BCC Minutes 06/06/1978 R l_..J L... _.I .. I, Naples, Florida, June 6, 1978 LET IT BE RF.~EMBERED. that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Board(s) of such special diatricts as have been oreated aocording to law and having conducted business herein, met Oil this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "," of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present I CHAIRMAN: John A. Piator VICE-CHAIRMAN: David C. Brown C. R. "Russ" Wimer Thomas P. Aroher ABSENT: Clifford Wenzel ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk! Harold L. Hall, Chi" t" Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Offioer1 Edna lJrenneman and Carol Russell (2:05 P.M.), Deputy Clerks1 C. William Norman, County Manager; Donald A. Pickworth, County AttorneY1 Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development! Carl Clemmer, zoning Director! Wafaa Assaad, Planning Department! Anne Hora, Personnel Director! Mary ~o~~an, Administrative Aide to the Boaru; Clifford Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer, and, Doputy Chief Rayrnonn Barnett, Sheriff's Department. 00 AM I. II. III. IV. IVA. IVE. V. AGENDA Iff VOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES: May 16. 1978 and a portion of May 23. 1978 PRESENTATION OF SUGGESTION Al~ARD CERTIFICATE TO EDWARD E. BRESE PRESENTATION OF SERVICE CERTIFICATES ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Creation of the Cocohatchee Street Road Improvement District (Berzon). Pg 1 B. Petition V-78-12-C by Coastal Engineoring & Construction Pg 2 Co., Inc., requesting a variance from the minimum floor area of 1.000 sq. ft. to permit a building of 450 sq. ft. in "I" Ir.du~tria1 district (Pickworth). - ~~~tion of the Karen Drive Road Improvement Pg 7 .,~. O~rict (Berzon). '{2. IS 2 no~K 042 rA:E 155 I Jl'ne 6, 1978 XIII. ITEMS FOR DISCYSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION A. Discussion of acceptance of Roads in Golden Gate Estates Area in accordance with Agreement of October 4, 1977. Discus~ion of requests mpde by the Naples f~rk Area Association Bo. rd of Directors. C. Discussion of Resolution creating the Collier County Industrial Development Authority. B. X I V. ADJOURN AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS/DELETIONS Commissioner Archer move~ seconded by Co~is8ioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the agenda be approved with the following Additions/Deletionsz ADDITIONS IVC. PROCLAMATION OF RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Amendments to Group Insurance Contract. B. Appointmcnts to Southwest Florida Regional Planning County Citizons Advisory Council. VII. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT A. Authorization to Advertise 11. Ordinance to establish School Impact Pee (7/11/78). J. Correction: Job reclassification and salary adjust- ment for Social SeeHFity Services Director (Morgan). XIII. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION D. Consideration of Library Facility for North Naples Arca. " DELETIONS IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: A portion of Hay 23. 1978 VII. COUNTY MANAGER'S REPORT A. Authorization to Advertise 8. Petition V-78-18-C by Gulfside Building Corp.. requesting a variance in the setback require- ments in Sll. T49S. R2SE (7/11/78). I. Appcal of Contractors' ~icensing Board decision by John K. Warren (Pickworth). Pg 31-3; Pg 33-3! ---III June 6, 1978 INTRODUCTION OF NEW COUNTY MANAGER C. WILLIAM NORMAN Cha~rman Pist~r intro0uced the new County Manager, C. W~lliam Norman. M~. Norman responded to the introduction with a pledge "to do my very best to provide the people of Collier County with effective and efficient service, and will serve you as best as I know how." MINUTES OF MAY 16, 1978 - APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the minutes of the meeting of May 16, 1978 be approved as submltted. ~UGGESTION AWARD CERTIFICATE PRESENTED TO EMPLOYEE EDWARD E. BRESE Chairman Pistor presented a Sug~estion.Award Certificate to omployee Edward E. Brase stating that the suggestion sub- mitted will ~ave the County money and will be of help to the County. Mr. Brese was present to accept the Award. FIVE-YEAR SERVICE CERTIFICATES PRESENTED TO WAFAA ASSAAD, FRE~ FULTZ, JOHN SALLE AND ROBERT COSTNER Chairman Pistor presanted five-year Service Certificates to the following County employees I Wafaa Assaad Fred Fultz John Salle Robert Costner The recipients of the Service Certificates were present to accept the Certificates. PROCLAMATION 78-90 ESTABLISHING JUNE, 1978 AS RECREATION AND PARKS MONTH - ADOPTED Following the reading of Proclamation 78-90 establishing June, 1978 as Recreation and Parks Month by Chairman Pistor, Commissioner Wimer moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. -, , "I',' .1',1\ G ~'i r',".'156 ..... "1- bOOK 042 rm157 June 6, 1978 Parks atiLt Recreation Direr.'::.or Rollis Rice introduced Messrs. David K. Johnson. Chris Blunt and J. Dudley Goodlette, Parka and Recreation Advisory Board members, and expressed appreoiation to the Board for the action t';ken in adopting the Proclamation. . . . . . * * . . * * BOOK 042 ~~~E15g June 6, 1978 I 'I PETITION ':-78-12-C BY COASTJlt, ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION CO., INC., REQUESTING A VARIANCE FROM THE MINIMUM FLOOR AREA OF 1,000 SQ. FT. TO PERMIT A BUILDING OF 450 SQ. FT. IN "I" INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT - DENIED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 19, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with tho Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition V-78-12-C by the Coastal Engineering, Construction Co., Inc., requesting a variance from the minimum floor area of 1,000 square feet to permit a building of 450 square feet in the "I" Industrial zoning district. Zoning Director Carl Clemmer located the property as being 3/4 of a mile north of Pine Ridge Road on the west side of State Road 31, the property in question being zoned "I" Industrial. He said the purpose of the building is for the operation of a used automobile business and the plans are for a well-maintained, well-surfaced showroom and show area and that it will be properly landscaped. He further explained that the requirement for a 1,000 suare foot building is excessive for the intended purp~se and that the staff is of the opinion that certain businesses do not require a building of this size! therefore, it is recommended that the variance requested be granted. County Attorney Pickworth pointed out that in order to grant a variance a hardship must be shown. He also noted that the reason for the requirement in the "I" zoning category is to reflect the policy that the type of oommeroial enterprise con- templated is not permitted in this zoning district. Mr. Clemmer advised that certain types of commercial businesses ,','('Po permitted such as a convenience store, and the like, adding that the projected use will be compatible with the area, in his opinion. Mr. Kris A. Dane and Mr. William Harper, representing the petitioner, explained that the primary business will be u wholesale business; however, it is anticfpated that there will be a retail " ,---II I. ___j June 6, 1978 outlet. Commissioner Wimer expressed concern over the traffic which might be generated since there will be an entranoe off S.R. 3l and a ~ide entrance off J-C Boulevard. He also commented that there has been n~ hardship demonstrated to warrant a variance being granted. Commisdioner Archer concurred, adding that the rules which have been established have upgraded the County ah~ will continue to do so, and suggested that there is suffioient commercial land available for the intended purpose. In response to Commissioner Brown, Mr. Clemmer said that a wholesale operation would be a proper use of the land, however, if a retail business is conducted, there would be a violation of the zoning. Commissioner Archer moved that tho publio hearing be closed, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. Commissioner Brown commented that a retail operation is merely contcmplatod at the present time and moved that the variance be granted. The motIon died for lack of a second. Commissioner Wimer moved that Petition V-78-l2-C by Coastal Engine~ring & Construction Co., Ino. requesting a variance from the minimum floor area of 1,000 square feet to permit a building of 450 square feet in "I" Industrial distriot be denied. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and oarried 3/1 with Commissioner Brown voting in opposition,ahd Commissioner Wenzel absent. RESOLUTION 78-91 TO CREATE THE COCOHATCHEE ROAO IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - ADOPTED; COMMENCEMENT OF WORK RE SAME AUTHORIZED; STAFF INSTRUCTED TO PROVIDE RECO~~NDATIONS 'OR EQUITABLE ASSESSMENTS FOR ALL PROPERTIES AT PUBLIC HEARING RE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 10, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to consider the creation of an improvement district for the paving of Cocohatchee Street. "'" ~4;" f,,:'.~l~:n. ...:' Ll\illl\ \,; ~ __ UJI. .. ..... -.... ..~~ ~OOI\ .. 042 ",:f 16f . June 6, 1978 Utili.ty Oirector 1;rving Berzon explained that at the request of residents of the subject area who submitted a petition to the Board, the Engin~ering Department was direoted to propare on estimate for the improvements to Cooohatchee Street. He oaid that the street was reconstructed and brought to a level ready for asphalting during the construction of the sewer some time ago and that the project now is to complete that effort, improve the drainage facilities, and to add the asphalt surface to the roadway. The work will be done by the Road Department, said Mr. Berzon, and the estimated cost is approximately $8.00 per front foot. The staff recommendation is for the Board to oreate the District for the paving of Cocohatchee Street by the assessment method, he concluded. Mr. W. L. Blackwell, representing the Collier Development Corporation, stated that the Corporation does not object to the paving of the street: however, they are opposed to the manner of the assessment. He explained that thpi= property to tho east of . Cocohatchee Street is undeveloped agrioultural land - approximately one-half of which is palmetto and pine land, and the other half is mangrove and marshland which, under present environmental regulations, cannot be developed 0~ lmproved. Therefore, said Mr. Blackwell, it is the opinion of the property owner that it is unfair and inequitable to charge an assessmp.nt on the basis of front footaga on property which they are forbidden to improve. Mr. Blackwell added that the Corporation is willing to pay the as~;'!ssment for thl\t portion of the land which can be improved in the future. Co~~issioner Wimer offered the suggestion that the unusable land be deeded to the County and the County would pay that share of the assessment. Mr. Blackwell noted ,that there are some nego- tiations underway at the present with the conservation groups to trade 0ut some land in the area, however, there ia nothing firm. County Attorney Pickworth offerea the opinion that since assessments ~re based on benefits to the property owners and, if there are no June 6, 1978 benefits, any assessment would be illegal regardless of ownership even if the County is the property owner. A further consideration, said Mr. Pickworth, is the burden that would shift to the other property owners if the Collier property in question is removed from the assessment roll. Assistant County Engineer Clifford Barksdale said that , there would be an approximate increase of $2.05 per front foot, increasing the assossment to the balance of the affected properties to approximately $10.03 per front foot. It was suggested by Mr. Barksdale that the boundaries of the proposed district could be redra~\ excluding that portion which is unusable. A further suggestion was made by Mr. Berzon to assess the Corporation for a portion of the assesament to cover the impact the land has on the drainage of the entire area and for whioh the Corporation should bear a fair share. Mrs. Robert Hill, Cocohatchee Street resident, inquired as to the method of assessing "pie-shaped" lots and suggested that the formula used when assessing water a.1/'I sewer improvements be considered which averaged the front and back footage. Mr. Jerry Drake, representing property owner Jordan M. Iserman, expressed Mr. Iserman's concern over the assessment method for "pie-shaped" lots with the suggestion being offered to assess on the number of lots to be benefited rather than on front footage. County Manager Norman advised that a technique he has employed in assessing this type of irregular-shaped lots is to use the building setback line as the front footage width which provides a controlling dimension for residential property assess- ments. Mr. Barksdale of.fered a further suggestion which is to use the appraised value of the land for determining the assessment. There being no additional speakers to address the matter, Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the public hearing be closed. 'bO~K 0'42 rJ.:e 162 ~aOK 042 r"~E 163 June 6, U78 Commissioner Wim~r moved that Resolution 78-91 to oreato the Cocohatchee Road Improvement District be adopted, that commencement of the work re same be authorized, that the staff be instructed to provide recommendations at the public healing on the final assessment roll for assessing "pie-shapod" lots and for the proper method of assessing the Collier properties. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer. To clarify the motion, Commissioner Aroher stated that the staff is being asked to provide recommendations for equitably assessing all of the properties taking into consideration the suggestions made during the discussion. Commissioner Brown observed that if certain portions of the land is considered worth- less, the owners of such land should not be penalized by assessing such land for improvements. Upon call for the question the motion carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. Commissioner Wime~ s~ated that if ~he recommendation is made to reduce the assessment on the Collier properties, that he would prefer to replace such funds from his district's road funds rather than to increase the assessment on the other prope~ties involved. . . * . . . r----- 1 ,--' f' -. ~ 1,._,-1 June 6, 1978 CREATION OF THE KAREN DRIVE ROAD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT - CONTINUED TO JULY 25, 1978 MEETING TO PERMIT ENGINEERING STAFF TO PROVIDE R:VISED CU~T ESTIMATES FOR ~hAINAGE I~WROVEMENTS AND ROAD CONSTRUC- TION; STAFF DIRECTED TO ASSIST KAREN DRIVE RESIDENTS IN PROVIDING INTERI!' TEMPORARY REPAIRS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 16, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was held to oonsider a proposed resolution c~eating a paving improvement district for Karen Drive by the assessment method. Assistant County Engineer Clifford Barksdale explained that there is an extremely bad drainage system in the area and the residents have petitioned as far back as 1971 for improvements to be made to the street. He s~id that 54\ of the owners have signed the late~t petition and the estimated cost for the im- provements is $65,000, or approximately $24~69 per front foot of property. lie said the eshmate is based on private oontraotors doing tho work through competitive bidding, the major cost being to construct the road in accor4ance with County specifications. Mr. Darksuale pointed out that the road has to be raised and that the high cost of construction does not solve the drainage problems on the lots, adding that it will not drain the lands on either side of the road. He said that a separate drainage district could be created at a later date if desired. Chairman Pis tor voiced conoern over the possible deterioration of the road if the drainage problem is not corrected prior to improving the road. Mr. Barksdale explained that one of the reasons for the high estimated cost is for raising the road and constructing a drainage system just for tne road itself, noting that the road will be l~ feet higher than the land in order to have sufficient elevation and permit proper runoff. Mrs. Joe Amador, Karen Drive r~sident, stated that improvements "arc urgently n~eded, commenting that "when it rains, you can go fishing in the front yard." Chairman Pistor explained that fixing bOOK .042. ri.tE i66 . I ' I I 042~;E167 tJOK June 6, 1978 tl.,~ road will not correct the drainage problem and the "lakes" in the front yard, adding that improvements can be made, but at considerable addition~l cost. Commissioner Archer inquired if it would help to establish a drainage oontrol district prior to the road improvement district. Mr. Barksdale responded that could be done; however, ideally, it would be best to correct both at the same time and by so doing, there would be a greater benefit for the money expended. Commissioner Wimer expressed concern over assessing the entire cost of the drainage improvements to the taxpayers of the pertinent area noting that part of the cost should be charged to the appropriate water management district. In response to County Manager Norman's inqUiry, Mr. Barksdale said that the costs would be lower if the area was properly drained and if both improvements were made at the same time. Mr. Ralph Wardle, area property owner, was registered to address the matter but declined the op~~rtunity. Mr. Jesse Wolfe, Karen Drive resident, stated that, after listening to the discussion, he is not in favor of improving the road at this time since it appears it would not resolve the existing problems. In response to Commissioner Wimer, he said that he would be in favor if the project could be dona simulta- neously at a reasonable cost. Chairman Pis tor expressed the opinion that the drainage should bp. improved at the same time that improvements are made to the road and concurred that a certain amount of funds could be appropriated from the water management district. However, said Chairman Pistor, the problem is not a simple one due to the fact that the land level is below the water level of the land and cannot be easily drained by ditches - it must be done by sump pwnp and carried away to one of the canals. Commissioner Brown observed that the matter should be referred back to the Engineering Department for development of L-I L__J June 6, 1978 a complete plan for solving the problems. Mr. Barksdale said that there are othct adjacent areas that should be included if a drainage district is created. Following additional brief disoussion, Commissioner Brown moved to continue the public hearing until July 25, 1978 at which time the Engineering Department can report baok to the Board with revised figures and cost estimates on the drainage as well as the road construotion. The motion Was 8eoonded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. At the request of Mr. Wolfe for interim assistance, Com- missioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/~ with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the County Engineer be directed to assist the Karen Drive property owners as muoh as possible with a road grader, and possibly some fill, to fill up the existing craters in the road, with the costs inourred to ba included in the assessments for the district. Letters regarding the proposed project w~re filed for the record from Maurice and Fayette Haymaker (in favor of the road improvements but at a lower cost), and from Mr. and Mrs. Roland Carriere who also favor the paving of Karen Drive. . . . . . * * * * * * * Recess from 10:10 A.M. until 10:20 A.M. . . . . . * * * * * * * REPORT ON NORTH PINE RIDGE SECOND EXTENSION SEWER LINE - CONTINUED UNTIL MEETING OF JUNE 13, 1978, AS REQUESTED BY UTILITY DIRECTOR At the request of Utility Director Irving Berzon, Commissioner Archer movld, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the report on the North Pine Ridge Second Extension Sewer Line, scheduled on the agenda for this date, be continued until the meeting of June 13, 1978. LJOK 042 I'f~ 168 &-=:Jh 042 r:.;z 169 June 6, 1978 AHEllDMENTS Tv GROUP INSURANCE CONTRACT WITII GULF LIFE INSURANCE CO. - APPROVED; APPROPRIATION OF NECESSARY 'UNDS RE SAME - APPROVED! ~TERNITY BENEFIT OPTION TO DE INVESTIGATED BY STAF' County Manager Norman referred to the Executive Report submitted for Board revie', regarding tht> matter of proposed knendments to Group Insurance Contract which outlines the previous Board acti0ns on the matter and stated that the Personnel Director has ne~otiated A revised plan which increases the insurance benefits of the Board employees and hrings them in line with the Sheriff's Department's employees, noting that the original proposal reduced benefits to the employees of the Sheriff's Department. Mr. Norman seid that he has reviewed the proposal with Mrs. Hora, Personnel Dirc<.:tor, and with other staff members and it is the recommendation of the Management Team that the proposal be approved by the Board although it does increase the cost of the benefits Slightly. Continuing, Mr. Norman briefly explained the advantages of the revised plan and the bonefits which are outlined in the memo- randum from Mrs. Bora, dato:ld May 31, 1978, which, he noted, are substantial and which could save an employee approximately $300.00 in a typical hospital situation. It was noted by Mr. Norman that the insurance company guarantees that there will be no rate increases for one year. III respons~ to Chairman Pistor's inquiry, Mr. Norman said that ~irs. Hora has indicated the figures have been verified with the Constitutional Officers for their acceptance. . Clerk William Reagan inquired if there is some type of plan for maternity benefits which could be made available to the employees. Mrs. Hora explained that such coveraga is expensive and noted that the Sheriff's Department pays an additional $4.25 per month per person for these benefits. At Commissioner Archer's suggestion, Mrs. Hora said that she would investigate the possibility of maternity benefit coverage for those employees who wish to have the coverage and pay the extra costs involved. L--I L__._J June 6, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved to aooQpt the staff reoommen~~tion and approve the Amendments to the Group Insuranoe Contraot with Gulf Life Insurance Co., and, also, to approve the additional costs involved. Tho nlotion was seconded by CollUllissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commisaiorlar Wenzel absent. BOARD APPOINTS FOLLOWING MEMBERS TO ~~E CITIZENS ADVISORY CO~ITTEE OF THE SOUTHWEST FLORIDA REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCILI "RED" StIER, MIKE BAYLESS, JOE FERNANDEZ AND COMMISSIONER ARCHER ' As previously directed by the Board at the May 16, 1978 meeting, Commissioner Archer advised that he has contaoted the followin~ persons, each of whom has agreed to serve, and moved that the named individuals be appoint~d to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Comprehensive Planning of the Southwest Florida R6~ional Planning Counrtl: Al "Red" Stier - Commeroial and Sports Fishing Industry Mike B~yless - Hotel/Motel Assooiation' Joe Fernandez - Professional Thomas P. Archer - Commissioner The motion was seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. PETITION R-78-1-C BY COASTLAND SKATEBOARD, INC. REQUESTING REZONING OF A PORTION OF S27, T49S, R25E FROM "RM-l" TO "RO" - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR. PUBLIC HEARING JULY 18, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seoond€d by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Co~~issioner Wenzel absent, that Petition R-78-1-C by Coastland Skateboard, Inc., requesting rezoning from "RM-l" Single and Multi-Family to "RO" Recreation Open Space District in part of Section 27, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, be advertised for public hearing July 18, 1978. PETITION R-78-8-C BY LANDMARK MANAGEMENT REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "MHRP" FOR PROPERTY LOCATED INTJIE l~ '1/4 OF 515, T48S, R25E _ 1'.DVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULl( 18, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Petition R-78-8-C by Landmark Management requesting rezoning from "AN Agrioulture to BOOK 04~ f~;, 170 f (', 6~1C. 042 r:.;z17f June 6, 1978 "MHRP" MoL....le Home Rental Pi'_k in the Northwest 1/4 of Section 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, be advertised for public hearing July 18, 1978. PETITION R-78-9-C BY JOHN OCCHUZZIO REQUESTING REZONING FROM "A" TO "MHRP" IN PART OF 8U, T48S, R25E - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR ~~C HEARING JULY 18, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Petition R-78-9-C by John Occhuzzio requesting rezoning from "A" Agriculture to "MHRP" Mobile Home Rental Park in part of. Seotion 15, Township 48 South, Range 25 East, bo advertised for public hearing July 18, 1978. PETITION R-78-6-C BY JAMES L. JENTGEN REQUESTING REZONING 'ROM "A" TO "RS-l" IN PART OF S15, T51S, R26E - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULY 18, 1978 Commissionor Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Petition R-78-6-C by James L. Jertgen requesting rezoning from "A" Agrjcvlture to"RS-l" Single Family in part of Section 15, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, be advertised for publio hearing July 18, 1978. PETITION SMP-78-3-C BY JANES L. JENTGEN REQUESTING SUBDIVISION MASTER PLAN APPROVAL FOR LAND LOCATED IN S15, T51S, R26E _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULY 18, l!J78 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Petition . SMP-78-3-C by James L.' Jentgen requesting SUbdivision Master Plan ~ approval for land located in Section 15, Township 51 South, Range 26 East, be advertised for public hearing July 18, 1978. PETITION R-78-7-C BY WILLIAM VINES, AGENT FOR 'PARK SHORE, REQUESTING A~ffiNDMENTS TO ORDINANCES 74-29, 76-18, AND 76-55, PARK SHORE UNITS 2 AND 5 PUO DOCUMENTS - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED 'OR PUBLIC HEARING JULY 11, 1978 Commissioner Archer movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Petition R-76-7~C L....I L..J June 6, 1978 by William Vines, Agent for Park Shore, requesting amendments to Ordinances 74-29, 76-1&, and 76-55, Park Shore Units 2 and 5 PUD documents, by combining documents into one document and ordinance with minor changes thereto, be advertised for public hearing July 11, 1978. PETITION R-78-5-C BY ROGER CARVALLO REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RM-l" TO "RM-2" ON PARCEL OF LAND IN THE NW 1/4 OF THE SW 1/4 OF 812, T50S, R25E - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULY 18, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Petition R-78-5-C by Roger Carvallo requesting rezoning from "RM-l" Single and Multi-~amily to "RM-2" Multi-Family on a parcel of land lying in part of the Northwest 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 12, Township 50 South, Range 25 East, be advertised for public hearing July 18, 1978. PETITION V-78-15-C BY C. A. MURPHY REQUESTING A 10' SETBACK VARIANCE FOR LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK A, CONNORS VANDERBILT BEACH ESTATES - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOk PUBLIC HEARING JULY 11, 1978 Commissioner Arc!:er moved, seconded by Commissionor Bruwn and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Petition V-78-15-C by C. A. Murphy requesting a 10' setback variance for Lots 1 and 2, Block A, Connors Vanderbilt Beach Estates to permit construcliol1 of a swimming pool and raised planter for Broadmoor Condominium, be advertised for public hearing July 11, 1978. PETITION V-78-15-C BY ANG~LA OVIEDO REQUESTING A 6,260 SQ. FT. VARIANCE TO CONSTRUCT A DUPLEX ON LOT 38, BLOCK 7, NAPLES PARK _ ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULY 11, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel ab~ent, that Petition V-78-l6-C by Angela Oviedo requesting a 6,250 square foot variance to construct a duplex on Lot 38, Block 7, Naples Park, be advertised fox public hearing July,~I, 1978. 8~OK .' 042 r:;z172 ., '1 ~~Cf: 042 r:~173 June 6, 197R ORDINI\NCF' TO ESTA:lLISII SCHOOL IM!'!'\CT 'EE - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULY ~B, 1978 Commissioncr Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissloner Wenzel absent, that a proposed ordinance to establish " School Impaot Fee be advertised for public hearing July 18, 1978. RESOLUTION 78-92 RE PETITION SDP-78-5-C BY DELTONA CORPORATION REQUESTING DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL FOR SOUTH SEAS NORTH PROJECT ON PART OF TRACTS E AND F, MARCO BEACH UNIT 22 - ADOPTED, AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS BY PETITIONER - ACCEPTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, explained that Petition SDP-7B-S-C by the Deltona Corporation is a request for Development Plan approval for the South Seas North Project on portions of Tracts E and F, Marco Beach Unit 22, which he said is the second phase of the project and part of Petition TDR-77-1-C npproved by tho Board December 6, 1977. Dr. Spagna located the subject property on the map provided for this purpose and stated that the Plan contains 136 dwelling units and utilizes IB.2 TDR units. lie said that the petition has been rev.iewedby all of t,le required review agencies, as well as by Dr. Jay Harmic, Environmental Cons'lltant, and other staff members, and that a copy of the proposal was submitted to the Maroo Island Civic Association which has offered no objection to the proposed development. The Coastal A~ea Planning Commission reviewed the Petition at a public hearing on May 18, 1978, continued Dr. Spagna, and rccommended approval subject to certain stipulations which are included in the proposed resolution and which have been agreed upon by the petitione~. Mr. Fobart West, Architect for the project, and Vice President of the Deltona Corporation, expressed verbal agreement to the stipulation~ imposed and requested Board approval of the Petition. Commissioner Archer moved for approval ot Petition SDP-78-S-C by Dcltonll Corporation for the project known as South SellS North, located on part of Tracts E and F, Marco Beach Unit 22, and for L..J i ---J June 6, 1978 adoption of Resolution 78-92 re same, and that the Agreement to .. thA stipula~~ons by tne petit1?ner be accepted. The motion was s~conded by Commissoner Brown and oarrie4 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. * " '" '" '" '" '" * '" '" * '" ~;:CK 042 r.~~174 ~~~ 042 r:.~'i7g June 6, 1978 Chairman Pist04 stated that, if there were no objections from the Board, the agenda would be altered at this time to address matters of interest to the large number of persons in attendance at the meeting thereby permitting them to leave if they so desi~e. There were no objeotions forthcoming. DISCUSSION OF CONSIDERATION OF LIBRARY F^CILITY FOR THE NORTH NAPLES AREA - COUNTY MANAGER AND APPROPRIATE STAF' MEl(BERS DIRECTED TO FORMULATE PLAN FOR LOCATION AND 'INANCING 0' SAME, AND TO REPORT BACK TO THE BOARD WITH RECOMMENDATIONS Librarian Richard Joder referred to the material furnished to the Commissioners consisting of copies of a letter dated May 19, 1978 from Grover Ericksen, Vice President-General Manager, Coral Ridge-COllier Properties, Ino., addressed to Commissioner Wimer, and, also, a summary of the considerations for a library faoility for the North Naples area. He explained briefly the need for a branch library in the subject area, citing the present population of the North Naples territory and the projected population by the year 1985. Mr. Joder provided the Board with information regarding the availability of "store-front" property which could be used for this purpose, the costs of construoting a facility which would be identical to the recently-construoted branohes in Immokalee and Golden Gate and which were built with LPW funding, as well as the proposal by the devolopers of Pelioan Bay for allooating land for "public facilities" purposes in that community. Mr. Joder summarized by stating that it is his feeling and that of tho Library Advisory Board that it is time to proceed with a branch operation on a small soale, possibly through the use of a rental facility, which will relieve the pressure on County govern- ment to place a branch in the abovementioned location whioh would be on a par with the branches at Marco Island, and the like. He noted that the proposal has been inoluded in the Library budget for 1978-79 and by establishing a "store-front" faoility it will permit the implementation of more preoise planning measures at a later date when funding is available for a permanent branch, one possibility r-' l._.a I.,. . June 6, 1978 being from tho $5,000,000 Bond Issue. In response to Commicsioner Archer, Mr. Joder stated that the Board is being asked to consider the possibility of proceeding with the construction of a branoh library for the North Naples area in the planning stage, and to authorize the library staff to begin work with the Coral Ridge-COllier Properties, Inc. ) toward the acquisition of land in the north end of Pelioan Day. Commissioner Wimer emphasized the need for the ~aoility and asked that the Board adopt the staff recommendation to formulate the final plans on the library facility as to its looation and financing. Commissioner Brown expre~sed conoern over the possible "tapp.i.ng" of the Capital Improvement Fund and inquired if there is any possibility of receiving Federal funds. Mr. Joder responded . by stating it is unknown how the State Library will appropriate funds which might be received from the Federal government through the Library Services and Construction Act, adding that there could be grant money becoming available through the Federal government, in one program or another, or through the National Endowment for the Humanities which haR been known to provide construction money. Commissioner Wimer commented on Mr. Joder's ex~ellent "track record" in obtaining State and Federal grants and observed that it is his opinion that Mr. Joder will put forth full effort in this regard. Col. Ernest H. Davis, Chairm<<h of the Library Advisory Board, stated that one "key" item in obtaining funds for library construc- tion is the requirement that there is land to put the building on. He noted that funding could come from a number of sources including grants, public donations, the Board of County Commissioners, or a combil.ation th.ereof; however, the acquisition of land is essential, and it is requested that that aspect of the problem be approached, ~::CK 042 r;.;~ 180 ~':~X . r 042 r:.:: 18.J. June 6, 1978 nnd that the Board give its "blessing" to moving out into that d.irection. County Attorney Pickworth suggested that the Manager be directed to report to the Doard with a report on the construction and financing of a library facility in the North Nap1uo area. Con~erninq financing, Mr. Pickworth said that the Bond Issue referred to can be discussed as one alternative, nlong with the other possible alternatives. Commissioner Wimer moved that the Board authorize and direct the Manager, and appropriate staff members, to formulate the final plans on a library facility as to its location and financing and to report back to the Board. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. Commisaioner Archer cautioned that the motion does not imply that the Board is "locked-in" at this time, as could be interpreted from the motion. Mr. Joder expr....d hi. und.rstanding observing that "We're anything but 'locked-in' until we get the land." Mr. Mike Zewalk, North Naples Civic Association, stated that it is understood that the land is committed and, therefore, could be used as the basis for obtaining grants. Mr. Joder explained that the land must be deeded to the County and owned by the County in order to proceed. PROPOSED RESOLUTION CREATING TilE COLLIER COUNTY INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO BE PRESENTED TO THE BOARD AT THE JUNE ~3, 1978 MEETING! SAME TO INCLUDE NAMES OF NOMINEES FOR MEl-IBERSHIP , Mr. Ralph E. Carter, Chairman, Eoonomic Development Council of Collier County, Inc. referred to his letter to the Board dated May 19, 1978 which he said explains the Council's request for the Board's consideration of adopting a resolution creating the Collier County Industrial Development Authority. ,--.' .-.oM L__' June 6, 1978 Chairman Pistor inquired if the Counoil will make recomm~nd- ations of persons to serve on the Authority with Mr. Carter responding that it will if the Board so desires, noting that they have no nominations to suggest at the preSGIlt: time. Mr. Carter also assured the Board that there will be no moral or fiscal responsibility on the pact of the County involved if the proposed resolution is adopted. Commissioner Archer moved for adoption of the proposed resolution. The motion was withdrawn by the Commissioner who requested that the resolution be brought back with suggesteo names of persons to serve as the first members of the Authority. Commissioner Wimer stated that he is in favor of the idea and principle and, in light of the fine performance by the EDC, he would like to have some of those members listed in the resolution. Chairman Pistor directed that the resoiution be completed and brought back for Board action on June 13, 1978. DISCUSSION OF REQUESTS MADE BY THE NAPLES PARR AREA ASSOCIATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS - COUNTY MANAGER AND APPROPRIATE STAFF MEMBERS DIRECTED TO WORR WITH REPRESENTATIVES FROM THE ASSOCIATION RE POSSIBLE RESOLUTIONS TO PROBLEMS OUTLINED AND TO PROVIDE THE BOARD WITH PROGRESS REPORTS PERIODICALLY Mr. Thomas Pobuk, Zoning Chairman, Naples Park Area Association, and member of the Boar~ of Direotors, referred to the letter dated May 1, 1978 signed by members of the Association which outlined a number of problems with regard to the commercially- zoned area along the Tamiami Trail, and surrounding areas, and which also included a list of suggested actions which could bG taken to remedy such problems. His purpose in addressing the Board in person, said Mr. Pobuk, was to ask a few questions and to receive some response. He also referred to the response to the letter by Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, to Commissioner Wimer dated June 1, 1978, which included a staff report addressing each of the suggested aotions previously mentioned. ~QOK 042 f.'.::1Bi. " &nOK, 042 rm183 . June 6, 1978 The plublems were discusJed at length with Chairman Pistor pointing out that to solve somo of the matters would possibly require the enactment of ordinanoes and sUggested that positive actions to correct these problems be discussed at a later meeting. Commissioner Wimer expressed his appreciation to the Naples Park Area Association for the positive manner in whioh they have approached the problems and to the staff for their assistance. lIe also observed that what is happening in Naples Park is happening in dozens of other places throughout the County and expressed oonoern over the cost to the taxpayers to correct some of the deficienciep, particularly in some of the older SUbdivisions, and to take steps to ~hange som~ of the laws on the books now to stop what is happening. lIe said that he would like for the Board to take a positive attitude, as the Naples Park Area Association has, and instruct County Nanager Norman to work with tho Association and further to insure that all zoning, building and engineering require- ments are not only strictly enforced but immediately updated. Mr. James A. Creel, Naples Park Area Association, commented that many of the problems could be worked out with the County staff members following which the membe~s of the Association's Committee could come back to the Board with their recommendations regarding ordinances, and the like. He expressed the Committee's appreciation to Commissioner Wimer for his efforts and also to Dr. Spagna for his help. Commissioner Wimer moved that Mr. Norman and the appropriate staff be instructed to work with represent~tives of the Naples Park Area Association to adequately resolve the problems outlined, through administrative procedure, to tighten up the zoning, bUilding, and engineering requirements in all subdivisions in Collier County, and to come back to the Board of County Commissioners with recommendations of new ordinances, or amendments to ordinances, to further take care of potential and real problems the County will r - r--- ~--' L .._. June 6, 1978 be facing in the future with the older subdivisions which are btill being built. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer. It was suggected that the motion on the floor would encompass a lengthy pp.riod of tin,e and would delay action on thE'! immediate , probloms. Chairman Pistor atated that it was hopeful that a 1report could be forthcoming by August 1, 1978. Mr. Norman commented that he is familiar with many of the matter8 brought out during the discussion! however, they are not going to be solved overnight, suggesting that it might not be posDible to have all of the solutions and answers by the aforesaiJ date. He further suggested that progress reports be made from time to time. A monthly report would be accoptable, said Mr. Pobuk. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. ACCEPTANCE OF CERTAIN ROADS IN GOLDEN GATE ESTATES AREA IN ACCORDANCE WITH AGREEMENT WITH GAC 0' OCTOBER 4, 1977 - RESOLUTION RE SAME TO BE PREPARED FOR BOARD ACTION FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE PROPOSAL OUTLINED IN GAC LETTER OF JUNE S, 1978, ,DELETING..THF CONTENTS OF THE LAST PARAGRAPH, PAGE 1, OF SUBJECT LETTER Utility Director Irving Berzon recalled that on October 4, 1977 the Board concluded an Agreement with GAC CorporAtion covering a number of areas in the Golden Gate Eotatea development which dealt with roadway improvement, drainage faoilities, and, also, with canals an~ the acceptance of the canals, cleaning out the canals and various other matters which have to be done by GAC. Among the conditions of the referenced Agreement, said l>lr. Berzon, are some monetary considerations which GAC was willing to come forward with in lieu of not doing certain activities. One in particular, he said, is that of improving the roadways in the ~reas north of Stewart Boulevard which are roads that have to be improved to como up to County standards, the existing standards at the ti~e of platting - not the current standards. It was estimated by.GAC, continued Mr. Berzon, that the cost would be 'BOOK 042 r;.~,184' ... .. o. ~~Cl( 042 r~;,'185 June 6, 1978 $7CO,000 to effect these imprJvements; however, it was understood whcn the Agreement was rea..:hed, that the County staff and GAC would look at the work in detail and develop a much more accurate cstimate of what this CCJt would be. Since October, said Mr. Berzon, d number of meetings have been held with GAC representatives, they have looked the area over, and are prepared to nlake a recommendatio to the Board which, if accepted, in his opinion, would be, at this point, in the best interests of the County in terms of the County's objective towards carrying out the redevelopment program. From the original estimate of $700,000, said ~r. Berzon, the total has been brought up to $l,080,332 which GAC has agreed to come forward with ana which will cover both the paved and the unpaved roads, as well as an allowance for the maintenance which normally would be the responsibility of GAC after the roads were initially acceptod by the County. Mr. Berzon referred to the information furnished to t~e Commissioncrs consisting of his memorandum dated June 5, 1978, which provides further details of the proposal, together with a copy of the October 4, 1977 Agre~ment with GAC. including Attachment and Exhibits. He emphasized that the matter under discussion deals only with the work covered in the Agreement in the paragraph referring to the $700,000 estimate and involves only the roads north of St~wart Boulevard. Mr. Berzon said that GAC is obligated to take care of the canal improvements that are part of the Agree- ment, ,and, further, to take care of raising a number of the roads . \ south of Stewart Boulevard, and effecting whatever other con- struction and restoration is necessary on those roads to bring them up to County acceptable standards. Mr. Berzon located the area under discussion on the map provided, noting that everything south of Stewart Boulevard remains the responsibility of GAC under the terms of the Agreement. He said that the roadways north of Stewart Boulevard, with the exception of the City of L---I I.__J June 6, 1978 Golden Gate, are the roads being considered at this time and wnich GAC would like the County to aooept and for which they are willing to come forward with the money in lieu of the work to be done for that acceptance. Chairman Pis tor inquired if tha proposal means that ~ome of the roads, or all of them, could be repaired and paved, noting that he has received inquiries from 80me of the residents in this regard. Mr. Berzon suggested that caution be used in how the subject funds are expended since the money is more properly allocated to a trust fund for the benefit of the entire area. He explained that the primary objective in accepting money in lieu of improvements is that the redevelopment program envisioned sometime in the future might determine that 80me of the roads may not be necessary. Further, said Mr. Berzon, the fund should not be looked upon as being the answer to specific looalized problems, but rather to be placed in trust for the benefit of th~ area as a total. Mr. James R. Powell, Executive Vice President, GAe Propert~es, Inc., provided the Board members with copies of his letter dated June 5, 1978, which he reviewed with the Commissioners. He said that the road restoration figure agreed upon by GAC and the County staff is $805,639, noting that the original estimate of $700,000 was not "that far off" due to the massive area involved. Mr. Powell explained that Mr. Berzon pointed out that there was a further oblig~tion involved regarding the maintenance which was overlooked when the original estimate was made and which is acknowledged in the referenced letter. Further, said Mr. Powell, the County will be accepting all but the six most southerly units and in the p~oposal the County will be funded for the maintenance of all the units inclusive of those six so that when the work is finished and accepted, the County will have the funds for the maintenance :' B~CK. 042: ~:.=~186 B:i~K 042 r:;;:187 June 6, 1978 Mr. Derzon called to the attention of the Board and the County Attorney Paragraph 6, Page 1 of the letter from Mr. Powell dated June 5, 1978 which he read as follow. I "Implicit in this funding/restoration agreement is ~he mutual understanding tha~ the county will not foster, support or initiate any actions which will prohibit or delay the Company from completing its restoration obligations in the aforementioned units and/or in the canal system cleaning provided for in the October 4, 1977 Agreement." He stated that, in his opinion, the paragraph is not necessarily consistent with either the Agreement with GAC or with what the County is doing overall with regard to the redevelopment of the area. County Attorney Pickworth reiterated statements made previously that the County has no intention of hindering GAC in what they are trying to do; however, he said that he would be very hesitant in making a blanket type of agreement encompas- sing what is put forth in said paragraph. He said that there are some serious questions with the regulatory agencies regarding the canal work and that in the course of the County's doing whatever is necessary to advance the County's interests, it might at the same time be considered hindering or delaying GAC. The intention is to make sure, said Mr. Pickworth, that the end result is to do everything possible for the good of the County. Mr. Berzon said that the County may not foster anything to create a hindrance to GAC, but if by supporting State and Federal regulations it may be obligatory to support activities which may, in fact, turn out to be a hindrance, and that he would not want the Board to be placed in a position where, by accepting payment at this time, the Board would be in violation of its own Agreement. Ho further stated that, with the concurrence of Mr. Powell in removing the paragraph from the proposal, there would be no problem in going ahead with the acoeptance of the money in lieu of the construction work and going ahead with the other provisions of the Agreement. L--' L_J June 6, 1978 Mr. Powell r.',cprE'9sed awareness of the concern over the w~ter/mandgement efforts nnd the redevelopment efforts being put forth, however, in his opinion, anything which would deter GAC's efforts or cause additional expense would be improper both on the Commission'J part or on the part of anyone else, particularly due to the Agreement between the Commission nnd; GAC. He said that it is requested that, until GAC oompletes its obligations under the terms of the Agreement, any furth~r activities be held up. Commissioner Wimer inquired if the referenced paragraph has legal significance with Mr. Pick~orth responding that it does, that the Board would be accepting money on the basis of what is contained in the letter. Commissioner Wimer moved that the last paragraph on the first page of the,8ubject letter be deleted from said letter. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown. Mr. Pickworth suggested that the motion be amended to direct that a resolution be prepared for the acceptance of tho money in accordance with the terms outlined in the letter previously referred to, and to delete the content8 of the referenced paragraph of said letter, and that the resolution be brought back for Board action June 13, 1978. The maker and seconder of the motion agreed to amending the motion whereupon the motion was carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. ... ... ... ... ... 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ 0\ Recess from 12:20 P.M. until 2:00 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Carol Russell replaced Deputy Clerk Edna Brenneman. ... 0\ 0\ ... ... ... ... ... 0\ 0\ ... ... B~CK 042 r;.:;: 188 e~CK 042 ,;,~,189 June 6, 1978 AUTHORIZATION CIVEN TO ADVERTISE FOR ENGINEERING CONSULTANT TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION 0' NAPLES SCH.ID WASTE TRANSFER STATION AND MOTOR VEHICLE INSPECTION ST~TION FACILITIES. SCREENING COMMITTEE TO BE COUNTY ENGINEEr. (BARKSDALE), COUNTY MANAGER AND COUNTY ATTORNEY Mr. Irving Berzon, County Utility Director, explained that a consultant is needed to prepare plana and specifica- tions for construction of an MVI Station and a solid wasta transfer station on the north perimeter of the airport, lease for said area having been approved by the Board a few weeks before thia meeting. Chairman Piator, referring to a law suit against the airpo"t, asked Mr. Borzon if he could guarantee that there would be no seagulls which cause a danger to the airplanes. Mr. Bcrzon replied that since the garbage operation has been discontinued and ('Inly tho transfer station remains that there have been no seagulls in the immediate vicinity. Commissioner Wimer moved to acoept Staff recommendation that the Engineering Department be authorized to prepare the necessary advertisement soliciting proposals for consultants to design subject facilities with an estimated cost of $160,000. for the Solid Waste Station und $193,000. for the MVI Station with a tot"l cost of $353,000. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 3-0 with Commissioners Archer and Wenzel absent. Commissioner Wimer moved that a Screening Committee be \ aet ~p consisting of the County Manager, County Attorney and the County Engineer (Cliff Barksdale), seconded by Commissioner Brown, and car~ied 3-0 with Commissioners Archer and Wenzel absent. . . . . . * * * * * * * * * At t~is time, 2:09 P.M., Commissioner Archer arrived at the meeting. . . * . . * * * * * * * ** * ,--, L__J June 6, 1978 AUTHORIZATION GIVEN TO PURCHASE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION FOR ALL VOLUNTEER FIREMEN IN THE COUNTY FIRE DISTRICTS AND AUXILIARY SHRRIFF'S ~EPUTIES Mr. Harold Hall, County Fiscal Officer, advised the Board that the County does have a liability for Workmen's Compensa- tion for volunteer firelllen or auxiliary deputies if such " claim were to be filed. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to'purchase Workmen's Compensation coverage for all volunteer firemen wurking in the County fire districts and auxiliary sheriff's ~eputies, the annual premium being $379.62 for the fire dis- tricts and $69.84 for the Sheriff's deputies. RENEWAL OF GUN PERMIT FOR OTIS CRA?SE - CONTINUED In the absence of Mr. Otis Craps. and as County Attorney Pickworth related, since Mr. Crapse has not returned the proper forms for the gun permit, Chairman Pistor directed that action on this matter be continued until another meeting. AUTHORIZATION GIVEN TO ADVERTISE FOR CONSULTANTS TO PREPARE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR TIGERTAIL BEACH PARK, RESOLUTION 78-93 APPOINTING CONSULTANT SEI,ECTION COMMITTEE CONSISTING OF COONTY MANAGER, COUNTY ATTORNEY, AND COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR- ADOPTED Mr. Irving Berzon, County Utility Direotor, explained that the County is proposing Lhe redevelopment of Tigertail Beach Park and, in order to aocomplish this, the parks and Recreation Board are requesting that a consultant be brought i~ to develop the plans for said redevelopment. Advertising for a consultant is required, said Mr. Berzon, as the anticipated cost of this service will be in excess of $5,000. [,jCK 042. r~.,l90 P;:i:K 042 r.;Z 19'f June 6, 1978 Commissioner Nirner moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to authorize the advertising and 3ele~tion of an outside engineering firm ~o prepare construction plans and specifications for Tigertail Beach P'l.rk. Commissioner Wimer moved, seoonded by Commi~sioner Archer, and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel ahsent, to adopt Reso=, lution 78-93 appointing the County Manager, the County Attorney, and the County Parks and Recreation Director as a Seleotion Committee to prepare recommendations for Boa~d review. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~j:l~ 042 p;~:, 195 June 6, 1978 r,UTII0RtZl..'ION FOR ~ELECTION OF CONSULTANT TO PREPARn PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PARKS AND RECREATION EQUIPMENT STORAGE FACILITY Mr. Irving Berzon, County Utility Director, reported that advertising is not necessary for the selection of a ~onsultant to prepare plans and specifications for the Parks and Recrea- tion Equipment Storage Facility as the fee would be less than $5,000. Commissioner Archer asked why this could not be done in-house, with Mr. Berzon responding that the capability is there but the present workload of the Engineering Department would prevent the work getting done in the time and manner it should be done. Commissioner Wimer moved that negotiationa be authorized for the Gel~ction of an outside engineering firm to prepare construction plans and specifications for a storage and main- tenance barn for the Parks and Recreation Department, seconded by Commissioner Brown, and carried 3-1 with Commissioner Archer dissenting and Commissioner Wenzel absent. BOARD AUTHORIZES OBTAINING AN ENGINEERING FIRM TO PREPARE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR BAYVIEWPARK Mr. Irving Berzon, County Utility Director, desoribed this item as the same type of request as the previous item, regarding the direct negotation with an engineering firm to prepare the plans and specifications for the redevelopment of Bayview Park. Mr. Rollie Rice, Director of Parks and Recreation, explained that doc:.unents must be prepared on Bayview Park and Tigertail PArk as the Department is going through the grant process. A consultant must be used as grant monies will not pay for in- house design work, stated Mr. Norman, County Manager. ..--~. , .~ ~---II L__-' June 6, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved for authorization to obtain an eng,; aeering ...irrn to prepare the construction plans and speci- fications for the redevelopment of Bayview Park, seconded by Commissioner Brown, and carried 3-1 with Commissioner Archer dissenting and Commission~r Wenzel absent. ~ POSITION OF SOCIAL SERVICES DIRECTOR RECLASSI'IED FROM GRADE 35 TO GRADE 41 WITH SALARY ESTABLISHED AT $15,500. ANNUALLY BEGINNING JUNE 5, 1978. Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, reported that following a review it was determined that Mrs. Martha Skinner, Director of Social Servioes, was not classed in a pay grade commensurate with h~r responsibilities. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to reolassify the Social Services Director's pay from grade 3S to grade 41 with salary established at $15,500. annually beginning June 5, 1978. AFTER-TilE-FACT AUTHORIZATION GRANTED FOR CHAIRMAN TO SIGN CHANGE ORDER NO. 2 TO CONTRACTS WITH VENETIAN BAY CONSTRUCTORS AND GEORGE F. KRAFT COMPANY FOR INSTALLATION 0' SPRINKLER SYSTEMS AT BRANCH LIBRARIES IN IMMOKALEE AND GOLDEN GATE Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the ~oard, explained that a previous Change Order had been requested to enable GAC to make the connection for water lines to the Golden Gate library. The Federal government has ruled, she said, that $8,265. is ineligible for the grant funding. This money can be used for another eligible expenditure, i.e. sprinkler systems for both the Immoka1ee and Golden Gate Branch Libraries, said Mrs, Morgan. Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, P,::OK 042 ,.,;;,196 ~O~~m June 6, 1978 and car=icd .-0 with eommissio~er Wenzel absent, to approve the after-the-fact authorization for the Chairman to sign Change Order No. 2 to contracts with Venetian Say C~nstructors and George F. Kraft Comp~'y for installation of sprinkler systems at branch libraries in Immokalee and Golden Gato. * * * * * * . * . * * * * * * l .....-..A ~---' June 6, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 78-102 TO TRANSFER 'UNDS 'ROM THE CONTIN- GENCY FUND TO THE GENERAL FUND FOR USE BY THE COLLIER COUNTY WATGR/SF..'lER UTILI'fY DIVISI')N ($142,173) - ADOPTED -l ) Mr. Harold Hall, Fisoal Officer, explained that author- ization is needed to ~ransfet $142.173 from the Contingency Fund to the General Government Fund and, at the end of the year, the amount of money needed by the Utility Division will be transferred to the Department. Commissioner Wimer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to r I adopt Budget Amendment 78-l02 to tr.ansfer funds from tho Contingency Fund to the General Fund for use by the Collier County Water/Sewer Utility Division. ......-..... ...,.........nl I \"V&.II"II~\,:)fUht:t(:. .. _ .... . COl.L1FR COUNTY,. FLORIDA ....~ U 0 G F. T A'11 F. N.D.../......F.,~ T ~~- ~ Nllrn'9 of ffoquo!.tlng Dopt. CLERK DESCRIPTION ;.ND JUSTlF(CATJOi~ OF AI'-JErm:.:!:nr REQUESTt:;O crroporo In 1TI II ; - "._u. be retained by tho rcquo!;tlng D.:lpllrtlr.ant. Forword orl r, d . P CD o. Ono cc U~o continuiJtlon sheats lind llttach supporting documon~S~aIf8~oe~~:)CoPY to flscrJI.Of To appropriate funds for transfer to Collier County \;ater/ Sewer Utility Division. Previously approved by Bee on 9-28-77 in the FY 1977-78 Budg~t.. PREPARED BY -.. --.., .DEPARTf.lENT APPROVAL 1 COUNTY !~. NAGE~ APPROY ^L Bruce Lambros DATE 3 27 78 DATE ,DATE 1'- (TIll S .SECJION TO BE COl-lPlETED BY f1NAt~CE) ACCOUNT mOUNT TO: (Increase) Transfer to CC HIS Utility Div. 001-2101-00-6010 $ 142,17: FROM: (Source of Funds) Contingencies 001-2101-00-7010 $ 142,17: ....... ilr;;~::~t ~ _ 7 ~./;:;o:; 6~c:TY~::<lSSlo.EI<S APProVAL :.~~bf; 8~~:) -U,O rJ$cal Officer, .~(tnr roc.olp1 of tho CJpprovod orIgin,,' fr'om the C'.ou~t;il.lII"~al" flmdl7.o 1l1ls reqllo5't for [lo"nl revIow end epprovul. followrn!) Ooo,"d vetton, 1hu fit: _ ? r A~ TO{'t~~.LI,!.' ~~o~~,~s ..~ep.~?Yr~,.ug~~~!t!--:::~~d".:~~~_1~,,?..~~~..~~~~~I~!! n~. '!~~_ ~C:~~..~ _~~~i r n,,? ...../'>00 flJCK 042 r:.;,20f June 6, 1978 BUDGET AME~DMENT 70 .103 TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM THE "IN-PATIENT HOSPITAL" ACCOUNT TO THE "DAY CARE AND MISC." ACCOUNT TO PROVIDE FOR TilE CONTINUED FUNDING OF THE IMMOKALEE CHILD CARE CENTER ($2,400.), - ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, to adopt Budget Amendment 78-103 to transfer funds in the amount of $2,400 from the "In-Patient Hospital" Account to the "Day Care and Miso." Aocount to provide for the continued funding of the Immoka1ee ChUd-Care Center located on County-owned property. Motion carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. COLLI ER COUNTY" F LOr\ I Do\ ~U.l.Az.l~"J.' 1\J'll';.r,.I~UI'J..l:.IU' ~ Nellll') ClI Iluquostlng Dop't._~E_~_._,_._ DESC!-1IPTlv,~ AND JUSTIFICATION Of A~IEND:.lENT REQUC:STEO (F'ropDro In trlpllcllto. Ono copy' be n:1,ined by th'l rcqu':l!:.tlng Dcpnrtmnn't. Forwllrd orIgInal and ono copy to FIscal Offlcel Us~ c~~tinuatlon sheot~ cnd attDch supporting documents, If needod) '. . .1,. it-.J : .Il ,I It . ,i .. ~:J !.r~ ifl1 ~-.11 .To tra.'1sfer funds from the "~n,-p8.t'fent' Hespi taJ." , ~cc~~t to the "Day Care &: Misc." account to " ,:>REPA.~ED BY pr6~ricie: for the continued funding of 'the IrnlnOkal'ee . ',4 . .' . .'. .... ' . " . . :Chi~~:"Care: Cent~z:' 10cat~.i1.ori CO).lnty':'o~ed prpP,e~ty. . ':'-:,::' T'~~ ~u,ti1i ~f~s. i~r' 'th1,s chll~.c,i~ec,~n~~t'h8.~e~b'~b~: ,>...:., "", ::' :c,c)u~tY~iUnd'e~..'bY,' ,budget. :~~t~pn ~r:th'e .~oe.r~, '~'1~~~' ~,,:'- i' .... , ',i964.: " " '.":'.'..'<, .' DEPARTMENT APPROVAL ':-"COLJNTY"!~AJ~~E~ A~?~V~L" DATE 5-18-78 DATE .' , DATE ' B. L. ' :THIS SECTION .TO BE COMPLETED BY FINANCE) , . .... ~ . ., '..' . ,:'" ','. ,;' T'O'.. '('rn.c'reas'e"). ,.,. .,"..' ."'., ';.,... :." .'"... ,. . , . . , :, '.' .. .' :~;:;::;'- :':::', .,.' '.., . Day ,Care ,& Mise,' " ',.01'-5~.~19,0:,~~:OO'. , '~. ';'. (.' $2,;400.00,. . ,,'. ..' '.. .'. ,'.: :;. ~.:- ," ~:. .'. ....." .," .:~ . , , . ..'.,. . :': '.,:" IIIo," .' FROM: (.Sou'rcc 'Of 'l<u'nd'sj: .:':,:,' " .": ....~ . .,' /," "':";';:':':~~.::~' ,~.' :J:~-p~ti~~t, H;~i>'1t.u ''':,: 01.~5~2100-$:9Q7,"'':-':', $2,400'.00'::'. ' ',: ." . . '- . ,', ".' .' ",' " '., .:- .',. . ' " . . .' . :. . F. I~' \t\'CE_tPPRDV^L-. llOARO OF COU:-lTY CO:-~\lISSIONERS AF'PROVAL BUDSET N-lENO:.jENT ~ '1 l(it.#Z.o^nt.). ?~. DATE 6/6/78 .....~. NO. 76-103 rho;) ri!.cnl Offlcor, ofter recolpt of tho llpprovod orlglnul fro:n tho County '.I.!lrJi:lgcr, ~tfll lin,~llz'J this rcquo!it for Do~rd rovlo\4 l..,d approval. FollowIng (Jc)ord nctlon, tho Fiscal l( f j C>:lr \,'1 J I prOCt15S ~r-')r,)\';:)rl DucJnot Amendmon ts thr('luoh ACC<'lunt IlIg 1I11d sond tl copy rof I ClC n.:11 s1utu~ 10..1.11.0 ,r.<:C)uostl.n~ ()Ctr>ilrtmon~~..('.(JIIY 10 f'urc:hllslng on cl:Ipltul <lq.Jlpmrlnt.,.. '.. ACCOUNT . ". \ .,.' ,'; .. . AMOUNT r-.... , L-I LJ June 6, 1978 DUDGET AMENDMENT 78-104 TO TRANSFER $1,250. WITHIN THE CURRENT HISTORICAL MUSEUM BUDGET - ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to adopt Budget Amendment 79-104 transferrinq $1,250. wtthin' the current Historical Museum budget:. COLLIER COUNTY,. FLORIDA 0 U lJ It t: I 1\ M l: N U M l: N I . .........."'''......n.. ~ No".. of He u.st InD. t. MUSetJ11 DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF AMENDMENT REQUESTED (preper. In trIplIcate. On. copy' ~n rntfttnod by 1ho roquo~t'ng Oopnrtment. 'orward orIgInal and one copy to Flscel Orflcol Usa ~ontlnuetlon shoots end ettech supporting documents, If needed) Request transfer of funds within the current Hi8tc~1cai' Huseurn Budp,et. This does not increase the budget. PREPAHED OY DE~ARTME Mary ~'anion I. DATE3/31178 ,. (THIS SECTION TO DE COMPLETED BY\ ACCOUNT COUNTY :'.IANAGER APPROVAL ~ ~:OUNT - TO: (Increase) Interdepartmental lrotor Pool Publications Misc. Supplies 001-6210-00-3000 001-6210-00-33~ 001-6210-00-2040 $ 300.00 100.00 . 850.00 $1250.00 FRO!{: (Source of Funds) Equipment (25 Folding Chairs) (J.later Cooler) Travel 001-6210-00-4020 002-6210-00-3280 $ 950.00 300.00 $1250.00 FI AN?; APPROVAL- BOARD OF COUNTY CO/of.1lSlHONERS APPHOVAL BUDGET AMENDMENT -' !/ de DATE6 - )- , '1)- DATE I NO'78-10~ Tho Flscel Offlcor, of tor receIpt of tho epproved orlglnel from the County ~~negor, will fInalIze thIs rcquost for Board revIew end approvel. followIng Boerd ectlon, the fiscal Officer will procoss 6pprovo~ Budget Amendments through AccountIng end send e copy roflec1 flnoJ status to the roquostlng Dopartment. Co to Purchasing on cepltel oqulpment. D~CK 042 r.;:, 202 O.C'j ..r-'Z03 tjC~ ~ I~.' June 6, 1978 DU~GET AME~JMENT 78-k05 TO TP~NSFER $650. FROM TOOL AND IMPLEMENTS TO BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE PURCHASE 0' A WATER FOUNTAIN AND A FOUR SECTION SHELF FOR SATELLITE SER- VICE BUILDING FOR 'l'HE MOTOR POOL ~ ADOPTED . . Commissioner Wimer ~oved, seconded by Commissioner Drown, and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to adopt Budget Amendment 78-105 to transfer $650. from Tool and Implements to Building Improvements for the purchase of a water fountain and a four section shelf for the Sat- ellito Service Dui1ding for the Motor Pool. \..UL.L..' tIt .\...\".I~l r" tI.UHID/\ .. . ' I"""--:"-~"'~"_. , rJESCR II'~ J ON M:O JUSTI rt e!, r I Oi~ OF f,j.lWn:.:w r REQUESTED (I~rcporo In 1 r I r I tento. One cop bn r~tlJlncd br i'hc r<1quo:;'tJng DOpllrtlf.ant. fan-lard orIgInal end ona copy to rlscrJI Offl, Uzo cont j nUD tion sheats LInd nHllch support I n9 documonts. If noodod) ..........~ v 1..1 U I. . f\ "I r: N U 11 t N I NOlO'! 0' R(i(j'iiO:1tlng Dopt. l"g.J.9~_,~~~ PREF'I'.RF.O BY nruce Larnbro~ATE5/17178 .- To appropriate funds for the purchase of a water fountain & a four section shelf' for the Sat'ellite Service Buil'd1n~ for the Motor Pool. . , ,. COY~~~I'~N^GER APPROYAL .J(~--D^TE .y{~ DEPARmENT APPROVAL Per l~emo J. MacDonald 'U"ATe 5/17 /78 (THIS .SECTION 10 BE COMPLETED BY FINANCE) ACCOUNT A1.:0UNT TO: (Increase) Building Improvements 01-2557-00-4010 $ 6 50.00 FROM:' (Source of Funds) Tools & Implements 01-2557-00-2 rJ7 0 $ 6 50.00 ,llt.v f"\ ... It., l'l ,"'1..' ~'tNI~ dlv';;:=-~-l-UOAiio OF COUI'TY !>,<'2<1SSIOI'rJlS N~~IOV^L -l ~;:Tt.i:ii,,,,,, trf-W..!: OATE6- ): ? t:JD"TE 6/6173 By D.C. NO. '7C-I05 Iho ri~c.;al Offl ' -r;-'-'--',---- --- ---_____ flrll'lllzo 'Ihls l.~~r. ~ /r ~(,:oJrt off Hlo tlpprovod or10lll"l from 1hQ County 1,1,l/H\s;~r, IIi or f I C(.; J' I,' IICf, or ,,,. rev 0'." lJnd llpprOViJ I. ro II O~t I nO Oolwd l.lc't I on 1 he f'I !'.Cil f nal-"1\t'c.J" ptrotcct,!;!:O l,ppr;'l\'{HI Uud!)'J1 A;:andlllCJllls 'Ihrough Acc:ollll1'lrw nnd sond'i) CODY r'er ... " 0 10 r~(I'Jn';III1" ll'~".1r11..~..,t C 1 n.. I,:J I --.--.--.. -------.....-,-~---..~__L___ ~':.'.'._', (JflY 0 I Ill.!:. HI:; n9 on c<lpl'lnl e'~l/ I P:':'~llt. r- .. . r-'\ 1"'1 L.J t__J June 6, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 7~-I06 TO TRANSFER $23,550. FROM EPABX SERVICE FEP AND I~S~ALLATION COSTS TO COMMUNICATIONS WITHIN G~NERAL GOVERNMENT -- ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent to adopt Budget Amendment 78-106 to transfer $23,550. from EPABX, Service Fee and Installation Costs, to Communica- tions within general government. -...-.... -...............,-..-...... COLLIER COUNTY" FLO~ID~ l.lUlJU~'.l' Jll/l1l:;!jUMl:;t\",L' NOII~) (lr I(oquantl n9 (Jop't. ~~~_..__ OESCilIPTlON AND JU5TIFICATlor~ OF A'.IENDNENT REQUeSTED (Prop.oro In trlpllcato. 000 cOilY be rat,incd by th'J raquas.tlng Dop~rtmAn't. forword orlglnol and ono copy to Fiscal Offlcol U~~ continuation sheots ond &ttnch 5uP?ortlng documents, If noodod) To trnnsfpr funds within the general f~nd from , ~P~DX Gervice fee and installation costs to , coril!rtu'nlcat10ns '\'lith1n general ,government. This tr~sfer doe~ not increase .the, budg~t,' ,~ut , ,', . " re-allocat~8 funds. " .. , '. '. !.',. :.' ?REPA~ED DY DE S. F. OATE5-19-78 ' ' ellllS SECTION .TO BE OOMPLtTED BY FINANCE) ACCOUNT ,,': ':.,1. . . / ~': .. . ,,' .: ":,':,;:',:(:', COUNTY. ~.~NAGE~ AP'i'K0VAL " DATE " , , ' :ro: ,( Increasa') Cornmunicat'ions ", , N),OUNT " '. .' FROM: .. .' . . . . ~. .... .,:' . .' '.. .. . . . . . ~.:,'". : ,'. .'.... .. . . . '. . . ~ '. . .,' ',". "'001 210100 "j50"" . :"-'''P~.,' '$23,550,QO,: : .' .,' ':, ,. .-. ',', ~.-?,., ,),.."........~':'I:...,::.",. ~,'.~... I ," . .,o ... ." .... ...:. \. :~".1 : .., . ':~ (Sou-rce'/'ot 'Fun,d'a~,:'/,"" ',..., '::','....: ~':. . \:'Y,(',:'.~ ' ", Service 'Fee '.'.; '.EiP.ABX' " OOl':'267000-341~:':' ~" , ' ,',:' ..' :$iSi': 800'.:00 ~ , . Ins'talla.ti6n Cha.rge ~ " .", ':....,,' . ..','" ",. ',. ....:,'.., ' 'EP.(\B~,' 901.:.26700~..3~12'..:. '..:' ,'.;, ': ,',," ,:' 3J,7S0~OO.,:' ..,' " ." ..' :.:'..' ' , ,:$23,550..0P . . .. .,' . ,\ \[ : .... ",. ...."... .., BOARD Of COUNTY CO~~lISSIONERS APPROVAL 1 BU(Y.;E:::T !I1,:ENDI.1ENT FlI\I/\~'C5 APProVAL' ijj/V d( ClATEt. ('1;- D^TE " 6/6/78 Tho f'i!.cal Off Icor. Qfter rocolpt of tho 8il?rovcd orlglnlll from thCil Courl'~Y 1,1::!nogcr, ~1I11 fln....llz<;l this rcqu(I!it for llo;)rd rc\'low end epprovlll. Followlno Ooard action, tho FI!lcQI :-If lff Iet)r \~ III procoS.~ &p~r"\',"~ Oudnot Amand:r.onts throu!)h Account 1110 IIl1cf !lAnd n copy rof I (Ie n<ll stntus lo tho roq!-,ostln9 ll(lp3rtmont. Copy to PurchO$lno 011 Ctlpltlll oqulprr.rlnt. BJCK 042:-';;,:t~04' .. ...... . _.. ... -I . NO. 70-106 r,~OK 042 r.;;,205 June 6, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT 78-107 TO TRANSFER A BUDGETED AMOUNT OF ANTI-REC~SSION FUNDS TO C04RECT REVENUE ACCOUNT CLASSIFI- CATION ($26,209.) -- ADOPTED Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to adopt Budget Amendment 78-107 to transfer a budgeted amount of anti-recession funds to correCt Revenue Acoount classifications in the amount of $26,209. ,",VI. L 1 l'.K \.,.VUI'II T " ,I llJl~ IlJl\ _;~. ~" U to t .. ':LS., IOf U '1 t: N I "':"_-~''------ Nom.) 01 l(oquo:.1'lng D,)pt.__.f~f::R~._._ DESCRIPTION /'.r>!D JUSTlFlC,~T1oN Of NIEtm~':Etlr m:QUr;STED C1~"oplJro In~lJciltO. 000 c~ bo rc.:toln0d b~' 1ho .rcqul)':>'tlng Oopnrtloont. fon'tnrd orIgInal and ona copy fo r1!:.cfJI Off Usa continuiltlon shcets bnd attach supportrng documonts, If noodod) To transfer a budgeted amount of anti-recession funds to correct revenue account classification. PREPP,RED BY DF.PARmENT APPROVAL Bruce Lambros 5/15/78 DATE DATE <nil S .SECTION TO BE COl-iPLET.t:D BY fINANCE) ACCOUNT -- I COUNTY ~NAGER f,PPROYAL I DATE I-J.:OUNT (Increase): FRS-Anti Recession 1194 00 0038 38 From: (Source of Funds); FRS-Anti Recession \19301 0038 38 To: . $26,209. $26,209. m~~~7::;~/~~~~I;~~:O 0::: .~l<issrONr.i~ .^"~"V^l D.C. [~::-::::: lho fJ~cal Officer, cftcr recolpt of tho <Jpprovod orlOrM' {rom 1ho C.ounty r..!.lrlODnr. \/1 f1l1;'\II7.o 1hls l'OquC5't for [10.,,-1.1 rcvJO\~ and lIpproval. ("ollo\'/lnO ~<II-d Dctlon, 1ho flr-Ci Officer Hili procc:>s loppr,wnr! nlld~(t1 ^,uomlllloll'ls 1hrou!)h AccountIng ftnd !>(rnd ~ copy rcl fln.11 ~1'II'l'U!> 10 111'0 p'::qllo~dlwl Oop.)rftm::n.t. r.nt\\I 10 r'ltrdlMltno nn ,.......1-1,,1 N," nor"~,,t l---Jt I. __...J June 6, 1978 AUTHORIZATION TO PAY BILLS FROM ~mY 24 THRU JUNE 6, 1978 - GRANTED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall requested authorization to pay the following bills, part of which was an after-the-fact authori- zation for bills already paid. FUND General Fund BCC Payroll General Fund (Manual) Road and Bridge Golden Gate I and S Collier County Fire District Immokalee Water/Sewer Special MSTD's Collier County Lighting Sewer District "A" 0 & M Marco Water and Sewer Victoria Park Drainage Aquatic Weed Improvement Rev. Cert. Improvement Trust Golden Gate Fire Ochopee Fire District CETA Kelly Road Water Water Management Sewer District "A" Revenue Special Road Assessments Fire Hydrant Asoessment Fund Col. County Water/Sewer Utility Div. Municipal Servo Taxing Dist. Anti-Recession/Fed Rev-Sharing Cap. Improvement Rev. Cert. Grants and Gifts Immokalee Lightin~ WARRANT NUMBERS) 5796-6260 44178-44838 '30-32 '27-28 110-11 112 18 '11 110 '7 110-11 '6 113 fll fl 7-19 flO fl1 fl7 18 119 '20 fl2, 13 14 fl5, 16 '20 113 18 112, 13 '5 Commissioner Wimer moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to approve payment of the bills from May 24, 1978 to ~une 6, 1978 as listed above. B~CX 042 I',~:, 206 B:lCK 042 r,'.:, '2'07 June 6, 1978 ClIl\IRMAN A{;1'HORIZED ',co SIGN C~RTIFICATES 'OR CORRECTION TO 1977 TAX ROLL Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Drown and carried 4-0 w~~h Commissioner Wenzel absent, that the following certificates for correction on the Tax Rolls be ~pproved and that the Chairman be authorized to sign samel Numbers 1977 Tax Roll 1977 Tax Roll 37 399-414 ~ March 17, 1978 Various MRS. JANET PETTIT'S RESIGNATION FROM LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD ACC~PTED WITH REGRET. APPROPRIATE LETTER AND CERTI'ICATE OF APPRECIATION TO BE SENT Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, explained that ~ letter of resignation from the Library Advi.sory Board has been received from ~lrs. Janet Pettit due to her relocation to another area. . Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown and carried 4-0 with Commissior.Jr Wenzel absent, to accept with regret the resignation of Mrs. Janet Pettit from the Library Advisory Board and that an appropriate letter and certificate of appreciation be prepared for the Chairman's signature. L..J t...._J June 6, 1978 AUTHORIZATION GIVEN THAT A LETTER BE DRAFTED 'OR CHAIRMAN'S SIGNATURE TO DIG CYPRESS BASIN BOARD REQUESTING FINANCIAL J.SSISTANCE FOR AN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STUDY -- DISTRICT SIX IMPROVEMENTS Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, eXplaJncd that a 1ettel haR been received from the Waf:er Management Advisory Board requesting that the Bee send a letter to the nig Cypress Basin Board asking them to assist financially for an environmental impact 8tudy regarding Lely Canal Waterway Improvements in Water Management Distriot Six. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that subject letter be drafted and the Chairman authorized to sign same. COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE SCHEDULE REAFFIRMED. MRS. MORGAN TO DRAW UP DAILY SCHEDULE. Mrs. Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, explained that in 1975 the Board of County Commissioners adopted a policy of having one Commissioner in the office each working day between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. This pOlicy needs to be reaffirmed, 8tated Mrs. Morgan, who also raqudted that the news media representative present at the meeting inform the pUblic of 8aid policy. Commissioner Brown moved that the policy be reaffirmed to have a Commissioner in the office each working day between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., seconded by Com- missioner Archer and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. Commissioner A~cher moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer and curried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, that Mrs. Morgan draw up the daily schedule for each Commissioner. D~CK 042 r.;;,208 ~~QX 042 r;;~z'209 June 6, 1978 MARCO FI?E CONTRO:, DISTRICT FINANCIAL REPORT FROM OCTOBER 1, 1977 THRU MARCH 31, 1978 -- ACC~PTED Commssioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and ~arried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to a~cept for the record the Finanoial Report of the Marco Fire Control District covering tha 10-01-77 thru 3-31-78 period, as per Section 8, Chapter 65-]413, House Bill 2~23. PROPERTY APPRAISERS PROPOSED BUDGET FOR OCTOBER 1, 1978 THRU SEPTE~mER 30, 1978 FISCAL YEAR ACCEPTED. Commissioner Archer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to accept for the record the proposed budget for the Property Appr~iscr fvr lO-01-78 - 9-30-79 fiscal year, in complianoe with Section 195.087, Florida Statutes. STAPF TO INVESTIGATE REQUEST BY THE IMMOKALEE SERVICE PROGRAMS, INC. FOR $3,000. AS MATCH FOR THEIR CONGREGATE MEALS PROG~~ Mrs. ~Iary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, reported that a letter dated May, 31, 1978 has been received from Immokalee Service Programs, Inc. requesting $3,000. as a match for their Congregate Meals proqram. Commissioner Brown stated that more information is needed and made a motion that the Staff be directed to invest- igate (this request further. Commissioner Wimer seoonded the motion which carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent. Commissioner Pistor commented that this request is for money from next year's budget, and being requested before the regular budget hearings. Commissioner Wimer also stated that those Lequests for money before the budget hearings should be reviewed first to see if they concur with the budget philosophy.. r--. ",---a .. _~u... June 6, 1978 Mrs. Morgan replied that the 1St, Inc. is making this request this time since thuy must s1\bmit a tentative budget to the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services by July 1. AUTHORIZATION GIVEN FOR DR. SPAGNA TO ACCEPT IN PERSON A NACO NEW COUNTY, U.S.A. ACHIEVEMENT AWARD INVOLVING ~TDR" TO HE PRESENTED AT THE NACO 1978 ANNUAL CONFERENCE Tn BE HELD IN' ATLANTA, GEORGIA FROM JULY 8 - 12, 1978 Commissioner Wimer moved, seoonded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4-0 with Commis8ioner Wenzel absent, to authorize Dr. Spagna and any Commissioner who wishes to do so, to attend the NACO 1978 Annual Conferenoe to be held in Atlant^, Georgia from July 8 - 12, 1978. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AUTHORIZED TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS FOR T'IE CONSTRUCTION OF ADDITIONAL PARKING SPACE AT THE COURT- HOUSE COMPLEX; SAME TO BE READY FOR BOARD APPROVAL JULY 11 , 1978 Commissioner Wimer inquired of Mr. Barksdale, Assistant County EngineAr, regarding the plans for expansion of the Courthouse Complex parking lot. Mr. Barksdale replied that a Preliminary Cost Estimate has been prepared, the survey is being done, and the Engineering Department will be coming before the Board with recommendations. In order to expedite matters, Commissioner Wimer moved, .e~onded by Commi8sioner Drown and carried 4-0 with Commissioner Wenzel absent, to authorize the Engineering Department to advertise for bids for additional parking at the Courthouse Complex and to have the bids re^dy for Board approval at ~he meeting of July 11, 1978. G42 ~:::21.0 l..--' l..__.J June 6, 1978 32. P.S.C. Notice I Docket 780330-CCT issued May 22, 1978 for Bonded Transportation, Inc. Filed. 33. U.S. District Court for the northern distriot of Georgia, Atlanta Division, submitting notice of proposed settlement of Armored Car Antitrust Liti- gation, civil action '78-l39A, determination of conditional class and hearing in this oase. Filed. 34. Letter of May 24, 1978 from Rep. Hawki~8 ackn~wledg- ing receipt of our resolution opposing amendment to Florida Statutes Chapter 177.081 relating to Counties maintaining subdivision streets. Filed. 35. Letter dated May 31, 1978 from Senator Chiles acknowledging receipt of our letter supporting TECH's bid for Federal fun1s for a sheltered work- shop. Filed. 36. DER notice of Meeting on Florida Sulfur Oxides Study on June 20, 21 and 22, 1978. Filed. 37. Letter from George H. Aberth, President ot the Palm River Homeowners Assn., requesting the BCC to hold down taxes this coming year. Filed. 38. Letter of May 31, 1978 from Mr. Aberth personally requesting the Board to hold the ~ine in terms of taxes for the coming fisoal year. 'iled. 39. May, 1978 form letter from Hans and Elizabeth Weiss of the North Naples Civic Assn. protest- ing any possible tax inorease. Filed. 40. Letter dated June 2. 1978 from George O. Mitohell of Dixon, Dixon, Lane, Mitchell and Harris regard- ing Continental Ins. Co. vs. The City of Naples, et al re lawsuit resulting from R. J. Reynolds jet craSh/landfill operation - XC to County AttorneYI filed. LAKE TRAFFORD MEMORIAL GARDENS CERTIFICATE DEED NOS. 163 AND 164 _ FILED FOR THE RECORD FOLLOWING RECORDATION. Pursuant to action of the Board January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to t~ke Trafford Memorial Gardens cemetery lots as the need arises, the following Deeds Nos. 163 and 164 were recorded and filed for the record. . . * . * * * * &:lQ\( 042 ~;, 214 * [,:-.CK 042 ri;~,'217 June 6, 1978 T~ere bein~ no further busin~ss.for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Time I 3105 P. M. A7'rEsrr~; .' ,~',:tf~;? : I r---, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD{S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL r--. ~. B-liL HAIRMAN !/lxI