Agenda 09/09-10/2008 Item #16B 4
SEP 0 820GB
Pg {l>f: fro
Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves a Landscape
Maintenance Agreement between Collier County, Florida, and The Mercato LLP, for
landscaping within rights-or-way on US 41 North and Vanderbilt Beach Road.
OBJECTIVE: That the Board approves a Landscape Maintenance Agreement with The
Mercato LLP, for the installation and future maintenance of the improvements within rights-of-
way on US 41 North and Vanderbilt Beach Road.
CONSIDERATION: Collier County Transportation has reviewed and approved the landscape
and irrigation plans for the improvements on US 41 North and Vanderbilt Beach Road at the
Mercato Development. The proposed Landscape Maintenance Agreement permits the
installation of enhanced landscaping and irrigation and provides for ongoing maintenance of all
improvements witltin the County's rights-of-way. The improvements will be funded and
maintained by The Mercato LLP.
FISCAL IMPACT: There is no fiscal impact for the County. The Mercato LLP will pay the
recording fees and will be responsible for all expenses associated with the improvements and
related ongoing maintenance.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no growth management impact associated
with this Executive Summary.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This request has been reviewed by the Office of the County
Attorney and is legally sufficient for Board action. JAK
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the attached
Landscape Maintenance Agreement between Collier County, Florida, and The Mercato LLP, for
landscape and irrigation improvements on US 41 North and Vanderbilt Beach Road.
PREPARED BY: Pamela J. Lulich, RLA, Landscape Operations Manager, Alternative
Transportation Modes
Attachments: (1) Proposed Landscape, Maintenance Agreement, (2) Schedule A - Planting
Plans and Specifications; (3) Schedule B - Right-of-Way Landscape Maintenance Specifications.
I '
2008 I
Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves a Landscape
Agreement between Collier County, Florida, and The Mercato LLP, for landscaping
way on US 41 North and Vanderbilt Beach Road.
SE:P O\)
Prepared By:
Information Technology
8/25/20089:53:10 AM
Approved By:
County Approved
Manager's Office
9/4/2008 1 :28 AM
[) ES Marcato Landsc8Re.
Main! Aareement.doc
Cl MeLQa!o_hMA(Signedl,Qdf
l) SQ.o.e.o'JJle B MaiI]L$~ej::s-
l) Landscaoe LP-2.pdf
Cl LandsCJ'-pe LP-4.pdf
Cl h9.Dd,CaPfl L.Pcp,pd!
C Merc?toAIJLuff.eLlIrjg.aHQo
Cl MercalQ_Al..B..ufLerJrrigatiQO
sbeet 2"pdf
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Landscape Maintenance Agreement
Schedule 'B' Maint Specs
Landscape Plan LP-2
Landscape Plan LP-4
Landscape Plan LP-6
Backup Material
Backup Material
Backup Material
Irrigation Plan Sheet 1
Backup Material
Irrigation Plan Sheet 2
Backup Material
No. '" lEi
SEP 0'1."')['.8
' l_ it J
Pg ; 3 * l-b
This Landscape Mainrenance A~ent is entered intClthis _dayqf .2008, by
.8Ild between (;ollier CountY, Florida, a political sulxiivision of the Statco of FloridlJ whose mailing
8ddl'ess Is3301 Tamiami Twl Elist, Naples, FL 34112 (h<:reinafterrefCiTedt()~ the "Cotinty").and
The MercatCl LLP, whose mai1ing address is 4200 Gult Sbore Blvd North, Naples: FL 34103
(hereinafter refr:n'ed to as the "Associatioll).
WHEREAS' County is the owner of that certainri~t-of-way locale<i in COllier County,
Florida andkllownas U841 & Vanderbilt Beach Road (hereinafter referred to as "R.oaQ"); and
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WHEREAS,Se.moll.IV-B-12 of the ConstrUction Standards Iian<IbOOkfor Work \Vithi1l
The Public RightsiOf- wq; Collier:County. Florida (2003) (ll'!>vi<ks as fl)11ows:
The respo~ibte Prgf1ertyQw1W'Qr his atlthorized a~~nt mfis( ~l!J?ly for a"Pe~rrJit
tQ Perform WQr##ndIor Maintenance in Public Rights4)f-waji": .,
LandscapingPemlit Within the public rights-of-way: A priW,te ""1ner, DeveloPer
or civic or homeowners' association desiri'lg to landscape wilhin apub/ic right-,i
of-way shall submit~ landscape and irrigatiQ1l consuuction dOt:.~ents preJ1ll!'.ed
by a licensed laruiscapearchitect for County review. The Permit application shall.
include three (3) sels of detailed plans indicating the existing right4)f-way
facilities and the fyJJe and location of the proposed plantlngs, location of .
electrical and irrigation system..(s). After acceptance of the landScape and
irrigation plans, a ICl1ldscape agreement shall be prepared by the contracting
porties and approved by the County attorney's office. (See Appendix for example)
The purpose of the ICl1Idscape agreement is to ensure that the Pennittee.orh~
successors Or assign, shall be responsible /0 maintain such materia/. and
irrigation system until removed or unless otherwise specified; and
WHEREAS, in keeping with the above, the Association has applied for a T ...;..lO(:aping
Pennit Within the PubIic Rights-of-Way, and has submitted landscape and irrigatiim.construclioll
~uments prepared tIy a Iicertsed Jal1QO(:3pe architect for County review. A copy of this Permit'
and the plans are attached hereto as Schedule "A". The Association shall fo11oW.the Collier
County Maintenance specifications attached as Schedu!e "B",
NOW, THEREfORE, in consideration of the covenants<:ontained herein, the parties lI@l'eeas
N~GE A lEi,; J'
SEP % 2, ,S
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Pg =_C_'C'~~~~,
1- Subject to the issuance of ail necessmy Permits, County hereby grants to the
Association the right to use those portions of the Road depicted in Schedule ~ A", for the sole
pwpose set forth in Schedule" A n. The Pennits address, among other thin~, the timinl!..l!f the
work, maintenance of traffic flow during construction, and the permissible lane closures dUring
the time. that work is to be performed. .
2_ The Association agrees to construct and maintain the improvements set forth in
Schedule" An (hereinafter referred to as "ImprovCll'lents") at its sole cost and expense, until such
time as the County executes a release from indemnification as discussed below.
3. Should the AsS(!ciation fail to construct or maintain the !tnprovements in llCCOrdim~
With Schedule " An or law, the County may provide notice to the Association in writing, .
specifying the nature of the dc;ficiency. Within five working days following receipt of such
notice, the Association at its sole cost shall cause the appropriate repairs or CW'C to be effected.
In the event damage to, or failureto maintain the Improvements results in a situation where
public safety is at risk, (I) the Association shall effect repairs within twenty-four hours of rec;c:ipt
of the County's written notice, or (2) the County may, at its option, effect repairs to the . .
Improvements, without the need for prior notice to the Association, and will promptly bill the
Association for all actual costs incurred in effecting the repairs. The Association shall reimbUrse
the County for such costs within thirty days of receipt of the County's bill.
4. The Association, as Indemnitor hereunder, shall indemnify and save harmless the,
County, as Indemnitee hereunder, including ail employees of the County, from any loss Or .
damages Indemnitee may suffer as a result of claims, suits, demands, damages,losses, fines,
penalties, interest, expenses, costs, or judgments, including attorneys' fees and costs of litigation,
against the CoWlty arising out of the Association's use of the Road for the pmposes set forth in
this Agreement, including the construction and removal of the Improvements. The Indemnitee
shall not Wldertake to settle any lawsuit or tlueatened lawsuit that could give rise to IndemnitOrs
obligation hereunder without the prior consent of Indemnitor, such consent to not be
unreasonably withheld.
5. The indemnity provided for by this Agreement will extend from the date of this
AgreelIIentuntil such time as the parties hereto acknowledge in writing that the Association bas
ceased to use the Road for the purposes stated within this Agreement and the Road bas been
restored as set forth below, at which time, following receipt of the Association's written request,
the County will execute a release from indemnification in lavor of the Association.
6. Indemnitee agrees to give Indemnitor written notice of any claims filed against the
County in connection with this Agreement, within thirty days of the date that County .isaware of
such claim.
7. Unless terminated as set forth below, this Agreement shall remain in full foice lIIld
effect in perpetuity from the date first set forth above, and shall be binding upon the parties and
all their successors in interest. The Agreement may be freely tenuinated as of right by either
Pg '5.::~ rf::?
party. with or':"itbout ~tISc; upon written noticc..totheother; If the Associatiouc:,,=ises this
right, or if the COlUlty exercises this rightbased~n the Association'ssubstantW breach of this
Agreement, then upon written de!Illllld \ly CoUlltr. the Association, at its sole COst and expense.
shall remove the Improvtmlents and will restore the Road to the condition tbal existed
immediately Prlorto thectfec:tivd date oftlris ~nlent. If the CountY exc;rCises this right, or if
the Associationex=ises this right basedllJlOll~ County's substantial ~h of this
Agreement, then the CoUnty will be responsible ror any removal of the Impl'ovementsor
restoration of the-R-oad;Ell.~ for theahove.,~ither party will be liable to the other for any
damages or claimS resulting ftOJ!\ the tenninati<in of this Agreement.
8. In t1leevent either party hereto shaliinstitute legal proceediIlgS in connection with,
or for the enforcement of; this Agteemertt, the prevailing pIU'ty shall be entitled to recov<!J'its
costs of suit, irll:luding reasollllble attorney's f~. at both lrial and llppellate levels.
9.. Th!sA.greement lIUly be recorded by the County in the Official ~of Collier
County, Florida. The Associlltion shall pay all t:oStso!lecording this Agreement prior to the
execution of this Agreement. A copy of the Recoll.\e(1 Agreement win be provided to the
10. T!lis/.greement is the entire agreement between the parties. and su~sl1ll
tm'vWlIS oI1!llllKi written represe$tiOils. a8reements and lDldetstandings lletween ~J>lI11ies.
This Agreement shalli:le llovemedby the laws of the State of Florida, and Ituly alteredot.
amended in any way, Sllve by wriqen agreement signed by both parties.
11. The rights arid obliga.tiollll QfthisAgreement shall bind and benefit any successors
Or assigns of the parties.
SEP 0 9 20 B
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In Witness Whereot: the parties have caused these presents to be exccllted ottilie da.y an4
date first above written. -
DwigbtE. Brock, Clerk
Tom Henning,Cbairman
The Mercalo, lLP
By: Collier Lutgert CommercialPtoperties,LLP, its
MAnAging Partner
By: Promenade at Bonita Bay, Jncc, its partner
~~>~I~cinO ~
BY'~.t6r " i
Prirrted Name: 'cbaeJ. T. Hoyt
Titlt::: Vice President
Printed Name: i",,"Prot~~
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me th; of Au~Lll t:
2008, by Michael T. Hoyt, Vice Presidentof Promenade at Bonita Bay, Inc., II Flori
corporation, as the Managing Partner of CollierLutgert Co=ial Properties, LL~fa Florida.
limited liabiiity partnership, as the Managing Partner of The Mercato, lLP, a Florida limited
"liability partnership, who is personally knoWn to me.
, r~~~~~ct~
My oommissioD cxpim:
SEq. 0 b 106
Q. {j I
..- --
These specifications are intended to provide the information by which private entities may understand the minimum
requirements of Collier County relative to maintaining County rights of ways. Records of all specification requirements shall
be kept and made available to the County's representative upon request.
A. MOWING AND EDGING: Mowing and edging shall include medians as well as those areas, if existing, along the
outside edge of the sidewalks ofadjacent properties. All turfshall be mowed with mulching type mower equipment
to eliminate the need to bag and transport grass clippings. Should bagging be necessary, the bagged clippings shall
be collected and removed at no additional cost. GrJs shall be cut at a height of three and one half inches (3 \1,").
The frequency of cutting will be weekly or fifty-two (52) times.
Mechanical edging of the turf shall be done with each mowing along all sidewalk edges, hack of concrete curbs,
around all planting beds, utility service boxes, street light bases, sign posts, headwalls, guardrails, timer pedestals,
posts, and trees. Metal blade edging is not permitted along back of curbing. Grass root runners extending into the
mulched areas shall be cut and removed when the edging is performed. Edging will also be required in all turf areas
around isolated trees, sprinkler heads, valve boxes, shrubs, sign posts, manholes, etc. where they exist. All debris on
streets, sidewalks or other areas resulting from edging shall be removed. No herbicide shall be used for edging.
All sidewalks, curbing and/or gutters shall be cleaned after each service. All sidewalks shall be blown clean, but no
clippings or other debris shall be blown or allowed to be deposited on other adjacent property or accumulate on
right-of-way areas.
B. WEEDING: Weeding of plant beds, sidewalks (asphal~ concrete or pavers), guardrail bases, and curb joints as well
as other mulched areas by chemical and/or hand removal will be performed weekly or as necessary to provide a
weed free and well maintained area.
C. GENERAL SITE PRUNING: General site pruning shall be defined as the pruning of any plant's foliage below
ten-foot (10') foot.
All groundcovers, shrubs, canopy trees and palms up to ten foot (10') level, shall be inspected and pruned on a
weekly or an as needed basis, so to maintain the proper or required heights for visibility, vehicular movement
purposes and desired shape or fonn as determined by County's representative. Pruning shall also include removal of
water sprouts, suckers and any dead or diseased foliage or branches.
During the first week of October and April, ornamental grasses, such as Fountain grass. Florida Gamma or
Fakahatchee grass shall be pruned in a pyramid shape to a twelve inch (12") or twenty-four (24") height based upon
the type of plant. Ornamental type grasses such as Liriope muscari 'Evergreen Giant', shall only be pruned at the
direction and approval of the County's representative.
Plant material with a canopy over pedestrian sidewalks shall be maintained at a minimum height of one hundred
twenty inches (120"). Shrubs and groundcovers adjacent to pathways or sidewalks shall be pruned to maintain one
foot (1') of clearance from the edge ofthe pathway. IT is recommended that adjacent shrubs and groundcovers be
maintained so that they angle or are rounded away from the pathway.
D. TRASH REMOVAL: With each service, all sites shall be cleaned by removing all trash or debris to include, but
not limited to; paper, bottles, cans, other trash, and horticultural debris. All debris or trash pick-ups shall be
performed "prior" to mowing in all turf areas. The disposal of all trash and debris must be at a proper landfill or
disposal site.
E. STREET CLEANING/SWEEPING: Street Cleaning: A four foot (4') wide area measured from the face of the
curb and gutters including turn lanes shall be cleaned with each site service to remove any accumulation of debris or
objectionable gro\\1h so to maintain a neat and safe condition.
SEP ~!; 2!if A I
!! Pg .~.~ lb
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Traffic (MOT) Policy, copies of which are available through Risk Management or the Purchasing Department. The
Developer shall obtain and review the County MOT policy requirements prior to submitting a bid.
The Developer wi]] be responsible for obtaining copies of all required manuals, MUTCD, FDOT Roadway & Traffic
Design Standard Indexes, or other related documents, so to become familiar with the requirements. Strict adherence
to the requirements of the MOT policy will be enforced under this Contract.
To assist in employee visibility; approve bright day glow red/orange colored safety vests shall be worn by employees
when servicing the area.
G. CANOPY TREE AND PALM PRUNING: For this site, canopy trees shall be defined as any large shrub, tree, or
palm with foliage above a ten-foot (10') level.
All canopy trees and palms shall be pruned on a continuous basis to create and maintain a seventeen-foot (1 T)
canopy clearance over the roadways and a ten-foot (1 0') canopy clearance over all pathways. Canopy trees shall be
selectively pruned twice per year in April and September so to thin the interior canopy of cross branching and to
shape the canopy of the trees. The County's representative shall approve a professional licensed to prune tress under
the direction ofa Licensed Landscape Architect, Arborist, Tree Surgeon, or other approved professional shall do the
pruning and sharpening. The work shall be performed per ANSI AS300 "Standard Practices for Trees, Shrubs, and
other Woody Plant Maintenance" and done in a professional manner in accordance with "Pruning Standards" of the
national Arborist Association or accepted local trade standards and practices.
Palms shall be pruned annually during June of each year. The palms shall be pruned to a "Tropical Cut" or to a nine
(9) o'clock- three (3) o'clock angle from the horizontal at the base of the palm's bud or lowest fronds.
Approximately seven (7) to (10) ten green fronds shall be left at the head after pruning. The pruning shall include
removal of all nuts, seed stalks, brown or dead and lower fronds,
The work shall be done in a professional manner in accordance with acceptable trade standards and practices. The
palms shall not be climbed with tree spikes to remove the fronds. The pruning shall be accomplished by the use of a
ladder, boom truck or lift. All debris from the pruning shall be removed and the site shall be left on a clean and neat
When the annual or bi-annual heavy pruning work is being performed with the use of a lift or boom truck, it is
required that the adjacent traffic or turn lane to the work area, be closed using traffic control devices and signage per
the current FDOT traffic control standards and indexes.
H. FERTILIZATION: Granular fertilization of shrubs and groundcovers shall be applied by hand in a twelve-inch
(12") wide radius ring around the base of the plants. Granular fertilization of the trees and palms shall be determined
by the caliper (diameter) of the trunk and broadcast by hand in a band around the plant's base from a distance of12"
to the drip line of the palm, whenever possible.
An 8 oz. cup equals one (1) pound. Trees and palms shall receive one (I) cup per one-inch (I") caliper. Shrubs and
ground covers shall receive one (1) cup per three foot (3') of height or spread. Shrubs and groundcovers shall receive
one-half (1/2) cup per eighteen inches (18") of height or spread. All fertilizer shall be swept off all sidewalks,
concrete curbing and paving.
The fertilizer shall be applied as set forth in the following schedule.
Turf Areas and Plant beds containing Shrubs, Groundcovers, and Trees.
The (13-3- 13) fertilizer shall be applied at a rate often (10) pounds per one thousand (1000) sq ft. for all areas. Four
applications of (13-3-13) fertilizer will be applied yearly during the months of February, May, July, and October.
Palms: Developer shall apply approved by County's representative palm fertilizer during February, May, July, and
October as specified below.
Should yellowing occur on the top of the fronds, manganese sulfate will be required and if on the 10
Po-Mag or equivalent will be required to be applied with tile palm fertilizer at the rates specified.
~~p 0 i.; 208
erpfro::!! c~ 'b
1. MULCHING: Organic Mulch Areas with no mulch or new planting areas shall have mulch placed to provide for a
four inch (4") non-compacted or unsettled depth measured from the existing soil grade. The area to receive the
mulch shall be raked level to establish the proper finished grade and have all weeds removed prior to the placement
of the mulch. Two inches must be applied to replenish this mulch twice a year, November and during May.
J. LANE CLOSURE: Lane closure for median maintenance shall be limited. Upon proper placement of the lane
closed signs, pre-warning signs, arrow boards, traffic cones form the existing soil grade.
K. IRRIGA nON SYSTEMS: The irrigation systems shall be checked and repaired as necessary. Each zone shall be
manually turned on at the valve once a week and a thorough inspection conducted to ascertain proper operations of
the system. Quick coupling valves, if existing shall be reviewed weekly and operated quarterly to insure proper
operation. Maintenance responsibilities will include cleaning and adjustment of heads, nozzles, installation or
replacement of risers, repair of minor PVC piping breaks or subsurface piping or restricted sprinkler lines,
replacement of damaged valve boxes/lids and adjustment of controller and rain shut off switches for settings and
operations. Where required, the Developer shall maintain on site reclaimed water irrigation signage.
No excavation or mechanical metal edging around plant beds shall be done within the Right-of-way. Mechanical
metal blade edging is permitted along the back of curbing.
Weekly Service Requirements:
1. A visual inspection of the subsurface irrigation systems shall be perforn1ed weekly to determine if the
systems are functioning normally and if cuts, leaks, piping damage, flooded areas exist, and repair as
necessary. This shall also include review and re-setting of the controller and in-ground moisture sensor
adjustments or other rain sensing devices as needed.
2. System Computer/Controller
a. Operate, adjust, and set controller to provide proper operation of the systems.
b. Diagnose and repair electrical and mechanical malfunctions.
c. Monitor and adjust the system zones moisture levels based upon moisture sensor readings.
d. Operate controller on automatic, manual and single trip operation.
e. Monitor controller standby battery backup and replace as required.
3. Automatic Control Assemblies and Quick Coupling Valves
a. Review control valve assembly and by-pass system for proper settings.
b. Open zone control valve assemblies and quick coupling valve boxes to review valves for leaks;
pressure gauge operation; proper settings and are clean of debris or mulch.
4. Pump Sites
a. Inspect for proper operations.
b. The Developer shall record and provide to the County's representative the well water flow meter
readings for the two well locations on the General Maintenance Report Sheets.
5. Review system water source connections to include water meters, backflow preventers, gate valve points of
connection and main lines for proper operation.
Monthly Service Requirements:
I. Autontatic Control Valve Assembly
Manually operate valves, and clean valve assembly filters
2. BackfIow Assembly
Review assembly for proper operation and clean filter as needed
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SEP 0;) 2 08
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Quick Coupling Valves
Review boxes and operate valve
4. Pump Sites
a. Once a month, the Developer will trouble shoot each pump station, checking amperage draw and
document the results for future reference.
b. Manually run the system to ensure proper coverage and that no sprinkler head and nozzle are spraying
onto the roadway. Clean and adjust sprinkler heads and nozzles and irrigation shields to ensure proper
c. The Developer will check all zone wiring and solenoid conditions through the use of an OHM meter
and document the results for future reference.
d. The Developer will clean the strainers filters and inspect them for wear at the Pump Station.
5. Manually run the system with open flush caps and review sprinkler head indicators located at the end of
6. Review pressure gauge readings at control valve assemblies for each zone, as well as gauges located at the
end of zones where present to determine the system and porous piping is functioning properly.
7. Check, analyze and adjust flow control devices as required.
Quarterly Service Requirements:
1. Review all subsurface system piping, valve assemblies, wiring, moisture sensors and controllers for overall
operation and provide adjustments as required to assure proper operation and irrigation application.
Conventional Pop-up Irrigation Systems:
Weekly Service Requirements:
1. Each median zone shall be manually turned on at the valve to ascertain proper operation of the system.
2. Repair system for any blown-off heads, broken lines or leaks around heads or valves.
3. Check the controller and rain sensing devices for proper operation and settings.
4. The Developer shall further adjust all sprinkler heads to ensure that all landscaped areas receive one
hundred percent (100%) irrigation coverage.
5. Within all work areas the Developer shall review the plant material and turffor dry conditions and iffound
correct the problem.
Monthly Service Requirements:
1. Manually run the system, clean and adjust sprinkler heads/nozzles and concrete donuts as necessary to
ensure proper coverage and that there are no sprinkler heads/nozzles spraying directly onto the roadway.
a. Each median and side right-of-way zone shall be manually turned on at the valve to ascertain proper
operation of the system.
b. Repair system for any blown-off head, broken lines or leaks around heads or valves.
c. Check the controllers and rain sensors for proper operation and settings.
d. The Developer shall further adjust all sprinkler heads to ensure that all landscaped areas receive one
hundred percent (100%) irrigation coverage.
e. Within all work areas the Developer shall review the plant material and turf for dl)' conditions and if
found correct the problem.
General Service Requirements for Irrigation Systems:
1. Should South Florida Water Management District or other governing agency establish water restrictions,
the irrigation systems shall be inspected and all other controllers set to the mandated hours of operation set
by the District or Agency. Subsurface systems are exempt from water restrictions.
2. Replace defective heads or nozzles, install or replace defective risers and repair minor breaks or restricted
sprinkler lines.
3. Replace damaged valve boxes/lids if caused by the Maintenance Developer.
4. Inspect, clean, and replace, if necessary, screen/filters within the sprinkler heads.
5. Keep all grass and mulch out of all valve boxes. All valve boxes in sod areas are to be kept at sod level.
All valve boxes in plant beds are to be kept two inches (2") above finished mulch.
One hundred percent (100%) irrigation coverage shall be maintained within all irri atlg landsca!,.e. ~ "~re~~l1
while this Contract is in effect. ..
7. Notification to the County's representative is required when acts of vandalism or accidents have occurred
to the irrigation system. Photos shall be taken and provided to the County's representative at no added
Miscellaneous Irrigation Maintenance Responsibilities:
I. Should the temperature be forecast to be below thirty-four (34) degrees, the Developer shall be responsible
for turning the irrigation system off in order to protect plants from possible freeze damage.
2. It shall be the Developer's responsibility to notifY the County's representative of any irrigation problems or
additional irrigation maintenance needs.
3. The irrigation service personnel must trouble shoot time clocks, i.e. power-in 110 volt and 24-volt fuses, 24
volts output when necessary.
4. The irrigation services personnel must trouble shoot any pump start relay, main fuses and capacitors when
L. BRICK PAVERS: All median brick paving shall be pressure cleaned twice per year, in April and November, to
remove marks, gum and other dirt that may be deposited on the surface areas. Upon finding damaged areas, the
developers shall clean-up debris if present, and or flag off the areas with protective barriers and/or high visibility
hazard tape. Damaged areas must be repaired as quickly as possible.
M. PEST CONTROL: Trees, Palms, Shrubs, Groundcovers, and Sod must be closely monitored for pests and diseases
and must be treated appropriately by a licensed Pest Control Operator approved by the County's representative.
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