Agenda 03/25/2008 Item #10C Agenda Item No. 10C March 25, 2008 Page 1 of 14 Executive SUmmary Recommendation to adopt a Resolution (Initiating Resolution) of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, pursuant to part II of Chapter 171, Florida Statutes (Florida's Interlocal Service Boundary Act) to commence the process for negotiating an interlocaI service boundary agreement regarding 22.04 acres of land, more or less, described as the Senior Care Site, proposed to be annexed into the City of Naples. OBJECTIVE: Recommendation by the County Manager that the Board of County Commissioners (Board) adopt the attached Initiating Resolution to commence the process for negotiating an interIocal service boundary agreement regarding 22.04 acres of land, more or less, described in the Resolution as the Senior Care Site, currently being proposed to be annexed into the City of Naples. The specified acreage is based solely upon the application for annexation. CONSIDERA TIONS: The area to be discussed is at least the acreage described in the Resolution as the Senior Care Site, consisting of 22,04 acres, more or less. The City can add additional acreage for discussion. The principal purposes of an interlocal service boundary agreement are to agree how best to provide services to residents and property in the most efficient and effective manner while balancing the needs and desires of the Community; Also to establish a more flexible process for adjusting municipal boundaries and to address a wider range of the effects of annexation and to encourage intergovernmental coordination in planning, service delivery, and boundary adjustments and to reduce intergovernmental conflicts and reduce litigation between local governments; Also to promote sensible boundaries that reduce the costs of local governments, avoid duplicating local services, increase political transparency and accountability and to prevent inefficient service delivery and an insufficient tax base to support the delivery of services. This Resolution invites the city of Naples and the East Naples Fire Control and Rescue District to participate in the agreement negotiation process. The City can invite certain other participants into the negotiating process. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: An interIocal agreement that may result from this process can result in growth management impacts regarding Collier County, but those impacts are not yet known. FISCAL IMPACT: An interlocal agreement that may result from this process will have fiscal impacts regarding Collier County, but those impacts are not yet known. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: According to the County Attorney, the form and legal sufficiency of this proposed Initiating Resolution complies with Florida's InterIocal Service Boundary Act. RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation by the County Manager that the Board of County Commissioners adopt the attached Initiating Resolution to commence the process for negotiating Agenda Item No. 10C March 25, 2008 Page 2 of 14 an interlocal service boundary agreement regarding approximately 22.04 acres of land, more or less, described as the Senior Care Site, currently being proposed to be annexed into the City of Naples. PREPARED BY: Heidi Ashton-Cicko, Assistant County Attorney Page I of I Agenda Item No. 10e March 25, 2008 Page 3 of 14 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 10C Meeting Date: Recommendation to adopt a Resolution (Initiating Resolution)of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, pursuant to Part II of Chapter 171, Florida Statutes (Florida's Interlocal Service Boundary Act) to commence the process for negotiating an interlocal service boundary agreement regarding 22,04 acres of land. more or less, described as the Senior Care Site, proposed to be annexed into the City of Naples. (Jim Mudd, County Manager) 3/25/200890000 AM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 3/12/20088:30 PM file:l/C:\AgendaTestIExportl I 03-March%2025,%20200811 0.%20COUNTY%20MANAGE.., 3/19/2008 Agenda Item NO.1 OC March 25, 2008 Page 4 of 14 RESOLUTION NO. ZOO8- A RESOLUTION (INITIATING RESOLUTION) OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLOJUDA. PUBSUANT TO PART n OF CHAPTER 171, FLOJUDA STATtl"ITB (FLOJUDA'S INTERLOCAL SERVICE BOUNDARY ACT) TO COMMENCE THE PROCESS POR NEGOTIATING AN JNTERLOCAL SERVICE BOUNDARY AGREEMENT REGARDING 12.(14 ACRES OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, DESCRIBED HEREIN AS THE SENIOR CARE SITE. PROPOSED TO lilt ANNEXED INTO THE CITY OF NAPLES WHEREAS, Florida', IJ1lerlocal Scrvil;e Boundmy Acl (herein "!be Acl"), being Cbapter 2006- 218, Laws of Florida. iDcludes -n01lll 171.20, 171.201, 171.202, 171.203, 171.204, 17\.205, 171.206, 17\.207, 17\.208, 171.209, 171.21. 171.211 lIlllIl7I.212, F/orl<lD Statut.., opproved by Governor BWIh on June 14, 2006; IIId WHEREAS, the Act', principal goals, IS I1ated in the Acl" section 171.201, IlR to encourage local govommerlls to jointly detennine bow 10 provide ,ervi= to =idents lIlllI property in the l110Il efficient IIId effective manner while baIaocin& the needlllIId _ of the Community; Also to establish a maR: flexible process for IIdjUltins municiptl _es lIlllI to lIlIdresI a wider ranse of the effects of lII'IDeX8tion and to encourage intcrgovcrmnental coordination in planning. service delivery, and boundary adjUltmenta and to _ intergovemmenta1 conflicll and litigation between local governments; Also to promote ,,,,,sible booDdaries that reduce the costs of local governmeDll, avoid duplicating local services, and incRase political transparency and aocountabiIity IIDd to prevent inefficient service delivery IIId an inautlicienl tax base to support the delivery of services; and WHEREAS, .. defined in the Act's suboec:tion 17\.202(7), this resolution is Collier Connly" "initiatiDs resolution" to commence the process for negotiating an inte<locaI service boundaly agreement and which identilies the County', specified uniDcorponlted area IIDd the County', designated issues for discussion; and WHEREAS, .. defined in the Acl" subsection 171.201(8), an '1nt<rIocal service boundary agreement" means an agreement adopted pumuool to the Act between a couoty and one or more municipalities, IIId which may include one ur more defined independent opeciaI districts .. parties to the agreement; IIId WHEREAS, .. defined in the Act', sub_tion 171.202(3), the applicable "indcpcndeu1 spccial districts" IlR limited to special districll IS defined in Section 189.'103, Florida s._.., IIDd that provide fire, emergency medical, _, waatew_.lIIldIor slonnwmer services; IIDd WHEREAS, the Act', subsection 171.203(2) specifies that within sixty (60) days af\m' receipl uf this initiating resolution, the City of Naples sball sdopt ita respondiDg ....lutian, wherein the City can identifY an additiona1 unincorporaled area or incorponlled...... or both. for discussion; Also the City may thereby designate IIdditional iaaues fur negotiation, and pllllllWlI to the Acl'. subsection 171.202(15), may designBle one o~ special district; and WHEREAS, as I1ated in the Act', subsectioo 171.203(2)(d), each quali6ed independenl district that receives the County's initiating resolution can participate in the interloctl service boundmy agreement negotiation procesa by adopting ill resolutioo indicating such iDlImt; and WHEREAS," I1ated in the Acl', subsection 171.203(16), the Act does DOl auIborize one local govmunent to r<>quire another local governmenl 10 enler into an interlocal service boundary agreement, but wh"" the process for negotiating an intedocal service boundary a_cut is initiated, the local governments sbalJ negotiate in good fBith 10 the conclusion of the p...... established in the Act'. Section 171.203; and WHEREAS, IS defined in the Act's subaections 171.202(4) and (5), Collier County is the "Initiating County" IIId is a110 the "lnitiatiDs local government;" and WHEREAS, pursuanl to the Act', subaection 171.203(1), the land area to be discusoed pursuant 10 this proceos is _bod herein .. the Senior Care Site, which IICCOIding to the application for IlDIIeX&lion, conaiats of 22.04 oc..., more or I.... which 1anc1 ..... i. depicted on the map (the "_ptive exhibif') _ to this Resolution.. Exhibit A; and ~ Agenda Item No. 10C March 25, 2008 Page 5 of 14 WBEREAS. pUlllU8llt to the Act'. ..._"" 171203(1), Collier County'. designated issues to be negotWcd are listed below in the body of this Rooolution; and WHEREAS, as defined in the Act',lIUbcecti"" 171.202(9), an "invited local govermncnt" meons ...,h invited COUDty, municipality, or opeciaI diatrict and lilY other local govemment dccignated as such in an initiating resolution. or in . responding resolution, 1lIlIl invitee the respective local govemmeDl(,) to participate in negotiatiDg an _local service bouodary ~~ and WHEREAS, Collier County', two (2) "Invited local govemmenla" are the City of Naples (the County'. designated "invited municipality"), and the Eat Naple. Fuc Control and Roscue District. an 1ndcpcndcnt Special District. as . "notified local govemmeat" or an "invited loca1 govcrnm-" NOW, TIIEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUN1Y, FLORIDA, that: I. The above WHEREAS cl...... are incmporated herein. 2. Collier County, as "the initiating county," hereby designates the City of Naples as the County'. ''invited municipality." 3, Colli.,. County, .. "the initiating county," hm:by notifies the Eut Naples Fire Control and Rescue Dil1rict of this Reoolution.. . "nolified local govermnCllt" or and '~nvited local govcrmnent." 4. The County'. __led I...! lIIea, all of which i. unincoIporatod, i. dcocnbed herein as the Senior Care Site, which land amas, aceonling to the application fur aoncxation, consist of22.04llCI'Cl1, more or -. and which """"'go is depicted on the map attaebcd to thi. ReooJution as Exhibit A ("the descriptive exhibit")_ Based upon the applicalion for annexation. the legal description of this land ami propoaod 10 be aoncxed into the City of Naples is: SEE EXHIBIT "II" 5. The County's dcsignstcd issues for negotistion are any and all issues conccming service delivery, fiscal respoosibilities, and/or bouodary sdjuslmenta. The interlocaI service bouodary sgreemeot iSSlKSIDlIy include, but need DOt be limited to. the following: L Ideotifying s municipal service area. b. Ideotifying Sll onincorporatcd service area. c. Identifying the local govermnent responsible for delivery or limding of the following services within the lIl1IlIicipa1 service ares or the uniDcorpon1ed service area including: 1. Public safety 2. Fire. emergcnoy resc.... and medical, 3_ Water and wastewster, 4. Road owmnhip, conslruction, and maintenance. 5. Consorvalion, psrks, and recrcalion. 6. S_m_taod~. 7. Garbage/trash collection Slld mcycling. II. The inlcrlncal service boundazy agrocment may establish . process and schedule for mmexation of an area within the deRigJ'atM municipal service area.. if any. consistent with the Act's Section 171205. "- The interlocal service beundary sgreemeat may establiah s process for land-- use decisions consistent with part n of Cbapter 163, Florido Stall/Ia. includiDg those made jointly by the governing bodies of the County Slld the City of Naples, or allow the City of Naples to adopt land..... changes consistent with part n of Clulpter 163, Florido StaiuJa, for oth.,. land an:as, if Slly, scbedulod to be annexod during the tenD of yean specified in the interlocal &erYice boundary agreement. If the agreement lIddresaes respoDSlbility for land-use planning under Chapter 163, Florida StaIKIa, the agr=IClIl may also establiah the proccduIes for preparing Slld adopting comprehensive plan smendmentB. administering land-developmcnt ",gulstioDS, aod issuing development onion. 2 Agenda Item NO.1 OC March 25, 2008 Page 6 of 14 f. The _local service boImduy _, may lIddIao olher issues COIICcmiDg service deli"",>" .....'''''ing 1he tnuafer of services and infras1ructme. g, The inlerIocaI service boundary agreement may provide fur 1he joint use of fitcilitiesand lbo colocotion of serviceI. h. The interlocal service boundary agreement may Include. '"'Iuirement for a report to Collier CoUDly from !be City of Napl.. oflbo City's pl8llDCld service delivery, aa provided in theAot'. Section 171.042, or.. otherwi.. maybe determined by the Agrcmnent. i. The iDterIocaI service bounclary agreement may establi,b a process by whieb the 10<:a1 government that is responsible for ~ and _ater services shall. within thirty (30) days after any respective ~.ti()O. of territory. apply for modificatiOtlJ to permits of the water m-08''"'lent diJlriet aDdIor Florida's Department of Enviromnental Pro_on whieb are necessary to rellect cbaDges in the entity thai i, responaible fur managing surfllCe water under such permits, j. Autaled in the Act's subaection 171.203(8), in order to 0IlSUJ'0 that the health and welfare of lbe residents Ifl'ected by ~oti"" will be protected, all fire and emergency medical services IIta1l be provided by 1he existing provider of fire and emerseucy medical serviceI to !be _ed ""'" and remain part of the exialing specia1 district un1eaa Collier County and lbe City of Naples reach lID --. through lbo interlocal service boundary agreement or other legally sufficient _ ..to _ entities IIta1l provide _ emergency services. 6. As staled in lbe Act', subtections 171.203(1) (a), (b), and (c), the County Manager sbal~ by Uniled Slates certified mai~ send copy of this Initialing Resolution (a) to the City Manager of the City of Nap.... (b) to the City Manager of the City of Moral Island. (c) to the Mayor of Everglades City, and (d) to the Cbief ~ve Officer of lbo Eaat Napl.. Fire Conltollltld Rescue District, CbiefRobert Sbank. 7. This Resolulion abalI take effect immediately upon adoption. ADOPTED this _ day of vote liavoring adoption. , 2008 after motion. second and majority ATIEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK. CIeri< BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA By: By: TOM HI!NNlNG, Cbainnan DeputyClotk 'ency: Approv , Cbief Aa_ CoUDly Attorney CHlfAC'Jtaoooo&~ 3 U""-;- oo~ _0_ NO ",I"- -N Q) E.cOl Q)"ro _~CL -ro .fg2 c Q) Ol -< ~ , ,/ --a- I .LJ81HX!1 Agenda Item NO.1 OC March 25, 2008 Page 8 of 14 EXHIBIT "B" LEGAL n...nuPTfoN OF PROPERTY ParceIo IM-3 tIlroup laG _ fro.. Emlblt "A" to w..-ty Deed _cd at O.R. _~032, _ 3951- 3725 l8A-3 (Identification No. 1694(840505): Alllhat part of Lot 9 of Nap I.. Improvement Company'. Little FIlIIIlll Subdivision, lying .outh of Golden Gate Parkway, rcccmled in Plat Book 2, Psgc 2, Public RcccmIs ofCollicr County, Florida; and l8C (Idcntific::aUoo No. 619407600(9): The But 564 fCet of the West 1.184 foot of Lot 8 of Nap Ie. Improvement Co_y'. LiUle FIlIIIlll Subdivision, .... road right-of-way gpmtcd in Official RcccmIs Book 876. Pag<: 1718, according to the map or plat thereof on file and rccmdcd in the office of the Ocdt of the Circuit Court. m:onIcd in Plat Book 2, Pag<: 2, in the Public Records of Collier County, Florida; and 180 (Identification No. 61940800008): The But 470 feet of the West 1,654 feet of Lot 8 of Nap Ie. improvement Company'. Liltle Farms Subdivision rccmded in Plat Book 2, Plll!e 2, in the Public Racords of Collier COImty, Florida; mI 18E (Identification No, 61940600(4): All of Lot 8 ofNaplco Improvement Company', LiltleFann. Subdivision, except the W....I,654 teet, accordins to the plat thorcofrocorded in Plat Book 2, Plll!e 2, Public Racords of Collier County, Florida; the East mI West boundary Iinc& of said Psrcel being mcasurccl from the West line of said Lot 8 (said West line of Lot 8 lying 25.00 feet But of the North and South 1/4 Section line of Section 27, ToWDSbip 49 South, Raugc 25 East. Collier County, Florida); mI 18F (Identification No, 61940520003): The East 338,24 feet of the W.... 958.34 feet of Lot 7 of Naplco Improvement Company'. Liltle FIlIIIlll Subdivision, per Plst Book 2, Pag<: 2, in the Public RcccmIs of Collier County, Florida, I... snd except tba1 portion dceclcd to the Board of County Commiasi.ooero described u: Commence al the Northwest comer of said Lot 7; tben<:e North 89' 17' 39" East along the North line of said Lot 7 fur a distance of 620.00 feet to the Point of Bcgiming; lIlcncc continue a100g the North line of Lot 7 a distance of 41.60 feet to the point of intcncclion with the point of curve CODCaVe to the Northwest having . radius of 813.94 feet mI a ccnlraI sngIe of 26' 13' 03"; tbooce continue Southwestcrly a100g said curve an src c1illlallCe of 51.30 feet to a point; tben<:e North 00' 39' 49" West 30 feet to the Point of Beginning. 18G (Idcatification No, 6194(480004): North 1/2 of Lot 7, Les. West 1,288.34 feet Napl.. Improvement Company'. Liltle Farms Subdivision, IS per pial thctcof rcoordcd in Plst Book 2, Psgc 2, Public Racords of Collier County, Florida. AND Legal Desc:r1ptioD taI<_ rrom W......ty Deed ...rded lit OR Book 4032, Paccl876 Parcel ID Number 61940440002: The East 270.00' of the West 1313.34' of the N 1/2 of Lot 7, as mcasurccl from the West line of the SE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 49 South, RBnge 25 East, Naples Improvement Co'. tiltle Fsrms.. sccording to the map or plst thereof as rccmdcd in Plat Book 2, psgc 2, Public Racords ofCollicr County, Florida. AND LcgaI Desc:rIptIon llIkca from Cort'OCllve Warruty Deed ..._ lit OR _ 4324, Pace 3551 Psrcc1 ID Number 61940520009: A p......l of land lying in Lot 7 of Napl.. Improvement Co's Liltle Fanns, IS rcconIed in Plat BooIt 2, Plll!e 2, Public Recorda of Collier County, Florida; 5 Agenda Item No. 10C March 25, 2008 Page 9 of 14 COIDIIlCIIcing at the Soutbwoot COl1lOl' o!Swncy'. Plaza as roconIod in Plat Book 24, page 28 oCthe Poblic Recorda oC Collim County, Florida, aIao being a poiJtI on the South !iDe oC Lot 7 of Naplca Company'. Little FlII1IlII .. recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 2, oC the Poblic Recorda oC Collier County, Florida; Thence a10ng the Soulh line oC said Lot 7, N,89'49'23''E, Cor 938.25 Feet. to a Point of Beginning of the parcel horein dcocribcd; Thence leaving said South line oCLot 7 N.OO'19'14"W. Cor 333.05 feet to a Point on the Nor1h line oCsaid Lot 7; Thcncc along the Nor1h line oCLot 7, N.89'36'47"E. Cor 60.16 feet; Thcncc lcavingthe Nor1h Lincofuid Lot 7 S,OO'16'23"1!. for 164.84 feet; Thcncc N.89'36'03"E. for 270.03 Feet; Thence N.89'37'39"E. Cor 631.47 Feel to a Point on a mlllllldcr !iDe lying on the Westerly .ide oC Gordon River; Thence along .aid meander !iDe, the fol1owing two (2) described COlll1lC&: I) Thenec S.26'31'I3"W. Cor 102.98 feet; 2) Thence S.12'56'24"W. Cor 82.05 feetw a point on the South ofsaid Lot 7; Thence a10ng the Sootb!iDe of said Lot 7 S.89'SO'24"W. for 896.31 Feet to the point oCbeginning oC the parcel dcoeribed herein. 6 Agenda Item No. 10C March 25, 2008 Page 10 of 14 EDWARD K. CHEFFY 8OAAO CERTIFIED CML TRIAl. ATTORNEY BOARD CERl1FIED BUSINESS LmGATlON A TTQRNEY JOHN I~. PASSIDOWIO 6OARO CEATFIEO REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY GEORGE A \"-'ILSOh! BOAAO CERTIFIEO WILLS, TRUSl"S & ESTATES ATTORNEY F. =:DWA.RD JO!-!II$QI" BOARD CERTJAEO WIllS. TflUST6 & ESTATES ~.nOHNeY JOHN O. KEHOE BOARD CERTIFIED CML TRIAL ATTORNEY LOUiS D. O'AGOSTINO BOARD CERTIFIED APPRlATE PRACTICE ATTORNEY JErF (,II. j\.'OVATT DtN1D A. ZULlJlJ>1 I~EVII\' A. DEI\ITI JEFfREY S. rIOFFltfiAI'! 604AD CERTlFIEO W1US. TRUSTS &. E5TATESATTORNEY CHEFFY PASSIDOMO WILSON & JOHNSON ArrORNE'(S IJ' LAw, u....r 821 AFTH AVENUE SOUTH, SUITE 201 NAPLES. FLORIDA34102 TELEPHONE: (239) 261.9300 FA):: (239) 261.9782 EWtAIL CPW",@napleslaw,com lOUIS W. CHEFFY BOARD CERTifiED REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY USA H. BARNETT BOARD CERTIRED REAl ESTATE ATTORNEY CLAY C. BROOKER ANDR.eW 1-1. REl. WIWAM J. DEMPSEY BOARD CERTIFIED REAL ESTATE ATTORNEY MICHAEL W. PETTIT CHrtlSTOPHER J. THORNTON IJlICI-iAEL S. 3ROSS .JOHN C. CLOUGH .IABOI'" O. LO\f\IE OF L"OUNsa; GEORGE t... VAANJo.OO! DIRECT DIAL: (239)436-1529 DIRECT FAX: (239) 261-0864 February 29, 2008 BAND DELIVERY Mr. A. William Moss City Manager City of Naples City Hall 735 Eighth Street South Naples, Florida 341 02 Re: City of Naples Procedure for Consideration of Annexation Petitions under Resolution #06-11473 adopted December 6, 2006 (the "City Annexation Procedure") DeBr M1'. Moss: Our fim] represents Senior Care Development, LLC ("Senior Care"), Senior Care is under contract to acquire a 22,04 acre parcel (the "Site") on the south side of Golden Gate J:'Brkway immediately west of Bnd adjacent 10 [he Gordon River in unincorporated Collier County, The Site is located on a major arterial near the regional mall and within an activity center designated on the county's future land use map. We bave identified the Site on the city's attached Zoning Map, Vicinity Aerial, and Future Land Use Map, Senior Care specializes in developing continuing CBre retirement communities ("CCRC"). CCRCs accommodBte ,'etirees seeking a living an-angement that features a continuum of care ,hat BlIows residents to "age in place" as their healtl, and personal needs change over 'ume. CCRCs are inclusive living environments that provide one or more types of dwelling units ranging from independent living units to assisted living and skilled nursing care along with ancillary amenity and nursing facilities in a campus style community. Since 1988, Senior Care and its principals bave specialized in developing a full spectnull of senior living facilities. In project after project, Senior Care has provided quality amenities and superior services, with great care taken to bringing the highest levels of satisfaction to every Agenda Item NO.1 OC March 25, 2008 Page 11 of 14 Mr. A, William Moss February 29, 2008 Page 2 resident. To the surrounding area, Senior Care brings something more: development that is compatible with local agendas for growth and an influx ofvital new citizens anxious to volunteer their time, skills and services in neighboring libraries, schools, envirorunental initiatives, conmlUnity znd cultural organizations, theatre groups, museums, and the like. Here, Senior Care proposes to provide another option to city residents who want to live in a premier continuing care ,-etirement community without having to leave the city and forfeit the privileges of city residency. The Site's proximity to the Naples Zoo, the Conservancy and adjacent public lands provides special opportunities to create connectivity between and among important public and quasi public institutions along the headwaters of the Gordon River. Senior Care accordingly proposes to petition the City of Naples for annexation of the Site into the city under a master plan which identifies pemlitted uses, heights, densities and intensities for the Site, We have met with city planning staff regarding statutory compliance of the proposal as required under the City Annexation Procedure. Staff acknowledges that the Site constitutes an "enclave" that is "enclosed within and bounded by a single municipality and a natural or manmade obstacle (i,e., the Gordon River) that allows the passage of vehicular traffic to that unincorporated area only through the municipality". TIle Florida Legislature recognized ;n Chapter 171 of the Florida Statutes that enclaves can create significant problems in planning, growth management, and service delivery. The Legislature has declared that it is the policy of the state to eliminate enclaves, and city planning staff has found that the proposed annexation is compliant with Florida law, Staff has directed us to schedule a time on City Council's March 19, 2008 agenda for Council to consider whether the proposed annexation should be entertained. We respectfully request that the matter be scheduled for consideration by City Council on March 19. We thereafter anticipate that, if City Council decides to consider the proposed annexation. we will prepare appropriate petitions to initiate the process. As part of that process, we will submit a financial feasibility analysis describing the economic implications of the proposed annexation to the city. We are excited about Senior Care's plans for bringing a new state of the art continuing care retirement community to the City of Naples and look forward to sharing those plans with you, and indeed the entire community, during the public hearing process. Very..tfUly yoW's, .I l "',(';'1) .'}..t ..() '~- '-, ! , I.. "'\I John M, sid'omo ..... "~ )~or thennn JMP/tpp Enclosnres cc: Robert D, Pritt, Esquire, City Aliomey Robin D. Singer, AICP, Planning Director f:\wpdocs\RE\Senior Care Devetopment\CarihUeaIl Gardens (13770)\MOS5 Z Ltr.doc . 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