Agenda 11/18/2008 Item # 6F
Agenda Item No. 6F
November 18, 2008
Page 1 of 3
3301 Easl Tamiami Trail. Naples. Florida 34112. (239) 252-8383. FAX: (239) 252-4010
November 4, 2008
Mr. Eddie Lagace
2720 24th Avenue S.E
Naples, FL 34117
Re: Public Petition Request to Discuss Reinstatement of Contractor's License
Dear Ms. Lagace:
Please be advised that you are scheduled to appear before the Collier County Board of
Commissioners at the meeting of November 18, 2008 regarding the above referenced
Your petition to the Board of County Commissioners will be limited to ten minutes.
Please be advised that the Board will take no action on your petition at this meeting,
However, your petition may be placed on a future agenda for consideration at the
Board's discretion, If the SUbject matter is currently under litigation or is an on-going
Code Enforcement case, the Board will hear the item but will not discuss the item after It
has been presented. Therefore, your petition to the Board should be to advise them of
your concern and the need for action by the Board at a future meeting.
The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. in the Board's Chambers on the Third Floor of the W,
Harmon Turner Building (Building "F.) of the government complex, Please arrange to be
present at this meeting and to respond to inquiries by Board members,
If you require any further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact this
James V, Mudd '7
County Manager
cc: Jeffrey Klatzkow, County Attorney
Joseph Schmitt, CD&ES Administrative Services
Agenda Item No, 6F
November 18, 2008
Page 2 of 3
Reauest to SD88k under Public Petition
Ptsase print
Name: fJJ.r'e. 1-.0-8 ev:e--
Address: ;;)7-')0 JCfI-t-. Avt'. 5.E.
fo/,?/~> J f" L- ] Cf/lt-
Phone: ;)] 7' '153- 06' S 8'
/JO{. IS
Date of the Board Meetina you wish to BOeak:
IIIu8t circle ~ or no:
Is this subject matter under IItlpllon at this time? V_ I~
's this subject matter an ongoing Code EnforcemMlt _? V_@
No.: If 81thIII' an_r Is "yes". the BoIIrd will hear the I..... but will have no
diec....lon regllrdlng the It8m ....r It Is preM.lbod.
Please eXDlain in detaHthe ....son you are reouestina to ........Ir (.- additional
DaDe if necessalV):
Please exolain in detsillhe action YOU are askina the ComrnI8sion to !like lllllBch
additional Daae If necessary):
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Agenda Item No. 6F
November 18, 2008
Page 3 of 3
Reason requestiDll: to 8peak:
On 10130/08 a contractor Iic:eosing officer told me my license bad expired in 2006. I was
not aware thai it bad expired because eyery year I send in my renewaIa whm I receive the
notice in the mail, I was timed $300.00 lIIId.t.d to stop worlt that day. I called the
contractor liceusing office the n=.t day lIIId they told me it was expired md I could DOt
renew my license because it had been over thirteen moDlbs. I cxpIainod that I nevei'
received a notice in the mail regarding tbe reoewallll1d never got a 1etter that it was
suspended. In the two years since my license hils expired I have DOt recciwd anything
from the con1ractors licensing office for renewal or suspension. 1bcy said that there was
nothing they could do ond that I woWd have to mKe all the exams in order to get my
license back.
Action asking the CollllDinien to take:
I would Iikc the Commission grant the request to ~ my license as it was by paying
all the back fees and renewals for each year I did not renew.
If the above is not possible, I am asking the Commission to grant me a temporary
reinslatement of my license for at least two months so that I may have time to study and
take the exams De(' ry for the licellllC renewal so tha1 I will not loose income in the
time it takes me to pass the exams.
Upon the decision of the Cmnmi..,ion regardless of the outcome of my request, the
Commill<lion needs to have the conlraclDr's licensing dep81'llu<<lt c:Jumae it's policies on
notices of renewals and suspensions of Jicc:nxs. This needs to be done to IIIlIkc sure tbat
the contractors are notified com::c:t1y. Letter m&iling,"l need to be -tnry lIIId phone
calls would be a good way to back of the letter mailings, in the event of lost mail. They
also need a sySll:m that records the date they lICI1t out each mAiling lIIld made phone calls
that way they have record that they lICI1t DOtification, especially for the suspensions. At
the CUlrent time they cannot prove that they sent me a remewaJ notice and SUSJICIIllion
letter. All other licensing offices semI out mail notification for mcmths in advaooe of
renewal, driver licenses and state licenses send notification out ar Ieast three IIlDI1ths in
advance and every month until renewal.
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