BCC Minutes 07/27/1978 S ~aples. Flori~a, July 7.7, 1979 LET IT BE K~()T'1N, that in Ilccordance ~.,1 th ~ction tllken on July 21, 1978 the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier met in SPECIAL SESSION on this date at 9:00 A.~. at the Collier County Courthouse Complex, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown Clifford C. Wenzel Thomas P. Archer C. R. "Russ" Wimer ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan. Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Debbie Pantano, ryeputy Clerk, C. William Norman, County ~anager: Aubrey Rogers. Sheriff: Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Department: and ~~illiam Mc~Tulty, Director of Communications - Sheriff's Department. SHERIFF'S BUDGET APPROVED AR At1ENDED IN THE A!'10Urrr OF $4,108.141 1{}IICH IS AN INCREASE OF 9.811, OVER LAST YF..AR Sheriff Aubrey Rogers commented that he had attended the Florida Sheriff's conference earlier in the week and noted that all Sheriff's Departments face many of the same problems and the overall average of increase in budgets is in the area of 91.. Sheriff Rogers noted that the State and courts have a lot of control Over 8ctivit!eg of the Sheriff's Department. Referring to the memo distributed to the Board. Sheriff Rogers stated he has voluntarily cut back the originally proposed budget by $108,983 which makes the total budget $4.108.141 or an increase of 9.811. over last year. Sheriff Rogers stressed that he feels his original estimation is what he really needs and therefore indicated that he may return to the Commission during the year for an amended budget. Again referring to the memo. Sheriff Rogers noted all the items that have been cut out of the budget. He continued/that the new personnel he has requested are also listed in priority if the Commissioners would so desire to cut back any of them. '-MOK 042. !A~ ~ B~CK 0 42 Pf,~r 583 July 27. 19/8 A lengthy discussion followed concerning the procedure followed in training new deputies. Commissioner Wenzel commented on the fact that at the end of every year, the Sheriff tur~s over to the Board approximately $lOO,OOO left over from his budget and suggested that this year the Sheriff deduct it from his proposed budget and turn back nothin& at the end of the year. Sheriff Rogers commented that he is denling with an uncontrollable and unpredictable situation and he has to be ~repared for it. Commissioner Wimer commenced he would have voted for the Sheriff's original budget as he does nct want to jeopardize any of the citizens of the County by cutting back on services. ~r. Ralph Yocum. resident, qV9stioned the fact that the crime rate keeps rising and, in turn. the cost to the taxpayers also keeps rising. He noted that the public officials no longer seem to set any goals when they are elected and there seems to be no visible results from the public services provided (rom these officillls. Chairman Fistor noted that Collier County is a big access point for smuggling which contributes to the increasing crime rate. Cor-missioner Wenzel commented the court system is running t~e country and that many times they will tell the Sheriff how to operate his jail. !1r. Scott Foster, resident, complimented the Sheriff on the operatio~ of his Department, especially referring to the Neighbor- hood ~atch Program. . \ T~ere bei~g no other persons registered to speak. Commissioner \~i~\r'moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5/0 that the public hearing be closed. Co~missioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that t~e amended Sheriff's budget (removing $108.983) be approved in the amount of $~,l08,141, T~e motion carried unanimously 5/0. ,~ '* * '* '* r7'-1 ,----, r---l July 27, 1978 There being no further business to come before the Board the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at IO:30 A.M. to convene in Workshop Budget Session at II:OO A.M. BOARD OF COU~TY cOt1MISSIONERS EX-OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTRO ~ a, f2-&:- 800K 042 PI.~~5B4-