Agenda 06/10/2008 Item #16G 3 Agenda Item No. 16G3 June 10, 2008 Page 1 of 5 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Request Board approval for reimbursement of seminar registration and travel costs associated with staff attendance at the Building Strong Neighborhoods Workshop: Brownfields Redevelopment in Undercapitalized Communities in Tampa on March 19,2008 (191.99). OBJECTIVE: Request Board approval for reimbursement of seminar registration and travel costs associated with staff attendance at the Building Strong Neighborhoods Workshop: Brownfields Redevelopment in Undercapitalized Communities in Tampa on March 19,2008. CONSIDERATIONS: Pursuant to Resolution No. 99-410, the Board of County Commissioners has determined that attendance at the functions of fraternal, business, environmental, educational, charitable, social, professional, trade, homeowners, ethnic, and civic associations/organizations serves a valid public purpose, provided that said functions reasonably relate to Collier County matters. On March] 9, 2008, CRA staff Sue Trone attended this workshop for training in Brownfields Redevelopment. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This travel has been reviewed by the County Attorney who has determined attendance to this Seminar serves a valid public purpose. [MMSS] .-- FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient budget exists within the FY 08 CRA budget to pay for all costs associated with travel and registration to the Building Strong Neighborhoods Workshop. Registration is $30.00 and mileage costs are $161.99 for a total of$191.99. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, including the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA that may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, improvements to infrastructure and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: Request Board approval for reimbursement of seminar registration and travel costs associated with staff attendance at the Building Strong Neighborhoods Workshop: Brownfields Redevelopment in Undercapitalized Communities in Tampa on March 19,2008. Prepared by: Sue Trone on May 27, 2008 Operations Analyst, Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency - Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 16G3 June 10, 2008 Page 2 of 5 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 16G3 For the Community Redevelopment Agency to declare a valid publiC purpose for eRA staff attendance of Building Strong Neighborhoods Workshop Brownfields Redevelopment in Undercapitalized Communities in Tampa on March 19, 2008 and authorize reimbursement for the assOCiated semlr,ar regist~atlon and travel c.osts from the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Trust Fund (Fund 187). 6/10/2008900.00 AM Prepared By Sue Trone Community Redevelopment Agency Operations Analyst Date Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/29/200B 9:04:24 AM Approved By David Jackson Community Redevelopment Agency Executive Director Date Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/29/20085:35 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator County Manager's Office OMS Coordinator Date Office of Management & Budget 5/30120089:49 AM Approved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Date Office of Management & Budget 6/21200810:32 AM Approved By James V. Mudd Board of County Commissioners County Manager Date County Manager's Office 6(2/200812:43 PM file://C:\A!!endaTest\Exnort\ 1 09-.Iune%201 O.%20200R\ 1 1i.%20CONSFNT%20AGFNOA \ 1 Ii. 1i/4/700R c"' ~ ~'.t' !"" "''''' ,.- ~. - I -' .y' ., I I , I - '" i 0; - , , .... '" I ::> = .- I . f-; .... "",or 1..1;1 I .- !~ I , I I ~ - .... 0 I I ! = .2 .... .. ... .... '" "EL '" I~ "" - - = Q,j :. ~ ;:::: - ..... - - 0 .- - <':l - rJ:: ... 0 ~ Q. ~ ::l' '" U ::l' = - ;. -= t=: - V'i '- I 0 ... I OJ ;. 'l:l .. 0 ... ..... - G ... :': , ...." , ... w - - :;, , .....;;-, .. S!2;-; - .c~~ . - O'l __l ,... ... ~ ;:1 Q I'"'" '""i . 1 <: - Ci -" ~ .~ >- " ~ ~ ... E " ~ "' >- s, ;.; - ... - ... .. - :. "" "" j:l .,. :.:: J.. - '" - o ,= " ~ :z; ... Z ,,!, ~ ,; Coi' ;;. E - -" :~ ~ o '" .., 'u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ;; ~ o , .~ " = "' ;: 1 " e ~ !:. J. f. E- - E .j ':!: - - ~ 5. o " ~ .g ~ - - Z :,. - - 0 " .... " ell '" 'l:l '" = ;;.. :::l c>:J .E:~ / .. :,. " - C - '" " C. " ... 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FL March 19,2008 The- BUilding .\lrtmg .\/clx)zborhfXJiis. Bro~'nfje'idJ Nede,,'(:'iopmcnt in ,( /ndr:rcup:taJ;:2f'd Communibe.\ workshop \\'ill provide elcclro leaders, local government managers, planning and economic dcveJopmonr directors, communi!}' development offici.als., en\'ironmi;rrtaJ justice repres.l;f[tatives. and \}thcr brownfields s:r.ak~boiders with rhe tools and resourci,,':S necessary to revitalizc- brownfic1ds in underc-aprtah7cd commUIutics For illore informa~ lion, contact Andrew Seth at (202) 454-3922 or aselh@.tfgnotcom. Additional resources are also available onl i neat http://v.r\\ 'w, nem \\'. org:bro\\!Tl fields. htm#Disarlvan !aged. 8:00-9:00AM Rc:glStr.lOOn 9:00 - 9:30 AM Opening R~1J1arks and Wekomc . Evans Paull. Semer Policy "!I~ly,l. C'orthea.<t- Midwest Institute . Ed Johnson. Ea.';! Tampa Dc,-dc.pment \1anagcr. City ofTamp,,- FL . Ma\'or Pam Iorio. Crry "fTampa. FL 9:30 - ]0:45 AM \Vhm Am I Getting intu: Ovcn-it'\\ 'l'"'1frhc BfOV..'n:fidds Pr,)(':;ss . t,1oacr.ttor: Lorna Al5tOTI_ l:..:.onnmic. D:.:'\ :.:lapDKnt SpeclahsL ell, "fTampa. H. . Dan rah.;:v. Ennronmental Engmee:r, City (1f Tampa. FL . Gerald Chester. PresIdent &. CEO. Central Flonria C,,-mln1Unity D;;\'{;~lopm;,,:nt Corporation . rrank He,.une. An(lrn('~,. !\li,,'.~:nanjk \IKdo f Icarn(: & \\~~SH.'L PA 111:45 AM - 12:00 PM Wi]1 Bro\\l1iields Rdc',dopmcnl B,:nditli1e Community: Ensunr'l:g [he Right Results . \1odcr;,li.or: D..'-l.;ohn Ferris. President Sust.-unabk: C QmmLlnrty OC'l;c10pmc:nt Gr.:mp . K..'nncth Pinnix. CblcfofCOlnrnulll1:.; O"-T~;;oprncnt C it:;. of J~td;~(Jl1,iHc_ FL . J~_\ (JuUcy. E\:,:cutn...... [hn.::(~(.t.lf. Ch:aJi\ atcr "\';':lghh:'Hhc1OU Housing S;,;;rVlC;;?S . CbL:)c Cone-y_ Dlstrjct Director. OfficI.: uf Represemative h-J.thy Ca.Q0f ]2:00-1:001"\1 f unen 1:00 - 2:15 1"\1 Is il Safe: Ensuring thai Brownfield Ck:anups Are ProtecD": . 'vloderator Ken Browll, Parmer, The Ferguson Group . MaT} Y ~aq;:m. Brownfields Coordmawr, Environmental Prolt:ction Commission of Hilbborough Counr:c . Sill'; Ruhl, Dire-."tnr of Center for Public Healtll and L.a\l,', Environmental Lan Institute . Dr RnhC:l1 Bri!lkm311~ ProfCf;SOr. UIllvcrsity ofSourh Flonda . G;;orgl.~ Houston, Cern:-dl Dislrict BrOivn.flClds COl1rornator. Finnda Dcpartmc'm nfEnvTrcmmcntaJ Pr..J!cctic:.n 2: 15 - 2:30 1'\1 r3n;;ak 2:30 - 3:45 PIvl \\110 Can Help: \.\'orking wllhth,. Private Sector . '\fod';.~rntor~ R(J~er RcgtSi:CL Din.::c.tOL TBE Group & Pn..:'sld:~nt Florida Bn}wT11icld,s Associarion . StC\(;T] SchafeL Presl.dent. Schafl,;r DL'n::lapme_nl . Patricia SdHn.dt.;:;.. En\'imnmel1tal Pr3cticc Group \fanagi;T. Lass!ter-\V 3..re Insurance . rom Zuniga. Pp~~s,d'...~nL DSG Community rvlalict.ing S,,~n-icl's. LLC 3:45 - 5:(;0 P\l I i(Jv~ Much fl'tl".:.s it Cost Public and Privati.;: Rt;::;uur:::cs . \1(ld..TalOr: Jvhlo.:::s Balktgg, Br(IWnfi;:Jds & EC('nOml~ Dcy'dopmcnt \b.Jlagcr. ruE Group . T CITY 't\1;mlung,.. SeniDf P!a!1ne[~ South Florida RegIonal Planning CmmC:ll II Jos.:.::ph Bell. Program Man.ageL Emerpris.e Flonda . }.~a.thk,:n Cur~. Pmj.:'ct ~la.nager. U.S. r:nvin~nmcnt:d Pnll~.ction !;.gcn.:::y R;::'gion;.\ Agenda Item No. 16G3 June 10, 2008 Pa e 5 of 5 Bl11LDJl\C STRONG NEICHBORHOODS Brownfield" Redewlopmenl in Undercapitalized CommunitIes Wednesday, .\1arch 19, 2008 Ragan Park ComIDunit), Center 1200 East Lake Avenue Tampa. FL 9 AM - 5 1'.\1 Workshop Ref:i~tratitm Deadline; Jfarch ]4. 2(/0}{ Please print or type. Use a separate form for each registration. C ~ ) U\ t \\2.,~,!J t r. I " n t"'1'7 111" " 0, 1 1,.-, 1/ ~:hi:! 'i l) :' "...1 '~ l\amc Title Organization \~'., ,,_' I ,4 ,- ".J.-J,;~-I ,I (-_, l1"-' 1"\' );, _'"!, I '-~ ~ 1'-'.... I Address '--/,-r.. ,,.. '__/.f\.J.() i' l ~~,l, )' " .' 1 ," .l__....o,.'..... \., -1,.);\,-,_ Ci~' I [-" I r;' ,~ .'-~ \ \j "\IAc',) , r ,- --;/ \ :..--~! ", -)'1 ) -'- I - ! !,/-/ I...l \~/ I",,~ Phone "'\ '- ;Z- f'PJAi..:i", ( II k2i /fr'J c'" 7 _/ i I \ S',"('l ft'1\J r~ I / I /I 1'1 (iCDr\! rl:;,t j (}- State \. L '=~+1I, ~t-- Zip E-mail .~) "i,,:' ,'",..\. ';1 \: i._C ,-..Q+ I l\.1 f/"-i( J - I -../ ,\ TTENOH: REGlSTR\ TlON FEES 'im:!udcs hrfakklsr, lunch anI sn~Jd:yj ~ SJO tor locaJ gDvemments~ nonprofit . orgamzations and communiry r::."prt"S!2'm.3tl\'~S e{~ed-bas.eJ schotar:)hip:;: :l'.ailable Lq:Kl!1 rt'q:u~st) S75 pn\.'ate s.:~~tor SPECIA L "EEDS Pi..::.?s~ indicJ.te If you hase SpeCl~.ll dlctary- or l)ther n;::cds P4 YMF'\T ',( Crecht Card (ra." rOm1 to (702) 331-1598. you '\vlll be c-mailed an e!e{'uonic in\'0ic-~ and payment win be made at that t1m:.>.} ___ Check'"J'urcha.se Order (make payahle 1" .YOrfhCasl-,\.:ffdwcsf lnstir1f!C and mail f'2'g)3tra- non ferm and payment to: The Ferguson C;roup, Attn: 4.ndrew Seth, 11_~O Conne{'!1 cut ;"\\'C'7Hle~ -":\V, SUll':' :V]O. Y"'2.',;hlnbrton~ DC 2.0036 J Ot l:sno~s~ C'ontilct Andre\." Seth ;);1(202) .:.j~,:;-3921 or d.r::.ethi;.}:tfgn ~ 1_ ,C {):;11