Agenda 03/11/2008 Item #10A Agenda Item No.1 OA March 11, 2008 Page 1 of 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To review the written and oral reports of the Advisory Boards and Committees scheduled for review in 2008 in aecordance with Ordinance No. 2001-55 OBJECTIVE: To detennine if existing advisory boards and committees continue to address the issues they were created for, continue to W8lT8Ilt the time and funding required to retain them, and whether any adjustments are necessary. CONSIDERATIONS: Ordinance No. 2001-55 was created to provide a regular mechanism for the Board of County Commissioners to review all existing advisory committees every fourth yearo There is a rotating schedule provided for within the ordinance that dictates which boards are to be reviewed in any given year. Each advisory board scheduled for review in 2008 previously provided the County Manager with a written report that answers specific questions prescribed in the ordinance. Additionally the ordinance calls for each advisory committee to make an oral presentation to the County Commission during March of the year in which they are to be reviewed. In 2008, nine (9) advisory committees are scheduled for review, of which the first four (4) will be presented at the March II, 2008 Board meeting, with the remaining five (5) to be presented at the March 25, 2008 Board meeting. The four (4) advisory committees scheduled for review on March 11"' are listed below in the order of presentation: . Animal Services Advisory Board . Collier County Code Enforcement . Contractor's Licensing Board . Golden Gate Beantification Advisory Committee FISCAL IMP ACT: In most cases the boards scheduled for review require only the staff time needed to attend, prepare back up information, minutes and any additional information required by committee members. At a minimum, an advisory board will normally cost $2,000 annually. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no direct Growth Management impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners review the written reports and oral presentations of the boards and committees scheduled for review in 2008, and if applicable, direct any revisions necessary to have the committees function as efficiently and effectively as possible. ATTACHMENTS: Four (4) Advisory Board/Committee 4-year review written reports PREPARED BY: Mike Sheffield, Assistant to the County Manager Page I of 1 Agenda Ilem No. 10A March 11. 2008 Page 2 of 15 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 10A Meeting Date: This item to be heard at 11 :00 a.m. To review the written and oral reports of the Advisory Boards and Committees scheduled for review in 2008 in accordance with Ordinance No. 2001-55. Advisory Boards: Animal Services Advisory Board, Collier County Code Enforcement Board, Contractors licensing Board, and Golden Gate Beautification Advisory Committee. (Mike Sheffield, Assistant to the County Manager) 3/11/20089:00:00 AM Prepared By Mary Jo Brock Board of County Commissioners Executive Secretary Date County Manager's Office Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 2/28/20085:44 PM file://C:\Agenda T est\Export\ I 02-March%20 11.%202008\ 10. %20COUNTY%20MANAGER... 3/5/2008 J.V. ..,.1...,-.1."0 02/14/06 12:51 PM Pa.ge 3 of 5 rrom: Wi.1Ver_g Agenda Item No. 10A March 11. 2003 Page 3 of 15 ADVISORY COMMrlTEElBoARn FOUR-\'EAR REVIEW BY THE BOARD OF COUNTl! COMMISSIONERS FOR :FISCAL YEAR 2008 A. ADVISORY COMMln'EE, J B. CHAIRMAN, Dr. :Randall Eisel I C. STAFF UAlSON: Amaada Townsend [Do jEo JF. IG: [H. STAJI" AGENCY, I Domesti~'AnimaJ Services AUI"HOR,ITY: I 0r-dinaDce No.2004-06 SUBMlrrALDATE, "JaliiiiilYP-.2004 FY 08 REVIEW DA IT, I LAST Bee: REVIEW DATE, ,- I I I I J I. SUMMARY: Collier County Ordinance 2004-06 Cl'eated the Domestic Animal Advisory Board through the recornmeodation of the National A:nimaI Control Association. 10 generate community involvement in anilnal services and related activities in order 10 aid the CoUier County Domestic Animal Services Oeparnnent in providing the best possible servicc throughout Collier County. The Advisory Board is composed of7 members, with experiences including, but not limited 10 the following; a. ODe (I) Collier County Humane Society representative; b. one (I) veterinarian or veterinarian technician; c, one (I) County Law Enforcement represerll.81ive; d. one (I) citUcn in W pet retail, boarding or groomillg industry; e. ODe (I) rep~tive from an llDimal rights group bced in Collier County; and f. two (2) citizens at large. The Board may analyze and review conslrllction and improvements 10 Domestic Animal Services facilities for which they shall malcc: rccornmmdaIions to the Boltrd of County Commissionetll reganling such Iac:ilities. The Board willlWo make TetOIIIIneIIda1ions to the Board of County Commissioners on program So scrviocs. classes and special events that will further assist Collier County Domestic Animal Sc:rvices in providing W best possible service 10 the community. Domestic Animal Advisory Bow meetings are usually held On the third TllCSday, every twO months at 6:30 P_M. in the Domestic Animal Services . room 00 7610 Davis .... I <<~ VOO/ZDOd .e~D:60 800t5~ qe, 8W-E~S-6El=xe, ll3lJal ~ 3.:lllo'lllNli ---~--.- ,lV. ..J."'-L' 10 02/14/08 12;52 PM Page 4 of 5 rrom: Wi.lVer_g Agenda item NO.1 OA March 11. 2008 Page 4 of 15 _.._.._.____..._. __M. ..._.__._.....__.__.". ___.____" ____ "...."....._.~...... Blvd. The cllrTent membership is compoged of: Chairman Dr. Randall Ei!tCI., Ms.. Sabina Angela Musci. Ms. Marcia Breithaupt, Sgt. Davis Estes. Ms. Karen Acquard. Mr. William Thoma.~ Kepp. Jr., Ms. Micht:le Antonia. 1-1 Is tile CommitteelBeard SClrmag the purpolle for whlda It was treated? The Domestic Animal Ad....isory Board responds to the requests fOT review and advice on matters identified by the public of Collier Count)' as well as the COWlty ColDJIIissioncrs. Since these activities have in fBct been ccntralto the effident and effective tImelioning of Domestic Animal Services, the Domestic Animal Advisory Boud can be described as direcLly serving the purposes for which it was created by Ordinance. 1-2 It lIIe CommitkclBoard adequtely eerviag auTl!Dt -....uy Deeds'! Yes; over the past 24 mou1hs the Domestic Animal Advisory BoaJ:d bas l"e<:<,",,,,....tlM several activities and special programs and n'enlS to benefit Domestic Animal Services. 1-3 List the m.jor lICCOmplishmeDtI of the Committee for die preceding 12-_nth eriodo 01. Howl-A-Day Jubilee- special fundraising event to benefit the sick: and injured animals in the DonlCStiC Animal Shelter. 02. Served as a forum for the animal activist community to voice oonocms and make suggestions on DAS operations. ~ Gave recommendation to change the Dangerous Dog Ordinance. 14 Are there uoy other mlll._'. or llpn<>et (eUloer....... or pri9ate) lerriIlc. or would better- serve 1lI", parpeoe f.r wille" the Committee ",as _ted? No existing Board. Committee, Or agcoey dupll~ the work ofthc Domestic Animal Advisory Board 1-5 S....1d till", ord__ erudina the c-.~nt be "~lIdcd to .u..v tile c-mc.e to lIten'. .......tdy lft'Vetbe '-rill rwwbiclll it ",a ercatcd? It is believed rbat the Domestic Animal Advisory Boan:l can opcnte adequldely and effectively under the existing Ordinance. Pap,...., POO/EOOd ..~O'60 BOOl 5~ qQ,j" 8LL~-E~S-6El;KR, H3lN3O l3A 301~INU 4 .aU'. .......u .&.IIU 02/14/08 12:52 PM Pa.ge 5 of 5 rrom: Wi.lver.,.g Agenda Item NO.1 OA March 11. 2008 Page 5 of 15 I'" Should the .~ NftireIBeau be IDOdif"dICl? I No modifu:atioos are needed for the tasks at banel. J 1-7 What is the cost, both dire<< lUld indirect, of ............;... the ComiDittee? There are no d~ costs to maintaining the Domestic Animal Advisory Board. Given the level of experti!<e that member<. contribute [Q the community. the de minimus indirect costs of maintaining this Committee are more than wammtcd. I J l J: ADDmONAL BOARDJCOMMllll!;ll; COMMl:NTS: None i~ STAFF COMMENTS: J ''''] of) :', lI3.lN3:l.l3h 3,1"MlIIN ... Agenda Item No.1 OA March 11, 2008 Page 6 of 15 ADVISORY COMMITTEEIBOARD FOUR-YEAR REVIEW BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 I Ao ADVISORY COMMITTEE: I Code Enforcement Board C. STAFF LIAISON: Michelle Edwards Arnold B. CHAIRMAN: Gerald Lefebvre STAFF AGENCY: I Community Development & Environmental Service Div. IDo IE. IF. IG: IH. AUTHORITY: I Ordinance No. 2007-44 I. I Collier County Ordinance 92-80 created the Collier County Code Enforcement Board to promote, protect and improve the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Collier County by authorizing the creation of administrative boards, with authority to impose administrative fines and other non-criminal penalties, in order to provide an equitable, expeditious, effective and inexpensive method of enforcing the codes and ordinances of Collier County. The Ordinance was amended in 1996, 1998, and 1999, and was replaced by Ordinance 2005-55 on October 11, 2005. The Ordinance was lastly amended on May 8, 2007 to establish a consolidated ordinance for the Code Enforcement processes and authority, The Board is composed of9 members, 2 of which are alternate members who vote in the absence of a regular Board member, The members are appointed by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners for a three-year term and must be permanent residents and electors of Collier County. Regular Code Enforcement Board Hearings are normally held on the fourth Thursday of the month at 9:00 A.M. in the Board of County Commissioners Chambers on the third floor of the W. Harmon Turner Administration Building. The current membership is composed of: Chairman Sheri Barnett, Vice-Chair Gerald Lefebvre, Kenneth Kelly, Larry Dean, Page 1 013 ~ Agenda Item No. 10A March 11. 2008 Page 7 of 15 Richard Kraenbring, Jerry Morgan, George Ponte, Lionel L'Esperance (alternate), Charles Martin (alternate), and CEB Attorney Jean Rawson. 1-1 Is the CommitteelBoard servin the u ose for which it was created? Yes. The Collier County Code Enforcement Board (CEB) was established to hear code and ordinance violations and take appropriate measures to get those violations abated. The CEB meets monthly to hear cases and establish findings offacts, and impose fines and costs when deemed appropriate. Should a fine go unpaid the CEB authorizes foreclosure or collection by transferring jurisdiction to the County Commissioner through the County Attorney's Office. 1-2 Is the CommitteelBoard adequately servin2 current community needs? Yes. The Code Enforcement Board is serving the community needs by educating the general public on how to handle corrective action in an effort to ensure violations are abated. As a result the compliance rate (compliance obtained prior to the date ordered for compliance) of cases heard by the CEB have improved from 61 % in 2004 to 20% for 2007. Year #of cases # of fines % of non- heard imposed* compliance 2004 61 37 61% 2005 50 26 52% 2006 75 39 52% 2007 123 24 20% 1-3 List the major accomplishments of the Committee for the preceding 12- month eriodo The Code Enforcement Board is operating very efficiently as reflected in the table above. The have increased their caseload while achievin a hi er rate of com liance. 1-4 Are there any other committee's or agencies (either public or private) serving, or would better serve the purpose for which the Committee was created? No. There is no other Board or Agency within the unincorporated County that is serving the purpose for which the Code Enforcement Board was created. 1-5 Should the ordinance creating the Committee/Board be amended to allow the Committee to more adequately serve the purpose for which it was created? Page 2 of 3 Agenda Item No.1 OA March 11, 2008 Page 8 of 15 The Ordinance establishing the Code Enforcement Board / Special Magistrate has recently been amended to consolidate the efforts of both entities. At this time no further amendments are being recommended. 1-6 Should the membershin reauirements be modified? There is no recommendation to amend the membership requirements as the current requirements ensure membership from a broad area of expertise. 1-7 What is the cost, both direct and indirect, of maintainio2 the Committee? There are no Qirect costs to maintaining the Board, and given the level of expertise on same, the contributions to the County are vast and more than warrant the de minimus indirect costs of maintaining this Board. The real costs associated with the maintenance of the Code Enforcement Board are generally related to conducting the monthly meetings. The following is an itemized estimate of the annual meeting costs. Secretary to the Board (3/4 FTE) +/-$30,000 Copying cost $2,000 Court Reporter $20,000 Attorney $13,000 BCC Chambers $12,000 Total cost $87,000 I ~one \K: STAFF COMMENTS: I I ADDITIONAL BOARD/COMMITTEE COMMENTS: Page3of3 Agenda Item NO.1 OA March 11, 2008 Page 9 of 15 The Ordinance establishing the Code Enforcement Board / Special Magistrate has recently been amended to consolidate the efforts of both entities. At this time no further amendments are being recommended. 1-6 Shouid the membership requirements be modified? There is no recommendation to amend the membership requirements as the current requirements ensure membership from a broad area of expertise. 1-7 What is the cost, both direct and indirect, of maintaininl!: the Committee? There are no direct costs to maintaining the Board, and given the level of expertise on same, the contributions to the County are vast and more than warrant the de minimus indirect costs of maintaining this Board. The real costs associated with the maintenance of the Code Enforcement Board are generally related to conducting the monthly meetings. The following is an itemized estimate of the annual meeting costs. Secretary to the Board (3/4 FTE) +/-$30,000 Copying cost $2,000 Court Reporter $20,000 Attorney $13,000 BCC Chambers $12.000 Total cost $87,000 J: ADDITIONAL BOARD/COMMITTEE COMMENTS: None /K: STAFF COMMENTS: 1I-r..C.e jJ~ c' f~ oe n.-,,Ayt./ .;>( 8/C?f ~' "', / Page 3 of3 Agenda Item No. 10A March 11, 2008 Page 10 of 15 ADVISORY COMMITTEEIBOARD FOUR-YEAR REVIEW BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 I Ao ADVISORY COMMITTEE: I Contractor's Licensing Board CHAIRMAN: I Les Di~. 'I r:SJ,L\~ _,. ],,- STAFF LIAISON: I Michael Ossorio, Contractor Licensing Supervisor lB. Ico !D. IE. I Fo IG: IH. STAFF AGENCY: I Building Review and Permitting Department AUTHORITY: I Ordinance No.2006-46 I. SUMMARY: Collier County Ordinance 90-105, as amended, created the Collier County Contractor's Licensing Board Ordinance, to create standards of conduct and to discipline Collier County licensed and State of Florida licensed contractors whose actions constitute misconduct of this ordinance. The ordinance has been amended numerous times since enactment, and was replaced by Ordinance 2006-46 on October 10, 2006. The Board is composed of 9 members. The members are appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for a three-year term and must be permanent residents and electors of Collier County. A minimum of two of these members shall reside within the corporate city limits of Naples and or Marco Island. Three members of the Board shall be consumer representative members. The remaining six members of the Board should be a licensed architect, a licensed engineer, or a licensed contractor in any of the various trades. The Board has the power to determine the qualifications of applicants for the various categories of contractors' Certificate of Competency. The Board holds hearings to determine if a contractor should be disciplined for violating provisions of the ordinance. The Board issues decisions, findings of fact and conclusions of law, impose disciplinary sanctions, and issues orders to carry out the provisions of the Ordinance... Regular Contractor's Licensing Board meetings are usually held on the third Wednesday of the month at 9:00 A.M. in the Board Of County Commissioner's Meeting room on the third floor of the W. Harmon Turner Administration Buildim!. Page I of3 Agenda Item No. 10A March 11, 2008 Page 11 of 15 The current membership is composed of: Chairman Les Dickson, Vice-Chair Richard E. Joslin Ir., Lee Horn, Michael Boyd, Ann L. Keller, Sydney E. Blum, Eric D. Guite, William T. Lewis, and Glenn Herriman. 1-1 Is the CommitteefBoard serving the purpose for which it was created? The Contractor's Licensing Board can be described as directly serving the purposes for which it was created by Ordinance. 1-2 Is the CommitteefBoard adequately serving current community needs? Yes; this Board continues to fulfill its mission of protecting the health, safety and welfare of all Collier County residents by taking proper actions against any contractors who violate provisions of the Ordinance. 1-3 List the major accomplishments of the Committee for the preceding 12 -month perlodo 01. Held II hearings on various charges against contractors and found these contractors to be in violation of numerous sections of the Ordinance and provided various penalties up to and including revocation of licenses. 02. Heard 7 requests to reinstate expired licenses without the applicant retaking examinations and either denied or approved the requests. 03. Reviewed and either approved or denied 12 requests from contractors to qualify a second entity. 04. Reviewed the credit reports of 8 applicants for licenses and either approved or Denied these licenses. 05. Reviewed experience affidavits of9 applicants and either approved or denied their License. 1-4 Are there any other committee's or agencies (either public or private) serving, or would better serve the purpose for which the Committee was created? No existing Board, Committee, or agency would better serve the purpose for which this Board was created. 1-5 Should the ordinance creating the CommitteefBoard be amended to allow the Committee to more adequately serve the purpose for which it was created? I It is believed that the Board can operate adequately and effectively under the existing Page 2 of3 Agenda Item No. 10A March 11, 2008 Page 12 of 15 I Ordinance. 1-6 Should the membershi re uirements be modified? No modifications are needed for the tasks at hand. 1-7 What is the cost, both direct and indirect, of maintaining the Committee? There are legal fees for outside council to represent the Board in the amount of $1,000.00 er month. There is uarterl court re ortin fees. J: ADDITIONAL BOARD/COMMITTEE COMMENTS: The Contractor Licensing Dept fiscal year 07 has issued 1754 citations, over 7054 contacts and mediated over 411,156.47 in recovery money. K: STAFF COMMENTS: The Board is a very dedicated and hard-working group of volunteers! Tom Bartoe Page 3 00 Z,.il.09. Agenda Item No. i iTA March 11. 2008 Page 13 of 15 ADVISORY COMMITTEE/BOARD FOUR-YEAR REVIEW BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2008 Ao ADVISORY COMMITTEE: CHAIRMAN: I Rick Sims Golden Gate Beautification Advisory Committee (MSTU \\a~CZ:--a~ I Bo I CO ID. I Eo IF. IG: IHo STAFF LIAISON: I Darryl Richard STAFF AGENCY: I Transportation AUTHORITY: I Ordinance No (83-55, Rev 96-51 & 87-78, Rev 96-50) 10 SUMMARY: I The GGMSTU has been performing roadway beautification projects in GG City since 1983. The GGMSTU encompasses a 4 sq. mile area known as GG City. The eastern boundary is 951 the western boundary is Santa Barbara, the northern boundary is Green Blvd.; the southern boundary is the Golden Gate Canal. 1-1 Is the Committee/Board sernng the purpose for which it was created? Yes the GG MSTU has operated the same way for approximately 25 years as originally designed within the Ordinances under the authority of CCBC. Page 1 of3 Agenda Item No.1 OA March 11, 2008 Page 14 of 15 1-2 Is the CommitteelBoard adequately serving current community needs? Yes; the committee is still able to serve the communi as intended. 1-3 List the major accomplishments of the Committee for the preceding 12-month neriod. Maintenance of the beautification projects of the past is on going; in 2007 this beautified roadways became the GG City entrance to GG High School; Maintenance assures an entrance to our school that the community can be proud of. 2007 also saw the completion of Sunshine Blvd. improvements. 2007 the committee began the process of updating the costs of completing the Master Plan for GG City and reacted to changes in projected MSTU revenue as State and County Govemment changed MSTU funding scenarios. 951 Refurbishment Project 1-4 Are there any other committee's or agencies (either public or private) serving, or would better serve the purpose for which the Committee was created? No; the Ordinances that created the MSTU specify the need and scope of this committee. No other known group or agency could be substituted. 1-5 Should the ordinance creating the CommitteelBoard be amended to allow the Committee to more adequately serve the purpose for which it was created? The 2007 / 2008 GG MSTU Committee has not identified any changes needed that would require changing the existing ordinance. 1-6 Should the membershin reauirements be modified? The 2007 / 2008 GG MSTU Committee has not identified any changes needed that would require changing the existing membership requirements. 1-' What is the cost, both direct and indirect, of maintaining the Committee? The GG MSTU is a voter referendum self imposed ad valorum taxing district. Page 2 of3 Agenda Item NO.1 0.1\ March 11, 2008 Page150f15 J: ADDITIONAL BOARD/COMMITTEE COMMENTS: The GG Beautification Master plan is being updated to reflect the new realities of funding the projects that remain. The final projects that are affected are Coronado Blvd. and Hunter Blvd. with only GG MSTU maintenance planned beyond that. K: STAFF COMMENTS: Committee has served Golden Gate Community as per Ordinance. Golden Gate Community roadways continue to benefit from Committee activity in new projects and maintenance of existing installed projects, Darryl Richard, RLA, Project Manager, Golden Gate MSTU Page 3 on T