Agenda 10/28/2008 Item #16G 1
Agenda Item No. 16G1
October 28, 2008
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Recommendation that the Collier CRA Board approve an application for an Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) Community-Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant in the amount
of $650,000 to conduct environmental assesments in economically distressed areas within
the Collier County CRA boundaries; and authorize the CRA Chairman to sign a support
letter as a partner in the Collier County Brownfields Coalition.
OBJECTIVE: To receive CRA approval to apply for an Environmental Protection Agency
(EP A) Community-Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant in the amount of $650,000 to conduct
environmental assesments in economically distressed areas within the Collier County CRA
boundaries; and authorize the CRA Chairman to sign a support letter as a partner in the Collier
County Brownfields Coalition.
BACKGROUND: Brownfields present redevelopment opportumtIes that result in viable
economic and community development residential, infill housing projects and open-space/green-
space proj ects.
The state's definition of a brownfield site is found in Subsection 376.79(3), Florida Statues: "Real
property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse, of which may be complicated by actual or
perceived [emphasis added] environmental contamination."
The EPA's definition of a brownfield site as stated in the EPA's Guidelines for Assessment
Grants is "Real property, the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated
by the presence or potential presence of hazardous substances, pollutants or contaminants,
controlled substances, petroleum or petroleum products, or is mine-scarred land."
EP A's Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, communities, tribes, and local
governments to inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. EP A provides
brownfields funding for Brownfields Assessment Grants to inventory, characterize, assess, and
conduct planning (including cleanup planning) and community involvement. Applications for
Community-Wide Assessment Grants are due November 14,2008.
CONSIDERATIONS: The Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) will be
the lead agency in a Coalition with the Collier County Airport Authority, South Florida Water
Management District (Big Cypress Basin), and the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council
to jointly assess potentially environmentally contaminated sites which are key to economic
If grant applications were filed individually, the amount of EP A funding is limited to $200,000
per application and each applicant would compete against each other. By creating the Coalition -
the Collier County Brownfields Coalition - the Coalition members are eligible to apply for a
greater amount of grant funds and increase their chances of receiving the grant. If the Coalition is
awarded a Community- Wide Assessment Grant, the Coalition will:
· Execute a Memorandum of Agreement between Coalition members,
· Evaluate selected sites considered to be potentially environmentally contaminated,
· Determine to what degree, if any, they are contaminated,
. Develop remediation plans, and
· Seek funding for eventual redevelopment and reuse.
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By using EP A grant funding, the site assessment and clean-up process will accelerate
redevelopment in blighted communities in the county; specifically within the two Collier CRA
boundaries (Immokalee and Bayshore Gateway Triangle).
The CRA Letter of Support is included in the grant application to affirm the Collier County
CRA's participation as a Coalition member.
The grant application is a draft but substantially complete. Minor additions and changes will
need to be made to the proposal, but these will not affect the substance of the application or the
commitments made in the application. All Coalition members are preparing letters of
commitment to participate as entities in the Coalition as required by the EP A. Specifically, the
Collier County Airport Authority will provide the CRA a letter of commitment pending approval
from the Airport Authority Board.
FISCAL IMPACT: No fiscal impact is associated with application for this grant. There is no
dollar match required. If awarded, a budget amendment will be processed at the time the CRA
and Board of County Commissioners considers acceptance of the grant award. EP A funds will be
managed in Fund 116. The application is for a $650,000 non-matching grant.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This Brownfields initiative supports Objectives 1,3,
and 4 of the Economic Element.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: If the grant is awarded, a Memorandum of Agreement will be
executed by all members of the Coalition. This Memorandum of Agreement will establish how
funds will be distributed among members as well as how sites will be selected for assessments.
No funding will be disbursed prior to the execution of the Memorandum of Agreement. Any
Coalition member which does not agree to the terms of the Memorandum of Agreement shall be
dropped from the Coalition.
The draft proposal and associated documents have been reviewed by the County Attorney's
Office and are legally sufficient for CRA Board action. (MMSS)
RECOMMENDATION: For the Collier CRA to approve an application for an Environmental
Protection Agency (EP A) Community-Wide Brownfields Assessment Grant in the amount of
$650,000 to conduct environmental assesments in economically distressed areas within the
Collier County CRA boundaries; and authorize the CRA Chairman to sign a support letter as a
partner in the Collier County Brownfields Coalition.
Prepared by David Jackson on October 15, 2008
Executive Director, Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA
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Agenda Item No. 1681
October 28,2008
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Item Number:
Item Summary:
Recommendation that the Collier CRA Board approve application for an EnVIronmental
Protection Agency iEPA) Community-Wide Brownfields ,A,ssessment Grant in the amount of
$650.000 to conduct environmental assesments In economically distressed areas Within the
Collier County CRA boundaries: and authorize the CRA Chairman to sign a support letter as
a partner in the Collier County Brownflelds Coalition.
Meeting Date:
10/28/200890000 AM
Prepared By
David Jackson
Executive Director
Community Redevelopment
Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment
10/15/20085:49:12 PM
Approved By
David Jackson
Executive Director
Community Redevelopment
Bayshore-Gateway Redevelopment
i 0/16/2008 3:36 PM
Approved By
OMS Coordinator
Applications Analyst
Administrative Services
Information Technology
10/17/20088:15 AM
Approved By
Marjorie M. Student-Stirling Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney County Attorney Office
10/21/2008 3:38 PM
Approved By
Mark Isackson
Budget Analyst
County Manager's Office
Office of Management & Budget
10/21/20083:43 PM
Approved By
James V. Mudd
County Manager
Board of County
County Manager's Office
10/22/20089:40 AM
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Agenda Item No. 16G1
October 28, 2008
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1. Applicant Eligibility
. The Collier Countv Community Redevelooment Agencv (CRA) is a Redevelopment Agency
established under Florida State Statute S 163.356; and established by the Collier County
Board of County Commissioners through Resolutions numbered 2000-82 and 2000-83 (a
copy of Florida State Statute S 163.356 and Collier County Board of Commissioners
Resolution 2000-82 and 2000-83 are included as Appendix X). The CRA consists of two
components: the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA and the Immokalee CRA.
. The Collier County Airoort Authority is a political subdivision of Collier County, Florida, as
defined in S 333.01(9), Florida Statutes which is participating in the Coalition and it derives
its authority from Florida State Statute S 332.01 et seq.
. The South Florida Water Management District. Big Cvpress Basin (SFWMD) is a regional
governmental agency responsible for water quality, flood control, water supply and
environmental restoration in 16 counties, from Orlando to the Florida Keys. The SFWMD is
a Government Entity created by the State Legislature under Florida State Statute S 373.069 (a
copy of Florida State Statute S 373.069 is included in Appendix X).
. The Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC) is a Regional Planning
Council designated by Florida State Statute S 186.504 (a copy of Florida State Statute
S186.504 is included in Appendix X).
A letter from each of the above Coalition Members affirming their participation in the coalition
and support of this Proposal is included in Appendix X.
2. Letter from the State Environmental Authority
A letter from Mr. Charles Emery III, Environmental Administrator with the Florida Department
of Environmental Protection, South District, acknowledging the Coalition's intent to file this FY
2009 Brownfields Assessment Grant Proposal with the U.S. EPA is included as Appendix X.
3. Site Eligibility and Property Ownership Eligibility
This is a proposal for a community-wide assessment grant and is not site-specific. Sites that will
receive grant-funded environmental assessments have not yet been identified. Those chosen will
meet EP A eligibility requirements that are incorporated in the project's site selection process
described in Section X., page X of this proposal. EP A will determine final eligibility for each
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a. Health, Welfare and Environment
i) Collier County, Florida is located on the Southwest Coast of Florida. Collier County contains a
large portion of the Everglades and virtually the entire southeastern portion of the county lies
within the Big Cypress National Preserve. Over the past five decades, Collier County has seen
explosive growth and a substantial increase in development pressure. The number of County
residents swelled from 6,488 in 1950 to 85,000 by 1980; and according to the Florida Research
and Economic Database (FRED), the population of Collier County rose to an estimated 326,658
persons in 2006, This estimate represents a 58.6 percent increase from 1996.
Much of Collier County-mainly the Everglades and the Big Cypress Preserve-are conserved
as greenspaces by federal mandates. Nevertheless, since 1962, the western third of the county
has experienced sustained growth in tourism, real estate, and, inland from the coast, agriculture.
Coalition partners of the Collier County Brownfields Redevelopment Coalition are targeting
redevelopment efforts of brownfields in two economically distressed communities inland from
the coast in Collier County: (1) the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area and (2) the
lmmokalee Redevelopment Area.
The commercial corridor of the Bayshore Gateway Triangle Area can be characterized as heavy
commercial. Consisting largely of auto repair shops, gas stations, warehousing and other
commercial operations, many of these businesses were established in the 1960s, before many of
the monitoring mechanisms that mitigate petroleum contamination of ground and water sources
were in place. The primary environmental contamination concern in this area is petroleum
leaking from underground storage tanks and other residual contamination from heavy
commercial activities. The lmmokalee Redevelopment Area, predominantly agricultural, is also
home to a regional airport which served as a military air base during World War II. The primary
environmental contamination concerns in this area are threefold: (1) contamination from
fertilizers and pesticides-especially arsenic-resulting from agricultural activity; (2) munitions
left buried underground at the airport after its use for military operations; and (3) petroleum
contamination from underground storage tanks and other residual contamination from light
industrial/heavy commercial activities. The population of both areas have significant Hispanic
and other minority groups.
The effect these brownfields have on the targeted communities is difficult to cull out of
traditional sources of demographic and epidemiological data.
ii) Even though no data have identified a correlation between the contamination of brownfields
and adverse health effects of local populations, some organizations have suspected that exposure
to pesticides, fertilizers, and associated chemicals in the fields around lmmokalee have
compromised the health of migrant workers, who are primarily of Hispanic descent. General
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research on migrant farming communities has shown that farm workers suffer from various
rashes, respiratory diseases, and other such illnesses as a result of exposure to chemicals used in
agriculture and it can be safely assumed that the same phenomena exists among the migrant farm
working community in lmmokalee. The effects of agricultural activities on other residents not
directly exposed to these chemicals are not known at this time.
b. Financial Need
i) Although the County as a whole has prospered in recent decades due to increased real estate
values and tourism, there is significant disparity between the more affluent areas of the County
and the unincorporated areas where pockets of low income residents reside. A demographic
comparison of the program target areas with the County and United States is shown in the table
Table 1. Demographic summary oftarget communities, Collier County, Florida, and the
United States. Source: Census 2000.
Median Household Income
Per Capita Income
Persons Below Poverty
Poverty Rate
Unemployment Rate
The data summarized in Table I are based on census geography which does not conform with the
boundaries of the redevelopment areas. Both Redevelopment Areas include land from four
census tracts each; however, these agglomerations of census tracts are much larger than the
Redevelopment Areas. This inaccuracy in geography is especially pronounced in the case of the
Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area because the census tracts contained by the
Redevelopment Area also contain several affluent communities on their outskirts. Even though
census geography obscures the truth of the two target communities of lmmokalee and the
Bayshore Gateway Triangle, Table I above illustrates that per capita and median income levels
in both Redevelopment Areas still lag behind the county, state, and country.
ii) A number of fiscal factors constrain the abilities of coalition members to assess sites in the
two target communities. The Airport Authority is responsible for expansion of the lmmokalee
Airport and has been charged with the responsibility of assessing the three sites at the Airport
and remediating any contamination in order to support effOlis to locate an Army Reserve base at
the facility.
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a. Proiect Description
i) Over 150 sites are suspected to have possible environmental contamination between the
Bayshore Gateway Triangle and lmmokalee Redevelopment Areas. From these sites, six have
been prioritized because they have more advanced plans for redevelopment and it is known that
previous land uses likely contaminated the land, The prioritized sites are as follow: three sites at
the lmmokalee Airport; one site at Lake Trafford, lmmokalee; two sites at the future cultural-arts
facility on Bayshore Drive; and one site at the Mini-Triangle in the Gateway Triangle
Redevelopment Area. More details about these sites are summarized in the table below.
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Table 2. Preliminary list and descriptions of prioritized sites from target communities for
environmental assessment.
Bayshore Gateway
Site Name Immokalee Airport Lake Trafford Clean Up Triangle 17-Acre The Mini-Triangle
(3 Sites) (1 Site) Cultural Arts Catalyst (1 site)
Project (2 sites)
Location Immokalee CRA Immokalee CRA Bayshore Gateway Bayshore Gateway
Trianale CRA Trianale CRA
Coalition Member in Airport Authority South Florida Water Bayshore Gateway Bayshore Gateway
Charae Manaoement District Trianale CRA Trianale CRA
Aoorox. Size 1000 acres 400 acres 17 + acres 14 acres
Cleared site--more than
50% of which is wetland.
Mound of muck ("cleaning About .5 acres has Light-industrial
Site Description Regional Airport cells") dredged out from underground storage uses/heavy commercial,
the bottom of Lake tanks that have leaked such as auto repair, U-
Trafford. some leaded gasoline Haul, etc.
(Phase I and II done on .5
acres already).
Expected Petroleum, Munitions, Arsenic primarily. Petroleum Petroleum
Contaminants Hazardous Substances
Army National Guard Off Road Vehicle A multi-use cultural-arts
Desired Reuse Base, airport-related light Regional Park to be facility with retail, dining, Mixed-use commercial
industry, tourism administered by Collier performance, exhibition, and residential site.
development (hotels) County Parks and Rec. and parking space.
b. Bud2et for EP A Fundin2 and Levera2in2 Other Resources
NOTE: Distribution of funds within budget is yet to be determined.
i) The Collier County Brownfields Coalition Budget is summarized in Table 3 below.
Table 3. Collier County Brownfields Coalition budget for community-wide assessments.
Budaet Cateaories Proiect Tasks
Task 1 Task 2 Task 3 Task 4 Task 5 Total
Program Community Site Selection Targeted Site Preliminary
Capacity Outreach Assess ments Cleanup
Planni no
Frinae Benefits
otal $650.000.00
Task 1: Program Capacity and Oversight
This task summarizes expenses incurred for activities integral to achieving the purposes of the
grant including preparing quarterly reports, annual performance reports, and associated EP A
monitoring reports, conducting meetings, attending conferences, and coordinating environmental
contractors, and public involvement efforts. The proposed travel budget covers the National
Brownfields Conferences over the duration of the grant period.
Task 2: Community Outreach and Involvement
This task involves the research, technical assistance and training necessary to inform the
residents of the target areas of the progress of the investigation and its impact on redevelopment
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planning and implementation. The Collier County Brownfields Coalition will provide a page on
the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle CRA web site to provide updates on the project, post reports, and
cite success stories. The Collier County Brownfield Coalition will prepare a project brochure
summarizing the purpose of the program and how it benefits property owners, citizens, and
prospective developers. A minimum of four public meetings will be held during the project to
report progress and seek public input. The costs included under this task will cover contracted
graphic and/or web design expenses, printing, staff time and support materials.
Task 3: Site Selection and Prioritization
This task will involve identification of potentially contaminated brownfield sites throughout the
target areas in Collier County. In order to identify these sites, the Collier County Brownfield
Coalition will utilize a visual inspection program, public outreach programs, and database
searches. This initial identification process will gather as much information about the sites as
possible for future ranking purposes.
After potential brownfield sites have been identified, the Collier County Brownfield Coalition
will utilize an application process with established screening criteria to prioritize potential sites
following locally established brownfield prioritization criteria. This prioritization process will
provide an initial ranking of potential sites for conducting a site assessment as well as establish
whether anticipated contaminants are hazardous substances or petroleum-based.
Once the preliminary prioritization has been completed and the sites with the greatest potential
for a successful Brownfields project have been identified, the Collier County Brownfield
Coalition will schedule meetings with interested parties for the site. The purpose of these
meetings will be to establish the roles of individual Collier County Brownfield Coalition
partners, the level of effort needed to bring the site to reuse or revitalization, and any concerns or
questions the interested parties may have concerning the sites. The financial needs of the project
will be discussed, and funding gaps will be identified. These meetings may include discussions
about obtaining resources, such as Brownfield Cleanup Grant monies, Assessment Grant funds,
local government in-kind resources, private funding and other resources that may be available to
complete the work necessary to bring the site to redevelopment or reuse. These meetings will
clarify and document the goals for the site and responsibility for each phase of the project.
Based upon the results of these meetings and additional information gathered about the sites, a
final prioritization of the sites will be established. The final prioritization of the sites will
include an evaluation of local community needs, funding strategies and site-specific criteria.
Task 4: Targeted Site Assessments
Upon completion of final site prioritization, site assessment work will be planned and performed.
Phase I Environmental Site Assessments - Subject to receiving a favorable site priority
determination and authorization from the affected property owner, via a signed Access
Agreement, the Collier County Brownfield Coalition will contract with a qualified environmental
contractor to prepare a Phase I EnvirolIDlental Site Assessment (Environmental Site
Assessment). Approximately XX investigations will be completed in a manner consistent with
ASTM E1527-05 which meets the EPA's All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) standard. Based on
Agenda Item No. 1681
October 28,2008
discussions with environmental contractors, a unit price of $XX per Phase I Environmental Site
Assessment is anticipated. Actual costs may vary based on the size of the site, past uses, number
of Recognized Environmental Conditions, etc. In addition to the budgeted grant funds, the
Collier County Brownfield Coalition will also commit staff time to secure access agreements,
prepare and submit Site Eligibility Determination requests, and perform related duties to enable
contractors to complete these environmental investigations.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments - Based on the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment
results, sites will be evaluated to determine which properties require a Phase II Environmental
Site Assessment. Costs associated with completing Phase II Environmental Site Assessments
include collecting soil and groundwater samples, performing laboratory analyses, and preparing
a summary report. Phase II Environmental Site Assessments will also include recommendations
for further action. The Collier County Brownfield Coalition anticipates completing
approximately X Phase II Environmental Site Assessments at an approximate unit cost of $XX.
Based on discussions with qualified environmental firms this figure was established as a
reasonable estimate. In addition, the Collier County Brownfield Coalition will commit in-kind
services to work with contractors, publish results of studies, respond to questions, interface with
federal and state regulators, distribute reports, etc. The cost for the assessment work (including
report writing) can range from $XX to over $XX per site, depending upon site-specific
conditions, such as drilling methods or depth to groundwater. Procurement of any necessary
equipment or services will be completed using the appropriate local, state and federal
procurement requirements. All assessment fieldwork will be performed by qualified contractors
under the direction of Collier County Brownfield Coalition staff.
Task 5: Preliminary Cleanup and Land Reuse Planning with Stakeholders
The report that documents the findings and recommendations of the assessment work will be
distributed or made available to all interested parties and the general public for review. When
necessary, meetings may be held to discuss the results of the assessment activities and potential
future work. If necessary, a projected budget for future work will be prepared and discussed.
When evaluating the site for possible future work, risk-based decision making will be
incorporated in order to find the most cost effective solution to bring the site to redevelopment
and sustainable reuse. If it is determined that some level of cleanup is required before site
redevelopment can be finalized, the Collier County Brownfield Coalition will help identify other
funding sources such as Brownfield cleanup grant monies, local government in-kind resources or
other private funding sources to ensure successful site revitalization by leveraging stakeholder
ii) In the event that grant funds are insufficient to cover the costs of program activities coalition
pmtners must be prepared to secure funding from other sources.
c. Pro2rammatic Capabilitv
i) Not Applicable.
ii) Although no Coalition members have administered an Environmental Protection Agency
Brownfields Program, Coalition members have successfully managed over $13 million in
various grant programs in transportation, recreation, community development, hazard mitigation
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and environmental protection. Collier County Brownfield Coalition partners have extensive
continuous experience in managing a wide variety of grants and contracts including numerous
federal pass-through programs and non-federal grants. This management experience includes,
but is not limited to the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act Hazardous Materials
Title III Program, Hazardous Waste Assessment and Inspection Programs, Hazardous Materials
Emergency Preparedness Planning Programs, Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness
Training Programs, Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Programs, Florida Recreation
Development Assistance Program, State Housing Initiative Partnership Program and grants
through the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Administration of the grant
will be done by the Bayshore Gateway CRA, which relies upon established Collier County grant
management, personnel management, fiscal systems, and contract administration policies and
procedures. This administrative organization provides support to assist the direct project
managers in all phases of grant and contract management.
a. Involvin2 the Tar2et Community
The Coalition partners have held eight public meetings at which brownfields redevelopment
programs were discussed. The Immokalee Airport was designated as a Brownfield Site on March
25, 2004 by the Board of County Commissioners in order to qualifY the site for state and federal
assistance for assessment and remediation. The County Commissioners approved the community
request for Brownfield Site designation because of the lmmokalee Airport's history as a former
military base. Members of the public anticipate that Phase II assessments will likely uncover
buried munitions and other hazardous substances that leaked from machinery and aircraft.
Current plans to expand the Immokalee AirpOli with an Army Reserve base has renewed public
interest in the brownfield program so as to defray costs of due diligence involving the Phase I
and Phase II assessments necessary for the Anny Reserve and ancillary businesses to redevelop
land in the area.
The lmmokalee CRA discussed Brownfield Designation with the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection at a public meeting in May 2008. Follow up meetings with guest
speakers of the Environmental Protection Agency and the Florida Department of Environmental
Protection occurred in August 2008. Of particular interest is the redevelopment of a site near
Lake Trafford in lmmokalee that was created as a dredge disposal site necessary for the cleanup
of Lake Trafford. The site is widely suspected to be contaminated by arsenic after years of
agricultural waste flowing to the lake as effluent. The South Florida Water Management District,
Big Cypress Basin is managing the assessment, remediation, and redevelopment of this site,
which will ultimately be redeveloped and managed by the Collier County Parks and Recreation
Department to become an Off-Road Vehicle Park. Additionally, local residents have inquired
about having their properties assessed as part of smaller, grass-roots redevelopment projects.
From Immokalee residents' inquiries, a windshield survey uncovered approximately 50 sites that
appear to have potential contamination.
The Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA has discussed brownfields redevelopment at three public
meetings. On September 17,2008, Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA staff and a technical
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assistance consultant funded by the Environmental Protection Agency met with residents
interested in the Community-Wide Assessment Grant to explain the program, answer questions,
and accept citizen input for the program. Based on community input, a windshield survey of the
Bayshore Gateway Triangle Redevelopment Area was conducted. From this survey,
approximately 70 sites were reviewed that have potential contamination. In addition, owners
adjacent parcels at a key intersection in the Redevelopment Area have expressed interest in
partnering for a single redevelopment project. Their sites have historically been home to auto
repair shops and are likely to have petroleum contamination. With the downturn in the economy,
the property owners believe they have an opportunity to conduct due diligence, including
environmental assessments, and to prepare a marketing plan for development when the economy
improves. Finally, the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA owns an approximately 17 acre site, for
which there is sweeping public interest in developing a cultural arts facility.
In order to continue to provide citizens of the target areas with information concerning the
Collier County Brownfield Coalition Brownfields Assessment program, the Coalition will take
the following actions:
. Make available to the public, in a reasonable and timely manner, information concerning the
amounts of funds available for various activities and the range of activities that may be
. Provide citizens with adequate notice of public hearings, which are to be held at times and
locations convenient to potential or actual beneficiaries, and with accommodation for the
handicapped. If a significant number of non-English speaking residents could reasonably be
expected to attend a public hearing, an interpreter will be provided for the language expected
to be represented.
. If any party representing low to moderate income persons requests assistance for developing a
site selection proposal for the Brownfields Program, the Collier County Brownfield Coalition
shall review the entity's proposal and provide technical assistance as necessary for
determining the eligibility of the proposed activity.
. Hold at least four (4) public hearings to obtain the views of citizens on community
development needs during the site selection process.
. Develop and publish a summary of the Collier County Brownfield Coalition Brownfields
Assessment Proposal and Program details that will provide citizens with an opportunity to
examine its contents and submit their comments.
. Consider any comments and views expressed by citizens on the proposed Brownfields
Program to be undertaken and the site selection process to be used.
. Hold at least one public hearing during the final site selection prioritization to receive public
comments prior to commencement of Phase I Environmental Assessments.
The Collier County Brownfield Coalition shall establish a Complaint and Grievance Procedure
that will be followed throughout implementation of the Brownfields Program. Complaints or
grievances may be filed by local citizens, property or business owners, or their representatives,
on the basis of their belief that the Brownfields program implementation is inappropriate or
illegal based upon such factors as environmental considerations or civil rights. Complaints shall
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be issued in writing to the Executive Director of the Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA within 30
days of the perceived problem and delivered or mailed to the official address of the local
government. The Collier County Brownfield Coalition shall investigate the complaint/grievance
and respond in writing within 15 days, although conclusion of the matter may take more than 15
b. Partnerships with Local and State Environmental And Health A2encies And Other
Relevant Governmental A2encies
The Collier County Brownfield Coalition and its lead agency the Bayshore / Gateway Triangle
CRA have been in contact with the State Department of Environmental Protection and the
Collier County Health Department to discuss plans for the implementation of the County
Brownfields Program and to anticipate what measures will need to be instituted in executing the
program. General discussions and analysis have also been underway regarding the process for
assessing and cleaning up properties,
c. Involvement of Community-Based Or2anizations
The Collier County Brownfield Coalition has identified and coordinated with several
community-based organizations to define a clear and involved role in the project's
implementation and its progress. Their participation will increase the knowledge of the
community regarding the project, and will provide oversight and support for the activities. These
organizations have committed themselves to insuring a successful and dynamic Brownfields
Program for the Collier County Brownfield Coalition (a letter of support and affirmation of
commitment to the program is included in Appendix X):
Career and Service Centers of Southwest Florida will provide job-training and technical
assistance to local residents in the target areas in good-paying environmental jobs. This
organization has two offices located in program target areas including Immokalee and in the
vicinity of the Airport.
a. Welfare and/or Public Health
The purpose of this project is to complete a community-wide environmental assessment of
hazardous substance and petroleum contamination in each of the selected targeted areas. This
information will be used to assist the Collier County Brownfield Coalition in the preparation of a
Brownfields redevelopment plan that is consistent and compatible with identified environmental
conditions and where needed, identify protective and cost effective remedial measures designed
to enhance the redevelopment potential of the target areas. Assessments will follow Phase I
Environmental Site Assessments (Environmental Site Assessment) investigative procedures.
These investigations will be completed in a manner consistent with ASTM E1527-05 which
meets the EPA's All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) standard to include thorough review of state and
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local environmental agency files, evaluation of historical aerial photographs, site visits and
interviews with knowledgeable persons. After evaluation of the assessments, the Collier County
Brownfield Coalition will then prioritize properties identified as having potential threats to
determine which ones require further sampling and assessment. Sites will be prioritized based
on criteria such as the magnitude of potential contamination, potential for threat to public health
and the environmental, priority for redevelopment for redevelopment, and ability to obtain access
for sampling. Any imminent threat to public health and the environment encountered in the
course of the assessments will be addressed with established environmental remediation
b. Economic Benefits and/or Greenspace [5 Points]
Need to explain how the grant will produce:
i) Economic benefits, such as increased employment and expanded tax base, through the
redevelopment of sites assessed under this grant. Provide quantitative estimates where feasible;
ii) Other non-economic benefits associated with sites to be reused for greenspace or other not-
for-profit activities. Greenspace includes areas redeveloped for uses such as parks, recreation
areas, greenways, or environmental buffers. Other not-for-profit activities include the work of
governmental or charitable organizations.
c. Environmental Benefits from Infrastructure Reuse/Sustainable Reuse
Upon selection as a recipient of a Brownfields assessment grant and development and EP A
approval of the Work Plan, a set of project goals and objectives (relating to outputs and
outcomes) will be established, tracked and published in pertinent public information
newsletters/fact sheets as well as within quarterly progress reports to the EP A Project Officer.
Some preliminary outcomes include assessment and conceptual design and cost estimation for
creation of greenspace and propeliy reuse of potentially contaminated sites. Other potential
outcomes and outputs related to community involvement measures will be considered during
completion of the work plan.
d. Plan for Trackin2 and Measurin2 Pro2ress towards Outcomes
Agenda Item No. 1681
October 28,2008
Page 15 of 17
CRA Board
James N. Coletta
Fred W. Coyle
Donna Fiala
F rank Halas
Tom Hennll1g
Lindsey Thom as
Jill Barry
Karen Beatty
Ron Fowle
Chuck Gunther
Steve Main
Bill Neal
Bruce Preble
CRA Staff
David L. Jackson
Jean Jourdan
Project Manager
Sue Trone
Shrrley Garcia
November 14, 2008
Environmental Management Support, Inc.
Attn: Mr, Don West
8601 Georgia Avenue, Suite 500
Silver Springs, Maryland 20910
RE: Collier County Brownfield Coalition FY 2009 Brownfield Assessment Grant
To Whom It May Concern:
It is our pleasure to submit the enclosed proposal for a FY 2009 Brownfield
Assessment Grant for the Collier County Brownfields Coalition. Our coalition
partners are extremely excited about the prospect of implementing a Coalition
Assessment Grant through the Brownfields Assessment Program.
The Collier County Brownfields Coalition has developed a comprehensive
partnership of organizations with the expertise and programmatic capability necessary
to successfully complete a community-wide brownfield assessment program, The
coalition looks forward to your consideration of our proposal for funding through the
FY 2009 Brownfields Assessment Grant Program.
A. Applicant Identification: The Collier County Community Redevelopment
Agency, Bayshore Gateway Triangle component in Collier County, Florida, is the
applying entity for this proposal and will be the cooperative agreement recipient and
serve as the lead agency and fund manager.
Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency
4069 Bayshore Drive
Naples, FL 34112
B. Funding Requested:
i) Grant Type: Brownfield Community-Wide Assessment
ii) Federal Funds Requested: $650,000
iii) Contamination: Hazardous Substances and Petroleum (Funds estimated for each
contaminant type: $455,000 for hazardous substances and $195,000 for petroleum
contamination. )
iv) This proposal is for a Coalition Assessment Grant.
C. Location (Coalition Partners Listed Separately):
. Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Area, Naples, Florida
. Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area, Immokalee, Florida
. Collier County Airport Authority
4069 Bayshore Drive. Naples, Florida 34112
P (239) 643-1115. F: (239) 775-4456
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Agenda Item No. 1681
October 28,2008
Page 16 of 17
rOHMVNfT~ H.l OF"'lOPi"lINT Ai .NC'~
eRA Board
James N. Coletta
Fred W. Coyle
Donna Fiala
FranK Halas
Tom Henning
Lindsey Thorn as
Jill Barry
Karen Beatty
Ron Fowle
Chuck Gunther
Steve Main
Bill Neal
Bruce Preble
CRA Staff
David L. Jackson
Jean Jourdan
Project Manager
Sue Trone
Shirley Garcia
. South Florida Water Management District, Big Cypress Basin (SFWMD)
. Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council (SWFRPC)
D. Site specific proposal requirements: (not applicable)
E. Contacts:
Pro; ect Director
Sue Trone, Operations Analyst
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA
4069 Bayshore Drive
Naples, Florida 34112
Phone: (239) 643-1115
Fax: (239) 775-4456
S ueTrone(21ko lliergov.n et
Chief Executive
David Jackson, Executive Director
Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA
4069 Bayshore Drive
Naples, Florida 34112
Phone: (239) 64~-1115
Fax: (239) 775-4456
DavidJackson(ii~colliergov .net
F. Date Submitted: November 14,2008
G. Project Period: July I, 2009-June 30, 2012 (subject to timing of award from the
u. S. Environmental Protection Agency)
H. Population
Collier County: 2007 - 315,839, 2000 - 251,377
Source: U. S. Census Bureau, 2007 Population Estimates, Census 2000
We appreciate the Environmental Protection Agency's support of our coalition's
brownfields efforts and hope that our proposal enhances your agency's program
accomplishments. We look forward to sharing our successes with the Environmental
Protection Agency. Please let me know if you need additional information or have
any questions regarding this proposal.
Thank you for your consideration.
Donna Fiala, Chairman
Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency
CC: Mr. Mike Norman, Regional Brownfields Coordinator, Environmental
Protection Agency Region 4
4069 Bayshore Drive. Naples, Florida 34112
P: (239) 643-1115. F: (239) 775-4456
\.,," ...... GAT E W.A Y
&~ri .~ ...~ TRIANGLE
Agenda Item No. 1681
October 28,2008
~n"'MUNt1..., II'Oflll1 O,.,..FNT -'GFMCV
CRA Board
James N Coletta
Fred W Coyle
Donna Fiala
Frank Halas
Tom Henning
Lindsey Thorn as
Jill Barry
Karen Beatty
Ron Fowle
Chuck Gunther
Ma urice
Steve Main
William Mears
Bruce Preble
CRA Staff
David L Jackson
Jean Jourdan
Project Manager
Sue Trone
Shirley Garcia
October 28, 2008
David Jackson, Executive Director
Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Agency
4069 Bayshore Drive
Naples, Florida 34112
Dear Mr. Jackson:
On behalf of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), I
am pleased to provide this commitment letter as a part of the Collier County
Brownfields Coalition.
The CRA was created by the Collier County Board of County Commissioners,
and is a separate and distinct unit of local government as defined by Florida
Statutes 163 Part III. The CRA Board recognizes that site assessments
conducted within the two Collier County Redevelopment Areas are essential
to incentivize economic development of blighted or contaminated properties.
The critical role of assessing, designating and cleaning up brownfields sites
will assist in creating and maintaining a vibrant and economically successful
The Collier County Bayshore Gateway Triangle CRA, a component area of
the CRA, will represent the CRA as the grant management arm of the Collier
County Brownfields Coalition.
Donna Fiala, Chairman
Collier County Community
Redevelopment Agency
4069 Bayshore Drive. Suite 1 . Naples, Florida 34112
P: (239) 643-1115 . F: (239) 775-4456