Agenda 06/10/2008 Item #16B 7 Agenda Item No. 16B7 June 10, 2008 Page 1 of 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to award Bid # 08-5052 including alternates 1 and 3 for construction of Palm River Estates Unit 4 North/South Stormwater Improvements Phase 2, Project No. 511411, to David Foote Environmental Construction Inc. in the amount of $354,763.25 plus a ten percent contingency, and to approve the necessary budget amendments. OBJECTIVE: To receive Board approval for the award of a contract to proceed with the Palm River Estates Unit 4 North/South Stormwater Improvements Phase 2 Project for $354,763.25 per plans and specifications to the lowest, qualified and responsive bidder, David Foote Environmental Construction Inc. and to approve the necessary budget amendments. CONSIDERATIONS: The bid was advertised on February 11, 2008 in the Naples Daily News and notices were sent to 380 vendors. On February 28, 2008, a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting was held to explain the contract specifications and answer any questions that the prospective bidders may have. On March 13,2008, nine (9) bids were received (one being non-responsive) and reviewed by the Stormwater Management Section's Staff, Parks and Recreation Staff, and the Project's Design Professional in conjunction with the Purchasing Department. Responses were received from the following firms: David Foote Environmental Construction Inc.; RLV Enterprises, Inc.; Douglas N. Higgins, Inc.; Stahlman-England Irrigation Inc.; Quality Enterprises USA, Inc.; Mitchell and Stark Construction Co. Inc.; Haskins Inc.; P.l's Land Clearing and Excavating, Inc.; Stevens & Layton Inc. (non-responsive) The eight responsive base bids received ranged from $291,933.62 to $734,854.58. Bid alternates and costs are noted on the attachment. The Engineers project estimate was $650,000. Stormwater Management Section worked jointly with the Parks and Recreation Staff in a landscape design plan for the Willoughby Acres Park's western entry, which was included as Bid Alternate I. This bid alternate was for Board requested access improvements from Palm River to the passive Willoughby Acres Park site at the west end of Mentor Drive in the Willow West subdivision. In response to public petition at the June 12, 2007 BCC Meeting, the Board directed the Parks and Recreation Depmlment to work with the neighboring communities to resolve the access to the Willoughby Acre's Park. Palm Crest Villas has also agreed to convey to Collier County an access/sidewalk easement overlying the existing drainage and utility easement. The Stormwater Management Section and the Water Department are agreeable. - This stormwater project is located within platted north/south public 50' drainage and utility easement in Palm River Estates Unit 4. The proposed work generally consists of the relocation of an existing ditch increasing the flow way capacity, installation of culverts, catch basins, gabion retaining walls, and establishment of a maintenance patllway in order to address annual Agenda Item No. 16B7 June 10, 2008 Page 2 of7 maintenance by Road Maintenance with its anticipated cost of $16,056. Construction shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications by Q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A. In this project's community involvement efforts, the Stormwater Management Section staff notified the affected property owner(s) and advised them of the opportunity to attend a community meeting which was held January 30, 2008 at the North Naples Fire District Station 45. Discussed was the project plans with property owner comment solicitation. Owner comments and evaluation of the comments were considered in the design's final plans. Staff has reviewed the bids received and recommends awarding the construction contract to Dave Foote Environmental Construction Inc. as the lowest, qualified and responsive bidder. Their base bid was the lowest being $291,933.62. Further, after discussions with Parks and Recreation staff, the Stormwater Management Section is also recommending that Bid Alternate 1 for the park entry at $57,732.86 and Bid Alternate 3 for the water main relocation be included in the award at $5,096.77. FISCAL IMPACT: A budget amendment is necessary to fund the total construction amount of $354,763.25 plus a ten percent contingency amount of $35,476.33 for unforeseen related expenses for a total amount of $390,239.57. Funds in the amount $30,782.86 will be provided by Parks and Recreation Department from Delasol Neighborhood Park within their Fund 306 covering the landscaping for the access easement. Funds in the amount of $174,423.]] are available in the Stormwater Management Section Fund 325, Project No. 51141 l. A budget amendment in the amount of $186,000 is necessary to move the remainder of the funds from three (3) completed stormwater projects and to allocate the funds to this project. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The County Attorney's Office has reviewed this item for legal sufficiency and there are no outstanding legal considerations. - SRT. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact associated with this Executive Summary. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners: (I) Award Bid No. 08-5052 to Dave Foote Enviromnental Construction Inc. to include their Base Bid, Bid Alternate I and Bid Alternate 3 plus a ten percent contingency, (2) Approve the necessary budget amendments. Prepared By: Val Prince, Project Manager, Transportation Services Division, Storm water Management Department Attachments: (I) Bid Tab; (2) Recommendation Letter from Q. Grady Minor and Associates, P.A.; (3) Location Map Page lof2 Agenda Item No. 16B7 June 10, 2008 Page 3 of 7 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 1687 Meeting Date: Recommendation to award Bid # 08-5052 including alternates 1 and 3 for construction of Palm River Estates Unit 4 North/South Stormwater Improvements Phase 2, Project No, 511411, to David Foote Environmental Construction Inc. in the amount of $354,763.25 plus a ten percent contingency, and to approve the necessary budget amendments. 6/10/20089:0000 AM Prepared By Val Prince Project Manager Date Transportation Services Storm water Management 5/28/20084:38:04 PM Approved By Kerry Runyon Regional Manager Date Public Services Parks and Recreation 5/29/20089:29 AM Approved By Gerald Kurtz Senior Engineer Date Transportation Services Stormwater Management 5/29/2008 2:29 PM Approved By Caroline Soto Administrative Assistant Date Transportation Services Transportation Engineering and Construction 5/29/2008 2:48 PM Approved By Sharon Newman Accounting Supervisor Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 5/29/20083:14 PM Approved By Pat Lehnhard Executive Secretary Date Transportation Services Transportation Services Admin 5/29/20083:49 PM Approved By Najeh Ahmad Director Date Transportation Services Transportation Engineering & Construction Management 5/29/20083:54 PM Approved By Brenda Srilhart Purchasing Agent Date Administrative Services Purchasing 5/29/2008 4:07 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date file://C:\AgendaTestIExportll 09-June%20 I 0,%2020081 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA 116... 6/4/2008 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No. 16B7 June 10. 2008 Page 4 of 7 Administrative Services Purchasing 5/29/20084:14 PM Approved By Mike Hauer Acquisition Manager Date Administrative Services Purchasing 5/29/20084:38 PM Approved By Scott R. Teach Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 5/29/20084:49 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5/30/20089:40 AM Approved By Susan Usher Senior Management/Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Offtce of Management & Budget 6/3/20083:06 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 6/4/2008 9:42 AM file://C:IAgendaTestIExportl 1 09-June%20 I 0,%2020081 16.%20CONSENT%20AGENDA 116... 6/4/2008 i\L,\Rf..: 1,\'. r.lJNOK roE IDSIIlL'\ R. EYANS. l'.f ~.1]CHAEL 1. HERRERA. F.r:. DAVID W.SCH1~lln. P,L t_tICHAEL l. DELATE, 1-',1:::, FUZ~A,BEll1 A. FOUNTAIN. P.E :\NTIRES F. CClRP,EI\~ r.E Q. GRADY MINOR & ASSOCIATES, P.A. Civil Eng-u1e,_Q1'" ).;,~J.:H:l, ?l,l~'~~orS . Planners. Landscape Architects ;-~ 1,:L t::. j \/ !=:...) D, \-VA YNE fWNOLD. AJCP. KEI1H A. STEPHENSO!\!. P5.M. lUAN ,\, ARAQl,;E, pst--!. HElDI K. \\1LLI Al','15. Alef' D, KENT C,\F:'LYLL r:.L'\. ~;fcI\~ETH \Y. PAHLTSK1, PS.M. ["A'dELA \1. f-IY1T Agenda Item No. 16B7 June 10, 2008 Page 5 of 7 ;"'(,1/'[ May t 5. 2008 :vir. Val Prince Collier County Stonnwater ~laIlag('mcnt Department 2885 South Horseshoe Dri\e "apks. Florida 34104 RE: Palm River Estates l'nit "0. 4. '\onh'South Slnrn1\\'atcr Improvements Pha'\e 2 Denr Mr. Prince: On March 13. 2008. the Bid Opening on the aho\'e referenced project was held. A total ()f nine (9) bids \-\'ere received. One (J) bid was deemed '~Non-Responsive". The Base Bids ranged Crom $291.933.62 to $734.854.58. (Our Opinion of Prohahle Cost was S650.00000.) There were also three Hid Altcrnates. Bid Alternate No. 1 was for completion ol~ the Park Access improvements. IJid Alternate No.1 was for an Open Ditch .\hernatc if Bid Alternate No. I wa') not constructed and Bid Alternate No. 3 is for ~tnlit.:jpatl:J water main relocation. /\ Bid l,abulation is attached for your use. l-'poll rc\'ie\-\ of the bids. meetings with Parks and Recreation and the apparent ]0\\' hidder. Duvid Foote Environmt.'mal Constmctiol1. Illc.. it is recommended that David Foote be awarded the proposed contract. This contract should consist of :he Base B-id~ Bid /\ltcrnate !\Jos. I and 3 in the amount of$354.763.15. if you hJ.\.c any qu:..:Qiol1s or if'we can he of further assistance. please call. Jt2/urs. Da,id W. Schmit!. P.L. D\V:sme Enclosure r2':;Q) (14:-. J ]..1.4 . 1';\:\ (2:;9) 9.F.1l3?5. \\eh $il(": W\\'\\'.I:':iidnnin(lrCPlH ,~1-i()O V18 ll"! J{.:'y . B(Tnilit Sprinp. Flortdil ~'..l(~4-:--"i1,n F!\ lHlllj!:,> I . LIl ('lOP:;]:'i! . LC 2r~(h)n2tll~ ,bnllll:!', lUll \;wll "i'wj"(,-,!L,,llic:: ell (OHllalh'I'Cl "j(,'.5-I:'i.iJfipnn,~~.,:l{lc , .r,.">" ~. ~''''''1'.;.' ,.... co,.... CJO~ <<>00 ~N<<> com Z~ '" <1l E1!o. Q)::l =: ...., <1l '0 C Q) OJ <{ H ii ~ i i ~OQ ~ <> c~og~8gg ~ '.1 ~5i-n!!a~-S~~~~Ea~~ ~~~ ~ ~r.~ =~~~:~~~~ , ; ~; ~I~j; ....;; ~. i oil,; ,-n;il g~~ IH .... .. ::i 51,j '"i !H~IH ;:::'~ ;: ,~ p,'.l ~H , , ~eg~ r , ~i~ i Iv:" ~; i . gg ~ ,~ 'f' ~::;;;; N E~ :;.:;;;:; , I , , - !Hi , !~ - ! i .. '?~ ,.. T I Ii Ii II I I , il] ;t'\!1....' , , -..>! COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -. . r'o-- June 10, 2008 Page 7 of 7 ' ProiectNo: 51141 J PALM RIVER EST A TES UNIT #4 NORTH-SOUTH STORMWA TER IMPROVEMENTS PHASE - 2 PROJECT LOCATION MAP 0.. >- u U~~~; CLlIl3l.N ~",':.tlI'II\~~_l)~_ . . ',23 PEBBLE SHORES DR a:: c z ~ o a:: u w >- ~ l/l l/l W a:: 0.. >- U :iE l> C Z Cl III "1>0 CIF~ PIPER BLVD -----ml-- --[1' ,. IMM0KAI::EE'RD - 26 . ->.. 1 ~'O;' \?/' -........-.,....----....-..-.-.... ---- -"'--- , , , ,- ~",i ~~/ ~~., . ~~~ WILLOWICK DR ERIE DR MADISON DR ._._-.--~._._., ..~~_._---- I i SAWGRASS CT KIRTLAND DR 24 MENTOR DR w. > <l: --,--_.._--,.' c ::J u ::l W JOHNNYCAKE DR Location of Proposed Work WICKLIFFE DR CHARDON PLI 25 . COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMM1SSIONERS TRANSPORTATlON SERVICES DlV1SION STORM WATER MANAGEMENT SECT10N SECTION 14 TOWNSHIP 48S RANGE 25E o 250 500 I I Feet 2885 SOllTH HORSESHOE DRIVE,NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 PHClNF:239. 774~RI92, FAX:n9-6.'i9-5700 P P'