Citizens Corp Minutes 04/02/2019Collier County
Citizens Corp. Committee
April 2, 2019
Members present: Walt Jaskiewicz, Coast Guard Aux
Barry Gerenstein, C.E.R.T
Dawn Whelan, Collier County RSVP
James cunningham, Collier Fire Chief Association
Rick Zyvoloski, LMS Chair
Reg Buxton, Chamber of Commerce
Al Goodall, Red Cross
Wade Haubert, CCEM
Daniel Fillmore, DOH Collier
Dan Summers, EM
Excused absence: None
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Jaskiewicz at 10:00AM.
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll call conducted. There was a quorum.
A motion to approve the minutes from the January 8, 2019 meeting was made by James Cunningham
and seconded by Reg Buxton.
Old Business:
Dawn Whelan from RSVP made a presentation to the CERT program atVerona Walk on March 21,2019.
To recruit new members to Citizen Corps the committee will write a newsletter article each meeting
to send to the Commissioners to add to their newsletter they send to constituents. (We never spoke
about what was going on with this)
New Business: None
lndividual Reports:
Emergency Management-wade Halbert is the new volunteer and Donation Management and Long-
Term Recovery Representative for the County. Hewill be looklng atwhat other vo lu nteer age ncies are
in Collier County, establish in roads, sharing of volunteers, training, formalize agreements with
Memorandums of Understanding. He is also meeting with the lmmokalee unmet need committee. The
W Studio has moved and will now be used as classrooms for EMS for Joint lnformation Centers. The
rooms should be ready by November 2020. A proposal for the sales tax committee is in to enclose the
East bay. Alert Collier going extremely well. Collier County entered a lottery to get a Mass Casualty
Packet Pg. 455 Attachment: CC April 2019 Approved Minutes (9450 : Collier County Citizen Corps - July 2, 2019)
Transit Bus Kit and won to have a bus outfitted to use for mass causality. Membership is expanding and
needs to be maintained. May is Safe Boating Month. New course offerings are Rescue 211 system,
Hurricane and Boat Storage, and lots of other courses through the Coast Guard.
Red Cross-fully staffed 100 smoke detectors installed this month and 4,000 this year through the Home
Fire Campaign.
NCFP-April l0Chief Cunningham to retire. Chief Ricardo to be his replacement. Chief cunninghamto
remain on the board. CERTAssociation Conference Sept 9-14, Dan Summerstospeak. Newpersonat
Volunteer Florida Christi Rojas. National CERT Association met with FEMA to establish a National CERT
Association. There is a software called SIGMA that tracks volunteers and coordination of services. EMS
is looking for a potential grant that will pay for Level 2 background checks. EMS CERT meets the 1st
Monday of every month.
Health Department- Mobility Beach Walk scheduled for April 13.
LMS-working group meeting still meeting. Application reviewed by FEMA for local mitigation strategy.
S30 million applied for. Pushing wildlife mitigation.
CERT-Stop the Bleed Program meeting April 1. Verona Walk donated radios to wind Cypress. A mutual
aid program has been established between the two communities. A ham radio has been installed in the
Clock Tower in the Verona Walk Community. They are constantly recruitinB new volunteers.
Coast Guard-Bid for new station going out. Coast Guard boatlng classes continue.
The next meeting is July 2, 2018 at 10:00AM
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00AM with a motion by Reg Buxton and seconded by Dan Summers
Minutes respectfully submitted by Dawn Whelan for approval.
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Packet Pg. 456 Attachment: CC April 2019 Approved Minutes (9450 : Collier County Citizen Corps - July 2, 2019)