BCC Minutes 07/11/1978 R . ...... Naples, Florida, July 11, 1978 LET IT ~E RE~mMBERED, that the Board of County Commis- sioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Boa~d(s) of Su~h special diatricts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Se8sion in Building "F" of the Courthouse (omplex with the following members pre- sent: CHAIRMAN: John A. Pi8to~ VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown C. R. "Ru8a" Wimer Thoma. P. Archer Clifford C. Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer, Debbie Pantano, and Edna Brenneman (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks, James Siesky, Assistant County Attorney, C. William Norman, County Manager, Irving Berzon, Utility Director, Clifford Barkadale, Assistant County Engineer, Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, Wafaa Assaad, Planning; Lee Layne, Planning, Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director, Rollie Rice, Parks and Recreation, and Dep- uty Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff'. Department. . . . * * . . * * * . . * * * . * . . .' * . . . 1~' '\ . .--' &OOK 042 r:.~313:, ',&j~K 042 r;.::3'lB' , , . July 11, 1978" * Collier County Credit Union Employce--Request by Credit Union President. Adoption of a resolution clarifyinf a previous resolution vacating platted subdiv sion--Palm Rtver, Unit 4. 13. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE F. * G. 14. NEW BUSINESS IS. ADJOURN AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDlTIONS/DELETIONS Per Chairman Pistor's request, Item 8H, Requests for Adver- tising, Petition R-78-4-C by D. A. & Margaret Haynes was delete~. Per Commissioner Brown's request, a letter from an Ochopee resident pertaining to the park roads was added under Miscella- neous Correspondence. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, .tI', that the agenda be approved with the above addition and deletion~; Motion carried unanimously 5-0. NINUTES OF JUNE 6 AND JUNE l3, 1978 - APPROVED Commissionor Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the minutes of June 6, and June lJ, 1978 be approved as sub- mitted. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY JAMES SIESKY PRESENTED PLAQUE FROM BOARD EXPRESSING THEIR APPRECIATION FOR HIS "OUTSTANDING SERVICE." Chairman Pistor, on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners, expressed regret that Assistant County Attorney James Siesky will be leaving ao of this week to take a new job and he p.'Jsented Mr. Siesky with a plaque expressing the Board's appreciation for "Outstanding Service" performed by him during the time of his employment. PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY ISSUED BY ~HE CITY OF NAPLES BE RECOGNIZED IN COLLIER COUNTY _ CONTINUED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 6, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previously I,....J ._J July 11, 1978 filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from April 25, 1978 rc the proposed ordinance providing that Certificates of Competen~y issued by the City of Naples be recognized in Collier County. Assistant County Attorney James Siesky advised that the City of Naples is now in the process of revising their ordinauce ~nd \ stated that a meeting will be held with the Contractors' Licensing Board and the City on July 19, 1978 and by then the proposed ordi- nance should be rcady for enactment. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the public hearing re the proposed ordinance providing that Certificates of Competency issued by the City of Naplea be recog- nized in Collier County be continued. ~lotion carried unanimously 5-0. PETITION R-78-I-I BY BLOCKER & LEWI5 ENTERPRISES, INC., REQUEST- ING A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM "I-HF-l" TO "I-C-2" FOR PROPERTY IN 55, T47s, R29E FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXPANDING THE EXISTING RETAIL BUSINESS - DENIED WITH SUGGESTION THAT peTITION GO BACK BEFORE THE IMMOKALEE PLANNING BOARD FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION I Legal notice having been published in the Immokalee Bulletin on June 8, 1978 as uvidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed \~ith the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-78-1-1 by Blocker & Lewis Enterprises, :nc., requesting a change in zoning from "I-MF-l" to "I-C-2" for property located in 55, T475, R29E for the purpose of expanding the existing retail busi- ness. Mr. David Monaco, attorne} for Messrs. Blocker and Lewis, stated his clients own a hardware. store which fronts on Route 29 in Immokalee and are requesting rezoning of the rear portion of the store to Commercial and also to expand it. He commented that the Immokalee Planning Board has indicated a 3-2 vote for the changes being requested. Mr. Monaco further stated that Hr. Lewis was present for questioning by the Board. hJaK 042 F.:~zSi9 ,~,. L:~K 042 ~3~o July 11, 1978 Hr. Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director, explained that this peti- tion was heard at a public hearing before the Immokalee Area Plan- ning Commission on January 25, 1978. Due to the absence of a Board member, this petition was again heard on March 29, 1978 at which time a memo was read from Dr. Neno Spagna, Planning Department, dated February 6, 1979 recommending denial of this petition. Mr. Clemmer also stated that a petition of ten (10) residents of the surrounding ar~~ of the property in question was signed objecting to the zoning change. Chief Deputy Clerk Hall noted that two letters have been re- ceived in opposition to the petition, one from Ada Washington, resi- dent of Immokalee, and the other from James W. Ringo, realtor and member of the Immokalee Area Planning Commission. Co~nissioner Brown commented that Earl Hall, Immokalee Plan- ing Commission member, had requested that he vote against thiR peti- tion. He explained that Mr. Hall stated he was misinformed at the time he voted for the petition. Commissioner Brown noted that this, in essence, makes the m~jority of the Immokalee Planning Commjssion opposed to the petition. A brief discussion was held concerning the photographs Mr. MOTlaco had distributed to the Board ml!mbers*. He noted that there are only a few houses in view and the zoning change would not really depreciate the character of the neighborhood. Commissioner Brown noted that there are numerous mobile homes in that particular area. He also stated there are rumors that the B & L Hardware Store is planning to construct a mixing plant on stilts if the zoning is changed. Mr. Lewis, petitioner, stated that rumor is false as well as ~nother rumor circulating that he is planning on building a liquor place. He also stated there is a discrepancy in the reporting of the minutes of the first meeting held by the Immokalee Planning Commission for this petition in that the first report states Mr. Joe *Filed in office of Clerk of the Board. ,.( "'t ", 1.__... l___j July 11, 1978 Smith, member, was present and there were no objections voiced compared to a later report of the aame meeting which states Mr. Smith was not present and there were objeotion. raised. Mr. Lewis further said he has petitiona signed by a few residents di.rectly in back of h~s store who are agreeable witl- the petition. '\ CommiSBioner Archer commented that thia discussion is irrelevant to the issue at hand which in fact, is that the staff recommendation is stating this request for rezoning is not good planning. There being no other persons registered to speak, Commis- oioner Alcher moved, seconded by Comnissioner Wenzel, that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by ~ommissioner Wenzel, that Petition R-78-l-1 by Blocker & Lewis Enterprises, Inc., re- questing a change in zoning from "I-MF-1" to "I-C-2" for property in S5, T47S, R29E for the purpose of expanding the existing re- tail business be denied. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Wenzel noted that this petition could be brought back before the Immokalee Area Planning Commission for further consideration due to the discrepancy in the votes. ORDINANCE 78-26 RE PETITION IZ-77-4 REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 74-15 IMNOKALEE ZONING REGULATIONS BY ADDING SECTION 11.2.1 I-SF-lA SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT _ ADOPTED Legal1rotice having been publiShed in the Immokalee Bulle- tin on June 8, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the proposed ordinance re Petition IZ-77-4 requesting an amend- ment to Ordinance 74-l5 Immoka1ee Zoning Regulations by adding ~ection 11.2.l. I-SF-lA Single-Family Residential District. Zoning Director Carl Clemmer advised that the Irnmokalee Area Zoning Regulations do not have a single-family residential b~~/i 042 ',,;..:821 ' 8:lVt( 042 f;.~:: 322 July 11, 1978 classification with a l,200 square foot minimum floor area re- quirement and the Imrnokalee Area Planning Commission is recom- mending a new section be added to their zoning regulations which will permit single-family residences on a 10,000 square foot lot (minimum) and the minimum floor area of principal structure of l,200 square feet. There being no persons registered to speak on the matter, Co~~issioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, and carried unanimously 5-0, that the pub1io hearing be closed. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Ordinance 78-26 re Petition IZ-77-4 be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book '8. In response to Commissioner Archer's inquiry, Mr. Clemmer commented that the major difference between the CAPC zoning regu- lations and the IAPC zonjng regulations is the maximum lot cover- age. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 78-26 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 74-15 THE COMPRE- HENSIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE IMMOKALEF.: AREA PLAN- NING DISTRICT BY ADDING SECTION 11.2.1. I-SF-IA SINGLE- F~lILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. PFTJTION V-78-2-C BY ALLAN C. CROCKET REQUESTING A SIDE YARD SET- BACI: VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A RESIDENCE ON LOT 46, NAPLES BATH & TENHIS CLUB--DEFERRED FROM MAY 9, 1978 - DENIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March 24, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publicatio~ pre- viously, filed with the Clerk. public hearing was continued to con- sider Petition V-78-2-C by Allan C. Crocket requesting a side yard setback variance to construct a residence on Lot 46, Naples Bath & Tennis Club which was deferred from May 9, 1978. Zoning Director Carl Clemmer stated that this is the third ,~~, l_--I I. _.., July 11, 1978 time this petition has come before the Board, the petitioner having requested it be continued the first two times. He further stated the petitioner is out of town and would not be present. Commissioner Archer suggested this petition be denied at this time and at such time the petitioner wi8h.. to reap!?ly, " \ he will have to go back through the normal channel. to do SOl. At this point in the meeting, Commissioner Wimer left at 9:35 A.M. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commi8sioner Wenzel, that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously 4-0, Commissioner Wimer being absent at the time of the vote. At this point. Commissioner Wimer returned to the meeting at 9:36 A.M. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commi8sioner Wenzel, that petition V-78-2-C by Allan C. Crocket requesting a side yard setback variance to construct a residence on Lot 46, Naples Bath & Tennis Club be denied without prejudice. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. ORDINANCE 78-27 RE PETITION R-78-2-C BY TRI COUNTY ENGINEERING REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "E-GH" ESTATES - GROUP HOUSING IN SlO, T5lS, R26E LOCATED Js MILE SOUTH OF MANATEE ROAD AND ENCHANTING SHORES MOBILE HOME PARK - ADOP'.L'Eo. PETITIONER'S AGREE1~NT TO STIPULATIONS ACCEPTED Legal notice havin~ been publiahed in the Naples Daily News on June l, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the pro- posed ordinance re retition R-78-2-C by Tri County Engineering requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "E-GH" Estates- Group Housing in SlO, T5lS, R26E located Js mile south of Manatee ROad and Enchanting Shores ~Iobile Home Park. 8:0<< 042 ...~l)'.)t) r.,.....~ b3DK 042 [;.::324 July 11, 1978 Ms. Geeke Lossing, Tri County Engineering, stated that her company owns ~l acres in Sectio~ 10 and they wish to subdivide said property into nine (9) single family residential lots. The homes will be built on stilts so as not to affect the natural drainage and will keep the area as rural-like aa possible, she sa~d. She further stated that each owner would own an average of 2.4 acres. Ms. Lossing stated the Agreement to the Stipula- tions was accepted and signed by the petitioner and that a COve- nant will be filed indicating that the housep must be on stilts. The question of sewage and water supply was discussed. Com- missioner Archer noted that one of the stipulations is that the petition is subject to approval of the drainage plan by the Water Mana9~,ment Advisory Board and the septio tanks by the Health De- partment. There being no other persons registered to speak on the mat- ter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below re Petition R-78-2-C be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book '8 subject to the five (5) stipulations set down by the CAPC and staff, and that the petitioner's Agreement to stipulations be accepted. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 78-27 AN ORDINANCE ~NDING ORDINANCE 76-30 THE COMPREHEN- SIVE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF THE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY AMENDING THE ZONING ATLAS MAP NUMBER 51-26-2 BY REZONING THE . FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PROPERTY FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO~"E-GH" ESTATES GROUP HOUSING SAID PROPERTY BEING SHORES HOBILE HOME PARK: Sls OF THE NE~ OF THESEIt OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 5lS, RANGE 26E AND BY PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE b:lO!'; 042 ,;.::226 July 11, 1978 ORDINANCE 78-28 RE PETITION R-78-4-I BY GRADY TYRONE BLACRBURN AND HENRY ALLEN FISH REQUESTING REZONING FROM "I-SF-2" SINGLE FAMILY TO "I-C-l" CO~mRCIAL FOR PROPERTY IN S32, T46S, R29E, LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE ,)F LARE TRAFFORD ROAD ~ MILE WEST OF SR-29 - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Immokalee Bulle- tin on June 8, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Cler.k, public hearing was opened to ~onsider Petition R-78-4-1 by Grady Tyrone Blackburn and Henry Allen Fish requesting rezoning from "I-SF-2" Single Family to "I-C-l" Com- mercial for property in S32, T46S, R29E, located on the south side of Lake T~afford Road ~ mile west of SR-29. Mr. Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director, located the property in question on the map and stated the petitioner is planning to build a convenience store and reGtaurant on said property. Mr. Clemmer commented that due to the rapid growth of that sec- tion of Immokalee, the store and restaurant will be greatly sup- ported by the people living there. He further stated that the Immokalee Area Planning Commission, at the public hearing on March 29, 1978, voted unanimously to approve this Petition and the staff concurs with this recommendation. Mr. Clemmer n~ted that there were no objections received concerning the petition. Commissioner Archer inquired as to what ~ffect a retail business as the one being requested will have on the traffic congestion. Mr. Clemmer commented that it will not have much Qf an effect as that is the only main road going in and out of town and the people have to use it anyway. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the pu~lic hearing., be closed. lolotion carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded bYOOmmissioner Brown, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below re Petition R-78-4-1 be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book 18. Motion L...-I July 11, 1978 carried unanimously 5-0. ORDINANCE NO. 78-28 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 74-14 THE ZONING REGULATIONS FOR THE IMMOKALE! AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSIFICATION O~ THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW FROM "I-SF-2" TO "I-C-l" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. " RESOLUTION R-78-98 RE PETITION V-78-14-C BY ROYAL POINCIANA GOLF CLUB, INC., REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO PERMIT 4 DWELLING UNITS IN A 2-STORY STRUCTURE AND PERMIT PARXING IN EITHER FRONT OR REAR SETBACK ON THE E30' OF LOT l3, ALL OF L~rs 14 , 15, AND THE W lO' OF LOT 16, BLOCK D, DECKER HIGHLANDS - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 23, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-78-14-C by Royal Poinciana Golf Club, Inc., requesting a var- iance to permit 4 dwelling units in a 2-story structure and per- mit parking in either front or rear setback on the E30' of Lot 13, all of Lots l4 & l5, and the W 10' of Lot 16, Block D, Decker Highlands. Mr. Robert F. Russell, representing Royal Poinciana Golf Club, stated he is proposing to build 4 dwelling units in a 2-story apartment builuing which would be eBsen~ially ~ the size of the 8 unit apartment building located to the east of said pro- perty and it will have conforming setbacks. He explained the building will be 58' on a l40' lot in one direction and 30' on 112' lot in depth. He noted the structure will be located on 2 streets, in front and rea~, as there is no backyard. There being no other persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Bro~'~, and carried unanimously 5-0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolution R-78-98 re Petition V-78-14-C by Royal Poinciana e3':K 042 F;.~~327 &JOK 042 f:.:z330 . July 11, 1978 PETITION SI1P-78-4-C BY MANCHESTER ItNESTMENTS REQUESTING SUB- DIVISION ~~STER PLAN APPROVAL FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE WEST Elm OF LONGdOAT DRIVE - APPRO.;ED WITH STIPULATIONS. PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 23, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to considur ~etition SMP-78-4-C by Manchester Investments roquesting Subdivision Master Plan Approval for property located in part cf the Nl/2 of the Nl/2 of the NWl/4 of S35, T49S, R25E, located at tha west end of Longboat Drive. Mr. Tom Peek of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek Inc., explained the property involved is owned by Manchester Invest- ments purchased at the same time of purchase of the platted Coconut River Subdivision and is asking to extend Longboat Drive to plat 11 additional lots. Mr. Peek noted this petition has been reviewed and approved by the Subdivision Committee as well as the CAPC subject to the following stipulations to which the petitioner agrees: 1. Sidewalks to be waived 2. Variance from typical cross section within 60' of right-of-way. 3. Final construction plans to be reviewed by the Engi- neering Department. There being no other persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the pub1io ,hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ArCher, that petition SMP-78-4-C by Manchester Investments be appr~ved with thQ stipulations as mentioned and petitioner's agreement to stipulations be accepted. Motion oarried unanimously 5-0. ,\". l.i;~... . . bJ~K 0.42 f;.:~ 332 July 11, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-99 RE PETITION CCSL-78-3-C BY THE PLANNING DEPART- MENT REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE COASTAL CONSTRUCTION SETBACK LINe FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A BEACH WALK AND PICNIC TABLES ON TIGERTAIL BLACH - ADOPTED Legal notice having been pUblished in the Marco Island Eagle on June 22, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hcuing was opened to consider Petition CCSL-78-3-C by the Planning De~artment requesting a variance from the Coastal Construction Setback Line for the construction of a beach walk and picnic tables on Tigertail Beach. ~Ir. Rollie Rice, ~irector of Parks and Recreation, explained that due to the redesigning of Tigertail Beach area because of the Coastal Construction Setback Line, there is approximately 100 feet from the original design of the park to the beach area and in order to maintain access to the beach, a type of beach walk is required, especially for the handicapped. Mr. Rice stated that approximately 10 spots along the beach will be designated as picnic areas. There being no persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5-0, that the public hearing be closed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolution 78-99 re Petition CCSL-78-3-C by the Planning Department requesting a vdr1ance from the Coastal Construction Setback Line for the construction of a beach walk and picnic tables on Tigertail Beach be adopted. In response to Commissioner Archer's question, Mr. Rice comm~nted that the plans for the ramp will be brought to the \ Board for approval. Commissioner Archer suggested that Mr. Merlyn Almack, T.E.C.H. Center, approve the design before it is brought to the Board. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously 5-0. -... July 11, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-101 RE APPROVAL OF THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR WHITAKER ROAD - ADOPTED - PAYME~T AUTHORIZED IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,267.10 BY THE COUNTY FOR THE YOUTH HAVEN ASSESSMENT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 2l and 23, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the proposed resolution regarding the final a8ae..ment roll for , \ Whitaker Road, Mr. Clifford Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer, stated the Board of County Commissioners created the diGtrict on January 3l, 1978 and authorized the paving of approximately 2,920 l.f. of roadway. He said cost estimates equates $2.29 per front foot, approximately $l3,383 total cost. Mr. Barksdale also noted that at the tiffie the district was created, the Board voted for the County to pay the assessment cost for the property owned by Youth Haven which totals $2,267.l0. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolution 78-101 approving the final assessment roll for Whitaker Road be adopted and that payment be auth~rized in the amount of $2,267.l0 by the County for the Youth Haven assessment. Fiscal Officer Hal'old Hall commented that such funds will preferably be taken from the General Government Fund. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimously ~-o. . . . * * . . . . * . . . * RECESS: 10:00 A.M. until 10:10 A.M. * . . * * . . * * . . . . . ~1:Jl( 042 f~'~~ 335' July 11, 1978 ORDINANCE 7B-29 RE PETITION R-78-7C, PARK SHORE REQUESTING REPEAL OF ORDINANCES 74-29, 76-l8 AND 76-55 AND COMBINING PUD DOCUMENTS FOR PARK SHORE UNITS 2 & 5 INTO ONE ORDINANCE AND PUD DOCUMENT WITH MINOR CHANGES FROM ORI~INAL DOCUMENTS - ADOPTED. PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS ACCEPTED Legal notice having been pUblished in the Naples Daily News on June 9, 197B as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the pro- posed ordinance re Petition R-78-7C, Park Shn,'e requesting repeal of Ordinances 7~-29, 76-1B, and 76-55 and combining PUD documents for Park Shore Units 2 & 5 into one ordinance and PUD document. Mr. Bill Vines, representing the petitioner, explained tbe pur~ose of the request to combine the regulations for Units 2 & 5 into a single document is that there will be less confusion and administration. He further stated this petition has been reviewed and approved by the various County aqencies concerned with the Water Manageme(t Advisory Board setting forth the stip- u1ation that the owner make application to the County Engineer for separate dock permits prior to the start of any dock con- struction. Mr. Vines further advised that there are two minor changes from the original PUD documentsl 1. Parking has been reduced from 1. 75 to 1. 5 spaces per unit which is in line with the present RM-2 parking requirements. 2. An option is created to allow 5 or less single family residences instead of 33 multi-family units on the bay-front sites. Mr. :like Zewalk, North Naples Civic Association, inquired if these changes in the PUD documents will affect the possibility of beach accesses in the future and will Gulf Shore Blvd. still te~fnate as a dead end at the en~rance to Seaqate, referring to emergency purposes. Mr. Vines commented that no changes have been made as far as beach acceDses are concerned. In response to Mr. Zewalk's inquiry pertaining to the fire control district, nr. Vines noted l ._ _~ July 11, 1978 the area in which he is speaking is not in Park Shor. and there- fore the -UD documents have nothing to do with it. Chairman Pistor questioned the proviaion that gambling, dancing, etc., is prohibited. Mr. Vines stated that the provision prohibits entertainmen~ of any kind within the subdivision and if the Park Shore residents desires to have an entertainment facility in the future, they will be required to draw up a petition and have the Board's approval to do so. Referring again to the emergency acc... road, Ms. Lee Layne, Planning, advised that at the original publio hearing for Park Shore Unit 5 it was discovered that tn order to provide such a road, the County would have to condemn the property along said road to e'_llnect wi th Seagate or else the residen-es would have to volun- teer their road to be extended. Chairman Piator suggested the mat- ter be turned over to Planning for their recommendations as to pro- viding emergency access roads. Commissioner Wimer noted there are many more areas in the County with more of a need for access roads than Park Shore and suggest~d workshopping the problem with the staff . Mr. Lloyd Sarty, Moorings Gulf Shore Blvd. Property Associ- ation, raised questions concerning boat slips. Mr. Vines explained the existing PUD documents permits 317 maximum boat slips and the reduction to 301 maximum in the proposed documents is based on the agreement made with the Corps of Engi- neers. There being no other persons registered to speak on the matter, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and car- ried unanimously 5-0, that the public hearing be closed. commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, ~hat the ordinance as numbered and titled below re Petition R-78-7C, be adopted with stipulation by Water Management Advisory Board afore- ',.t -- n ,,':' . _ ..,,," llJI.iA U';U... 'h_~ V'1;U July 11, l!l'/8 mentioned and entered into Ordinance Book '8 and that Petitioners Agreement to stipulations be accepted. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Chairman Pis tor requested an investigation be made concerning places requiring additional emerqencj exits and workshop the mat- ter with the staff. ORDINANCE NO. 78-29 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE 76-30, THE ZONING REG- ULATIONS FOR THE UNINCORPORATED AREA OF ~HE COASTAL AREA PLANNING DISTRICT OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY REPEALING ORDINANCES 74-29, 76-18 AND 76-55, THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENTS FOR PARK SHORE UNITS 2& 5, AND ADOPTING A NEW PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DOCUMENT AS HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DA~E. * * . * "" * . * . "" . * * * "" * * . * . * . * . tjCK U41. f;.~:34l July 11, 1978 PETITION V-78-lS-C BY C. A. MURPHY REQUESTING A 10' SETBACK VARIANCE FOR LOTS 1 & 2, BLOCK A, CONNORS VANDERBILT BEACH ESTATES FOR A SWIMMING POOL AND RAISED PLANTER CONSTRUCTED FOR BROADI10....R CONDOHINIUM - D"'NIED WITHOUT PREJUDICE. BOARD SUGGESTED THIS PETITION BE REFERRED BACK TO THE DNR FOR FUR- THER CONSIDERATION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on June 23, 1978 as evidenc~d by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-78-l5-C by C. A. Murphy requesting a 10' setback variance for Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Connors Vanderbilt Beaoh Estates in order tha t a swinuning pool and raised planter ma~' be constructed for the Broadmoor Condominium. Mr. Carl Clenuner, Zoning Director, stated the petitioner had applied for and received a variance of 81' seaward of the CO~...ital Construction setback line, however, the Department of Natural Resources denied this request and approved a 62.5' vari- ance. He noted that in order to provide this recreational faci- lity for the Broadmoor the pool can only be located in the south- east corner of the property (referring to map). Mr. Clemmer ad- vised that the Staff recommends the petition be approved for the 10' variance, as it will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the zoning ordinance and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public. There being no persons registered to speak, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Wimer expressed conCern Over the fact of a wall being built around the proposed swimming pool and the fact of the "dead-end" parking lot with a driveway at the end. A - brief discussion was held concerning said parking lot. Conunissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Petition V-78-l5-C by C. A. Murphy requesting a lO' setback variance for Lots 1 & 2, Block A, Connors Vanderbilt Beach Estates L_-' July 11, 1978 be denied without prejudice with recOmmendation that the peti- tion go back before the D~partment of Natural Resources for additional consideration. The motion carried 4-l, Commissioner Brown dissenting. P~TITION V-78-l6-C BY ANGELA OVIEDO REQUESTING A 6,250 SQ. FT. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A DUPLEX ON LOT 38, BLOCK 7, NAPLES PARK _ DENIED I Legal notice having been publiahed in the Naples Star on June 23, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-78-l6-C by Angela Oviedo requesting a 6,250 sq. ft. variance to construct a duplex on Lot 38, Block 7, Naples Park. Zoning Director Carl Clemmer stated the two abutting lots have residences on them at present and the "RM-1A" zoning will permit an 800 square foot single-family residence. Mr. Clemmer advised that the staff believes that granting a variance of 6,250 sq. ft. is excessive, would not be in harn~ny with the general intent and purpose of the ordinance, and could be detrimental to the public welfare. He further *tated the staff recOmmends this petition be denied. Ms Angela Oviedo, property owner, stated che purchased the property 5 years ago before the zoning laws changed in 1974. She further stated there is a duplex on both sides of her prop- erty, both of which are on the same amount of land as she owns. Mr. Clemmer commented the duplexes in question had been built long before the new zoning laws and there are mostly single- family residences in the area. Chairman Pis tor commented the Comprehensive Plan is enforced for good planning and it would be hard to make just one exception without having to make more. rUt) _ Y),~ bOo!( 042. ~,3(4 July 11, 1978 Mr. Thomas Pobuk, Naples Park Area Assooiation Zoning Chair- man, stated that due to the crowded conditions in the particular area in question, another duplex would not be desirable. There being no other persons registered to ap.ak on the issue, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Petition V-7B-16-C by Angela Oviedo requesting a 6,250 sq. ft. variance to construct a duplex on Lot 38, Block 7, Naples Park he denied. Motion carried 4-l, Commissioner Brown dissenting. ORDINANCE 78-30 AMENDING ORDINANCE 78-23 REGARDING THE ZONING OF PROPERTY IN IAPC BELONGING TO SAM HEATri - ADOPTED VIA EMERGENCY PROCEDURE Assistant County Attorney James Siesky explained that an emergency ordinance is required to correct the legal description of Sam Heath's property in Immokalee in a previous emergency ordillance rezonJng said property. He noted the property would now be zoned "I-C-l" if the proposed emergency ordinance is adopted. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that an emergency situation exists and requirements for advertis- ing be waived. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. Commissioner Archer m~ved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that an Ordinance amending Emergency Ordinance 78-23 regarding the zoning of property in I~okalee belonging to Sam Heath as numbered and titled below be adopted via emergency procedure and entered into Ordinance Book f8. Motion carried unanimously \ 5-0., , \ ORDINANCE NO. 78-30 AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 78-23 AMENDING THE ATLAS OF ~~S OF THB IMMOKALBB AREA PLANNING DISTRICT BY CHANGING THE ZONING CLASSIFI- CATION OF THE PROPERTY HEREINBELOW DESCRIBED FROM "I-SF-l" TO "I-C-l" AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1---' " -..1 July 11, 1978 * . . * . * . * . * . * * . RECESS: 10:58 A.M. to ll:06 A.M. it . * . . . * * *' *' * * *' . RESOLUTION 78-l00 RE FURTHER AGREEMENT WITH GAC ON ROADS IN GOLDEN GATES ESTATES AREA - ADOPTED. A SPECIAL TRUST FUND TO B~. SET UP AND ALL MONIES RECEIVE,,) WILL 8E UsEO ONLY FOR THAT PURPOSE AND WTER- EST AND EARNINGS TO BE ACCRUED TO THE SAME ACCOUNT Utility Director Irving Berzon adviaed that on June 6, 1978, the staff recommended that the Board consider favorably tho adop- tion of a resolution accepting roads and money in-lieu-of main ten- an~e as well as construction of roads in the Golden Gate Estates area. Mr. Berzon stated that James Powell, GA~ had met with the County Attorney and himself and the proposed reaolution is agree- ahle to both parties. Mr. Berzon recommended the Board adopt the rosolution. Commissioner Wenzel stressed that he would like the Board to adopt some type of policy that stipulates any road work done in Golden Gate in the future will be done on the assessment method. Commissioner Wimer commented that could not be done in this case as the County has accept.~d these roads for maintenance and owner- ship. Mr. Berzon recommended that the Board accept the money in- lieu-of the maintenance work needed at the prea~nt and place the funds in a trust fund to be used at such time when an over-all pOlicy, is adopted for that area, a redevelopment program, for ~xample. He stressed this money should not be used for sporadic work. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolution 78-100 re agreement with GAC pertaining to roads in Golden Gate be adopted. Motion carried 4-1, Commissioner Wimer dissenting. Commissioner Wimer stated the reaaon for his opposition is nIl? ..-''lA~' rU2. ~ ~A6< fn( V'1 I I... :;;r.J July 11, 1978 due to the fact he feels that in the future, the agreement will come back to "haunt" the Board as well as the taxpayers of Collier County. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that a special trust be established identified tor the particular purpose of maintaining Golden Gate roads and all mcney received from GAC as well as interest and/or earnings made be kept in the same such account. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. * * * * * * * * . * . * . . * * . . . * t:lOl( U4l f;'~, 348 July 11, 1978 COUNTY MANAGER DIRECTED TO STOP THE CURRENT RELOCATION OF PARTI- TIONS WITHIN THE COUNTY COMPLEX AND TO REVIEW THE DESIGN OF SUCH OFFICES AS.REQUIRED (CLERXS OFFICE EXCEPTED) Cha.t.rman Pistor commellted that there has been some discussion on the moving around of different partitions in the County Complex and he has become aware of several problems. ~o.nmissioner Wenuel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the County Manager be directed to stop current work being done within the County Complex (Clerk's office excepted) until such time a review can be made of the whole operation. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. FINAL ASSESS~ffiNT ROLL FOR FLAMINGO ESTATES FIRE HYDRANTS - ADVER- TISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARIlm AUGUST 22, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the Final Assessment Roll for Flamingo Estates Fire Hydrant District be authorized for advertising for publio hearing Auqust 22, 197B. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR GUILFORD ROAD FIRE HYDRANTS - ADVERTIS- ING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 22, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the Final Assessment Roll for Guilford Road Fire Hydrant District be authorized for advertising for pUblic hearing on August 22, 1978. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. PETITION V-7B-l7-C BY WILLIAM DILLENDER REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO PE~lIT THE CONSTRUCTION OF A GUEST HOUSE LARGER THAN PERMITTED IN S4, TSIS, R26E LOCATED ON PRICE STREET IN EAST NAPLES - ADVERTIS- ING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 1, 1978 Commissione~ Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5-0, that Petition V-78-l7-C by Willi3m Dillender requesting a variance to permit the construction' of a guest house larger than permitted in S4, T51S, R26E located on Price Street in East Naples be advertised for public hearing August I, 1978. . d,--Jl July 11, 1978 PETITION R-78-3-I BY CLARENCE WEEKS REQUESTING A REZONING OF PROPERTY IN S3, T47S, R29E FROM "I-C-3" AND "I-I" TO "I-MHSD" _ DEFERRED PF.~DING CONSIDERATION BY IMMOKALEE PLANNING COMMISSION. Per Commissioner Brown's request, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carrie4 unanimously 5-0, that Petition R-78-3-I by ClarencB Weeks requesting a rezoning of Prop- erty in S3, T47S, R29E from "I-C-3" and "I-I" to "I-MHSD" be". \ deferred from advertising pending consideration of the petition, by the Immokalee Pl~nning Commission. PETITION R-78-7-I BY COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REQUESTING REZONING OF PROPERTY IN S3l, T46S, R29E, FROM "I-A-2" TO "I-C-3" FOR THE PURPOSE OF CONSTRUCTING A CONVENIENCE STORE - ADVERTIS- ING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 22, 1978 Commissioner. Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5-0, that Petition R-78-7-I by Collier Develop- ment Corporation requesting rezoning of property in S3l, T46S, R29E from "1-1'1-2" to "I-C-3" for the purpose of conatructing a convenience store be advert~sed for public hearing for August 22, 1978. PETITION R-78-l0-C BY TALLIE ELLIS REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "PUD" PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT IN S32, T50S, R26E, LOCATED BETWEEN MYRTLE COVE AND TRAIL ACRES AT THE END OF THE SECOND STREET - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AUGUST 22, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5-0, that Petition R-78-10-C by Tallie Ellis requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "PUD" Planned Unit Development in 532, T50S, R26E, located between Myrtle Cove and Trail Acres at the end of the second street be advertised for public hearing August 22, 1978. PETITION R-78-l2-C BY THE AMERICAN PISTOL AND RIFLE ASSOCIATION REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" AGRICULTURE TO "RO" RECREATION OPEN SPACE IN S14, T50S, R2GE, - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING AU,GUST 22, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel 11110 .'l')~n oJG1< U4t fi.:Z i1~U July 11, 1978 and carried unanimously 5-0, that Petition R-78-12-C by the American Pistol and Rifle Association requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "RO" Recreadon Open Space in Sl4, T50S, R26E be advertised for public hearing August 22, 1978. GUN PERMITS 78-9 AND 78-10 FOR NATHANIEL rRYE AND JAMES HOWARD, RESPESTIVELY - APPROVED County Manager William Norman advised that both applicants for concealed weapon permits have complied with the ordinance requirements. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5-0, that the Board approve the request for concealed weapons Permit Nos. 78-9 and 78-10 for Nathaniel Frye and James Howard, respectively. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN AFTER-THE-FACT APPROVAL FOR FMHA AREA DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE PLAN GRANT APPLICATION County Manager Norman advised that after-the-fact approval by the Board is needed for assistance in the preparation of a re~evelop- ment plan within the unincorporated area of Immokalee, the applica- tion being submitted to the Farmers Hom~ Administration and "..as received by FmHA prior to the deadline of June 30, 1978. Mr. Norman explained the program would be under the jurisdiction of the Planning Department for the purpose of analyzing and developing criteria and data regarding future redevelopment for housing, streets, economics, etc. He further explained that the total cost of the grant application, if funded, would be $20,000 of which $l6,000 or 75' would be paid by the federal government and the ~emaining $4,000 or 25' to be provided by the County with "in- , kind" services. Mr. Norman noted that Commissioner Brown has in- dicated his support of the program. A brief discussion was held concerning the pros and cons of i __ ... ,ruly 11, 1978 spenaing taxpayer's money for this type of study to be made. Co~~issioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the Chairman be authorized to sign after-the-fact approval for the FmHA Area Development A8sistance Plan Grant Application. Motion carried 3-2, Commissioners Wenzel and Archer dissenting. APPEAL OF CONTRACTORS' LICENSING DECISION RE WILLIAM D. COLLINS _ DEFERRED UNTIL LATER DATE Assistant County Attorney Jim Siesky advised the Board that the representative of the petitioner ha~ requested this matter be deferred until a later date as he could not make it this date. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried unanimously 5-0, that the appeal of Contractors' Licens- ing decision re William D. Collins be deferred until a later date. APPEAL OF CONTRACTORS' LICENSING DECISION RE ROGER DULANEY- DENIED Assistant County Attorney Jim Sieaky explained ~~~t Roger Dulaney had filed application for a competency cfArd as a Building Contractor and had answered "No" to a queation "have you ever been adjudged bankrupt?" He further stated it was c1iscovered later that Mr. Dulaney had been adjudged bankrupt on 1~-8~67 and on that basis the Contractors' Licensing Board had denied hl~ the compe- tency card. Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, noted that she had sent Mr. Dulaney a certified letter informing him of the date and time to appear before the Commissioners, but that he was not present. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, and carried unanimously 5-0, that the decision of the Contractors' Lic- ensing Board be upheld, Mr. Dulaney's appeal being denied. nAC) . 'Il ~f' , lJOl( 042 f~~~352. July 11, 1978 CHANGE ORDER 13 DELETING 4" WELL FOR SPRINKLER SYSTEM IN THE ANOUNT OF $l,OlS.OO FOR THEIMMOKAL!E BRANCH LIBRARY - APPROVED County Hanager Norman explained Change Order 13 involves dcleti~n of the original plan to inatall a well for the auto- matic sprinkler system as the County ha. now decided to tap the sprinkler system into the city water .upply. Commissioner W~mer moved, .econded by Commissioner Brown, that Change Order 13, George Kraft Company, deleting the 4" well for the automatic sprinkler ay.tem in the amount of $1,018.00 for the Immokalee Branch Library be approved as submitted. Mo- tion carried unanimously 5-0. CHANGE ORDEn AI" DOCUMENT CI01 OWNER g ARCHmCT CONTRACTOR FIELD 0 vTHER PROJECT: Immo){alce Area Library (nJml'. Mld/essl CHANCE ORDER NUMBER: THREE TO (Conlr~Clor) IGeorge F. Kraft Con~pany 3649 Progress Avenue Naples, Fla. 33942 L ..J CONTRACT DATE: December 5, 1977 You ~re direcled 10 make the (ollowlng chanl!i'!s In thIs Conlract. " , I ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO: 7721 CONTRACT FOR: General Contract 3. Delete 4" well for sprinkler B)'stem. - $1,018.00 Thl' origin. I ConlrHI Sum was . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 189,585.00 NI'l ch.n81' by prtvious Ch.nge Ordtr. . . . . . . . . . $ + 2,869.00 The ConlrHI Sum prior 10 Ihl. Clunge Order was. . . . . . . . . . . $ 192,454.00 Thl' C('ntrHI SUn! will bl' ~~(dec,elltcfJ tculabl/'CSOll by thl. Chin.. Order. . $ - 1,018.00 The nl'w Conlr.ct Sum Including Ihl, Change Order will bt . . . . . . .' .. . $ 191,436.00 Thl' ContrHI Timl' will be Pm/(:X$t~&'itmdl lunchancedl by ( ) OJ Th" DJte o( Completion II o( Ihe d.le o( Ihls ChanSt Order therefor. I. Project Is substantially complet. as of :i\Iay I, 1978: sprinkler s;vstElm to be completed QS soon os possible. ~.ll->-Moyer. I).IA GJ!Rti!..F. Kraft Co. ,Board of County Commissl A47'~T19;i~et South :f6'fORtf1!8hesILAvenue Coe);YtH~uBe Complex Add't11 ' Addltu Alldreu N_~ !i 'PtJJ7 "a I.a S.'2 _"aEI.a FI "."-r,'+-: 8Y /2ff/Lc~ ~ rlJ.~iJ: DATE UIlO 12, 19'70- , June 12, 1078 July 11,1978 AI,\ DOCUMfNT C70l . CWINcr ORD! ~ . Ar~ll "70 (DITION . AlA_ . ~ 1970 . THE ^,\C~ICAN 1:,>\rrTUTl Of ^~CliIT(CTS. 17lS N(W YO~K AVE.. NW. WASHINCTON. D.C. 20006 ONe rA r---, L ___ _. J July 11, 1978 EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS NOT TO EXCEED $2,000 AUTHORIZED TO CONSTRUCT NECBSSARY HANDICAPPED ACCESS RAMPS AT CERTAIN VOTING PRECINCTS County Manager Norman explained that ramps are necessary for handicapped people to have access to the different voting precincts and, with the exception of the Immokalee Courthou8e Building, all the ramps would be tem~orary wooden atruoture. to be Atored in a place relative to the voting equipment. Commissioner Archer, referring to the new voting equipment, commented that the new system would be easy to carry to the handi- capped person in their car, the hoapital, or wherever is necessary. Commissioner Archer suggested the Board look into methods other than the ramps to give access to the handicapped. Assistant County Attorney Siesky advised it is required to keep the machinea at designated polling places. Co~~issioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, tnat the Board authorize the expenditure of funds not to exceed $2,000 to construct access ramps at certain voting precincts nec- ~ssary for hand~~app~~ people. Motion carried 4-1, Commissioner ArchE::: difl':dntillg. CHAI~~N AUTHORIZED TO SIGN ADDENDUM TO THE EXISTING LEASE BETWEEN THE BOARD AND THOMAS V. PORTER RE CETA OFFICE CETA Director Jim Meerpohl .~quested that the Board sign an addendum to the existing lease between the County and Thomas V. Porter fbr the CETA office in order to give CETA more security and also protect the Board of County Commissioners in that the lease carries a "hold-harmless" clause. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, that the Board authorize the Chairman to sign the addendum to the existing lease between the Collier County Board of Commis- sioners, Lessee, and Thomas V. Porter, Lessor, the present lease scheduled to end September 30, 1978. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. 'II; ~.. o. . . n"t') ." r::~ l----..J JUly 11, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN MODIFICATIONS TO ALLOW FOR REIMBURSE- MENT OF BOARD'S EXPENSES IN ADMINISTERING CETA GRANTS n11-09-37-1 FY-77 CETA Director Jim Meerpohl explained that certain costs were incurred by the Board of County Commi8sioner. for administering grants for CETA for FY 1977-78, as well a. the Payroll Department, " Personnel, Clerk's office, and Purchasing. He explained the modi- fication program is designed to reimburse the County for their - administration costs. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 5-0, that the Chairman be authorized to sign modification* to allow for said reimbursement of Board's expenses in administering CETA granta. .Complete copy on file in office of Clerk of the Board. EXHIBIT "A" DEPARTMENT OF CC~~~NITY AFFAIRS OFFICE OF 1".3.NPOWER PLANNING . PSE l-10DIFICAT!0:1 ACR~EMENT' 0:' '" 0.' " I Contract iI II-09-Yi_;:~n770 ~lod1ficll.ticn It ~ ' Thi~ Modification A~reement is pntered into between the ~tate of Florida, Department of Community Af!ll.irs (heroafter referred to as the "Sponsor") and Colli"r County BoaI'd of CounJ:v COl1!\liu{onerl . (he~0~fter referred to as the "Operator") for the fol1owln~ reasons: .. .._----~ Increase administration budget to coincide with allowable expenditures in FY77. ______I ~:O\;. THEREFORE. THE PARTIES 00 HUTU,\LL'l AGREE TO TH.E FOLLOW ING 1.100:rrICATIO~: .0 , l~.., S -0- $.Ja!I, /i/i'i. 9R I The aforesaid refp~'nced contract ~s increased/de~reased by , from S -0- to $ ':-0- , or unchanc;Jed at:. 2. The ma~imum allowable 'admipistrll.tive ..:ecrcased by S 51'9 01 , from S 15. '~O.61 , .to ..:~...r.C;.::d at S ..0_ "wi ..' fUhd 1s 1ncreaseJi $ 15.th9.62 or un- b:JCX 042 F~.::B55 , UCOIlDD'IIIIIIO: Le,n.Wly .. wi_ 1}pln, or Prlnllnll II' _del..., .. .... d_ w... IlIIl8IM 1 ..-....... , ._......J JUly 11, 1978 -,- i I I I NOT.~P."{ S'l';"'I'!HE:llT J STAT~ OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Collier I hereby certify that on this ~aYI before me a ~Otar P~bllc aULhor1zed in tho state and county named above to take .ckn~Wle~~e~ed~lY personally IIppt!ared Jnhn A PiAtO]: .. .. n s. to be the person described as Ch&lrman . ' to me k~own BQard of County Commissioners , 1n an~ ~ho executed 'hot (na~e of coerator) t e ;or~goin~ in5tr~~er.t: and he acknowl'd~ed betore me that ho executed it .n ~he name of and for that Operator, aff1xlnq it. ...1 and that h was duly authorized by the governinq body of the Operat~r to do 50:e ....I'I'NESS r.'\y hand and oSHcial ...al in the c:ountv and t.. abuvC' '~is 13th day of uly , 1978. "." .. a..e named ~""'II'" ~"';:':I.V;d::;,).!/- '/ ./ "~..~1.\Ko,t:~ry,,'PU~ M)': ~~J:'ll"aJ:onc.E~'pire..: ':. p U :(J- \., ,J.iIO STAn Of no~IOA"T v.~\"& 2 """ oN ~lr'l~\ION '.'1." ,\OOUlT 11. "~' .' ': "'~w....o", IH/.U Cl.N!......INS.UNCUW~11l 2 o! TWO CETA POSITIONS WITH THE SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS IN THE Alo10llNT OF $2,649.5B - AUTHORIZED CETA Director Jim Meerpohl explained there ia a need for two additional people to work with the Supervisor of Elections to allow the regular staff to go outside for voter regiatration. These jobs will last only until after the elections are over. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commi.sioner Archer, that the Board authorize the placement of two temporary positions with the Supervisor of Elections in the amount of $2,649.58. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. ELEVEN CETA POSITIONS FOR ROAD' BRIDGE DEPARTMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $lS,OOO. - AUTHORIZED CETA Director Jim lo1eerpohl explained that eVen though the agenda states the need for six positions in Road & Bridge, it has n.t\ 't"'l~ , -'-' .,. m,a.~ MPO: I.esl1aOltJ ~... 'frplll' or Prilltle.!. ........, .. \IUI Ii wlMla ,..,..,... bOCK U~G f,::Z ;;~ts July 11, 1978 been changed to eleven positions, all of which are swale posi- tions. Commissioner Wimer commented that he does not agree that that many people are required as he feels the problem is related to the supervision of those projects. Mr. Meerpohl explained that there was reoently " lay-off of many CETA employees from Road & Bridge projects and the eleven positions now available will be given to the "cream of the crop" of those laid off. He also noted that the CETA people will be working with the County crews and not by themselves, as on pr6- vious projects. Commissioner Wenzel concurred with Commi8sioner Wimer in that the supervision is lax and the County is not getting the proper ~fficiency and quality desired. Co~~issioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner ArCher, that the Boar~ authorize eleven CETA positions for the Road & Bridge Department to be placed with existing swale clearing crews in the amount of $18,000 and the situation of County aupervision be reviewed for means of improvement. Motion carried 3-2, Commls- sioners Wimer and Wenzel dissenting. RESOLUTION 7B-l02 RE PETITION PU-78-9C BY DONALD C. HARDY REQUEST- ING PROVISIONAL USE (3) OF THE ESTATES DISTRICT FOR A PRE-SCHOOL ON THE ElSO' OF TRACT 2A, UNIT 30, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES LOCATED lBO' EAST OF 62ND STREET SW ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF GOLDEN GATE PARK- WAY - ADOPTED. PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS ACCEPTED Ms. Lee Layne, Planning Department, referred to the map to reflect the location of the property in question. Commissioner Archer inquired of the petitioner, Donald C. \ Hardy, if he is willing to accept the stipu~ltions 8et down by the various County agencies. July 11, 1978 Mr. Hardy replied in the a~firmative but requested that the stipu\ation pertaining to the buffer areas be delayed until neighbors move into the area, at which time he will definitely comply. Mr. Wafsa Assaad, Planning Department, atated he haa-no objections to such a request. Commissioner Wimer suggested to Mr. Hardy that he purchase trees now from the Division of Forestry and by the time ho would probably have neighbors, the trees would have grown s~tficiently to act as the buffer. ~Ir. Hardy exprea8ed his appreciation for the suggestion. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, r~at Resolution 7B-102 re Petition PU-78-9C by Donald C. Hardy requesting Provisional use (3) of the Estates Diatrict for a pre- school in the Goldan Gate Estates area be approved with the stipu- lations set down by the staff and CAPC and that the petitioner's Agreement to stipulations be accepted. Motion carried unanimously 4-0, Commissioner Wonzel being absent at the time of the vote. . * . . * . . . . . . . * . n,,? r..:'!.l~Q ~:JDK U4l f:.~Z :164 ' July 11, 1978 EXCAVATION PERMIT FOR IMPERIAL GOLF ESTATES - APPROVED SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE WATER MANAGEMENT ADVISORY ~ AND THE UTILITY DIRECTOR Utility Director Irving Berzon referred to the map to locate the property in question and stated this excavation request from Imperial Golf Estates had been before the Water Management Advis- ory Board and it was required that an entire master drainage plan be worked out for the area before any more consideration was given to the matter. That process is baing developed, presently, he said, with the schematic plan already being presented to M~B and the staff. Mr. Der?on noted that an area close to subject property will also have to be excavated sometime in the future. He recom- mended the permit be granted with the atipulation that the maximum depth of excavaticn be no more than 8' below existing grade and that the easterly property be set aside as a water retention area after the completed excavation as the property owner has given his consent for his property to be excavated on his behalf. Mr. Berzon stated the County Attorney has recommended that the prop- erty owner, not the developer, sign the agreement that the prop- be used as a water retention site. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the excavation permit be approved for Imperial Golf Estates with the stipulations recommended by the Utility Director and ~~B. Motion carried unanimously 5-0. WATER WELL PERMITS FOR EXXON CORPORATION - BOARD APPROVED ISSUANCE OF TWO PERMITS SUBJECT TO STIPULATIONS RECOMMENDED BY THE WATER MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD AND THE UTILITY DIRECTOR Utility Director Irving Berzon stated the request for two \ water well permits by Exxon Corp. has been reviewed by the Water Management Advisory Board and approved with stipulations and the area has been inspected by th~ Big Cypress Advisory Commit- tee. l..._.~ July 11, 1978 .'1 Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and c~r~ied unanimously 5-0, that the reque8t for water well per- mits by Exxon Corporation be approved 8ubject to the fOllowing stipulations as set down by the Water Management Advisory Board: l. A copy of the driller'a log for each well be sub- mitted to the County Utility Director. 2. That a water analysis regarding water quality for each well be submitted to the County Utilty Director. 3. That the wells be capped and plugged upon abandonment of the oil exploration work. * . * . . . . * * * . . * . RECESS: l2:0S P.M. until 1:30 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Pantano was replaced by Deputy Clerk Brenneman * * . * * . * * * * * . . * RESOLUTION 78-l03 APPROVING PETITION SNR-78-7-C BY SOLANA OAKS, INC., REQUESTING STREET NAME APPROVAL FOR A NEW STREET TO BE KNOWN AS SOLANA OAKS LANE - ADOPTED Commissioner Wim~r moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that a proposed resolution approving Petition SNR-78-7-C by Solana Oaks, Inc., requesting street name approval for a new street to be known as Solana Oaks Lane, be adopted. M~ Lee Layne, Planning Department, located the property in question on the map provided, notinq that it 18 the location of a new multi-family p~oject off Solana Road running northwardly, then eastwardly. Upon call for the question, Resolution 78-103 was unanimously adopted 5-0. . * . . . . * * . . * . . * nAI) _ ~l'::' L.,._-l July 11, 1979 BID *300 FOR FULL ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE SERVICES FOR FOUR (4) ELEVATORS AT THE COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER - AWARDED TO NAPLES UNIVERSAL ELEVATOR INC., NA~LES, FLORIDA, AT MONTHLY RATE OF $290 ($3,480 ANNUALLY) Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June 6 and June 8, 1978 a. evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until June 21, 1978 for the annual contract for Full Elevator l-iain- tenance Service for the Four (4) Elevators at the County Govern- ment Center. County Nanager Norman explained that the Bid Review Com- mitte concurs with the Superintendent of Maintenance Lowell Raines' recommendation that the bid not be awarded to the low- est bidder, Sentry Elevator, due to previous experience with the firm which Mr. Norman" detailed from a nemorandum dated June 28, 1979. from Mr. Raines to the Purchasing Director, which was deemed to be a breech of contract resulting in the County having to bear an unnecessary expense. Assistant County Attorney James Siesky advised that the Board is only required to accept the lowest responsible bid and, r~garding the lack of a Competency Card by Sentry Elevator for Collier County, h~ said that this is not a requirement to do public work, noting that this is because low bids come in from outside the County which can be accopted. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5-0, that Bid '308 for furnishing Full Elevator Maintenance Services for the Four (4) Elevators at the County Government Center be awarded to Naples Universal Elevator in the amount of $290 per month, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated June 29, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. n!l~ .,., (\..., bDOK U4.c f;.:,ijb~ July 11, 1978 BID '309 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING LOGGING RECORDER/REPRODUCER EQUIPMENT FOR COUNTY'S 9ll SYSTEM - AWARDED TO DICTAPHONE CORPORA- TION IN THE AMOUNT OF $l4,l73.50 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on June G and June a, 1978, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publica- tion filed with tha Clerk, bids were received unl'U June 21, 1978 for furni,shing and de~ivering logging recorder/reproducer equip- ment for the County's 9ll System. County Manager Norman stated that the aforementioned equip- ment will replace the smaller size tape recording machine with an adequate 20-channel machine and the acquisition of instant reproducers which allow the 91l operators to immediately replay information for verification - name~, addresses, and the like. He said that it is his understanding that the purchase of the equip- ment has already been approved. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that the equipment is fully funded by the State, noting that the Sheriff's Department is get- ting good equipment paid for through a grant. He explained that tho grants are made to the Board of County Commissioners and the Board must be responsible for it physically but can assign ~ho property to the operative agency. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5-0, that Bid '309 for furnishing and deHvering Logging Recorder/Reproducer Equipment for the County's 911 System be awarded to the Dictaphone Corporation in the amount of $14,l73.50, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee l~tter dated June 30, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be a~thorized to sign and attest the re8ulting Agreement. " July 11, 1978 SOCIAL SERVICES CASE NO. W-l280 - APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissionar Drown, that Social Services Case W-l280 be approved. Social Services Director Martha Skinner explained the cir- cumstances regarding the above-referenced case and, in response to Commissioner Brown, stated that whether or not th.re will be a larger case load during the next tisoal year is dependent upon the state of the economy - if there is sufficient employment, the department budget will drop. Mrs. Skinner stated that the cases are investigated thoroughly and have been cut down consiJ- erably over the last two years. Chairman Pistor expressed the appreciation of the Board for her efforts in this regard. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 5-0. RESOLUTION 78-104 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN RE PROPERTIES OWNED BY STANLEY J. BRAJEWSKI, ALLAN R. ST. GEORGE, AND BERNICE H. LEMCKE FOR THE COST OF THE ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE - ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5-0, that Resolution 78-104 providing for assessment of lien on properties owned by Stanley J. Srajewski, Allan ~. St. George, and Bernice M. Lemcke, as described therein, and in accordance with Ordinance 76-14, for the cost of. the abatement of public nuisance, be adopted. * * * * . * * * * .. . * * . .. * * I\~N: 042 ~:.:{ '36..q l._--l July 11, 1978 APPROVAL OF REVISIONS TO WAGE/SALARY CLASSIFICATION SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE OCTOBER l, 1978 - DELETED County Manager Norman explained that the proposed revisions to the Wage/Salary Classifioation Schedule ia a "clean-up" mat- ter relating to prior action by the Board to ~~opt a uniform wage adjustment and brings the official Salary Plan into line with that decision. Also said Mr. Norman, the revisions make it possible for employees who currently are at their maximum rate to be eligible to receive the uniform wage adjustment on October 1, 1978. Commissioner Wimer recalled a proposed 5' wage adjustment increase; however, he said that what is being presented is a change in the classification plan. Further, said the Commis- sioner, the proposal raises the minimum and maximum rate for each grade 5' which he said was not the Board's intent, in his opinion. He noted that he did not vote to change the entry lev- els but rather to give each individual a 5' increase across-the- board which had nothing to do with the wage and salary classifi- cation plan. Commissioner Wimer observed that if an indiv4dual is already at the maximum, such instance would have to be brought back to the Board for adjudication, adding his concern that what is being proposed could be a horrendous cost increase to the County. Commissioner Wimer moved that the matter be deleted from the Agenda. Commissioner Brown seconded the motion. Chairman Pistor concurred with Commissioner Wimer in that the matter is premature. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that the proposal presented by Hr. Norman is one customary approach when an across-the-board increase is given, that is to move the minimum and maximum limits. However, said Mr. Hall, there are n AI) _ _ '1)"7,,' b'JOK 042 Fi.:Z 372 July 11, 1978 other ways this can be done, for instance, the increase can be given without changing the classifioationa, or, the upper limits can be ~hanged across the board. Another method, he continued, would be to approve the exceptions above the limit on an individ- ual basis. Referring to Chairman Pistor's memorandum dated May 19, 1978 in this reg_rd, Mr. Hall said a statement could be in- cluded, in anticipation of the situation under disoussion, which states that if there is any conflict with the existing personnel policy, the memorandum referred to would take precedent. In other words, said Mr. Hall, if there is an individual at the maximum level, a 5% increase could be given. He said that this could be done and would be in keeping with the Board's intent. Mr. Wimer commented that those few exceptions can be brought back to the Board for revisions to the wage/salary olassification. Upon call for the question, the motion to delete the subject from the agenda was carried 5-0. ONE 4" POTABLE WATER WELL PERMIT REQUESTED BY NAPLES CHRISTIAN ACADEI1Y IN SECTION 29, T49S, R25E - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Following Utility Director Irving Berzon's explanation r.hat the request by Naples Christian Academy for a permit for a 4" potable water well in Section 29, Township 49 South, Range 25 East is a very routine request, Comnlissioner Archer moved, sec- onded by Commissionel Wimer and carried 5-0, that the request be granted with the following stipulations: l. That a permit for a publio water supply be obtained from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. 2. That a water consumption permit be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District. 3. That a copy of the driller's log be submitted to the _ County Utility Director. 4. That a water analysis regarding water quality be sub- mitted to the County Utility bireotor. ,,_.AI PAYMENT OF ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED J July 11, 1978 Following Clerk William Reaqan'a advice that funds are avail- able, Commissioner Wenzel moved, aeconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5-0, that the bills be approved for payment as wit- nessed by the followinq warrants issued from June 14, 1978 through July 11, 1978: E!mE BCC Payroll County Warrants General Fund Road & Bridge I & S Golden Gate I & S Collier County Fire District Assessment & Utility Clearing Special MSTD's Collier County Lighting Sewer District "A" Marco Water & Sewer Victoria Park Drainage Federal Revenue Sharing Colliar County Water/Sewer Aquatic Weed Improvement Revenue Cert. Improvement Trust Golden Gate Fire Ochopee Fire CETA Water Management Sewer Dist. "A" Assessmenta Sewer Dist. "A" Revenue 3pec~al Road Asseasments Collier County W/S Utility Div. Municipal Service Taxing Dist. Anti-Recession/Fed. Rev. Sharinq Capital Improvement Rev. Cert. Grants & Gifts Grants & Gif'tS" n,t>W) Immokale& Lighting , WARRANT NOS. 45511 - 46615 6412 - 6961 6963 - 7104 33 - 35 29 - 30 13 12 13 - 14 54 - 60 12 11 8 12 7 6 9 14 - 16 12 20 - 2l 11 12 18 20 - 2l 45 2l - 24 14 - l6 17 21 - 22 14 8 14 5 6 BUDGET AMENDMENT 78-ll2 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR TEMPORARY LIBRARY ASSISTANT FOR GOLDEN GATE LIBRARY - ADOPTED IN THE N40UNT OF $l,400 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5-0, that Budget Amendment 78-112 to appropriate funds for temporary Library Assistant for the Golden Gate Branch Library be adopted in the amount of $l,400. n~? .,.')'71 JUly 11, 197B BUDGET AMENDMENT 7B-ll3 TO PROVIDE INCREASED FUNDS NEEDED FOR XEROX, E0U!~I1ENT RENTAL AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES RE COUNTY MANAGER - ADOPTEr ~N THE AMOUNT OF $2,725 Following brief discussion, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5-0, that Budget Amendment 7B-ll3 to provide increased funds which are needed by the County Manager for Xerox expenses, equipment rental, and contractual services, be adopted in the amount of $2,725. L.Ul.I.IU( L.UUNIY, I'LUi~IUl\ " .'. L .. LI 1'1 l". I~ I Namg ot ~cque'stl ng Dop'L Coun ty t-'. ---.~---- DESCRIPTION AND JUSTlFICATIO;~ Or: N.ln:O:,:E:n REQUESTED CPreptlro In trrpllcll~o. One C( b(, rotainod by tho requostlng Oepllrtmen.t. Forward orrgrnt" end ono copy to Flscul Ofl Use cont j nuat fon shoets vnd vt tach suppod I ."19 docum'Zlnts, If noadod) u v V \7 L. . To provide increased funds needed for Xerox, Equipment Renta! and Contracturnl Services. . mEf'/\RED BY BL DEPART/I,ENT AP??'j'lAL OA T E 6 /22 /7 8 01\ TE 7" J' 7 g COUNTY r.W~AGER AP?RO"AL ad~ D,\TE 7-s =--=- (THIS SECTION TO OE COMPLETEO OY FINANCE) ACCOUNT ~ To (increase): Xerox (01 2104 00 2053) Equipment Rental (01 2104 00 3310) Contractual Services (Ol 2104 00 3410) $ ~,500.00 1,125,00 100.00 $ 2,725.00 $ 2,725.00 From (Source of funds): Other r~rsona1 Services (01 2104 00 1030) r; NAt~Cf: APPROVAL - OOMlO or cou:ny CO:,:;.11 SS lONERS AP?no\'^L~1 OllDGEr Ai.iE~D: ;' I 'i._.2: ,',,,,:I.[JATe/ / ':.:? DATE 7/11/76 ,. .1 NO. 78-113 'Tho Fi!.ctJl Officer, v('t<:r reccdpt of tho ll?provod orlglOllI frolll the County '.llln.:Jgor, \ fJrwlll.e thl" roquo~t for Ooord rovlow fin: v~jlrovnl. folro\.lfIl~1 OO.:lrd lIctlon, tho rls( Or f leur I.dll proce,,~; t.pnrvwul IJudgo.t f'~I!:n~",n:"rts through Accoltn t I ng llnd !;ond II copy n 11n<1I !.o'liJ'llI~ '10 'ltlCJ f'oql,n:.tl'lfI ()OP!1I'11~tJ~)'t. CO;IY 10 Pllrchu!Oln~1 on cUj'llt(:1 Clqulpr:l0llt. n A l') . _ v:a'7" ~OOIi 042 fj.:~376 . July 11, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 78-ll4 TO TRANSFER FUNDS WITHIN LIBRARY BUDGET FROH DISCONTINUED RENTAL TO UTILITIES - ADOPTED IN THE Al>10UNT OF $640. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissionor Wenzel and carried 5-0, that Budget Amendment 78-1l4 to transfer funds within Library Budget from discontinued Rental Account to Utilities Ac~ount because of proJected overexpenditure in FY78 utilities due to the new branch libraries, be adopted in the amount of $640. BO,;RJ l': ':'J~:. iY (;l,:'~'~ I:iS 10Nd~ COLLI tH CUU,'\TY, FLORI 0'1 k E Q U l S T FOR BUD GET A 1.\ F. NOM I! NT. 'o/i)~' ~ ot IloJ1.juost, n lhpt ..illR~.1t~._.._ DESC;(If'TION ANlJ J'JSTlrICAfIOil OF N.lf:l<Di.:EiH HE.QJESTED (PropuCl In trlprrcntu. O~(J (',..;n ba :-ctDlnod by thu requost!n] DocJrtrn'ilnt. Fortlerd orlglnt.ll end ono copy to Flsclll OUic':l1 Us" ((l~t I nUi'lt ion sheet s /ln~ <Itto:::h sU?>ilorll ng docur.lents, If floodod) Transfer $6~o.oo frotrl 6212-03-3310 - Rental. to 62l2-03- 3~OO - Utilities. We are no longer renting at the Golden Gate facility, and ve have a projected overexpend- " it\lre in FY78 utllitieo due to the new branch library. 1.. Pietri DATE6/26/78 6/26/18 T E 7,..{", "21::. PREFARED BY (THIS SECTION TO BE CO:~PLnED BY FINANCE) ACCOUNT ~ To (Increase): r ilities 001-6212-03-3400 ,L. 640. 00 From (Source of Funds): Rental OOl-6212-03-3310 $ 640.00 f'/U,^0;E APPROVAL- BOAR) OF COUNTY COM:~ISS/ONERS APPROVAL BUDGET NiEr;OI.;:.1.T / ' f /. . ( ~ .? - , . :~, ,:) '. DATE7. ( ~ DATE Juoe~_1978 I NO. 78-114 Tho Fiscal Officer, aftor rocolpt of tho lJ;:>proved orIgInal from tho County ~'lIM9.:lr, Id I r flnc.1 fzo this request for Boord review lJnd approval. FollowIng Board action tho Flsc~1 Of I' . f' ' I T'c~ w III process <.p:'lr0\'.;~ Bud~et A:ner,dr~,)n"ts thrc.u!)h Account I n9 and send II copy ref I.~c In,) ~t/)tU:i to tho roqu03:itlng Dopdrtnant. COt'y to Purcho.slng on ClJpl tl:l I cqulpfnorlnt. Ju~y 11, 197B BUDGET AMEND1-tENT 7B-115 TO TRANSFER LIBRARY PROGRAM GRANTS TO PUB- LICATIONS AND BOOKS ACCOUNT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,650 Comm1ssioner Archer mov~d, aeconded by commiaaioner Wimer and carried 5-0, that Budget Amendment 7B-115 to transfer Library Pro- gram Grunts to Publications and Booka Account be adopted in the amount of $6,650. '\ . 8:>;'-,.. c, (".!~~ny COi.::.' I 55 I 'J:-;:;'{~ COLLI m COUnTY, FLOIH D..\ K E ~ ~ _ ~ T fOR B U 0 GET " M t: NOM E '.1 T 11;,1",9 (,If R~~w'J!;t I n9 D":>t. J..JBRt-EY... OE:SCHIF'TION AND JU5TlrICATIC:1 OF A'.lErD'.:~:;i ;.:::QUE5TEO (rri.!;,~r'J In lri;dic,,~(). 0:-'0 C0:,' b,) ,-"tillned by tho reqllcstinJ ODpJrht!n~. f":;:-...'!rd origrn!ll ~,n:! c:n'.l co;>/ to Fisc,,' Offi.,' U,..j (0n~irlUiltICln shOf1ts tlnj llttJ::h sup;~r~j~'4 dOCUr.l'):lts, If M~~od) Requeat transfer of $6,650.00 rr:~ L!~~~al revenu~ revenue account 129201 0039 39, Library Progre:n 1j::"!.~.":8. to 039 6212 02 3322, Publ1 ::ntio:,:s. Booka. This ia the first half of a $13,30:.00 grant for our SCORE progr~~ (Special Community Outreach Reading Enrichment). r.. Fietri O^TE6/l11/78 . ,~~mENT A?P,,:;;:AL W---o;n: 6/J.h/"'8 CO~YJ ~r:.A"J~Gf'.R N't'.;;::J'IliL ,..- tr~--D"TE ?rT-?e.. f'ilE r'A,U:.[) UY nff I 5 S r.ef I ON TO BE CO~\PLETED BY F I NA~CE) ~OUNT ~ TO: (Increase) Publications & Books 039-6212-02.3322 $ 6,650.00 FROM: (Source of Funds) Library Program Grants 1292-01-0039-39 $ 6,650.00 F Ii :.<\IJGE APPROVAL' BOARD OF COU:-.lTY C::.::.: I 55 lONERS AP?R(W AL I BLI):JET A'.:E~;Di.!:.~:1 .. I ')jJ /1''.tiOAT[') f '),:! D"2..[ Jul~~t. 1978/ j NO. 78-115 T~o Fiscal Offlcf1r, after rec.:llpt of tho e;.::-cvod original from the COl!r,ty ~'~Zlnog0r. ~:iIJ flni:lIZQ this request for Eloord rcvlc'^, /)"'l:! a;:';lroval. Following Boo/'d odion, the fi",ud 9ffic:cr will process !\p~r.J\''::c nudgot Arlor..:l".g:ytl> through Accountlr.g ar.:! send a C0py rdl: I 1.1,11 ~tiltus to the rcquc:.tlng DO;:.Jrt!'1.:;,r.t. C'='~... to Purchasing on capital cqu1rr.'t'nt. _ ~ AICO~Q'S MEMO, te,n.WI7 ~... 'l'7Pf., or PriDtln, .. ......,.. ewe d---... " .......... .w n,,? r..-'q77 MOl< 042 f;.:,378 July 11, 1978 DUDGET N~ENDMENT 78-ll6 TO TRANSFER FUNDS WITHIN DEPARTMENT (JUDGE HAYES) FOR USE FOR EOUIPlo1ENT AND OFFICE SUPPLIES - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,100 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5-0, that Budget Amendment 78-116 to appropriate funds in Accounts for current expenditures from Accounts with unspent funds ra Judge Hayes' office be adopted in the amount of $1,JOO, as recom- mended by Fiscal Officer. ILII'" COU"'I'( "lO'If)\ ~ U D (; I; I AH r N D'~ r.'~ T I. \ ,j, ,h: -"-~-------'--"----'1-_~_4 JVnr.E HAYES . ~.;1In-) of ,loqulJ.;1'r"!J O::pt. ...,..:_:.. ,.," ..-:. .. _~....._..-..u.__ &_....___~____ ...._._.._____...._~_______..___.._..,__ ...~___ ESC~~ I P r I 0i'1 /-".:D JU:';T1 r I C,I.,"j' I 0:-1 OF f,:,;,:n:x,:EIl r IIL,UI.STm ("r'oflluo In 11'1 p II cn1 o. Ono copy I c: n:1:dllcd l'l' the n!qun~.llng fl':::J.-.rJlr,"lllt. ron:nrd orltJlnal end ono c:opy 10 F]!:.C',,J DUlcel ~() conlinuulic.>n ShClds u"d u'11nr.:h supportlll~ docurnonhl, If nooded) TO appropriate funds in Accounts for current ex~enditur~s , from Accounts Hith unspent: funds. \" . <<;=P;,RFI)- GY ----- '-L ..-:' ." . , lJr:P!.RT,',l.:.llT APPI~O, AL COUNl Y ,l,ANflGER N'i'/'O'" J Iruce Lllmbros /'/"'" . \ ,1\. _..___.._~0.I.~__~.L1_~17 8 '-i ..:!'/ i: I ~.k; t DATE 6 ' ?, ") {- /.~UI .... DAlE _._~-._._-_._----_.~-,------ ------7-==..---::-----.....-----.--.-.. :HI S ,SrCTIO:'l TO [3[ CO~':PLET.r:o rw rJNN~CE) .---,.-..----- -.------.:.:= ~cOuNr f'!.:0t},!'.JT TO: (Increase) Equipment: Office Supplies 01- 2 32/. - 03 -l,020 01-232/1-03- 2050 $ 600.00 500.00 -- $1.100.00 FRQ}!: (Source of Funds) Ot:her Personal Services Books Communications Travel 01-232[,,-03-1030 U1- 232l,-03-3322 01-2324-03-3350 01- 2324- 03-3280 $ 400.00 200.00 100.00 400.00 $1.100.00 ~E~Z~;~jc-~~~;;I~~~:~;.~~::9~:<i:,-;ioo~.-^';,.r~VAl. ~.C"~~~';7~:~~!Nr '~;:~': ~~d: h ~.~ I i,~~~r-.", u I leI: r, c'C(~ i pf~ of .1!ao ;!.~,ilr~~od"~;:i-~i-;1.~I."'ft.,~~1i;~-c~.~;~t.;-,~1~~i~:;:~~'~"~~ "j- f k,. .' J " r('~'ll...J fOI {")",,j II!vk'.1 ;JIld "'~I'ro'tur. 11.,llfJ..t1l1a r.;>ill'd ~1c'llon "II:\.: f'i~:c.,! .r h I I" or ,... ~ - n"I' ,\' 'I' /"1" ",.., ~.. 'n ' , l'l" '11 '0 ." ^ ' I · /1.11 ...."..Jr.J ..t',.... "".~' ':' .. "u" ""I"., ',,'.dl:' II !Iii" CCOllll.. 11!J ,1l1,j '.(:n<.l1.) r:(",y n'III'( ___'.~'_'_~..:'... (I · ;r) lc'l"u~:11I19 n',";"'III"":.,,t. C....~y 1u I'U/"Ch.l';lnq on crmi"l;l'! ctJlIll''',,~:lI'. ' , r--'1 f-~"l -, . July 11, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 78~ll7 TO TRANSFER FUNDS WITHIN MOTOR POOL DEPART- HENT FOR USE IN PURCHASE OF EQUIPl.tENT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $/68. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5-0, that Budget Amendment 78-117 to transfer funds within the Motor Pool Department Budget for uae in purchase of equipment be adopted in the Amount of $769. " BOAqO OF COUNTY 00'1.',1155 I ONEI~5 COll I Er. :::OUrHY, FLORI DA DE5CH/PTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF Alm:o:.:::;;; F-.::~:JESTED (Prepl!lre In trlpllcato. 0;)0 CO?y be ro-rillncd by tho requt'lstlng Dopartrr.ant. r:i:-,;erd orlglnel end ona copy to FlsClll OffiCI Uso continuation shoots and ~ttach supportl~~ ~ocumonts, If neoded) 'REQUEST FOR BUD GET AN END HEN T , . Nama of f'fequostlng Dl!pt. ~R POOL , To appropriate funds for ~r.e ?urchase of equipment from", - . unspent budget ar'lount in ::o:or Pool Tools & Parts Account. . Battery char6e~ and booster 16 gallon vac~um cleaner Engine I-.nalyzer I 1/2 ton flo~~ jback 3/3" Impact 7001 6" vice $140.00 1llL 00 139.00 220.00 90.00 65.00 $768.00 f'f,U'AHEO BY DEPARTII,ENT M'Pl.:. :.L 8. Lambros Memo DATE6/ILfI78 James :lacDor::a.~l:E mil 5 5 ECT I ON TO BE COMPLETED BY F I NM~CE) ACCOUNT J COUNTY ~rIAGER AP?R)'/Al 6/81781~ATE /.I-7r ~ TO: (Increase) Ec;u5.pment 01-2.5.57-00-4020 $768.00 FP.OM: (Source of Funds) Tools [. Parts 01-.25.57-00-2070 ~768.00 -, r I rW~CE APf'ROVA:"- / / /.",'/ DAT!:" -).i D^TEJuly 11, 197E: t ~- ---'------ Tho FlsClll Offlcor, /lfter recolpt of tho t:,:::-:>v'd original from tho County I"b:';~ser, will fin"r rzo thrr. request for BO;:lrd r.:lvlow ll:'>~ e;;>ro'lal. Follo'.~IIIO [\ollrd nctlon, th'J Fisc:d Of f I cor \./ r II proco5<:; Coppr.:>\,.:)" BudHot A~'.Jr.~""", ~s. through Account I n9 nnd :;ond Il c':>PV ruf Ie f In,lI status 10 tho requesting Dop!lrtm\:lnt. :::,,:,y to Purchasing on capltel oquJ~r.:;lnt. nOAHa OF COU:-:-:':' ::~.:'.:ISSIONERS Af'PrtOVAL ,I I BUDGET ,t.:.:~~';:::,!EN1 L NO. 78-117 ~_~~x 042 ''::7 ~7Q BJGK '042 Fi,:, 380 July 11, 1978 PUBLIC HEARING RE "PROPOSED USE OF GENERAL REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR FY 1978-79" - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULY l5, 1978 Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that a public hearing regarding the "Proposed use of General Revenue Sharing Funds for FY 1978-79" is required to make sure that all persons in the com- munity have an opportunity to give their views on how these funds are to be spent and the proposal is for the hearing to be held July 25, 1978 at the Regular Board meeting. He said that the total dollar amount to be advertised is $765,000 - $115,930 in fund bal- ance and $649,070 expected additional receipts. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wimer absent at the time of the vote, that the "Proposed use of General Revenue Sharing Funds for FY 1978-79" be advertised for public hearing July 25, 1978. PHOPOSED 1978-79 BUDGET REVIEW SCHEDULE REVISED TO REVIEW THE SHER- IFF'S nEPARTMF.NT BUDGET ON JULY 2l, 1978 (9:00 A.M.) AND, IF POS- SIBLE, BALANCE OF DEPARTMENTAL BUDGETS PREVIOUSLY SCHEDULED FOR RE- VIElv JULY 27, 1978 . . Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reviewed briefly the ~roposed 1978- 79 Budget Review Schedule dat~d July ll, 1978 which was prepared by him. lie advised the Board that the Sheriff's Department Budget must be reviewed and approved by August lst by Statute and, due to the Sheriff being away from the County a portion of t~le week designated for budget reviews, his budget could be.rescheduled for Thursday, July 2Cth instead of Thursday, July 27th. During the brief discussion which followed, it was pointed out that the earlier date would conflict with the Regional Planning Council meeting and it was the consensus of the Board that the Sheriff's Budget be reviewed on Friday, July 21st. which would allow for further reviews, if necessary, and still meet the deadline for submittal of August 1st. Mr. Hall also noted that the balance of the departmental budgets scheduled for July 27th could be reviewed on that date if time permits. July 11, 1978 Commissioner Archer requested Assistant County Attorney James Sie~ky to provide a review of the authorization which the Board has concerning modifying, amending or approving the subject budget. Mr. Sie~ky stated that the Board shall have the right to approve, modify amend, or reduce the Sheriff's Depart~ent budget and shall do it on or before August 1st of every year. Further, said Mr. Siesky, if tho Board does redu~e it in a way which ia unsatisfactory to tho Sheriff, the Sheriff has thirty days to appeal. He added that, in his opini0n, the budget cannot be reduced beyond the statutory man- date, or Special Act, regarding salaries which, as was pointed out by Deputy Chief Barnett, comprises approximately 97' of the budget. Mr. Siesky commented that there would have to be a new Special Act repealing the existing Act. Following additional discussion, Chairman Pistor noted that any questions concerning the budget can be discussed during the review the following week. Deputy Chief Barnett said that the De- partment is obligated by law to fill the budget out in a certain manner which necessitates further clarification during the review process adding a further explanation to the manner in which salary raises are given and what is boing proposed for the new fiscal year. lie said that this procedure keeps the personnel from having union problems since it is all settled by the State, noting that the Florida Highway Patrol is the lowest paid state-policing organization in the nation. , Commissioner Archer inquired about the possibility of the Sheriff holding a public hearing on his budget with the Sheriff providing the public with the answers in this regard and justifying same. Deputy Chief Barnett explained that the Sheriff has the res- ponsibility of preparing a budget aufficient to do an adequate law enforcement job in the County, which he said is the highest crime- rate county in the area. He said that during the public hearing ~'1rY n4? ~,..~~Rf July 11, 1978 they are available to respond to questions and said, 8lso, that they have addressed various civic organizations explaining their budgets and monies needed. The budget ruview schedule was further discussed and it was the consenaus of the Board that if the budget packages are received on July 15th they will DA prepared to discuss them beginning on July 21st, continuing to July 26th and July 28th. Chairman Pistor requested that revised schedules be distributed. RESTRUCTURING OF DATA PROCESSING PERSONNEL POSITIONS AS RECOMMENDED BY STAFF - APPROVED Data Processing Director Fred Marks explained that the Data Processing restructuring proposal is a request to reduce the number of positions from the current number of ten to nine, eliminating onL Computer Operator and converting one Computer Operator position to Programmer position. As far as the 1978-79 budget, Mr. Mnrks said this proposal will result in a reduction of approximately $10,000 for sal~ries. The only pay grade change involved, he con- tinued, is the change from Computer Operator, pay grade 22, to Pro- grammer, pay grade 26. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded hy Commissioner Wimer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Brown absent at the time of the vote, that the request for restructuring of the Data Processing Personnel Positions, as explained by Mr. Marks, be approved. RESOLUTION 78-107 RESCINDING RESOLUTION R-78-96 AND PROVIDING FOR NOTICE OF REFERENDUM ELECTION TO BE HELD SEPTEMBER l2, 1978 RE IMMOKALEE 'vATER AND SEWER DISTRICT - ADOPTED, ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED Chairman Pis tor advised that, through an error in the legal deRcription with respect to the area being affected, the referen- dum on the Immokalee Water and Sewer District cannot take place on July 27, 1978 and that a new date must be established. Assistant County Attorney Siesky stated that he has conferred with bond counsel, County Attorney Pickworth, and with a represen- tative of the people in Immokalee, and it is the consensus of opin- ...--', !"-- - 1 I , I I l----A \, ..,J July 11, 1978 ion that the election should not go forward on the date estab- lishe1 due to the possihility of an attack in court, therefore, it is requested that the date of September 12, 1978 be estab- liEhed for the referendum and that the first date of publication of notice begin Au"ust 3, 1978 in The Immokalee Bulletin and the Naples Daily News, and that the election previously called fdr I July 27th be cancelled. Commissioner Archer moved, aeconded by Commissioner Wimer that Resolution 78-l07 rescinding Re~olution R-78-96 and pro- viding for Notice of Referendum Election in the matter of the Immokalee Water and Sewer District to be held September l2, 1978 be adopted. Mr. Siesky noted that the election could be held sooner; however, it was the opinion of the Immokalee citizens that the election be held together with the regular primary on Septembar 12th due to the possibility of better participation of the voters. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Brown absent at the time of the vote. . . '" . . * . . . * . . . * . . * . n~" 'C"':In f't ,. July 11, 1978 MRS. R. P. SHEEHAN APPOINTED TO LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD, LAB BY- LAWS TO BE REVIEWED RE PROVISIONS FOR ALTERNATE MEMBER Cha;;'rman Pistor noted .:he receipt of two resumes from persons to fill the vacancy on the Library Advisory Board created by the resignation of Mrs. Janet Pettit on June 6, 1978. Commis- sioner Wenzel stated t:.at both candidate. are well-qualified and suggested that Mrs. R. P. Sheehan be appointed Regular Member and the other candidate be appointed as Alternate Member if such mem- bership is provided for in the LAB By-Laws. County Manager Norman was directed to review said By-Laws in this regard and report back to the Board. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5-0, that Mrs. R. P. Sheehan be appointed to the Library Auvisory Board, as recommended by the advisory board. Commissioner Wimer expressed concern OVer the possibility of the advisory boards' going beyond what the Board intends regarding appointments, their function being to determine individuals' quali- fications to serve with the Board making the final decision. City Councilman Wade Schroeder, former member of the Coastal Area Plan- ning Commission, explained the manner in which appointments were made to that advisory group, noting that they were delegated by the Board to recommend appointments, it was not assumed by the CAPC. He stated that the procedure worked well and resulted in an excel- lent planning group. Commissioner Wimer noted that he is not ques- tioning the wisdom of the planning group but that the Minutes will reflect specific directives from the Board that the Chairmen of the various advisory boards were to interview respective candidates to apprise them of the hours involved in serving on a council, and the like, and the Board would make the appointments fOllowing their re- ceipt of nominations. ~~"V n~? r'...~~ B3GK 0 42 F,..~, 386 July 11, ~ na BOARD APPOINTS COUNTY MANAGER C. WILLIAM NOnMAN AS COUNTY ENERGY OFFICER CO~\6sioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5-0, that County Manager C. William Norman be appointed as the County Energy Officer, as recommended by staff. RESOLUTION 78-105 REVISING SECTION III-F OF EMERGENC~ MEDICAL SER- VICES COUNCIL BY-LAWS PERTAINING TO SCHEDULED MEETINGS - ADOPTED Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Chairman of the Emergency Medical Services Council, explained that the EMS Council has requested that the EMS By-Laws be amended to reduoe the number of standing meetings. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5-0, that Resolution 78-105 revising Section III-F of the Emergency Medical Services Council By-Laws pertaining to scheduled ~~etings, as outlined, be adopted. . * * * * * * * .,. . * . . * . * . * . . ~JGK UL1t; Fj.~, ~tJ~ '." '". July 11, 1978 REQUEST TO HAVE CREDIT UNION EMPLOYEE (CE'l'A) BECOME PAR'l'-TIME EMPLOYEE OF THE COUNTY'S PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT - REFERRED TO COUNTY MANAGER Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Credit Union Preaident, referred to tho backup material furnished the Board which explains the reas(.ms for the request to have the Credit Union Office Manager accepted as a part-time employe. of the ~ounty's Personnel Department, and recommended that the Board favorably consider the request. Commissioner Wimer opposed the requeat stating that the employee involved is a Credit Union employee, employed for the benefit of the Credit Union members and not for the Board'a benefit. He added that the Credit Union is not a County Govern- ment function and that, in his opinion, it would be a dangerous situation to share an employee, so to speak, and added the com- ment that possibly the Board should not have given the sanctity to the Credit Union that it has. County Manager Norman explained that the proposal came about during the budget reviews of the Personnel Office, stat- ing that the employee in question works one-half time for the Personnel Director on insurance forms, and the like, and the other one-half for the Credit Union. Due to the fact that the time period for continuing the present employee on CETA is run- ning out, ways were examined for handling the funding and the proposal being presented came up as an idea to be presented as part of the budget for review. He said that his idea was that the one-half time spent on Credit Union work would be paid by the Sredit Union. , Further discussion followed with Commissioner Wimer reiter- ating his viewpoint that the operation shoul~ ~u kept completely separate, noting that very few counties are not operated in this manner. He also expressed concern that such an operation as is being proposed might eventually lead to the Credit Union being 1,--1 July 11, 1978 funded by the taxpayers of Collier County and moved that the matter ~~ d~opped. The motion died for lack of a second. Clerk Willia~ Reagan observed that the Credit Union oper- ation used to be in the Clerk's Office prior to his taking Over the office of Clerk and that he did not like the aet up at that time. He said that there are 80me very dangerous areas being discussed particularly regarding the pos.ibility mentioned of the local hospital becoming part of the Credit Union which, he said, gets into a very "gray" area and one in which he feels very "uncomfortable" expending any type of funds. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 5-0, that the matter be referred back to the County Manager. RESOLUTION 7B-l06 CLARIFYING RESOLUTION ADOPTED :~Y B, 1973 RE VACATION OF DRAINAGE EASE!~NT ONLY or LOT 15, BLOCK E, PALM RIVER ESTATES, UNIT NO. 4 - ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by ~ommissioner Drown and carried 5-0, that Resolution 78-106 clarifying previous Resolution adopted by the Board on May 8, 1973 be adopted, as recommended by the County Attorney. Assistant County Attorney Siesky explained that the Resolu- tion is an "abundance of caution by an Attorney" to make sure that all the Board i~ vacating is the drainage easement on sub- ject property and not the underlying land. * . . * * * * * * . . * * * * * * wv nLi? ~...~~RQ I..'..)t,,/h V......... ,,,...c&.tI,,,.,, July 11, 1978 DER BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT RE SEAWALL TO DE BUILT AT ISLES OF CAPRI BY LUBBERGER (DER FILE 1l-742S-SE) - READ INTO THE RECORD Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morqan read the fol- lowing BiOlogical Assessment by the Department of Environmental Regulation dated May 30, 1978, regarding the seawall to be ~uilt on the Isles of Capri for Bob Lubberger - File No. ll-742S-5E: * * . * * . * * * * . * * . * . * * . * * . * . . r-l :', r-l , .'~ bOOK 042 fj.~,394' July 11, 1978 Mr. Bob Lubberger Page Two May 30, 1978 looking seaward. , , )' The immediate benthic area consists of sand and a small - amount of detritus. The only epibenthic animals found were two crown conchs (Me10ngena corona). A sample of the sand substrate yielaea a few unidentified tube- dwelling polychaetes (four). Just off-shore was a school of mullet (Mugil). It is suggested a 2:l slope of rip-rap, l' &bove MSL, should be'provided to reduce chances of scouring along seawall. (Rip-rap should not increase chances of silt build-up and provide a suitable habitat for organisms to grow. Provide a turbidity .curtain during operations:) {Under the provisions of Section 253.124, Florida Statutes, this report shall be read into the record and duly donsidered at the same meeting at which the Board of County Commissioners or other '. authorized body takes final action on the application for local ar~roval. Proof of local approval must be furnished this office. Sincerely, /~~ Thomas M.IP;~venzano Dredge and Fill Supe ~ TMP/NFN/et Mrs. Morgan said that Environmental Conaultant Dr. Jay Harmic was unable to attend the meeting, however, he recommends approval of the project although he would not require riprap if he were making the decision. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded b~ Commissioner Brown and carried unanimously 5-0, that the Board acknowledge the read- ing of the above-referenced Biological Asseasment regarding the seawall.project at Isles of Capri to be built by Bob, Lubberger, as required under the provisions of Section 253.124 Florida Stat- utes. July 11, 1978 DER BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMEN';r RE DOT PROPOSED CANAL RELOCATION (I-75) (OER FILE NUl-mER l.L-92230) - READ INTO THE RECORD Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan read the follow- ing BiOlogical Assessment by the Department of Environmental Regula- tion, dated Jun l4, 1978, regarding the Department of Transportation Proposed Canal Relocation (I-7S) CDER Fill!! Nnmber 11-9223): \ " ( ; STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION 2600 BLAIR STONE ROAD TWIN TOWERS OFFICe BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 REU81N 0'0, ASKEW GOVERNOR JOSEPH W. LANDERS. JI SECRETARY Board of County Commissioners Collier County Courthouse Naples, Florida 33940 , . June 28, 1978 !,-, .._~ . "~''''IJ,.. '. . , ...' . \t1"-:';:1':::100CI C.: lllar C"lmIT. FlGlidi . l\~t" Bee'l 'I'Id{ :JUL ::J 1316 Gentlemen: DER No. 11-9223. Collier Coun~. Florida Department of Transportation. SJN: 01375-3401 Our staff has performed a biOlogical survey for this project and offers the fOllowing comments: , PROJECT DESCRIPTION: As part of the construction of an 1-75 inter- change. the Department of Transportation proposes to re-locate a drainage canal by: dredging approximately 85,550 cubic yards of material from waters of the state and submerged lands of waters of the state to construct a 4.250 foot long canal, -7.0 feet below ordinary high water; placing approximately 5.900 cubic yards of material into waters of the state and submerged lands of waters of the state to fill an existing 1.200 foot l~ng, -4.0 feet ordinary high water drainage canal; constructing two 136 foot long by 42 inch wide pipe culverts; constructing two 138 foot long by 42 inch wide pipe culverts; constructing two 120 foot long'by 39.5 foot wide concrete bridges. BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT: The proposed filling will eliminate a ~vegetated littoral zone and the animals associated with these ,'plants. However. these organisms are common and capable of rapid . recovery. It is anticipated that this communi~ will rapidly , colonize the canal which will be constructed. No significant long term damage to biological resources is expected. and no adverse impact, on water quality is expected. HYDROGRAPHIC ASSESSMENT: The department's hydrographic engineer reported that this project was not of hydrographic concern. " , ~~,~)( 042. FME395 BOOK 042 ri.:, 396 July 11, 1978 Collier County Commissioners Page Two June 28. 1978 Pursuant to the requirements of 5S 253.124(3). Florida Statutes. the preceding comments should be duly considered by the commission and read into the minutes of the mp~ting at which time a determination of local approval is made. . Sincerely. ~~ Forrest S. Fields Environmental Specfalist Bureau 01 Permitting , FSF /pa Attachment cc: Walt Jetter (w/attachment) Freddy Miller (w/attachment) Tom Provenzano (w/o attachment) Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried unanimously 5-0, that the Board acknowledge the reading of the above-referenced Biological Assessment regarding the DOT Pro- posed Canal Relocation (I-75),(DER File 11-9223), as required un- der the provisions of Section 253.124 Florida Statutes. " "-'.'1 ,.. .. July 11, 1978 QUESTIONS POSED BY COMMITTEE TO STUDY THE INCORPORATION OF MARCO ISLAND - REFERRED TO STAFF FOR PREPARATION OF APPROPRIATE RESPONSE Administrativo Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of correspondence from the Chairman of the Legislative-appointed committee to study the feasibility of Marco Island becoming incor- porated dated June 9, 1978, posing tho following quest10nsl "What services will continue to Marco Island if Incor- porated until a mutually set date? Will you pass a res- olution regarding the continuance of .aid aervices?" Chairman Pistor commented that several ataff members have ad- dressed the Committee and have made unofficial reports on the mat- tAr and suggested that the correspondence be referred to County Manager Norman for review with County Attorney Pickworth, and other staff members, for response. It was Commis.ioner Wimer's sugges- tion that the response be a reiteration of what the law states this regard. Mr. Ira Evans, Committee member, advised that aeveral County staff members addressed the Committee I for instance, the Assistant County Engineer who stated that the day that Marco Island becomes a City all County maintenance or aervices by the Engineering r.e- partment will cease, and, County Attorney Pickworth who said that as of the day that Marco Island became incorporated, assuming that it did, all County services would cease. Mr. Evans expressed con- cern that by the time ~ referendum is held, probably in the Fall of the year, taxes will have alroady been levied, the budget estab- lished, and the tax bills mailed out. Therefore, said Mr. Evans, if the statcnlents made were taken literally, County services would cease if the referendum to become a city passed even though the taxes were levied, and probably paid, to Mupport tho.e services. The questions posed, he continued, are an attempt to clarify wheth- er or not this discontinuance of services would be a policy of the Board, and whether or not it is equitable. Assistant County Attorney Siesky explained that what was meant . w nit? ...-'~07 I bDOK U'iG fj,~, &.>\10 I, July 11, 1978 by the statements alluded to was that when Marco Island becomes a viable city, if ever, exercising taxing powers on its own, then any arl all County services would cease other than those being provided to the City of Naples, and other like bodies. Utility Director Irving Berzon pointed out, during the discussion which followp~, that those aervices that would be available to a city like Marco Island after incorporation would not be any different than what is available to the area of Marco Island at the present time from the County, add1.ng that the ser- vices would be no different as long as they remain County services. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Archer abIent at the time of the vote, that the County Manager and the County Attorney draft an up':- ropriate response to the aforementioned questiona pOled by the Committee to study the feasibility of Marco Illand becoming incor- porated. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION TO TAX ROLLS NOS. 415, 416, AND 328 Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the Certificates in question have been checked out, Commissioner Wimer moved, se~onded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4-0 with Com- missioner Archer absent, that the follnwing Certificates of Cor- rection to Tax Rolls be authorized for Chairman's signature: NOS. ~ 6-28-78 6-22-78 6-28-78 1976 Tax Roll 328 415 416 1977 Tax Roll , BOARD OF COUNTY CO~IISSIONERS AND CLERK WILLIAM REAGAN APPOINTED TO HISTORICAL COMMISSION Administrative Aide to the Board Mary t-Iorgau reported that when the Board was requested to appoint the members to the His- torical Commission in May, 1978, through an oversight the list failed to include the names of the County Commissioners and The Clerk of Courts. y--- 1 ,.. -, July 11, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Archer not present, that the Board of County Commissioners and the Clerk of Courts be appointed to the Historical Commission. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED Tn EXECUTE LETTER TO AGRICULTURE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT REQUESTING JOINT FUNDING FOR EXTENSION 01' HOME ECON- OMIST PROGRAM Commissioner Wimer moved, aeconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Archer not present, that the Chairman be authorized to execute a letter to the Agriculture Extension Office requesting joint funding for the positions of home economist agent and 4-H coordinlltor for the Collier County Extension Program, as recommended by staff. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO FORWARD LETTER TO MAYOR ANDERSON, CITY OF NAPLES, WITH COPIES TO CITY COUNCIL AND MEMBERS OF THE NEGOTIA- TION TEAM RE DOUBLE TAXATION, WITH REGARD TO CONTINUED NEGOTIA- TIONS ' , Administrative Aide to the Board Mary MorgAn advised the Board that during the period of time the Board was not in session, an in- quiry was received from the Mayor of the City of Naples regarding the status of the Double Taxation meetings and indicating that un- less some way could be found to resolve the Road Patrol portion of the Sheriff's Dudget it was felt that there is no benefit to be gained by agreeing to other items which, in their opinion, are not substantial and that the matter might have to result in a "friendly" lawsuit. Following brief discussion, it was the consensus of the Board that a reply be sent to the City stating the Board's position is to meet with the City at anytime for further negotiations regarding both the small and large areas of concerns. City Councilman Wade Schroeder stated that he Was not offi- cially representing the City Council but expressed a personal opin- ion that the two entities should agree on those items where an agree- ~'i1l( 042 Ph~' 399 e.oo~ 042 fm:400 ,~ . , ,. (' July 11, 1978 ment can be reached and that if there is a lawauit only those large questions which cannot be resolved would be involved. He reiterated ~hat this is his p~r80nal opinion but one which he will express in the Council meeting, and added the auggestion that in the Board's communique to the Mayor it might be well to suggest that he review 1~ with the other members of the City Coun- cil. Commissioner Wimer recalled that during the negotiating com- mittees' meetings the members were very 010.. to agreeing on many of the items listed which could have been brought to the Board of County Commissioners and the City Council for possible ratifica- tion; however, the statement was made that these were just "chick- en-feed" unless an agreement can be reached regarding the Sher- ift's Department. Commissione~ Wimer also said that an Agreement was reached by the committee to follow what the law said in this regard, disre- garding the thoughts of the Mayor, himself, or anyone else, on the matter. By using the law, and practicability as a foremat, Commis- sioner Wimer said that it is his opinion that 80\ of the items could have been agreed upon. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall observed that much, good was com- ing out of the committee meetings with many points being brought out regarding whether or not certain matters were of benefit to the City. He said that steps were being taken during the meetings to- ward developing an overall philosophy. Commissioner Wimer comment- ed that detailed minutes were kept of the meetings, plus tapes, which are available, if desired, for review which might be bene- ficial. Chairman Pis tor summarized by stating that a letter would be .---' 1 ,- - __I July 11, 1978 prepared to forward to the Mayor regarding continued negotiations in the matte.c of d011ble taxativn and setting forth the Board's viewpoints. He noted that copies will be Bent to the members of City Council and to other membera of the commictee. PROPOSED SCHOOL U1PACT FEE TO BE WORKSHOPPED MONDAY, JULY 17,. 197B \ Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted that' the proposed School Impact Fee ordinance has been advertised for a public hearing Tuesday, July lB, 1978 and a determination is re- quested as to whether or not it would be benefioial to table the ordinance and indicate at the meeting that the proposed ordinance will be readvertised for a hearing at a later date ao that there would not be large numbers of persona attending the meeting if, in fact, the ordinance will not be discussed. To clarify the mat- ter, Chairman Pistor noted the receipt of a memorandum from County Attorney Pickworth which he said makes it seem important to table the matter at this time. He said that before the ordinance can be enacted there must be an inter-governmental agreement reached between the City of Naples, Everglades City and the County and it is the School Board's obligation to see that such agreement is exe- cuted by all of the governmental entities. Also, Chairman Pistor continued, the aforementioned memorandum states that the inter- local agreement must be agreed to in principal by the respective governing bodies and then submitted to the Attorney General's Office for approval prior to signature in accordance with Florida Statutes. Therefore, said the Commissioner, beforo the matter goes into long and lengthy discussions, it is his suggestion that the County At- torney be instructed to prepare such an agreement, let the School Board get it approved by the other governing bodies, and then sub- mit it to the Attorney General's Office. He further suggested that the matter be tabled. LJDK 042 p;.:, ~02 , " t.,., July 11, 1978 Commissioner Wimer proposed that the ordinance be voted upon prior to the procedure outlined by the Chairman, making such ordinance contingent upon the inter-local agreement, if the ordinance is adopted. It was Commissioner Wenzel's sU9gestion that the ordinance be workshopped prior to the public hearing and that all inter- ested parties be invited to attend such workahop session. He recalled that there are various groups who expresse~ an inter- est in attending a workshop meeting on the aubjoot and Mrs. Morgan advised that she would notify the organizations if the Board accepts the Commissioner's suggeation. Mr. Joe Kingsley, representing the Voters' League, stated that this organization feels strongly about the matter, commen- ting that there should be a position taken, either negative or positive, and urged that a workshop session be held. City Councilman Wade Schroeder stated that he does not see how the City can approve or disapprove the ordinance with- out further study, noting that neither the City Manager nor the City Attorney have seen Attorney Pickworth's memorandum or the proposed ordinance and stated that the City will have no part of the "deal" until they have been exposed to who1t is involved. Chairman Pistor directed that a Workshop Session on the proposed Impact Fee ordinance be held Monday, July 17, 1978 at 9:00 A.M. and that all interested parties, including the City officials, be invited to attend. He also directed that copies of Attorney Pickworth's memorandum and the proposed ordinance be furnished to the City Manager and the City Attorney. '- BOARD DIRECTS ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE TO MAKE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS TO HAVE PORTRAIT OF RETIRING JUDGE SMITH MADB AND DISPLAYED IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ROOM Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel ,--" July 11, 1978 and carried 5-0, that the Administrative Aide to the Board make thE necess~ry arrangements to have a portrait of retiring JUdge Smith made and displayed in the Circuit Court Room, as suggested by Commi3sioner Brown in ~is memorandum to the Board dated July 3, 1978. GOLDEN GATE FIRE CHIEF DAVID REEVES GRANTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE FHOM JULY 3, 1978 TO AUGUST 28, 1979 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5-0, that Golden Gate Fire Chief David Reeves be granted a leave of absence from July 3, 1978 until August 28, 197 a, as recommended and approved by Countl' Manager Norman. ROAD & BRIDGE EMPLOYEE LOU RUNION GRANTED LEAVE OF ABSENCE FROM ~T"ly 3, 1978 TO AUGUST 4, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5-0, that Road & Bridge employee Lou Runion be granted leave of absence from July 3, 1978 until August 4, 1978, as recom- mended by staff, and approved by County Manager Norman. CHAI~~N AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT TO GRANT RE "201" FAC!LITY STUDY FOR THE COASTAL AREA (ORIGINAL GRANT NO. C120597010) EXTEND- ING PAYMENT SCHEDULE TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved" seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the Chairman be authorized to exeoute Amendment to Grant (Original Grant No. C120S97010) re "201" Facility Study for the Coastal Area extending payment schedule to September 1, 1978. Commissioner Wimer expressed concern over the delays being encountered regarding the project in question, stating that one of his reasons for voting for the engineering firm involved was because of their statements during their presentation that they would be able to "~ip" right through the Study. Utility Director Irving Berzon explained the reasons for the delays, among them the fact that the Florida Department of Regulation was late in coming up with waste-load ~llocation figures which caused prob- lems in completing a major part of the Study, and another reason .... . r. A....,r\ M(JK 0 42rh~z ~04 ~ , " ':i "', July 11, 1978 being the fact that the City of Naples has changed its position regarding the "20l" recommendations making revisions necessary. He said there will be a meetil.q held soon with representatives of the consulting firm, and others, in an attempt to reaolve the problems so that the Study can go forward and is approved. Upon call for the q',jestion, the motion carried 5-0. ~a"':':~.:, ......-..-............... .-- ......._-.._~~. ...........- -' -- ..........:...---.,..,.......-.....,...""'. -... '.....'..,: ..,.._"""'~I":"-'-Ji':.-...-:.~,-... .. '.. U,'. I:NV'..ON"',H'rAL I'W'''ECT,Oll "'Ol:HCY CRANT A/.IE~II)McHT (Optit)nl.IJ (Pl('~~t... f~:1(1 Lny.truc:i')n","on '1""("'. .,"'oro ,,'nmltlil"tlnr.) on~wr I/O. C120597012 A"'UIOI4~NT NO. 2 NO'f/!: 1.". o,Ir.I".1 ^,""nrhn~nl ....j~h Mt' eni')' ",u.1 ". .."evled .nd '.Iv,n..d In 'hl' O'ftnll ^.lmlnh"",lIo" nh'I~"." rM II.,,,,!, 'lu.rl~" I':'MI .w"..h ."d 10 Ihe Cr.,nt. ^d,.,lnl.l,urlon Dr.nehu to, '10111 .nll loul n..I.'Meo 0"'''..,. ....lIhlll .1 ".,','k.. .rc,., "c,'lpl 0' .dlhln on, n".".lon or lI",e .. ",., b. ",anr.d In w,lllnll by I!:P^. Exctpl.. tnny [It! OlhC',wl.. ,.,ovld...I. no eo.ln ~" o ,..ult 0' th., ^",,,,,dn.t'nl "'"r I." '''''''''t'd I'rlo, 10 Iho ....Cllll~n c.t Iho Oronl ^,""nclmcnl by Ih~ p~tll~" th~'.to, Rrcdpl 0' 0 ,,'rll1~n ,du..I, 0' (.1111," 10 ,oc..lv. tho p,op.r1y o"~c..t~d docl/nlenl wIthin tho p,...e,lb"d \l,"~ \,11'1. ,,,.vII In Ih... '.,mln.Oon 0' con~ldt'rnllon 0' tI,c ClInl ^"'....dm..nl by EP^. 1 ' I\f;I,.;r-cif.A"i"A"TIJ'", NUJo,lll" GftIU...L lH'OItI4ATIOII APPAOPR''''TION AND ACCOUNTING DATA ACCOUNT NUIolII" O.JleT CLAU COOl 'to ";ONEY CH^~( ort.'cn.....TIO,.,. OF ^M!.NOMl';fI r: IIll"UHSUA.NT TO f,PA O"''''HT flItltGULATfO~ (0 C~" ".'00 ......OJECT CU"NOtl:1 "''''0 Gn^tlT MOCJII IC.... "OIU" ""0'0 CFA JO,'Oo.. "FO''''AL O...."T ....I:NDI.I[NT.... THI[ ....OIlE. HUM.a"EO O""'HT "O"EEIolIlNT "AM(rIIlED AS 'OLLO"~: Revised Budget Period 3-5-76 9-1-78 Revtsed Payment Schedule FY 78 3rd QTR 4th QTR $125,475 43.2~1 ....,A"'A"O..PPAOV..LO....,CI ,......-........ - - '" .---. I.SUING O..'ICI" .. C-'CANIZAT10N ,.._',. . ,. ....AN.SATION ~ . .~. :'.. -:' i~cior~'Wat~r nt "DD"." '~nyironrr:..ntal Protection Ao~ncY ADDlIlIf(t. , ... A~,fI; Enviranmentnl Protection 345 Courtland Stre~t. N. Atlanta. GebrQia 3030B O""'NTI[I[ OfllOA,"Z...TIOH A"or,,::.. Collier County Courthouse Naples. Fl 33940 . ,..... Agency, Region JV E. " . Coll ier County Cu."' ,.. fI'."'''''''' h,"f"/n ,.11 ",m. At,; rpru','"..._ ., ,Pt.. "."'t I,.n' .,,~f'ff'I""'. ''',,''''''4"'11I1'' "irw,.J..."u. h"""'" tIft,tw.".,." .nd 'n f"II loI'~'" "n~ ttt~ct .r"" _""'_If I..U fON,'le.."', ,.".......,..,. "t Iv C"'R C....."r.' II "lIAr"''' ". . THt!: UNITt::O ST^ TIls' 0" "''''IlAICA "'1' THII U:S, fiNlllnONM':HTAI. ""0' aCTION M.I1.IlCV IIC;U"'U"" OF A;iii'i)Qr'.'C' TVi'EO "A"I .....0 TITLKAsa B. Foste;. Jr. -rOAn ~ .6-= _ nfrec.to.J:..-LJa.ter.D.Udstorl.. JUN 7 i97R 'I' ^ lO em nr.:H^L.' or THI OESIO"...TC:l GII^NTrra OIIClANIZAHON T'l'''~O NA"C ""U TITLE u"n: ~..1L1l:l:alr. Chmn.. Bd. of Co. Conm, John A. P1stor. Chairman. , __ ______.., ..J.l_____~..,............ ~.,..,r'......~...~.;,~:.='L.o1'r&...~;,.,1:"'-....:..:.;.:....::.--.-.. . .' '..-. . ...-....., . . , ",' ,..:. .....~..-........~'_. "'--"1 " .. July 11, 1978 HOARD AUTHORIZES EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR COST OF CABLE EXPRESSING EVIDENCE OF COMMUNITY SUPPORT FOR "MISS COLLIER COUNTY" DURING COM- PETITION FOR "MISS FLORIDA" Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5-0, that the Board approve the expenditure for the cost of a cable expressing evidence of Community Support for "Miss Col- lier County" during the competition for "Mias Florida." " PETITION REQUESTING INCLUSION OF ~A BETWEEN 810 AND 816 MANOR-TER- RACE, MARCO ISLAND, INTO MARCO LIGHTING DISTRICT - ACCEPTED AND RE- FERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 5-0, that the Board accept the petition requesting that the area between 810 and 816 Manor Texrace, Marc~ Island, Florida be included in the Marco Lighting District, and that the petition be referred to the Engineering Department, for processing. BUDGETS FOR FY 1978-79 FROM VARIOUS INDEPENDENT FIRE DISTRICTS, RESOLUTION SETTING MILLAGE AND CERTIFICATE OF BUDGET ADOPTION AND TAX LEVY RE COLLIER MOSQUITO CONTROL DISTRICT, AND SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT BUDG~T - RECEIVED FOR THE RECORD Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 5-0, that the following documents be accepted for the record: Independent Fire Department BU~gets: (Fiscal Year 1978-79) North Naples ImmoJ...alee Marco Island Little Hickory- Bonita Shores Resolution setting millage and Certificate of Budget Adoption and Tax Levy FY78-79 - Collier Mosquito Control District. Sheriff's Department Budget for FY78-79. ~ffiMORANDUM FROM COMMISSIONER PISTOR DATED MAY 15, 1978 RE NEED FOR SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION ON MARCO ISLAND - NO ACTION TAKEN Admi.listrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted the receipt of a memorandum from Commissioner Pistor dated May l5, 1978 regard- ing additional space for the Marco Island Sheriff's Department. It Mal( 042 ~~:i 405 " :' :~t"~:' . ,. ..,..,. I',,: . ,'. it,;f~~;l::!,,';.:, ~ ,.~~ '.~*:\ ~; '>:~~::?~~.~: . . " .' , .~. .. t.'. .,.' . .' . "',". : BOOK U4~ F~:, 4Uf> July 11, 1978 was the consensus of the Board that no action be taken on the matter pending the results of the referendum regarding incor- poration rf the community. RESOLUTION FROM GADSDEN COUNTY BCC RE HEW PROPOSAL FOR MONTHLY DEPOSITS OF FICA AND SOCIAL SECURITY DEDUCTIONS, - REFERRED TO FISCAL OFFICER FOR REVIEW At Fiscal Officer Harold Hall'8 reque8t, th~ resolution received from the Gadsden County Board of County Commissioners opposing the proposal by HEW which would require monthly deposits of FICA and Social Security deductions was referred to him for review. CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE APPLICATION FOR LICENSE RE HOME HEALTH AGENCY FROl'1 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF HRS Following Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan's brief explanation of the matter, Commiasioner Wimer moved, sec- onded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wimer absent at the time of the vote, that the Chairman be author- ized to execute Licensure Application Form for Home Health Agen- cies., State of Florida, Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services. *Complete application on file in office of Clerk of the Board. State or Flor.1da Department of Health ahd Rehabilitative Services Ltceneure Application For Home Health Agencies ****************** . \,', ,1 ", . Collier Countv Home Health &rvi~s Na.'lle of Aaency CQllier:County Board of Commissj . , Rame or Agency ()o.mE!r Gv't Complex Bldg. F Agency Street Address (Same) Address / P. o. Box r-'l r MOl: 042 rh:' 408 July 11, 1978 \'1'\1'-'111., ,,\1 '/ I . ..''"."'. .' " ...~..' I' 'I ".t '\ -:' I. I " , ".. 't' ", .), .' ....,,, 'j,. I \ ,.,;,. ,,:' . \:.....,' ~ day !; , " .) ....'.' 6f ,\ " " \ ,,1 ~": , ..'\ I, . , , ., Notary Public Commissionera VII. ACTION TAKEN BY STATE UCE.\"SURE OFFICI PETITION RE MAINTENANCE OF PRIVATE ROAD IN OCHOPEE, FLORIDA _ ACCEPTED; REFERRED TO ENGINEERING DEPARn(ENT FOR RECOMMENDATION Ad.ninistrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan advised that a petition has been received from property owners in Ochopee, Florida residents of Pine Oaks, requesting the County to assume the mainten- ance of the commonly-used private road. Mrs. Morgan said that the petition states that the subject properties are accessible only by the use of this road which is located l~ miles north of U.s. 4l and runs one mile East from S.R. 841. Commissioner Brown advioed that th~ road in question is in an area purchased by the Federal Government for the park and he is not quite clear on whether or not the County is to maintain the roads until the entiro purchase is completed. He also made mention of a State road in the park area which is in need of repair. It was the consensus of the Board that the petition be accepted and ref~rred to the Engineering Department for recommendation. Com- missioner Brown asked that both roads be investigated and that the petitioners be advised of the findings July 11, 1978 NEGOTIATING TEAM TO MEET WITH SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD REPREl_ ENTATIVES RE ABANDONMENT OF RAILROAD LINE TO ESTERO r Chairman Pistor reported that he has heard that the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad is going to go ahead with their decision to file for abandonment of the railroad line all the way to Estero and it is recommended th~c the Board immediately activate the nego- , \ tiating team to confer with the railroad's offioials for actions to be taken that would result in the traok. remaining in Collier County. lie expressed the desire to participate in the discussions along with staff personnel Richard Woodruff and Clifford Barksdale. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that a negotiating team be formed composed u! Commissioner Pistor and Messrs. Woodruff and Barksdale to diacuss with the railroad the mat- ter of removing the railroad from the County. It was suggested that the City's representatives who served on the committee be approached for inclusion on the negotiating team, as well as the Chamber of Commerce, plus reactivating the task force which w~s formed sometime ago. Commissioner Archer suggested that the Economic Development Council might wish to b. represented. Chairman Pistor stated that he will make the contacts suggested. There was no action taken on the motion on the floor. J\NBASSADCR REFAEL VANEGAS, FORMER MAYOR OF SISTER-CITY ESPINAL, COLUMBIA, AND FORMER GOVERNOR OF LIMA,IN'l'RODUCED Commissioner Wimer introduced Doctor Ratael Vanegas, former Mayor of SiRter-City Espinal, ColOmbia, former Governor of Lima, and now with the Consulate Office in Miami, Florida. Dr. Vanegas acknowledged the introduction stating that he brings greetings to the people of Naples from their Sister-City. Also, Dr. Vanegas extended an invitation to the Board to a celebration in honor of their Independence Day to be held July 20, 1978 in Miami, Florida. n~? ...- .Ann .. July 11, 1978 59. Copy of Florida ,Department of Administration Annual Report of the Diyision of Retirement for the 7/1/76 _ 6/30/77 year _ Fi:;'ed. 60. PSC Notice of Petition for Declaratory Statement re David M. Jaskiewicz, et al, re van poolina arranaements _ Filed. ... 61. PSC Notices of Filing of Application for a Certific~te of Public Conveniertce and Necessity to operate a.. a motor carrier re Bay Moving Co., Inc., and Chri8topher .T. Reed, d/b/a C. J. Reed Trucking; and PSC Notice of Filing for an Extension of Certificate re Superior Student Transport, Inc.; and PSC notice of Review of the level of e~rnings of Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company _ Filed. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CERTIFICATE DEEDS NOS. 165, 166, 167 AND l68 - RECORDED AND FILED FOR THE RECORD . Pursuant to action of the Board taken January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Merr)rial Gardens cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deeds Nos. l65, 166, 167, and l68 were recorded and filed for the record: n~1) ...-/d~ .If b(hJ~ U~f.., fi.~, ';if..,U July 11, 1978 COMMISSIONER WENZEL APPOINTED AS BOARD'S REPRESENTATIVE ON THE COLLIER COUNTY MENTAL HEALTH BOARD Chair",an Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 5-0, to appoint Commissioner Wenzel as the Board's repre- sentative on the Collier County Mental Health Board to fill tho va- cancy created by the reAi9nation of the Assistant County Attorney. Commissioner Wer.zel indicated his willingness to servo on the Mental Health Board at least until November, 1978. * * . . * * * . There being no further business for ~h. good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time 1 3:53 P.M. * * . * * * * . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL (J. R~ ATTEST: ~,':~~~ ...' " J ~ ~ \ ...-'--- 1 )