Agenda 04/08/2008 Item #10A
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
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Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners reconsider the Land
Development Code Amendment addressing the calculation of maximum number of wetslips
when a shoreline is in a Conservation Easement
OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) reconsider the Land
Development Code (LDC) amendment that addressed the calculation of maximum number of
wetslips when a shoreline is in a Conservation Easement (CE). This agenda item addresses the
BCC's action of March II, 2008, when the BCC voted to reconsider this proposed LDC
Chronolol!V On December 12, 2006, the issue of how staff has applied the Manatee Protection
Plan for calculating maximum number of wetslips when a shoreline is in a Conservation
Easement was identified with the discussion of the Cocohatchee Settlement Agreement. At that
time the BCC directed the County Manager to report back to the BCC as to how staffhas applied
the Manatee Protection Plan (MPP) criteria for calculating the maximunl allowable number of
wetslips for a proposed multi-docking facility.
On April 24, 2007, staff provided a presentation and request for direction from the BCC as to
how staff should apply the calculation when CEs are present. As noted in the Executive
Summary (Exhibit A) prepared for the April 27, 2007 BCC meeting, neither the LDC nor the
MPP defmition of shoreline specifically addresses shoreline within CE's. Staff provided
background, options for the BCC to consider and requested BCC direction for calculating
maximum number of wetslips when a shoreline is in a CEo Within that Executive Summary,
staff proposed the following for BCC consideration:
A. For projects having existing CE's or PreseMJes
1. Have the County Attorney's Office review the CE to determine if the CE
addresses shoreline development rights.
2. Consult with the State to determine if the State finds the CE to eliminate any
future wetslips. (This would essentially be consulting the State for technical
assistance for listed species issues.)
3. Apply the most restrictive criteria from the review of I and 2.
B. For projects where PreseMJe areas and CE's are not yet established
1. Identify in the development document the location of the proposed docking
facility and preserve area that requires aCE.
2. Use the total shoreline for calculating the maximum allowable wetslips and
identify this value in the development document.
3. Require the CE to specify that the shoreline contained within can no longer be
used for calculating wetslips.
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
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The BCC direction was to continue with current practices and to bring back an LDC amendment
to specifY the process (Exhibit B, BCC Minutes). Current practice for projects reaching
thresholds for a MPP review is to exclude the length of shoreline contained within any CE when
calculating maximum allowable wetslips after reviewing the nature of the CEo As a result of a
review of a project in 2006, staff from the Office of the County Attorney reviewed various
documents including the existing CE, the Growth Management Plan, the LDC, the MPP, State
Statutes, and State cases in order to determine whether shoreline length in the CE area should be
excluded from the calculation to determine the number of allowable boat slips. The result ofthis
review essentially provided environmental staff with a procedure that specified that the review of
the actual language of a conservation easement must be conducted to determine if the easement
language excludes the use of the easement shoreline to calculate the amount of wets lips.
As directed by the BCC, staff prepared the attached LDC amendment (Revision: Exhibit C) and
brought the amendment through the public hearing process (Development Services Advisory
Committee (DSAC) subcommittee meeting, 9/26/07; DSAC meeting, 10/10107; Environmental
Advisory Council meeting, 10/3/07; Collier County Planning Commission hearing, 11/28/07).
The BCC heard the item on 3 occasions: 1/16108, 2/5/08, and 2/19/08.
At the January 16, 2008, the BCC had several questions and requested additional information
from staff. Staff prepared the attached response (Exhibit D) to the BCC for the February 5, 2008
public hearing. Four policy options were noted for the BCC to consider ranging from most
restrictive to least restrictive regarding CEs.
At the February 19, 2008 public hearing, public input provided examples questioning the
uniform application of the shoreline calculation by staff since the inception of the MPP. Exhibit
E addresses these examples. Testimony was also presented by individuals associated with the
drafting of the MPP indicating that the staff's application was not consistent with the MPP
drafter's intent. The BCC voted to disapprove the proposed amendment at that meeting. On
March 11,2008, the BCC voted to reconsider this proposed LDC amendment.
Emere:ine: Issues A number of issues have emerged through the recent public hearings that
should be considered and are briefly discussed below.
Public vs. Private Access. During the public hearing process, the BCC brought up concerns
about the amendment's possible impacts on restricting future public access. Based on BCC
direction, staff provided language that would exempt from this provision government-owned
public boat facilities having shoreline within County required preserves. Also, marina facilities
with a preferred rating pursuant to the MPP and which are 100 percent open to the general public
would be able to use all their shoreline in calculating the maximum allowable number of
wetslips, unless otherwise restricted by State and Federal conservation easements. If the marina
became a private marina, the number of wetslips would be recalculated by excluding the length
of shoreline within County required preserves, and the number of wetslips would be reduced
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April 8, 2008
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Effect on Goodland Project. Staff has reviewed the impact of excluding shoreline in CEs on the
Goodland project. There is an approved Conditional Use site for the Goodland Boat Park. The
Site Development Plan is currently under review. A CE has been placed over much of the
shoreline; however, the application for the SDP did not make any reference to a CEo Staff has
just obtained a copy of the CE that was granted to the State of Florida in 1999 for the
construction of a private residential multi-slip docking facility associated with the Aqua Circle
condominiums. The state conservation easement area is equal to 0.15 acres. The length of
shoreline under state conservation area is approximately 650 ft. by lOft wide. The total shoreline
distance is approximately 1168 feet; thus there is 518 ft not under state conservation easement.
According to the preferred rating, a density of 18 slips is permitted with every 100 feet of
shoreline. This would equal approximately 90 allowable slips. The County is proposing 28 wet
County vs. Other Agency Conservation Easements. The discussion has revealed that federal and
state agencies typically require a CE over all or a portion of a shoreline during their permitting
process. When staff receives an application, this CE may not yet be established. However, once
the CE is placed on the shoreline, the amount of shoreline to be used for any future calculations
would be reduced and this will decrease the future maximum amount of wetslips. Everything
being equal, excluding shoreline within CEs from these properties will therefore result in future
maximum allowable wetslips being less than currently allowed values.
Location vs. Maximum Allowable Calculation. It should be noted that using shoreline within
CEs for calculating the number of wets lips simply provides for the maximum number of wets lips
that would be allowed under the MPP criteria. This calculation by itself does not guarantee a
property will be able to utilize the maximum number. The specific characteristics of the site,
other County regulations and additional site permitting through state and federal permitting
processes will dictate how much of these wetslips will be allowed at the specific location.
Potential ODtions As provided to the BCC at the February 5, 2008 public hearing, the BCC
could consider one of the fo Bowing options regarding eligible shoreline:
a. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas and shoreline within all State and
Federal conservation easements when calculating the maximum allowable number of
wetslips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan.
b. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas and State and Federal
conservation easements which do not allow wets lips within their conservation easements
when calculating the maximum allowable number of wetslips pursuant to the Manatee
Protection Plan. (This is the option included in proposed LDC amendment.)
C. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas in calculating the maximum
allowable number of wets lips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan.
d. Allow all shoreline to be used in calculating the maximum allowable number of wetslips
pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan, regardless of whether the shoreline is within a
County required preserve or a conservation easement, or not.
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April 8, 2008
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Exhibit F provides an example of the calculations applied to a fictitious development to show
how an assumed shoreline would yield the maximum number of wetslips under various
FISCAL IMP ACT: There is no fiscal impact to the County for this agenda item.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The County has incorporated the MPP within
Conservation and Coastal Management Policy 7.2.1 and Policy 7.2.3.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: There is nothing in the Growth Management Plan (GMP) or
Land Development Code (LDC) that specifically addresses the issue. Therefore, how to handle
this matter becomes a policy determination for the Board. Once the decision is made, the Board
should also direct that the LDC be amended so the policy decision can be memorialized.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners provide the County
Manger or his designee direction for calculating wetslip densities when shorelines are within
Conservation Easements.
PREPARED BY: William D. Lorenz Jr., P.E., Engineering and Environmental Services
Department Director
Item Number:
Item Summary:
Meeting Date:
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Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
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This item to be heard at 2:00 p.m. Recommendation that the Board of County
Commissioners reconsider the Land Development Code Amendment addressing the
calculation of the maximum number of wetslips when a shoreline is in a Conservation
Easement (William D. Lorenz, Engineering & Environmental Services Director, COES)
4/8/2008 9:0000 AM
Prepared By
William D. Lorenz, Jr., P.E.
Community Development &
Environmental Services
Environmental Services Director
Approved By
Environmental Services
3127/2008 2:34:30 PM
Judy Puig
Community Development &
Environmental Services
Operations Analyst
Community Development &
Environmental Services Admin.
Approved By
3/28/2008 4:59 PM
Joseph K. Schmitt
Community Development &
Environmental Services
Community Development &
Environmental Services Adminstrator
Community Development &
Environmental Services Admin.
3/28/2008 8:28 PM
Approved By
OMS Coordinator
Administrative Services
Applications Analyst
Information Technology
3/31/2008 8:30 AM
Approved By
John A. Yonkosky
County Manager's Office
Director of the Office of Management
Office of Management & Budget
3/31/20088:58 AM
Approved By
James V. Mudd
Board of County
County Manager
County Manager's Office
4/1/200812:01 PM
file:IIC:\AgendaTest\Exoort\l 04-Aoril%208.%202008\ 1 O.%20COlJNTY%20MA NAGRR%2 u 4/2/200R
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
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Exhibit A.
Executive Summary prepared for the April 27, 2007 Bee Meeting
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April 8, 2008
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Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners provide the County Manager
or his designee dircction as to the manner for calculating allowable wetslips when a project
shoreline is within a consen'ation easement.
OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) provide the County
Manager or his designee direction as to the manner for calculating allowable wetslips when a
project shoreline is within 3 conservation easement.
CONSIDERATION: On December 12,2006, the BeC directed the County Manager to report
hack to the BCC as to how staff bas applied the Manatee Protection Plan (MPP) criteria for
calculating the maximum number of wetslips a\lowed for a proposed multi-docking facility.
This Executive Summary addresses the rationale for bow staff bas applied the MPP criteria to
calculate maximum wctslip densities when a project proposes a wetslip docking facility with its
shordinc in a {,.:onservation ea.:-ocrm:nl (CE). Possible future actions are also provided for the
Bee's consideration.
Since the adoption of the MPP in May 1995. staff has applied the provisions of the MI'P to
exclude the amount of shoreline within CE"s from the calculation ('If maximum allowahle
wetslips. Until recently. this application has occurred without review oCthe CE itself. This has
the effect of reducing the numhcr of wet...dips for a facility ",,"here its property has shoreline in a
CE. The ~pecific question that staff is requesting direction from the Bee is: IJow should the
COllnly calclllale Ihe maximllm /I/lmber of welslips for a mll/ti-"oc~ing fllcili~l' when parI of
the prr~icct\ .\'!lordi"e is within (I con.w!n'atitJn ea.\emr!llt?
MPP and Land Dcvelooment Code (LDC\ Provisions
Relevant portions of the t'vIPP and LDC are conlaineJ in Attachment A. The rating ~ystem
specified in the LDC uses the amount of shoreline to calculatc the maximum number of lIetslips.
Although the LDC specifics that the purpose of the marina siting criteria is to help dt~tcrminc the
maximum wet slip densities in order t.o impro\'e existing Manatee protection. neitht'r the LDC
nor the MPP definition of shoreline specifically addresses shoreline within CE's. Both the MPP
and Loe do~ however., recognize that mangrove systems are necessary and important hahitats for
Manatee protection.
State evaluation ofMPf) criteria
Staff bas coordinated its revicw of projccts with the State Florida Wildlife Conservation
Commission (FWCC) since the State was part of the development of the MPP and provided its
approval of the County', MPP. The County has also adopted the MPP into the Conservation and
Coastal Management Element of the County's Growth Managemcnt Plan. The State looks to the
County to cvaluate a prnposed pl'Ojeet and to detennine its consistency with the MPP. The Statc
also utilizes these criteria in its own pennitting processes;
State agcnc)' staff have advised County staff that the total length of shmelines. including that
which is v..ilhin cr:..... is u^,ed in the calculalions for m~lximum allowable wctslips \\berc the
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
Page 8 of 39
purpose of the CE is vegetation management. However, where the CE prohibits "in-water
structure~". the length of shoreline within the conservation easement is excluded from the
calculations and thus the number of allowable ,,'etslips are reduced in proportion La the length of
the excluded shoreline. State staff indieate that "in-water structures" can be eharaeterized as the
construction and operation of future docks. wet or dry slips. piers. launching facilities or
structures other than existing on the property, or activities detrimental to drainage. flood control,
water conservation, erosion control. soil conservation. or fish and wildfife habitat preservation
including. hm not limited to. ditching. diking, dredging. and fencing.
Samnle Calculations
Attachment R provides examples of calculations for shorelines that arc cnntained \\'ithin or are
located oULside ofCE's. Nute thai ill bolh Ihe examp!e.\", the !ocati'l/1 o(the acwa! WCI5/ipf[lci/il)'
m'LVI he !ocaled outside (iflhe CE. rhe calculated maximum allowahle wetslips depends on
whether the part of the shoreline is contained within a CEo Case I assumes thai the Icngth of
shoreline within a CE"s short:line l:an nul be usc::J in the calculation of maximum alhl\\'abk"
\...!~tsIips. Case U shows the calculation oflhe maximum allowable wetslips when n\) part of the
shoreline is within the CE,
County Statr Aonlication oj" MI'I' Crileria
In approximately 199ft starr had gathered various cnvimnmentaf data and had discussions with
past County At10rneys regarding CF.s. Stafr understood that a CE \voulJ remove all
(lc\ c1npment rights. and thus there arc no rights that the propert) OVl!lCr can transfer. I r no
uevdoprnellt right:, c",i:-.l un a shon:line. then the length of thj~ shprcline can not be used to
cakulate H,etslips that \\ill hr: transt~rred to another area not encumbered or protected hy a
preserve designation or CE:.. l'hereforc. Environmental Hcview Staffs C{lI1l:!usion is \\-'hen there
is a CE over an are;'l of shoreline. that area cannul he utilized for l.:alculatillg the maximum
ullo\\uble \\'eb.lips, Only shoreline that is outside the CEiPreserve ar.:a had heen used in this
determinat ion.
Howeyer, in a January 2006 e\'aluation of a project. swtr from the Office of the C(lunt~ Attorney
revie\\ed various documents induding the existing CE. the GMI', the UJC, the MI'I', State
Statutes, and Stale cuses in order to determine whether shoreline knglh in lhc CL area Rhnuld be
excluded frolTllhe calculatiun to delernline the numher ofallo\\ahlc 110at slir~, I'he result of this
review essentially provided em irollmel1lal stair \\ ith a procedure that srecilied the review of Ihe
nctUl':~1 language of a conservatinn easement must he conducted tu determine if the cascm~'nt
language excludes lht" use orthe easement shoreline to calculate the amount llfWt.:'lslirs.
Inspecting the CE to determine its prohibitions is alsD consist,:nt with the State's applicntion as
outlined ahove. rypically Ihe County's required CF does nol allow tor hflat slips 10 be placed
within the houndary of the Conservation Easemelll or Prescne area. In ract, the (olmly's
current LDt: criteria would limit most structures. c.xcept for structures rrp\ iding an:css through
the preserve. henches and education:J1 signs. ;\lthough olfr current CFs would likely prohibit the
plaL::emr.:nl uf dOl'ks ano Joc.:king fm.:i1ilies within the CEo the rect"nl guidance Ihlln the County
Attorney's Office would have stalf inspect the actual CE language nx all CE's to determine if
the shoreline within the ('c can be used in the maximum wctslip CU!cUhllio!l.
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
Page 9 of 39
Based on previous County Attorney reviews and recommendations, staff recommends that the
Bee consider the following tasks for stalTto perfonn when applying the criteria of the LDC and
MPP regarding the calculation of maximum allowable wctslips when all or a portion of a
project's shoreline is within aCE:
A. For projects having existing CE s or Preserves
\. Have the County Altomey's Office review the CE to determine if the CE addresses
shoreline development rights.
2. Consult with the State to detennine if the State finds the CE to eliminate any future
wetslips. (This would essentially be eonsulting the State for Teehnieal Assistance for
listed species issues.)
3. Apply the must restrietive criteria from the review of I and 2.
B. For projects where PreSe,.l'C arellS and CE 's are not yet established.
\. Identify in the development document the location of the proposed docking facility and
preserve area that requires aCE.
2. Use the total shoreline for ealculating the maximum allowable wetslips and idemi fy this
value in the development document.
3. Require the CE to specify that the shoreline contained within can no longer be used for
calculat ing wetslips.
FISCAL I:\-lPACT: There is no fiscal impact to the Cuunty fin this agenda item.
GROWTH MA~AGEI\n:NT IMr'ACT: The County has incorporated the MPP within
Conservation and Coastal Management Policy 7.2.1 and Policy 7.2.3.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: There is nothing in the Growth 1vlanagcmcnt Plan or Land
Development Code (LDC) that spccifically addresses the issue. Therel()fe. how to handle this
matter hecnmes a policy determination fnr the Board. Once the decision is made, the Board
should also direct that the LDC be amended so the policy decision can be memorialized.
RF,('OMMENnATrON: That the Board of County Comm;"i"ners provide the County
~1anager or his designee directiun n'lr calculating wetslip densities when shorelines are \vithin
Conser\'ut ion l::nscmcnts.
PREPARED BY: William D. Lorenz Jr., P.E., Environmental Service, Department Direct"r
Agenda Item ND. 10A
April 8, 2008
Page 10 Df 39
Attachment A.
Relevant Portions of the Manatee Protection I'lan and Land Development Code
· MI'l' (Section 3.2.4, Marina Siting Criteria) Collier COUllly alld Ihe FDEP's Office '!f
Prolected Species Managemenl has developed a raling syslem for marina siling Ih/'IJughout
the remainder (?f the County. The purpose (?f the marina site raling .\ysrcm is 10 help
determine {he maximum fXl1t'erhoat we/slip densities in order to improve existing J/analee
proTection. The marinll sile rating system give.\' (J ranking based an three (3) criteria: water
depth. na/h'e marine l1ohi/al and ..\./anatee ahundance. Nath'c marine hahiluts indude
.'l.eo,i.,rra.'l.s hed1i, .\'tlll marshes. manK,'o)'es or o/her hi(Jl()gicaI~l' productive .\'ubmerged llnd
shoreline hlJhiwlS which mal' he IJdl'e/'.I'ell' a{feCled or deslro)'ed hy dredging (lnd }illing
. LDC (Section 5.05.02) Arming ,\:rsfem is established to evaluate proposed marina facilities.
n,e purpose {~r the marina site rating system j,~ to help determine the maximum ~rel slip
den.,.i/iej' in order 10 improve exi.Hing :\1an.atce prolection. The murinll site rafjn,~ .\)'slcm
gi,,('.~' v. rankinK haseJ on three (3) ('ril(;,1'io: waler depth, nOlire marinc Iwhitat, and ,\fan(lh'C
. LDC (Section :5.05.(2) For .~h(Jrt.'lin(' \'('geiUllOf1 such us mangroves, "no impact" is defined
as no Kremer 1/um/il'c (5) percent (~rlh(' native marine hahitn! is disturh('d. For sea grasses,
"no Impact" meaJ7S no more than IUO square/eel (!fsea grasses can he impacted.
. LUC (Section 5.05.02 fur Preferred sill'S. Ilcnsif)' for rVloderate and Protcc..'teu sites are
'recified as 10 and I boat slips per 100 reet ofshore/ine, resrectively.) Seu' or expanded
\1'L'I sfl]} nwrmaJ llJ1d mufti-fan/if\' fadlities shalf he al/o\\'ed (/1 a density f?f up to elgh/t'l'l1
(18) hoat shp.\ fur ("FC')' !(JO/t:d (~r\l/()rc/in(,;'.
. LDC Definition. ,\'horclinc or shore: The hnertace oj lal1d and lI'o!cr and. as used in the
("(Juslof management element reqllirements, is limited to oceanic (lnd estuoriflc iUll>,_"laccs,
. LDC (Seclion 3.05.07.H.l.h) Allowable uses wilhin preserve areas. Pa\sll'c rccrCafiOl1ul
uses ,\/1('/1 as pCfTiolfS l1ature trails or hoardll-a/ks arc a!lOln'J u,(thin Ihe !NTWT1't:' area", (IS
long tIS m~\' df'arinx required lalircili/lI1e these uses does 1101 impacl the minimum required
vegelation. F'or Ihe purpose of Ihis section, passi\'e rccrealio!1a! uses arc !hose Uses lhal
would allow fimiIcd (/('('cs,y !o the preserve in a manner that will nol t'I/U\t' any "egolil'e
impacts to the prl!sen'e, slIch as pelTiou" IhJ/hu'Il.1'\'. henein's and CdIlCOli(J}1ol signs. Ft.'nees
may he Ulilized outside (~l the /wcsclTe 10 IW()l'ide protection in {he prC,\'I.!IT<.' in accordance
Il';rh the prOlecteJ ,\pedes section 3,(J.fJ)/ D.l.c. Fences and 11'01/,\- are 1101 1)(.'r111ill('(1 lvithill
Ilu: prc,\'erl'e area,
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
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Attachment B.
Sample Calculations
Case I (Portion or the Shor'cline is within a Conservation Easement)
T t~ '-;;-~; ;~: (:.: ,:.,.;; :!~ ~~:~:7
,., "~,, ",'., " ~,
',: :: i:~:; ~~ 'I
v,:, .., ;~"<:::if::: J
? ~= ~'~~.Ji;~~::,:'~,i,:::',l Total Shoreline- 1000 feErt
~':"""" <". " :~:':',~; ;:" ~:1 Shoreline not within a Conservation E.$eemerrt- 400fcet
H' "~:~>.. i Moderate Rating (10 wetslrps per 100 feet of Shor1:lline)
., 1
; .':}
Maximum Number of Allowable wetllps:
10 slips. per 100 feet X.4 . 40 wetslip.
~~ ' ___~,,-Doe<<ing Facility
Case IJ (No part of the Shoreline is within a (:onservationEa:sc:ment)
, ,
I (
,. I
I" I
I 1
I "
I ,
! !
I, , ",', I Total Snorelme - 1000 feet
,J ~~EU~', ' ! Shoreline not within a Conservation Easement _ 1000 feet
f' .....'" I
, ,
Shorolino I. '/ Moderate Rating (10wetshpsp@r1DOfeetofShorelloe)
/. "
/ 'f Maximum Number of Allow<<ble wetlips:
! l 1Q slips per 100 feet X 10 II: 100 wets lips
I "
/: I
" ,
/ .1
I ,
,. ,
I, ,''', I
"lOr; '~~jf.'. OockJng FacUlty
I,,,,, --..c.::::.:.
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
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Exhibit B.
Minutes from the April 27, 2007 Bee Meeting
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
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April 24, 2007
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Okay. Let the record show
Commissioner Fiala and Commissioner Halas were opposed.
Item #IOC
MR. MUDD: Commissioner, that brings us to lOCo It's a
recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners provide the
County Manager or his designee direction as to the manner for
calculating allowable wet slips when a project shoreline is within a
conservation easement.
Bill Lorenz, your director of your environmental department,
, community development, will present.
MR, LORENZ: Yes, thank you. For the record, Bill Lorenz,
environmental services director. Good afternoon, Commissioners.
The purpose for this item is to come back at the board's direction
from a December 12th meeting, I believe it was, and provide the board
a report on how staff has been applying the shoreline calculations for
wet slip densities from the Manatee Protection Plan criteria
specifically when those -- the shoreline is present within a
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April 24, 2007
conservation easement.
Up to about a year ago the staff had excluded the shoreline that
was within the conservation easement from those calculations. The
net effect of that would be, of course, you would have less boat slips
for a multi docking boat facility if you exclude the shoreline within
the conservation easement from that calculation, and that was based
upon some earlier discussions in the early to mid 1990s with review
staff and some other County Attorney staff that are no longer here in
terms of the County Attorney's Office.
But the staff had that understanding that the application of the
calculation for shoreline and conservation easements would be
excluded from that total calculation.
We want to note that the Manatee Protection Plan -. both the
Manatee Protection Plan and the Land Development Code do not
make any distinguishing -- or do not distinguish between total
shoreline and shoreline within conservation easement. So those two
documents are silent with regard to the definition of shoreline.
Currently the staff is applying the requirements the -- that the
County Attorney's Office had reviewed a project about more than a
year ago in which case the guidance to environmental review staff was
to evaluate -- first evaluate the conservation easement to determine
whether the conservation easement would or would not allow the
shoreline to be in the calculation, and only after reviewing that
conservation easement would the calculation be made.
Now, typically probably most conservation easements is not
going to identifY the shoreline calculation within the conservation
easement, except there is a situation, and talking with some of the
permitting folks who are involved with some state permits, the state
will require -- when they go to a state permitting -- to permit the boat
slips, the state will make certain calculations, and then they will
request a conservation easement to be placed upon the area with the
determination that no more .. that that shoreline cannot be used for
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April 24, 2007
further calculations,
But we want to make sure we don't get into a chicken and egg
situation because they're going to the state for that particular
i permitting requirement as well.
One thing I want to make clear too is that during this particular
! situation, we're talking about calculations for the maximum allowable
1 boat slips, not the -- not the location of where those boat slips are. For
instance, it's almost -- it's almost analogous to when you calculate
density, the amount of residential units, let's say, on a project site, you
calculate your -- you calculate the number of units based upon your
gross density, then you set aside your preserve area, put a conservation
easement on it, but you've used that preserve area in your calculation,
so it would be very similar to that, and then you would cluster your
boat dock, so to speak, in an area that's outside the conservation
So I just want to make it clear, don't confuse the calculations with
the location of the facility itself. We're simply talking about utilizing
; the shoreline within the conservation easement to make those
.. calculations.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Bill, I don't understand why you
would permit the shoreline of the conservation easement to be
included for the purpose of calculating the maximum number of slips.
Why would you do that?
I mean, the purpose of the shoreline is to protect the shoreline,
right? I mean, why would you include that protected area in the total
shoreline area for determining maximum allowable slips?
MR. LORENZ: Well, the -- it kind of gets back to the analogy
again, gets back to the idea of, if you're looking at a residential
development and you've got -- and you're doing a gross density with
regard to the total area to calculate your number of residential units,
then you cluster them outside your conservation easement. The same
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argument can be made in this situation, is that you're making the total
calculation, you're clustering your boat slips outside of the
conservation easement, but you're utilizing the shoreline in the
calculation total -- for the total number of boat slips.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Yeah, I guess I understand the
similarity, but I don't even like the other one. I don't even like using
total acreage for calculating allowable density. I think -- I think the
conservation easements on property should not even be included for
calculation of density, quite frankly.
MR. LORENZ: Well, the staff -- as I said, earlier, before we
received the guidance from the County Attorney's Office, the staff's --
the staffs idea was along those lines, that because it was in a
conservation easement it should not be allowed in the calculation.
MR. LORENZ: But there is no -- but there is no explicit
direction in the Manatee Protection Plan or the Land Development
Code directing staff one way or the other. And as I said, when an
issue did come up and we had discussions and got information from
the County Attorney's Office, it was their guidance to look at the
conservation easement language first, and that's what we've been
doing since -- for the year and a hal f.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Do we have the authority to make a
more restrictive ruling on this?
MR. LORENZ: Yes. This is -- quite frankly, this will be -- this
is a policy decision for the Board of County Commissioners to give
direction to staff as to how you would want to see this to be
COMMISSIONER COYLE: And we could do it -- we could do
it both for shorelines and conservation easements as well as for
acreage within a PUD where there were preserves or other
environmentally sensitive lands.
MR. LORENZ: Well, that's a whole different -- that's a whole
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1 different issue, of course --
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Oh, it is, okay.
MR. LORENZ: -- and I'm not prepared to speak to that.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Okay, all right. Okay. That's a
'; different issue, then let's not -- let's not get into it ifit's a different
~ issue. Let's not complicate things too much, okay.
MR. LORENZ: One thing, we do -- we do exclude the tidal
i submerged lands from that density calculation.
MR. LORENZ: I think -- and I believe the board did that or
; adopted that policy maybe two or three years ago. It's in the recent
~ past.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Yeah. That was the submerged
lands, you mean?
MR. LORENZ: The marine tidal wetlands, I believe it is.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Okay, okay. I understand.
MR. LORENZ: But staff -- staff, of course -- that's the
background in tenns of where we are with the issue. At the moment
~ my recommendation is to follow the County Attorney's Office subject
) to any other direction from the Board of County Commissioners. And
, to the degree that we get any -- whatever policy direction we get from
; the board today, the recommendation is to go ahead and codity that in
; the Land Development Code, and then we can work out all the finer
points and the details to make sure that everything is working
i smoothly.
i. Currently we don't even have the definition of shoreline in the
1 Land Development Code,
~ COMMISSIONER COYLE: Yeah. Well, r guess my problem,
'j just as a general statement of position, is that I would prefer not to
include any conservation easement shoreline in the calculation of total
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allowable slips.
COMMISSIONER HALAS: Make that as a motion?
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Yeah, I would make that as a
COMMISSIONER HALAS: And I'll second that.
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Okay. Let's go to Commissioner
Halas now.
COMMISSIONER HALAS: My understanding is a conservation
easement, if it goes to the water's edge, then that also carries into the
surrounding waters, is that correctly -- is that correct?
MR. LORENZ: Well, the conservation easement is the easement
over the property that the property owner owns, and that -- and the
property owner still owns the underlying property, but the
conservation easement prohibits a number of different activities or
simply allows only certain activities.
Ifit's -- if that ownership -- if those --
COMMISSIONER HALAS: Goes down to the water's edge.
MR. LORENZ: Well, ifit -- there are situations in Florida where
a property owner may own water bottom, but typically the water
bottom is owned by the state, and that's why, to do any work within
the state lands, you have to get a submerged land lease.
COMMISSIONER HALAS: Okay. If there was a bulkhead that
separated the conservation easement from the water, then -- because in
this case I think we're discussing conservation easement that butts up
against the edge of the water and then basically continues out on the
waters, right? The conservation easement is directly right next to the
water that we're talking about where the docks would go in; is that
MR. LORENZ: Well, for this discussion, the shoreline -- if we're
talking about, what is the delineation of the shoreline, typically the
conservation easement will come all the way up to the vegetation.
Typically in a mangrove system, that's going to be -- that's going to be
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your definition of shoreline. So the conservation easement would go
to that point, and then the rest of it would be open water.
\ COMMISSIONER HALAS: Okay, Suppose you had a
! conservation easement and you had a bulkhead such as a seawall,
! what would that then become? Would there be a separation of where
the conservation easement ended and the seawall started, and the
;< waters themselves?
MR. LORENZ: Yes. You could have that situation.
COMMISSIONER HALAS: Okay. But what happens if -- in a
situation that J think we're all discussing here is where you have a
conservation easement, you have mangroves that go all the way down
to the water's edge, and in case -- in some cases it's in the water's
MR. LORENZ: We would have to define what the definition of
shoreline would be. The state -- the state --
COMMISSIONER HALAS: What's the state say?
MR. LORENZ: The state has a definition -- J have to look back
at the details because it gets to be fairly complex, because what they
look at is certain -- within concern dates if have you some type of
water structure in the water, they would consider it a shoreline, and
other situations they wouldn't, so that's what I'm saying. The
definition of shoreline's going to need to be worked out in some detail
through the Land Development Code process.
But if the general policy is that you don't want to include that
area within the calculation of shoreline, we'll have to address that
somehow in the drafting of the amendments.
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Commissioner Henning?
COMMISSIONER HENNING: Commissioners, when we did
the removal the calculation of submerged land, we did it through the
proper process, and that would be an amendment. I think it was to the
Growth Management Plan. Might have been included in the Land
Development Code. I would recommend to the motion maker to put
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that into his motion to give the direction to make any amendment to
the Land Development Code, therefore, the public is aware of it, it's
not a hidden policy document and blah-blah-blah.
COMMISSIONER COYLE: I think Commissioner Henning is
probably right. Doing it on the fly here is not really the way to do it.
It deserves a public hearing.
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Yeah. I understood it all except for
" the blah-blah-blah, but I'm not up on all the legal language.
With that, we have a motion. We have a second.
MS. FILSON: And we have three speakers.
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Three speakers, and we're going to
listen to the speakers next.
MS. FILSON: Rich Yovanovich. He'll be followed by Bruce
MR. YOV ANOVICH: Good afternoon. For the record, Rich
Y ovanovich on behalf of Signature Communities.
If you'll recall, this actually came up as a discussion item related
to the Cocohatchee Bay, Bert Harris settlement discussion, and there
was going to be a report back to the commission.
We assumed that we would be given plenty of notice as to when
this item would be discussed so we could review the item and
potentially meet with each of the commissioners individually. We
found out about this Friday of last week, so obviously we didn't have
an opportunity to get involved in the process.
I think it is -- ( think what Commissioner Henning suggested is
probably the fair route to have this be part of an LDC amendment so
not just Signature Communities, but other potentially affected. /
property owners, can comment on the merits of what's being proposed.
I would like to remind the commission that when you own
waterfront property, you have riparian rights. And just because you
are willing to put a conservation easement on a portion of your
property doesn't mean you lose those riparian rights related to that
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property in the first place, and one of those riparian rights is to be able
to enjoy the waterfront, including docks.
The state has a process that it goes through. You know, Bill didn't
go through it in great detail. Hopefully we'll go through an LDC
amendment process to where we can hash out why the state does what
the state does relating to boat docks and how they calculate the
number of boat docks related to the property.
But there is a process you go through to essentially determine the
appropriate number of boat docks, and you take into consideration the
impact to listed species, you come up with a number, and then you
record a conservation easement to make sure that that number doesn't
We believe the state process is a good process, and we would like
to, you know, in greater detail, discuss that through hopefully a
process where you discuss the LDC amendments.
We think that this is not fair to Signature Communities or other
property owners to just come up with a policy determination on an
agenda item that really the public hasn't had a lot of time to study,
give its input to determine what the appropriate change should be and
would request that this go through the proper process, which would be
through an LDC amendment process, and then everybody, both for
one side and for another side, can give you your input, and then you
all can decide what might be the appropriate mechanism after hearing
it through the appropriate mechanisms, including going through the --
your Environmental Advisory Council on those types of issues. I
think it's too important a decision to just make it today without
bringing public input.
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Am I wrong, Commissioner Coyle,
but isn't that what you just included?
COMMISSIONER COYLE: Yes. I recognize Commissioner
Henning's concern about that. Commissioner Henning is correct. I
think it is something that deserves a public hearing, and I agree to
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revise my motion to that effect.
COMMISSIONER HALAS: I pull my second.
COMMISSIONER HENNING: I'll second it. Nothing wrong
with public input.
CHAIRMAN COLErr A: So we have a motion by
Commissioner --
MS. FILSON: We still have two speakers.
MS. FILSON: Bruce Burkhard. He'll be followed by Doug Fee.
MR. BURKHARD: Good afternoon, Commissioners. My name
is Bruce Burkhard. I live on Oak Avenue.
And first of all, I agree 100 percent with the commissioner. I
think a conservation easement infers a desire to protect our natural
resources, not only mangroves, but all of the various forms of wildlife
that depend on the mangroves and the creatures that live in the water.
It also seems to me that the staff has been following a very
common sense methodology that the conservation easement, which
was usually implemented to gain additional development rights,
removes all further development rights so there are no boat slip rights
that the owner can transfer.
The desired outcome for the public is a preservation of critical
estuaries which have been disappearing due to development pressures.
I think the staffs current interpretation of the Manatee Protection
Plan is helping to protect the few remaining estuaries. The ideal
solution, as we've been discussing, is to change the LDC and probably
the GMP to absolutely prohibit docking facilities and marinas in front
of conservation easements. Thank you.
MS. FILSON: Your final speaker, Mr. Chairman, is Doug Fee
MR. FEE: Good afternoon, Commissioners. For the record, my
name is Doug Fee. I appreciate being able to speak to you today. I'll
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be very brief.
I do support Commissioner Coyle's motion. I do feel that these
areas which are governed by the Growth Management Plan and
1 specifically by the CCME -- although in the legal considerations it
says there's nothing in the Growth Management Plan or Land
Development Code that specifically addresses this issue, I do believe
there are broad goals, policies, that are in there that you really want to
protect these areas, you know, where they are mangrove shoreline,
~ wildlife. And so I would support limiting this calculation to non-
conservation easement lands.
Beyond that, there is a recommendation in number B that says,
for projects where preserve areas and CEs are not yet established. It
says in number two, it says, use the total shoreline for calculating the
maximum allowable wet slips and identity this value in the
development document.
One thing I want to mention is, in your GMP, there, I believe, is a
policy that encourages dry slips over wet slips, and I'm not seeing in
here anything that furthers that goal. We're rewarding or allowing
density on the shoreline, but I'd like to see something in here that
would encourage or give density to dry storage as well. And thank
you very much.
MS. FILSON: That's your final speaker, Mr. Chairman.
Okay. So we have a motion by Commissioner Coyle and a
second by Commissioner Henning.
COMMISSIONER FIALA: Could we hear the motion again?
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Well, we certainly can, but first let's
go --
MR. LORENZ: Yes, thank you. Just -- just to note, in terms of
-- the recommendation was for us to come back and have the board
give uS direction in terms of what the next steps should be. And one
question that the staff would have is in terms of directing us to go
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through the Land Development Code process.
What direction do you want us to, if you will, part of the fence to
fall on? Either direction for the shoreline within conservation
easements to be excluded or the total shoreline, or is -- something
different than that?
, COMMISSIONER COYLE: No. It's the same as my earlier
motion. It is that the shoreline in a conservation easement is not to be
allowed for the calculation of boat slips, the maximum number of boat
slips. And what I am proposing that we do is bring that back as a
change in the Land Development Code at a public hearing, and then
we will have a fair opportunity for all stakeholders to be heard, and
then we can make a decision. So that's my motion.
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Commissioner Henning, do you
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: Okay. Does that answer your
MR. LORENZ: Yes, thank you.
Okay. With that, is there -- there's no other questions. I'm going
to call the motion. All those in favor, indicate by saying aye.
(No response.)
CHAIRMAN COLETTA: And the ayes have it 5-0. Thank you
very much.
Item #IOE
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Text underlined is new text t~~.('\f 39
TSJH stril<stRFGl:I€lR is SblFrsRt tSJlt tEl o.
Bold text indicates a defined term
Exhibit C.
LDC Amendment ReQnest
ORIGIN: Board of County Commissioners
AUTHOR: Barbara Burgeson, Principal Environmental Specialist
Stephen Lenberger, Senior Environmental Specialist
DEPARTMENT: Environmental Services Department
AMENDMENT CYCLE: Cycle 2, 2007
LDC SECTION(S): 5.05.02
CHANGE: To exclude the length of shoreline within conservation easements when calculating
the maximum allowable number of boat slips in accordance with the Manatee Protection Plan.
REASON: The rating system used in calculating the maximum number of wetslips in
accordance the Manatee Protection Plan, uses the amount of shoreline to calculate the maximum
number of wetslips. Since the adoption of the Manatee Protection Plan in May 1995, staff has
applied the provisions of the Manatee Protection Plan to exclude the amount of shoreline within
conservation easements from the calculation of the maximum allowable wetslips. Shoreline
within a conservation easement is excluded since a conservation easement removes or severely
limits development rights.
FISCAL & OPERATIONAL IMPACTS: None since it has been staffs practice to already
exclude the length of shoreline within conservation easements in calculating the maximum
allowable number of boat slips in accordance with the Manatee Protection Plan.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN IMPACT: None. The County has incorporated the
MPP within Conservation and Coastal Management Policy 7.2.1 and Policy 7.2.3.
OTHER NOTESNERSION DATE: Created September 5, 2007, amended October 9, 2007,
amended January 30,2008, amended February 5,2008, amended February I I, 2008
Amend the LDC as follows:
5.05.02 Marinas
A. The following standards are for the purpose of manatee protection and are applicable to
all multi-slip docking facilities with ten slips or more, and all marina facilities.
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Teat stril(stRrel<lElA is SblFrsAt tSHt Ie o.
Bold text indicates a defined term
B. Proposed developments will be reviewed for consistency with the Manatee Protection
Plan ("MPP") adopted by the BCC and approved by the DEP. If the location of the
proposed development is consistent with the MPP, then the developer will submit a
"Manatee Awareness and Protection Plan," which shall address, but not be limited to,
the following categories:
1. Education and public awareness.
2. Posting and maintaining manatee awareness signs.
3. Information on the type and destination of boat traffic that will be generated from
the facility.
4. Monitoring and maintenance of water quality to comply with state standards.
5. Marking of navigational channels, as may be required.
C. A rating system is established to evaluate proposed marina facilities. The purpose of the
marina site rating system is to help determine the maximum wet slip densities in order to
improve existing Manatee protection. The marina site rating system gives a ranking
based on three (3) criteria: water depth, native marine habitat, and manatee abundance.
In evaluating a parcel for a potential boat facility, a minimum sphere of influence for the
boat traffic must be designated. For the proposed marina facility, an on-water travel
distance of five (5) miles is considered the sphere of influence.
1. A preferred rating is given to a site that has or can legally create adequate water
depth and access, will not impact native marine habitats, and will not impact a
high manatee use area (See Table 5.05.02(C)(5)).
2. A moderate ranking is given to a site where: there is a adequate water depth and
access, no impact to a high manatee use area, but there is an impact to native
marine habitat; there is adequate water depth, no impact to native marine habitat,
but impacts a high manatee use area; and when the water depth is less than four
(4) feet mean low water (MLW), no impact to native marine habitat, and no
impact to a high manatee use area.
3. A protected ranking is given to a site where: there is adequate water depth and
access, but there is an impact to native marine habitat and there is an impact to a
high manatee use area; there is not adequate water depth, there is impact to or
destruction of native marine habitat, and there is impact to a high manatee use
area; there is not adequate water depth, no impact to marine habitat, but there is
impact to a high manatee use area; or there is not adequate depth, there is
impact to marine habitat, and no impact to a high manatee use area.
4. The exact areas will depend on site specific data gathered during the site
development process reviews.
5. Table of Siting Criteria
Water Depth Native Marine Habitat Manatee Use
(Measured at MLW)
4 ft or more Less than 4 ft No Impact1 Impact Not Hiqh Hiqh
Preferred X X X
Moderate X X X
Moderate X X X
Moderate X X X
F:\Cycle 2 - 2007 LDCA\5.05.02 - MPP Shoreline Calculations (013008) SL.doc
Protected X X X
Protected X X X
Protected X X X
Protected X X X
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Tent stril'(stRFebl€lR is SblrreFlt t8111 18 (3
Bold text indicates a defined term
1 For shoreline vegetation such as mangroves, "no impact" is defined as no greater than five
(5) percent of the native marine habitat is disturbed. For sea grasses, "no impact" means than
no more than 100 square feet of sea grasses can be impacted.
D. Allowable wet slip densities.
1. Preferred sites. New or expanded wet slip marinas and multi-family facilities shall
be allowed at a density of up to eighteen (18) boat slips for every 100 feet of
shoreline. Expansion of existing and construction of new dry storage facilities is
allowed. Expansion of existing and construction of new boat ramps is allowed.
2. Moderate development sites. New or expanded wet slips and multi-family
facilities shall be allowed at a density of up to ten (10) boat slips for every 100
feet of shoreline. Expansion of existing dry storage facilities is allowed.
Construction of new dry storage facilities is prohibited. Expansion of existing boat
ramps is allowed. Construction of new boat ramps is prohibited.
3. Protected sites. New or expanded wet slip marinas and multi-family facilities shall
be allowed at a density of one (1) boat slip for every 100 feet of shoreline.
Expansion of existing dry storage facilities or construction of new dry storage
facilities is prohibited. Expansion of existing boat ramp or construction of new
boat ramps is prohibited.
E. If a potential boat facility site is ranked as moderate or protected because of its proximity
to a high use manatee area, its ranking can be increased if slow speed zones are
established that account for a significant portion of the expected travel route of the boats
using the proposed facility. In that case, the manatee criteria in the three (3) way test
(see Table 5.05.02(C)(5)) would not affect the outcome of the ranking. If such slow
speed zones are not existing, the County may establish, with DEP approval, additional
slow speed zones in order to mitigate the proposed additional boat traffic.
F. Existing facilities and facilities which had state or federal permits prior to adoption of the
MPP shall be exempt from these provisions, but will be subject to all other requirements
of this Code.
G. The definition of shoreline for the purpose of the Manatee Protection Plan shall be the
interface of land and water at mean hiqh water. as established usinq standard survey
techniques. Shoreline within County required preserves or within State and Federal
conservation easements which do not specifically permit boat docks shall not be used in
calcuiatina the maximum allowable number of wets lips pursuant to the Manatee
Protection Plan.
1. Artificially created shorelines created after the adoption of the Manatee
Protection Plan in May 1995 shall not be used in the calculation for wets lip
densities. The lenath of artificially created shoreline created prior to the adoption
of the Manatee Protection Plan may be used in the calculation for wetslip
2. Government owned public boat facilities havinq shoreline within County required
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Text underlined is new text 39
Teat stFih8tI:1FEl~~1:1 is 8101rreAt t8111 t8 (J.
Bold text indicates a defined term
preserves shall be exempt from this provision.
3. Marina facilities which are 100 percent open to the qeneral public and with a
preferred ratinq pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan mav use all their
shoreline in calculatinq the maximum allowable number of wetslips, unless
otherwise restricted bv State and Federal conservation easements. In the event a
marina facility, open to the qeneral public becomes a private marina, then the
maximum allowable number of wetslips shall be recalculated bv excludinq the
lenqth of shoreline within County required preserves, and the number of wets lips
reduced if needed.
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Exhibit D.
Manatee Protection Plan Shoreline LDC Amendment
Response to BCC Questions
I. ELIGIBLE SHORELINE (Options listed from most restrictive to least
Most restrictive
a. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas and shoreline within all
State and Federal conservation easements when calculating the maximum allowable
number of wetslips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan.
b. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas and State and Federal
conservation easements which do not allow wetslips within their conservation
easements when calculating the maximum allowable number of wetslips pursuant to
the Manatee Protection Plan. Staff recommended option included in proposed LDC
c. Exclude shoreline within County required preserve areas in calculating the
maximum allowable number of wets lips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan.
d, Allow all shoreline to be used in calculating the maximum allowable number of
wetslips pursuant to the Manatee Protection Plan, regardless of whether the shoreline
is within a County required preserve or a conservation easement, or not.
Least Restrictive
How will repair and maintenance of artificially created shorelines that change the
length of shoreline, be affected by this amendment?
Language has been added to the amendment grand fathering the length of artificially
created shoreline created prior to the adoption of the Manatee Protection Plan in
May 1995.
Board's concern as to whether this amendment will further restrict wetslip density
for public boat facilities.
Language added to amendment exempting government owned public boat facilities
from this provision.
Question as to whether the amendment will restrict the number of boat slips within
Rookery Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve.
Much of the land within Rookery Bay is zoned Conservation and not within a County
required conservation easement/preserve. The County required preserve would only
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2. Coon Key Pass Condos.
Staff Comments:
This proj ect does have an easement along the length of its entire shoreline. However, the
project falls below the threshold for a Manatee Protection Plan review because it has less
than 10 boat slips and is not classified as a marina. Therefore, staff would not have
applied the shoreline calculations for this project.
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3. Sanctuary at Demere Landings
Staff Comments:
Located at the south intersection of Becca Ave and Pine St, this project does have an
easement along the entire shoreline except where the boardwalk crosses over. Six (6)
boat slips serving 6 condominium units are being proposed. The project falls below the
threshold for a Manatee Protection Plan review because it has less than 10 boat slips and
is not classified as a marina. Therefore, staff would not have applied the shoreline
calculations for this project.
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4. Barefoot Bay Court:
Staff Comments:
Public input indicated that this may have been a project reviewed under the MPP criteria.
(This may have been the example as opposed to the Little Hickory Shores presented
earlier.) This is an example of individual docks and not a multi-slip facility of 10 or
more slips. The MPP would not have been applicable. A CE may have been placed on
the mangrove fringe but after the review of the subdivision.
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5. Fisherman's Village
Staff Comments:
Because a CE was found on the proj ect, staffrequested the CE to be vacated to allow the
shoreline to be used in the calculations. This is the project reviewed by the CAO that
resulted in guidance that staff should evaluate the nature of the CEs as part of the review
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6. Vanderbilt Surf Colony
Staff Comments:
This application pre-dated the MPP; therefore, shoreline calculations were not performed.
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7. Regatta
Staff Comments:
A lawsuit settlement agreement defined how this project was reviewed. The settlement
agreement mentions filling in part of the waterway, and has language addressing docks,
limiting the number of slips to 74 "or a number commensurate with the multifamily
dwellings use," The SDP and amendments show two surveys, dated 1997 and 1998;
neither of them shows a conservation easement. Plans showing the original dock
configuration and the revised one, from 2000, show an approved created preserve north
of the old seawall, but no survey. The final plans do not indicate a conservation
easement. (Staff has requested information from the state regarding the conservation
easement requirements for this site but has not received anything to date.)
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
Page 38 of 39
8. Goodland Park (County Site)
Staff Comments:
There is an approved Conditional Use site for the Goodland Boat Park. The Site
Development Plan is currently under review. A CE has been placed over much of the
shoreline; however, the application for the SDP did not make any reference to aCE.
Staff has just obtained a copy of the CE that was granted to the State of Florida in 1999
for the construction of a private residential multi-slip docking facility associated with the
Aqua Circle condominiums. The state conservation easement area is equal to 0.15 acres.
The length of shoreline under state conservation area is approximately 650 ft. by 10ft
wide. The total shoreline distance is approximately 1168 feet; thus there is 518 ft not
under state conservation easement. According to the preferred rating, a density of 18
slips is permitted with every 100 feet of shoreline. This would equal approximately 90
allowable slips. The County is proposing 28 wet slips.
Agenda Item No. 10A
April 8, 2008
Page 39 of 39
Exhibit F.
Example Calculations for Various Shoreline Exclusions
County Preserve
Area with County
Easement along
Easement along
shoreline Be.
Shoreline CD has no
Conservation Easement
and is the area proposed
for Boat Docks.
Shoreline Lengths
AB '" 3,200 feet
Total Shoreline = 4,800 feet
Assume a MPP Moderate Rating:
Example Maxim urn Allowable Wetslips
1. Exclude Shoreline in County Preserves and all CEs:
110 Boat slips (1,100feet of shoreline)
2. Exclude Shoreline in County Preserves but allow for
shoreline With State Easements.
160 Boat slips (1,600 feet of shoreline)
3. Include all Shoreline
480 Boat slips (4,800 feet of shore line)