BCC Minutes 07/26/1978 W Naples, Florida, July 26, 1978 LET r' BE IIDIE/IIDERED, that t.he Board of Cotmty Corrrnissioners in and [or the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of stich special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Budget IVork- shop Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: CHAI~~: John A. Pistor VICE-Q-lAI~~: David C. Brown Clifford C. Wenzel (9:40 A.M.) Th07l'AS P. Archer C.R. "Russ" Wimer ALSO PRESENT: Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Jean Swindle and Edna Brenneman (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; C. William No~'n. County ~mnager; Cliff Barksdale, Cotmty Engineer and George Archi- bald, Engineering Department. AGE.\"DA 1978-79 BUDGET REVIEW SCHEDULE \~DNESDAY, JULY 26, 1978 9:00 a.m. 34-000 Motor Vehicle It spection Cliff Barksdale lInti1 55-010 Solid Waste - Administrative , Noon 55-021 So lid Waste - Transfer/Naples ) 55-022 Solid Waste - Transfer/Marco 55-023 Solid Wa.t. - Tran.ter/Carn..town 55-030 Solid "'as te - Transport 55-041 Solid Waste - Landfill/Naples 55-042 Solid Waste - Landfill/Immokalee 59-000 Aquatic "Teed Control 60-000 Engineering (Continued) o;~~ 042 p,'.::651 ) July 26, 1978 #34-000 MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION BUDGET - REVIEWED Discussion regarding the two motor vehicle inspection stations, Naple~ anJ Immokalee, incluned the following points: 1. Projected revenues for the year 1978-79 from both stations: Approximately $179,000 which will cover operational expenses for that period of time. Use of Capit~l Improvement Fund in the amount of $174,250 for the construction of the new n,"!p1es Motor Vehicle Inspection station and related cocts. Saturday openings of the inspection stations as man- dated by Florida Statutes effective date August, 1978 and using the Immoka1ee unit as immediate compliance to said statute with the Naples station to be reviewed and reported back to the Board of County Commissioners at a later date. 2. 3. 4. The possibility of turning the County operated inspection stations over to independent operators _ i.e. service stations - after said operators have been authorized by the State. Chairman Pis tor concluded the review by stating the motor vehicle inspection stations are self-supporting and there appear to be no changes required in their budget. #55-010 SOLID WASTE INCLUDING TRANSFER/NAPLES, MARCO, CARNESTOWN; TRANSPOrtT; LANDFILL/NAPLES AND IUMOKALEE BUDGET - REVIEWED Chairman Pis tor stated the proposed budget (FY 1978-79) for all areas of the Solid Waste program as being $611,996 requested from general fund and $366,250 requested from Capital Improvement fund totaling $978,246. The money figures for workmen's compensa- tion, personal transFortation expenses and motor pool reimburse- ment were reviewed together with the confirmation of the site location for the proposed landfill in Immokalee; the scheduled hours each transfer station is available to the public and the possible changing of same; suggested use of a separator/chopper that are required in a "shredding process"; the possibility of having mandatory collection with the operation contracted to a private enterprise; the one-time cost of the telephone installa- tion for use at the Carnes town transfer station; and the future use, perhaps, of a scale at each landfill site so charges could be determined by weight. G"", 042 p;\.::f353 bn IJlic P;.:: btJ4 July 26, 1978 Chairman Pistor requested a report, regarding Solid Waste, Inc. of Fort Lauderdale, Florida and the possibility of having a like operation installed at the County landfill sites. Fiscal Officer Hall noted that it is his intent in the future to make available to each department head a monthly report stating the percentage of monies spent and the amount of monies remaining for each budget. f59-000 - AQUATIC WEED CONTROL BUDGET - REVIEWED County Engineer Cliff Barksdale presented the Aquatic Weed Control Budget giving the requested budget figure as $198,425 \.ith some $52,000 coming from the State in matched funds. Commissioner Wimer remarked favorably on the increased use of herbicide treatment for the surrounding canals while curtailing the use of mechanical devices. It was the consensus of the Board that no changes would be required on the above-referenced budget. )60-000 - ENGINEERING BUDGET - REVIEWED Chairmah Pis tor stated the large increase in the Engineering Bwdget (requested monies - $395,305) is due to the need for an additional survey team and asked County Engineer Barksdale to justify the request. County Engineer Barksdale explained that one of the biggest problems and source of complaints is the improper driveway in- stallations which in turn becomes very expensive, indeed, when the cor~ection of such errors takes place. Mr. Barksdale continued, that last year the County passed an ordinance that sets the criteria for such work and because the engineering staff does not have enough personnel to make the original inspection of such installations, the problem continues. It is for this solution, ;.jr. Barksdale said, that the new three-man survey team is requested. adding that the same team would be used in road improvement nssessments; grading; driveway inst~llations, etc. Discussion followed regarding contracting the inspections out to a survey firm; requesting County Engineer Barksdale to prepare ,'1 r-' -I July 26, 1978 a method/schedule whereby the full cost of {nspections and surveys would be charged to the Contractors; a reminder that the goal of the Board this year is to have no new programs or new positions nnd Hoking ~rom the Engineering Department a fee schedule that would allow this new team to be self-supporting. #61-010 - ROAD AND BRIDGE - GE~~RAL/MAINTENANCE 1, 2, 3, 4 AND 5/TRAFFIC/SECONDARY ROAD ADMINISTRATION/SECONDARY ROAD CONSTRUCTION (NE\v) - REVIEWED The overall requested budge: for the Road and Bridge accounts amounts to $14,360,132 including $10,000,000 for new road construc- tion was reviewed with Fiscal Officer Hall supplying the fund- source information. ~lr. Hall stated the majority of the funds come from (1) oil & gas tax and/or pour-over fund; (2) some Federal Revenue Sharing funds (3) a portion of the monies from the race track and (4) approxi~ate1y $200,000 cash carryover. He continued, that the operating budget for Road & Bridge _ General and Maintenance has increased only 5% and that the newly trans- ferred Secondary Road Administration and Construction program will be self-supporting through the 5th and 6th cent gas tax. Discussion followed regarding all areas of the subject budget and concluded with Chairman Pistor's expressed satisfaction with the Road and Bridge budget, suggesting, of course, that if any money can he saved, it should be done. #62-011, 62-012, 62-013, 62-014 & 62-015 MST DISTRICTS I, 2, 3, 4 and 5 FOR ROAD CONSTRUCTION - REVIEWED County Engineer Barksdale stated, at the beginning of the review, that the Board had authorized a loan for the work which is now in progress; that these current road improvements have already taken 80% of the loan monies and the requested figure of $576,900 is for the repayment of the loan together with advance- ~ent of the programs during FY 1978-79. Discussion followed, touching upon such points as: the change in millage for Districts 2, 3 and 5 while no change in Districts 1 and 4; the increase in the department's money requests for Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4; Commissioner Wimer's request for an increase in the road maintenance budget for the roads in Naples f,n~\ 042 P;\.:~ 655 f,lIr.~ U42 p;~:: 656 JUly ':0, l':Jio Park (instead of $11,000 it should be $30,000) and concluding "ith Chairman Pistor's request to County Engineer Barksdale for a correct estimate regarding the repairs necessary on the Naples Park roads and to bri~g the report back to the Board. #63-010 - MST DISTRICT - WESTLAKE; 163-020 - MST DISTRICT/PORT-AU- PRINCE AND #63-030 - MST DISTRICT/VICTORIA PARK _ REVIEWED The review of the above-referenced UST Districts concluded with the Board's expressed satisfaction. #64-010 - LIGHTING DISTRICT COLLIER COUNTY; #64-020 _ LIGHTING DISTRICT MARCO (NEW) AND #64-030 - LIGHTING DISTRICT IMMOKALEE _ REVIEWED Fiscal Officer Hall called to the Board's attention the fact that last year lights had been turned on in areas before the taxes were collected, resulting in the shown deficit of $10,000 in this year's budget. To counteract this deficit, the millage has been increased for the year 1978-79 in Collier County Lighting District, Mr. Hall continued, and it is his hope that the policy of turning on electricity only on the first day of October of each year for all lighting districts will be seriously considered by the Board at a later date. Last year, Fiscal Officer Hall said, the Board passed En ordinance that made the Immokalee Lighting and Beautification district a dependent district under the Board of County Commissioners. He stated the transition has not yet been completed but should be so within a month, this includes records, books, etc. #66-000 - SPECIAL ASSESS~NTS - ROAD CONSTRUCTIOn _ REVIEWED Fiscal Officer Hall stated that the preliminary preparation for an assessment bond issue is underway and within the next four weeks he, County Engineer Barksdale and County Manager Norman will review the approach that will be used, giving as an example a S-year Assessment Bond that would be used for the funding of special road assessments with the pledging of the projected assess- ments to the bond issue. It was the consensus of the Board that this approach was r7-' ,-1 1- JUly Lo, l.';I/b better than the method now employed. FY 78-79 BUDGET FOR SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS - 18-010/020 _ rillVIE~ r1rs. Edna Santa, Supervisor of Elections, was present to respond to questions concerning the FY 78-79 Budget for the Super of Elections' Department and also concerning the new voting mach! Following brief review, Conmissioner Archer moved, seconded Commissioner Wimer, that the Supervisor of Elections' Budget be approved, noting that the budget shows a decrease of 8.8%. No action was taken on the motion. Con~issioner Archer inquired if Mrs. Santa has sufficient personnel for the upcoming registration and elections with 11rs. Santa responding that for the time being she does; however, she noted that some temporary help can be hired if needed. Concerning voting machines, Mrs. Santa expressed her willing to demonstrate the new machines wherever and whenever requested. She also stated that there will be a trained poll worker at each polling place on election day to assist the voters. In response to Commissioner Archer's inquiry, !-frs. Ranta sta tha t there ,,,ill be no names on the ballot who have not filed the worth Statement Form. Brief discussion followed concerning the appointment of a Canvassing Board for the September Primary Election, the November General Election and, if required, the runoff election in October Chairman Pis tor stated that he and Commissioner Archer will be available for the September 12, 1978 election to serve on the Canvassing Board and the other elections can be discussed later in this regard. FY 78-79 CIVIL DEFENSE BUDGETS - OPERATIONS (38-010) AND HELICOPTI (38-020) REVIEWED Civil Defense Director William Walker, Jr., called to the Board's attention the fact that the yellow summary sheet for the Civil Defense Budget contains an error and presents a false pictUI of the proposed budget. He said that the Grants, Gifts and TrustE item was added to the budget whereas it should have been subtractE and, therefore, the budget is a net decrease of $11,210, or 157., j the past year. &t'0K 042 r:.:~657 br,r.~ 042 r.'.:~ 658 ..JUl.)' "v, 1.)1.; Concerning the use of the helicopters, Commissioner Wenzel expressed concern over the fact that perhaps some of the depart- ments are using the helicopters instead of other County vehicles and sugge~ted that such usa~e be cut back. Another suggestion by the Commissioner was to offer the use of the aircraft to the Federal Government for some of their programs and for which they might be willing to pay. Commissioner Archer stated that he has been informed there are no funds available for this type of assis- tance although they are forcing the County to use them for Federal law enforcement of marijuana laws, and the like. Chairman Pistor noted that he has written to the Congressional representatives with a copy to Representative Hawkins in this regard. Fiscal Officer Harold lIall stated that from the observations he has made over the previous 12 months, although he has no facts ~r figures to support them, for the amount of money the COU~lty is spending on Civil Defense and Helicopter Operation, for the capa- bility the County has, the County is in as good or better position than other counties with similar conditions. In response to Commissioner Wenzel, Helicopter Pilot Sanborn said that he performed no specific functions for the Zoning Depart- ment while assigned to that department, with Commissioner Wenzel observing that no replacement personnel should be requested by the department due to Hr. Sanborn's :t'eassignment, with Commissioner Archer adding his conru~rence to Commissioner Wenzel's statement. County Manager Norman advised that a cost allocation program is being developed whereby a record will be kept of the various County departments using the helicopter. Also, said Mr. Norman, further detailing could show the costs for the use of the heli- copter incurred by the Sheriff's Department in identifying drug- trafficking, and the like. It was pointed out that the cost of maintaining the helicopters figures out to approximately 70 cents per citizen. The matter of hangar rents was discussed with particular emr-hasis on the proposed rental of office space for the Helicopter rr "'1 July 26, 1978 Pilot at th~ airport in the amount of $1,200 annually plus telephone costs of approximately $120.00. Hr. Sanborn explained his reasoning behind the request, stating that it would make for a more effici~nt operation. It was the consensus of the Board that the matter be deleted for another year at least and the total of $1,320. was directed to be removed from the budget. Chairman Pis tor commented on several miscellaneous items in the budeet which show increases over the present budget and, also, the maintenance items on the UHl-B Helicopter. 11~. Sanborn explained what is included in the Scheduled l1aintenance item and also the necessity for providing funds for unscheduled maint~nance, which he pointed out is a conservative figure. Chairman Pis tor recalled that the second helicopter was purchased for the purpose of supply- ing spare parts and questioned the need for the liability insurance on the second aircraft. Mr. Walker stated that the second one has been uscd as backup to the first one and, as long as possible, both are being kept operable, commenting that the second one is in as equal, or possibly better, condition than the first one. Mr. Sanborn stated that it will eventually be used for parts: thereby decreasing the liability insurance. The question of deterioration of grounded aircraft was discussed with Mr. Walker explaining that they do not deteriora~e as rapidly if kept flying with Commissioner Archer agreeing, stating that it is better to run an aircraft five hours or more a month and main- tain it than to let it sit and allow the parts, particularly in the engine and the hydraulic system, to go bad. Returning to the natter of insurance, Mr. Walker said that he would investigate the possi- bility of obtaining "fleet" insurance on the aircrafts. Concerning the travel expenses contained in the budget, Nr. Halker said that there are four meetings scheduled for the next fiscal year plus a graduate seminar to complete the require- ments to be fully qualified as a local Civil Defense Director which has been mandated by the Federal government and a new requirement this year. o1t'.~ 042 P.~:2 659 bm 042 r;~:~ 660 July 26, 1978 Lengthy discussion following concerning the matter of pro- viding a shield for th~ emergency generator which will be 50% funded by the Federal government if it i8 built to protect it from nuc~ear fallout. If ~ simple storm shelter were to be built, the cost 'o1ould be between $8,000 and $10,000 with no reimbursement from the government. In summary, Ch6~rman Pis tor expressed his desire to have the two budgets under discussion trimmed, if possible, and suggested that some of the items, miscellaneous supplies and what not, should be carefully looked at to see if it i8 all really needed. * * * * * The meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 3:15 P.M, r---l r-l r--'--\