Resolution 2001-247 16812 4 RESOLUTION NO. 01. 247 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA AMENDING THE POLICY FOR ACCESS MANAGEMENT FOR ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR ROADWAYS IN COLLIER COUNTY WHEREAS, Collier County is the second fastest growing metropolitan area in the United States; and WHEREAS, with this growth is an increase in both traffic volumes and accessibility to the county roadway system; and WHEREAS, Collier County has adopted a Growth Management Plan pursuant to the requirements of Section 163.3161 et. seq., Florida Statutes, which Plan, under Policy 7.1 of the Traffic Circulation Elements, mandates that a policy be adopted for access monagement of the roadways of Collier County; and WHEREAS, access to arterial and collector roadways must be planned and controlled so that the safety, capacity and operating conditions of the roadways will not be adversely impacted; and WHEREAS, Collier County has adopted by resolutions the specific designation for Livingston Road and Collier Boulevard (CR 951) as controlled and limited access facilities. NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA THAT the Access Control Policy os contained in Resolution No. 92-442 as adopted on August ]8, 1992, is rescinded and replaced as contained in the attached Exhibit "A", Pages 1 through f~, inclusive, and hereby adopted and this policy shall be implemented on adoption of this Resolution, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the appropriate staff of the Transportation Services Division, with concurrence of the appropriate staff of the Development Services Division, are hereby directed to apply this Policy in the development of roadway improvement projects and review and permitting of all development projects . This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote. DA11!D: ~.:2. '; 2..I:ID I AttEST: !i~4l1W2'~~, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA By: r:,.~. ;.7"/.,/-. "..,;(J.e Attest as to Chairman's " S1gqtureolUJ. . , Approved 11.8 to torm ond legal sufficiency: (L1~____ EXHIBIT "A" A POLICY ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUNTY ACCESS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM FOR ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR ROADWAYS SECTION ONE: PURPOSE This Policy replaces that established by Resolution No. 92-442 for the access classification system and standards to implement regulation and control of vehicular ingress to, and egress from, arterial and collector roadways. The implementation of the classification system and standards is intended to protect public safety and general welfare, provide for mobility of people and goods, and preserve the functional integrity and capacity of arterial and collector roadways. To the extent that Collier County has jurisdiction to do so, all limited-access, controlled access, arterial and collector roadway facilities shall be assigned an access classification and access standard. These standards shall be the basis for developing access management plans for county roadway improvements and modifications, and for roadway or driveway connection permitting. SECTION TWO: DEFINITIONS 2.01 Arterial A signalized roadway that serves primarily through traffic and secondarily abutting properties and that generally has signal spacing of two miles or less. 2.02 Classes categories of arterials primarily grouped by signal density. 2.03 Collector - A street providing land access and traffic circulation service to a residential, commercial or industrial area. Secondarily provides for local through traffic. 2.04 Connection - a driveway, street, turnout or other means of providing for the right of physical access to or from a public roadway. For the purposes of this resolution, two one-way connections to a property may constitute a single connection. 2.05 Connection Spacing the allowable distance between connections, measured from the closest edge of pavement of the first connection to the closest edge of pavement of the second connection, exclusive of radii, along the edge of the traveled way. 2.06 Controlled Access means access, median openings, and traffic signals are highly regulated. 2.07 Corner Clearance - distance from and intersection of a driveway or street connection and a limited-access, controlled access, arterial or collector facility. This distance is measured from the closest edge of pavement of the connection, measured along the traveled way. The closest edge of pavement shall be with existing lanes or future lanes, including mm and merge lanes, where a roadway segment is part of an adopted five-year plan. 2.08 Directional Median Opening - an opening in a median that is restrictive to movements made from or to the major roadway including the limitation of left-turn in, left-turn out, no U-turn, U-mm only, or combination of the above. 2.09 Division - the Transportation Services Division of Collier County administered by the Transportation Administrator or his/her duly authorized representative. 2.10 Full Median Opening - a median opening designed to allow for all movements to and from a major roadway. U-turns may be prohibited at full median openings. 2.11 Intersection - an at-grade connection or crossing of local, collector, arterial, controlled access or limited access roadways that may be either public or private. 2.12 Medians - areas, preferably at least ten feet wide, painted, raised or grassed, that separate opposing-direction, mid-block traffic lanes and that, on arterials, contain turn lanes that allow left tuning vehicles to exit from the through lanes. 2.13 Median Opening Spacing - the allowable spacing between openings in a median to allow for crossing of opposing lanes of traffic to access other roadway facilities, property access or provide for U-turn movements. The spacing distance shall be measured from centerline to centerline of openings along the traveled way. Page 1 of 7 16B12 2.14 Permitting Authority Project Review Services of the Development Services Division or other duly designated authority of Collier County with all provisions of this Resolution as it applies to connection and its attendant permitting process, being reviewed and approved by the Transportahon Services Division of Collier County. 2.15 Reasonable Access - the number of direct or indirect connections necessary to provide ingress and egress to the limited access, controlled access, arterial or collector facilities from abutting properties and local roadways based on the Access Management standards, roadway operations and type and intensity of land use. The applicant may submit site-specific information that the applicant deems pertinent to the Permitting Authority's review of proposed connection permit application. 2.16 Service Road - a public or private street or roadway, auxiliary to, and normally, but not required to be, parallel to a controlled or limited access facility, which has a primary purpose to maintain local road continuity, provision of access to adjacent parcels or development and minimizing the number of connections to a limited or controlled access facility while maintain property access rights. 2.17 Signal Spacing - the allowable spacing between adjacent traffic signals on limited access, controlled access, arterial and collector facilities as measured from centerline to centedine of the signalized intersections along the traveled way. 2.18 Significant Change - a change in the use of the property, including land, structures or facilities, or an expansion of the size of the existing structures or facilities which will cause at least a 25 % increase in additional new trips, either peak hour or daily, entering or exiting the site or which is projected to exceed 100 trips per day more than the existing use, whichever is less. The number of trips shall be determined using the most current edition of the "Trip Generation Manual" of the Institute of Transportation Engineers. Where such additional traffic is proposed or projected, the properly owner shall contact the Permitting Authority to determine if a new permit application or modification to an existing permit shall be required. If the Permitting Authority determines that the increased traffic generated by the change in use does not require modifications to the existing permit or existing access connection, a new permit application shall not be required. 2.19 Traveled Way - the portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders. 2.20 Turn Lane - that portion of the roadway dedicated to the turning movement (left-, right-, or U- turning) of vehicular traffic onto or off of the through traffic lanes to adjacent streets or developments. A turn lane must be long enough to accommodate enough turning vehicles to allow the free flow of the through traffic. SECTION THREE: CONNECTION PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 3.01 Connection permit applications on all public roadway facilities shall be reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance 82-91, as amended or superseded (Collier County Construction Standards for Work Within Rights-of-Way) and this Policy. Access classifications and design standards are shown in Table 1 and are further defined and described in Section Four of this Policy. 3.02 Existing permitted connections, existing median openings are not required to meet the standards of the assigned classification. Such features shall generally be allowed to remain in place unless for safety, operation or protection of the roadway capacity deemed necessary to modify or close by Collier County. These features shall be brought into reasonable conformance when new connection permits are granted, following significant changes in property use, or as changes to the roadway design occur. 3.03 A property that cannot be permitted access consistent with the standards for the classification assigned to that particular roadway segment and which has no other means of reasonable direct or indirect access as determined pmsuant to the connection permit process, shall be issued a Page 2 of 7 conforming permit by the Permitting Authority for a single connection pursuant to this Policy. If additional connections are requested and approved, they shall be considered non-conforming and shall contain restrictions and/or removal provisions. 3.04 Access class standards represent desirable requirements for each access class. As segments of roadways are analyzed and connection permits are applied for, the ultimate goal is to exceed these standards thereby providing for the preservation of the capacity, safety and general welfare of the traveling public. 3.05 The connection and median opening spacing standards specified in this policy may not be adequate in some cases. Greater distances between connections and median openings may be required by the Permitting Authority to provide sufficient location specific traffic operations and safety requirements. In such instances, the Permitting Authority shall document, as part of the response to an application submitted pursuant to this Policy, a justification based on traffic engineering principles, as to why such greater distances are required. 3.06 When a full median opening is constructed or reconstructed to allow for opposing let2 tums or U- tums only, these opehings shall be considered as one opening. 3.07 Adjacent properties under the same ownership shall not be considered as separate properties for the purpose of applying the standards associated with the access class of the adjacent roadway segment, but shall be deemed to be one parcel. Applicants requesting connections for one or more adjacent properties under the same ownership may, however, as part of the permit application process, request that the properties be considered individually for connection permitting purposes. Such requests shall be included in the permit application and shall provide specific analyses and justification of potential capacity decrease, safety and operational hazards associated with the compatibility of the volume, type, or characteristics of the traffic using the connection. Such properties and single ownership properties with frontage exceeding the standards of the assigned class may not be allowed, pursuant to the permit application process in this Policy, the maximum number of connections, median openings or signals based on the spacing standards. The total number of connections allowed will be the minimum necessary to provide reasonable access. Leasehold interests existing prior to the effective date of this Policy or a bonafide contract for sale may be considered as separate ownership from the parent tract for the purpose of this Policy. Such leasehold interests or contracts may not, however, be the sole criteria for determining separate o~vnership for purpose of implementation of this policy. 3.08 The speed criteria referred to in Table 1, Access Classification and Standards, means the posted speed limited for the roadway segment either existing or the established design posted speed limit for facilities identified for improvement or not yet in existence. 3.09 Comer clearances for connections shall meet or exceed the connection spacing requirements for Classifications 2 through 7. However, a single connection may be placed closer to the intersection for the circumstances set forth in Sections 3.09.1, 3.09.2 and 3.09.3 following and pursuant to the permit application process of this Policy. 3.09.1 If, due to property size, comer clearance standards of this Policy cannot be met, and where joint access which meets or exceeds the applicable comer clearance standards cannot be obtained with a neighboring property, or, in the determination of the Permitting Authority, is not feasible based on conflicting land use or conflicting traffic volumes/characteristics, then corner clearance measurements in Table 2 may be used to permit connections. Such properties, for the purpose of this Policy, are called "isolated comer properties". 3.09.2 In cases where connections are permitted under criteria specified in Table 2, following, the permit shall contain the following additional conditions: 3.09.2. I There shall be no more than one connection per road frontage. Where joint or alternate access meets or exceeds the applicable comer clearance becomes available, the permittee shall close the permitted connection, unless the permittee can then show, by presentation of competent evidence, that such closure is not feasible because of conflicting land Page 3 of 7 16B12, use, conflicting traffic volumes/characteristics, or existing structures preclude a change in the existing connection. 3.09.3 The comer clearance measurements for the isolated comer properties set forth in Section 3.09.1 above, shall be as defined in this section, Classes 3 through 8, inclusive. 3.09.4 Comer clearances for "isolated comer properties" are as follows: Table 2 Corner Clearance at Intersections WITH MEDIAN Position Access Allowed Standard (Feet) Code~ Approaching intersection Right In/Ont 115 A Approaching intersection Right In Only 752 B Departing Intersection Right In/Out 230(125)3 C Departing Intersection Right Out Only 100 D WITHOUT MEDIAN Position Access Allowed Standard (Feet) Code~ Approaching intersection Full Access 230(125)3 C Approaching intersection Right In Only4 100 D Departing Intersection Full Access 230(125)3 C Departing Intersection Right Out Only4 1002 E ~ - Refer to Figure I. 2 _ Subject to case-by-case analysis; may be increased depending on traffic characteristics and intersection geometry. 3 _ Access Class 7 may use the measurement in parenthesis. 4_ Connection by design will effectively eliminate unpermitted movements. 3.10 Connections and median openings located within the ~¼ mile from the limited-access interchange (includes the entire limited-access right-of-way frontage) shall be regulated consistent with the requirements of the Rules of the Department of Transportation, Chapter 14-97, State Highway System Access Management Classification System Standards, Florida Department of Transportation, as may be amended, and on controlled access and arterial roads within the first '/2 or ~/4 mile, respectively, or first existing intersection whichever distance is less, shall be regulated to protect the safety and operational efficiency of the limited access facility. 3.10.1 The distance to the first connection shall be at least 660 feet where the posted speed limit is greater than 45 mph, and shall be at least 440 feet where the posted speed limit is 45 mph or less. This distance will be measured from the end of the taper for that particular quadrant of the interchange on the arterial facility. A single connection per property not meeting this connection spacing may be provided, pursuant to the connection permit process, if no reasonable access to the property exists and if the Permitting Authority review of the connection permit application provided by the applicant determines that the connection does not create a safety, operational, or weaving hazard. In such cases, application for more than a single connection shall be examined as non-conforming connections. 3.10.2 The distance to the first median opening shall be at least 1320 feet as measured from the end of taper of the egress ramp. 3.10.3 Connections and median openings meeting spacing standards may not be permitted in the location requested in the permit application if the Permithng Authority determines, based on traffic engineering principles, the engineering and traffic information provided in the permit application shows that the capacity, safety, or operation characteristics of the interchange or the limited access highway or roadway would be adversely affected. 3.11 Locations for proposed signalization meeting signal warrants which are at intervals closer than the standard for the access class for the roadway segment shall be considered by the Permitting Authority, but may only be approved where the need for such signals is clearly demonstrated for the safety and operational characteristics of the roadway based on Permitting Authority Review of the traffic and signal information provided by the applicant in the connection permit application. Page 4 of 7 SECTION FOUR: ACCESS CLASS DESCRIPTIONS AND STANDARDS 4.01 The access classification system and standards are shown in Table 1. The Access Management Classifications are arranged from the most restrictive (Class 1) to the least restrictive (Class 7). The standards for each class are differentiated where the posted speed limit is greater or equal to 45 mph as distinguished from where the posted speed limit is less than 45 mph. The general description for Access Management Classifications I through 7 for county roadways is as follows: 4.01.1 Access Class 1, Limited Access Roadways. These highways do not provide direct property connections. Roadways in this class provide for efficient and safe high speed and high volume traffic movements, serving interstate, interregional, intercity, and to a lesser degree, intracity travel needs. 4.01.2 Access Class 2, Controlled Access Roadways. These are highly controlled access facilities distinguished by the ability to serve high speed and high volume traffic over long distances in a safe and efficient manner. These roadways are distinguished by a system of existing or planned service roads or other lower class roadway connections to provide for localized access. 4.01.3 Access Class 3, Arterials, divided. These facilities are controlled access facilities where direct access to abutting land will be controlled to maximize the operation of the through traffic movement. This class will be used where existing land uses and roadway sections have not completely built out to the maximum land use or roadway capacity or where the probability of significant land use change in the near future is high. These roadways will be distinguished by existing or planned median restrictions and maximum distance between traffic signals and driveway connections. 4.01.4 Access Class 4, Arterials, undivided. These facilities are controlled access facilities where direct access to abutting land will be controlled to maximize the operation of the through traffic movement. This class will be used where existing land uses and roadway sections have not completely built out to the maximum land use or roadway capacity or where the probability of significant land use change in the near future is high. These roadways will be distinguished by existing or planned non-restrictive median treatments or no median treatments. 4.01.5 Access Class 5, Arterials, divided. This class will be used where existing land uses and roadway sections have been built out to a greater extent than those roadway segments classified as Access Class 3 and 4 and where the probability of major land use change is not as high as those roadway segments classified as Class 3 and 4. These roadways will be distinguished by existing or planned median restrictions. 4.01.6 Access Class 6, Arterials, undivided. This class will be used where existing land uses and roadway sections have been built out to a greater extent than those roadway segments classified as Access Class 3 and 4 and where the probability of major land use change is not as high as those roadway segments classified as Class 3 and 4. These roadways will be distinguished by existing or planned non-restrictive median treatments or no median treatments. 4.01.7 Access Class 7, Arterials, divided and undivided. This class shall only be used in urbanized areas where existing land use and roadway sections are built out to the maximum intensity and where significant land use or road widening will be limited. This class shall be assigned where there is little intended purpose of providing for high-speed travel. These roadways can have restrictive, non-restrictive or no median treatments. SECTION FIVE: ASSIGNMENT OF AN ACCESS CLASSIFICATION TO ALL ARTERIAL AND COLLECTOR ROADWAYS Access Management Classifications (Class 1 through 7 as defined in Section Four) are based on the criteria detailed in Section 5.02. These criteria take into account the functional classification as well as other Page 5 of 7 disparate traffic characteristics. It is the intent of this Section Five to assign a classification to roadways and to individual roadway segments that is consistent with sound planning principles and engineering practices. 5.02.10 5.01 Facilities that are functionally classified by the County as Arterials or Collectors shall be assigned one of the Access Management Classes 3 through 7 except for State Highways which shall be classified by the Florida Department of Transportation using their own criteria and where the Board of County Commissioners has taken or may take future action to designate specific facilities as Limited-Access or Controlled-Access facilities. These currently include Livingston Road (entire length) and Collier Boulevard (CR 951) from US 41 to Immokalee Road as Controlled-Access facilities (Class 2) and the future extension of Collier Boulevard (CR 951) north of Immokalee Road as a Lirmted Access facility (Class 1) The assignment of classification to a specific segment of roadway shall be the responsibility of the Transportation Services Division with ultimate approval by the Board of County commissions. 5.02 The classification decision shall take into consideration the potential for the desired access management classification and standards to be achieved based on existing land use, probability for land use change, adopted future roadway plans, and on ultimate roadway cross-section identified in the adopted plans. The assignment of a classification shall take into account consideration the following factors: 5.02.1 The current and potential functional classification of the roadway; 5.02.2 Existing and projected future traffic volumes; 5.02.3 Existing and projected state, local and Metropolitan Planning Organization transportation plans and needs, including consideration of new or improved parallel facilities; 5.02.4 Drainage requirements; 5.02.5 Adjacent land use characteristics (existing and projected); 5.02.6 Local land use plans, zoning and land development regulations as set forth in the Growth Management Plan; 5.02.7 Type and volume of traffic requiring access; 5.02.8 Operational aspects including corridor accident history; 5.02.9 Availability of reasonable access to an arterial or collector roadway by way of adjacent local streets as an alternative to a direct connection to an arterial or collector; Cumulative effect of existing and projected connections on the arterials' or collectors' ability to provide save and efficient movement of people and goods within the County. 5.03 Table 3 depicts the assigned Access Management Class based on the criteria enumerated in Section 5.02 for all existing and presently proposed major collectors and arterials. The designation of Livingston Road as an Access Class 2 and Collier Boulevard (CR 951) as Access Class 1 and 2 as previously described shall take precedent over Table 4. 5.04 Activity Center access management plans are defined in the Land Development Code but are subject to review and approval on a case-by-case basis as land use proposals for development and redevelopment are submitted. The access shall be consistent with the intent to provide for the preservation of capacity and the safety of the traveling public. SECTION SIX: REVIEW AND MODIFICATION OF CLASSIFICATIONS 6.01 The Transportation Services Division shall review the Access Management Classifications for specific segments of arterial and collector roadways when a major change in any of the factors Page 6 of 7 6.02 noted herein have occurred or annually, whichever occurs first. The review shall take the same form and procedure as outlined in Section 5 of this Policy. A written request may be made by any person or organization to the Transportation Services Administrator that the Transportation Services Division to review the access classification of any specific segment (s) of an arterial or collector roadway at any time. Such written request shall include the specific basis to justify why the change in the roadway segment classification is being sought, and shall indicate the desired roadway segment classification and the specific justification therefore, based on the criteria contained herein. The Administrator shall consider each such request, coordinating with the appropriate organizations and committees named herein, and may initiate a study to determine if the reclassification should be approved, approved in a modified form, or denied under criteria outlined herein. Said proposed reclassification shall be submitted to the Board of County comrmssioners of Collier County with appropriate background data for final adoption or denial. SECTION SEVEN: AMENDMENTS This Policy may be amended from time to time by Resolution of the Collier County Board of Commissioners. Page 7 of 7 mmm ~UM CORNER'CLEARANCES REFER TO TABLE ,~2") -- 16B12 ~ FIGURE 1"