Agenda 05/13/2008 Item # 4C Agenda Item No. 4C May 13, 2008 Page 1 of 2 PROCLAMA TION WHEREAS, NatiMtlI Associatitm of Insurane. Wom.n (NAIW). Int.rnatiMtlllras aclri.W!d an illustrious ""cord af profusfonol oclri.""m.nt and d.dicaf't1d s.rvie. to its clients and tlr. nation and is du.rving of public ""cognition and commendation," and, WHEREAS, tltls Irighly ut..med association is ct1mpos.d of approximat.1y 300 local organizations numbering approximat.1y 8,000 m.mb.rs, all of whom af'tl cmnpt1f't1nt wom.n and ItII!n .mploy.d in various fi.lds of tlte insuranee industry: and. WHEREAS, constantly creating good will tltrouglr inf't1grity and d.dicatitm, NAIW, Intt1rnatiMtlllras grown remarkably sine. it was founded in J 940. with s'""" 39 wom.n repru.nting J T re9iMtll insuranc. clubs: and. WHEREAS, tit. major purpose of tltis highly .ff<<ti"" Df'9t1nization is to ".neouraIP and fosf't1r .ducational programs d.spd to broad.n tit. knowl.dlP and the understanding of the insurance field and to cultiva" increasing frit1ndship. loyalty and d.sire for s.rvice among its m.mb.rs": anti. WHEREAS, it is of the inutimabl. be".fit to the membt1rs to b. provid.d with the opportunity to ossocidf't1 witlt oth.r industry profusionols. .nobling th.m to share solutions, probl.ms, and t1Xpt1ri.ne.s dnd tIt.""by gtlin b.tt.r understanding and also increase Q"ianc.s~' and, WHEREAS, NAIW, Int.rntltitmal ineludes within its cod. of .tltics tit. laudable pI.dIP of service tltdt is htm.st, thorough, gracious, and profusitmdl: dnd till pramis. to pt1rfornr in an honorabl. ""'fInt1r - nobl. words which a"" truly a ptlrt of .dCIr m.mb.rs pursuit of his or h.r Cdre.r: dntl. WHEREAS, tltis outstttnding o'Yjt:mizdtitm has be.n recognized as d vitdl f't1SDUrc. by the Independent Insurance Agents Df America, the American AssociatitJn of Mdnd9ing Gttn.ral AIPnts, the Insurane. Institut. of Altll!rica, and tit. Chart.""d Prapt1rty and Casualty I.Ind.,.writ.rs. NOW THEREFORE, be it pracldim.d by the BDard of CDUnty Commissitm.rs of Colli.r County, Florida, that May Ur - May 2~ 2008. be d.sifl'U1t.d as National Association of Insurance Women Week Page J of J Agenda Item No. 4C May 13, 2008 Page 2 of 2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 4C Proclamation designating May 18 ~ May 24, 2008 as National AssocIation of Insurance Women Week. To be accepted by Elizabeth M Bellairs, AAI. ACSR, CPIA, Client Advisor, Gulfshore Insurance, Inc. Meeting Date: 5/13/2008 9:00:00 AM Prepared By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners BCC Office 4/291200810:37:13 AM Approved By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners BCC Office 4129/2008 11 :38 AM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 4/29/20083:31 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 4/29/20084:35 PM file:/ /C:\AgendaTest\Export\ J 07 -Mav%20 J 3,%202008\04. %20PROCLAMA TJ ONS\4C\4C%... 5/7/2008