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Agenda 02/26/2008 Item #16B 1
Agenda Item No, 1681 February 26,2008 Page 1 of 24 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to award Bid #08-5016 "On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service" by category to various vendors for an estimated yearly cost of $500,000 (MSTD General Fund 111). OBJECTIVE: Award Bid #08~5016 "On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service" by category to various vendors for an estimated yearly cost of $500,000 (Fund 111), The intent of this bid is to establish contractual services for the removal, restoration and repair of existing landscape materials, The storm restoration part of this bid will be in effect after a bad wind storm, thunderstorm, hurricane or any weather related damage. CONSIDERATIONS: County staff has reviewed the maintenance bids and have seen that by taking incidentals out it lowers cost and helps the contractor focus on solely maintenance. The On Call Landscape and Irrigation bid was initiated to help the County save time and money for traffic damage, hurricane clean up and any incidental work that might be needed. County staff intends for the On Call Landscape and Irrigation bid to be awarded to multiple vendors and projects will be rotated. On November 16,2007, the Purchasing Department sent out one hundred and sixty (160) notices for the On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service. On December 3, 2007, a mandatory pre-bid meeting was held, On December 12, 2007 three (3) bids were opened. Staff reviewed the bids and recommends award of bid #08-5016 in three categories as follows: 1. Section I. Landscape and Irrigation Services Primary - Commercial Land Maintenance Secondary - Hannula Landscaping 2. Section II, Pruning! Arborist Services Primary - Commercial Land Maintenance Secondary - Vila & Son Landscape 3. Section III. Nursery Services Primary - Hannula Landscaping Secondary - Vila & Son Landscape FISCAL IMPACT: Funds are budgeted for these services within each of the Landscape median maintenance areas within MSTD General Fund (Ill), GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary, RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners award Bid #08~5016 "On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service" to Commercial Land Maintenance, Hannula Landscaping and Vila & Son Landscape per the categories in consideration above and authorize the Chairman to execute the standard contract after review by the County Attorney's Office, Prepared By: Liz De Leon, Project Manager, Department of Alternative Transportation Modes Attachment: Bid Tab #08-5016 .~,...".- Page I of2 Agenda Item No, 1661 February 26, 2008 Page 3 of 24 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 1681 Item Summary: Recommendation to award Bid #08-5016 On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service by category to various vendors for an estimated yearly cost of $500,000 (Fund 111). Meeting Date: 2/26/20089.0000 AM Prepared By Liz De Leon Operations Coordinator Date Transportation Services Alternative Transportation Modes 1/14/20081:04:31 PM Approved By Liz De Leon Operations Coordinator Date Transportation Services Alternative Transportation Modes 1/14/2008 1 :04 PM Approved By Brenda Brilhart Purchasing Agent Date Administrative Services Purchasing 1/14/20081:45 PM Approved By Diane B. Flagg Director ATM Director Date Transportation Services Alternative Transportation Modes 1/14/20083:11 PM Approved By Gloria Herrera Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Services Storm water Management 1/15/20088:41 AM Approved By Mike Hauer Acquisition Manager Date Administrative Services Purchasing 1/15/20088:45 AM Approved By Steve Carnell Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Administrative Services Purchasing 1/15/20087:03 PM Approved By Sharon Newman Accounting Supervisor Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 2/11/20089:11 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, AICP Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin. 2/13/20084:45 PM Approved By file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 10 I-February%2026, %202008\] 6, %20CONSENT%20AGEND... 2/20/2008 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No, 1681 February 26, 2008 Page 4 of 24 Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date --, Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 2113/2008 4:46 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Applications Analyst Date Administrative Services Information Technology 2/14/20088:21 AM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 2/14/200810:45 AM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 2/15/2008 10:49 AM - - file://C:\Agenda Test\Export\ 10 l-February%2026, %202008\ 16,%20CONSENT%20AGEND,.. 2/20/2008 .,__,_.~_,c,~,.._, ....--"---"-- ---.-- Agenda Item No, 1681 February 26, 2008 Page 5 of 24 ~ COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT Administrative Services Division Purchasing Building Purchasing Department 3301 E, Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 34112 Telephone: 239/252-8446 FAX: 239/252-6697 www .CVn~ClbU" .net Date: December 20, 2007 To: Liz Deleon From: Brenda Brilhart Re: Bid # 08-5016 "On-call landscape & Irrigation Service" Attached please find a copy of the bid and tab sheets for Bid #08-5016, Please review each bidder's pricing, including checking the unit prices against the extended price. (Mathematical calculations are not checked at tabulation) If other information was required, it has been noted in the tab sheet. If tab sheet has the notation "see bid", it means that there is additional information included in that bid that needs to be reviewed, Remember, 'Award of bid shall be made to the lowest, qualified and responsive bidder(s) meeting specifications, ' Please identify the recommended awardee(s) below, and return this form to Purchasing, If the apparent low bidder(s) is not the recommended awardee, please document your reason(s) for your recommendation of another firm(s), If you have any questions, please call me, Thank you, Brenda Brilhart Purchasing Agent Recommended Awardee(s): Pro]. Mgr.: Uz ~eon 81008-5016 Agenda Iterl'cl>!lIlD~ 1 DatedPollted:11-16-07 Qn Call landscape and Irrigation Service Feb~~,Jt~~ !)ate.due:12f12107 .- Commercial Land Hannula Lands"D.lna Vila & Son L.ndaca.... Mal.nane. SectlDn / Bid ttem , DHcrI Un" Untteo.t Total Un" Coat Total Unit Coat Total I, LANDSCAPE & IRRIGAnON SERVICES STORM RESTORATION WORK: LABORER 1 H' 27.00 27.00 35,00 35.00 "",00 40.00 FOREMAN 1 H' 32.00 32.00 50,00 5O~ 65.00 65.00 SUPERVISOR 1 H" 40.00 40.00 65.00 65, 75.00 75.00 BACKHOEA..OADER COMBINATION WITH OPERATOR 1 H" 68,00 6B.OO 95.00 .5, 150.00 150.00 SKID lOAOERlBOBCATWlTH OPERATOR 1 H' 68.00 6B.00 85.00 65.00 150.00 150.00 FORKLIFT 3CY WITH OPERATOR 1 H' 66,00 68.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00 BUCKET TRUCK 7 CHIPPER WITH DRtVER 1 H' 130.00 130.00 195.00 195.00 250.00 250.00 PtU TRUCK 1 H' 52.00 52.00 25.00 25.00 85.00 85.00 WATER TRUCK 2000 GAllON WITH DRIVER 1 HL, 55.00 65,00 120.00 120.00 125.00 125.00 10 CY DUMP TRUCK WITH DRIVER 1 H', 55.00 55.00 85.00 85.00 125.00 125.00 2"X4"XS'STAKES EAC 1 Eo, 2.70 2.70 6,00 6,00 8,00 8,00 4"X 4~ X S' STAKES EACH 1 Eo, 4,35 4,35 15.00 15.00 20,00 20.00 8' LODGE POLE 2" DIAMETER 1 Eo, 2,95 2.95 6,00 8,00 8,00 6,00 NYLON STRAPS PER TREE WITH REBAR 3 EACH 1 Eo 14.90 14.90 15.00 15.00 30,00 30,00 TOPSOil 50150 PER CUBIC YARD 1 CY 31.00 31.00 25.00 25.00 50,00 50.00 SubtGtal: ....00 974.00 1 1,00 SITE DEMOUTlON PREPARATtON AND DISPOSAl sm: PREPARATION & GRADING OF EXISTING MEDIANS Include MOT .nd L~d...l!qulpu..nt/Labor' Cost) County to Supply Soil to m median. ConlrBctor to remove Exlstina GroundcovllfS 1000 S.F. 1.50 1.500.00 18.89 16.890.00 0.57 570.00 County to Supply 5011 to fiU mild lan- Contractor to remove 79450.M E)(lsti~ Groundcover5 5000 S.F. 1.50 7 500.00 15.89 0,17 850.00 County to Supply 5011 to fill median- Contractor to remove E;w;istina Groundcover5 10000 S.F. 1,50 15000.00 14,89 148 900.00 0,14 1-400.00 Conlractortodls eof lantmaterl8l 1000 S.F. 0,25 250.00 0.12 120.00 0,25 250.00 Contractorlodls eof lanlmaterl8l 5000 S.F. 0,25 1 250.00 0.10 soo.oo 0.10 500.00 Contractortodis eof lantmaterial 10000 S,F. 0.25 2,500.00 0.08 800,00 0,08 800.00 Contractor to protectll)(jstiog Irrigation system during spreading and nradinn of soil 1000 S,F. 0,15 150.00 0.05 50,00 0.20 200.00 Contractor to protect existing irrigation system during spreading .-'.' ""' di ofsoil 5000 S.F. 0,35 1750.00 0.<>4 200.00 0.15 750.00 Contractor 10 protect eldsllng irrigation system dUling spreading and nmdilYl of sOil 10000 gF 0.50 5000.00 0.03 300.00 0.10 1 000.00 Rolotll 9011 w1lhln medians to 6- de~ 24" off ltIe bl!ldl of cumin' '6 total "asses with rotor 1111& 5000 S.F, 0.12 600.00 0,<>4 200,00 0.13 650,00 R~~ ~I wilhin medians to 6~ de~ 24" off the back of cumin 6 total Dasses wlth rotor iiiit'} 10,000 S.F. 0.12 1,200.00 0.03 300,00 0.10 1,000.00 Contra~o~~ fine g~,~~ SC:!~\ r:'dians (5" Crown) (Soil rovided Coon':'\ 'e" De with 50% Shrinka"~ 300 C.Y. 12.00 3 600.00 11.89 3,567.00 9,00 2700.00 Contractor to reset trees & alms 10 new " 10 Eo, 12,00 120.00 65.00 650.00 250.00 2500.00 Contractortosu soil median backflb s . cation 300 CY 31,00 9,300.00 41.60 12,480.00 35.00 10,500.00 Subtatlll: SG,72D.OO UN,407.00 WI,670.00 SITE PREPARATtON & GRADING OF UNIMPROVED MEDIANS (BAHIA) (Include ....Inten.nce ofTraftle CcllIta) Sprayaxisting vegetation with contact herbidde for 100% kill. Two or more applications maybe required for kill and to keep roiect week free 1,000 S,F. 0,<>4 40.00 0,05 50,00 0.30 300.00 Spray existing vegetation with contact h8fbidda lor 100% kitl. Two or more applications maybe reQuired for kill and to keep roiect week free 5000 g,F 0,<>4 200,00 0.<>4 200.00 0.13 650.00 Spray elCisting vegetation wtth contact herbidde for 100% kiN. Two or more applications maybe rIlQuired for kill and to keep roiect week fme 10,000 0,<>4 400,00 0.03 300.00 0,09 900.00 Rotor till soli within me~~ns to 6- depth 24" off back of curbing 6 n..sseswith rotortille 5,000 0.12 600.00 0.<>4 200.00 0,13 650.00 Rolor tin soil within medians to 5~ depth 24" off back of curbing 6 nasses with rotor till~~\' 10000 S.F. 0.12 1,200.00 0,03 300.00 0.10 1000.00 Prior to planting fine grade per detail, notes and profile {Note Project to be weed free during construcllon and at final comolelion)(6- crown with 4% slo.....\ 5000 S.F. o.OB 400.00 0,02 100.00 0.21 1,050.00 Prior to ptanting fine grade per detail, notes and profiie (Nole: Project to be weed free during construction and at final GOmnletion\le- crown with 4% slo....' 10000 0.08 800,00 0.03 300.00 0.17 1,700.00 As hall removal and dis sal at the median s 15'x30 30.000 SF 3.30 a9 000.00 1.29 38 700.00 0.20 6000.00 As halt Road Base Removal and ois MI 30.000 SF 4.95 148,501100 3,25 97.500,00 0.15 4 500.00 Landsca Su ervisor r man hou 1 Hr. 32.00 32.00 65,00 65.00 60,00 50,00 Irri alion Technician 1 Hr. 3B.00 38,00 45.00 45.00 65.00 65.00 laborerlHet man-hou 1 Hr. 27.00 27.00 25.00 25.00 45.00 45.00 Pine Straw - Labor Cost Per Bale Onl 1 Hr. 1.73 1.73 1.59 1.59 6.00 6.00 '-', Rental cost per day of a 4,000 gallon tanker wtth Operatorwlth R-'uired O""'rator license 1 Dav 600.00 600.00 165.00 165.00 875.00 875.00 Rental cost per day of a 4,000 gallon tanker with Operatorwith Reouired Ooel1ltOl" license 1 Week 2500.00 2.500.00 6.600.00 6 600.00 3900.00 3 900,00 10119 ..-..-..-. "-,~,,-,---.... ~._''''-"~--'''''- ._._._--~-_. Pro). Mgr.: Uz Deleon 81008-5016 Agenda Itefl'D!>ltiocMlS 1 OatedPosted:11-16-07 On Can Land&cape and Irrigation Service Feb~~8 08l8sdue:12112107 , .4 Commerclll und HIInnula Land.caIMlna VUa & Son Landscape Maintenance Rental cost per day of a 4,000 gallon tanker with Operator wtth Reoulred Ooerator License 1M_ 15000.00 15,000.00 26400.00 26.400.00 7,000.00 7 000.00 Add~~1 Hand Watering (Contractor 10 provide TBnkar and O........torl {Per hour cost\ 1 Hr. 65.00 65.00 120.00 120.00 B5.00 85.00 Stum Grinder and rhourcosts 1 Hr. 65.00 65.00 70.00 70.00 90,00 90,00 Bobcat and 0 ,a". hour cosls 1 Hr. 68,00 68,00 85.00 B5.00 125.00 125.00 Stak, of Small PeIm 4"-6" Ca' 1 Ea. 19.BO 19.B 22.00 22.00 90,00 9000 Stak, La Palms Cal reaterthanS 1 Ea. 24.35 24.35 35.00 35.00 150.00 150.00 Staking Small Canopy Tree (2x2 posts and guy wire, 4"--6" caliDh;n 1 Ea. 20.60 20.60 14.00 14.00 90,00 90.00 Staking Large Canopy Tree (2x4 posts, greater than S" cal~r\ 1 Ea, 24.35 24.35 22.00 22,00 150.00 150.00 Hurncane Restandina and Stakina Small Palm 14"-6- CalinhRrl 1 Ea. 23.00 23.00 65.00 65.00 125.00 125.00 Hurricane Restanck1g and Staking Large Palms {Caliptler lareaterthanfl"l 1 E. 26.60 26.80 125.00 125.00 225.00 225.00 Hurricane Restanding and Staking Small Canopy Tree (2x2 loostsand Quvwire 4"-e"CS:lioher\ 1 Ea, 23.00 23.00 65.00 65.00 125.00 125.00 Hurricane Res18klnlllarve Canopy Tree (2x4 posts, glllaler than 6-calinher\ 1 Ea. 26.80 26.80 125.00 125.00 225.00 225.00 Removal of Staki for Small Palm 4"-6" Cal 1 Ea. 9.95 9.95 15.00 15.00 25.00 25.00 Removal of Stakino for Lamfl Palms Calinher reater than 6"\ 1 Ea. 10.95 10.95 20.00 20.00 25.00 25.00 Removal of Slaking for Small Canopy Tree (2x2 posts and guy wire, 4"-6" caliDher) 1 E. 9.95 9.95 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Removal of Staking for Lerye Canopy Tree {2x-4 posts, glllater than 6- caliohen 1 Ea. 10.95 10.95 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 ~% $2a',767.23 1171,714.5' $30,281.00 -- Jt.'Prtiai8::I!'idl 11 These services shall be adi'iated in the aVilnt ht damaged Dr tlead plant materiallllClulres replacement and/or landscape areas requinl mInor renovations. Quotes requested lor items under this Section generaHy shall be for small quanlltles. The Contractor shall bid installed Unit prices which Includes materials and labor required for the installation, MOT, initial watering and e!tab~shment hand watering (provided the irTigalion system is not providing proper covarage), mulctl and removal of existing plant. All planl material provided shall be Florida #1 or bener as specified bv the Deoartment of Aaric.uI\1Jre's -Grades and Standards for Nurserv Plants" Volumes I & Illates! 1 Gallon Cont8lner BuU QTY-1 Africantris 1-25 Eo 3,85 3.B5 4.37 4.37 8.00 8,00 Sa Cord rass 1-25 E. 3,48 346 4.37 4.37 8.00 8,00 Plumbs 0 1-25 E. 3.85 3.85 4.81 4.81 6.00 8,00 L~ of the Nile 1-25 E.. 4.55 4,55 4.37 4.37 8,00 8,00 Coontie 1-25 E., 7.32 7.32 4.B1 4.81 12.00 12.00 Da -liIv. everareenvari 1-25 E. 4.89 4,89 4.37 -4.37 8.00 8.00 Florida Gama Grass 1-25 E. 3.85 3.65 4.37 4.37 6,00 8.00 Juni r'Parsonll' 1-25 E. 3.85 3.85 4.37 4.37 8.00 8.00 l",tana 125 E. 3.65 3.85 4.37 4.37 8,00 6,00 Pentas 1-25 Eo 3.72 3.72 437 4.37 8,00 6,00 Uric a'Eva rean ianr 1.25 E. 4.20 4.20 4.37 4.37 8,00 6.00 p, . """" 1-25 E. 3,48 3.48 4.37 -4.37 8,00 600 S' rul 1-25 E., 4.20 4.20 4.37 4.37 8.00 6,00 M'h "''' 1-25 E. 3.85 3.65 4.37 4.37 6.00 600 Perennial Peanu1 round cover 1.25 E. 420 4.20 437 4.37 10.00 10.00 GroundOrchk:ls 1-25 E., 10.43 10.43 4.37 4.37 15.00 15.00 Asian 'asmine 'Minima' 1_25 E. 3.65 3.B5 4.37 4.37 600 6.00 African Iris 26-50 E. 3.70 3.70 4.37 4.37 600 600 Sand Cord rmIS 26-50 E. 3.70 3.70 4.37 4.37 8,00 800 Plumbs 26-50 E. 3.50 3,50 4_81 4.61 8.00 800 Lil of the Nile 26-50 E. 4.37 4.37 4.37 4.37 800 800 Coontie 26-50 Eo 7.05 7.05 4.37 4.37 12.00 12.00 0 .Ii ,eve reenva 26-50 Eo 4.70 4.70 4.37 4.37 8.00 6.00 Florida Gama Grass 26-SO E. 3.70 3.70 4.37 4.37 6,00 6.00 J"" 'Parsonir 26-50 E. 3.70 3.70 4.81 4.81 800 8.00 Lantana 26-50 E., 3.70 3.70 4.37 4.37 8,00 8.00 Pentas 26-50 E. 3.58 3.58 4.37 4.37 8.00 8.00 Urlo 'Eve reen iant' 26-50 Eo 4.05 4.05 4.37 4.37 6,00 8.00 P 26-50 Eo 3.35 3.35 4.37 4.37 6,00 8.00 S erLi 26-50 " 4.05 4.05 4.37 4.37 8.00 8.00 M'h "''' 26-50 " 3.70 3.70 4.37 4.37 6,00 8.00 Perennial Peanut und cover 26-50 E. 4.05 4.05 4.37 4.37 10.00 10.00 Ground Orchids 26.50 E., 10.05 10.05 4.37 4.37 15.00 15.00 Asian 'asmine 'Minima' 26-50 E., 370 3.70 4.37 4.37 8,00 8.00 Amcan Iris 51-100 E. 3.70 3.70 3.98 3.86 7,00 7.00 Cord rass 51-100 E., 3.70 3.70 3.98 3,86 7,00 7,00 Plumba 0 51100 E. 3.50 3.50 4.41 4.41 700 7.00 li ofthaNile 51-100 E. 4.37 4.37 3.98 386 700 7.00 Coontie 51_100 E. 7.05 7.05 3.98 386 11.00 11.00 Da -Iii ow reenvarle 51-100 E. 4.70 4.70 4,41 4.41 7,00 7.00 Florida Gama Grass 51-100 " 3.70 3.70 3.96 386 7,00 7.00 Junl r'Parsonlr 51-100 E. 3.70 3.70 3.98 3,86 7,00 7.00 20119 Proj. Mgr.: Liz Deleon 81008-5016 Agenda ltef1llclllmDlIDa 1 DalBdPosted:11.16-07 On Call LeI'll18cBpe and Irrigation Service Feb~~8 Datesdue:12112/07 ,4 - Commerclalllind Hannula undsCllnAlnn Vila & Son LandacaD8 Malnlenaac. Lantana 51-100 E., 3.70 3.70 4.41 4.41 7.00 7,00 Pentas 51.100 E., ',58 3.58 "go 3.98 7,00 7,00 Lllio 'Eve reen iant' 51-100 E' 4,05 4.05 ',go 3.g8 7,00 7,00 Pu Ie ueen 51-100 '" 3.35 3.35 "go 3.9B 7,00 7,00 SidEll" 51-100 ,", 4.05 4.05 "go 3.9B 7,00 7,00 M .... 51-100 E. 3.70 3.70 "go 3.9B 7,00 7~ Perennial Peanut round cover 51-100 E., 4,05 4,05 "go 3.9B 900 9, Ground Ord1lds 51-100 E., 10.05 10.05 "go 3.98 14.00 14.00 """, smine'Mlnlma' 51-100 E', 3.70 3.70 "go 3.9B 9,00 8.00 Africanlri, 101-200 E., ',55 '55 ',98 3.98 6,00 6,00 S. Cord rass 101.200 E', ',22 3.22 "go 3.98 6,00 6,00 Plumba 0 101-200 E., ',55 3,55 4.41 4.41 6.00 6,00 LN of the Nile 101-200 E. 4,20 4.20 ',98 3.98 6,00 6,00 Coontia 101-200 E., 6.75 6.75 4_41 4.41 10.00 10.00 Da -N eve reen va 101-200 E., 4,60 4,60 "go ',9 6,00 6,00 Florida Gama Grass 101-200 E., 3.55 3.55 ',98 "go 6.00 6,00 Juni r'Personll' 101-200 E., 3.55 3.55 ',98 ',98 6.00 6,00 "',,,,"" 101-200 E., 3.55 3.55 3.98 ',98 6.00 6,00 Pema. 101-200 ,", 3,43 3.43 "go ',98 6,00 6.00 uno 'Eve reen ienr 101-200 E., 3.88 3.88 "go ',98 6,00 6.00 - 101-200 E. 3.22 3.22 ',98 ',98 6,00 6.00 t l= ~ U 101-200 E. 3.43 3.43 ',go ',98 6,00 6.00 M rass 101-200 E. 3.55 3.55 ".. ',98 600 6.00 Perennl8l Peanut round cover 101-200 E., 3A3 3.43 ,.go ',98 9.00 9.00 Ground Orchids 101-200 E. 9.63 9,63 ''"' ',98 13.00 13.00 Asian'aamlne'Minima' 101.200 E. 3.55 3.55 ',,", ',98 600 6.00 Afric8nlris 201-500 E., 3.55 3.55 3.70 3.70 6,00 6.00 S. Cord TaSS 201-500 E., 3.22 3.22 3.70 3.70 6,00 600 Plum 201-500 E. 3.55 3.55 4,60 4,60 600 6,00 U of \he Nile 201-500 E., 4.20 4.20 3.70 3.70 6.00 6,00 Coontie 201-500 E. 6.75 6.75 4,60 4,60 9,00 900 De _bl ever reenv 201-600 E. 4,60 4,60 3.70 3.70 6,00 600 Florida Geme Grass 201-500 E., 3.55 3.55 3.70 3.70 6,00 6,00 Juni 'Parsonir 201-500 E., 3.55 3.55 4.50 4.50 6,00 600 'an""'" 201-500 E., 3.55 ',55 3.70 3.70 600 6,00 P"""', 201-500 E. 3.43 3.43 3.70 3.70 6,00 6,00 Lilio 'Eve reen ianf 201-500 E. 3.88 ',58 3.70 3.70 6,00 6,00 p, ,eon 201-500 E. 3.22 ',22 3.70 3.70 600 6,00 ,- S IderLi 201-500 E. 3.43 3.43 3.70 3.70 6,00 600 M'h .... 201-500 Ea 3.55 3.55 3.70 3.70 6.00 6,00 Perennial Peanut round cover 201-500 E. 3.43 3.43 3.70 3.70 6.00 6,00 Ground Orchids 201-500 E. 9.63 9.63 3.70 3.70 12.00 12.00 ""'" smlne'Mlnime' 201.500 E. 3.55 3.55 3.70 ',7 6.00 6,00 Subtotal: 361.80 $353.11 $610.00 3 Gallon Contlllner Co ',m 1-25 E. 8.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 Th allis 1-25 E. 6.10 8,10 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 BushAllamanda 1-25 E. 810 8.10 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 AJlamanda Hendersonii Dwarf 1.25 E. 8.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 invlllea 'Helen Johnson' 1.25 '" 9.80 9.80 12.27 12.27 20.00 20.00 Be ainvilleB'Sllhoutles' 1-25 E. 980 9.80 12.27 12.27 20.00 20.00 Ixors'NoraGranr 1-25 E. 7.75 7.75 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 Indian Hawthorne 1-25 '" 6.40 6.40 14.02 14.02 19.00 19.00 Juni r'Parsonf 1.25 E. 6.10 B.10 14.02 14.02 19.00 19.00 Coonlle 1-25 Eo 19.48 19.48 27.21 27.21 25.00 25.00 Dwarfbou ainvillea 1-25 E. 9.60 9.80 14.02 14.02 20.00 20.00 Fakahatdlee ran 1-25 E. 6.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 FlortdaPrivel 1-25 Ea '40 6.40 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 Fountain rasses 1-25 E. 7.75 7,75 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 lIex'Schellin sdwarf 1-25 E. 8.40 8.40 14.02 14.02 19,00 19.00 Indian hewthome 'Alba', while 1.25 E., 8AO 6AO 14.02 14.02 19.00 19.00 Dwarf Ixora 1-25 E. 7.75 7.75 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 Zanadu 1-25 E. 11.20 11.20 13.15 13.15 22.00 22.00 5 iderll 1-25 E. 6.40 8AO 13.15 13.15 19.00 19.00 Crown of Thorn 1-25 '" BAa 8AO 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 Tumers 'Yelow AJde( 1-25 '" 9.12 9.12 13.15 13.15 19.00 19.00 Waxm e 1-25 E. 7.75 7.75 12.70 12.70 17.00 17.00 Saw Palmetto 1-25 E. 18.60 16.80 12.27 12.27 35.00 35.00 Velie Bled erboricola 'Trinette' 125 E. 8.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 Sliver buttonwood 1-25 E. 8.10 6.10 13.15 13.15 19.00 19.00 Green Island Fia.rs 1-25 E. 6.40 8.40 14.02 14.02 19.00 19.00 Walle(s Viburnum 1-25 E. 8.40 8.40 14.91 14.91 19.00 19.00 M,h .... 1-25 Ea, 8.10 B.l0 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 Ground orchids 1-25 E. 16.00 16.00 13.15 13,15 25.00 25.00 Plumbs 0 1.25 E., 810 8.10 13.15 13.15 19.00 19.00 Oleander 'Ice Pink" q5 E. 910 9.10 13.15 13.15 19.00 19.00 Cord rass 1-25 '" 7.00 7.00 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 Casu Blue 1-25 E. 810 8.10 12.27 12.27 19.00 19.00 -- Coco lum 26-50 E. 8.10 B.l0 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Th allis 26-60 E. 8.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 BushAllamende 26-60 E. 810 8.10 12.27 12.27 16.00 18.00 AlIamanda Hendersonii Dwarf 26-60 Ea. 8.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 16.00 18.00 Bou ainvillea 'Helen Johnson' 26-60 Ea 9.80 9.60 14.02 14.02 20.00 20,00 30f19 ., .-----..-.-. '-'''~',- -.--_._.. '--"--~--' Proj. Mgr.: Liz Deleon 81008-5016 Agenda Item.dM~Dil..B 1 Dated Po5ted:11-16-07 On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service Febr~'Tl8 DatesdlJe:12112J07 I , 4 , , Commercial! Land Hannula undeca-ln" Vila & Son undscanll MalnteRlinee Bou ainvlle8 'Snhoutles' 26-50 Eo 8,80 9.80 14.02 14.02 20.00 20.00 Ixora 'Nora Granr 26--50 Ea 7.75 7.75 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Indian Hawlhome 26-50 Eo 8,40 8.40 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Juni 'Parsonr 26-50 Eo 8.10 8.10 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Coontie 26.50 Ea 19,48 19.48 2721 27.21 25.00 25.00 Dwarf bou ainvillea 26-50 .. 9,80 8,80 14.02 14.02 20.00 20.00 Fakahatchee I1JSS 26-50 .. 8.10 8,10 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 FlolidaPrive' 26-50 Eo 8.40 8,40 12.70 12.70 16.00 16.00 Fountain rasses 28.50 Ea 7.75 7.75 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Ilex'SchelUn s dwarf 28-50 Ea 8.40 8,40 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Indian hawlhome 'Alba', whl1e 26-50 .. 8.40 8. 14.02 14.02 18.00 16,00 Dwarf lxora 26-50 .. 7.75 7,7 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Zsnsdu 26-50 .. 11.20 11.20 13.15 13.15 2200 22.00 S 'derll 26-50 Eo 8.40 8,40 12,70 12.70 16.00 16.00 Crown of Thorn 26--50 Ea 8.40 8,40 13,15 13.15 16.00 16.00 Turners 'Yelow Aida( 26-50 Eo 9.12 9,12 14.91 14.91 16.00 16.00 Wax e 26-50 Eo 7.75 7,75 14.02 14.02 15.00 15.00 Saw Palmetto 26-50 Eo 18.80 18.80 27.21 27.21 32.00 32.00 V al&d arboricola'Trinette' 26--50 Ea 8.10 8,10 12.27 12.27 16.00 16, Sliver bultonwood 26-50 Eo, 8.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Greenls~ndFIcus 25-50 Eo 8.40 6,40 14.02 14.02 16,00 16.00 Waller's Viburnum 25-50 Ea 8.40 6,40 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 M,h .... 26-50 Ea 8.10 6.10 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Groundorehids 26-50 Ea 16.00 16.00 13.15 13.15 23.00 23.00 PkJmba 26-50 Ea 8.10 6.10 13.15 13.15 16.00 16.00 Oleander 'Ice Pink' 28-50 Eo, 9.10 9.10 13.15 13.15 16.00 16.00 Cord rasa 28-50 E' 7.00 700 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Cassa Blue 26-50 Eo 8.10 8.10 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 C m 51-100 Ea 8.10 6.1 12.27 1227 16.00 16.00 T a1lis 51_100 Ea 8.10 6.1 12.27 1227 16.00 16.00 Bush AIlamanda 51-100 Ea 8.10 6.1 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 AIlamanda Hendersonii Dwarf 51-100 Ea 8.10 8.10 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 illea'HetenJohnson' 51-100 Ell 880 9,80 14.02 14.02 20,00 20.00 80 IlIea'S8houttes' 51-100 Ell 9,80 9,80 14.02 14.02 20,00 20.00 Ixora'NoraGranr 51-100 Eo, 7.75 7.75 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Indian Hawthorne 51-100 Eo, 8.40 8.40 14.02 14.02 18.00 18.00 Juni 'PaBoni' 51-100 Eo, 8.10 8.10 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Coontie 51-100 Ea 19-48 19.48 27.21 27.21 25.00 25.00 Dwort bo ainvilea 51-100 Ea 9.80 980 14.02 14.02 20,00 20,00 Fakahatchee .. 51-100 Ea 8.10 8.10 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Florida Privet 51-100 Eo, 8.40 8.40 13.15 13.15 18.00 16.00 Fountain I'8sses 51.100 Ea 7.75 7.75 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Ilex'SdleI' dwe~ 51-100 Ee, 8.40 6.40 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Ind~n hawthome 'Aba' wIlite 51.100 Ea 8.40 8.40 14.02 14.02 16.00 18.00 Dwerflxora 51-100 E' 7.75 7.75 12.27 12.27 18.00 16.00 Zanadu 51-100 Eo, 11.20 11.20 14.91 14.91 22.00 22,00 S iderli 51-100 Ea 8.40 840 13.15 13.15 16.00 16.00 Crown of Thorn 51-100 Ea 8.40 840 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Turners 'Yellow Alder' 51-100 Ea 9.12 9.12 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Wax e 51-100 Ea 7.75 7.75 14.02 14.02 15.00 15.00 Saw Palmetto 51-100 Ea 18.80 16.80 27.21 2721 32.00 32.00 Vane led aTborioola'Trinette' 51-100 Ea 8.10 8,10 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Silvef buttonwood 51-100 Eo, 8.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 Green Isiand Ficus 51-100 Eo, 8-40 8.40 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Waller'S Viburnum 51.100 fa 8.40 8.40 14.91 14.91 16.00 16,00 M"" ..U 51_100 Ea 8.10 8.10 12.27 12.27 16.00 16,00 Ground orchids 51.100 Ea 16.00 16.00 14.02 14.02 23.00 23.00 Plum 0 51-100 Ea 8.10 8.10 13.15 13.15 16.00 16.00 Oleander 'I~ Pink' 51-100 Ea 9.10 9.10 13.15 13.15 16.00 16.00 Cord rasa 51.100 Ea 7.00 7.00 12.27 12.27 16.00 16.00 CassaBlue 51-100 Ea 8.10 8.10 14.02 14.02 16.00 16.00 Coco lum 101.200 Ea 7.80 7.80 12.27 12.27 13.00 13.00 Th slUa 101.200 Ea 7.80 7.80 12.27 12.27 13.00 13.00 BushAllamanda 101-200 Eo. 7,80 7,60 12.27 12.27 13.00 13.00 AUamanda Hendersonii Dwarf 101-200 Eo, 7,80 7.80 12.27 12.27 13.00 13.00 Bou ainvillea 'Helen Johnson' 101-200 Eo 9.45 9.45 14.02 14.02 20,00 20.00 Bou ainvillea'Silhouttes' 101.200Ea 9.45 9.45 14.02 14.02 20.00 20.00 Ixora 'Nora Granr 101-2ooEa 745 7.45 12.27 12.27 13.00 13.00 Indian Hawthorne 101-200 Ea 6.10 8.10 14.02 14.02 13.00 13.00 Juni r'Parsoni' 101.200 Ea 7.80 7.80 14.02 14.02 13.00 13.00 Coontie 101-200 Ea 16.75 18.75 27.21 27.21 25.00 25.00 Dwarf bou alnvillea 101.200 Ell 9.45 9.45 14,02 14.02 20,00 20.00 F akahatchee rass 101-200 Eo 7,80 7.80 12.27 12.27 13.00 13.00 Florida Privet 101-200 Eo, 8.10 8.10 13.15 13.15 13.00 13.00 Fountain ranes 101-200 Ea 7.45 74. 12.27 12_27 13.00 13.00 IIex'Sch&lli odwa~ 101_200 Eo, 8.10 8.10 11.92 11.92 13.00 13,00 Indian hawlhome 'Alba', white 101-200 Ea 8.10 8.10 11.92 11.92 13.00 13.00 DwarflJl:OrB 101-200 Ee 7.45 745 11.09 11.09 13.00 13.00 Zanadu 101-200 Ea 10.75 10.75 13.60 13.60 22.00 22,00 S derli 101.200 Ea 8.10 810 11.92 11.92 13.00 13.00 Crown of Thom 101-200 Ea 8.10 8.10 11.09 11.09 13.00 13.00 Turners 'Yeilow Alder' 101.200 Eo, 8.75 8.75 13.60 13.60 13.00 13.00 WaJl:m e 101-200 Ea 7.45 745 12.75 12.75 15.00 15.00 40119 Prcj.Mgr.:UzDeleon BI008-5016 Agenda lte....cillmID<1IfiS 1 OatedPosted:11-16.o7 On Call Landscape and IrrigaUon Service Feb~~B8 Oate6due:12/12/07 a!l : 4 - Commerci81 Land H.nnulli Land.ca"eln" Villi & SOft und.cape M.lnten.nce Saw Palmetto 101-200 Ea. 18.00 18.00 2..29 25.29 32,00 32,00 V. tedarboflccla'Trinette' 101-200 Ea. 7,80 7,80 11.09 11.09 13.00 13.00 Silver buttonwood 101-200 Ea. 7,80 7,80 11.09 11.09 13.00 13.00 Green Island Ficus 101.-200 Ea. 8.10 8.10 12.75 12.75 13.00 13.00 Wane(s Viburnum 101-200 Ea. 8.10 8.10 12.75 12.75 13.00 13.00 M rass 101.-200 Ea 7,80 7,80 11.09 11.09 13.00 13.00 Groundorchtds 101-200 Ea. 15.40 15.40 12.75 12.75 23.00 23.00 Plumba 101-200 Ea. 7,80 7.60 11.92 11.92 13.00 13.00 Oleander 'Ice Pink' 101-200 Ea. 8,80 8,60 11.92 11.92 13.00 13.00 Cord rass 101-200 Ea. 7,00 7.00 11.09 11, 13.00 13, CassaBlue 101-200 Ell. 8.10 8.10 13.60 13.60 13.00 13.00 C, "'" 201-500 Ea 7.60 7.80 11.09 11, 12.00 12.00 Th "' 201-500 Ea. 780 7.80 11.09 11.09 12.00 12.00 8uahAllamanda 201-S00Ea. 7,80 7.80 11.09 11.09 12.00 12.00 A1lamanda Hendersonii Dwarf 201-500 Ea. 7.80 7,80 10,19 10.19 12.00 12.00 S, Illea 'HtllenJohnson' 201-500 Ea. 9,45 9.45 10,19 10.19 15.00 15.00 Bou aiwlllea 'Silhoutles' 201-500 Ea. 9.045 8 11.78 11.76 15.00 15.00 IxonJ'Nora Grant' 201-600 Ea 7.45 7.45 11.76 11,78 12.00 12.00 Indian Hawthorne 201-500 ea 8.10 6.10 10.19 10.19 12.00 12.00 Juni 'Parsonr 201.500 Ea. 7,60 7.80 11.78 11.78 12.00 12.00 C""""" 201-500 Ea. lB,75 18.75 11.78 11,78 18.00 18.00 Dwort boo invillea 201.500 Ea. 9,45 9.45 23.76 23.76 15.00 15,00 Fakahatchee " 201-500 Ea. 7.80 7.BO 10.98 10.98 12.00 12,00 FloridaPrivel 201.500 Ea. 6.10 8.10 10.1~ 10.19 12.00 12.00 Fountain rasles 201-500 Ea. 7.45 7.45 10.98 10.~ 12.00 12.00 llex'Sehellin s dwarf 201-500Es 8.10 8.10 10,19 10.1 12.00 12.00 Indian hawthorns 'Alba'. white 201-500 Ea 8.10 8.10 11.78 11.78 12.00 12.00 DwarftxOl'8 201-!500Ea. 7.45 7,45 '0.19 10.19 12.00 12.00 Zanadu 201.500 Ea. 10.75 10,75 12.59 12.59 18.00 18.00 S .der 201.500 Ea. 8.10 6.10 10.19 10.19 12.00 12.00 Crown of Thorn 201-500 Ea 6,10 6.10 10.19 10.19 12.00 12.00 Tumera 'Yallow AideI' 201-500 Ea 6.75 6.75 12,59 12.59 12.00 12.00 Wum 201-SOO E. 7.45 7,4 1178 11.76 12.00 12.00 Saw Palmetto 201-500 E. 18.00 18, 23.76 23.76 28.00 28.00 V atedarboricola'Trinette' 201.500 Eo, 7.80 7,80 10,19 10.19 12.00 12.00 Silver buttonwood 201-SOQ Ea 7.60 7.80 10.19 10.19 12.00 12,00 Green Island Ficus 201-500 Ea. 8.10 8.10 11.78 11.78 12.00 12.00 Waltel'sVibumum 201-500 Ea. 8,10 6.10 12.59 12.59 12.00 12.00 M,h ras. 201-S00Ea 7,80 7.60 10.19 10,19 12.00 12.00 Groundorctlids 201-500 Ea. 15,40 15,40 11.78 11,78 23.00 23.00 Plumba 0 201-500 E. 7.80 7,80 10.98 10.98 12.00 1200 Oleander 'Ice Pink' 201.500 Ea 8.80 8,80 10.96 10.98 12.00 12.00 Cord ass 201-600 Ea 7,00 7,00 10.19 10.1 12.00 12.00 CasssBlue 201-500 E. 8,10 6.10 12.59 12.59 12.00 12.00 Subtotal: $1816.20 $2,200,71 $2,751.00 10 Gallon Container Cardboard Palm 1-2. E., 66.00 86,00 36.27 36.27 110.00 110.00 C. Guava 1-25 E. 66.00 86,00 36.27 36.27 110.00 110.00 COnum 1I 1-25 E., 66.00 66.00 36.27 36.27 110.00 110.00 en. M . 1-25 E. 65.00 65.00 36.27 36.27 110.00 110.00 HlbiscusSlandard 1-2. E. 65.00 65.00 36.27 36.27 110.00 110.00 JamatcanCa , 1-25 E, 104.00 104.00 36.27 36.27 125.00 125.00 Silver Saw Paknetto 1-25 Eo, 140.00 140.00 46.81 46.81 175.00 175.00 M .e 1-25 E. 65.00 65.00 36.27 36.27 110,00 110.00 S~ver Buttonwood 1-25 E. 56.00 58.00 36,27 36.27 110.00 110.00 Sim sonOfS nishS , 1.25 E. 58.00 58,00 36.27 36.27 110,00 110.00 Sabal Minor 1-25 E. 104,00 104.00 36.27 36.27 175.00 175.00 WuM " 1.25 Eo 58.00 58,00 41.55 41.55 110.00 110.00 Vari aled Pltto ,rum 1-25 Eo 58.00 56.00 36.27 36.27 110.00 110.00 Cardboard Palm 2e--50 Ea 66.00 86,00 34,... 34'" 110.00 110.00 C.W Guava 26-50 Ea 66.00 86,00 34.46 ::11 110.00 110.00 Crimxn U ,26,-50 Ea 86,00 86,00 34.46 110.00 110.00 Cra eM I. 25-50 E. 65.00 65.00 34.46 34, 110.00 110.00 HiblscusSlaoctard 26-50 Ea 65,00 65.00 34,46 34,... 110.00 110.00 Jamaican 26.50 Ea 104.00 104.00 34.46 3445 125.00 125.00 Silver Sew Palmetto 26.50 E. 140.00 140.00 44.49 44.49 150.00 150,00 M ,,, 26-50 Ea 65.00 65.00 44.49 44.49 110.00 110,00 Sliver Buttonwood 26-50 E. 58,00 58.00 34.46 34.46 110.00 110,00 Sim sonarS nishSlo , 26-50 E. 56.00 58.00 34.46 34,45 110.00 110.00 Sabal Minor 26-50 Eo 104.00 104.00 34.46 34,46 150.00 150.00 WuM Ie 26-50 Ea 58.00 58,00 34.46 34'" 110.00 110.00 V., ledPItl rum 26-50 Ea 58.00 58.00 34,46 34.46 110.00 110.00 Cardboard Palm 51.100 Ea 64.00 64,00 32.40 32.40 110,00 110.00 Cattl Guava 51-100 Ea. 64.00 64,00 32.40 32, 110.00 110.00 CrinumLi 51.100 Ea 64,00 64,00 32.40 32.40 110.00 110.00 C M 51-100 Ea. 62.00 62.00 32.40 32.40 110.00 110.00 Hibiscus Standard 51-100 Ea. 62.00 62.00 32,40 32,40 110.00 110.00 Jamaican Ca ar 51-100 Ea. 100.00 100.00 32,40 32.40 125.00 125.00 -- Silver Sew Palmetto 51-100 Ea 138,00 138.00 41.98 41.98 150_00 150.00 I M .. 51-100 Ea 64.00 64.00 37,20 37.20 110.00 110.00 Silver BlIltonwood 51-100 Ea. 55.00 55.00 32.40 32.40 110.00 110.00 Slm sonarS nishSlo , 51.100 Ea 55,00 55.00 32.040 32.40 110.00 110.00 Sabal Minor 51-100 E., 100.00 100,00 32.40 32.40 150.00 150.00 50119 ~._-~,.._.<.. . ,.0 ,,~..~.........,.._, ,-,~,.". Proj. Mgr.: Liz Deleon 81008-5016 Agenda Itefl.bbillouWrlil1 Dated Posted:11.16-07 On Ca" Landscape and Irrigation Service Feb~~.~ Dates due:12112fQ7 Commercial Land H.n nul. U1ndSCIIDRlnn Vila & Son Lalnd.ca_ MIlntenanee W'" 51.100 Eo 55.00 55,00 37.20 37.20 110.00 110. V edPlttos 51-100 Eo, 55.00 55, 32.40 32.40 110.00 110. SubtOtal: $2 $1.39.715 S4.626:OO 16 GaHon Container RedMa Ie 1.25 E. 86,00 66.00 97.14 97.14 125.00 125.00 Black Olive 'Shad Lad 1.25 E., 140.00 140.00 97.14 97.14 185.00 185.00 Floss Silk Tree 1.25 E., 123.00 123.00 97.14 97.14 125.00 125.00 YekmPolncll!lna 1-25 " 123.00 123.00 97.14 97.14 125.00 125.00 BaldC ~.. 1-25 E. 66.00 66.00 97.14 97.14 125.00 125.00 Hon Ko Ordlid 1-25 E. 85.00 85.00 97.14 97.14 125.00 125.00 RodM 0 26-50 E., 66.00 66.00 90.86 90.86 125.00 125,00 Black Olive 'SI'\a L.d 26-50 E. 14Q.OO 140.00 90.86 90.86 185.00 185.00 Flosssttt;Tree 26-50 Eo, 123.00 123.00 90.86 90.86 125.00 125,00 Yellow Poinciana 28-50 E, 123.00 123.00 90.86 00,86 125.00 125.00 ...C .. 26-50 Ea 86,00 86,00 90.86 00,86 125.00 125.00 H K 0_ 28-50 E., 85.00 85,00 00.86 0086 125.00 125.00 RedMa 51.100 E, 64,00 64,00 85.06 85.08 125.00 125.00 Black Olive 'Shad Lad 51-100 Ea 138.00 138.00 85,08 85.08 185.00 185.00 FIossSlIkTree 51_100 Ea 120.00 120.00 85.08 85.08 125.00 125.00 YeftoWPoinciana 51.100 Ea 120.00 120.00 85.08 85.08 125.00 125. BBldC~8S 51-100 1;a 64.00 64,00 85.08 85.08 125.00 125.00 Hon K Orchid 51-100 Ea 83.00 83.00 85.08 85.08 125.00 125.00 Subtatal: $17111.00 $1,131'" $2 0,'" 2& O_llon Contlilner SilYerButtol'lWOOd 1-25 " 160.00 '~~ 227.97 227.97 245.00 245,00 C"" Guava 1-25 E. 142.00 142. 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 Cassia surratensus Yallow Cassia 1.25 " 160.00 160, 227.97 227.97 245.00 245,00 C~ M 0 1-2' E. 158.00 158.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 Dahoon Hol 1-2' E. 160.00 160.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 H 'EastPalatlai' '-2' E., 160.00 160.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 FoxtallPalm '-25 E, 190.00 190.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 L ,bum '-25 E. 150.00 150.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 live Oak 1~25 E. 160.00 160.00 227,97 227.97 245.00 245.00 M I. 1-25 E. 170.00 170.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 Red Me H5 Eo 160.00 160, 227.97 227.97 245.00 245,00 H5 Eo 160.00 160.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 Slash Pine 1.2!i Eo 160.00 160.00 227.97 227.91 245.00 245,00 Tabebula'! '-25 Eo 170.00 170. 227.97 227.97 245.00 245,00 Yellow Eider 1.25 Eo 160.00 160.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 W",M " 1.25 Eo 123.00 123. 227.97 227.97 245.00 245,00 Wh" , 1-25 E. 238.00 238, 227.97 227.97 245.00 245,00 Orchid Tree " 1-25 E. 160.00 180,00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 Jatro ha 1-25 E. 142.00 142.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 Sliver Buttonwood 26-50 Eo, 160.00 160.00 214.20 21..20 235.00 235,00 CettI Guava 26-50 Eo 142.00 142.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235,00 Cassia sumrtensus Ye"ow Cassia 26-50 E, 160,00 160.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 C M 0 26-50 E. 156,00 156.00 214.20 214.20 235,00 235.00 Dahoon Hol 28-50 E. 160,00 160.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 Holl 'East Pala1k8' 26-SO Ea 16000 160.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 Foxtail Palm 26-SO Ea 190,00 190.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 li ustnJm 26-50 Ea t50.00 150.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235,00 Live Oak 26-50 Ea 160,00 160.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 Me noIia 26-50 Ea 170.00 170.00 21..20 214_20 235.00 235.00 Red Ma Ie 26-50 Eo, 160.00 160.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 O~ 0 26-50 E. 160.00 160.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 Slash Pine 26-50 Ea 160.00 160.00 214.20 214.20 235,00 235.00 Tabebula" 26-50 Ea 170.00 170.00 214.20 214.20 235,00 235.00 Yellow Elder 26-60 Ea 160.00 160.00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 W"'" 0 26-60 Ea 123.00 123,00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 Vllhite , 28-50 E. 238.00 238,00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 Orchid 1 ree hite 26-50 Ea 160.00 160.00 214.20 214.20 235,00 235.00 J,,",he 28-50 E, 142.00 142,00 214.20 214.20 235.00 235.00 SUverButtolMlOOd 51-100 Ea 157.00 157,00 201.42 201.42 230,00 230.00 C"" Guava 51-100 Ea 139.00 139.00 201.42 201.42 230.00 230.00 C8Ss~ 5urratensus YeUew Cassia 51_100 Ea 156.00 158.00 201.42 201.42 230.00 230.00 C~ M 0 51.100 Ea 158.00 158,00 201.42 201,42 230.00 230.00 Dahoon Hol 51.100 Eo 158.00 158.00 201.42 201,42 230.00 230.00 Hal 'East Pala1k8' 51.100 Ea 158,00 158.00 201.42 201,42 230.00 230.00 Foxtail Palm 51-100 E. 185.00 185.00 201.42 20142 230.00 230.00 Li ustrum 51-100 Ea 148.00 148.00 201.42 201,42 230.00 230.00 LIYeOak 51-100 E. 157.00 157.00 201.42 201.42 230.00 230.00 M nolia 51-100 E. 167,00 167.00 201.42 201.42 230.00 230.00 RedMB 51-100 Ea 157.00 157,00 201,42 201.42 230,00 230.00 O~ Gei er 51~100 Ea 157.00 157.00 201.42 201.42 230,00 230.00 Slash Pine 51100 Ea 157.00 157.00 201.42 201.42 230.00 230.00 Tabebula'l e' 51-100 Ea 167.00 167.00 20142 201.42 230.00 230.00 Yellow Elder 51-100 Ea 157.00 157.00 201.42 201.42 230.00 230.00 WaxM 51.100 Ea 120.00 120.00 201-"2 201,42 230.00 230.00 While Gel 8f 51.100 Ea 23100 231.00 201.42 201.42 230.00 230.00 QrchidTree ile 51-100 Ea 176.00 176.00 201.42 201,42 230.00 230.00 Jatroha 51.100 Eo 137,00 137.00 201.42 201.42 230.00 230.00 6of19 Proj. Mgr.: Liz Deleon BI006-5016 Agenda IteoobEooUl6lil1 OBteclPoeted:11-16-(l7 On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service Feb~~JB8 Datee. due: 12112107 a e. : 4 - Commercial Land Hannula Landacarulllnn Vila & Son Landacana Maintenance Subtotal: $8,250.0 $12,228.21 $13A90,DO " o.lIon Container Silver Buttonwood 1-25 Ea 333.00 333,00 363.40 363.40 .00,00 400.00 Ca Guava 1-25 Ea, 285,00 285.00 363.40 363.40 .00,00 .00,00 Cassia BtJfT3tensus Yellow Cassia 1-25 Ea 285.00 285.00 363.40 363.40 .00,00 .00,00 C.. a _ 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 363,40 363.40 .00,00 .00,00 Dahoon Hol 1-25 Ea, 314.00 314.00 363.40 363.40 .00,00 400.00 H 'EastP8IatkII' 1-25 Ea, 359.00 359.00 363.40 363.40 .00,00 400.00 FoxtallPalm 1-25 Ea, 333.00 333.00 363.40 363.40 .00,00 400.00 l ,!rum 1-25 E" 238.00 238.00 363.40 363.40 400.00 400.00 Live Oak 1.25 Ea, 285.00 285.00 363.40 363,40 400.00 400.00 M nolla 1-25 " 333.00 333.00 363.40 363.40 400.00 40000 Red Ms e 1-25 Ea 333.00 333.00 363,40 363.40 400.00 400.00 Oom 1-25 E. 285.00 285.00 363.40 36340 400.00 400.00 Slash Pine 1-25 Ea 238.00 238.00 363.40 363,40 400.00 400.00 Tabebuia'l 1-25 Ea 265.00 285.00 363,40 363,40 400.00 400.00 Yellow Elder 1-25 Ea 314.00 314.00 363.40 363~ .00.00 400.00 Wa><M a 1-25 Ea 266.00 266.00 363,40 363. .00,00 400.00 While Go' 1-25 Ea. 333.00 333.00 363.40 363 .00,00 400.00 Orchid Tree hit_ 1-25 Ea, 266.00 266,00 363.40 363.40 -400,00 400.00 SMver Buttonwood 26-00 Ea. 333.00 333,00 345.17 345.17 390.00 390.00 C Guava 26..fiO Ea 285.00 285.00 345.17 345.17 300,00 390.00 Cassia surratensus Yellow Cassia 25-50 Ea 285.00 285.00 345.17 345.17 390.00 390.00 C M a 25-50 Ea, 428.00 428.00 345.17 345,17 390.00 390.00 Oshoon Hol 25-50 Ea, 314.00 314.00 345.17 345.17 300,00 390,00 H 'EllstPaia1ka' 26-50 Ell 359.00 359.00 345.17 345.17 390,00 390.00 Foxtail Palm 26--50 Ea 333.00 333.00 345.17 345.17 390,00 390. l strum 25-50 Ea 236.00 238.00 345.17 345.17 390.00 390. Live Oak 26-00 Ea 285.00 285.00 345,17 345.17 390.00 390~ Ma lis 26-50 Ea 333.00 333.00 345.17 345,17 390.00 390, RedMa 26-50 Ea 333.00 333.00 345.17 345.17 390.00 390. Oran e Gei er 26-00 " 285.00 285.00 345.17 345.17 390.00 390.00 Slash Pine 26-50 " 238.00 238.00 345.17 345.17 390.00 390.00 T abebuia 'I e' 26-50 Ell 285.00 285.00 345,17 345.17 390.00 390.00 Yellow Elder 26.50 Ea 314.00 314.00 345.17 345,17 390.00 390.00 Wa><M a 26--50 Ea 266.00 266.00 345,17 345.17 390,00 390.00 -- 'NhiteGei er 26-50 " 333.00 333.00 345.17 345,17 390.00 390.00 Orchid Tree 'Ie 26.s0 " 266.00 266.00 345.17 345.17 300.00 390.00 Sliver Buttonwood 51.100 Ea 324.00 324.00 326.78 326.78 380.00 360.00 cam Guava 51-100 Ea 278.00 278,00 326.78 326.78 380.00 380.00 Cassia surratensus Y e~ow Cassia 51-100 fa 278.00 278.00 326.78 326.78 380.00 380.00 era eM 51-100 " 416.00 416.00 326.78 326.78 380.00 380.00 Dahoon Hal 51.100 Ea 305,00 305.00 326.78 326.78 380,00 380.00 Hall 'EastPalatka' 51-100 Ea 350.00 350.00 326.78 326.78 380,00 380.00 Foxtail Palm SHOO " 324.00 324.00 326.78 326.78 380.00 380.00 L'ustrum 51.100 Ea 231.00 231,00 326.78 326.76 380.00 360.00 Live Oak 51-100 Ea, 278.00 278,00 326,78 326.78 380,00 380.00 Ma oHa 51-100 Ea, 324.00 324.00 326.78 326.78 380,00 380.00 Red Ma Ie 51-100 Ea 324.00 324,00 326.78 326.78 380,00 380.00 On," Ge , 51-100 Ell 278.00 278.00 326.78 326.78 380,00 380.00 Slash Pine 51-100 Ea 231.00 231.00 326.78 326.78 380,00 380.00 Tabebuia'l e' 51-100 Ea, 278.00 278.00 326.78 326.78 380,00 380.00 Yellow Elder 51-100 Ea, 305.00 305,00 326.78 326.78 380,00 380.00 Wa><M _ 51-100 Ea 259.00 259.00 326.78 326.78 380.00 380,00 lIVIliteGei ef 51-100 Ea, 324.00 3204.00 326.78 326,78 380.00 380.00 Ort:hldTree Ite 51-100 Ea. 259.00 259.0 326.78 326,78 380.00 380,00 Subtotal: $18,3112.00 $18,836,30 $21,lt6O,DO 66 Gallon Container SHver Buttonwood 1-25 Ea 399.00 399.00 428.77 428.77 500,00 500,00 C Guava 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 428.77 428,77 500,00 50000 C.. M 1-25 Ea, 333.00 333.00 428.77 428,77 500,00 500,00 Dahoon Hol 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 428.77 428.77 500 00 50000 H 'EastPalalka' 1-25 Ea 428.00 428.00 428.77 428.77 50000 500.00 Fox1allPlllm 1.25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 428.77 428.77 500.00 500,00 l '\rum 1-25 Ea 352.00 352.00 428.77 428,77 500.00 500.00 Live Oak 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 428.77 428.77 575.00 575.00 Ma ie 'DO Blanchard' 1-25 Ea 428.00 428.00 428.77 428,77 575.00 575.00 Ma ia'LitlleGem' 1-25 Ea, 380.00 380.00 428.77 428.77 575.00 575.00 Red Me Ie 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 428.77 428.77 500,00 500.00 Ono Gei er 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428,00 428.77 428.77 500,00 500.00 8ha " Black Olive 1-25 E" 428.00 428.00 428.77 428.77 500.00 SOO.OO Rain Tree 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 428.77 428.77 500,00 500.00 Tabebuia'l e' 1-25 Ea, 380.00 380.00 428.77 428.77 500,00 SOO.OO Yellow Elder 1-25 Ea 428.00 428.00 428.77 428.77 500,00 500,00 Wa><M a 1-25 Ea, 333.00 333.00 428.n 428.77 500,00 500,00 BaldC .. 1.25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 428.n 428.77 500,00 500.00 - Oran e Gei er 1-25 E' 428.00 428.0 428.n 428.77 500,00 500,00 Gumbo Umbo 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 426n 428.77 500.00 SOO.OO Hon Ken Orchid 1-25 Ea, 428.00 428.00 426.77 428.77 50000 500.00 Orchid Tree ite 1-25 Ea 428,00 428.00 428.77 428.77 500.00 500.00 Sliver Buttonwood 26-50 Ea 399.00 399.00 406.51 406,51 5(10,00 500.00 70:19 .. ..- ~,. --~~-~.."-_., ..~." .-. -----..--,. Proj. Mgr.: Liz Deleon BID 08-5016 Agenda Ite"",bttOl:>lJl6B 1 DatedPosled:11-16-07 On Cali Landscape and Irrigation Service Febp~8 Datesdue:12112J07 ail<' 4 Commercial Land Hannula Land.eII....i.... Vila & Son Land.eIIDe Maintenance C Guava 26.50 Ea. 426,00 428.00 406.51 406,51 500,00 500.00 em M 26-50 Ea. 333.00 333.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 500,00 Dahoon HoI 2'-'0 ,", 428.00 428.00 406.51 408.51 500,00 500,00 H 'EastPalalka' 2'-'0 E. 428.00 428.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 500.00 FextallPalm 26-50 ,", 428.00 428.00 406.51 406.51 500.00 500,00 l' m 26-50 E., 352.00 352.00 406.51 406.51 500.00 500, Live Oak 26-50 E, 428.00 428.00 406,51 406.51 575.00 575.00 f- f- ~'a'DDB'anchard' 26-50 E" 428.00 426.00 406.51 406.51 575.00 575, ia'UtIIeGem' 26-50 ,", 380,00 380,00 406.51 400.51 575.00 57S.OO r- RedU III 26-50 E. 428.00 426.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 500,00 an. Gei ef 26-50 ,", 428.00 426.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 500,00 She Black Olive 26-50 E. 428.00 428.00 406.51 406.51 SOO .00 500.00 Rain Tree 26-50 E., 428.00 428.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 500.00 Tabebuia't 26-50 E. 380,00 380.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 SOD.OO Yellow Elder 26-50 E., 428.00 428.00 406.51 406,51 500,00 500,00 W" . 26-50 E., 333.00 333.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 500,00 ....C . 26-50 E., 428.00 428.00 408.S1 406.51 500,00 500,00 . 26-50 E. 428.00 428.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 500.00 Gumbo Limbe 26-50 E. 428,00 428.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 50000 Orchid 26-50 E. 428.00 428,00 406.51 406.51 500.00 500,00 Orchid Tree 'Ie 26-50 Ea 428.00 428.00 406.51 406.51 500,00 500,00 Silver Buttonwood 51.100 Ea 389.00 389, 387.35 387.35 475.00 475.00 C.. GUllva 51-100 EI 416.00 41~ 387.35 387.35 475.00 475.00 em . 51-100 E.. 324.00 324, 387.35 387,35 475,00 475.00 Dahoon Hal 51-100 EI 416.00 416.00 387.35 387,35 475.00 47~ Hal 'EastPalalka' 51-100 EI 416.00 416.00 387.35 387.35 475.00 475. FextallPalm 51-100 Ea 416.00 416,00 387,35 387,' 475.00 475.00 l' bum 51-100 EI 342.00 342.00 387.35 387.3 475.00 475. Live Oak 51.100 Ea 416.00 416,00 387.35 367.35 550,00 550,00 M nalil '00 Blanchard' 51-100 Ea 416.00 416.00 387.35 367.35 550.00 550.00 M ia 'Uttle Gem' 51-100 Ea 370.00 370.00 387.35 387.3 55000 550.00 RedM 51-100 Ea 416.00 416.00 387.35 387.35 475.00 475.00 Gei er 51-100 Ell 416.00 416.00 381.35 387.35 475,00 475.00 S l BtackOlive 51-100 Ea 416.00 416.00 387.35 387.35 475,00 475.00 Rain Tree 51-100 E.. 416.00 418.00 367.35 387.35 475.00 475.00 Tabebuia'l 51-100 Ea 370.00 370.00 367.35 387.35 475.00 475.00 Yellow Elder 51-100 Ea 418,00 416. 367.35 387.35 475,00 475.00 WaxM . 51-100 Ea 324.00 324.00 387.35 367.35 475,00 475.00 BaldC ress 51-100 Ea 416.00 416.00 387.35 387.35 475.00 475.00 0"," Gei , 51.100 Ea 416.00 416.00 367.35 367.35 475.00 475.00 Gumbo Limbo 51.100 Ea 416.00 416.00 387.35 387.35 475.00 475.00 Ho Ken OrchKl 51.100 Ea 416,00 416.00 387.35 387.35 475.00 475.00 QrchldTr88 . 51.100 Ea 416.00 416.00 387.35 387.35 475,00 475,00 Subtotall: $2&,I2UO sa 17 $33,121.00 Vartou. Slz.. Live Oak 100 al. 1-' E. 650.00 650.00 300.00 300,00 750.00 750,00 LlveOek 100 al. 6-10 E. 650.00 650.00 300.00 300,00 675.00 675.00 LllleOak 100 81 11-15 Ea 650.00 650.00 300.00 300,00 650.00 650.00 Live Oak 200 I. 1-5 Eo 1600.00 1600.00 600.00 600,00 1900.00 1900.00 LiveOak200 al. 6-'0 E. 1600.00 1600.00 600.00 600.00 1800.00 1800.00 LiveOak200 al. 11-15 E., 1575.00 1575.00 600.00 600,00 17OCI.OO 1700.00 Live Oak 300 I. 1-5 E., 2850.00 2650.00 1400.00 1400.00 300000 3000.00 Li\lf! Oak 300 I. 6-\0 E. 2850.00 2850.00 1400.00 1400.00 2900.00 2900.00 LiveOek300 III. 11.15 Ea 2775.00 2nS, 1400,00 1400.00 2700,00 2700.00 Ho Kon Orchidf10'OA 1-' E. 170.00 170.00 21919 219.19 32500 325,00 Ho Kon Orchidf10'OA 6-10 E. 171.00 170.00 219.19 219.19 320.00 320,00 Ho Ken Orchldf10'OA 11-15 Ell 170,00 170.00 219,19 219.19 305.00 305.00 H Ken Orchidf12'OA 1-' E. 228,00 228.00 219.19 219,19 375.00 375,00 Hon Ken Orchid 112' OA 6.10 E. 228,00 228.00 219.19 219,19 370.00 370,00 Hen Ko Orchid I 12'OA 11.15 Ea 228,00 228.00 219.19 219,19 355,00 355,00 Hoo Ko Orchid 114' OA 1-' Eo 265.00 265.00 219.19 219.19 425.00 425.00 Hoo Ko OrchidI14'OA 6-10 E. 265.00 265.00 219.19 219.19 420.00 420.00 Hon Ke On::hidI14'QA 11-15 Ea 265.00 265.00 219.19 219.19 405.00 405.00 Alexander Palm 16' OA 1-' E. 85.00 85.00 155,80 155.80 280.00 280.00 Alexander Pam I 8' OA 6-10 E. 85.00 8S.00 155.80 155.80 275.00 275.00 Alexander Palm 18' OA 11.15 Ea 85.00 85.00 155.80 155.80 260.00 260,00 Alexander Palm 125 81. 10' ht sin Ie 1-' E. 142.00 142.00 219,19 219.19 25000 25000 AlexandarPalm125 al,,10'htsin Ie 6-10 E. 142.00 142.00 219.19 219.19 245.00 24500 Alexander Palm I 25 aU 0' ht. sin Ie 11.15 Ell 142.00 142.00 21919 219.19 230.00 230.00 Alexander Palm 110' CT 14'-16'OA 1_' E. 304.00 304.00 382.29 362.29 560,00 560,00 A1exanderPalm110'CT 14'-16'OA 6-10 Eo 304.00 304,00 382.29 382.29 555.00 555.00 A1exanderPalm/10'CT 14'-16'OA 11-15 E, 304.00 304.00 382.29 362.29 540.00 54000 A1exllnder Palm /15' CT S ~" 1-5 Eo 475.00 475.00 538.89 538.69 800.00 800,00 Alexander Palm 115' CT. S men 6-10 E. 475.00 475.00 538,89 538.89 780.00 780,00 Alexander PllIlrn 1 15' CT S men 11-15 Ea 475.00 475.00 538,B9 536.89 760,00 760.00 RedMa te/FG8'OA 1-5 E. 124.00 124.00 147.02 147.02 245.00 245.00 RedMa IFGB'OA 6-10 E. 124.00 124.00 147.02 147_02 240,00 240.00 RedMa le/FGB'QA 11-15 '" 124,00 124.00 147.02 147.02 235.00 235.00 RedMa te/FG12'OA 1-5 E. 228.00 226.00 227.97 227.97 245.00 245.00 RedMa le/FG12'QA 6-10 Eo 226,00 226.00 227.97 227.97 240.00 240.00 RedM leJFG12'OA 11-15 Ea 22B.00 228.00 227.97 227.97 235,00 235.00 R"'M leJFG14'OA 1-5 Eo 264.00 264,00 411,20 411.20 400,00 400.00 80f19 Proj. Mgr,: Uz Delecr'l 81008-5016 Agenda IteOOl~""uMIiB1 Dated Posted:11-15-07 On Call Landscape end IrrigEllion Service Fe9r~~8 Date,due:12J12107 a~... . ,4 - Commercial Land Hannula Land.ean8lnn Vila & Son unclaeaDe Maintenance RedM IFG14'OA 5-10 E', 264.00 264,00 411.20 411.20 395.00 395.00 RedM IFG14'OA 11.15 E., 264.00 264, 411.20 411.20 380.00 380.00 RedM 14fical 1-5 Ea, 285.00 285.00 586.93 586,93 500,00 SOD.OO Red 14fice\ , 6-10 E. 285.00 285.00 588.93 586.93 495.00 495.00 Red Ma lef4" call er 11.15 Ee 285.00 285.00 566.93 586.93 480.00 480,00 Coconut Palm 12' GW 1-5 Ea 342.00 342.00 452.58 452.58 550.00 55(1.00 Coconut Palm /2' GW 1>1. Ea 342.00 342,00 452.58 452.56 550.00 550,00 Coconut Palm f'Z GW 1115 E. 342.00 342.00 452.58 452.58 550.00 550.00 Coconut Palm I Cosl r loot of wood 1-5 E. 185.00 185.00 319.23 319.23 275.00 275.00 Coconut Palm I Cost loot of wood 1>1. E' 185.00 185.00 319.23 319.23 275.00 275.00 Coconut Palm / Cost r foot of wood 11-15 Ea, 185.00 185.00 319.23 319.23 275.00 275.00 FoxtallPalm/25 at.8'-10'OA 1-5 E., 190,00 190.00 235.34 235.34 245_00 245.00 FoxlailPalm/25 1lI1.8'-10'OA 5-10 E. 190.00 190.00 235.34 235.34 240.00 240. FoxtallPalmf25 at 8'-10'OA 11.15 Ea, 190.00 190.00 235.34 235.34 235.00 235.00 FoxtallPalm/30 at. 12'OA a omen 1-5 Ea, 238.00 238.00 252.91 252.91 350,00 350.01 FoxtallPalm/30 al. 12'OA s ~" 6-10 E', 238.00 238.00 252.91 252,91 345.00 345.00 Foxtail Palm I 30 81. 12' OA, a moo 11.15 Ell 238.00 238.00 252,91 252.91 ""',00 i Foxtail Palm I 10 CT" s o~" 1-5 E' 365,00 365.00 557.11 557.11 700.00 700. Foxtail Palm /10 CT" s ~" 6-10 E. 365.00 365.00 557.11 557.11 695.00 695. Foxtail Palm 110 CT" s ~men 11-15 " 365.00 365.00 557.11 557.11 675.00 ~~ Foxtail PalmI 12CT. s n 1_' Ea 513.00 513.00 610.39 610.39 840,00 FoxtailPalm/12CT.,s amen 1>10 E. 513.00 513.00 610.39 610.39 835.00 835. Foxtail PalmI 12 CT. s om," 11.15 E', 513,00 513,00 610.39 610.39 615.00 815.00 Foxtail Pelm /16 CT.. s o~ 1-5 E' 547.00 547.00 939.63 939.63 1120.00 1120.00 Fox1B1I PalmI 16CT. s me" 1>10 Eo 547.00 547.00 939.63 939.6 1100.00 1100.00 Fox1Bil Palm 116 CT cimen 11-16 E', 547.00 547.00 939.63 939.63 1080.00 1080.00 R 81 PalmI6CT. s imen 1-5 E. 342.00 342,00 300.30 300,30 400.00 400.00 R alPalm/6CT. s imen 6.10 E. 342.00 342.00 300.30 300,30 395.00 395.00 R aIPalmf6CT..s ecimen 11.15 Ea 342,00 342.00 300.30 300,30 390.00 390.00 R alPalmf10'CT. s amen 1-5 E., 456,00 456.00 449.66 ....,.. 950.00 950,00 R aIPalm/10'CT. s amen 6-10 E. 456.00 456.00 449.66 ..., 940,00 940,00 R I Palm /10' CT. cimen 11.15 E" 456.00 456.00 449.66 449.66 930.00 930.00 R al Palm /15' CT. '~" 1-5 E., 655.00 855.00 679.33 679.33 1425.00 1425.00 R al Palm f 15' CT., ~" 6.10 E. 655.00 655.00 679.33 679.33 1400.00 1400.00 R I Palm f 15' CT. ~" 1115 Ea 655.00 655,00 679.33 679.33 1375.00 1375.00 R aIPalmf18'CT. s '" 1-5 " 740.00 740,00 791.22 781.22 1620.00 1620.00 R' IPalm/18'CT. s '" 1>1. E. 740.00 740.00 781.22 781.22 1500.00 1600.00 R aIPalm/16'CT. s '" 11_15 Ea 740.00 740.00 761.22 761.22 1575.00 1575.00 - R I PalmI ersizes cost foot 01 wood 1-5 E. 150.00 150.00 271.58 271.58 200.00 200.00 R I Palmi ersizes co,t r foo1 of wood 1>10 E. 150.00 150.00 271.58 271.58 200.00 200.00 R I Palmi ersizes cost foot of wood 11-15 Ea 150.00 150.00 271,58 271.58 200.00 200.00 Sabal PalmI10'-16'OA 1 E. 145.00 145.00 240.80 240.80 ;195,00 295.00 Thatd1 Palm r 4' OA. s """ 1-' E. 135,00 135,00 193.51 193.51 275.00 275.00 Thatch Palm f 4' OA., s me" 5-10 E., 135.00 135.00 193.51 193.51 275.00 275.00 Thatch Pelm 14' QA. s eeirnen 11.15 fa 135.00 135.00 193.51 193.51 260.00 280.00 Thatch Palm I 6' OA. s eeimen 1-5 Eo 195.00 185.00 271.23 271.23 415.00 415.00 Thatch Palm 16' OA. s Beirnen 6-10 E. 195.00 185.00 271.23 271.23 415.00 415.00 Thatch Palm 16' OA.. s eclmen 11.15 Ell 195.00 165.00 271.23 271.23 400.00 400.00 Thatch Palm I 8' OA., ~" 1-5 E. 304.00 304.00 355.97 355.97 550.00 550.00 Thatch Palm I 8' OA., moo 6.10 E. 304,00 304.00 355.97 355.97 550.00 550.00 Thatch Palm I 8' OA., a moo 11-15 Ea 3().4.,00 304.00 355.97 355.97 535.00 535.00 Thatch Palm I Lar rsizascost r foot of wood 1_' E' 60.00 60.00 234.24 234.24 100.00 100.00 Thatch Palm I ersizas cost r foot of wood 6.10 Eo 60,00 60.00 234.24 234.24 100.00 100.00 Thatch Palm / La r sizes. cost r foot of wood 11-15 E., 60.00 60.00 234.24 234.24 100.00 100.00 W~M le/10'QA 1_5 E. 110.00 110.00 221_61 221.61 325.00 325.00 W~M le/10'OA 6-10 E. 110.00 110.00 221.61 221.61 320.00 320.00 W~M a/10'QA '1_15 Ea 110.00 110.00 221,61 221,61 305.00 305.00 W~M 112'OA 1-5 E. 137.00 137.00 239.19 239.19 375.00 375.00 WaxM rtie/12'OA 6-10 E. 137,00 137.00 239.19 239.19 370,00 370.00 WaxM rttel 12' OA 11-15 Ell 137,00 137.00 239.19 239.19 355.00 355.00 Wax M rttel 14' OA 1-' E. 186.00 186.00 256.76 256.76 425.00 425.00 WaxM rtle/14'OA 6.10 E. 166.00 186.00 256.76 256.76 420.00 420,00 Wax M rtle /14' OA 11-15 Ea 186.00 166.00 256.76 256.76 405.00 405.00 Crn M rtIa'Musk ee'/FG,10> rfootcosl 1 Eo 19.00 19.00 103.87 103.87 30.00 30,00 Crn M rtIe'Musko e'/FG.10'> rfoo1cost E. 19.00 19.00 103.87 103.97 30.00 30.00 Crn M 'M"'" e'/FG,10'> rfootcost " 19.00 19.00 103.67 103.87 30,00 30.00 Crn M 'M"'" e'/100 aI. 1 E. 470.00 470.00 746,10 746,10 600,00 600.00 Crn M 'Nstchez'/FG 10'> rfootcost E. 19.00 19.00 103.87 103.87 30.00 30.00 Crn M 'Natchez' I FG,10'> rfootco!lt " 19.00 19.00 103.87 103.87 30.00 30,00 C M 'Nlltchez' / FG, 10'>. rfoolcosl 1 E. 19.00 19.00 103.87 103.87 30.00 30,00 Crn M 'Natchez'/1DO 1 E. 470.00 470.00 746.10 746.10 600.00 600.00 Crn M rtIe'Tuscarora'/B'-10' OA 1 E., 162.00 162.00 221.61 221.61 300.00 300,00 Ma notis 'DO Blanchanl'/100 at. 1 E. 665.00 665.00 772.47 772,47 825_00 825.00 Ma nolla 'DO Blanchard' I 100 al. 1 E' 665.00 685.00 772.47 772.47 605.00 805.00 Ma nolia 'DO Blanchard' /100 al. 1 E. 665,00 665.00 772.47 772,47 780.00 780.00 Ma noUe 'Litlle Gem'1 100 al. 1-5 E. 660.00 ...,00 702.16 702.18 925.00 625.00 Ma nolla 'Litlle Gem' I 100 af. 6.10 E. 660.00 660.00 702,16 702.18 805.00 805.00 Ma nolia 'LitlLe Gem' /100 al. 1115 Ea ...,00 660.00 702.18 702.18 780.00 780.00 - Shad lad BIsek Olive I 10' OA 1-5 E. 170.00 170.00 239.19 239.19 325.00 325.00 Shad Lad Black Olive 110' OA 6-10 E., 170.00 170,00 239.19 239.19 320.00 320_00 Shad La Black Olive I 10' QA 11-15 Ea 170.00 170.00 239.19 239.19 305.00 305.00 Shad BlackOlive/12'OA 1-5 E. 228.00 228.00 357.64 357.64 375.00 375.00 Shad lad Black Olive I 12' OA 6.10 E. 228.00 228.00 357.64 357.64 370.00 370.00 90119 . .-"._._.._.~..- ". ...,- .._.._._~"~,,,..._._~-,","' - .....--._.~" --_.~._. Proj. Mgr.: LIz.OlIleon 81008-5015 Agenda IterJiloblolou\6S 1 Deled Posted:11.16-07 On Call landscape and lnigation Service Febma~m8 Datel<iJe:12f12107 S I : 4 Commercllll Land Mann." Lon....~lnl VIlli & Son LandKaDA "'Inten.~ Shad La Black OMve /12' OA 11.15 E., 228.00 228. 357.64 357.64 355.00 355.00 Shad La Black Olive /14' OA 1-5 E' 268.00 268. 411.58 411. 425.00 425.00 Shad La Black Olive /14' OA 6-10 E. 268.00 268. 411.58 411.58 420.00 420.00 SM Lad Black Dive /14' OA 11-15 E. 268.00 268.00 411.58 411.58 405.00 405,00 Sh lad BlacH)live /16' OA 1-5 E. 36400 364.00 570.38 570.38 485.00 485.00 Sh Lad BIacII Oive /16' OA 6-10 E. 364,00 364,00 570.38 570.38 480.00 480.00 Sh lad Black Olive /16' OA 11.15 E. 364,00 364,00 570.38 570.38 465.00 465.00 BaldC /100 aI. 1-5 E. 660,00 660,00 702.18 702.18 700.00 700.00 BaldC 1/100 aI. 6-10 E. 660,00 660,00 702.18 702.18 700.00 700.00 BaldC 1/100 aI. 11-15 E. 660,00 660.00 702.18 702.18 660,00 660,00 Paurotis Palm/FG 16' OA 1-5 E. 460,00 46000 866,66 866,66 675.00 675.00 PaurotisPalm/FG 16' OA 6-10 E. 460,00 460,00 866,66 866,66 665.00 665.00 Paurotis Palm I FG 16' OA 11-15 E. 460.00 460 866.66 886.66 655.00 655.00 Paurotlll Palm I FG 20' OA 1-5 E. 950.00 950,00 1042.38 1042~ 600,00 800,00 PBUI'Otis Palm IFG 20' OA 6-10 E. 950.00 950, 1042.38 1042, 790.00 790.00 Paurotis Palm 1 FG 20' OA 11-15 E. 1100.00 1100,00 1042.38 1042. 780.00 780.00 PautOtis Palm 1 FG 24' OA 1_5 E. 1100.00 1100,00 1249,48 1249.48 900,00 900,00 Paurotis Palm 1 FG 24' OA 6-10 E., 1100.00 1100,00 1249.46 1249.48 890,00 890.00 Paurotis Palm 1 FG 24' QA 11.15 E. 1100.00 1100.00 1249,48 1249.46 880.00 660,00 Gumbo Limbo 114' OA B8 1-5 E. 265.00 265.00 411.58 411.58 395.00 395.00 Gumbo Limbo 116' OA BB 1-5 Eo, 304,00 304.00 597.30 597.30 450.00 450.00 0IlIn eGel er/10'OA 1-5 E. 190.00 190.00 230.39 230.39 350.00 350.00 Clean eGei erf12'OA 1-5 E. 342 342.00 401.58 401.58 420 420.00 Subtotal: m117.00 $&4,707.06 $84,220.00 Mulch (Labor only, COl.Inty to provide mulch. DelivefY or pick-up to be COOrdinated by Contractor) Shredded C ren Barll: Grade "AK 2:' d 1tl-2CFB 1 B 1.73 1.73 1,04 1,04 2.00 2,00 Euoa s Grade "A" 2" de -2CFBa 1 B 1.73 1.73 1,04 1.04 2,00 2.00 Pine straw 3" fluffed d th-Balfl 1 Bale 1.73 1,73 1.75 17 6,00 6,00 Washed shell 3" -B 1 B, 1,80 1.80 1,86 1,86 12.00 12.00 . revel 112" liZ-a - 3" de th - Be 1 B 1,80 1.80 1,86 1,66 12.00 12.00 Subtoal: $1.11 $7,6 S3U. AddtttonalLa MalntenanctlSa,.,,1c:M GeM...18.",,~ Lands S, ermanhmK: 1 E. 45.00 45.00 65.00 65.00 55.00 55JX) I tionTed1nician manhou 1 E. 36.00 38.00 55,00 55.00 65.00 65.00 LabonlrlHe manhou 1 E. 27,00 27.00 25.00 25.00 40.00 40.00 Pine Slraw . lJIbor Cost Per Bale On 1 E. 1,73 1.73 1.75 1.75 6,00 6,00 Rental cost per day of a 4,000 gallon tanker with Openltor with Reauired ODeratof License 1 E. 600.00 60000 66,000.00 66,000.00 BOO.OO 600.00 AddWo~~IIHand Watering (Contractor to Provide Tanker and 0_1'810 Per Hour Cost: 1 E. 65,00 65.00 165.00 165.00 85.00 85.00 Stum Grinder and 0 ",'', r hour COlts 1 E., 65.00 65.00 70.00 70.00 90,00 80 Bobcat and Q rator rhourcosts 1 E. 68,00 68,00 85.00 85.00 125.00 125.00 Staki of Small Palm 4"-S" Cali her 1 E. 19.80 19.60 22.00 22.00 90.00 90.00 SISkin La Perns Call her aterlt1an6 1 E. 24.35 24.35 35.00 35.00 150.00 150.00 Staking SmaD Canopy Tree (2x2 posts and guy wire. 4"-6" ",,"''';n 1 E. 20,60 20.60 14.00 14.00 90,00 90.00 SlBIdng Large Canopy Tree (2x4 posts. greater than S" ca'~r\ 1 E. 24.35 24,35 22.00 22.00 150.00 150.00 Restandi andStaki Sma. Palm 4"-6" Call he 1 E. 23,00 23.00 65.00 65,00 125.00 125,00 Restandinn and Staklna LaTTif' Paims tCatinher nreater than 6"' 1 E. 2680 26.60 125.00 12500 225.00 225,00 Restandirlg and Staking Small Canopy Tree (2x2 posts and :auvwire. 4"-6" caliDherl 1 E. 23.00 23.00 65.00 65.00 125.00 125.00 Restaking Large Canopy Tree (2x4 posts, greatertl'1an 6" calloherl" 1 E. 26.80 26,80 125.00 125.00 225.00 225.00 Subtotal: $1 D98A3 $18,1131.75 $2,.646.00 - Maintenance of Trame (MOT): Set-up pricing shalllndude signs. cones, arrov.tloaml and any other additional materials as specllied by MUTeD, man hours for labor of set-up and breakdown. All dav closure are from 9:00 am to 3:30 'nm MOT Set-U 'Mth no lane closure can inclUde tumlane closure 1 E. 110.00 110.00 129.00 129.00 360.00 360.00 MOT Set-Up 'Mth one travel lane dosure (can include tumlane closure) 1 E. 150.00 150.00 179.00 179.00 425.00 425.00 MOT Set-U will11wo travel iane closure can Include tumlane 1 Eo 300.00 30000 225.00 225. 490.00 490,00 Subtoml: ...._00 $633.DO $1,276.D0 LI uld FertlllDtlon Ap IIcatlon Turf; Unit 1 ft, 1 E, 0.10 0.10 0.Q3 0.03 0,50 0.50 Plantin Beds' Unit er 5 . ft. 1 E. 0.20 0.20 002 0.02 060 0.50 Subtotal: ..... SO.05 $1.00 SodITurfGrII.... SI. Au ustine: Unit: Corwentloll8llrri atton Unit Cost 1 E. 050 0.50 0.00 000 000 0.00 Flor8lam Muck Grown r500s . ft. ~t 1 E. 300,00 300.00 175.00 175.00 500.00 500.00 Sand Grown er 400 s ft let 1 E. 450,00 450.00 144.00 144.00 400.00 400.00 10of19 Pruj. Mgr,: Liz Deleon 81008-5016 Agenda Ite""lil<Nou'\ii81 DatedPosted:11-16-07 On Call Landscape and Irrigation Servlce Feb~-a8 Datesdue:12f12J07 6 : 4 ~- Comm.relal Land Hannula u.ndsCllDelna Vila & Son lIIndscsDe Malntenanc. Palmet10 M",* Grown ,"Xl ,ft, 1 E., 450.00 450~ 175.00 175.00 500.00 500.00 Sand Grown 400 ,ft, Ilet 1 Eo, 525.00 525. 1.....00 1.....00 400.00 400.00 Bitler Blue Muck Grown r500I.ft. Ilet: 1 Eo, 500,00 500,00 250.00 250.00 500.00 500.00 Sand Gtown r400 I . ft. let 1 Eo, 575.00 575.00 20B.00 208.00 400.00 400,00 Bania Muck Grown r500 s . ft. alle1: 1 E. 250.00 250.00 120.00 120.00 350.00 350.00 Sand Grown r400s . ft. 811et: 1 Eo 300,00 300.00 100.00 100.00 325.00 325.00 entine Ml.d Grown 500 . ft. sllet: 1 E. 300,00 300.00 125.00 125.00 350,00 350.00 Sand Grown 400 ,ft, 118t: 1 E., 450.00 450.00 112.00 112.00 325.00 325.00 Subt0t8l: $4,100.60 $1,563.00 $4,050.00 Il'T'I08tJon: Man nour(s), pick-up of materials and MOT shaD be included. County to supply all inigaUon material. Chan e Decoder I Solenoid 1 Eo 150,00 150.00 25,00 25.00 125.00 125. Check Decoder I Solenoid 1 Eo 79.00 79.00 15.00 15.00 65,00 65.00 Check: rain sensor 1 E. 40.00 40,00 15.00 15.00 65.00 65.00 ehan erainsensor 1 E. 40,00 4000 25.00 25.00 105.00 105.00 Chan e ma nets on btInnad 1 E. 79.00 79.00 235.00 235.00 275.00 275.00 Remove deM from valve 1 Eo 150.00 150.00 35.00 35.00 165.00 165.00 R lace valve 1 Eo 150.00 150.00 55.00 55.00 325.00 325.00 Rebuikl valve 1 E. 150.00 150.00 75.00 75.00 225.00 225.00 Re airfunn 1 E. 40,00 40.00 5,00 5,00 65.00 65.00 Re lace broken J dam valve box 1 E., 79.00 79.00 12.00 12.00 65.00 65.00 Rllise valve boX 1 E., 150.00 150,00 22.00 22.00 45.00 45.00 Re lace broken I dam valve and valve box 1 E. 195.00 195.00 77.00 nOD 325.00 325.00 1m ation chect 1 E. 150.00 150,00 150.00 150.00 65.00 65.00 Re air/re "'; alion head and ali n 1 E. 40,00 4000 10.00 10.00 45.00 45.00 TruubleshootrTl8lfunctioni valve 1 Eo, 150.00 150,00 35.00 35.00 65.00 65.00 Rebuild bem1ad 1 E. 120_00 120,00 250.00 250.00 350.00 350.00 Addin riser OIl ln1 ation nead 1 E., 40,00 40,00 7,50 7.50 45.00 45.00 S Ilttemevaluation 1 E., 79.00 79,00 3,00 3,00 65.00 65.00 Sub-mainim ation ., 1 E. 240.00 240,00 700 7,00 350.00 350.00 Malnlinere air hou ~te 1 E, 630.00 630,00 70.00 70.00 105.00 105.00 Subtotal: $2,751.00 $1,12UO $Z 940.00 - Emergency undacape Maintenance Servlen (To Include mate'" needed end ntmoval of staking when established) 1m ationS tern Review: Unit rhoUf 1 H, 38.00 38.00 75.00 75.00 85_00 85.00 Traveltime' Unit h.... 1 H' 40.00 4000 35,00 35.00 55.00 55.00 Landsea L...... 1 H' 33.00 33,00 35.00 35.00 40.00 40.00 Truck Operator (Class B or higher current Stale of Florida 85.00 Driver License\: Unit oer hr. 1 H, 40.00 40.00 45.00 45,00 85.00 Stak:i of Small Palm 4~-6" Ca' her 1 E, 19.80 19.80 32.00 32.00 115,00 115.00 Staki L Palms Ca h" aterthan6 1 E., 24.35 24.35 45.00 45.00 175,00 175,00 Staking Small Canopy Tree (2x2 posts and guy wire. 2"-6" ealio~l. 1 Eo 20.60 20,60 24.00 24.00 115,00 115.00 Staking Large Canopy Tree (2x4 posts, grealerthan 6" ear h8r1 1 E. 24.35 24,35 32.00 32.00 175.00 175.00 Reslandi and Staki Smal Palm 4"-6" Call 1 Eo 23.00 23.00 75.00 75.00 150.00 150.00 Restandinn and Stakinn Lame Palms ICalinher nreaterthan 6" 1 E. 26.80 26.80 135.00 135.00 250.00 250.00 Restanding and Staking Small Canopy Tree (2x2 posts and QlNwire 4"-6"ealmherl 1 E. 23.00 23,00 75.00 75.00 150,00 150.00 Restaking Large Canopy Tree (2x4 posts, grealerthan 6" ealiPherJ - 1 E. 26.60 26,80 135.00 135.00 250.00 250.00 Subtotal: 331.70 743.00 1,645.00 SectIon I. Landscape and Irrigation Servic.. Tom lila~'c'~..'c "ij''''l'fi Ba.. Bid: ~i,~,ililW'" ;.~ $636,127.18 $230 042.00 Ii: ..........lAitiortol '$:tt1~: TheM services shall be ertonned with at Ieasl ooe certified arborist on-site Laborar , Hat , manhou 1 E., NfA 0.00 35.00 35.00 55.00 55_00 S rvisor J Certified Amorist or man hour 1 E. NlA 0.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 85.00 Bucket Truck rhourcosts 1 E. NfA 0.00 195.00 195.00 145.00 145.00 Subtotal: $0.00 $316.00 $286.00 Section I. ArtJorlst ServlcnTcn..1 Bne Bid: $0.00 $316.00 $286.00 Ii". '$.......:r:gz~ ",;, \'i;;:j;iJ;.ilf:Ui:~f!~' , Plant mater1a1 shall be bid as cost for malarial and shaM indude delivery All plant malerial pruvided shall be Flofida #1 or better as spedl"ted by the Department of Aoric:ulture's "Grades and Standards for Nurserv Plants~ Volumes I & IIlalest edition. African Ins 1-25 E', 2.52 2.52 2,00 2,00 0,00 0.00 Sa" Cord rass 1-25 E., 2.16 2.16 2,00 2,00 000 0,00 -~ Plumbs 1-25 E. 2.52 2.52 2,00 2,00 0,00 0,00 Lil of the Nile 1-25 E., 3.23 3.23 2,25 2.25 000 0.00 Coontie 1-25 E. 6.11 6.11 6,00 6,00 0,00 0.00 Da -II ,eve nvarie 1-25 E., 3,59 3.59 3,00 3,00 000 Florida Gama Grass 125 E. 2.52 2.52 2.00 200 000 11of19 _._,---_.~_...' , "._--'--'._-' Proj. Mgr.: Liz Deleon BID 08-5016 Agenda Iternofllilou1681 Dated Posted:11-16-07 On Call Landscape and lITigation Service Feb~~il-r~8 Datesdue:12112107 ,"W\:. 4 Hannula undactlnAlna Commercial Land VI" & Son Llindacana Maintenance Junl r'Parsonlr 1~5 Eo, 2.52 2.52 2,00 2,00 0,00 lantana 1.25 Eo 2.52 2.52 2,00 2, 0,00 Pen1as 1-25 Eo 2.37 2.37 2,00 2, 0,00 Urlo 'Eve reen ianf 1-25 Eo 2,88 2,88 2,00 2,00 0,00 p, -- 1_25 Eo 2.16 2.16 2,00 2,00 0,00 S iderU 1-25 E. 2,88 2,88 225 2.25 0,00 M .." 1~5 E. 2.52 2.52 2,00 2,00 0.00 Perennial Peanut round covet' 1~5 Eo, 2,88 2.88 3,00 3,00 0,00 Ground Orchids 1-25 Eo, 9.35 9.35 3,00 3,00 0,00 Asian 'ssrrnne 'Minima' 1-25 Eo 2.52 2.52 2,00 2,00 0,00 Aflicanlns 26-50 Eo 2,52 2.52 1.85 1.85 0.00 Son Cord rass 26-SO Ell 2.16 2.16 1.85 1.85 0.00 P1umbo 26-SO E. 2.52 2.52 1.85 1.85 000 L' of the Nile 26-50 Eo, 3.23 3.23 2.00 2,00 0.00 Coontie 26-50 Eo, 6.11 6,11 6.00 6,00 0.00 0 I " nveri 26-50 E. 3,59 3.59 2.75 2.75 0.00 Flor1da Game Grass 26-50 Eo 2.52 2.52 1.85 1.85 0.00 J r'Parwnlr 26-50 Eo, 2.52 2.52 lB5 1.85 000 Lantana 26-50 Eo, 2.52 2.52 lB5 1.6 0,00 P...., 26-50 Eo 2.37 2.37 1.B5 1.85 0.00 L' 'Eve '0 onr 26-50 Eo, 2,88 2,88 1,85 1.85 000 p, . MO 26-50 Eo 2.16 2.16 1,85 1.85 000 S . erl' 26-50 E. 2,88 2,88 2,00 2,00 000 Mom .." 26-SO E. 2.52 2.52 1,85 1.85 0.00 Perenni8lPeanul und cover 26-50 E. 2,88 2.B8 2.95 2,95 0,00 Gn:IundQrdlids 26-50 E., 9.35 9,35 275 2.75 000 Asian 'asmine 'Minima' 26-SO E. 2.52 2.52 1.85 1.85 0.00 African Iris 51-100 Ea 2.52 2.52 1.75 1.75 0,00 Sand Cord " 51-100 E8 2.16 2.16 1.75 1.75 0,00 Plumb 51-100 E. 2.52 2.52 1.75 1.75 0.00 LII oftheNHe 51-100 E8 323 3.23 1,85 1.85 0,00 Coontie 51-100 Ee 6,11 6.11 5,60 5,60 0,00 Do I , " reenva 51-100 Eo 3,59 3,59 2.50 2,50 0.00 Florida Game Grass 51-100 Eo, 2.52 2.52 1,15 1.75 000 Juni r'Parsonll' 51-100 Ee 2.52 2.52 1.75 1.15 0.00 Lantana 51-100 Eo 2.52 2.52 1.75 1.75 0,00 pentas 51-100 Ea 2.37 2.37 1.75 1.75 0,00 L 'Eve en iant' 51-100 Ea 2,88 2,88 1.75 1.75 0,00 P '0 0 51-100 Ea 2.16 2.16 1,75 1.75 0.00 S derLi 51-100 E8 2.88 2.88 1,85 1.85 0.00 M,h "" 51-100 Eo 2.52 2.52 1.75 1.75 000 Perennial Peanut round cover 51-100 I;e 2.88 2,88 2,50 2.50 0,00 Ground Orchids 51-100 I;a 9.35 9.35 2.0'" 2.40 0,00 Asian 'asmine 'Minima' 51-100 I;a 2.52 2.52 1.75 1.75 000 Amesnlri, 101.200Ea 2.52 2.52 1,60 1.60 0,00 Sand Cord rass 101.200 Ea 2,16 2.16 1.60 1,60 0,00 Plumba 0 101-200 E. 2.52 2.52 1.60 1.60 0.00 LI of the Nile 101-200 E. 3.23 3.23 1.60 1.60 000 Coonlie 101-200 E. 6.11 6.11 5.00 5,00 0,00 Os-Ii 0 ret!flvari 101-200 Eo 3.59 3.59 225 2.25 0,00 Florida Gams Grass 101.200 Eo 2.52 2.52 1,60 1.60 0,00 Juni r'Parsonil' 101_200 Ea 2,52 2.52 1,60 160 0.00 Lantana 101-200 Ea 2,52 2.52 1.60 1.60 0.00 Pentas 101-200 Ea 2.37 2.37 1,60 1.60 000 Lirio e'Eve reen ianf 101-200 Ea 2.88 2,88 1.60 1,60 0.00 p, . ,~ 101-200 Eo 2.16 2,16 1.60 1,50 0.00 S iderli 101-200 Eo, 2,88 2.88 1.75 1.75 000 M'h "" 101.200 Ea 2.52 2.52 160 1.60 0.00 Perennial Peanut round cover 101-200 Ea 288 2,88 2.75 2.75 0,00 GroundOrc:hids 101-200 E. 9.35 9.35 2,50 250 0.00 Asian 'asmine 'Minima' 101-200 Ea 2,52 2.52 1,60 1.50 000 Africanlris 201-500 Eo 2,52 2,52 1.60 1,60 0.00 Sand Cord rass 201-500 Ea 2,16 2.16 160 1,50 0.00 Plumb 201-500 Eo 2.52 2.52 1,60 1.60 0.00 Lil of the Nile 201-500 Ea 3.23 3.23 1,60 1,60 0.00 Coontie 201.500 E8 611 6.11 5,00 5,00 0.00 Do -11 .8 reenva' 201-500 Eo. 3.59 3.59 2.25 2.25 0,00 Florida Gama Grass 201-500 Ea. 2,52 2.52 1.60 1.50 0,00 Juni r'Parsonil' 201-500 Ea 2,52 2.52 1.50 1.50 0.00 Lantana 201-500 Ea 2.52 2.52 1,60 1,50 0.00 Pentas 201-500 Ea 2.37 2.37 160 1,60 0.00 Uno c'Eve reenoianf 201-500Ea 2,88 2.88 1,60 1,60 0,00 p, .,~ 201.500 Ea. 2.16 2.16 1.50 1.50 0.00 S iderU 201-500 E8 2,. 2," 1,75 1.75 0,00 M,h " 201-500 Ea 2,52 2.52 1.60 1.50 0.00 PerennielPeanut undcover 201-500 Eo 288 2,88 2.75 2.75 0.00 Ground Orchids 201-500 fa 9.35 9.35 2,50 2,50 000 Asian 'ssmine 'Minima' 201-500 fa 2.52 2.52 1,60 1,60 0,00 Subtotal: $27'.21 $1&3.16 000 3 Gallon Contelner C ''''' 1.25 E. 610 6.10 4,00 4,00 0,00 TO " 1-25 E. 6,11 6.11 400 4.00 0,00 120f19 proj.Mgr.:LizDellKln BIDIJ6-5015 Agenda ItenooblolDUoi\B1 Dated Posled:11-16-07 On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service Feb~..m~ OBtesdue:121,2/07 ~ Commercial Laind Hannula undscaD8Jlna Vila & Son LandlcaH Maln18nance Bush Allemande 1.25 e. 6.11 6,11 4,00 4,00 0, A1lamenda Hendersonil Dwarf '.25 e. 5.11 6,11 4.00 4,00 0,00 Bo, invUIea 'Helen Johnson' 1-25 e" 7.91 7.91 4,50 4,50 0,00 Sou alnvlllaa'SHhouttes' 1.25 Eo 7.91 7.91 5,00 5,00 0.00 txora 'Nora Grant' 1-25 Eo, 5.75 5,75 4,00 4,00 0,00 Indian H8WIhome 1-25 e., 6.47 6.47 4,50 4,50 0.00 J'" 'PlIfIlonr 1-25 e. 6.11 6.11 4,00 4,00 0.00 Coo"", 1.25 e., 17.97 17.97 12.00 '2, 0.00 Dwort 'OU in'll"ea 1-25 e. 7.91 7.91 4,50 4,50 0.00 F8Icaha1chee .. 1-25 e., 6,11 6.11 4,00 4,00 0.00 Florida Privet ,~, Eo 6,47 6.47 ',00 ',00 0.00 Fountain ruses ,~, Eo, 5.75 5.75 4,00 4,00 0,00 Ilex'Schell dwa,," '-25 e. 6.47 6.417 4.50 4.50 0,00 Indian l'\awIhome 'Alba' whi1e 1-25 e., 6.417 6.47 4,50 4,50 0,00 Dwarflxora 1-25 Eo 5.75 5.75 4,00 4,00 0,00 Zanadu 1-2t1 " 9.35 9.35 7,00 7,00 0,00 5 IderW ,.>, ,. 647 6.47 4,00 4,00 0,00 Crown ofThom 1-25 e., 6.47 6.47 4,00 4.00 0,00 Turners 'Yellow Alder' 1~' e" 7.19 7.19 5,00 5,00 000 W~ 1-25 e., 5.75 5.75 4,00 4,00 0,00 Saw Palmetto 1.25 e. 17.25 17.25 13.00 13.00 ~i Varie etedarbolicolaTrinette' 1-25 e. 5.75 5.75 4,00 4, 0, SWver buttonWood 1-25 Eo 5.75 5.75 4,00 4, 0, Green Island Ficus 1-25 E. 6.417 6.47 5,00 5,00 0,00 Welter's Viburnum 1-25 Eo 6.47 6.47 5.00 ',00 0.00 M,h .... 1-25 E, 5.75 5,75 4,00 4,00 0.00 GrouncIorchids 1-25 E., 14.38 14.38 500 ',00 0.00 Plumba 1.25 Eo 5,75 5.75 4,00 4,00 0.00 Oleander 'Ice Pink' 1-25 E. 7.19 7.19 5,00 5,00 0.00 ~. 1-25 Eo 5.03 5,03 4,00 4,00 0.00 CanaB1ue 1-25 Eo 6.417 6.47 6,00 6,00 0.00 ecoo m 26-50 E., 6.10 6.10 4.00 400 0.00 Th Ills 26-50 E., 6.11 B.11 400 400 0.00 Bush A1lamenda 26-50 Eo, 6.11 6.11 4,00 4,00 0,00 AIIamande Hend8f$Onii Dwarf 26-50 Eo, 6.11 6.11 4,00 4.00 0.00 ainvillea 'Helen Johnson' 2"'" E, 7.91 7.91 4.50 4,50 0,00 B alnvlllea'SlIhouttes' 26-00 Eo, 7.91 7.91 5.00 5,00 000 lxors 'Nora Grant 26-50 Ea 5.75 5.75 4.00 4,00 0.00 ~ Indillfl Hawthorne 26-50 Eli BA7 6,47 4.50 450 0,00 J"" r'parsoni' 26-50 Ea 6.11 6.11 4,00 4,00 0,00 Coontie 26.50 Ea 17,97 17,97 12.00 12.00 0,00 Dwarf bou ainvlHea 26.50 E. 7.91 7.91 4,50 4, 0,00 F ekahatchee .., 26-50 E. 6,11 6.11 4.00 ~ 0,00 Florida Pr1vet 26-50 E. 6.47 6.47 5,00 5, 0.00 Founl8ln rasses 26-50 Eo 5,75 5.75 4,00 4,00 0.00 ttex 'ScheRin dwa~ 26-50 e. 6.047 6.47 4,50 450 0 Indian hewthome 'Aba'. white 26-50 Eo BA7 6.47 4,50 4,50 000 Dwarflxora 26-50 Eo 5.75 5.75 4,00 4,00 0,00 Zanadu 26-50 E' 9.35 9.35 7.00 7,00 0,00 5 rli 26-50 E. 6.47 6.47 400 4,00 0,00 Crown of Thorn 26-50 Ea 6.47 6.47 4.00 4,00 0,00 Tumera 'YeUew Alder' 26-50 Eo 7.19 7.19 500 5,00 0,00 W~ 26-50 E. 5.75 5.75 4.00 4,00 0,00 Saw Palmetto 26-50 E. 17.25 17.25 13.00 13.00 0.00 V atad arboricoio Trinette' 2&-50 EB 5.75 5.75 4,00 4,00 0,00 SiWer buttonwood 26-50 E. 5.75 5.75 4,00 4,00 000 Green Island Ficus 26-50 E. 6.47 6.47 5,00 5,00 0.00 Wener's Viburnum 26-50 E. 6.47 6.47 500 5,00 0.00 M,h .." 26-50 ,. 5.75 5.75 4.00 4,00 0,00 Ground orchids 26-50 ,. 14.38 14.38 6,00 6.00 0.00 P1umba 26-00 E, 5.75 5.75 4.00 4,00 000 Oleander 'Ice Pink' 26-50 E. 7.19 7,' 5,00 5,00 0,00 Co<d " 26-50 Ee. 5.03 5.03 4,00 4,00 0,00 Ce$88 Blue 26-50 E., 6,47 6.47 6,00 6,00 0,00 Co ',m 51-100 Ea 6.10 6.10 4,00 4,00 0,00 Th allis 51-100 E., 6.11 6.11 4,00 4,00 0,00 BushAllamanda 51-100 ,", 6.11 6.11 4.00 4,00 0,00 Allemande Hendernonii Dwarf 51-100 Eo, 6.11 6.11 4.00 4,00 0,00 Sou ainllillea 'Helen Johnson' 51-100 Ea 7.91 7.91 4.50 4,50 0,00 80u ainllillea'Silhouttes' 51-100 E. 7.9' 7.91 5,00 5.00 0,00 lxora'NoraGrant' 51-100 Eo, 5,75 5.75 4.00 4,00 0,00 Indian Hawthorne 51-100 E., 6.47 6.47 4.50 4,50 0,00 Junl r'Parsonr 51-100 E. 6.1' 6.11 4,00 4,00 0,00 e"",,". 51-100 E' 17.97 17.97 12.00 12.00 0.00 [)wort nvHIea 51-100 E' 7.91 7.91 4.50 4,50 0,00 Fakahatchee .. 51_100 Ea 6.11 6,11 4,00 4.00 0,00 FloridaPrtvet 51-100 Ea 6.47 6.47 5.00 5,00 0,00 Fountain ,... 51-100 Ea 5.75 5.75 4.00 4,00 0,00 lIex'Schelin dwa~ 51-100 Ea 6.47 6.47 4.50 4,50 0,00 Indian hawlhome 'Alba' white 51-100 Eo, 6.47 6.47 4.50 ',50 0,00 Dwarflxora 51-100 '" 5.75 5.75 4,00 4,00 0,00 Zanadu 51-100 Ea 9.35 9.35 7,00 7,00 0,00 S derli 5,.,00 Ea 6.47 6.47 4,00 4.00 0,00 13of19 _"'0., ._.._"- "---' -~--' Proj, Mgr.: Liz Deleon BID()8.0016 Agenda lter)J)Ili!>iDu1.iW1 DatedPosted:11-16-07 On Call Landscape and Irrigation SeMce Febr~I!:!.(!oo8 Dates due:12112J07 p~ ~4 Commercial Llind Hannula Llind&e.anelnn Vila & Son Landaca~ Maintenance Co Guava 26-50 Ea 108.00 108.00 90,00 90, 0, Cassia 8uJ'T'8t&nsus Yellow Cassia 26-50 E., 122.00 122.00 90,00 ~~ 0,00 C M 26-50 Ea 122.00 122.00 90,00 90, 0,00 Dahoon HoI 26-50 Eo 122.00 122.00 90,00 90,00 0.00 HoII 'EaslPalatka' 26-50 Eo, 122.00 122.00 90.00 90,00 0,00 FoxtaNP8Im 26-50 Eo, 144.00 144.00 90.00 90,00 0,00 L 26-50 Eo, 115.00 115.00 90.00 90,00 0,00 live Oak 26-50 Eo, 122,00 122. 90.00 90,00 0,00 noIia 26-50 Eo 129.00 129. 100.00 100.00 0.00 Red Ma Ie 26-50 E. 122.00 122. 90.00 90,00 0,00 Of8n . Gel er 26-50 E. 122.00 122. 90.00 90,00 0.00 Slash Pine 26-50 E. 122.00 122.00 90,00 90,00 0,00 TabebUa'l 26-50 " 129.00 129.00 100.00 100.00 0, Yellow8der 26-50 E' 122.00 122.00 100.00 100.00 0,00 WoM 26-50 " 94,00 94,00 90,00 90,00 o~ White Gei , 26--50 Ea 180.00 180.00 95.00 95,00 0, Orchid Tree ite 26--50 Ea 137.00 137.00 95.00 95,00 0, J ho 26-50 Eo 108.00 108,00 90.00 90,00 0, Silver Buttonwood 51.100 E. 122.00 122.00 60,00 60,00 0,00 C Guava 51-100 Ea 108.00 108.00 80.00 60,00 0,00 Ce:ssia sumlensus Yellow Cassia 51-100 Ea 122.00 122.00 80.00 60,00 0.00 Cra €1M . 51-100 Eo, 122.00 122. 80.00 60,00 0,00 Dahoon Hol 51-100 Ee 122.00 122.00 60,00 60,00 0.00 Hall 'East Palatka' 51-100 Ee 122,00 122.00 60,00 60,00 0.00 Foxtail Palm 51-100 Ea 144.00 144.00 60,00 60.00 0,00 L .tnnn 51-100 Ea 115,00 115.00 60,00 60,00 0,00 live Oak 51-100 Ea 122,00 122.00 60,00 60,00 0,00 Me ooIla 51_100 Ea 129.00 129.00 90,00 90,00 0,00 Rod'" 51-100 E. 122.00 122.00 60,00 60,00 0,00 ""' Gei er 51-100 E., 122.00 122.00 60,00 60,00 0,00 Slallh Pine 51-100 Ea 122.00 122.00 60,00 60,00 0,00 Tebebuia'l 51-100 Ea 129.00 129.00 90,00 90.00 0, Yellow ader 51-100 E. 122.00 122.00 9000 9000 0, WoxM 0 51-100 Ea 94.00 94,00 80.00 80.00 0, WhIte GEl 51-100 Ea 18000 180.00 90.00 90,00 0, Orchid Tree ite 51-100 EI 137.00 137.00 90,00 'I 0,00 Jot 51-100 Ea 108,00 t08, 60.00 '0, 0, Subtotal: $7,012.0 S6,D70. 0,00 4& Gallon Container Sliver Buttonwood '-25 E. 252.00 252.00 150.00 150.00 0,00 Cattle Guava 1-25 E. 216.00 216.00 165.00 165.00 0.00 Cassia surratensus YBllow CBS siB 1-25 E. 216.00 216.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 em '-25 E. 324.00 3204.00 155.00 155.00 0.00 Cahoon HoI 1-25 E' 237.00 237.00 160.00 160, 0,00 Hot 'East Palatka' '-25 E. 272.00 272.00 160.00 160. 0,00 Foxtail Palm H5 E. 252.00 252.00 140.00 140, 0,00 U ustrum '.25 " 160.00 180.00 150.00 160, 000 Live Oak '-25 E. 216.00 216.00 150.00 160, 0,00 M. oMa '.25 E. 252,00 252.00 165,00 165.00 0,00 Red Me Ie '.25 E. 252,00 252. 165.00 165.00 0,00 0"," Gei er 1.25 E, 216,00 216.00 175.00 175.00 0,00 51ashPine 1-25 E. 160.00 180.00 165.00 165.00 000 Tabebuia'l '-25 E. 216.00 216. 175,00 175. 0.00 Yellow Elder 1-25 E' 237.00 237.00 175,00 175.00 0,00 WoM e '-25 E, 201,00 201.0 175.00 175.00 o~ While Gei sr '-25 E, 252,00 262, 175.00 175.00 0, Orchid Tree itB '-25 E. 201.00 201.00 175.00 175.00 o. Silver Buttonwood 26-50 Ea 252.00 252.00 150.00 150.00 0,00 Ce Guava 26-50 Ell 216.00 216.00 165.00 165.00 0.00 Cassia 8un-atansus Yellow Cassia 26-50 E' 216.00 216.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 e,o M ,. 26-50 Ea 324.00 32-4.00 155.00 155.00 0.00 Dahoon Hol 26-50 E. 237.00 237.00 160.00 160.00 0.00 Hal 'EastPatatks' 26--50 Ea 272.00 272.00 160.00 160.00 0.00 FoxlaUPalm 26-50 E. 252.00 252.00 140.00 140.00 0,00 Li ustrum 26-50 " 180.00 180.00 150.00 150.00 0,00 Live Oak 26-50 E8 216.00 216.00 150.00 150,00 000 Me nolia 26-50 Eo 252.00 252.00 165.00 165.00 0.00 RedMa 26-50 Ea, 252.00 252.00 165.00 165.00 0,00 0 aGe' er 26-50 Ea 216.00 216.00 175.00 175.00 000 SlsshPillEl 26.50 Ea 180.00 180.00 165.00 165.00 0,00 Tabebula' 26-50 Ea 216.00 216.00 175.00 175.00 0.00 YelloW Elder 26-50 Ea 237.00 237.00 175,00 175.00 0,00 WoM 26-50 Ea 201.00 201.00 175.00 175.00 0.00 INhiteGei er 26-50 Ea 252.00 252.00 175,00 175.00 0.00 Orchid T rea to 26-50 Ell. 201.00 201.00 175,00 175.00 000 Silver Bunonwood 51.100 Ea 252.00 252.00 150.00 150.00 000 e. Guava 51-100 Ea 216.00 216.00 165,00 165.00 0, CessiB surralensus Yetlow Cassia 51.100 Ea. 216.00 216.00 150.00 150.00 0,00 C", 51-100 Ea 324.00 324.00 155.00 155.00 0,00 Dahoo!1 Hall 51.100 Ea. 237.00 237.00 160,00 160.00 000 H~ 'Eas1Palatll;a' bl-100 Ea 272.00 272.00 160.00 160,00 0.00 FoxtaUPalm 51.100 Ea. 252.00 252,00 140,00 140.00 000 160119 Proj. Mgr.: Liz Deleon BID 08-5016 Agenda Ite~u.iB1 Dated Po8ted:11-15-<l7 On Call Landscape and lnigation Service Febr~6>"!OO8 Datesdue:12112/07 p~ rn~4 -, Commercill Lalnd Hannula Lalndacanfllnn Vila & Son LandacaDA Maintenance u ustrum 51.100 Ea 180.00 180.00 150.00 150.00 0.00 live Oak 61-100 E. 216.00 216.00 150.00 150,00 0.00 Ma noIia 51-100 E., 252.00 252.00 165.00 165.00 0,00 Red Ma e 51-100 E. 252.00 252.00 165.00 165 0,00 "'" .Ge 51-100 Ea 216.00 216.00 175.00 175,00 0,00 Slash Pine 51-100 E. 180.00 180.00 165.00 165.00 0,00 Tabebuia'l 51-100 En 216.00 216.00 175.00 175.00 0,00 Yellow Elder 51-100 EI 237.00 237.00 175.00 175.00 0,00 W"M . 51-100 E. 201.00 201.00 175.00 175.00 0,00 While Gel , 51-100 Ea 252.00 252.00 175.00 175.00 0,00 Orchid Tree hile 51-100 En 201.00 201.00 175.00 175.00 0.00 SubtoWl: $12,818.00 ",TT6.00 0.00 115 Gallon Container Silver Buttonwood 1-25 E., 302.00 302.00 NIA NIA 0.00 C.. Guava 1.'" E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0,00 C~ . 1.'" E., 252.00 252.00 NIA NIA 0,00 Dahoon HoI 1-25 E., 324.00 324.00 225.00 225.00 0, Ho 'EastPalalka' ,.,. E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NlA 0, FoxtanPalm ,~, E. 324.00 324.00 200.00 200.00 0, li ustrum H' " 266.00 266.00 200.00 200.00 0, Live Oak 1-25 E. 324.00 324.00 195,00 195.00 0,00 M lis 'DO Blanchard' '-25 E. 324,00 324.00 NIA NIA 0,00 M nolia 'UtIle Gem. 1.25 E. 288.00 288.00 NIA NIA 0,00 Red Ma e 1-25 E, 324,00 324.00 NIA NIA 0.00 Oren eGei er ,.", E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0.00 Shad Black Olive ,.", E" 324,00 324.00 NIA NIA 0.00 Rain Tree ,.", E. 324,00 324.00 NIA NIA 0,00 Tabebuia'l e' 1-25 E., 266,00 288.00 NIA NIA 0,00 YeHow Elder 1-25 E. 324,00 324,00 NlA NIA 0,00 W"M . ,.", E. 252,00 252.00 NlA NlA 0,00 8elde ~" 1-25 E. 32400 324.00 235.00 235.00 0,00 O~ . '.25 E. 324,00 324.00 NlA NIA 0,00 Gumbo Umbo 1.25 E. 324.00 324,00 NlA NIA o~ Hon Kon Orchid 1-25 E. 324,00 324,00 NIA NIA o. Orchid Tree it. 1.25 E. 324,00 324,00 NlA NIA 0, Silver Buttonwood ,..50 " 302,00 302.00 NIA NIA 0,00 ,- C.ffi Guava 26-50 Eo 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0,00 era eM . 26-50 E. 252.00 252,00 NIA NIA 0.00 Dahoon HoI 26-50 E. 324,00 324,00 225.00 225.00 0,00 Hol 'East Palatka' 26-50 Eo 324,00 324.00 NIA NIA 0.00 Foxtail Palm 26-50 E. 324,00 324,00 200.00 200.00 0.00 U ustrum 21,.50 E. 266,00 266,00 200.00 200.00 0,00 Live Oak 21l.50 E. 324,00 324.00 195.00 195.00 0,00 M nolia 'DD Blanchard' ,..50 " 324,00 324.00 NlA NlA 0,00 M olia 'Little Gem' ,..50 E. 286,00 288.00 NlA NlA 0.00 RedM . 26-50 E. 324,00 324.00 NIA NlA 0,0 Oran eGel ef ,..50 E. 32400 324.00 NIA NlA 0,00 Shad La Black Olive 26-50 E. 324,00 324.00 NlA NlA 0.00 RalnTr&e 26-50 E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NlA 0.00 Tabebuia'l e' 21l.50 E. 266.00 288,00 NIA NlA 0,00 Yellow Elder ,..50 E. 324,00 324,00 NIA NlA 0,00 WnM ,..50 E. 252,00 252,00 NIA NIA 0,00 Seide ~" ,1>50 E. 324,00 324,00 235.00 235.00 0,00 Ollln aGei er ,..50 E. 324,00 324,00 NIA NIA 0.00 Gumbo limbo ,1>50 E. 324,00 324,00 NiA NIA 0.00 Hon Kon Orchid 21l.so E. 324,00 324~ NlA NIA 0.00 Orchid Tree .. 21l.so E. 324,00 32' NIA NlA 0.00 SDver Buttonwood 51.100 E, 30200 302, NIA NlA 0,00 C.. Guava 51-100 E. 324,00 324. NlA NlA 0.00 C~ M 51-1()() E., 252,00 252.00 NlA NlA 0,00 DahoonHoI 51-100 E. 324,00 324.00 225.00 225.00 000 H 'EesIPalatka' 51-100 E. 324,00 324.00 NlA NlA 0.00 FoxtailPelm 51-100 Eo 324,00 324.00 200.00 200.00 0,00 L strom 51-100 E. 266,00 266,00 200.00 200.00 0.00 Live Oak 510100 Eo 324,00 324.00 195.00 195.00 0,00 M nolia'DDBlancnard' 51-100 E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0,00 M noJis'LIttleGem' 51-100 E. 286.00 286.00 NIA NIA 0.00 Red Me Ie 51-100 E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0.00 Oren aGel er 51-100 E., 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0,00 Shad Lad Black Olive 51-100 E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0,00 Rain Tree 51-100 E. 324.00 324.00 NlA NIA 0.00 Tabebuia'l 51-100 E. 288.00 288,00 NlA NIA 0,00 Yellow Elder 51-100 E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NlA 0.00 WnM 51_100 E. 252.00 252.00 NIA NlA 0.00 Belde ~" 51-100 E. 324.00 324.00 235.00 235.00 0.00 Oran aGei , 51-100 Ea 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0.00 Gumbo Limbo 51-100 E. 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 0.00 - Hon Ko Orchid 51-100 E' 324.00 324,00 NIA NIA 0,00 Orchid Tree . 51-100 Eo 324.00 324.00 NIA NIA 000 Subtotal: $2O,AH.oO $3,166.00 0.00 VariOu8 SIzn liveQak 100 at 1.5 E. 490.00 490,00 325.00 325.00 0,00 170f19 _._._"._._._~.- .""'''-'-'-"'--''--'- Prq. Mgr,: Liz Deleon BI008-5016 Agenda IteoobmoLl!.6i81 OatedPosled:1M6-07 On CaH Landscape and Irrigation Service Feb.B8 Oatesduo:12112107 a I. 4 Comm.rcll'Lalnd H.nnulli L1ndac....ln.. Vila & Son LalOOlca'" M.lntenln~ Live Osk 100 al. 6-10 E., 490.00 490.00 325.00 325.00 0,00 Uve Oak 100 al. 11-15 E. 490.00 490 325.00 325.00 0.00 Live Oak 200 al. ,-, E., 1205.00 1205 650.00 650.00 0,00 LlveOak200 6-10 Eo 1205.00 1205. 650.00 650.00 0,00 LiveOak200 al. 11-15 Ea 1186.00 1.186.00 650.00 650.00 0,00 live Oak 300 aI. 1-' Eo 2.147.00 2.147.00 1750.00 1.750. 0,00 live Oak 300 aI. 6-'0 E. 2,147.00 2,147.00 1750.00 1.750.00 0,00 live Oak 300 al. 11-15 Eo, 2,090.00 2,090.00 1750.00 1750.00 0,00 Hon Kon Otc:hid /10' OA ,-, E., 128.00 128.00 85,00 65.00 0,00 Hon Kon Orchid /10' OA 6-10 E. 128.00 128.00 8500 85.00 0,00 Hoo On::hid/10'OA 11-15 E., 128.00 126.00 85,00 85.00 0, H K On::hid112'OA 1-5 Eo 172.00 172.00 85.00 85,00 0,00 Hon Kon Orchid /12' OA 6-10 E. 172.00 172.00 85.00 85,00 0,00 Hen Ko Orchld/12'OA 11-15 E., 172.00 172i 85.00 85.00 0, Hoo ~ Orchldf14'OA 1-5 E. 200,00 200, 175.00 175.00 0,00 Ho K Orchldf14'OA 6-10 E., 200.00 200, 175.00 175.00 0,00 Ho Ko Orchld/14'OA 11-15 Ea 200.00 200, 175.00 175.00 0,00 A1exanderPaIm/6'OA ,-, Eo. 64,00 64,00 85.00 85.00 000 Alexander Palm 1 8' OA 6-" Eo 64,00 64.00 85,00 85,00 0,00 Alexander Palm I 8' OA 11-15 E.. 64,00 64.00 85.00 85,00 0.00 Alexander Palm 125 at 10' hI. sin Ie ,-, E., 107.00 107,00 NIA NIA 0,00 Alexander Palm f 25 at 10' hI. sin Ie 6-10 E. 107.00 107,00 NIA NIA 0,00 Alexander PalmI 25 al. 10' ht. sin Ie 11-15 Ea 107.00 107.00 NIA NIA 0,00 Alexander Palm 110' CT 14'-16' OA 1-5 E. 229.00 229.00 NJA NIA 0.00 Alexander Palm 110'CT 14'-16'OA 6-10 E. 229.00 229.00 NJA NIA 0.00 Alexander Palm 110' CT 14'-16' OA 11-15 Ee 229.00 229.00 NJA NJA 0,00 Alexander Palm 115' CT S 'men ,-, E. 356.00 358.00 NJA NJA 0,00 A1eKSnder Palm 115' CT S moo 6-10 Eo 358.00 358.00 NIA NJA 000 Alexander Palm 115' CT S cimen 11-15 Eo 356.00 358,00 NJA NIA 0,00 Red M IFG8'OA 1-' E. 93,00 .3. NJA NJA 0,00 RedMa fFG8'OA 6-10 E. 93,00 93.00 N/A N/A 0,00 RadMa afFG6'OA 11-15 Ea 93,00 93.00 N/A N/A 0,00 RedMa fFG12'OA ,-5 E. 172.00 172.00 NIA N/A 000 RooMs e/FG12'OA 6-10 E. 172,00 172.00 N/A NIA 000 RedMa e/FG12'QA 11-15 Ee 172.00 172.00 NIA NJA 000 RedMa e/FG14'OA ,-, E. 199.00 199.00 N/A NJA 0.00 RedMa e/FG14'OA 6-'0 E, 199.00 199.00 N/A NIA 0.00 Red Ma e/FG14'OA 11-15 Ea 199.00 199,00 N/A NIA 0,00 Red Me a/4"caf er 1-' " 215.00 215.00 N/A NIA 000 Red Me f4"car er 6-10 E. 215.00 215.00 N/A NIA 0,00 Red Ma '4"cali er 11-15 Ea 215.00 215.00 NJA N/A 0,00 Coconut Pslm 12' GW 1-5 E. 256.00 258.00 NJA NJA 0,00 Coconut Palm 12' GW 6-'0 E. 256.00 258.00 NIA NJA 0.00 Coconut Palm /2' GW 11-15 Ea 256.00 258,00 N/A NJA 0,00 Coconut Palm I Cost r foot of wood '-5 E. 139.00 13~ N/A NIA 0,00 Coconut Palm I Cost r fool of wood 6-'0 E' 139.00 139 N/A NIA 000 Coconut Palm I Cost r foot of wood 11.15 Ea 139.00 139.00 N/A NIA 0,00 FoxlaitPalm/25 al. 6'-10'OA 1-' E., 143.00 143.00 85.00 85.00 0,00 FoxtaltPalm/25 at B'-10'OA 6-10 E., 143,00 143.00 85_00 85.00 000 Fo:daIlPelml25 at 6'-10'OA 11-15 E' 143.00 143.00 85.00 85.00 0.00 FoxtallPalm/30 at 12'0A.s cimen 1-5 Eo, 179.00 179.00 6500 85.00 0,00 FoxtallPalm/30 81. 12'OA:::men 6-10 " 179.00 179,00 85.00 85.00 0,00 Foxtail Palmf30 81,12' OA, smen 11-'5 Ea 179.00 179,00 8500 85,00 0,00 Foxtail Palm 110 CT.. s men 1-5 E. 275.00 275.00 N/A NIA 000 FoxtaiIPalm/10CT. S ~" 6-'0 " 275.00 275.00 N/A NIA 000 Foxtail PalmI 10 CT. s cimen 11-15 E. 275.00 275.00 N/A N/A 0_00 FoxtailPelm/12 CT. s eeirnen ,-, E' 366.00 386.00 N/A NIA 0,00 FoidailPelm/12 CT. s ecimen 6-10 " 386,00 386.00 NJA NIA 0.00 Foxtail Pelm/12 CT. 5 ecimen 11-'5 Eo 386.00 386.00 NJA NIA 0,00 Foxtail Pelm/16 CT. seamen ,-5 E., 412.00 412,00 NIA NIA 0.00 FoXlaiIPelm/16CT s ~" 6-10 E., 412,00 412.00 N/A NIA 0.00 Foxlail Pelm/16 CT, S ~" 11-15 E., 412.00 412,00 N/A NIA 0.00 Ro IPalm/BCT" s cimen 1-' E. 258.00 258,00 NJA NJA 0,00 Ro IPalm/6CT., S elmsn 6-'0 Eo 256.00 258.00 NJA NJA 0.00 Ro al Palm 16 CT., S cimen 11-15 E. 258.00 258.00 NJA NJA 0.00 Ro al Palm I 10' CT.. s " 1-5 E. 343.00 343_00 NJA NJA 0_00 R al Palm 110' CT, S om,," 6-" E. 343_00 343_00 NIA NJA 0.00 Ro alPatml10'CT. S elmsn 11-15 E. 343.00 343.00 NfA NIA 0.00 R al Palmi 15'CT. s clrnen 1-' Eo. 493.00 493.00 N/A NJA 0.00 R al Palmi 15'CT. 5 BClmen 6-10 Eo. 493.00 493,00 N/A NIA 000 R al Palmi 15'CT. s eeimen 11-15 Ea 493,00 493,00 N/A N/A 000 R al Palm 116' CT ,S eeimen 1-5 E. 557,00 557,00 N/A N/A 0,00 R aIPalm/1B'CT. S 'men 6-10 Eo 557.00 557,00 N/A NJA 0,00 R al Palm /18' CT., s eClmen 11-15 E. 557.00 557.00 NIA NJA 0,00 R alPatmI ersizes cost r foot of wood 1-5 " 113.00 113.00 NJA NJA 0,00 alPalml erslzes cost r foot of wood 6-'0 E. 113.00 113.00 NIA NIA 0.00 R alPelm! ersizes cost r foot of wood 11-15 E. 113.00 113 NIA NIA 0,00 Sabal Palm!10'-18' OA 1 E. 109.00 109.00 N/A NIA 0,00 Thatch Patmf4'OA., 5 eimen 1-5 E, 102.00 102.00 N/A NIA 0,00 Thatch Palm f 4' OA.. s ciman 6-10 E. 102.00 102.00 N/A N/A 0,00 Thatdl Palm 14' OA.. s cllTlen 11_15 Ea 10200 102.00 N/A NJA 0.00 Thatdl Palm 16' OA., s clmen ,-5 E. 139,00 139.00 N/A NJA 0,00 Thatch Palm 16' OA" S imen 6-'0 E. 139.00 139.00 NIA NIA 000 1Bof19 Proj, Mgr.: ll1: Deleon BIOO8-5016 Agenda Item><M@)~1 Dated POBted:11.16-Q7 On Call Landscape and Irrigation Service Fe~~!E8 DateBdue:121121U7 a~~ ,4 -- Commercial Land HIInnula Land.Glft.lna Vila & Son Landaca- M.lntenanc. Thatch Palm 16' DA.. s men 11.15 E:a 139.00 139.00 NIA NIA 0,00 Thatch Palm J 8' CA.. s amen 1-5 E. 229.00 229.00 NlA NlA 0,00 Thatch Palm J 8' OA. men 6-10 E. 229.00 229.00 NIA NIA 000 Thatd1 Palm f 8' OA., men 11-15 Ea 229.00 229.00 NlA NlA 0,00 Thatch Palm I L eralzes cosl r fool of wood 1-5 E. 45.00 45~ N/A NlA 0,00 Th8tchPIllmI erslzes cosl r fool ofwood 6-10 E. 45.00 4', NIA NlA 0.00 Thatch Palm ILa rslzes cost rfootofwood 11-15 Eli! 45.00 4', NlA NlA 0.00 WaxM rtle/10'OA 1-' E. 83.00 83.00 NIA NIA 0,00 W~M 110'OA 6.10 E. 83.00 83.00 NIA NIA 0.00 waxM aJ10'OA 11-15 Ea 83.00 83.00 NlA NIA 000 W~ eJ12'OA 1-' E. 103.00 103.00 NlA NlA 0.00 W~M e/12'OA 6.10 Eo 103.00 103.00 NIA NlA 0,00 W~M 112'OA 1'-15 Ea 103.00 103.00 NlA NJA 0,00 W~M 114'OA 1-5 E. 140,00 140.00 NIA NlA 0,00 W~M 114'OA 6-10 E. 140,00 140.00 NlA NIA 0,00 W~M 114'OA 11-15 Ea 140.00 140. NlA NlA 0,00 ,-1- ~ M e'Musk ee'JFG 10'> foot cost 1-' Eo 14.00 14.0 NIA NlA 0,00 M e'Musk ee'/FG1Q'> r foot cosl 6-10 Eo 14.00 14.00 NIA NlA 0,00 C M e'Mus 'fFG 10'> rfoolcost 11-15 Ea 14.00 14.00 NIA NIA 0,00 C.. 'Musk '/100 I, 1-' E. 354.00 354.00 NIA NIA 0,00 C.. 'Natchez' 1 FG 10'>, rfoolcosl 1-' E., 14.00 14.00 NlA NlA 0,00 C.. 'Natchez' 1 FG 10'> rfootoost 6-10 E., 14.00 14.00 NIA NlA 0,00 en. 'NatcheZ' 1 FG, 10'> rfootcosl 11-15 Ea. 14.00 14.00 NIA NlA 0.00 C 'Natchez' 1 1 00 ed. 1_' Eo 354.00 354,00 NIA NJA 0, era ~ 'Tuscarora' I FG 10'> rfoolcost 1-' E. 354.00 354,00 NIA NIA 0, Cra e 'Tuscarora' I FG 10'> rfootoost 6-10 Eo 14.00 14.00 NIA NIA 0, Cra e 'Tuscarora' J FG 10'> rfootcost 11_15 Ea 14.00 14.00 NlA NIA 0, C.. 0 rtIe 'Tuscarora' 1100 1 1-5 E, 14.00 14.00 NIA NIA 0.00 M. Iia 'DO BlanCilard' J 100 al. 1-' Eo 501.00 501.00 350.00 350.00 0,00 M. oils 'DO Blanchard' I 100 at 6-10 E. 501.00 501.00 350.00 350.00 000 M. . a 'DO Blanchard' 1100 at 11-15 Ee 501.00 501,00 350.00 350.00 0.00 M. '& 'LlDle Gem'/1oo I. ,-, Eo, 497.00 497.00 365,00 365.00 0.00 .... Ii& 'llDle Gem' 11 00 at 6-10 Eo 497.00 497.00 365,00 365.00 0,00 alia 'UtIle Gem' 11 00 81. 11-15 Eo 497.00 497i 365.00 365.00 0,00 Sh Black Olive 110' OA 1-' E., 128.00 128. 95.00 95.00 0,00 Shad La Black Olive 110' OA 6-10 E., 128.00 128. 95.00 95,00 0,00 Sho Lad Bleck Olive 11 0' OA 11-15 Ea 128.00 128.00 95.00 95.00 0,00 - Shad La Black Olive J 12' OA 15 E., 172.00 172.00 95.00 95.00 0.00 Shad Lad Black Olive 112' OA 6-10 Eo, 172,00 172.00 96.00 96,00 0.00 Shad led Black Olive { 12' OA 11-15 Eo 172.00 172.00 96.00 96,00 0.00 Shad lad Black Olive f 14' OA 1-' Eo 202,00 20200 165.00 165.00 0.00 Sha to Black Olive 114' OA 6_10 Eo, 202.00 20200 165.00 165.00 0.00 Sha lad Black Olive 114' OA 11_15 Eo, 202.00 202.00 165.00 165.00 0,00 - ~ l Black Olive I 16'OA 1-' Eo, 274.00 274.00 NIA NIA 0.00 - led Black Olive 116' OA 6-10 Eo, 274.00 274. NIA NJA 0.00 Shad La Black Olive 116' OA 11-15 E8 274.00 274.00 NIA NIA 0.00 Balde 1100 at 1-5 E. 497.00 497.00 NlA NIA 0.00 Balde sl100 al 6.10 E, 497.00 497.00 NIA NIA 0,00 Bol<lC ressf100 at 11-15 E. 497.00 497.00 NlA NIA 0,00 Paurotis Palm I FG 16' OA 1-' Eo, 346.00 346.00 NlA NIA 000 Peurolis Palm I FG 16' OA 6.10 Eo, 346.00 346.00 NIA NlA 0.00 PaurotisPalm IFG 16' OA 11-15 Eo, 346.00 346,00 NIA NIA 0.00 Paumtis Palm 1 FG 20' OA 1-5 E" 716.00 716.00 NlA NIA 0.00 Paumlia Palm I FG 20' OA 6-10 E, 716.00 716.00 NlA NIA 0.00 Paurotis Palm I FG 20' OA 11-15 E8 828.00 828.00 NlA NIA 0.00 Paurotis Palm I FG 24' OA 15 E. 828.00 828.00 NlA NIA 0.00 Paurotis Palm I FG 24' OA 6-10 E. 828.00 828.00 NlA NIA 0.00 Paurotis Palm J FG 24' OA 11-15 Ea 828.00 "li NIA NIA 0.00 Gumbo Umbo 114' OA BB 1-' Eo 200.00 200 NIA NIA 0,00 Gumbo Umbo 1 16' OA BB 1-5 E. 229.00 229, NJA NIA 0,00 Oran eGei erll0'OA 1-5 E. 14:H10 143,00 NIA NIA 0,00 Oran e er/12' OA 1-' E. 258.00 258,00 NlA NIA 0,00 Subtotal: $46,174.00 $13,187.00 $0.00 TOTAL BASE BID NURSERY $90,390.10 $33,780.85 $0,00 Bid Bond Y Addendum AckOWl " y y y MalerialsMenufacturers y Ustof$ubcontr8ctors Tr&nchSafffct y Steternentof rience Y W-4Form y Ma~ -bid meetin Y y Y PN~'0 ~~~~:~Iha; , ,,1\ P,:,!l:f$!" Witness: CaroIRo IT 190119 ..~_.. ...~..~_.,-~---,_..~. ._~_..---- .