BCC Minutes 08/03/1978 W
B20C~ 042 P:.:: 694
Auqust 3, 1978
LET I~ BE REMEMBERED, th~t the Board of County Commissioners
in and for the County of Callier, and also aoting as the Governing
Doard(s) of such special distriots as have been created aooording
to law and having cond;.cted business herein, met on this date at
9:08 A.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the
Courthouse Complex with the followinq members present:
CHAIRMANs John A. Pistor
C. R. "Russ" Wimer
Thomas P. Archer
Clifford Wenzel
ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk (10:30 A.M.): Harold
L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer, Enda Brenneman, Deputy
Clerk; Ray Dulaney, Building Direotor, and Harvey Padgett, Asst.
Building Director.
THURSDAY, August 3, 1978
9:00 a.m. 35-000 Building Ray Dulaney
10:00 56-010 Agricul ture Don Landers
56-020 Agriculture-Hone Economics Denise Coleman
56-030 Agriculture-Lethal Yellowing Don Landers
11:00 71-000 Veterans Service Tom Kehoe
11: 15 31-000 Stockade Jim Lester
Confirmed 8/2/78
V. Hngri
August 3, 1978
Commissioner Wimer expressed surprise that the proposed Building
Department Budget for FY 78-79 has been kept as low as projected due
to the extra duties assumed and the reorganization of the Department
with Chairman Pistor concurring, adding the oomment that progress is
being made to correct some of the complaints that have existed over
the years in this area of operation.
In response to Commissioner Brown, Mr. Ray Dulaney, Building
Director, stated that the permitting prooess has been speeded up
considerably, explaining the procedures now in effect.
Commissioner Wenzel questioned the need for the printing and
reproduction cost projected with Mr. DUlaney responding that the
costs arc due, in part, to the licensing operation and the duplication
and printing costs involved. It was also pointed out that the purchase
of Code Books is included in the figure, with Mr. Dulaney noting
that a supply of these must be available1 however, the costs for the
purchase of same are reimbursable with a 15\ profit involved.
During the discussion which followed, Commissioner Archer
inquired if the projected revenue figure of $700,000 is realistic
considering the fact that a drop in development and building is being
forecast due to a predicted recession. Mr. Dulaney explained that
in prior years the pattern has been that it would take a year before
its effect would be felt in Southwest Florida, however, he said that
it is a concern. In response to Chairman Pistor's inquiry, Mr.
Dulaney replied that it is possible that the Flood Plain Map, when
approved, could have some effect on area development.
The proposed School Impact Fee was brought up for discussion
and it was the consensus of the Board that a legal opinion be obtained
in writing from the County Attorney with regard to whether or not
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AUgust 3, 1978
a unit started prior to adoption of the proposed ordinance would be
assessed the impact fee. County Manager Norman was directed to
request the legal opinion and to make it publio.
The matter of antioipated revenue was again addressed, with
Fiscal Officer Hall commenting that the figure inoludeu in the budget
is conservative and Mr. Norman stating that, in his opinion, the
$700,000 figure is realistic. Commissioner Wenzel suggested using
a figure of $600,000 with the observation that he dislikes guessing
on income in order to make the books balanoe. Mr. Norman stateQ
that that would not be done and reiterated his opinion that the
proposed revenue figure is realistio.
Commissioner Archer commented that the Justification page of
the budget lists New Personnel and noted that the positions were
prcviously approved and funded with Anti-Recession Funds. He said
that this could be misleading in that it would appear that there are
new cmployees being hired. Mr. Norman explained that in the budget
process iL is required that a comparison be made between the 78-79
and the 77-78 budgets and that the positions were shown on the earlier
budget. Mr. Hall proviaed a further clarification and said that the
only "clean" way to avoid the problem would be to go back to the
initial budqet fot comparisons. Mr. Hall suggested that the number
of positions at the start of the budget and the number of positions
approved up through the six-month cutoff could be shown which might
solve some of the problems. Chairman Pistor recalled that periodic
printouts are going to be supplied showing the status of the budget
versus the expenses and inquired if some of the changes being discussed
could be reflected so that the printouts could be up-to-date with
what the Board has approved. Mr. Hall stated that is being done
with dollar amounts but not the number of positions and concurred that
a type of activity report on a month-to-month basis would be a good
August 3, 1978
addition to the report. Folluwing further discussion regarding
the matter, Mr. Hall said that the printouts can be revised to
show the initial budget, the interim changes approved, and then
what is requested for ~he new year.
Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown
and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer having left the meeting,
that the Building D~partment Budget for FY 78-79 be tentatively
Mr. Dulaney advised that since the budget had been reviewed
with Mr. Norman and Mr. Hall, one of his employees has quit and
stated that his budget can be reduced in the amount of $900 plus
FICA and Retirement. Following brief disucssion, it was the
consensus of the Board that the exaot amount involved be deducted
from the budget prior to finalization.
Chairman Pistor requested the Commissionerst opinions regarding
the schedule for the balance of the budget reviews and whether or not
every item must be reviewed again. Following brief discussion, it
was the consensus of the Board that the entire ~udget be gone
through on Monday, August 14, 1978, and that the budgets requiring
further reviews, discussions, and the like, be reworked on Wednesday,
August l6, 1978. There were no objections to Fiscal Officer Harold
Hall's request for reprinting just the detail budget sheets containing
the line items, said page being Page 3 for most budgets. He said
these summaries would be ready the week of August 14th.
AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT BUDGETS (56-010, 56-020, 56-030) FY 78-79
Agriculture Department Direotor Don Lander called the Boardts
attention to a possible error in tho projeoted revenue figure shown
in the Lethal Yellowing Budget explaining that collections for the
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August 3, 1978
first nine months of the year have totaled $76,811 and that if
the percentage stays the same for the balance of the year the
Program will be close to breaking even. Fiscal Offioer Harold
Hall said that the revenue figure of $75,000 should have been
changed to $100,000 due to the faot that more oomplete figures
were obtained after the tentative Budget was prepard.
The Lethal Yellowing Program was fur.ther disoussed with
regard to whether or not the Program is suooessful, and the like,
with Hr. Lander stating that one of the biggest problems is the
collection of past-due accounts. Commissioner Wenzel suggested
that a legal opinion be requested as to whether or not follow-up
statements could contain a warning to the effect that if the
statement is not paid within 30 days a lien, or something of that
nature, would be placed on the property. Mr. Lander stated that
he would follow through on the sugCJestion.
Concerning the request for new equipment, Commissioner Wenzel
questioned the need for a typewriter costing $850 and whether or
not one costing less would be satisfactory. Mr. Lander stated
that the $850 figure was quoted by the Purchasing Department for
inclusion in the budget1 however, he did emphasize the need for a
typewriter but that it would not have to be an expensive model.
Chairman Pistor directed that the Purohasing Department revise
some of the figures with regard to purohasing new equipment noting
that it is possible to get equal quality at a lower price and that
many departments do not need "fancy" typewriters. Mr. Lander
stated that his department would be glad to accept the offer of
a projection screen made by Commissioner Archer thereby reducing
the budget by the amount of $100.
Ms. Deni$e Coleman, Home Economist, explained that the three
new positions being requested are not really new, that they have
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been on tIle payroll and funddd by Anti-Reoel8ion Funds whioh
are no longer available, and pointed out the need for the
individuals involved. Commissioner Pistor noted that he has
received m~ny letters from persons throughout the County, including
City residents, attesting to the effeotiveness of the Home Economist
Program by keeping young people busy helping elderly people keep
busy so that further programs and ways of spending money are
Concerning the number of aliens being served, Ms. Coleman
estimated that there are maybe 15 b~ing helped out of the total
number of those served. Concerning the various segments of the
rrogram, Ms. Coleman said that one item being oontemplated is a
grant of $20,000 for a fuod preservation program to enable the
families to use what is brough in from the fields effectively. In
response to Commissioner Wenzel, Ms. Coleman said that 50\ of her
salary is paid for outside of local taxpayer funds.
Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Brown
and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer absent, that the Agriculture
Department Budgets for FY 78-79 be given tentative approval with
the minor changes suggested - reduction of $100 for the projection
screen, increase of $25,000 in the Lethal Yellowing revenue, And
that the possibility of Acquiring lower-prioed typewriters be
RECESS: lO:20 A.M. until lO:40 A.M.
!\~r~ 042 Pt.:: 699
8::C~ 042 PI.::.7oo
August 3, 1978
Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Brown
that the Veterans Service Department Budget for PY 78-79 be tentativcl
approved. Commissioner Wenzel observed a discrepancy between the
proposed salary increase figures as shown on Page 3 ($1,l66) and
Page 4 ($2,68l) of the Budget and requested a olarification. Fiscal
Officer Harold Hall explained that the lower fiqure is oorrect and
that the latter figure is overstated on the Justifioation Sheet
which did not get changed prior to printing the budget. He noted
that the salary increase is the same as all of the others.
Upon cail for the question the motion to tentatively approve
the subject budget was carried 4/0, Commissioner Wimer absent.
Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that the typed list of
comments that were made at the public hearing regarding the use of
Federal Revenue Sharing Funds has not been prepared as yet, however,
the Commissioners in attendance at the meeting have a "feel" for
the requests which were made. He said that if the Board still feels
that the place to use Federal Revenue Sharing io'unds is in the Road
& Dridge area to hold down ad valorem taxes, that matter could be
taken up at this time. The Commissioners voiced their desire to
use the funds for this purpose.
Mr. Hall stated that this is a logioal proposal and in accordance
with the Board's overall philosophy and that the funds do tend
to hold down taxes. Mr. Hall said that from the comments he has
heard that moat people want the funds used to hold down taxes.
Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer
and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer absent, that the Federal
Revenue Sharing Funds for FY 78-79 be used for Road & Bridge operations.
August 3, 1978
Chairman Pistor, referring to the fact that the appropriation
for reroofing the Stockade has been taken out of the budget, inquired
BS to tho funding for the project. Fisoal Officer Harold Hall
explained that it has been suggested that since the repair would be
a major capital improvement that the appropriation be included in the
Bond Issue. Commissioner Wenzel cautioned against having any roof
work done unless the contraotor has been approved by the Contractor's
Licensing Board and that a 20-year bond for the roof be obtained. It
was noted tha~ the estimate for reroofing is $30,000 and the balance
of the $40,000 appropriation under discussion is for the replacement
of the freezer. Warden James Lester, Immokalee Stookade, noted that
the existing freezer has been shut down for about four years and
that it is sixteen yearR old, adding that the freezer has dete-
riorated due to the fact that it is built into the building itself
whose walls are deteriorating.
In summary, Chairman Pistor noted that the operating budget
for the Stockade, following removal of the aforesaid $40,000, is
projected to be $3l9,172, an inorease of l' over the current year.
Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commiesioner Archer and
carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer absent, that the Stockade Budget
for the FY 78-79 be tentatively approved in the amount of $3l9,l72.
Discussion followed conoerning the oost of the meals being cerved
in the Immokalee Substation, Haitian immigrants, the incarceration
of illegal aliens, and the like. County Manager Norman sugges~ed
that the proposed revenue figure of $l20,OOO might be too conservative
which was briefly discussed.
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August 3, 1978
Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that the proposed budget
for the Medical Examiner for FY 78-79 in the amount of $60,000 is an
estimated budget prepared without discussion with the Medioal Examiner.
Chairman Pistor noted that the budget is a 33' inore&ae over the
current year's budget of $45,000 which was exceeded. Clerk William
r.~agan explained that the 77-78 Fisoal Year Budget was cut with the
intention that if the budget went over, it oould be supplemented.
~lr. Reagan continued by stating that the Medioal Examiner operdtes
under State Statute which permits him to set his fees And suggested
the possibility that the budget might be too low. Commissioner
Wenzel commented that even though $60,000 might seem high, it
is cheaper than the County going into the business, AS was considered
years ago. Mr. Reagan observed that no bills are approved until it
is ascertained that the work has been court-ordered. Although it
takes hours to perform such an audit, Mr. Reagan said that by being
so precise has probably saved some money.
In reviewing the budgets which have not as yet been discussed
by the ~oard, the mAtter of maintaining the buoys at the fishing reefs
was brought up with Cowmissioner Archer suggesting that this main-
tenance is a valid expenditure of the tax monies collected from
the boat registration fees. County Manager Norman noted that
the Parks & Recreation Direotor would like to use those funds for
the Bayview Park project with Commissioner Aroher agreeing that part
of the funds should be used in that manner, but not all of the funds.
Clerk William Reagan inquired as to what maintenance the
Maintenance Department is supposed to supply and whether or not
5uch matters as repainting, and the like should be budgeted. It
August 3, 1978
was Cnmmissioner Archer's suggestion that, since the courthouse
buildings belong to the County Commission, the Board should be
responsible for the maintenance of them and that requirements
for projects should be submitted to the Board at the beginning
of the year so that they can be included in the budget; the
Board's budget - not the individual departmental budgets.
In summary, Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that
in the Building Maintenance Budget we have Cl) custodial services
maintenance and repairs and (3) some provision for minor renovation
lie stated that for proper management and budget control purpos~s, t
third item, minor renovation, should be charged to the departmental
budgets. Under our current system, it is budgeted in the Building
Maintenance Department with no system for setting priorities. The
Supervisor determines which departmental requests can be worked on.
Sometimes the Maintenance Department can supply labor and materials
and sometimes the Maintenance Supervisor tells the Department Head
that if the Department Head can buy the material needed out of the
Department Budget, Maintenance will supply the labor when time perm
The best way to do it, he continued, is to have the standard custod
work and maintenance budgeted in the Maintdnance Department and the
renovation-type work put into departmental budgets and charged out
like Xerox costs, and the like. Mr. Hall stated that time does not
permit allocating it this year but that it oan be done next
The proposed Health Department Budget was brought up for
discussion with the comment made that the budget is down considerab
for FY 78-79. Mr. Hall observed that, in his opinion, the State
has made a mistake in their records in that the big fund balance
brought forward to the Health Department has ended up so that
the budget can be deoreased over $100,000, questioning the source
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A~gU8t 3, 1978
of the fund balance. Mr. Norman explained that he has seen records
which indicated to him that there has been a surplu8 each year and
that he is 75% confident that the accumulated surplus is what will be
expended. Concerning the Health Director's salary, Mr. Hall said
that a memorandum is being submitted to the Commissicners regarding
the matter for their review. Commissioner Wenzel advised that
Dr. Antell has told him that the Board might have to pay the new
Director, who is presently being sought, over and above what the
State has set as compensation. He said Dr. Antell did not
indicate wanting more money and seemed to be satisfied since
he will be leaving the post the first of thti year. Chairman
Pistor indicated that he would like a definite indication of
whether or not the Board made a oommitment regarding the additional
$2,000 in salary for the Health Director. Following further
discussion, the Chairman directed that a definite statement in
writing be obtained regarding the proposed fund balance previously
mentioned in order to finalize the Health Department budget.
Nr. Hall stated that a letter could be written over Dr. Antell.s
signature indicating that the budget is being prepared according
to the fund balance and if there is any reason it is not correct
to please so advise by August 10, 1978.
Chairman Pistor inquired if certified audits have been received
from the "giveaway" programs, noting that he has seen TECH's but none
of the others. ~lr. Norman explained that the Congregate Meals
organization has not completed a full year and Mr. Hall noted that
the County has been receiving audits routinely from the Mental
Health group. Chairman Pistor recalled that financial statements
are a condition for receiving any funds from the County. Also,
said the Chairman, he will discontinue the hearing regarding the
TECH budget if clients are brought in by the Director as was done
AUg~st 3, 1978
during the last budget hearings, and that he should be so notified
of this condition. Commissioner Archer inquired about the status
of the lawsuit regarding the Naples Manor situation with Mr. Norman
responding that the trial has not been set due to the problems
encountered in serving the subpoenas.
Discussion followed concerning a memorandum written by County
Attorney Pickworth regarding State funding for oommunity mental healtt
services matching local funds on a 3/1 basis. It was Mr. Reagan's
suggestion that if the Board has some uneasiness about approving
the Mental Health Clinic Budget it oan be resolved by requesting
an audit of the books in order to find out a complete detailed
explanation of expenditures including how much the State provides
and the County's responsibility to oontribute one-third of the
funding. Commissioner Aroher requested that a breakdown of the
Clinic's entire budget be furnished prior to a review of the budget
which is scheduled for August 10, 1978.
The meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 12:20 P.M.