Agenda 04/08/2008 Item #16B12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Agenda Item No, 16B 12 April S, 200S Page 1 of S Recommendation to approve a resolution designatiug an approximately 1.2 acre parcel of land within the Collier County Government Center campus for use as an intermodal transit passenger transfer facility. OBJECTIVE: To approve a resolution designating an approximately 1.2 acre parcel of land within the Collier County Government Center for use as an intermodal transit passenger transfer facility. CONSIDERATION: On August 1,2007, Collier Area Transit (CAT) moved their passenger transfer facility to the Collier County Government Center campus next to the Museum, after being asked to relocate by Lorenzo Walker Institute of Technology. This current location by the Museum was always intended to be a temporary location until a permanent facility could be built. The Facilitics Department has suggested, and the Transportation Division is requesting, relocation of the CAT transfer operation to vacant land located at the comer of the Collier County Government Center across from Wal-Mart on US 4] Tamiami Trail East. A location map depicting the approximate location of the proposed facility is attached hereto as Exhibit A. The proposed facility location is within the Collier County Government Center Community Facility Planned Unit Development ("CFPUD"), which was previously approved as a Development of Regional Impact (DR!). As part of the PUD ordinance, the CFPUD was determined to be consistent with the DR!. Permitted uses within the CFPUD include "administrative service facility"; "essential public service facilities"; "parking facilities"; and "[a]nyother uses that are comparable in nature with the foregoing uses and are consistent with the permitted uses of [the] CFPUD, as detennined by the Board of Zoning Appeals". In addition, accessory uses within the CFPUD include "accessory uses and structures customarily associated with the principal permitted uses." Because the proposed facility is intended for use by the public for transportation services, the facility falls under both the permitted and accessory uses of the CFPUD. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact with designating this land for use as a transfer facility. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Consistent with the Transportation Elements in Objectives 10 of the Growth Management Plan, which provides that the County shall encourage safe and efficient mobility for the rural public, and Objective 12 of thc Growth Management Plan, which provides that the County shall encourage the efficient use of transit services now and in the future. LEGAL CONSIDERA nONS: This agenda item has been reviewed for legal sufficiency, and there are no outstanding legal considerations. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve a resolution designating a parcel of land within the Collier County Government Center campus for use as an intermodal transit passenger transfer facility. Prepared by: Sue Faulkner, Principal Planner, Alternative Transportation Modes Attachment: Resolution Agenda Item No, 16B12 April S, 200S Page 2 of S Page 1 of 2 Agenda Item No. 16812 April 8. 200S Page 3 of S COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16B12 Recommendation to approve a resolution designating a parcel of land within the Collier County Government Center campus for use as an intermodal transit passenger transfer facility. Meeting Date: 4/8/2008900:00 AM Prepared By Sue Faulkner Principal Planner Date Transportation Services Alternative Transportation Modes 3/24/20084:27:47 PM A pproved By Diane B. Flagg Director A TM Director Date Transportation Services Alternative Transportation Modes 3/24/20085:20 PM Approved By Therese Stanley Grants Coordinator Date Transportation Transportation Administration 3/25/20087:22 AM Approved By Jeff Wright Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 3/25/20084:44 PM Approved By Barbara LaPierre Management/Budget Analyst Date Transportation Services Traffic Operations 3/25/20084:58 PM Approved By Norm E. Feder. AICP Transportation Division Administrator Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin. 3/26/20083:58 PM Approved By Skip Camp, C,F,M. Facilities Management Director Date Administrative Services Facilities Management 3/27/20088:19 AM Approved By Sharon Newman Accounting Supervisor Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 3/27/200811 :28 AM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 3/27/20082:30 PM Approved By file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 1 04-April%208.%202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 16... 4/2/2008 Page 2 of 2 Agenda Item No. 16B12 April S, 200S Page 4 of S OMS Coordinator Applications Analyst Date Administrative Services Information Technology 3/27/20082;40 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 3/28/2008 8;28 AM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 3/29/20084:10 PM file://C:\AQendaTest\Exnort\ 1 04-Anril%208.%202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 16___ 4/2/2008 Agenda Item No, 16812 April S, 200S Page 5 of S H ESOLUTIO" 03- A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~1MISS]ONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORJDA, DEStGNA TlNG A 1.2+/- ACRE PARCEL OF LA)>.,']) W[THI~ THE COLLIER COUNTY GOYER!':MENT CENTER, 3301 EAST TAMIAMI TRAIL, FOR USE AS THE COLLIER AREA TRANSIT I"TERMODAL FACILITY, WHEREAS, Collier Area Transit (CAT) has provided a public transit service to the Collier County c.ommunity since February 15. 2001; and WHEREAS, on August 1, 2007, CAT moved its passenger transfer facility from the Lorenzo Walker Institute of Tecn'lology to a temporary location within the Collier ('0unty Government Complex, 3301 East Tami:l1ni TrmJ; and WHEREAS, the CoIlier County Transpo11atio:l IJivision, in conjunction with the Facilities Dcparlmcnt, h:~s id~nUied a 1.2 f /- acre parcel within th~ ColliCT County Govcr.1:nent CC:lttf on the northeas~ CDmer of Tamiami Trail East and E~rillal Boulevard (JpproximatelY 1.,\:iDll feet !;ou~hcast uf A:;-po;.t-Pu11ing Road SC1uthL (kpictcd III tIle atL\cht:u E.~hihll "A," ;l~ a sUlul1!e, ;~':':-:T.ancnl ~(lc:\ti('n ;elr ~h(.' C:\ T ltltcr-:T1C!\1:l1 l::msit f;lcdlty: :md \V}lF.PL\S, tht~ ~rnro"c~d f;H~ljily .s C(',;.:-;iS1C;-"1 w.::1; t11'::: W<": rn,yi(J;.;i :!-: C(l!l~~'r Cotlnty Onlinance 04-56, tllC Col:icr COU1lTY Go\'C'rnmcnt Center C'l,:,:nmunilY faci1il1SS PLIllJl(:c1 L:il1 Deyelopm::>nt'Dc\'C:]Of1nLCnl of Re.';ion3111~jpJCL J\OW, T'-JERElORE, BE IT RESOL'lED [IY THE BOARD OF COL"ITY CO\'1l\llSS101'ERS OF COLLIER COUr"':TY, FLORIDA, rh:H the Hoard of County Commissioners hereby designates the 1,2 .:../- acre parcel (;cri('t~~d in ExhIbit "A," allached :lcn.:!o :md incorporated by refcrC:1ce hert':n, fl)r use as n pc:m<!llcnt Collier Area Tra:1sit IrJl.er.:-lOd;:d Transit Facility. This Resolution udoptcd after 1110tiol1, second and lTl3.,iority vote, this __ day 0f 2008. ATTEST' DWIGHT E BROCK, CLERK BO/vZD OF COU~TY COMMISSJON;cRS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: --------------- . Deputy C~rk By: rO!'v1 HE~NING, CH:\IRi\l.^\N /q1proved :'.5 to f'oml and legal sufficiency: (:,J :r:T JeffE. Wrighl I) AssistJnt CO:.Im)' Attorney ~.' . /> 1;1',., "':..' .." ,.. ..~ , . "" '" ",' Agenda Item No, 16B12 April S, 200S Page 7 of S COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT Community Development and Envif'Onmental Services Division Department of Zoning arid Land Development Review 2800 North HOIseshoe Ddve . Naples, Florida34104 May 22,2007 ;;:,~; ~~ rr3J r7:] "U,I c'..L:-f (:, ., ~r,( -'. Irit l: f:!;/Y q .1 tl -- ;:'".;:g C,-, J'I) o 2007 :) g Robert J, MulllCte, AlCP R W A Consulting, Inc 6610 Willow Park Drive Suite 200 Naples, FlOIida 34109 ~'.,....,......_. --.------ -'--- Re: Zoning Verification Letter ZLTR-07-AR.11596, requesting a detennination that Section 33 A of the Collicr County Government Center Community Facility Planned Unit Developmcnt (CFPUD) permits the use of a Bus fransfer Station to be opcrated by Collicr Area Transit (CAr). Dear Mt, Mulhere: This letter is in rcsponse to your request for an official zoning verification letter to determine if the Collier Area Transit (CAT) Bus Passenger Transfer use is a permitted use in Section 3,) A of the Collier County Government Center CFPUD (Ordinance Number 2004-56) as described in yoU!' application letter accepted as sufficient on April 12, 2007 The use as you dcscribe is an element of the county-wide CA T facility and thc proposal is to, operate a bus passenger transfer function at the Collier County Government Center (Main Carnpus) at the southernmost pmt of the complex that fronts on the Tamianu hail (US-41), In addition, it is anticipated that site improvements will be necessary and couId include a shelter facility with rest lOoms, Other site implOvements that may be reqwred by the TranspOItation Services Division include the following: a redesign of the site access to allow for the bus tuIning movements and providing bus access from the transfer site to the traffic signal at the US-41 From the information presented, it is my opinion that the proposed bus transfer use fimctions as a govemment or public service facility that is intcnded to provide a needcd public transpOItation scrvice to the residents of Collier County, Upon my revicw of the list of permitted uses contained in the abovc referenced Community Facility POO document, "Essential Public Service Facilities" is listed as a permitted principal use Because the pun document doesn't define the term "Essential Public Service Facilities", the definitions ofthe Collier County Land Development Code (LDC) nOImally shall apply, The LDC doesn't c::: o (~ T c::: o H t :v Phone (239)403-2400 Fax (239) 643-6968 01 (239) 213-2913 www,colliergovnet ./vir Robert Mulliere Page 2 Agenda Item No. 16B12 April S, 200S Page S of S specifically define Essential Public Service Facilities, however it does define an "essential service" and "government facility" as follows; Essential services.. Those services and facilities, including utilities, safety services, and other f!overnment urvices, necessary to promote and p'otect public health, safety and welfare, including but not limited to the following police, fire, emergency medical, public park and public libTa'Y facilities, and all se,vices designed and opeTated to provide watel; sewer; gas, telephone, electricity, cable television or communications to the general public by provide, s Government facilities. Local, state, and frderally owned or leased and operated government facility that orovide f!overnment services. including pr immy civic or public institutional uses In addition, "public service" is also defined a selvice pelfonned for the public good.. Fmthermore, because the Collier County Govemment Center is also designated as a Development of Regional bupact (DR!), the Main Campus site is also subject to the requirements of the approved DIU Development Order (Resolution 2000-443), Section 3 (I) of the DIU requiles Collier County to pmmote lIans;t service through the inclusion of bus stops or othel appropriate transit access points in its site design, consistent with the Colliel County transit plans Based on the above findings, it is my opinion that the proposed CA I facility including a bus passenger transfcr use is deemed to be an allowable use pmsuant to the function of an Essential Public Service Facility of the Collier County Govemment Center CFPUD and the lelms and requirements of the DIU, Please be advised that this velification letter is based on the Collier County Land Development Code and/or Growth Management Plan in effcct at the time of this date, It is possible that subsequent amendment(s) to either ofthese documents could affect the validity of this verification. Should you require fmther information please do not hesitate to call our office at (239) 659- 5746 Sincerely, (Z~~~~ DepaIlment of Zoning and Land Development Review cc; Susan Mmtay Istenes, AICP, Zoning Director Ross Gochenam, Planning Managel Collier County Govcrnment Center PUD/DRI file COllespondence file