Agenda 12/16/2008 Item #16E13 Agenda Item No. 16E13 December 16, 2008 Page 1 of 12 .- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to approve Change Order No.1 to Contract No, 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the Immokalee Master Plan and Related Services and approve a $165,500 Budget Amendment as sufficient appropriation to fund a Public Realm Plan in the Scope of Services. This item is a companion item to 16G1, OBJECTIVE: To increase the scope of work under Contract No. 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the Immokalee Master Plan Update to include a Public Realm Plan. CONSIDERATIONS: On June 24, 2008, Agenda Item 16G10, Companion to Item 16F7, the Board of County Commissioners approved Contract No. 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the Immokalee Master Plan Update and Related Services in the amount of $386,175. It was discovered early in the process that an overall theme, including architectural and design guidelines, would be necessary to integrate the community and create a sense of place with distinct and identifiable entrances to the downtown core, as well as the creation of gathering spaces that would allow for community events and ultimately attract regional tourism. A Public Realm Plan was determined to be the best tool to use to develop a comprehensive strategy for these related objectives. The current contract with RWA, Inc. requires that the full scope of work be completed by ~ November 20, 2009. It is imperative that the Public Realm Plan be completed prior to the development of Land Development Code Amendments because the Plan would need to be taken into consideration during the LDC Amendment development. It would be much more costly and time consuming to complete adoption of LDC Amendments prior to finalizing a Public Realm Plan because additional Amendments would be required to implement the Public Realm Plan. In order to complete and expedite the Master Plan Update and Land Development Code Amendments, a Public Realm Plan would be required and added to the current contract as Change Order No.1, which is attached and itemizes the additions to the Scope of Services. FISCAL IMPACT: Change Order NO.1 is valued at $165,500 and a Fiscal Year 2009 budget amendment from Immokalee Redevelopment Fund (186) Reserves to the appropriate Fund (186) operating account is necessary. Tax increment funds will be used to pay for this Change Order. ~ CONSISTENCY WITH GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN: Policy 4.7 of the Future Land Use Element of the Growth Management Plan states that redevelopment plans may be developed for specific areas within the County, and the BCC may consider alternative land use plans, modifications to development standards, and incentives to encourage redevelopment. The Public Realm Plan furthers the programs and projects within the budgetary and policy guidance and directives of the Community Redevelopment Agency and the Board of County Commissioners in furtherance of Objective 1.2 of the current Immokalee Area Master Plan Element of the Growth Management Plan which reads as follows: _..,,--, Acen'ja item i>Jo. 16E 13 "-' D9cember 16, 2008 Page 2 Df 'i2 "Reinstate the former Main Street Program under a new name to provide a means for improving the physical appearance of the commercial building stock along the Main Street corridor, from First Street to Westclox Street." and Policy 1.2.1: "The Immokalee Master Plan and Visioning Committee, in coordination with the Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee, shall work with a consultant to develop a plan that focuses on the development and/or redevelopment of commercial structures and businesses along Main Street." LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: The change order and associated documents have been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office and are legally sufficient for Board consideration and approval. This item is not quasi-judicial therefore no ex parte disclosure is required. This item requires a simple majority vote. (mmss) ADVISORY BOARD RECOMMENDATION: By unanimous vote during the regular Joint Meeting of the Immokalee Local Redevelopment Advisory Board and the Immokalee Master Plan and Visioning Committee on September 17, 2008, the Advisory Board voted to recommended to the Board of County Commissioners that authorization be given to the development of a Public Realm Plan; and provide a commitment of $165,500 for that purpose. RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners accepts the recommendation of the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency to: 1. Approve Change Order No. 1 to increase the scope of work under Contract No. 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the Immokalee Master Plan Update and Related Services to include a Public Realm Plan, 2. Authorize the Chairman to sign Change Order No.1, 3. Authorize the expenditure of $165,500 from Fund 186, and 4. Approve the necessary budget amendment. PREPARED BY: Penny Phillippi, Executive Director, Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency. Page I of 1 A.genda Item No. 16E 13 December 16, 2008 Page 3 of 12 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: 16E13 Item Summary: Recommendation to the Board of County Commissioners to approve Change Order Number 1 to Contract No. 08-5073 with RWA, Inc. for the lmmokalee Master Plan and Related Services and approve $165,500 Budget Amendment as sufficient appropriation to fund a Public Realm Plan In the Scope of Services. This item 15 a companion item to 16G1. Meeting Date: 12/16/2008900:00 AM Prepared By Penny Phillippi Immokalee, eRA County Redevelopment Agency Date BCC 11/24/200810:17:49 AM Appro\-'ed By Lyn Wood Purchasing Agent Purchasing Date Administrative Services 11/24/20082:56 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Purchasing/General Svcs Director Date Administrative Services Purchasing 11/25/20082:22 PM Approved By Penny Philfippi BCC lmmokalee, eRA County Redevelopment Agency Date 11/25/20086:23 PM Apprond By Marjorie M. Student-Stirling Assistant County Attorney Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 12/2/20081:S6 PM Approved By Mark Isackson County Manager's Office Budget Analyst Office of Management & Budget Date 12/5/20083:41 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 12/8/20083:14 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\ExDort\ 118-December%20 16.%202008\ 16. %20CONSENT%20AG E... 12/ I 0/2008 D'XTA'NC CONSULTING .........'U....... . Planning' VisualizaLiun 'Civil Engineering . Surveying & ~apping j\aenda It2m r\jO. 16E13 ~ December 16. 2008 Page 4 of 12 November 19,2008 Ms. Penny Phillippi, Executive Director Immokalee Community Redevelopment Agency 310 Alachua Street Immokalee, FL 34142 Subject: Revised Professional Se/'vice Proposal for Addendum to the lmmokalee eRA Mastel' Plan Dj}{late - Scope of WO/'k for a Public Realm Plan. Dear Ms. Phillippi: Thank you for the opportunity to submit this rcvised addendum to the existing contract referenced above. It is anticipated that the majority of work associated with thcsc additional service will be complctcd by RWA, Inc. (RWA) and Land Design Innovations (LDI), Inc. Collcctively these two finns are refelTed to herein as the "Consultants." The Immokalcc CRA is cUlTently in the process of updating and streamlining its Master Plan for a more effective implementation strategy. It was discovcrcd early in the process that an overall theme, including architectural and design guidelines, would be nccessary to integrate the community and create a sense of place with distinct and identifiable entrances to the downtown core, as well as the creation of gatheling spaces that would allow for commnnity events and ultimately attract regionaltonrism. A Public Realm Plan was detennined to be the bcst tool to use to develop a comprehensive strategy for these related objectives. TIle purpose of the Public Realm Plan is to enhance the quality of life for Immokalee community residents by: . Improving civic pride and town center identity, . Integrating multi-cultural design throughout the heatt of the downtown and identifying a central location in the study area for a plaza/town center, . Advancing economic development oppOltunitics [or land owners and merchants in the downtown, and . Creating an interconnected system o[ civic uses ticd to the local retail establishmcnts. PROJECT PROFILE . Immokalee CRA (Client) intends to amend the ImlTIokalce CRA Master Plan (Project) to provide [or the additional se1vices identified in detail below. . Thc study area of approximately 3.26 miles encompasses 1.66 miles of SR 29 (Main Street & North 15th Strecl) and 0.60 miles of SR 846 (South 2"d Street & South I 51 Street). . The Client desires to retain the services of the Consultants in Drder to proceed with the Project as described within lhis proposal. 6610 Willow Park DrivG, Suite 2.00, Naples, Florida 34109. (239) 597.0575, fax: (239J 597-0578 IWIW.consult.rwa.com RWA"C, Agenda Ilem No. 16E13 AddendulII ~ Illtlllokalee~~1JlP,1f!.008 Scupe for 0 Public Ri/thQrJ'EiJlOf 12 Nm'ember 20, 2008 Page 2 af6 SCOPE OF WORK OBJECTIVE 1 - Integrate a Multi-cultural Theme into Streetscape In Downtown The scope of services to upgrade the streetscape includes analysis of the existing sh'eetscape with recommendations for improvement. The study area of approximately 3.26 miles encompasses 1,66 miles of SR 29 (Main Street & North 15th Street) and 0.60 miles of SR 846 (South 2nd Street & South l" Street). The scope includes (1) one meeting with the CRA staff to study existing urban and suburban site conditions, opPOltunities and constraints. Consultant will prepare a base drawing in AutoCAD showing the location of adjacent rights-of-way, adjacent property lines, existing sidewalks, utilities, existing trees, topography with one foot contour intervals and the location of existing buildings. The scope of work will include analysis of the existing conditions, such as: . existing street trees . existing landscaping . existing site fi.1rnishings . cxisting strcetlights . existing limited crosswalks . existing hardscape features and civic uses . existing focal points (fountain, elc,) . existing stOlmwatcr/drainagc patterns and facilities and any planned improvements . existing road right-of-way and dimensions The streetscape upgrade recommendalions will be consistent with the proposed design standards developed by the team for Objective 4 below, Hardy and native plants will be proposed to shade sidewalks and create visual interest. The site furnishings will complement the unique multi-cultural theme. The conceptual streetscape upgrade plan will be provided in a 24 X 36 multiple sheet fonnat, and will include the identification of: . Any proposed extensions of the urban streetscape . Proposed crosswalk conceptual design and location plan . Proposed street trees upgrades/replacements . Proposed landscaping upgrades/replacements . Propos cd sitc furnishings upgrades/replacements . Proposed streetlights upgrades/replacements . Proposed hardscape features (specialty tiles I paving patterns) , Proposed focal points . Proposcd stormwatcr/drainagc trcatment and facilities . preliminary cost estimates for recommended upgradcs and replacements, Landscape and hardscape installation cost would be developed based on 2008 market rates. Cost for Objective 1: $50,000 S:\2008\080093.00.PO RFf' 08.5073 Immokatee eRA Master Pfan\01\CRA Master Plan Duwntown Adtkmll1rtl\2008.j ].20 Addendum- ImmokalccCRA MP Final.tlnc RWA'"C ..~ae~da Item No. 16E 13 AddelldlllJl - flJllllokIl7eei9~1f( f6(1I2008 Scopefor II Public R""/JIho!'fry'of 12 November iff; 2008 Pllge 3 of6 OBJECTIVE 2 - Urban Plaza Layout The scope of services includes the layout of two public plazas or great squares in downtown Immokalee. These public gathering places, such as Zocalos in Mexico, are the heart of the Mexico- Tenochtitlan community, and are often anchored by a church and/or market place, In Inunokalee these plazas will be intended to inspire commuuity pride and revitalize the central urban disttict into a livable and workable community. The conceptual plans (24 X 36 fOlmat) will include the identification of: . existing building locations adjacent to the plazas . potential development and/or redevelopment adjacent to the site . accommodations for stonmvater drainage (conceptual location only) . hardscape features (specialty paving / paving pattel11s) . focal point (fountain, great flag, sculpture, etc.) . landscape bed locations . site fumishings to compliment the color theme . traffic and pedesl1ian circulation patterns . car and bicycle parking . ingress/egress locations . special event layout w/ built-in anchors for tenting . amphitheater with stage area . coordination with proposed farmer's market The scope includes (1) one meeting with CR.A, staff to study existing site conditions, oppOltunities and constraints, and to select the desired plaza locations. Consultant will prepare (I) one concephlal colored perspective for both plazas showing the proposcd improvements. Cost for Objective 2: $38,000 OBJECTIVE 3 - Gateway I'lacemcnt and Wa)'finding Development C\llTently, there are very limited indicators that identify for tourists or the community itself that yon are entering into the downtown core. It is essentially limited to the buildings that have located closer to the sidewalks with storefi'ont windows, some brick streetscape improvements/lighting and the one brick sign welcoming visitors to Immokalee beside the casino. There are essentially three Plimmy roads ways enteling into the downtown core area; two on SR 29 and OllC beside the casino on SR 846. I'!)l will evaluate the potential appearance for gateways at three dominant entry points along these cOlTidors to give better definition to the downtown core and evaluatc the location of wayfinding signagc to direct newcomers to the proposed town center, famler's market, casino and other civic uses. The materials ~nd colors Df the gateways <:md wayfInding signage are to complement the multi- cultural thcn1c. The. size, type and location of site 11ghting and signagc, if provided by the Client's lighting and sig:nage eonsul1ant, will be shown 011 the Gateway and Wayfinding: Plan. S:\2008\OfW093.00.PO RFP Q8-5073 lmmoknlce_ eRA Master Plan'\oj\CRA Master Plan Do\'mtowll Adrlendum\2008-11-2Q AddendumM Immokalee eRA MP FillllLdoc RWAINC Agenda Item No. 16E13 Addendum ~ Imlllokalee~ K"lIi2008 Scope for a Public Rfilb~rl'lll1Df 12 NO~'2I1lher 2011008 Page4of6 Actual construction documents for each sign shall not be incorpomted into the concept plans, If the concepts are approved, these additional serviccs can be provided by a sign and/or lighting consultant for an additional fee, As may be desirable, the Consultant will coordinate with the Client's lighting and sign consultant. Cost for Objective 3: $15,000 OBJECTIVE 4 - Form Based Code This scope of services includes the development of a form-based code for a portion of the Immokalee CRA: The study area extends for about 1.66 miles along SR 29 (Main Street & North IS'h Street) and 0.60 miles along SR 846 (South 2nd Street & South I" Street). The standards will apply to arcas bchind this commercial coni dol', extending approximately two blocks into the neighborhoods. The final detetmination of the exact areas to apply the new regulations will he decided by the CRA staff. The pUlpose of the regulations will be to establish an urban design theme consistent with the multi- cultural character of the community, as well as enhance, extend and maintain a more pedestrian- friendly urban development pattern. The regnlations will require plivate buildings to shape public space through the use of building fOlm standards with specific requiremeuts for building placement. The Consultant will be responsible for the following tasks: Task 1: Analyze Existing Development Patterns The Consultant will evaluate the existing physical conditions of the conidors and the adjacent residential neighborhoods. The Consultant will identify strengths and weaknesses regarding the cutTent urban form, predominant architectural styles and themes found within the project area, as well as pedestrian pattems, Task 2: Design Code The Consultant will utilize the existing conditions analysis, and the evaluation of the cutTent or then proposed Land Development Regulations and design guidelines to develop a form-based code applicable to the corridors, to be desib'11ated as one or more overlay areaS, The form based code for the Immokalee CR.';' "Downtown" will be developed so as to be adopted by reference in the Collier County Land Development (LDC). Specific items that will be identified within the Code will, at a minimum, include: . Block layout/Lot Configuration (vehicular connectivity, mega-blocks, public realm) . Site design (location and orientation of buildings, eomcr sitcs) . Building Form (scale, massing, height, fenestration) . AIchitecture (styles, elevations, colOTs, roofs, arehitcctural dctail projecting a colorful multi-cultural thcmc) . Circulation, access and parking (pedestlian cormectivity, shared parking facilities) . Landscaping and buffers (urban vs. suburban landscaping and buffers, shading of public areas) . Utilities (retention ponds, fences and walls, air conditioning units, etc.) . Streetscape (sidewalks, parkways, street trees, street lighting consistent with the theme ofthe district) . Safety (Clime prevention through environmental design) . Green Neighborhood Development and Green Building Principles S:\2008\080093.00.PO RFP 08-5073 fmmokaJecCRA Master Plan\OI\CRA MasterPlan DowntO\\.l1 Addendum\2D08-11 ~20 Addendum- lmmokalcc eRA MP Final.doc RWA"'C .6,genda item No. 16E! 3 AddendullI -lml1lokalee~tbttrr !%l/12008 Scope fol' Q Public Ritdlg~liJlOf "12 November 20, 2008 PageS of6 Task 3: Photo Simulation: The Consultant will prepare up to two digital perspectives, using photo simulation, of two separate areas to demonstmte the expected end result of the fOlm-based regulations. Parameters expected to be eovered by thc code lllay include density/intensity and building heights consistent with the County's comprehensive plan. If ehangcs to density/intensity are recommended based on CRA staff input that necessitate comprehensive plan amendments, these amendments will need to be processed separately (and may, in fact, be processed as part of the work already authorized under tbe existing contract). Cost for Objective 4: $40.000 OBJECTIVE 5: Public Involvement/Public Meetings The Consultant will update the CRA Advisory Board (CRAAB) relative to progress on a montbly basis either in wtitten fmm or by attendance and prcsentation at tbc CRAAB monthly meetings. 'The consultant will also update the CRA Board (whicb is the five County Commissioners sitting as the CRA Board) whcn rcqucsted to do so by CRA staff. After completion of Objectives I through 4, the Consultant will work with CRA staff to schedule a final presentation before the CRA AdvisOlY Board whicb will be appropriately noticed as a public meeting. This final presentation will provide fOl" publie input. After the final CRA presentation/public mecting, tbe consultant will work with CRA staff to prepare a final presentation/hearing for the CRA Board as may bc dctermined to be necessary acccpt and/or adopt the Public Realm Plan. Cost for Objective 6: $7.500 Fee SummarY Ta e Objectives Description Fees* .-- - '-=:1 Fee Type 1--.- --.--_._-~-- ~. ~.--- ---- Objective I Multi-cultural Streetscape Concepts $50,000 Fixed ..---.-- u___ ----.--- Objective 2 Urban Planning . Public Plaza Layout (Zoealo) $38,000 Fixed -..--...----. Objective 3 Gateway Placement and Wayfinding Development $15,000 Fixed -_._------~-~_._.~_..- -- ...-- .Qbjective 4:_ FODn Based Code Rel:!ulations $40,000 Fixed --., ----~ Objective 5 Public InvolvclllcntlPublic Meeting $7,500 Fixed TOTAL(not includin~ reimbursable ~xl'enscsl___~':':= $150.500 Fixed -. - bl I Reimbursables*' 1 $15,092......1 T /.M/E , Fees Jor Objectives 1 through 5 are Ilxed (lump sum) and will be billed through six (6) monthly invoices of$25,083.33. It is cstimatcd tbat the project will take six months to complete and that billing will commence ,he month following Authorization [0 Commence from the client. The maXimUTIi identified amount for each objective shall not be exceeded unless this contract is S:\2008\080093.00.PO RFP O~k')073 rmmokakc eRA Mllster Plan\OI\CR^ Master Phm Do\VT11o\~11 Addemlum\2008-11-20 ADdendum. lmnlO~:alcc eRA MP Fin;;.Ldoc RWA'NC Agenda Item No. 16E 13 Adrlelldum - Jl1Im()k(llee~ib'&rr ~/t2008 Scope for a P"blic RilrbgrPlillJJf 12 November 20, 2008 Page 6 of6 amended to increase the respective amount. In the event the project is completed in lcs than 6 months, the total remaining amount will be invoiced, H Reimbursable Expenses: Reimbursable Expenses are direct project costs that are incun"ed as a result of completing the Public Realm Plan, such as reprographics, mileage, postage, and similar charges. Reimbursables are bil1ed with monthly invoices as incurred during the billing cycle, on a time, matcrials and expense basis (TIM/E), General Conditions: The fol1owing specific conditions are provided and are in effect during this assignment: . RW A or Immokalee CRA staff wiII provide the Consultant Team future land use and zoning shape files necessary to create base maps. . The Client will be responsible for any required or desired public notices and/or advertisements. . Conshuction level detail will not be provided as a part of this contract. . Design of site shuctures or specialized retaining wa1Js will not be provided as a pal1 of this contract. . Additional Services not included consist of geotechnical and soils investigations, land surveying, Level I Environmental site assessment or other site assessment studies, ecological studies, structural design services, traffic studies, on or off-site water and sewer utility improvements and construction administration services, and other individual services unless specifica1Jy mentioned elsewhere in this proposal document. . Work not specified in the above proposal items wil1 nol be perfomled without the Client's prior knowledge and approval for payment under an additional authorization. If you have any questions or require further information please do not hesitate to contact me. We are exited about this new opportunity and we look forward to working with you to create this Public Realm Plan for Immokalee. Sincerely, /it---- Robel1 J. Mulhere, AICP Senior Vice President Cc: Bradley Muckcl, CRA Project Manager Tracy Crowe, President, LDT, Inc, Patrick Vanasse, Planning Manager RW A S:\2008\080093.0D.PO RFP 08-5073 ImmDkalce eRA Ma~ter Plan\Ol\CRA MasterPlan DO\\l1tOVrl1 Addcndurn\2001$-11-20 Addendum- Immokalce eRA MP Final.doc ,A.genda ilem No. 15:: 13 December ~16. 200S Page 10 of 12 CHANGE ORDER CHANGE ORDER NO. I CONTRACT NO. 08-5073 BCC Date: 06124/08 Agenda Item: .lti,EL&;16.G.l~ TO: RWA,lnc. 661QWil!()wfarkRl"iye, Sl!ite200H Naples, FL 34109 DATE: PROJECT NAME: Immokalcc CRA Master Plan & Related Services Under our AGREEMENT dated June 24. 2008. You hcreby are authorized and directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with terms and conditions of the Agreement: To add to the Scope of Services the development ofa Public Real Plan. FOR THE Additive Sum of: One hundred sixtv-fiye thousand five hundred dollars ($165.500.00), Original Agreement Amount $ 386,175.00 Sum of Previous Changes $ -0- This Change Order Adds $ 165.500.00 Present Agreement Amount $ 551.675.00 The time for completion shall be (increase or decrease) by --=L calendar days due to this Change Order. Accordingly, the Contract Time is now N/A U calendar days. Thc substantial completion date is N/A and the final completion date is )'olovembeL20,-200<). Your acceptance of this Change Order shall constitute a modification to our Agreement and will be performed subject to all the same terms and conditions as contained in our Agreement indicatcd ahovc, as fully as if thc same were repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Agreement shall constitute a full and final settlement of any and all claims of the Contractor arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, including claims for impact and delay costs. j. / Accepted:.. _L~ _is ____ _n__ , 2008 CONTRACTOR: RW A, Inc. OWNER: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORlDA -1 ' / 1"] _---no--- / ."......... .---- By: ./ t,/ "------ Robert J. Mulhere, AICI' DEPAlzTMENT DjJ.{E!/:TOl{ " ' ,ii" ,;' 'i/ " /j'../ f. )i Ii . ' Ii'. Y' / 'I' E ': / f,,<,. .'._.,.,- ....__ ') _,,/ //_....,(...,.. I}.,a-, ~ , ) ptn~y' PhllfiPpj+l.n 71 .. -<.... /{ . ' (/ Date: ATIEST: Dwight E, Brock, Clerk BY: Approved As To FOlm and Legal Sufficiency: '--,... . .Ii " , /:6 . 1/ ul (L~~,(C -.uc ,r"'tt.~~~~~lll c.:~, - /.J.<(/,'l:.e ~~'6 PrInt Name: {'f:)('o ,-.. t."" , -.){ ,,("I (" .,,1- - .0 I, (I, II) Assistant County Attorney . Agenda Item I~o. 16E13 D1VISJON ADMINJSTRA~rnber 16, 2008 Page 11 of 12 By: N/A CONTRACT SPECIAL~S~ () By: ("~\ 77 I '!t.) tD::i.fL ty . ood BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA BY: Tom Henning, Chairman ~_.--- ~~: -10 l3ec CONTRACT/WORK ORDER MODIFICATION CHECKLIBT FORM PROJECT NAME: Immokal... CRA Ma.lor Plln PROJECT #: ,A.aenda Item No. 16E 13 ~ December 16. 2008 Page 12 of 12 ~ d{, ~ (f!; /J - '" POll; . PROJECT MANAGER: Penny Phllllo.1 WORK ORDER I: BID/IilFP II: 08-S013_MOD I: 1 DEPARTMENT:_lmmokaloe CRA CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: RWA. lna. Original Contract Amount: $ 386,176,00 (Sla~ing PelnQ $ 306.176.00 (l.$ol'Tolal Ameunl Approvad by tho BCC) $ 36A 176 00 (Including An Chango. PrIor To TbJ& MocrrllcoUon) $ 16S.lillll.00 current BCC Approved Amount: Curront Contraot Amount; Chenllo Amount: Revl..d ContractIWork Ordor Amount: $ 5lI1,07S,OII Qncludlng Thl, Change Older) Cumulallva Dollar V.lue 01 Chongos to \hIs ContracWlor!< Order: $ 16S.S01l.011 0.01& cf Laet BCC Approval......e/21lOe AII_ndallom" 16 F 7 & 16 G 10 Peroentage of the ~hang. overfundor ourrent contract amount Fcrmtll.: (Revl..d Amoun11 Lsol Bee epproved omounQ.l CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): ORIGINAL: 11117109 42 9 % CURRENT: 11120109 Cescrlbe the ch.nOe(s): To add. Public Realm Plan to the SCODe or Servlc.. Speclry the rea.one for the change(a) " 1. Planned or Elective (' 2. Unforeeeen ConditIons r 3, QUlntlty AdJuatmente r 4. Correctlen of Snort! (Plane, Speclllcotlone or Scep. of Work) ("' 5. V.lu. Added ("' $, Sch.dule Adjuetmente Net.: Ono er mQr,a mey be ehecked, depending on the nature of the change(.). Identify all negetlve Impaela 113 \he projecllf thla ohange Qrder were not prQceued: hand De.eIQ13m..t COdM WQuld hev. fe be amended Iflho Public Reel Pion I. done eft.r LOC orlelnal work cQmDlet.d. Thla ohang. w.. requ08ted by; rlcontrector/Ceneult.nt x Owner n Uelng Dopartment C. COES COealgn Professional nRegUlotory Agency (Speclly) r Other (Specify) CONTRACT SPECIALIST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: r Yes x No This ferm Is to be sl APPROVED BY, Dale:rJ].i 1>-' %'rn!T ./ Date: / (') - (G - 08' REVIEWED BY: Revised 11.19.2007