Agenda 03/11/2008 Item # 5A Agenda Item No. 5A March 11, 2008 Page 1 of 6 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PRESENTATION OF THE ADVISORY COMMITTEE OUTSTANDING MEMBER AWARD FOR FEBRUARY 2008 TO WILLIS P. KRIZ OF THE CONSERVATION COLLIER LAND ACQUISITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE OBJECTIVE: To recognize and reward an advisory committee member for their outstanding and dedicated service to Collier County. CONSIDERATIONS: On September 21,2004, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution No. 2004-280 to recognize and reward outstanding Advisory Committee members for their significant contributions to the organization and/or community, The respective committees nominate the outstanding Advisory Committee members and the Awards Committee (same committee that currently selects the Employee of the Month) evaluates and selects volunteers from the nomination forms. AWARD COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Willis p, Kriz Outstanding Advisory Board Member for February 2008 Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee ~ Will has served as the Chairman of the Ordinance and Policy (OPR) Subcommittee of Conservation Collier for a number of years. His leadership and experience has guided our committee in creating draft resolutions for purchase policies for Conservation Collier, draft resolutions for the disposition of properties with TDR's, and recently a revision of the Conservation Collier's main ordinance correcting some inherent flaws discovered in the course of doing business and smoothing out procedures. Will chaired the OPR subcommittee through the most important tasks of the Program, revising the Ordinance and Purchase Policy. The ordinance revision was delicate because only those things not related to goals and criteria can be amended without a public referendum. Additionally, there were many stakeholders closely watching the process to make sure changes were not made that would negatively affect the program. The Purchase Policy is critical and helps the Program to be fair to all. He attended every meeting, many times when others were not able to be there, bringing his wealth of experience at the federal level to the table. He also brings an ironic humor to the process, helping to make difficult work fun, and a cooperative spirit that encourages wide participation. Recently Conservation Collier discussed the purchase of the Starnes property, a large property adjacent to the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Marsh. The property included land leases for mineral rights. Will Kris, with his land buying experience from years with the National Park Service, helped lead the committee on this issue. The result was the committee elected to purchase the property only if the property owner would remove the right to mine minerals from the property, thus insuring the citizens of Collier County will have an untouched conservation preserve for generations to come without the threat of surface mining. - Agenda Item No. 5A March 11, 2008 Page 2 of 6 As a member of Conservation Collier and the Ordinance and Policy Subcommittee, Will helped create guidelines for the purchase of lands that is fair and equitable for our willing sellers program and kept Collier County from being put into a position of negotiating prices. Our appraised price policy states clearly we will pay the appraised value of the site, and no more, and no exceptions. Although we have lost a few opportunities to purchase land as a result of this policy, public trust in our program continues to be very high and nominations for conservation lands keep increasing annually. FISCAL IMPACT: NONE GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: NONE RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners present the February 2008 Outstanding Advisory Committee Volunteer Award to Willis P. Kriz for his work on the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee. Prepared By: Sue Filson, Executive Manager Board of County Commissioners Agenda Date: MARCH 11, 2008 Page ! of ! Agenda Item No. 5A March 11, 2008 Page 3 of 6 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 5A Presentation of the Advisory Committee Outstanding Member Award for February 2008 to Willis p, Kriz of the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee. Meeting Date: 3/11/20089:0000 AM Prepared By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners Bce Office Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 2/29/2008 10:27 AM file:1/C:\AgendaTest\Export\! 02-March%20!1 ,%202008\05.%20PRESENT A TIONS\5A\5A... 3/512008 . Agenda Item No. 5A March 11. 2008 Page 4 of 6 Memorandum '~,-. '- _.~ ..~. ;.,,,.' j \/.i::' r-;; .,'iJ Via Interoffice )~ ,,..(~; ..).. , J(;; \ !'o . ;~: I' :1:1:.i;j Ii., 1 ,,,:j' s To: Sue Filson, Executive Manager of the Board Sandra Arnold, Communications Department Alexandra Sulecki, Staff Liaison From: Brittney Mahon, Employee Recognition Coordinator Human Resources Department Date: February 6, 2008 Subject: Outstanding Advisory Committee Member for the Month of February 2008, At their monthly meeting, the EOM Committee selected Will Kriz of the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee as the Outstanding Advisory Committee Member for February 2008. Will Kriz will be recognized at the March 11, 2008 BCC meeting (date to be confirmed). Thank you. Human Resources Department t Agenda Item No. 5A March 11. 2008 Page 5 of 6 C~rff~T Cor-mtv --....,....-,-,_.........._~-~. ,~--....:.- ADVISORY COMMITTEE OUTSTANDING MEMBER NO:Mll\ATION FORM The objective of this program is La recognize significanr comributions to the orglUlization and/or community by members of the many advisory boards and committees formed to assist the Board of County Commissioners in carrying out their elected du.lies, All committee members who have completed alIeast one year volunteer scn'ice on Il1l advisory commirtee are eli, ible for nomination. A committee may Dominate one of their members if they satisfy one or more of the criteria Iiste~ below. The specific reasons for the nomination should be dOl'Ul'llooted on lhis form under the specific criteria. Attach additional pa.ges if necessary. r Nominee's Name: Will Kriz .. -..-.,. -- -,.. Advisory Committee; Conservation Collier L3!ld Acquisition Advisory Committee ~ominator's Kll!IIe: Bill PO(eet D~te of Appoinrmen(: February I l, 2003 ! Liaison Phonc:-252~2961 Liaison; Alexandra Sulecki 1."- l) Does the member slrictly follow rhe Ordinance creating the committee? Yes 2) Does (he member have an exrellent attendance record? (At least 90% artendance Or no more than one absence in the last I2 months.) Yes 3) Give specific exlllIlples of exemplary \'olunteer service, Will hIlS seM'ed as the Chairlfl(ln of the OrrJin4llce and Policy (OPR) SubcommiNee of Consermtion Comer for II number of years, His leadership and experience has guided ollr comminee in creating draft re.wlutions for purchase policie.~ fl'r OmSt'rvtllio" ('oLlier, draft resolution.~ fQr the di:.positicn tJfprtJperlies with TDH's, and recent/}' II reYision of the ConservariM Collier's main ordinance correctit.g some inherent flaws disco"ered in the course of tioing busine!lS and ~moothing out procedure.... Will chaired the OPR subcomml. 'e through the mo~1 important tasks of the Program, Tnising the Ordinance and Purcha)'" Policy, The ordinance rero'iolf WtlS delicate !JecfllIse only those things Itot reloled w goals lU"J criterUl can be amended WIthout a public referendum. Additionlllly, there were ",any .'<ftlkeJroU"rs closely watchiltg the proce.~s to' mllke sure chllnges >>>ere "ot ",ade /hilI "'Qu/4 negative')' affect the program. The Purchase Policy is critical and helps the Program 10 be fllir to aiL He a/teRde<l every meeting, mlUlY tiRle.~ when others were "ot able to be (hert!, bringing his wealth of experience at the fede.rall~el to rhe table. He also brings alt ironic humor to the proces)', helping 10 make difficult work Jiln, anti a cooperative spirit that encourllges ""ide partidpation. 4) Deta.i.l a.n. implementation "r. recommendation mal resulted in COSt ,avings or increased productivity. Recently COn~erVtltion CoUll'r discU.f.~ed the purcha5t: of the Starne~' pmperly, a large property adjacenc to the Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Marsh. The property included land lease.'for mineral righ~ Will /i.ris, with hi.. land buying experience from .rears ",;u,. the National PfOrk Semel', helped lell<l the committee Olt this bi.~ue. The ""suit }VIIS the commil1/Y! elected 10 purchase the property onl)' if the p..operty 1: f01mY COUJ'I~} Fo~/ B(:C FDl'1A!lf Ad\'iSCII)' G(lmrni{t~e ~L4tJ11i.n:; Member :o.;amlt\.l.unn Fnnn Wq..s 922 04 Agenda Item No. 5A March 11. 2008 Page 6 of 6 owner wl1uld rem(Jve the right to mine minero/.\j,om the propeny, thus in..urinx th~ citizen,\' 'if Collier County wiJlhow Ill' IIntfluched con....rvution pres('M!e fo,. gf'nertlt;on. to come witllOllt the threat of yurjace milfing. 5) Detail an implementation of it recommenda~ion that re.'ill1ted in cost saVIngs orincreaseu prorJ1J<,'tiviry. As a member oj C(Jnse"'Qtio~' Co/lier and Ihe Ordinunu anti Policy S/lhcomminee, Will helped ('reate gllide/iRL"; f(Jr the p/lrch,ue fit land.\' thtlt i.. fl1;r Imd equitable for o/lr willing seller\' progrQIH '.tnd kept C"llier Cflllnty from heinK a pill into Q pr/..irion 'if IU!gl1tiatinJ[ price.\~ Ou,. apprai.W!d price polic}' .\.ttJtes clearly we will pay the apprai..ed value ofth" ~ite. /lnd no more. tu.d no e.u'epti.m... Alth"u!," Wt' ha,'I! lmot afew oppormnitie..' to pUl'chIJSe llVl4 In Q result of thi.. policy, puhlic trU.'T in .Iur program co"tinues to be vel')' high alld nomillDlions.for cOIf.<enmtion land.. keep inuea.<ing mrnually.. BiIlPotr;/~~~) -. ... J\omm.r < or's ,S,r~MC; .'. 11~~~1 0';__-./-. , Advisory Committee Clliiirman's Signature Dale /""---: I T AI "., k' (LI.'><.o>",<<(._ "'YAnHra ~1l tY. I '_,,~:..~- Still Liais<m's Sign~mrc /. . ku_":.. ,:- -_0.. ",' J2/1 giU7 /-tV-J,'f Dale I-I '/- Or 1 /)i()~ Date /it. -('1- OJ' On Jannar>' 14,2008. the sbove reterenced Advisory CommiHce YOled to the above referenced member as OUlstanding Advisory ConuniEtee \1ember. to nominate Sloff Liaisons are to submit the complered form to the Human Resources Depw1ment no la~er than the fust of me nlonth preceding Ihe award momh. 1: FOmlK.; C{'l,lnly F=~i ace FOrnlA" AdvlSO'J)' ('Qll\Jujnoe OlmtlJ.nding Mcn.\lct' Nomin.J.ti~ln FJI'JU \V\\'5 9.~J14