Agenda 12/02/2008 Item #16C 4 Agenda Item No. 16C4 December 2, 2008 Page 1 of 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to increase Work Order PG-FT-3972-07-02 to de la Parte & Gilbert, P.A in the Amount of $61,000 for Legal Services under Contract 05-3792 Fixed Term Professional Legal Services, Orange Tree, Project 75010. OBJECTIVE: To increase Work Order PG-FT-3972-07-02 to de la Parte & Gilbert, P,A in the Amount of $61,000, Change Order #2 for Legal Services under Contract 05- 3792 Fixed Term Professional Legal Services, Orange Tree, Project 75010. CONSIDERATIONS: This Project is included in the 2008 Wastewater Master Plan Update adopted by the Board of Collier County Commissioners on June 24, 2008, under Item 10(G) and is consistent with the current FY 2009 Capital Improvement budget approved by the Board on September 18, 2008, - The Orange Tree Utility Company and Collier County Water-Sewer District (CCWSD) are parties to an agreement dated May 28, 1991, and amended on May 14, 1996 and August 4, 1998, Both parties are subject to Collier County Ordinance No, 2004-73. Under the terms of the foregoing Agreement and the now existing amendments to the Agreement, Orange Tree Utility Company has the authority to continue their operation of their water and sewer utilities until at least 20 I 2, at which time the County shall give one year's advance notice of its formal request to provide or assume utilities services area of the Orange Tee Utility Company. Orange Tree Utility Company has filed a complaint in the Circuit Court of the Twentieth Judicial Circuit, in and for Collier County based on the requirement of the Agreement that the privately owned treatment and distribution/collection system including its customer base be dedicated and conveyed to the County without any compensation. This case is still ongoing with many unfinished assignments, An increase in work order amount is needed in order to prepare for pre-trial motions and responses to pre-trial motions, preparing for trial and preparing exhibits for trial. In addition, an extension of time by six months also is needed to complete the assignment. FISCAL IMPACT: The current amount of this work order is $186,244.14, Funds totaling $61,000 are available in project 75010 Evaluation of Orange Tree, The source of funds is Water Impact Fees, Fund 411. If the increase to the work order is approved, the revised work order amount will be $247,244.14. LEGAL CONSIDERA nONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's office and is legally sufficient for Board action, JAB - GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project will benefit the County and is consistent with and furthers the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of the Collier County Growth Management Plan, Executive Summary Approve Work Order for JEI Page 2 Agenda Item No. 16C4 December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 7 RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Board of County Commissioners, as Ex-officio the Governing Board of the Collier County Water-Sewer District approve an increase to work order PG-FT-3972-07-02 in the amount of $61.000 to de la parte & Gilbert, P,A. Prepared by: Bala M, Sridhar, Senior Management & Budget Analyst, Public Utilities Division Agenda Item rjo. 16C4 December 2, 2008 Page 3 of 7 . . . '/I'YlMl N~n;u-e.ar-Jes M:chaei R. Bray Da\"1d M. Cal(lr>;'llz Mlcbclr M. Cl"roJ:u FdwaroP1t>laPa.."'!I'.J:" A;-'yC. Jufftry delaParte & Gilbert, PA AT1alNm AI lAw R.:cha-:::A G:J.be': Ch/"l~!('~ ~t'r r, Le"'";~ Dil.'l''.''; ;'.1tB!ff" I'G~IK!{: \~cNa:;'J.l'<I ~J:c'~~ ~I ,D?n<:, ~:-t'i'.;,..", ~"t'rkes LC"JJ5.':" jf ~~ Pane, j;. '\JI.:"ill.'"';,r/!'1"d 1\ovember 20, 2008 VIA TELEFACSIMILE TO (239) 732-2526 .nd ll.S. Mail Thomas G. \Vidcs Publ1c Utilities Operat~ons. Director Collier County Public Utjliti~s Division 3301 E. Tami.mi Trail Building H, 3rd Floor :--;apies. FL 34112 Re: Revised Scope of\\'ork Concerning Orangetrec Ltilitics \', Collier County (~xcl\lding trial costs) Dear Mr. Wides This letter is in respO!lSl: to your request for a revised scop:: of \"'ork L:llm:erning legal servicC'" fo; our representation ofCcllier County concerning the Orungelree U(i/iII~'S I" Co/lier Cl,um)' malter \Cas~ ~u. 07-~33 C..\). The seope of work is provided In accordance with our Fixed Term COlltl'"'Jct for Profc::;sional Services Between the Board of County C0mmissioners of eolller CClunl;.. l']onda and dt:: IJ. Parte & Gilbe:, P.A (Contract #05~3792) for utility spl'l.;ialized legal sen.'lces ilnd I.:o\crs Uil initial IJ month phase We expect the scope of work to include preparation of pleadings responsi\"e lO the complaint served on Collier County July J 8, 2007 by Orangt:fr~e LIlli ties. prcp:lratJon of pre-lrta! miJtJOns and responses to prc~trial motions tilcd by Orangctrcc Utilities and attendance a\ hcanngs aSS(KJaleJ therewi~h. and fe-\'iew of discovery document'), preparation for and ;J1!cnd.1llce ;1~ pre-tria) ch:posnirlllS (as needed), including unending any mel:tings \I.'ilh Collief County :)wO' :mJ..'ur lt~ .:on5uhants. l'lH: SCllpl" of work does nor include lhc expected fees and costs for an~' I:'"ial and p0st tria] represcntatiull (i.e iJpp(:'alsl BilSe-J on om be-5t e-stimJ,le to dOofe, the scope of work ~nJ cst:mated CllstS <:Ire as fu1l0\\"s' I ) Pleadin~: Edward l' de 10 Parte, Shareholder Viyi:lll Arf'n~5, Shareholder !Janiel J \-1cBn:en. Associate Paralegal Cos:s 10 lIours at S~~5 ;= S2,~50 10 Hours al S 190 = S 1,900 20 Hours at SI5U = S3,OUU 10 Hour, at $100 = $1,000 2-!iSO S~,~UO \('1 tJ.~t l;e~ned,' Blvd., Sulle 3t100 POSl omce Box 23)0 Tu:J.pa. Ronda 3Je.()1.23~[\ L IBl] ::2;>2:':') r- .813i Z2f.,127J2 www.Cf;n-:.C0:11 Vir Thomas G. Wide, Page 2 "o,"ember 20, 2008 1.) ''lotion Practice: Edward P. de la Pam, Shareholder \'i\'ian Arenas, Shareholder Daniel J. \1cBrcen. Associate Paralegal ('u.sts ].) DiscOH'1: (Includes Depositions): Er..Iwan.l P. d~ la Parle, SharehoJdt:r Vivian Arenils, Shareholder Daniel J. McBreen. Associate Paralegal Costs (I_e. deposition transcripts) TOTAL Agenda Item No. 16C4 e' '" Page 4 of7 10 Hours at S2~5 = $~,:::50 10 Hours at $190 SI.900 24 Hours at S 1'0 = S3,600 05 lIours at $100 = $ 500 ~ $8,750 ]0 Hours m $225 -' S 2,150 80 1I0un; at 5190 = 515,200 40 HourSlll 5150 = 56,000 100 lIours at $100 = $10,000 ll(i,000 $43,450 S61.000 In thr: e\'~nl .:- QU have any further 4uc:stions conct:'mlng thi:; monlt'r, pit-as\;' C.1Jl me or EJ :11.: b Parte, Jr. at {81 J I 2~9.:;77 5. \'Alr lQ~; I'~c':li_~"" cc Eu\\'rud P de]a PJ,ne. Jr. Smcercl:-:, de ta PARTE & GILUERT, I' A. ~Ck 6'cur:- Vi\'ian Arenas.Battks i CONTRACTIWORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIST FORM enda Item No. 16C4 December 2, 20 Page 5 of 7 PROJECT NAME: Oranoe Tree Utilities vs Collier County Case 07-233J.CA PROJECT" 75010 PROJECT MANAGER: Tom Wides Old PO 4500089563 BIDlRFP.: 05-3792 MOO.: L New P~: 4500100192 WORK ORDER.: PG-FT-3792-07-02 DEPARTMENT: Public Utilities Ooerations CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: De 18 Pane & Gilben PA Original Contract Amount: S 101.740.00 ($Ierting POIOl) Curnnt Bee Approved Amount: S188244.14 (Last Tolal Amount Approved by the BCe) Current Contr'8ct Amount: $186 244..14 (Induding All Changes Prior To This Modification) Cn.lng. Amount: $61.000.00 Reviled ContractfWortl; Order Amount: 5247244.14 (IndudlOg ThIs Change Order) Cumulative DolI.r Value of Ch.ngea to this ConhctIWork Order: S145.50ll.14 Date of Last Bee Approval 08/14/07 Agenda Item" In Absentia P'ercenblge of the Chan9~under current contract amount ~ Formula: (RevIsed Amoun~ Bec approved amounl).1 CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (5). ORIGINAL: In accordance with schedules reauired bv the Circuit Court Deecrtbe the change(s):An increase in work order's amount In order to DreDlre for Dre.trtal motions and resDOnlea to ore..trlal motton.. DreC.rina for trial and oreDlrlna exhiblta for trial. Additionallv extend comoletion time bv addina Sill months. Specify the realona for the change(s) r 1. Planned or Elective r 2. Unforeseen Conditions (~3. Quantity Adjustments r 4. Correction of Errors (Plans, Specifications or Scope of Work) r." 5. Value Added r 6, Schedule Adjustments Note: One or more may be checked, depending on the nature 01 the change(s), Identify all negative impacts to the project if this change order were not processed: Failure to authorize the chanae order will impede de la Parte & Gilbert. P.A. representation In Ca.. No. 07.2333-CA Oranaetree Utilities vs Collie, County. The ca.. i. Itlll onaolng with many a..ianmenw unfinished. Thts change was requested by: rContractor/Consuttant PI Owner n Using Department CeDES CONTRACT SPECIALIST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: r Yes i;> No CDeslgn Prole.elonal IIRegulatory Agency (Specify) r Other (Specify) APPROVED BY' Date~ / ( h() Icy REVIEWED BY Date Revised 11.19.2007 Aoenda Item No. 16C4 ecemaer ~,~ ~ Page 6 of 7 CHP-NGE ORDER TO WORKORDER , 2 TO, :.dward P oe \a Par.e. .lr president De I. Parte & G,lbert. PA 101 East Kennedy Blvd. SUlle 340-) TiltT<:lB F! 3:3501 FROM: P Jbht Uhlll186 Opera\~"! CepBrt."ent P~bhc Utihtiefl Division Collter County Governf'1enl 3301 East Tam'8lTli Trail BUilding H Naples. rlonda 34" 2 Project Name: Orange Tree Uti!:lIes V's Collier Count)' Case No 07-23J3.CA Conlrac! # 05.3792 Work Order Oat8d: August 17 2007 Change Order No.: 2 Work. Order No.: PG.F7:ftq.1.(\; 02 Date: October 27 7008 ~hange Order Description: This cnange order ~ .'.0.. ~?_~ ~~E~~onaj_~~~ds:?.!:J~~~~na'_~tlor''! Onglna1 work order amount Change Order No.1, Revised Work O,d~r ,Amount.. 584, :)04 . 14 & ~:). , " , $61.oon SIUl,74U.Of) $~1.5,5Ut...14 ..... S247.2441' OrIginal work order time In calendar days ACljU51ed l1urrber of ::alendar days due 10 orelJio'Js chanQe orders This ~hange order adjusted ~ime IS .. eo !Jays '80oays 36(; davs Revised Work Order TIme in worl</ng d"ys.....,.... 720 days Or!glnal NOII-:e 10 Pro;:;eed dale Completion date based on onglna! cor,1faC't tlme Re\"15ed comp"etron dale due 10 change order(~) November )6 20Ci s::nej':.;lcs reaulred ':;y '''1e:'>o...:~ ::c-u'": N.'A VOd( accep1ance oj tn,s ::hange omer shall constitute a rnodiflCa!IOf" Ie Dur Agreement ara .....Il be performed siJo/ect to a" the same \8rms 3r"ld CO"1dihons as contalneCl 1<"1 salc ;'.g'eeTer' Ir-.dr:ated above ilS fully as if the ~e repeatec II"' lhl5 ac:eptar,ce The 3~:,..sIMenr t.'j thiS ....gieemen! shall constitute u!Vand flt~, se1tlemen! =~ any af"ld ~lt C:la.'f'I1S ars!r,g ::::...il C! (:r related to rhe change seT f here{f'l, in<:~dlng c!au"ns for Impact and jelav :05~5 ( ,/ ,/ I I Preparea by . Dal. /(/;$(02- Javier Martinez, tlOnf> SUM'"vlscr ...- ' / (!;;J-'. - Approved oy ,,/A..-. -' 6,.'""'7-' fho......as G vlI'des.l'>"'C'JllonS-FJnance Drre-clor .~-" /" { , ~-.. I'f -1~.. . .... ..' I '/L..-. Apor'Jved :J'y .. -C,' . .-' ''-_ ,. L-- - Jim De ny. Adml!"llSlrator Pu Ie Utlll1'es O:V1810r Dale I//~~/~.'? Da:e I ~.?V~ 8ate II ;{c,/~ -_....J--r--- D'2:-tna PerrYf:"Ian ::'::C:luac,Soet.ah61 Da'. d~JC'g Reviewed t>y Page 1 of I Agenda Item No. 16C4 December 2, 2008 Page 7 of 7 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16C4 Meeting Date: Recommendation to increase Work Order PG-FT-3972-07-02 to de la Parte & Gilbert. P.A in the Amount of $61 ,000 for Legal Services under Contract 05~3792 Fixed Term Professional Legal Services, Orange Tree, Project 75010. 12/2/200890000 AM Prepared By Bala Sridhar Senior Management/Budget Analyst Date Public Utilities Public Utilities Operations 11/13/20088:55:15 AM Approved By Jennifer A. Belpedio Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 11/13/20083:02 PM Approved By Thomas Wides Operations Director Date Public Utilities Public Utilities Operations 11/14120084:07 PM Approved By Steve Carnell PurchasinglGeneral Sves Director Date Administrative Services Purchasing 11/15/20086:49 AM Approved By James W. DeLony Public Utilities Administrator Date Public Utilities Public Utilities Administration 11/17/20088:27 AM Approved By OMS Coordinator OMS Coordinator Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/17/20083:04 PM A pproved By Susan Usher Senior Management/Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/20/200811:36 AM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 11/20/20083:33 PM fil,,'If("\Aapllr1"T,,<t\Fxnort\ 117_nprpmh"l'%?0? %?O?OOR\ 1 h %?OrnN<;FNT%?OAr.FN 11 n<;nOOR