Agenda 05/13/2008 Item #16F 9 Agenda Item No. 16F9 May 13, 2008 Page 1 of 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation for approval of a budget amendment that reduces certain Fiscal Year 2008 capital project budgets and appropriates certain Fiscal Year 2007 capital grant project revenues carried forward into Fiscal Year 2008. OBJECTIVE: Board of County Commissioners' approval of a budget amendment which reduces certain capital project budgets in Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 for goods and services received in FY 2007 but the actual payment was charged to the FY 2008 budget. The budget amendment also reclassifies certain grant revenues. CONSIDERATIONS: At the end of any fiscal year, the Board's accounting system (known as SAP) automatically rolls all unexpended capital project appropriations (budgets) forward into the next fiscal year's budget. This is a normal activity for multi-year capital project budgets. On October I, 2007, unexpended capital project budgets rolled forward into the FY 2008 budget. The Board approved this roll forward budget amendment on October 23, 2007, agenda item 16.E,9. Payments for goods and services are made after vendor/contractor invoices have been reviewed and approved for payment. Vendor/contractor invoices for capital project goods and services generated in the latter part of a fiscal year may not be received and processed until one or more months after the end of the fiscal year. Payments (cash disbursements) are recorded in SAP when the payment is released. Florida statutes and generally accepted accounting practices require that expenditures be recorded in the fiscal year the services were actually received. Accounting entries have heen made to properly record, in FY 2007, $40,648,555.94 representing goods and services received before October I, 2007 but were paid for and charged to the FY 2008 budget. As stated above, the budget for these goods and services rolled forward into the FY 2008 budget on October 1,2007. The accounting entries move the actual cost of the goods and services received to FY 2007, but the budget remains in FY 2008. FY 2008 capital project budgets need to be reduced by the amount of the accounting entries, which total $40,648,555.94. Grant revenues awarded in FY 2007 and their respective project budgets were recorded in SAP in FY 2007. $29,257,532.17 of revenue grants awarded in FY 2007 was not spent by the end of the year. The difference between grant revenues awarded in FY 2007 and their respective project expenditures rolled forward on October I, 2007 into the FY 2008 budget as carry-forward revenue and became part of the project Fund(s) budgeted reserves. The grant revenues need to be reestablished. This bndget amendment will rednce Carryforward revenue and reestablish the remaining unspent portion of the specific Fund(s) grant revenue budgets. A change in SAP budget functionality is being considered. This change will allow transactions of this nature to be recorded in the proper fiscal year so this type of budget amendment should not be needed in future years. FISCAL IMP ACT: This amendment will reduce various project budgets to the appropriate level and reestablish the appropriate capital grant project budget. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is 110 growth management impact associated with this budget amendment. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the necessary budget amendment. Prepared Jointly By: Kelly Jones, Senior Accountant, Department of Finance and Accounting Susan Usher, Senior Budget Analyst, Office of Management and Budget Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 16F9 May 13, 2008 Page 2 012 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16F9 Recommendation for approval of a budget amendment that reduces certain Fiscal Year 2008 capital project budgets and appropriates certain Fiscal Year 2007 capital grant project revenues carried forward into Fiscal Year 2008. Meeting Date: 51131200890000 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 516120089,44 AM Approved By Susan Usher Senior ManagemenUBudget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/6120083,22 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/6120083,51 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ I 07-Mav%20 13.%202008\] 6.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 16... 5/7/2008