Resolution 2001-406 RESOLUTION NO. 2001. 406 16C 9 A RESOLUTION APPROVINC SATISFACTION OF LIENS FOR CERTAIN ACCOUNTS THAT HAVE PAID IN FULL THE 1992 SOLID WASTE COLLECTION AND DISPOSAL SERVICES SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS WHEREAS, pursuant to Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Board of county Commissioners on September 19, 1994 adopted Resolution NO. 94-668 authorizing the recording of notices of liens for the delinquent solid waste collection and disposal services special assessments for 1992; and WHEREAS, Collier County Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, requires the Board to approve by Resolution and record In the Official Records a Satisfaction of Lien on all accounts that have been paid in full. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that pursuant to Collier county Ordinance No. 90-30, as amended, the Board recognizes full payment and receipt of the 1992 service Year Solid Waste Collection and Disposal Special Assessment for the following accounts numbered below, subsequent to the adoption of Resolution No. 94-668, whereupon a lien had been recorded on real property pertaining to the accounts Identified herein. The satisfactions of Lien attached hereto referencing the accounts Identified herein are hereby approved and the Chairman Is hereby authorized to sign on behalf of the Board of county commissioners, and the Clerk Is directed to record this Resolution and these satisfactions of Lien Individually In the official records of Collier county: Account NO. 105455 .Ini~,Resolutlon adopted thisc13~ day of {)o;rl)~LR....2001, after motion, seco ~.d;~.ct fIiI~JorJty vote. . (..' ...... (,'. "/~;:'>;~:" )~t II t. eNt"..,,'. A1'T~r'l ,'>; ...~tgqt.,.. lillI, DW~~rli. BRO~ Cll:RK . B~,:~~").0- '. . <:,,;. .J ,. . Approved a"s to form and Ie ncy: :..-----;> BOARD OF COUNTY COMMI SIONERS COLLIER cglJtm; FLORID BY: '-... ~ James arter, PH. D, C ttt 2877173 OR: 2914 PG: 1702 *t* RlCOUlU in 01lICm DCOD. of COLLIII CODm rL 10/25/2001 at 02: mil DIIGHT I. BlOCI, CLlRI ' DC nJ 6.00 coms 1.00 letD: CUll TO TBI 100D I1T110lrJCI m FLOOI 1IT72tO