Agenda 09/09-10/2008 Item # 5A <: It I ,,,GENOA ITE.- .. f'IJ. ~FP l n 2008 \ 'bl , I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to recognize Thomas Keegan, Investigator, Code Enforcement Department, as Employee of the Month for July 2008. OBJECTIVE:To obtain approval from the Board of County Commissioners to recognize Thomas Keegan, investigator, Code Enforcement Department, as Employee of the Month for Juiy 2008. CONSIDERATIONS: Thomas Keegan, Code Enforcement Investigator, has been nominated as the &#8220;Employee of the Month&#8221; for July 2008. Thomas is an honest, hard working employee who is extremely dedicated to the responsibilities of his job and community. He is the type of employee who goes above and beyond each day. Thomas is well liked and respected by his teammates and he is always willing to assist others with cases and offer guidance. He looks for agreeable and workabie solutions to the issues that Code Enforcement faces daily. His work ethic should be commended and looked up to by other employees. Thomas is assigned to the Bayshore Triangle Area in East Naples. Since his assignment to this area, he has taken the initiative to get it cleaned up. Several properties there had extensive litter problems; he took it upon himself to come up with a method to eliminate the problems and to work toward a solution for preventing them in the future. His actions have been instrumental in Code Enforcement&#8217;s efforts to raise the standard of living for the residents in this area. Additionally, Thomas attends community association meetings to ensure the concerns of area citizens are being addressed. This has been a monumental step towards making the Bayshore Triangle Area a more desirable place to live and do business. This is just an example of the many things that Thomas does to make this community better. He is truly deserving of this award. FISCAL IMPACT:The selected &#8220;Employee of the Month&#8221; receives a $150.00 cash award. Funds are available in the employee&#8217;s Budget Cost Center. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT:There is no growth management impact associated with this Executive Summary. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: RECOMMENDATION :That the Board of County Commissioners approves the recognition of Thomas Keegan as &#8220;Employee of the Month&#8221; for July 2008. Prepared By: Department Human Resources Date 8/13/20083:21 :56 PM ~._-~~--~--~----_._.._~._-----_._'-- Approved By: Department Approval Date