Agenda 11/18/2008 Item #16D20
Agenda Item No. 16D20
November 18, 2008
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Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves submittal of a
State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Transportation
Enhancement Program (TEP) grant application to the Collier Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO) for the construction of the Gordon River Greenway
Park in the amount of $400,000.
OBJECTIVE: To receive approval for the submittal ofa FDOT TEP grant application to
the Collier MPO for the construction of the Gordon River Greenway Park in the amount
of $400,000.
CONSIDERATIONS: FDOT allocates TEP grant funds through the Collier MPO. The
Collier MPO administers these funds for local, county, state or federal government
agency or Indian Tribal Council projects which aim to enhance provisions of facilities for
pedestrians and bicycles, provide safety and educational activities for pedestrians and
bicyclists, provide landscaping and other scenic beautification, and offer environmental
mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff or vehicle caused wildlife
mortality reduction while maintaining habitat connectivity.
FISCAL IMPACT: The amount requested from FDOT is $400,000. If awarded, a
budget amendment will be processed to recognize grant funds. The remaining FCT grant
funds ($7,390,000) have been placed in an account to be used for the construction costs
associated with this project.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The County Attorney's Office has reviewed and
approved this item for form and legal sufficiency.-SRT.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The Gordon River Greenway Park Project is
in accordance with the goals and objectives of the Collier County Growth Management
Plan. The Gordon River Greenway is identified as a Tier I Off-Road Facility within the
Collier County Comprehensive Pathways Plan. The plan was adopted by the Collier
County MPO on January 12,2006. The Comprehensive Pathways Plan is incorporated by
reference in the Collier County Growth Management Plan, in the Transportation Element,
Objective 4.
RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approves the
submittal of a State of Florida Department of Transportation Enhancement Program grant
application to the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization for the construction of the
Gordon River Greenway Park in the amount of $400,000.
Prepared By: Sidney Kittila, Operations Coordinator, Collier County Parks and
Agenda Item No. 16D20
November 18, 2008
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Project Title:
Project Sponsor (municipal, county, state, or federal agency. or tribal council):
Collier County Board of County Commissioners
Collier County Gordon River Greenway Park
Contact Sidney Kittila
Operations Coordinator
15000 Livingston Road, Naples, FL 34109
Phone (239) 252-4018
(239) 252-6595
E-mail address
Priority (relative to other applications suomitted by the Project Sponsor). N/ A
Name of Applicant (If other than Project Sponsor):
1. Qualifying Enhancement Activities:
Check the enhancemel1l activity that the proposed project will address. (NOTE: Checking all activities
possible does not ensure or Increase eligibility, Each activity checked must meet all criteria listed for
that activity in Appendix A of FOOT Procedure #52S..Q30-300-J, Transportation Enhancement Projects).
Provision of facilities for pedestrians and bicycles
The provision of safety and educational activities for pedestrian and bicyclists
AcqUisition of scenic easements and scenic or histone sites
Scenic or historic highway programs. (mcluding the prOVISIon of tounst and welcome center
Landscaping and other scenic beautification
Historic preservation"
Rehabilrlation of historic transportation buildings, structures or facilities (including historic railroad
facilities and canals)'
Preservation of abandoned railway corridors (including the conversion and use of the corridors
for pedestrian or bicycle trails)
Inventory. control and removal of outdoor advertIsing
Archaeological planning and research"
X Environmental mitigation to address water pOllution due to highway runoff or reduce vehicle-
caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity
Establishment of transportation museums
2. Project Description:
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November 18, 2008
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(a) Describe how the proposed project is related to the intermodal transportation system by either
function, proximity or impact. (One or more may apply).
The project site is accessible by existing sidewalks in three locations: 1) along Goodlette Road where it
intersects the abandoned paved access road (this will be improved to provide access to the canoelkayak launch
and parking facilities); 2) along Goodlette Road where it intersects with current Naples Zoo overflow parking
(this will be developed as paved shared parking for the project site and the Naples Zoo); and 3) where the north
end of the project site runs along Golden Gate Parkway (this is where a 60-foot easement exists to develop a
road that will serve dually as access to the project site as well as access to the private development to the east of
the project site). More than 4,500 linear feet of paved trail and 4,500 linear feet of raised boardwalk will run the
length of the project, with boardwalks to connect the two Goodlette Road access areas and the City of Naples
section of the Gordon River Greenway. The project site is a vital link in the establishment of the overall
Gordon River Greenway, a green space corridor in urban Collier County that will not only preserve ecologically
sensitive lands, but will buffer the Gordon River for water quality and flood control purposes and provide a
beautiful natural area for residents and visitors to visit and enjoy. The Greenway will connect off-road
pathways and preserved land from the Freedom Park, north of Golden Gate Parkway, to Goodlette Road South
near the heart of downtown Naples. The portion of the Greenway on Airport Authority property is complete.
Easements and funding have been secured for several other segments. The Gordon River Greenway is identified
as a Tier 1 Off-Road Facility within the Collier County Comprehensive Pathways Plan. The plan was adopted
by the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization on January 12, 2006. The Comprehensive Pathways Plan is
incorporated by reference in the Collier County Growth Management Plan, in the Transportation Element,
Objective 4.
(b) What is the project and where is the project located (what are the termini, if appropriate)?
Include a detailed scope of services when possible and location map. (location map preferred on aerial
The 1 23.5-acre Gordon River Greenway Park, located in Section 27, Township 49, Range 25 of Collier County,
Florida, is the second of two projects designed to create Collier County's section of the Gordon River
Greenway; the first, Freedom Park, is near completion (Exhibit A). The entire Gordon River Greenway will
create a 2-mile ecological and trail corridor centrally located within the Naples-Collier urban area. With its
three vehicular access points off of major arterial roadways and three planned parking areas (Exhibit B), the
project site will be a central trailhead facility for the entire Greenway. Furthermore, being centrally located and
the largest single acreage area within the Gordon River Greenway, the project site is the cornerstone of the
Greenway's function as an ecological and wildlife corridor. providing wildlife a sanctuary within an otherwise
inhospitable urban setting.
The project site will be developed with ample pavilions and rest rooms at each of its three major accesses. A
canoelkayak launch into the Gordon River will be developed in the northeastern comer of the site. The river
provides shallow-draft access to Naples Bay and the Intracoastal Waterway to the south. A 75-foot long
pedestrian / bicycle bridge will be built across the Gordon River in order to connect the Greenway Park trails.
The project will include a water quality improvement element that will take water from the impaired Gordon
River and run it through a series of bio-swales for water quality purposes. The swales will settle particulates and
the water will be discharged overland through wetlands which will further scrub pollutants before being
discharged back into the Gordon River.
A wildlife observation platfOlID will break off from the trail on the portion of the project that is southeast of the
Gordon River. The platform will give visitors a clear view of the different wading birds and fish that utilize the
mangrove system within the urban area and a clear view of the yellow-crowned night heron rookery island on
Agenda Item No. 16D20
November 18, 2008
the other side of the river. Three informational/educational kiosks will be located on the sRl!9~l1it1@nal
signage will be located throughout the boardwalk area. Parks and Recreation Park Ranger and Naturalist staff
will present 24 natural history programs at the site annually.
A detailed scope of services is not available at this time, but will be available upon completion of the
permitting, planning, and design by Collier County's chosen project engineering firm, Kimley-Horn and
Associates, Inc.
(c) Summarize any special characteristics of project. TYPICAL SECTION drawings must be
provided for appropriate projects. Include right of way lines on the typical section drawings.
Boardwalks will be lO-feet wide and asphalt trails will be 12-feet wide to accommodate multi-modal pedestrian
traffic (Exhibit C). Motorized, remote control gates will be placed at the 4 entrances of the Greenway Park, so
that the gates can be opened and closed automatically each day in the morning and in the evening respectively.
Restroom facilities will be equipped with automatic locks that will allow visitors to leave but not enter the
restroom after the park is closed. The main, central trail, restroom facilities, parking areas, and pavilions will be
equipped with security lighting for visitors using the park after sunset.
(d) Describe the project's existing right of way ownerships. This description shall identify when the
right of way was acquired and how ownership is documented (i.e. plats. deeds, prescriptions,
certified surveys).
All lands on which the proposed pathways shall traverse within the Gordon River Greenway Park are owned by
Collier County Board of County Commissioners. Lands within the northern portion of the Park were acquired
by Collier County in December 2005; lands within the southern portion of the Park were acquired by Collier
County in April 2006. County ownership of the Greenway Park is documented via warranty deed and certified
(e) Describe any proposed right of way acquisition, including expected matching fund source,
limitations on fund use or availability, and who will acquire and retain ownership of proposed
right of way. .
No future right of way acquisition will be necessary to complete this project.
(f) Describe any related project work phases that are already complete or currently underway.
It has been the vision of many civic groups and leaders to see an interconnected Greenway. The remaining
proposed segments of the Gordon River Greenway are indicted on the aerial plan (Exhibit B).
Completed Phases: The completed phase of the Gordon River Greenway is located on the east side of Gordon
River, at the southwest corner of Naples Municipal Airport. The pathway consists of a loop through a vegetated
area providing separate access for cyclists and pedestrians. A five space parking lot provides handicapped
parking and access to the pathway.
FREEDOM PARK (Collier Countv):
The 50 acre water quality park located at the north east corner of Golden Gate Parkway and Goodlette-
Frank Road is currently under construction. The park includes a mile and a half of board walk and paths
with 6 pavilions throughout the boardwalk system. This is a passive park that will be used by
pedestrians and cyclists. The park is scheduled to be completed in June 2009.
The Gordon River Greenway Park is currently under planning, permitting and design. The expected
completion date for the planning permitting and design of the Park is early 2010.
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November 18, 2008
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EXISTING GREENWAY (Citv of Naples Airport Authoritv Master Plan):
Presently, a portion of the Greenway has been constructed by Southwest Florida Land Preservation
Trust on land owned by the City of Naples and managed by the City of Naples Airport Authority. This
project is shown on the City of Naples Airport Authority Master Plan. The Greenway connects to a
sidewalk running along the north side of North Road providing access to Airport Pulling Road. This
segment of the Gordon River Greenway provides a pathway that is separated from vehicular traffic.
EXISTING SIDEWALKS (Goodlette Frank Road, Golden Gate Parkway. Enterprise Avenue):
The Goodlette Frank Road sidewalk will connect to the Gordon River Greenway Park at two separate
locations. Additionally, both the Golden Gate Parkway and the Enterprise Avenue sidewalks are
proposed to connect to the Gordon River Greenway Park in the future.
(g) Provide detailed project cost estimate. Estimate should be broken down to FDOT typical pay
items if possible to allow for verification of allowable project costs.
General Project Cost Present Day Cost
Utilities 250,000
Site Work (inc. exotic 2,550,000
plant removal)
Bio-swale filtration system 2.000.000
Pathways 1.000.000
Boardwalks ) .632,500
Bridges 1,500,000
Pavilions 300,000
Rest Rooms 600.000
Canoe/Kayak Launch 135.000
Parking Facilities 900,000
Access Drives 300,000
Landscaping 350,000
Signage 30,000
Gopher Tortoise Preserve 100,000
and Relocation
Site Furnishings 275,000
TOTAL S12,922,500
General Project Cost FY 2011/12 Cost
Utilities 273,182
Site Work (inc. exotic
plant removal) 2,786,454
Bio-swale filtration system 2,185,454
Pathways 1,092,727
Boardwalks 2.876.604
Bridges 1,639,091
Pavilions 327.818
Rest Rooms 655.636
CanoelKayak Launch 147,518
Parking Facilities 983.454
Access Drives 327.818
Landscaoinll 382.454
Signage 32,782
Gopher Tortoise Preserve
and Relocation 109.273
Site Furnishings 300.500
TOTAL 14,120,765
The tables above outline general cost estimates for the project in present day and FY2011l12 (assuming 3%
annual construction cost increase) costs. A detailed cost estimate will be available upon completion of the
permitting, planning, and design phase of the project (approximately October 2011).
(h) Other specific project information that should be considered.
The Gordon River Greenway will provide a non-motorized and safe route that will improve and link activities
to scenic venues of the Gordon River. Both the City of Naples Growth Management Plan and the Collier
County Gro"'lh Management Plan require consideration and planning for alternative modes of transportation.
3. Project Implementation Information:
Attach documentation as exhibits to this application.
Agenda Item No. 16D20
November 18, 2008
(a) Describe the proposed method of performing (i.e. contract or in-house) and admirliStliH'iJfigJ(i1€
local or state) each work phase of the project. If it is proposed that the project be administered
by a governmental entity other than the Department of Transportation, the agency must be
certified to administer Federal Aid projects in accordance with the department's Local Agency
Program Manual (topic no. 525-010-300). Web site:
The construction of the entire Gordon River Greenway Park will be performed by contractors and administered
by Collier County. Collier County is certified to administer Federal Aid projects in accordance with the
Department of Transportation's Local Agency Program Manual.
(b) Describe any public (and private, if applicable) support of the proposed project. (Examples
include: written endorsement. formal declaration, resolution, financial donations or other
appropriate means).
The public and multiple area agencies have contributed to the Gordon River Greenway Park and the Gordon
River Greenway Project (GRGP) as a whole. For over 20 years, the idea of a centrally located preserve/park
along the Gordon River has been envisioned by various community groups in Collier County. In mid-2005,
moving towards realization of this vision, Collier County purchased over 100 contiguous acres along the
Gordon River. This purchase was actually the result of a community effort to accomplish two goals. The first
goal was to save the Naples Zoo, a longtime Naples attraction, from having the lands it leased sold out from
under it. The second goal was to acquire lands along the Gordon River for the Gordon River Greenway. In
November 2005, voters in Collier County overwhelmingly approved a $40 million bond to help pay for this
land, the northernmost section of the Gordon River Greenway Park, and the Trust for Public Lands assisted with
the negotiations and purchase. The southernmost 43.5 acres of the Greenway Park were acquired by
Conservation Collier (Collier County's conservation land acquisition program) in April 2006. The
Conservation Collier Program was overwhelmingly approved by Collier County voters in two successive voter
referendums; in 2002 by 62% and again in 2006 by 82%.
Partner agencies for the GRGP include: Big Cypress Basin/South Florida Water Management District; the
Conservancy of Southwest Florida; Collier County Facilities Management Department, Parks and Recreation
Department, and Storm water Department; Florida Gulf Coast University; Florida Fish and Wildlife
Conservation Commission and others, including local conservation groups.
The GRGP itself is also a part of a larger initiative called the Naples Bay Initiative (NBI). The NBI is a plan of
larger scope that includes multiple projects intended to restore the Naples Bay. This Initiative has multiple
partners including, but not limited to: The Conservancy of Southwest Florida, The Bay Management
Organization, Florida Wildlife Federation, Collier County Environmental Advisory Council, Naples City
Council, Board of Collier County Commissioners and the Big Cypress Basin Board/South Florida Water
Management District.
(c) Describe the proposed ownership and maintenance responsibilities for the project when it is
The Collier County Board of County Commissioners will own the entire project. The Collier County Parks and
Recreation Department will be responsible for maintaining the northern 80 acres of the project, while the
Collier County Facilities Management Conservation Collier Section will be responsible for maintaining the
southern 43.5 acres.
(d) Describe source of matching funds and any restrictions on availability.
Agenda Item No. 16D20
November 18, 2008
In 2006, Collier County received a $9.9 million Florida Communities Trust grant. A portion ofth'i!~ntof 12
($1,500,000) paid down debt remaining from the acquisition of the property. Another portion of the grant
($1,010,000) has been allocated for the permitting, planning and designing of the project - currently under
contract. The remaining FCT grant funds ($7,390,000) have been placed in an account to be used for
construction costs associated with the project. County dollars will be the source of the remaining matching
funds for the project. The remaining funds are scheduled for allocation toward this construction project;
however, all County budgets are subject to annual Collier County Board of County Commissioners' approval.
(e) Other specific implementation information that should be considered.
There is a City of Naples and County commitment to complete this project, which was conceived over 10 years
ago, accepted and adopted through several Master Plans and the Collier County Growth Management Plan.
There is clear overall vision for the Greenway Plan. This grant will enable the County to fund construction
work for its portion of the Gordon River Greenway.
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November 18, 2008
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... Cost estimate: .
"Reminder: District IV FOOT Enhancement Funds wUI only be used 10 fund Construction and
Construction Engineering and Inspection Acllvlties. The tolsl amount of Enhancement funds requested
per project must now be in eJt1:ess of $200,000.
project Cost Estimate ("costs to include all funding sources in addition 10 this grant appfication)
Construction Estimate $
Construction Engineering and Inspection Activities (CEI) $
Total Cost $ 14,120,765 (AI
Enhancement Fund Allocation
What is the total estimated cost of work to be funded using enhancemenllunds1
Conslruction Estimate
$ 400.000
Construction Engineering and Inspection Activities (CEI) $ 0
Total Cost
$ 400.000
How wiU the project be funded?
FDOT Enhancement Funds $ 400.000
(B)+ Local $ 13.720.165 :To-o8l$ 14,120,765 (A)
FDOT Enhancement Funds
% + Local 97.2
% =
1 hereby cenify that the proposed project herein descrlbed Is supported by
(municipal, county, state or federal agency, or tribal council) and that said entity will: (1) provide any required
funding matci1; (2) enter into 8. maintenance agreement with the Florida Department of iransportalion; (3)
"comply with t"e Federal Uniform Relocation Assistance and Acquisrtion Policies Act for any Right of Way
actions required for the project, (4) ~comply with NEPA process prior to construction, this may Involve
coordination with the State Historic end Preservation Office (SHPO) prior to construction, (Not at time of
application) and (5) support other actions necessary to fJlly implement the proposed project I further certify
that the estimated costs incJ9ded here.n are reasonable and understand that signifICant increases in these
costs could cause the prOjeClt to be removed from the Florida Department of Transportlllton won.: program.
Collier County BO' of County
Name (please type Of print)
Application Complete
Project E~
Tom Henning, Chairman
Implementation Feusible
Include in Work Provam
A-'-M~ 0uImtJ 4'" 1-41
Exhibit A. Gordon River Greenway Park Location
Agenda Item No. 16D20
November 18, 2008
Page 9 of 12
Gordon River Greenway Park
Gordon River Greenway Park
c::J Freedom Park
Existing GreenwayTrail and Sidewalk
- Propo sed Greenway Trail
o...t::I :iOl.lteo>' f'l>n:ch!;lne :tOOL """inl (;.oIlier C_ntlt l"OPeTty "-Pprn'~..,
Cte:-t"C Oy: GIS 4lS COnlll.'fVntton Coil..,.,
G,".Con""lVM.on c.on,.,.. "Q,,,nt%-'fCt l:UC'L"h'brtL.mlltl "...:: IPn,.
O"t.., 4.10.01
4,000 Feet
Exhibit B. Gordon River Greenway Park Site Plan
Agenda Item No. 16D20
November18, 2008
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Exhibit C. Gordon River Greenway Park Typical Section Drawing
Agenda Item No. 16D20
November 18, 2008
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Collier County Gordon River Greenway Park
Typical Cross-section
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Agenda Item No. 16D20
November 18, 2008
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Item Number:
Item Summary:
Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves submittal of a State of
Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP)
grant application to the Collier County Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the
construction of the Gordon River Greenway Park in the amount of $400,000.
Meeting Date:
11/18/200890000 AM
Approved By
Marlene J. Foard
Grants Coordinator
Administrative Services
Administrative Services Admin.
10/29/20084:19 PM
Approved By
Colleen Greene
Assistant County Attorner
County Attorney
County Attorney Office
10/30/2008 8:26 AM
Approved By
Scott R. Teach
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney
County Attorney Office
10/30/20089:35 AM
Approved By
Barry Williams
Public Services
Parks and Recreation
10/30/200812:17 PM
Approved By
Marla Ramsey
Public Services Administrator
Public Services
Public Services Admin.
10/30/20083:03 PM
Approved By
OMS Coordinator
Applications Analyst
Administrative Services
Information Technology
11/3/20089:00 AM
Approved By
Susan Usher
Senior ManagementfBudget Analyst
County Manager's Office
Office of Management & Budget
11/6/20089:08 AM
Approved By
James V. Mudd
County Manager
Board of County
County Manager's Office
11/6/20082:44 PM
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