BCC Minutes 05/23/1978 R 9: 00 MI l__--' I..__J Naples, Florida, May '-3, 1970 LET IT DE Hnlt-:~IUEH;::D, that the DOill'd of County Commissioners ill and for till' COllnty of Collier, and I1lso acting 1113 the Govorning Ilonr.u(s) of such Hpec-lul districta as have been created accor.ding to ltlW ilne! h.:\V1IlC] conducted business horoin, mat on this dato at 9:00 A.M. in Re0ul~r Session in Duildlng "P" of the Courthouse Complex with the followin~ members pre~entl . CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-ClIl\IRMlIN: .10hn 1\. ptator Cl.lfford lVenzal David C. Drown ThomLls P. ArchAr 1\1,1',\ 1'II\":I':N'\'1 \~lllt,\"'\l, lI1'MJ'\I\, CI..,'krllnrnlf1 roo 111\\1, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Debbie Pantano and Edna rl~unn0mnn (2:00 P.M.), Deputy Clerka; Donald 1\. Pickworth, County I\ttOl"llC'Y; TrvllH) nl.t'zon, Utility Director; Mary Morgan, l\clminlatra- Live "irh~ to the Boaru; Carl Clemmor, iloning Diroctor; Clifford n~rksr1~lc, Anslntunt County Engineer; and Deputy Chief Raymond f1<ll"Il"tt, ~)l1el"if[' [l D'~l?urtmcnt. ~~ I . I Nvnr.A TI ON I I. rl.J:IJt;r: or M.!.EGI^NCE ------.----- I I I. J\l'I'IWV^1. OF ^GENDA IV. APPROV^1. OF mNUTES: ~rn)' 9,1978 rv^. ~E~l?.!5NT^TION OF SUGGHSTIO~ ,\lI'ARD CnRTrPICATfi TO EDWARD n. DRESH IVD. TR^NSPER OF nO.\lw CIIAIR~IA:\SJ/IP TO CO~IMISSIONER .JOIIN A. PISTOR V. ADVERTI SED I'unuc IIEJ\RI~GS A. Proposed No-Smoking Ordinance (Pickworth). VI. OLD BUSINESS Pg 1-6 "" "- noox 042 rACe... 77 . . r.3GK 012 fACE" 80 May 23, 1979 G. Request for approval of Rc~olution assessing a special lien on propurty owned by Robert Weeks. II. Requust for approvnl of ChnnRo Order '4 for the Satellite Service Buildjng (Borzon). :\.T II. )THe FOR /'lSC;tlSSION AND possrnJ.i3 ACTION o. lJj ~;cu~~5ion of liT' "across-tho-boUl',I" S:1]E\'~'y increase for BuanI CldlJloyees. DELETIONS VII. STAFF Hl;PPHT -~.- -.~-_._- , , ) Il. Petit:i(,n SNIl-7n-6-C by the Plannjng DepArtment rC'scindinr: the n:Jme cJlange of Shadowlmm DriVel to Kd 1)' Haad (Pickworth). VI J I. .c;.(i}L~l~~I._i-QI~~!.J~'!:_~\~r:.!: ~ll.:'2L!:'_~:~~T I!. ITY DI VI S I ON ^. lJj\.i~;illJ1 VirCCI'(Jr's Heport 1. Subdivision requirements for deeding '...ater and 5~wcr f~cilitic5 in areos being served by w~tcr/sc:wer utility franchises. IJOrl1Ul ';x'l'r':01[)~; IvEl.C()~IE 1'0 STtrlJEN1'S I'HOM GULFVIBW BIDDLE SClIOOL ------ -_.. _..-.-. ._--_. ..--...---.....--------- ---- Cllilin:hlJ1 l'lit:Il.'!' expressed tile Board's welcome and appreciation to ~ln;. .Joyce rOWeLS illld [J l:ud"ntD from the Gulfview Middle School [or their I'r('~;CI1CC at tllo mcetin9. !:!.JNLJ'I~)'_:c;-0.::...!l~\:.._~~_~__"- ^J>PJ,OVJm ^8 SUBMITTED CommissiOllCl" Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner l\rcher, thtlt the minuten of tho H('!S/lllar Session of May 9, 1978 be npprovcd as submitted. l1otion carried unanimously 5/0. PRr.SE1\T^TTON 01-' SUGCr-S'I'ION ^W^HD CERTIFIC1\TE TO EDl11\HD B. DRESE _ DEFERHED PEND] NG PREPAHNJ'lON OF CERTIFICATE Ch., i rlll'ln \Vimcr cornn'cn ted tha t thE' Certi ficate to be presellted to Edward E. Drese for il Suggestion 1\ward has not been prcl?aLAd nn of yet and deferred Ud.s item. , ~ '. t __-' L _, .:' ~.~..~ .. I, May 23, 1970 TR^Nf;l"I,l{ 01" DOl\nD ClrAInN^l~r.llIt' FROM COf1~lISSIONER \'lIf.mR TO ~~!.'.!.t!.!~:; to!.!.!.0_-,!.9flN _2-:-.!:!.0.TOR AND VICE-CIlAImll\NSIIIP TO DAV!D C. DRONN Chi'lirl11i'ln \'i1mer stated that no per Doard pOlicy, the Doarc1 Ch:linllunr;h.ip in bein'] tri1nn(orrod to Vico-Chairm<ln John 1\. Pistor <lilt! the V.i('(~-Ch,l.irlll<lnnhip to Commissioner David C. Drown, \~hOrellpon Clwirmi'ln Pl.stor ':lGsumcd tilt! gavel. ~l1ci.ll SC..E.:0~l'!; CClse No. \'1'-4767 - ApLJroved COmm1D[;.ionor Archer moved, neconclcd by Commissioner Nimer, L11d t Go\: Lll. ::;(1 rv iccs ClI UO No. W-4 767 he approved. Motion Cllrr ied un:lnimotlsly 5/0. OlUllNl,.JCE 7(]-;:~ nl':GULl\'rING Sr':OI<ING IN PUDLIC PLACES _ ADOPTED ..11 'I'll ,\:'ll;;ID~II':N'r -- "-'-'-'-, - -.---------- r,c'J,11 noti.ce hiJv.lIl'J been publ.ished in the Naples Daily ~1"ws 011 ~Iilyl, E1'l8 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication [j 1('d Id,l:h t;;c Clerk, pUblic hearing waG opened to consider the proposed ol'c1iIlClI1CC regultlting 3lOoking in public places. ~IL VCI'non MacI<enzi,o, NO-Smoking Corrunlttee, stated the purpose of the Committee is to develop an ordinance for considor- ClUon by the CommL3ioner.u to protect the health, comfort, Lind wclfare of non-ulOokcrs. lie further dtated this ordinance 13hould be enforceable alld equ.\t.lhle to those affected by it. Mr. ~li:lcl<on? 10 s tu teu the other mGmbers of the COlnmi ttee ropresented such organ.izutions un American Cancor Society, the American Ileart l\ssociation, Americlln Lung ASRociation, Right to Breath OrgLlnization, t:lples Community lIoopital, Chamber of Commerce, the Restaurant 1\ssociution and noveral voluntary health orgl1nizations. Mr. MacKenzie explained there are three main operative sections in the Orclinuncc: Section 'l'hree outlines certain public places where smoking Is to be prohibited due to the .fact that non-smokers . I flilOK 042 rACf~8f , ., .... ,...M~K 042 nCE_82 . " . May 23, 1970 m~y be nssociatc~ for long periods of tim0 or in close proximity wi th nmokers; SecU.on Pour lists public placos whero smoking will be ragulated to specific Dub-arcas as properly designated; and Se~tion Five pertains to tho roquiromonts of signs and placards. R<'ferring to comments maue in tho press concerning tho proposed orclinam:e, Mr. MilcJ\cnzic statcd it is not tho intent to turn store proprietors into "Sheriff's Deputic:;;" rather the intent in to not penn! t Lhe propl'iotor to ~llo\y a customer to smoke in an aren stij1- ulntl'd by thin ordin,1l1c0 an a "NO-Smoking Area." He furth(~r COllillk'lI Lcd Lh,', t tho J~o-SmoJd 119 Comrni ttoe un;lnimou:31y favors the Draft Ii /. 0 r the NO-SlI'ClJdll<) Ordinance. County httoJ:lwy Don;11d PickIVorth que:.;tiollcd tho intent (,: ;,r!t.::Uroll Pour wit, t 1101' it will be voluntary or mnndatory on the p,l)'t 0 rUle pl'ol'l'ieLors Lo csti1bl ifJh specific su);-arei13 an eithcr "';1110):.;,1<1" 01" "Non-~:,,,,J~il1(J." Mr. Mur.J<onzie t.;tated it io tho intollL ()[ th': pilrU.clIlill' ncct10n that thcJ.:c mUGt be nn 8roCl 1n Lhor:c public r1aCC[; OllLli1lC(1 whore smoking is not allowed; halVe' Ot, Lhe I'J'Cl'}'icL,H" .i" CJivcn lCC'\:;iy {IS to tho mechnn!l:llTl UlJe:1 1n doing [10. COlll1~.Y IItton.:;y P.i.CkliCJl'th COIl\lilc'nl:ed th:d: he ia not f;urc that Lhe l.'"lr.r:;lIilge of tile !;\:ction is I1pecific eno\.lVlt to rn"":e it m.'"ll1cl.'"llory [or cerLir.in tlOcU.ona of public plncoa to be designate'l "SllIol:iny" or "l,o-Smoking." COIlUll.i s~;j.oncr \Hmcr m0vC'd, Dcconded by COllunisl1ionc;:r l'lenzel, that tht~ third Gentence 1n Soct1on FOUl" be llmonded to chnnge the word "milY" to "shall." Motion carried unanimously 5/0. '1'ho fol J oHin'] people spoke in favor of the propoaed ordinance as 1llliol1l1cd: 1._...... I., 'H_.' I .:' ~.~, ,~ " MLlY 23, 1978 ~i<l ^cke~'m.:\n, n.l.<jht :"0 Dreatho Organization Henry Olness, Right to Dreathc Organi7.ation Mr~. Jim S. Porter, reoident Grover E. Cook, night to Oreatho Organization I-lt'[;. H. OlncGs, IH(jht to nreatho OrgQni~nt.i f)n Marjorie Wendle, night to IJreLlthe OrganiZatlo.l Mn,. Grover Cae';, Right to IJrenthe Organization Ernest Puckctt, resident 'l'hon\i1n flurnr" rcsi:]ent Mike ~~walk, North Naples Civic ARsociation ~Llrle Ft'ilnciflco, night to Drcatho OrCjanizlltlon Kurt IGccke, residcnt Mrn. G. W. Fclclmull, Right to Drcathe Organization n(~th .1nhnnton, resi.dent Inn'Jurcl [Iof'~lclt, ranident Tl1cre beil1CJ no other persons registered to apeal<, Commissioner \~CllZCt moved, ;.cconuecl by Commi.ssi,oncr \'IimfJr and carried un/\nlmoualjl 5/0, that the public hearing Ut) closed. Cu,nminr;i()ll,~r l\rcher ruad into the record a petition with 75 Si'JIlLl Lur.es (' ~ 8hop owners in the Old ~lar ine Market Place rC'lu,':,liIlIJ Ule [11.' ll:d not to enact the ordinF.lnce as 11: docs m<lndate to privilLc ;.t()t'<'~-()wne!:n the proh1biting of :'lmol<ing in their estab- li,;hl11cnt. Comnd "SiOll')!: \"i...'lIzel moved, seconded by CommiDsioner Drown, thi\t: the or.cl.i nLlncc ,10 numbered and titled below bo adopted and cllterecl into Ordinance Dook No.8. A roll call vote w~s requested clnd the motion carried 1\/1, Commis:1ionar J\rchar die~j(~nting. ORDINANCE NO.2.Q-24 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING S"IOKING AND TilE CARRYING OF LIGHTED OBJECTS IN SPECIFIED PLACES IN TilE COUNTY; REQUIRING PLAC^RDING OF CERTAIN PRENISES; PROHIBITING TilE VIOLATION OF SIGNS; PROVIDI~G FOR ENFORCEt'lENT' AUTHOR- IZING TIm COUNTY HEALTH OFFICER '1'0 ~IAKF. INSPECTIONS FOR CO:-rPLIANCF.: PROVIDING PEN- ALTIES FOR VIOLATIO~S: PROVIDING FOR SEVER- MICE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICT; AND PROVIDING AN EFfECTIVE DATE. " '" '" '" * * * * * * * * '" Hcccss from 9:50 A.M. to 9:55 1\.H. , -A '" '" '" '" '" * * * '" '" * '" . " ~jl) ~ 83 . 1 ',~(\rtl;,. {~~!^CO. . '~~'cr. O~2 'rJ,CE.. 84 May 23, 19711 " HESOLU'rION H-70-8G RE PETITION V-70-11-C DY SIIIRLEY BOLLAND HEQUEr,'fING 1\ SIDE Yl\RD SETDACl; OF 4.2 I VARIANCE FOR A FIRBPLACE ON LOT 10, BLOCK l5, NI\PLES MIINOR L1\KES (DBFBRRED FRON HAY 16, 1978) -- l\DOPTED. Leglll notice hnvil1g bcen pl1bHshod in the Naplos Daily Newn on I\pril 2U, 1970 a, evidcnced by Affidavit of Publication praviouoly [.iled with tho Clerk, public hearing was continued [J:OIll 1~<lY 16, 1978 for Petition V-78-ll-C by Shirley Holland rN1U(' '.ing a siele ynrd setbncl< vllrillllce of 4.2' ior a firepl.:lce on Lot 10, Block 15, Hnl'les Hanor Lakes. Mr. Shil:lpy 1I01.L1nu, peU tioner, stated he purclHIsed tho hO\\f',~ Ilnril,i!3JlC'(~ .in .January, 1970 llnd \mrked orly on the in~ide of tJlC huuf;e doing no work on thl:.! outside of tho house at all. lie 4urtl.C!J: f;L;iled lllC oJ'.i.qillill building permit doe!) not provide fur n cj,i.rnll I'lr. ll"'] .lnllrl C'on1l1~~Ilj()d he WlIG not; aware> th.:lt the r.t:J:llclun.' \.',~:' ill v:i.(Il.;,t.iOll of tllC zoning or.dinance at the time of pllre: , ll\,L ,J,ir.cov(>J".'c1 the [nel: that the fil:nplilcc WMl on C)'t(') LJ ,1 c:h:".~j;~. I';) Il') he 1'.01 c1 the house anc1 the mortgagGJ comp1.lli po5Ilt,:,,~ O\1t I ~)., v.i.~'L".i.(">n. Chil.;n,;';; ;';islol- 13\J0gc;;~.(lcl lhrd.: lo;;:. 1l'''llllnc1 ilttempt to purchusc tJ]C' 1\,-,<,.i Li0Jj;~1 L'I1<1 fJ.'()f11 the lot next door to wh1ch }h". Holll1nc1 lit;] LC!t1 Cw 0....';" 1:11 will not nell. }1r, Col.d. Clc.:n,c,wr, ?'cnincJ D1rcctor, stated tllo1t ol1e rCiloon Hlly thin 11,,::; C)(':Clll:rc.:d in c,uu to the fact thnt the 7.oning, Engincer1ng, tlncJ lJc.'f\l Lh D',pnrtmonl:.; do not get a chance to inopec.:t 11 bu1ld1ng aft0r it ls completed and the Cert1ficnte of Occupancy is issued by tho nuild1ng Dcp':ll:tment. There belng no other persons registered to speak on the mntter, Commiss1oncr Archer moved, soconded by Commissioner Drown, that the public honrinq be cloned. Motion carried unanimOUSly 5/0. CO:l\ll1i gsioner l\rcher movud, seconded by Commissioner Drown, th,)t ne~lOlut1on R-70-0G rc Petition V-70-11-C by Shirley lIolland , UCOJU)Ea'S IIEIIO. LeclbUlty ., wit... 1')'pm, or PriDllnlE _del..,. Ia IIaJI d_m "... ~ ..___1 L...-I L~J ':' ~':,~ May 23, 1970 requeotlng i\ uido yard notbnck of 4.2' vAriance for a fireplaco on Lot 10, Block 15, Naples Manor Lakca be ndopted. Commissioner Wenzel stressed the only roavon he would voto [or thln vurLlncc is that ho feels this is duo to a lack of a propcr insl?ection Ofl tho part of the Euilding Department as the Certificate of Occupancy neVcr should have beon issued and the Bonrd in responfliblc for the acts of its employeos. Chtlirman Plstor directed the staff to investigate this matter concerning the issll.lnce of the Ccrtiflr:nte of Occupancy against zOl'ing rcgulations. Upon Cull for. Lhe 'lucr;tion, the motion carried unanimously 5/0. ." ." ." ." ." ." * ." ." ." ." ." ." . :'., p~rK 042 rACE.. 85 . .. ..,..,1 ..I. 4.. , . , 042 P'.~ , u. 88 May 23, ),970 CI1.'\I,GE ORDER NO. 5 RB GEORGE F. KIU\FT CO. FOR TilE FIFTH FLOOR, BUILDING "F", TO REVISE 1\ND ADD LIGHTING SWITCHES AT A CO!lT OF $3,5?-8 -- 1\1'PROVED 1\ssistant County Engineer Cliff Darl~odale stated that during the design of the flfth floor, the architect provided "gang" flwi tches to minimi7.e 1 jlC installation costs ana maintain the mllx.i.mum flexihility of the movable partitions which were being utili7.cd and that sin~e then, mnny complaints have becn received regarding the difficult accensihility I1nd the inability to individually sw1tch on and of( the lights in each individual office. lie further stilted that iHi 11 reSlllt of 0.:'\ inspection by the Board mCP'..lers, the nrchi to.ct hns prepared the neceasary change or(lar in the amount of $3,<;28 t.o provide for tho addition of pole mounted nwitcllns with a flcxjble line connection into the elactrical system ah"vc the cellil"] and thin method wlll still permit the maxilllum O('xibilit.y for the pCJrti:lblc partitions. 1\t this point Cummissioner Wimer 10ft the meeting at 10:l0 1\.1'1. Commissioner nrOlvn moved, oecondec1 by Commissioner Wenzel, that Chanqc Ordor No. 5 ~e the George F. Kraft Co. for the F1fth Flonr, nuildinq "~" to revise anc1 odd lighting switches I1t a cost of $3,528 be ilpprovecl, thereby incroosin<) the contract from $309,207.00 to $312,015.00, and the Chairman be authorized to sign same. Notion carriod unanimously 4/0 with commissiont;;or Wlmer'abncnt at the time of tho vote. * * * * * * j r' ~'" I. " C'Il '/' ,. 1.., P"k 90 May 23, 1978 Clfl\IRMl\N AUTllOnUlm 'fO SIGN PURCIIASE AGREEHENT WITH COMPUTER ELECTION SYf,TEl1S fOR vanNG MACHINES. LETTEI'l TO DE :mNT RE- QUESTING f>ECRETARY OF f fATE TO AUTHORIZE 'l'HE USE or 'fIlE COLLIr-:R COUNTY CO~1Pll'J'ER flYS'J'EM 'fa !'IWCESS DALLOTS County Attorney Donald Pickworth stnted thl1t he has drawn IIp n Pllrchnr;e l\grcemcnt reflecUnlJ thLlt the County will pay $20,000 to Computer Election Systems for them to provide voting equipment ~nd technical nssis~nnco for the three fall elections of 1970. lle further fitated that if the County does not desire to [1Urcl:,l[.C Uw cCjuil':I:,mt, the $::!O,OOO will constitute the entire ob.1..i'l<ILion to CEEi; hClI...ever, if tllC'! equipment is purchased, the $20,000 \-;ill be dcdur{'cd from the total coat of the equ.i.pment _ $] or, I ~;n7. 00. C!wir1:1"'1l Pir;l:or nt.:1t.ed thut Frod Mnrx, Director of DLltn ProcC' s [d n~; I hnr, been l"c"j tlOG ted to look in to the possibi 1 i ty of connc.'cting the County computer into the voting equipment. Mr. }lnrx sLated thilt Ur,il\rJ the County I s computer would result in an "l'l':oxilllclt.O s;lvings of $3,000. Mr. Robert PickcLt., CES, stated thnt if the aoarcl would approve th.;5 PUt-ch.:J5e Agrecment, an amendmcnt can be made at a later dllte to substitute the computBr for the CES Tab-Dallot Counter and for CES to provi~c tho neCcs5ary software required. Commi13!llonor l'lcnzel moved that the PurchaSe! Agreement be approved as presented subjcct to a possible amendment at a later date. MotIon dicd for lack of a second. COl1\mi5sioncr l\rcher questioned Mr. Marx on the ability of the County's computer nystcm with regards to the validity of the 'election. At this puint ill tho meeting, Commissioner Wimer returncd at lO:17 l\.M. }\r. Pickett nl'ilLcc1 that in DavernJ. counties served by Cr.s, they use I:Jll'ir own COll1jlutc'rs along with the aort:wnre provided by ~, ~.~~.~ ,1, Hay 23, 1970 CES which is opprovec1 by the Secretary of State's Office and he RUggl!9tcc1 the Doard obtain ~pprovnl from the Secretary of Stata. Commt3:;loner Wenzel mOl/eel, seconded by Commissioner Dr.own, tll,lt the CbilJrmun b...! ollthorized to sign the Purcl'.i'ae Agreement, :;ubject to the u.for.cmentioncc1 poss.i.ble nmendment at a later du.te, and thut written npproval he obtalnedCrom tho Secretary of State cOllce ':11 t nsr tho lWC o[ the Coll.i.er COlin ty compll tor. nystcm to procens bnllots. i\ urief dt:;ctlr:::;.ion fol1o:md concerning the security of the votl!\<) s\'sLem. tJl:.Llity Director 13<.!rzon cOlnment0.(l thQt the way 1'.1,,, !;ynl:om i.~; :J'~t: up, .U: tllel'e Is any quent,ion concerning tho l":~UJt3 o[ "n et':ct:i.on, it jfl pOL',.dble t,o go back r.',)r vori [lcut,ton :;u,:h <I:. 11.1ilc1-cOlll1l'"i.llq. Tilt' n:ut'.iOll \~,\3 f:Jrthcl.' ,~n:,:~llded by COll'wnissioner 'flcnzol, .1<)",'oll to by the :;"001\(101:, I:" <lutlv11.'J.;-:o tho Chcdrmoln tc> sign the i-',':;:;ib.1o ill: '1lc1J.:Cllt to the contract. l1pon ':~ll [or the C]uestion, tho motion carl'ied unani"'.::luJIy 5/0. * * 11 11 * '" * '" 11 C:JC~ 0'/12 rm..,9r * . . . . ~oo~ O~2 rACE )].1 May 2J, 1970 ClIl\Inr'i!lN l\tJ'1'll0RT ZEn TO SIGN LwrTER TO EMPLOYEES INFORli~NG THEM UF TilE AVAIL!lDILT'I'Y OF 1\ Pl\YROLL DEDUCTION FOIl EMPLOYEl~'S f;UP- 1'].I':~lEI:'I'I"T. Ilo:~,UI,M.JCI: RECEN'J'LY M'PROVED BY TilE nOAHD Comnd.r;sioncr !I]-cher ml Icel, seconded by Conunissioner Drown, thLll the ChilirmClIl be authorized to sign n lotter to all omployees l1nnollncing the ,1V<1,i,.lillJility o[ tile supplemental insurance proqram recently lIpprovccl L>y the 13011n', Motion carried unanimously 5/0. 1'1:'I')'J'lON 1:-.70-4-1 JJY C1l1.lW TYllONE IH,AClmtJRN lIND JlENHY lILJ,P.N FIGll /U';QlIESTINC HEZONllolG FIW:,! "I-SF-2" SINGLE Fl\MJI,Y TO "I-C-l" COM- ~mnc:rl\I, FOr: I'HOl'ET\'j"i IN S32, 'l'4GS, R29E LOCATED ON nlE SOU'l'H SIDE 01' 1,,\1:1: TRAFFORD ROAI1 1/4 MILE \vEST OF S'1-29 - ADVERTISING !\liJ.:!.I:"~IZFD F(!I~~'~~(~.lll::.0l~:..~.0 aULY 11 r 1970 Comlninsinncr Arch0r moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, tl1i1l: l'eLi.l'ion !{-.7l1-4-T by Grady Tyrone nlClckburn and Henry Allen j'i!.dl "'~qller;Un'J re7.0:1ing from "I-SF-2" Single Filmily to "I-C-l" COIl:' ,cLll for prol'l.!)'Ly in 53?, 'l'4GS, n/.~E located on the south fli d, llf LilLe- 'fl'it f fon] HnaLl .l /4 mi.le Ivcot of SR-?9 be authori ~ed fOJ: <J(]vcrtisil1'J for J'ublic hCildn'] 011 July 11, 1970. }1oUon carrierl \Il1ilni 111ou!;1y ~',/O. I'J\TJ'.1'ION Sl,:P,-7[l-4-C BY t~^NCllI\STER INVES'rM'~NTS REQUESTING SUnnIVlGION tlA"TJ-:R !']'AN Al'l'IWV^L FOH I'ROl'EI\',y LOCl\'mD IN PART OF N-l/2 OF 'rilE N-l/2 01' TilE NI'i-l/4 OF S35, N9S, R'-SE LOC'\TED 1\'1' TilE WEST Elm or J.0~\(;])Ol\'l' DH IVl': - AIJVI,: HTI S 1 NG AUTHORI ZED FOR PUDLIC HEARING JULY 11, 1970 Commi.!inioncr l\rclwr moved, secondcd by Conunissioner Brown, that pctit10n S:'lP-70-4-C by NoJlH'hcnter Investments requesting SubLlivinion Master Plan Approval for prol?erty located in part of N-l/2 of tile N-l/2 of the Im-l/4 of 535, '1'495, R25E located at the 1"Cst end or Lon<J~)oi1t: Drive be authorizcd for advertising for public llCilrin'] July 11, 1970. Mution carried unanimously 5/0. ,_.. L .__.J Mil Y 23, 19} (\ ~:' ~f:.~ I, , A. I'flOI'OSrm onDlNANCI': l\HENlJtNG COUN'l'Y ORDINANCE 76-61 pnOIlInrTING TilE IH~,;CII^HGC ()To' r",[llE^I~~1S IN Crm'l'AIN :JECTIONS Ol? GOLDfo:N GATE - 022Y-!,:J<..:!.' r.0.~~~-0Q:!'.!.!()n r ~_!':.!2 FOR PUBLIC 1l8ARING JUNE 13, 1970 Commir.sioner Arcl1C'!r moved, suconded by Commissioner Drown, thtl t the [)l"J[:n:';cd ordinance amending County Ordinance 76-61 FJl:ol1.Lbiting the discharge of fircnrms in certain sections of Go 1clcn Gil te be ill.lthori'l.NI for nc1vertising for publiLl ,",enring "une IJ, 1978. ~lotion ci1rried unnnimously 5/0. I'fo:'l'I'l'ION V-71l. ltl-C DY I\O'/AL POINCI^NA GaLli' CLUB, INC., REQU:::STING ^ 'l,\P[M,CE '1'0 I'L-:HHJ'l' i\ Di'II,LI,lNG l1NI'l'S IN A 2-STORY S1'flUC'rURE AND PI':I<~11T l',\I\KUJC IN EI'l'llfm f'HON'l' on HE^R SETDI'.CK ON TilE E30' OF LOT 1.1, i\l.T. 01' LOTS H & 1:;, AND 'rilE W 10' OF LOT 16, BLOCK D, DECKER ~1_!~:I~~1.I2.:~ i\DV~,I<'rTSTt:J_~~~1'1l0i{TZED FOR PUBLIC IIEl\nING JULY 11, 1978 C'0nmli!;!,' i~l~r ^rchcl." mo'/cd, sccon"lld by COllunifJsioner Wenzel, Lholt 1',.ti.Liu" '/-7B-li\-C by HOYill poinciana Golf Club, Inc., J'r"l\Il~:1t LI1(J il 'h1rLll,ce to [l()rmit 4 dwelling units in a 2-story ~;Lnlctlll"(~ ,\lld Lo i'en,li.t parking in '.1ither front or renr setback on L;\u l-;.lO' of' :(1)[: 1.:1, <111 of Lots 14 & 15, and tho N lO' of Lot 1(" Illoc,:k P, D.~d;,)r ILLUl1l':lllds be nuthorized for advertising [.Jr ["\b1Le 111'.1;'1.111) ,July 11,1970. Motion carried unilnimous1y 5/0. 1'f':'J'lTTON CC:;j,-70-]-C BY 'I'IIl': Pr,ANNING DEPAR'l'MENT REQUr:STING A Vl\HIANCE ["rW~1 TilE COM;Tl\L CON~;TRUCTION SETBACK LINF. FOR TIlE CONSTIWCT rON ,)[0' l\ nEi\CII \'i^LK AND PICNIC T^BLF.S ON TrGBRTIAL ,1~~~~!~.l!.Y.-!~~~[' [:;ING AU'l'1I0HBF,D FOR PUBLIC I1EARING JULY 11, 1978 Comn\issioncr Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Henzel, that PeLition CCSL-70-]-C by the Planning Department requesting ~ V.-H Lu:c.} f rain the Coa~; till ConRtrllction Setback Line for tho construction of a beach wnlk nnd picnic tnbles on TigertQi1 OOilch be 1I1.lthor1zed for advert1sing for public henring July 11, 1978. Motion cnrried unanJmously 5/0. APPROVl\L OF FINl\L ASSESSMENT ROLl, FOR WHITAKER ROAD - ADVERTISING AUTIIORIZED FO!~ l'UllLIC HEARING JULY 11, 1978 Conunissioner l\lclwr moved, fleconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that dpprovlll of the Fillill Assessment Roll for Whitaker Road be nuthorlzed for aJvertising for public hearing July ll, 1978. Motion cnrr1ed unnnimously 5/0. fiOOi: 0'1~ rACE ...95 . ., ! ~'\' G1~ 'I':,~L, 86 May 23, 1970 BOl\llD RESCINDS pnEVIOUS AUTIIOHTZl\TION TO 1\OVERTlnE WIIICII WAS GTvr,:tl IN RCG"LA1: SESSION OF M/lv lG, 197B FOH PETITION R-7B-4-C BY D. 1\. & H;.rH:.',I:E'l' lIAYNF.S Fon PlJnLIC HEAR!NG ON JULY 11/ 1978 Commi.s!JionC'r Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and c.lrJ:icu unill1imously 5/0, thllt the Board rescind thc1r previous nuthorizntion Lo advertise which was given in Regular Sesaion of Mny 1G, 1978 for Petition R-7B-4-C by D. A. & Margaret Haynes for public hCcldng on auly 11,1970. nID # JOG l\I'iAIWED TO CllllHLES WEEKS 1IT~1\TING AND COOLING IN TilE MIOllNT OF $10, (,07. SO FOH '1'IIE REPLl\CEMENT OF A DOILEH IN BUILDING "A" - 1I1'P/(OVED Legal noticc hnving beon published in the Naples Daily News 011 ApLi 1 ] 1 & 1.1, 1978 ns cvincnced by Afficlnvit of Publicntion fUed H.i.th the Clerk, Fincnl Offi"cr Harold Hall advioed that bid:; WC1'C H'rr'( v~c1 until May 3, 1978 on Bid J 30G for i..lrniohing, 1-('I'lil(~in<J i'lid inr;tnllin9 one (I) CycJotherm Doilar 1n Duild1ng "1\" of Lhe C"llrLllolu;~ Cmnplc);. Comm; !,,';iOI'\Cl- 11enz'~1 mo",'d, ocr.onded by Commissioner Archer nnc1 CilO:icd llnilnimously 5/1), that Did #306 be awarded to CharIer- '"ceKS IIci'l!:il1<j nncl Cooling in the amount of $10,607.50 for the rcpli'\cemcnt or i'\ boiler in Duilding "1\" 813 contained in the recnmll1cn(l"tion or the nid nevicw commi.ttee letter and that the Ch,li rmiln und the Clerk bc nulhol"izcd to sign and atlest the resulting lIgrccmcnt. CE'l'^ PHO,JEC'l'~i IN 'TIlE '1'0'1'1\1, 1\r1011N,! OF $70, -149.23 - 1\PPROVED Fiscal Officer lI.:Jrold lIall stated that the CETA Director han requested to :Jtilrt new projects utili:dng lapse funds tol:alin'J ~95,OOO.00 from current C~Tl\ Projc~ts and those funds will be used to employ cliqiblc applicants for those summer projects .1 1.._-' I ___A "~, ~'~.,~ I, 4. Nay 23, 1970 whL;h ilre short-term anll !lava spocific beginning and ending dat,;;" lie flIrt-her ntaLcu the Staff has l"ccoln:ncndcd :\pprovlll of the [ollnwllHj projcctn Gnd bUdgets: 1. IHr;C:INS I'M.S S'fl\TE HECREATION AREA _ Park r~.:li,nl.enanco $14,979.50 2. HI:nLMW CIlRI~,'rIl\N HIGR^NT 1\SSOCIATION _ Jmmof:,11.0e Tlltod"ll proyram 25,90l.G3 3. cnr.1.II'~H com;'J'Y ECONmnC DJWEI,OPMENT Ul'[)ld'l'~ MID L7\UOR Nl\HKET SURVEY 3,06/..00 ~, SIIEn rrF' S Dr::r7\r~TNENT - I,'lrearms Range I!I\pl'Ovell1cnt Project '['(\'1'7\ L r'I~O,JEC'f l\i ~OUNT 25,706.10 $70,4~9.23 r:.JnlJ:li~;::j()n"r Hcnzel inquired 1-l11et!ler tilt' Dt:ate should 1><' ,:-. i I1~J 111<, ',o!ol"k i]f, out-lined in Project #4. 1>11'. Hall stllted LiI j'1 i" to (1" ..till j U,OII':ll work for the Shllriff' s Depal'tmcnt \o!lIi(,~1I tll,' ;,I'dl.<' l'i\~; not provided. COI1lIll i '::;.i Ol\(~ r N Lmer l'loved, n [~(::onc1cd by Commlsa lonor Archer, Uld t the ('1;'1'1\ l' 1'0 j cc I:s and blJ(~gl;) ts as outJ. i !'led above ')0 approved. ~lot ion eiul'i.cd unilnimoL\sly 5/0 on Projects 'l, 2, & 2. Hotion cdn:icd ~/l (Ol: PI.'ojecl #~ with Commissioner Wenzel disfJenting. ClI7\lHHl\N l\{J'l'1I0HI7.ED '1'0 SIGN LEM>E IN rilE AMOUNT OF $745.00 TO M.['OI~ TilE C(1\,LIER CENTER OF E[)t~.;ON COMMUNITY COLLEGE TO BE HI: rr'lB[~!:.:;Jm !':C2.!3..l'J!I'I'ORT iV!,- TRl\UHNG EQUIPf.lENT RE CET^ Piscul O~ficeJ: Harold Hull explained that per request by the CET7\ Director to approve a lep90 for supportive training cquipment us cd by the Collier Centor of Edison Community Colleqc 1n the nmount of $745.00, the staff recommends the Cownis~loncrs authorize thc Chairman to sign such lease, adding t1Hlt this buclCJcted umount was upproved by the Board in July of 1977 and lhe expenditure docs meet with allowable training costs under CETl\ Fcdc~ill Regulations. CommiSllionel' Wlmer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, thut the' DOllrd ;luthorize tho Chairman to 'Sign a lease in tho amount r~",Y O~2 r:,Cf 97 . ,. [lOOK 042 rml00 /. May 23, 1978 CIIl\IrUl^N ^U'l'1I0H I7.Jm TO SIGN LEASE IN TilE AMOUNT OF $1,0-10.00 Fon 1\ 12-MON'J'II PEI:TOD Fan 'I'MINING EQUIPBEN'l' AND TMNSPORTATIOfJ VEIlICLE USED IlY C: ,'\ Fiscal Officer Harold lIall stnted tho CETA Director is requesting the Donrd to opprovG a lease for trnining equipment llnd n trannportntion vehicle used in County parks and Recreation CE'rA Project for FY78 in the llmount of $1,040.00 for a l~-month period, nddinq thot this budgeted umount was approv~d by the Doard in July of 1977 for thOBO expcnd1tures which moot with allowable trainin~J nnd adlHin1strnt1ve costa under CI'iTA Feder.al Regulationn. Commisr;!oner l\rchcr moved, seconded by Commissioner Wimer, thut the 30ard authorize tho Chairman to sign a lease that,allows Pil)-k~; nllu Rccr<.'otion Dnpartmcnt to ba reimbursed for training 011(1 n\lppOl t r;erv.lcos to CE'l'^ pnrticipants in FY70 projoct in the IIIIIU\llIt {li ;'1,0<10,00 for II l2-mmlth period. Motion carried \1IlLlIl,i;:',O II ~d, y 5/0. . . . .. . . II II I' f'j ""f1 ~ ,took 0 '1'" F^CE .1.,J:", May 23, 1970 J\EOUr.ST BY ::UIl,DING M^IN'rENl\NC'l'; SUPERINTENDENT TO INCREl\l:;E 'I'HE 110lJlU.Y R^"J:: OF CU5'roDt l\NS FIlOi,1 $3.3 O//IR. TO $ 3. SO/IIR. - APpnOVED Utility Director Irving Dcrzon stated the Duilding Maintenance Superintendent hos requ8sted an increase in the hourly rate for the custodinn3 in on effort to roduca turnover in that ~cpartment, parti~ulorly on the 4:00 p.m. to l2:00 midnight shift. Commi.nsioner Brm-ln moved, seconded by Commissioner ~enzel, that the request by the nuilding Maintennnc~ Superintendent to inr'l'cnr,e the hu\"ly rilte of custodians from $3.30/l1r. to $3.S0/hr. on t.he t1: 00 p.m, to mi'1niqht r.h1ft b0 appl'oved. Motion carrit!d unill1imour.Jy :,;0. In.;r-;1.lJ'I'.TOll R-70-H7 HE M;SESS~lEI1T OF A SPECIAL r,lEN ON PROPEnTY OIvt,n "._I\.~onr~BT l'1EJ"i<.n I N TUB M10UNT OF $;1 I O!:i 0 . 00 - ADOPTED County ^ttorlwy Donald PiCKworth explained the property oh'nc,1 by Hobc'J:t \','cer.r. W,Hi in violation of Ordinance #76-70 1"01ni.1"I) to II.,oln1ou!J Buildings. Ilo statod the County remedied the si LuoUon ilt n cost of $2,050.00 which the owner has not yct pa:lc] evell tl1ol1qh I::.:licl owner received an invoice in the sam':! i'l1'10\ln L. Cnmmi r,:;ioncr \venzcl moved, seconded by Commissioner l\reher, thitl Resolution H-78-07 re l\ssessment of a Sp~cial Lien on property o\,nc(] by Hobert \vaeko in the amollnt of $2,050.00 be adopted. Motion carr.ied unanimously 5/0. * * * * * .-,..,. BOOK 042 nCE 10'4- May 23, 1970 Cl!^NGE onDEn NO. 1\ nr~ VEm:;TI^N DAY CONSTRUCTORS, INC. l"OR TilE SA'l'loLLl'fE SEnVICE I.lUII.DING IN Till:: !\MOUN'! OF' $1, 2CJ4. 00 - l\PPHOVEfJ _._-. ~ Utility Director Irving Derzon explaine4 that sub~equent to the st,ut ("If cOI1(\truction of the Satollite Sar.vice Duildi.ng, it became evident that the following nc1ditions were necessnry in conl1ec tiOIl wi t1l thc' conRtruction of the building I 1. Inntallation of an electrical co~duit for the future conl1ection of an emer.gcncy generator. 2. Installatiol1 of nn electricnl conduit to provide for electricill wiring to the gaD pumpEi. 3. Hepi1ir lilO,;'rock 13ul>-bar;e after inst<:lllation of the electrical facilities to the gas pUl11pn. ~lr. Bel zon (\lethe!." stated ther.e changcD amount to $l, 204.00 ,111(1 ~Ir. 11i11 };cr, pr(l:'I(~ct HilllDqer, recommends approval of this Cilill1'JU OJ-0CI-. Comln i.!;~; i.OJH' I: I'Icnzc; 1 mov(~c1, seconded by Commi Gsioner Archer, t11<:lt Cltallc.1C Onkr No. 1\ [or Venetian I3DY Constructors, Inc. in the amount"" o[ $1,204.00 for the Satellite Service Du,ilcling for \vo;"1; to be done a:; o\ll:lil1ed nbove be appr.oved. Motion carried \In,lnimc.\lsl:' S;O. it * it * * * * I...._J ..1 ~. ~::. ~ May 23, 1970 ~9_l!:~~ 1::~2.:.~':'...0!!.:11!.2.!3! Z r~.u.o R II ^ nmNT FollowillCj Fiucal Officer lI"rold lInll's statement that the bLllr; !Join'} prc!1onted have been processed following established 1".'OCl'd\lI'Cn ,l1\cJ thu t [undR nre nvai lable, Commissi'.>ncr l\rc:hcr 1I10v(~d, necon<1ed by COlllmisnioner Wenzel and cnrried unanimously S/O, ::h..1l the bUlB be approved for payment us witnesscd by the followin(J \~;Hr;1I11:n insued [rom May l7, 19.,S through Hay ?oJ, 197U: FUND W^RR^NT NOS. lice Payroll C;C'lwri11 Fund rlO,lc1 & IJridqe [tunic ip<ll S(~rvice T,l::ing lJistl:ict 43903 - 44177 56J9 - 5795 26 19 n r [,[, r~r': cn[,J,r';C'I'1.mr CIIM~GES ON FOIUUGN Cr!8CT<S rrWCESmm DY TIlE ~l'^X_~:{)r, r,I<~~'r~Q~_:__ 0!~~~r3.(~~~"':~~!uy'~~J_1~.-.Qr~_1.~ 1\ 1 . 50 r"i~JGal Officer lI;lrold Iltlll stated a special bill reCju1res the lln,ll'd' 5 ilPl'l.OV,\ L in tho "mount of $641.50 for tho proc():;~1.ing () f clwck:; on fore i~n bunks by tho Tax Collector. COl11mis:1ioncr IVcnzel movcCl, Hcconlled by Commissioner. ^rchcr, Lll,lt the BOi1rcl upproved the ptlyment of Ll npocial bill re collcctior. cl1~r'Je[J 011 [oI:l~iqn chocks pr.ocessed by the 'l't1X Collector in the ,1 1110 1I II t 0 [ $ B -II.. 50. ;'10 tlon c.lrr led unanimously 5/0. -.\ -.\ -.\ -.\ * * * * * * -.\ . Commlnsioncr Wimer left tho meeting at lO:37 A.M. * ". * * * * * * * * * * nUDGE'r MlENrlNEN'l' #711-96 TO APpnOPRI1\TE FUNDS FOR TilE PURC!ll\SE or ()fTIO; EQUlPNENT & SUPPLIES FOR CETA PROGRAH - ADOP'rED IN TilE AMOUNT or $1\,335.90 Commir;siollor ^rchor moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown, thtlt Durlget Amendr,\cllt #76-% to appropriate funds for the purchase of office equipmont [. supplies for CETA program, which \~<lS previously approved by the Doard, be adopted in the amount ~0i1K 042 P.',Gf 1.07 , . ........ '1\'(\0 "or/,'J I'1ICE .lJJO tlom~ ~ " May 23, 1978 Of H,33~.Su. ~lot:iol' cnrric(1 unanimously 4/0, Commissioner Wimer being ni.Jrjcnt ill: tho time! of the vote. '1.I.11I{ UJ'.m 1 '(, n,Or-1 D.'\ ....R.~~~..J..~ 1\ l'I..L,~_.Q.J.Lt.J:LL. . Nrlrn,] of lloQUU:l1' r ng D,)pt. __.~.b~~l~,. '., ~~,"""'-l"'-"'.",,__._______"'____"'_________.__. _.~__._--..:..:::..:...:...:.. E:JCnll'I"IO!I/,,/.:D ,JlI~dIFICArIOi~ OF !,;.IEtm:,:UH IlUNESTW (Pr'cpura In 'Ir'Jpllcnlo. One c:opy 'Ie II ndilil1,~d by tlie> n:qll(t~.llI1U [)0piwl,r,()I1"I. ronJ.:1rd orlgln!)1 nnd ona copy 10 r1!:.crd Officc:r. "n coni inIJilli0n sliced,. olld ;l"i li1ch !;upporting d()cu1rJol1'tr., If noceled) ...... To nrpn'r~-i.ntc funds for tk' p\lrch:.lsc of office c'luipmont (Jnel r.\1PI,licB to lw 1t"'noel Lo the CETA Program. PH~Vi.('\ll:ly npprovcd by the Board on M8rch 14, 1978. :r:r"~;'i)-~(-'------.'---Ll:;[:i~i;:'i TI,:r,NrN'"j.j,OV Al !"lIce L:.l1ll111'{)S D^'rr- !lilT!: 5/17/78 L: -_...~. :--. - ...-..---. ..~== ':.:'':::==-._'::.-'-~::::::--:::-::~'::==::'::'=:::=::':'-:-- COUiHY !1,~N~Gm Ilrf'HOYIIL ,qt.:~/~-E..~!FS }:'Y ~~: - ....-- -.- '11 I S ~;LCTl O:~ TO [11, CO:'iI'lLlm [1'1' r I N^I~C[) !\C:cr)! J N r N.:OUf\:'r TO: (1 nC:1'(' :11: (') l<ii 1:C:, S\lpp1 i ('~: 1':'1\,: 1'111('1"" 01-2101-00-7.0/,0 01,,2101- 00../,020 $ 197.90 4,158..9..9__ ~/~, 355 .}O_ F I,m! ~ 0;0\11'(' (" (\ f 1'\l1l (~~:) Co \II. i.n!; <' 1\ C i C ;: 01-2101-00-7010 ~~ ljJZ~~"~~~~;:~:: ~-~]::,~:~:~~~~~:~~~~~;ss~ OI":~~i~\A~'_~_~D~:~: ~:",,"':"' 1,(\ [' i ~,c;" Of r jeer-, D fl nr I .:nd p I () ff till '11'lll'/.lV(J(J or-!!J r 11.11 f I'Oln 11.0 CouII'l y /l,1I1"!.]":!"' 1/ I II ill;:! j;.u 'lhi~ n;<1 II ":-.1 fot' [10,"'" n:vic:;~ ,HlO i1pprov,d. 1'0110'..:1110 r..:>,,,.d i.lc'l'ion, 'Jhe f'i!",c.,l [fk(:,. \:i,11 1'1">0':',,, '.rpr"'\'0r1111"~!Y'I !'!l:::n<lllil:I\"~ '1IIr~u~!~ ^~:COIII\IIIl~ (1I.Hl, !",(:~~ il ~,~py rdl<." 111,)1 ~.I(IILI:; '10 'Ihr: l'I:qll()'.IIII~ Ih'P,lI11:lI,'.1I. ConY '10 IlI/r.ht'..lon em Cilllll.ll cJ\Jin,,,,,Il1. 1l1lDGE'r l\Nr.Nn~1EN'r #78-97 TO M'PROPJUlITE FUNDS FOR CHl\NGE ORDERS ON 'l'm~ F~J"'J'II ["LOOR -=~~OP'J'ED IN 'l'I1E M10UN'l' OF ~l2, 612. ~O COl1lmi :;nioncr lIrchcr moved I scconded by Commissioncr Brown, t:h.:>. l !3u(lcJo I: lIl1\cnlllll~n t fi 70 - 9 7 to nppropr. ia te funds for Ch.::\11ge Orderl~ Nos. l, 3, & t\ on the Fifth Floor as previously npprovcll by tho '_h' 1 ,'-- .~, ~.~. ~ t>1.:ty 23, 1978 DO.11:d be "doptcd ill the Elmounl: u( $l2, Gl2. 00. Motion carried UII<lnJmDusly 4/0, Comrnisn1on-::r Wimer being absent at tho timo of' L1\O' '';',\:'e. 'oILJ '\.'. \..\/HIt I I t.ll,';,~11 :<" I ur,l:t(') ., ~. "" ,... '. oJ. r u K. COI.I. II /( COWI\ Y " I I Dill OA .~ !!..,~!..!}J~--LL-A1'l.L!~...P"J:.l E ILL. ' - ~._..o .'~L'_ .~._',~... 4-'- -. . . - '---'."~'-"'''.''._A--_.._'A__.._.._~____~:~~:~D~~2!.J~!"}.~~~!J:~r~~. _ 4C1..~:nK .4 ,,~_.,. Ili:;::';II'IIO:I /,,1-:1) JlI:,llIiU"IOi~ Of' f,j,IUiIl:,:{'::H f~COl)l(;TI'l) (1"'cnClro In 'Ir'J 11- -, .- 0-.------ I " '.' , " . " ',,' P C,I e. (\.:! cory ,r, 1'.I.'III(~d b,' d\l~ rC(jI/!",llllIj n('''''rt",'~IlI'. fon:.lrdorinlll"II.H1dono' I rl I I"" I . '. ., . OJ ' copy . 0 ' !:.C<, 0 r ( j C .f! "Hl 1111I.d IOn ~,llI'ol~; illlJ i111',l,:h supportIng clocl//nonb;, If needecJ) '" To lIpprol'dntc [UlltlS for c:han~c orders /,1 1,3," on Fifth Floo.;r (ol1sLruclJOll, . Prev i ous ly approved by Bonnl of County Co~issioncrs. 1'1,1-.1'1 !<i II L ,- ---------- ---, --- -- LUiI )t;fl.ir.i~iT--i\r~I)nOV ^L I COUNTY !I,ANACErl ^PPf~OV ^L nru('(' J.;lll1hrCll~;/'IlF r _ _ ,. D^TE --- DATE ::~.:_.:::.::.-:.::_::. ::-.:: - .-- :'. ?-:~-?-: ?fL. __::::- :::::::.::::::::::::::.:=--===_-===--::::::_:::::::::- ...:=.=.::-_-_--=======-_:=..-:::= (TIll S SiCi ION '/0 nr: CO,'if'LLIW [j'( fINM~CE) I\CCOll~IT {J,:OUNI TO: (Inct'c[lsc) 5th Floot' - Contractur Mf-2101-00-'~011 L~~..Q l? . 00 FiW!-~: (Source of Funds) ProjPctn " ytglJ;:~~~~L~~~::~;::i~~:f3:::'-::~:"SS '~ii~~~^L o~.~T~~::~~'O;'[;1 lilt, Fi~.c;.r Oerie"r-, ,,(Ir.r r(~rtJlrl' ofilia i1ppnwcd ol'lDln-,t fr'om 'lho COUldy l"lIl,:tS'~I', \IiI fill;:1 i%c 'lld~ r.c(jll~:-,I fol' [10ill"ll i'~vic\~ ,HId i1rprov<.ll. f'ollo'..:lnO Cl.:>jwd <Jetlon, "1/11,,) f'i!'.enl O(fk..lr \'Iill pro('~:~~, <.r:lI....,v0d f.liICk;rd f\Ii~Qnd"I(Jllr~ '1I11'ollgh ^C~OllllnI1U (JnrJ !'.c:nd il CO?,! ref,l ( in.... f ~,..... ~'.. _ .,. .t.I' . I . ... I , Mf -210 1-00 -lID 10 $ 12,612.00 BUDGE'!' A~1ENDMEN'l' #78-98 INVOLVING TMNSFER WITHIN 'A DEPAR'l'HENT^L BUDGET FOR TilE PURCIIM3F. or 11. MICROSCOPE FOR AGRICULTURE - ADOPTED IN 'I'm: MIOUNT OF $4 20.00 comml.snioner Drown moved, secondcd by commissionor Archer, that Dudget Amcndmcnt Y70-90 to transfcr funds from Materials Account to Equipmcnt in order to purchase a Leitz Microscopo being made available by the University of Florida be adopted in noc~ 012 PJ\CE 109 , . .."....... 11t.ECORDEIl'S MEMo: Le,n.ilJl)' ., :'''' T,pfll, or PriJltln" ~ ....,.. dda cloea...e w...... ~,....1 ~OOK' 012.t^crI10 May 23, l!)70 the omount of $~20.00. Motion carried unanimously 4/0, Commisoioner \':::mt>.: being absent nt the Hille of the vote. \lJ ...., ",Vlll~ I 1 l.Ui',!1 I :':, I ur":I{:, Ol.l! en roliN I Y, n.orWl/\ ., '- " v I, .:> I ,. U K _!!.-,lL~~-1-6lu: r-./ () I.' f. I~ T . -"--""::"'"'7"-.---- r.r .._,.":......~...._---- - '----------- -- NlJI~') of Iicq~~:; 1'1 fig 0.11' I' . ~~~.!.~U.l: ~t:RF: [),~.,r:'~1 ~': IOil l',r,:D JlI:;n r I C/\T1 Oi') OF Nll:tm:,a:1J r nCQUlSTElJ (Prepare 1 nl d Ii~ -'..::..:..:..:.: I>e. , l.ld/llet! 1>1' '1'110 n'quO';lIIlD O.;l'",rttr,IJIl". ron/nr'd orl 1 . I _. . r I~: Ono copy tJ., , I" J ' I 9 11.1 lInu one copy 10 I. I !.od 0' ( . I ~r: Call InlJilllOn shco,':. iJnd ,dli1ch $u/l/)ol'II'lg doc l' If d <.I) 'I Ice, ulnon 5, nee 0 To trnnnfrr fund~ from Mnterirls ^ccount to Equipment in' order to purclla?c H J..P1l:? ),li.crof.;copr, \Vhich i.s being made llvnilnb1e hy tile lJlIl,vcnnty nf Florid,!. )1~[I)N\rr)liY'- '-- --rij~I~\!(:'i':i~ilrtJ0J<<W&-'-:l COl1~HY !;'A'~/\Gf:R /,PPflO\'f',C-- r I.? 7R l~cpl() D, J.r1nclcr , Iln1'()1d 11:111 r;,\F ,- O^TE .'i-1.~.,78 li7'l'o.J.1..6'&)Ir:_ DATE .5".1,l-7~ . _.. -.. - . ..- .- _:.:~- ~.::"'" . ." .-:::-:::.:~ ::..:--.::::..=..::=:::.::.:.:.::=-..:-:::=-"':.:.=......~.--:..=....-==.=..=-.::.:~=-===-.:.:_;::..-=:::::.:.:.. TIll:; ,~; I,Ci" 10;/ ')0 Ill: CO;.II'II;(I.I) DY II NfII~CU 1,(:(' (1 tI U r .6I.:OI!~lI TO: ( l]l (' r (' ,1 ~: C. ) EIf1l1pJl1l't'll (J.c'tlJ:ll Ye] 1 0\1.1.11 g) OOl-6302-00-~020 U~Q~ FHO~l: (;'(11\1'('(' of 1'1111(1.'1) 1,1[\ t('l- i[l J~; (1.(' 111:\ J \,('11o"'IJ !II'.) 001- 6302 - 00- 2030 0~0. OQ ~t;~r~;:;~>~J7/~Jl :::::<u~;;:::~l;:~Y~~::~~;o~~~_^~~~::L D~ C ,[:~~'::~~''"::~~ Ie ri~,(',,' orr;(;(,(" <Irk! II,enil'l or 'lite: 'IPI'IOVcd or-l~II1,,1 ~"(l(11 '1lio Coul1:Y 11,"I"D'')':~r\~,111 illdli.'l'lIli~ I'e:qllCe'! for' [10,11'.1 j'(1vl(I,~ .!flr! LIPl'lllV<JI. lollrY.-I1I1D,n",wd nC!',on, 1he,r/.,c,d " r f . . II '~I 1\'1(' ",,1 f,o/'IJlldw',d ~ 'I hr'oll!.)h I,CeOI/IlI 1 n!.) nnd ..r.nd D COllY reI I cc. i (I.~ rcr.,.~:': ..... ~/~.'O~?:~~~ ;,r;lI \,~ '.' I .;. I~j.' I " . . BUDGET l\MENm1ENT ff7 0 - 9 C) INVOLVING l\ 'rRl\NSFER WITIII N A Df.PAWrMf.N'rM., BUDCI;']' FOH TIlE EXTENSION OF I'HOJEC'l'S l\ND NE\~ PROJECTS TIlHOUC[J ~ll!'1'E~lI1Cn 10, 1978 -_l\DOP1'lm IN 'l'IIE Al-10UNT OF $147,099.17 Commisniollcr I3rolm moved, seconded by Commiss1oncr l\rchcr, I:h.:.lt Budget l\mcndmenL 11'/8-99 to trnnnfer monies llnd set up ;'1'propri.:ll.ions [or the cxtellsion of projects and nC!w projects th)'ouqh September 30, 1970 be "dopted in the ilmount of $147,899.17. Mol.i.on c<1rr.icd tlnonimo\1s1y ~/o, commi.snioner IHmer being absent at. the time of thu votC', r llECORDb'8 MEMOI LeafbUl'7 ., wrldllt. 1;pln. or PrlDllnll ....w...-, .. LIlla docamen\. ... ~1'8lI. i. _ _1 l..__1 r.O:JX 042 rieti18 , :' 1,'~, ~ May 23, 1970 ". * * * " -- .,. .,. * .,. .,. .,. .,. ^t tllil'l I?olnt in tha mentinq, Commlf'lDioner Wimer returned (It 10:IJD A.H. " " * " " fr 11 11 11 11 .,. .,. IJUOCE'l' M1LNDMEN'1' n78-l00 INVOLVING THl\NSPERS DETWEEN DEP1\RTl>IEN'r1\L llUDCE'['S FOR BUILDING ^D~\INIS'l'IWrOn I S SALARY 1\ND l>1ATCIlING COS'l'S _ ^DOI"l'l':D HI 'l'1!)~ Mll)UNT 0[' $21,l.Jl.65 Comm::;," oller 1\l'cher m0vcr1 / seconClod by Conunillsioner Nonzel, th:\t Dud<JC't l\m('~nrJmcnt 1170-100 to appropriate fundG for flalary c;XPCIl:W:J [or lJu.i I,ling ^clministrat:or and additional supplios and CClllipmcnt to .lclc1ltlutely equip n(!w offica spnco be a.Copted in the ;;,i\OUllt of :;;;11,lJ1..65. ~ll)tion carried unanimounly 5/0. '.11.1(1) ,I: lllll!:I( (;(1;"'.W;';IOI~FHS K I: \,,! U I::;' I I-' 0 R ('C""l ',." (' ""Ir'y It) 'In\ 'J U D (, F T ^'J.t F NOt.' F NT. ,1\,.1 ,.1,,,,. , (I, I I .~~....__._-"':...-,.. . ..-----'-___ BUll Dlr'G ".:.. ..- "-'~"'-" ..~_.__.... . ......---___.._.._._____ !.:,~!~:_<:!...~/(Jq~!.:::~..r~,!L~'1P.~:...::.:,,;.:~""'~_::~..::_.. !l!:~;::I~II.IIO:l ,',:-:1) ,'lJ:;111 :r:',lIO:~ OF r,j.IHiD:.:Ftlr ru:QUl:STU) (/'('()fliJre In lriprlc:,'l~c. Oil'! r.oPi ItCl ("""i,wr! ",'Ilie "'<j,,,,:.I'illg rk;,(,/'JIl,enL ron/M'd orlglnol !lnt! ann copy to Fi!lc;,J O(n( U:;.) UOIII'ifl'l,i1 ion ~rll)td:; ,'oId illldch :.upporl'ina doclJrncnhi, If needed) To :11'1'rnpd..1f',' funds for on1nry cx!'cnacs of P,ay Dulnlloy llncl :tddi [joll:1L nuppli(~s and equipment to adaqunte1y equip nel., rJ r r fee r; l' :1 c e . ,.m ,'':'0,0 nY---'-~ "T;;iTA,,.,,"",, ^"!'HOVAL l CiNrY~I.~NMf.R N'I~OY^L ~1 r /-1..' 'fj BnlcC' T,.1rlhr'o!1 "')? ,- ~ ~ 1 ........-..._....... ._..~!!.!.E." J_~~..':~.~~11U!.~~~ ~'._---,!~!'~__f')," .:..,i __ ' _ DArE ... .... ...-.. -.. . . ...- . .---. .,.. .-..... .--. .';{...._..._---, --..--- - . ,;;:::._.--=~-::-::=:.=.:.::.._--_."._~ (TIlls SteTION 10 8L Cm.II'LLlLD BY FIN^NCE) ~~OLJr.!!. ~~ TO: (Il1Crc:1Gc) S;l1..1rics l'::ltching Costs In!1urnl1ce , \.Jorkmcn's Comp. Supplies Printing Equipment 01-3440-02-1020 01-3M~0-02-1050 01-3/,40-02-1060 o l- 3/~40-02-1070 01-3/.40-02-2050 01- 341,0":02-2054 01-3440-02-4020 $ 9,506.00 1,426.00 856.00 190.00 2,500.00 3,17B.65 3,475.00 $ 21,131.65 FRO:I: (Sourco of Funds) Condnr,cncies 01-2101-00-7010 $ 2l,131~~~__ JJly/Z~~~~wi~I::~:~::.~,;:;cry:~~;:' 55 I:~ ^';':~Y: :~r.~~;~;:~~~:::" , 1110 f'i~Cdl arrker', nill:r n~c{1lrl' or 1ho lIpJ1r<.lVod or/gln.'ll (r"om 11m Counly /.1,Hl"!J"'" \111. : flll.1I1/U 'Ihl~. r'cqllll:".1 for' (1o"rd i'l:1I10'.~ ,HId ,'rflfOVIII. f'ollmrlna noliI'd tldlon, 'lilt) f'If,c;d O(fft-.,/ "ill pnll:'l:;'; ;'I'Dr.w"d nlldVd ^llllmdlllonl:; 'Ihrou!.jh ^cc:olll1l'fn!J illld !.e:nJ;) c.opy rull, flll,lI !;I:l/'lJr. In Iho r'nqiJCI~;lill~ ()"P,H 1/Il(,;lt. Cony 10 1'III'r.h<I~;lnfJ on rnnl'l:d p,"llln'''''llt. May 23, 197B I3lJDGWr M1F1Wl-1EN'l' n70-101 INVOLVING TRANDFEnS DET~mEN DEPARTMENTAL BlJDC',J,,!,S TO ,,\PPROPIUl\TE FUNDS FOH TIlE S'['UDY or CLr::RK POSITIONS _ l\DOP'l'l:n IN 'rilE AMOllN'l' OF $500.00 Commlssioner l\rcher moved, seconded by cOlTlmissioner Wimer, that BlJdCjct l\mcndmcnt f7B-lOl to appropriate funds for the study of Clerk positions bc adopted in tho amount of $500.00. Motion carried unnni.mOllGly 5/0. ll.Um CCU:II)'" nOr~I[)l\ !J U [) c, r: T ^'J.1 I;" N D t1 E 14 T ' ~...-~.~.-.._...,-----... .__._.,__:--,:,:-~=-==~~===!~:,~toi-iIOcjiiu;!._, 119 D~pt. .,~_J~~f..~... '__"" , --.--....... ~-_.._------...:. 'ESC!~II>ll\~:1 /',r:u ,IW,llrJCt,IIO:~ Of r,;,l!:r!();,:illf m:Qursrw (I'I'OPIlrCl In 1l'lpllcn1c. One copy 'Ie {j n:.t;>ili,:r! ",' 'fIle rc:qllw,'Jil1:J [kpnrhr,cl1L ran:al'd orl91r1ll1 llnd one copy to F1!,c," Orricer. ~n con I i IIl1d I i (Ill :,l,cc:l~, lllld nll.xh !,uppor t I r'g tlocurnol1ls. 1 f ntlcdc<.l) To :1p, ,'opd [11 (' funds for 1; l udy of Clerk ponitions. ::::::' i'll\:~.~:,"-:'I~.:IIR-l":i:"I::Nr=:,;~;~_.__=_-==C:~~I:^:"D:~~~Y ^~,=,=, IllS ,~'lCr ION '10 [11: CO,';;',I 1m flY FINNICr:) " " '., '.'. N:r.r,' ';! r -_... ...... FUND C.;~; MF' jU,:CESS 1m: Fl;~:DS :0: (TIlCl'C.1!;C')-:----------- ----.-.- ...----- COil; "nctl'd SI'J'ViC(,fi 38 1.31.000 3/,10 !i~O!1~~~ $500-,Q.Q. 'ROM: (S()\1rc'~ of Fundf:): J2Q.Q..c.9.Q.. F1:~;"^nt:i I\l'ce!;don " 38-2101-00-1021 ~Vjjl::.~~~'-~;;I :~:',':'". Oi..-i(l':ii\;.c~:~iSsi::~,,'.^'-;,~r";Y^"-o-~c:[;~G~~:~::,,~~-- ~-!f:--..----_._-,---____ --.-, , .., _,.'JI2.'J1J. ___"_____'__ c Fi!,c,,j Oflicer-, uf!t:,. 1(~cuiJ>1 of 1he "I'proved od!.)III':" fl'oln 'lite C<lllldy r1,'n;'n,~r, lIill Ililll;'(l 1hi~, roque:, I for no;,r" n~VI0.'..lllllrl <1:-'1'1'0\'.11. r'ollo\-ilII!.) (1;:Jiwd nc.'lon. .Ihe f'I!;cill (;(':(:1' l:i.!1 p"o('f~.~;~ (,r'\!",)\"cd Il;Jl:~;"f !,:;:Crl\:,tic:lll:; 'rhl'oll[jh ^c:cC>lIlll'lnU M}r:l ~.c:ncl II ::~)i''/ IU( led ntll ~il~"l1~ "0 'III() r'cqll(~~lllllq fll'jl,'Jrl,;lf.:nl". rr,n', in I'It,rh,..,<<";lnn "" ,..",,,,,,..,.,, "'"fiT,,, .""t lJOl\RD l\PPROVES POLlCY l\PPLICAnLE TO TilE PREPARl\TION l\ND ISSUl\NCE OF FINANCIl\L PIWCEDlJHE5 l\S OllTI,INED DY FISCl\L OFFICER Fincill Officcr Iful:old 1/<111 stated he is rccommending a polley which would covur the iSRunnco of financial proccdures .. BOO~ 0'12 rACE 11 D 1.__' J ~:\OK 042 FAcE120 '~l ~.~. ~ Hay 23, 1970 'If, ouLl :'l~-,d below: () r,; ~If: H 1\ r. I-Jd tl.cn pl-oc('lllln~!.l .lpplicnble to finallcial transactions llre n,~uINl Lo set Lnrth instructions to 130ard employeos llnd vllrious Ol.l..i.~C[; l1udt)ctt'd by th.... Doard. 1l1crc.:lfled volume, types illld comploxities of finnncial transacLiolls, eHp~c.i.illly in the reccipting of cash by Depnrtmcmt lIeac1s, nccc!Jsi- tiltes the iSDu,lncc of [ell-mal written procedures. POl.ICY The Bo.:l rd 0 [ COUll t.y CommJ:woners directs the Clerk of the Board to isslIC IVrittell pI."occclures applicable to the financial affnirG o[ l:l10 Bo,1nl. 'l'hene p~ocecl\lrco arc to reflect tho goneral policy and dirL.!cLioll cnt:.:lblinhml by the 130ard and thereby, through this po.1 icy, COil:; t i Luten the policy and proceduros of the Board. P HOCIWIJ nl';s f' _or..,durcs wi.ll follow n st.:Indarrl format, will be numbercd for i.1cnt i 1'iC.1tioll pUq.H)SCS nnc1 diflLributcd according to a stnndard di:;tril>ution li:lt which in to includel 1. l\o<1nl o[ County COmmL~[liol1crs 2. All Dcp<\rLment 1;0..1e1:> undur the Board 3. Cnnr;I:.il:llt:lon.ll Officers i\ . [; til tL: .; '-d I", \ 1 of: f: lcors budge: ted by the DOllrd, when Q['plicnbl County Atlot:"lley Don..\J.d Pickworth commcnted that he could ::;'~l~ 110 l't'tl!> 10m \~.i Ul L:Iw proposed policy an most of it is rCCTui -:ed by 1.lW. HI:. I1cll1 i:\l.so comn\('nted the auditors have r<,l(lUested this type or poli.cy concerning standard instructions of f1110nc1111 [)l:occduras. Comm.i:.;siOl1llr l'lll1\zcl moved, seconded by Commisflioncr Brown, th.,t thc !3o..u'd npprove thc policy applicable to I:ho preparation Dnd issuance of Pin.:Incial Procedures as outlined by tho Fiscal Officer and L~Rcd on State guidelines. Motion carried unanlmously 5/0. CLEHI( l\UTI10RIZED '1'0 P1\Y ROUTINE BILLS AND ODTAIN AFTER-TIlE-FACT l\PPROVl\L 01' BOARD POR M1\Y 30, JUNE 20, JUNE 27, AND JULY 4th , COln~liflsioncr: l\rcher moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel thaI: thc Clork be authorized t.o pay the routine bills and to , . May 23, 1978 obtllin ;lftcr-th(l-fnct D.pprova1 for the weeks tho Board will not meet in ncgulnr Session (May 30, Juno 20, June 27, and .July 4, 1970). /10tion curried unanimously 5/C'. l301\Fn l\Ul'f10JU ZED LEAVE OF l\nSENCE FOR H. LOWELL GOLDIE UNTIL .1UI,)' I ~'!--.!2J.lLJl~~.::!:O ILLm;"J' Commi ns ionc l" l'Ien;w 1 moven, seconded by Commissioner 1\r=hcr, thilt the no.1rd authorize! a lenvo of absonce for If. Lowell Goldie until July lG, 1970 due to his illness. Motion carried unanimou9ly 5/0. BOl\1\D l\ppno\lr:s (:l\lJ.l 'rum OF (,0 Dl\YS FOIl INJl1Jl.TE CII~29540 J.11\KING !i12...r~AT~:_C!.!:.-.!i!';LI:~~~':.I'_..~~~~ ~-22.'1 B Pcr rOCjuc:;t of the 511c.:l:iff, comm:i.ssioner '~en~;ol movcd, sec('I1(k,] J'y COll1'Hi :;:J.i.onc.:;' l\rc:hc.:1:, t:hnt Inmate CJlff2!J540 be granted !,(J (1.,," e,f q:' i 11 tim', m;'J:.i.nC) his dnttJ l.Jf ):c1cnsc July?, 1970. J1;o\:.ion ~;11' it"] \111;1 '.::,:tlL,J.:,r 5/(1. nOlll:1l J' '1\0\1'; .' ,l!; 'rOlE C~. 10 D}\YS :'on INI',!\,i'E CJlnO-3~2 BAKING !2.~:.~_ ))1I~'.:_~:1~.....:' '!~::,':. !J.:'X.2.~J. .J.~) 7 [1 ,_ COll1l11.i:.'IC::"'l:;r \'"n:'.el muvc " ncconelcd by C. ,.1i11sai,oncr Archer, tht1!: per rc'CJllC:-;t of l:llC [;)wriff, Il'nlnt.o CHi/70-3-2 be grailted 10 cl.1Ys <].1 i 11 t i mC' 1l"11: i.ng hi~, cl~\.c of n::te.::.oa May 31, 1978. J10 t:1 on c,1n:icd \1l1i I1j mOl1r;J.y 5/0. QlJ) TCI,AUl [');;:1,0 ni~ ~ll\'rUSIlIl; I S Dr:lmE)) PT<OPERTY TO TIlE COUNTY l\IoJil1mrm Bl'C': TO 0~\j'If';:~ - 1\1'1'1<0\1":1) -_.._----_.__._-~-----_.. ^c1mj nir;l:r,1\i.vc }\j '.112 to the Don1'd folary Jllorgnn stated thnt Oil July 7,1%7, JIll:. & JIln.. Mntusiak deeded property to the c.ounty ilnd the County ~ttcml?tC'd to vnCl1te :Jaid property at n later dnte (1971,). She further stated that since the ~lnt'usiak's uttorney believes tho Count.y's vacation ,,,as dcfectivn, they arc l'e(Jue~;til1C] the llo<1rd to C)u.i.tclaim their property back to them. Commi!liJionel' \~cnzcl moved, seconded by CommioRioncr Archer, thn t. a Q\ll tC In 1m Deed 1'c J11il t:usiak I Il deeded proporty to the 011 t) 12:111 I,OOK J.f,.; rm. L ... BOOK 042 rm124 ",I.'" . May 23, 1970 [)fl, NE.:", ~;PAGN^ l\ND ^NY C('~I~lISStONr,:n MI'l'IJOrUZED rrn^VEI. TO M"l'[':ND cor,WI:ln:NCI': m:lNG IIELD TN S^N .TOnl':, COS'l'A RICI\ FROM JULY 25-30, 1978 A'l~Q.S'[' 0,!:::_;:375. 00 EEl{ N:I~SON ^drnll1.i :~tri.1tive l\idc to the Doard Mary f-lorgan otntcd that a letl:er d<lted Mi.1Y 17, 1970 from Chamber of Commerce Doard of DinJctor's' rnemb0.r .John T. Conroy WLlS receiv0d requeflting that the n'Junl illlLllOrize u Commissioner (preferably Commissioncr \Vimor) ul1cl [)r. N(~110 !; pel<] Ilu , l'lunning, to attend the Loarlership Conference bcil1q held in San Joue, Costn rHca, !rC'm July 25-30, 1978. She tllrtl1cr stutcd the SD.mc reque13t is beil1g made of the City of Naples for rcpl'~8Cl1tutivc::; and the purpose of tile conf.erence is to (] i :'leU[l!) problems common to the Naplel.l urban lIrea as Liley ,)OI-"il into tile d(~v01opment of the master plan mandated by the S t. \ L<' (\ t F 10 d rJ a . Cnl1ll1\j!3~;i()ller \'lLrnnr cOl101llont<Jd he would vory much like to go [Jut ['hat he ','Iould [luY his own way and expressed his hope thLlt tlw oLl1or Cumminr;loner13 ,,1so attend. Ho f.urther commented tho Do,ucl ~hould "lulho~'.zo Lhe travel funds for Dr. Sparjna. C01l11\1.i:,s.ionCI: Arclwr moved, seconded by CommJssioller Wenzel, tl1.:1t Lhe DOC1nl i'\uthoJ:izc truvel funds in the amount of $375.00 per p(~rson for Dr. Spi\C)na and any Commisllioner to attend said conference. Tho motion carried unanimously 5/0. STAFF DIRECTED TO INVESTIG^TE Ml\TTER RE LETTER DATED 5/17/78 FRml l>lCIIMm l"UQU^Y rUo:QUESTING '1'118 DO^HD prOVIDe: $5,227.75 1\8 ~1^'i'CllJNG FUNDS FOR J MON'ruS FOR TilE TECII CENn:R AND BRING f1ACI< '1'0 TlfE nOI\HD FOH CONSIDERl\TION Administrutive Aide to the Doard Mary Morgan statod a letter dated 5/17/70 from Richard Fuquay has been received requesting the DO.:1rd to provide $5,227.75 as matching funds for three (3) mon ths for the 'fECH Cen ter. Comminsi.oncr l\rchcr moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown, thnt the stilff Invcsti<Jatc this m.:\tter and bring back to the Do~rd tor con~ideration belure tho end at June. Motion carried un.1l\imoLlnly 5/0. , " .' . May 23, 197B C!Il\IRM1\N l\UTIIOlUZED 'ro SIGN LE'l'Tlm TO TilE DER INDICATING BOARD'S Slll'l'Orrr OF 1\ REVISED FILl.. PERMIT j,J>PLICATION BY COR1\L RIDGE- fOLLTEH E.!~OPERTI.!:~n_t_INC., FOR 'rm: PELICAN BlIY PHOJECT Cl)mminsioner I~enzel movod, seconded by Commfssioner Arehal", thilt the Chairman be authcrizod to sign 4 latter to the DEn indicating the Boar~'s support of a revised fill permit applicll- tion by Cornl Ridge-Collier Propertien, Inc., re the Pelican Dny Project. MoLion cnrried unnnimousJ.y 5/0. LETTER DA1'lm S/17/70 FROM N1\CO CONGRl\'rUT,l\TJNG TUE COUN'ry ON l'J:lIJG 1'.1~ lI\.'iIHD h'INllEH FOR 'rIlE "~;'1'" DT:;VEI,OPHENT CONCEP'I' lIND ] ;J\'I '1'1::' COtJl~'J'Y TO DISPLAY 'l'lm PHOGR1\M 'l'IIHOUGH l\N EXlIIDIT liT ~!~~~~,C()J~!::.!~~~~I1~E IN 1I'I'LANTl\, GEORGIA l\dmini';l r"Uve l\iclc to the Boar.d )I;',ry Horgan stated that CIJllicr Counly hes rcceived un Achievement Award by NACo with ]-clJ<1rclB to their "S',~'" Development concept and are being invited to Be t \lP " Ill)(J th to di splilY the program a t NACo's .na tional cOllfcr~ncC' in !\tlnntn, Georgin July 9-lJ., 1970. m~/olf1EnS 01.' '1'111'; r,l1\NAGENFNT 'ml',~l 1\Nl\RDED ~l, 000.00 EACH POR ~;I;RV]CES PEFi"ORHEn IN TilE fI' '[':NCfo; OF A COUN'rY 1'11\N1\G8R ~IN.C~_}L(i/7fl AS, 1\ MA'I"J'ER OJ')~PEN_~.!IO,t:l FOR TJll?~E DU~,~~~__ Commissioner Al:cher, referring to (, memo from Conunissioner Pi :;l:01: dntcr] 5/l7/7U, s\:nt:ed he is suggesting the r.'embers of tho ~ldl1nlJemont 'fe.,m be: awarded between $500-7!.i0 each for lIlClr services performed in the abst:!nce of a County Hanllgor since, 1/6/78 nn nunc of the Management Team has received any compensiltioll for those duties. Commin~doner Wimer commented he agrees with the intent of the {\\~nl:d but suggo:::ted the nmount of $1,000 to each member, nclding th.:!t t:hc8e people have put in countless hours of overtlme durinlJ the pnst six months. Commissioner IHloel: moved, seconded by conunissioner Bro\\In, that: Lhe members of the.' I>lannl)emcnt::. 'ream bo a\~arded $l,OOO.OO each for their cervices performed in tho auscnco of a County r~c'n{Jl)cr. The motion cilrrier] unnnil11o\lf11y !.i/O. ~nn~ 042 rACE 1(~5 ,-..- , . ____I l.__~ .--' ',~' , Mny 2J, 1970 4,. ,.,,, Gtl? P'''F 17R ." ." ." ." ." It It '* ." ." ." ." H('H~cn!J from 11:07 A.M. to 11 :15 A.M. It ." " " ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." nr::SOLtJ'l'ION H-7n-09 1m PROPOSED 'l'ELEHETRi' PROGRM1 1\1'PROVtNG THE IN1'!'!A,. cn~;'l' OF 1'1lP. 1\.I..S. SYS'l'EM IN TilE /\MOUNT OF ~39,073.0D M; TilE COIJN'!'Y I S SIIl\RC - l\DOPTED Deputy ChLef R;\ymond IJarnett, Chairman for the EMS Council, 8L.1Lt~cl thnt .Jilck ~li1quirc, l\mcric<ln l\mbulanco, llnd himself attended n public Jw,'\l-LIlCf in '['ullilhu!l13CP. with tho Health, f.ducation und \'I,~l[urc Dcp,lrtmCl1t in rcgurds to the Advanced Lifo-Support System illHl 1:11<11: bilHici\lly nil objections t-:> said system wero procedural. lie ,11GO nl:~tcd that the Governor's Highway Safety Council and the uivi.r;joll of COlllnluni.c,\tJon hus given verbal g\lorantons to go "long witlt tlte itlnn of tilt) multiplex sYDtem; haY/over, they will only [ll-ovLde 'lI'un!: flll\lls bnned uron pruchase of. !1 duplex nystem. nefcrl'in'-) to hin lctLcr to tho noard of County Commins!oners d,lLed NilY 22, 1970, ~IJ:. O,H'nott Rtated tho bnlt\kdown for the llliti.ul cost of L,he A.L.S. System will be as follows: reder,ll ~;h,lring Civic i\IH1 Fraterni\l 1\~lsocintions County Shi\l:'C $ 56,300 .15,500 39/073 $111,673 '1'0 till und tl1ilt recurring oporational costs are estimated to be in total $~8,09G.00. Mr. n~rnct:t stressed that all figures are I1pproximates. 110 stuted that l\morico1n Ambulance will have four (4) regular units und ol1e . (1) buck-up unit. Mr. Darnett commented that he has written support from the Golden Gate Ambulance Service and the Milrco Islund Fire Control District for this progrAm and verbal commitment from the City of Naples Fire DepArtment to support the program. Fiscal Offlcer lIarold Hall commented that, if this program is arproved, matching costa and tho recurring operational coats would be budgeted in~o next fiscal YQar'& budget. . .. .,...... . . May 23, 1970 Mr. Darnott pointed out that the costs directly attributed to the pilU.ent will be borne by the rntient such AS drugs, LV.'s, etc. Comr.d cd,oncr Archer movec', soconded by Commissioner WC!nzel, that Resolution R-7B-B9 re the proposed Telemetry Program approving the initial coot of the A.L.S. System in the amount of ~39, 873.00 <lS the county's ohare be adopted. Mr. Willter Fischer, President of Marco Island Civic Association, r;pl)ke in f,,','or of the 'fclemctry program sllying II program of this type is very dc:finJ.tely needed in "Lifo and death" situationa, Mr. Frilnk Pettengill, Wentlake Civic Association, stated th"t he is not: oppor;c,d to the Telemetry prcJl'nm but expressed concern over the bud<Jet sitlll.ltion str.ossing the fact that additional pel.'!;onllC'l wi 11 have tf) be hi red to put the \.:n:ogram into effect and t.IdG could cor;\; ovel ;'200,000 more per }'clIr. C01,lll1i ~.n; (l' -'1' Limer commented that it would take a !'GW monthn ufter ccm,~1itUIl<J the initial investment to purchase the equipment: ill1d j I: t.1wt tiJI\c the fini;:)ciol problems can be worked out. Comm: :'Ai oner l'ien;:cl st.ated he wants to see a total bUdget befo':o any fln,-Il npprov.\l is mncle [or tho progrllr\. Dr. L011is Ni<jhtin(]nlc, 11arco Island Civic ARsociation, ind.icilted very sLrong support of thf') Telemetry Program commenting that there are milny advant.:lCjeE\ to the Life-Support system which nhould oUt\-'::iqh the financial disndvantage. Upon call for the question, the motion carried unanimou;,ly 5/0. * ,~ * * '11')7 ! ..I' 0 12 r~,G[ (... * ,- "', ., " . May 23, 197B ll. Copy of letter dated 5/lG/7B from tho DER ro permit tor Royal l\rms Vil1~s, Inc. to construct a sewage collection/transmission system for 2~ single family units with a population of B7; filed with xc to Utility Director. 1". Form letters from 5 members of the.North Naples Civic Asnociction re the budgot ~nd the request that the taxen not increase over the prosent millage; filed. 13. Letter dated 5/17/78 from Fla. Coop. Extension Service thilnU.ng the DCC for the luncheon which thoy hosted .tn lrnmoki\lec on 5/3/7B at the Housing Authority facilities; 1: ilad. 14. 8ig Cyprcn Water nn~in Agenda fOl 5/2G/70. 15. Letter of support received from tho Coll1cr County ~k'l1Ull !lcnlth Clinic, Inc. re 1I0mell:Hkerv Servlce Program; filed. lG. PSC Notices uf filing of application for a certificate of puolic convenience and necessity to operate a molur cnrrir:l : Dockct Nu. 700337-CC'r fo" Dent.on Brothers Film Express, Inc. Dock~l No. 700307-CCT for Philip J. Jacob as administration of est.nte of John W. McTyre d/b/a i-lcTyrc Trucking Docket No. 7r0313-LCCT for lIilton Freyre, d/b/a Freyre Trucking Compnny 17. Letters [rom Frank !leath, r'lnudtlle Petrey, 11rs. William 13in'lh, LoreLtn Bryson anel '.ic lIimQlin encouraging th'-'! llo"n] to sUi'I'C)]:t !lomemnkcrD Service; filed. III ~~Ct1SS1 ON liE GOT.l1EN (;A'rE ES'rA'l'ES STUDY COMMIT'l'EE I S PROPOSED I N'! j::J,~~'!...pc'l.:.r~)!i.J' L!'J:!_-_qJ_t:!..<;:yp'1' ENDORSED i\S P I1ESEN'rrm Nr. 8il,1 Vines, representing the Golden Gate Estates Study Committee, 0xpl~incd thnt it would probably takQ sQvera1 years 0"[01'0 ;~ny major fetlcr~l assistance \"ould be available for the rr',lcvelopmen t of Golden Ga to Estates and that in the mcantlme, Devere environmelltal problems arc developing. Mr. Vines stated th<lt an interim action pLm is suggested to be put into action durin<J this time which cLln be quickly undertaken, moderately inexpensive and eilDily modified if rcquiloed in the future. Mr. Vim's t:ht'n proceed(~d to outline the detnl1s of the interim action rn'o~Jl-':\I11 as wall an the nnticipated impact of the implement,'\tion (!OOK 042 mcd.3I t"u.--- ....-, . __J 011" '1"('\'" ...,~ '.1:(., rm ,j~ :,.......4 May '-3, 1978 o [ the [1 rO<J rum. Ile s ta ted thnt the ini tial techrdcal and l~ga 1 work nceded for this pro~ram is now underway. lIo stat.ed the Study C(,:',:nittee is recommending tho Board endorse tho intorim acLioll pJ:ol]1"am ilnd comnut pLlrticipation in the various activities prccedinq imrl~mcrt<ltion; and is requesting that the Board CI\COllru<)<J the Plilllning stuff und tha Collior County Pll.1nning ^~ency to ~lve ~pl!ciill attention between Golden Gata Estates and the C0Il1!'J'81"'llsi'lc \.oullLy Plan. prior to I1ctual construction .:\ctivities, he f1i1id, there will be ell'Jineoring plans, determin- iltion of n'r;ult~~, accurate cost eotimntes, and careful logal llt~L,:nl\i I\"t ion o[ the entire program which will hopefully be in il1)0\lt.1 n:<:llt.h'n time. * * * * II * * I< * * * /\t lid s ['oj 111: 1n U\C mc()tinlJ, Commissioner Drown left at 11:52 ^.H. * * * * II * * * * * * C,'m'lIi~;:Jiuncl: l\J.'chcr moved, onconded by Commissioner Wime", that the Doanl approvo the concept of the Interim Action proqram a:; outl il\er! by Hr. Vines and that tho Board Cnl.:OUl'Clge the continued invc:,ti<Jo1 tion ,1nc1 dcvcl()pmont of the program. Motion carried unilnimollflly 1/0, Conuni:lsionC'r Drown absent at the time of tho vote. D1 SCUSS ION RE SCIlO()[, IMP^C'r FEE - TO DE WORKSHOPPED AND BROUGHT [3^Cl< fmpOm: ,JULY 10, 1970 Mr. Jim Ma<Jec, Director of Planning and Management InformLltion for the School System, stLltad the purpose of the iml?act fee is to provide fundn [or the building of new ~chools and requested the Dr"JiUU volce their objections or suggestions to the proposed I?lun. lie stated the pliln is to milke tho impact fee applicable only to new dwelling units. Commissioner Archer expressed concern ovor the fact that people who moved into a newly developed h~uso but had no children , .. ........ 4.. * * . . May 23, 1978 would be forced to pay the impact fee whereas a family could move into un older house, definitely creating an impact on the school, but not he required to pay the impact fee. Commissioner. Wenzel questioned whether the impacl fee could be directed at new residents rather than at new dwellings. Commissioner 1'.rcher suggested the fee be inclu~led in the closing costs of n house. Utility Dirc~ctol' Irving Dcrzon commented the School Board is unillg lIn <lveragc fiqure per dwelllng ullit of impact on the (;choal sysloJ11 compil1cd to flgurin~ the eXl1ct amount of impact. Chairm~n Piutol' inquired as to tho method for charging thc illllw(' t [ees for mobile hom~ rental par):s. Mr. Magee explained the [cp is Chilll.lccl:lt the time tile bullding permits aro issued [or new Pill:b.. Mr. Magee sLr0succl that the budget of the school system is fnIli n'J be-hin,] i1n i L tukes more money to Ol'cTate tile Rchoo18 than they have in r.evenues and recommended passalJe of the proposed ord.i.n,ll1ce 01' try to puss a bond referendum. Commissionor l\rcheJ: stressed he would not vote for the orcl in,l11ce as proposed. Mr. l.loyd Sorly, Nilples Civic Association President, commented this ordinancc should possibly be worked out in a Workshop session. lie Cli!;ilq1'eed \~ith Commissioner Archer's thQory of the Impact fees bcillg ullfnir to people with no children as that is the way it hus been done for years In this country. Mr. Joe Kinsley, Voters League, spoke in favor of the proposed imp~ct fees ono alAD suggented this matter be further discussed in 0 \~orkDhop s0.:~nion wi th emphasis on lmpnct fees for new dCvt~lopmel1ts. ~lr. Fr':lIlk pettcng ill, Westlake Civic Association, agr.eod ",i th Commisl1ioller l\L"chcr in that the impact fees are not fair and r~'~ 042 rAGfl33 L_. ..1 BOO~ 042 rAGE 134 .....'. . MrlY 23, 1970 cquL~i\blc in that por;r;ibly peoplc without childr.en would be forced to pay lhe Impnct fec. Chnirmnn Plr;tor directed this matter be workshopped and IJI'OU(Jhl: bilck to H'~(Julur: Sesrllon before July 18, 1978. * * * * '* '* '* '* '* *' '" f,ecc~;r; from 12:3'.i P.N. until 2:00 P.M. * * * '* '* '" *' '" '" '" * The ml~C'till<J WilD reconvened at 2:01\ P.M. with the following I'l"C:1Cllt: Dr. Nello S(JilCJl1n, Di.rector of Community Development, IJtllLly Oirector Irving DcrHon, Clerk William Reagan, Chief DC'I"Jty Cl,'rk/Fi"c.ll Officer Harold Hall, Administrative l\ido to Llle !lo;Il'd Mnry ~tor(Jiln, Dr. Jay Hurmic, Environmental Consultant, Deputy Chief n.lymolld Bilrnctt, Sheriff's Deportment, and Edna 1l1'CI1IlClllilll, [)cpuLy Clerk. 1\.1.r;o present: Chairman John Pistor, Vice-CIl,l i nnnll David C. Drown, Commissioner Thomas l\rcher and C<:>mmisr; 10'\Cr Cli [!:oL"d Wenzl,l. (Commissioner Wimer c~rived at 1\: 10 P.~' ). DIm ill ()1,Oc'TCAL l\SSI,:Sf,~1EN'l' RE 1'IGERT1\IL DEl\ClI PARK, COLLum COUNTY, .HEI\~li:.i.:['O TilE ry':S.9~w, l\ND Tlm._ PROJECT !IS OUTLINE!:. APPROVED Dr. J,lY lIilrmll..':, Environmcntal ConsL1J.tl1nt, read into the record thc following Diolo<)lc01 Assessment regarding Tigertai1 D0ach Park, Collier County, File No. ll-8359-5E, as submitted by the Department of Environmental Regulation: " '" '" '" , .. .'-' '" "- .1 ..1 [,ocr. 042 "ACE 136 .\ May "3, l!l70 :il'('ci.ric: ni I:'~ .L!l I.HLi.ll: on tlclnl flatu that IMve ucrll cJr'ilro<<1 or ""llqroVI'I;, l.11\~ cl(~;.I~,'d ..,'(~,l in ?OO' w.i.lle, ,'pproxlllli,Ll'ly. '1'11.' <<1('.111 \""ll<l 11,\11 111"'11 1.('[1: Oil 1:111' (latH. Clol1\ POIlG 1.11 (:nl1l1~~ct(~d lJY fl clI1vet't \"il i ell ,'1111:; 1111<1C!I' U1<~ i1CC,~[nl. '1'110 [loU, COlltllill 0 fC\~ 'li,ac I ('(I In "i 1I 111< 1.1 1\1:.' "ntl r"n:11:1y i nvcrtobt....\l..C!S 1\f1f10Cilltctl wll:h t,I<<1,,1. rl,ol:!l. I\I1UI\\I.IIII: OJ'(j.'1\ i ,',111[1 i nr:luc1e 1ll:01l() ct'i\bll (t1(~n!.rjl.<? ~r~",c.!)I_".I_r~~'-t, crown "('111'11[1 (1'1"1 "1If!('I1':1 COnlll;)) aml an unlclcnt:l frcc1 Burl c1,,1I1. otl1el i I1V" r i' nil',";') t,.'-, TIl'(;- L i)JC-:l0 t' :;.~Ilhoe cr.'i1ba, nnd bn rn<lC: lml . r."H<JC r .. n inl..l! fI illl'llld,,<I .in l.l1i:1 .11'('01 \~cn~ mullet or.hooll:l and 11 m~olh)\~ 1:011 kite. \/"'1\':::11:1011 in,~I\\l1r':; un.LrI'}lltifiCHllIlor,i,ne r.eel olqile. Co.\llI:l'Il. pLII1tH i ,,<:1,,<1,' t',~d m,l/lljrnVr' (!~!,I_~,?..c~J'.l'~'!.~ ~'_1J..<J.!.C?..J, white ml'n~lrovc (!i.~I.r,l\,I,I1('111'~I,'.i ""::'1';0:;."1), [;oIlLljl'01ml (~22~~~,;i~~l.l:.?. !?J.?.~t<l) and B"ltWOrl: (~'.0..!':.:I..:; 1~'.'.,il,I_1 '1':", <II), j"'!' .ll'('..~, or tl1r (.in'Jnr cannl:; wiiTch borcll'Jr the "CCCr.l: il'-O 1,M ill }11<ll1t OJ' '-ltd./llill lire. \'(()l'l1:;I'd fill will covar. l\ ::;icjn.i.ficLlnt nrea of mud f:]11\;O, almont 1.0 illl' "x.i!;lill'l Tn.,IICjl:ove l:t"c()1.i,nc~. V,~~al:ntion on \;h~ bilnk:; tn f1j'01n:n Jill I', COIl Ld i nr:I"'i1::C' Oil PI.-OI'Onecl rip-l:l1P duo to natural J"I'cl..,m,.It!ol1. 'j'lll' lwe o[ l'ip"'l';'P could bol.ul:0.r. l1l1d help stl1blllzc exi.l:l:.i.llCj l~I'O<l(~d 1).'\I1I-;!1. 'I'l1ir: i:l'I..llIII'r HOltle] keep f.ill cloat."cd [rom tho nWl1grov('[;. 'l'lII11id.it.y ,;1Il'l;!i1li1, !1l'CODGnry in this fill, would keep wnter fjllality [1'0111 <I,' Ll~ r i or..l: i. WI. ;>ll01IJ<I Lh,~ I'('nl\i I: h'l gt"r}ntocl we recommend the appli.canl: removr:o, ",.t[\1I'.'11)', ,Ill d,...-1l1 woorl 1'1'0111 I1rco sur.r','.1ndinCj i1CCOt3S orl~n l1[Let' tll[,- Ili.diLy clIrl.i1ill is 1'I'll\ovec1. 1)11,1"1: I:IH~ {l","'i.!d.nIlD o[ ~,cction 253.124, Florida Sl:,ltutcs, th.lfl MHHl!lfl- 11\,,,'L 11111111. be r'~illl into L:hc record nnd duly considercd at the Sl1mo !nClol.ing oj \vl,icl1 lIH' llchll'<I or Cnllllt.y Cornnd,:Jnioners tnkes final nction [or lOGo'll 'l\'I'I'ov,l1, "I'oof "I' 10<:tll nppl'<Jl/al under this section ml1/lt be pr.ovided 1)('I'l!~cl w,' C.l11 rini,:;11 proccssi.nC]. ftECOJU)ER'S MEMOr Lerlblllty 01 wrftta,. 1)-plnl or Prlntl". ~llJllCtory I. t.Ia.la doeumfln\. w......nal~. Sincerely, I ~"M,,~d~7~~'7;I""'~'/'-- Thomas M~~VCn'l ~ Dredgo & Fill SUlerviuor 'l'HI'/ck Dr. lIunn.i.c rccommellded <lpprovLll of tho Project and the Ui.uloqic~l Assessment and uskod that tho minutes of thin Rortion o I' the meeting be I?rcparad and submitted to the DER, 00 required under t,lle provinl.ons of Section 253 .124 Flor~da Statutes, as soon <IS pODsiblc due to ~ho fact that n grant is being considered by the Division of P"rks, Dcpartment of Natural Resources, and the deallline for subm.i.tting the information is June 1, 1978. COIMlissioner Wonzol moved, seconded by Commissioner l\rcher, und carried 4/0 \~ith Commiusioner Wimer ~bsent, that thu above- refercnced project be ~pproveJ, and that certification that tho . . , , May 23, l!>78 Dilogical l\sscssment regarding same was read into the record be sul0~itted to the Punta Gorda Dronch of the Department of Natural TlcsonrcC3, as recoml :~nuccl by staff. 1.l0rlllD REM'l'OTNTS MESf;TlS. "EJU^UL'f, BRIGGS I JURI<, HUNTOON, AND /oll';;: 11Mms GTlEENf:'J'EIN, PAHorm, SCOTT, SMITlI, AND El\Rr~ TO "'HE COLLTl:R COllN'I'Y !IIST(lRIC^L COI,l~lISfnON FOR r.DDITIONl\L ONE-YEAR 'l'El'Jl; ^ND 1\1'1'OINTS /olESSRS. MOHHIS, l\ND ROBEnTS AS NEI'1 MEJ.1DEnS 1'01: ONE'-YEl\H 'l'ERH Commissioner l\rchcr noted the receipt of cor:.:espondenco from the Presi.dent of tile! Ilistor.i.cal Societr noting that the ollc-yei1J: t("] .: of the membern of the lIistorical Commission will expil-,~ on }lay 2~, 1'J7n, anu s\lbm.tttoc~ t.he fol.J,owing names for 1I0..I-c1 ilpprovi'] olld [('111);1.1 appointment to the lIistorical CommisfJJ.on fo ,. '.l1e comi n<J YO,1l:: John G. I1C'Liiltllt: ,Jilll1t'G L. nLi.'.I,.'I' ~lrf1. Cinoline Gn!cnGt:cin A. P. "1l11d" l\.1.d; }lrs. Ile 1 en l'i1rckc GCOl'l)c C;. Illllltoon Mrf1. M..r0",'ct T. Scott "lrs. Il.n:old S. Smi tl1 "In]. F. Dean Eat'1 Hichnnl IV. "lord f-' IVi1]jilm \Yilrren Hober\:[; 131.' it: f d i GCll:;fJ iOI1 [0.1.101.;,,<1 concerning whether or not there is lcprescnt:ill.i 011 on tile Ilistori.clIl Commj ssion from all County COll1misdon Districts with I\tlministrative Aida to tho BOilrd J.lilry Norgilll cxpltlininl) thnl' l:hc Doard has al1.;ays rolied upon the membcI.;shi p of the llintoric1l1 Society to provide nominations to serve on t!H' lIistori.cill Commi.snion and, further, a nominee must belollq to tlw llibtOr.i.Cil1 Society to bo oligible for appointment. Commis:;ioncr J\rclwr moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, and CinT ied 3/1 wi th C01il~llssioner Drown voting in opposl tion and CommirwinJ)er lVimer lIb~ellt, that tho nllmes submitted by tha 1115- tori.clll SocicLy [or lIppointment to the Collier County IIi5toricn1 Com:ninni.on be npprovcd and that snid porsons be appointed one-year tL'nnn t::> f'Cl'\'C [or the following year. nOGK 012 ',',cr 137 Ll _1 .1 BeCK 042 rf,GE 138 " ".'. ~ May 23, 1970 rU':;;01,lJ'l'ION H-70-00 liE DJo:r,'rON1\ COnpOR1\TIONS'S l'HOl>05l::n 1\Pl'LICl\TJON T() TilE FLOIUO,i DEn ,\ND 'l'11E U. S. AHM'i CORPS OF ENGINEERS - AOOI'1'ED A~; MmtmED l\ttorney Hobert Bl.unk, reprosenting the Dolt;ona Corporation, r.;tatcd thilL he Wi'lG prCfl(ll\t, along with Mr. Jnmos V-cnsel, Chief nJi.lnl\~r for the Corporut.ion, seeking a rcnolution from Collier County r.el.ll;ln<j to the processing of a permit application which hi~S been submi ttnd to the State of Florida and tho Corps of c''1'J.i.neet:n, which enC0l11piHlfJCS the remainder of the Corporat.i.0ll'a ul\'.lc'/clopccl oWlleL;hip i'lt 11i.lr.co Island, a large portion of \'Ihich '.:' 11 be ['1 .~cecl into pr-"llCr.v,'tJon. 110 onid that Ilpproximab)ly G,'lOI1 <ler'.'s \~ill be clcvclopmcnt l.:lIlc1s, some of whil.;h has boen I l~l; L Led by t: he COUll ty. Furl:hcr., said Mr. Dlank, the Coqmru t ion ]; ;,l"(~:;cnl:i\tivcn \~ClrC pt'C3CllC to disc.:U3S the procens:lng of tho ':'1,1 i Ci\t.i 011 .\I\(1 not: [or the purpose of addrenning tho mer.it:n of : ' liCe'll' l.nl'nlC'1l t. C>l\tll\O\LIl<], Mr. Blank said that it in being rO<]lIellted th.:lt Uw C')\lllty st;\(f be c.llrectcd to participate in the permitt.ir.g lWOC'~I;S t'cview to be cOI',lucted by State and Federal agencies and, ,'11~:n, \:!J,1t the DOi.\rd, by'resolutlon, Indicato that the fin"l Environmclltal Impact Statement, to be prepareu by tho U.S. Anny Corps of El\qinec.'rs, will sutisfy the EIS requirements of Collier County and thut the developers can procecd with the required pcrmi.tt.i ng procosses at tho County levlill subject to the EIS, which the Corps finally prel?arcs, being approved by the Board of County Commissioncrs. lIe cmphuaizod that approval by the Board on tho merits of the application is not being sought. What is being sOllqht, said Mr. Dlank, is to try to cut through somo of the "red t~p0" and permit tho developers to proceed with the pcrmitting process in a more expeditious mi.mner t1.,'1n would otherwise be possible anu to also involve tho staff in said process to a greater degree . .. . . MI\Y 23, 19?0 than in the p<:lst per.mit.ting process at Marco Iel.:lnd. lie suid that the proposed resolution was prepared with the al3s!atance of nr. Neno Spi.lCJna, Director of Community Devol.opment, and with County Attorney D~ni.lld Pickworth. At the rc<]ucot of COlnlTlissiono1.' Archer, Mr. Dlank rend Pilrngt-ilJ>hn 1 nllcl 2 of the prol?osed resolution for the benefit of the public and the Commis:;ion, following 14hich Dr. Spagna stated lIwt: the ordin<:lncc number referred to in Paragraph 2 should b~ con'ected to stille Collier County Ordinance No. 77-66 wbich r"lJ:Lains to the Ins r0.C{uirements. UtiJity Director Ir.ving Derzon requested clarification of /'''IJ:i1(Jri~ph 1 of the propos(~d resolution regarding whether or not it \\'d:; iI1Lc11I'iol1il1 or iln oversight thot the Collier County Pl.lllllinu nOI';1J:t.1~10Ilt sLilff: has been singled out as the staff to bc clt-;iJt I<'j \.11 1;illce tilcr'~ are other otaf:f:s 01,' departments which migl1t be ilfreeLud. Mr. nlank responded by explaining that it was tile intent th':lt Lhe Plnnning Staff be tho lead coordinator (Ul: talill stnfl response since the Corps of El1gineers reC]uircfl th.lt one u<]ency OJ: one cmtlty address the varioulJ documents \"hich \~ill be sent out; 110\~evr'r, it is thc intent that any commcnto from the other dep"'l-tmollts Cilll be coordinated wlth the Planning Dcparl.- men!:, ilnd it is not in!:C'l1tlcc3 to cxclude the other dep.:lrtmcnts. ~\L Dcr;:oll nlso inquired ilbout the type of permits which the developers migllt want to receive and which could be issued prior to t.he al'provJl of Lhe E15. Mr. l3lnnk replied that they will reC]\lire remov<ll of the "ST" zoning which is onc permlt which will 11.1ve to come sometime during the proceGs; various site plan approvills ~ill have to be obtained, excavation permits, County Drcdge nllu Fill Permits for portions of tho devolopmcnt will llnvc to be obtained; vDrious subdivision npprovals, and, aloo, OA2 1'" noOK 1. '" fllGr 3D I__j I... _ J 1,.10K 042 r,\ct 140' ". ~," . M..1Y 23, 1970 review by <J. nUllIl.lu!: of nc1vl.fJory agencies, such us the r.nvironmentnl ^dvisory COlll1cil, nl1d tho like. It is the hopo, he snid, thilt these cLln be accomplishcd prior to the issuance of the permits by l:he Corp!1. It was pointed out by County 1\ttornev pickl-mr.th thilt .lny ill'prova 1" requ(~Ht:(~d wiJ,l be! b,1scd on the assumption tililt lhc plilns nr.c nppl:ovcd by the State and Federal agcncies wllir.;h \"ill be il,;ondition for anyl:hing being approvcd. l<cg.:nding Paril~raph 2 of the proposed rfJsolution, Dr. Sl'ilCJl1'l S l:il led thel t tilL n p" l:ngraph does not monn thil t thc EIS [H'0.pur.cd by the Corps i~J HlJtomatic<.lly acceptable. He s",ic1 that i t l'r.()vicll~" r'll: the l't:(~P;Ir.,lti()n of ono E1:S rather thiln two, llll!l"cby ]cLl.lIl<J OIW st.:\L:c.":1\ent <.10 tho job for both tho County <,ntl Lil(' ol;!lnr ,,')el1ci.'.',J. Dr. Sp.lC]ll,\ said that he feels comfortable \'Ii ll1 the L\(.:t lhilt ::he \"o.'k and I:ho de'Jrae of review thnt wOlllc1 h,l'/e to bc includ)ll in tho ~Jubmission to tho Corps will satisfy ,Ill of thc COUl1ty n,qui,rcmcnl:s, ('oinl.ing out that thCl'O is a ['1:OI/.i:"on incl\l<1c:ll that in the ov'.ml: thnt it doos not, lhc County Cull 11'.11:1 fy lJoltonn tcJ thtr; .'ffect. Dr. Juy Iltlrmic, EnvlrOll!l10ntal Consultant, was nsked to CQllU11l'nL Clnd ho lJuic1 tl1<lt he is in accord with Dr, Spa~Jila in that n rcquent for Clp~rovul is being sought from a combination of ll<Jl~ncies nl; the SulnO time LInd, in his opinion, the various staffs wi.ll not be giving up any of their review powers and procedures , slnce ull pha~es will be reviewed all along the way. RC~J<lrdillg the request for removal of "ST" designation, Dr. Uarmic said th",t the developers will be requesting a removal or ch<!nge in the "ST" lines of Barfield DilY, for example, to n considerable degrec; hOl"over, it is pnssible that as much area will be put in "ST" DS is takcn out. Mr. pickworth noted that the complot~ development plan includes' ul?lnnds llnd \~etll.lncls and, in tha' evont the Corps turns . . . . I-1ay 23, 1970 down the permit for the arens requiring their p~rmit, tho county would have to m.:lke tjlC~ decisions on those areas outsic1a the Corps' jurisdiction regarding Subdivision Master Plan, and the like, stating that th~ Subdivision Master plan being submitted is bncc:d on the enti1:e t'rojcct. lie inquired if the uplnndB portion C.:ln stand by itf.ielf as a complete devolopment. Mr. Dlank responded by st.ilting thilt in such an event Deltona would, in all lil;oli.hoo(l, repLlIl those non-jurisdiction Arons and get the npl'UJva 1 s f rom the County and procaed wi tn the uplands pC'll' tions. Mr. Arndt L. Mueller, representing the Colliar County Audubon Socir.~y, Inc., stilted tll,1t, OB th(! p.i.'{'sident of tho Society, he Wi1[; t1iree' '~d to nprear and register tha Societ~"/J opposition to Uw r'rol'\l:.;cc1 renal ut1.011. COlnini[;[;i oller \\'cl1;;cl inquired why the developer was required to request i11'provnl from the Board prior to obtaining permits from t.he COl[)S \'iiLh J.\r. Pickworth explainilllJ that. it is his undt"'sLillH.l.ill<j Ulill: 1'.1rt of the permit app,1..i.cution requires th.:lt 10c.11 reguLl L.ion!', be adclren,;e(J and the devolopel' has to demonstrn te that then' .1 to no lucill re(Julalions th.:lt would prohibit what they ore <lsking to do. Mr. Delnie Yokel, Collier County Conservllncy, questioned the need [or the propo~wt1 resoluti.on, suggestlng that it is premn~ ure to nssist in this manllcr, and adding that it does not take a rCf.;0Iution to get County assistance. 110 commented that the develop(!r will no\. be obtainin<] anything that they ...,ould not obtain anyway and, in his opinion, that six montha from now it will bc remembered that the Collier County Commission pllssed a resolution supporting thc development - the detailo will be lODt. lie said that It is that sort of support l:hnt the Conservancy wants to avoid. toll'. pickworth stated that there is nothing in the Resolution \\'hi eh cndorncr.: the project.; llowcvcl', n clause can be added atiltlng tl1.1t the rC!iolution does not imply support, endorsement or ~~rK 042 P:IG( 1'41' .._, r'~nK O~.2 rl\cE'142 , .... ". ~ May 23, 1978 l'n~-j\.ld'J('m0.nt of tho project. He also said that the resolution dues not utate that tho County is not objecting to the project nillce Lhe CounLy muy well be tho biggest objectors of nll before it in OV[~r.. (.lr. P.l<.:J<\,or.th commented that ho cloes not want to lock. the Cotll1l:y ouL in <lny \'Iay of being <.\ble to object if the 11(~cd be. Conunil;~; lr)l\cr l\rcll0.r, ro r(~rring to Pl1ragrnph 1 of the J:l~,;ol\lti.on, cL.Jtcd t.haL, in 'is opinion, tho wording c,:!.n be .i nLcrpn'ted to 1 "l.et I s go ahead and parallel with our permits" and innt(":\d of t,~}:ll1rJ ei.ghteen month.:;, it can be done in ten. Ik i l\Clui !"led if Lh,~re in illlY logislative act passeu by the Doard I-Ihi.,-!J \'/"\I1d p~nh.ilJi.t Dell:ona from p':lralleling their peJ~mitting :)ro,;._.dtll'l~ to ,11.1r)w ccrt~Ln functiolHl to be pet:mittod prior to I'l,,~ l.imL' the "1St:; prC[Jdrc(l by the l\rmy Corpo of Enqinoera. Dr. '11\<1 n':;l'on(lwl 1.11 the ilff:.1.rmal:ive explaining that before the (.' 'cl"PC1: could ilpply for c'~rtlln development: permits, L1.l1d bf;lfore Llwy cOlli d 'jO to Lhe Corps, they liQuid have to have ,ln Ers for l:ho!;e ilt:r~<1S that .:\re d(~:d.CJnatcd "S'1'" areas. Continuing, Dr. Spill]lla s,\id tha t. the developcro would probably be J.nformed by the Corps llle\l they (./ould I\c~ed <1n approval from t:ho County before it could b(~ cOlluiuet:'cu. I'<hnt the proposed resolution does, said Dr. Sl?i'I~n.:l, .1.s tell the Corps that Doltona can go ahead wlth some parmlttin~ procedures and put tho EIS last instead of puttinq it first. Further, said Dr. Gpagna, the Corps would be told, by adopting the rElsolution, that "No, we haven't looked at it, <1l1d we m.:lY object to it. We reserve tho right to review it; however, we arc not standing in the way of thoir getting a review by your body at this time." Mr. l\rnold Lawrence, Marco Island resident, stated that he represents a group of Marco Island Citizens Agl1illl:lt Reckless Devclopm0.nt, or Cl\RD, and that said group' is concerned about the . . ,,,.,. . . May 23, 197B future development of Marco nnu the impact on Marco by the Jevclopment uf adjacont lands. lIe sl1id that the moager infor- mation presented cannot create a sound basis for a rODolution alld sl;,,<]ostcd that tho resolution migb'.., be for purposes of publ ic relations, s tn tin<J :'ha tit mi,ght be more appropriate aftor fDvorn~lc reviews of the project by State and Federal agcndes, and n technical review with recommendations by tho C^PC and the Planning otaf:[. lie read a letter addressed to the Marco IDla~d Englc from Jomcn D. Woutman, Professor Emeritus of EnvinJ!lmcnt.:,] nesourccfl, nutgcrs University, conglCltulnting the Collier County Conservancy for its npponition to the plan I))' p, Il:on" to (levelop Dome 5,500 acres of its ownerDhip and n La t~JlCj the rC,H,Ollf;, ecologically and biologically, why he feels t.hat Lhe properLy s}'oulcl not be developed. Mr. Lawrence concluded by H'fjll<:;.tiIHj tho 130iHd to refr,1in from llny action at the present time until all of the reports arc received. ~l~:. 1.1<ll"iol) P"Forcst., Ap~llking for tllu League of Women Voter.s, cxpn'nnccl thc r.e~1gue' s concern for any furthel' dGvelopmcnt in thc ,,'ctlancls areas. Mr. Frunklin Mlalll~;, President of the Cyprcss Chapter of the Iznnl; 1val ton LCi"jUC, provide:d the Doard with a prepared statement fHhln.'};:;i.llg hi.s concerns llnJ stnted that, after roading the proI'Of;ed resolution, certi:lin things nro implied therein, that the submisnion ilnJ tC!ntntive approvill of vlJrious County permits prior to the required EIS would tend to be prejudicial. Mr. Rick n~ntz, ChnirmQn of the CnluGa Group, Sierra Club, conculTec1 'vi th the comments made by the previous spcnkerR. Mt". 1VlIl.:Jnl Mcn:ihue, Collier County Conservancy, si1id th.:Jt whatever is done, eithor by lettcl' ::lr resolution, will, in :,is opinion, imply support of the plnn by Del tona. Commisnioncr Archer stated that there appears to be a difference of opinion bet\.Jeen Mr. Yokel and tho Pll.\nning stnff r.~r.K 042 rAce 113 '---.'-1 .1 .--1 I ,__ j G:;r,~ 012 P,\CE 141 May 23, 1979 ;:lr; to wl1l'Uwr 01: not there will be a delay invulved in the I't'l."miU:i'''j procL'dl'r.Utl if lIlc rouolutl.on, or lottor, is not ".;tec1 upon "nd sU'.Vjcstcd that the matter be tabled until it i~; C 1.1 ri ricd. * * * * * * * * * * * H(.~CC!lS fl:om 3:1\0 P.~t. until -1:00 P.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * Dr'. ~;pacjni1 tlui.d that the mlltter was discussed clur.tnq tho !:CCI'!3S ,11HI ~ltiltc,l tllilt if there is a dlfference of opinion it is Oil \VIH~lIH'r or not !;.it)n.tnq the resoiution will or will not save Lim,~. 11(' :;;tic1 there in, in his oI?L,ion, ngrccmcnt on the other points. 1I1~ Raid that it is his fcolinq that adopting the reso- .utinll Iii 1.1 <111.010/ l)eltoll1\ Lo submit an EIS and procecc1 with cct-l,\in olllcr "~;[Jectll of the study. The EIS would not be sub- miLl,:d ilL the bC'Jinni1lcJ of the I?rocosn, ho continued, but later 011 i Il t.1H~ pr:c)~0~i~1. III tho mcantime, there will be Gtudies mude ;In([ the dl'vcloper will be uble to go to the other agencies for ,'pprovol of t1H' project, Gillc1 Dr. Spagna. Further, silid Dr. ~;l'aqlla, it in 1'0.11: that it would be !Jetter to have the EIS come liltcr Ln the pro.::css becallse it would be conducted by the Corps of En'Jincers, \o/ho arc much more demanding in their requirements, unti other i\f1l?ects of the review, than the County would be. By [lcr.mitl:inrj this proccdure, ho suid, will allow the County to require "ddi ttonul infonn.1 Lion which might be lacking. A further point m.1de by Dr. SpuCjna was that once the ElS iH ';ubmitted to the County, <lsDumin~ thut it Is required at the beginning, tho County would not h.1ve the opportunity to profit from the experience before the Corps - tho hearinqs and the information submitted. Continuinq, Or. Spagna snll that he is in disagreemont with Mr. Yokel in that it is Mr. Yokel's apparent feoling that thoro would b~ no deluys encountered if the process of presenting the EIS und reviews by vurious agencies is followed. Dr. Spagna st:nted th.:\t pcrhnps oil< or eight months can be saved by permitting . ' " , May ;13, 1978 De'tonn to :..nkc Rubminsions sll1ultanoously with tho different ngencles involved, that II bett.or EIB would rosult. Ite said thllt he still r('commenc1s passage of tho resolution I however, [;or clnrity, that a staLrl1ent be included that the County does not necesslIrily support the project, it does not endorse it, it cloes nut ncce9sarily npprovc it, llnd thl1t it reserves the right to nhlke all local reviews which arc nc..::e!:lnary by ordinance. /,:,'. Pickworth obnerved that the "botto:n line" is that the Donrd cnn require thrm to prepare tho EIB, hold tho public hearings on Ii rting of the "S'l''' zoninqs, j rrp.sp<'lctive of the Corps' appli- cntil'ns; or, the l1(J;lrd Ciln allo~1 Dcltono to stnrt through the npp"dvnl procr~;r;('~~ IlithO\lt an Ell>, holcl public hearings based on ,111 "it ilPP1'OVCll" situation, wlIlt: 6-0 months, or whatever time it Ull;c'!', (Ol' (-iJ(' Corps to prcpare their EIS, and then consider thot. lIe fl"id Lhat r.ll:. Yokt!l .is con7cct in Dtnting that there would be no (lcl,I" invt.lvcc1 if DcltOllu wishes to prepare an EIS now for Ii fUn,:! tile "ST". C(J:nmissj one,: Unl\\'n mo\'(~d that ReBolution R-7lJ-lJO re the DcJ.LOl1,l CorpOI',ltiOI1' 5 Proposed ^pplication to the Florida DER nncl the U.S. Army Corp!J of Engincors be adopted. For purposes of (\lllher di:;cussion, Co:nrr,iss.ioner Ncnzel seconded the moLi,on. Nr. IHilIJl; st<ltccl that Mr. l'lckworth is correct in that Dell.oll<1 cnn ~o to the expense und time to prepare an EIS; howev('!l:', tIle proposed resolution ia being presented to avoid that time and expense on the part of Dcltona and use the EIS prepared by the Corps, \Vhich, he !luid, will include the comments of Audubon, the Sicn',"J Club of the County, and will be a very comprehensive dO('\1n1CIl t a nd much bet ler thun \~hu t Del to:Fl roan prepare. * * '" * * * * * * * * * COI1\1l1in~;ioner IHmcr returned to tho meeting at 4:l0 p.m. * " * * '" * * * * * '" * ~~nK 042 r/\Gf 145 ...-- [lOCK 042 rACE 116 '1 .... ", ~ I. Mny23, 1978 01. ., Co\,,,.,lnnioner BrOl"n "<:treed to omondinCJ tho moti.on, os rccol11l11cndeu by Nr. pickworth, to includo Q statcment to the offoct thnt thc llenolution docs not imply support of tho project; th,lt tl10. County re!lervos the right to review and/or OppOAC all of the ..pplication!! nt the local, State and Fedorl1l levels. Com- l11i nn ion(~r Wenzel agreed to the amendment in his seconding of the motion. Followinq a roll cull voto, the motion, as amended, carried 3/2 Hith CommiGnioncrs Nl~n7.cl and Wimor voting in opposition. ~lr. ricblor:Lh common tOll that the addi tionl1l wording would prccll1clc .any rcprescnl:ution (rom aver being made that the County, by <\tlnpLing thl~ Rcsolutlon, dl!3/lpproved the proposl.1l nor could .it be rqw('!,c'nted tl1ut the County app:-oved it. *' *' II *' *' *' *' *' *' . . . , Mny 23, lnB DIsctJr,SION ()l;" l\N "l\CRC'lSS-T1IB-DOl\HD" SlIl.,l\JlY INCRElISE FOR !lOARn r.111'LOYEES - :.i t, FIGURE TO 1m UC..D TO OE"P.RMINE TilE lIWJUNT OF' HON.fJ,:S NECESSAP,Y TO DE PI.lICEO IN TilE 1978-79 DUDGE'r FOR CON- SInlml\'rION Fisc('\l Officer l1arolu lIall explnined that in ardor for lhe !J Ul [f to proceed wi th the bud':Jct preporntion llS smoothly n!l po!:!.;i.ble throu<Jh thC' remainder of the ped,od of time prec0.dillC] .JlIly 15, 1978, when the 1978-79 tentative budget 1s presented to the Board, it would ,)0 helpful if the Com.lliss1v..0rs coull! cr;tab] j sll tile Uniform Nage l\djuEltmcnt portion of the [;i11nry illCl C.l~;CS at this tim0.. 110 referred to information compi] eel by Chilirmill1 PistOl" on what i:hc dollnr nmount would be if a uniform aclju::l.ment w~;, established of 4%, 4"', !it, 5"', 01" (, 't, l.1lllS tllC doll ,I r Dmoun t nppropr la ted for the merit increases. IIc point (~d out U".,t tlJe rcvcnue forecast for the l!l78-79 yenr in ::.)lllc\vlwt belter thell1 wh('\t \vilS anticipated in November 1977 \,'I1'~1l it: \'lil!; PI'cv::'ous1y (liSCl;SSed; however, pe sai.l! it is fltlll stich lhi! t n "t.t'lht" bllr1(Jet should come about this year. Further !>ai (1 ~lr. 11.111, the department headn, DS far as he can dotermine, ,H0 \vork i IlU h.' n1 to comply wi tl1 the Dudgct Philosophy and Di!"cctiv('!; n\lbmill.ed to them an,] that they are holding operating cxpcn::;es l.o a level tile sLIme au last yea":' s or below. Commissioner ^rche.r I"oved that, in the preparatlon of the hll~get, .1 51 figure be uned to determine the I1mount of monies lleCetlL:nry [or thc Uniform Wage Adjustment to be plilcec1 in thc budget for cOl1sid(:l:nti.on during the budget hearings. Com- miSHiollcr Drown seconded the motion Which carried unanimously 5/0. Commissioncr l\rcl1cr cmphauizec1 that the motion is not nn approv.1.1 of a 5~, \.,1.<:)e increase with Hr. Hall commenting that the 5'/. in t.he nmoullt: th,lt will go into the budget und, assuming the b\ld~IL't in nplll'Ovell, that llmoullt will be included. Mr.~: 042 r/\GE 119 f---.- 1 r-'.. - 1 pJ . ~."~ 0112 r,\cE'150 ..,..", : May 23, 1970 GlIN l'Em\.'1' pc,-I\ RG ons CPl\PSE, I Mt-10I<ALEE, gX'l'ENDIm SIlo: DAYS UNJ:l.!'-1IF:ETJ~lG O~UiiT': r; ,_J 97R FOR 1"UR'I'IIER CON~nl)I::RATION commL;:>ioncr \~cn7.cl nloved, seconded by Commissionor l\rchar LInd c.;;n'r.iec1 <1/0 wlLh Comminsiono.)r \llmor absent:., that Gun Permit:. 1I7G-1\ i.ssued to Olia CrLlp!lO, Innnokalee, for Smith & \11;,)(11::00 l\\ltomilti.e, f.1()I1cl 39 9;'111, Serial No. Al667GG, be extenue<.l until June G, l'nO, ul Vlhic.:h time furthl~r consideration will bo Cliven Lhe tl1ilttCr.. en,UIT !;:; rONlm I\RCmm REPORTS ON Dl\'l'E l\ND TI/oIF. EG'l'I\BLISltED TO y.~~'~:.11 !~.!'\I':'l'1I1\_I<!':-9~~SI 1~~I\'l'r()N, PLI\N'I', POMPANO, F'LORIDA COii.rl il;n.i.,,!\C,r l\u;'1\o1' 1:l1called th':lt the Do,:\rd han been i.n'! i tcd by rqHl::,,'n1:,'lti.vcn l)f I'lantc l1(lnng(~n\'~1\t, Incc1:pol'atcd [;0 l_I\L~ ollcl\.i.nq oj' the r,tc~l:h.",e C;.lnJf.i.cntion Pl.:\nt at Po~'pnno, l':U!'i.tl;l; l1()\~(,'!('r, 1;,,1<1 Ute Corm"il~sioner,the Doaru '..IUS 11l1.1ble to ;\,.tl'I1,1 on tl1;\t (1;11',e. i\ neVI (t.;ltc has been cnt,nhlir;lIcc1, lie (;ont.il1\led, [or ~l,lY ~G, 1970 for vicwing the facility. l~l'ic f d i:,c\lIJclon fr::>llo'lIcd c:ol1c'JrninrJ the t.Lme of dcpurtut'c ['!t' :~I1()ne \d!Jl1il\(J to aLtcllu, wl.',.h Utili I;y DirecLor Irving llcr"on lJl)\ntillg out LllaL lhere it.! nn j;npo\.',ant:. meoting I,)f the Dig CYl) l-n r; s Tli1!1 i 11 1'"" 1:c1 ncher11l1acl on tho suggested da ta a t which l: inte tlw rc \~ i 11 bc a p ~CBcn La tion by the Sou th Flat' ida \~n tor ~\JI\.:Igcntl'nl Di.str lel' s I.GCllllical staff of th~iJ: Water r,tudy Plan for l'Ieslern Colli0r County. He 5uid that the proglam is extremely import"nt alld WOL"thwhile for those Commissioners who wish to attend LInd uuggesteu that the departure time for the trip to Pompano Bellch, Florid" be delayed Ilntil after the aforesaid presentation, und thnt he will contact the Chairman of the nasin Board for his c.:oopcrntion in scheduling the presentation. It wns thc consensus of tho Doard that tho dopl1rture be !Jchcdulcd for ll:OO I\.H. and Commissioner Archer suggested that:. thosc wishinq to attenu so adviso him. . .