Resolution 2001-280 RESOLUTION NO. 2001- 280 16A 10 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORDINANCE No. 99-51, AS SUCCESSOR TO ORDINANCE No. 91-47, AS AMENDED WHEREAS, as provided in Ordinance No. 99-51, as successor to Ordinance No. 91-47, as amended, the direct costs of abatement of certain nuisances, including prescribed administrative cost incurred by the County. shall be assessed against such property; and WHEREAS. the cost thereof to the County as to each parcel shall be calculated and reported to the Board of County Commissioners, together with a description of said parcel; and WHEREAS, such assessment shall be a legal, valid and binding obligation upon the property against which made until paid; and WHEREAS, the assessment shall become due and payable no later than twenty (20) days of the date of the Legal Notice of Assessment and interest shall accrue on the unpaid balance beginning on the date this Resolution is recorded at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORIDA, that the property described as follows, having been abated of a public nuisance after due and proper notice thereof to the owner(s) of said property, is hereby assessed the following costs of such abatement. to wit: NAME: WISNIEWSKI, LEONARD LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOTS 33 & 34, BLK 5, MAINLINE SUB, PH I, PG 98. COST: $255.00 REFERENCE#: 1785 FOLIO #: # 56405240008 The Clerk shall mail a Notice of Assessment of Lien to the owner(s) of the above described property. and if such owner fails to pay such assessment within twenty (20) days hereof. a certified copy of this Resolution shall be recorded in the official records of Collier County, to constitute a lien against such property according to law, unless such direction is stayed by this Board upon appeal of the assessment by the owner. Thi, R",olution p'''''' "'~y'" by Ib, Bo"" of Coonly Commi"ioo", of Collier County, Florida, this 3t day of ,2001 ATTEST:, . DWIGHT 1:;. BROC~, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA . 7f~-~~e. BY. . Deputy Clerk Approved as to fOrn;! and legal sufficiency~' ~ ~~ \1 ~ Thomas C. Palmer, Assistant County Attorney Attest as to C s1gnatllre OtIJ ...,,,.... 1. 2845080 OR: 2879 PG: 0144 mOlm in OllICm ncoIDs of COLLlJR courry, lL 08/21/2001 at 10:21A1l DllIGHT I. BROCI, elm IIC III 10.50 COPIlS 2.00 Retn: WRI TO ft. IOAlD IITIROllICI m .LOOI lIT 7240 F: LlENI MSTR RESOLUTION