BCC Minutes 04/25/1978 R l ,.. ;.. I__...i -...-. Naples, Florida, April 25, 1978 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Doard of Cnunty Commissioners in and for tho County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Boardla) of such special districts A8 have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members presentl (;IIAIRMANI c. n. "RuII" Wim.r " VICE-CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor Clifford Wenzel David C. Brown Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk; Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Debbie Pantano and Edna Brenneman (1:30 P.M.), Deputy Clerks; Donald A. PiCkworth, County Attorney; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, Clif- ford Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer and Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett; Sheriff's Department. DAM I. II. III. IV. IVA. V. AGENDA INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES: April II, 1978 PROCLAMATION OF NATIONAL HIGH. BLOOD PRESSURE MONTH ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS ...."". . Pg 9 A. Approval of Final Assessment Roll for Lake Park Boulevard (Berton). B. Ordinance providing that Certificates of Competency Pg issued by the City of Naples be recognized in Collier 10-11 County (Pickworth). Proposed Gun Permitting Ordinance (Pickworth). Pg 12-17 C. VI. OLD BUSINESS MCK 041 fACE ~56 ~ .; I I. ...~ L. ... j April 25, 1978 VI I I. ~LIER COUNTY ''lATER/SEI'lER UTILITY DIVISION A. Divi~ion Director's Report l. Modification of Excavation Permlt--John T. Conroy, Jr., Trustee. 2. Pelican Bay Improvement District--Wcir Construction beyond Salinity Line. . . 3. Request for Travel by the Utility Director. IX. CLERK OF TIm BOARD A. Payment of Dills B. Budget Amendments C. Other X. MISCELLANEOUS BOARD ITEMS XI. CORRESPONDENCE 1:00AM XII. PUBLIC PETITIONS: None XIII. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLB ACTION A. Presentation regarding Artificial Reefs by ~Ir. Courtney, Director of the Marco Applied Marine Bcology Station. B. Status Report from the Golden Gato Estates Study Committee. XIV. ADJOURN AGENDA - APPROVED WITH ADDITIONS/DELETIONS Per Commissioner Archer's request, the following item was added to the Agenda: Social Services Case No. W-l676 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously 5/0 that the Agenda be approved with the above addi tion a;ld with the following Additions/Deletions: .. .. .. .. .. OflCK 041 r.\GE 4GB ...,_.i 4...... . April 25, ln8 PROCLAMATION ESTABLISHING MAY 1978 AS NATIONAL HIGH BLOOD PRES- SI:RE MONTH IN COLLIER COUNTY - ADO?TED Clerk William J. Reagan read into the record the Proclama- tion which resolves that the month of May, 1978 be observed as National High Blood Pressure Month in Collier County and all citi- zens and residents are urged to use the facilities available tp them to ~xamine the state of their health for preventive purposes. Commissioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the Proclamation establishing the month of May, 1978 as National High Blood Pressure Month in Collier County be adopted. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * * * * * * * lit lit lit lit lit lit * C'IlCK 041 r,\CE 480 . ......J L ....1 April 25, 1978 MR. RAYMOND DULANEY INTRODUCED AS THE NEW BUILDING ADMINISTRATOR County Attorney Donald Pickworth introduced Mr. Raymond Du- laney as the new Building Administrator. Mr. Dulaney expressed his appreciation to the Board for their support in his ability to handle the many problems occurring in the Building Departm~nt saying he. would do the best job he could. SOCIAL SERVICES CASE NO. W-1676 - APPROVED Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Social Service Case No. W-1676 be ap~roved. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. RESOLUTION R-78-64 CONFIRMING FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR LAKE PARK BOULEVARD - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 7, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the final Assessment Roll for Lake Park Boulevard. Mr. Clifford BarkSdale, Assistant County Engineer, commented that the Board of County Commissioners created the District on March 8, 1977 and adopted the criteria of two methods of assessment as a large portion of the district did not abut the road. He stated the two methods of assessment are as follows: 1. Square footage of land benefiting from the road improvement of Lake Park Boulevard. . $.036658 s.f. 2. Front footage of land which abuts the su~- faced area of the road .. . . . . . . . . $6.79436 f.f. Mr. Darksdale further stated that the resolution which created the district jncludcd a time period of 5 years in which assessments would be paid and said that requests have been made by the public that the time period be extended. Mr. Steve Richards, owner of property in Blue Heron, stated pro- bably the Engineering Department and the property owners view this matter differently, i.e., the 60' lots that are not fronting on the D~CK 041 ~Gf 4fJZ MCK 041r.\cc 4GJ April 25, 1978 Boulevard rather on th~ adjacent street are being charged by the front foot. Mr. Richards commented that property at the end of the street is not supposed to be using that road but have reported seeing heavy equipment doing so. He stated he is personally happy with tho arrangement if everyone olse is. Mr. Barksdale explained the rationale behind the assessment method is that even though certain property fronts on the other street, they are still abutting Lake Park Boulevard and are being charged by tho front foot. He stated the platted Area of Royal Palm Golf Estates is excluded from the assessment because their acce~a road will be constructed to come in off U.S. 41 and will not bo using Lake Park Boulevard. Mr. Barksdale further stated he is not aware of the trucks using the Boulevard during construc- tion but stressed it will be temporary. Chairman Wimer directed ~Ir. Barksdale to contact the developer and ask them to not use the Boulevard for access to the construc- tion site but use the new access road from U.S. 4l. Utility Director Irving Berzon read two letters into the record regarding the assessment method and the problems both property owners have encountered concerning Lake Park Boulevard. Mr. Barksdale commented on both letters and gave expl~nation for the problems as stated by the property owners and how the Engineering Department has resoJved them. In response to Commissioner Pistor's inquiry, Mr. Barksdale ex- plained the assessment method is the most fair and equitable method possible. There being no other persons registered to speak on this matter, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the public hearing be closed. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Resolution R-78-64 confirming the Final Assessment Roll for Lake Park ..A L_....J April 25, 1978 Boulevaru be adopted with the payback period beinq five (5) years at seven percent (7\) interest. ~~. Hall 8aid that special consid- eration will be given to hardship cases. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. " * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * . ~r~~ 04i ~4G4 COCK 041 f.\GE 4.07 April 25, 1978 PROPOSEn ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT CERTIFICATES OF COMPETENCY ISSUED BY TilE CITY OF NAPLEJ BE RECOGNIZED IN COLLIER COUNTY _ DEFERRED UN-rIL JULY 11, 1978 AT THE REQUEST OF THE CONTRACTOR'S LICENSING BOARD PENDING FURTHER CLARIFICATION OF THE ORDINANCE County Attorney Donald Pickworth noted a letter dated April 21, 1978 from the Contructor's Licensing Board requesting that the Board defer action enacting the amendment to Ordinance 78-2 as they have arranged a meeting with the licensing board of the City of Naples so that both ordinances will be made identical so that Cer- tificat~s of Competency ic~ucd by the City will be recognized in Collier County. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that discussion be continued until July 11, 1978 re the proposed ordinance that the Certificates of Competency isaued by the City of Naples be recognized in Collier County as requested by the Con- tractor's Licensing Board. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. In response to Commissioner Archer's inquiry, Assistant County Attorney Jim Sicsky stated the meeting between the two licensing boards has not been arranged as of yet. A brief discus- sion followed concerning clarification of the amendment to the Con- tractor's Licensing Ordinance regarding Specialty Contractors. ORDINM,CE NO. 78-15 RE GUN PERMITTING - ADOPTED WITH THE INCLllSION THAT THE FEE BE ESTABLISHED AT $25 FOR AN INITIAL APPLICATION AND $10 FOR A RENEWAL APPLICATION Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 6, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Gun Permitting Or- dinance. County Attorney Donald Pickworth noted the proposed Gun-Permit- ing Ordinance tracts that of State Statutes with the exception of the provisions concerning the applicant demonstrating that he or she is competent and skilled in the use of a pistol and that the appli- cant establishes a definite need or intends a proper use for carrying a concealed pistol as outlined in the ordinance. .J L q__' ___ ; April 25, 1978 Chairman Wimer ioquired about the provision concerning the administrative fee concerned with issuing gun permits AS the fee is not stipulated in the ordinance. Commissioner Archer com- mented the present fee is $25 for an initial application and $10 for a renewal application. Chairoan Wimer directed the fees be ostablisDed as they are now. " Mr. David Lester, City of Naples pOlice officer, urged the Commissioners to be very strict in issuing gun permits as the Police Department get numerous calls concerning "upstanding" citizens who obtain concealed weapon permits and in the heat of an argument, someone gets hurt. He also stated that as the number of people carrying concealed weapons increase, so will the rate of officers being shot in the line of duty. Mr. M. Dan Nickel, American Pistol' Rifle Association, commented he sees this ordinance as just another encroachment on an individual's rights which will then be enlarged upon by other men in another day until possibly handguns will be totally outlawed. Mr. NiCkel quoted the Constitution is saying that the "right" (not privilege) of the people to bear arms shall not be i~fringed. Mr. Beryle L. Brummfield, resident, stated that out of all the privately-owned handguns in this country only 2/10 of l' are ever used in crime and that any restrictions placed on the other 99 8/10\ should be considered a serious inf=ingement on an individual's rights. He commented that, according to articles in magazines, criminals want gun-control as it would make it safer for them to commit crimes. Mr. Brummfield quoted Federalist Paper No. 78 by Alexander Hamilton: "No legislative act contrary to the Constitution can be valid." ChairmAn Wimer commented that the County Attorney has advised the Board that the State statutes allows them to place restrictions on people to carry a concealed weapon And if the public desires to argue the Board's authority; do so through the courts. He further stated the proposed ordinance, on the advice of the County Attorney, ~r.cx 041 r.\CE 4G8 t':~x 04i r.\GE 489 .~ April 25, 1979 is legal and enforceable. lie stated that if there are no restric- tions at all, then anyone would be allowed to own not only handguns, but bazookas and machine guns as well. Commissioner Archer commented this is not a gun-control ordi- nance but a "people-control" ordinance to limit the number of con- cealed weapons being carried throughout Collier County. He stated he cannot keep issuing permits indiscriminately as set up by State statutes that the person be l8 years of age and have no criminal record and feels more restrictions should be placed on individuals. Commissioner Wenzel stated he cannot endorse this ordinance as he feels the State statutes are stringent enough and he does not want to impose any further on the people's rights. Co~~issioner Pistor commented in favor of the ordinance. There being no other persons registered to speak, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the public hear- ing be closed. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the ordinance as numbered and titled below, be adopted with the inclusion that the fee be established at $25 for an initial applica- tion and $10 for a renewal application and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. Motion carried 4/1, Commissioner Wenzel dissenting. , ORDINANCE 1m. 78..::lL AN ORDINANCE TO HE ENTITLED THE COLLIER COUNTY UNIFORM PISTOL LICENSING ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR AUTIIORITY AND A SHORT TITLE; PROVIDING FOR AN APPLICATION PROCEDURE; PROVIDING FOR AN APPLI- CATION FORH; PROVIDING FOR AN INVESTIGATION; PROVIDING FOR THE FILING OF APPROVED APPLICATIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE VALIDITY OF LICENSES; PROVIDING FOR THE NONTRANSFERABILITY OF LICENSES; PROVIDING FOR LICENSE ELIGIBILITY AND CRITERIA; PROVIDING FOR LICENSING FOID1; PROVIDING FOR THE AMENDMENT, RENEWAL, EXPIRATION AND REPLACEMENT OF LICENSES; PROVIDING FOR THE REVOCATION OF LICENSES; PROVI- DING FOR THE LICENSING FEE; PROVIDING FOR AN AREA EHBRACED; PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I< * to * '" . 11 * . . * . . * RECESS: 10:10 A.M. to 10:17 A.M. * * * * . * . . . * * * * * I... ____., l_.__.J April 25, 1978 PETITION NZ-78-2-C BY THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT REQUESTING AN AMEND- MENT TO ORDINr.NCE 76-3C, SECTION 9 - SPECIAL REGULATIONS FOR "ST" AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SENSITIVITY - CONTINUED UNTIL MAY 9, 1978 PENDING REVIEW BY THE COLLIER COUNTY CONSERVANCY AT THEIR REQUEST Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on March lS, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previ- ously filed with the Clerk, public hearing was continued from April la, 1978.to consider Petition NZ-78-2-C by the Planning Department requesting an amendment to Ordinance 76-30, Section 9. Chairman Wimer stated a request has been received from the Collier County Conservancy to continue this item until May 9, 1978 to allow them to meet with Deltona representatives to review the proposed amendment as they would like to project input into the matter. Chairman Wimer stated he will go ahead with the public hearing and will decide whether or not to continue this item after- ward. Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, explained the main objectives of the amendment to Section 9 is as follows: 1. Specify and locate all non-"ST" land which is eligible to receive TDRs. 2. Specify the maximum number of TDRs that the eligible non-"ST" land may receive. 3. Specify the exact number of TDRs that an "ST" parcel of land is eligible to transfer. 4. Define the justification for allowing a greater density within a zoning district when involving a TDR than when not involving a TOR. 5. Reduce the cost and time required for the re- view and approval process involved in the TDR process. Dr. Spagna stated the Planning Commission met on March 16, 1978 and recommended that the changes as outlined in Draft 14 be approved to include a transfer capability of 20' for RM-l and RM-lA lands and a lO% transfer capability for RM-2 and RT lands7 also, the CAPC recom- mended the Planning staff make a study over a period of the next six months to determine if any further changes are necessary. Ho further stated that the ordinance has been explained to civic associations COCK 041 r.\CE 470 ~:,CK 041 r.\CE '4'7 I April 25, 1978 nnd various other groups, most of whom have expressed their approval. Dr. Spagna noted that Deltona Corp. has requested some changes be made to the ordinance concerning the review process and the zoning of the "ST" lands. Commissioner Brown commented the whole idea seems "revolutionary" to him and he is not in favor of it. The following registered speakers spoke in favor of Draft 14 without tho proposed amendment by Doltona: Mr. Arnold Lawrence, resident of Marco Island Mr. Leo V. Tinkham, resident of Marco Island Mr. I. E. Evans, resident of Marco Island Ms. Charlotto B. Wostman, resident of Marco Island Mr. Elbert D. Tripp, Marco Island Taxpayer's Asso. Ms. Marion DeForest, League of Women Voters Mr. Leigh Plummer, Marco Island Civic Asso. Mr. Mike Zewalk, North Naples Civic Asso. Mr. David Skeer, resident of Marco Island The following registered speakers spoke in favor of Draft '4 including the proposed amendment by Deltonal Mr. David Jones, resident of Naples Mr. Robert Blank, Deltona Corporation Mr. Jack Conroy, Chamber of Commerce Mr. Bill Walters, CAPC, spoke in favor of Draft '4 with the ex- ception of Provision 'c' and Mr. Paul E. Lees, resident of Everglades City is opposed to TDR in total. A lengthy discussion was held on several aspects of the Draft '4 which the public speakers brought up. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the public hearing re petition NZ-7B-2-C by the Planning Department requesting an amendment to Ordinance 76-30, Section 9 - Special Regu- lations for "~T" areas of Environmental Sensitivity be continued until May 9, 1978 per the re~uest by the Collier County Conservancy. Dr. Spagna took this opportunity to express his appreciation to everyone involved in working on this proposed ordinance. The motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Pistor dissenting. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~ECES~' 11 :]D A, M.ta.. 11 . IS 0 A M .. ..-----.- April 25, 1978 RESOLUTION R-7B-65 RE THE USE OF THE CES VOTOMATIC VOTING SYSTEM _ ADOPTED - RES0LUTION R-78-66 RE NAIVING THE REQUIREMENT FOR BIDS FOR VOTING EQUIPMENT - ADOPTED Commissioner Archer questioned two provisions of the proposed resolution concerning the CES Votornatic Voting System. The repre- sentative from CES, in response, assured the Board that Collier " County h~s received the educational plan pAckage specifically de- signed by CES for tho County and further discussed those provisions of the proposed resolutions which infers that CollieI' County will eventually purchase the CES voting equipment. County Attorney Don- ald Pickworth commented this is nothing more than a resolution of intent to enter into a contract with CES to ob~ain the equipment and does not obligate the County at this point to pUrChAS€ any equipment until a specific contract can be worked out. He suggested changing the wording of Paragraph "0" in Resolution "Il" as follows: the words "has contracted" to "will contract" and to delete "immediately to follow" and insert "preceeding the possible purchase of" or words to that effect. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that Resolut'Qn R-7~-65 (Resolution #1) re the use of the CES Votomatic Voting System be adopted with Paragraph 0 being changed as discussed. The motion carried unanimously 5/0. Co~~i~~ior.~r ~r~n~r moved. seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Resolution R-78-66 (Resolution #2) re waiving the requirement for bids for voting equipment, as there is but a single source from which suitable equipment may be obtained, be adopted. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. A brief discussion was held concerning the storing of this equip- ment as it was noted by Supervisor of Elections Edna Santa that the voting equipment must bE! stored in air conditioning and expressed concern over the lack of such a place. Commissioner Archer commented the staff will take care of that problem when it comes up if the Board definitely decides to purchase the equipment. 04/.. '~...,- ChCK 1 r.\GE ';t , C, C'.~~ 041 r.\cE47J April 25, 1978 A brief discussion was hold concerning the memo from Harold Hall, Fiscal Officer, dated April 25, }97~,_?_~tlining the recom- mended financing method for the new voting system. The Chair directed Commissioner Archer to head a group of staff members to discuss the space problem involved in the storage of the voting equipment. * * * * * * * * * * * * , * . . . . . . D",C( 04i r.\CE '477 April 25, 1978 * * * * ." * ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." RECESS: l2:05 Noon to 1:30 P.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Pantano was relieved by Deputy Clerk Brenneman. Chairman Wimer was absent and returned to the meet- ing la~er in tho aftornoon. * * * * 11 11 11 ." 11 ." ." 11 11 11 BOARD AUTHORIZES ISSUANCE OF PERMIT FOR WEIR CONSTRUCTIOn BEYOND COUNTY SALINITY LINE BY PELICAN BAY IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT Utility Director Irving Berzon explained that the Pelican Bay Improvement District contemplates the construction of various water management facilities throughout the PeliCAn Bay AreA which will be seaward of the County Salinity Line and which will serve to improve the capabilities for retarding salt water intrusion. The project has been reviewed by the Water Management Advisory Board, said Mr. Berzon, and recommended that a permit for the project be issued by the Board of County Commissioners. I-lr. Stanley lIole, of Stanley w. Hole, Inc., Consulting Engineers, re?rescnting the petitioner, said that the barrier is being moved farther west of the line described in the pertinent ordinance and displayed a diagram to further explain what is being contempleted. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commi5sioner Brown, that the new salinity line barrier be approved. In response to Commissioner Archer's inquiry as to the number of structures to be developed, Mr. Hole replied that it will be a continuous dike except for the two areas for parks and that it is anticipated at this point that there will be twelve individual flow- through structures. In times of severe storm, said Mr. Hole, which exceeds the capacity of the structures, the water would sh~etflow , over the entire berm. He noted that the WMAB looked at the plant communities on either side of the proposed structures and questioned Dr. Durbin Tabb, Tropic BioIndustries representative and environ- mental consultants, about the affect of the project on the plant life and that the advisory board's concerns were resolved in this regard. j L._j April 25, 1978 To furth~r clarif~, Mr. Be~zon said that in times of high flow, the structures will be spillways; in time of low flow, there will be openings in the dikes for pass-through. He said that this is the reason for a permit, if, indeed, a permit is necessary. Vice-Chairman Pistor inquired if there are DER or EPA'permits required~and, if so, it is assumed that they will be obtained with Mr. Hole responding that there are a number of permits necessary; however, prior to obtaining those permits, it was felt that it would be better to come to the County for its review first. The necessity for a permit was discussed with Mr. Berzon point- ing out that the Salinity Barrier Ordinance No. 70-2, stipulates a written permit and this is what is being requested. He said that other permits for other activities will be necessary but that con- struction of the dam seaward does require issuance of a permit by the County if the ordinance is interpreted literally. It is his opinion, said Mr. Berzon, that such permit is not required; but, in order to be certain that the County is recognizing and acknowledging that there is no objection to the construction seaward of the salinity barrier, such pp.rmit is being recommended by the Environmental Advisory Council, the Water Management Advisory Board and the Utility Director. The motion to grant the permit requested by the Pelican Bay Improvement District was carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent at the time of the vote. PRESENTATION RE ARTIFICIAL REEFS BY DIRECTOR OF MARCO APPLIED MARINE ECOLOGY STATION; TOPIC TO BE FURTHER DISCUSSED DURING BUDGET DELIBERA- TIONS Mr. Chuck Courtney, Director of the Marco Applied Marine Ecology Station, also representing the Collier County Angler's Association, distributed budget summaries of the upkeep costs for the corner mark~ts for the reefs already in existence and made a slide presentation of the Marco Island Reef which illustrated the affects the reefs are r,,:c~ 041 r.\Gf 478 ~r.CK 041 r,'CE 479 April 25, 1978 having on the sport-fiching as well as the commercial-fishing activi- ties in tho area which, ho said, contributes to the economy of the County. What is being requested for the Commission, said Mr. Court- ney, is consideration of support for the maintenance of these reefs during the upcoming budget deliberations. He said that it is a logi- cal and worthwhile venture in which the County should become involved. Methods of funding the maintenance proposal were discussed with one suggestion being the use of future boat registration fees, if per- mitted. Dr. Jay Harmic, County Environmental Consultant, stated that there is no assurance the Legislature will approve this use in the permitted uses for the Department of Natural Resources, adding that it is hoped that they will since, in his opinion, there is no question about the merits of the project. He asked that he be given the opportunity to work out the mechanics of the maintenance project prior to such approval, if it is given. Mr. Robert Abbott, area resident, stated that the cost summaries previously distributed are the proposed contract costs to do the work, noting that it is their intention to work with the County under its directions since the study has been done and the problems involved are recognized. In summary, Vice-Chairman Pistor thanked the representatives for the presentation and said that the matter will be given to the Bud- get Director and that they will be notified when it is being considered. Mr. "Red" Stier, local resident, asked that the Commission keep in mind that as the commu..':' l 9J:OWS it will be faced with a solid non- polluting waste problem, and the reefs could become part of the solu- tion to these problems. He asked that this consideration'be part of the deliberations regarding the budget. AFTER-TilE-FACT APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER '3 RE GEORGE F. KRAFT CO. FOR EMERGENCY GENERATOR - GRANTED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall noted that at the time the Board approved the purchase and installation of the emergency generator ..1 l ___.1 April 25, 1978 for tha completion of t~e Fifth Floor of the Courthouse Complex by George F. Kraft Co. the motion did not include approval of the Change Order re same. It is the staff recommendation, said Mr. Hall, that the Board authorize Change Order 13 in the amount of $4,541 to install the generator on the Fifth Floor, changing the contract sum " from $309,807 to $305,348. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that Change Order '3 re Georgo F. Kraft Co. w~~h refer~nco to the emergency generator be given after-the-fact approval, as recommended by Mr. Hall. * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * * ~~CK 041 f.\GE 480. April 25, 1978 PETITION OSP-78-1-C BY DOUGLAS RONDEAU REQUESTING OFF-STREET PARK- ING ON PORTJ':>NS OF LOr 82, NIC,LF (DEFERRED FROM APRIL 18, 1978) _ CONTINUED UNTIL MAY 2, 1978 Noting the absence of the petitioner and/or his representative, CommisRioner Archer moved, secondod by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not pred~nt, that Petition OSP-78-1-C by Douglas Rondeau requesting off-street parking on portions of Lot 82, NICLF, deferred from the meeting of April 18, 1978, be continued until Hay 2,1978. PETITION COP-78-1-C BY DOUGLAS RONDEAU REQUESTING ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE ZONING APPROVAL FOR LOT 82, NICLF (DEFERRED FROM APRIL 18, 1978) _ CONTINUED UNTIL MAY 2, 1978 Noting the absence of the petitioner and/or his representative, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that Petition COP-78-l-C by Douglas Rondeau requesting alcoholic beverage zoning approval for Lot 82, NICLF, deferred from the meeting of April 18, 1978, be con- tinued until May 2, 1978. REQUEST FOR VACATION OF A PORTION OF CHOKOLOSKEE DRIVE - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING MAY l6, 1978 Commissioner Ar~her moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that the request for vacation of a portion of Chokoloskee Drive be advertised for public hearing May 16, 1978. PETITION V-78-9-C BY G. T. FORD REQUESTING A WAIVER OF 1,337 SQ. FT. TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A DUPLEX ON LOT 21 AND PORTION OF LOT 20, BLOCK 10, NAPLES TWIN LAKES - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEAR- ING MAY 16, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Petition V-78-9-C by G. T. Ford requesting a waiver of 1,337 square feet to allow the construc- tion of a duplex on Lot 21 and the East 1/2 of Lot 20, Block 10, Naples Twin Lakes, be advertised for public hearing May 16, 1978. ~~CK 041 r.\CE 4G.2 ~~CK 041 r.\CE 48J April 25, 1978 PETITION V-78-l0-C BY HAROLD HEIMBACK REQUESTING A VARIANCE TO DELETE THE 2~' REAR SErBACK FOP A STORAGE BUILDING ON LOTS 5 AND 6, NAPLES COMMERCIAL CENTER - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING MAY l6, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that Petition V-7B-lO-C by Harold IIcimbilck requesting a variance to delete the 25' rear sct- back for a storage building on Lots 5 and 6, Naples Commercial Center, bc advertised for public hearing May 16, 1978. PETITION V-78-11-C BY SHIRLEY HOLLAND REQUESTING A SIDE YARD SET- BACK OF 4.2' VARIANCE FOR A FIREPLACE ON LOT 10, BLOCK 15, NAPLES MANOR LAKES - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING MAY 16, 1978 Commissioncr Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that Petition V-78-11-C by Shirley llolland requcsting a side yard setback of 4.2' variance for a fireplace on Lot 10, Block l5, Naples Manor Lakes, be adver- tised for public hearing May l6, 1978. PETITION R-78-1-I BY BLOCKER & LEWIS ENTERPRISES, INC., REQUESTING A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM "I-MF-2" TO "I-C-2" FOR PROPERTY IN S5, T47S, R29E, FOR EXPANSION OF EXISTING RETAIL BUSINESS - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULY 11, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that Petition R-78-l-I by Blocker & Lewis Enterprises, Inc. requesting a change in zoning from "I-MF-2" to "I-C-2" for property located in Section 5, Township 47 South, Range 29 East, for expansion of existing retail business, be advertised for public hearing July 11, 1978. PETITION IZ-77-4 REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE 74-15 IMMOKALEE ZONING REGULATIONS BY ADDING SECTION 11.2.l "I-SF-lA" SING~E-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING JULY 11,,1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Petition IZ-77-4 request- ing an amendment to Ordinance 74-l5 Immokalee Zoning Regulations by adding Section ll.2.l "I-SF-lA" Single-Family Residential District, be advertised for public hearing July 11, 1978. April 25, 1978 CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTJ:;R AND EXECUTE RESOLUTION 78-67 REQfJESTING TrlE FLORIDA DOT TO :-1AKE IMPROVEMENTS TO U. S. 41, STATE PRIMARY ROADWAY, FROM SANDPIPER TO HALDEMAN CREEK Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to Florida Department of Transportation " rcq\lesti~g DOT to make improvements to U.S. 41, State Primary Road- way, from Sandpiper to Haldeman Creek; and that Resolution 78-67 re same be adopted, as recommended by staff. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ~".C~ 041. r.\Gr 484 April 25, 1978 BID '304 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING ONE SELF-PRIMING CENTRIFUGAL PUMP - AWARD~D TO MAC PUMP, I~~., FORT MYERS, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $19,820 LESS 2% Legal notico having been published in the Naples Daily News on March lO and 13, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Purchasing Director Frank H. Wilcox advised that bids were rec9ived until AprilS, 1978 for furnishing and delivering one (1) self-priming centrifugal pump for use at the Naples Landfill (r.nln~n r.~tP.) Rite. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Bid '304 for furnish- ing and delivering one Cl) self-priming centrifugal pump be awarded to Mac Pump, Inc., Fort Myers, Florida, in the amount of $19,820 less 2% as containcd in thc recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated April l2, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. ONAN l40 KW GENERATOR DECLARED SURPLUS: TO BE OFFERED FOR~ Commiosioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that the old Onan 140 KW Gener~tor be declared surplus and offered for sale, as recom- mended by staff in memorandum to the Board dated April 11, 1978 from Civil Defense Director William Walker, Jr. APPEAL OF DECISION BY FOOD ESTABLISHMENT REVIEW BOARD REGARDING BIG JOHN'S RESTAURANT - DENIED Assistant County Attorney James Siesky, referring to the appeal by Big John's Restaurant nf decision by the Food Establishment Re- view Board, stated that he has conferred with Attorney Art McDon- nell, representing the appellant, this date and that he (Mr. McDon- nell) did receive notification that the hearing was going to be held this date. Mr. Siesky said that Mr. McDonnell informed him that the restaurant is permanently out of business and is being taken over by r,~CK 041 r.\GE 4G6 ~,.~~ 04i ~CE 487 April 25, 1978 another concern and that the right of appeal is being waived. On that basis, Mr. Siesky's recommendation to the Board was that the appeal be denied. Comnissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that the appeal of decision by the Food Establishment Review Board filed by Big John's Restau- rant be denied. Clerk William Reagan inquired as to the status of the case filed in Circuit Court with Mr. Siesky responding that the action taken was an action for injunction and is a moot question now since the restaurant is out of business. As a point of clarification, Mr. Reagan n~ted that it was reported that the pertinent ordinances were improperly filed in the Clerk of the Court's office; however, he said that he spoke to the aforementioned Attorney and explained to him that ordinances arc not required to be recorded in the Official Records. lie added that, in the event the case was pursued, ho would request that the statement referred to be withdrawn. Mr. Siesky noted that, although the injunction was gained, the establishment has remained cl~qed since the license was revoked. ADDITION TO LIBRARY POLICY RE POLICY TO GOVERN PARTICIPATION IN THE STATE LIBRARY OF FLORIDA FILM SERVICE - APPROVED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan advised that in 1975 the Board formally adopted a set of policies to govern the operation of the County's libraries. She said that the County is now participating in a State film program and what is required is approval of an amendment to the Policy concerning the use qf the films. Ccmmissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that the amendment to the Library Policy to Govern Participation in the State Library of Florida Film Service be approved and added to the aforesaid POlicy. - & "..- ~ April 25, 1978 FORMALIZED P.S.E. PR!ORITY LIST (CETA) - APPROVED Fiscal Officer Harold Hall reported that on March 23, 1978 the PSE Advisory Board met and reviewed requests from agencies for PSE positions in Collier County totaling approximately 90 CETA positions. From this list, said Mr. Hall, the top 25 positions were approved by that Cou~cil and this list is being presented for approval an~ con- firmation by the Board. It is expected, said Mr. Hall, that current funding will fund about lO to 15, possibly as many as 20, of these high priority jobs. Commissioner Wenzel inquired AS to the 8upervision of the CETA personnel, referring specifically to the highway cleanup project, with Assistant County Engineer Cli~ford Barksdale replying that this project is supervised by his Department. Commissioner Wenzel suggestec that the crews be spread out rather than working in clusters since this would result in a more efficient operation. Vice-Chairman Pistor referred to two positions for Hendry County included in the list, inquiring if Collier County is responsible for this agency as well as the City of Naples, and the like. Mr. Hall responded in the affirmative noting that the Collier County Com- mission is responsible for the entire program and that all of the agencies serviced through CETA presented their requests at t.he afore- said meeting and that they were reviewed by the Council. Commissioner Archer movod, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the CETA Priority List developed from the March 23, 1978 meeting of the PSE Adviaory Board be approved. In response to Commissioner l\enzel's question, Mr. Hall said that revisions can be made in the list by going back through the advisory board, following which recommendations can be made to the Board for approval. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 with Chair- man Wimer not present. t~c~ 041 r.\CE '492 t':CK 04:1 r.,er 49J April 25, 1978 ~ffiNDMENT NO. 3 TO GROUP INSURANCE POLICY NO. GC 4833 - ADOPTED; CIlAIPMAN AUTH",RIZED TO SIGN Personnel Director Anne Hora explained the proposed changes in the group insurance policy with Gulf Life Insurance which will pro- vide uniform coverage to the Board's and Sheriff's employees. She said that because of the experience ratio compared with the premiums paid this year, the insurance carrier proposed a plan whereby they could give the County equalized insurance if the Sheriff's Department would compromise and take the $100 deductible provision at the front- cnd rather than at tho back-end of their claims, This compromise was agreeable to the Sheriff, said Mrs. Hora, after reviewing same with his staff. The changes, continued Mrs. Hora, inolude up to $75 per day semi-private room rate, plus the first $1,000 miscellaneous coverage covered in full; then $100 deduotible; 80\ and 20\ co-insur- ance up to $1,500; from $1,500 to $5,000 will be paid 100\; after $S,nnn th~ rnv~r~~0 ~o~s bnck to 80\ and 20\. Mrs. Hora said that all persons working for the County, including all Constitutional Officers, will have the same coverage with the exception of the maternity bene- fits which the Sheriff wants to keep. Vice-Chairman Pistor inquired if the coverage would include tho dependent fire districts with Mrs. Hora explaining the Golden Gate and Ochopee Fire Districts dce the only ones being carried, noting that Marco Island District has their own coverage. Mrs. Horn also noted that the coverage will be at the same premium rate with a guarantee that the premium will not increase for twelve months begin- ning May l, 1978. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the Amendment be approyed and , that the Chairman be authorized to sign Contract Amendment No. 8 to Group Policy No. GC 4833. Commissioner Archer seconded the motion. In response to Commissioner Brown, Mrs. Hora said that the change is a very good one and will save the employees $364 on a claim L ._j L__J April 25, 1978 which they would have had to pay if the coverage stayed the same as before. The other option offered by the insurance carrier was to give n rebate of $20,000 to the County. It was also noted by Mrs. Hora that Gulf Life keeps $96,000 in an escrow account in the event of a catastrophic illness, long-term illness, or the like.. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 with Chair- man Wimer not present at the time of the vote. ."~.' ~..- .....' -... .. 9ROUP.'.NS~~~ftCONTRACT -......... .......-.....---- ...- -. . . ..-.....--.....,.........--.. ....-..--.......... ...~....-:~ . ..:_..:.:L..~~~..~~~ AMENDMENT NO. B TO GOOUP POLICY NO. GC 4833 Inut<! 10 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS The Policyhold., " 1:1 mulullly ~'Hd Ihl' 'he GrOl..:9 Policy is cmtnd.d.. folio." eHectlve ': !-Ioy 1, 1978: 1. Those portions of the SCHEDULE OF INSURANCE entitled BENEFITS FOR ALL INSURED PERSONS OF CLASSES I AND 51 and BENEFITS FOR ALL INSURED PERSONS OF CLASSES 2 AND 52 ore hereby deleted and superseded by the Following: BENEFITS FOR ALL INSURED 'PERSONS MAJOR MEDICAL EXPENSE INSURANCE liFetime /v'.oximum BeneFit Dalfy Maximum for Room and Boord Charges Deductible per Co/endor Year Accumulotion Period Insurod Porcentoge: First $1,000 of Type 1 Expenses incurred pcr Calendar Year All Other Type 1 Expenses $250,000 The Hospito/'s Stondord . Semi-Private Room Rate up to S 75 $ 100 12 months 100% 80% SPECIAL EMERGENCY ACCIDENT $ 300 PREGNANCY EXPENSE INSURANCE (Applicable to Classes 2 and 52 only) /v'.oximum BeneFit $ 550 2. Forms 1666B-P 3-69 and 1666B-P 3-69 (Continued) appllcablo to cros.ses 1 and 51 and Forms 1666C-P 3-69 'and 1668-P 3-69 applicable to Classes 2 and 52 ore celeted and superseded by Forms 1666C-P 3-69 and 1667-B-P 3-69 attached hereto to form 0 port hereof. t';~K 041 r.m 494 t';~~ 04i r.m 497 April 25, 1978 MODIFICATION 0? EXCAVATION PERMIT RE JOliN T. CONROY, JR., TRUSTEE, FOR PROPERTY LOCATED IN SECTION 2, T49S, R25E - APPROVED Utility Director Irving Berzon explained that in December, 1976, an cxcavation permit was issued on behalf of John T. Conroy, Jr., Trustee, for property located in Section 2, Township 49 South, Rango 25 East, said property located in the vicinity of Orange Blossom Drive. Mr. Berzon said that the permit WaS modified once to increase the depth of the excavation and that what is being requested at tllis timc is for permission to redu~e the buffer requirements from 200' to 50', which he said is within the requirements of the excavation ordi- nance, and thereby increase the amount of area to be excavated. lie said that tho Water Management Advisory Board has roviewed the re- quest and is recommending that it be approved, noting that the WMAB can see no water mnnagement impact. Vice-Chairman Pistor expressed concern over the fact that if the Board continue~ to approve such requests that the whole area in which the project is located might some day be entirely under water. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the modifications to the excavation permit requested by John T. Con- roy, Jr., Trustee, for property located in Section 2, Township 49 South, Range 25 East, be approved. Mr. Berzon said the only stipulation is that an additional exca- vation fee be paid to cover the additional yardage, noting that the bond on the permit now is adequate to cover the increase. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 with Chair- man Wimer not present. . , ,- UTILITY DIRECTOR AUTHORIZED TRAVEL TO LOGAN, UTAH TO ATTEND PIPING SYSTEMS INSITUTE SEMINAR FROM JUNE 19 THROUGH JUNE 23, 1978 Following brief explanation of the purpose of the Piping Systems Institute Seminar by Utility Director Irving Berzon, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Utility Director Berzon be authorized to j 1_' April 25, 1978 travel to Logan, Utah to attend the Piping Systems Institute Seminar from June 19 through June 23, 1978. Mr. Derzon pointed out that the only charge to the County will be for transportation and that the estimated cost of $450 for this purpose will be well spent. ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented for payment have been processed following established procedure and that funds are available, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carriod 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from April 19, 1978 throu9h April 25, 1978: FUND WARRANT NOS. 42539 - 42814 4709 - 4927 23 44 l8 6 BCC Payroll General Fund Road & Bridge Sewer Dist. "A" Assmts. Sewer nist. "A" Revenue Capitol Improvement Rev. Certificate BUDGET !~1ENDMENT NO. 78-85 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF RADIO FOR TRAFFIC SIGNAL MAINTENANCE - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $450. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment No. 78-85 to appropriate funds for the purchase of a radio for a new truck to be used for traffic signAl maintenance be adopted in the amount of $450. . * . * * . * * ~~C.~ 041 f.\Ct" 498 e':~K 041 r.\GE 499 April 25, 1'978 I:>ARD OF COUNTY CO/.Ii-11 551 OHmS COi..I.IER COUNTY., FLORIDA REQUEST FOR o U 0 G.;:: T A H F. N D MEN T _ Nama of Re uostlng DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF AMENDMENT REQUESTED (Prepare In trlpllcato. One copy be retainod by tho requestIng Departmont. Fonlard origInal and one copy to Fiscal Offic, Usa continuation ~heots nnd attach supportIng documents, If neoded) To appropriate funds for the purchase of a radio for a ne\-1 truck to be used for traffic signal maintenance.' PREPARED BY Bruce Lambrose DATE 4/21/78 DEPARTMENT APPROVAL Memo from C. Barksdale DATE 4 12 78 J COUNTY MANAGER APPROVAL :r/...8 DATE -).2-; (THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY FINANCE) ACCOUNT FUND 002 ROAD & BRIDGE TRAFFIC SIGNALIZATION AMOUNT TO: (Increase) Office Furniture & Equipment 02-4102-06-4020 $450.00 FROM: (Source of Funds) Traffic Signal Components 02-4102-06-2040 $450.00 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL ~OGET AMENDMEN DATE 4/25/78 i NO. 78-85 Tho Iscal OffIcer, after receIpt of the approved orIgInal from the County ~anager, wll finalize this requost for Board review and approval. FollowIng Board actIon, the Fiscal Officer will process ~r?r~vo~ Budgot Amendments through Accounting and send a copy refl. ffnill st~!:!.~.!? ,t.h..?..:equestlng Department. Copy to PurchasIng on capItal equlpmant. BUDGET AMENDME~T NO. 78-86 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF THE GOLDEN GATE COMMUNITY CENTER - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,345 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner ~~cher and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present at the time of the vote, that Budget Amendment No. 78-86 to appropriate funds for the opera- tion and maintenance of the Golden Gate Community Center be adopted in the amount of $1,345. r':~K 041 r.\GE 5'01 April 25, 1978 No. 78-87 to transfer on~ secretary from the Word Processing Depart- ment to the Building Department be adopted in the amount of $3,531.02. REQUEST FOR o lJ 0 G r: T A 11 F. NOH E ,~ T _ .. NlUlI"J 0/ l~oquc.rstln9 O(lpt.1illIJ,-PJ.!tC! h. ., ~SC~IPTIO:~ AND JUSTlrIC^TIOj~ OF AMENUMENT REQUESTED Cf'lrop!lro In trlpllclltO. Ono copy t, il n.:t::incd by tho roquor.tlng Dopnrtrr.nnt. ForwlJrd orlglnel bnd ono copy to Flscnl Officer iO =o~tinuntion shoots Elnd att8ch supporting documonts, If no~dod) OF C~U:HY CO:','.j 155 I O:~WS LL I ER C':;U:HY" FL.Or-l D,\ To transfer one (1) Socretary from Word to BUilding Department. ,C./""I\/<l:.IJ u r , I Ut:t'II~ I Mt:.N I At'r'KUVI\L ':Jry Morg:J:1 DATC'I/21/78 l ' , O,'\TC Procossing D~partm~nt . HIS SeCTION TO DE CO~.:PlETED BY FINANCE) ACCOUNT I ~t:~'^PPROVAL , It?l,[U. 't Ila"~/;:!JAI E ~(.; ,q -7 i , AI-1OUNT 2792.00' , , .250'.38 ,168..64" 320.00', . ' , " , , $ , 3531.02 ", " -.... , ' 2792.00 ~50.38 168.64 320.00 $ 3531.~2 ): (Increase) Salary , Other Pars. Services M"ltching C03t 'Gr,oup'Ino:surance 3440 02 - 1020 3440 01 - 1030 3440 0,2'-"1050 3440 02 - 1,050 ~om: :(Solirc~' of Funds) Salary 2554 00 - 1020 Other Pers. Services 2554 00 - 1030 Matching Costs 2554 00 - 1050 Grou~ Insurance ,2554 OJ - 1060 rtfE. AI'~lOVl\L - I <I1UO/iRD OF COUNTY CO;',,\II S5 lONERS APPROVAL BUDGET N,IEND:.jEm J-t/ fI-t/.. DATrJ.-f ~ 2 ., ( D^T~ 4/25/78' '1' NO. 78-87 o ri$CiJl Officer, Df'tor recolpt of tho IIp;:>roYod orlglMlI fro:n th~ COllnty '.lMager, will Mill') 'this requost for [bard re\'le\~ end approval. FollowIng Ooord ilction, th9 FIscal i I~')r h'l r I DrO~CS!; t.(l')r.:>':.Jrl Oudoot Amt'nd:r.,:)nts throunh /Iccountlng 111ld ~flnd /) copy roflee BUOGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-88 TO TRANSFER PBX OPERATOR FROM BUILDING ~~INTENANCE TO COUNTY MANAGER'S DEPART~mNT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $ 3 ~ 534. 82 . Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that Budget Amendment No. 78-88 to transfer PBX Operator from the Building Maintenance Department to the County Manager's Department be adopted in the amount of $3,534.82. , . __.J L___ _.__" April 25, 1978 ;t:::,:m 0;: C~IU:fIY CO:I"'IISSJO:~t-::IS C(ILU F': C:,'::~J~rr" fl.Of,I(H K t: \.l U I~ :. I ,. 1I l( , .n lJ n G E 'r A N r. U 0 H r: fJ T _ COUNTY I'l,~:n') of IIOCj~I(Jstl rig O::tj,t 11A~(mR D:::sc~rPTlO~~ t.I~D JUSTIFIC/\TION OF N.:EN(J:viEN'r m:Q'Jl::STEO (Prop:..ro In trtpllct.'l'o. One: be ri:1'~inod by tho requostlng DDjlbrtrr.(ln't. ForwDrd original IInd 0:'11) cO';'Y '10 rtscllJ US,) ::~~~.~ I no.wt Ion sh,')(, ~s vnd lIHm::1; sUPi"ort I ng do.::umonts, t f Mc.dod) ?KEPARED DY To, transfer PBX Oparator from Building ~intenan~e to Cou~ty Manager's Departm9nt. (effective 4/24/78) DEP/,Rn.JENT AP?RO~~L I COUNTY F.ANAGE~ AP?'iID'I. ..;'~.; . . O' ATE.u J 1--0 Memo D. A. Pickw~rtl DATE 4 21 78 I_Pfu.'-c.(~~",,(f.I/'/~. 'VATE4_J fl.. Hora (Tn! S SECTION ,TO BE CO:.:PLETED DY f'N^~~CE) ACCOUNT ~ From (90urce;u[ Funds)' Sa l;uy M;,tching Costs Group Insurance : Wprker.' s Compo~ '3ll don, , . 2670 00. 1020 26'70' 00, 1050 '2670 00.'1060 2670 00 1070 $2780.90' ~ 331.02 . 400:'00:' 23.00' " $3534.82 -.. . To (Incre,:t'3e): Salary M!ltchin:J C03tn Group In9uran.:=e Wo:::-ker' s COlnpon~ation 21('\4 00 +020 2l0.~ 00' 1050 2104 00, 1050 2104 00 1070 $2780'.~.:> 331.02 . 40').00 23.00 ------- $3534.82 Fl~!f\~'~l Af'?K.OVAL- UOt\RO OF COUNTY CO~NISSIONERS AP?i(J'/Al II BU:Y.>ET N.l: , l.lldf./ OMt?{. t /..?(. Dl\TE 4/25/78 . t . . I t~o. 78. 1 Th'J Fio::.Clll Offlcor, cr-tor rocolpt of tho cpprol/od orlOIMI {1'C\:n the C'.ollllty 1.l3/Hger f InCll1 ;:t) 'thIs roqllor..t (or [bard rtwl,lI~ Dnd lljlprovIII. fO",:)'i/II:~lllotlrd ll.:tlon, thO! f :'lr,' i,.,.._ ..':' I .._~~~-- --__~.._... "..."....~ /I",<.nr'''',~,,~o:: '~hrn.,t'!ll A:~:'(>'.H'I~IIIO :111'.! 1'.*":1 if C':>O'l Rl1DGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-89 TO TRANSFER FUNDS FROM WORD PROCESSING BUDGET TO COUNTY MANAGER'S BUDGET FOR THE RENTAL OF THE IBM MAG CARD "A" - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,125 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and cRrried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Budget Amendment No. 78-89 to transfer funds from the Word Processing Budget to the County Manager's Budget for the rental of the IBM Mag Card "A" equipment for use in the County Manager's office be adopted in the amount of $l,125. NiCK 041 f.\GE 502 NiCK 041 r.\CE 503 April 25, 1978 BO~!~D or. COUI~TY co~\r~ I ss IONEfl5 ':OLl.1 (f~ 'COUNTY,. I. LOR I 0:\ REQUEST FOR -!LV I) C F. T ^ ", r: N n M r: 14 T .. COUNTY __ Nl.Jrno of Hoquostlng Dept. -MANAGER OESCHIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF ^,~ENDMENT REQUESTED CPraporCl In trlpllc.:lltO. Ono co; bel rota I nod tJy tho roquost I no Dopartment. ForwDrd or 1 gl nu I end ona copy to F 1 sCld Off Uso continuation shoots and nttoch supporting documents, If nooc!od) Bccause of a managcmcnt decision to decrease equipmont utilizod in our Word p,ncessing Center. the IBM Mag Card "A" will be utilized in the County Manager's office. The monthly charge of $225.00 for tha leaso of this machino should be transferred from the Word Processing Center Budget to the County Managcr Budgot. Effective 5-1-78 for a 5 month period. COUNTY I/ANAGER APPROVAL DATE CTlll S SECT ION TO BE COf.1PLETED BY F I NANCE) ACCOUNT AMOUNT TO: (Increase) Equipment Rental 01-2104-00-3310 $1,125.01 FROM: (Source of Funds) Equipment Rental 01-2554-00-3310 $1,125.0C -FiN^"7 APPRoVAL-=-----FARO or COUNTY C01)~.lISSI0NEnS APPRQ'/AL -,-auOOEi--Ar.10,iD:'lEi I . L DATE1-z..I'?J'I~_~{25.e8. I I NO. 78-89 T10'Ffscal Offlcor, aftor recoipt o( tho approved orlgln31 from tho County ~lbnagor, wi fino/ Ize 1'hls roquost for [bilrd I"OVrOW llnd aprroval. followIng l30ard action tho Flscl'l ~f fi c, or wIll pl'OCCSS c.p'Jr0".1r' nudgot Amondrnonts through Account I n9 and sciii'l a cop)' re r na status to th: rcq~~,tl~E.~pl1rtrn~~!..:.._~')y to Purchasing on capital oqulpm,'mt:.._ BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-90 TO APPROPRIATE RECEIPT OF ANTI-RECESSION FUNDS - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $26,209 Fiscal Officer Hall explained that $26,209 in Anti-Recession funds were received during the past week and, noting that the funds received from this source were appropriated into the General Fund _ l. ._j 1.-..- ~ April 25, 1978 General Government Salaries Account the last quarter, recommended that this be done again. He said that when a need is identified for such funds, a budget amendment is made to transfer the funds to the account where needed. He said that it would be made Known to the Personnel Director that there are funds available to be used where applicable for the use of Anti-Recession funds. Mr. Hall added that hopefully it will save budget dollars and thereby in-, crease the contingency reserve to go into the next budget year. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, the Budget Amendment No. 78-90 to appropriate receipt of Anti-Recession Funds be adopted in the amount of $26,209. 20A?D e;;: COUNTY CO~~\11 SS IONEfG C':>!.. LI En COUNTY #, FLORI D^ ,REQUES,l FOR n lJ 0 G F. T ^ I-l r: N 0 1-1 r: ,~ T ..... I~!lrr.o of HoquElstlng [J!)p't. __CLER~ ___a DESCi11 PTI ON Mm JUST I F I C^ TI O:~ OF NIEND:-IEIH REQUESTED (Propllro In 1 rip II cnto. o:w I be ro-rCllnod hy -the rcquc5tlng DOpllrtrnen't, FonflJrd orlgln!!1 vnd ono copy to fl~Clll 0 Use contlnuntlon she(lt~. llnd ll'ttllch supporting docur::~nts. If 'noedod) To appropriate receipt of Anti-Recession funds. ??EPilf~ED OY DEPARn.:ENT ^P~V^L Bruce Lamb'rose DATE4 21 78 DATE I COUNTY !,~'\NAGER APPRO'! Al DATE nil I S SECT I ON TO DE COMPLETED BY f I NANCE) ^CCOU~IT ,~ FUND 038 ANTI-RECESSION FUND TO: (Increase) Other Salaries 38-2101-00-1030 $26.209.00 From: (Source of Funds) ~~ti-Recession Fund 1l9301-01-0038-38 $26.209.00 I IJ Vii' I,PPfroVA' - . 1 uo""" OF COU"'" CO'~lI ,S! 0","' ^i.;i;~DUl,"~Ei gtJ!!1tl( O^TIJt-Jt.2~lD^T( 4/25/78 '-I . ---' NO. 78-90 I TII OJ F i r.CD! ,0 f f I cor. II nor rnco I p't 01 1 hCJ ,llpprovad orlg r nlll f rC':n 1ho r.ou.....t). /,:.'n.:lgar, of I tt~N %{iJ4!1.'!f,\rf5b.M.t for O:>ilrd rovlcM llOd IIPIl~'''II. Follo:-;JI1!1 llonrd netlon. 'rho fl ~~.~K 04:1 r.\CE 505 April 25, 1978 BUDGET lIMEND':ENT NO. ';8-91 '1'0 APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE EXTENSION OF A \VATER MAIN TO GOLDEN GATE LIBRARY - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,275 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconaed by Commissioner Archer And carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimor not present, that Budget Amendment No. 78-91 to appropriate funds for the extension of a water main to provide service for the Golden Gate Library currently under construc- tion be adopted in the amount of $8,275. OA?D C:- COuNTY CO:,I.\lISSI0i~F.nS C:l L LI ER COUNTY,. FI.Oa I 0/\ R E QUE 5,T fOR _ P lJ I> C F. T ^ 1-1 IT II () 1-1 r. II T Nnrr.9 of n"quostl"n U()pt. _..Q!&~.K _ DESCHI PTI ON AND JlIST I F I CAT I or~ OF N.IErJlJ:.1EIH Ht:.QUESTEO (f)ropnre In trl p II ClltO. Dna cc be rotulnod by tho requostlng Dopartment. Fonrard orIginal end ono copy to Fl!#cnl Of' Usa contlnulltlon !.hoots nnd llHoch supporting documents, If neoded) To appropriate funds for the extension of a Water 1~ain to provide service for the Golden Gate Library currently under construction. A portion of this amount may be refundable rendering such expense inelibible for LPW fundiny.. Approved by the Board via formal ay,reement March 14, 1978. ??EPArED OY OEPARTf.lENT APPROVAL COUNTY !-\/\NAGER APPnclVAL Bruce Lamorose 4/18/78 .-- DATF. MU - DME (THIS SECTION TO DE COMPLETED 8Y FINANCE) ACCOUNT NJ,OUNT TO: (Increase) Utilities 01-6212-03-3400 $ 8,275.00 FROM: (Source of Funds) Continpcncies 01-2101-00-7010 $ 8,275.00 , . , .. .\ I F J ;!;:;'{ ,\PPRoVAL - , UOM~O OF COU:-/TY CO~.;.\II S5 I O:,m5 APj>i~OVAI. ~rIU()G!::T N.lEN IJJflJ~"DMJ,t':.2-J"? ~ 4/25/70'l __---1 NO. 78-91 Ifj{ Th~':} 'Fi!"~.cal OrflceH', ilftor ,"ccc:lpt or tho llpprovod origln!!1 fro:n 'Iho C".ounty ~:'lnD9~r, ~III!" Izc 'Ihls rcqtl05t for O::wrd l"cvlO\'I nnd uPi'ro'!lIl. Fol/o~\'lnn Bonrd netlon, the FI ~;f fir",. ..,111 ""'(V".~"" :"n...,.:wnt! nlldn<'lt knonclr.:ontr. 1hrol:gh ".ccount1ng nn:! !".cnd l.I eopx l.. ... ..> --, l._.-J April 25, 1978 REVISED CLASSJFICATION OF ACCOUNTS - APPROVED, AS RECOMMENDED BY FISC1"L OFFICER Fiscal Officer Harold Hall said that approval of the Board is needed for the new revised classification of account. which was reviewed at the last session. Mr. Hall said that such app~oval is needed in order for the forms to be requisitioned and available . starting in September, 1978. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer not present, that Board approval be given to the revised classification of accountl, as recommended by the Fiscal Officer. 11 11 * 11 11 11 11 11 11 * * 11 * * 11 * * ~':~K 041 r.\CE 5GB * " April 25, 1978 1978-79 BUDGET PHILOSOPHY, SCHEDULE, AND FORMS - APPROVED, AS OUT- LINED AY FISCAL OFFICER Fiscal Officer Harold Hall advised that the 1978-79 Budget Forms have been finnlized and are ready for printing, following the meeting, if approved by the Board. He said that the forms are a little simpler and fewer in number than in the previous year. Mr. Hall explained " how the transition will be made from the present classification of accounts to the ncw State-mandated classification which will be used by all departments beginning in September, 1978. Vice-Chairman Pistor recalled that in previous discussions the suggestion was made to combine related items in order to reduce the number of budget amendments throughout the year. Mr. Hall said that whcn the budgets are presented to the Board on July 15, 1978, there will be a summary of expenditures - r::-:hibit B - such summary listing "object groups" for each Department. At the discretion of the Board, said Mr. Hall, the Board can approve the specific budgets by the groupings of similar types of expenditures and thereby reduce the number of budget amendments co~ing back for Board approval. Con- tinuing, Mr. lIall said that the Board would only be required to ap- prove budget amendments if the total of that object group changed; however, for review purposes, complete line items will be itemized. * .. .. * .. .. .. .. .. * * .. .. .. NOTE: Chairman l'limer returned to the meeting at this time - 2:35 P.M. * * * * * * * * .. * .. * * .. Commissioner Pistor recalled that he has requested that s~laries not bc itemized by name but rather shown in one sum on the budget forms and said that he trusts that this change will meet with the approval of the other Commissioners. There were no objections voiced. Mr. lIall said that thc department heads must make a detailed list- ing in order to prepare their particular budget; however, it is customary for organizations of the size of the County to condense t'':CK 041 r.\GE 508 t~.~K 04:1. r.\CE 509 April 25, 1978 information on the forms themselves in order to cut down on the vol- uminous reproduction of the budget. He said that, in his opinion, the Doard will be plea oed with tho reduction in bulk this year, Mr. Hall presented an update on 1978-79 revenue projections pre- viously presented on November 15, 1977. He said indications are that the cash position will be "tight" and that every effort should be taken to hold the proposed eApenditures at the same level as this year, otherwise an increase in the millage rate will be required. He recalled that on November 15, 1977 a policy was discussed whereby there would be no increased expenditures in the operating expenses of a department and that salary changes would be looked At independent of other type of expenditures. Mr. Hall said that the Budget Philoso- phy which was distributed at the last session was the budget philoso- phy discussed on the aforementioned date showing changes that would be required to update it to reflect current dates, One area still to be determined, said Mr. Hall, and the staff 80 Advised, regards the structuring of requests for merit or other salary increases. Commissioner Brown inquired if money is being spent too fast with Mr. Hall responding in the negative stating that it is not too bad; however, conservation of as many dollars as possible is neces- sary. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the Policy - Budget Philosophy for Fiscal Year 1978-79 - be adopted, and that the budget forms and the schedule be approved. Mr. Hall said that it has been called to his attention that there are now 4-cylinder vehicles that are very economical to . operate, manufactured domestically, which should be considered in the procurement policy, suggesting that this matter be included in the Budget Philosophy, Section III CC) Equipment. During the brief discussion which followed, Commissioner pistor suggested that it might be wise to consider this possibility since it would be one way to lower operating expenses. .-j L.-J April 25, 1978 Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 with Com- missioner Archer tomporarily absent at the time of the vote. * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * . . . . . ~CK 041 r.\GE 510 ~~CK 041 r.\CE 5.i.5 April 25, 1978 WAIVER OF BIDS FOR PURCHASE OF HARDWARE AND METERS RE UTILITY DIVISION - ~PPROVED, AS RECOMMENDED BY THE UTILITY DIRECTOR Utility Director Irving Berzon requested the Board to waive the advertising for sealed bids for material to be purchased in connection with water meter connections. He said that he dislikes doing this but because of just getting started and trying to stock up on such material, and also because the City of Naples is limited as to how much of their hardware they can supply the County, he is making tho request. He added that he is not asking for additional funds above what has been appropriated. Continuing, Mr. Berzon said that all of the items will be from the lowest bidder, having solicited bids via telephone solicitation, and, in one instance, there is a specialty item available only from one supplier. He said the items will be purchased in groups of 200 at a time to prevent a financial drain on the General Fund, adding that the funds will be repaid from revenues. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 5/0, that authorization be given to waiving the bidding re- quirements for the purchase of hardware and moters for the Utility Division, as recommended by the Utility Director. DR. ROBERT MILLER APPOINTED TO EMS COUNCIL TO REPLACE DR. RALPH DOTSON AS REPRESENTATIVE OF THE COLLIER COUNTY MEDICAL SOCIETY _ TO COHPLETE UNEXPIRED TERM Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 5/0, that Dr. Robert Miller be appointed to the Emergency Medical Services Council to replace Dr. Ralph Dotson as the represen- tative from the Collier County Medical Society, as recommended by Charles S. Eytel, M.D., President of the Society in his letter to the Board dated April 20, 1978. It was noted that Dr. Miller will com- plete the unexpired term of Dr. Dotson. Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan reported that the aforementioned letter stated the Society's support for the Telemetry . j April 25, 1978 installation for the ambulance service within the County and that they believe it is an important and valuable addition to improve emergency medical service within the County. Also, said Mrs. Morgan, the letter includes a request that the Board "lend a more attentive ear" to the advice of the Council given to the Board. " She brought to the Board's attention the fact that in the letters of appointment to the various advisory boards there is a disclaimer included therein stating that the Board may not always subscribe to the recommendations of those councils. PRESENTATION OF TELEMETRY PROGRAM BY THE EMS COUNCIL - TO DE SCHEDULED ON AGENDA OF MAY 9, 1978 Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan referred to the letter dated April 18, 1978 from the Chairman pro temof the Emer- gancy Medical Services Council stating that it is the recommendation of the Council that the Board proceed as quickly as possible toward the implementation of the Telemetry System in the County. It is also requested, said Mrs. Morgan, that the Board meet with the EMS Council and discuss the matter further, noting that, if agreeable to the Board, this could be scheduled for the meeting of May 9, 1978. Discussion followed concerning the type of system to be purchased, m~ltiple or dual, and the funding possibilities such as grants, do- nations, and the like. It was the consensus of the Board that the matter be further discussed at the meeting of May 9, 1978 and that the Council be so advised. REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE IN SECURING NEEDED MEDICAL ATTENTION FROM IMMOKALEE STOCKAGE INMATE - REFERRED TO IRVING BERZON FOR FURTHER INVESTIGATION Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan advised the Board of the receipt of a letter dated April 16, 1978 from an Immokalee Stockade inmate requesting assista~ce in securing needed medical atten- tion. Utility Director Irving Berzon stated that he has some knowledge D".GX 041 r.\CE 5.1.6 ~~::;K 041 r,\CE 5.i. 7 April 25, 1978 of the matter and offered to further pursue the case in question. Chairman Wimer directed that Mr. Berzon investigate the request and, if further action is needed, that it be brought back to tho Boa rd . CIlAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SEND LETTER TO THE SWFRPC INDICATING SUPPORT OF THE COUNCIL'S APPLICATION TO THE FMHA FOR AREA DEVELOPMENT ASSIS- TANCE PLANNING GRANT (COMPREIIENSIVE PLAN) Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried 5/0, that the Chairman be authorized to send a letter to the Southwest Florida Regional Planning Council indicating Board support of the Council's application to the FmHA for Area Development Assistance Planning Grant, as requested in the letter from the Council dated April 14, 1978. QUESTIONNAIRE RE MEDICAID INFORMATION REQUESTED BY POLK COUNTY _ APPROVED FOR COMPLETION; COMMISSIONERS TO PREPARE INDIVIDUAL LETTERS TO LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION RE PROPOSED BILL BY,HRS REGARDING FUNDING OF HEDICAID OUT-PATIENT COSTS OPPOSING SAME Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan explained that Socia Services Director Martha Skinner has submitted a copy of an inquiry received by her regarding Board support for Medicaid Out-Patients cost in reference to proposed legislation suggested by HRS to run pilot programs in various areas of the State. The pilot programs would in- volve funding on a SO/50 basis with the funding being County or Fed- eral with no State money involved, said Mrs. Morgan, adding that at the present the County has no funds pledged to Medicaid; however, if the pilot programs are successful, the program might become widespread and necessitate County funding. Commissioner Brown voiced his opposition to the propo~ed legis- , lation with Commissioner Archer concurring and adding that the ques- tionnaire could be completed but that individual letters of oppositio. be sent by tho Commissioners. Commissioner Brown moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously, that the questionnaire be completed, and that .~ -- .- .j April 25, 1978 each Commissioner voice his opposition to the legislation in the form of pcrsonal letters to the appropriate persons. PERMANENT UTILITY ROOM TO REPLACE PROPOSED "SHED" AT GOLDEN GATE CO~~UNITY CENTER AT AN INCREASE IN COST - APPROVED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan referred to her memorandum to the Board da~ed April 2l, 1978 regarding the advan- tages of constructing a permanent utility room at the Golden Gate Community Center to replace the previously-approved "shed", funds for which wero appropriated at the previous week's session. It was felt, said Mrs. Morgan, since the terminology Was changed, and since there are additional funds involved, it was necessary for the matter to be brought to the Board's attention. Following bricf discussion, Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that approval be given to exchange the type of structure from a "shed" to a permanent utility room at the Golden Gate Community Center. It was pointed out by Fiscal Officer Harold Hall that the origi- nal plan was to put up a pre-fab aluminum type shed but that it turned out that this was not a satisfactory arrangement and since there is moncy available in other places in the District budget which could be used, the construction of a permanent-type building has been de-. cided upon. Upon call for the question, the motion carried by unanimous vote. VOTING PRECINCT RE DEPUTY SHERIFF MICHAEL W. ROSS (I.D. 'l58) _ SUBMITTED FOR TilE ~ECORD In compliance with Florida Statute 30.08, Sheriff Aubrey Rogers submitted the following information for the record: Deputy Michael W. Ross - 1.0. '158; Voting Precinct '13 PETITION SUBMITTED BY SEAGATE BEACH CLUB AREA RESIDENTS FOR ESTABLISH- MENT OF STREET LIGHTING DISTRICT - ACCEPTED, ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DIRECTED TO PROCEED ACCORDING TO THE TERMS OF ORDINANCE 73-20 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and carried unanimously, that the petition submitted by the Seagate Beach ~~,~ nd'l rw ~ ; ~ L''',:K 041 r,\CE 5.i9 April 25, 1978 Club and Property Owners in Seagate Subdivision requesting the establIshment of a lighting district in the area be accepted and, th~t thn En~ineering Department be directed to proceed according to the terms of Ordinance 73-20. REQUEST BY MS. DENISE COLEMAN, HOMEMAKERS SERVICE,FOR APPLICATION RE GRANT FOR FUNDING KITCHEN EQUIPMENT AT FARM WORKERS VILLAGE TO DE MADE IN TilE NAME OF BCC - APPROVED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan explained that ~s. Denise Coleman, Homemakers Service, had applied to the Florida De- partment of Community Affairs for funding for equipment to furnish a kitchen in the Farm Workers Village whereby Ms. Coleman could train people in that area in food and nutrition; however, the grant appli- cation was rejected. Ms. Coleman is now requesting, said Mrs. Morgan, that the application be made in the name of the Board of County Com- missioners, noting that it would be the same grant except that the grantee would be the Doard of County Commissioners. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor and unanimously carried, that the staff be directed to proceed in the pursuit of the aforesaid grant, as recommended by Ms. Coleman. MEETING WITH SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS RE IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE - TO BE SCHEDULED FOR FUTURE WORKSHOP AGENDA Chairman Wimer referred to correspondence dated April 21, 1978 from School Superintendent Clyde C. Quinby wherein it is requested that the Impact Fee Ordinance be scheduled on the May'2, 1978 Board agenda and observed that he (Chairman Wimer) would like to work with the Superintendent in a workshop session prior to that time. There were no objections forthcoming. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed andlor referred to the various departments as indicated below: l. Letter dated April 17, 1978 from Roy Massena, Asso- ciate Engineer, Florida Solar Energy Center, Cape Canaveral, Florida, requesting completion of a ques- ~~~K 041 r,\CE 521 April 25, 1978 14. Letter dated April 21, 1978 from Harry M. Cunningham, Joint City County Railr')ad Task Foree, in apprecia- tion of Planner Richard Woodruff's assistance and dedication to the project; xc Personnel, Dr. SpAgna, Richard Woodruff; filod. 15. Letter dated March 27, 1978 from R. D. Strader, R. D. Strader Construction, Immokaleo, Florida, commending Terri Kehoe for her politeness and helpfulness on his behalf - xc Personnel, Building Director, and Ms. Kehoe; filed. 16. Letter dated April 19, 1978 from Joseph O. Fletcher, Deputy Director, Environmental Research Labor3tories, U.S. Department of Commerce, re arrangements for Cloud Seeding - xc to Agriculture; filed. 17. Letter dated as of April 17, 1978 from Graham L. Blair, et ux, Naples, Florida re final assessment of Lake Park Blvd. Road Improvement District, and problems with pavement re same - xc to Engineering Department for correction of the pavement prOblem, xc to Finance De- partment for arrangement of extended termsl filed. 18. Copy of letter dnted April l8, 1978 from J. Richard Gregg, P.E., Water Quality Coordinator, Technical Review Division, Resource Control Department SFWMD, to Steve Rose, Corps of Engineers, stating that the Board's application No. 78K-0167 has been made for all necessary permits - xc Utility Division; filed. 19. PSC Notices of Filing of Application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Operate as a Motor Carrier re McCort Drive-A-Way, Inc., and Zonnie F. Anderson, Jr., dlbla Anderson Trucking, filed. 20. Telegram dated April 24, 1978 from David L. Dunbar, President, Computer Election Systems, re disposition of the litigation with Fidlar & Chambers Company relative to the voting equipment marketed by both firms - xc to Supervisor of Elections; filed. UTILITY EASEMENTS IMMOKALEE SEWER PROJECT FROM COLLIER DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, AND MR. AND MRS. HOMER PARTIDA, JR. - ACCEPTED Pursuant to action taken by the Board on October 25, 1977 wherein the Board approved the acceptance and expenditure of funds for the recording of all Utility Easements related to the ~mmoka1ee Sewer', Project, Utility Director Irving Berzon submitted the follow- ing Utility Easements, same having been recorded in the Official Records: l. Collier Development Corporation 2. Homer Partida, Jr. and Eva Partida 04i rm 525 April 25, 1978 LAKE TRAFFORD CEMETERY DFED 1162 - ACCEPTED Pursuant to action of the Board on January 10, 1978 wherein the Chairman was authorized to sign various deeds to Lake Trafford Me~oria1 Gardens cemetery lots 4S the need arises, the following Deed #162 was recorded and filed for the record: * * * * * * * . . * '\ . . * . . * . * * * rr.cx 041 t~CE 527 April 25, 1978 There being no further business for the good of the County, ~le meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair - Times 3105 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARDCS) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL c~"IJ'~IRMAN ATTEST: WILLIAM J. REAGAN, CLERK .I, :' I ~ '1 ., \ \ " , (. , "