Agenda 12/02/2008 Item # 7A Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 Page 1 0147 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SV-2008-AR-13374, Naples Grande Beach Resort, represented by Hunter Hansen, requesting seven variances. The first six Variances are from the Land Development Code (LDC) Section 5.06.04 c.l., which requires a minimum separation of 1,000 lineal feet between signs, to allow a sign separation of approximately 660i feet, 650i feet, 400i feet, 13H feet, 650i feet, and 860i feet. The seventh Variance is from LDC Section 5.06.04 c.l., which permits a maximum of two pole signs per street frontage, to permit a maximum of four signs along a street frontage. The subject property is located at 475 Seagate Drive, in Section 9, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida. This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) consider the above-referenced Sign Variance petition and render a decision pursuant to Subsection 5.06.04.C. I. of the Land Development Code (LDC) in order to ensure that the project is in harmony with all applicable codes and regulations and that the community's interests are maintained. CONSIDERATIONS: The applicant is seeking to legitimize two, eXlstmg, four square-foot logo medallions mounted on two, approximately 14-foot columns flanking either side of the entrance to the Naples Grande Beach Resort (fonnerly known as the Registry Resort Hotel) (see graphic in Appendix 1). These medallions, considered signage by the LDC, replaced two similar medallions used by the prior tenant which, according to County records, never had permits. According to LDC Subsection 5.06.04.C.1, the site is only pennitted to have a maximum of two pole or ground signs, provided that these signs are separated by 1,000 feet. As depicted on the site plan contained in Exhibit B to the Ordinance, the site presently has a total of three signs, and the applicant is proposing one more. The existing, permitted, principle sign, labeled as "A" on the site plan, is a ground sign located within the landscaped island at the main entrance of the hotel. The two, four square-foot logo medallions, labeled as "B" and "C," are mounted on the aforementioned columns flanking either side of the driveway entrance into the hotel. The proposed fourth sign, labeled as "D," would be an approximately eight foot-wide and five foot-tall pole sign advertising the hotel's steakhouse (see graphic in Appendix 2). If the signs are approved, the following Variances would be needed for the distances between the four signs: I. 65.85 feet between A and B; 2. 65.40 feet between A and C; 3. 40.17 feet between B and C; Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page 2 of 47 4. 130.85 feet between A and D; 5. 65 feet between Band D; 6. 85.7 feet between C and D. A seventh Variance is also required in order to permit a total of four signs along a street frontage instead of the LDC permitted maximum of two. FISCAL IMPACT: Approval of this Sign Variance petition would have no fiscal impact on Collier County. GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) IMPACT: Approval of this Sign Variance would not affect or change the requirements of the Growth Management Plan. AFFORDABLE HOUSING IMPACT: Approval of this Sign Variance would have no affordable housing impact. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES: There are no environmental issues associated with this Sign Variance. ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL (EAC) RECOMMENDATION: The EAC did not review this petition as they do not normally hear Sign Variance petitions. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION (CCPC) RECOMMENDATION: The CCPC heard petition SV-2008-AR-13374 on November 6, 2008, and voted 5-4 to forward this petition to the BZA with a recommendation of approval, subject to staffs conditions of approval, which prohibit sign D. Three dissenting members felt that in light of the economic hardship now facing local restaurants, sign D (the restaurant sign) should also be granted a Variance. The only other dissenting commissioner, in contrast, felt that none of the requested Variances should be approved. Because the CCPC recommendation was not unanimous and staff has received one letter of objection from the community, this petition could not be placed on the Summary Agenda. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The petitioner is requesting seven sign variances relating to the number of signs and the distance between signs permitted by the Land Development Code. The granting of such a variance is permitted under LDC Section 9.04.02. Agenda Item No. 7A December 2. 2008 Page 3 0147 The attached staff report and recommendations of the Planning Commission are advisory only and are not binding on you. Decisions regarding variances are quasi-judicial, and all testimony given must be under oath. The petitioner has the burden to prove that the proposed Variance is consistent with all the criteria set forth below, and you may question the petitioner, or staff, to satisfy yourself that the necessary criteria have been satisfied. LDC Section 9.04.02.A requires that "based upon the evidence given in public hearing; and the findings of the Planning Commission" you "should determine to the maximum extent possible if the granting of the Variance will diminish or otherwise have a detrimental effect on the public interest, safety or welfare." Should you consider denying the Variance, to assure that your decision is not later found to be arbitrary, discriminatory or unreasonable, the denial must be based upon competent, substantial evidence that the proposal does not meet one or more of the listed criteria below. Approval of this request requires three affirmative votes of the Board. In granting a Sign Variance, the Board of Zoning Appeals may prescribe the following: 1. Appropriate conditions and safeguards in conformity with this Code or other applicable County ordinances. Violation of such conditions and safeguards, when made a part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of this Code. 2. A reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance required shall be begun or completed or both. Criteria for Si!!n Variances 1. There are special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size, and characteristics of the land, structure, or building involved. 2. There are special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant, such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property, which are the subject of the Variance request. 3. A literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on the applicant. 4. The Variance, if granted, will be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure and which promote standards of health, safety, or welfare. 5. Granting the Variance requested will not confer on the petitioner any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. 6. Granting the Variance will be in hannony with the intent and purpose of the LDC, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Agenda Item NO.7 A December 2. 2008 Page 4 0147 7. There are natural conditions or physically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation, such as natural preserves, lakes, golf courses, etc. 8. Granting the Variance will be consistent with the GMP. The proposed Resolution was prepared by the County Attorney's Office and is sufficient for Board action. -STW RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the BZA approve Petition SV-2008-AR-13374 in part. While staff recommends approval of signs A, B, C and their respective separation Variances; staff recommends denial of sign D, as described in the conditions of approval contained in the attached resolution. PREPARED BY: John-David Moss, AICP, Principal Planner Department of Zoning and Land Development Review Item Number: Item Summary: Meeting Date: Page \ of2 Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 Page 5 of 47 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 7A This item requires that all participants be sworn in and ex parte disclosure be provided by Commission members. SV-2008-AR-13374 Naples Grande Beach Resort, represented by Hunter Hansen, requesting seven variances. The first six Vanances are from the land Development Code (LDC) Section 5.06.04 C, 1., which requires a minimum separation of 1,000 lineal feet between signs, to allow a sign separation of 66 feet, 40 feet. 156 feet, 66 feet,71 feet, and 96 feet. The seventh Variance is from LDC Section 5.06.04 C.1., which permits a maximum of two pole signs per street frontage, to permit a maximum of four signs along a street frontage. The subject property is located at 475 Seagate Drive. in Section 9, Township 49 South, Range 25 East. Collier County, Florida. CTS 12/2/20089.00:00 AM Prepared By John-David Moss Community Development & Environmental Services Senior Planner Date Zoning & Land Development 9/22/20089:32:01 AM Approved By Judy Puig Community Development & Environmental Services Operations Analyst Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. Date Approved By 11/7/20082:57 PM Steven Williams Attorney's Office Assistant County Attorney Date Attorney's Office 11/13/20081:03 PM Approved By Ray Bellows Community Development & Environmental Services Chief Planner Date Approved By Zoning & Land Development Review 11/13/20082:39 PM Susan Istenes, AICP Community Development & Environmental Services Zoning & Land Development Director Date Zoning & Land Development Review 11/13/20083:55 PM Approved By Joseph K. Schmitt Community Development & Environmental Services Community Development & Environmental Services Adminstrator Date Community Development & Environmental Services Admin. 11/15/20086:18 PM Approved By OMB Coordinator OMB Coordinator Date file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\\ \ 7-December%202.%202008\07.%20BOARD%200F%20Z... 11/25/2008 Page 2 of2 Agenda Item NO.7 A December 2. 2008 Page 6 0147 County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/17/20081:01 PM Approved By Mark Isackson Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 11/19/20085:13 PM Approved By Leo E. Ochs, Jr. Deputy County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 11/19/20086:02 PM file://C:IAgendaTestIExportII17-December%202,%202008107.%20BOARD%200F%20Z... 11/25/2008 AGEJlrqjll\J<ffBMr9bl!P. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page 7 of 47 .Co~Y County ~ --- --- - ~ SUPPLEMENTAL STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COl\.1MISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING DATE: NOVEMBER 6, 2008 SUBJECT: SV-2008-AR-13374, NAPLES GRANDE BEACH RESORT PROPERTY OWNER/AGENT: Owner/Agent: Mr. Hunter Hansen LehilI Partners, L.P. 475 Seagate Drive Naples, FL 34103 REOUESTED ACTION: To have the Collier County Planning Commission (CCPe) consider a revised Site Plan depicting the seven requested Variances from Subsection 5.06.04.C.I of the Land Development Code (LDC) to permit four signs instead of two per street frontage; and to permit each of these signs to have less than the required 1,000-foot separation from each other. -1 PROJECT STATUS: The cepe originally heard this petition on October 2, 2008. At that meeting, the petitioner requested a continuance so that he could submit a scaled site plan or an actual boundary survey that accurately depicted the location of the existing and proposed signage. The applicant prepared and submitted the survey, entitled ''Naples Grande Site Plan" by Charles Tolton & Associates, Inc., dated October 20, 2008, attached as Exhibit B to the Resolution. " On October 15, 2008, staff received a letter of objection to the petition, attached to this supplemental report as Appendix I. Supplemental Report Naples Grande Beach Resort, SV-2008-AR-J3374 Page 1 00 <l:CO,... ....0"" O~ ON 0 ZN-CO E ~ Q) Q)(])~ -.DeL -E t1l", "DU C Q) ~O <l: !I , " < ~~ &~ ~. _toQ.l_W1 . ~ - I l~ i I. ~!i:' !l I -~ Ii! · l~ll';>l :! ~!1 11 . . (M)Ij-,.~ lltTl'll -...... .....,l'tI'~ I.L . GULF OF MEXICO .. ... '" M . 0: <; '" 0 0 N >- '" .. z 0 J- ;:: W . a. 0.. <( ~ f~ Z 0 - I- <( () . 0 -l I I I I I I .. ~ I ~ I " i ~m_ I ""E- - . 1. ia I I -. !~; , i . ~ 0.. <( ~ (9 Z Z o N Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2. 2008 Page 9 of 47 It was also brought to staff s attention that the required on-site public hearing notification sign, as required pursuant to LDC Section 10.03.0S, had not been posted. As such, the applicant had the requisite signage installed, as evidenced by the photograph in Appendix 2 of this supplemental staff report. SUPPLEMENTAL ANALYSIS: As shown on the new Site Plan, if all four of the requested signs are approved, the following Variances would be needed for the distances between the signs: 1. 6S.&S feet between A and B; 2. 65.40 feet between A and C; 3. 40.17feetbetweenBandC; 4_ 130.&S feet between A and D; S. 6S feet between B and D; 6. &S.7 feet between C and D. A seventh Variance would also still be required in order to permit four signs along a street frontage instead of the LDC permitted maximum of two. Staff has reviewed the revised Site Plan depicting the new distances among the signs, and has determined that it does not warrant a change in staff's original findings. Therefore, staff's recommendation remains the same as noted in the CCPC Staff Report dated October 16, 200&. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the CCPC forward Petition SV-200&-AR-13374 to the Board of Zoning Appeals with a recommendation of approval, subject to the following conditions, as incorporated into the attached Resolution: ' I. Irrespective of that depicted on the Master Plan entitled "Naples Grande," by Charles Tolton and Associates, Inc, dated October 20, 200& and included as Exhibit B, the number of signs on the site shall be limited to only three, which are those identified as "A," "B" and "C." 2. The separation Variances granted shall be limited to the following: 6S.&S feet between signs A and B; 6S.40 feet between signs A and C; and 40.17 feet between signs B and C. However, staff does not recommend approval of the proposed "Striphouse" steakhouse restaurant sign (shown in Appendix 3), labeled as "D" on the attached Site Plan (Exhibit B to the Resolution). Supplemental Repart Naples Grande Beach Resort, SV-2008-AR-13374 Page 2 01 3 Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page 100147 PREPARED BY: -~~ JO~VID MOSS, AICP, PRINCIPAL PLANNER DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW !D~t-#(;t DA E REVIEWED BY: 10- 2..'f-01, DATE RA YI\ ND V. BELLOWS, ZONING MANAGER DEP TMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ~~-~ St:1SAN M. ISTENES, AlCP, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW IO/2'f1()f 'DA ~t._7 wjj STEVE WILLIAMS ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY 10(.27/0 If DATE APPROVED BY: ""r1c....lt~ J PH K. SCHMI ITY DEVELOP!lffiNT & ENVIRONMENTAL S RVICES DIVISION ADMINISTRATOR /,bid / D TE Tentatively scheduled for the December 2, 2008 Board of County Commissioners Meeting COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: MARK P. STRAIN, CHAIRMAN Supplemental Report Naples Grande Beach Resort, SV-2008-AR-13374 Page 3 013 RECEIVED _..Each comm. Rec'd Copy OCT I 5 2008 Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 Page 11 of 47 Collier CoWl!)' Commissioners: Frank Halas Donna Fiala/ Tom Henning Fred Coyle Jim Coletta ,\; I ~ October 11, 2008 yV . Y JI1. cJT1. !. rf" I /P ~I ~r ' ,V f~' \l ;1;, ~ vTy~ Y..~ vP", \ 'V' l;"'" I:} l\o 1 Y Jvf( I am a perrmment resident of St. Tropez Condominium in PeliCan :Bay. whose property /~. adjoins The Naples Grande Hotel. I am aware that The Naples Grande Hotel is petitioning the Collier COWl!)' P1anning Commission for seven (7) variances pertaining to the placement of signs on Seagate Drive. These signs would be advertising The Strip House Restaurant located at the Grande. I object to these signs, sight Wlseen, for the following reasons: Board of County Commissroru:!rs 5501 Heron Point Drive ~02 Naples, FL 34108 Dear Commissioners, 1. The words advertising a restaurant called The Strip House are not considered appropriate with two churches and a Collier County Public School, Seagate Elementary, located on the same street and in close proximity to the hotel. Advertising the restaurant name with signs on that small street may wen be accepted in New York but certainly not in Naples. 2. If variances are approved by the Commissioners, what is to prohibit other restaurants located in Waterside Shops from also putting up signs on Seagate as well? Will additional signs have a negative or positive impact upon that area? 3. What will prohibit the two churches, St. William Church and The First Church of Christ, the U S Trust Bank, a Real Estate business, Hertz Car Rental, from putting up signs of advertisement? Do we want this short street to replicate some of the streets in .!,o+! Myers otMi!!JIli? I hardly think so. Management of the. Grande, or its reJltaur@t lessee, may feel that the restaurant needs signs to be successful. There are other media in which advertising may take place without some of the negative implications mentioned above. Please review aU the possible negatives before you determine whether an approval of the variances may be made, even if the restaurant name changes. I have been a resident of Naples and Collier County for 39 years, having raised my five children in this wonderful community. Plesse be very cautious of the decision you may make. rm sure you will. ~~e;~, L-- ~.~so~ Appendix 1 , , "~f,l:'.;;"'\"l.;>..;.:;:J;. '~'"^;.. . .:...,. Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page 12 0147 Appendix 2 j ::! fiH'!U !i I- .1'~ <(cor-- m I J ~.;qJ- ,,-0"" ~ i ,0_ I ,._N 0 i IHWill' 'C') I ~ ~~ I ~ ~I r II · ~ "",,,, ~J I " ! ~I ~ ' .- m -'f 'll ~.D0l I Ilii~!ril -E'" ~ ~ '" '" 0. !l ~ 'Ou ~ l!i~~ II ih c OJ gj,o <( . 11' i .. ]l. en 5~ ,,~ cc: .,8 w -~'! S z h 2: '" it "' =a ..... '" ~. .... " E. en I- u; ~ '!i t::l :c z 11- 0 '" ~f 2: 3: ~ m i= 1l. ~ <> -ei en ii: ~ >< lil u .... 2: a. ~ Ji:! ... lor.. ~ "' H .. zz W ~ ':'=N Z H w <!l l)& ~ " ;" w ~ '" b b .. .; .; z 0 ~ ~ W I- Z 0 IE R ~ '<1 .Il-.~ I. .V.-6~ .1 .~I..v APPENDIX 3 AG~&~~o6~ . Page 14 of 47 co18tr County . ~ ,- ..- - STAFF REPORT TO: COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION FROM: DEPARTMENT OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES DIVISION HEARING DATE: OCTOBER 2, 2007 SUBJECT: PETITION SV-200S-AR-13374, NAPLES GRANDE BEACH RESORT PROPERTY OWNERI APPLICANT: Mr. Hunter Hansen LehiIJ Partners, L.P. 475 Seagate Drive Naples, FL 34103 REOUESTED ACTION: The applicant is requesting a total of seven Variances from Subsection 5.06.04.C.I of the Land Development Code (LDC) for on-premises signs, as allowed in Section 5.06.00 of the LDC, to permit four signs instead of two per street frontage; and to permit each of these signs to have less than the required I,OOO-foot separation from each other. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: The subject site is located west of the Tamiami Trail North (US 41) and Pine Ridge Road (CR 896) intersection, at 475 Seagate Drive, located in the Pelican Bay PUD, in Section 9, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, Collier County, Florida (see location map on the following page). PURPOSEIDESCRIPTIONOF PROJECT: The applicant is seeking to legitimize two, existing, four square-foot logo medallions mounted on two, approximately 14-foot columns flanking either side of the entrance to the Naples Grande Beach Resort (formerly known as the Registry Resort Hotel) (see graphic in Appendix 1). These medallions, considered signage by the LDC, replaced two similar medallions used by the prior tenant which, according to County records, never had pennits. According to LDC Subsection 5.06.04.C.1, the site is only permitted to have a maximum of two pole or ground signs, provided that these signs are separated by 1,000 feet. As depicted on the magnified partial site plan on the following page, entitled "Naples Grande Beach Hotel, 475 Seagate Drive-Naples, Fla. 34103, Sign Variance Plans and Elevations," dated July 8, 2008, as revised tluough July 10,2008, the SV-2008-AR-13374 Page 1 of8 I <tOOl'- !I i 1'-0..,. I 0_ -:-N 0 -'" I "~ I ~Ql QlQlOl I a. _.0", ~Eo. ~ ! <( ",Ql C " I 2 Ql Ql . . OlO t I <t . . I C> : i z I ~ - - . Z I. I 0 1 N i I I I I I ... ~ i ~ f " !i I " ~i I "' I .. ~ , I ~ 0 0 N nr:GOI.tllll I Z- :> (J) - .. z 0 f- --~ >= it w ~ . "- . . i lJI'O'll:.lIIOoftW I ~.tl a. III <( .i! II" i I 2 I i~ i I il Z ~ll" !j - 0 I - . . I- 0 --- <( ~ t) bo'lt'lll"IWt_J. . 0 ....J . . IiI. CULF OF MEXICO + ... + + + Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ,. +~~6 0:<47 \10' ~ 'h' ." ~ '" 'l" V' ... ~ .... '" +"" > + .. >lo' .... '" .... .. . -+ ... + EXISTING ENTRY AND EXIT DRIVEWAY \ \ \\ '" .y \ \": : : : :: : .. . . . . " . " . . \~.:. . . . .':::::::: \\~\b .jI ~ "'_ ~..v ~ ... .v 'f" \II .... '" *' .... .... ..... .... \%. <to '*' *' '" .... .... .... .... .... ,\<1:. ~...."""~++"'++ ~~ : : : : : :: + + + + + : ~ + . + . EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA + + + > ~ ~ ~ . ... ... + + + + '"' W -v \l' EXISTING LANDSCAPE AREA .' > + + > + + ... > + + > ... ... . + ~ ,..'" /' ...--/ ,- .. SIGN"S' EXISTING CDLUMN- W / LETTER SIGN SIGN 'D' + PROPOSED FREE , S;ANDI~G SI~Nl+ ,. ',).. ? '" ~ o. , '. ... ./ ... .> ----- ~ ------ SIDEWALK -......-............... '? --.0:....._ ~ Iv"" ,. ... -~"""~ '" .,& ~~...+.................~~~'-.'" c," w ""..:,r SIGN 'C' , ..' '" -.:,. '" ~ .,:. '" , EXISTING COLUMN .... 6 " : ... : ... : ... : ... ... ... : ... ... ... W: ~E~...R :I~~.~ ~ '" >$. W EXISTING LANDSCAPE ....... - ~ ... #!. ~ '" AREA '" '" oJ. . C' ,J/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : . :f" . : ) ,.. .. ..,. ,,~_ .1 .-.....v--==-nol....~ "'__ -:.. '~ ----.-----'" ,. ... ... -----'V- ... ... .. , .... I v 'V ... ... . .. ... ... > ... ... ... ~: ~,~ " ... ... ... SCALE: ~ SEAGA IT DRIVE 5 o 5 10 20 EB o Partial Site Plan 1949 Central Ave. Naples, Florida 34102 License #M COO1863 Phone: 239-643--3103 Fax:: 239-643-7435 i I 1500 Jackson Street Suite 200 I ! Fort Myers, 1=19r1dll 33901 IllIcense#AACOO1863 l..J Phone: 239~278-3838 Fax: 239-27&-5356 NAPLES GRANDE BEACH HOTEL 475 SEAGATE DRIVE - NAPLES, FLA. 34103 SIGN VARIANCE PLANS AND ELEVATIONS . Date: July 8, 08 PROJ. NO.: Sketch Rev.: July 10, 08 0509 Number: SK-1 Copyright@ 2008. BSSW Archltec(s, Inc. reserves copyright eod other rlgl1~ restricting these documents to the orIginal slle or purpose for which they were prepC'lred. Roproductions. Ch01~gEiS or assignments are prohibited. Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page 17 of 47 site presently has a total of three signs, and the applicant is proposing,one more. The existing. permitted, principle sign, labeled as "Sign A" on the site plan, is a ground sign located within the landscaped island at the main entrance of the hotel. The two, four sqUllIe-foot logo medallions, labeled as "Sign B" and "Sign C," are mounted on the aforementioned columns flanking either side of the driveway entrance into the hotel. These column signs are approximately 66 feet forward of the monument sign, and are only separated from each other by only 40. The proposed fourth sign, labeled as "Sign D," would be an approximately eight foot-wide and five foot-tall pole sign advertising the hotel's steakhouse (see graphic in Appendix 2). This sign would be only ten feet forward of Sign B, and approximately 96 feet and 156 feet from signs C and A, respectively. If the signs are approved, the following Variances would be needed for the distances between the four signs: ' 1. 66 feet between A and B; 2. 66 feet between A and C; 3. 40 feet between B and C; 4. 156 feet between A and D; 5. 71 feet between B and D; 6. 96 feet between C and D. 7. A seventh Variance is required in order to permit a total of four signs along a street frontage instead ofthe LDC maximum of two. AERIAL PHOTO OF SITE SURROUNDING LAND USE AND ZONING: North: Multi-family housing, zoned Pelican Bay POO South: Single-family housing, City of Naples East: Multi-family housing, zoned Pelican Bay POO West: Conservation land, zoned Pelican Bay POO SV-2008-AR-13374 Page 4 of 8 Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page 18 of 47 GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN (GMP) CONSISTENCY: The subject property is located in the Urban Designation, Mixed Use District, Urban Residential Subdistrict of the Future Land Use Map (FLUM) of the GMP, The GMP does not address individual Variance requests but focuses on the larger issue of the actual use. The Pelican Bay PUD is consistent with the FLUM. Based upon the above analysis, staff concludes that the proposed use for the subject site is consistent with the Future Land Use Element, although the Variance request is not specifically addressed. ANALYSIS: Section 9.04.00 of the LDC gives the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) the authority to grant Variances. The Planning Commission is advisory to the BZA and utilizes the provisions of Section 9.04.03.A through 9.04.03.H as general guidelines to assist in making a recommendation. Staff has analyzed this petition relative to the evaluative criteria, and offers the following responses: a. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the land, structure or building involved? No. Although the mid-rise hotel that the signs would serve is set back a considerable distance from Seagate Drive, it is still visible from the roadway. Therefore, additional signage is not essential for guests' locational pwposes. Nevertheless, the logo signs do indeed make it easier to see the entrance to the hotel from a much greater distance on Seagate Drive, as the hotel building is situated behind a bend in the road. With respect to the steakhouse sign, although the restaurant is not visible from the roadway, the existing, permitted sign within the hotel main entrance's landscaped island is permitted a 60 square- foot area, which is sufficient to advertise both the hotel and its on-site steakhouse. b. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant, such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property, which is the subject of the variance request? Yes. The applicants were nof aware that the former hotel tenant had installed the original medallion signs on the 14-foot columns illegally. It was not until after they replaced the former tenant's logos with lheir own that they learned that the previous signs had never been permitted. The applicants would, therefore, like to legitimize the two, small signs with this Variance request rather than leaving the columns bare. However, the proposed fourth sign (a pole sign advertising the hotel's steakhouse) is not a pre-existing condition and is a result of the applicant's action. Co Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of the LDC work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties for the applicant? No. The hotel building would not suffer undue hardship since a literal interpretation of the LDC would allow the applicants to keep the existing, principal sign in its present location, and even include text advertising the on-site steakhouse. However, the applicant contends SV-200B~R-13374 Page 5 of8 Agenda Item No. 7A December 2. 2008 Page 19 0147 that this would create a hardship since this sign already exists without space for the steakhouse, so that sign would have to be replaced in order to add the restaurant name. With respect to the four square- foot logo signs, they are replacing the existing logo signs on the two entry column. If this variance were denied, then the applicant would be left with two, bare 14-foot columns flanking its entrance. d. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards of health, safety and welfare? No, the hotel already displays one monument sign, which makes reasonable use of the hotel building possible; and as previously noted, this sign could accommodate additional text advertising the steakhouse. However, the petitioner contends that if the two small logo signs are not permitted, the hotel would be left with two square columnar structures at its' . entrance, which (in staffs opinion) would become rather odd-looking and unattractive without the logo signs they were intended to display. e. Will granting the variance confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by these zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district? Yes, a Variance by definition confers some dimensional relief from the zoning regulations specific to a site. The granting of this Variance request would allow three more signs that would be much closer together than that prescribed by the LOC, thereby conferring on the applicants a special privilege. f. wm granting the variance be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this Land Development Code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare? Section S.06.01.A. of the LOC states that the purpose and intent of the LOC relative to signage is to ensure that all signs are: 1. Compatible with their surroundings. 2. Designed, constructed, installed and maintained in a manner that does not endanger public safety or unduly distract motorists. 3. Appropriate to the type of activity to which they pertain. 4. Large enough to convey sufficient information about the owner or occupants of a particular property, the products or services available on the property, or the activities conducted on the property and small enough to satisfy t~ needs for regulation. 5. Reflective of the identity and creativity of the individual occupants. In staffs opinion, the requested logo signs advance all of these objectives. Therefore, approval of the Variance for these signs would be consistent with the purpose and intent of the LDC. However, it is staffs opinion that the proposed eight-foot by five-foot steakhouse sign would not only be incompatible with its surroundings and much larger than necessary SV-2008-AR-13374 Page6of8 Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page 20 of 47 (since its information could be conveyed on the existing permitted 60-foot area ground sign), it is also inconsistent with the provisions of the LDC. g. Are there natural conditions or physically indnced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natnral preserves, lakes, golf courses, etc.? No. As illustrated in the graphic in Appendix 2, the multi-story hotel could still be viewed by travelers from Seagate Drive, even if the requested signage was not permitted. However, because of the bend in the entrance from Seagate Drive, the logo medallions would assist travelers to locate the access point to the hotel from a much greater distance. h. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? Yes. Approval of this Variance petition would be consistent with the GMP since it would not affect or change any of the GMP's requirements. EACRECOMMENDATlON: The Environmental Advisory Council does not normally hear Variance petitions and did not hear this one. SUMMARY FINDINGS: Staff has analyzed the guidelines associated with this Variance and has determined that the request for the two logo medallions is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the signage provisions of the LDC due to special conditions peculiar to the hotel, circumstances that do not result from the action of the applicant, physically induced conditions of the site, and the fact that the Variance for the logo medallions is consistent with both the GMP and the purpose and intent of the LDC. However, staff is opposed to the proposed steakhouse sign (sign D) due to the fact that it is inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the LDC, and because its text could be included on the site's approved ground sign. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Collier County Planning Commission forward Petition SV-2008-AR- 13374 to the Board of Zoning Appeals with a recommendation of approval for a Variance to approve three signs per road frontage instead of two; and to permit these three signs to have the following separation distances: 66 feet between A and B; 66 feet between A and C; and 40 feet between B and C. Staff does not recommend approval of the proposed steakhouse sign, labeled as D on the attached site plan. APPENDICES: Appendix I: Sign B and C Elevation Appendix 2: Strip House Sign Photo Overlay SV.200B-AR-13374 Page 7 of 8 PREPARED BY: JOHN AVID MOSS, AICP, PRINCIPAL PLANNER PRINCIPAL PLANNER REVIEWED BY: ~~~7.wl~ HEIDI ASHTON-CICKO ASSISTANT COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ <r /?1 RA ND V. BELLOWS, MANAGER - DEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ~ "--1Yl. Is~ ..JfuSAN M ISlh'NES, AICP, DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW APPROVED BY: JO E H K. SCHMITT, ADMINISTRATOR C ITY DEVELOPMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL S ICES DIVISION Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 Page 21 0147 2/1/dt ATE I 9 -/b -Oif' DATE "1~ (O-o'({ . DATE 7' Ill/fit? I DATE 9fi:~ ATE Tentatively scheduled for the December 2, 2008 Board of Zoning Appeals Meeting. COLLIER COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION: 14~t~N SV-20DB-AR-13374 Page8of8 1 .( j 10- 16 r 0 [{ DATE .0) Proposed Sign 11II0 Scale PROPOSED LETTER SIGN EXISTING STUCCO CLAD . MASONRY COLUMN 1949 Central AVe. Naples, Florida. 34102 LIcense #M CO01863 Phone: 239-643--3103 Fax: 23g..643~7435 ~ 1500 JaCkson street Suite 200 Fort Myers, Florida 3$901 License #M CO01863 Phone: 239-278.3638 Fax: 239~275.5356 Copyright @2008. BSSW Architects, Inc. reserves . copyright and other rtghts restricting these documents to the original site or purpose for which they were prepared, Reproductions, changes or assignments are prohibited. 2'-0. . o I N o ~ .~!!,t;'.~~4~~Ii~~fi . .< '. '. ',;'.-;:" '.'." ".. '.." . :-.:';.;":.:;:.\~.:. ;.,,\ ;,_",.','; :':.'i, ",' .:' .....", '. ..J <( ::> a w +l . '" . ... I -... . 2'-1 5/8"' 2'-1 1/2"" , J 4'-3" :J: SQUARE ..J <( ::> a w J 8 Sign. "8" & 'C. Elevation Scale: 1/2n = 1'_on NAPLES GRANDE BEACH HOTEL 475 SEAGATE DRIVE - NAPLES, FLA. 34103 SIGN VARIANCE PLANS AND ELEVATIONS Date: July 8,08 PROJ, NO.: Sketch Rev.: 0509 Number: $K-2 <(CO..... Ij 0 .....0<1' ~ ~,~o "'" !!l i I 'N I Q)C.la.> . 1 l;; (g --" '" ! i -E'" la ~I "'",0- I~!j ~ I ~I "u c: '" f!! i!! 1i,o 1!i 1l 1l <( ~ ~ ~ Q) 1ij b3 o - - o Z ~ ~ o b :x: 10.. COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET (i) 2800 NORTH HORSESHaaEfil~m No. 7A NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 December 2, 2008 (239) 252-2400 FAX (239) ~'t~~f 47 SIGN VARIANCE PETITION LDC Section 9.04.00 . . PETITION NUMBER (AR) PROJECT NAME . PROJECT NUMBER DATE PROCESSED COORDINATING PLANNER SV-2008-AR-13374 REV: 2 [NAPLES GRANDE BEACH RESORT Project: 19990422 Date: 8/1/08 DUE; 8/] 5/08 ] ABOVE TO BE COMPLETED BY STAFF APPLICANT / OWNER INFORMATION PETITIONER'S NAME: Lehill Partners L.P. ADDRESS 475 Seagate Drive, Naples, FL 34103 PHONE# 239-597-3232 CELL# FAX # E-MAIL ADDRESS:hhansen@luxuryresorts.com AGENT: FIRM: ADDRESS PHONE# CELL# E-MAIL ADDRESS: FAX # Be aware that Collier County has lobbyist regulations. Guide yourself accordingly and ensure that you are in compliance with these regulations. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBJECT PROPERTY Agenda Item No. 7 A Pa e250147 SECTION/TOWNSHIP/RANGE: 9/49/25 See Attached Exhibit "A" PROPERTY 1.0.# SUBDIVISION NAME: UNIT BLOCK LOT METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS OF SIGN LOCATION: CURRENT ZONING: LAND USE OF SUBJECT PARCEL: Length & Height of wall upon which the Sign will be secured: (If Wall Sign) Width of Subject Property: Road Frontage) NATURE OF PETITION Provide a detailed explanation of the variance request including what signs are existing and what is proposed; the amount of encroachment proposed using numbers, I.e. reduce setback from 15' to 10'; why encroachment is necessary; how existing encroachment came to be; etc. Please note that staff and the Collier County Planning Commission shall be guided in their recommendation to the Board of zoning Appeals, and that the Board of zoning appeals shall be guided in its determination to approve or deny a variance petition by the below listed criteria (1-6). (Please address the following criteria using additional pages if necessary.) 1. Are there special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the location, size and characteristics of the iand, structure, or building involved. None 2. Are there special conditions and circumstances which do not result from the action of the applicant such as pre-existing conditions relative to the property which is the subject of the variance request. Yes, under our previous name, "Registry Resorl" the "R" logo ws displayed on the same pillars. 3. Will a literal interpretation of the provisions of this zoning code work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant or create practical difficulties on the applfcant. No 4. Will the variance, if granted, be the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure and which promote standards df health, safety or welfare. Yes 5. Will granting the variance requested confer on the petitioner any speciat-(plI1lfflegElltllmt7A is denied by . ~he~e zoning regulations to other lands, buildings, b'r~~if6~~~ In the same zoning district. Yes 6. Will granting the variance be in harmony with the intent and purpose of this zoning code, and not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Yes 7. Are there natural conditions or phYSically induced conditions that ameliorate the goals and objectives of the regulation such as natural preserves, lakes, golf course, ete. No 8. Will granting the variance be consistent with the Growth Management Plan? Yes AFFIDAVIT Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 Page 27 0147 We/I, LeHill Partners L.P. being first duly sworn, depose and say that we/I am/are the owners of the property described herein and which is the subject matter of the. proposed hearing; that all the answers to the questions in this application, including the disclosure of interest information, all sketches, data, and other supplementary matter attached to and made a part of this application, are honest and true to the best of our knowledge and belief. We/I understand that the information requested on this application must be compiete and accurate and that the content of this form, whether computer generated or County printed shall not be altered. Public hearings will not be advertised until this application is deemed complete, and all required information has been submitted. As property owner We/I further authorize Hunter H. Hansen representative in any matters regarding this Petition. ---------~----------- Signature of Property Owner Hunter H. Hansen Typed or Printed Name of Owner to act as our/my Signature of Property Owner Typed or Printed Name of Owner Bf foregoing instrumen~as acknowledged before me this ;;? '7 davof ___Idl~____, 2rJ;;B_, by __~!:___\jQ.ll~___who!!Jlefsonally known to /i19r has p" duced ________________________as identification. SV_2008-AR-13374 REV: 2 NAPLES GRANDE BEACH RESORT Project: 19990422 Date: 8/1/08 DUE: 8/15/08 (Signature of Notary Public - State of Florida) o'~l>P-Y """\. tWta, I}' Public State 01 Florida ~ . Melinda A Masl '\ # My Comm~sion DD4Q45ll8 OF" EXplI"es 0510112009 (Print, Type, or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary PubliC) . fY\.eAi!\citL A . m Clli I Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page.2Bof47 SY-2008-AR-13374 KEY; 2 NAPLES GRANDE BEACH RESORT Project; 19990422 Date; 8/1/08 DUE: 8/15/08 SIGN VARIANCE PETITION (SV) APPLICATION SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED BELOW W/COVER SHEETS ATTACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBJTTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. REQUIREMENTS #OF NOT COPIES REQUIRED REQUIRED Completed Application 12 X U Completed Owner/Agent Affidavit, Notarized 1 ~ 0 Pre-application notes/minutes 12 l2SI U Surveyor Site Plan of property depicting the 12 ~ 0 following: a) All property boundaries & dimensions b) North arrow, date and scale of drawing c) All existing and proposed signs-(Iabeled as such) d) Existing sign setbacks & proposed sign setbacks Location map depicting major streets in area for 1 ~ 0 reference Fees: Application Fee = $2000.00 Legal Advertising Fee for BCC = $363.00 Legal Advertising Fee for CCPC = $760.00 Checks shall be made payable to: "Collier County Board of County Commissioners" As the authorized agent/applicant for this petition, I attest that all of the information indicated on this checklist is incfuded iu this submittal package. I uuderstand that failure to include all necessary submittal infonnation may;z:e delay ofproeess this ~on. ----------------------___d::!.iZL___~_~.fcN' Applicant! Agent Signature ----'tLL{&~_ Date COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPT. OF ZONING & LAND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW WWW.COLLlERGOV.NET Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 2800 NORTH HORSESHOE DRIVE Page 29 of 47 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 (239) 403-2400 FAX (239) 643-6968 ~ SV-2008-AR-13374 REV; 1 ~ Naples Grande Beach Resort Project: 19990422 SIGN VARIANCE PETITION Date: 6/10/08 DUE: 6/24/08 Project Addr/locatlon. \ Applicant Name: /.& ",J1! ~ "4-.1.1 Firm: ~~s" /~,",N /1r.A-C,4 Current Zoning: G1!V\ ~ PUvO Owner Name: lAJ ;./ ~ (.. -CO' Owner Address: . 'i) :r- . / t ~.A- j ~ J, -' 1/6< dAti, {,d, r! .It/" <l ! Meeting Allendeesl (allach Sign In Sheet) PRE-APPLICATION MEETING NOTES & SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Project Name: HI" ,bK'I CULbtf j)(: ~ ~11ID Phone: Phone: t? rI- 'DO / NW\ \b ~ (a OJ 1004 D. 1-;pr )SIP ~ . I CJC()O 12 SDP.-rn-c&\ \ tl 1 Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 Page 30 of 47 . . C6) 01- 61le GtU~. . ~d0v\15ihs ~0w)~' ~ (Jy:' YVIi1t YWt ru~ (1--. vomf!!!:!!: wwlct ~ot ()L m~~ 1YO'iV\ 2 ~~r1z) R4-~ ~ ~ .DW\~1A)V\; ~ oA.JA \1')0YI0& 00mv \j()rv1 0JY\fL~ 9M! rt4 wtvM ::tIv \SV \J'~ <<rvn-cuvOJ\i\tI g) ~ Ols .' . . uNoH \ 1t Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 p~ne ~1 of 47 SIGN YARIANCEPETITION (SY) APPLICATION SUBMITTA~ CHECKLIST THIS COMPLETED CHECKLIST IS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION PACKET IN THE EXACT ORDER LISTED 8ELOW W jCOVER SHEETS A TT ACHED TO EACH SECTION. NOTE: INCOMPLETE SUMBITTALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. #OF NOT REQUIREMENTS COPIES REQUIRED REQUIRED ~ Completed Application (download from web site for current form) 12 17'/ Pre-Apollcotlon meetina notes 12 f/ Completed Addressinc:l Checklist, Signed ~Addressing Department I 77 Surveyor Site Pion of property depicting the following, 12 ~ All property boundaries & dimensions ~ North arrow, date and scoie of drawing 1/ ~ All existing ond proposed signs (labeled as such) .~ Existing sign setbacks and proposed sign setbacks Owner/Agent Affidavit signed & notarized I T location map depleting major streets in area for reference I '. l/ ~t Pre-application Fee $500.00 (Applications submilled 9 months or more after the date of the iast. pre-app meeting shaJl not be credited towards application fees and a new pre-application meeting will be required.) . Review Fees: 0.$2000.00 Sign Vorionce . ~After-The-Fad Zoning/Lond Use Petitions 2x the normal petition fee ~ $760.00 Estimoted legal Advertising Fee - CCPC Meeting ga.1;363.00 Estimated legal Advertising Fee. BCC Meeting (ony over. or under-payment will be reconciled upon receipt of Invoice from Naples Doily News). OTHER REQUIREMENTS, o o o AfJentlOwner Signature Date 2 <i '"' f'o. '" o a z '~ E~Q) Q) Q) 0> '" co co a. -0 c W [J) <i ~. ;i . Q ~. L '~ o ~ ~ u := ~ ~ < f a:> loil' ~ ~, ~ I., ...... ,,'" . th. Z """'" Z ~ foiii!I 00 ~ "> <II 0:: 'E <II E Q. o Qj > <II Cl 'll C o ... 0/1 01 C "c. o N .... o - C <II E 1: tl Q. <II Cl u C o c VI VI <I> .... 'll 'll <( "0 ~ ..c u J:! 'll c; :;) (!) '<t co u '<t C N 0 I Z M 0 0:: '1 0- w M Z N Z <( .... <I> ... ..0 Q. E Q :;) w Z Z C> <II C 1. v; 0 ~ ..c Q. 'lii c i- o In .In w '0:: Cl Cl <( ... <( :: I w ~ ~ Q J G ~ i 0:: w Cl:l :: :;) z UI IZ 10 :I: Q. iJ I N ~~e~ k\ ~ 1> " Ifl N ('l '-! J ~ '\J ~ ~ '" ,; l!! 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' ~ ;;;: 00 w>-' U:z Z Cl "'~ .n .9".1 o 9 cO 00 ~ ,I I "o/~'6~ , .n'.. z ~ iil iii .... z ~ ~ " ~ "f <S '" co "'1: 0 .. 0 :or > lI) !::! WQ) to a: a: J: W t.l ::l ....mNo l:)r:aN MQ).... ...._0 I "'O'>co a:CCl)o <ef!Cl)i3 .O'r'~ co .. __ 0'0"(0 ::3..!!!~" I a."cr .s >1lI...1lI cnZa.o '15 ;;;: w Q '" ~ " ~ "f ~ ,,=cor-- r--O"" ,0_ .-N 0 -'" ''"'' QiO;Q) _.DO> -E'" '" ",D.. -0" c'" 1J,0 "= ~ ~ ~ ~ !fj I i I I ~i ~I I i Q) ca Co) en o - - o z .. ~ 0::: ~ o 5 :c 0.. COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT ADDRESSING DEPARTMENT (i) Agenda Item No. 7A December 2. 2008 2800 NORTH HORSES~~f~ NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 . r ADDRESSING CHECKLIST Please complete the following and lax to the Addressing Department at 239-252-5724 or submit in person to the Addressing Department at the above address. Form must be signed by Addressing personnel prior to pre-application meeting. Not an items will apply to every proj:ct. Items in bold type are required. Forms older than 6 morrths will require additional review and approval by the AddreSSing Department. PETITION TYPE (check petition type below, complete a separate Addressing Checklist for each Petition Type) o BL (Blasting Permit) o BD (Boat Dock Extension) o CamivaVCircus Permit o CU (Conditional Use) o EXP (Excavation Permit) o FP (Final Plat o LLA (Lot Line Adjustment) o PNC (Project Name Change) o PPL (plans & Plat Review) o PSP (Preliminary Subdivision Plat) o PUD Rezone o RZ (Standard Rezone) o SOP (Site Development Plan) o SDPA (SOP Amendment) o SDPI (Insubstarrtial Change to SOP) o SIP (Site Improvemerrt Plan) o SIPI (Insubstantial Change to SIP) o SNR (Street Name Change) o SNC (Street Name Change - Unplatted) o TOR (Transfer of Development Rights) o VA (Variance) o VRP (Vegetation Removal Permit) o VRSFP (Vegetation Removal & Sne Fill Permn) o OTHER . LE~AL DESCRIPTION 01 subject property or properties (copy of lengthy description may be attaohed) ("1-- '---t '< - '1:': ~\J ~" .' ..... : '-'. L5_~.,.......,.__Lm \......... _; '~-; \ . ~ ....-, ~ ,;\ ,-"7 ., . . ...,,-' Q , ;:;;:. '....-" ......', , --' '-~ . ,~\ ..,''-..- '\ ';-.9. L f,..., .~t:;:.o~t"l"........ j~:::-... f ,,<"'<~'-'...-\ .-\1"""", ....,. . ,--- \, ~ ,- ; - ----, ~-""""'-' ...-~...._. ~....... "'. "\, ' \,.-.....,..... '-~ '-" '-.' '-"~""', .'---.:...... }"'" -....., FOLIO (Property ID) NUMBER(s) of above (attach to, or associate with, legal description if more fhan one) i~ ...:2, .~ (), r- ....., ,1'""... ~ -., /..... r':'J -;-'~ "-4-" 'I ~ ~ ,--,' '--'L...-_~ ~ ~- __ STREET ADDRESS or ADDRESSES (as applicable, if already assigned) \_ _I, ~ t. '-..-,) ..,-......"...-" -- .,-., \l." "l..:;'_~. '~.. . - ~ _ ' . ,_.:...>..J.c..-;...-;",,~:-,,-;,,;< '_',"-- "~i-~,,_ - - - ~. . LOCATION MAP musl be attached showing exact location of project/sne in relation to nearest public road right-of-way . SURVEY (copy- needed only for unplatted properties) PRePesED PROJECT NAME (if applicable) ". . I ,. :,,:C-LJ'9-.:~:"'<') - , '. " :'.2_._"._..~".,.....;..._ i__ C~-cc:---"\ ,;::..:..;:~___ _ _ _ ~.__ 'J . . '~;:,:..:S:-~'-~; -\ (.- ~,-"':----,,[' . . . ~"i'.. _'_'_':::" , ~'".---,.- PROPOSED STREET NAMES (if applicable) SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN NUMBER (forexisling projects/sites only) SDP orAR# SV-2008-AR-13374 REV: 1 Naples Grande Beach Resort Project: 19990422 Date: 6/10/08 DUE: 6/24/08 Page 1 of2 Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2. 2008 Page 41 of 47 ADDRESSING CHECKLIST - PAGE TWO Project or development names proposed for, or already appearing in, condominium documents (if application: indicate whether proposed or existing) Please Check One: o Checklist is to be Faxed back "--Wersonany Picked Up APPLICANT NAME: I f,';;/J f~. ~ rJ 5,1 tI PHONE ny? ~60/ FAX Signature on Addressing Checklist does not constitute Project and/or Street Name approval and is subject to further review by the Addressing Department. FOR STAFF USE ONLY Primary Number \ \ Co',,{; q \ Address Number Address Number Address Number ;\ . 1, Approved by: ...\)V:/\.Y-;"..V"; ~r',\ /; .---./ r.... !. " ~.I""::' r... ,",,~_..e>,...""'.. Date: 0... -- "2 r ~ {-., V' '."::>.- .-1.-....: .-- '_~ (). Updated by: Date: IF OLDER THAN 6 MONTHS, FORM MUST BE UPDATED OR NEW FORM SUBMITTED Page 2 of2 G:\Current\Application Forms\Addressing Checklist rev 042908,doc Agenda Item No. 7 A December 2, 2008 Page 42 of 47 RESOLUTION NO. 08-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, RELATING TO PETITION NUMBER SV-2008-AR-13374, GRANTING SEVEN VARIANCES FROM SECTION 5.06.04.C.1. OF THE LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, CONCERNING THE DISTANCE BETWEEN SIGNS AND THE NUMBER OF SIGNS PRESENT ALONG A ROAD FRONTAGE FOR THE NAPLES GRANDE BEACH RESORT, WHICH SIGNS ARE LOCATED AT 475 SEAGATE DRIVE, IN SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 25 EAST"CQ.~IER COUNTY, FLORIDA. WHEREAS, the Legislature of the State of Florida in Chapter 125, Fl?rida Statutes, has conferred on all counties in Florida the power to establish, coordinate and enforce zoning and such business regulations as are necessary for the protection of the public; and WHEREAS, the County pursuant thereto has adopted a Land Development Code (LDC) (Ordinance No. 04-41, as amended) which establishes regulations for the zoning of particular geographic divisions ofthe County, among which is the granting of variances; and WHEREAS, 'Petitioner now owns and operates the property formerly known as the Registry Resort Hotel, located at 475 Seagate Drive, Naples, Florida and seeks to alter the signage on the property to conform to the new identity of the Resort; and WHEREAS, Petitioner wishes to have signs with separations of 130.85010 feet, 65.40010 feet, 85.70010 feet, 65 010 feet, 65.85010 feet and 40.17 010 feet located about its property; and WHEREAS, without a variance, Petitioner cannot locate signs within 1,000 lineal feet of one another, as LDC Section 5.06.04.C.1 requires a minimum separation of 1,000 lineal feet between signs; and WHEREAS, Petitioner wishes to have a maximum of four signs placed along a street frontage, including one for an on-premises restaurant; and Page 1 of3 Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 Page 43 of 47 WHEREAS, without a variance, Petitioner can have no more than one sign per street frontage pursuant to LDC Section 5.06.04.C.1. . WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning Appeals (Board) has held a public hearing with due notice made, and has considered the advisability of granting these variances; and WHEREAS, the Board has found as a matter of fact that satisfactory provision and arrangement have been made concerning all applicable matters required by the Land Development Code; and WHEREAS, all interested parties have been given opportunity to be heard by this Board in public meeting assembled and the Board having considered all matters presented. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board hereby approve seven variances from LDC Section 5.06.04.C.1., six of which concern distance between signs and one of which concerns the number of signs permissible along road frontage, as requested in Petition SV-2008-AR-13374, filed by Hunter Hansen, on behalf of the Petitioner, Lehill Partners, L.P. d/b/a Naples Grande Beach Resort, subj ect to the signs being erected in the fashion and at the distances contained in Exhibit "B", the site plan, and further subject to the Conditions of Approval contained in Exhibit "C", concerning the subject property described as 475 Seagate Drive, Naples, Collier County, Florida, as more particularly described in OR Book 1225, Page 7l4, (Legal Description attached as Exhibit "A") of the Official Public Records of Collier County, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution relating to Petition Number SV- 2008-AR-13374 be recorded in the minutes of this Board. This Resolution adopted after motion, second and majority vote this _ day of ,2008. Page 2 oB ATTEST: DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK By: , Deputy Clerk Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: Steven T. Williams yr..] Assistant County Attorney Exhibit "A": Legal Description Exhibit "B"; Site Plan Exbibit "e"; Conditions of Approval Agenda Item No. 7A December 2, 2008 Page 44 of 47 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA By: TOM HENNING, CHAIRMAN Page 3of3 J Exhibit A \1~-eii A. No. 7A I!l:i'l>'\!",;i. . _.' 2, 2008 . 450f47 -~ HOLE, MONTES AND ASSOC.. INC. r.br\llllry Etf 1985 CONSULTING lNGlNI!t:nS ..lAN'D sunvevtms ~~~erl~tion of p~rt of Parcel ~D. of P~llcan Day UnIt OnOt plat nook 12, PA9vB ~1 throuqh 51, Collier cou~ty. FIDrida. !!2!fk.!.t!!: ~Jj that part of par~cl -D" Df PelJcan Bay Unit One according to the pl.t.thercof .s recorded In Plat Dook 12, ~a9~s 4' thrDu9h 52. toliier Countf PublJe Reeord5, Collier County, ~lDrlda and beIng mDre ~~rtleuJarJy described as f~JloV~1 Co~~encln9 at the Bouthvest earner bt the f 14t:1d, beJ..n; more Cont4in1nv 14.95 ~~r~B of ~~E!.=..!:~?r.Lecord.. 14nd more or l~J$ ~ubject to eCBe~ent$ end :SO :'.1 =! ~ .> ;;') ." ....""'-'-'..... :;:..~~~.:~t.J,j,'i!.~;...~.,.;..;li.....:.j;;.:.,.l,..:.:;:...:.:.;.;.;':'<:':O....'.~'- <(OO.... ....0"" 0_ ON 0 ZN"(O E ~ "" lllQ)Q) _.0 '" -E'" "'Q)D- Uo CQ) ~o <( s: ,!q Jllxg ~ II ~ ;-r')D.VJ:I: /i:i<il:l-F ~I.I..Q(.)5 :::l" !Q en ./- Q...I/l I Z ioO ZW-!-' (~fQ"':l.-~~~~W5 o 00/....=:1. i5(J1 '~/Il f5 eN in wen t-~/::i.t5~o 5~ GJ~ ~a:=d , g." <.>~~~~... / ('I u(f)lij'""" ~F ~ ~~!,):1 ~x ~ dum w ,,"<to' ,",0 ZN. 5 5F 0 ~ ~~ :> " lZ u "' W % ::l i= '" w "- o '" "- o ~ " o i'! ~ ;:i uo .... <L>-- ~!tl~ :>0", =>. . Z"'N gcjc w5:2!1 r:;o(,;l ceUO", ~~2S 0"'''- <.>"0 ~~eJ 5F~ a::~~ k 100 0% rn5 !:f,,- '" . '" '" " !'l '" " "' 51 f sO; 't~; !!h~l jil;;].! --,at .!i!f! "~.H it~~gj ..<_"1 ;"~;"'-i H-jJ' ~~ II ~l", .!j "fi Ii. hi lIliiti! iilMi 1....:1.. .' "<'. .<.If'. ffIO";f :u!~.. iG~t-lm_~_1 1J N C N g ~ 9 ~ ~ e " ~ Q ~ ." . .~I ."i :ij .~ ~4' ~~~ III :~: ~ .: .~ ~~, . Gll:6~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ Q . ! . ~ ~~ ~ ~~ g' ot(( ~E. i!i= ., 10 ~". " x ~ ~hgp ::: ~ . ~i~:il 0 ~ : d~' '" I: giir/I~ 0 53 ~j la ~ta ~ . I~i ! " I~I " f ' . .-... fQ . t.iiS,t i Ii! ':;1 dl!! Agenda Item NO.7 A December 2, 2008 Page 47 of 47 Conditions of Approval SV-2008-AR-13374 October 20, 2008 1. Irrespective of that depicted on the Master Plan entitled "Naples Grande," by Charles Tolton and Associates, Inc, dated October 20, 2008 and included as Exhibit B, the nunlber of signs on the site shall be limited to only three, which are those identified as "A," "B" and "C." 2. The separation Variances granted shall be limited to the following: 65.85 feet between signs A and B; 65.40 feet between signs A and C; and 40.l7 feet between signs B and C.