Agenda 06/10/2008 Item #16G 1 Agenda item No. 1681 June 10, 2008 Page 1 of 21 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. (2524 Lee Street) ($1,000) OBJECTIVE: To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area. CONSIDERATIONS: Annually, the Community Redevelopment Agency's Sweat Equity Grant Program is funded at a level that satisfies existing grant obligations from prior fiscal years and future grant opportunities. The purpose of tbe grant program is to provide an incentive to revitalize the area by providing a grant to encourage the private sector to upgrade/rehabilitate properties within the Redevelopment Area. The residential property grant funds materials for exterior site improvements; no part of any project funded by the Sweat Equity Grant Program can include paid labor. There are no match requirements for this grant. For FY 08, a total of $3 10,000 is budgeted for the rehabilitation grant progranl. From this allocation, $24,000 is available for Sweat Equity projects of which less than $3,000 has been obligated. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The grant application and agreement have been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney Officc which has determined that the agreement complies with CRA requirements for Sweat Equity Grants. (MMSS) FISCAL IMPACT: Sufficient budget exists within the FY 08 Bayshore Gateway Triangle Fund (187) to satisfy this Sweat Equity Grant application. Sweat Equity Grant awards range between $500 and $1,000. The estimated cost oftbe project is $1,287.45 and the grant request is $1,000. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for speeific areas within the County, including the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA that may eonsider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, improvements to infrastructure and incentives to encourage redevelopment. RECOMMENDATION: That the CRA Board approves and authorizes for execution the Sweat Equity Grant Agreement between the Community Redevelopment Agency and Carolyn A. Beauchamp for her residential property at 2524 Lee Street, Naples, Florida 34112 not to exceed $1,000. Prepared by: Sue Trone on May 27,2008 Operations Analyst, Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency -1- - Page I of 1 Agenda Item ~'>Jo. 1681 June 10, 2008 Page 2 of 21 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16G1 Item Summary: To approve and execute a Sweat Equity Grant Agreement(s) between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency and a Grant Applicant(s) within the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment area (.2524 Lee Street) ($1 ,QOO) 6/101200890000 AM Meeting Date: Prepared By Sue Trone Operations Analyst Date Community Redevelopment Agency Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 6/29/20088042:59 AM Approved By David Jackson EXecutive Director Date Community Redevelopment Agency Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment 5/29/20085:20 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5130/20089:47 AM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office OW:::.e of Management & Budget 6iZ/2008 8;34 AM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 6/2!2008 S:36 AM file://C:\AQendaTest\ExDort\ 1 09-June%201 0.%202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA\ 16... 6/4/200& ~genda Item t'Jo. 16G1 June 10, 2008 ?age 3 of 21 BAYSHORE G TEW Y TR' NGLE I I '83EE 0 '. 11 ' '.. ""'-) , ;-'1-- '~, t, / ~ '.---~ ">. , -' "--.,../ "'-./ COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY APPUCA TION I Carolyn A. Beauchamp 2524 Lee Street Naples, Florida 34112 :;008 GRA\T APPUCA nON Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 10, 2008 Page 4 of 21 S\\K\ T EQUITY IMPROVBfE'IT GRANT PROGRAM Gencral Provisions The Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (eRA) creald the Sweat Equity lmprovemem Grant Program to provide financial a5~istance to existing residcntial (single-family owner-oc.cupicd and single-family or duplex rentals) in the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Redcvelopment :\rea by offering financial and technical assistance for residential siTe improvemenl~. Improvements must be exterior improvements to the 5tructure or surrounding site. All improvements must meet the criteria listed below as well as the current requircments of the land developmem code, building code. and construction inspe(.'!ions, and any applicable zOlling ovcrlays. lmprovcrncms that remedy eX!5ting c{lde enforcement \iolations also quaE!}' if combined with OTher site improvements The eRA is iunded by Tax Increment Financing (TlF), a capTUre of Collier County's property' tax<" ah""e the year 2000 property tax value. TlF is a unique tool that CR.A..s C;Jn use to leveragc ?ublic funds and to promotc prh'ate sector activity' . The Gram is for single-family o,,"l1er-ocGUpied residences and for single-family or duplex nosidential rcntal property . The CRA win provide 1 OO~ ~ or the cost of materiaJ~ for e"'1cmaJ improvements (0 eXii>1ing structures. buildings and surrounding property. . Cost ofmmerial improvement is S500 minimum and Sl,OOO maximum. . Funds may not be used for "~weat equitv" (cost oflahor or personal effort). . Applicant must perfonn two accepted impmvemems to exterior orthe property . Gnmt applications mal' be s.ubmincd 30 da\'s prir}f to Availability Penod* Cr Oct. ]st_Dcc,.]()~t "'lay ]"-July 3! ',1 · Availability Period is the ninety (90) days ,ha! all work nm~l be complcted F uoding awarded will he evaluateD ba,ed on the cOl1!ribmion made by each applicant :is weli as the extent nfimprovcments, Projects must includ-t" a minitnum ofnvo (2) di1Terent ty'j)cs (If improvements (described below) for example. a project that consists of only one ly're of impro',.-cmcl1! (new paint) will not qualify ,\1I proposcd work mllst be approved hrfore b~gillning llllY work. Grant fundill~ is not ,'ctmacl;ve. All wurk /IIuSI he compifled ~'lIhm IIl1JCll' (90) dan of apllr'O\'al bl' CR4. Appl/cWl1S are required iO requesT a fJ'lf..!L'fing wllh Slj~(f prior to ,\7JbmJlla! (!fal'plicCl110lt All swem equity work 10 be completed under this pf0g.ram must be . Reyiewed and recommended for approval by the Baysho:e Gateway Triangle eRA Local Ad\-isory B(Jard. and . Pre-appnn ed by the CRA Board, Grant funds may be used for the following improvements: . Painting (all colors lnu~t be <1pprc1vcd) . \Vindow' or acxJf repiaccmems or rcpajrs tu hurrk.,ane 51anduds. hurricane s.huners . RepOlTIiing of mortar joints for brick or $tone fronts S'vvcat Equil.Y lrnpn)\':cment Grani F\"2008 {n:..'d....~J :'i'l'\i'2'UfJS 1 2()Qg GP~-'L\T ,\PPUCATlO\ _;;:Jenc~a Item 1\10. 16G 1 .June I il 2008 Page 5 of 21 . Landscaping installation, and improvemem at front "fbuilding ("i,ihle riom pubhc street)_ and mu,t indude in-grmma ifTigation ,ystcm . All work must be completed 'within 90 days of approyal hy eR.A Cmnt funds may not be u,ed for: . Working capital or adrnini;,trative costs (payrolL rent. utilities, elC . Sweat equiry (timelahor of appli,",nt or ramily) . '\'ew constTUction . Residential additionsiexpansions of existing buildings or on site . Resi dential rcOlal property - ilpannlenrs Of buildings v..'lth TI10re than two units . T melior renov,:uions . Seawalls or v.-aterii'ont improycmenl'S . DemoEtion only . Loans or other capit2J SLlpport . \Vork th"l will eX1end bevond nin<;:ty (90) days ofapprc\\"al by CR,\ . Work compl<;:teu prior to approval 01 Sweat Equity Improvement Grant Project Evaluation .leI! rroj~clS will be evaluated ba$ed upon the lollo\\'ing' . N'umher and extent or improvements (minimum 2 lor rcsidential) . Ability to be"cin work immediately and ability !(l complete project within 90 dEYS . Remed" of code enfufcernenl violations PoinTS I Points I -\, ailable _~_A"'ardf"d 1 I ' I 1~._1 ...___--..---.-1 1 I ] I 1 I __------.-J f'rojC"ct I'rmidC"s , - '" h l ~('v~' pamt ~mjY ~~_2ressLJre i.\. as Pain~~Grnp!erne:l(S the '.OjJ f;!~rida'\ :.;t;}e De;, ,'-" ,'" "' t ,"h h,o "(11,:1 F'l', - _L", -I~ .~ "':"'':->']1 ,,-4..r.Lb.cl \\J~ r ,"'" v ~ ,,-,nLl3 S..\ ~ Rep]a~~~_~~~t c~~ repaired \\'lndflws or doors RCDoint~nt:; of mortar iOln1s fix brick or slone front~. 5TUCCO repalr ,_._._. ..m ...........___ \Vo;}d~'[}!..~~_repaiL n:placcmC'nl or D~~~ in~i_aHatjo~ I LaIldscoDmg ;,f11)\rmemtnIS ,a[jo irrigatJon~""t~m r~DaiT lnstall ncw irf]~atjon S\'Slem mm I :\pp~i~a~1t.has filndin~,-andi~ pf~pai'~d to_he~i:l pc[mlni~g proc~~;'~-nd hi,ing~;T~ qUlll:J-je~ .(:Dl1.~j'ac.tor5 l!)~111ll':d!ardy followmg t RA approval andcoulp1crc ..111 I \:lyork \""Hl1ln lo'!) ('~~ys of apr:ro\'a] b~' eRA Dehris rem~~'~:~~~S~~len trees I 1,__~2~~i,c tr:::~iElant remol,a] Re~air Co;:.1e VinlatirHls n~:~;1ace/repa~~'J~~n gUTICfS ,___.-__ Repair,:replace rip-.E~d or lq!::O :-.creens , -' ~ 3 ] I SublolW f) -~ S\-veal Equiry Improvement Gr3.nt FY200S i 1:::\'1~j i'[u:-:f~if: I ~ 2008 GRAL\H AI'l'LlC\ no\! Agenda item t\lo. 16G 1 June 10,2008 Page 6 of 21 PROCESS Stcp I: Applicant T\leets with !'.tllff . Applicant must request a meeting with staff prior to submittal of application. . '\pplicant & staff meet at project site Step 2: Applicant Submittal . Sire lrnpro\'cment Grant Application & Project Initiation and Completion Form . Owncr Authori,1itian r arm rcquires noumzation . Two X x ]0 color photos of the existing conditions ("before" photos) . Sketch of proposed impro\,ements . Budget estimates for the improvements if work to be complded by applicant Step 3: CRA Staff and j\dvisnry Board Revie" . CRA. staJTre\'iews application and completes the Points Form, then places the application on agenda of next Advisory BOaJ"d meeting . A.d\'i50ry Buard checks projed to makc sure it mects aU grant criteria . Applicant is required to bc present at the Advisory Board mecting to answer any questions that may arisc during the review or to provide additional matcrial if requested . If project meel~ all criteria.. the Advisory Board makes a recommendation to eRA . Gnml fWlding is limited with fLrst priority givcn to projects with higher points Step 4: CRA RC'liew and Approval . CR:\ staff prepares Sweat Equity Grallt Agreement for thc CRA 1(1 review/appro\'e . Applicant sigP.5 Gran! A&'Tccmem . Application wilh Advisory Board recommenuation and Ugre':mefll placed on crZA. agenda ft1f review and appro\.al . CRA revicws Advisory Board recommendation and agreement during regular meeting and approv~s or denies pro5ect Step 5: Site Plan Improvement Process . A.pplicant completes worL Stcp 6: Project Complction and Su bmittalllf Project Summary Report · IIp<ln completion (1 I' work and impect;on to insure work confi,mls to lhc work that was proposed, applicant submits: ~, "Project Summary Repon," including desl1iption of completed improvements, two SX]O color ""fler" p!1Gtos, invoices, list Dfmateri;11s and construetiDn techniques LL'''d. any additional inf{'nnation specific to the project. · N otaril.ed "Payment Request Form" and all materials reccipts and/or canceled checks as prouf thai ail matcrials and contralCted improvements ha\'e been paid Step 7: CRA Staff Submits Project Completion Report for Payment . CR:'. Stair visits site and doccmlcnts improvements. . eRA Staff fOfV\'ards Completion Report and doewnents to County for payment. Sw~at Equity Improvement Grant FY2008 ~ rt: vi ,:;c-J 5, 1/2(;{)81 3 :008 CiRAJ\T .\I'I'L1C.\ T10N Agenda item r\!o. 16G 1 June 10, 2008 Page 7 of 21 SWEAT EQUITY IMPROVEMENT GRANT APPLICATION Section I: Applicant Information 1. 7 / ' " Ov..l1er "Jamc: (~:"-7.~~/ /. !/ 1/-- / -. _ / ;'7")~. .-/ , , _ J _. ~ ' O\\TIer ,\ddre~,: ,~ <, =1':..f Lt c _ ) T Site Address (ifdilrerent from owner address): , /. ,.~ , :.-, .-1 j' /-,} tJ l~ /-!.-~ , /- ,'::'--;" _--:::> r / / /.=, . _ - _.---1- ....t / ,I ~ Lega] Description of Sire: Da,1ime Phone: ~).""), , c"1 .::( /' Y _,,',-i "7 :J) _ ',", _ .~, ' " ...1".,- Alternate Phone:) <, .'j - -..,,~ .. ! ~,...........,.::)... I' f \..i. - ...,::-- '._) ',__J I r.,T __u. E.Mail Address: "1 / .-; ( t),:..~I' ",' /.:... '..:?/:n i. J i) , I, -;'';'j /) _..- .''1'' -/.1' ,{'I !],../ I / , ('! /,~":v"-- /, H()\~ long have you O'l.\11C'd thi" pn:-'pcny'.1 " ~I _,..:~.r_'i:.-,,_7 \.'umbcr (lfY~aTs in Business:.i1 Site AdJres~: Uc.c-upaL1onaI Llccn5~ ~umbcr: FiL~l Time Sh(\rel~n<: ITTlpr()\'~rn~n: GrJ1'll "\ppEc2.nt: Y..:5 ~.... ~/ 1 ..::.....J .----, \0 L.: Tfno. hL:l\\ ;nauy arplic:ltions submjt1~,J? C,ra::n(5) al,\'~lrdeJ': Yes [J '\(,0 S\\I.:'J.l Lquily Improvemem Grant F\'2008 I~('\l~~~:':: ~ J~OJ';';! -+ D"tail> Pa2' I q1'1 Agenda liem'i~o. ToG1 June 10,2008 Page 8 of 21 i5~~ ::;: ;";"'~' l' r:~;c(:'~'d Skt;'td,'=~ .;';1 Parcel No.117<J~: (i(,~)"11 B Current Ownership Property Addressl12fi?1i :..EE 51 ~ Owner Name SEAUCd4MP. ::;.:\,'::CrLYN .!. A!ldresses ; 1524 L!::!: Si cityl tJAP...:;:S I Slal&~ FL I Zip!! ~i ~;2 " ..';72t Legal!1 TAMiAM! ...:Ei,:?;f..f7's' LOT J so ;:5 II Ac~ L- 016 ~ Map No. ::.A~,1 ~ Strap No. e,55JOD :J5A 11 Section '1: Township Ran9& Sub No. . Use CQg~ GS5J~!;; t rC.MI,;.";i'.~: H~Ic;,hTS l Slf..G:..!:; F:~MILY r,::ESlDENT;t..L Milia:oo ~roa . ,~ .:gs 2007 Final Certified Tax Roll (Subject to Change) Latest Sales History If,all VarusS; zl1D.....fi 1>-::low equal 0 this PMcel ".'i!S c.r8;;;led afw! the FInal T!!l. Rorl'lI Land Value \ P,::,T.l',4mJ! (+] lmprovad Value , 1 50 20000 I r .. ~ Just. Value :;: ::::::' '::-;5408 '.i SOH El:I.~m;Jt V..lue- , I) ,CD ,- : A:,;s'i"':!,sLj Vaiu~~ , ~"" ~j5.:':_nD I I ',;ti' _"',J;:' ;, ;~~ ,':n:i DtI I ~ 2Clt.:i::''::lj.:., I Date 80(1~; ~iJgG Amount OD 2D[i5 ::-ir":.; 2'887 $ :}1 C.CC>JCIG :JB 20[:4 I :; 5~:~ ::7,:;.": $ , E:~,',Ofil) 0(; :1 ;~ ~~!ID:; ~-L:2'7- :~7 9 3 , " ['::'00[:.08 , ~: 1 "[ S 1 r;: " -. 0 -' I ;:, .'~. ;,1\.:" U'_' I >\ HOr,-l!:!stoa[i znd other b~r:'tp, \!;:;lu{1 II i ,- ,," """,,":C,' _.~ SOH "- "Save Ow Hc:-meE~ C'l';!ii'fflO! ',aLJc Cue tc:::ai:l 0r RS&P.:5sr"e1l1 'r,,::"e1l5es ~1.'::.tz~;:l1 :he Ir,'0'l,a1:0" 's....';;derl€;-;:; 'l~~~kr' hnp: ::W\>, w,coL!iemppraiser.com:Re,cordDeuiLasp'1!\1arr=&Fo!i"ID=OOCl0076410040118 .5' UJ.'~{J08 D.....," I ",f I Agenca Iten~'it'Jo. -1-6'G1 June 10, 2008 Page 9 of 21 hUO:,'imaps,collierappraisef.CCHn/OUlput:C(JUier 2008 s.deiY2148461442678.jpC!. 5,'16/2008 ][)08 Glt".K! APPLJU\[ lOJ\" ..b,genda Item ~~o. 16G 1 June 10, 2008 Page 10 of 21 Section 2: Project information Existing. Condition of Project (attach additional ,heels if nec.:ssary I: j //,' ,I ,"f _~':"t~_..( <.~;' / -;/..,.. S. ./,)<1 ,l i . / ~"1C ~.;.~ t t" I"l (- i>":' _.,.'~' . f"-" '- :i...~.,~ /,_1 _ '.1 ,.J ," I. .''1.-'.-''t I i'" r' I ,I "":Ff '~I .'<: I:...~..:.-; .."",:l: , 1 -/.:, / /" _I, >(. " (1,..../:r( , j ....-/.,:}~'1.::;'f.'~' '~ ".........- , f .;..~ j, ~~, 1;>/~.~/~#'~ i~ .l, '-J/- ATTM:H "I3ETORC PHOTOS AT LEAST TWO 8XIO COI.OR PI JOTOS. OTHERS M....y BE ADDeD TO ACCCR.'\.TEL Y DESCRmE THE SITE). Olltline Proposed Impro\'ement~ in Detail (attach additional sbeels ifnec.cssary): f .{'- h1 -', ! /,--?J1 f~' ~,:~~~'~ :~:.~~' ~-:;(.t;~~"~il" ,iL/ <' .:,,, '---, ,'<c L:-i,}.( " / I -I -,,.,. " 1'__..- . ;'./ f _ // - / / \ f )'.;..( ,:-....,17 1.___. " j ) ," f ~. ~~-~"//} ~ ,-(', . ! . /-J _J L..' / ~ ." J.:) " /'c-,. /t,." ," .i]C' I ,. "'"'' / ~: - ~L,C~: ~" C7.::[.~ L.) ~ 7 C ;:::d T t f--'-,~):.:::7/,1. -f I h>' _,,: ~','::"" _,1,rl __:( c~-~ ';'../'1 . '" /;-..t?et'.j , I;> -.':)-i-7 !;#. I . ." I - 'i '.'1+-'':'',1'T7}r..{,_-' ,/) .f ,{._/ n, j>'} -'; /'i~' .., ''''';',-Y', ~ e'/.'/ ~,,;,; ,-j<:-;; Lis! 1\,faterials to bc Used and Consmlcrion Methods to he L'lilized (i.e. lype paint. pIm1t species, irrigation systcm. doorsl"indnws, etc.) IAttach additional sheets ifn~c"'ssary): j. " U /J ' ,. _'. ' ,Co. ") ."" 1'/""""1;::, ,'; ii''-.', /~i;':'''l~);'i-C'.- "''--.. .'~<; ! ,Y (. a ; '"' .'l-_:-<'J' .,' i~ -,'I .'1..: .;-.'______'' ,>J",;: ":j"~":" ,'- /) \' ,'-1 V'T- o "":) ! ' ... - /, t:,r, c'n 1--"" < /-l(' i I :::1 j (' /] ,'-, :~._~ i /1 / _ -J..____ ".,:f :--7,",; ..;.......:.~ '. / ~, "-., ,_J ...../ ..l l S'.,eal Equity bnproyemttll Grunt Fy:mOg \n.'\i>.r:d 5 'j,':'0(8) 5 ::OOX GRA.l\T .\PPLlCATJOl\ Agenca item f\lo. 16G 1 June '10.2008 Page11of21 Section 3: Project Cost Information Estimated Prujeet Cost: . -"U WORK TO BE COMPLETED BY OWNER. F"MIL Y OR FRIE~DS . APPUCATJON t>llsr IL.... VE AT LEAST WRIITEN ESTlM/\ ITS OR QUOTES FOR 1>.L\TERIALS A HACBID TO THE APPLICATION Estimated Requested from CRA $ / ~. __ - c. J'rojecl materials must be a minimum of $560 and a maximum of 51.000 COPIES OF ALL HECEIT'TS AND/OR C~NCELED CHECKS WILL Fir: REQUIRED UPON PROJECT COMPLETION AS PROOF THAT A.LI. MATERL'cLS FOR I1vIPROVEJl.W"TS HAVE BErN PAID. NO REI\lillRSEMENT ,,"ILL BE I\1ADE BY lifE CRA l.YI H. ALL RECEIPTS ,\"D'OR c....NCU.ED CHECKS "" "E REEN RECLlVI-D .'\ND VERIYlt.D. For eRA Use Only Total Estimated Projeel Cost: -, ~.)"J. ,'\.'1 i ,~ Request from eRA: l'-':" Sedion 4: Availability nfGrant Funds rbis !,.'Tant proFram will be maibblc for limited p~ri(}Js ()fthc calendar year. \\" D ... _I. ,.h Db' ,l!, 'lD1c-r. fOgr'an1 - October I t.t)IO~u;.JJ ecem ocr _'ll . Summ~T Progranl - :-Vb: l~: throu~h July) 1 ~l , .. ( .J:. _' ,c~_-',,:, -... . ,,-, '_ " ~ ""~~ Ch VD1.:tr S ~ gnature __-I"~"h~4'__'/ .~ ./ , " Dmc - (J\\11Cr _Sign;;nure Dale .,...~-,(-~-- Date eRA Sudf S"C31 Lquil~ ImprlJ'.cmcnt Gmnt f-l':onX (;~, ;::-.~,l .,\'1'~1}(l81 (, :'008 Gll'\.N I APPLICA nON Aaenda Item No. 16G1 ~ June 10, 2008 Page 12 of 21 PROJECT INITTA nON AND COMPLETION FORM (to be suhmitted "ith Site ImpnO\ement Grant Application) /1 ./ I ' n ~,/;'i{J~lj,:;A:~?C~~;~'~7~:lave ~e ;:::~~;e::tca::bi~: n:::::: t~::~: L:: I. t site improvements listt"d under Section 2 of the compld~d Sweat Equity Improwment Grant application and have the ability to complete all improvements within ninety (90) days of the approval of the improvement grant by the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency. Signature of Tenant (iflcased) Date Signature of Tenant (ifJeased) fif jointly leased) Date / ' I / ( :~''''_'L ,{,-,-" ?~,:'i:\~ . .2_ ..t(___<..y' _--(__.:: ',,-~LgilaturC 0 f Owner / f'i<-__?::..-_ <r__~ _,,.",, :) ",,--:!' j....... ....--_.~- i- - ~f Date Siis"Ti3lUre ofOwilcr (if jointly owned) Da Ie S~.-\!ea1 E4u~ty Imprcn-ement Grant FY200f; Ircv:~cd 5-j':!UU8, g Agenda Item No. 16G1 ,ro, ~_.....".",..,..".,,'4' <,',;,;; """"~, , ;"ft~\i"l+'~~ ~~ .~~ ~. {.' N, 0' N ~ob~ , G> N --'- ~O 6~ ~ "":" ill """", 01 ~"'''' ""J ::tl D- M' C;!:l, ~ , iii., ~' Z N " '" 0:: ::; NO') Nu: ':-? r') :n~ ~ U1 '" .. ~, ~ e:: ); x ~~ :.... Vi i ~ " .;; " '" r..;";. '...!.J CJ O:~ <-: 25 :".j :1:::- f-~ ......;.- -::;t 00 ""l Ci? Q .....J W ~ e:: LL f- :;; <:(," o cc ~r; ::J Co..... c:... ::::> Q ~~ Cl <- .,-..r .......... ...~ z .,.j,...J (,.') 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" ::! , ''-- '" , " .,.... , t c, " , , - co 0' ~ ~ .~ <:t , " ~ " M " , , ~ " - - " " 0 -:1 Z c " t , '" " co " ~' b ~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ , " .L '- ;;: " " r " " '-' ~ - '~ "> ~ " c"J ~ ~ - - ,Agenda liern No, 1681 J"ne 10, 2008 Page 18 of 21 ~ CUT MERCHANDISE TICKET !3:;~ ~~~ESCRIPTION - SKU#/~::~' i;icE I I ~___~_ --,-EACH r;)"L &J 0 J - 3S-Y . -! ~ ,.ra 61~ S-L ...., ~... r~--j ~'~ , I~b '731 L___ J f ! g:;2 -r.S7 i,----- --1-- 'j:-J!if-2T'L ._~ I:y;' 'tD,-/ ~3 ~ I i -1,:.-. /" '-. - -I - ,t . ' ,'"I,.' i .' ""."'-' ,_ _, _' ___? --} ,e' '''"I ~ I~." (I ~r,: r '::~ .~,:"r / ,>'x~. /:-...,/ 9,..-j /')" -Itj~ ~ I 1".-' l.. ~ " ""...........,-', ' ~.--7 ;) ;q .~ __-:-:u1. ':<i~~,~=-'~J~- '-~~I ~ ~lc.;c :r-::.l1\", -("'\II');i/~')~(,(;l!(<,'/'I~ "'-<'::.-1 . \. r": i ,- L"! .' , Z':~. 5-'3;1 ~r-~><\~;'~ .J~~S~;J~Y ~~.~~~-: . Pl~CESI_3,~) ~ ~\ _ ~ r~o CHAR~~ m_ r.,' ,.,. I [,f'- L.J'~ ..r) _.- ," ='.:.1...... ,'- 0' ~ ,I,.,. .~;:.~ ~J.". - -:-t '",. :::I-"le.- ~-; cC'~ ~,.~-:-:J, Jv~ ;) ~ .;;';;'. ,'O.~;::].. L~ ~.,i:;,= .,IC!(.:I_LJI:;I:l.. 11_ '~'_'''' ,,-i. 1,1~...hlJ, c. .=aIDS reCEp. ude-::::~ ;:J':"S.st>:;':__=l.B::Clpt at!~c~:.;;;d.____ 7.:'1.;;>';':'; 'I: :O()~ C,RAJ\T /\C.REE!vlI::N [ Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 10. 2008 ?a>;Je 19 of 21 GRA:\T AGREEl\1E;\T BETWEEN eRA AT"D OW)/ER FOR SWEAT EQlTITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR BAYSHORE/GATEWAY TRIANGLE REDEVELOP~fENT AREA TIllS AGREE!\1F.NT EKTERED this .~':' da, of .- - between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (hcreinafler "eRA:') and .:',i".:", "'-",;".:,2-lnereinaftcr referred to a~ "Owner"). i :~! :.:..::..:... by and refcrrcd to as WIT 1\ [ SSE T H: WHEREAS. in Collier County Ordinance No. :0002-38, the Board of Count: Commissioners delegated authority to lh(' CRA. to award and administer CIV\ grants including contracts with ov.llers for CR.". gmn!s: and WHERF.,,'\S, CRA Re<;olution No. Oi-55 established the Sweat Equity Improvemcnt Grant; and ,- \\1IERfAS. Owner has applied for a Sweat Equity Grant ill the amount of dollars: and 'w'HEREAS. the CRA has determined tbat Ov.'ner meets the eligibility requirements and was apprmed for a grant award in the amount of dollars on ("CRA Approval"). which is 100% of the costs to construct the hnprOvl:menL.;;. "OW, TIIEREFORl::, in consideratiun of the mutual Cll\enanls contained h::rein and (,tiler valuable consjderdllon_ the parties agree as f()llows: 1. Owner acknowledges !() thc eRA that Owner has received a eop)' of the Collier C (lunl)" Community Sweal blUity Improvement Grant Program (llereinaftcr referred to us "(irant Pro,,'HlJn"\' thai Owner ha.~ read the Grant Program. and that (hmer has had ample opportunity to disCLL'SS the Grant PrDgram "Nlth O\\l1er"s cOllTlsd or advisor. Ch;\,ller further acknowledges to the CR." that (hmcr understands and agrees to abide by ail of ihe terms and cunditions of the Grant PrpWJ.1TI. Owner agrees to the tcrrns and conditions of the Grant Progrdm. , Ch\l1Cr is the record ,'v. ner of property descrihed as - ~ . 'f I ~ , 3. a'mer has agrccd to makt c.crtain impro\emenL~ to the prop::rty pursuam to the grant applieation submitted to the ("10\ dated -'--~,. . .~_ _ ark1ehed hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. ..\. O'lncr agrees tu complete the wnstruetinn of the Sweat Equity Improvements "i:hin runety (l)O) days ofCR/\. Apprtl\'al. Owner also agrees to prmidc Ihe seat equity (labor) 10 Cl,mplctc tbe improvements. S\\e.at Lquil~ (iran! AsrC~me:11 FY::'C/08 ::008 GRA\'T AGREEME~'1 Agenda Item No. 16G1 June 10. 2008 Page 20 of 21 5. eRA has approved a grant 10 Ovmer in the amount of"' !. . ~':. to be admiTlistcrcd pursuant 10 the terms of Ihis Agreement hased on an estimated co" of c'. :;.',H: \",- If the actual cost of materials are Jess than $1.000 to con,'trucl the improvements, the b'Talll amount shall be reduced dollar for dollar in eRA funds; however in no ca.e will tbe cost of materials for improvements he less than $500 6. Cnless prior disclosure is included in tbe grant applicatiDll, no Ov.ncr, or any im mediate relative of OwneL shall serve as a contractor or subcontrdcLOr for me construction of the improvements and no Owner, Dr any immediate relative of Owner, shall receive compensation for labor for the construction of the improvements. .-'\0 immediate rdatlve of Owner shall include mother, father, brother, sister. aunt. uncle and cousin or family member by marriage to include mother-in-law. falher-in-Jaw. brother-in-law and sisler-in-law. 7. Cmmer agrees that all improvemems completed do not require a Collier County permit or permit from any other agency Cpon completion ufthe work, Owner shall submit to tbe CRA staiT a projec1 summary report. two (2) 8 x 10 after phoios, a list of materials and constructinn techniques used. and any other information specific to the project or requested by the eRA statI. The CRA, through its staff, shall confirm that the improvements were constnlcled pursuant to the terms of the application approved by the CRA. 8. Within forty-five (45) days after coniirmation that the improvements were construc[~d pursuant 10 the tenus of the approved application. Owner shall be issued a check in the amount of the grant. However, if Owner fails to make the improvements pursuant to the terms of [he approved appJicatio" or if the project is nO! completed within ninety (90) days of eRA approval. or ifOwl1er fails to make improvements of at least $500 lalue. the grant shall be deemed revoked and O".l1er shall be entitled to no funding.. 9 Th;s Ab'Teemcnt shall he governed and constr.led pursuant 10 the laws of the State of F!orida J O. TIl;S Agreement contains the entire agreement Df the paMies and their reprcsent~,tives and agenls, and incorporates all prior underslanding.s. whether oral or wri!1en '0 chal1gt:, modification or amendment, or any repre;;.emation. promlse or condition. or any waiver. to this A;"'Teemem shall be binding unless ;n ''>Titing and <;igned by a duly aUlhonzed uHicer orthe pany to be charged. ] L This Agreement ;s personal to Owner, ilnd may not be assigned or transl",rred bv O\vner or W Owner's respective heirs, personal representatives. successors or assigns 1vi1hout [~e prior written consent of the CR.-\. S\\eat [quit;> Grant Agreement 1'\:008 ~(I(j8 GR......\T .-\GREEMEVI !\genda Item No. 16G 1 June 10. 2008 Page 21 of 21 Il\ \V[lNESS \i.'HEREOF the rarti~s have ex~cu\ed this Ag:r~emenl on th~ date and year first V>Titte-n aboyc. O\i.\ERlsl: i IFI l1 I:. !: ',t L , \\"1tncss Simmlure :""--:-:::"~,_.._.__r' ;--------.... , '.', i,'\.-- I ',':, I~ ~._- 1i).~.L I ,/ '~.,~. L-~ / .,. ...t ~"-"""')'-I '-". t-t- ;'_1",_ ::-' "il. Printed/l'yped Kame Printcdrryped Name \.2) __.-7-2:,.,/"::;-..1 /{", _'!':~-~i}-~/' I>/~"~). ~ By: - Witness Signamp;: / . ~ ," "--r ('_ ! ,i/" (~J 1-; __-.)(t ,Ii Printed:Typeu Name I , ,'--l-,;-'I ....',. Printed,T:"!,cd Name ATTLS1: DW](jHT L. BROCK. Clerk COLLIER COUNTY COMMUNITY RLD[VHOPMFST :\GLNCY By:__ . Deputy Clerk LlO\'-IA FUdA. Chairm:m .\r_'1pro\'ed :.L, In f~:)'jm a.nd ;~'gal 5lL.i:]cie~li.;~: ,.,_ ''r- !\1arioriei\.f. SllllkT11-S1iriin~ Assistant COLLl1t) :\norney S\'.ca( .cquit) Cranr .-\gn.:i:rll.~nt FY~O;_[8