Agenda 03/25/2008 Item #17A Agenda Item No. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 1 of 28 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Petition SE-2007-AR-12229, an ordinance amending Ordinance Number 07-34, for the Kaicasa Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD), to incorporate the omission of a provision that was otherwise intended and made part of the public hearing and therefore constitutes a scrivener's error. The subject property, consisting of tOO acres, is located along ,the north side of State Road 29, east of Village Oaks Elementary School, and is approximately 2 miles east of the intersection of State Road 29 and County Road 846 OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) correct a Scrivener's Error resulting from a clerical error where some of the Developer's Commitments that were discussed and approved by the BCC were inadvertently omitted from the RPUD document. CONSIDER<\. nONS: .- On March 27, 2007, the BCC approved Ordinance No. 07-34, which granted The Kaicasa RPUD. The Kaicasa RPUD consists of 10000 acres and is being developed as a residential development of 400 single-family attached, detached dwelling units, two. family dwelling units or multi-family dwelling units at a density of four (4) dwclling units per acre. All of the dwelling units shall be committed to occupancy by income restricted households that are at or below sixty percent of the median annual household income in Collier County. The BCC motion was to include additional conditions of approval in subsection 5.6. entitled "Stomlwater Management" which establishes paragraph C: Base flood elevation approval shall be obtained from the Federal Emergcncy Management Agency (FEMA) and submitted to the County prior to the approval of any subsequent final development order, such as site development plans/construction plans. Additionally, in subsection 5.8. entitled "Environmental" which establishes paragraph C: The applicant shall incorporate the "Standard Protection Measures for the Eastern Indigo Snake" (Service 2002) into any County development orders authorizing any land clearing or construction activities. Paragraph D: Compensation for impacts to Wood Stork and Florida Panther habitats must be addressed as part of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Environmental Revicw Pennit (ERP) process and the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) pernlitting process in consultation with the Florida Wildlife Servicc prior to site dcvelopment plans/construction plan approval. Paragraph E: The applicant must include an analysis of potential water quality impacts of the project during review of the first site dcvelopment plan or first set of construction plans. This will be accomplished by evaluating water quality loadings expected from the project (post development conditions considering the proposed land uses and stonnwater managcment controls) compared with water quality loadings of the project area as it exists in its predevelopment condition. This analysis shall be perfonned ,L,aenda itEJm t'Jo. 17 A ~ fJ1arch 25, 2008 Page 2 of 28 using methodologics approved by federal and state water quality agencies. County review and approval of this analysis shall be required prior to construction plans/site development plan approval. Paragraph F: The applicant shall be required to submit a full five-day wildlife survey at the time construction plan/site development plans are submitted. The survcy must be less than one year old at the time of submittal. Finally, paragraph G: All preserve areas shall be evaluated at the time construction plans/site development plans are revicwed to cnsure that such areas are consistent with the Growth Management Plan (GMP). FISCAL IMPACT: This action is only to correct an error in Ordinance No. 07-34, which was previously approved by the BCe. Therefore, this change by and of itself would have no fiscal impact on Collier County. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Approval of this Scrivener's Emlr would not affect or change the requirements of the Growth Management Plan. It is only to correct an error to subscction 5.6., cntitlcd Stonnwater Management, and subsection 5.R. entitled Environmental of Ordinance No. 07-34, The Kaicasa RPUD. LEGAL CONSIDER-\. TIONS: A sClivener's error is either an omission or typographic crror in a resolution or ordinance. In this matter it is an omission to a RPUD ordinance as discussed more fully by staff under the heading entitled "Considerations" in this Executive Summary. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the BCC approve the Scrivener's Error amendment to Ordinance Number 07-34. PREPARED BY: Melissa Zone, Principal Planncr Zoning and Land Dcvelopment Review Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 3 of 28 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 17A This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. SE-2007-AR-12229, an ordinance amending Ordinance Number 07. 34, for the Kaicasa Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD), to incorporate the Inadvertent omission of Section 5.6.E and Section 5.8.C-G that was approved by the Board of County Commissioners on March 27, 2007 and therefore constitutes a scriveners error. The subject property, consisting of 100 acres, is located along the north side of State Read 29, east of Village Oaks Elementary School, and is approximately 2 miles east of the intersection of State Road 29 and County Road 846. 3/25/2008900,00 AM Prepared By Melissa Zone Community Development & Environmental Services Principal Planner Date Zoning & Land Development Review 3/3/2008 3:21 :32 PM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Ope,ations Analyst Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin, 314/2008 '10:'13 AM Approved By Ray Bellows Community Development & Environmental Services Chief P!onner Dote Approved By Zoning & Land Deve!opment Review 314:2008 11 :07 AM Nick Casalanguida Transportation Services MPO Director Date Transportation Planning 314/2008 1 :03 PM Approved By Susan Murray, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Zoning & Land Development Director Date Zoning & Land Development Review 3/5/20088:53 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, AICP Transportation Ser....ices Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Admin. 3/11/2008 11 :08 AM Approved By Marjorie M. Student-Stir'Hng County Attorney Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney Office 3/13/200810:05 AM Approved By file:IIC:\ApendeTest\FxnOli\ 1 01-Merch%?fP'i %?O?nOR\ 17 %?nSIIMM A Ryoj,,?OAGFNO 11 ]CJ!?OOR Page 2 of 2 ,,'\;';8n03 ::em r-4o, 17 A 1'.13rco 25, 2008 Page 4 of 23 Joseph K. Schmitt Communi!y Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environment.::;1 Services Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 3t13f2008 7:58 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Applications Analyst Date Administrative Services Information Technology 3/14/200812:33 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of ManCJgement & Budget 3/14/200812:47 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3/15/20089:42 AM file://C:\AgendaTest\Fxnort\ I Ol-Merch%,207S%7())OOR\ 17.%?()SI iMMA RY%?OA(;FNn t 1/19/?OOR Agenda Item No. 17 A March 25. 2008 PaJe 5 of 28 ORDINANCE NO. 08._ AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMl>lISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, fu\1ENDING ORDINANCE NUMBER 04-41, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, OR ITS SUCCESSOR, BY PROVIDING FOR AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE NO. 07-34, THE KAlCASA RK~IDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (RPUD) TO CORRECT SCRIVENERS ERRORS; AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on March 27, 2007, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 07~34 establishing the Kaicasa RP'UD; and WHEREAS, following said action adopting Ordinance No. 07~34, it was determined that the Kaicasa RPUD Document, as transmitted to the Department of Stale, omitted a provision that was otherwise intended and made part of the public hearing and therefore constitutes a scrivener's error, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAj},lOD BY THE BOARD OF C01JNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. :FLORlDA, that: SECTION ONE: SCRIVEl\'ER'S ERROR AMENDMENT TO SUBSECTION 5.6, ENTITLED "STORMWATER MANAGEMENT," OF ORDINANCE NO. 07-34, THE KAICASA RPUD. Subsection 5.6., Stormwater Management, of Ordinance No. 07-34, the Kaicasa RPUD, is hereby amended to read as follows: 5.6. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT A. The Kaicasa RPUD conceptual surface water management system is described in the Water Management Report, which has been included in the RPUD rezone application materials. Vlater management infrastructure will be o\.vned, operated and maintained by the developer until conveyed to the property OWner a::;sociation. B. A LOO foot wide dra:inage and maiIltenance easement, along the southern property line to encompass the existing canal and provide maintenance access along the north bank shall be conveyed to Collier County prior to issuance of the first CO. C. Ba<;e flood elevation 8Dvfoval sha.1J be obtained from the Federal Erncr2"eTIcY Manae:ement Ae:ency (FEMA) and submitted to the County Drior to the aporoval of any subseauent final develonment order. such as site develonment plans!construction olans. Page 1 of3 SECTION TWO: SCRIVENER'S ERROR AMENDMENT TO SlIlISECTION 5.8., ENTITLED "ENVIRONMENTAL," OF ORDINANCE NO. 07-34, THE KAreASA RPUD. Subsection 5,8., Environmental, of Ordinance No. 07R34, the Kaicasfl RPUD, is hereby amended to read as follows: 5.8. ENVIRONMENTAL A. The Kaicasa RPUD shall comply '.vith the guidelines and reconunendation 0 the u.s. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (F\.VCC) regarding potential impact to protected species on site. A Habitat management plan for protected species, including bear and panther, shall be submitted to Environmental Services Staff for review and approval prior to final construction plan approval. B. Areas that fulfill the native vegetation retention standards and criteria of the GMP shall be set aside as preserve areas. All preserve areas shall be identified as separat.e tracts and be prote.cted by a permanent conservation easement to prohibit further development. An preserve areas shall be designated as preserve tr.acts on all construction plans and shall be recorded on the plat with protective covenants per or similar to Section 704.06 of the Florida Statutes. Conservation easements shall be dedicated on the plat to the Kaicasa homeowner's association, or like entity, for oW:1ership and maintenance responsibility and to Collier County with no responsibility for maintenance. c. The aoollcant shall incorporate lne "Standard Protection Measures for the Eastern lndirro Snake" (Service 2002) into any County dtwelOl;JIIlenl order?. slUthorizinl2' any land dcariD!:'" or construction activities. D. Comnensation for imoHcts to wood stork ar4.B,m:jf:@-lli!D,~hN...!labitats mu.':t be addressed as Dart of the South Plorida Water Manaf!ement QL~.trict C$FWhID) Environmental Review Permit (ERP) vrocess and the United States Annv COrDS of En2:rncers (US ACE) Ds..rrnittinl1 nroces~ in consultation with the Florida v..'ildlife Service orior to site develonment oJans/construction (JIans u1;J.m:..Q.Yi1L. E, The aODlicant must include an analvsis of tJotential water oualitv impact.': of the Drokct durinS! review QUhQ...jjrst site development plan or first set of conslruttion plans, This will be accorQI2lished bv eva]uatim~ \vater aualitv loadine:s expected from the oroiect (P05t develoornent conditions considerinQ: the monosed' land uses arJd storm\\~~ter rnanal!ement controls) comoared with water aualitv Joadinr>:s of the nroie.ct area as it ex.ists in its predeveloDJuent condition. This analysis .':11a1] he nClformed using methodolor!ies aDoroved QJ:: federal and .<:tate \vater (lllalitv a!!cncics, County review and UPDLo'val of this analvsis shall be reauired Drior to construction plansf~ite develooment plan ~Rm:oval. F. TIle aDolicant shall be required to submit a full five-day wildlife surveY at the ti_me construction olans/site develoDment plan are suhmitted. The survey must be less than one year old at the time of submittal. G. All oreserve areas shall be evaluated at the time constmction oJans!sjte devclooment lJlans are ~'yiewed to ell~Ure that such area.;; are consistc.nt with the GWIA.th Mana2em~nt Plan, SECTION THREE: EFFECTIVE DiI. TE. This Ordifl,mce .shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. Page 2 of 3 !'\~:en::-;a Item No. 17A. ~ f\1arch 25, 2003 Paoe 6 of 28 Agenda ltsm r'Jo. 17 A r-viarch 25, 2008 Page 7 of 28 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by majority vote by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this _ day of ,2008. ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: , Deputy Clerk By: TOM lIENNING, CHAIRMAN Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: / Marjorie M, Student-Stirling Assistant County Attorney Page 3 of 3 II 9 10117< 'a ,,1 .1'g "... ~ '.. Ii' /, ~ t' ..ol\\ ~ ~ \'" - - \S~,Dt" ~ ..~ \~~~ ~; \"'<, 1,1, "'C'~C'9Z9Zi;1.o;;t ORDINANCE NO. 07-~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COL:NTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLlER COUNTY, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NL1vlBER 04-41, AS AMENDED, THE COLLIER COl:NTY LAND DEVELOPMEl'T CODE, 'NHICH INCLUDES THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING TIlE APPROPRIATE ZONING ATLAS MAP OR MAPS BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFICATION OF THE I1EREI!>: DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY FROM AGRICULTURE WlTH MOBILE-HOME OVERLAY (A-MHO) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE RESlDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (RPUD) ZONING DISTRICT FOR A PROJECT KNOWN AS KAICASA (RPUD) LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF STATE ROAD 29, JUST EAST OF VILLAGE OAKS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. AND APPROXIMATELY 2 MILES EAST OF THE !NTERSECTION OF STATE ROAD 29 AND COUNTY ROAD 846. IN SECTION 12. TOWNSHIP 47 SOUTH, RANGE 27 EAST, COLLIER COC'ITY. FLORIDA. CONSISTING OF 100" ACRES; AND BY PROVIDrNG AN EFFECTIVE DATE. /\g::::lc;a Its:11 t~o. 17 A L1arch 25. 2,']08 Pa;]8 3 of 23 -Ie ~j Pc '-.. L;:> c- - ~ ~ ::.,,~ -n - -'" . :<:1 , - :.:~ .; , , ..,:I -- :;::::>. '" :.::J--:: =- :;,....r" WHEREAS, Laura Spurgeon. AICP of .lOH~SON ENGINEERING, INC, representing HABITAT FOR HCMANITY OF COLLIER COUNTY INC.. petitioned the Board of County Commissioners to change the zoning classification of the herein described real property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY SECTION ONE: COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, that: The zoning classification of the herein described real property located in Section 12, Township 47 South, Range 27 East, Collier County, Florida, is changed from the Agriculture Mobile~Home Overlay (A-MHO) Zoning District to the Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD) Zoning District known as Kaicasa Residential PlarUlcd Unit Development in accordance \vith the RPUD Document, attached hereto as Exhibit HAil. which is incorporated herein and by reference made part hereof. The appropriate zoning atlas map or maps, as described in Ordinance Number 04-41, as amended, the Collier County Land Development Code, is/are hereby amended accordingly. SECTION TWO: !~genda Item ~40. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 9 of 28 This Ordinance shall become effective upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by super-majority vote by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this n day of rY7 6- rz e h ATTEST:, .'1' i,!~ DWIGHT 'fLBR(:)(."~CLERK '. .'. ,~~,;::- "\....,~,,-. ,J",.;,_, mo"', 'i'" ,..' rl .\ ""~U', :;J(f/..lC D "",:Clerb~'~'-b$ to Chot....." $ , '~'" . ",'::,.tQl!&tire 001. Approyed :J16'fntin and legal sufficiency YM~U'<'~I"l;~~ Ma:rjori . Student.Stirling Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Jtic~ t!f!N ,2007. This OrdinOr1C1? Ii''': w11n th.' Sec:.r~tory of ~,o O);t~'s PHi,C02 th:: _~do-r()f..t~~_L1L, _?~l1;;..q and acknowledgemen~ ';.k.1hat fltl;) r,eceiVed~lt1iS. doy of \'" ''Z._'-~ By _ 0...",.., "r!< 2 .L\Jsnc:a item ND, 17/\ !\~,arch 25 20Ci,g Page 10 of 28 Community Development and Environmental Services Division KAICASA RPUD A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AND SUPPORTING MASTER PLAN GOVERNING THE KAICASA Rl'UD, A RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT, PURSl:ANT TO PROVISIONS OF THE COLIER COLr;TY LAND DEVELOJ'ME]\;T CODE PREPARED FOR: HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 11145 Tamiami Trail East ]\;aplcs, FL 34113 PREPARED BY: JOHNSON ENGINEERING, INC 2350 STANFORD COl:RT NAPLES, FL 34112 DATE REVIEWD BY CCPC DATE APPROVED BY BCC ORDINANCE ~MBER AMENDMENTS AND REPEAl. Exhibit ~A" Agenda Item No. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 11 of 28 T ABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE 11 SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP & DESCRIPTION l-Ilhrough 1-2 SECTION II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT II-I through 11-2 SECTION III RESIDENTIAL AREAS III- I through III-3 SECTIO!' IV PRESERVE AREAS IV-I through IV-I SECTION V DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS V-I through V-3 SECTION VI DEVIATIONS VIOl EXHIBIT I EXHIBIT 2 TABLE I TABLE 2 Ag~nda it7?:-n r~o. 17 A March 25. 2008 PaJa 12 of28 LIST OF EXHIBITS AND TABLES Location Map RPUD Master Plan Project Land Use Tracts Page II-I Development Standards Page III-2 i Agenda Item ~Jo. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 13 of 28 STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE The subject property consists of 100:': acres of property in Collier County, Florida, and will be developed as a Residential Planned Unit Development (RPUD) to be known as the Kaicasa RPUD. The property is located within the lnunokalce Planning Conununity. The proposed development will consist of up to 400 residential dwelling units in the form of single-family attached or detached. zero lot line, two-family. duplex, or multifamily housing. The proposed development will be in compltance with the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the Collier County Growth Management Plan (GMP) for the following reasons: 1. The subject property is within the Irrunokalee Urban Area, as depicted on the countywide Future Land Use Map. and is designated High Residential District on the Immokalee Area Master Plan (lAMP) Future Land Use Map. According to the lAMP, the purpose of the High Residential District is to provide for a district of high density residential development. Residential dwellings shall be limited to multi-family structures and less intensive units such as single family and duplexes provided they are compatible with the district. A density less than or equal to eight (8) dwelling units per gross acre is permitted. The proposed residential development is consistent with the parameters described in the lAMP for the HIgh Residential District, and satisfies Ohjective ILl of the lAMP. 2. The proposed road and sidewalk system for the project provides for movement of pedestrians, moturized, and non-motorized vehicles consistent with Objective VI.I of the lAMP. In accordance with GMP Future Land Use Element PoHey 7.3, location ora proposed intercormection point with the adjacent Farmworkcrs Village property is shown (FLUE) on the master plan. 3. The project development is compatible and complementary to existing and future surrounding land uses as required in Policy 5.4 of the FLCE. The proposed residential project will be conSIstent with the only existing adjoining development which is the Fannworker's Village residential project to the west. The Irmnokalee Future Land Use Map designates property to the north. east and west as High Residential and property to the south as Low Residential. The proposed development will be consistent with all these designations for fuhIre use of surrounding properties. 4. rhe project development shall comply with stormwater quality and quantity standards described in the Drainage Sub-Element of the Public Facilities Element. The site is designed to include preserved native vegetation, consistent with Goal IV of the lAMP. 5. The projected density of 4 dwelling units per acre (OIl/A) is in compliance with the lAMP based on the following relationships to required criteria: Density per High Residential designation on lnunokalee Future Land Use Map 8 DU/A Affordable housing density bonus (100% are for low income households) 8 DU/}, Permitted density 16 DVIA PROPOSED DENSITY 4 DViA 400 units on 1O~ acres (gross acreage for residential use) 6. The provision of affordable housing in this development is consistent with Goal 1 of the Housing Element of the GMP and Goal III of the lAMP by creating affordable housing for residents of Collier County, including low and moderate income persons, rural residents, and farmworkers. The proposed project increases the number of a fforrlable housing units to meet the housing needs of the County which is consistent with Objective I of the HOUSl11g Element. 7. All final local development orders for this project are subject to the Colliet County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance in accordance with Policy II. 1.2 of the V\MP. ii ;\gend3 Item ~-Jo. 17 A ~,,1ar.::;h 25. 2008 Page 14 of 28 SECTION I PROPERTY OWNERSHIP AND DESCRIPTION 1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the location and ownership of the property, and to describe the existing conditions of the property proposed to be developed under the project name ofKaicasa RPUD. 1.2 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO'"' The subject property, being 1 OO~ acres, is described as: That portion of referenced parcel 8 10 Section 13, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, and that portion of referenced parcel 8 in Section 12, Township 47 SOllth, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida, described in O.R. Book 2 J 53, Page 1901, be10g more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a 4" by 4" concrete monument found marking the Southwest comer of said Section 12: thence North 02013'13" \\-'est along the West line of Southwest 1/4 of said Section 12, a distance of 2670.91 feet to a 4" x 4" concrete monument found markmg the Northwest comer of the Southwest 1/4 of said Section 12; thence North 02013'27" West along the v,.'est line of the Northwest 114 of said Section 11 , a distance of 179.09 feet' thence departing said West line, North 87'46'47" East a distance of 1235.30 feet; thence South 01'13'13" East along a line 1235.30 feet East of and parallel with the "Vest line of the Southwest J.i4 of said Section 12 a distance of 4193.59 feet to the ;-.Jortherly maintained rjght-of~way line of State Road No. 29; thence North 45u03'20" West along said :'Jorthcrly line a distance of 730,92 feet; thence North 44;)55'22" West to an intersection with the Westerly line of said Section 13, a distance of 1088.66 feet; thence North 02019'02" West along said Westerly line, a distance of7,56 feet to the point of beginning LESS A"'D EXCEPT THEREFROM all right, title and interest oithe Grantor, if any, in and to the oil, gas and minerals of every kind or character located in, on or under, or that may be produced from said property. A site location map IS provided as EXHIBIT I. 1.3 PROPERTY OWNERSHIP The subject property is currently under the ownership of: Habitat for Humanity of Collier County, Inc. 11145 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34113 1.4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY AREA A. The project site is located at the southwest comer of Section 12, Township 47 South, Range 29 East and at the northwest corner of Section 13, Township 47 South, Range 29 East. The project entrance is along the north side of State Road 29, just east of Village Oaks Elementary School. and approximately 2 miles east of the intersection of State Road 29 and County Road 846. B. The zoning classification of the subject property prior to the date of this approved RPUD Document \\'as A-~yfHO, Rural Agricultural with Mobile Home Overlay. I-I 1 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 25, 2008 Pa'J8 15 oi28 1.5. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION The project site is located within the South Florida Water Management District. The natural drainage of the site is in a south and southeasterly direction, to the S.R. 29 canal along the project's southern border. The canal, in turn, discharges into the Fakahatchee Strand Preserve. The application includes a water management report and plan. Water management for the proposed project is planned to utilize existing wetland features with added capacity in lakes. Elevations within the project site range from 21 to 29 feet above mean sea level. Most of the site, however, has an elevation within 25 to 27 feet. The entire site is in Flood Zone A according to Finn Map Panel Number 150 (1202lCOI50G) dated November 17. 2005. The soil types on the site include Chobee, Winder, and Gator soils, depressional (approximately 28 percent), and Wabasso fine sand (approximately 72 percent). Soil characteristics were derived from the USDAlNRCS Soil Survey for Collier County. Florida. 1.6. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project is a residential neighborhood of 400 siogle-family attached or detached, zero lot line. two-family, duplex, or multifamily dwelling units designed with attention to natural site features. The project includes residential areas, streets, water management features, preserve areas and a recreation area. The site shall be designed, permitted and developed in phases through estimated buildout in 2009. 1.7. SHORT TITLE This Ordinance shall be known and cited as the "Kaicasa Residential Plalmed Unit Development Ordinance." I-2 i\;;encia Hem t'4o. 17.:\ March 25, 2003 Page 16 of 28 SECTIO'" II PROJECT DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS 2.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to delineate and generally describe the project plan of development, relationships to applicable County ordinances, the respective land uses of the tracts included in the project, as well as other project relationships. 2.2. GENERAL Regulations for development of the Kaicasa RPUD shall be in accordance with the contents of this Document, RPUD- Residential PlaMed Unit Development District and other applicable sections and parts oftbe Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) and GMP in effect at the time of building permit application. Vv'here these regulations fail to provide developmental standards, the provisions of the most similar district in the LDC shall apply. 2.3. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT I'LAN AND PROPOSED LAND USES A. The project Master Plan, including layout of streets and use of land for tile various tracts, is illustrated graphically by EXHIBIT 2, RPtJD Master Plan. There shall be residential land use tracts, plus necessary water management lakes, street nghts-of-way, the general configuration of which is also illustrated by EXHIBIT 2. TABLE I Project Land Use Residential TYPE Single-family attached or detacheda zero lot line, two-farmly. duplex, or multIfamily dwelling units UNITS 400 DU ACREAGE 48.05 ACRES Lakes 9.02 ACRES Preserve Preserves (minimum 24.1 acres) including upland buffers 30.18 ACRES RoadslRight-of-Way 12.75 ACRES 100.00 TOTAL ACRES B. Areas illustrated as lakes on EXHIBIT 2 shall be constructed as lakes, or upon approval, parts thereof may be constructed as shallow, intermittent wet and dry depressions fur water retention purposes. Such lakes and intermittent wet and dry areas shall be in the same general configuration and contain the same general acreage as shown by EXHIBIT 2. Minor modification to all tracts, lakes or other boundary may be permitted at the time of plat or site development plan approval, subject to the proyisioIL'i of the LDC or as other\vise perm.Jtted by this RPUD Document C. In addition to tracts shown on EXHIBIT 2, such easements as necessary (utility, private, or semi~public) shall bl: e::;taLlished within or aiong the various tracis as may be necessary. B-1 .l\genda Item No. 17.L\ March 25, 2008 Page 17 of 28 2.4. DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT DENSITY OR INTENSITY OF LAND USE A maximum of 400 resldential dwelling units shall be conSb1Jcted in the total project area. The gross project area is lOO.::t acres. The gross project density, therefore, will be a maximum of 4 dwelling units per acre. 2.5. RELATED PROJECT PLAN APfROY AL REQUIREMENTS EXHIBIT 2. RPUD Master Plan, constitutes the required RPUD development plan. Subsequent to or concurrent with RPUD approval, a site development plan andlor subdivision plat shall be submitted for the project. II-2 ,~'\genda item t;,Jo. 17.A. rv~arch 25, 2008 Page 18 of 28 SEcn O:'i III RESIDENTIAL AREAS PLAN 3.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to Identify specific development standards for areas designated as residential tracts on EXHIBIT 2. 3.2. MAXIMUM DWELLING UNITS A maximum of 400 dwelling units shall be allowed within the Kakasa RPUD. 3.3. USES PERMITTED No building or structure, or part thereof, shall be erected, altered or used, or land used, in whole or part, for other than the following: A. Principal Uses: (I) Single-family detached dwelling units (A building which contains only one dwelling unit and is intended, designed, used and occupied by no more than one family); (2) Zero lot line dwelling units (A singLe~family attached or detached dwelling structure on individually platted Jots which provides a side yard on one side of the dwelling and no yard on the other); (3) Two-family dwelling units (A single, freestanding conventional building intended, designed, used and occupied as tv.'o dwelling units attached by a common wall or roof, but wherein each unit is located on a separate lot under separate O\vnership); (4) Duplex dwelling units (A single. freestandmg, conventional building on a single lot, which contains only two dwelling units and is intended, designed, used and occupied as two dwelling units under single o","l1ership, or ""'here each dwelling unit is separately owned or leased but the lot is held under common ownership); (5) Single-family atlached dwelling units; (6) Multi-fanuly dwellmg units_ B. Accessory Uses: (I) Customary accessory uses and structures, including private garages. (2) Common recreation amenities and play areas. 3.4. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS (See Table Il) A. ~iENER.AL: All setbacks shall be in relation to the lot boundaries, except as otherwise provided (See rable Il, Schedule of Development Standards). B. BUILDING HEIGHT: Building height shall be measured from the finished first !loor elevation to the highest point of the roof surface of a flat or Bermuda roof, to the deck line of a mansard roof and to the mean height level between eaves and ridge of gable, hip, and gambrel roofs. C. GARAGE REOUIREMENT: A minimum or a singie car garage is required for each dwelling umt. III-l ,~genda Item No. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 19 oi 28 TABLE 2 Development Standards for Residential Areas Single- Zero Two- Duplex - unit is Single-Family Multi-family Family Lot Famlly fee simple, lot Attached Detac hed Line fee is common simple ownership lot PRINCIPAL STRUCTURES i ~. :-. n 1 mum Lot Area 3,000 s.f. 3,000 3,000 sf. 7,000 s.f. 1.700 s.f. 9,000 s.f. s.f. Minimum Lot Width' 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 70 feet 17 feet 90 feet M in Il11Um Floor Area 900 s.f. 900 s.f. 900 s.f. 900 sJ. 900 s.f. 750 s.f. Front Yard Setback' 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet 20 feet Side Yard Setback' 5 feet o feet or o feet or 5 feet 10 feet 10 feet 5 feet 5 feet Rear Yard Setback 4 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet 15 feet Preserve Setback' 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet 25 feet Maximum Building Height 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 2 stories 2 stories 2 ston es 2 stories 2 stories ? stories Minimum Distance 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet Between Principal Structures ACCESSORY STRUCn;RES Front Yard Setback S.P.S. S,P.S. S.P.S. S.P.S. S.P.S. S.P.S. S,de Yard Setback S.P.S. S,P.S. S.P.S. S.P.S. S.P.S. S.P.S. Rear Yard Setback 5 feet 5 feet 5 feet 5 feet 5 feet 5 feet ( Accessorv) Preserve Setback. 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet 10 feet Maximum Building Height 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 35 feet 2 stories 2 stories 2 stories 2 stories 2 stories 2 stories Minimum Distance o feet or 10 o feet or o feet or o feet or 10 feet o feet or 10 feet o feet or 10 Between Principal and feet 10 feet 10 feet feet AccessoTV Structures' I On cui de sac lots and lots on the inside part of a curved street, minimum lot width may be reduced by 25%. 2 A minimum of 23 feet from edge of sidewalk to the garage must be provided, or 23 feet from edge of pavement where no sidewalk is provided, except that side loaded garages may be 20 feet from property line if the applicant demonstrates that 2 vehicles can be adequately parked on a driveway without overhanging onto the sidewalk. ) For fee simple lots created as single family attached, zero lot line, or two family housing units, no side yard shall be required between interior units of a unified principal structure, and the required side yard shall be measured from the exterior wall of the principal structure. A minimum 10 foot separation between principal stmctures shall be maintained. 4 For lots adjacent to a lake, 0 feet from the lake maintenance easement. No structures are pennitted in the required 20 foot lake maintenance easement. S Preserve setback for principal structures also applies to under roof attached structures part of the primary structure. b Preserve setback requirements of 10 feet for accessory structures also apply to any site alteration, although fill may ;,: approved to be placed within 10 feet of the upland preserve but m..ay not be approved to be placed wit."Iin 1 0 feet of a wetland preserve, unless it can be demonstrated that it will not negatively impact that wetland. 7 Attached accessory lanais or roofed screened areas qualify for O.foot separation. Detached accessory structures require a minimum of a IO-foot separation. lII-2 .!\;1Snda !tem ~~o. "i 7/4, fAarch 25, 2008 Page 20 of Z3 Development Standards Notes: S.P.S.: Same as Principal Struclure Minimum lot areas for any unit type may be exceeded. The unit type, and not the minimum lot area, shall define the de...-,'J: :,ment standards to be applied by the Customer Services Department during an application for a building penrut. III - 3 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 25. 2008 Page 21 of 28 SECTION IV PRESERVE AREA 4.1. PURPOSE The purpose is to preserve and protect native vegetation and naturally functioning habitat such as wetlands in a natural or enhanced state. The Master Plan shows up to 30.18 acres of preserved native vegetation. a minimum of which 30.0 acres will be delineated as preserve tracts in final design and platting. This satisfies the LDC minimum r~quirement of 25%, or 24.11 acres, to be dedicated as preserve area in the Kaicasa RPUD. 4.2. USES PERMITTED No building or structure or part thereof, shall be erected altered or used, or land used, in whole or in part, for other than the following, subject to regional state and federal permits, when required: A. Principal Uses: (1) Open spaces/nature preserves; (2) Water management structures; (3) Boardwalks subject to appropriate approvals by permitting agencies. however such structures shall not reduce the retained native vegetation below the minimum required. IV-l ., ~, ".;,., :;3 "2m r'h. 17.\ f/l:1ich 25, ~OC:3 2:2 Jf::3 SECTION V DEVELOPMENT COMMITMENTS 5.1. PURPOSE The purpose of this Section is to set forth the development commitments related to development of the Kaicasa RPCD. 5.2. GENERAL All facilities shall be constructed in accordance with final subdivision plats and all applicable state and local laws, codes, and regulations applicable to this RPUD. The developer, its successor or assigns shall be responsible for the commitments outlined in this Document. The developer, its successor or assigns shall follow the Master Plan and the regulations of the RPlJD as adopted, and any other conditions or modifications as may be agreed to in the rezoning of the property. In addition, any successor or assigns in title shall be subject to any commitments within this Docl.Ullcnt. 5.3. RPlJD MASTER PLA~ A. EXHIB1T 2. RPLD Master Plan, illustrates the proposed development and is conceptual in nature. Proposed tract, lot or land use boundaries shall not be construed to be final and may be varied at any subsequent approval phase such as final platting or site development plan application, Amendments may be made subject to the provisions oftne LDC 8. All necessary easements, dedications, or other instmments shall be gnmlt'd to ensure the continued operation and rm.intcnance of all service utilities and all common areas in the project. 5.4. SCHEDt;I,E OF DEVELOPMENTiMONITORING REPORT AND SUNSET PROVISION A. The structures within the Kalcasa RPlJD is proposed to be constructed beginning in mid 2007 with completion in 2009. The Kale"Sa RPUD shall be subject to the PCD Sunset Provisions of the LDC. B. All of the dwelling units constructed within the Kaicasa RPUD shall be committed to occupancy by income restricted households at or below 60%) of the median annual household income in Collier County at the time of construction. Covenants and restrictions shall be applied to all of the dwelling units ""ithin the Kaicasa RPUD to ensure affordability of all dwelling units for a pefloct of at least fifteen (15) years from the date of issuance of a certificate of occupancy (CO). C. By the time huilding permits for 100 residential units are issued, the developer shall have constructed at l<::ast one playground area in the location shown on the RPUD Master Plan. V-I ['genda Item No. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 23 of 28 5.5. TRANSPORTATION A. The minimum right-of-way width for local streets within the Kaicasa RPUD shall be 50 feet, and street intersections shall be provided with a mini.mwn of a 20-foot radius (face of curb) for all internal streets and a 35-foot radius for intersections at the project entrance. Tangents shall not be required between reverse curves on any project streets. B. All traffic control devices, signs, pavement markings and design criteria shall be in accordance with Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards (MUMS), current edition, FDOT Design Standards, current edition, and the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), current edition. AU other improvements shall be consistent with and as required by the Collier County LDC. C. Arterial level street lighting shan be provided at the development main access point. Access lighting shall be in place prior to the issuance of the first permanent certificate of occupancy (CO). D. Acces.s points, including both driveways and proposed streets, shown on the RPUD Master Plan are considered to be conceptual. Nothing depicted on the Master Plan shall vest any right of access at any specific point along any property frontage. All such access issues shall be approved or denied during the review of required subsequent site plan or final plat submissions. All such access points shall be consistent wLth the Collier County Access Management Policy (Res. No. 01-247), as it may be amended from time to time, and with the Collier County Long Range Transportation Plan. The number of access points constructed may be less than the number depicted on the Master Plan; however, no additional access points shall be considered unless a PUD amendment is to be processed. E. In accordance with GMP, Future Land Use Element, Policy 7.3, location of a proposed interconnection point with the adjacent Farmworkers Village property is shown on the Master Plan. F. Site-related improvements (as opposed to system-related improvements) necessary for safe ingress and egress to this project, as determined by Collier County, shall not be eligible fm impact fee credits. All required improvements shall be in place and available to the public prior to the issuance of the first CO. G. An proposed median opening locations shall be in accordance with the Collier County Access Management Policy (Resolution No. 01-247), as it may be amended, and the LDC, as it may be amended. Collier County reserves the right to modify or close any median opening existing at the lime of approval of this RPUD which is found to be adverse to the health, safety and welfare of the public. Any such modIfications shall be based on, but are not limited to, safety, operational circulation, and roadway capacity. H. Nothing in any development order shan vest a right of access in excess of a right-inlright-out condition at any access point. Neither shall the existence of a point of ingress, a point of egress or a median opening, nor the lack thereof, be the basis for any future cause of action for damages against the County by the developer, its successor in title, or assignee. I. All internal roads, driveways, alleys. pathways, sidewalks and interconnections to adjacent developments shall be operated and maintained by an entity created by the developer, and Collier County shall have no responsibility for maintenance of any such facilities. J. If any required turn lane improvement requires the use of any existing County right-of-way or easement, compensating right-of-way shaH be provided without cost to Collier County as a consequence of such improvement. 5.6. STORMW A TER MANAGEMENT A. The Kaicasa RPUD conceptual surface water management system is described in tbe Water Management Report, which has been included in the RPUD rezone application materials. Water management V-2 /\g8:lda Item r'4o. 1//4.. March 25. 2008 Pa.ge 24 of 28 infrastructure will be owned, operated and maintained by the developer until conveyed to the property owner assocIation. B. A 100 foot wide drainage and maintenance easement, along the southern property line to encompass the existing canal and provide maintenance access along the northern bank. shall be conveyed to Collier County prior to issuance of the first CO. 5.7. UTILITIES A. Water distribution, sewage collection and transmission systems shall be constructed throughout the projecr by the developer. Potable water and sanitary sewer facilities constructed within the platted rights-of-way or within dedicated utility easements shall be conveyed to the Immokalee Water and Sewer District. B. Upon completion of the utility facilities, they shall be tested to ensure they meet the lmmokalee Water and Sewer District construction requirements in effect at the time construction plans are approved. C. All customers connecting to the potable water and sanitary sewer system shall be customers of Immokalee Water and Sewer District. 5.8. ENVIRONMENTAL A. The Kaicasa RPVD shall cumply with the gUIdelines and recommendations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Florida Flsh and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWCC) regarding potential impacts to protected species on-site. A habitat management plan for protected species, including bear and panther, shall be submitted to Environmental Services Staff for review and approval prior to final construction plan approval. B. Areas that fulfill the native vegetation relention standards and criteria of the GMP shall be set aside as preserve areas. All preserve areas shall be identified as separate tracls and be protected by a permanent conservation easement tu prohibit further development. All preserve areas shall be designated as preserve tracts on all construction plans and shall be recorded on the plat with protective covenants per or similar to Section 704.06 of the Florida StaMes. Conservation easements shall be dedicated on the plat to the Kaicasa homeowners' association, or like entity, for ownership and maintenance responsibility and to Collier County with no responsibility for mamtenance. v-] Agenda Item No. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 25 of 28 SECTION VI DEVIATIONS Deviation #1 seeks relief from LDC Section 6.06.01 0 (also Construction Standards Manual as revised in Supp. 17, 03-55) which requires minimum local streel right-of-way width of 60 feet. Section 5.5A of the RPUD Document states, "The minimum right-of-way width for local streets within the Kaicasa RPUD shall be 50 feet." This deviation is justified because of the small-scale setting of the neighborhood. This addresses concerns that a larger road right-of-way is conducive to higher speeds, and physical design of the broader road right-of-way becomes less articulated and does not relate to the neighborhood scale. A 50-foot right-of-way for a residential street can successfully facilitate movement of the vehicular, pedestrian and bike traffic while acconunodating all utility and drainage needs. The 50-foot right-of.way accomplishes traffic calming to provide a safer transportation system within the community_ This dimension for a neighborhood right-of-way accommodates all the standard roadway functions so that the development is compact, and open spaces can be concentrated in areas of the property for enhanced environmental quality. Deviation #2 seeks relief from LDC Section 6.06.02, which requires construction of 5-foot wide sidewalks on both sides of local streets. Une 5-foot wide sidewalk is proposed on one side of the street within those portions of Kaicasa RPUD where there arc no lots, where lots eXlst on only one side of the street. In all other areas, sidewalks would be placed on both sides of the street. This facilitates pedestrian mobility while limiting the extent of impacts created by sidewalks on both sides of the streets. The proposed sidewalks serve the purpose of cormecting residents within the neighborhood to on-site destinations as well as off-site to Farmworker's Village. This deviation will not adversely impact pedestrian mobility for the project, and will reduce wetland impacts and reduce impervious areas for better water quality and storm attenuation. Deviation #3 seeks relief from the Construction Standards Manual as revised in Supp. 17, 03-55, which requires tangents for all streets between reverse curves, unless otherwise approved by the community development and environmental services division administrator, Section 5.5.A of the RPUD Document states, "'Tangents shall not be required between reverse curves on any project streets." This deviation is justified because it is consistent with the Code provision for administrative discretion. The streets within the Kaicasa RPUD are not at a traffic capacity or speed level to require tangents between reverse CUl\iCS. The site is designed with straight section curves and no super-elevated curves. With a speed limit of 25 miles per hour, the design promotes traffic calming. VIol i ,I / / / / r' --, SR 211- I -llih~ ..../ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 <--; ,f.l.genda item No. 17/\ fl.1arch 25, 2003 Paoe 26 of 28 l N ',=--~,,:=:::::'-7'- ? ....,f..--- // t.' I' f Immokalee ;/ Airport 1/ I' d 1( ") I , . I CR 846 0 1,250 2.500 5,000 Fe<< --""'" ElI"""'-1 .....FlMtt2 ...-~.. ~a-.o.-oDJ - FNr(2]tt.t)H3:l1 - - .., !i..C&TAT f~ 1'tlJ~!TY ~~FtP\jD 0.-"",""" ....... 1 (, \ I I . : - I' ) ~ : ENGINEERING EXHIBIT 1 Agenda Item No. 17 A March 25, 2008 Page 27 of 28 GOt.L1ER W40 !-lOt.OINGS, I..TD S \0' l'\'F'[ "A- BLif"F'ER LAND USE KEY R I HIGHRESIOE"lTlAL 10' TYPE -A" BUFFER l.AI<es' 2,,54 At:: ~ 1 ~ " " c' R - , " ,,- I , 10 TYPE .^~ BUfFER ~ RESIDENTIAL {RI .SlnllIllFamlljo,AlI11d'tedar Detached .TwoF'BmiIy . Zaro t..ot Line .Duplex -MulUlamlly .commonArN .()pen Spa::. ,Wll!el Man.~nt IVun .TOILoll<<lerealionA'eI cS , ~""" . 1.41AC ,"'W\v' , ' , "''''' 'lESIOENT....L 10' T'i'PE ~O. BUFFEH , " " , " R , , I ~ , , o 125' 250' Sc-.L.E.: 1. _ 500' . 500' LEGEND DpIlESERVE""E.'o DW^Tl!R~/JTAR€A -!tPUDIIOlMDARY R , , \ , , " R 1\ I , ,~ --_lllG>lT_OF._V @olOJAClN1ZONNGCu.5l!1FlC/ITlON ~ .o,oJACE""I.AN~U&E CI.Al:lSIFle'HION , .... PROJECT LAND use ~OLlIER LANO HOlDINGS, L TO S RESIDENTI....L USE AREA CAKE PRESERVE" ROADSIROW TOTAL NeT ACREAGE 48.05A.Ct 9.02 ACt JO.1SACt 12.75AC% 100.00AC:t P".EsERVE COWER COllWY HOUSING AUTHOFUTY F'AAMWOJlKER'!1 VILLAGE e IMPERVIOUS AREA 2J,50ACt MINIMUM OPEN SPACE(60'4) 6000 ACt 400 UNITS/100 AC," 4 UNITS PER ACRE R RJ'lJD MASTER PLAN' NOTE!>, E . ~ ~ , , r " " \' " " " ,\ " " " " I " , ,I > 1 , -,\ " " , r R r I " I r I I,OJU'Ifl..:...haJlintlL1dl:a<:tivelU\l.lp...ive",m:lllionlrfUllX:hl.l;pID.YllIllWl<!\., Knife""......, !>each fronta..... waterways IalJOl.l...!laod P_. na/un: lraib &nd0llK:/ Jimi1lKopenaplU:C:l.,illtlullinll.mJlCllli.....fulprnetYfiionoIllIlmveJelltlon.l l...dJcapedlJfn,. 2_ n..IU'UD mUltT "lrtn moll be a>nIicl~ .G"..,~l irl nal\Jn!. J,T'Mtot.lnumb."."rdovclllnglllli1.<illirnill:dlll.mnJll\llGlofofilO""its. ~ R ~, The dc.ip.....d pc:lWninl Dfllll impl'tWe:lllCll!Swllftil::llllu .....l-af.....,. ofSllt1o RCllId29.btllb;iIl'c.ordul:"withlllcFloriil~CIMOrrmliporUlIolI ""IlI1~~. ~, Witllin!be J(aj1;U,\ ll:PUl>,. ~O% minilnUlll opnl .p_....11 be .c:IIi...."" tw<:rllH: who~ <lttvdllpJl\C'll~ A mmUum 2.5% nl~vtl VlIiI'!fUiOll sblJl be nuiJled "",",it. ID inelud" \1i1llb.nd l'"~anduplMdpl'l'lll:rVCJlb~""'CDllicrCounly LMclDctYdopmmlCude, "' g . K P'ItESER~ ~ ; a iii ~ . . ~ I ~ ~ ! ~ c ~ /' ~ . ;; ! SIt.VeR!JTRANOftl PAAT!'ERSHlP e COC LAND ItlNeSTI.lENTS.INC:. s -,\ lotiMI.4UM or 30.0 ACRES WILL BE DElINEATED nJR THE PURPOSE at' PRtSERVE 'TRACTS IN THE FlNAL- DESIGN AND PLATTING. A MINIMUM or 24.11 ACRES is REQUIRED PER TI"lE we NATIVE vtGE'tATlON RETENTION REQUIREMENT 011I SITE. J lOWRESIO~ ~ JOI-INS(DN ENGINEERING 2350 STANFORD COURT NAPLES, flORIOA J<l112 PHONE (2.19) <U4-0303o3 FAX (23;) 04J4-90320 E.8. 1!4-'Z &; La. #642 KAICASA RPUD MASTER PLAN ,." OCT 2aDS SHEET f:XHIBlT 2 EXHIBIT 2 ;t,]en\Ja !iem t'Jo, 17 A r,~8rch 25, 2003 Page 28 of 28 STATE OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF COLLIER) I, DWIGHT E. BROCK, Clerk of Courts in and for the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, Collier County, Florida, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of: ORDINANCE 2007-34 Which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on the 27th day of March, 2007, during Regular Session. WITNESS my hand and the official seal of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 3rd day of April, 2007. DWIGHT E. BROCK . Clerk of Courts andCle.rk Ex-officio to' BQifr'& of" . '. County commiS:;SiGper~ "'''', ,: '",,, !!.: . . ~ 6....,. ;>( ~ ',- (ctG\~"f5C.. y: Teresa Polaski, Deputy Clerk