Agenda 06/10/2008 Item #16D 2 >{ .;1 , Agenda Item No. 160;> June 10, 2008 Page 1 of 2~ /"'""~ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes its l Chairman to sign, a Sub recipient Agreement providing Supplemental Disaster Recovery 1 Initiative (DRI) funding in the amount of $300,000.00 to Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, InCo, for repairs and a "hurricane hardening" project at the Community Center at Edenfield House, : also known as Timber Ridge Recreational Center, in Immokalee. ij 'I OBJECTIVE: Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc. proposes to repair and hurricane harden the ,i Timber Ridge Recreational Center which was damaged by Hurricane Wilma. CONSIDERATIONS: As a result of the impacts of Hurricane Wilma in October of 2005, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, through the Department of i] Community Affairs, provided Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) ftmding for the I, Hurricane Wilma Disaster Recovery Initiative (DRI). In 2007, Collier County applied for and ~ received its first Disaster Recovery Initiative Grant in the amount of $2,339,882.00 which is I currently being used to assist selected not-for-profit organizations with six specific projects, On " April 8, 2008, the Board of County Commissioners accepted and approved a second DRl grant in the .~ amount of $2,814,698.15 to provide additional funding for housing, public facility improvements, i and repairs related to Hurricane Wilma, ~ ,-- From this second DRl grant, $300,000.00 is eannarked for Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc., to 'i ftmd repairs and a hurricane hardening project for the hurricane-damaged Timber Ridge Recreational ~ Center. Ibis will include the purchase and installation of replacement windows and exterior doors as well as repairs to damaged walls, floors and roofing components. Grant ftmding to the 1 ;~ subrecipient will be reimbursed following receipt and approval of required documentation. i FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this agreement will provide Disaster Recovery Initiative ftmding in the amount of $300,000.00 to Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc., for repairs and a "hurricane hardening" project at the Timber Ridge Recreational Center. No General Funds will be used for these projects. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMP ACT: The proposed grant to Irnmokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc. will benefit the residents of Collier County, which is consistent with the Growth Management Plan. I II LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The proposed Agreement has been reviewed and approved by the '. Office of the County Attorney and is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMGj RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approves and authorizes its I Chairman to sign a Subrecipient Agreement providing a $300,000.00 grant to Immokalee Non-Profit i Housing, Inc., for repairs and a hurricane hardening project at the Timber Ridge Recreational Center ~ in Irnmokalee, using Community Development Block Grant ftmds. ' Prepared by: Lisa Oien, Grants Support Specialist Housing and Human Services Department -~ ~ " il ~ . ~ 11 ~ (' Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 20081' Page 2 of 25 AGREEMENT BETWEEN COLLIER COUNTY AND Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc. Edenfield Florida Administrative Code 9BER06-1 CFDA # 14,228 THIS AGREEMENT, is made and entered into this _ day of ,200_, by and between Collier County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to a~ "COUNTY", and "Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc,," a private not-for-profit corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida, having its principal office at 2449 Sanders Pines Circle, Immokalee FL 34142 and its Federal Tax Identification number as 59-2716833 hereinafter referred to as "SUBRECIPIENT", WHEREAS, the COUNTY has entered into an agreement with the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs; and WHEREAS I pursuant to the aforesaid agreement, COUNTY is undertaking certain activities to primarily benefit very low and low income persons by addressing hurricane impacted housing public facility and community development needs; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County approved the CoJlier County Agreement with the Florida Dep~1ment of Community Affairs for $2,814,698,15 in Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Initiative Funds relating to Hurricane Wilma with Resolution 2008-87 on April 8, 2008; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY and the SUBRECIPIENT desire to provide the activities specified in Exhibit A of this Agreement, in accord with the approved 2005 Disaster Recovery Subgrant Agreement; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY desires to engage the SUBRECIPIENT to implement such undertakings of the Disaster Recovery Initiative (DRl) Program as a valid and worthwhile County purpose. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants herein contained, it is agreed by the Parties as follows: lrnmokalee Non-Protlt Housmg lnc. Edenfield House Page I of 23 "!,,'l Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 3 of 25 "" I, DEFINITIONS ./ (I) "COUNTY" means Collier County, and where applicable, it's authorized representative(s). (2) "CDBO" means the Community Development Block Orant Program of Collier County, (3) "HHS" means the Housing and Human Services Department of Collier County, (4) "SUBRECLPIENT" means lmmokalee Non-Profit Housing Inc. (5) "HHS's Approval" means the written approval of the Housing and Human Services Department or designee. (6) "BUD" means the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development or a pcrson authorized to act on its behalf. (7) "Low and moderate income persons" means the definition set by HUD. (8) "Project"' means the work contemplated to be performed as set forth in Exhibit "A". (9) "DRI" means Disaster Recovery Initiative Program (10) "DCA" means Florida Department of Community Affairs IT, SCOPECJF SERVICES The SUBREClPIENT shall, in a satisfactory and proper manner, as determined by lUIS, perform the tasks necessary to conduct the program outlined in Exhibit "A," and shall submit cach request for reimbursement using Exhibit "B" along with the monthly submission of Exhibit "C," all of which are attached hereto and made a part bereof. ) Ill. TIM:E OF PERFORMANCE The effective date of this Agreement and all rights and duties designated hereunder are contingent upon tbe timely release of funds for this project by DCA under Agreement No. 08DB-D3-09.11-01-A03. The effective date of this Agreement shall be April 8, 1008, and the services of the SUBRECIPIENT shall be undertaken and completed in light of the purposes of this Agreement. In any event, all services required hereunder shall be completed by the SUB RECIPIENT prior to March 30, 2010. Any funds not obligated by the expiration date of this Agrcement shall automatically revert to the COUNTY, as set forth in Part vm (F)(e), and Part VIII (H) below, IV. CONSIDERATION AND LIMITATION OF COSTS The SUBRECIPLENT shall be paid by the COUNTY for allowable costs, determined by COUNTY and DCA, in an amount not to exceed Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) for the services described in Exhibit "A.II All improvements specified in Exhibit "A" shall be performed by SUBRECIPIENT employees, or shall be put out to competitive bidding under a procedure acceptable to the COUNTY and federal/state requirements. The SUBRECIPIENT shall enter into contract for improvements with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. Contract administration shall he handled by the SUBRECLPIENT and monitored by the COUNTY, which shall have access to all records and documents related to the project. ) Imrno"'alee !\Ion-Protlt HOllSlng inC. Edenfield House Page 2 of23 Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 4 of 25 V, NOTICES All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be sufficient when delivered to HHS at its office, presently located at 3050 North Horseshoe Drive, Suite 110, Naples, Florida 34104, and to the SUBRECIPIENT when delivered to its office at the address listed on page one (1) of this Agreement. VI. SPECIAL CONDITIONS The SUBREClPIENT agrees to comply with the requirements of Title 24 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 570 of the Housing and Urban Developmcnt regulations concerning Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and all federal regulations and policics issued pursuant to these regulations. The SUBRECIPIENT further agrees to utilize funds available under this Agreement to supplement rather than supplant funds otherwise available for specified activities, COUNTY is bound by the Federally Funded 2005 Disaster Recovery Sub grantee Agreement, executed by the State of Florida and COUNTY to require SUBRECJPIENT to acknowledge the following, as applicable: 1. SUBRECIPIENT acknowledges that it will adhere to all applicable tenus of the Federally Funded 2005 Disaster Recovery Subgrantee Agreement, executed between the State of Florida and COUNTY as outlined in Attachment A: Program Guidelines; 2. SUBRECIPlENT acknowledges that it will adhere to all applicable State and Federal laws and regulations; 3. SUBRECIPIENT acknowledges that the Florida Department of Community Affairs and the COUNTY shall be hcld hannless against all claims of whatever nature arising out of the SUBRECJPIENT'S performance of work, If needed, SUBRECJPlENT may be called upon to assist COUNTY during a natural disaster or emergency. yu. GENERAL CONDlTlONS A. IMPLEMENT A TI 01\ OF PROJECT ACCORDING TO REOUIRED PROCEDURES The SUBREClPIE~T shall implement this Agreement in accordance with applicahle Federal, State, and County laws, ordinances and codes and with the procedures outlined in HHS' Policies and Procedures memoranda, The Federal, State, and County laws, ordinances and codes are minima] regulations supplemented by more restrictive guidclines set forth by HHS. No payments wi II be made until approved by the HHS Department or designee. Should a project receive additional funding after the commencement of this Agreement, the SUBRECIPIENT shall notify HHS in writing within thiliy (30) days of receiving notification from the funding source and submit a cost allocation plan for approval by the HHS Department or designee within forty-five (45) days of said official notification, B. COMPLIANCE WITH LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL RULES, REGULATIONS AND LAWS During the performance of the Agreement, the SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with any applicable laws, regulations and orders listed below which by reference arc inc.orporated and Immokalee Non-Protlt Ilousmg tnc. Edenfield HOllse Page 3 of 23 Aaenda Item No. 16D2 ~ June 10, 2008 Page 5 of 25 made a part hereof. The SUBREClPlENT further agrees to abide by all other applicable laws, 1. 2, 3, 4, 5. 6. 7, 9. ..... 24 CFR Part 570, as amended - The regulations governing the expenditure of ../ Community Development Block Grant funds. 24 CFR Part 58 . The regulations prescribing the Environmental Review procedure, 36 CFR Part 800 - The regulations outlining the procedures for the protection of historic and cultural properties. 24 CFR Part 1 - The regulations promulgated pursuant to Title VI of the 1984 Civil Rights Act. 24 CFR Part t 07 - The regulations issued pursuant to Executive Order 11063 which prohibits discrimination and promotes equal opportunity in housing. Executive Order 11246, as amended by Executive Orders t 1375 and 12086 - which establishes hiring goals for minorities and women on projects assisted with federal funds, Title VII of the 1968 Civil Rights Act as amended by the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972 - which prohibits discrimination in employment, 8. 24 CFR 135 - Regulations outlining requirements of Section 3 of the Housing and '\ Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended. ) ./ Age Discrimination Act of 1973 10, National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 11. 24 CFR Part 130 - Regulations that prohibit discrimination in employment in federally assisted construction contracts. 12. 40 CFR Part 15 - Regulations relating to the applicability of the Clean Air and Water Pollution Acts. 13, Contract Work - Hours and Safety Standards Act 14, Lead Based Paint Poisoning Preventive Act 15. Section 504 of tbe Rehabilitation Act of 1973 16, Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 17. 29 CFR Parts 3, 5 and Sa - Regulations whieh prescribe the payment of prevailing wages and the use of apprentices and trainees on federally assisted projects as mandated by the Davis-Bacon Act. HUD Form 4010, which describes the Davis-Bacon Act, j ) Immokalee Non-Ijrotlt Housmg Inc. Edenfieltlllou,e Page 4 of 23 Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 6 of 25 included as part of this agreement and must be included in all construction contracts funded by CDBG. See attachment A-3. 18, Revised Order Number 4 - Regulations that establish guidelines for the implementation of Executive Order 11246 as amended by Executive Orders 11375 and 12086. 19, Executive Order 11914 - Prohibits discrimination with respect to the handicapped in federally assisted projects, 20, Executive Order 11625 and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Circular Letter 79-45 - which prescribes goal percentages for participation of minority businesses in Community Development Block Grant Contracts, 21. 29 CFR Part 3 - The Copeland Anti-Kickback Act (i 8 US.c. 874 and 40 U.S.c. 276c), which deals with employee forfeiture of compensation by force. 22, Florida Statutes, Chapter 112 - which deals with conflict ofintcresl. 23. HUD - required reports. circulars, and procedures, such as the Grantee Performance Report, 24. Public Law 100-430 - the Fair Housing Amendments Act of 1988. 25. 24 CFR 570, Subpart J - regulations covering standard Grant Administration Procedures, These replace OMB Circular A-l02. This subpart includes 24 CFR 570.502, 26, OMB Circular A-133 - concerning annual audits. 27, OMB Circular A-122 . which identifies cost principles, , 28. Section 109, Public Law 100-202 - which restricts the awarding of public works contracts to firnlS from foreign countries with unfair trade practices. 29. 24 CFR Part 84 - OMB Circular A-IlO Codified in the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements With Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and Other Non-Profit Organizations, 30, 24 CFR Part 85- OMS Circular A-l02 Codified in the Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements to State and Local Governments. 31. Chapter 427, florida Statutes - which requires the coordination transportation for the disadvantaged. " Chapter 403.7065, Florida Statues - which refers to the procurement of products or materials with recycled content. ImmokaJce Non-Proht Housmg Jne. Edenfield House 32, Page 5 of 23 Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 7 of 25 , 33, Chapter 39.201, Florida Statutes - that any person who knows. or has reasonabl( cause to suspect, that a ch!1d is ahused, abandoned, or neglccted by a parent, legal ./ c\1stodian. caregiver, or otber person responsible for tbe child's welfare, as defmed in this ch;pter, shall report such knowledge or suspicion to the Central Abuse Hotline (1- 800-962-2873), 34, Chapter 415.1034, Florida Statutes - that any person who knows or has reasonable cause to suspect that a vulnerable and or disabled adult has been abused, neglected, or exploited, shall immediately report such knowledge or suspicion to the National Center on Elder Abuse Hotline (1-800-962-2873), 35, Chapters 435.03 and 435.04, Florida Statutes - that if any personnel in programs under this contract work directly with children or youtbs and vulnerable or disabled adults ~ employment screening is required. 36, Chapter 216.347, I'lorida Statutes - prohibits the expenditure of contract funds [or the purpose of lobbying the legislature, state or county agencies. C. SUBCONTRACTS Any work or services subcontracted by the SUBRECIPIENT shall be specifically by written contract or agreement, and such subcontracts shall he subject to each provision of this Agreement and applicable County, State, and Federal guidelines and regulations, Pnor to execution by the SL"BRECIPIENT of any subcontract hereunder, such subcontracts must be ) submiUcd by tbe SUBRECIP1ENT to HHS for its review and approval, wbich will specificall, include a dctennination of compliance witb the temlS o[the attached Work Program set forth in Exhlhit "A." This review also includes ensuring that a11 consultant contracts and fee schedules meet the minimunl standards as established by the Col1ier County Purcbasing Department and HUD, Subcontracts for architecture, engineering, survcy, and planning shall be negotiated fixed fee contracts. All additional services shall have prior wriUen approval with support documentation detailing categories of persons perfonning work plus hourly rales including benefits, number of drawings required, and all items that justIfY the "Fixed Fee Contract." Reimhursements for such services will be made at SUBREClPlENT cost. None of the work or services covered by this Agreement, including but not limited to consultant work or services, shall be subcontracted by the SUBRECIPIENT or reimbursed by the COUNTY without prior written approval ofthc HHS Depatiment or his designee. D, AMENDMENTS The COUNTY may, at its discretion, amend this Agreement to conform to changes required by Federal, State, County, or HUD guidelines, directives, and objectives, Such amendments shall be incorporated by written amendment as a pal1 of this Agreement and shall be suhject to approval of the COUNTY, Any modilications to this contract shall be in compliance witb the County Purchasing Policy and Administrative Procedures in effect at the time such modIfications arc authorized, ImmoKa{ee Non-Prom Housmg Inc. Edenfield llouse ) Page 6 of 23 Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 8 of 25 E. INDEMNIFICATIOK The SUBRECIPIENT shall protect, defend, reimburse, indemnify and hold the COUNTY, its agents, its employees and elected officers harmless from and against any and all claims, liability, expense, loss, cost. damages or causes of action of every kind or charactcr, including attorney's fees and costs, whether at trial or appel1ate levels or otherwise, arising during the perfol1nance of the terms of this Agreement, or due to the aets or omissions of the SUBRECIPlENT, SUBRECIPIENT's aforesaid indemnity and hold harmless obligation, or portion or applications thereof, shall apply to the fullest extent permitted by law, The SUBRECIPlENT will hold the COUNTY harmless and will indemnify the COUNTY for funds, which the COUNTY is obligated to refund the Federal Government arising out of the conduct of activitIes and administration of SUBRECLPIENT. F, GRANTEE RECOGNITION All facilities purchased or eonstructed pursuant to this Agreement shall be clearly identified as to funding source. The SUBRECIPlENT will include a reference to the financial support herein provided by HHS in all publications and publicity. [n addition, the SUBRECIPIENT will make a good faith erfort to recognize HHS, State and Federal support for all activities made possible with funds made available under this Agreement. The SUBRECIPlENT will mount a temporary construction sign for projects funded by HHS. This design concept is intended to disseminate kcy information regarding the development team as well as Equal Housing Opportunity to the general public, This sign's construction utilizes a minimum coll\'entional 4'X8' plywood back panel and other convcntional construction materials and methods. G. TERMINATION In event of termination for any of the following reasons, all finished or unfinished documents, data studies, surveys, drawings, maps, models, photographs, reports prepared, and capital equipment secured by the SUBRECIPIENT with funds undcr this Agreement shall be returned to HHS or the COUNTY. In the event of termination, the SUBRECIPlENT shall not be relieved of liability to the COUNTY for damages sustained by the COUNTY by virtue of any breach of the Contract by the SUI3RECLPIENT, and the COUNTY may withhold any payment to the SUBRECJPIEI\T for set-off purposes until such time as the exact amount of damages due to the COUI\TY from thc SUBRECIPlENT is detennined, 1. TERMINATION FOR CAUSE If through any cause either party shall fail to fulfill in timely and proper manner its obligations under this Agreement, or if either party shall violate any of the covenants, agreements, or stipulations of this Af,'reement, either pal1y shall thereupon have the right to terminate this Agreement in whole or part by giving written notice of such tennination to the other party and specifying therein the effective date of termination 2. TERMINATION FOR CONVENIENCE At any time during the term of this Agreement, cither party may, at its option and for any reason, terminate this Agreement upon ten (10) working days written notice to the other parly. Upon telmination, the COUNTY shall pay thc SUBRECIPIENT for serviccs rendered pursuant to this Agreement through and including the datc of rermination. Immokalee Non-l'rotlt Housmg Inc. Edenr.dd llou,e Page 7 of 23 Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 9 of 25 3, TERMJ]\ATION DUE TO CESSATION "" In the event the grant to the COUNTY under Title I of the Housing and Community ...I Development Aet of 1974 (as amended) is suspended or terminated, this Agreement shall be suspended or terminated effective on the date that HUD or DCA specifies. H, INSURANCE The SUBREClPIENT agrees this coverage shall be provided on a primary basis. 1. COMMERCIAL GENERl\L LIABILITY The SUBREClPJENT shall agree to maintain Commercial General Liability at a limit of liahility not less than $100,000 per person and $200,000 per accidentioccuJTence per Florida Statutes 9 768,28 and S2,000.000 per accident for federal and outside Florida litigation per Florida Statutes S 768.28, Coverage shall not contain any endorsement excluding Contractual Liability or Cross Liability unless granted by the COW1ty'S Risk Management Department. TIle SLl3RECIPIE'JT agrees this coverage shall be provided on a primary basis. 2, BUSWESS AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY The SUBREClPIENT shall agree to maintain Business Automobile Liability at a limit of liability not less than $100,000 per person and $200,000 per aceident/occuJTenee per Florida Statutcs 9 768.28 and $2,000.000 pcr accident for federal and olltside Florida litigation per FIOIida Statutes 9 768.28 for all owned. non-cwmed and hired automobiles. The SUBRECJPlENT shall agree to maintain physical damage coverage for a period not less than 10 years with deductibles not exceeding $1000 Jor Comprehensive and Collision, Collier County Board of County CommiSSIOners shall be endorsed to the policy as a Loss Payee. Thr ) SUBRECIPIENT shall agree to be lully responsible for any deductibles, self-insured retentioL or uncovered losses. TIle SUBRECIPIEI\T agrees this coverage shall be provided on a primary basis, 3. ADDITIONALjNSURED The SlJBRECIPIENT shall agree to endorse the COUNTY as an Additional Insured with a CG 2026 Additional Insured - Designated PerSOll or Organization endorsement, or its equivalent, to the COl1lmerclal General I.iability. The Additional Insured endorsement shall read "Collier <;::ountv Boarc,l of County _Commissioners. a Political Sllbdivision of the State of Florida, its Officcrs. EmplQyces. and Agcnts. cio Housing & Human Services Departl1lent~. The SCBREClPJ 21\T shall agree the Additional Insured endorsements provide coverage on a primary basi s, 4, CERTIfICATE OF INSCR.-\NCE The SUBRECIPIENT shall agree to deliver to the COUNTY a certificate(s) of insurance evidencing the required insurance is in full force and effect within thirty (30) calendar days prior to the execution of this Agreement by the COUNTY. A minimum thirty (30) day endeavor to notify due to cancellation or non-renewal of coverage shall be included on the eertificate(s), 5, RIGHT TO REVIEW AND ADJUST The STJI3RECIPIENT agrees that the COUNTY, by and through its Purchasing or Risk Management Department, in cooperation with the IIHS Department, reserves the right t, ) Immokalee Non-Protlt HOUSIng Inc. Edenfield House Page 8 of 23 Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 10 of 25 periodically review, modify, reject or accept any required policies of insurance, including limits, coverage's, or endorsements, herein from time to time throughout the life of tllis Agreement. The COUNTY reserves the right, but not the obligation, to review and reject any insurer providing coverage because of its poor financial condition or fallure to operate legally, I. INDEPENDENT AGENT AND EMPLOYEES The SUBRECIPlENT agrees that, in all matters relating to this Agreement, it will be acting as an independent agent and that its employees are not Collier County employees and are not subject to the COUNTY provisions of the law applicahle to County employees relative to employment, hours of work, ratcs of eompcnsation, leave, unemplOyment compensation and employee henefits. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REOUIREMENTS A, FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT The SUBRECIPIENT agrees to comply with OMB Circular A -110 (Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals and other Non-Pro!it Organizations) and agrees to adhere 1.0 the accounting principles and procedures required therein, utilize adequate internal controls, and maintain necessary source documentation for all costs incurred, B. DOCUJ\.1ENT A TJUN AND RECORD - KEEPING L The SUBRECIPlENT shall maintain all records required by the CDBG Federal Regulations, :,; .i ~; All reports, plans, surveys, information, documents, maps, and other data procedures developed, prepared, assembled, or completed by the SUBRECIPIENT for the purpose of this Agreement shall be made available to the COUNTY by the SUBREClPfENT at any time upon request by the COUNTY or HHS. Upon completion of all work contemplated under this Agreement copies of all documents and records relating to this Agreement shall be surrendered to HHS ifrequesled.ln any event the SUBRECIPIENT shall keep all documents and records for five (5) years after expiration of this Agreement. 2, i~ '-J{ 'i 3, The SUBRECIPIENT shall submit reports as required to assist the COUNTY in the preparation ofHUD Labor Relations, WBE/MBE, Equal Opportunity Employment, and HUD Section 3 rep0l1s, pursuant to 24 CFR 570,502, 507. and 92 (3)(vi). 4, SUBREClPIENT shall submit monthly beneficiary reports to HHS using Exhibit "C", 5. The SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain records showing compliance with the Davis- Bacon Law. including files containing contractor payrolls, employee interviews, Davis- Bacon wage rates, illld administrative cross.referencing. SUBRECIPIENT shall mamtam records showing contractor compliance with the Contract Work Hours and Work Safety Law. Similarly, the SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain records showing compliance with federal purchasing requirements and with other federal requirements for grant implementation. Immokalee Non-ProtIt HOUSing inC. Edenfield House Page 9 of 23 Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 110125 c. PlJRCHASING " .J All purchasing for services and goods, including capital equipment, shall be made by purchase order or by a written contract and in confonnity with the procedures prescribed by the Federal Management Circulars 1'1.-110, /\.122, 24 CFR Part 84, and 24 CFR Part 85, which are incorporated herein by reference. D, REPORTS, AUDITS, AND EVALUATIONS Reimbursement wil1 be contingent on the timely receipt of complete and accurate reports required by trus Agreement, and on the resolution of monitoring or audit findings identified pursuant to this Agreement. E. ADDlTIONAL HOCSING & HlNAN SERVICES. COUNTY, DCA. AND HUD REQ1..1JREME'-JTS HHS shall have the right under this Agreement to suspend or terminate reimbursement until the SUBREC1PlENT complies with any additional conditions that may be imposed by HHS, the COUNTY, DCA or BUD at any time, F, PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVALS-SUMMARY The following activities require the prior written approval of the HHS Departmcnt or designee in order to be eligible for reimbursement. (a) All subcontracts and agreements proposed to be entered into by the SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement; ) All capital equipment expcnditures of$l,OOO or more; All out-of-town travel; (travcl shall be reimbursed in accordance with Florida Statutes, Chapter 112.061); All change orders; All requests to utilize uncommitted funds after the cxpiration of this agreement for programs described in Exhibit A; and AI] ratcs of pay and pay increases paid out of DRI funds, whether for merit or cost of living, (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) G. AUDITS Al\1) INSPECTIONS At any time during nomlal business hOUTS and as often as HHS, the COUNTY, DCA, HUD, or the Comptroller General of the United States may deem necessary, there shall be made available hy the SUBRECIPIENT to HHS, the COUNTY, DCA, HUD, or the Comptroller General for examination all its records with respect to all matters covered by this Agreement. The SUBRECIPIENT agrecs to comply with the provisions of the Single Audit Act of 1984, as amended, as it pertains to this Agreement and any subcontracts entercd into under this Agreement. This will require the SUBRECIPTENT to submit a single audit, including any management letter, made in accordance with the general program requirements of OMB Circulars A-Il0 (Uniform Administrative Requirement for Federal Grants). A.l22 (Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations), A-133 (Audits of State, Local Governments, and Non-Protlt Organizations), and othcr applicable regulations within one hundred and eighty (180) days after the end of any fiscal year covered by this agreement in whieh Federal IUnds from all sources are expended, Said audit shall be made by a Certified Public Accountant oftll' ) SUBRECIPIENT's choosing. The SUBRECIPIENT shall provide such audit to HHS, In tI !rnmo~alee Non-Prollt Housmg inc. Edenfield Home Page 10 of23 Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 12 of 25 event the SUBRECIPIENT anticipates a delay in producing such audit or audited financial statements, the SUBRECIPIENT shan request an extension in advance of the deadline, The cost of said audit shan be borne by the SUBREC1PIENT, In the event the SUBRECfPIENT is exempt from having an audit conducted under A.133 (Audits of State, Local Govemmcnts, and Non.Profit Organizations), the COUNTY reserves the right to require submission of audited financial statements and/or to conduct a "limited scope audit" of the S'L 13RECIPIENT as defined in A-I33, The COt'NTY will be responsible for providing technical assistance to the SUBREClPJ ENT, as deemed necessary by the COUNTY, H. PROGRAM-GENERATED INCOME All income earned by the SUBRECIPIENT from activities financed in whole or in part by funds provided hereunder must be reported to HHS, Such income would include, but not be limited to. income from service fees, sale of commodities, and rental or usaee fees. The SUBRECIPIENT shan report its plan to utilize such income to HHS. and saId plan shall require the prior written approval of the HHS Department or designee. Accounting and disbursement of such income shall comply with OMB Circular A-II 0 (Uni form Administrative Requirement for Fcderal Grants) and other applicable regulations incorporated herein by reference. In addition to the foregoing, Program Income, as defined by 24 CFR 570.500(a) for DRI funds may be retained by the Agency. Program Income shall be utilized to undertake activities specified in "Exhibit A" of this Agreement, and all provisions of this Agreement shall apply to stated activities. Any Program Income on hand at or received by the SUBRECIPIENT or its sub-contractors after the expiration of this Agreement shaH be returned to the COUNTY no later than thirty (3D) days after such expiration, subject to any SUBRECIPlENT requests to uti Iize uncommitted funds. 1. GRANT CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES. SUBRECIPIENT obligation to the COUNTY shall not end until all closeout requirements are completed. Activitit:s during this closeout period shall include, but not limited to; making final payments, disposing ofprogram assets (including the return of all unused materials, equipmcnt, unspent cash advances, program income balances, and receivable accounts to the COUNTY), and detennining the custodianship of records, IX. OTHER PROGRAM REOUIREMENTS A, OPPORTUNITIES FOR RESIDENTS AND CIVIL RIGHTS COMPLIANCE The SUBRECIPIENT agrees that no person shall on the ground of race, color, disability, national origin, religion, age, familial status, or sex be excluded from tbe benefits of, or be subj ected to, discrimination under any activity carried out by the performance of this Agreement. Upon rcceipt of cvidence of such discrimination, the COUNTY shall have the right to tenninate this Agreement. To the greatest extent feasible, Jower-incomc residents of the project areas shall be given opportunities for training and employment; and to the greatest feasible extent eligible business concerns located in or owned in substantial part by persons residing in the project areas shall be awarded contracts in connection with the project. The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the Section 3 Clause of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1968. Jmmol<alee Non.PrO!lt HClusmg Inc. Edenfield Housl: Page 11 of23 Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 13 of 25 B. OPPORTUNITIES FOR SMALL AND MINORITY/WOMEN-OWNED ENTERPRISES BUSINESS ""\ ./ In the procurement () f supplies, equipment, construction, or services to implement this Agreement, the SUBRECIPIENT shall make a positive effort to utilize small business and minority/women-owned business enterprises of suppli es and services, and provide these sources the max imum feasible opport unity to compete fur contracts to be per formed purSllant to this Agreement. To the maximum extent feasible these small business and minority/women- owned business enterprises shall be located in or owned by residents of the CDBGareas designated by Collier County in the Annual Consolidated Plan approved by HUD. C. PROGRAM BENEFICIARIES At least fifty-one percent (51%) of the benefic.iaries ofa project funded through this Agreement must be very low and low income persons. If the project is located in an entitlement city, as defined by HUD. or serves heneficiaries countywide, more than thirty percent (30%) of the beneficiaries directly assisted through the use of funds under this Agreement must reside in unincorporated Collier County or in municipalities participating in the County's Urban County Qualification Program. The project funded under this Agreement shall assist beneficiaries as defined above for the time period designated in Exhibit A of this Agreement. The SUBRECIPlENT shall provide written veri ocation of compliance to IlHS upon HHS' request. D. EY ALUA TlON AND MONITORING The SUBRECIPIEl\T agrees that HHS will carry out periodic monitoring and evaluation aetivities as determined necessary by HHS or the COUNTY and that the continuation of this Agreement is dependent upon satisfactory evaluation conclusions based on the terms of this ) Agreement, comparisons of planned versus actual progress relating to project sehedulin~ budgets, audit reports, and output measures, The SUBRECIPlENT agrees to furnish upon request to HHS, the COUNTY or the COUNTY's designees and make copies or transcriptions of such records and information, as is determined necessary by HHS or the C01..TNTY. The SUB RECIPIENT shall, upon the request of HHS, submit information and status rcports required by HHS, the COUNTY or HUD on [OllllS approved by HHS to enable HHS to evaluate said progress and to allow for completion of reports required HHS by HUD. The SUBREClPIENT shall allow HHS or HUD to monitor the SUBRECIPIENT on site. Such site visits may be scheduled or unscheduled as detemlined by HH S or HUD. E, CONfLICT Qf INTEREST The SUBRECIPlENT covenants that no person who presently exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with the Projecl_ has any personal financial interest, direct or indirect, in the target areas or any parcels therein, which would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of this Agreement and that no person having any conflict of interest shall be employed by or subcontracted by the SUBREClPlENT, Any possible conflict of interest on the part of the SL13RECIPIENT or its employees shall be disclosed in writing to HHS provided, however, that this paragraph shall be interpreted in such a manner so as not to unreasonably impede the statutory requirement that maximum opportunity be provided for employment of and participation of low and moderate.income residents of the project target area, F, PU13LIC ENTITY CRIMES As provided in F,S, 287.133 by entering into this Agreement or performing any work iJ' ) furtherance hereof, the SCBRECIPJEl\T certifies that it, its afliliates, suppliers, subcontracto Immokalee Non-ProtIt HOUSing Inc. Edenfield House Page 12 of23 '. Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 14 of 25 and consultants who will perform hereunder, have not been placed on the com;cted vendor list maintained by the State of Florida Department of Management Services within the 36 months immediately preceding the date hereof. This notice is required by F.S. 287,133 (3)(a), G. DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE REQUIREMENTS The SUBRECIPIENT, as a condition of being awarded. must certify that they will provide drug-free workplaces in accordance wilh the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (42 U.S,c. 701) and with HUD's rules at 24 CfR Part 24, subpart F, H, CERTIFICATION REGARDING LOBBY ING The undersigned certifies, to the best of his or hcr knowledge and belief, that: 1. No Federal appropliated funds have been paid or will be paid, by or on behalf of the undersigned, to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agcncy, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in eonnection with the awarding of any Federal contract, the making of any Federal grant, the making of any Federal loan, the ellteling into of any cooperative agreement, and the extension, continuation, renewal, amendment, or modification of any Federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement, 2. If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with this Fcderal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreement. the undersigned shall complctc and submit Standard Form-LLL, "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying", in accordance with its instructions. 3. The undersigned shall require that the languagc of this certification be included in the award documcnts for all subawards at all tiers (including subcontracts, subgrants, and contracts undcr grants, loans, and cooperative Agreements) and that all SUBRECIPJENTS shall certify and disclose accordingly, ~,' 1. REAL PROPERTY Any real property acquired by the SUBRECIPIENT for the purpose of carrying on the projects stated herein, and approved by the COUNTY in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 and 49 CFR 24.101, shall be subject to the provisions of the CDBG Regulations including, but not limitcd to, the provisions on usc and disposition of property. Any real property within 1he SUBREClPIENT control, which is acquired or improved in whole or part with CDBG funds in excess of $25,000, must adhere to the CDBG Regulations at 24 CFR 570.505. ImmoKalee Non-Protl1 Housmg inc. Ed.enfield House Pagel30f23 Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 15 of 25, x, ENVIRONMENTAL CO]'>.TIITIONS A, AIR AND WATER '1 ,/ The SUBRECIPIENT, as Subrecipient, agrees to comply with the following requirements insofar as they apply to the perfomlance of the Contract: I, Clean Air Act, 41 U.S.c., 7401, et seq. 2, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, as amended, 33 U,S,C. 1251, et seq., as amended, 1318 relating to inspection, monitoring, entry, reports, and infonnation, as well as other requirements specified in said Section 114 and Section 308 (EP A) regulations pursuant to 40 C.F.R., Part 50, as amended. B. FLOOD DISASTER PROTECTION In accordance with the requirements of the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (42 use 4001), the Subrceipient shall assure that for activities located in an area identified by FEMA as having special flood hazards, flood insurance under the National Flood Insurance Program is obtained and maintained as a condition of iinaneial assistance tor acquisition or eonstruetion purposcs (including rehabi [itation), If appropriate, a lettcr of map amendment (LOMA) may be obtaincd fi'om FEMA., which would satisfy this requirement and/or reduce the cost of said flood insurance. Co LEAD-BASED PAINT The Subrecipient agrees that any construction or rehabilitation of residential structures wi1J ) assistanee provided under this contract shall be subject to HUD Lead-Based Paint Reh'1llation& at 24 CFR 570,608, 24 CFR Part 25 and 24 CFR part 92.355. Such regulations pet1ain to all BUD-assisted housing and require that all owners. prospecti vc owners, and tenants of properties constructed pnor to 1978 be properly notiiied that such propcrties may include lead- based paint. Such notification shall pomt out the hazards of lead-based paint and explain the S)~11ptoms, treatment and precautions that should be taken when dealing with lead-based paint poisoning and the advisability and availability of blood lead level screening for children under seven. The notice should also point out that if lead-based paint is found on the property, abatement measures might be undertakcn, D. HlSTORIC PRESERVATION The Subrecipient agrees to comply with the Historic Preservation requirements set forth in the National Historic Preservation Aet of 1966, as amended (l6lJ,S.C. 470) and the proccdures set forth in 36 CFR, Part 800, Advisory Council on Historic Prescrvation Procedures for Protection of Historical Properties, insofar as they apply to the performance of the Contract. In general, concurrence from the State HIstOriC Preservation Officer is required for all rehabilitation and demolition of histOt1C properties that are fifty years old or older or that are included, on a Federal, state, or local historic property list. ) lmmoKalee Non-Yrotlt [IOusmg me. Edenfield House Page 14 of23 Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 16 of 25 Xl. SEVERABILITY OF PROVISIONS If any provlsion of this Agreement is held invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected thereby if such remainder would then continue to conform to the terms and requirements of applicable law. XII. REVERSION OF ASSETS Upon expiration of the Agreement, the SUBRECIPIENT shall transfer to the COl,WY any CDBG funds on hand at the time of expiration, any accounts receivahle attributable to the use of CDBG funds, and any non-expendable personal property that was purchased with CDBG funds. Any real property under SUBRECIPIENT control that was acquired or improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in excess of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000) will be covered by the regulations 24 CFR Part 570,503( B)( 8). XIII. CONDITIONS FOR RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS CDBG funds may not be used for religious activities or provided to primarily religious organizations, 24 CFR 570.2000) specifies the limitations on CDBG funds, and is herein incorporated by reference, XIV. ATTACHMENT A The SUBRECIPIENT shall agree to abide by the program guidelines as excerpted from the federally funded 2005 Disaster Recovery Subgrantee Agreement executed by the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs and Collier County, which are herein incorporated as "Attachment A", XV, COUNTERPARTS OF THE AGREEMENT This Agreement, consisting of twenty-three (23) enumerated pages, which include the exhibits and attachment referenced herein, shall be executed in two (2) counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, and such counterparts will constitute one and the same instrument. Immokafee Non-Protlt Housmg !TIc. Edenfle Id House Page 15 of 23 XVI. j,iNTjRE lJNDERSTAND..J.DI.Q Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 17 of 25 This Agreement tlnd it~ pl'()yision~ merge any prior agreements, if any, oclween th~ pllrlic~ hctc''''''lli constiluWS the enlire (lflderstanding. The Pllrties hereby uGknowledgc tn"l thtl'c hu\'c heen Ullt \" repr~sclltillion~, Wllrl'fll1lics, cuvenants, or undertakings other than tho,qc expressly set I'orlll herein../ IN VvTI'Nl\SS nWREOF, the parties her~to hllV\) ~aused thj~ 23 piige agreemel1t 10 be c,xcwled hy their undersigned oi1idals us d\Jly ,jutl1orized cf((:etivc the 81h day of Apri1200R. . IMMOKALEH NON.PIWFII' IIOlislNO,lNC, BY: (BlIllgECll'lEl'\T SI~Ar ,). ATl'ES'!': nWIGJIT E, BROCK, CLr:RK BOARD ()[-' COUNTY COMMISSIONI:RS OF COLLl ER COUNTY. FI.OI{ 11M Hy:___.._.___.._ Patricia Morgan, lJeputy Clerk BY ..~_.-._--_.__.- TOM IIENNING, CIIAI RMAN ) Approved ,1S cll 1')1'111 and Icl,\ul sLlI'/iciency: <1-_._,- Cnlleen M, Greene /\ssist,mt ('minty Attorney IITllTiokHIL'e N~>n.r~rM't l'1oLlsmg Inc. l:d""Deld Ilnu,c Page 16 01'23 ) Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 18 of 25 EXHIBIT" A" SCOPE OF SERVICES Immokalee l"\on-Profit Housing, Inc. THE SlJBRECIPIENT AGREES TO: A, PROJECT DESCRIPDQJ:{: Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc. has been awarded three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.) to repair and hurricane harden the Community Center that serves the areas of Sanders Pines and Timber Ridge Communities in lmmokalee, Florida. Hurricane hardening ",ill include the replacement of windows, cx terior doors, damaged interior walls and floors, and roofing repairs and repl acement. Final completion date for funded activity shall be no later then March 31, 2009. The Subrecipient will be responsible for the following: NOTE I: The SUBRECIPIENT shall submit its bid package and drawings/specifications to HHS and obtain a letter of approval prior to bidding the construclion work. NOTE 2: The SUBRDCIPIENT shall prioritize the work in the Project, advertise and bid such work in sealed bid manner that would allow the receipt of itemized costs from bidders, which would then allow the award of items that can be funded by the budget. The SUBRECIPIENT shall require a bid bond, 100% payment bond and 100% perfonnance bond for any contract that exceeds S100,000, NOTE 3: The SUBRECIPIENT shall not award the construction contract for the Project until sufficient funding is available to complete the established scope of work, The SUBRECIPIENT shall obtain HHS's approval prior to awarding the construction contract to be funded through this agreement. The SUBRECIPIENT shall submit the name of the contractor to ensure the business is not federally deharred, After awarding such contract the SUBRECIPIENT shall submit bid minutes to HHS, HHS's approval is required prior to executing any change orders to such contract. NOTE 4: The SUBRECIPTENT shall not request reimbursement from HHS for materials or equipment received and stored on the project site or elsewhere, The SUBRECIPJENT shall only request reimbursement for materials and equipment that have been installed. ADDiTIONAL Responsibilities are: Posting of visible signage at the work site identifying the funding source(s) as mentioned in section VII part F. Collier County will be responsible for the direct payment to lmmokalee Non Profit Housing Inc. for services invoiced, The SUBRECIPIENT further agrees that HHS, in consultation with any parties HHS deems necessary, shall be the final arbiter on the SUBRECIPIENT's compliance with the above. Immokalee Non-Profit Housmg Inc. Edenfie ld H ous e Page 17 of 23 Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 19 of 25 B. B1)DGET: INPH Edenfield DRI ) Permits Material and supplies for roofing repairs and replacement Labor costs for roofing repairs and replacement High impact windows and doors Labor and installation for high impact windows and doors Material and supplies for interior repairs to walls and floors Labor and related costs for interior repairs to walls and floors TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $300,000 This listing is non-inclusive of specifie quantities/types of materials. Exact quantities of materials will be provided at the time the subrecipient receives the tinal totals from their contractor(s). C, STAFFI)lG: Provide list of staff directly responsible for reporting and request for payment processmg, 0, BONDING REOUIREMENTS: The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the requirements of OJ\ffi Circular A-IIO (Uniform Administrative Requirement for Federal Grants) and 24 CFR Part 84 i' ) regard to any bid guarantees, performance bonds, and payment bonds, E. FORMER PROJECTS: Failure to adequately maintain any former CDBG/HOME/SHIP funded project may result in the delay of processing reimbursement requests for ongoing activities or in the forfeiture of future CDBG/HOME/SHlpiDRI funds, F. WORK SCHEDULE: This time frame is subject to change as the project is executed, This work schedule is for the purpose of monitoring the progress of said project by the Subrecipient and HHS. The time frame for completion of the outlined activities shall be: End Date .I une 2008 --]uF2008 Se tember - October 2008 October - November 2008 October:" November 2008 November - December 2008 Please note that if any of these activities exceed the timelines by two months a revised work schedule must be submitted to HHS G. REPORTS: The SUBRECIPIENT shall submit detailed monthly progress reports to lIIIS outlining the status of specific activities under the project. Each report must account for the total activity for whicb the SUBRECIPIENT is paid with DRl funds, in part or in whole, and which is required in fulfillment of their obligations regarding the Project. The progress reports shall be submitted on the ) form Exhibit "C'. The progress reports shall be used as a basis for HHS approval of invoices, etc. f, ImmokaJee Non-ProW HOUSing Inc. Edenfield House Page 18 of23 Agenda Item No, 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 20 of 25 payment. H, DAVIS-BACON ACT: The SUBREClPIENT shall request the County to obtain a Davis-Bacon wage decision for the project prior to advertising the construction work. The SUBRECTPIENT shall incorporate a copy of the Davis-Bacon wage decision and disclose the requirements of the Davis- Bacon Act in its constmction bid solicitation and sub-contract(s). 1. COMPENSA nON: The County shall pay the SUBRECIPIENT for the perfonnance of this Agreement upon completion or partial completion of the work tasks as accepted and approved by HHS pursuant to the submittal of monthly progress reports as identified in Section G, Pa)~l1ents shall be made to the SlJBRECIPIENT when requested as work progresses, but not more frequently than once per month. Adherence to the work schedule identified in Section F will be required, unless modified in writing by the parties. Payment wi11 be made upon receipt of a proper invoice and upon approval by the Project Manager or his designee, and in compliance with Section 218,70, Fla, Stats., otherwise known as the "Local Government Prompt Payment Act". Immokalee Non-I~rotlt Housmg Jne. Edenfield House Page 190f23 Agenda Item No, 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 21 of 25 EXHIBIT "B" COLLIER COUNTY HOUSING AND HUMAN SERVICES REQUEST FOR PAYMENT Disaster Recovery Initiative ) Subrecipient Name: Immokalee Non-Profit Housing. lnc Subrecipient Address: 2449 Sanders Pine Circle lrnrn9.k;tlee, Fl. 34142 Project Name: Edenfield Project No: Payment Request # Dollar Amount Requested: L. STATUS OF FUNDS I, Grant Amount A warded $ 300,000 2. Su.m of Past Claims Paid on this Account ) $ 3. Total Grant Amount Awarded Less Sum Of Past Claims Paid on this Account 4. Amount of Previous Unpaid Requests $ $ 5. Amount of Today's Request $ 6. Current Grant Balance (Initial Grant Amount Awarded Less Sum of all requests) $ I certify this request for payment has been drawn in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement between the County and us as the Sub-recipient. I also certify that the amount of the Request for Payment is not in excess of current needs. Signature Date Title Authorizing Grant Coordinator Supervisor Dept Director (approval authority under $14,999) (approval required $J 5.000 and ahove) ) ImmoKalee Non-Prottt Housmg tnc. Edenfield HOl1se Page 20 of 23 Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 22 of 25 EXHIBIT "C" DRI MONTHLY PROGRESS REPORT Complete form for past mOllth and submit to Housing &lIl1man Service's staff by the] (/h of the following montll. Status Report for Month of Submittal Date: Project Name Project Number DRI Activity Number Subrecipient: Contact Person Telephone: (239) Fax: (239) E-mail: 1. Activity Status/Milestones (describe any action taken, relating to this project, during the past month): 2. What events/actions are scheduled for the next two months? 3. Describe any affirmative marketing you have implemented regarding this project. Please list and attach any recent media coverage of your organization relating to this project. 4. List any additional data relevant to the outcome measures listed on the application for this project. 5. Identify any potential issues that may cause delay. Immo'<:alee Non~"'rotlt Housmg Inc, Edentleld House Page 21 of23 Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 23 of25 6. New contracts executed this month (if applicable): ) Name of Contractor or Amount of Contractor Race Ethnicity Subcontractor, Address & Phone Contract Fed eral ID (see definitions on (see definitions on Number Number following page) following page) 7. For projects that serve a particular clientele, please complete the following information by enrering the appropriate number in the blank spaces and in the chart below. Complete the below chart for NEW clients served this month, DO NOT DUPLICATE clients served in previous months. You may provide data by either househo Ids or persons served. However, If one person received TWO services this counts as T\VO SERVICE UNITS: TOTAL BENEFICIARIES This project benefits households or persons. Please circle one category (either "households" or "persons"), EllieI' (he number of beneficiaries inlhe blank space and in box "J," INCOME ) Of the households or persons assistcd, arc cxtrcmcly low-income income (0-30%) of the current ,\1edian Family Income (MFI), Enter Ihis number In box "2. .. Of the households or persons assisted. are very low-income (31-50%) of the current Median Family Income (MFI). Enler Ihis number in box "3. .. Of these households or persons assisted, Income (MFI), EllIer Ihis number in box "4. " are low-income (51-80%) of the current Median Family NOTE: The total of boxes 2, 3 and 4 should equal the member in box 1. FEMALE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD This project assisted in box "5" below. Female Hcad of Households REGARDLESS ofincome, Enler this number BOX I BOX 2 BOX 3 BOX4 BOXS Extremely Very Low Income Fl'TJ1ale Head of Lo...... Income Low Income (51-BO"%) Household {O-Jm'~, (31-50%. Total Number of Households N Persons ASSisted ) LmmoKalee Non-Protlt HOUSing Inc. Edenfield House Page 22 of 23 Agenda Item No. 1602 June 10, 2008 Page 24 of 25 Subrecipients must indicate total beneficiaries for Race AND Ethnicity Definitions of Race: 1. "''bite: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa, 2. Black or African-American: A person having origins in any of the hlack racial groups of Africa. 3, Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam, 4, American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. 5, 1\ative Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original people of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands, Definitions of Ethnicity: I. Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or Oligin, regardless of race, Tabulation Table of Race and Ethnicitv Beneficiaries .',. ..' Race .' # Total .'.- # 'Hispanic I . , White Black or African American Asian -- American Indian or Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander American Indian/Alaska Native and White Asian and White Black/African American and White -- -"'-'--- ------ .. .--.. i American Indian! Alaskan Nativc aIld Black! African American Other Multi-Racial .'---- _..... . "..-. TOTAL: .... ........ ..' ~ Immol<aJee Non-ProfIt Housmg Inc. Edenfield House Page 23 of 23 Page ] of 1 Agenda Item No. 16D2 June 10, 2008 Page 25 of 25 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1602 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes its Chairman to sign, a Subrecipient Agreement providing Supplemental Disaster Recovery Initiatlve (oRI) funding In the amount of $300,000.00 to Immokalee Non-Profit Housing, Inc., for repairs and a hurricane hardening project at the Community Center at Edenfield House, also known as Timber Ridge Recreational Center, in lmmokalee Meeting Date: 6/10/200890000 AM Prepared By Lisa Dien DRI Grant Support Specialist Date Public Services Division Human Services 4/25/20087:58:43 AM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Director Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 4/25/200810:24 AM Approved By Jeff Wright Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 4/25/20083:03 PM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 4/25/20083:09 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 4/28/200810:29 AM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/29/20087:43 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 6/3/200810:27 AM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 1 09-June%20 1 0,%202008\ 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA \ 16... 6/4/2008