Agenda 03/25/2008 Item #10D Agenda Item No, 100 March 25, 2008 Page 1 of 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To provide the Board of County Commissionen (BCC) a resolution defining the County's position on lanes 5 and 6 on Interstate 75 and requesting that the Southwest Florida Expressway Authority (SWFEA) conduct a study to review alternative roadways to 1-75 that provide mobility between CoUier County and Lee County, OBJECTIVE: To provide a resolution for approval consistent with the guidance provided at the February 26, 2008 BCC meeting regarding agenda item 9C (SWFEA Collier County Resolution). CONSIDERATION: The SWFEA was created under House Bill 401 that was signed into law by Governor Bush on June 8, 2005 with the single purpose of trying to add tolled express lanes on 1 -75 (i.e. more than the six lanes that are currently programmed) in Collier and Lee Counties. At the February 26, 2008 BCC meeting, the SWFEA requested consensus for the project limits and funding to support the ongoing efforts of the Authority. The BCC directed staff to draft a resolution that included the following directions and limitations. That: . The Board of County Commissioners does not support tolling lanes 5 and 6 on any portion of 1-75 within Collier County and Lee County that is currently under contract for expansion. . The Board of County Commissioners does not support the SWFEA in any aspect of the review or operation that considers tolling lanes 5 and 6. . The Board of County Commissioners is requesting that the SWFEA conducts a study to review alternative corridors to 1-75 that would provide mobility between Collier County and Lee County and has authorized an amount up to $300,000 for the specific purpose of completing the study. Currently, Florida's Turnpike Enterprise (FTE) is conducting a toll feasibility study of the 1-75 corridor in Collier County and Lee County. The SWFEA is coordinating with FTE to review and provide comment on the study. The Florida Legislature created the SWFEA with the single purpose of trying to add tolled express lanes on 1-75 in Collier and Lee Counties. The Board's guidance to have the SWFEA conduct a study to review alternative corridors between Lee and Collier County appears to be in direct conflict with the Authority's founding legislation. Should the BCC wish to continue with an alternative study, it would be staff's recommendation that the study is conducted at the Collier County and Lee County staff level with participation from FOOT and the local Metropolitan Planning Organizations. Currently, the SWFEA is expending approximately $30,OOO/month in administrative expenses. If the BCC wishes to support the SWFEA in a continuing effort to provide solutions to the expansion of 1-75 without tolling lanes 5 & 6, staff recommends that the BCC offer to provide support services to offset the administrative costs for meeting minutes, agenda management and advertising. SWFEA March 12. 2008 Meetinl!: UndBte: The Authority concurred that they are not in a position to conduct the alternative corridor study and voted to accept Collier County Staff's alternative recommendations which include the following; I Agenda Item No. 10D March 25, 2008 Page 2 of 7 . In lieu of $300,000 to conduct an alternative corridor study, to accept in kind staff support services. . To delay action on tolling lanes 5 and 6 until the FTE study is completed and reviewed. . To recommend that the local MPOs in coordination with FOOT and the transportation planning staff from Collier and Lee counties conduct the alternative corridor study. The Authority acknowledged Collier County's position on lanes 5 & 6 and has agreed to come back to the Collier County Bce and MPO for future approval. The Authority also voted to direct Wilbur/Smith to conduct a feasibility study that analyzes the viability of a reversible tolled lane 7. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for the Expressway Authority in FY 2008 would come from General Fund (001) Reserves with the actual expense budget set up within general administrative cost center (100190). The attached Resolution would require allocating $300,000 or any portion thereof from General Fund (001) Reserves. GROWTH MANAGEMENT: The study of transportation corridors is consistent with Collier County's Growth Management Plan and the MPO's planning process. RECOMMENDATION: (Based on guidance given by the BCC at the February 26, 2008 meeting regarding agenda item 9C). To adopt a resolution defining that Collier County does not support tolling lanes 5 and 6 on 1-75 or any effort by the SWFEA with regard to tolling lanes 5 and 6 on 1-75. To authorize the SWFEA to conduct a study of alternative corridors to 1-75 and to authorize the County Manager or his designee to facilitate any necessary budget amendments to transfer up to $300,000 from the General Fund to help pay for the specific purpose of the study of alternative corridors, subject to the SWFEA being able to conduct the study. (Given the action taken at the March 12, 2008 SWFEA meeting, this recommendation is not supported by the Authority and staff) Rather as an alternative given that the construction of lanes 5 and 6 is well underway: To adopt a resolution defIning that Collier County does not support tolling lanes 5 and 6 on 1- 75 or any effort by the SWFEA with regard to tolling lanes 5 and 6 on 1-75. To suspend any additional payments to the SWFEA until a review of the toll feasibility study currently being conducted by FTE can be completed and to request that the Collier County Transportation Planning Department, Collier eounty MPO and the Lee County MPO coordinate their Long Range Transportation Plan updates with FDOT to consider all alternatives that provide mobility between Collier County and Lee County. To support the Authority with in kind support services and to transfer up to $300,000 to the County's Transportation Planning Department to pay for the corridor study and costs for providing in kind support services. Prepared By: Nick Casalanguida, Director, Transportation Planning (Based on guidance given by the Bee at the February 26, 2008 meeting regarding agenda item 9C). Attachment: Resolution 2 Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item NO.1 00 March 25, 2008 Page 3 of 7 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 100 Meeting Date: This item to be heard at 2:30 p_m To provide the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) a resolution defining the Countys position on lanes 5 and 6 on Interstate 75 and requesting that the Southwest Florida Expressway Authority (SWFEA) conduct a study to review alternative roadways to 1~75 that provide mobility between Collier County and Lee County. (Norman Feder, Admimstrator, Transportation Services and Nick Casalanguida, Director, T fa n sp ortatio nIP la n nmg) 3/25/2008 90000 AM Prepared By Nick Casalanguida MPO Director Date Transportation Services Transportation Planning 3/10120089:54:36 AM Approved By Nick Casalanguida MPO Director Date Transportation Services Transportation Planning 3/101200810:09 AM Approved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 3/11/20088:27 AM Approved By Norm E. Feder, Alep Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin. 3111/200811:28 AM Approved By Sharon Newman Accounting Supervisor Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 3/12/20083:49 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 3/13120088:44 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator Applications Analyst Date Administrative Services Information Technology 3/13/20088:51 AM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 3/14/20088:50 AM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 1 03-March%2025,%202008\ 1 0.%20COUNTY%20MANAGE... 3/19/2008 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item NO.1 00 March 25, 2008 Page 4 of 7 Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3/14/20084:04 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 1 03-March%2025,%202008\ 1 0.%20COUNTY%20MANAGE... 3/19/2008 Agenda Item NO.1 OD March 25, 2008 Page 5 of 7 COLLIER COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS API)ROVING THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA EXPRESSWAY AUTHORITY'S PROPOSED PRO.mCT SUBJECT TO FURTHER APPROVAL UPON COMPLETION OF AN INVESTMENT GRADE TRAFFIC AND REVENUE STUDY WITH THE STIPIILATION THAT LANES FIVE AND SIX OF INTERSTATE 75 WILL NOT BE TOIoLED AS EXPRESS LANES, THAT THE AUTHORITY WILL CONDUCT A SHIDY SEEKING ALTE~"'ATlVE TRANSPORTATION CORRIDORS BETWEEN COLLIER AND LEE COUNTY, AND PROVIDING FOR A LOAN TO THE AUTHORITY IN THE AMOllNT OF $300,000. WHEREAS, the Southwest Florida Expressway Authority was created by the Florida Legislature with the express intention of pursuing additional lanes on Interstate 75 within Lee and Collier Counties as tolled express lanes: and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of Commissioners previously approved loaning the SOllthwest Florida Expressway Authority S775.000 for start up and operating costs but limited the disbursement of those funds to $1 50.000 j~)r the initial trafjjc and revenue study with the understanding the Authority would return to the Collier County Commissioners to request additionalli.mding dollars needed at a fllture date: and WHEREAS, the Collier County Hoard of Commissioners does not support tolling lanes 5 & 6 within Collier County and Lee County on Interstate 75 nor docs it endorse any activities conductcd by thc Southwest Florida Exprcssway Authority. which supports the notion of tolling lancs 5 and 6 on Interstate 75; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of Commissioners desires to approve the Southwest Florida Expressway Authority's "'proposed project," which encompasses that stretch of Interstate 75 starting at Immokalee Road in Collicr County and extending N0l1h to Daniels Parkv...ay, as required by Florida Statutes. Section 348.9933(4), to move forward with the review of any preliminary design and environment study. an investment grade traffic and revenue study and any activities necessary to complete the PD&E study and the T&R study, i,e. project limits, traffic and revenue projections. excess revenues, economic impacts. plan of finance, public involvement, etc.: and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of Commissioners supports the Southwest Florida Expressway Authority in conducting an Investment Grade Traffic and Revenue Study or reviewing a study by Florida' s Turnpike Authority in order to detennine detailed traffie and revenue numbers. project eosts, financial requirements, toll rates and loll configurations limited to lanes 7,8,9 and lOon Interstate 75: and Agenda Item NO.1 OD March 25. 2008 Page 6 of 7 WHEREAS, thc Southwest Florida Expressway Authority shall seek additional approval from the Collicr County Board of Commissioners following the results of the investment grade traffic and revenue study for the proposed project; and WHEREAS, the Collier County Board of Commissioners will disburse and lend the Southwest Florida Expressway Authority the additional amount of $300.000 for thc specific purpose of completing a corridor study which will review alternative roadways to lntcrstate 75 that connect Collicr County and Lee County: and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VEil by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County. Florida: 1. Collier Countv in accordance with Florida Statutes. Section 348.9933(4) hereby approves the Southwest Florida Expressway Authority's proposed project on Interstate 75 having project limits commencing from Immokalee Road in Collier County and extending North to Daniels Parkway, subject to and conditioned upon an additional approval by Collier County following the results of the investment grade traffic and revenue study for lanes 7. 8. 9. and J O. ~ Collier County docs not suppol1 tolling lanes 5 or 6 of Interstate 75 nor docs it endorse any aspect of thc review. operation or tolling of lanes 5 and (, on any portion of Interstate 75 within Collier County or I.ee County. , .'. Collier County authorizes the Southwcst Florida Expressway Authority to conduct a corridor study which will review alternative roadways to Interstate 75 that connect Collier County and Lee County. Collier County shall pr0vidc up to S300.000 for the specific purpose of the corridor study subject to the ability of the SWFEA Il> conduct the study. Commissioner Tom Helming made a motion to adopt the forcgoing Resolution. seconded by Commissioner James Colella. The vote was as follows: James Colella Donna Fiala Fred Coyle Tom I-lenning Frank Halas Agenda Item No. 10D March 25, 2008 Page 7 of 7 day of .2008, DULY PASSED AND ADOPTED this ATTEST: CLERK OF COURTS BY: Clerk Approved as to form and legal snfficiency: \~ ~I/ -u~L Scott R. Teach. Esq. Managing Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Tom Henning, Chairman