LANES: 12 (0 - 100~ 6 N/A N/A 4.310 5.010 5.060 ROADWAY C I'{AR,~,CTERIS'DCS 8 N/^ N/A 5,740 6.6&0 6.750 URBAN. TRANSr1'K~[NG, OR RUR. A.L AREA ~: U (U. T. or R) (Inclt,~te~ ~.,~-,i¢,le, s in ex~ I'urn lane. s) FREE FLOW SPEED (mpa): 4~ (45.40. or 35) TOTAL LENGTH OF ARTERIAL (mO: 1.7 Leve~ ed MEDIANS (Y/N): y L.~£S A B C D E 2 N/A N/A 13.800 16,500 17.400 ..... LEFT TURN BAYS ('Y/N): Y 4 N/A N/A 26.800 34~,00 34,~:X) 6 N/A N/A 44.400 51300 $2.200 IGN~ ~TION C HAR.AC. TEPJS TICS 8 N/A N/A 5.9.203 68.900 69.600 NO. SIGNAL[ZED INTERSECTIONS: 4 ARRIVAL TYPE. PEAK [:NRECTION: 4 (1, or 6) ~e level of sennce is not achiev-ai:~e TYPE SIGNAL SYSTEM: S (P. S. or A) Direction Through/Right vic Ratio for Full Hour ~,' (P=Pr~b'rned, Sz, S~r~'~c~,,~d. A=A,.'"Iu~ [ Level ~ Service SYSTEM CYCLE LENGTH (sec): 14,4 (60 - 180) L,~NES A B C D E WEIC;HTED THRU MOVEMENT g/C: 0.4.8 ¢0 20 - 0.80) I N/A N/A - 0.79 0.95 1.00~, 2 N/A N/^ 0.83 0.~ 1.00 3 N/A NVA 0.85 4 N/A NUA 0.~5 0.99 1.00 TRAN--20q TABLE 1-55 (Continued) ART-TAB Version 2.0 Arterial Level of Sm Volume Tables Based °n Chapter 11 of th~ 1994 Highway Capacity Manual Update 84 Florida Department of Transportation L =-'= A ust 19<:J5 ON """ ==='=~ ROAD NAJ~E: Collectm- P.~:~d (Include..,. veh~cJe,~ in exclu..~J~ h.e'n lane~] Frown: Z lnte~*c*jons ~.~ mile =~EAK >>>>>>>>>> PF_AK DIRECTIOn: Leve~ of Stz.<l7 T~n~ Period: PM PEA~ [.~NEs A B C D E Analysis Date: 1 gg7 cor~lit~ns 1 N/A N/A 650 ~ 920 Numbe, of Lac, es: 2 N/A N/A 1,400 1,730 1.830 3 N/A N/A 2.170 2.630 2.750 AADT: 4 N/A NrA 2,960 3.530 User Note:s: Gemefalized Service Volume 3,660 '" 2 signal= p~, mile -- ~FIC CHAP,~CTERIST1CS (IncJt.de~ vehicles in exc./u.~ive turn lan~s) ._..,c~ng: _ Z [ntemeCSons ~er mil~ K FACTCh~: 0.057 (0.06 - 0.20) Leve~ ~ Service D FACTOR: 0.5~0 (0.50 - !.00) t.A~r.5 A B C D E PHI=: 0..440 (0.70- 1.00) 2 N/A N/A 1.160 1,4.qo 1.630 ADJ. SATURATION FLOW RATE: 1,70~ (1400 - 2000) 4 N/A hUA 2.510 3,100 3.270 % TURNS FROM EXCLUSh/E LPJqES: 35 (0. 100) 6 N/A N/A 3,870 4,700 4,900 :IOADWAY CHARACTERISTIKgS 8 hUA hU^ 5.280 6,300 6,540 URBAN. TRAJqS~ING, OR RURAL AREA TYPE: U (U, T. or R) (Inclodea ~',ic~,_ in exclu.~ve turn lanes) ARTERIAL C4_ASS: 2 (1,2, or 3) Z FREE FLOW SPEED (m~}h): 30 (40,35,30.25) TOTAL LENGTH OF ARTERtAJ. (mO: 3 Level of Serv/ce MEIZXANS (Y/N): Y t.a.w~s A B C D E 2 N/A N/A 12,000 15,300 16.900 LEFT TURN BAYS (Y/N): Y 4 N/^ N/A 25,800 31,903 33,700 6 N/A hUA 39,903 48,400 50,6OO ~JZATION CHARACTERISTICS 8 N/A N/A 54,500 64,900 67,400 [' .... ~:;NAL[ZED INTERSECt: AP.. ~- TYPE. Pc-AK EXREC3'~ON: ;3 (1.2,3.4.5 or 6) Hour Peak Direction Through/PJght vic Ra[io TYPE SIGNAL SYSTEM: $ (~. $, or ^) (P'=PreErned. $=$e/'n~-~at~-.~d. A=Actuete~ Level of Service SYSTEM CYCLE LENGTH (sec): 120 (60. 180) L.A.'~£S A B C D . E WEIGHTED THRU 0.3 I N/A N/A 0.71 0.91 2 N/A N/A 0.77 0.95 1 .(30 3 N/A N/A 0.79 0.9~ 4 N~A N/A 0.81 0.~ TRAN- 21d C~GE~.WK1 TABLE 1-49 ART-TAB Version 2.0 Artecial Level of Service Vc~ume Tables Based on Chapter 11 of 13he 1994 Highway, Capac~'y Manual Ul:x:late Florida Department of Transportation DESCRJPTION ROA~ t, LA~E: Min<N. Arterial Road (Inc!c,d~ ve¢~c~ in excl~ tt/rn From: i Inh. rs~-t~.ts oe~ mi!~ To: ~ >>>>>>>>>> PEAK I::XRECT'ION: Level Study T-,me Peri~:PM PEAK L~.,,'~S A B C 0 E Az~a~ Date: 1~g7 com:lY~ions I 1.060 900 1 Num~ ~: 2 2.110 1.870 2.1~ 2,110 2.110 ~T: 3 3.170 2,870 3.170 3.170 3,170 ~ ~: ~al~ S~e V~ume 4 4~ 3.~ 4~ 4~ 4.2~ K FACT~: 0.0~7 (0.~ - 0~) Le~ ~ ~ D F~T~: 0.~ (0.~ - 1 .~) ~w~ A B C D E ~F: 0.~ ~.70- 1.~) 2 1.~ 1,610 1,~ 1,~ 1.~ ~' ~~ ~ ~: 1,8~ (1~ - ~) 4 3,7~ 3.~ 3.7~ 3.~ 3,7~ % ~RNS ~ ~~ ~$: 30 (0- 1~) 6 5.~ 5,120 5,~ 5,~ 5.~ ~AY C~C~S 8 7.~ 6,9~ 7,~ 7~ 7.~ URn. ~~. ~ RU~ ~ ~: U ~, T. ~ R) (1~ ~ in exclu~ ~~: 1 (1.2.~3) ~~ FREE ~ S~ED (m~): ~ (45. ~. ~ ~ TOT~ LE~ ~ ~ (m0: 3 Le~ ~ M~ ~: y ~wE~ A B C D E 2 19.~ 16,~ 18,~ 19~ 19~ ~ C~C~S 6 ~,~ 52.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~.~ ~. S 77.~ 71 .~ 77.~ ~.~ ~.~ :~ED i~RSEC~: 3 ~ .... ~ ~E. ~ ~REC~: 3 ( or ~ ~PE S~ SYS~M: S ~. S. ~A) eak Dir~on ~roug~g SYSTEM CYCLE LE~ (~): 120 (~. lffi) Level of Se~ce WEIGHTED THRU MO~MENT U~s[s A B C D E ~ I .~ 0.~ 0.97 1 .~ ' 3 ~ .~ 0.~ 1 4 I .~ 0.92 1 TRAN- 21 RuC 26 O1 OB: 12p Bill Schra~e 317-870-2437 ~.~ CONT~ FOR PURCHASE OF REAL ESTATE ~i ' ? }:.2~., Kob,:g b. W~stler, whose address is c/o Young and W~stler, 4525 East 82~ Street, Indi~apoli~., tn,; tram 46_~o, Fc~,l,mlc ,, ~. (317) 9:19-6~64 ("Purch~er"), offers to purchase kom Robe~ E. S:nit;: ~d G~' L.Smith individually and.as Co-Tam[ecs of tEe ~':::- ': r __, '- - the M~el M. Smi~ Trust, c/o Rodney E. ~Is, ~ida ReM~ Sec'ices, 4651 Tmi~ l'mil No~, Sukc 1 (;v, Naples, Florida 34l 03, Facsimile No. 941-263-0352 ("Vendor"), including easemena ired ,ights benefi~ing s~e, all improvements located ~ereon, and all 5...a.::__ ~ .... personal prope,'b' appenaiaing thereto which arc owned by Vendor ~d which are aec. r- installed or ,vhtch belong to or ~e used in co~ection therewith, that ce~ain rea! esla:e ofapproxi=.atei2.' eighty-four (84) acres located in Collier Count, Florida. ,9,r" ." "A" aRached h~reto ~d by reference made a pm hereof (it being understood ~at a final legal description for =amc shall be pas of~e "Su~ey" ~ defined in prograph 2.1 hereoO (the "Real Estate"), to ~e conveyed by a Stamtou Wa~an~' Deed approved by P~chaser (the "Ds to the follo,-dng te~s ~d eonditiom: Patchy& Price. The purchase price for ~e Rea! E?~'. sh~ l be takes pi.ce ~Sthin one (1) year from ~e "Accept~ce Date" ~ hereinaker defined, but clos ins c; ocs not t&e place wi~in such one (l) year period, ~e Purckn7, ~-: .... - 1.1 Payment on Closing. On closing this transaction, Purchaser shall pay :'~e Purchase Price, less the credits and prorations as herein ..... :"-' :' ' -'-" '- hock drawn on a bank with offices in Naples, Florida or by bank wire transfer of 'ederal funds to arrive prior to 2:00 p.m. on the date ofclosing. 1.2 Default and Remedies. Purchaser shall have ther~_,~='?' ..-" ..... er£br,nancc, but if specific performance is not available, Purchaser shall be 2n:i:led · ) an.,,' and all damages sustained. The real. e~tate tax,r5 --.::: '- -- · ) paragraph 3 hereof and any amounts paid by Purchaser for any Extension Period · ,ursuant to paragraph 7 hereof shall be forfeited as liquidated damages, which shall ':e Vendor's sole remedy at law or in equity, in the event that all coa,SiUo;.: equirements of this Contract have been satisfied, or waived by Purchase- .'urchaser shall fail or refuse to perform its obligations herein specified at closing. 1.3 Acccotance Date. The dale on which the las~ of Purchaser aaa ~ .o sign the offer containing all changes is hereinafter referred to as the "Acceptance :)ate". · Conditions Precedent. Vendor's and Purchaser's obligations h ....... -~-- resgecuvely, are cunditioned upon the satisfaction of each of the e~.n~_".:!er- ?=' e~rth in paragr~+,hs 2.1 through 2.7, respectively, hereafter (the "Conditions"). Purchaser shall have h~;tdred forty-five (545) days following the Acceptance Date (the "Due Diligence Pc:loci' I to conduct such inspections, tests and studies as Purchaser shat[ deem .,':e?-~ Ru~ 26 O1 06: 13p Bill Schrace 317-87~ determine whether the Rea! Estate is suitable for Purchaser's intended use. F,~.--%_: __ . prior to the expiration of the Due Diligence Period (which may be terminated by P~u-chaser in writing at any time), notify Vendor in writing or'the satisfaction ~ "'- -' ' In the even[ PurcT:aser Jails to nori~' Vendor of' the satisfaction of each of the Con~ttlons prior to the ex?iration of the Due Diligence Period, this Contract shal! be d.eemed to be terminated and shah be of no further force and effect. The Conditioas ars 2 ... 2.I Survey and En~ineerin~ Studies. Within nine~ (90) da;.', ' . Acceptance Date, Purchaser, at Purchaser's expense, sha!! cst_':.-_ ! :~::~ : -' '- ' survey meeting the Minimum Standards ALTA (the "Survey") of the Rear prepared by a registered land surveyor acceptable to Purchaser certified as of a current date to both Purchaser and Vendor, showing the locat'.'.en ~c.,,, ....... ...... rights-of-way located thereon m~d showing all utilities and b,,''.~:-~ -' The legal description of' the Real Estate shown on the Sm',;,' s.'-.:} - description used in the Deed. The Sup,'ey shall ce~[~-' t?.:: .... *' -" '- in zones B or C or X as established by the Federal Emerg~:.~ ....... o .... National Flood Insurance Program. One-half (½) of the cost of the Sumey sl~all l~e qredited against the Purchase Price at closing. Within th[~'. ~m. j .... r .... Acceptance Date, Vendor shall fi. trnish Purchaser, without any ex~'~hse to li~urct',aser, with cop.~s of documents concerning all title matters, engineering studies, topographical and wetlands studies, and all other inspections, soil tests, which been obtained by Vendor prior to the Acceptanc~Date, and Puz~¥,aser, at r ..... = expense, shall obtain such further engineering studies, topographical and wetlands studies, and such inspections and soil tests as Purchaser shall deem desirable ('the "Engineering Studies") concerning the Real Estate, all of the resui:s -' '' .. be satisfactory to Purchaser. Purchaser, at no expense to Vendor, s?.:-._ Vendor with copies of any surveys, tests or studies ordered by PurcI:aser as they are received by Purchaser. 2.2 Title and Easements. Within ninety (90) days from the Acceptance Date, Purchaser, at Pa[cheer's expense, shall obtain a binder for an .'~.2T :. _ policy of title insurance (the "Title Binder") issued by a title company aces';::~'~ Purchaser ("Title Company") in which Title Company shall agree, tc marketable title to the Real Estate (including any appurten.~:: '" * ' for the full utilization thereof), free and clear of all liens an,5 encu:.:::-':...: nature whatsoever for the full amount of the Purchase Price, after execution of the Deed to Purchaser from Vendor. In the event there a:e !!--~- -- ' - ' which would interfere with Purchaser's contemplated use of the Re'--! rs ':'_~ retail and/or apartment and/or assisted living development, Vendor, at Vendor's ootion, shall have a period ofthirty (30) days from the date of being so informed by Purchaser to remove same. If Vendor does not remove same, Purchaser may .do se at Purchaser's expen~, m' Purcha:~cr in the atternative may terminate this Contract. 2.3 Contracts: Affidavits. Vendor represents and warrants rna: .:,.::; - - no (a) contracts in force concerning the ReaI Estate or any p°rti°n there°~r, ~ t~ / 2 ~. ~ ~· Ruc 26 01 06: 13p Bill Schra~e 317-p~~ terns and conditions of which Vendor is bo'~nd '..: :: -' "Contracts"), ~d (b) delinquent real and personal prope~ taxes conccrn~nb Estate. 2.4 Feasibili~ Studies. Purchaser, at Purch~er's expense, ~.~:s' to dete~ine to the satishction of Purchaser that the Real Estate is suira~[: Purch~er's contemplated use as a retail an~or apa~ment ancot assisted livin~ development ~d that financing and other conditions satisfactory to P~:r';%..... er are hvorable so as to make such use feasible in Purchaser's sole discretion. 2.5 Zoning. Pe~iB and Development Purch~er's ex,nsc, but with the full cooperation of Vendor, zoning, pla~ing pe~its (including, but not limited to, Water 54~n~ r :-.'.~- 5.: and A~y Co~s of Engineers pe~its), signage, pl~ ~ .... "- ' use, wetlands mitigation plans, access, curb cuts ~d other gove~ental approvals in fo~ satisfactou to Purchaser and evidence satistacto~' to Purchaser of ~e availabili~ and cost of all utilities and proposed road ~vork and improver;,~,,~o adjoining streets (including the timing of said improvements), which Purchaser deems necessau or appropriate for Purchaser's contemplated use of the Real Estate as a retail and/or apaament an&/or ~sisted living developing7' "kc "~ ~-:-- ~=~;'~ and Development Approvals"). 2.6 Enviromental Insvection. Purchaser s5.:.'.'. "- -' expense, an enviromental Nspection repo~ as to the Rea! Estate in substance and from an engineering fim~ acceptable to Purchaser in its sole discretion. 3. Taxes and Assessments. Purchaser ~sumes and a~rees to pay all taxes payable during the Dtle Diligence Period commencing with the rc~l estate t~xes assessed for the year 2000 payable no later than March 3 l, 2001. Vendor ". ........ real estate taxes for the tax year 1999 do not exceed Twenty-six Thousand aaa Dollars ($26,000.00) per year. Ail real estate taxes paid by Purchaser pursuer_: '. ..... be credited against the Purchase Price at closing. In the event closine tv.k~¢ ,?~ to the te~s hereof, Purchaser assumes and agrees to pay al!: ez~ , ~e Due Diligence Period. Purchaser assumes ~d agrees to pay all assessmem~ improvements ~ to the Real Estate becoming a lien aker the date of clos!,~ assessments for improvements not ~sumed by Purchaser and which are not a~c a:,a at the time of closing shall be allowed to Purchaser as a credit on the cash payment required on closing. The provisions of this paragraph shall su~ive closing. 4. Rents. Insurance and Risks of Loss. Rents, iffy, shall be prorated at closing. Insurance shall be cancelled as of ~e date of closing. Vendor shall bear risk of loss until closing. 5. Damage and Condemnation. If at ~y time aker the Acceptance Date (a) the Real Estate shall be damaged or desxoyed, ~) the Real Estat: si-.: ....... ' .... ' .... *~'~ Ru~ 26 O1 06: 13p Bill Schra~e 317-870-2437 p.S or in part, or (c) ~my notice of condemnation shah be ~iven, then P~rcbaser, at its sole option, may terminate this Contract or proceed with closing. If Purchaser e~::_--". ' closing, then Purchaser may (a) apply the proceeds of any condemnation award or insurance policy to reduce the Purchase Price, or (b) accept an assignment of such proceeds. 6. Right of Entry. Purchaser shall have the right to penn,:,: ;_:-. ~. :. :~ .. _ soil testing companies and other agents to enter upon the Real Estate for the purpose of obtaining surveys, soil tests, inspection reports and other informa*?- r,.._ exclusion ofall others, except for listing brokers, may place leasing and :-::.:: ~.: . portion of the Real Estate after the Acceptance Date. Purchaser shall restore ~..:: to its original condition if any damage is caused by any foregoing entry and shall rent, ore any liens arising because of any foregoing entry by transferring the zz::-.e sure~' bond pursuant to Florida statutes. The same shall be done within fifteen il 5) days from the date that Purchaser receives notice of the filing of any lien. 7. Closing and Possession. 7.l Closing. Ifthis-offer is accepted as herein provided, tee ..... " ' ..... at a place acceptable to the parties in Collier County, Florida within five hun,area ii:c;,-z,,,. days from the Acceptance Date; provided, however, that if Purchaser has not obtained all of d~e Zoning, Permits and Development Approvals prior to tre date which is five h~::.,/-r:Z ' ' days following the Acceptance Date, Vendor agrees to extend the Due Diligence Perio~l for si'x (6) additional periods of thirty (30) days each (each an "Extension Period"), one Extension Period at a timc, in order to allow Purchaser fitrther time to obtain ail of the Zoning, Permits ,',..n~ Approvals, whereupon Purchaser shall deposit with Vendor on or before the ear o£;[-~e -' - ' forW-five (545) day period following the Acceptance Date or any applicable Extension Period exercised hereunder Two Thousand Five Hundred and 00/I00 Dollars ($2:_-~'~'~ ..... ""' "-- '. ' ' Extension Periods. The payments made pursuant to this paragraph 7,. 1 shali not. be -~.r,, shall be credited against the Purchase Price at closing. Except for back-up purchase-sa!~ -~ which are subordinate in all respects to this Contract, Vendor shall not n_e..-ee * ............... ' agreements, approvals or consents whatsoever concerning the Real Es:."-".: .... . : following the Acceptance Date to the time of closing except upon the written approval of Purchaser. At the date o~'closing, Vendor shall execute and deliver the Deed in recordablc form conveying the Real Estate and improvements constituting a part thereof in the same condition as.they now are, ordinary wear and tear excepted, a Vendor's Affidavit in the form required by Title Company, a non-foreign affidavit pursuant to Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code, and any other instrument as reasonably required or requested by Purchaser or Title C ........ - stamps on thc Deed wilt be paid for by Vendor. Purchaser will pay the cost of recording the and Vendor will pay the costs of recording any necessa.w, corrective title documents required by Title Company. 7.2 Possession. Complete 12ossession of the Real Estate shall be delivered to Purchaser at time of closing. RuC 26 O1 05: l~p Bill Schrace 317-870-2~3- 8. Brokers. Vendor and Purchaser each represent and wa_w~-~: '-" .... they have not dealt with any real estate brokers or other persons ,~": ~ " claim for commission or fee arising out of this transaction, exes:: :.~..-:-. - Arvida Realty Services, who shall be paid by Vendor ("Broker"). 9. Vendor ReCresentations and Warranties. Vendor represents and warrmnts that as of the Acceptance Date' A. (i) To Vendor's best knowledge, the Real Estate is not cc.n,-.c: ...... surface or subsurface with any hazardous su::stance, hazardous waste, pollutant or contaminant (as defined by an':' rede?_!, **'~ "~ environmental law, ordinance, rule or regulation); (ii) Vendor has not caused, will not cause, and has never caused, the release of any hazardous substance, hazardous waste, pollutant or contaminant on the P.e."! Vendor's best 'knowledge, the Real Estate is nc: ~ ~':~ ~. or local "superfund" or other environmental lien, proceeding, claim, liability or action or the threat or likelihood thereof, for the clean-up, removal or remedia'tion of any hazardous substance, hazardous waste, pollutant o, contaminant fi'om the Real Estate; (iv) to Vendor's best knowledge, there is no asbestos on the Real Estate; (v) to Vendor's best 'knowledge .'.Sst-~ is --~ underground storage tank on the Real Es:.~:~-· ~" knowledge, the Real Estate has not been used to dispose or an), ~,,~,-,..~- -- substances, hazardous wastes, toxic substances, pollutants or contaminants of any kind; (vii) to Vendor's best knowledge, flue i~-:-- '-- - violation of any local, state or federal law, code, ordinance ....... dealing with human health Or the environment; (viii) tc \'e.:c:. ~ knowledge, the Real Estate has never been used fo: '~- ........ has been no surface or subsurface contamination due to, the storage, disposal or treatment of any hazardous waste (as defined by any federal, state or local enviromnental law, ordinance, rule or regulation)' in connection with the ownership or use of the Real Estate, Vendor has no knowledge of' any present or past failure by Vendor or any ct~e: T :--cc.'-_ t: 'comply with any federal, state or local enviror.-~-.ect~! ! ...... =: rules or regulations adopted pursuant thereto; ~..::, '- '. :.-- knowledge, by acquiring the Real Estate, Purchaser ,,,,'ill not incur or be subjected to any "superfitnd" liability, for the clean-u,, removal remediation of any hazardous substance, pollutant or contaminant £'rom Real Estate or any liability, cost or expense for the removal of asbes,'.o~ underground storage tanks from the Real Estate. B. There is no litigation or claims pending or threatened against Vendor would adversely affect the Real Estate or the fights of Purchaser hereunder. Au~ 26 O1 06: 15p Bill C. No notice has been received from any govermssenz:., ,-_ fully satisfied, complied with or resolved) that any work is required to be ' done on the Real Estate. ' D. There is not pending against Vendor an)' petition in bankruptcy, whether volunta.,-y or othetwvise, any assignment for the benefit of creditors or any other action brought under the aforesaid la'vs. All of the foregoing representations in this paragraph 9 shall be considered to be true and correct as of the Acceptance Date and as of the time of closing hereuna=.' as,,, shall survive the closing. I 0. Attorneys' Fees. The prevailing parD' in any litigati ~'..-. :' ' wit},, this Contract shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees from the non-prevamn~ party, including appellate fees. 1 I. Governing' Law. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the S'~. Florida without regard 'to conflicts of laws. 12. Recording. This document shall not be recorded. Veac,; r enter into a Notice of Contract in the form attached hereto as Exhibit "B", which may be recorded by Purchaser at its expense. At the time of recording, Ti:la C -- furnished with a signed release of such Notice of Contract in form and substance as agreed upon by Vendor and Purchaser. 13. Notices. Alt notices required under this Contract s'.:mll be d¢,::.~2 properly served if sent by registered or. certified mail with return receipt requested or by facsimile, provided an original of the required notice is sent via overnight ,'r,. ',;~ ,,:;~h responsible company specializing in overnight delivery the same da}' such facsimile is sent, to Vendor or Purchaser at the addresses as specified on the first page of this Cch:.-: ...... such other addresses which Vendor or Purchaser may designate in writing de~:'.'e"~-:-~ re the other party for such purpose. Date of service ora notice served b;,' '- ' ' ' ' be the date on which such notice is deposited in a post office of the United States Postal -.. Service or sent via facsimile. 14. Time of the Essence. Time for the performm~ce of the obligations of the parties is of the essence of this Contract. 15. Assianrnent: Succession of Obligations,. The rights and oo,~s,- ...... Purchaser under this Contract may be assigned to an entity controlled by William L. Schrage and Robert B. Warstler, without Vendor's prior written cons:.:.:; -"-- assignment shalt be subject to Vendor's prior written consent, w.'-.".ck -?.'" "' uareasonably withheld or delayed. All terms of this Contract shall be binding u~c.'...:: -:~ .... legatees, devisees, personal representatives and assignees of the ~a:'.'.::s. / - Ru~ 26 O1 06: 15p Bill Schrage 317-870-2~37 ~.~ 16. Miscellaneous. This document including all attachmen:s r~..,- ~-:.~ ........ agreements and understandings of the parties to this Contract with respect to the subiect matter hereof. Whenever used herein, the singular shall indicate the ~,:-:_::, _ _... include the singular, the plural and singular and any gender shall include all genders and the neuter. Captions to the provisions of this Contract are intended and used solely for purposes of identification and do not limit or enlarge upon the written provision_--: f :.*'-:_--' f'-~ .... : 17. Survival. All provisions of this Contract shall survive closing and delivery of the Deed. 18. Duration of Offer. This offer shall expire if written acceptance endorsed hereon is not delivered to Purchaser on or before 5:00 o'clock P.M.~, .,a__ .~ ~- --, 2000. "' Robert B. Warstler The tmdersi~ed, Ye~do~, hereby acc¢.ots the £ore~oi~ offer. Dated: August ~_~ 2000 ~3arlj'i.. Sfl~th,¥ndividt~a~ly and as -- Co-Trusfee of the Clifford Smith Trust and the MurieI M. Smith Trust Ru~ 26 OX OB: 1Bp Bill Schrace 317-B7C-_ _ AuC 26 O1 OG: 16p Bill Schrace 317-870-2437 Robert B. Warstler ("Purchaser") under that certain Contract for Purchase.: '.- 7 .... (the "Contract") with Robert E. Smith and Gary L. Smith, individually and as Clifford Smith Trust and the Muriel M. Smith Trust ("Vendor") dated Aagzz: 2, £~ ....... Purchaser and August 3, 2000 as to Vendor, hereby assigns all of his fight, title m'~d interest in and to the Contract to Gateway Shoppes Associates, LLC. Dated: .. ,2001 Robert B. Warstler X:~DGgX$chtngeL0$1 A s socinleg,..A x.~'i~.mgt,t .wp d HENDERSON CREEK MIXED-USE SUBDISTRICT The Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict consists of approximately 84 acres and is located east of Collier Boulevard (S.R. 951) and south of U.S. 41 (Tamiami Trail East). The intent of the Subdistrict is primarily to provide for a mixture of reqional commercial uses and inteqral residential development, to serve the South Naples, Royal Fakapalm and Marco Island areas. Conversely, the primary intent of the Subdistrict is not to provide community and neiqhborhood commercial uses. The focus of the residential component of the Subdistrict shall be the provision of workforce housinq in support of the permitted commercial uses within the Subdistrict, as well as in the South Naples, Royal Fakapalm and Marco Island areas. The entire Subdistrict will be developed under a unified plan; this unified plan is encouraqed in the form of a Planned Unit Development. Specific requirements and limitations for the Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict are as follows: · Access to the Subdistrict shall be provided from Collier Boulevard and U.S. 41. These access points shall be connected by a (loop) road that is open to the public. ·Vehicular and pedestrian interconnections shall be provided between the residential and commercial portions of the Subdistrict. ·Development within the Subdistrict shall make provisions for vehicular and pedestrian interconnection to properties to the north. ·Commercial components of this Subdistrict shall be oriented toward the Collier Boulevard road frontaqe. ·Commercial uses are limited to a maximum of 40 acres and 325,000 square feet of gross leasable area. ·The maximum intensity of commercial uses are those allowed in the C-4, General Commercial, zoning district. · Each regional commercial use is required to occupy a minimum of 100,000 s.f. Non-regional commercial uses prohibited in this Subdistdct include grocery stores, fitness centers, auto repair, auto sales, personal services. ·Non-re.qional commercial uses are limited to a maximum of 10% of the total allowed commercial square feet (32,500 s.f.). · A maximum of four out-parcels are allowed, all of which must abut Collier Blvd. (SR-951). All out-parcels shall provide internal vehicular access. All out-parcels are limited to non-reqional commercial uses. No out-parcel can exceed five acres. ·Commercial development shall be restricted to one-story buildinqs with a maximum heiqht of 35 feet. · Residential development shall be limited to a maximum of 500 dwellinq units, subject to the Density Rating System. However, a minimum of 200 affordable housing units shall be provided. · Residential dwellinqs shall be limited to a maximum height of three habitable stories. · Both commercial and residential development shall be desiqned in a consistent architectural theme. · Prior to commencement of any development in the Subdistrict, a unified plan of development for the entire Subdistrict must be approved by Collier County. · Landscape buffers within this Subdistrict shall be no less than that required in mixed use activity centers. Market-Conditions Study South Urban Collier County-Page IV-1 HENDERSON CREEK MIXED-USE $UBDISTRICT 8 A Section IV examines South Collier's urban Activity Centers. Designation of commercial nodes at major roadway intersections as Activity Centers was intended to further facilitate unified land uses by means of inter-connected access, improved traffic circulation, and enhanced devel- opment standards that meet desired community standards. Activity Centers in South Urban Col- lier County are located approximately 3.0 miles apart along its urban arterial roadways. To achieve a proper balance of land uses unachievable in the typical linear pattern of commercial develop- ment, individual Activity Centers require the application of standards based upon their unique locational and environmental features. The Activity Centers located in whole (4) or in part (1) in the East and South Naples Planning Community Districts (PCDs) were designate~by the Board of County Commissioners to accommodate concentrated land uses and promote good urban design. As discussed previously, an Activity Center designation furthers -efforts by property owners, local residents, existing businesses, owners of undeveloped adjacent properties, and County planners to create land-use overlays providing for uniform architectural, design and landscaping standards; the planned placement of structures in outparcels; internal and external pedestrian and traffic standards; and incentives to adhere to these standards. Incentives can include a re- duction in parking and open space requirements, and/or an extension or modification of the boundaries of an Activity Center. Implementation of the Activity-Center Concept Back~ound: The Activity Center Issue Paper, hereinafter Issue Paper, states, "the cur- rent Mixed-Use Activity Center concept evolved from the Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team (RUDAT) Study" prepared for Naples City Government in April, 1987. The concept was further refined and recommended for use in Collier County by the 1988 Market and Commercial Land U~e Study. The 1988 Study concluded that the ultimate test to demonstrate the need for commercial land is provided by means of a market-demand calculation of how much commercial space, expressed in square feet and acres of land, can be supported by Collier County's popula- tion over time. It recommended that a market-demand calculation in support of new land-use designations be conducted. Determinations of the future need for commercial space by anticipat- ing market demand are based, primarily, upon forecasts of the permanent population provided by Collier County planners. Objective: According to the Issue Paper, "the actual mix of the various land uses in Activi- ty Centers shall be determined duringthe rezoning process" based on factors discussed previous- ly in this Study. The proposed 84-acre Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict will be examined to determine its viability as a provider of regional commercial uses, combined with residential de- velopment, designed to serve the southern urban area of Collier County.. Section III of this Study provides a calculation of market demand for the East and South Naples PCDs. It established that South Urban Collier County's population and discretionary- income increases will provide sufficient market demand for additional development of presently- zoned commercial acreage in the subject area. (See pages III-3 and III-5). Section I established that an improved roadway network is available with sufficient capacity to support proposed com- mercial and residential development in Activity Center #18, the area under study. Market-Conditions Study 8 A South Urban Collier County-Page IV-2 The Issue Paper recommends that "for those Activity Centers that are greater than 50- percent developed, create overlays for the quadrants within the centers that are not developed and encourage retrofitting of existing development to meet the overlay concepts." Also, "the overlay should include guidelines that describe a range of options for rehabilitation or new con- stmction"; and, "guidelines should be accompamed by appropriate incentives to increase their effectiveness, such as a reduction in parking space requirements if the guidelines are followed." A concluding recommendation suggests "for those Activity Centers that are less than 85 per- cent developed, coordinate with the property owners to develop a Master Plan that will deter- mine a mix of uses, intensity of commercial development, orientation of buildings, uniform archi- tectural and landscaping standards, placement of outparcels, enhanced landscap~ and buffer re- quirements, and a traffic circulation plan that will address through traffic and internal access be- tween developments and quadrants." An analysis of the compatibility of the site features of proposed land uses with surround- lng development and man-made and natural constraints is necessary in order to accommodate reasonable, coordinated development of those properties adjacent to and contiguous with Collier County's South Urban Activity Centers. Activity Center # 18 is more than 50-percent developed for commercial purposes, making it a candidate for master-plan development that will foster a desired mix of uses, intensity of com- mercial development, orientation or reorientation of buildings, uniform architectural and land- scapingstandards, development or redevelopment of outparcels, enhanced landscape and buffer requirements, and a traffic-circulation plan addressing through traffic and internal access between developments. Detailed map exltibits of Activity Centerx #6, #7, #9, #16, #17, and #18 accompany this narrative. Findings and Recommendations IA) Finding: Because South Naples' Activity Centers were initially comprised of four, forty- acre quadrants only, early development of some quadrant~ has left interrelated land-use problems unresolved that may lead to inadequate internal-roadway access between adjacent commercial de- velopments. lB) Recommendation: A site-specific approach should be adopted for determining the boundaries for all South Urban Activity Centers that will assist planners and foster flexibility in resolving compatibility and buffering problems; a related obiective should be to further pedestri- an, bike, and automobile access to the goocls and services provided by merchants throughout the subject Activity Centers, especially for Activity Center #18. 2A) Finding: Due to their geographic location, certain Activity Centers represent "gateways" into Collier County. The "gateway" area east of Collier Boulevard (SR/CR-951) in Activity Center #18 remains largely undeveloped and unevaluated by criteria proposed in the Issue Paper. Simi- larly, when fully developed, Activity Center #9, an 1-75 Exit 15 Activity Center, will depict Col- lier County's aesthetic, environmental, and public-service standards to the traveling public and to local residents. · Market-Conditions Study South Urban Collier County-Page IV-3 2B) Recommendation: A careful evaluation of Activity Center # 18 should be undertaken in a very timely manner to determine the present development plato, if any, of its propert~w~- ers and their interest in coordinating their activities with others in order to: a. Create workable mechanisms to further the integration of undeveloped C-2, C-2ST, C-3ST, and C4 parcels located east of Collier Boulevard (SR/CR-951) into a unified plan for this mixed-use Activity Center; b. Achieve agreement regarding a unified land plan for Activity Center #18 before comple- tion of the capacity improvements to Tamiarni Trail East (US41) that are detailed in Section I of this Study; and c. Reconfigure and expand the boundaries of Activity Center #18 to include its contiguous, unified-site areas demonstrated to be amenable to mixed-use development. Application of Urban Design Principl~s In resolving the often intricate problems of urban planning and design, it is useful to con- sult reference texts which deal comprehensively with accepted concepts and professional design standards employed when dealing with the physical aspects of planning. DeChiara and Koppelman's Urban Planning_ and Design Criteria (Second Edition, 1975) is a well-accepted text with concepts that are incorporated in many of the features of Collier Coun- ty's adopted Growth Management Plan. Among the precepts advocated by DeChiara and Kop- pelman in evaluating a development's function and its locational requirements is the following excerpt that could well describe the general area of Activity Center #18, as follows: "...there are an increasing number of examples of mixing of types and uses, especially in large scale development, the mixture of single family, town house and high rise apartment house; the provision of shopping, institutional and other non-residential uses in residential development." (DeChiara and Koppelman, Urban Planning and Design Criteria, page 221) National trends reveal the following while describing the subject Activity Center and the general pattern of urban development in Collier County: "In many cities the land use pattern is built not around a single center but around several discrete nuclei." (Ibid, page 495) "The rise of separate nuclei and differentiated districts reflects a combination of the follow- ing four factors: "1. Certain activities require specialized facilities, "2. Certain like activities group together because they profit from cohesion, "3. Certain unlike activities are detrimental to each other, and "4. Certain activities are unable to afford the rents of the most desirable sites." (Ibid, page 49 $) Market-Conditions Study South Urban Collier County-Page IV-4 These four factors were recognized and endorsed by Collier County Government and incor- porated into the County's Comprehensive Growth Management Plan. Also, an area might be de- veloped for appropriate uses needing regional access and a location near the freeway: I% "... high-density multipurpose complexes.., appear to be developing.., around ~. O major freeway interchanges and outlying, regional shopping centers. In most instances, these complexes also will, or do, contain housing, educational, and other facilities secondary to their principal functions, but necessary if they are to develop the self-sufficiency, variety, and efficiency that would be desired .... Basic functions include: (a) collection and distribution of persons traveling to and from the area by auto or by longer distance - community, metropolitan or regional - elements of the transportfftion system; (b) home or hotel to work, school, shopping or recreation trips of persons residing or visiting the area; (c) terminal-to-terminal transfers (airline, bus or raft); - (d) movement between functions and activities within the area: between convention facilities and hotels, classrooms and laboratories, retail facilities and place of employment, and the several stops on sightseeing tours; and (e) (possibly) the movement of baggage and goods." (Ibid, page 513) The following excerpt from DeChiara and Koppelman describes the activity- center also, as an alternative to strip or "ribbon" developments: "...ribbon developments of business uses along major thorough/ares has now been succeed- ed by a trend toward creating more compact business development with requirements designed to meet the needs of each area as indicated in the community's comprehensive plan." (Ibid, page 585) The above excerpts describe Activity Center #18 aptly. The question of suitable zoning then becomes important if the subject site is to realize its full development potential, that is ac- cording to its highest and beat use. Based on the descriptions and conclusions that are interwo- ven through these quoted excerpts, it is reasonable to assume that professional planners apply- mg the criteria advocated by DeChiara and Koppelman might well propose a zoning change for the subject site, were they to independently evaluate local, pertinent market conditions. Non- commercial uses at the subject Center, whether residential or imtitutional, could be compatible with the character of such a mixed-use Activity Center. Commercial Zoning in Urban Collier County Collier County's General Commercial Zoning District (C-4) states as its purpose and intent (County Zoning Code §2.2.1S. 1) "to concentrate commercial development at the intersections of arterial roads on the county's major road network where traffic impacts can readily be accommo- dated, to avoid strip and disorganized patterns of commercial development, and to create com- mercial centers within Collier County where commero_'_a_~ development can benefit from proximi- ty to other commercial centers." This approach applies as well to mixed-use activity centers. Market-Conditiom Study South Urban Collier County-Page IV-5 Included within the C-4-distriOYs permitted uses, 1Bred by Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) groups, are the following uses judged to be appropriate for development on the subject site: "6. Building materials, hardware and garden supplies. "26. General commercial uses which are comparable in nature with the foregoing uses ~ 8~ including buildings for retail, service, and office purposes consistent with the permitted uses and the intent and purpose statement of the district." (underline added) Other uses with development potential on the subject site include: "7. Business services (SIC groups 7311-7352). "10. Eating and drinking establishments (SIC groups 5812, 5813), except fast foods. "21. Personal service ((SIC groups 7215, 7217, 7291-7299). Conversely, C-4-permitted uses which are believed to be inappropriate for development on the subject site include: - "2. Agricultural services. "3. Amusements and recreational services, indoor and outdoor. "4. Automotive dealers and gasoline service stations. "5. Automotive repair, services, parking and carwashes. "8. Commercial printing. "9. Communications. "12. Glass and glazing work. "13. Group care facilities. "14. Hospitals. "15. Hotels and motels. "16. Mannm. "17. Miscellaneous repair services. "18. Miscellaneous retail. "19. Motion picture theaters. "20. Public or private parks and playgrounds. "24. Soup kitchens as defined by this code. "25. Vocational schools." Dimensional standards applying to all the permitted, accessory, and conditional C-4 uses ad- vocated as appropriate or reasonable for the subject site can easily accommodate, for example, major outlets for building materials and mass-merchandise outlets. Commercial Zoning Recommendations "Hi_mhest and Best Use" Considerations: An optimum location for highway- traveler uses, the subject site has demonstrated development potential. Locational advantages for the subject Hen- derson Creek Mxed-Use Subdistrict include: * Substantial residential development north, south and west of the site; * Direct access to the site for south-bound travelers exiting south from 1-75 Exit 15; and * Positioning in the center of a rapidly-developing Primary Trade Area (PTA). Market-Conditions Study South Urban Collier County-Page IV-6 Recommendation: Fraser & Mohlke recommends strongly rezoning the subject Henderson Creek Mixed-Use Subdistrict to a C-4 General Commercial District inte- grated iht° an exlmnded Activity Center #18' ~ 8~ A general-commercial designation will permit development of needed building material and mass merchandising outlets on the site, with supporting residential, while enhancing the viability of this important intersection, fast becoming the eastern Tamiami Trail gateway to Southeastern Collier County and the City of Marco Island. APPENDED DOCUMENTS ~ Map exhibits of Activity Centers 06, 07, #9, #16, 017, and 018 follow. They are displayed to illustrate the current configuration of each of these commercial nodes following remedial amendments to Collier County's Comprehensive Caf_o_M~ ~ Plan found in compliance by Florida's Department of Community Affairs on May 9, 2000. Information regarding the development of these Centers provided in this analysis is based on best available data derived from the 1995 and 1998 Commercial Inventory.. the last available inventories of commercial land-uses and zoning conducted by Collier County. At the time of this writing (July 30, 2001), no comparable, more contemporary analysis of developed and undevel- oped acres within each of the subject Centers has yet been completed. Land-use and zoning information detailed in the 1998 Commercial Inventory analyzing the subject East Naples and South Naples PCDs is provided under TAB 5 of this Study following the Interstate Activity. Center position Paper. Southern Biomes, Inc. Division of Environmental Information Services 1602 Woodford Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33901 - mall to: P. O. Box 100537 Cape Coral, FI. 33910 Ph. (941) 334-6766 Geza Wass de C'zege, President - FAX (941) 337-5CT28 Environmental Assessment for the 84+ acre Tract, in Sec. 3, T51S, R26E, S.R. 95i & Tamiami Trail, Collier County, Florida June 29, 2001 Mr. Bill Schrage Schrage Development Co. 8910 Purdue Road, Suite 350 Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 Re: Environmental Assessment of the Schrage 84+ acre Tract in Sec. 3, T5 IS, R26E, Tamiami Trail & S.R. 951, Collier County, Florida Dear Mr. Schrage, Pursuant to your request, I conducted a cursory site inspection of the subject property on June 24, 2001 to determine the wetland jurisdictional areas per U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE) and South Florida Water Management District (WMD) regulatory parameters. In addition, the site was assessed to determine if any endangered species may be associated with the site that could be detected during the curs6ry site inspection. The subject property consists of an irregular shaped parcel of land located on the south side of Tamiami Trail and east of S.R. 951, approximately 1100 feet south of the intersection.. The property has approximately 1600 feet of road frontage along S.R. 951 and 650 feet on Tamiami Trail. Henderson Creek fronts the property along the east, and a trailer park on the south. To be consistent with the assessment provided by Carroll Environmental Services, Inc., I am going to divide the property into three section for discussion purposes. Section A lies east of the old farm field and extends to Henderson Creek and north to Tamiami Trail, Section B is the old farm field, and Section C lies between the farm filed and S.R. 951. A vegetation map is provided with this report with the different vegetative communities delineated and identified with the numeric Codes established in the Florida Land Use and Cover Classification System (FLUCCS). Section A consists of 20.19 acres of forested area. About 19.75 acres of Section A consists of pine and palmetto flatwoods (FI.,UCCS code 411), dominated with slash pine, laurel oak, live oak, cabbage palm, ear-leaf acacia, Brazilian pepper and Java plum. The remaining 0.44 acres consists of a willow and marsh fern depression (FLUCCS 630) located within the southwestern Southern Blames, Inc. 84 Division of Environmental Information Services .~. 1602 Woodford Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33901 - mall to: P. O. Box 100537 Cape Coral, Fl. 33910 Ph. (941) 334-6766 - Geza Wass de Czege, President FAX (941) 337~:}28 ~ Environmental Assessment for the 84+ acre Tract, in Sec. 3, T5 i S, R26E, S.R. 951 & Tamiami Trail, Collier County, Florida portion of the forest. There are several intertwining primitive roads along the eastern portion of the property that have allowed access to the road. This is evidenced by the trash and litter dumping along the edges of the roads. Section B consists of a 27.58 acre abandoned farm field (FLUCCS 260) dominated by ruderal vegetation and widely scattered slash pines, ear-leaf acacia, laurel oak, live oak and cabbage palms. The dominant ground cover was Bahia grass, broomsedge, bunch paspalum, prickly-pear cactus, goatweed, dogfennel, rustweed, lambs quarters, and ground cherry. There was evidence of possible transitional wetland areas towards the southwestern portion of the old field, but they were relatively small, and should not be considered as jurisdictional wetlands. Section C consists of 36.23 acres of forest land. The majority of the forest (24.57 ac.) is made up of pine (FLUCCS 6209) or cypress and pine (FLUCCS 6249) wetlands, with various degrees of exotic invasion. The remaining area consists of +I 1.66 acres of pine and palmetto flatwoods forested islands scattered along the eastern and western portion of the area. The cypress and pine slough-type forest (6249) extends through the middle, from the northeast to the southwest. Dgminant vegetation consists of cypress, slash pine, melaleuca, laurel oak, Brazilian pepper, wax myrtle, downy-rose myrtle, swamp fern and swamp paspalum. This area showed more evidence of hydrology than the more transitional areas that were dominated with pine and melaleuca (6209). Habitat Summary FLUCCS Description Acres Uplands (58.99 ac.) 260 Old Field, Ruderal Vegetation 27.58 411 Pine-Palmetto Flatwoods 31.41 Wetlands (25.01 ac.) 6209 Hydric Pine-Melaleuca Forest 14.41 6249 Pine-Cypress-Melaleuca Forest 10.16 630 Willow-Swamp Fern Marsh 0_44 TOTAL 84.00 .... A wetland jurisdiction determination needs to be conducted by the ACOE and the WMD, to Southern Biomes, Inc. ' Division of Environmental Information Services 1602 Woodford Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33901 - mall to: P. O. Box 100537 Cape Coral, R. 35910 Ph. (941) 334-67~ - Gezo Wass de C-zege, President - FAX (941) 337~_~r28__ Environmental Asses.vment for the 84± acre Tract, in Sec. 3, T51 S, R26E, S.R. 951 & Tamiami Trail, Collier County, Florida more accurately assess the degree of wetland jurisdiction. However, for the purpose of this report, and for preliminary planning purposes, these approximations should be sufficient. An evaluation of the Soil Conservation Service's soils map of Collier County, provided with this report, is used to determine the extent of historic wetlands. The soils delineations appear to correspond with the actual field evaluation, showing upland soils within the eastern portion of the property, and depicts the hyddc soils within the flowway, with slough soils extending to SR 951. In addition to wetland issues, a cursory assessment of State and Federally listed endangered or threatened plants and animals was completed. Due to the existence of mixed forested wetlands, attention was given to the possible presence of fox squirrels, a State listed threatened species, the red-cockaded woodpeckers (RCW), a State and Federal listed endangered species, and wading birds. The presence of gopher tortoises and indigo snakes within the old field and pine flatwoods were evaluated. Because of the relatively isolated location of the property from large forested areas, and the extensive melaleuca invasion of Section C, RCW habitat has been degraded to provide only marginal foraging habitat. However, since RCW's have been observed to the north, across Tamiami Trail and to the northwest of S.R. 951, the preservation of foraging habitat may become an issue during permitting. Gopher tortoises were observed along the edges of the old field (Section B) and within the pine flatwoods to the east (Section A). There were no other listed endangered or threatened plant or animal species observed on the subject property. Prior to permitting for either County, State or Federal permits, a more detailed survey will be required to determine the status of all potential listed species. During the course of the survey, random observations were made in search of overt indicators of toxic or hazardous waste dumping. Considerable dumping has occurred within Section A and along the fringes of Section C. However, there was no visual evidence of toxic or hazardous material that may cause contamination of the site. However, this cursory survey did not cover the area as thoroughly as typically required for a phase I audit, and should not be relied upon for such purpose. Off-site and adjacent parcels were not examined for potential contamination to the area. In summary, the site consists of approximately 25.01 acres of wetlands'and 58.99 acres of Southern Biomes, Inc. 84 Division of Environmental Information Services 1602 Woodford Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33901 - mall to: P. O. Box 100537 Cape Coral, R. 33910 Ph. (941) 334-6766 - Geza Wass de Czege, President FAX (941) 337-,5028 Environraental Assessment for the 84+ acre Tract, in Sec. 3, T51S, R26E, S.R. 951 & Tamiami Trail, Collier County, Florida uplands. Bo~h the ACOE and the WMD will assert jurisdiction on all these wetlands, and they are significant in size and quality, to require minimization of wetland impacts to avoid alterations of the central flowway or slough of section C. From the cursory mapping, it appears that majority of the developable lands are located within sections A and B of the property, with only limited development along S.R. 951. However, prior to final site planning and permitting, a wetland jurisdiction determination should be conducted with both the WMD and the ACOE to determine the extent of wetlands which will be claimed. In addition, a more detailed endangered species survey needs to be conducted to determine what listed species may be found on site. Special attention should be given the RCWs, fox squirrels, and gopher tortoises. The reader should note that all statements contained in this report regarding recommended actions and assessments of environmental issues, represent the opinions of Southern Biomes, Inc. and should not be construed as mandates or insurances against liability arising from any environmental issues, past, preserit or future. Judgments regarding compliance with environmental regulations should be ensured by contacting appropriate regulatory agencies. The results provided by this investigation represent the best information obtainable, under existing conditions and. associated regulatory parameters, given the length of time available to complete the requested scope of services. I hope this information provides you with sufficient information to help assess the developability of the parcel. Should you need additional information or assistance, please feel free to call. Attachments: Aerial Photograph Vegetation Map Soils Map Southern Biomes, Inc. Division of Environmental Info~tion Services 1609. Wood.ford Ave., Fort Myers, FL 33901 - Mail to: P.O. Box 537, Cape Coral, FL 33910-05 Tel: (941) 334-6766 Geza Wass de Czege, President Fax: (941) 337-5028 Schrage 84 Acre Tract, SR 951 & Tamiami Trail Section 3, T5 iS, R26E, Collier County, FL Soils Map Soils Legend Code Description 2 Holopaw fine sand, Limestone Substratum, Slough 10 Oldsmar fine sand, Limestone Substratum, Flatwoods 11 Hallandale fine sand, Flatwoods 14 Pineda f'me sand, Limestone Substratum, Hydric 20 Ft Drum & Malabar fine sand, Flatwoods 27 Holopaw fine sand, Flatwoods 8,4 RNG ~8 RNG ~?  __~ ~' / ~ -'1i~ '~ I ~ 19 20 .~. t,~o,c.,.~$ ,.,,s*o,~,c s~ (~, ro ~) BEL~ MEADE QUADRANGLE AREAS OF HISTORICAL/ARCHAEO~GICAL PROBABILI~ i,, ~ ::',,, AGENDA1TEM8-J MEMORANDUM TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION DATE: October 10, 2001 RE: PETITION NO. CP-2001-5, Research and Technology Park Subdistrict GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: Not applicable. Text amendment only. REQUESTED ACTION: This petition was directed by the Board of County Commissioners at its Economic Development Workshop held in May 2001. The petition would amend the existing Future Land Use Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan to create a new mixed use subdistrict known as the Research and Technology Park Subdistrict. The proposed text change adds the following language to the Urban - Mixed Use District and changes would also be made to the Urban Commercial District and Urban Industrial District to add this Subdistrict as noted by the underlined and shaded sections below: I. URBAN DESIGNATION A. Urban - Mixed Use District Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict The Research and Technolo.qy Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix of tarqeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry, health technolo.qy industry, information technology industry, and light, Iow environmental impact manufacturinq industry - and non-industrial uses, designed in an attractive park-like environment with Iow structural density where building coverage ranges between 25% to 45% and where landscaped areas provide for bufferinq and enioyment by the employees and patrons of the park. Research and Technoloq¥ Parks shall be allowed as a Subdistrict in the Urban-Mixed Use District, Urban Commercial District and Urban Industrial District, and may include the general uses allowed within each District, the specific uses set forth below, and shall comply with the followinq general conditions: a_ Research and Technoloqy Parks shall be permitted to include up to 20% of the total acreaqe for non-tarqet industry uses of the type identified in paragraph "d" below; and, up to 20% of the total acreaqe for workforce housinq, except as provided in Note: words struck through are deleted; words underlined are added I para.qraph "i" below. At a minimum, 60% of the total park acreaqe must be devoted to tar(let industry uses identified in paragraph "c" below. The specific percenta.qe and mix of each cateqory of use shall be determined at the time of zoninq in accordance with the criteria specified in the Land Development Code. b._,. Access to arterial and collector road systems shall be in accordance with the Collier County Access Manaqement Policy and consistent with Obiective 7 and Policy 7.1 of the Transportation Element. c. The Tarqet Industries identified by the Economic Development Council of Collier County are aviation, biomedical and information technoloqies and include the following uses: Software development and pro.qramminq; internet technoloqies and electronic commerce; multimedia activities and CD-ROM development; data and information processin.q; call center and customer support activities; professional services that are export based such as laboratory research or testinq activities; light manufacturinq in the hiqh tech tarqet sectors of aviation, biomedical and information technologies; office uses in connection with on-site research, development testin.q and related manufacturinq; .qeneral administrative offices of research and development firms; educational, scientific and research or.qanizations; production facilities and operations. d_ Non-tar.qet industry uses may include hotels at a density consistent with the Land Development Code and those uses of the C-1 throuqh C-3 zoninq districts that provide support services to the target industries such as general office, banks, fitness centers, personal and professional services, medical, financial and convenience sales and services, computer related businesses and services, employee trainin.q, technical conferencinq, day care center, restaurants and corporate and government offices. e_. When the Research and Technoloqy Park is located within the Urban Industrial District or includes industrially zoned land, those uses allowed in the Industrial Zoninq District shall be permitted provided that the total industrial acreaqe is not greater than the amount previously zoned or desiqnated industrial. When a Research and Technoloqy Park is located in the Urban Commercial District or Urban- Mixed Use District, the industrial uses shall be limited to those target industry uses. f. Research and Technolo.qy Parks must be a minimum of 35 acres in size. g_, Research and Technology Parks located within Interstate Activity Center quadrants that permit industrial uses shall also be required to meet the standards as stated under the Interstate Activity Center Subdistrict for commercial and industrial land uses. h_. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall adopt standards for the development of individual buildin.q parcels and general standards for bufferinq, landscapin(l, open space, sic~nac~e, li.qhtin.q, screenin.q of outdoor storaqe, parking and access management. i. When located in a District other than the Urban Industrial District, the Research and Technolo.qy Park must be adiacent to, and have direct access to, a road classified as an arterial or collector in the Transportation Element. i. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall not be located on land abuttin(l residential zoned property, unless the Park provides workforce housin.q adiacent to such abuttin.q land(s). When abuttinq residential zoned land, up to 40% of the Park's total acreaqe may be devoted to workforce housinq. k_. Whenever workforce housinq ("affordable housinq") is provided, it is allowed at a density consistent with the Density Ratin.q System. Note: words ,'+ .... ~' +~ ..... ~, ~r,~ deleted; words underlined are added 2 AGENDA ITEM 8- J ..- I. Buildinq permits for non-industrial uses identified in paragraph "d" above shall not be issued for more than 10,000 square feet of buildinq area prior to issuance of the first buildinq permit for a tarqet industrial use. m. ReSearch and Technoloqy Parks must be compatible with surroundinq land uses. n_. ReSearch and Technoloqy Parks are encouraqed to utilize PUD zoninq. o~ The Planned Unit Development Ordinance or Rezoninq Ordinance for a Research and Technoloqy Park project shall list specifically all permitted uses and development standards consistent with the criteria identified in this provision. The maximum additional acreaqe eligible to be utilized for a Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict within the Urban-Mixed Use District is 500 acres, exclusive of open space and conservation areas. The following text changes to the Future Land Use Element will also need to be changed if amendment is approved: B. Urban Commercial District 4. Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict The Research and Technology Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix of tarqeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry, biomedical technoloqy industry, information technology industry, and light, Iow environmental impact manufacturing industry - and non- industrial uses, designed in an attractive park-like environment with Iow structural density where buildinq coveraqe ranges between 25% to 45% and where landscaped areas provide for bufferinq and enjoyment by the employees and patrons of the park. Research and Technology Parks shall be allowed as a subdistrict in the Urban Commercial District subject to the criteria set forth under the Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict in the Urban Mixed Use District. C. Urban- Industrial District The Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict is intended to provide for a mix of tarqeted industry uses - aviation/aerospace industry, biomedical technoloqy industry, information technoloqy industry, and light, Iow environmental impact manufacturin.q industry - and non- industrial uses, designed in an attractive park-like environment with Iow structural density where building coverage ranges between 25% to 45% and where landscaped areas provide for buffering and enjoyment by the employees and patrons of the park. Research and Technoloqy Parks shall be allowed as a subdistrict in the Urban - Industrial District subiect to the criteria set forth under the Research and Technology Park Subdistrict in the Urban Mixed Use District. Policy 1.1: The URBAN Future Land Use Designation shall include Future Land Use Districts and Subdistricts for: A. URBAN - MIXED USE DISTRICT 1. Urban Residential Subdistrict 2. Urban Residential Fringe Subdistrict 3. Urban Coastal Fringe Subdistrict Note: words struck through are deleted; words underlined are added AGENDA ITEM 8- J 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Office and Infill Commercial Subdistrict 6. PUD Neighborhood Village Center Subdistrict a~,, 7. Traditional Neighborhood Design Subdistrict 8. Orange Blossom Mixed-Use Subdistrict 9. Goodlette/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistrict 10. Vanderbilt Beach/Collier Boulevard Commercial Subdistrict B. URBAN - COMMERCIAL DISTRICT 1. Mixed Use Activity Center Subdistrict 2. Interchange Activity Center Subdistrict 3. Livingston/Pine Ridge Commercial Infill Subdistdct 4. Business Park Subdistrict 5. Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict C. URBAN - INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 1. Business Park Subdistrict 2. Research and Technoloqy Park Subdistrict I. URBAN DESIGNATION Urban Designated Areas on the Future Land Use Map include two general portions of Collier County: areas with the greatest residential densities, and areas in close proximity, which have or are projected to receive future urban support facilities and services. It is intended that Urban Designated Areas accommodate the majority of population growth and that new intensive land uses be located within them. Accordingly, the Urban Area will accommodate residential uses and a variety of non-residential uses. The Urban Designated Area, which includes Immokalee and Marco Island, represents less than 10% of Collier County's land area. The boundaries of the Urban Designated Areas have been established based on several factors, including: patterns of existing development; patterns of approved, but unbuilt, development; natural resources; water management; hurricane risk; existing and proposed public facilities; population projections and the land needed to accommodate the projected population growth. Urban Designated Areas will accommodate the following uses: a. Residential uses including single family, multi-family, duplex, and mobile home. The maximum densities allowed are identified in the Districts, and Subdistricts and Overlays that follow. b. Non-residential uses including: 13. Research and Technoloqy Park uses subject to criteria identified in the Urban-Mixed Use District, Urban Commercial District and Urban-Industrial District. PURPOSE/DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: In May 2001, the Economic Development Council of Collier County began meeting with Planning Services staff to discuss issues related to the adequate provision of lands for the EDC's high tech target industries. The EDC's target industries are aviation, biomedical and information technology. The purpose of the Research and Technology Park Subdistrict is to provide for a mix of target industry uses. Note: words ct,-.'ck through are deleted; words underlined are added 4 AGENDA ITEM 8- J The Research and Technology Park designation as proposed includes a combination of Iow environmental impact industries allowed in either the Business Park, Industdal or Commercial zoning districts, but no single land use or zoning district allows the combination of uses that would be provided for in a Research and Technology Park designation. Of the target industry uses (high tech/Iow environmental impact) identified by sic code, only 23.08% are allowed within the current Business Park (BP) Subdistrict. The BP Subdistict also has more stringent Iocational criteria. Access is from the arterial road system unless the Business Park is within the Industrial Subdistrict. A Research and Technology Park would be allowed along a collector or arterial roadway. It also would be allowed adjacent to residential provided that workforce housing was developed on site and abutting the neighboring residential use. SURROUNDING LAND USE~ ZONING AND FUTURE LAND USE DESIGNATION: Not applicable. Text amendment only. STAFF ANALYSIS: Environmental Impacts: Not applicable. Site specific environmental impacts would be evaluated at the time of rezone. Traffic Capacity/Traffic Circulation Analysis: Not applicable. Site specific traffic impact analysis would be evaluated at the time of rezone. Other Cateqory "A" Public Facilities: Site specific impacts to these facilities (potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste, drainage, and community and regional parks) would also be evaluated at the time of rezone. COMPATIBILITY This proposed amendment would expand the potential for higher intensity uses to roadways designated as collector facilities. The arterial roadway classification, currently is limited to US 41, SR 84 (Davis Boulevard), SR 29, Immokalee Road, Pine Ridge Road (from U.S. 41 to 1-75) and Airport-Pulling Road (from U.S 41 to Pine Ridge Road). Criteda for compatibility with adjacent land uses would be developed through the Land Development Code and consistent with the provisions stipulated in the proposed text amendment. In the language of the text amendment there are provisions to limit uses to industries and activities with Iow environmental impact designed in a park like setting. When adjacent to residential, the project must have a residential component between the neighboring residential development and any research and technology associated uses. APPROPRIATENESS OF CHANGE In discussions with the Economic Development Council (EDC) staff, issues were raised regarding adequate provision of lands and incentives for promoting the development of the EDC's defined target industries. In response, the Planning Services Department staff drafted preliminary language for a new land use provision to address incentives from a land use perspective and provide additional incentives and opportunities for the development of industrial uses and workforce housing within the County's Coastal Urban Area. Note: words struck thrcugh are deleted; words underlined are added 5 AGENDA ITEM 8- J , The intent of the proposed "Research and Technology Park" land use designation would not be to replace the existing "Industrial" District and "Business Park" Subdistrict, but to provide an additional alternative and incentive to land owners seeking to develop limited available lands within theCoastal Urban Area. Of the target industry uses (high tech/Iow environmental impact) identified by SIC code, only 23.08% are allowed within the current Business Park (BP) Subdistrict. The BP Subdistict also has more stringent Iocational criteria. Access is from the arterial road system only unless the "Business Park" is within the "Industrial" District. The purpose of the "Research and Technology Park" designation is to provide for a mix of high-tech target industry uses (aviation/aerospace, bio-medical technology, and information technology industry) and associated light, Iow environmental impact manufacturing industries, as well as, non-industrial uses, such as corporate headquarters, office, retail and workforce housing designed in an attractive park-like environment. The differences between the new proposed designation and the existing "Business Park" designation is that the new designation would allow up to 20% to be developed as support commercial (C-1, C2, C-3) and road access would be expanded to include collector facilities. In addition, multi-family residential for workforce housing would be allowed as another non- industrial use, and required when abutting residential zoning. The Collier County Planning Services Department completed the Collier County Industrial Inventory in May 2001. As part of the Inventory, a list was developed of vacant properties along arterials and collectors, 35 acres or more, with existing zoning, size, and location noted. These properties, all over 35 acres may, after further analysis, provide opportunity for development as "Research and Technology Parks". Currently there are a limited number of parcels within the Coastal Urban Area that meet the acreage and Iocational criteria for a Business Park. The list indicates that there are a total of 24 parcels within the Coastal Urban Area located along arterial roadways that are 35 acres or more. By allowing Research and Technology Parks to locate along roadways classified as collectors as well as arterials, the number of potential locations expands to a total of 54 parcels. FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS: 1) Based on the 2001 Industrial Inventory, there are a limited number of parcels remaining in the Coastal Urban Area that meet the acreage and location criteria for the Business Park Subdistrict. These remaining parcels could also be eligible for other types of development such as residential, further limiting the number of potential locations for the Business Parks. 2) The text of the proposed Research and Technology Park Subdistrict provides for a combination of uses not currently allowed within the Business Park designation. 3) The proposed Research and Technology Park Subdistrict includes Iocational criteria that provides incentives for the provision of work force housing by allowing the Park to be located adjacent to residential uses or zoning. The Park would be required to provide work force housing on site, and to locate it abutting the neighboring residential use. 4) As proposed, Research and Technology Parks could be located along collector and arterial roadways. Business Parks can only be located along facilities designated as arterials. Note: words =truc?. through are deleted; words underlined are added 6 AGENDA ITEM 8- j industries by allowing support commercial services found within the C-1, C-2 and C-3 zoning districts, plus hotels. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPC) forward Petition CP- 2001-5 to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) with a recommendation to transmit this amendment to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). Note: words struc~ thrcugh are deleted; words underlined are added 7 AGENDA ITEM 8- J PREPARED BY: AM~' K. TA~R, AI~'P O D'ATE PRINCIPAL~LANNER COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING SECTION REVIEWED BY: E DATE COM~E PLANNING MANAGER THOMAS KUGK, P.E. DATE INTERIM PLANNING SERVICES DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR JO~N DUN~UC~; ADMINIST~TOR DATE C0~MUNITY DEV. AND ENVIRONMENTAL S~VICES DIVISION Petition No.: CP-2001-O~ COLLIE~jOUNTY PLANNIt_ OMMISSION: JOYCEANIA J. RAUTIO, CHAIRMAN Note: words struck through are deleted; words underlined are added 7 ELEVATION m ~ I~j~~ ' ~ C' ;..::~an' brock& assoc., Inc. _.. _ architects,planners.landscape architects ' ~ ~ I u.-~,.~ ! L I I~,UI~DI'qQ TYPE THREE {DES QN DE~EIiOPM~ENT): ~ j i .u, ; .i, .-- . .-- '. -] .... f; '.;h-:'L~ ELEVATION ITl Z 0 ELEVATION charlan, brock~ assoc., inc. i brock . p ....... SECOND FLOOR PLAN ~n T 8~ILDN~~ ' ' : 8A IP ELEVATION LEFT ELEVATION #4 _~ '~ RIGHT ~ I:]1] I:'.:: :2®L~ chgE!§~n, bro~k & assoc, inc ~ architect~.planners.landsca e architecle ,, ~ I. I::~' z '~m FIRST FLOOR PLAN W/ GARAQEG ~ ~~~~ m-il ~ 0 Z ELEVATION J3 LEFT ITl ch~[!.a~n.bro~c~k? assoc, inc ~ archilects.planners.landscaea . ] SECOND FLOOR PLAN W/GARAGES '--' ~~~~ ----~~ I 8A PRODUCT SUMMARY - BUILDING TYPES I, II, III, IVAND MIXED-USE SQUARE FOOT CALCULATION AIR CONDITIONED NON-AIR CONDITIONED FOR LIVING ENTRY UNDER TOTAL COVERED 1st FLOOR 2nd FLOOR BLDG UNIT BED BATH AREA FOYER STAIR STAIR AIC ENTRY PATIO BALCONY TOTAL GARAGE TYPES A1 1 1 ,~ 806 0 0 0 806 18 0 0 824 -- I, II, MU A2 1 1 850 23 20 0 893 17 9 19 ~' ~ 929 ~, MU A2 2 2 2 1218 23 20 9 1261 17 0 19 1297 -- Ii B1 2 2 1323 0 0 0 1323 12 28 ~..... 0 ;363 -- i I, II B2 2 2 1363 26 18 0 1407 12 0 -~28~ 7-- --l~z~-- -~ I, ti, MU C1 3 2 1441 0 0 0 1441 8 0 1449 -- I, II C2 3 2 1441 25 19 0 1485 35 0 19 1539 -- I, CR 3 2 1750 26 21 0 1797 20 ~ ...... 266 2083 -- MU 91 2 2 1205 0 0 0 1205 16 33 0 1254 320 Ill, IV 92 2 2 1303 46 90 61 1500 33 33 0 1566 290 Ill tV E1 1 1 783 44 9 44 871 19 73 0 963 320 Ill, IV E2 2 2 1213 43 57 -i 0 1313 0 73 0 1386 -- F2 2 2 1087 47 94 69 1297 45 --~0 ...... O 1342 290 III, IV MIXED USE AIR CONDITIONED NON-AIR CONDITIONED BUILDING TYPE A/C ENTRY UNDER TOTAL COVERED ls1 FLOOR COMMERCIAL UNITS AREA FOYER STAIR A/C ENTRY PATIO TOTAL OFFICE B1 1247 0 0 1247 102 0 -I 1349 OFFICE C1 2064 0 J ~b 2064 292 0 2356 GARAGE SQUARE FEET BLDG TYPE ACCESS TC lA 272 I, MU lA * 256 I * lB 296 I, MU lB * 264 I * 1C 296 I, MU 1C * 264 I * 19 272 i, MU u) 19 * 256 I * C9 2A 322 II C1 ~ 2B 280 II 2C 280 II 2D 322 II Cl 3A 298 III, IV F2 3B 337 III, IV 92 3C 352 III, IV 91 SD 312 Ill, IV E1 4A 312 IV E2 4B 312 IV E2 summ~ry 2 xls 11/12/01