Agenda 05/27/2008 Item #16K 4 Agenda Item No. 16K4 May 27, 2008 Page 1 of 15 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners adopts a Resolution approving the revised Guidelines and Rules governing the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee. OBJECTIVE: That the Board of County Commissioners adopts a Resolution approving the revised Guidelines and Rules of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee. CONSIDERATIONS: On Fehruary 4, 2008, the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee approved changes to their Guidelines and Rules, These changes include: 1. Changing the name of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee to the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board; 2, Changing the terms of the advisory board members from two (2) years to three (3) years; and 3. Adding an altemate member to this Board. On March 3, 2008, the Chaim1an of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee forwarded to the Executive Manager to the Board of County Commissioners the Board's revised Guidelines and Rules for approval by the Board of County Commissioners. FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact related to this matter. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact related to this matter. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Resolution is legally sufficient for Board action, JAK RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners adopts the attached Resolution approving the revised Guidelines and Rules of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee, PREPARED BY: Jeffrey A. Klatzkow, County Attomey /--- Page ] of 1 Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27,2008 Page 2 of 15 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16K4 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners adopts a ResolutIOn approving the revised Guidelines and Rules governing the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee Meeting Date: 5/27/200890000 AM Prepared By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 5/15/20083:44:27 PM Approved By Jeff Klatzkow Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 5/15/20085:08 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OM8 Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/16/2008 8:36 AM Approved By John A. Y onkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/16/2008 9:59 AM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 5/19/2008 3e59 PM ,.--.. file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\l 08-May%2027, %202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \1.,. 5/21/2008 Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27, 2008 Page 3 of 15 RESOLUTION NO. 2008-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE REVISED GUIDELINES AND RULES OF THE GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, on February 4, 2008, the Golden Gate Community Center Adviso!)' Committee voted unanimously to approve revisions to the guidelines and rules of its Board; and Vv'HEREAS, the proposed revisions to those guidelines and rules include changing the name from the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Committee to the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board, extending the terms of its membership, and adding an alternate member position. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, that the Board hereby approves the attached revised Guidelines and Rules of the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Conunittee, now known as the Golden Gate Community Center Advisory Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote favoring same this 27th day of May, 2008, ATTEST: DWIGHT E, BROCK, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMlSSIONERS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA. By: , Deputy Clerk By: TOM HENNING. Chairman ! Jeffr Coun kow CP:08-BCC-00425 ;4 Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27, 2008 --!3agB'4~ .,- Golden Gate Community Center Advisorv Board Revised Guidelines and Rules February 4, 2008 OD8ratlan: 1. The operation of the Center will be under the direct control and responsibility of the Center's Supervisor, who will be an employee of Collier County and a resident of the MSTD within six months from the date of hiring and administratively responsible to the County Manager or his designee, and will be govemed by the Personnel Rules and Policies of Collier County, 2, All rules for the operation and maintenance of the Center shall require the approval of the Board of County Commissioners. 3. 'The budget and resulting expenditures of the Center will be established in aocordance with the laws and regulations of the State eX Florida and Collier County and within the COI1Iines of the legal millage established for the taxing district and other revenues of the taxing district derived from the operation of the Center or other sources. ,- Advlsorv Board: 1. It is the responsibility and obligation of the Golden Gate Community Center Aclvisory Board to serve the interests of the taxpayers and residents of the diatrict as defined by Ordinance 754, as amended. Pursuant thereto, the AdvisOl)' Board shall: A. Annually review the proposed budget for the coming fiscal year as prepared by the Center's Supervisor and reVieWed by the County Commissioners within the miRage limits established for the district. B. Make recommendations to the Board of County Commissioners on matters relating to proposed budgetary adjuslments during the fiscal year, C, Review unbudgeted expenditures exceeding $1000 and all bUdget amendments requiring BCe approval. D. Reoommend changes in the rules governing the use of the building to the Board of County Commissioners. E. Recommend the employment of the Center supervisor as determined by a selection committee composed of the Advisory Board Chairman, a representative from Parks and Recreation and a representativa from the Collier ~ , I Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27, 2008 rS9C 5...1+5--- County Human Resources Department. The selection will be presented to the full Advisory Board for approval prior to recommendation to the BCC. F. The Advisory Board will have the discretion to advise the Director of Parks and Recreation, in writing, on the contents and proposed changes of the job descriptions for those Center employees authorized in the district budget G. Receive and review monthly reports (and special reports as requested) prepared by the Center's Supervisor, on the actual and planned activities of the Center and its employees, the status of budgeted expenditures and revenues, the status of Special projects and programs, and similar matters of concem in carrying out the duties of the Advisory Board. H. The Center Supervisor and staff shall schedule building use. Any organization wishing to reserve a room on a yearly basis must submit an application, The application will be reviewed by the Advisory Board at the discretion of the Center Supervisor, 2. Regular meetings of the Advisory Board shall be held monthly and announced in advance complying with the current County policy, Special meetings may be called If approved by the majority vote of the Advisory Board members in attendance at the regular scheduled meeting, and by posting notice of such called special meeting. identifying such meetings as 'Special" with such postings to be made at least {24} hours prior to the meeting. Emergency meetings may be called by the chairman or by a majority of the members provided a (24) hour notice is po$ted and given 21$ provided above for special meetings, Official meeting minutes and other necessary records will be kept. All meetings will be open to the public and will bEl held in the Community Center building. Advi~rv Board ~DOif1t/1lents. Terms of Offlce. ETC: 1. The Advisory Board $haJl bEl comprise(! of three (3} to five (5} members, who will appoint from within the grouP. annually. by majority vote, a Chairman and a Vice-Chairman, Rules governing the responsibilities of the officers of the Advisory Board may be established by the Advisory Board consistent with these guidelines, subject to approval by the Board of County CommiSSioners, 2, Tha Advisory Board may choose to recommend the appointment of an alternate who would attend meetings but only vote in the absence of a member. All requirements would apply to the alternate in the same way as other Advisory Board member$. Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27, 2008 r il~e-&ef-4 5--- 3. The AdviSOry Board members will be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners for staggered three (3) year terms of office to commence on the 1st day of January. Sllll attached ordinlUlCe 2001-$5 as reference. The Board of County Commissioners shall make the final decision on appointments taking into consideration the recommendation from the Advisol}' Board. See attached ordinance 2006-83 lIS reference, 4. A majority of the total membership of the Advisory Board constitutes a quorum. 5. If an Advisory Board member misses two (2) consecutive meetings without prior approval, heIshe will be considered terminated from the Advisory Board. The member shall notify the Center Supervisor of any absence. Absences will be recorded as excused if the Center Supervisor was notified or unexcused if the Center Supervisor was not notified on the attendance record. See attached ordinance 2001-$5 .s reference. A. Approved absences will be given for personal illnesses of the member, hiSlher immediate family, or pressing demands of his/her business. B. Requests for prolonged absences, meaning more than three (3) consecutive absences, must be approved by the Board of County Commissioners, and a reason for the necessity of such a leave must be conveyed to the Advisory Board. See attached ordinance 2001-65 a8 reference. 6. Copies of the minutes will be made available to each member of the Advisory Board, County Manager or his designee and Board of County Commissioners to be filed with the Clerk to the BCe and a copy will be available at the Golden Gate Community Center. Center SuD8l'Viaor'$ ResDonaibiliti8$: 1, Responsibilities of the Center Supervisor will be those cOntained in that position's job description, in addition to the following: A. Prepare the annual budget and present same to the Advisory Board for recommendation to the BCC, according to the Collier County Budget Department policies and Guidelines. B. operate within the annual budget in accordance with the County's budgomry policies, C. Provide a written monthly report on the financial and operating status of the Center to the Advisory Board. (' Aqenda Item No, 16K4 - Ma~008 Page 7 0(1'5"-- Effective Date: These guidelines shall supersede all guidelines previously in effect and shalf become effective on the date they are approved by the Board or County Commissioners, Approved by the Advisory Board: ~~~ 1JJ~ ,?/}l6 J> Approved by the Board of County C missJoners: Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27, 2008 Pog8-l4>W-5-__ "S"'6f@:> J1 /.... )'0 4'- .... ~ "" 'S/ ~ tf!k '> '\ ORDINANCE NO. 2001- .- ~\~~ ~ ; DINANCE ESTABLISHING STANPARDS FOR CREATION ~~ .,..l:1 AND REVIEW Of' COUNTY BOARDS AND PROVIDING FOR ~I.';,:"",,,llf,ei A POUC'f DECLARAnOH; PROVIDING DEl'DI11ONS; PROVIDING FOR CREATION Of' HEW ISOARDS! PROVIDING exeMPTION; PROYlDING QlJAUFI(:ATXONS AND REQUIIlEf(ENTS FOR HEMBERSliIPl PROVIDING PROCESS OF APPODn'MENT; PItOVlDING TERMS OF OFFICE; PROVIDING ATl'EllDAtlCE ReQUIREMENt; PROVIDING SCHEDUtJ; FOR IlIi\IIEW OF BOARDS! PROVIDING FOR IlEPEAL OF ORDXNANCl!! NO. 86-41, AS AMENDED! PROVIJ)lNG fOR 'CONfI..ICT AND SEVl:RABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCWSION IN CODE OF LAWS AND ORDINANces; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE bATE. ;;!j:i\ S 'r~ ~ -n '?:=:. -; ..- HDW, T1iEREl'ORE, IE rr ORMlNED BY THE BCWID ~(~ COMMISSIONCRS OF CDIl.IER 0lU1ffi', .. """',' that: j.,;',- "'" rn .-....... "',- - 0 SemON ONE: Pollc:v Declal'iltlOn. ~~ ~ _ __' ;;Qi!: w It Is hereby dedated to be the poliCy of II1e Boan:I or Olunly ~ of .. --. -.--. --. --- - - -.-..... . ...". - . CallIer County, FlorIda, lD pramote economy, elIlCI!InCy and imprcMl service In the . lrior>5adlon of tne public buslness by COUtlly Ilo8rds. NOIlllng In this Ordinance shall be awInJed to prohIbit Of' restrltt the CDunly ComonIlioim from ame.dll!! or abolfsh!ng, at any time, any Board currenIly in e>dsler1<>! or ~ ;;mated. SECIION lWQ: DeftnltioIuI. The term "fjg.rd" Is defined III Il1dudol ~ ~, ad\Il5Ory boartI, regWItory board, quas:\-judlcilll bcaId, ~ _ forte or Bf\Y <JIl1er group 0'eill8d and funded In whole or in port by lt1B Board of 0lunIy Qlmmission..-s. The term "'CDI.llldssOol,' is <IelIneO as IlIe Board 01 CWllty Col1ml:zlOllel$ of cOIuer- O>utlly, FIorld;r. SECTION 1lIREI!J D'eaUoI'I of N_ IIoat'iI$; , A. AU Boards <raIIled __ lt1B o<<ecIMo _ <1_ Ordinance sI1BII be amIed by on:foOance only, except for Ad-Hac: or "Dsk Fora! CnmmlUeeS. Such ~ shall set ftxth the E!oonl's purpose; IiJncflons; powers; I...............~; juot:dctllln; ~ requlrement5 and resllfdlon5: I19rms and condItIans of appoinlmsnt III ~ ~l rrom the BOOrd; and the spedlle staIf SUpPOlt .-.01)' to prepare an llI>tI<Jal report, either eral or wrttten, to be presenl8Cl to tne 0>mmI:SSI0n. B. ,Prior lD the ~ publfc hearing held for tha adopllon at sald ordinance, IN! Cl:uIly Manager sllaU submit: lD the 0.", '~-.. a report oettlng fol1h following InI'ormatiM c:onr:emJng the propcl5ed new Iloard: 1) whelh.... tho _bIIohm..m: of' the _ will aeate suIIIdenI: bMtIsnnent to the commUnIty In juSUfy tha Comml..Ion's deIeglIUo<l or a poItiOn at ItsllUthOrity. 2) WhetlJer another Board, elther pubIlc or priVate. already In ~ ~ serve. or Is 5eIVlng tile same IlUf?(lSe. r- >.,~' "....~:~;. ~ ...>::'.,. .....' ';""~f.""'''''''''ilo..:.;..........tj,;(''....~I~:i.-'Ioot:',~ Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27, 2008 --1"~H-;j--- 3) The casts, botl1 cIred: and Irldire<t. of eslablishlng and maln1aln1ng u... new Board. 4) Whelher creatIOn of u... new Board Is ".. ry to enable the County to _ _ or f1odtn/ granls or ather finandn!l. 5) IMlether tile Soard should have bonding al4llorilv. 6) WheIiw aeatiaI cK a new Soard Is Ihe best method In achieve u... benefit desired. SECTION fOUR: Exemption to ()rcIJM1ICll Rl!lqII(rement:: Ad Hac: COrnmIl:tioleII and TllliI< FotQ!l Conunittees. The CoImlIsslcn may, by resolLtlOn. appoint an Ad-Hoc or Task Fotao Co,....dll;,c to.- a ,.,edIIc prQject, If the duration of the CommlIllee does not ..,."..., It>noe (3) years duration. The resolullon must set forth tile dulies i!IIId responslbiIItie .x the ~ i!IlId conli!IIIl li!IIlguage tIli!II: i!IUIllmiIlfcaI clI5sotlII!$ the Carnrnllb!e WIlI1In the "Il'lCifted year Ii1lm the dale of adoplIan of Ihe QlmrnIIU!e members by the COl...dslor. S!!C11ON FIVE, QuaIifiadfoD8 and Requlrem8lJts1W Memba.~dp on IlaMdIL A. AI t1lIllnbers or Countv BoaIds shall be "",.._1E>1l. resldenIs and ~ of COllier CounlV and should be repUlable and adfve In axnmunlly ~ The foregaIng , requ/n!ment may be l!llllITljlIIld """"-', if ilII 0Jdinance lrI!i!IIlng a board speciftes the need fur ~ outside Collier Caunty's bou:1dar1es. In _, all Board members should hIIve dernonslraled lIII Inbnsl: In the lIClIvily or selVIce" which Is It18 purpose of the Board. The proyisIonS of lI1Is pi!Il.....aph may be -"I1ed. _, Jl' an onlIni!Ince creaIlng a board spedIIes the need fur rnen4ba>1.1p outside C<>IJjo,- cau-qts booodi!IrfeS. B. Any member of a ~ Soard who .- to be a resident of CIlIIIlIIr Count\! dtrtJg his or her \I!lrm of office shall irnlnedlIlIteIy advise the Coovnis5Ion of $Udl d10nge in status. Upon web notice, the ~ shall dodare the posiIDlto be _ i!IIId sftall prompUy fiQ same p\nUiIrt to the provlsIons cK 5ecllOn SIx, helm. C. The eoc"mlssioo's pltni!Ily .....Dlibdlb'ln appointing Baard members shall be' to prtWIde the Soard wll:h the leCMIQll, P/'llIilS5iOnlI IInancIal, IluSInilsS or lIIdrnInlIl:laI expolltise,.... "1 to e<<e<ttveIv i!I/XXlnlPIlSh the 1lOi!Ircf5' IU\105C. ~ of expertISe I'l!I'ererlced b'( County IlolIrds' 0nIInances lIS QUIlIr.....aohS for Board memberShip are c:onsICIe.ed to be primarlIy dIredory IlIld not rnandi!IIllry. O. No person Shi!lU 5eIVe on more tlIi!In two County Boards 5lmullarlecK5Iy. It ~PI'-"..., Is made fur service 011 a lhlrd Baard, the applicant must resign sImuIl:aneously f1'Dm one of his or her CUTl!Ilt IIoanI posltIons, or the applI~ fer a tlWd _ shi!Ill be dI5quaItled. Thls prc>IIIslon, ~, may be waIvaIln i!III"'I' tor seMc:e an ;JddIllOnaI BolIrdS proIIkIed the commIssIclr1 _ unlllllmouslV to waive sudt provlslon. e. No IllIOII1be<- of any CounI:y _ shill become a candldatlO fur an eIedl\oe poIlllcalolllce and contlnue III setYe 011 such Board during tlIs or her ClIIlClidi!Icy. ShlltlId any County Board member become II c:andIdale fur an e/ed:ive poIIllcal, oI'Iil:e, sud1 2 ""~,~"';;-''',..,,.. -', .."'...'. . . . ." - . ,........., ~"..,:' 1',""'".0', ;..,.i-...;.."'.........;,...:.i:... Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27, 2008 "Pa"ge TUOT1'5-- candidacy shalllle d....med a tender of resignatIOn from StJCh Boarcl and the Board shaU tmmedlately a<Mse the CommlsSlon In writing of said reslgnadon. The Comml5s!on shaij deem the posllion vacant lJPOll receipt of written notice of said resignation. The Board member shall not serve at any meel!ogs after his or her posItJon bealmes vacant pwsuant to t1lls On:lillil=' F. The commencement of a legal challenge by a Board member as a plaintiff In a lawsuit against Collier County shall COl1St\tIJta a conIIict of Interest with coUler County and shall be deemed a tender cI resIg/lallDn ITOIl1 such Board, l1'Ie Coun1=;' Board member's poslllon shall autlllna\lCally be ~ VllC1JI1t a~ the CommIssiOn shall prcmplly IllI same pursuant ill the proII!sIons of SedlOn Six, herein. G. No member of any County Board, as defined herein, shall print or aeaIe, or haw prtnted or cteaIed, Of use or dlsII1!Jub! any business or Irlfo/m8tlonal carrl depicling the County logo or in any W1!f representii1g sud1 brd mernller as a ~tatlve of Colllet County or as a O>unty Board member. The Counlv Manager or his or her designee may, upoll request and pI10r approval In wrlIIng. aulhortze the COunty Iloaid member's Inoblaln aCourily--p/llliD il;Iel.tlb1:lon CMd idenlIfying sum memberS as a COunty advtsay Board member. SecnoN SIX: Pro<zlls of AppOintment. A. Vacandes oo:urring on any Baanl shall be publld2ad, but need ll<lt be adwrtised, In a publlcatlon of ilenerai draJIaIIon wIIIlln the COO/lly, and vamncv notiCes are ill be posted in Il1e County IIblarles and the County Govemmeilt Center. B. P1ior ill maldt)g appolnlmenls In Boards, staff shall p/'O\IkIe the CommiSsion wIltI a liSt outlining the quallI\catiooS and cJemographtc bad<gIOund of each c;andIdaII: for BoartI memberShip, along wlth a IlsI: detaIIIn9 the quaIIlicallorl$ CIIld demographic bad<grow'lds of present members seeklng reappolnImeIlt Ql1 each board tD which an appoIntm8nt Is being made. SECTION'SEVEN: Term ofOfflc:e. . A. Terms of oflke shall be s!llggered. B. Terms cI oI'Ii<:ll for BoanI membels nil be IImtted ill two COl'lS8aJtIve tenns of seM::e on any one Boal1l; provided, howeYer, tIlat appointment of a IloanI niember to an initial term of one yeztr shall not be CCI'ISIdeIed a "tenn of offlc:8- for purpose of the IImIlaIlon$ oet fcrtll 'n this Sectlon, and such memllels shall be entltled ill serve two lIdditionalll!nM If so appolnmd; C. AppOlIltmelllS to fill a VllCiInc:y for the remainder or balance of a term of Qfllce shall be c.onsIderecI a !MIl Of omce for the purpose of the ImitatIOns ...t. torU> In SectIon sewn 8, aboVe, only If the remainder of the term In be served e>cceeds fll'I:V pen::ent (50%) otthe fuU Il!nn. D. By unanImOuS \/Ore of the commISSIOn. the Rmilatlons set faith in Secllon seven B _ may bo waNed. E. NothIng set tbr1tI In thls Seclbl shall prchlbtt any Individual from belng reappoll)lad lD a lIoard !>fter a hlatu$ uf two (2) years. ~, , ' I ) ,~...w..'".",_.."..", . ,~. ,. ~.' . .' '. . v"'" .' ,....._...."...~\r. ,.; ~,~,. ..~~Ji.:.oi.~,~. 'l Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27, 2008 Page TIofT:)'--- F. All member.; of Boards aeabed by the COmmlssIon shall serve at lite pleasure of the CommlssloIl and may .utomatJcolly be remaved by a majol1ly VOle of the quorum of the Commlsslon. Sl!C11ON EIGHT: Attl!ndance ~ It Is the intent and strong de5Ire of Il1e Commission tI1at tllere be full atb;ndanal of advisory Board rnember$ at all mselings of the Boaftt$, rea>gnl%lng, _, that It may be necessary for Board members to be abs!!nt fiDma meeting doe to unusual or emergellCi clraIIlstance5. N<M;ttt. ,full iiIlendance at Board "meeIlngs Is erlCOUlaged and necessary for the proper operaIion of !:be Boards and In furtherance thenlof Il1e fallowing requirements are esl2lbllshed: A. Arw Board member who i:; absent for more IfJan one-hatf of the Board's meetings In a given fiscal year5llal1 be deemed to hirve terlde.e.J his or her resignation from 5lld1 aoard. The Cornml5siDn stlaII, as soon as prlld:iQdlIe aftEr sud1 reslgnatillll, dedare the posltlon to be vacant and shall ~ IlII same putaIiII1t: to the prDYtslons of Sectlon Sb: hEIreln. The IlIlaI:d members shaIJ not serve at mf mee1lngs an...- his or her pasIIian is declared vacant by !:be CommlssIon. B, In the event thai: any Boan:l,'oemlleI is absanI: lTom ..., consea.tIve meeIIngs without a salisI'aday _ ... ...~ to the Boan:l dlaIrper.;on, the !loGIrd chairpenlon shall staI>l $UdJ f.>d; at Il1e neocl: regulat1y sdledIAed Iloard me&tIng and shall IhemlIiter notify, In wr1lIng. Il1e EleC:llll\II! Manager to the CommIssIon of the Board member's failure to all!!nd wllhout a ~)' excuse. The Commission sbaII r1lYiew the Board chairpI!r.;on'SI~ at the a....lots.b. meellng iIIld shall declare the aoanl mern!ler's posltlon to be vacant it the CommlsSian tllIllaS thai: the Board member was aIl5enl: from two ~ Board meelIng5 wIlt\Out a satI5I'adbly exo-. and shall promptly liD same jllr.UInt to the prtMsItIn!l of Sedlan SIx herein. The Board member shall not serve at _ meeIlng5 after his or I...- posIIIon Is dedan!ld weant. c. A member of a Board shall be deemed absent frotn . meeIing when he or she Is IlIlt present dLll1llg at Iea5t 5llYeIlty live percent (75%) of the meeting. SI!CTION NINE: RevIew at lIoarlls. fadlllOarO snail be ~ In lhe IilIIOwlng "......~ A. All BOards SbaII be .- EMS'f four (<I) years !'rom the year the Board wu n"",_"shOd. B. The Counl.y Mal\llgft' or his designee shall priM;:Ie _ to Itle Iloard prIar to /to dolt>> of _. On or -., January 15'" or lI1e Y'*' In which a Board Is to be ~, IbI 0IaIIpens0/l shilll 5IIbmlt to !:be c:oontv Mal1aIgIlr a report SI!!tting forth die follOWIng tnfon'natlon regarding the 8oal1:I: 1.) _the Board Is seMng the f>llI'POSe for whIdt It wu created. 2,) _the So'"'" Is adequately SI:IVIng cumont a>mmunlty.- 3.) A list at the Board's major ~l$ for the pre<:edlng l:wI!!IIIe month period. 4 .-.'~..~.~~....." '.~. ...,..,...... ,. .'"-".....';,.:.~....~,-~.....," ~ Agenda Item No. 16K4 May 27, 2008 Pag8171J1"T5'-- ! J 4,) Whether there Is any other Board or agency, ell:ller public or private, whim is serving or would better serve tl1e purposo: for whIththe Board was created. 5.) Whel11er the ordinatlCll aeatlllg the Board should be amended, to allow the bOard to more adequately _ tl1e purpose for whlch It was created, 6.) Whel11er the Board's membership requlrerrlMls should be modified. 7.) The cost; lXth dlrwt and 1nlflRlCt, at IYIBlntlllnlng the Boan:!. C. On or before FebrUary ls<!' of the-year In WhId1 a Board is to be reviewed, Il1e County Manager shan deliver to tl1e Commission l11e report submitted by Il1e O1alrperson of each Board. putStJlInt IXl Section Nine (8) of this Ordinance, together with any rewmmendallon or a>mments !he County Manager may have. In order to assist the County Manager and the Commisslon In the evaluation of the OIaItperson's report, the county Manager and CDmmlsSlOn may revtew applicable mlnUlaS of meetings of the BoardS. ,:~, BoardS shall be required to fotward the minutes or aU BOard meetings to tl1e COIlVDIssb'lI1 a UmeIy manner. D. OUting Marth of the ~r In Whldl a Board Is IXl be reIIIeWed, tl1e Olalrperson shall malce an oral p~n to the CommisSIOn. SaId ",..se.JtaIllln shan be baSed lIPOn the report submllled In the County Manage< pursuant to Sedlon Nine (8) at thIS , Qtdlnance. At the <Xll1CIusfon of ""Id 0l1lI presentation any Comnti5siooer may request the formatlon of a suba:lmmlttee COIl!lsllng at three (3) members at the COmml55lon. SaId subcornmlI:1:ea shaI evalUate the O1alrper5on's report, the County Manager's =mmendallOns and any other tnronnatton It deems refeIIant to detelmIJle whether the Board shall alI1IInue In Its present filnn. l11e subcommlttee shall repolt to the Commission not later Ulan wiIhIn nInely (90) days after their InItlaI meeting. E. At tha conduslon at this retlew process. the Commission shall deI2rmlne whether to abollst>, contlnIJe, oonsoldale or modl1Y the Boan:l for the ensuil1ll foIlr yealS. SECTION TEN: Repeal '" orcIinanao No. 86-41. As Amended. Collier County Ordlnance No. 86-41. as amended by Otdlnance No. 9;1-44, 99-46. and2DOO-Z4, Is I>ereby rpaleclln its enIIrety. ss:nON ELEVeN: COIIIIIct and s.r....abiliIy. In the event 111Is Ordinance aJOfIicts v.1th arrv other ordInaIlce of Collier County or other applicable law, the more reslr1dlve sI1all apply. If any phrase or portlon of I:lie ordinance 15 held II1ViIIId or Ul1COIlSlitulJo by any ccurt at compt!!lent jUlfsdlctlol1, SUdl portion shall be deemed a separatI!. dlstiIY:t ancIlndependent pmIIlsIon and such balding $I'laII not atf8<:t the \l31ldlty of the remaining poI1lon. 'I:e:; ..uN TWI!L Vl!1 rod......... In the COde of ..._ and Ordinances. The provisions of thls Ordinance sI1an becOme and be made a part of the COde of Laws and On:IInances at Coiner County, FlorIda. lbe sections of the Otdlnances may be renumbered or reIelmred to ll(:COmJlllsh such, and the won:! "ordinance" may be cl1angc:d to 'section: 'artrde,' or any other appro~r\ate word. All reter~ In the /.-1., 5 I '. "_.'__':"""_."~'M ...,--".~<,,;,;,: Agenda Item No. 16K4 May 27. 20.illl__ Page 13 of 15 Code of ~ws and OrdIl'IllIlCeI 10 Ordlnance No. 86-41 and Its arilendments shall be Changed 10 reflect the runber assigned 10 this ~Inanre, SECTION THIRTEEN: I!fl'....u... Date. This Ordlnanoe shaU beaxne etfedl\oe upon receipt of IlOtice from the SecrelB'Y of St>lte tIIat lIlIs QrdII1ance has been ftled liriIlll!1e Secretary of Slate. PASSED AND DULY ADoPTED by !he lloIlrd of County CommIssIoners of CollIer County, Aorlda lhts'..;l~ dq of Odxlber, 2001. "",'.Ullh"r" _..~. .., ..~".to.. '..". ... ~''':'.;\\l'''''H!'''\~",,,, . A ."-'. '. .' " IlOI\Rl) OF COlJN1Y COMMlSSIONeRS, OWlGfti;.....'" ....... :~ ,', COWER COUNTY, fWRlDA. . .... .;ff.\\I' ..' t~tf~;' ~.~./. ,~ By;~4.-l.~k_ CJa.__m~ """u:u:.."'" Deputy i5eiit !Iv': JAMES E~ Ph.D" 0IalmIan Apprar.uJ lIS to form and legal sufl'ldenc:V: Thbi t>fdlnconc:e fatd wfdo. the S,,~ of StAIU Offt<A W .2~~YjJf~]YIlL cnct tICknowI.~ of Ibm' fllirJlLrc.eeMtdihl:i'~dl:tt of "7J~"'~~1' . "'" -- ,,~;.I ~ ~;~{'~_ Oallld C. Weigel County Atlcmey ~ 6 0".-," .._~.,'.. .' . ",,'_'''~'''''''' --""!:l...:;';":i/~\" Agenda Item No, 16K4 May 27,2DDa_ Page 14 of 15 1 ,~ RECENED APR n 6 ?All RESOLUTION NO. 2006-113 s-dalCwlr o..._AD 41& A RESOLIIT1ON OF THE 80ARD 01' COUNtY IDMMISSlONERS ' OF COWER COUNTY, R.ORJI)A, TO ADOPT A FORMAl. POUCY ESTUUSItING GUIDELINES FOR RECElVIRG RB:OMMEN- DAnoNS FOR APPOINTMENT AND ReAPPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO ADVISORY COMMmees; AND TO SUPERSEDE RESOL\ST1ON NO, 94-136. WI-lEIlEAS, on MIlrch 1, 1994, the Board at County CommlsSionets adoptJld _.-.. No. 94-136 to provide gulllelineS and procedUre$ for appolntlng and reappointlng mell'Ib<n to advisory C<ll1llllltlEeS; and WHEREAS, on De<::embot 13, 2005, ttle _ o/'CllUnl:\IcommIssiOnet$ ""lloest>"rl reYislOll5 In l11ese guidelines In ......... lhey ere ....:eMng the beSt qualifled candI<fat2S for appolnlrr1irnt as reo:>mmencI<od by their adVIsOry comlTlitleeS. NOW, l1-iERl!FORE, BE rr RESOLVED 6'f 'nie BOAAD Of COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF COWER OJUKlY, FLORJOA, that the guIdelIneS set forttl DeloW Bnl hereby estlIbIished for t!le Board of COUnty ComnolMlol...s ("Boardj for receipt and ao;eptance of recommenclations f/Olll th8 var!oU$ acfYi<t>ry camm-' 1. MvIstxy commltleeS $hall be -aIIllCllllolI 41 days __ noliflalllon from !he Soald's office In submit in WIlling their teCIlllI<I\!Ind tn ll1e Board for the appointment or raappolntment of memberS. If an odV!scx:y lXlllVJ1Ilse cannot actoIeve a qucwm within the 41-<!ay time per10d reIelerlOl!d abOve, l/ID1 submission of notICe to ll1e FJoard the deadl1ne for submission of recommendations by the adYlsoty comm_ may be exrended by the aoanrs QlOfCIlnIItQr ID aD adI/tsoly CllII1lI1llteeS All, qua<!-- judicial advtsoIy Q)(TIl11It!ees are exempt from the reQUiremenlsnar providing I1l<XIl1lmendatlons for appointments or ~ntmenlS In !he IIOan1 but shan ac1here'm ll1e guidelines cuntain8d In paragraphs 2 a1lll4, ~ such gtJIdelInes are applicable In au ccmmtttees. 2. During this lime Ptinod, the cnunLy stall' IlalSOn for each advlsoly 00lIIItIlIIee sIlaII initially reVoew the cat8goI1es of appllcants In areas of """'" w.. to assure that the appIk3nts posses$ the rnlnlmum requirements for tlle posltIQns they are seeking. Non- qws-Judiclal allvIsOly commitlees m;,y inlenIleW sud1 afiPlialnts at a sch~led public meeting. 3. ~ where a nonoQUaSl--jUdlCia adViOOry cornmlI:Iee is unable to raac:l1 a quorum, all non-quOSf ludIcIaJ advtsoIy wmmltlees 5lIaIl CDnSldet all applicants and shall detennIne by _ majortly volle ar the quonJIIl whICh appl1cant(s) meeis the prereQUisites for appointment or "",ppo1ntment to SlJl:Il c:ommlttee. 4. The liaison for an _,Msory ctlllllI'IittE' shaH pI'ClIIlde the brei with atlendance re<:ords ar all applicants seeklog reappolnlment!Xl sudl cammll:tI!e. Agenda Item No. 16K4 May 2L2QQll_. Page 15 of 15 BE IT AJRntER RESOLVED BY "THE llOARD Of COUNlY COMMlSS.lONERS that this Resolution supersedes Re5OIutlon No, 94-136 In it> Maret)'. This l!.e$Olutlon adopll!d ""'" motion, second and majOrtty """'- DAlE): Man:h 28, 2006 ATI'ES1'<l;~;:;";'." DWI~ . :t'.....~.:;:,....~ \(~.~ . ;. '01' <-~- . =.,. : :-~. ...... ..... '.. 1~1J. ~ ...: ~ ; ~~ \.'".t'~ '~~~J~! BOARD Of COUNTY COHM1SSIONERS COUIER OJUNTY, FI.ORIDA .~. attlltoN' oil. Approved as tn rorm and legal suIlidency: .4 ~ ".~~, ~tJJ DaMd C. Weigel County AUomey ~ fty: ~ ..:-,- :-:"rl.:' ./ fRANl( HALAS, ChaIm1an