Agenda 06/10/2008 Item # 4A Agenda Item No. 4A June 10, 2008 Page 1 of 2 PROCLAMA TION WH€REAS, the YDUth L.Dd.rship CDllier PI'Dgram ...,s inspired by D graup Df ctmrmitted ChDmber busi/ltlss m.mbers and Cl)mmunity I.ad.rs und.r the flUidanc. and tutelage of the und.rship Colli.r FfJUfldtltitlf/: and, WH€REAS, YDUth uad.rship Colli.r s..ks youth of Colli.r County with I.ad.rship quolitiu - c(lfl(;ret. and .Iusive, tJbvitIUS and subtl. - for the sake of d.veloping .thical teDd.rs conuniff.d to Dcn.. ctmrmunity in""lvem.nt: Dnd. WH€REAS, th"""flh pracus programming and ctlfnmunity .xperi.nce in s.veral unilfUtl .nviranflltlnts, program ptJI'ticip,mts are ignited ttI b.c""", passitlf/at. and inflOlved citiz.ns whD tIN canc.,.".d about cDmmunity improW:l'Mnts; Qn~ WH€REAS, participants in the prDgI"Dm are m.mbers of th.ir junior class preparing ttI embark tIf/ th.ir s.ni"" y.ar in high school: Dnd. WH€REAS, Youth L.ad.rship Colli.r .mpa_rs thos. stud.nts ttI beco"", .ff.cti.. teaders. shtIWCas.s Colli.r CDUnty, und .nct1lH'r1gu stud.nts ttI cf1flSidlU' coming back tD their community to begin their careers and fQm/lit!$; and,. WH€REAS, Youth L.ad.rship Colli.r instills the values Dnd impartanc. of ctlfnmunity st....,rdship, helping ytJUth ttI creat. /ItItwDrks Dnd resourc.s within th.ir own community thet will ellCtJUragt' inWJIw"""t. NOW TH€REFORE. be it pf'tIClaim.d by the BDDrd of CDUnty C"",missi"""rs of CDlli.r CtlUnty, FloridD. thDt JU/ltl 10. 2008, be desif1'lDted os Youth Leadership Collier Day IXJNE AND ORl>€RED THIS 1(/" l>oy Df Jun., 2008. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION€RS COu.r€R COVNTY. FLORIDA TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CL€RK r \. Page ] of 1 Agenda Item No. 4A June 10. 2008 Page 2 of2 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 4A Proclamabon designating June 10, 2008 as Youth Leadership Collier Day. To be accepted by Donna MacNiven Meeting Date: 6/10/200890000 AM Prepared By Lanisa Roberts Administrative Aide to BCe Date BCC 5128/20084:12:38 PM Approved By Sue Filson Executive Manager to the BCe Date Board of County Commissioners Bce Office 5/28/20084:50 PM Approved By John A. Yonkosky Director of the Office of Management Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 5129/20088:04 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 5/301200812:13 PM r-' file:l/C:IAgendaTestIExportll 09-June%20 I 0, %202008104.%20PROCLAMA TI ONSI4AI4A... 6/4/2008