Agenda 10/28/2008 Item #16B 3
Agenda Item No. 1683
October 28, 2008
Page 1 of 15
Recommendation to approve a Resolution which authorizes the Chairman of the
Board of County Commissioners to enter into a Joint Project Agreement (JPA) with
the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to provide for a coordinated
arterial traffic signal retiming project.
OBJECTIVE To gain Board approval for the Board Chairman to enter into a lP A
(attached) with the FDOT that will allow Collier County to provide for coordinated
arterial traffic signal intersection retiming analysis and implementation, and be
reimbursed by the FDOT for its costs in doing so.
CONSIDERA TIONS: The Collier County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
identified funds in FDOT's Five- Year Work Plan for coordinated traffic signal retiming
analysis and implementation on arterials within Collier County. It was agreed between
the FDOT and the Collier County Transportation Services Division staff that the most
efficient and effective use of the funding would be by use of a JPA, in which the County
will direct and review the consultant's data collection and timing plan derivation and then
implement those new timings.
FISCAL IMPACT: The total project cost is programmed at a maximum amount of
$300,000. FDOT has budgeted $300,000 in its FY 2008/09 (July - June) Work Program
for the traffic signal retuning project. A budget amendment will be necessary in the
County's FY 2008/09 (October - September) to recognize the revenue in the amount of
$300,000 and appropriate in the Transportation Supported Gas Tax Fund 313 project.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been approved by the County
Attorney's Office and is legally sufficient for Board action.-SRT
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no Growth Management Impact
associated with this Executive Summary.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve the
Resolution and authorize the Chairman to enter into a JP A with the FDOT for
coordinated arterial traffic signal retiming analysis and development and authorize any
necessary future budget amendments.
Prepared By: Randy Ensell, Signal Systems Network, Traffic Operations
Attachments: (1) Resolution 2008; (2) Joint Project Agreement #FM 423654 1 3801
Page 10f2
Agenda Item No. 1663
October 28, 2008
Page 2 of 15
Item Number:
Item Summary:
Recommendation to approve a Resolution which authorizes the Chairman of the Board of
County Commissioners to enter Into a Jomt Project tI,greement with FOOT to provide for a
coordinated arterial traffic signal retimmg proJect. ($300.000)
Meeting Date:
10/28/2008 90000 AM
Prepared By
Robert W. Tipton, P.E.
Traffic Operations Director
Transportation Services
Traffic Operations
10/8/2008 1 :21 :58 PM
Approved By
Scott R. Teach
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney
County Attorney Office
1019120088:34 AM
Approved By
Barbara LaPierre
Management/Budget Analyst
Transportation Services
Traffic Operations
10/9120089:10 AM
Approved By
Robert W. Tipton, P.E.
Traffic Operations Director
Transportation Services
Traffic Operations
10/10/20082:36 PM
Approved By
Therese Stanley
Grants Coordinator
Transportation Administration
10/10/2008 3:44 PM
Approved By
Lisa Taylor
Management/Budget Analyst
Transportation Services
Transportation Administration
10/13/20082:28 PM
Approved By
Norm E. Feder, AICP
Transportation Division Administrator
Transportation Services
Transportation Services Admin.
10114/20089:24 AM
Approved By
Pat Lehnhard
Executive Secretary
Transportation Services
Transportation Services Admin
10114/20083:05 PM
Approved By
OMB Coordinator
Applications Analyst
Administrative Services
Information Technology
10/16/2008 8:35 AM
Approved By
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Agenda Item No. 1683
October 28, 2008
Page 3 of 15
Susan Usher
Senior ManagemenUBudget Analyst
County Manager's Office
Office of Management & Budget
10117120083:51 PM
Approved By
James V. Mudd
County Manager
Board of County
County Manager's Office
10/21/200812:23 PM
fi le://C:\AgendaTest\Exp0l1\ 115-0ctober%2028, %202008\ 16. %20CONSENT%20AGEN...
Agenda Item No. 1683
October 28, 2008
FJ\'J # 423654 ] J830f 4 of 15
fAI' #8887588 A
CFDA: :20.205
This is an Agreement by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF
TR..\NSPORTA TIOK (hereinufter, "DEPART?vIENT") and COLUER COUNTY (hereinafter.
"COLlN'f)"''') for the DEPARTMENT to relmhurse the COUN'r'{ Cor Trame Signal Intersection
Timing Analysis.
I, \\TlEREAS. the DEPARTrv1Et<T plans in its work program under Frv1 #423654 I 38 01 to the Traffic Signal Intersection Timing Analysis (hereinafter, "PR().IECr'); und
\....HEREAS. said PROJECT is un the Stme Higlw."ay System. is not reVCIlUf producing and is
conlalrh..'d in the lentativi.' Five Year Transl,ortalion Plan in FY 2001-;/2009; and
3 \\iIIEREAS, the COlft\TY is v,,'iUing 10 undertake the PROJECT and the DEP ARTt\1ENT is
wi lIing. to reimhurse the COUNTY for costs directly rdalt'd to the Trame Signallnttfsection
Timing Anal)':;is. as described IILTcin;anJ
4, \VHEREAS, the COUNTY hy R.C5ol111ion No. dated the day of
2008, a copy \)1' which is :IUnched hereto ,md marle n part hereof, has authorized the
Chuirrnun or tksigl1l'c h1 emcr iflll. this Agreement.
t<ow TflEREFORE. III c(1tlsidl'ra1ion of the mutual benefits to he derived fi'om joint
partkipatinn in this Agn:emcl1t. the ranks ~lgre(' as follows:
A} The C(lUl\TY ai!n'L's to undertake the Proit:cl and the [)EPAl:ZTJ\,ll:~T agrees to
reimburse the C(H it'-: 1''). j~)l' said services, as Slated in the PA YMENT TERMS ser.:noll.
provicbJ they arc jlnfonm:d in aCUll'dallCC \vitb th\..' DEPI\RTivlENT'S specifications
and lh\..' terms and conditions in this Agrl't.'rnenL
En .r11e PROJFCr con.~ish of Twlfic Sigml Intersection Tinting Analysis Ill) tb<:~ Stntc
II ighway Sysk':m (SHS l-
e) The DEPi\RT1\1E"lT' will he entitled at all times to be advised. ,11 11S requ~~sl, as lo the
status of ..,,'ork heing dOll~ by thl: COUNTY and of ihe dL'lails Ihcr(;.'of. Coordination
shall he n1:lI11I:tined hylhe eeH:r--.; fy \"..itll n::prcscntalj"L'S "r the DEPARTJv1ENl,
D) The CCHiI\1'\' ;,hall not suhlet. ils."ign lfr 1ranskr ,my work unJ~r this Agreement
without prior ",witten CO!lSCtlt of the DEPARTJ\lENT',
1:1 i\ll tmcings. plan~. sp~.~dilcntloJls. t1WPS :Ind/or rep')!'!:;; prcp:ncd or obtained UlKlcr Lhis
i\grc-ement shall be' c(ms:dered works made k~r hire and shall ht.'co:rlc the propeny of the.
Agenda Item No, 16B3
October 28, 2008
FM II 42:Hi54 I 3801, FAP #81)1\7!?loo~ 5 of 15
CFOA: 20.2n5
Page 2 of 10
DF':PARTlI,'IE:.IT \vitbolll restriction or limitation on their use, The DEPART!vlENT \vili
have the :'Lsht tu vi~it the PROJECT site fC)f inspection of the \vork and the dra\^>'ings at
any wm:.
f') The COU:-JTY silo.!] allow public ncc.css 10 an documents, papers, letters or other
material :-;ul~icct tp tbe provisions of Clmptn 119. Florida Statutes, and made or received
by the COL't\TY in cOlljum:tiol1 v.,ith ihis Agre~ment. Failure by the COUNTY to grant
such public access shall he grounds for imm(~diJte unilateral cancellation of this
Agreement by the DFPARTf\ILl\T.
ei) All notices under this Agt'(~emcnt and illvuicl'S horn the COt )l..JTY to the
DEP,\RTT\lP";T shall he di:'ccted 10 the following addresses:
TO COt:1\TY:
Florida Department of Transportation
Don Cashdollar
TraUic OpeJ'atic'l1s Clffil'C'. r\l~ ]-s
1'.0, Box 1249
]Jar-tow, FL 33831
Randy EnscH
Tranle Operatiotls Department
Collier County Transportati(1ll
::.::n:5 llorse:~hoe Drive South
'-.Japles, FL }.il (tel
2. PA Yi\lE"lT TER\'IS
A.I lht: DEPART0.1ENT agrec's to <11l1ZL\irnum particip~l\llln in the PHOJE('T in the amount
HI Ihe: DU'l\!{ n\lL'~T ~lL'tTCS 'dl rc:mhur'il' ek' ('01 r'~T'( li,)[ the hcn.'in de:-:cribcd
~;l'rvjccs ;1\ till..' clllllpcn,;ati,;1tl ~1J1i(\Lmt ;L~ dl"1:iill~d in this i\tpcemcnt. The COUNT'y'
;i~r(:~::, III ClllUpklL' lh,_' f'rUUFCT for (he ~lll;Ol1l1l set ronh in thi~; ..'\grL'Ci11Clll.
C) The DFl'\I((\1[''Jf :::.h;lJI not bl' \,hlil,'a,cd ur iiJHc' 11lTc'u:I(Jer to an} pany otbL'r than
th~' C011:-J1Y,
D~ 111 :k' L'\Cn( the ("( tlf'\T\' rroct'<'cb with Ihe l'[UJJIC I' \Vilh O'Wt1 J'cn'ces, the
('()lIt\TY w:ll Oll';. he rl'11l1h',lr~icd 1"01' di~(~~ct ['Yits (this e\cludes L!em:raJ and
;1<lminjs;r~l1iv(' oVCrhl'Jd)
[-.) Ih: COlr<Tl' d;.![,X:; to I ill' Jo]h\',ing :ime :r~lIne:< (If upon receipt, the
DI.:P/\J~T\1F:'rr has rive j:=;) \\nrking days In inSr'L'Cl [111d nppro\'t. the goods and
seniL"cs, llllles; 11w ,\~~rceJn.,;nt Slit',:i lil'S olhc)wisc; (21 ';he IJLP/\I-ZT\H:.\lT has 20 da:.-s
ll)~k liver :\ reel [Jest iin rlll)' Jl1<'n1 (vlIu(:hn) 10 lh~~ lkpnnlTI (:n1 (1 f Uanklng Gnd Finance:
(j) the 20 d~lY"'; afC Il)C,lSurcd ij-OIll thl' ban oj tin: delle ilK iJl\o[,-'l.' is reCeiYl.J ur lhl'
~o;.'d~; ()1' sl'r\'ices ;m.: r,-'cl'i \cd. lr1:>pectL'd ~md appri >'iCll.
1;/ J r ;l p:lyrn elll is nul ;1\ <I: I II bk \" j thi 11 411 d:l}s. ,] S'_l1[lrlllc inl.lTl'sl penalty :\l lhe ra1\:
c:,uhJi\h~'L1 pur:~\i;)nt to 1,1:1. ~;;\(. ,~5).()3!.]). per d;l\ \\[If b.l" lluc cHId pa}abk~, in .'H.iditiun
to lik' invi";cc :\:11(11111\, In Ihe \\'nd:1:', Illterc:c,t p~:n;tltl';s Ole Ie';:-; lImll one \. 11 dl:ll:lr \vil1
nilt lx' ,'nfI1):..:cd 'Jlll("~;-; tl1l' ('C)\ '1\ 1''1' r:..'ljllt:;t;-; p;tYlTIl':ll In\{ljl:t::-; \',bich have to be
returned to the C01 '\~T\' ];(.'[',llL';r: of 11)(' CC 11 i',rr\""S prcpm:ltion errors will resull in a
Agenda Item No. 1683
October 28, 2008
1'\"1 Ii ,[;3654 l JS U l. FAP im~li7 ~ 6 of 15
CFDA: 20.205
delay in the payment The il1voit:e payment requirements do not start until a properly
completed invoice is provided to the DEPARI]v1ENT.
G} t'\ Vendor Omhudsman has been established within the Department or Banking and
Finance. The duties of this individual include acting as an advocate for the COUNTY if
it experil'llct::s problems in obtaining timely payulCl1t(S} from a state agency. 111t:
Vendor ()mbud.srnanmay be contacted at (850) 4 1 0-9724 or by calling the Department
of r:inancial Service;s Hotline. ] -gOO-848-3792.
J-l) Invokes or reque~ts for payment from the COUNTY shall be submitted quarterly in
ddail sufticicnt for a proper pn:-Liudit and posHmdit thereof" and in sufficient detail ((Ir
the j)F.PARTlvn.:r\1 to confrl'l1l the exknt of \NotK completed and compHancc of such
wurk \vltli the terms of thi~ Agn:cmenL
l) Bills or invoices j~H' travel (,,~xpcnses, ir applicable, specifically authorized in this
Agrl~l'nj(~Ht shall be suhmitted and paid in aCl'ordnncc '.vith l1a. Slat. ,~11::UI6].
.1) RecorUs of costs incurred under lerms of' thi:-; Agrceml'nt shaH be maintained and made
available UpOIl H-'qtK~st to the nr,pt..RT\iEN"l al all ti.m::s during. the period of this
.-'\greernent n)r three years after final paymt'l1t lS made, Copies of these documents
aml l-ccords ~;haJl be fmnished to the DFPARTl'vlEJ\l upon request. Records of costs
incurred include any consultantls m contractor's general (l.nxJunting rec.ords and tbl~
pmjcu records, together with supporting documents and rCl:ords, or any consultant or
contractor and all s.ulr-c(1J1su1l.ants or sub-contractors perl'orming \vmk on the PROJECT,
anLi all other records of the PROJECT considered lK'cessary hy the DEPARTl'....1[:.NT fm
,1 proper ;llldil \,reost;;,
I(}I he DJ.'flART\lENT. during any fj"cal year. ~,hall lltlll";PCJl(! money, incur any liability.
Of ~~l1tl~r into :my C(1ntract which, by its terms, invl1h'es the c).fll'nditure (.If l1Hme)' in
excess of the amolLnls bud~'l'h:d as available f~'x cxpcnditun: Juring such Ii seal year.
i\ny tonlrac!, verbal or written. nwde ill violation of this subsection i~; null and void. and
no money may be pai d Oil ~'LK'11 COl\!ml'L Il~(' J}F l' ,.\ ](r1\.1 J]\T ,-.hall rcqu i re a S\;ltemtcrlt
from ~he COl1iPtrolkr or lhl' ])EP:'\Rn\'lJ.::~,n thar: f:mds are avnibblc prior tn entering
ll1tn any ~,lIch con',rael or \ltbeJ blnding commi\Jrienl ur CLlJld~-:. J\otbing h(Tein contained
shall prevent the Illaking uf contr:Kts f()r periods excccJing one year, hut allY contract so
made sh::dl he c~';l'C'utory only fur tlw value of the services 10 be n:mlercd or agreed tu Iy.:
p~lid Cn!' in SilCl'CcdirJ]1. liscill years, Accordingly. tht' ~l~l1L' or FlCirjd;]':~ per!(}rmancc and
ublig.a!.ion to pay wH.ler tbis Conll'ad is cl1ntingenl Upl'T: ;111 lUlI1\la! appropriatiun by tlw
II l\o ,"urids rec6vcd pursuant tu this. !\12rCCtllcnt nUl) be exp;:mkJ for lobbYlllg lhr
legislature or [1 st;lli.~ :Igency_
Item No, '1633
October 28, 2008
i:\1;; 1)~I:o:.,1 1;, iii, [,\1' :1:~i~~7 ~g€i 7 of 15
CFD:\. ~:(j.::;O~.
j 1'/\: ((}I.!.1 ::R (eH lytY
p'\!'.c 4 or D
.1., (;t>~LI{\L I'I~OVISIO'JS
'I.! Illis c!ocuml'rll mC(lrpor~I1l':; and 1l1l:JU,:J,'c; ;111 PI',;I IKL'.ntl:ttiollC:, l'orrc'lxm.J::m:c
C');I\','r:.,a:iulls, ~lh)H.t.'mci1b. or L;fHkr:,.I:lltdiIlFs 'l;lplk~lblc- 1n the m~llkr.s contlim:d lwrcllL
::nd lhc rarli,~'~; ,-lC'rc" 111:11 ~I:~'rc :\T:~. [HI l.(:mmitnl,,'IT;. ,lL!r('Vlncn1s ,lr Ull.JLTSt,-lll(,hl1p~
,,:nnc,Tni:1g the sIlhicC1 rnr,:Lcr (,r tit:>: .\l.'F'l']J:l'lll tk;T. afL' 1;01 cUlHained in Ihl:, dllCUTm:nt.
"curd,,, \', it j',: agrl'.(d ikil nIl devi.Ition ImIlI the ll.'nw; IlLTL:,d' ~.h;lJl be pn,::diciltcd
il[101l ill',\, pnor 1\Tll'.:;L':ILllinl1 l1r ;1~~l<'I.'Jrn:r:ts \'.h"th~-r '.\r:tLul it i', (W!lWT agreed
[k" u' 'j)I,I~I:i]c:Hlon, :lI'i,.'ndn;cIIl I..'.r :[ltl'lilI1;:,n i~j lh~' I:r Cl!1:JiU\IIlS contained
hn::II! ',h,.I:1 h,,' ..:I[,I..11"l UIJ, ,,'I:.11:1Irll.,j i:1 II \\Ti'I,'n d:1l'1:t'11CTI C,\CCi:k.d ....ilh ihc :;:ml',:
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Agenda Item No, 1683
October 28,2008
Fi'",1 # 423654 138 Ul, FA!' #::;8.87 m~ 8 of 15
eFDA: 20,205
Jlllge:; of 10
A) The DEPARTi\'tENT reserves the rigbt to seek lem1ination or c,mccllation of this
/\gn~emenl in the event lhe COUNTY shall be placed in either voluntary or involunlary
bankruptLY. The DEPARTl'v1ENT further reserves the right to terminate or cancel this
Agreement in the event an assigm1l(~m is made for the henefit of cn::ditors,
B) If the DEPA RT1\11ENT dctennines that the performance of the COUNT'{ is not
satisfactory, the DEPARTMENT shall have tbe option of (i) immediatdy ternlinating
the /'\gl"ccmcnt, l)J' (ii) notifying thL~ COUNTY of lht, ddlcicncy \....,ith a requirement that
lhl' (kjjcicm~y Ix' ('.orrccted \vithin a specified time, otlv.:rwtsc the Agreement \vill bl:
tCflntnakd at the end of SUdl time, or (iii) take whatever action is dCCIT1Cd appropriate by
Cl In no event SInH the making by thl.:.' DEPARTf\'lENT of' any payml:nt to the COUNTY
con~aitull' or b(~ constnl(~d as a wai\:(.'[' hy the DEPARTtdENT of [my breach of' covenant
Dr any deL'1ull \1o/l1i[h mny then exi~l, (If) the part llf lhe COUNTY, and the making of
sllcb payment hy the [)E~P/\RT!\.'1E1'\T \-\'hik any sllch breach or default shaH exist shall
in B(I \vay impair or prejudice any right ur remedy availahle to the DEPARTJvfENT with
respect to such hreach or default.
D) Jf' the DEPi\RT\IENl requires termination of tbe Agreement for I'~~::t~"ons other than
unsalisl'ac.:lory performance of the COUt\TY, the fJEP/\RrvlLNT shall notify the
COUNT")' of such termination. with inslrt1ctirms as (0 t.he effective dale of termination
or spccify tl1,;: stage Or\VIJl\..: at \'vhich the i\grcemcnl i"lo lx'lcnninatcd,
L) If lh(~ ..\f!rccmcnt lS lenninated befon: pcrformam.:c js Cl1lTlp!(~led. the COUNTY shall be
p:lid only J\)[' tl131 work satisfactorily perhmllcd for \'ihlch costs can he substantiated.
Such pay men!. liO\VCYCr. may not exceed all ~lnWtlll~ \vh ich is I hl' same pcrccTllagc of the
Ct)n!:-<!ct price as the nmount of '"vork sati~ritcWrily cftinpletcd is a percentage urthe total
work called for by jhis Agn:eJll'llt. i\1i work tD progre~;:'; 'will hcctlmc the prnpcmy oCthe
DL.T/\!\Tl\1CN.j and wiil be lllrm:d l1\'eT prolilpdy by ,he C(ll)~-.JT'{,
/\) \Vhen either party rl'l'l'iv(.~s l1oli,~e of claim for d~mlag,." that may have heen callsed by
1he olh,~r pArty in the performance cd' services requlred under thi:~ Agl'Cl'ment, lhat party
v,ili immediately f<H'\\ard the cbim to the othel rarLy. Each pany ",..-ill CV:.Iluate lhe
clai.m, and repm"t ils lindings 10 em:l, other wilhin r()Unl~l']l ( I ,n \vUI king day~; :JllJ joimly
diq:t!ss oplions in ckft.'nding Hw cbinL A part)""i Llillln: \(.\ pnltllpdy notify tht.:: otber (If
a <.:bim \vill not :1<:t as i1 \Naive! or any rigbt herein,
15) TIl{' C"OUi\"rV ag.n:l's to include Hll' rr~dlo\ving inJemnifi,:aliull pro\ision in all contracts
\vith conlraci()rsis1Jh-{:onlr~lClul~, and cnnsu1tanlsisuh-t'(I1~sultllnts \'.'110 perform \vork III
{;tl]1Hcct jon wi 1 b tbis At'l'tTl11Cllt:
Agenda Item No. 1683
October 28, 2008
1:'1;; .[236:"4 I .;f\ OJ, FAP ;:Sg87 ;~~ 9 of 15
CFDA: 20,205
Page 6 of 10
"The contractor sbat1 inckmIlify, deCcnJ, sav~ and bold hanrl1c:ls the
DEPART'vlENT and all uf lts officers, agents. or employees from all suits,
actions, claims. demanus, liahility of any nature whatsoever arising out of,
hecaus.e of, or due to any negligent act or o('curr(,~nce of" omission or commission
of the contractor. its officers, agents or employees. Neither the cnntrac1or, nor
any of its officers, agents or employL'cs \vill be liable under this section for
damages arising out of inj ury or d.urnagc, to p(,rsons or property directly caused or
resulting from the sole negJigc:nce of the DLPART\U:Vr or any of its officers,
agents or employees,"
(,. AVDlTS
,\) .A.udits: 'Ill(' administration of resources ,lwardcd by ~he DFP..-\RTl'vlENT to tbe
COU~TY may he sllbject to audits and/or monil(\rillg lly the Deparlmt'nt, as described
in this section.
B) fvl0NfTORINCi
i} Rv enkrjn~ into this agreement, the COUNT'{ :lgrecs to comply and cooperate
I'ully wi1h ~U1Y monitoring proceJt1rts'procc:~ses deemed appropriate by the
DLPART\1ENT.. ]n the l'\'L:111lhc D]-]':\RT\lET\T determine:, thni a limited ~copc
:lUdii of the recipient is ilppropriwtL:, ~hc COU)JTY agrees to comply \vith any
addilional illS',ructions pro\il.kd by the DFPi\RltvlEt<T :.;ta11 to the COtJNTY
reg:nding such audit T!Jc C( HJ'iT'{ further ,lbn'~'s \0 comply and cooperate \vilh
allY in~pcclions, revicvis, jmestig:nij"ll\S, ur ;ludil:i dCt'l1ll~J m:cessary hy Ihe Chier
F~J1~lf\L' I.;d 0 fficer (( TO.~ ; 1;" ..\ udi lor (;l'n,:r;d
c) i\lID1TS
11 PARI.LLL~DLl~',\LLY_El ~'\Dl:[)
1.1) Recipients uf fl'dcrai i''.Ill(L; (l.C. :;t~I1(;, ;0(';.11 gm...;rnr1l\:nL IX :1on-pwlH
orl,2::tliZLllio!1s as d::i:n('d i:] U:\1[\ Cjn.:ubr .'\-1.1,'-. ~!S ll'V1Sfdl ,m.' to have audits
dOlle ,t1lliually ll:;jng If'lL' I'c,jl(Jv, in~:'. cnl.:r:a
C-: l In the l'\TJ] 1 lhat ilK' r;,.'(:; p:en! C~'rc;)(,b S 51IfUii)() I'or fiscal y:.:ars encli ng arter
[)ec,~,t1l11l'r :, l. 11 l(13 or :nl Ire in Federal ~l \\(In:~, ~ It its li.;cal year. thl' f"(:cl pienl must
haw a single: Dr [lloi,'J'nm-speciiic ;')udit ;.:undtJctcd in with the
provisions of OrvrB Circular.\-l.i3. as rC\i'icd. L:\HlBlT 1 to this aL~reemcnl
iIld iC~llCS h:.Jnal L:S,J L1ll'l~S :1\\'3 rdeJ 1 hrOL:~h Iii..' Ikl'Llrt men! by ll1j~~ :I);.recmenl. i I'
applicabk. In ,.k1;.~rmrnin[! the h'ck::ral ;lw;nds expended it! its fiscal year, the
recipient shlll I con.:;ldcr ail 'i()UrCeS ul h'lkr;i1 :rwarJ--, illdudil1g Federal rl'SOllrCCS
rccl.'ivl.'J horn the l}q~~Ir".ll1cnL Tlie cktermin:ltion Ill' altlOlmb nf FL'lkr::!l ::!wards
cxp'.:mk.J ~:h()',lJd he in aC~'I.lldal1cc wil;, 11](: Fu](klines l::";lahli:;hc:d hy O\.lH
CjrcuLn :\. J ,J. as rt>\iscd, .\n ,j'.I,Jil d tht' ;,>ciriclIt comlu;;l2d hy the' Audiwr
Cicncral 1)1 <;c,'orcbnn: w:lh the: pn)\i.:;F'n~, (Hd I ~ Circular II I J J. ;J'.; 1-e\:S:':U, ',,,,ill
n1l'f.'t ',he lTqt:jn:Tl':llj:.~ \,1' Ihi;; 1';lrL
Agenda Item No. 1663
October 28, 2008
FM # 42J654 13f: OI.FAP#S8g~~10 of 15
CFDA: 20.205
Page 7 of 10
(3) In connection \vith th~ audit requirements addressl~d in Pari l. paragraph 1, the
recipient shall fulfill the requirements rdative to <lllditee responsibilities as
provided i11 Sl.lbpart C of 01v18 Circular A-133, as revised.
{4) If the retipkul expends Jess than $500,000 for l1scal years ending after December
:~ t, 2003 in Federal .:l\.....ards in it~ fiscal year, all ;).tHiit conducted in accordance
\vith the provisions of Ot\Hi Circular A-133, as revised. is not required. In the
event thaI the recipient expends less than $500,000 for ftseal years ending after
December j I, :2003 in Ft~dcra] D\vards in it:<> fiscal year and elects to have an audit
conducted in acc.on.lancc with !h~~ provisions. of OMB Circular A- t 33. as revised,
the cost of the audit must be paid from non-Federal resources (i.e., tbe cost of
such an audit must be paid frOlll recipient reSOLirces obtained from other than
Federal entities).
(5) Federal awards are to be identil1cd using the CHtalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (erDA) title and numher. award nUHlbcl' and year, and name of the
awarding. feder-al agency.
il The COlJNTY as U rt~cjpicnls of stak l"unds pursuant 10 Ha. SwL 5-2! 5.97(2)(111),
i .c" a nOll-state entity as defined by 3215 .97(2)(m). is to have audits done annuall)'
using the follnwing criteria:
Ii) Fla. Slat ~21 5.97 (2) (a): Each nonstote entity 111[1t cxptnds a total amount of state
financial ussislance l'quaJ to 111' in C7\CCI;S of $500.000 in any fiscal year of such
11011stalc ~'nl[ly shat] he rcqulrl',J to have a state single audit, or a pn~iect.spccifjc
Dud!t, for such liscal year In ;lc('ordmKc \vilh the requirements of" this sl.'ction and
[lpplicabJ~ rules or the Ex('cm[vc Office uf" Ih>c (Yl)vcrnur and thcCFO: and Cbapters
10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650 lnonprofit und for-profit
organizatkmsJ. Rules of tI](" Auditor General. In detl..'rmining ~he state iinancial
assistance expended in its iiscal year, the recipient shall consider all soun:cs of state
1inanciul assistllHCC. including st<ttc J1nancial as:.;.istancc n..'CCiVl:d from the
[),.'pmtnu::nL other Slate :lgcncles, und (\!lh'l' IWll-sL:lle entities. State fimUlcial
ussistall'...T dC1cs nol include Federal direct or pa~';s-[hrouSh awards nnd rcsources
reccJvd by a n(lll-stalc entity for Federal pmgranl matching requirements.
iii) in connection \Vilh the audil requircTTll'llts addn.:sseJ in C) j) above, the COUNT'{
shall ensure thai the <I'lldil compl ics \'/1Ih tIll' n.~q ull'CmCnlS of Fla. Stat, 3215.97(7).
This includes subnlissioll or a nnnncial reporting package ;lS Jl'flrK~d by Fla. Stat
S215.97(2)(d), Zlnd ChaptlTs 10.550 (local governmental entities) or 10.650
(nonpro!lt and for. profit orF.ani".allonS},. Rules of Ihe /\llditol' Ch~neral.
,L:\'genda Item No. 1683
October 28. 2008
FI\I Ii 0..1230,5.1138 01. FAI'IIl\!H\~e.\11 of 15
CFDA: 20.205
pag.e l\ or I 0
iv) IftllC COUNTY (~xrcnds less than $500.000 in state linancial assistance in its fiscal
year, an aLH.lit condm:led in accordance "'vjth the provisions of Fla. Stat. 9215.97 is
nol required. In the event thaI the recipient expends less than S500.000 in state
financial <lssistance in its fiscal year aml l']eelS to hove an audit condw.:lt~d in
accordance \vith the rwvisions of FIa, Stal. 9215,97, the cost of the audit must be
paid from the non-state emity's resources (i,e.. the cost of sucb an audit must he
paLJ from 111(' rccipknt" s resources obtained (rom oLhcr than State entities).
v) State award" arc to he iLkntiJicJ llsing the Catalog of State financial Assistance
(CSFA) title and nllTllOCL award number and year, and name of thi: stale agency
awarding it.
E) Pi\RT H: ()THER i\llDlT fZL()U IRLlv11~N'T S
I) The COUNT'( shall !'i::dlow up ~md take concclive action 011 audit lIndings.
Preparation or a summary schedule or rrior Yl"ar audit findings, including correcti Vl'
iIl:tiOll and current ~;tatu;.; nf the audit findings is required. Current year audil
findings require correc1i",e ~lcljon aml :.;t~llLlS of ilndings.
ii) Records n:lateJ to uJ1n:sn]v::J audit findings, <lppe~lls. or liti!,!Lltiml shall k retained
until thl' actiuIl i" cOmpkll"d Of tl1'..... dispute lS resol\'l'tL Acn~ss to project record:;
and audit \vork parers shall he' ~tvcn to the DEPARTl\'IENT. the Comptrolkr, and
the Auditor Ckncral. This ~;cTii(Jn docs nol iimit the authority of tbe
f)f.:f'ART\lr::'n to eil11dul'l (\1" arrange fix lh1.." c(mduc[ of additional ~H1dits 01'
l',:;J!1I<11iullS of state nl1am:i;ll as';ista[)c~ )') limit thl~ a;lIhority of any other ~,lall'
FJ PARr l[]: IU':P()RT StiH,][~SlUN
I J .\ny reports. In~lltag1.."m('nl knl'l. or !lthel ir,Jormalion required to b-:: :;ubmiued to
t]l<: DEP.,\Rn,lLNT pllrSU:U11 111 this ;IFIn"111mt sh;t1l be ~,lIb:11Jt1ed timely in
;:ccOl"da:lcc. [.jOridil St11m....s. ;md (.h;lr!Cr~: I U.)50 {loc~d ~ovcrmncnwl elltitie:~} or
1 O.(~~O IllllH[lroJil ,~mj for-;i,'()J'it l\rgimi/i~till!1,';l. Ruks ul' till' Audilrw (it'new!. a;,-,
11) [:lTip~cn!s. \\]]'_'[1 ~,uh:llillillL: ;;ll;U1Ci;J! rcporJillp. pack;~ges to tlH.' LH:P;\RI\H-J\ I
tix audits dune [11 aCCl1n!imCC '.viih Chapters 10.550 (],'ca[ ~11Vcmlm:Jltal clllilii:s) ur
IIUJ50 I,nonprollt ~md for-pwli\ urpUli/.~lliutj;,.). Rules (If the ;\uditor Genc!'aL
sholdd indic;lt (' nil' da'.c I Jut i1-:L' repnrt i ng pacLlgc \\'as dell vered 10 the r~.;,:i r'ltC"llt In
cl1l'respondenct' :Iccomp;mying the: I"l'porting package.
,Ill T~c d(lCLlI1l.::;nb Ji:;lCc! below in f 1) ci!1J 12) ~'ha]1 tw s'.1bmiacd 10 the
f'lmi(b Lkpa:'!nIC:lt ~lJj ransporwttUll
\nn: \(;;1,:n ,\, 'dir:lcpla. DlSt:'lc1 JP/\:lXA (omJinalOl
P() I~,,:\ 111\0
I'on \l:'.1..T~,. 1 [ '-~Y}02.III:.o
Agenda Item No. 1683
October 28, 2008
F1\41. 423654 I 3& 01, FA!' IIslunF58SEA12 of 15
CFDA: 20.205
r'\.~e 9 of 10
(1) Copies of fim.mcial reporting packages required herein by Florida Statutes.
(2) Copies of reports or the management letter required herein by Florida Statutes.
IV) The documents listed above in (1) and (2) shall be submitted to the Auditor
General's Or'fin::
Auditor General's Office
Room 401, Pepper Building
] II \"/cst I'v18dison Street
Tallahassee; Florida 32399-1450
i) '[he COLTl\T'y' shall retain sufficient records demonstrating its compliance \vi1h the
terms of this agreement for a period of at least Hve years from the date the audit
report is issued. and shall allo",' the DFPARTl'v1ET\T. or its desig.nee, the state CFO
or Auditor (icm:ral access 10 such records upon request Thl..~ COUNTY shall
ensure lImt tbe independent audit working papers are made ~vai1able to the
DEPART]'v1E~T. or its designee. the state CFO, or Auditor General upon request
for a period of at least fj\'"e years from tbe date the audit report is issued, unless
~xlendcd in \Vrlttng by the DEP;\.RT;\-lEl\'r.
Agenda Item No. 16B3
October 28, 2008
Fr.'1 fI.c123{)).1 j ~n; 01, h\1' lIBggJ'P.:qe\13 of 15
('FDA 20.105
Page 10 of I (I
IN \V1INLSS WIIEREOF, thl' COLLIER COUl'\T'y' bas caused this Agrcement 10 be executed
in its behalf. hy the Ch:'lirman or its designee. as authorizcd hy Rcsolmion Nl;lmher
. and the FLORIDA DEPARDdE:--JT OF TRANSPORTA TJO~ has caused this
Agreement to he execultJ ill its bcl1alfthwugh its l)istric1 Secretary or authorized designee.
Thl" Agrc>.:rncnt "halt bewm~' dfGctlvc (lrr
[1""" Ie k nll~ll:d b~ th~ Di"'..\:(J \.fFf,n
Clli\lR\Ii\\l (JR DESIGNFE
n .\ TF :'1.: I NI ,; .\\ 1!'.
(..(.~[ I' ':()L'~."." 1.1...... '\[[>I:\.'I>='. \1:'
'" U . .'ji j~~j~~f,4
A rlT,ST
B 'y':
OR DLS1Cit, [:J,:
Ilhi~',;-;' ~"~.,\t'.11:
!'f\1N 1\..\\1:'
ILI\ PEPT 0[' T!('\\S. Lltii\l. 1~I:V1FW:
Agenda Item No. 1683
October 28, 2008
Page 14 of 15
\VIILREAS, the State of Florida rkpartmcnt of Tram.portatlo!1 (TDOT, has provided funding for the
Joint Project Agreement r'Mij4236S4~ 1.3 &..0 I f{)f Traffic Signall nt(.~rs(.~ctjnn Timing Analysis: and
\It.IfIEREAS. dlt.~ C(llHcr County rv1ctropolitan Planning Organization bas idcmificd funding in the
FDOT's S. Yell.! Work Program for Fiscal 'f ear 2008/2009 in the amount of $300.000 to be used f<.)r coordinated
arterial traffic signal retiming analysis and implcrm.mtation; and
\.VIIEREAS. the Collier COUllt)' and F[}OT have ,lg:.rt.~cd lhat 111 is coordimill.:d art{~rjal traffi.c signal
retiming projCt~t <;::10 best be implemented My Collier County and wilh reimbursement from FDOT; and
WHEREAS. FDOT is willing to enter into a Joint Project i\grccrtlcnl C'Ag.reement"l with Collier
Coullty .....herein Collier County will do the ,..'ork necessary to complete th~~ traffic signal retiming project, by lIse
of consultants and Collier County Staff", and FDOT will reimburse Collier County up to the slim of $300,000
UjX)ll clllnp1cl ion of said w(yrk.
SE(J.lf,lJ:-LL The Board of C'ounty Commissioners approve 'he !\grcc:rncllt and authorize its Chairman to 5ign
lhe aUllched Agreement.
SECTION :2: '!'ne Collier COUIl!.Y Clerk. 1\'fillUll.:8, and Records lJt.'panmcnt is herehy directed lo j()l'\".ard II
certified copy of this Resolution to the I'[orida Depanmcnl of Tran:;;pol1ation. 2295 Victoria i\vcnuc. Fort
Myers. Florida, along v.,tth three additional sibTJ1cd cop~cs of the Agreemenl for CXCCtHIOtl by FDOT.
/_,.Thi~ Resolullon adoplt:d after motion.
[Ie' ft~ DR. r , 2{)()8.
Agenda Item No. 1683
October 28, 2008
~gel*p of 15
second, and majority \'ole favoring same, this ~;i~- day of
Deputy Clerk
Tom Henning, C!Hllm1an
Approved as to form and leglll sulliciency:
Deputy County Auome')