Agenda 12/02/2008 Item #16D 8 Agenda Item No. 16D8 December 2, 2008 Page 1 of 6 EXECllTIVE SllMMARY Recommendation for the Board of County Commissioners to approve and authorize staff submittal of a Project AWARE Grant Application for artificial reef cleanups and producing an artificial reef educational video for the Coastal Zone Management Department in collaboration with llniversity Extension, Sea Grant Agent, that, if awarded, will provide grant funds in the amount of $10,000. OBJECTIVE: Recommendation to approve and authorize staff submittal of a Project AWARE Grant Application for artificial reef cleanups and producing an artificial reef educational video for the Coastal Zone Management Department in collaboration with University Extension, Sea Grant Agent, that, if awarded, will provide grant funds in the amount of $10,000, CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County Coastal Zone Management (CZM) is tasked with maintaining the County's Artificial Reefs. CZM and the University of Florida Extension, Sea Grant Coordinator is seeking to promote awareness and stewardship of its artificial reef environments through]) enhancing its artificial reef website by incorporating short educational videos on sustainable fishing practices and 2) increasing the number of clean up events on its most heavily used reefs sites, By promoting wise use of these critical habitats, we hope to minimize the impacts associated with fishing these systems, particularly the post-release survival of fish and entanglement incidents associated with abandoned fishing gear. FISCAL IMPACT: Upon award of the grant and approval of the h'fant agreement by the Board of County Commissioner's, a budget amendment will be necessary to recognize revenue and establish the project's expense appropriation, No local match is required for this h'fant. ._ GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: The grant will support Objective 7.4 of County Growth Management Plan. The Growth Management Plan objective 7.4 is as follows: (11)(11I) OBJECTIVE 7.4 The County shall continue to improve marine fisheries productivity by building additional artificial reefs. (11)(11I) Policy 7.4.1: The County should continue to apply for reef construction grants and annually place more materials on the existing permitted sites. (11)(11I) Policy 7.4.2: The County will coordinate its activities with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, the Marine Extension Office and other appropriate agencies, LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office. This item is not quasi judicial. and as such ex pmte disclosure is not required. This item requires majority vote only. This item is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation for the Board of County Commissioners to approve and authorize staff submittal of a Project A WARE Grant Application for artificial reef cleanups and producing an artificial reef educational video for the Coastal Zone Management Department in collaboration with University Extension, Sea Grant Agent, that, if awarded, will provide h'fant funds in the amount of $1 0,000. PREPARED BY: Bryan Flueeh, Sea Grant Agent, University of Florida Extension Office ,- Pamela Keyes, Environmental Specialist, Coastal Zone rv1anagemcnt Department Page I of2 Agenda Item No. 16D8 December 2, 2008 Page 2 of6 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16D8 Recommendation for the Board of County Commissioners to approve and authorize staff submittal of a Project AWARE Grant Application for artificial reef cleanups and producing an artificial reef educational video for the Coastal Zone Management Department in collaboration with University Extension, Sea Grant Agent, that if awarded, will provide grant funds in the amount of $10,000 Meeting Date: 12/2/200890000 AM Approved By Kathy Carpenter Executive Secretary Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 11/14/20082:53 PM Approved By Gary MeA I pi n Costal Project Manager Date Public Services Coastal Zone Management 11/14/20083:20 PM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attomer Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 11/14/20083:49 PM Approved By Robert Halman Director Date Public Services University Extension Services 11/15/200812:53 PM Approved By Debra Eurom Assistant Grant Coordinator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services 11/17/20089:01 AM Approved By Marlene J. Foard Grants Coordinator Date Administrative Services Administrative Services Admin. 11/17/20089:29 AM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 11/18/20085:04 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11f19f20089:30AM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date tile://r:IA"encl"Te,tIFxn()rtl 117-neremher%?O? %?O?OnRll h %?nrON"FNT%?nAGFN llf?,f?nnR Page 2 of2 Agenda Item No. 1608 December 2. 2008 Page 3 of6 County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/19/200812,03 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Board of County Commissioners Deputy County Manager Date County Manager's Office 11/20/200810,02 AM fil~'//r"\A,,~nn"T~,t\Fxn()rt\ 117-n~c~mh~r%70? %7()7()()R\ Iii %7()rONSFNT%7()AGFN 1117'i17()()R Agenda Item No. 16D8 December 2, 2008 Page 4 of 6 Promoting Awareness and Stewardship of Collier County's Artificial Reef Environments; Naples, Florida Contact Information Bryan Fluech Collier County Sea Grant Extension Agent 300 Tower Rd, Naples, FL 334 I 3 Office; (239) 417-6310 x204 Fax: (239) 417-6315 Email: fluech((l)ufl.edu Pamela Keyes Collier County, Environmental Specialist 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd. Naples, FL 34113 Office; (239) 252-2980 Email: Pamelakeves@colliergov.nct Agenda Item No. 16D8 December 2, 2008 Page 5 of 6 Summary and Environmental Benefit Collier County is seeking to promote awareness and stewardship of its artificial reef environments through I) enhancing its artificial reefwebsite by incorporating short educational videos on sustainable fishing practices and 2) increasing the number of clean up events on its most heavily used reefs sites. By promoting wise use of these critical habitats, we hope to minimize the impacts associated with fishing these systems, particularly the post-release survival offish, and entanglement incidents associated with abandoned fishing gear. Budgetary Information Cost of Cost Tank Per Rental/ Total Hour Hours Number Total Equip Cost for Reef per per of Daily Cleanups per Quarterly Total Cleanups Capt. trip Capts. Cost in Year cleanup Cleanups Grant Cost Charter Boat Captai n s $100 6 2 $1,300 4 $200 $6,000 Reef Awareness Video Cost per Hour $100 Total Number of Hours 40 Total Video Cost $4,000 $10,000.00 Proposal Collier County, located on the southwest tip of Florida's Gulf Coast attracts thousands of recreational anglers each year due to the extensive abundance of popular saltwater fish and a diversity of critical habitats that support them, To enhance the quality of near and offshore hard bottom habitats, the County manages and monitors an extensive series of artificial reefs within its borders. Besides providing critical habitat for many important recreational and commercial species such as groupcr. snapper, and stone crab, the reefs also attract and support corals, sponges, tunicates, as weiI as a myriad of crustaceans, mollusks, and echinodenns, In addition, the reefs enhance recreational and charter fishing and diving opportunitics which contribute towards the County's $ I billion tourism industry. Currently, the County manages approximately 23 quarter by quarter-mile reef sites with over 90 deplo yments among them, and is in the process of penn it ting two new sites, The reef program is managed by the COLIIlly'S Coastal Zone Management Department but due to limited resources. the County also coordinates \vlth the local Sea Grant extension agent, fishing guides, and other local agencies to help monitor and maintain its reef sites. Wh'1 h C ' "'d . I d . , h I Aqenda Iterp NQ, 16D8 let e ,ounty s reelS proVI e many SOCIa an economIC Impacts to t e oca! cOrnmJlli\ltbl', [I~08 growing popularity has resulted in increased recreational angling pressure as with other reef envir6I'1~W 6 throughout the Gulf, which has prompted more stringent state and federal fishing regul ations associated with reef fish. As a result, more undersized fish caught by recreational anglers are being released, However, regulations will only be effective if the fish they release, survive, In addition, the added fishing pressure has resulted in larger amounts of fishing gear such as cast nets, fishing line, hooks and lures, and boat anchors are being abandoned on and around the reefs, This debris not only threatens marine life through ghost fishing and physical damage to live growth on the reef, but also serves as a hazard to divers and anglers who utilize them. Collier County is seeking to promote awareness and stewardship of its artificial reef environments through I) enhancing its artificial reefwebsite and 2) increasing the number of clean up events on its most heavily used reefs sites. Although the artificial reef project team has recently begun revamping its artiticial website to make it more user-friendly and include more educational information, limited resources have prevented them from achieving their desired outcomes. Specifically, the project team is looking to incorporate short educational videos that not only raise awareness of the biodiversity associated with the reef environments, but also educate anglers on practices that will minimize impacts on the reefs, For instance. new state and federal fishing regulations require anglers targeting reef fish fro m a vessel in the Gulf 0 fMexico to have on board and use non-stainless circle hooks when using live or natural baits, dehooking devices, and vent ing tools to help increase survival rates offish that are released, The first video will help raise awareness about the required conservation gear and demonstrate proper use of the equipment to help sustain a healt hy reef fishery, A second video will help raise awareness about the impacts abandoned fishing gear can have on the reefs as well as highlight practices to minimize these impacts, Requested funds will help support the development, creation. and ineorporation of the videos onto the website. Once completed, press releases will be sent out to local media to promote the videos and the rest of the infon11ation on the artificial reefwebsite. Announcements will also be sent out to local fishing clubs, charter captains and taekle shops in the County, To further promote stewardship of the reefs, the project team seeks to expand its efforts to clean up its reefs by coordinating and conducting quarterly clean up events at heavily fished reef sites in the County. For instance, a clean up event in June off the coast of Naples resulted in over 1500 lbs 0 f cast nets, tishing line and anchors being collected by project staff, fishing guides, and vo lunteer divers even though more gear remained behind. Despite the need for it, the project team is currently unable to expand the number of clean up efforts due to budget cutbacks, Requested funds would support the cost of hiring chal1er captains to transport divers to and from the sites alo ng with the collccted dcbris for the four cvents, Photos and video will be taken to document the clean up events and will be incorporated onto the website to enhance awarcness efforts. Local media will also be invited to cover the events to increase awarene ss among the local community, To assess the impact of these init iatives, the project team will track the number of hits to the website once the new information is promoted and compare it to past website tracking statistics to determine ifthere is an increase in the number of visitors to the website. The project team will also track the number of emails and phone calls they receive in response to the clean up events and website informat ion.