Agenda 05/27/2008 Item #16G 2 Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 1 of 56 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To approve and execute a Site Improvement Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. (4260 Bayshore Drive) OBJECTIVE: To approve and execute a Site Improvement Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. CONSIDERATIONS: Annually, the Community Redevelopment Agency's Site Improvement Grant Program is funded at a level that satisfies existing grant obligations from prior fiscal years and future grant opportunities. The purpose of the grant program is to provide an incentive to revitalize the area by providing a matching grant to encourage the private sector to upgrade/rehabilitate their property. This grant requires applicants to provide a project cost-match of at least 67% with the remaining project dollars supported by Tax Increment dollars generated from the CRA District. For FY 08, a total of $310,000 is budgeted for the rehabilitation grant program. From this allocation, $224,000 is available for new projects and $86,000 is committed and due to previously approved applicants upon satisfaction of all grant stipulations. ,.-- The Site Improvement Grant application submitted by the Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Park Homeowners Association, Inc. of 4260 Bayshore Drive, Naples FI., 34112 was recommended for approval by the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Local Advisory Board at their May 6, 2008 meeting. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The grant application and agreement have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney Office which has determined that the agreement complies with CRA requirements. (MMSS) FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient budget exists within the FY 08 Bayshore Gateway Triangle Fund (187) to satisfy this new grant application. A Site Improvement Grant may fund up to 33% of the applicants project cost up to a ceiling of $8,000. This site improvement project totals $22,859.00 and the grant request is $7,543.47 which is 33% of the estimated project cost. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, including the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA that may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, improvements to infrastructure and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: That the CRA Board approves and authorizes for execution the Site Improvement Grant Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Park Homeowners Association, Inc. of 4260 Bayshore Drive, Naples FI., 34112 in the amount of $7,543.47. ,......... Prepared by: Sue Trone on May 13, 2008 Operations Analyst, Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 2 of 56 -1- .~ Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 3 of 56 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16G2 Meeting Date: To approve and execute a Site Improvement Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. (4260 Bayshore Drive) ($7.543.47) 5/27/2008900.00 AM Prepared By Sue Trone Operations Analyst Date Community Redevelopment Agency Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/14/20084:00:51 PM Approved By David Jackson Executive Director Date Community Redevelopment Agency Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/14/20085:00 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/15/200810:08 AM Approved By Marjorie M. Student-Stirling Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 5/16/2008 12:24 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/16/2008 12:43 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5/16/2008 2:01 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 1 08-Mav%2027.%202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 1... 5/21/2008 Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 4 of 56 BAYSHORE GATEW/~Y TRIANGLE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPLICATION I I '" I'i ,-, t.'\1",j;,.... d f:! ~ -~ ~ 05 / 2008 The Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Park Howmeowners Association, Inc. 4260 Bayshore Drive Naples, Florida 34112 --- Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27,2008 Page 5 of 56 ~~; , '..;'~,.~, ' '"," ,-~ APPLICATION FORM .~ 1. THE SITE IMPROVEMENT GRA."\T APPLlCA nON 1-1 Applicant Information (yIA(f){)!2 1. O"nerName: ((10CJ/UfFflO 2. O"llerAddress: -'lJ60 /}JjYSIfUK~ )<,VC: ..../..1" /-\ ,/} ',4, ','-' . .~, . . .'.. ~~. ! ~ _.' I r ""- 3. Site Address (ifdifti::rent from ov.ner address): 4. Folip Numlx.'T and Legal Description of Site: ,::\ :=-,.. :-,~ 't ~(C 1/,~ ) I) : " . - ," (. f' 1'1> ", fee, (, 5. DII\time Phone with area code: r;l-t" - 1(,. S- 2 l q Cill1, '" . . "(1 '<'L.)() , . 7 i'_';" _ U "_U.-l. (L7(-(J1.It~X{ _i{.....r....t:'.-' c 6. Al~ate Phone WIth llrea code: ~ "t " i .... I ~ '. 7, E-mail Address: 8. If you 0"11 this proper1)'. how long have you owned it'! t<7l"aI'S II REQlJ~RED ATTACIIEME'ITS TO THIS PAGE FORALl~APPLlCANTS: . I. Pro~. Apprd-iscr-~ Jdenrifica:tiofl Record. * , : 2. Aerial photograph or all parcels included in Ihe grunt.. I It Thesejcan be- obta.ine.d from the Property Appraiser's wchsik li1 in fp: ,\'. \\ \\ .c"rr!il.:r:J nf1fl.lI~"T,".tl!H'. 9. If you lea~c this property. how long is lea.,~ term'.' (attach copy of"leasc) 10. Is this your first time to apply for a Sile lmpro\"cmem Grunt~ ,'cs I):: I ",,0 U 11. If you have heen awarded a Site Improvement Grant in the past. please list thc date(s) and award amounts fiJr each gram you have reccived. Attach a separate page if necessary. (ommcrcial \l'r1ic:mt- l)nl~ ple"s" >In'" Cl' item' 11-1" 1:1. Tc:rumtName (Commercial Only): 13. Tenant Daytime Phone: 14. Tenant Alternate Phone: 15. Number of Years in Business at Site Address: 16. Occupational Licensc l\umber: 17. Other Tenant Names, if any: '-' Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 6 of 56 Memo to File FrofTI: Sue Trone, Ops Analyst., Bayshore Gateway Triang.le eRA Dare: 05/06/08 RE:Site Improvement Grant application to be signed by President of Homeowners AssOciation ~-"'\ T"'1 . -:l .l:i...'1.'i'-..--~ r "-~-)~ -I According to RLS 08-CMP-00395, the County Attorney has agreed that the president of the Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Park Homeov,mers Associatioll, Inc. may sign the grat1l agreement and all other associated documents requiring -Signature "fOwner". Attached : I. RLS from County Anorney 2. Florida Department of State Diyision of Corporations regisuation for the Moorhead Manor "-{chile Home Park llomeo",ners Association. Inc. 3. Dep! of State certification of incorporarion 4. Resolution 2008-1 iTom the Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Park. Homeowners Association. Inc. authorizing association president, Richard StaDe, to act on behalf of the directors and the 154 shareholders to sign the Site Improvement Grant application. Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 7 of 56 , 1'._' L., \' ....,,; i ': ITEM NO.: Cj)~TE REa;n. 'ED: '1';'::0 iI'i Q. . i, ':.;. j C FILE NO.: 68-CMP' oo~9S ROUTED TO: DO NOT WRITF. ABOVE TlIIS SPACE (Orig.9/89; Re\',6/97) REQUEST FOR LEGAL SERVICES ('PleJlst" tTpe Of'" prinf) Date: 1-25-08 To: Office of the Conn!)' Attorney, Artn: M. Student-Stirling ,,", From: Sue Trone c \ oe.' .~ to (!'i.me) -z..\ \...>, J ,''''0 nJ.., u:..rtJ.i")\ ,// C'R.A 'th1J-; \ V (Division) V,/ltd;, ~. . Telephone # (Ven' Imvortant): 643-1115 Operations Analyst (Tille) Bayshore Gakway (Dt'parrmen1) Re: How to handle SIG application when the applicant is a Homeowner's Association (Subj.<t) BACKGROliND OF REQt:EST/PROBLEM: (Dcs<:ribc problem and gi\'t backgrf.lund infurmation ~ bt sDedfic:. concise. and articulsre.) People from Moorllead M.:lllor intend 10 aJlpl>' for' an SIG to put in 8 TleWSi~1l and I~nd..c~ping at tile fr-unt urthe housill~ de1.'tlopUll'nL Tllcre are- 154 members to the bou~ing a..lisociation~ The "housillg association" is . cooperatin, so ct:th (If those 1~4per,.on3 OWDli)l ~h9.r(' in the t'orJpCrluive. -/\ c\ O'l \:':-.\\'~ . '. ,n ,\, ,..L....c"'_"",','_C\ ,', ~ '. '; .,' _"\-"_~-'J-..,_.,..\,,_, 0.':' ~ ~ -' ~ "- ...' ~ \ \ \) \, \ ' :\: ~ ")" . (-~ . r--, 'r- ,.........,,) ':::.''\ Q.;::,\ ,"_-,::,f"I.-.~\,' \'_, \ \~~"'-'l ' "'-...;, < ~'- \' ,', (Are then documents or otberinformnfioD oell'ded to re\'if'w this matttr? I r ~"eS.l attach and rcfcrenc~ this inform:Jlion.) This item haslhas not bccn prt'\'iousl~' sobmitted. (1fpre\.iuu:-.'~' submittf'd provide Count) Atto,rnc,,-'~ OfflCf: ,FIle No.) , 1\ <? .", j /LQ../~ <::> I ,,_"-.'-_\ ~,c;c"'~ \~ C \\ ACTIO~ REQFESTEU: ~-Be "ery sp.eC'inc. Identify euctf). wh,a[ Y<lU ne-ed in the "'flY of ie2tll sfJ"yicC!l., I would like dircction from ynu on how to fill out lhe appliclltion. Uo all IS.:! persons havc to sign for each place requiring signature of "applicant" or can the president of the homeowner's association sign on their hchalf (perhaps they would ....rile up an addendum c:l'pressing that the president's si:::uature a. "owner" is sufficicnt?). This L. a very' critical issue because some residents are out of the country and getting their signatun's would hc a scnre difficull)', especially if it was required tn he in tbe actulII SIG documents, In short, I need direction from you on how to proeeed. Any creath'e suggestions are welcome. We hope to have tbe application completed to be preseDted to tbe CRA board in March. Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 8 of 56 OTHER COMl"lENTS: I'm atfuehing documentation from the coop's "prospectus". The president gave these copies to me wben I asked if they had some kind of charter, She looked puzzled ,,'ben I asked for a "charter" hut offered the "prospectus". J "J,e the quotes bc:callSe I am not using legal terms and I assume these words ban very specific legal meanin~ cc: Dayid .Jackson (AI! requests must be- copied toycur appropriate Division Head or Constitutional Officer.) '2. II c.::'l 0 b " I .. "" it;' .' ^' L.r''--'C........ . ;J:..~v } WJ.-I.- - 6_dk1'-., '. -<i;/tftY'" Y n . /y}U-r r e-n+../~ () .. f, ) ; ~ }/' /1 ~.L..u--"\ y- /LJ,-/ -'" d. f;.fJ-..;<./l i,' 'LiJJ 0 i . (lLI", C C)...I....! J /-UJ (1, ' [lJv'LL)./iJ-J; I I :'~ I h ,1 tr1 ""\ Ul;/pL-AI..... -~"'\i-..,( I..YO' \l I 51 0- Ii ,....J..}.J..''-~ ~' 1->,1 0~ :0.'-' "";l' JJ..~ , j' V- 0'-'8~" j'-';'~.....;(,~~./l....J-..j"-"""r--:, /.y,<~t..//""". 0 I .v'.A, ,~ J..,) c.-, <L)v"V .' U ,;..... I ~ ~' ,>>/7"7 ^ .t./J.-D !. , G'/.- v~ AJ.':;;-C C~ 1- l.- 1~.J.h. L /LA" v }- Y" 'I'!.. V U.-I(,t/,,-,,' ~.!, Ijv r .. U'\. U ('"')1'-" L/-t."-,, .D ~~d." "i\1V'- .. . ,;;:-')); _/1~"'\ . Ji, \' ~~ , _ L J-~ ' , -" ;")"'/'11 (/.,....A( ..:UL-,if'....u . i,~ I Home Corltact Us i E-Filing Services Document Searches Forms Help PrevlollS on List Next on List Relurn To List Events No Name History Entity Name Search Detail by Entity Name Florida Profit Corporation MOORHEAD MANOR MOBILE HOME PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. Filing Information Document Number G81168 FEI Number 592378530 Date Filed 01:30/1984 State FL Status ACTIVE Last Event M,IENDMENT Event Date Filed 04:16/1987 Event Effective Date NONE Principal Address 426C B.AYSHORE DRIVE NAPLES FL 33962.551'J Changed 08102/1985 Mailing Address L260 BAYSHO"<= DRIVE N.~.PLES FL 33962-6510 Changed 06!02/1935 Registered Agent Name & Address HARG:E MICHp.EL S. I L260 BAYSHORE DRIVE N.oPLES FL 3~112 US Name Changed: 04118/2005 A"dress Ch.anged 0411 B/2005 OfficerlDirector Detail . Name & Address I TtleP , I STONE RICHARD' 1157 MOORHEAD MANOR NA?LES FL 34112 ROY, D."NIS 146 MOORHEAD M';NOR 'I'" .. I li:leT I N~PLES FL 34112 l.:JA D "LLER, MALCOLr,j . MOOREHEAD MANOR NAPLES FL 34112 ' TitleD BARNICLE, THOMAS 30 MOORHEAD M!'(NOR NAPLES FL 34112 i TitleD ORCIUCH. RAY 11 MOORHEAD MANOR NAPLES FL 34112 Ti:le S FRiTZSN. WARD 150 MOORHEAD MANOR NAPLES FL 34112 i Annual Reports Report Year Filed Dale 2005 04'1812085 2006 0411912086 2007 041t 612 00 7 i I i I '..Qocument Images I J~1162=':'7.. Al\NU~L PE~'on ~~.....~-----.-.. .. ....-- ----~- -..--- ~~:':f''2D(Jc. -.6NL!_V'\~REPOR.T :}4/~ 8/2005 - 2.4N,NUAl REPORT C3!C920=,~.. ANNU"'.LT;EPQRT 03!2521~~'- .l\NNU.c,l.B.EE'QRT C';=:;[200= -- ANt>J\J:.LRE"ORT G~_12212Q{1~.-=_ANN ~jAL F~ D("j=1I C 3127 (2.Q_Q~__~:bN N tJ ';,~JZ-~P CJ ;::;: T f'~~ - ,L,~',Ulihl. F.EPORT ;~'3.i-1~~'~ :;'98 - Ar'JLll.:.,~BEPaRT ~~~,"=;J_'~:::'~~i ::--,~',NtJ).~,l H.EPQEI Ci3t29:'1 '3_~5 =:AN r',~ L.':'L, f;;;::~?(.'P. T View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF format View image in PDF formal View image in PDF format View image in ?DF format View image in PDP format View image in PDF format View image ;n PDF format View image in PDF format D4"13'1f:oSo~ - A.t.NL~,.L"c;_~p-J~r View image in PDF format i I, Ii Note: This is not offiCial re,:;c~d. See do:umen~s jf question or conf,ic~ I l-PreVious .on lis! Next on Li$! Return To List ~;enW. No Name History f-l,orne Cont;,c: us r:';",i.;Y:e-F.5".l!r.:l',,~s: E-=;lilt:! :.:::rlic$s ~\':VI'Cl5 he(p ~~:,;,'{r:QH and hi-,'3CY Po:,c:j""s Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 10 of 56 Entity Name Search CO~.LlE~; eQ,my 9'ftS '1(i"'R[r~ f jfI ~.<: ~~~R!;'~ r 0 I ~ m~~c t 0 ~< I::: ~t~ld. . ~~~~~~iba I 5~ ~ "",-".'i"..". '~ l11}'~ ~O~ Drp;r;;;:;;-;"cl ~tnlr ~ocj ~ ~., ~!)'l ~~.., :;,1:: "-\?c" ::tot: -" "\O~ 1 certif\l' tl1e B1:ten::hed is 8 rru~ 3nd CC:r(Cct COP~' o.t the Articles. of GO'B ?&'" :;."c (ll;t incorporation, as amended 10 date, D; MOORHEAD MANOR MOBILE HOME ~~G~1 ~Q~ PARK HOMEO'NNERS ASSO:::IATION, INe.. a co'porotion organized "ndcr gQ:.h_~ ~,(),.. t~e laws of the S~.a'!e of F~orida. as shown by the recor.ds of this ~n,.:J >:.O~~ r"u~ :>~<:: office. ::5n.(: ~t).-:;.i F1l"l't< ~'U~ -0'7 5~c ~ut :7Jn~ F;t'l,';'.'! '}lU~ ,-',C):= ~A~ Ti1D doc.ument numoer of this corporation is GS, 1ti6_ ?O~ ':..U~<; '"'u'':; ~ ~ i....Vi2 ;;f1:j ~ . - ~ "?::n~~ -'-~\--"-~-EZ(~~"';;--"~ :!."'~ ~.-.;:'; _/'..-, , t.::.!:..--=..:.,.. l" A-'--. ~fJg ~c~ ./._.';:~\~:>" -~'---"::..i >i~.., ~,-..... '1rit'i ." fit),\::: ;".0'2 .,/ 1,.-",,-' '''J . \ ~:ur;, ~ l~ '\.\.. ~<,- '5'rr", ,~_.. . ;~(Jr=. ~~~ I __~~=:;~~~:. \__ \ ~VC 00..: il / \:: I. " '\ :. . .)':1 " '. 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'I C I May 27, 2008 "AGE Page 11 of 56 OIZ7,R~0 ... .,....1 m[~ APn 7 r ::1 [2: D::1 ('; it t il 3 Ii ~F:-- '" \' -...<:....~~~~~::c::~~;.:~:.,-;...,.;;;.,~"..,,;.~ :_^;;,.:;:-,.,::o:;:.::,::........:;:.;:f:""~:;:i..;~:;;.~~~~..,,..-"" ~......~_'"i:....j~',.:..;..;;:.~: Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 12 of 56 Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Park 4260 Balshore Drive ~aples, FL 34112 239-774-0080 Fax 239-775-0011 moorneadmanor@embarqmail.com Resolution Number 2008-1 WHEREAS,j the Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Parle Homeowner Association, Ine. established in 1984 . is a real estate cooperative in accordance with Florida's statues for citizens flfty.flVe years and older; and WHEREAS, it is the intent of Moorhead Manor's 154 shareholders to sustain a high QUality of life through its environments; and WHEREAS, on March 14, 2000, the Sayshore I Triangle Community Redevelopment Authority was created to leverage local community assets for improvements; and WHEREAS, the Moorhead Manor Board of Oirectors authorized and set aside $24,000.00 on January 24,2008 to improve the community's main entrance through signage, vegetation and irrigation; and WHEREAS, the Moorhead Manor Board of Directors at a meeting on March 17,2008 authorized Richard Stone, President. to act on behalf of the directors and the 154 shareholders to sign an application for an $8,000.00 site improvement grant from the Bayshore {Triangle Community Redevelopment Authority; and WHEREAS, the Moorhead Manor Board of Directors adopted this resolution at the same meeting to expedite the said application for the aforementioned scope of activity, ~ Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 13 of 56 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by virtue of the authority vested in me as President of Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Part, I affix my signature to Resolution 2008-1 , for its specific purpose. SIGNED, SEALED AND DWVERED on the 17"'. day of March,2008 cLL-q:;;-f;;;/ ; Richard Stone W""[;k~(~ Ward WritzJ:>n President Secretary Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 14 of 56 Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Park 4260 Bayshore Drive ~aplcs, Florida 34112 moorheadmll nor'a::cm ba rqm a il.com 239-774-0080 April 7,200& MOQrhead \.hm(lr board of director';; aPPrL1\"ed and set up front Elltrance Rese]""e to fWld the improvement:; to Ihe front entrance on Junuary 21, 2008. The board authoriz,ed the Front En(rance Conml.it1~e to spend up 10 S24.000.00 on the front entrance. Glennda SUler is Ihe chairman oflhis eOll11lJit1,.c. For The Board of Director's (2' '/,. C }:~t" v; ~\~ f~)'.1.,.~ Richard Stone President Details Agenda ItJ'~ol H3G2 May 27, 2008 Page 15 of 56 -- ---.-.---.. ';';." -<''7,O';;''-''Lt " I,; Ci'~;-"~\ ;~:f:<:: ..J: ,':\2'ru :;,j ?aocel No.1.', ;,4 Current Ownership II Prope;1y Add,,,,.1 J I II I ! Ow"... Namel' . . AdQresses . -',:; ,: ; City"" I S",l.~ . Zipl l.egjll Sectj(ln TQWn~p Riitflge I A(:n"'S ,......pNo. Strap No, ': I Ii\!!l.~A"", : Millage i I ! Sub No" I U:se Code 1 I 2007 Final Certified Tax Roll (Subjectto Change) Latest Sales History ~" "'",; l~o. : ;', _ '" '1 " IL-r. H ..;,_; r:r,"-2.!-" ;:f+r ~"":,,~-i ~~ .1 J 1 ;::::~, 'I'. .1_' ;H'J\ 11 Arnourrt t ~ I .. .,' ': .'C: v. C'. ! SOH ;;. 'S~..,e Dur i-lOf":'ll'ls. Q:(~ wlue- due tc cae <;II", as.:~l3s$,","",'11 m::.~e;;;:o5. I Land Valu@ 1 1+) ~~ Val~" I I l' ::>:\\'1 :;.e!' ,e' 1,P i,. .,. ,,, "'e>" 'Ie The tmmmallOn I'S Updated ~etliy. htto,//ww\\ coili eraonmiSCf comiRccon.lDctai 1.>Lso"Matr'& f "liolD={)(j[)006058 5040004 4fi120Cl8 Print Map Agenda ItJ'rillfl'ol flfdz May 27,2008 Page 16 of 56 P..r;oI. J;.U:Ud'~nlc._ ......,...~:ma'f;f,........b'.......1 ;lo,cflllitii!OllTUt'U'!1 a...JiIlto'liIf'~ (;o<Il_C_')I ~~ ::;C!lll!r~r" I"~"':~I~~. '(.\'i""~",, ,>.1... r:""'<it~f""~V ""pc..."nc.. C:1"'~'r.~",:~ ""'....11"';)11;1, ,",,~!!'". ~=c~lJ:!'i!"d~'.~~'~ 'fl~ ~~"'lQ;lI'<llUol>:lllf~UI! fu'1"..\I.O;"",,,,,,,"h,,..r.rll.',lcron:~;;lo1:>~ p.~ http://maps,colli~rappraiscr.c\lm!wcbmaJl/mapprint..asp,,?tit!c=&orient=LANDSCA PE&pap,.. 4n /2008 - ----_..__......_._...~--_.._._--_.~._----.._---_..,_.,.,._~'''-----,--~---,-_..~-- Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 170156 i..'~~.;'.' .. ~~ ~......... .;" APPLICATION FORM ~ 1-2 Project Information L Plea.~ describe the existing condition of each project for which you would like funding from a Site lnhprovement Grilllt (attach additional sheet' if necessary). Aaach Two "Refore"phlltas (gXI0 co'or) to liz/s page jor each improl'l:menJ you H'tl1It III _Ae, ~; ..7 ++t-., /" ..;1 (_if - ~\'. ~ p 2. OutJ\nc: proposed improyements in detail. Include one of the I[ll\o"..ing for each project: A) itemized \\wk estimates from actively licensed conlrlu:tors for \\ork to bc done by contmclClrs or B) material descriptions for work you intend to do yourself on supplier letterhead, (~ c-.':./:"-"...::. . I I :,' l I [~ ~7- (r !'{f ~ 3. Li5t Materials to be used and construction methods to be utilized (i.c. red bricks "ill he installed with traditi"nal masonry methods, a"nings will be hung, etc.) (attach additional sheets if necesf>ary). Anach droH'inx, or sketch oj impro,'"",mts /0 /lIis page. Anoch cohn .,amp'e> jor each improvement to Ihb page. {{ ~.~,. i .j' ~? i . "'-tll f:.t . . , REQUIRED A 1T ACHEMEI'II'TS TO THIS PAGE FOR ALL APPLICANTS: L Two Sxl0 color photos uf each project for the Sill: Improvement GranL , ~ "2. Ifv.1lfk is hein~ done bv eomrac,<ml. TWO ESTfMA TES from ACTIVEl.Y LICENSED CONTRACTORS WITH Cpt ,LIER COUNTY must be included fOT each job. Additiona1ly~ :-..ou must provldc lict..-ns.e information for each contraclur (inf{'lrmation u\'ailable at htto:NaDos1,c~lJjcru.o\' .net'we~ps/vision/CoryCcrt,'der9:ult.asox - can contraclck 10 verify the: rtame under which the license is registeTCd!). Ifwork i~ bcin~ done bv vourself. provide two . official ritjce quotes fi?T partS ((7aTlt funds do not ~uve-r applica:r1~:S labor). ~ .- , 2- i -- ...-- i.).,-..... -rL,~-,r.('- If:_UJ '"1,.-'" ,'I'll II' f~rnlFn c,) Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 18 of 56 1 .The entrance has little or no landscaping and no working irrigation. The only sign we now have is a portion of the old sign that blew down in hurricane Wilma, it has been temporarily attached to our fence. The entrance island is over 35 years old. The masonry is broken and cracked in several places 2. a .Place-two. new 4ft. X 8ft. polystone signs with lighting. One on each side of J .2,~ 1"._- - ---~--..--- --l the entrancej Move the south fence to make room for Si~\ b, Install new irrigation system. Landscape both sides of entrance and center ,--Jc~ --. island with drought - tolerant plants.\~~ce a,:ent lig,~ting in the Island.l c, Remove and redesign the center island with anchor block curb and rip-rap accent wall. Repl.ace asphalt paving wh@F@ a portion of the old island is removed and where the driveway is removed so the electric and irrigation can be installed. 3. All work is being done by licensed contractors using traditional methods: landscaping; electrical.; irrigation; asphalt paving and sign company. All work to be properly permitted and completed to county code. Square's lilmlscapmg,lnc. L'lkins Signtek,lnc, Collier Genie (irrigation) Ashpalt Paving,Corp. All Around Electric Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 19 of 56 ..~. - f:J " ....~.. "-_:'>.. APPLICATION FORM ~ 1-3 Project Poinls Dircctions: In the column labeled "Work Included in Current Application", please indicate work be d d' tho r . h h k k-/ to one as propose 10 15 app lcaUon W1t ac cc mar' ( ). I ..... f I'rojms _I......... eRA oma ConmtA. .r .. , USE O~Y Roof reoo"s Remova/rof a reOOlf to porches, awninos. canopies, or carports Installation of a reoairto hurricane shutters Window or door uporooe It> hurricane standards , Exterior woo~rk fecail". reolacemert Of neMt instaUation 5tucro """rI< or reola:ement sidino New or reOla::ement roolino, rain outler sVSlem arod soffrt worl< Paintino I , Storm water drainao~ flllProvements ,/' ; " First-time aooilcant ! ,-~ Drivewav reOalr(oo""wav must s""wslons of damaoe\ V j Installation of or rep",r to dnvewav cu^,erts ConstnJelion of or ",oair to ferrolnQ I chainhnk orohibrted\ Removal 01 trees lor heal1l1. safety and welfare benefits (improved re,.;clential lots only) I Removal of exotIC vegetatoo (lor imp""ed residential lots oniy) , Demollton of struotures for health. safety and WElI.fare i . .p -- , j c'/I " '.i' .. j: ,y\ '/,/.... I 1 OtI1er prOjects appro,,",d by the eRA , .;-...- -' TOTALI ~ I b ~ ~, .-..." \ N ,X)(O (90"' ~O " N L ;'0) Ectl~ ~::;:o.. C1l "0 c:: (j) OJ <( ~:; -' ':::;: ,) *.J > '~ ,- 1;:' ~ -~ o -- . <'~ -:-- C;--.. ~~ ,'.~. .' ~, -: \ i ~,,~.,^' \ , , ~ -=l -- .-J <' + '- ~~~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ ...~ ,>' -' ~ .; ~ , t' i ~; ~~l ~~ ~, }.:, .~~~ :'.:-- ...' 'y '> ~ , " " ~ '~" ~ 3 . .."l'i.b '..:~ Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 25 of 56 i~ W~~ ..........:..J. APPLICATION FORM - 1-4 Verification of Rcsourees to l:ndertake Project . . 1 \' /I=,r~H"'-"O /f),A,<.~"- /i?nu::.-C-I-w.>.;;:.'<$. .I1s~N, I. ?, ~.~,o;-~_'l....n...v':; .::c';:..' IfiC;.l/h~ .:,:' . o\>.l1er/tenant of the property located at -'/.,2~o, i.~",v ,s;...",..;", D"'-,,/r, have the funding and capability nccess3f).t(l be!,>in the site improvements listed under Section 1-2 (page 2 of application) of the completed site improvement grant application and have the ability to complete all improvements within one year ofthe approval of the site improvement grant by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. /7 tlL~ k'c~-/IY:'~'t;:~ _ __ Signature of Owner/Tenant (Commercial only) r,,; " veil Date Signature ofOwner/Tcnant (Commercial only) (if jointly o\>.ned or leased) Dale '-' Signatl1rc of O\\lleriTenant (Commercial only) I if joint" O\\'l)c(,for leased) ., Cx/ I / """'..'.: ..' . f eRA stJJif/'}~ ,'\' .~ Date -: -I- (~ Date '- t.: Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 26 of 56 ~~.. '#.:.) , ..~.~, APP,lICA TION fORM '--' 1-5 Project Costs Estimated Project Cost: $ , C\ Q\ ,?;Y'/ CO , ALL WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY A CONTRACTOR MUST HA VR AT LEAST TWO (2) WRITTEN ESTIMATES OR QUOTES A TTAClIED TO TIlE APPLICA nON. Estimated amount requested from eRA $---.1 ' r; y. S , 'f :; "l\OTE: Copics of all reccipts and/or cancelled checks will required UDon project conmletion as proof that all materials and contracted improvements have heen paid. No reimbursement ....ill ~ made bk the CR.<\ until all receipL~ and/or cancelled checks have been received and verified. FORCRA Us.: ONLY ~ Total Estimated Project Cost: "'. "." f~~' / E;'-~'J, itJ.a '- Request from CRA; .t 7 ~ if.? I' r Percentage of Total: 33 /-?, -' , ~!~,t:.6-L,_ O...."Iler SiS'1lamrc 3'L~,-k Date Owncr Signature_ /'-. . .,' -::---..., '.'.,". ./\;~< ." .'~ -~_._,.) CRX~taff - , Date - < 'If'" ~' ~) Date ~ - '.~ I ~\ ~ , " -" , ~.~ " ....'- - ", "- " , '\ \ -'-;.-;.........'" " '0...) ''-......~; ~ '"::. ...........:::J ~ - '~ .;: '\ > ", ~ I ~ ~-<.,'~ -'~ ---.) ~ --.. -- "'-." '" \:lrantee: Moorhead Manor IRRlGATlON Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Z 0 Irrigation Spe~aNsts. 0= of SW FL CoIher Geme <. Cl Certlficati-on No. Carnflcation No. :;: 0:: 27313 22616 Bid Bid 5162400 $1 OSOj}J NEW SIGN AT ENTRANCE V"ndor 1 Vendar2 .... <<{u.1 ZU (!)Z I SiarlS &. Thinos L vkins Slo.ntej( en;:! Certification No. Certification No. j:1- u.IZ I ZW 2674S 28191 Bid I Bid $9.815 50 $9.752.00 FENCE Vendor 1 Vendor 2 u.I U Car1e1 :::e-nce Co. ,L"Ikmfj S~nt~ z: Certificatlon No. Certifk:atlon No. W U. 11475 28194 Bid Bid I .'.(;75001 $U4620 UGHTlNG (!) Vendor 1 Vendor 2 z: I- Jacr,son TDtal :r Service, Inc. ,<\fi Amund Electric Cl ::::; Certification No. Certification No. Z I Cl 27844 22375 <ii I Bid I Bid $J.B3€d $1,135X !ASHPHALT I Vendor 1 Vendor 2 .... ..J <. 9onnesl:i Ir!t. 'Gnffilh ~avlnQ Inc. J: a. Ce-rtffiCQtion No. CertificatIon No. J: <I> <<{ 1228-8 12835 Bid Bid $1.39700 $3275_Do. LANDSCAPING Cl Vendor 1 I Vendor 2 Z 0:: ISoU.,." I Di.,,,,ctiYe 'mgation <. LandsCBptnj:! .Elm landscape Inc U I <I> Certification No. C91'ttflc:ation No. <::I Z I <. 1671' :,[,754 ..J Bid I Bid \ 58450001 $10.49:.00 Total $22,859.00 Qualifying Gront Amount 51,543.41 Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 27 of 56 Collier Genie 47 Front SlICet Bldg, l4 Marco Island, FL 34145 ~~t:.LI' _ '1 (f'j / ./1 -, \V{..;.,J'>" lv, d I' v il- :;L '1 "!; J r-? ',),.,..J /))' ~/..., Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 28 of 56 Estimate Date Estimate #I 3/t3 .2unK 74 Name I Address MO<lrt.ead MIlO'" AlIIl. GI:nnda Project Descliplion Qty Cosl T_ Labor IBId rlliItt:ri.als to ins-.a11 new $rinkler zo~tn lrrigan:: n~ I 950.00 950.00 planting; at ctJlTy-WllY to pa.rk. Includes tm1:' nevr J ~.sprinkIc:r valve. pipe.. b=ads...:fi~ etc. ZoJlC is to be approxim.atdy lQ.-1S laP.PO RalnhlTd4" pop-up ~N!Yhcad..... I IN;., I rtAlN S ep/.5,fJr (OI'e~JC,ve) "1- ' -cY? TIumk)'oo fuT your ~~'i., Total ~ C'St2,? u .vl / Cusl_~tu'" ~ ~./~ "1-'(-05> ?/kl' /f - .#(jC' 'i' ~ Contractor Ccrtitlcation Detail Page Agenda 1t&l~.11(6\32 May 27, 2008 Page 29 of 56 (' (jr1lr.::h.:1':Yf }';:ldl;S "", ~ -~1I 1\\[>', ~PI"G i. "U"IITH> (O.'~ 'H. ::::~l(. 'ij-,';.,nl I( Til [ ;,j'_;'11:2!iil~ tOil Hf; (,1"11 ,- IIUI", ~TRU, r. m.DI;. '~l \W,_O i~l\'n, n }...t1"::', 12,.III:"..i._Y"11 'I . t7 "J C""" Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 30 of 56 Proposal Irrigation Specialists of SW Florida 2044 J & C Blvd. Naples, FL 34109 "i/;'" )'f,,,, b,::l '- v ~,' ;jiCl c.'. i, "f LJ.. . J '.'~' --- Dale Estimate # ;;;7 Phone # 239-598..(J200 Fax # 239-59S-<1203 31'1312008 314 Name I Address Mooretead Monor CIO GI~mllla 4260 Bzyshore Drive N"I'los,Flonda 34112 Project Description Qty Cost Total Labor, Equip~ and Material to n:novare the Irrigation 7,.Qlle at theaurance of Moorehead 1.624.00 1.624.00 Manor. This. ione will pro...'idt water to the center island and the new plantings paruUel wim enumcc drive to the corners on both '!l.;des. NOTE: T1u. jab would have to be coordinated with tIu: landsca;>e company, Squares will CUI and black- top whert nuesSill)' to imlal1 piping. - . Total $1,624.00 Contractor Certification Detail Page Agenda Itln'l~] 1%bQ May 27, 2008 Page 31 of 56 Collier Count,- " --- FLORIDA --, . :~;::,s (,>d;; 42211 IRRIGHION SI'R1NKLER COl'TR, Contractor Details 1~:'~''''iT,,''!i -"'!,' "" ,r-;.:!iJ;.'::~ 2'7313 !, n 1,,~TI.li 'if:": ~):L' 5/2..1-/20n5 . :'~ I : 'I~' . : " ACTl\T 9:.,n,'1flflR '. -JI ",;1:1., (," p ~:hr' '-,'. ~.' >""; i(\' h,:, " . -'l:~ [', :",- "";, ,,; I") _ t.. ",',;, IRIUG.\1I0N SPECIALISTS OF SOUTHwrST n~ ,,<c. \1.ui: _ -l; ;'," :!O....,~ ISLA OF. Pf\L\l.\ ,,~rLrS, VI. J~IIl). (:J9J5QR-lJ~IIO 12J91:,\JS-H::!U3 !L.h.l :1 . r;,"1" '-'--- ,', ~ hnn:/i aoos2,col.lieruov ,net\ve hanosivision/C one cniDetai I ,asnx ?cen= 273 13 4114/2008 Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 32 of 56 OatIl; 1/30/21J08 Quote # 2187 Created By: Martin Ortiz (239) 572-0429 martlnOIyklns-si!llll:ek.com PROPOSAl/ CONTRACT PrePared By Lykins SlQntek. Inc. for: MOORHEAD MANOR To: i GLENDA SUTER i From: Martin Ortiz Fax: Quote Description: SINGLE SIDED 4 X SENTRY WAUS MADE OUT 01' POL YSTONE WIllI 1" TROVICEl COPY. WAU WIU KAVE DECORATIVE TRIM AND COLUMNS AS WALL SEEN AT SHOP. COLORS DETERMINED BY CUENT. 5935 Taylor Rd. Naples. Fl. 34109 PH (239)594-ll494 FAX{23!I)2S4-7792 Phone: (239) n5-1652 Item Description 1) SDIGLE SIDED 4 X 8 ENTRY WALlS MADE OUT OF POL YSTONE WITH 1" T1tOVICE1. COPY. WALl wn.L HAVE DECORATIVE TRIM AND CXlWMNS AS WALl Sl!l!N AT SHOP. coums DETERMINED BY CLIENT. 2) !iAI.ES TAXES Quantity 0 2 $4,600.00 Price $9,2Dll.oG 1 $552.00 Totat: $552.DD $9,752.00 .-NOTE : PRICE INCLUDES PERMITS, ENGJNaIUNG, AND INSTALLATION. ,~ <--,i-~,i'~,-,' ~' "" 17 r 1- r ~ ') 11dJ L, J ! 9, :;52<-" gn:e lo pa-y for sai.d won: mmpuy upol'l C'OaJpi:tioo 1)f~. DR '7'-;L -CZfL Aatlhl,)t,~Si Oepl::6;it Ammmr. __ CHECKlCC # T~nD!ll CoodUio!tC f'TiceI.a tJW; ~ad ur q]j;d fOf" 30 dars. so'". depotit Ii req....f!d to WnmU!fIee ud tIIJ! halul't is. dot 1il~ r&mplfolioG SieWn: g( tIliI dot'llIIleIit CDII5dllltefi . iepl &ad blH:i&~ eootr1IIet between parlin IUImed (l;a mls a~ c.aI"tomer 5 ~ fg.r ..~ DIK'&ltia within iutaD. ana or lLli tcqRin::d tor pcTIDittioc (;oed" IokI nmain th! pmperty ef lielift' 1Ult:D paid in fulL CuHDlner ap'ft5 tit pf'OVidr, Dete$$llt')' laf(llJ"1Mfioa l6 IIobtabl penalt.. eled:rial supply.1Q sip ..,. limIre loca&.... sndIar provide c:akt:r aad logo laformad_ when .perifit:d. CunomeT La rapoa5iblc for ..Y !;IIII' n).ek, lime F'OI::k G!' DDfol"l!MlM diJ:cDlu-= ........1lD15 t.5 %, Moathiy l.aU F<< applied ttl all pUt <hie il)\'(J.lees Warrantirs.: WarlQndsJUp: !ill IJ:ns or ftxtllrq faDnn1'td. aad lIutaUed.,. L~'kiDr5 Si:p1H aad itI ~ In watnlDted agllut defeeu" maitri.&.land ~'orla:aa\::W.Up far Got ).t:at~ pt,rts ud bhor. Pag-elof) WccJPl1 Agenda Item No. 16G2 May-2,7, 2008 . Page 311 of 56 Desl2oer: ~ t..cD~STE.tN I U"I-~-~" ~"","I'-lS-Sltc~.C-cM ~A><: '1.3"1-SILt-So"'?- /' I Attention: GI~nda I Qi>-~_. ._~., ........ 1 : ... J..... I Bisque Beige 6740-1 '-----_.J . I uWhite Umber 7195-1 -----::::..~ ~-- -- r Ii I " I ,I ,l: - : I , \ \ r- I ---.--- --~-- n ~..:-- 1= : I i , il 'J';~; . I I I' ! -- ~:----- ~~I II' c{'j II i '<t; I ~J I \ I I I , ~_J J ;.- ~ 95.87 in .._~ ,- r Sltr.>>M.tinar- --- M~~~ I - ~260 M-:JC+"''''' v..,.""" I.";:.,:,~ 34~12 I :25817."5- \&5:> \...-:z:~a~ O.K. AS IlII 2:'515 I 1i::'<l$:"~~ :-r-~~i.'~.r-C:b-r~-;.l~~;'------. ....- .- lirt....d ~., is 9.752..1;':; AIID't PlOOf 1ypi...caJ t.urna.routuJ tif'l'lCl i~ twO Wl:teIkI!o from M.CltJ~ ~~~ proG'f, fDur -..Jb -for ~j~r aru:l mO'I"F.!mlfm.e. ><24'><8' S,jngle Sided I Monument; Wall i 1 _._."_____..~.___.,,.._________/ c;,m~OJprrightl..~.~,h:.- Ttlr;.~~h-!lDleu:ipel'tl'.afLyJ:no.~<1IiiJl ~t~~Q'~......QIIlfI!f~.A~lI!lI=ol~5.00pl!ll.1'n#1Ii1:Ibe~ Contractor Certification Detaill)agc Agenda IteR;;/jIO.l16G12 May 27, 2008 Page 34 of 56 COIUr::lctor Deta,ls ~- , -, :1' ~i' FI.ECT HH',L Sf>r.Cl \11'Y ell',IHUl 18191 Il,"j,:";:ijO~ Act li \ r fi,'31 '.:;,,~~ [~ i2HHtU411 ~t'31'2Hn8 U .U'i' 'IG'.Il.h ,~'!} IlL\'. ',Pf (~!.,,,j ; il':~.l\,(' 5".\5 [\\LOR l;tl, ,.". ,j, P LES. FI 3.llItt)- r;;J:I"~~"4.Jo:..f\}.i t Zi"t:."'() I ,,'._:'.l-.t-it Agenda Item No. 16G2 ]' May 27, 2008 Page 35 of 56 GARY L CAllPENTER 3649 Progress Avenue NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 Naples (239)60\3-4404 Ft MYeffi {2S9)93Q-4858 Fax:(239)643-3194 E-maf1: gca~~signsandthl!!"l:~.c.cm I Date: I Contact I Phone: I Fax: I E-mail: t:J~ D17()~ 02115/08 GlENNDA SUTER TO: n5-1652/248-4246 MOORHEAD MANOR 18 MOORHEAD MANOR NAPLES, FL 34112 MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL: 2 - SINGLE SIDED ENTRY MONUMENT SIGNS. SIGNS TO aE CONSTRUCTED OF ALUMINUM WiTH A TEXTURED (TRIKO) FINISH. SIGr~ TO BE PAINTED WITH A SEMI-GLOSS LATEX PAlNT. (EXACT COLORS TO BE DETERMINED). COpy AND DECORATiVE SORDER TO BE l' THICK mOVIGEL. BOC:DER Te; HAVE A TEXTUReD (iRIKO) FINISH WITH A SEMI.GLOSS LATEX PAINT APPLIED, COPY TO BE PAINTED BURGUNDY WITH A CLEAR COAT fiNISH. (EXACT COLD;=( TO BE DETERMINED). COPY TO 8E PIN MOUNTED AND SILCONED FLUSH TO STRUCTURE. ESTIMATED COST: . !NCLUDING PERMIT, NOTICE OF COMENCEMENT, TAX AND INSTALLATION $9,875,50 J ~;l. '~_''''- :; () --, l~' .....,.., ~V\ _ , r. .~ "'enns am Sll% Down and Balance Upon Completion, :~. .~ '1 '(1 (_~ ,f)D --" /J d'" /(;>"o;i1:-.}- ~ c;Mt .!~.:'fUW, 4llcn~"",,!moiii~,.,~:r~ ......"e.~'.. l:"""'l' r.;xu....", 1t':-1lCI!.Jl.'! :....<r;h~~o'll =::r,dA:;.'7' w,ld, ...-co..:k!be' ~~'"'""~J"'~lJICl!!tlrlrO~~hl~ :~6l'~ ...~~~..~~;~(,~..., l\l<"_.....",,,.-'M.:~'cl' t"I5lr~~~..,.'I$~J~"':;I;.',..,'J. 1i:r':-':' ",' .:r' ,";;,\..-t, '-:;~;, '''.'''~-: '1' ~:i." ""...~,.:.< ;.~--~ 7~, ;l::::':=-~ ~'--~~::-.~ ~~,r- ~!'t';r.I''ll<''~'"" ;.:c '.JJ~~'~'.J',:,,~','~~lG~:r; <1e., 10.'(;,,_ _ I:"<".j;o ~'~.,;;.,~~ ~1.t"'Q"1n>:1i':~~,"'lII:lIlMnIIw.<:~l>'l~ilIilPf,t ._\..~lltv_....... "~5ld!awlhl-~ .... '. ~,..~ ''''.-....''"., G~'~''''' F"\~' 30 -,~s ".~......"....n....'-'", ,,-,"'_' ._..._...._ C>~!::':':' =;:'"~~~r: >:i:o'w1; ..,.=- ,....~C;"nl."1'l1 =ti""'3~ fe, i:IT1 Qr ""iF''''~ ~"'~1 F'f-,~ls. . ,~~'..:.J;::::,+-,- jr-.;:;"",-;::;;..,~ .".,..,,"tr"i!' ~".~'l<o?~ ~n:l;,o;:' I,~ ~_ ~,"', ='_"'= :1'./ ""t'l' C'iflt'I"~ 1-iEC;...E:1f:-=;;r~II:::<:r>'~~l1';;;:-..,:::a."'l1e~:lI~I;lt~"""",:,~ '..". :0""- '..._' .-",JL:,,:i:-,.,-, ;;..~.., ~'",.",.- ,"~~," '--,' roc,-. ;.'~ t:.,,, c.-,,;"',": ~-': ~-":;,,;,,''',,o: "':.~_""':~~' ,~ l'",'";.~-n:. -:::-"'J"'::::~..:.:;;:l;<O:V: ,C~".f""',' ,.l,;-.w. '. C',"""" "-' """_",,,~:,. ~~.!t!lmt'!'~O_""""'.!"~,I",~_~,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pr\Il~''';' ::)::,"::.- ..,,'. '-"1(.- ,,... l '" ~;!i:::_ ~':.-", ..J,:~,;.:: r':--K''''''~. ~:-., -,',,,' "...,.'.,... F1NtS;,,;.EO .m. ~'lIc8lli. ~..J U;.'I'Vl wT~ be .-_d ia.-:l ",. _ ~ <:<<>/y. M8cl;1;!Inlt.8l::!l,o."lC11',5J;&'LIOGe~m"ld~otner~s.;onsorlglMllt!!dUrIh5 nBlililnl':!'"~l:I'Ie~ollt,..~lllIl6tWlf:beh~furtl'le~UFlI<!:>o1; ,,: ~ ~ OJ'''''...,..;=- ,,~~"""- :::X,['.:C Sy ~t:AJr. . 'tDa:te:D.211.SlQB ?tcuf:(A"'C '" ?.....po..d ~ ~1Ib:r;e;:n~.~"""'k,r)..~1C:O:)I'(iiOC<lsare~3!1dli.~~ w::eptsi \"00 ar= I!.:ii1ocized tt-:O It'l! wort EtJoooE e:; 5;llded. Pa~l d be !'",~~ast:JtlM1X~.-e Signature Visit our website at: vlww.signsandthings.com Date Contractur Certiticatlon Detail Page Agenda It~!llb.l1<l!iG2 May 27, 2008 Page 36 of 56 ComnK1C1r Detajj~ ~{i:i! :; t Lll"lhl( ~L WE( IAI TY ( ..frll"Ll) :i~ '..l5 l2/2il,'2wq \CT;\ t ~ :31 :':~IO~ [~ f ;;UHH~~? :l1'Jl/2tlHk "1(.'" "-I HI"",', .'1(;49 I"ROCf: [SS /Ii. \ E;\'!-E '. :\PtJ~', VL 34 W.I- I:: J"~\.+3.._-i_..Jfr..t :}'n,...L}-j ~'j-.. h np:l/apps2. coli i ergov .nct!wehapp ,/ v isi oniConCerl/Detai I. aspx?cew 26745 4/712008 ?.10PDSAL SUBMITTED TO: {l{co f< 1-11::1'\ 0 ft,,\ ,~J!iJ C. t<. GILW..'JN't..M~ I..fl~O 8'1'(~t'I<C'gcDr Ntj',l5ER STREEt' APT.e' /1,;" -T >--. .._ '-, r\ vL "'-,"-4.._..1 r::;. i . I...,y ..,T/,,;c, to .j' ....v . I') -. J 1- ..;.... J08 NAME _ 0i,l G,j IO':;AT10N I~y\ fl'\: y.2, t:Llt I "~,, ,to J.-- '-~j t'L .... HEIOt-lT t.. ..", \Ct.' U~iEAL Fi:ET /l/~~tI6- 'C:) () WA1..KG"Y,.i:S : OBWE THRlI GA.TL $ i&"~--iJ'- i CHAIN UNK WiRE ---- I 5-f---tv ~: 'TIP;:v;,n'-"~ IJN!: POSTS TERMit.;A!.. PGSTS TENSiON ~"IPE 'iF8 POST SPACiNG CtYi:\T G;"l'E~<:HArJFS t'\ A'~ ""., = r.- ~") itJ, ~i I Ch FENCE CO~ t'" .,.- f- Ager1da ;tieJ1TNDl' ffi~2T ,- -"' .. .- lVlay 11,'200$ C o gage 3: of 56, 3.. '2::"- 08" 77 S- ii.."S,"-z... DAfE ,PHONE tt INC. &u.' ,tJ,;..ID,4 1;' t:'- ,"1 SA It ClJ"'.q il.... w F:;XiT L,-,t."(;<'\ 349C .sr:E~r"i<l:€: St. S.Jrl~. E ~apl-e-s.. Florida 34117 (2391 353-4 '02 nate.;::@:;arter-fe'1Ce.com Fa~(2331 352-1667 ,:2, L; 'S - CELL.. PERMiT ~ ,J LOCATE' -::r WOOD /r;:>Pt:'x. ?-i7L: ':13:- STYLE {.!..} A.; of , I / / I , ! I !?c- I I I~- I ,. I i ~~-'--I' ,/ / /<:-.'1 f~ _.~ ,/ "j l{ " :__ I i'c~Hi~~ POSTS RA.LS PiCKETS , r-tAILS S7AP:...ES , , , CEMENT , ! 1~A.',7U;'AI~~j ! .,' , i" i-- " (:>-, ( --,' /,- \:; )A. '- ~ I"L 'L'"1 tL-.-C ~._-,. \~f/ REQUIREMENTS PtHOFliO SCHEDUliNG. ;1) CU~HO~.lE'R-S'iGNAT,jFF 1--- I l~ I r-,.:..>- !-- :'2) 50"', D::F'J'3iTS -i I j I -----j U-.iST.!.,L:"ED PR~Cf . i' s.:.~;;;::; r-;EPR::5E1>n4TrI;: ::,t [iGiJh ;:'P(f.1!::NT _J.':":;, :,,':'-::P;/;J.S ORDE-RCJ ~IX: ..~ z: ::P~CiAL : .-~,;; ,;(llC.,.:D~;E, ~':K-'!.:'- _?..~/..:.- SL-z:.{i'(l,'...; - ~ ~~-:;- T' Contractor Certification Detail Page Agenda lteR;1~11\3t;2 May 27, 2008 Page 38 of 56 ..- ~.. C()nlractor !Jetal]S 4. Hi(! 11':"("1' for, II!. 1 fJ-:r5 tl.'I'i()g"j ."enVE 'r J~'I; '~~ni'" l:li'f:''''C '-AliTER n:J'>KE CO~IP"!\Y, I!\C 3-1~:\1 .~. HE -\R\\'\TER STRFTT. V,I r Ie '\AI'L[~. If J.il". \2YJI3~3"-t;t~2 ~3!_h\~~- 1(,:'-:-' Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27,2008 Page 39 of 56 ~'''''''=-=->-' D;de: 4/2/'1JJ08 Quam # 2552 Crl!IIted By: Martin 0ttI:r (239) sn-lM29 ~ ..- - -,', ""-red By Lykins Sko..t.oI.. Inc. far : MOORHEAD MANOR To: GlENDA SUTER Phone: (Z39) n5-1652 FrCIl'lI: Martin OrtiZ Fu: Quob! 0.-...........: It8nove md nHr..ot.oI_...Jo..... 6 ....:tioI15 oIl11uminurn fence at 5ft. ~-~ rBlgliall PH (239)5M-84!M FAX(239)254-7792 51935 T..,tar Ad. HapIes, FL 34109 PROPOSAL I CONTRACf _",-'=~:''7.,= + ..- ItI!m~ 1) ~_.-iLb<. f. ....t._6~..af....P"'lInum "",.,. lit 1ft. 2) SIIIes T_ QI-.lit>, 0 1 $1.27CIJIO Prlc:e $1,Z7O.oo 1 $76.210 ToDI: $76.2ID $1.346.20 ."NOTE : r- ,-- ::'Cdv') .7 j I \ it .,f" '.' L L u: j '~. ,~) .-/1-' , (! \ ?(.{ " .. ,/)f::"4'~ l"""P'.........,~~H="''''''''''t-- ~~,. .or...... A.utborizodS~ . /''?H1!k.. ~","/PA / ~ 7' -';I-OJ> Dreposil Amoom:: CHECKICC * Ten1lf ('"~ !Tk8..fIlia~IlI't'ftiidIk30..,.... ~ deposit it nqUralle C:O~ and Ch ba-.e.. dft .,.. r' r~ ~eftllil~ 11.Jd~.""'" ~~""'pIU"IIB -..-MI............. ~lIrllll -. w. . ~ ..................ans__.........._,.....,. r. GoodI_.- UIe _ of....... _ poId ..lolL c....-_...........~_..____.................__...........Ior .... .... '"'-......... .......--- cua...:r. L ~ --... for..,. eap .....:&.e ndl.... ..... ~. 1..5% ~LaI2Fec-~to..lp_tt.I"~ W&rT1UItieI; Wa,l .. AI.,_fiDll:rcs~.............,.L,t;iIIaSiplllS.......~~-_. ............ ...~..... ..--' ~.. Me year~........ ....... P&~ I ofl .~''''''~"~~,,,.,, Contractor rertificatiOll Detail P~e Agenda ItfrfJ'No.' flfd2 May 27,2008 Page 40 of 56 Con,rac Del~11 ~lntJ nUIH.IL\L W!:TIALTY \ FH11F1Fl) l~J~)j 1 L'1~iZ/l~5 \(; 1\ I:: ~:iJl,'1tlJ}'" j~ i1i!WtJ..jet '.!":jl/2njl~ l\U'~Sl(;\'!th ,\"D m,v. 'f'I-:Cl.\1l1r~. l:--C. "",;~ T.\ \ LOj; IUl ~ :'\PLES. fL 3~ Htt.!_ i::VJ :,:,y:-!,-s~;.:.t ~ 2J:tJ <~ (}; -Yi 4lJ ~. hltPflapps2.coll icrgov .netlwebapps/vision/CmCer1JDetail agpx"ceW"28191 41712008 Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 41 of 56 PROPOSAL All Arouud Electric ECOOO2845 IOZl 2711I St. S.W. Naples, Fl.341l7 239-455-0044 JobD A. Merriam (owner) , , -' ,,~:' \'\- I I t- /'- v Ci.h N', , , . " (' / ' ;1'-.. r """,' J.. c d- J , I ,. :J !", I :....-",. . \ I , l, ::>r~. i-~'" Proposal 5ubmiltl:d To; MOORHEAD MANOR Job #: signs lllld island Locati<m: 0Dtr8DCe Date: 4141llll We hereby submit specifications ad estimates for: Installing P.V.C. from renter iBland to signs on both sides of iBland ,Installing flood fix at each sign and two at island .Installing 6(fci) outlets with bubble cover in island. Lights to be controlled by photo cell control. /We"'Propose hereby to furnish material aad Iabor-complete in accordance with the / 'above specifications for the sum of: / $1135.00 Paymeut made at eDd ofeompletion. . /.PIease make checks payable to AIl ArvllDd Ele.~- LaD~ Nt.hob; --~~ Respectfully Submitted: :;f;j,;t~/ ~ ~ Acceptance of Proposal ~._--;J]l~------ n.tem~D " -.,< - S"tgllawn:: ~ <:.' ~ Sigutnn:: Contmctor Certification Del.ail Page Agenda Itfri1~oJ t1.k12 May 27, 2008 Page 42 of 56 C ,1ntra("\('r Ii:; is :'flJH UFt Tlll(\1 Cl)"HR" (tJ-(nrn n ::2J''7:- -4iJ,ji2HHI .'1Crll!: X','31.'2TiiJJi' Lf-: ;'UH:!_~',45 tt/3f_---~m!f; \Ll .\ROI\tJ un TRI( "<- p,{). <',(IX 11 ct, I ,\\P{ -FS. Ft JJ {iH__ ~.= J t~;-i ~ 5 ~j H !,.i~ i:- ~\'.1'!J4R'~Hi-"'; j, .- hnp:l! apps2.,ool] ierg'" ,nctlwebapps.' vi s:ion/C onCert/Dctai I, aspx? cert~ 223 75 4n!2008 -. _.~ ._-"'-~.__.. --~--_._~----,,--~-_._".....""_....--_._----- ~'" C 0""'1-,, JACKSON TOT AL SERVI~~aWC;;;.16G2 2008 0156 " . AIR CONDITIONING . ELECTRIC . PLUMBmc ~ Marcll2l,2oo8 ~ i' ,~. ~.,-,t\(\~.,. , '"I I <" i../ "..... - Moorhead Manor 4260 BayshoTe Drive . , Naples, FL 3~) 12 j, , I - ) Phone (239) 775-J652 '/' (-.?-:" ':..J.. S/ [-j;;9. f ~ , Fax (815) 333-0717 Attention: Glenda Re: Labor and m!"crial to install and wiring and fixtures to light (2) signs. We propose to finish ElectricallaOOr and material to install wiring for (2) signs lIS follows: 1) All trenching. back filling, aspbalt cutting and patching to be provided bv ot:be". 2) Notification of the utility location service company is to be !he responsibility of the trenching contraolOf. 3) Furnish and install W' PVC conduit in trenches to (2) new light fixtures for lighting of (2) signs, (trenches provided by others). 4) Furnish....d instau (2) hooded double spot light fixtures wilh lamps. 5) Inslall 120 vi 20 amp wiring in conduit and make all connections required, 6) Connect.1I Dew wiring 10 existing cm:uil wiring at island, 7) All electrical engineering and diagrams required to for permitting proce>lS. 8) Electrical pqmit and inspection fees. 9) One year warmory on all new work. TotalCust Less 10-;. commercial discount Total Net Cost S 4.263.00 - 426.30 S 3,836.70 Alternate) ) Provide (2) 2S' aluminum fluorescent sign lighting fixtures in lieu of(2) double spot fixl1lI'eS Add $ 619,65 net. Alternate 2) Fumish, wire and install (I) single flood future to light palm tree in island Add S 38Y.70 net. Includes: Sales Tox on Material., Excludes: Repair of painted or finished ,urfoccs or repairs to landscaping. (if required} ~\arnnities:: One year labor warranty by Jackson ToLal Service. lnc.~ material ",,1.llT31rties by the m:llnllfiu1urers. Payment Terms: 50''/, on signing of proposal and balance on completion ofwark. ................."'*'" ............."........"'... ............ .....-.......... ....-... ........ ...........-..............................,.-."......... ............... Acoepted by: Jackson :otal~;+:' , C'.-? ..-j ~ 4-- ~--7/'-f----~ (A n:." . 1 -.... This prop<<;al mll)' be: whhrlm~"rl by fJ$ if not a::ccptcd within thlItl~. {Sign} Date of AC<:ejl= _ (See ft'\-cnc: side forC'.oodi:bon.'j) 3727 ENTERPRISE AVE. . NAPLES, FL 34104 PHON E (239) 643-0923 . FAX (n9) 643.9872 PO. BOX 9589 . NAPLES, FL 34101 Contractor Certification Detail Page Agenda It~~~]1\3B12 May 27, 2008 Page 44 of 56 Collier COlmt\ c~...--'. --- FLORIDA _n_ . ~;r:!'t. '<11' 1 hc'i CAC 18145tJ 1I/31120U8 Contractor Details (J.i~" it.k,' 1-1::1U C!.};:\ ])('"nJi ',en: Ale CLASS A CERTIFIED ,,"'lin~:Jt'lln f'~{j;ifho:r- 27S44 {<.~d~ UiE:;;' 9/23/2005 C'.ni1i. :'"., ':'<iLl.<S. ACTIVE :,.;:[li.1;) :J'dt::: H/JL1U08 ",t"" ';,' I:"::L" J" ,-.rd- "1411(,' 'I'n :JJ1:;..": IL:; i\~'., \:-;: ,JACKSON TOTAL SERVICE, INC. 1',0 !lOX 9589 '\AI'LES, fL34101- r2_19:j64.'~0"923 (2J9\M3-9Si2 \1:11 ". '\cLJ:",,, ~ j',;i;'j,;' r:n Hed. , ,'. ~r' , ,''--,-''',' ":.2:i':n r htt;J :// apps2.col1icf)C ov .ne1fwcbapps/visionIConC ert 'DctaiJ.asl'x?cert=2 7 R44 4/14/200S Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 45 of 56 ~~ij)-\t/r::t...j; n, f 1 - \. --,,' :> " J 1 <) ?- ) .,) b .~ ~) ,jj: \ S'1:j-, I Proposal r~ ,'- ....' . \I" ,f::--,~ ! .1,,:, t~utC' S,'\C.ud 4.l"\':'nuc 'apk":!o nnndil ~_~ I ~"a f'.:";,}) ~i;"'7'6~~1 .. (~_'H.l) 547.;..{tf, Fa\ V;:-U:\l-.I\(Jt1rh_''''~ln\.- lom 3/27/2008 Submitted To: Morehead Manor Add......: Contact: Phone, Esl:imalJ! Number: 21292007 4260 BaysIlore Dr. Naples. R. 34112 Bid Tille, Morehead Manor . Aspha~ Patdliog Project L.oc:ation: 4260 Baysh<m: Or, Glennda Sutton Project City, State: Naples, R. (239) nS.1652 Fax: Engineer I Archbd:: lItem # Item Desalptlon AsDI\aIt Patch OJ Fum!sh And Place Full Depth fiot MIX Asphalt (4") To PCltth ArellS And CDmpact (3 Locations Approximately 254 S.F.). Nobis: Total Price for above Aspl\alt Patd1 Items: $1,397.00 . Subject to prompt acceptm"" within 15 days ood to all condttJOns stipulated on the rev",,", ,.de, we agree to furnish matenals and labor at the price:s) set forth above, if 15 days have exprred proposal price may still be honored call to verify. . A$pha~ plaG'd by hand will have a different texture than asphalt that ;s mechanically lard. . Due to existing grades and conditions Bonness Inc. can not guarantee 100% drainage of surface water followI ng resurfadng. i}DUE TO n1E Cl'IDCAl.. NATURE OF ESCAt.A T1NG MATERIAL COSTS, ASPHALT PRICES ARE SUBJECT TO GlANGE. BONNESS INC WIll. PROVIDE n1E DOCUMEr.TAT10N OF MATERIAL INCREASES SfiOUtD TH!S SITUATION ARISE. C~lirrntts and/or fees (rf necessary) by OrhP~~ . Bonness Inc. IS not responsible for unknown utility conflrct5. . New aSphatt wm SG'lr with wheel st.o.eling, ~MIs SG'lmng !S an industry wide occurrence and is notmal. This will dissiD<Jte with th~ curing process. . NOTE: All. A.>'l'HAL T S.AWCUll1NG, REMOVALS, AND/OR m WORK TO BE DONE BY O1HERS BEFORE BONNESS INC. MOBlllZES. Payment Tenns! Payment due Wlttlm 30 days of date of invoice, regardless of when payment is made by Owner ACCEPTED: The above prres, spedfications and oonditiO!1S are satisfactory and hereby accepted. Buyer Signature: Date of Aa:eptance: f/1d to JY.. C2u,>J tI!fp tJO. (;Ill ) 112l\l2OO!lJ:19:ll AM CONFIRMED: Bonness Inc. Authori%ed Signature: Estimator. MI\(e Bono Page ,: cO Contractor CenifiCa1ion Detail Page Agenda ItJrl1~.] 1'?IG1z May 27, 2008 Page 46 of 56 COmraCliJr i)e:m's -1-2'11 P\\I:\G CON'lR. i :2};R ..Ji2"',"l!J:S6 -\CTi\T l)i I') i : ~:.I ~j IX fUI' 'ibS. 1'<' 1"0 1l0X'iI.\<l ",\PI.ES. f'L .l.wn 'lJ~'1~9"'-4<!;1 ,:3{.l ~.':,,9 7._ '7 ...16 APR-ze.zm 02:24P1t F~OI!-G;IFf!TH F\V N, m;l4Ie'Cl 7 -JJAg~9~ Mfm I\la-D jb6G2 . 1V1'ay 2 T, ~008 Page 47 of 56 Griffith Paving Inc. Since 1981 In SW Florida 104&1 Southland Drive Bonita Springs PL, 34135 Naples (941) 949.0400 - ,t" 1_ 1 Ie) . 1\......1 '''\'''1'''1)/ (.9 I /,,0 ,. ". v ~.) -'-') i- \ Ion,,: (239)949-0400 Fax: (239)949-0403 F. 1.1 "',/ ,'" istimate #: 13642 Contlle!: Glennda Suter ( F Job Name: Job Location: ! Prop. OWned By: .-,) I Submitted To: Moorhead Manor Mabile Home Parj( Add ress: , 5 Moomead Ma nor Naples, FL 34112 _: -:;At" ';..'/ I ~, i Fax: 77,f--'OCill Moorhead Manor Mobile Home Park ' 15 Moomead Manol Naples, I 1, NEW CONSTRUCTIo:-; (MAIK ENTR.'-''1a ISLAND) - Roadway, 3 seporaIc: ar"..BS of app::ox. 193 10!. Sq. Feet. work to include: dew-..r &. ll1s-.;li!4' ofnew ba.<e mck. grn<le 8:. compact base. apply tack ::oat. pave ...itlt I' of~~ ,-3 asphalt. (The appmximau: tonnage r<quired lO perform the wor!: in lhis item is5 BASI" ROCK I ASPHALT.) NOTE: does not include rcmmiog e.'listing ""norm 8:. !.nds""pin~ 2, NEW CONSTR1XTlON (TURN ,'\.ROUND AT :-;ORTR GATE). Ro:ui'I\ay ar-.! of approx.159 Sq. Feel, wel'< to include: rem""" appro<. S' of existing ;tone &; dirt deliver 8:. instail4' ofl1.."" base rock. grndc 8:. oompact bnse. apply 1301: ::oat. pm'" ...:m 1" Of1ype s-3 asphalt (The apprn~imate tonnage required to p-..norm the waIl< in this it'Jn is It BASE ROCK 3 AS,1>JlAL T.l mo.oo S2.,29S.00 The total bid price is: $3.275.00 SpeQal Mole:: . i. l:istlltOWllf:!"tj.~wt'J,a\lealj unliti~re"....cr..-ed frnrr the area wt'l'ere we will be dlgpl~ r."< <nd o~tcrepair same_ 2.. This ~r1ce does nc:.l:'l:lude ~ fry site ~n, oermrt ~, e:- rtr...l< e:cavatlon. ~ w," .bf:: cr"'l'gC';l r1 dnnoe -gs ar extra. :J. ~r and Cor.tnactor bo~ q-ee and understand gpecl~c:utit'nG -aoc c::rtodib:ms of co."ltr~. 4. AI! ~,!S are c::m'5icerod wQ(kir.g guidt:iir1es, not r:.g1O r.~cifiOa"Jons,. 5. I\;.~ th~ are bebre c:orr,;ll~n and are t."ade '.e:rrrt$ anc not 1r-J.crloOt'd to rr:.k;.l~c ~ ~OlT'..er. 6. nus c<<Itr-=tcr Is net ~ for ~ fJl':J\IJing throJgh new aspr-.alt 0\5"'..,~ or v.Tlf!1'l asphaf. is 1tJPlie:! Of' exlsling Smercofl 7. TniSCtI~is not resporGlbre ftt~;sting cracfo;s. In old a~.tt'~ may'Q"3nsferti':rough rteW OVf"rtav. a. Tt'~ ;:ontmctor b> r;::Jt ~espoo--..iblp v :standing ....m prooans WM:t'lln"ffiJer th~c~h new ave:13y. VVA~RANTY'; There "iil be:il. onl!!! year Mmllnty 01'"1 the materia! a~ ....or~f)$~,p if ~i above ~clticns are met. . "it\;s Ci:Jntrilct 1rv;Iud8:S 81 aspralt pn::e es~ eiau!ile l~ Me cese wnere aspna~ ra\" mcuen~l em::' 1"'IUCa$rC priO( to corrtract ccmpletlon. $rtft'I.t."'l m."l9 rese~ lf1e ~iOht t:l ir.aease tnis x'1"..r.d 'Z;i ~ i!l=oord1"'P'lY. . Airy increase:in tl":e ~ 01 work performed WIll resutt in ~ pr~l'tlonall/1af?Me in thepflOe fu~this cortract . Si:hec1ull:!S may bede:~ dJe to ~C1 Ol'l~~. .. This ~s~!'\C't te effe..~ve- unti' FIls. ~oo by an ex...'"C..1We offICer of ~e _'del. All mlt'.nr';aJ is guara~ to 00 as ~ All 'WIT( tu be ccmpI.etea h a ~jlce man~1f:l'" a::.-ccrain; to ~ pra:tices. A'l';' altEiratron or ce'lla:ion rrom 5::JOCjficatic-lS ilWOi1'l119 e',J(tnl ~ ~I; be executed o:"Jly l.lpon wrrtten Orden:., alld wlr become Em ~ chSl'g8 o...er and cOOire tl't{t Mtm'l3t!:. Alt a~mems c:Jrt.inQen~ L.RPO"'l~, aeciderlts or delays Oel'Ond c..rr :::Q'1o.'1:1I. ::)wnt<rto:::an)' fi~ >>:nado .me! ctner n~ry i!'\'&'utilT'lCe. 01.lrv;'Ol"t.tilrs -arofu1ly~ ~IIW(J('l(:ner;sCot:'lpens.ati::rn lnsr..~. .. ,.,C'~EPTANCE uF PROPOSAL: P'ayme1l'l'wlll be made;il$ OU"Jmcd aba-.'e. If it be:.or,lB$; ;'leces$!I')' to enfUfce cr ,l1'tt:rprc";~~~o....is:a~.:Jf :hiB~, o;'"~ ~ col1eetlat, lilt' ~1'i;"'lltl!W"J ~rebv agrees to pay ~ a!'ld dI ~ cg:.Ht rosts and attomey'$ tees Wl\!dl af'1!I :nourT'€ld' by m. Seiter in SUCh aetbn, in:lu:.fIng all ~ coats tI. eollectr;ln. in lXIl"lSiiOirratia of !tie Sefler t:Xtendin3 ~rl!dit to !.he ?I.:rchasei", tM t..lnIie:t"S.~r'!t:d ~r.tly. ${'1,'PmIIj' and 1Jn.c:oncfr.ie"'ra~ pertor~~ 3Ul!~ ~ \'men due D~ any and aU:n:;1ebtec:sless ~' ~ aiJa\19 riaI1"ed m ar indtyi.jyal t!:")d l;MIeO :tl:3tirf~h Pav'nQ, ,1 :lere'U;"'.: Ii the ~,'mel1': hef"eto D<::0,lf{" ACCEP1"ED: n!:'~~':="lIl'I'e~~~'ls.d1~Iln::f_~ac::o~ CONFIRMEDo Griffith Pavtn\llnc. Since 19&1 In SW Florida 4uthor"'-d Slgnallire B"l.... s'."""J!1l 'Oat" d Atte;tat'l'l""..IJ T.. Ed R..Qmsn.-~sli[la19L_. Contractor Certification Detail Puge Agenda Itf~ol 1/d2 May 27, 2008 Page 48 of 56 ,- Collier County " flORID'" - . Contractor Details 1.'1:r:;,"' CD ,-;'~ 415-0 Cia" r>e;cllp",.r,. rXCAVATION CONTR. C,~'nl!5',~i\;ml r-,;,Flll"t;'1" 12835 !"';;ll,; [h1H:: 5;'29/1991 C\Zi1itl,,-:JJi,y,'~;L:HLL~. ACTIVE. F rll,jl I,Yl :1:i:~'. 9/3nt21~nH ,):j1~-'\ CCq-,p (":lrJ: '-Iall.. '\ili)lh.:r: SUi:: L '-t,icll.th)" Lra1;t~' ","; A,; GIUFFITlII'A\l1'\G \!.,.' "C ."j'''''',5: IO-l<iI SOl1THLA.....ll OR. RONIT A SPRINGS, I'L J4135- P;"l': (239)94'J-I1400 ":.ex pD.l ';')' . i:-' ,._ ';;' '''::.< ,I ,Ir ~ "r~', ......1 "T:') ; ;.J '_:1r'';;'' : " ":1- ',-;I :<,:',1) ", ':J' ,'".,")1';" "'-"".~ ,~, htto:llaulJs2.collicflIOV .netJwcoannslvisionlConCcrtlDetaiJ .asnx?cert= I 2835 4/3012008 Lo ,L( I ('/ \ . ,L ')'" 1" .,</ ---\....- LON l,. J . -':> (l.?-t.;O ,u Agenda Item No. 16G2 - May 27,2008 Pa~a'tfe of 1~ 1 Proposal SQUARE'S LANDSCAPING. INC, 200 SABAL PALM ROlID NAPLES, FLORIDA 34114 Ph (239) 774.1907 FAX (239) 774-4922 '\lvww,sauareslandsc3oir.Q com ! Hlj)U$a. :-S'r~- !.mml ~ 0: rnMi< f!Fl1tZ 110n,,: "at., 3/4108 ,-,it)I.~Ltl.e ;o-nd":'lp\,;ul:i= MQ,~head tvlanor 4260 Bayshore Drive Naoles. FL 34' 12.5510 ...0 ~me: 248-4246 Mrs. Sutter -~~-~.'-' JlJbll;J;;;ilClon: Material Bou'qainvillea Barbaca Karst #15 Trell's Dwf Firebush #3 Ficus #3 Florida Thatch Palm 4' - 5' oa Muhlv Grass #3 : Siiver Buttonwood #25 - . \'Vart Fern #1 _..-'.- ,,- -. J.VVhl:eu9_e,i,ger #25 I 12' Rip Rao Retalninq V'Jall r','lulch --.,-- ....--.... Sawcut AS::Jhalt. Remove Lime KD.:;k, Pla.,ter Dumpster 36 CY , Clean Fill ____ '-'-75-CF-'-Anch::Jr 31ockwicao (curb) I I ! r- I I We propose h8,eo ,to furmSI material and labor - complete jri accorda1ce With a:Jove s:Jec-f(:::a\~~s;...fc)L!h,e~s~I~'m_lJf:. .=._' EIGHT THOUSAND rOUR HUNDR:::D FIF I Y DOLL."'RS .L.N D 00:1 00------------ ~_L_____ -----r----------S8,L50.00 f 50S'a down. Balance U;JDn C:J:llpletiDn of contracted 'vvcrk Six n-:cr,t-.,s plant quality cay w "aY1sllip Qua:rBntee, Re lacements to be dcterm ;ned b ' cor:tractor. J AJI !T,f.:eriaf:1;, g~Joranl-et:!.j I.:; t;.~ F.'S .!:'ir~::jfiej, A:I '.....:::r~; k: be A:..:tr.~n:,,,,c :;,;r::r:...., ....... I cornpeted i1 8 'A'or",~ar:Ii',e mJ11er J:sor::::r:;; to s:aT:iar::t p"<lct:es 'l- An:,' a'~f!r?tiO"l or j-e.-i-a~.l)l: fle"'l ,'l::~:";":' 'jp,,"::,fi~.:Cl.~,on~, In':)I'.:i'1:;; E')::ra C:'X::i b; ",1!1 :)'!O eX.;;::i.; tee: -;;>r.I~ Lp~'Jn ',\.'1 ::;;'1', :,)::~ e.!;, "':l~; ,.. ,iI :;;=. V.;'T';:: ;~.Ii e^1r.] C-.la'ge O\'tlr .::.rc 3t'C','<'; 1h'5 est:llates. O,......:E:-r~. 3~':-e~, J,,:L: paYl'1-:nt t!;TlS are rr:e;l, Ill;;:!! :n:::lte:i;::ll$ relTlair :h-e P~::);:;'''::",::v' of S::;l:ar~'S l.8r'!dsC3;Jr;, h0" :~iE"e{(l"e. he C.Nner ;;L'e~. ;:,:'::;'f'=.55 po~m::;$ic!'i 'cr Sc;u2r;]'s '_ir'"ljsc:a:r:r,g, Irc, to :'e;.:rc:~sf'S::; ",',thCJI no::ce, ::ee prGCe55, IJ; r-e:Oljrse, at t!"'e O'.''''ll~rS ex.::'.(:nsc, T'1's c~'rtroC't t:l!<.f'.5 ~n::::e(jenre C",'f;!r (i~'I ott-,e" SlJb-C;)ct~,;;\ IT p.l"ctas':! olcer :ha~ ma'~ b-a reQui~c>d ~Q :::~~on1"i '.\iO~~, ;.',r.et:"Jf!t e,,'~C'..J6C b~f:)re or 8ftflf ~'1:! da~e_ AI agrcc'11ur.ts cDntr:Qc.lt :.1:::::>(' ::>tr:Kc-s, E:l::c!-:Jf!nts or deays bey::mj .:::'J. t:O'1~r'JL O'--'~ v;,:)r'~e'"S <i.rE! l'Jily cfJ'/e~d::y ~ \\o,kmar,'s r..:cm;JensaLon 'nSlJia:'";::::e_ O~'v-::f!rt:J ::::lr'i' ;:r~" tOIT~do i ilr,d c:ther leGeSSa"',. r.surar,ce. S:;:L:are's '...ardsC8pi";:L ~,: is -let i"es:;:J0nsi!::,le {e" cas:;aCf? :!JC!O r21Jr;:.1 ::::ls3sle"'s, - Quantity 1 9 40 3 5 2 15 1 25 8 LF CY , . X -~'-- '.'r-.--.l \-=....; .\ \. ~ . . .-- ;... -'~\~ ""- ,I" \',/ L___. TO BE DETERMINED: _....Irri9ation,. Aspr.a!t Paler, i ., --\ "----", 1 ! ,"'"'''- --'" \, ....-l...-.\~.<~-,t. \ (;,. ~ '-:::'r.;") _..t:-'" "~, r.-- 'I1.'~'JrU .:? ,t:..r-->l \...0-'"" [.l r,,:j'::.~ 1 ht,,: nr:':'fJl:,"';1; '"'CA'.' ':.@ vlhhdrc:'I'\'f1 bv U~ ., r,:1\ ~,;::;r:,~:~~~J,-",itfll[' t:. :::a',.s. PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO: MOREHEAD MANOR 1 Acceptance of PrOposal--=-'T're ::Jb:-g'e ?"ICE!S, S:Jf:!.:i1ic:-at:C:n'S:^ ar.d .:;oncrtiOr.S are ,sa:isfa:to:-y ;::Hld are her8b~; 8ccc(lted ":-''JU are autrDriz-e-d:o do the '.vor~; as sJccj~le:.L ?al'!i'en~ will ~: t:e rnade as o1.<tiined above. "-:/;-.- Signature )7J.;,~-,/ \ ~ ~",).#1J;.-#~ 14,. I Signature: Date]-23-oS I Da~e: NOO<.D GO""' ~O o ""' .L... ;. Q) ~ CO OJ ~2~ CO "0 C Q) OJ <l: ~ Apr-07-oe 11; 45A SQUARE'S LANDSCAP I NG INC. <D III ~ ... ~. ".,. 111:" w<'l: m'" :iIi~ ::l_ zill w~ u>' z;; w_ g;s; ~ ;;;; 5 ... "- ",ED ~;.u~" ... ~j~ Wz-a U) ..i '" Z",,,,,, UJ~"'l.O.I ~5U ~~;-S: "i!(:f< w :.e fiJ~f,Q O<O-~ -"':::<'" ~f;!iiiC:: "- -S!j ::I Za:; u.l u 88 '" g ~L::~ >- ,,,,,, ... "'5:::l z2 !:2 :> =.; ::: 8 ~ >- -." ~" w :J~ -'~ Or.: 1.)5 o '..) :5 :; --' " u \"') ~ ,.~ if] Ibl'" ';Q..S ~s i.~~ ':J5 I~..J ',,"0 I~;:: "-'" :l ;;1: i~1 :::> Ill'" i5g Wo "'c :So ~~I' <'" ,." :S~ j~"-I '" ;;; :i z ~ :a z S o <: ~ B ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~- 5 ~ g s. '. '" <{' c< ~ /.::1' ~ _,1'"~...., 0 ~. ..:)~ ....' . "', <'1i2 ,', ~.f!" Q , .. l, '" o I' .~ . ~ a'~ :(~I _-. ::. l""'tt" i~ r y '\'''.. # ~l ~$~ ~ ' ~ t'.]. , D~ ~ ~ . . ''''. I IH'i ~; \ l f-,"" ~ ~ ",'g-) \ , ~.!!~ .... > "-, !..,~ ~ ~'.~~ '0 ~.. - .... 1. y. ~ s ~ ') -.' tI >- ~ ( , :> _ (5 :: .~ 'r- g!j 1i ~ ~ , - ~': :::: :E ~ ~ ii: 6 =? ~ b :.; ~:E 1 ~ 53 0 z ::; 3' - J<: >.0: u.: 2 ~;; '"5 o ~ ~ ;; t ~ - C -::: III -':';.... 8"" E N,~~ =~o ; ~ ~:)-= .. ;;;: :5 -; '~ :Jj~~ ~~~ uJ ;Ii ," 5.. ~ -3 w::J!S Bt..;;:; 5 ~ q 5-;1 .....i ~ U :: =; ::L. z Z '!l- _ ... :5 Q;;) ~n ... :;: ';( .." ~ o -~ 12 Eo:"" !!. ~:.o.. ?::... w ~ ~ g \II.g ~ g:5 ~~ 3 ~ :J () ~ ~ =: ~ ::: :; ~ ~ '" '" I;: N ~ ~ 0. ~ ~ = .t. ~ 5 ~.", 80::> --' N '" P.Ol ~ 8~~ ~ "'~- ~ '" ~ o "" ~ ~ \\ ~ 3:3 \1< <<:;llJ 0<('" ~ ~ ~ .. ... ~ .-.-- ~....,. ~ It " ~ :.J :0 i ;:) " '...) ! ( " " I./"'.).;'J~f-: ,....1.. I Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 51 of 56 .. '. ",' ..:".;.- 'J '-.....-' j.. , " ':' f- ,_ " :). . ,;. j -I - t'" Distinctlve Irrigation & undsca"e, Ine. 1941 Osite$ blvd Naples FI I 341119 ?hone 2~ 239=253-0571 emd-Snrilt\tnde~t!Io1 o::Im Fax 239-513-1590 Collier County License #002567 Collier COUrt\V Irrio:ation ., 23465 &u!:lrT'~b). P'no:--..: D!UI: Mocrhoocl --.. Z3P-2~:t4a &212006 11"-'- ... ....me i42!lO ea..n....:lN. Cay, 9ttbt. Z"1p : Jet LQeatlOn. _. F134112 . -: S"_ecIoy: ~orrl'ftQl'CJ;I.L'Re1I!dontlll rlaS.'I1t:n ' w.~" &LJDm.I': 1.DI:d!!i~ Inc.eltJmala tor. UM Tctal io-t", COmmon Name S oe::ifl=aticn. Cas: Cost 1 ~irMl. "Sarbe... l<! arst ~51rel1!e S OM Fi..bu.h 3 ~.I .00 ~Ictn 3 ;.1 3 Florida Tr>lIlch Palm 4-5'0 a oS Muhly gr... 3.BI 2 Silver Surto1"lWOG:l 2S.~.1 15 W.rtlem 1 .al 1 WnbGi~e' 2S gal 25lf '2- Rjp RIl,C Wall Bq Mu:ch 1 LebO' for es;.halt, plantar , Haul off 26c.y FJII 7SIl ".'"lChor Blo<;Io, w:cap 1 I rrigetion Rej>alr 1'0 be o.e:errrllr;.ed 1 As"",,!! Repair 10 be de!e~ined . . . - . . . . - . . - - - . ~ 10AiQ,OO Contrnctor Cenilication Detail Page Agenda Ite~11~G~ May 27, 2008 Page 52 of 56 Collier COlmty 0'"' -- <LORtDA . Cbs;; CO<:i:" 4220 I RRIG >\, TlON SPRINKLF.R CO"TR. Contractor Details \. i;>>\ t ..'r~: ~ ;:;ri~'n '\"~ln~(r-' . rr):'i';;.o' j."~iL' !),,:t;.:: 311754 2i!2/1007 C .:ri!k;J:i\"1~ ';':LaIU:\;: f- I',)~) Dl:i:t:,- A.CTI\"F. 9/31l/2111lS ,_Ili:'];\ 1"11 ':) (':;;,J- >:i"H'~ ".;L",t'lo:f '1;];(' L \;'jr;l~:,\L Dint' \, DlSTI"(TI\"F: IRRIGATION & L\MJSCAI'E. 1....C. \.;J,',," 1084 1l1'SI!\CSS LANE "".\f'LCS, FL 34110- 1":(<'[:;: i139'l513~1557 :J\ P.39)5J3~19)n H'-1:.:;i<. .J~i7 i~ r'1'" ,; 1 C-.. 'LL-"- ., '[:'':1' ,ii-', -'-,'~ I I~'.I ~. hl1p:/lapps2 .colliergov .nellwebappslvisi< mlConCenlDetai I. aspx ?cert= 30 7 54 5/2/2008 Contractor Certification Detail Page Agenda 1t~fAA:,lti May 27, 2008 Page 53 of 56 -- Colliel' County -- <LORIDA - - . i. U ~. ~_>',d:;? 4235 LA"iUSC\PING RESTRICT!:!} CO"'TR. Contractor Details -,,~ [h"'C,~'f ii"'I,',i 1_.: t,:-:c,:; u) t'_ J0753 I.," :'_,1 I; ,ue ",.. 2/12/2007 ~,-, 1 'I ;>;lr,j~ ACTIVE i;a;~' 9/.10/2008 :",;'11;' 1_ ",!- ':]';: " \"',I'X,.:. E"'e,'"" D1STIr;CTlVF. IRRIGATION & L\'I,/[}SC-\PE.INC. ,,,' ., ...;",. IOS4 Bl'SI!\F.SS LA!\E#10l ....\I'LES, FL J41l(l.. 1239)513-] 55'""' !2~'ct)51J-]590 ['-Del< -,-. .- '" '-r'o '-') 'I , 1.'- ., _.J'.' ; ~ httn: //ann,2,coll i ef"QOv. n et'wehanm;/vi.ionIConCet1l1 )cta i I.a<nx ?cert= ~() 7 S", S !2/20011 Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 54 of 56 ~." . ~'if.,' -----==::"~, SITE IMPROVEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT ~ . --,., ::<<-y '"'.-" 4. THE SITE IMPROv'EMENT GRANT AGREEMENT BETWEEN CRA AND O~'ER This tlgreemenl is w hi! signed and ..ilnessed A/;TER eRA 'l1lff haw, found the Applicalum I" hi! MItlpleu. nus AGREEMENT ENTERED this 27th day' of !vIa\'. 2008 by and between the Collier CowltyCommunily Redevelopment Agency (hereinafter referred to a!; "eRA") and the '\10orh<iad Manor Mobile Homc Park Homeowners Association, Inc. (bereinafier referred to as JlO\.vner~). WIT N E SSE T II: \\1IEREAS, in Collier County Ordinanec No. 2002-38. the Board of County Commissioners delegated authority to the eRA to award and administer eRA grants including contracts with owners for CRA grants; and \VHEREAS, Owner has applied for a site improvemem !;'T'4Il! in the amount of 7.543.47 dollars; and WHEREAS, the CR."" has determined that OViIler meets the eligibility requirements and Wa.~ approved for a grant award in the amount of 7543.47 dollars on Ma\' 27. 2008 ("eRA Approval"), whieh is 33% ofthc costs to construct the sitc improvements. NOW, THEREFORE. in consideration of the mutual covcnants contained herein and other valuablc consideration, the parties agree as follows: 1. Owner aJ.:knowledges to the CR.>\ that Owncr has received a copy of the Collier County Community Sile Improvement Grant Program (hcrcinafter rcferred to as "Grant Progrmj,'), thal Owner has read thc Grant Program, and that Owner has had ample opportunity to discuss the Grant Program with Owner's counselor advL-or. Owner fl1rther acknowledges to thc CRA that O"'lJer understands and ab'l"ees lo abide by all of the tcnns and conditions of the Gr.ml Program. Owner agrees to the terms and condilions of the Grant Program. 2. Owner is thc record owner of property described as 4260 Rayshore Drive Naples. Florida 34112. 3. O".'Der ha<; agreed to make certain improv.:menis to the property pursuant to the grant application submitted to the eRA dated May 6, 2008 attached hcrcto as Exhibit A and incorpurated herein by reference. - 4. Owner agrees to complete the construction of the Site Improvements within one (I) year of CRA Approval. (A'TIer also agrees to fund at least 33% of the costs of the Site s'1'e -.;',;;.. ';':','\: ',':1:^~" " - J;';, Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 55 of 56 ~,~ . ] SITE IMPROVEMENT GRANT AGREEMENT improvements. Owner is prohibited from paying contractors andlor vendors with cash: all payments for approved projects must be in the form of a personal cheek, cashier's check., money order or credit card, 5. eRA has approved a !,\Tant to O"ner in the amount ofS7543.47 to be administered pursuant to the terms of this Agrccment based on an e<timated cost of $22 &5900. If the aotual costs are less than the estimated costs to construct the Site Improvements and less than $22,859.00, the grant amount shall be reduced dollar for dollar in matching eRA funds as determined by ratio of matching private funds required. , - 6. Lnless prior disclosure is included in the grant application, no (h"ner. or any immediate relativc of Owner, shall serve as a contractor or subcontractor for the construction of the Site Improvements and no (N."f1cr, or any immediate relative of O\'-'Oer, shall receive c(\mpensation for labor for the construction of the Site Improvements. An immediate relative of Ovmer shall include mother, father, brother, sister. aunt. uncle and cousin or family member by marriage to include mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law and sister-in. law. Owner has verilied that all contractors wh(\ have pro\;ded bids for the approved work are actively licensed by Coluer County and owner aj,'ree5 that all labor will be performed only by the lowest bidding c.ontraeloc 7. (h''I1er agrees to obtain all necessary permits and submit any required plans to the County's Community Development and Em;ronmental Sen;ces Division. Upon completion of [he work.. Owner shall submit to the CRA staff a project summary rep(ln., two (2) 8 , 10 after photos. a list of materials and construction techniques used, a list of archite(.is and/or COntractors, and any nther information specific to the project or requested by the CRA staff The eRA, lhrough its stan: shall confirm that the Site Improvements were com.tructed pursuant to the terms ofthe application approved by the CR->\, 8. \\'lthin furty-five (45) days aA:er confirmation that [he Site Improvements were constructed pursuant to the terms of the approved application, Owner shall be issued a check in the amount of the grant. However, if Owner fails to make the improvements pursuant to the terms of the approved application, or if[he project is not complcted within one (1) year ofCRA approval, or if (N.'ner fails to fund at lea~i :U% of the cost of the Site improvements, the grant shall be deemed revoked and O\>ner shall be entitled to no funding. 9. of Florida. This Agreement shall be governed and construed pursuanllo the laws of the State 10. This Agreement contains the cntire agreement of the parties and their rcpresefrtatives and agents, and incorporates all prior understandings, whether oral or "ritten. No eha~ge, modification or anlendment or any representation, promise or condition, or any waiver. IO this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by a duly authorized officer of the pany to be charged, Agenda Item No. 16G2 May 27, 2008 Page 56 of 56 . 1.- '1) "'Ire I ,'. 1; , SITE IMPROVEMENT GRAlIIT AGREEMENT ~ l. This Agreement is personal to O\!mer, and may not be assigned or transferred D\' O"'ller i>r to Owner's respective heirs. personal representatives, successors or assigns without the prior written consent of the CRA,.. I:'J WITNESS v,,1IEREOF, the parties have exearted this Agreement on the date and year lirst "\\'-rln en above, / OWNER: ^~ I' .,..~ .f, ,,~ (1) '...( .uv........<---- " ",L.~' i./t" , ____ Wilnes, Sigllalur~ ~i i:' /2(,("_ Primed/Typed Name By: t 'C~~. ,/~_~"./--;." 6'O,;'(i_'>.S'6; ~__ ~-, ./ S 1.,"- ~~ .. ~":-.. , . .~. ,~ ~<._. )-...nr......I.I 1,..-. [.."::J)....iC, Primedfhped Name (2) (Atj,it Wilnc.'="..t;Slgr' . . , '{.leu:; .By: _ PriT1(c<L'T; --~'---"'-~"--'~. rnT11c'drr~-pcd Name ATTEST. DW1GHT E. BROCK, Clerk COLLIER COl.NTY CO~1MUN[TY REDEVELOPI\,ffNT ,AGENCY By: ---,---"-'-'~--"~--"--~'--, DONNA FIALA. Chairman , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form aDd legal sufficiency: ~~~;~~~;2-l~~ -~ /~ .A.ssistant CQunty Anomey