BCC Minutes 03/28/1978 R ~ 13 E:I Naples, Florida, March 28, 1978 LET IT BE REME~BERF.D, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Govern- ing Doard(s)- of such special districts as have been crc.otec.1 according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Builc.1ing "F~ ot the Court- . house Complex with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: C. R. "Russ" Wimer VICE-CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor Clifford Wenzel David C. Brown Thomas P. Archer ALSO PRESENT: William J. Reagan, Clerk, Harold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer; Debbie Pantano, Deputy ClerK; Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director; Irving Berzon, Utility Director; Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development; Donald Pickworth, County Attorney; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board; Deputy Chief Raymond Barnett, Sheriff's Depar~ent; Clifford Barks- dale, Assistant County Engineer; and Wafaa Assaad, Planning Depart- mont. AGENDA ~ : 00 A\I I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: March 14, 1978 V. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Petition R-77-26-C by Collier County Education Asso- ciation requesting rezoning from "re.I-I" :.fulti-,Famil)' to "GRC" General Retail Commercial for an office on Lots SS-62, Block A. Rock Creek Park located on the SE corner of Terrace A~enuo and Shadowlawn Drive-- doferred from ~[nrch 1"4, 1978 (Pick\,"orth). B. Petition V-78-S-C by ~aldron Sundstrom. represented P~ by Tracy Bolesky. requesting a variance from Section 8- 3S-4^. Ordinance 76-30, tho Coastal Area Zoning Ordinance, to permit parking within 2S' of the front yard setback for Lots 32-39. Block S, Harco Highlands on Front Street and First Avenue (Pickworth). 174 ~ bl< 41 177 ]d,~ hI: .: 1 March 28, 1978 XIII. DELETIONS ITE!,IS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION n. Space Allocation Study MINUTES OF !-lARCH 14, 1978 - APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Commissioner Wanzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, and carried unanimously 5/0, that the minutes of March 14, 1978 be approved as submitted. PETITION R-77-26-C BY COLLIER COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION RE- QUESTING REZONING FROM "RM-I" MULTI-FAMILY TO "GRC" GENERAL RETAIL CO~\IERCIAL FOR AN OFFICE ON LOTS 55-62, BLOCX A, ROCK CREEK PARK LOCATED ON THE SE CORNER OF TERRACE AVENUE AND SHADOI'ILAI'lN DRIVE - CONTINUED INDEFINITELY Legal notice having been published in the Naples Star on February IO, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication previ- ously filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-77-26-C by Collier County Education Association re- ques~ing rezoning from "RM-l" Multi-Family to "GRC" General Retail Commercial for an office on Lots 55-62, Block A, Rock Creek Park located on the SE corner of Terrace Avenue and Shadowlawn Drive, which was deferred from March 14, 1978. County Attorney Donald Pickworth stated that a contract had been signed between the owner of the above-mentioned property and the Collier County Education Association subject to rezoning of the property and the two parties are experiencing difficulty with certain terms of the contract and recommended this petition be continued pending the actions of said parties. Commissioner Nenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Petition R-77-26-C by Collier County Education Association requesting rezoning from "RM-l" MUlti-Family to "GRC" General Re- :"~'~~f~~ -- .... .... March 28, 1978 tilil Commercial for iln office on Lots 55-62, Block A, Rock Creek Park located on the SE corner of Terrace Avenue and Shadowlawn Drive be continued indefinitely. Commissioner Pistor inquired whether there were any objec- tions to this petition. Mr. Pickworth stated this item had been advertised for public hearing and no one objecting to the petition is present nor were there any objections voiced at the public hearing of the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. Chairman Wimer commented if the item ~ontinues for very long, it can always be readvertised if deemed necessary. PETITION V-78-5-C AND V-78-6-C BY WALDRON SUNDSTROM, REPRESENTED BY TRACY_ DOLESKY - DENIED Legal notices having been published in the Marco Island Eagle on March 9, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavits of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearings were opened to consider Petition V-7B-S-C by Waldron Sundstrom, represented by Tracy Bo- lesky, requesting a variance from Section 35-4A, Ordinance 76-30, the Coastal Area Zoning Ordinance, to permit parking within 25' of the front yard setback for Lots 32-39, Dlock 5, Marco Highlands on Front Street and First Avenue and Petition V-7B-6-C by Waldron Sundstrom, represented py Tracy DOlesky, requesting a variance from Section 18-4B, Ordinance 76-30, the Coastal Area Zoning Ordi- nance, to allow backing out on both Front Street and First Avenue. Marco Island. Mr. Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director, referred to the vIsual map in pointing out the location of the property in question. He stated the petitioner had received a 1977 permit 177-1613 which calls for a storage building on the property and the parking facilities and setback were adequate at the time the permit was issued. Mr. Clemmer 178 ll:.6l4 bk 41 " . ;' .-t~...- ...4.... . " f.,J. ~ . ....... ... ": ,,:;,!~~'t 179" .... , ii:ii bk 41 ..... "" . . ~..:.;t,~..-.j'J"\~ March 28, 1978 . -.<,::- went on to say that in Dacember, 1977, it was discovered that some of the storage buildings had been converted into retail stores, such as a plumbing supply store and an electrical fix- ture store, and the parking lot could not comply with tho requirc- ments for retail establishments. Mr. Clemmer stated there are only a few bathroom facilities to accommodate the buildings. Commissionor Nenzel commented that manufacturing is permitted in the buildings under the present zoning. Mr. Clemmer stated that the staff recommends both petitions be denied. Mr. Tracy Bolesky, Attorney representing the petitioner, stated the petitioner is requesting a parking variance to permit additional parking and also a variance to allow backing out onto Front Street and First Avenue and that he has no intention of converting the buildings into retail est~blishments; if they are converted in the future, thc pctitioncr rcalizes there are certain requirements to be met such as bathroom facilities, fire exits, etc., He further stated that Mr. Sundstrom had never converted the storage buildings into retail stores, rather it was the tenants who had done so and thllt now there are no retail stores at all. Commissioner Wenzel inquired if it is possible for the peti- tioner to acquire land near his property to accommodate the addi- tional parking. Mr. Bolesky stated there is a problem involved as to the east of the property there are power and drainage ease- ments which run down the back of the property which would not facilitate an adjoining property. Chairman Wimer commented that originally the parking had been to accommodate storage facilities and now more parking is needed to accommodate the businesses that have since moved into the buildings. I....t I:J 1::1 March 28, 1978 A tenant of the storage buildings came forward and stated that when she rented the building in December, 1977, sha was under the impression that she would be able to establish a re- tail business but was told otherwise in January, 1978. Since then, she has been operating under her manufacturing license for an arts and crafts shop. The tenant submitted to the Board a copy of the ad with which she had applied for the renting of tho space. There being no other persons registered to speak, Commissioner Pis tor moved, seconded by Commissioner Drown, that the public hear- ing re Petition V-78-5-C be closed. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Petition V-78-5-C by Waldron Sundstrom requesting a variance from Section 35-4A, OrdInance 76-30, the Coastal Area Zoning Ordinance, to permit parking within 25' of th~ front yard setback for Lots 32-39, Block 5, Marco Highlands on Front Street and First Avenue be denied. Motion carried 3/2 with Commissioners Drown and Wenzel dissenting. There being no other persons registered to speak, Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the public hearing re Petition V-78-6-C be closed. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Petition V-78-6-C by Waldron Sundstrom requesting a variance from Section IR-4D, Ordinance 76-30, the Coastal Area Zoning Ordinance, to allow backing out on both Front Street and First Avenuo, Marco Island be denied. ~Iotion carried 4/1, Commissioner Drown dissenting. 180 XJi1i bk 41 .1<'.:- .. '"{ .....: ,'.....;.., ;; ; ,~."... .. 1Bl Hi! bk 41 March 28, 1978 " " " " " " .. " " " " " " " Chairman Wimer left the meeting temporarily at 9:30 A.M. " " " " " " " " " " " " " " APPROVAL OF FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR' LAKE PARX BOULEVARD - ADVER- TISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 25, 1978 Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that approval for the final assessment roll for Lake Park Boule- vard bo authorized for advertising for public hearing on April 25, 1978. Motion carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent at the time of the vote. PETITION V-7B-S-C BY W. H. BUCK HANNON REQUESTING A VARIANCE IN THE IS' SIDE YARD SETBACK LINE FOR LOT 52, PHASE II, NAPLES BATH' TENNIS CLUB - ADVERTISING AUTHORIZED FOR PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 18, 197B Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Petition V-78-8-C by W. H. Buckhannon requesting a variance in the IS' side yard setback line for Lot 52, Phase II, Naples Bath & Tennis Club be authorized for advertising for public hearing on April IB, 1978. Motion carried ullanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent at the time of the vote. " " " " " " " " * * * " L____J --.. L..J March 28, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-46 RE PETITION PU-78-l-C BY DELTONA CORPORATION REQueSTING PR0VISIONAL USE (2) ~F THE RS-4 SINGLE FAMILY DIS- TRICT FOR RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SE CORNER OF SAN MARCO ROAD AND SOUTH lIEATHWOOD DRIVE - ADOPTED- PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - l\CCE~TEO Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, referred to the visual map in pointing out the location of the property in question. Dr. Spagna stated this petition was heard before the CAPC on March 16, 1978 and 2 letters of objection have been received and 9 letters supporting the petition. He further stated the request for provisional use is to build a tennis and racquet ball facility on the property to be used by the residents of the immediate area. Dr. Spagna stated the Planning staff and the CAPC recommends approval of this petition subject to the following stipu- lations: I. Final drainage plans be submitted to and approved by the County Engineer and the WMAB prior to the issu- ance of any building permits. 2. The dead-end parking aisles be waived by the Direc- tor as permitted by the Zoning Ordinance provided parking is prohibited in the six (6) end spaces by appropriate signs and marking (as marked on the site plan). 3. The sidewalks to be a minimum of five (5) feet. 4. The applicant to comply with all zoning requirements at the time an application is made for a building permit. Dr. Spagna stated that Mr. Chris Blunt. representing the peti- tione~ has agreed to the above listed stipulations. Mr. Blunt stated these facilities will be operated by the Racquet Club of Marco Island, a private organization. 1r 1r 1r 1r * 1r . . . * * * * * , At this point in the meeting, Chairman Wimer returned at 9:35 A.M. . . . . . . * : * * * * * * * Mr. Blunt further stated there will be lights on two courts. Commissioner Pistor commented he did not foresee any problems with 182 1XKk bk 41 ", ..:- t. '. ",\ 'N'IS3 ~ bk 41 March 28, ....;.~..;.,I'..:.:."- .......''''.\1_':,......~ . " /:.,~~~~;, ~I: i 978.:.,~~';-~...::..X~ having lights UP as ther~ is a YMCA and a Youth Center and the area will eventually develop into a recreational area. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Resolution 78-46 re Petition PU-78-1-C by Deltona Corporation requesting Provisional Use (2) of the RS-4 Single Family District for recreational facilities on property located on the SE corner of San Marco Road and South Heathwood Drive be adopted with the afore- mentioned stipulations as recommended by staff and that the peti- tioner's agreement to the stipulations be accepted. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. It It It It It . It . It . . . . . . It . 1__1 I~ ~ March 29, 1979 RESOLUTION 78-47 RE PETITION PU-78-2-C BY EDWARD ARMSTRONG REQUEST- ING PROVISIONAL USE (6) OF Tf.~ MHRP MOBILE HOME RENTAL PARK DIS- TRICT FOR A MOBILE IIOME AND TRAVEL TRAILER PARK LOCATED ON RADIO ROAD ACROSS FROM SUNNY ACRES AND HIGH PINES MOBILE HOME PARKS - ADOPTED. PETITIONER'S AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, stated this is part of a non-conforming use which previously was used to a certain extent and the petitioner now wishes to make his park conforming under the pre~ent regulations to operate a mobile home and travel trailer park. Dr. Spagna further stated this petition was reviewed by the CAPC on March 16, 1978 with no objections re- ceived and recommends approval subject to the following four stipu- lations: 1. Petitioner's agreement to the corrections as marked on the site plan regarding the required recreational areas. 2. The petitioner to install the required land- scaping buffer. 3. Tho petitionor to install ~ fire hydrants as required by the East Naples Fire Department. 4. All above items will have to be either installed and completed or adequately guaranteed or bonded for the County's satisfaction prior to the granting of the requested provisional use and final approval of this petition by the Board of County Commissioners. Dr. Spagna stated the petitioner, Edward Armstrong, has agreed to the above listed stipulations and that a letter has been received from Stanley J. Lieberfarb, Attorney, stating the sum of $7,000 is being held in escrow for the payment of the cost of the required landscape buffers and the installation of the two fire hydrants. Commissioner Wenzel inquired as to what happens if .a petition is granted with stipulations and the petitioner fails to carry out what he has agreed to do. Dr. Spagna replied that in those cases the Certificate of Occupancy is not issued and that the Planning Commission has recommended that before any such Certificates are granted, the zoning Director review the case and certify that the requirements have been met. 190 ~ bk 41 "l:. , .. . .'.~. , .. 191 xU bk 41 ./'. ,~.,~ ..,01_..". ~",:,r.r. March 28, 1978 Dr. Spagna, referring to the map, pointed out where the property in question is located. Mr. Jay BishOp, representing the petitioner, assured the Board that the stipulations would be carried out as Agreed and that cash bonds have been put up t6 guarantee such. He then stated that he is submitting a change in the letter from Stanley Lieberfarb.in that the escrow now totals $8,250, and that he has signed contracts with S , H Engineering' Development Corporation to furnish and install the two fire hydrants and with Fritchey Corporation for landscaping materials. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Resolution 78-47 re Petition PU-78-2-C by.Edward Armstrong requesting Provisional Use (6) of the MHRP Mobile Home Rental Park District for a mobile home and travel trailer park located on Radio Road across from Sunny Acres and High pines Mobile Home Parks be adopted with the aforementioned stipulations as recom- mended by staff and that the petitioner's agreement to the stipu- lations be accepted. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * * * * * * * * * * L_J ( .: ".:/.-' (,: ..:.J '~.".'.- ~ March 28, 1978 AGREEMENT W~Tll CHSI rlPPROVED ON FEBRUARY 28, 1978 RESCINDED AND CII^IRMAN AU'rHORIZED TO SIGN CORRECTED AGREEMENT County Attorney Don Pickworth stated there is a transcribing error in the original agreement in that two clauses in the con- tract were run together which changed the meaning of the agree- ment. He further stated that CHSI has reviewed and approved the corrected agreement and requested the Board sign same. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the corrected agreement with CHSI and that the agreement previously approved by the Board on February 28, 1978 be rescinded. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. . . . . . . . . . * . 'II * * . . 196 JbN bk 41 * l_ .....1 LA L-l March 28, 1978 INSTALLATION OF A SINGLE STANDBY POWER UNIT TO PROVIDE EMERGENCY POWER TO THF DATA PRO:ESSING CENTER AND CIVIL DEFENSE CENTER LOCATED IN BUILDING "F" - APPROVED IN THE AMOUNT OF $38,000 AND THE REQUIRE- MENT FOR PUBLICLY ADVERTISED BIDS WAIVED Utility Director Irving Berzon stated that the existing gen- erator for the Civil Defense Center is out of commisBi~" at this time and the question was raised as to whether to repair it and purchase an additional generator for the Data Processing Center on the fifth floor or to provide a single standby power unit to provide cmergency power to both Departments. The estimated cost of repairs for thc Civil Defense unit is $6,000. He further stated a study was prepared by the conoulting engineers for the project which recommends the 300 ~~ diesel generator to serve both the fifth floor and Civil Defense. Mr. Berzon said written proposals have been received and the staff recomm~nds the County purchase the aforementioned generator along with the switch gear, circuit breakers, and fuel tanks necessary for the facility and to provide the material to the contractor, the George Kraft Com- pany, who will be responsible for tho entire installation to be done at a cost of approximately $38,000. Mr. Berzon pointed out that the Criminal Justice Information System will be completely dependent on the computer in the Data Processing Center and for that reason alone, the standby power is necessary. Mr. Berzon referred to the memo dated March 27, 1978 which was submitted to the Board of County Commissioners which outlined the staff recom- mendation of the project. Mr. Harold Hall, Fiscal Officer, stated there are funds bud- geted in the Capital Improvement Program for Data Processing equip- ment on the fifth floor for a small generator and that there are some funds available from Civil Defense. Mr. Hall stated that current funding is the desirable approach in that trying for LEAA funding would take too long. He further stated that the need for auxiliary power on the West Coast is quite different than that of 200 IDU bk 41 201 U~ bk 41 March 28, 1978 inland counties in that loss of power can sometimes occur for days and that it is in the best interest of-the-c~ens of Collier County to purchase a reliable generator that will hold up in ex- trema emergoncies. lie added that every Monc.1ay morning, the gen- erator is to be maintained and run: Mr. Berzon stated that the State offico of Civil Defense has given Mr. Bill Walker a verbal commitment,that they will fund possibly 50\ of the Civil Defense portion of the generator, an amount possibly to exceed $7,000. He further explained that O'Brien Machinery has submitted a writ- ten proposal for a generator, transfer switch and tanks which comes to $28,695, including freight to be delivered to the Courthouse. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the request for the installation of a single standby power unit to provide emergency power to the Data Processing Center and Civil Defense Center located in Building "F" be approved in the amount of $38,000 and that tho requirement for publicly ac.1vertised bids be waived. MotIon passed unanimously 5/0. 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< '" '" '" '" RECESS: 10:00 A.M. to lOl08 A.M. 1< 1< 1< . 1< 1< 1< 1< 1< '" '" '" '" RESOLUTION 78-48 RE TRI-PARTITE AGREEMENTS WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND SEABOARD COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY FOR THE NECESSARY MODIFICATIONS TO THE EXISTING GRADE CROSSING WITH COLLIER COUNTY BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR REIMBURSING THE RAILROAD COMPANY. FOR THE ANNUAL MAINTENANCE - ADOPTED Mr. Clifford Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer, explained that due to the resurfacing program the DOT is doing with federal funds from U.S. 41 to 951, the roads are to be widened and the . existing grade-crossing at the railroad must also be widened and the signals and gates reinstalled. He stated the maintenance agree- ment obligates Collier County to reimburse the railroad company for maintenance of the grade crossing and signal devices. ~...~....:"...-.:" , ......k:.......,' ( ,;'~~~-€:.J~fi . . ..... 1< 1< L._.l L~J " L-..l March 28, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Resolution 78-48 re Tri-Partite Agreements with the DOT and Seaboard Coast Line Railroad Company for the neoessary modifica- tions to the existing grade crossing/with'Collier County being responsible for reimbursing the Railroad Company for the annual maintenance be adopted. Motion carriec.1 unanimously 5/0. NOTE: Complete agreement is on file in office of Clerk of the Board. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 202 ~ bk 41 * .!~"-20g. kU bk 41 ',0'" . .".\":. ,~', r~;;~ ."...~.t. ............ ~..h "\.<';:'f.-:~.~ ',. ~ ~ -"":'1'l ~'.~ .~~,,: ~ March 28, 1978 BID 1302 FOR FURNISHING AND ERECTING FENCING FOR THE COUNTY BARN AWARDED TO C &, C FENCE :0., NAPLES, FLORIDA, IN TilE AMOUNT OF $9,H60.40 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 15 and 19, 197B as evidenced by Affidavit of Publica- tion filed with the Clerk, Purchasing Agont FranK Wilcox advised that bids were received until Wednesday, March 8, 1978 on Bid 1302 for ~urniBhing and installing a six (6) foot high chain link fabric fence with three (3) strand barbed wire at top, twenty- four (24) foot wide double drive gates with three (3) strand barbed wire at top. Mr. Clifford Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer, reported that eight letters to solicit bids were mailed, four bids and blueprints were picked up by vendors; however, only two submitted proposals - Scars at $12,21B and C & C Fence for $9,860.40. lie stated the fence is to be erected as security for the Road and Bridge facilities at the County Barn and the low bid is $4,139.60 under the estimate originally budgeted. Mr. Barksdale furthor stated that three property owners on the eastern end of the Barn property have requested an access easement be provided along the south side of the property to provide for a future connection to County Darn Road. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Did 1302 for furnishing and ere~ting fencing for the County Barn be awarded to C & C Fence Co. in the amount of $9,860.40 as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter of March 15, 1978 and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement; and that the setback on the fence be approved for the necessary easement. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. t _.....1 .J L...J March 2B, 197B DID 1303 FOR ANALYTICAL SERVICES FOR SEWER TREATMENT FACILITIES AND MONITORTNG WELLS :\T SEWAGE TRF.ATMENT PLANT SERVICE AREA "A" Ai-lARDED TO BIG CYPRESS SERVICE CO., NAPLES, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $300 PER MONTH Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 27, 1978 and March 1, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, Purchasing Agent Frank Wil- cox advised that bids were received until Wednesday, March 15, 1978 on Bid .303 for analytical services of Sewage Treatment Facilities and Monitoring Wells at the Collier County Water/Sewer District Service Area A. Utility Director Irving Berzon explained that the analytical services is an annual contract required by the Health Department and DER for sewage treatment operation and the award is recommended to Big Cypress Service Co. of Naples, Florida in the amount of $300 per month for the required testing. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Bid '303 for analytical services of Sewage Treatment Facili- ties and Monitoring Wells at the Collier County Water/Sewer Dis- trict Service Area A be awarded to Big Cypress Service Co. of Naples, Florida, in the amount of $300 per month as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter of March 16, 1978 and that the Chairman and the Clerk' be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. Mot~on carried unanimously 5/0. BOARD AUTHORIZED TO ACT AS THE AGENT REPRESENTING PETITIONERS APPEALING TO HUD IN REGARDS TO THE PROPOSED MINIMUl-1 BASE FLOOD ELEVATIONS Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, explained there are four individuals appe~ling the base flood elevation established by lIUD for the unincorporated area of Collier County and asked if the Board desires to submit an appeal of their own. He 210 JV8l6 bk 41 ~ . . t, ,. . " 211 ki:~ bk 41 March 28, 1978 . ~ "'1' ..,. : t.;;' ~..."~~' -,.~\~:r:.;;f ....~:i~~; . ,..., then stated the names of the four appellantsl V. P. Wood, Jr. of Palm River Estates Unit No 7 represented by Jerry Eckerd; Grover Ericksen representing Coral-Ridge Properties; William I. Living- ston, Attorney, representing Deltona Corporation; Richard J. Baker representing the Scottsdale compan~. Dr. Spagna stated that Scotts- dale Co. has a?pealed as there is a discontinuity between the city limits and. the unincorporated area of the base flood elevation and they felt the flood elevation of 12' should be reduced to 10' on the east side of Gulf Shore Boulevard going through the Park Shore area Units 2 and 5. Dr. Spagna said that he sent a letter to Glenn Wood- ard, Federal Insur.ance Agency in Atlanta, concerning this matter; Mr. Wood is contesting the elevation and feels it should be reduced to a minimum of 9.5 feet; Deltona's appeal is based on the fact they do not feel they have received a sufficient amount of data to deter- mine if the minimum base flood elevations are accurate and would like to file an appeal to receive such data; Coral-Ridge feels there have been some errors made with respect to Pelican Bay and are trans- mitting information to !IUD and asking the elevation be reconsidered. Dr. Spagna reported that all appeals have been forwarded to HUD for review and recommended that they be filed in t1"','"; name of Collier County in that IIUD would prefer to deal with one agency and would perhaps give this matter more ~ttention if in the name of the County. Commissioner Wenzel commented that he feels 10' is sufficient base flood elevation. Dr. Spagna said that the County does not have to file the appeals naming any particular figure. Commissioner Pistor suggested a variance to the base flood ele- vation where a house is on a new lot calling for 12' elevation and all adjoining houses are 8', for example, an average of half the difference in elevation would be determined; in this case, 10'. Dr. Spagna stated he would r.eport on that matter at a later date. '--_1 I,.__J LJ March 28, 1978 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Fistor, tha t the BoarcCbc the appeal agent on behalf of the appellants for base flood elevation levels. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. The Board decided not to submit an appeal of their own in this matter. A short discussion was held concerning the proposed ordi- nancQ regarding the base flood elevations. Dr. Spagna stated a workshOp session will be held on April 4, 1978 with everyone con- cerned attending. Commissioner pistor suggested there be a large newspaper advertisement concerning the proposed ordinance when it comes before the Board. ORD'INANCE 78-13 AMENDING ORDINANCE 78-2, BY EMERGENCY PROCEDURE, TO PERMIT LICENSING WITHOUT EXAMINATION OF ALL SPECIAL'lYCONTRAC- TORS WHO HAVE A COUN~OCCUPATIONAL LICENSE DATED ON OR BEFORE JANUARY 30, 1978 EFFECTIVE MARCH 1, 1978 TO MAY 1, 1978 - ADOPTED County Attorney Don Pickworth stated the emergency that amends the present Contractor's Licensing Ordinance has been suggested and approved by the Contractor's Licensing Board and is suggested for emergency procedure due to the problems that have occurrec.1 concern- ing specialty contractors. He further stated the present ordinance requires the specialty contractors to show they have had an Occupa- tional License for 3 years -- 1974-1977 which is a burdensome provision and, further, the present ordinance states the grandfather provision expire. at the end of this month causing problems for the specialty contractors. Mr. Pickworth then read the amending ordi- nance which, in effect, would permit licensing without examination of all specialty contractors who have a County Occupation~l License date~ on or before January 30, 1978 which would be effective March 1, 1978 to May 1, 1978. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that an emergency does exist. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. 212 ~ bk 41 ..-- "..~"..6{:.'. 213 ua bl< 41 ('~l,,:,.;~ March 28, 1978 Due to the fact the emergency does exist, advertising re- quirement8 are waived and Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Ordinance 76-13, as titled below, amend- ing Ordinance 78-2, the Contractor's Licensing Ordinance, effec- tive March I, 1978 to May 1, 1978 be adopted and entered into Ordinance Book No.8. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. ORDINANCE NO. 78~ AN ORDINANCE MIENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 78-2; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS. SEVERABILITY, EI1ERGENCY. AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MR. RAYMOND DELANEY APPOINTED BUILDING DIRECTOR County Attorney Don Pickworth explained that former County Manager Dale Cunningham, had recommended the appointment of a Building Director from within the Building Department. It was felt by the Board that there was no one within the Department with adequate qualifications and decided to look outside the County personnel for applicants. As a result of advertisement in newspapers, including Tampa and Mlami, Mr. Pickworth stated about 18 applicants were reviewed by Mr. Cunningham and Mr. Ted Thorward from which 6 persons were interviewed for the job and from that the 3 top applicants were selected. At about that time, he explained further, the County Manager resigned and the Board had decided to delay the hiring of a Building Director un- til a new County Manager is hired and allow him to do so. Mr. Pickworth said that he feels it is appropriate to appoint a Bui1d- ing Administrator at this time due to the heavy work load accumu- lating in that Department. He stated interviews of the top 3 applicants were conducted by Ted Thorward, Irving Berzon, and him- self and concurred that Raymond Delaney be appointed as the Build- L .J (, :,' ..'.:.:J L-J March 29, 1975 ing Administrator, being the former Collier County Chief Building Inspector and for the past 2 years has been Building Director for Ch~rlottc County. Mr. Pickworth stated Mr. Delaney's qualifica- tions are outstanding for this job. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the Boa=d accept the recommendation ot the statt and hire Raymond Delaney as the Building Administrator. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. PAY CLASSIFICATIONS FOR BUILDING fu~D ZONING DEPARTMENT HEADS; POSITION BE AT PAY GRADE 47 1$17,305 - $24,232) - APPROVED Mr. Don Pickworth, County Attorney, recommended that the positions of the Building and Zoning Department Heads be at pay grade 47 as he feels there is a certain inequity among the other positions in those Departments less responsible than Department lIeads who are receiving a higher pay grade. Commissioncr Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the Pay ~lassification for Building and Zoning Department Head positi '\~ be established at pay grade 47 C$17,30S - $24.232) and the newly appointed Building Director be paid starting salary of $19,000 which falls within the pay grade 47. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. ROUTINE BILLS - AUTHORIZED FOR PAYMENT Following Fiscal Officer Harold Hall's statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established procedures and that funds are available, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, and carried unanimously 5/0, that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the follow{ng warrants issued from March 22, 1978 through March 28, 1978: 214 :b8(k bk 41 ...~.. . ..... ',' " . .:" - ~ ... , \. '.', . . ~ ~ .... : ':~'-,:~j,~:>~~~~, ";,,,-,~,,- ".~'", I ,~ll>1,~, ' .' 215'" S.U bk 41 March 2B, 1978 FUND WARAANT NOS. General Fund (Manual) 21 - 22 Assessment & Utility Clearing 20 - 23 Improvement Revenue Certificate 7 DCC Payroll 41167 - 41444 General Fund 3916 - 4060 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-63 TO ESTABLISH LINE ITEM BUDCETS FOR THE FEDERAL LPW CONSTRUCTION GAANTS IN THE AMOUNT OF $643,000 _ ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Budget Amendment No. 78-63 to establish line item budgets for the Federal LPW Construction Grants be adopted in the amount of $643,000. Motion carried unanimously 5/0.' m coli;, r~:: "rl.GRi 0;.:,...- _fUL~ T A '/L!::."l 0 ,,1 r: ,., T . ~---- -----.---- _~01 Uaquo:otrng O.)pt. ';,_C~~?}~. __.... _.. RII'!"'OI1 /'.I,:D JU$lJf-lCAI'IOi-l OF N.jEUSo:,:r:lIr nr:QUlSTED (!'r'cpura In 1r'ipllcClfo. Or.o copy 10 ctlJ~~1Cd ~i' tho rcquc~I'lng f),::pM1,r,cnt. :on:urd origlnDl and ona copy to F1!iCld Officer. :on' lnll,' Ion shcets ilIld <rfh~r.:~ 5Upp::>rtlng docurnonts, if ncedcd) , To establish line item budp,cts for the Federal LPW Construction Grants. All of these expenditures have been approved by the Boatd. ' . RED GY DEPARTI.lENT APPROVAL Lfl!.!n DATE 3/23178 DATE COUNTY !':AlMGER APPROYAL DATE ,SECT ION TO DE CO,";PLETED OY F I NN~CE) IICCOUNT fJ.:OW~T (Increase) Servo Bldg. - Arch. Servo Bldg. - Const. Landfill Bldg.Arch. Landfill Bldg.Const. Libraries - Arch. Golden Gate Lib. - Const. lmmokalee Lib. - Const. 39-2101-00-3410 39-2101-00-4010 39-4210-01-3410 39-4210-01-4010 39-6212-00-3410 39-6212-03-4010 39 - 6212-01.-4010 $ 11,287.34 96,328.66 10,200.00 110,000.00 24,100.00 195,542.00 195,542.00 $ 643,000.00. ! : (Source of Funds). i LPW Grants 119203-0039-40 $ 643,000.00 : 1" hI', '14JV0L r'U:'l<LI VI UJUi{ I Y ~,;u.\'~" I S$I Oi{I.I;$ AI'I'HOV~L I UUUG',., ".:;:"0;.""", I ~OATE 3 -'). 7- 7 ~~:.~2!.~~_-.!'L-____~ _ 1~2ll:..6L__----j i$Cdl OfrlC<:I', llrtr:r r'cc:cipf or 1ho 'lpPPJvcd oriqln.11 frorn 'Iho C'.oun1y 11:1I\(IG'~"~ \Ii II I' i7.() 'lIli~ re:(jlJc:,:1 fOT" no..,,.,, icvlC;t ilnd ,,;>provill. 101 lo:'lin!) [1.::liJl"d Dc'tlon, 1hc fl!'.cal .r Hi I I O"O(';(l';<; <',nn row,''!.' [lut:,~~1 f~~oJ:H:,I,(;lltS '1lI"oll!)h ^c~olln 1'1 ng 1lI.,d :-c:nd ~ C1,1p'( r'c rI eet' l. _ I ...J I-J March 2B, 197B BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-64 TO ESTABLISn LINE ITEM BUDGET FOR THE LCCAL COST OF TilE SATELLITE .JERVICE BUILDING - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,000 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Budget Amendment No. 78-64 to establish a line item budget for the local costs of the Satellite Service Building, funding from the Ca~ital Improvement Trust Funds previously approved by the Board, be adopted in the amount of $100,000. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. COI LI 'n ( ) r !J U II (. I: I ^ 1-1 rr N 0 :,1 1-: I~ T .. .' l. \UlIIY,. t.OI~trl^ ~."..~.._-_.- Nllrr,! onlo(jiJ,J:.tll1y O.)pt.__...,..~~~.~ ~-..............-J..___ ___.._______.. DESCfW'r10N /'.m JlISTlrlC/I,.,Oi-l Of (.1'lI:rm:.a.:nr ru-:QUE:Sn:o (P/'r.:pnro In idplfcnto. Ono CI bCl red 1:1 i flec l'y the reC]u':l~_..11 no Ocpltd rf,OI1't. ron-turd ort 91 rwl and ona copy fo rt !;C;,f 0 r U:;o continuiltion ~h~ct!; llnu uHilr;h supporting docurnonts, If nc:odcd) To establish a line-item budget for the local cost of the Sntellite Service Building. Funding from the Capital Improvement Trust Funds was previously a?~roved by the Donrd. COUNTY !.:ANAGER APPHOVAL DATE PREPNlEO GY OEPNmlENJ APPROVAL Steve Fain DATE 3/23/78 DATE ..--.... cnn S .SECTlON TO OE CO;'IPLET.ED BY FINANCE) ACCOUNT fJ.:OUNT TO: (Increase) Satellite Service Bldg. Architecture Satellite Service Bldg. Construction 44-2557-3410 44-2557-4010 $ 3,000.00 97,000.00 Hoo,ooo.OO FR0i1: (Source of Funds) Projects 44-2101-00-4010 $100,000.00 ~ T~-l^J?~ /,PPHDVAL - . I nOl\IlD or COUlHY ~O:.::.lI ss IOi~WS APl'i~\'~L '.1 OUDGEl mE;,tJ f!J)(r!.~ DAlE} -J-7-1 ~D,wE 3/28178 Oy O.c. ,~o. 78-64 ./ II 0 r-! ;;:','; 0 f f I c~ ft;;;.- (-;,~~1;t ;;f-11~~-~~p':'~~r t D II~;-I f':;.~1h;C;u~f y Ilul:' o.W . fill:" l/.r.! -Ihis rc..-pm:-., for' [lo"rJ n:vlc'.., ;Hld <1PP('OVlII. follo:dng R:><u-d tlefton. iha fir. ?ff I cl"cr ~I!.' I rroc()_~!:i l.ppr,w;;cl tllltlg~d /I:~on":!I,()/l-1 $ '/Ill'olliJh Acc:olln 1'1 n!J Clnd r.e;nd il copy r Inll r.t.IIIJ~ 10 the "C(Jllo~Jllllq D,,"'!;h'H't::icn'r. ("r,,.,,, it', PII"'('h,,.~rntl rv, t"':\""':...... "',,,..,...,.,,:,,,,+ 216 ~ bk 41 .. -.,1__;.-' . "."" :""'217 .l.... ,. US bk 41 I.::"", ,', "'>~'.i~;~::~~ljt. . "., ',' ,:;., ,JfjiiltWl " .,,::,,' ',..('" -:'!'~~"t~~}'~ March 28, 1978 ," ":" BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-65 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR LANDFILL IM- PROVEMENTS FkOM PROJECT ACCOUN~ OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT TRUST FUND - ADOPTED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $3,000 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Budget Amendment No. 78-65 to appropriate funds for Landfill , Improvements from Project Account of Capital Improvement Trust Fund which will provide funds for construction change order No. 3 and professional fees be adopted in the amount of $3,000. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. 1I.L I en Coumy, n mH 0/\ _!!..!.U2...9_L!~!i..!;" N 0 14 E li..L.. ' -...~-....._"- _____,_____.__.~r..) of Iloqu'J:l !~;)fJt. __..~~~~.~,.. h.: 't:SCf1ll'TIOtl ;,I'!D JUSTlFIC/,T10;-: OF N-,EtIO:,a-:m Hr:QU[:~m~D (['roflaro In 1r'lp~iltO. Ono 'c;;-: (J n:trJl~10d by 1ho rCCJuo:.llng O"IJ;,rltr'(')I1"t. ronlLH'd original and one copy 10 rJ!lcr.d O(f~~ ~o con fo J nuu t Ion shco1"s lJnd il11'lJt:h supporti ng docurnents, J f ncodod) To appropriate funds for Landfill Improvements from Project Account' of Capital Improvement Trust Fund. This amendment provides funds for construction change order # 3 and professional fecs. tEPP.RED fiY DEPARn.:f.NT APPROVAL ,rucc Lambr~dKTE 3/23/78 DATE --....- HI S ,SECJIO:~ TO DE CO~'lPI.r:n:D OY FINANCE) !ICCOUNT COUNTY r~NAGER APPROVAL DATF. -: N~OUNr TO: (Increase) Landfill Improvements 44-4210-01-l.010 $ 3,000.00 FROM: (Source of Funds) Projects 44-2101-00-4010 $ 3,000.00 ~iW': c l~f~;"nov^L - o:--:--JiJO,,"0iiFCOuNlyoai;::;'i:<s IOI'P'S ^i;l'r"V~L __0' oUooErn.i::w::i8i , ~D^TE} -)..)-1 Ilt\TE 3/28/78 Dy D.C. NO. '78-65 ,--- .----. .-.....----..--.-.-..------------.----.----- o '1!",c;lI Offlccr', llr-Icr (oc:oipt or 1ho ,'pprovod orlgln.11 frorn '1110 Count}' I.t.JrHlgiw. \II I mil 17.0 1hl~ r-eqllll!".t for Oo..rJ n:vlc'" iJlld ltpl'r'ov,JI. 1'01lo~-tlI1!J O;,nr'd lIc"tton, 1ho flr-enl f I (;fJ/' H III l'l,.occ~!> Lo!)r"",,~d I1l/ck,;d f~il..,mllll(m I $ '1Ilrou!jh ACC:OlIt\ n n9 i'lnd $c:nd ~ coPy /"C'l r I, 1.:.,_.-1 I.-J March 28, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-66 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF ~ HYDRAULIC LIFT DOLLY FOR THE HELICOPTER FROM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,900 Commissioner Wenzel moved, secondec.1 by Commissioner Archer, that Budget Amendment No. 78-66 to appropriate funds for the pur- chase of a hydraulic lift dolly for the helicopte~ from Contin- gency Account as approved by the Boarc.1 of County Commissioners on March 7, 1978 be adopted in the amount of $1,900. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. ~1.L1 r~~COU;lI~:"'.r'L~~; ~,~""" BUD G r. 'T A'J.! r N' D 11"f. NT. -----..-----. _____....,~..----=-=--t:iiiii:!o{ 1I0'lIJI.I:'1'1!!.ILE~::tt. ~.;Y-.~~ ..r:>.~~~i JESCf1l PrJ ON !,,"lD JUST! rl C,/, T I Oi~ Of l,j,jrrm;.H::llf m:QUi::Sn:o (1'l'optJro I n hi n" Cll to. Ono . ~ )Q n:1Id~lCC L>~' iho r()qu(I~..tlng Oi:lIHlrflr.cnt. ronlQr'd orlglnlll nod onci c.:o~'1 to rlsc/d o~~~: ~o continuation sheats nod vttach 5upportln~ documonts, If n~edcd) To appropriate funds for the purchase of a hydraulic lift dolly for the helicopter from Contingency Account. as approved by the Board of County Commissioners on 3/7/78. DEPARTI.:EIlT APPROVAL Per Memo fro~~fE Wa318Y78 COUNTY !-lJ\NAGER IlP??/),/ AL REF'P,RCD BY ~~ LambroBt&E 3/23ea DATE rH IS,S Eer I ON TO BE COl<lPLETED BY F J NN~CE) ACCOUNT J.:.:OU~T TO: (Increase) Helicopter Equipment 01-3991-01-4020 $ 1,900.00 FROM: (Source of Funds) Contingency 01-2101-00-7010 $ 1,900.00 (V;}i~:~J -)-7: 7 !.~~::o :;1.::~:~ :;:'<t "~~::[Il:_ ^"~."V^L o.~: '- ::~'~T8~::"X"." he n!,:::,'ll Ofrtcer. llrtl:r rcC':cipl or 1ho '~Pf,ro\'od or-lDIIl~1 frot,\ 'Ihe CC'un1y fu:w!;"r, vII 11I.,:lizr.l -11115 reql/c:-;" for Oo"ru n:vlc~' lJnd ll~prov.)I. follo','l1n!) r>OlJl'd odlon, 1hu Fl!.cnl r f ler.:r \:1.11 pl'oc/).~!; (.rpr,')\'~rJ rJ;~~S(d f~:,:~IH~".OIl ts 1Itr~l~?~..~:~~~"~'.~ ng n~~ ~c:nd l? CI.'il'! refl In.)1 !".'l;t~ur; 1n 1-),11"'. r",,,,,,rl"Ht r..."",t,..r.'" f"o..... ... :118 i5IJt bk 41 ":~ .~' "",~' -~~.." ., ., i >',' . "'. ., ~ ~ . >.f" ....., 219 198 bk 41 (Y. March 28, 1978 BUDGET ~IEND~ENT NO. 78-67 TO SET UP FUNDS FOR MERIT INCREASE IN AQUIITIC WEED CONTROL - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,119.44' Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Budgct Amcndment No. 78-67 to set up funds for Merit Increase for Aquatic Weed Control be adopted. This amount of funds for departments was set up by County Manager and Personnel Department from the C?dy Study and the total amount appropriated for this vro- ject was presented by the County Manager And approved by the Board of County Commissionemat budget hearing session. Anniversary date October lst to be in accordance with the Fiscal Year. Budget Amend- mont No. 78-67 adopted in the amount of $1,119.44 by unanimous vote 5/0. COLLI ER WU:HY" FI.O;W)/'I ^'f.! E fJ 0 /.1 r: /4 T _ 1~llrr.fJ 0 t Hcqu!ls t I n9 U()p'~. __~;-.~on~e: DESCH/PI' I o:~ AND JUST I r I CAT 10:'J 0;: A~.:a:O:.IWT ni:QUESTED (Proptlra In trf p II ell1o. 01'10 CO? be retuinod by 1110 rcqt:cs'ting D~pnr1r~.!lnt. ronlllrd original nnd onti copy to FlsC:ClI Offj USQ contlnuDtlon shoots nnd attvch supporting docum9nts, If noeded) n U f) GET To set up funds for Merit Increase. Anniversary date October 1st to be i~ accordance with the Fiscal Year. This amount of funds for departments was set up by County Manager and Personnel Department from the Cody Study. The total amount appropriated for this project was presented by the County Manager and approved by the Board of County Commissioners at budget hearing session. John Pace DATE 1-31-7 ;)~Er;\REO OY . Anno Hora & :THIS SECTION TO DE COMPLETED BY fII\.I.,NCE) ACCOU:-.lT N.:OUNT TO: (Increase) Salaries & Wages -Aquatic Weed Control Matching Costs 022-6304-00-l020 022-6304-00-1050 $ 973.01 llf6.4. $ 1,119 FROM: (Source of Funds) Renta1- Road & Bridgc Equip./Labor Aquatic Wced Control 022-6304-00-3310 $ 1,119 -..--------------------'-.--------~-'r------- j LJ March 29, 1978 BUDGET N1ENDMENT NO. 79-69 TO SET UP FUNDS FOR MERIT INCREASE IN WATER/SEWER JTILITY DiVISION - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $335.72 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer. that Budget Amendment No. 78-69 to set up funds for Merit Increase in the Water/Sewer Utility Division. The amount of funds for de- partmants was set up by County Manager and Personnel Department from the Cody Study and total amount appropriated for this project was presented by the County Manager and approved by the Board of County Commissioners at budget hearing session with anniversary date October lst to be in accordance with the Fiscal Year, be adopted in the amount of $335.72. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. \, I \.0\.'..."", "",V,'II',,.,J.,J I "".'fl.""" .. - " .. _ .... . w ... COLLI i i: C:OUlHY.. FI.O;~ID,\ ....!l U D GLT ^ f.1 r. IJ [) 1-1 f. IJ T NDr.'.a of nOcjij';'atJr.n OJPt.-Ee..rSOM DESC~{I Pf I ON AND JUST IF ICATI OiJ or N.!END:.!ErH HEQUESTEO Cf'rOptlrO In 1r j p II ellto. One eo be rO~Dinod by tho roquosting DepDrtment. fonlllrd original lInd ono copy to Fl~Clll Off US!! con ti nllllt I on ~hocts l1nd 1l.tfllCh support i n9 do:::um9nt~. I f no()~od) To set up funds for Harit Increase. Annive.rsary date October lst. to be in accordance with the Fiscal Year. The amount of funds for departments was set up by County Manager nnd Personnel Department from the Cody Study. The total amount appropirated for this project was presented by the County Managerand approved by the Board of County Commissioners at budget hearing session. [). 'z:;L. :Ay. ~/~. ?R::PAflED flY .Anne Jlora & OCf'Mm',!!<1 1\t','i\J'/AL John Pace DATE 1-31-78 ~ATE)' 71" ~~;. :J:J,;', ~/?, . :,:1.'.3:::" APrl~YAL d2 ~ DATE )~? , / CTHIS SECTION TO DE COI4PLETED DY FINANCE) ACCOUNT N-lOUNT TO: (Increase) Salaries & Wages -CC Water/Sewer Utility Div. Matching Costs 036-7100-00-1020 $ 291. 036-7100-00-1050 43 $ 335. FROM: (Source of Funds) Legal Services -CC Water/Sewer Utility Div. 036-7100-00-3411 $ 335. 220 U6: bk 41 l Ii.... :0!'.pPJDv AL" . . .,.. l.~ION~O Of cou:'m~ C~:.~.~I ~S Ip:..:~ns .~"i?i~'!A~ ~~r:a~~T; A!:~:~:!):'ll Vr-r,{:t!:tPLrrMrJ"')"'7 ?fr~ATE 3/23178 '"1' , P:0. 78-68 :~ ~ " in" . jlI.szmc bk 41 ,'..~~.~~~ ~~ .,.;......*1~. ".~.i! !! ... .........~ March 28, 1978 . -....~.,..-.;,::..:. BUDGET AJIENDMENT NO. 78--69 TO SET UP FUNDS FOR MERIT INCREASE IN SEWER DISTRICT "A" 0 & M - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $744.37 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Budget Amendment No. 78-69 to set up funds for Merit Increase in Sewer District "A" 0 & M; the amount of funds tor departments set up by County Manager and Personnel Department from the Cody Study and' total amount appropriated for this project was presented by the County Manager and approved by the Board of County Com- missioners at budget hearing session with anniversary date October 1st to b~ in accordance with the Fiscal Year, be adopted in the nmount of $744.37. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. Ol.l'lrR~C(;l'J;rr~::'i:I'.ci~iD.'\""- _Cl U () G!:'T ^'J.1 r: I~ 0 /.1 1: /4 T -~ . r~arr,!:J of ffii'CjUOstlng Uo:lpt.--l'_Elr~onnel JESCfU f'Tl 0:-1 M:D JUST I F I CI\TlO:~ OF N.:a:O:.:WT n2QUESTCO . CPrcptlro In 1:-1 pit ClI'!'O. O:t~--;~~"" )0 rcf..,ined by tho rcq~osl-Ing Ocp(lrtm':m'~. For-ward original nnd ono copy to Fisc", Off'i~( Jsa con'~ i nlla"t r on ~h(lC'~5 llnd ot tilch !'.urport i n9 documents, If nceded) To set up funds for Merit Increase. Anniversary date October 1st to be in accordance with the Fiscal Year. The amount of funds for departments was set up by County Manager and Personnel Department from the Cody Study. The total amount appropriated for this project was presented by the County Mana~er and approved by the Board of County Commissioners at budget hearing session. lEPAHED or [\nne Hora & 'ohn Pace DATE 1-31-78 S6UNT'f I ~',:j:.GCR ^PPI~Y^L ~.t.J. DATE;h ",hI' I-J ~lll~'fF "rpII!l':.\t 1J :<.(5. DATE ~01 HiS S ECn 0:-.1 TO DE Cm,!PLETED or F I NANCE) ACCOWlT AI.JOUNT TO: (Increase) Salaries Ex l-lages - Sewer Dist. "A" 0 Ex M Natching Costs 012-7102-00-1020 012-7102-00-1050 $ 647.00 97.37 ~ 744.37 FROH: (Source of Funds) Accou'nting Ex Admin. -Sewer Dist. "A" O&M 012-7102-00-3411 $ 744.37 ~Zl:!Jt;7 :!:.~_'J :,:;~: v~1 ~~;~' c~...:':" v.""' ~~:~~_J :~~v';8'::'~'= o. f'I::(;;)1 ?ff!ccr, after ,'cccipt of 'Ih:.! opprcwcd origin;:" fro::l '1h3 Coun.ty ":ani:1!jcr, \-li II Itdl 17.0 'thl!> rcq::est fcl(' t;o<wd j'c,vlml <In.:! nppro'liJI. .Follo,..;fnu fl;),,,ru tletlon, '(he rl!;cal ! ~Tc:: ~:i) I pro:::(~~!> ..r:JI".:)'-'-;:I! lllldao.t /':~en(,:~~!;, h. ihr'oeg!'! ,..CCUlll11'ina md f,nnd i) C(,py ref Ic. ~.JI<11u5 '10 'Iho /"(:(I;;.;);;-l'In9 [)llj'llrJr:;(:nt. COllY '10 l'll;ch,!:,;;n<l OIl (:Cl;d-r-.~I cCllIlpmflilt. I ._~ ,.,;;" I ~ March 28, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-70 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR TAX COLLECTOR'S COXMISSIONIi WITHHELD FROM TA,^ DISTRIBUTIONS - AD~!?:~Q._1-~__'fHE AMOUNT OF $28,215 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Budget Amendment No. 78-70, to appropriate funds for Tax Collector's Commissions withheld from tax distributions, be adopted' in the amount of $28,215. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. COI:L-jm,l'CU1n,'" rt.orno,1\ ....,!!...~.Q G I; 1 f\ lir N 011 ,.= 1-1 T , ..-=--...,.._-~--"------------_.- ~n-! of n~ng---E~Pt._.,._~,L~~. DESCH II- rJ Oil /'.1-:0 JUST! r 1 C/,TI ON Of {,i.IEl iD:.a,:u r RFGUlSTI.:O (rrOf)IlrO in 'Ir I r II f 0 - b; rc~t"j:10d bi' tho rcquo~.Hng O'::1JMfrr.cn"t. rorHi.'lrd orIgli'llJl and onci co~y ~~ ~i!.c/J~Oo~o UJo con f r nlJlI t Ion shcols 1II1d II" tach support I n9 documcnh, If needed) r To appropriate funds for Tax Colletor's Commissions witheld from tax distributions. PREf"P.RED GY OEPART1.:F.flT APPROVAL Bruce Lambrose DATE 3/16/78 DATE COUNTY r~N^GER APPROYAL DATe (nns ,SECTION TO DE COI'IPLET.ED OY FINANCE) ACCOUNT TO: (Increase) Commissions-Collector A!.:OUNT 005-8110-00-3340 007-7102.00-3340 009-3210-00-3340 009-4101-00-3341 009-4104-00-3340 014-7102-01-3340 015-6301-00-3340 024-4210-00-3340 026-3210-00-3340 037-4102-0l-3340 037-4102-02-3340 037-4102-03-3340 037-4102-04-3340 037-4102-05-3340 042-7103-00-3340 $ 225.00 950.00 2,550.00 83.00 25.00 1,260.00 67,00 8,715.00 50.00 2,700.00 5,400.00 1,950.00 720.00 3,100.00 (:20.00 ~215.00 222 iSH! bk 41 " ,,;;.,;O[ -i ;';,'r<m\;:-"--'---l'ioA'iO-o,: cWNrY'CC:.::"ss lii;.:r"^,, '1"\'AL --r ll\JO(;f.T "i:;C"",.", 'hJ~o"'!1-?-)~_7.:1I~~'-~E 3 L2~L?~___."~_____,_....!~:E:._~~?~_ he r;~.c.1I ?r ricer-, Mtcr n'c:cipt of Hlo. VflPl"ovcd odgln,'I1 fn:lll'llhu CC>ll.nf~' !!.Hl;'l!:l..,....yi 111.-: II "'J 'I II I 5 roque:; I fe)/' rlo.,nl n.:vl 0;., ...mcf ";"prOVt.' _ :rollo~dn!J .R.:l,')rd'octfon," 1 he. f'I !:Cll ffkrJI' 1Ii.ll p"()ct),~;:; ('PP""w~c1 [l:rd~t;d !.:i:cndlf.(m t~ "through !.ccollnti o!J nod send;) CIJPY r'e r I(Iolf ~.t~ltlJ~ 1n thr: r'nC1l1c~.~rillfJ,-O,.,;'"u'I::~(!il.t.. r-~.t"" of" P,".,.".,.~tn" _... ......_:...... "',...:......"...... '.. "- :'\.~..'..:.. '223 ~ bk. 41 f.."'" , ',.,.. " ..,'".. ,:;,' ;:';;1-~JP ". ...",..~,l''''i!r. A. \~~'~',i':'~C ~f' ;1:r1~:~!5 '.~.., ' '. \.". March 28, 1978 R'''; "EO OY --I OEl'ARn-IENT APPROVAL Bruce Lambrose , _"__. DATE 3/16/78 DATE: - ---------===----------=--- fll 1 S .SECT! ON TO Or: co:,:rU:'r:EO BY F r NAt~CE) IICCOUNT Cowny !/oANAGER ',PPHO'/AL DATE A/.:OUNT FROM: (Source of Funds) Continp,cncy Accounting Services Marco Fire MSTD 'Port-Au~Prince Debt Scr. Westlakc'Mowing/Water Adm. & Clcrica1 o & M Expensc Solid Waste Mgmt. Equip. Control Fire Service Construction-Dist.C1 Construction~Di~t.D2 Construction-Dist.#3 Construction-Dist.#4 Construction-Dist. U5 Operations 005-8110-00-7010 007-7102-00-3411 009-3210-00-3410 009-4101-00-5000 009-4104-00-3410 014-7102-01-3414 015-6301-00-2040 024-4210-00-4020 026-3210-00-3410 037-4l02-01-4010 037-4102-02-4010 037-4l02-03-4010 037-4102-04-4010 037-4102-05-4010' 042-7l03-00-2040 $ 225.00 950.00 2,550.00 83.00 25.00 l,260.00 67.00 8,715.00 50.00 2,700.00 5,400.00 1,950.00 720.00 3,100.00 420.00 $28,215.00 ~'A';: .i-::"i::~ .~=I:~:'D~~2~~~:'~-~~"ss~:ni~_^Pi:_~~Al o_~l~:::T_ ~:i;:~m: 10 Fi!'.c,l/ ~fflccr', Drier ro(':clpl or tho uPP"'.J\'od odDl".,1 f"om 1ho ('.(\un1y '!..Irma!H". \111 I lIl'llflc '!hl~ rcrplc!'.1 (or' nOi'1"I1 icvlo~~ nlld ll;JpI'Ov.:JI. 1'01l0\,rl"0 R,;,lll'd (letlon, 1ho Fi!'.cal ttTc:r~.~~l"I,! r~o~(.:;s l'rpr'")~'yrJ [I~~~?I,J\:;:~Q\IIlI()ll'tS 1',r~lJuh. ^C<;OlIllt'ing ilnd se:nd l) cOP'1 re(l( BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-71 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR REPLACEMENT OF TWO P.A. SYSTEMS - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $700 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Budget Amendment No. 78-71 to appropriate funds for the replacement of two P.A. systems that were stolen, source of funds from unused fertilizer account in Parks Department, be adopted in ; the amount of $700. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * * l.c.LJ . ...... ~ March 29, 1978 COl.L1 rn COU;lIY, n.Of\li)/\ ..,~!..Y.-~.~..JLL.lL!li1L!>.J.:UU.L!... PARKS. & .' ...L_~~,~_._.._,.._________.__ __.____~ _..!.:::!~?..L!.~~~J2!:.' 111/ ~,jflt. __~t~.R~~~ OESCnll'!'IOil /',r:a JU5T\FIr..'II'/Oj'l or N.l::tlIJ:.:r.lzr m:QULSTLO (l'I'oplIro In hlpllc/llo. ~~ bo n:tCllllcd OJ' illo rl!qu(sllng flCI'{,rt",on"t. ronlclrd orlglnul end Clno copy to rl~c1.t1 0(. U=:o conti nllo tion Shr.1l1... wid llt Inch supporting docur~onts. If nc:odccJ) . To appropriate funds for replacement of two P.A. Systems that were stolen, Source of Funds from unused fertilizer account in Parks Dept. PREPARED Oy DEPART[.lENT APPROVAL Bruce Lnmbrose Per Memo from R. Rice DATE 3/23/78 DATE 3/16/78 . , COUNTY r.ANAGER IIPPR5Yi\i: DATE (TH I S .S ECTI ON TO BE CO~'IPLET,F.D BY F I NIII~CE) ACCOUNT fJ.:our-rr TO: (Increase) Equipment 01-6102-00-4020 $ 700.00 FROM: (Source of Funds) Fer ti 1 her 01- 6102-00-2111 $ 700.00 r: I NM:Cr: /,1 'I'nav Al- . OOi\HD 01' COLJNl Y CO:,::1.1 55 I Oi~t'J(S ilPl'fR"lY AL I mmGf.T IJ.ji::-''1Ji ..'o!iib!!- DAT~I ').-7:.J} .~~~:~_~e.~/ 7~__~Y-__n___._~ .!!5!: '7 8-2~ '1110 Fi~,C.,ll Officer, "r-tcr ('()r.olpl or 1110 ;Jpprovcd orlgTIl.'l1 fr'om tho County I.t.HIllCiH', \ flrmll;~e 'Ihls rCC]l1c~.J for' flOill'd rcvlm, <Jnd ll?prOv,ll. roIICl~.t1na fu'J/"d ndlon. 1ho flr.c 0[( ker \:1,11 proco,:>!; Lpjlr,)\'~(J llmlst;l'! ^:;~~n\:/Ij(lIl Is 'lI,rouuh AccoullH nD l'InrJ s<:nd 1.1 cop'! n (/n.)/ ~;'I,dll:; 10 thn J()tl1l1lr, I 111(1 fl,'n;'l'lr;lr.llL 1".._.. ~"I'"......"..I......_ __.t.'.1 .....t.......l BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-72 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR THE PURCHASE OF BOOKS FOR THE COUNTY ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT FROM CONTRACTED SERVICES- ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,500 Commissioner Wenzel moved. seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Budget Amendment No. 78-72 to appropriate funds for the pur- chase of books for the County Attorney Department from contracted services be adopted in the amount of $1,500. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. * * * * 224 ilUa bk 41 * ~",~.c-,~. ~t:: ~ .. " , " '."-. 1'fl'~' I" .... , 'l'\~.~~r.. _ ':_ :...~f,*'1,,'~ .... . -.', '1.'It~.i!ii! . ."..,..........~ '.I .r;',)(<r.;.;' . .l",' ., 225 ~~~ bk 41 1.L1 rn cowny" rtOl~1 O^ ...}~.,~.~~..0-1LI_...6.11..l:..!.:UU:! !.; rolL COUN'fY. --...... "''-"--'_.~.__________._._.___. N.lIr.-il 0 rTlcqulJ:> t'lll!] D.)pt. _~~~1..9,R!~~.Y ::scm 1'~'1 o;.~ /-,r-:Q JU~T1 r I C.~\T I Oi~ OF N,lEiiD:,:ElIr m:QUESTED (l'rcpDro "'"1,;-1"'1 ~jj;;;;:~~~;;' :: nlt,jfIH~~ IJ.,. 1he requo~..tll1a n'::pitJ'IIMmL ronlord origlnnl nnd one copy to FI!.CtJI.Offle. ;0 con I" j nUll I ion shco1 S <lIltJ .11 I"veh support I 119 documonts, 1 f nClodod) March 28, 1978 To apprQpriate funds for tho purchase of books for the County Attorney.Department from contracted servides. EPJ\RED OY DEPARTI,lENT APPROVAL 'uce Lambrose DATE 3/23/78 DATE HIS ,SECTION TO DE CO:VIPLETFD BY FINM~CE) ACCOUNT COUNTY !/.ANAGER APPRO\' AL DATE fJ.:OUNT '0: (Increase) Subscriptions 01-2103-00-3320 $ l,SOO.OO 'RON: (Source of Funds) Contractual Servo 01-2103-00-3410 $ 1,500.00 ftM::~~-~-7~ ;~-~~~:~-~:~~~':. c~:' iss~~iia;:--^"'~"V~::~c. ~~T 7 ;;~::'~" o FIsc,1! Ofliccr. elfieI' r"er.oipl o( 1ho upprl.lvod orl~IIl"1 from tho County [.I,'Il(l!)n,> \III rwll%r~ 'lhis roqlle:;'1 (0/' GOi1f"J n~vlc'.-I <HId ':1pproval. rollo~tlI1011.:)tlf"d Dctlon, 1110 Flr-cnl f !cor Hill 1)"OCC~5 <'Dor,w.ccJ lluG~~rJ1 h~un'.:"wlrl s "I hrough ^CCOIIIl II n9 and ~c:nd ~ coPy rc fI t BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-73 TO TRANSFER FROM CONTINGENCY TO CONTIN- GENCY RESERVE TilE AMOUNT OF FUNDS CURRENTLY IDENTIFIED AND RESERVED FOR THE YEAR-END CARRYOVER - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $41,465 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Budget Amendment No. 78-73 to transfer from Contingency to Contingency Reserve the amount of funds currently identified and reserved for the year-end carryover be adopted in the amount of $41,465. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. .. * .. * * !. '"J L-J March 28, 1978 COI.L1 m cour'J1 Y :. ',:i (J;~ i O:~....~ _!~.Y...QS::_~~ ^ '/-1 [ N D :-l to: I~ T '-L-.._'-__...__.._____.______. ~.!!f HoCjU7:t.;t.!!!..ttt!'.jpt. ...:-~~~.~!<_ [)ESC:!:IPfl:J;~ t.m JU~T1I'ICATJOi~ Of {,j.IEliI);:ElH REQULSTED (I'r'cplJ,..o In 1,..lpllcOIto. 000 co bet ,..ct,.,j"oc by 'lt1O n:quo:.lln!J D.:l[lM'lrr.fJl1t. fon:'1rd orlgliml and onc:i copy to rise'" Olf' U!:O con I j nual'l on sheots Lllld nHM.:h support I n9 documonts, ff noedod) To trnnRfcr from Contingency to Contin~ency Reserve the amount ._ of funds currently identified and reserved for the year end carryover. PREPP,f\ED GY Harold L, Hall DATE 3/23/78 DEPARTI-lENT APPRQ'/AL DATE COUNTY !/II\NAGER I,PPOOYAL DATE .-. (TIllS .SECTION TO BE COMPLETED 0'1' FINANCE) ACCOUNT fJ.:otJNT TO: (Increase) ContinRency Reserve - General Fund 001-2101-00-7011 ~ 4l,46 FROM: (Source of Funds) Contingencies-General Fund 00l-2101-00-7010 $ 41,46: ...--.., .. ..- -------d.-.----....-----.......--.-..-------r:: m: 1~I\lh" . /,pl"rlOVAL'" uq,^.I\O OF COUNTY ~C:.'~J, I 55 10i~WS ~1'l'r~j\'~L. BUDGf.T /J.;U:o;.: i ~AT'<-l-?--? DATE 3/28/78 Oy D.C. I!O. ' 78-73 - _.._--~_______. _.a__.____ _____ _ . "1'0 rir-c.d OUlcer', n(Jcr r'ccolpt of tho uppr'ovcd orlOIIl.:l1 from tho Counfy rl.HI.:l!l,1r. \i flrll:II7.C 'Ihis rCC]lJc~t for rlo\,rlll'cvle'.~ vnd i1?provill. rollo'..rlll!] &'.wd <Jdlon, 1ho flr.c O(f( lcor Ili.11 proC0.:>5 l,ppr")\'\ld [Il1d,~l)t r.:~on'.:fIItmts 1hrouilh Accounting llnd !o(:nd l) copy rc In"J !;1'iI'tU5 in thn "r\/IlI("l~tlnft n,",....."",.tt~:,......,~ r-....".,...._ I"....,....~..t"',......... ___'.6..' .......f.._..._... BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-74 TO ADJUST EQUIPMENT BUDGETS FOR VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS FOR THE PURCHASE OF VEHICLES UNDER BID 1280 - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $6,17l Commissioner Wenzel moved, 'seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Budget Amendment No. 78-74 to adjust equipment budgets for various departments for the purchase of vehicles under Bid 12801 the net amount underspent of $3,360 will increase contingencies account, be adopted in the amount of $6,171. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. '" '" '" '" 226 2Q2 bl< 41 '" .i ..._1 L.J March 28, 1978 BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-75 TO APPROPRIATE ANTI-RECESSION FUNDS FOR OFFICE SUPPL~ES IN TH~ GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Budget Amendment No. 78-75 to appropriate Anti-Recession funds for Office Supplies in the General Government Account be adopted in the amount of $10,000. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. ~.......". I I ,....v....., r .'.... a \/i....I\.1 .. OI.L I en (JI.!,'lf Y, rlGI~ 10/\ ....,q,..l!..J2.. G r: T ^ 'J.! 1:' Nor.! E t~ T -----..._..__.h__~__._..___.______._ '~:m;;07si.:;1'ln!J n.::pt: ,ClERK DF.SC~ Ii'! I Oil JJ:D JUST! r I r./, Tl Oio/ OF f,i,jE; m:.:w r m:QU[STW err opo ro In 'IT I P II cnl-; ~_._'~~~ .~~ -~ :>(1 rClt~lncd tI,' tho n~'luo~'.tlng Cl,::pMllr,'::li1"t. f01"'tli'lrd orj~lnill end one copy to r1!oC'JI,Off~: ):;0 co" I j flUil t j on Sflccds mid ld tc,,~h 5Uppor t I n~ docurnont!;,. i r nooded) To appropriate Anti Rec~ssion funds for Office Supplies in the General Government Account. RF.PP.m:o Oy DEPARTr-lENT APPROVAL iarold L. Hall DATE 23 78 DATE TIi IS .SECT ION TO OE C01-iPLETED UY F I NN',CE) ACCOUNT COUtHY !/oN~^GER APPROV At DATE "J.:DUNT TO: (Increase) Office Supplies 38-2101-00-2050 $ 10,000.00 FROM: (Source of Funds) Other Salarics 38-2101-00-1021 $ lO,OOO.OO ;17ft;cr?~f~iy~v~-:-U_.-JEjo.'\HV Of"- couim~cr):'::!.ISS iOi~mS N'PftOV^l BUDGET ;j:i~ 11J_j~4!n^T(J -J..7"'?~YME 3/281.78 By . D.C. tto_ 78-75 -__._. ...~...._ti~.._ .....____.__________ he ri!.cdl Orriccr, lifter n:r.clpt of iha "'ppr'ovcd odolr,.,1 Ir'ol.' 1110 C".ounty r1.JII<loor. vii 1,,::11"'1 'lIds r.cquc~l for' [lodrJ i"cvic'" .md <l?fH"OVoll. follr.f.'fin!l Cl::>iWd t1c1ion, 1h~ Fir.cill rr Ir,.'1rt~If..1 ~ p"OCQ.:;~ l,pp,.,)\'.~l! [llldS'.lI f.:;:0:J~:II.()lrt$ "lhrou!Jh ',cc:oulltlng Clnd send 0 CI.IPV ref! In,l ~. d.l,tl 1f\ th,..,. r''''fl'''''''';''''' fl...'"l..,.............~ ,..... ....a r~,"......,..t...... __ . _. II..' ... BUDGET AMENDMENT NO. 78-76 TO APPROPRIATE FUNDS FOR PROPERTY APPRAISER'S COMMISSIONS PAID QUARTERLY FROM REAL ESTATE TAXES COLLECTED - ADOPTED IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,468 Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that Oudget Amcndment No. 78-76 to appropriate funds for Property Appraiser's Commissions, paid quarterly from Real Estate Taxes col- lected, be adopted in the amount of $4,468. Motion carried unani- mously 5/0. 228 iQIt bk 41 . ,01,' -. ,'~. . ~~: ~l "..': ...'.':'.;.:":.1."-:" " L.._ j I .,~_j L...A March 28, 1978 RESOLUTION 78-49 FOR CRIMINAL JUSTICE INFORMATION SYSTEM AUTHO- RIZING SHERIFF ROGEttS AND CLERK REAGAN TO APPLY FOR LEAA GRANTS m THE NAME OF TilE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS - ADOPTED Fiscal Officer lIarold Hall presented the proposed resolution re the Criminal Justice Information System which would authorize Sheriff Rogers and Clerk Reagan to apply for LEAA grants in the name of tho Board. He said it is identical to a resolution passed last year but LEAA office is requesting a new resolution be passed this year. Commissioner Archer moved, secondec.1 by Commissioner Wenzel, that Resolution 78-49 for Criminal Justice Information System autho- rizing Sheriff Aubrey Rogers and Clerk William Reagan to apply for LEAA Grants in the name of the Board of County Commissioners be Aaopted. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. . . * * 11 11 . . * . . . . 11 . 230 2d)c6c b k 41 . ';; . >, ';" l".- ,....'.......; " "~ ':~, . '. " .-'1' ") '. ~,.. .,..',>.~?~ >. (;~i~~ . ',", ,;.',t.;;;";'J. 2 33" 29Ji bk 41 March 28, 1978 CONTRACT FOR NAPLES W-r:r,DERNESS ALTERNATIVE PROGRAM WITH OUTWARD BOU:JD - LEM GRANT - CONTINUElJ FOR ONE WEEK Fiscal Officer lIarold Hall requested that discussion for con- tract for Naples Wildernoss Alternative program with Outward Bound re LEAA Grant be carried ove+ until next week. STAFF AUTHORIZED TO ORDER SIGNATURE PLATES TO STATE CHAIRMAN PISTOR AND VICE-CHAIRMAN BROWN Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the staff be authorized to order signature plates to state Chairman Pistor and Vice-Chairman Brown. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. STAFF AUTHORIZED TO HIRE ADDITIONAL STAFF ACCOUNTANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,000 FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE YEAR Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that due to increased activity in Assessments, Tax Districts, and Accounts Payable Purchasing, a need is created for an additional staff accountant. Funding of $8,000 for the remainder of this year is available. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the staff be authorized to hire an additional staff accountant. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. COMl>l1SSIONERS SUBHIT THEIR LIST OF 10 NAMES OF COUNTY MANAGER APPLICANT TO TilE STAFF FOR REVIEW AND TO NARROW DOWN THOSE NAMES COl>lMON TO EACH LIST Commissioner Wenzel recommended that each Commissioner turn in their list of 10 potential applicants for the County Manager position, which they had each chosen from a list of 27, to the staff for their revie\~. Chairman Wimer suggested that before the end of the meeting the staff will be able to determine on which names the Commissioners seemed to agree. Commissioner Archer did not have his list available at that time and stated he would submit it that after- noon. '..,:~_.... ~ ., ......:. .. 239 lllil6 bk 41 , ,..... '.:\t:~ '.'r.il .,"',..~:;.t.lj1 .~~~:,:".:.;::~:. ~~'" March 28, 197B CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO TilE SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MAN7\GEMENT I.,ISTRICT REQUESTINC THEY REVIEW THE WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT NO. 7 REPORT PREPARED BY BLACK, CROW, , EIDSNESS IN 1975 Administrative Aide to tho Board Mary Morgan stated a letter dated March 22, 197B from the Water Management Advisory Board re- quested that the Board of County Commissioners ask the South Florida Water Manag~ment District to review Water Management Dis- trict No. 7 Report prepared by Black, Crow' Eidsness in 1975 as they feel such a review is important to the proper planning and coordination of water management activities in the District 7 area. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to the South Florida Water Management District requesting that they review the Water Management District No. 7 Report. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." At this point in the meeting, Commisaioner Archer left temporarily at 11:10 A.M. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." REQUEST BY FRANK MAGGIO FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A SEAWALL ON LOT 1, BLOCK C, UNIT I, LITTLE HICKORY SHORES, S5, T48, R25 - APPROVED.- BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT READ INTO RECORD Dr. Jay Harmic, Environmental Consultant, read into the record the DER biological assessment which accompanied the EAc review of a request by Frank Maggio for construction of a seawall in Little Hickory Shores, as required by Florida Statutes. Dr. Harmic stated he has already inspected and approved this project in November of 1977 and would again make a final inspection. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the project of Frank Maggio for construction of a seawall on Lot 1, Block C, Unit 1, Little Hickory Shores, SS, T48, R25 be approved. Motion carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote. L.__ I 1._....:.1 L-.J March 29, 1979 REQUEST BY BLACK, CROW, & EIDSNESS FOR CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION TO TRANSPC:lT MEN ANLJ MATERIl>{.S BY MOTORIZED VEHICLES ALONG THE BEACHES OF FLORIDA TO PERFORM A BASELINE CONTROL SURVEY FOR THE DNR AS REQUIRED BY FLORIDA STATUTES, CHAPTER l6l - CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION SUBJECT TO REVIEW BY DR. HARMIC WITH THE CONSULTANT FIRM Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that a Certificat~ of Exemption be issued to Black, Crow' Eids- ness to transport men and materials by motorized vehicles along the beaches to perform a baseline control survey for the DNR with the stipulation that the person responsible for this project meet with Dr. Jay Harmic, Environmental Constultant, to discuss the types of vehicles, access points, and the frequency of use. Motion carried unanimously 4/0 with Commissioner Archer absent at the time of vote. * * " * * * * * * * * " * * * 242 ~ bk 41 * t _ __ I 1:.L.J L.J March 28, 1978 REQUEST BY SHERIFF ROGERS FOR 12 DAYS GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. 10 A~2931R FOR EXE11PLARY BEHAVIOR - APPROVED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that 12 days gain time for Inmate No. 10 A'293lB for exemplary behavior bo approved. Motion carried unanimously 4/0, Commissioner Archer absent at the time of the vote. .. 11 11 11 11 .. 11 11 . . . . . . Commissioner Archer returned at 10:15 A.M. . . . . * .. . #I . . . * * * BOARD AUTHORIZED TO COMPLETE A CHECKLIST IN REGARDS TO THE SAFE.. DRINKING WATER WORKSHOP AT THE SACC CONFERENCE IN SEPTEMBER SPONSORED BY NACo Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan explained that NACo will be sponsoring a Safe Drinking Water Workshop at the SACC conference in September and in order to make sure the workshop is targeted toward the issues of the most importance, NACo has re- quested the Board to complete a short checklist. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the Board be authorized to complete said checklist. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. ADDITIONAL BACK PAYMENT IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,022.42 FOR FORMER ENPLOYEE ANTHONY ASCOLESE - APPROVPoD Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the additional back payment in the amount of $1,022.42 for former employee Anthony Ascolese for insurance payments made by him and pay increases granted during his suspension be approved. Motion carried 4/1 with Commissioner Wenzel dissenting. . CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE RE THE GRANT FOR REHABILITATION AND TREATMENT PROGRAM FOR THE ALCOHOL-RELATED CRIMIN1.L OFFENDER t77-A4-C9-EAOl-AUTHORIZED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated the Board has received a grant 1'77-A4-09-EA01) for Rehabilitation 244 ~ bk 41 --.. ~ ~'." .. .. ~~!,...:,;.,,-,-- ...... .,....... " ,:~,:)).::': :;~~;k~ . ........... 245 221: bk 41 March 28, 1978 and Treatment PrograM for the Alcohol-Related Criminal Ottender from the Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance and to complete the processing of this grant award, form aCJPA-l and a Certificate of Acceptance must be completed and returned. , . Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that form BCJPA-l and the Certificate of Acceptance be authorized to be completed and returned. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. NOTE: Form BCJPA-l sent to Mental Health for completion. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 247 ~ bk 41 March 28, 1978 ''',',--,' ~.,'.tI:;'i'~~-':'''_f'.(~'''' ',_"O,?".' 9. Letter from !IRS dated March 13, 1978 with a copy of the RJcommended Salari~9 and Benefits for Career Service Employees for FY 1978-79. The Department of Administra- tion has requested HRS to submit a response to them by April IS, 1970, and HRS is requesting that this manual be reviewed and any suggestions or recommendations be forwarded to them by April 7, 1978 - filed. 10. The DER announces public ~orkshops to discuss the iden- tificatlon of agencies responsible for planning and implementing solid waste management at the local govern- ment level to be held in April in Ft. Lauderdale, ,Orlando, and Tallahassee in compliance with Section 4006/b) of Public Law 94-580, the Federal Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of October, 1976 - filed. 11. PSC Notices - filed for the record. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * RECESS I 1ll1S A.M. to 11123 A.M. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * UTILITY EASEMENT RE IMMOKALEE SEWER PROJECT RE JOHN SNETSINGER _ FILED FOR THE RECORD Pursuant to action taken by the Board on October 25, 1977, wherein the Board approved the acceptance and expenditure of funds for the recording of ,all Utility Easements related to the Immokalee Sewer Project, Utility Director Irving Berzon submitted the follow- ing Utility Easement, same having been recorded in the Official Records: 1. John Snetsinger * * * * * * * * * * * L._..I 1.....1 L.J March 29, 1979 Engineering Department to deepen the canals in and around the homes on Cypress ~oint Drive befor& the rainy season begins and that the Doard consider reopening the Gordon River south of his property where it was filled in to make golf courses. The Chairman directed this letter be filed for the record with a xc to Engineering. MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE FILED AND/OR REFERRED There being no objection, the Chair directed that the following correspondence be filed and/or referred to the various departments as indicated below: I. Letter dated March 20, 1979 from State Senator Jon Thomas acknowledging receipt of Board's opposition to sa 26l. . 2. Notice from Bureau of Criminal Justice Planning and Assistance that the Board has satisfied Special Condition .1 re Youth Guidance Volunteer Program C76-J6-09-FF01) - filed for the record with xc to Kathy Manz. 3. Report from the Lee County Electric Corp. for the month of February, 1978, regarding street lights added to or removed from the Marco & ImmoKalee Lighting Districts - filed with xc to Engineering. 4. Letter dated March 22, 1979 from Governor ASKew regarding the Board's opinion on crime education in the schools. Governor Askew has forwarded Board's correspondence to Commissioner of Education Ralph Turlington for his con- sideration - filed. 5. Letter dated March 20, 1979 from Senator Lawton Chiles re pending action to be taken by the Senate and House on the Older Americans Act - filed. 6. Copy of March 23, 1979 letter to Mary Ellen Hawkins from Skip Bafalis re an extension of the Older Americans Act stating that the Education and Labor Committee's Sub- committee on Select Education has just concluded its he&rings on the Older Americans Act and hope to have leg- islation to extend this program ready for the House's consideration within the next 3 weeks - filed. 7. Memo dated March l7, 1979 from the City of Naples approving County's application for installation of hydrants on Guilford Road - filed with xc to Engineering. 8. Notice from HUD re fund~ng levels and eligibility criteria for Small Cities and Community Development Block Grants. A statewide meeting for all interested in filing preapplica- tions was held March 22 thru 23, 1978. preapplications will be received May 1 thru 15, 1978 - filed with xc to Dr. Spagna, Planning. 248 Stu bk 41 ,":' ~;:~~~-.~.~~'&:~~';::: .'.'.\ ~'.::~~:.:~.{~~:/:~~. '-:~";':. ':i,~~ .~:.;~:~::~~~,\:';. '"~~:;.' ;:) . . . . '''1 -.. ",'''' ., ...'. 249 :xK}< bk 41 > "i;'''' March 28, 1978 CI/AIRM1\N 1\UTI/ORIZED TO SIGN LETTER NOTIFYING THE STATE THE COUNTY' II1\S NO NEED FrR THE PRCPERTY OFPERED BY' THE DNR FOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES Administrative Aida to the Board Mary Morgan stated that in action taken in Regular Session on March 14, 1978, the Board directed the staff to investigate the possible us. ot a tract of land offered by the DNR for recreational purposes. She further stated in a memo dated March 21, 1978 Dr. Neno Spaqna, Director of Community Development, advised the Board that the County has no need for the property offered by the DNR. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that the Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to the State stating the County has no need for said property. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. TilE BUREAU OF BEACHES AND SHORES HAS RECEIVED AN APPLICATION FROM DELTONA CORPORATION FOR SEAWALL REPAIR AT THE DELTONA EQUIPMENT COMPOUND - COMMENTS OF SUPPORT OR OPPOSITION WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THE BUREAU UNTIL APRIL 17, 1978 For general interest, Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan noted a DNR public notice which states the Bureau of Beaches and Shores has received an application from Deltona Corporation for seawall repair at the Doltona Equipment Compound. Comments either in support or opposition to this work will be accepted by the Bureau until April 17, 1978 and all data reqarding the proposed work should be submitted in writinq settinq forth sufficient detail to furnish a clear understanding of the reasons for support or oppo- sition. LETTER FROM GEORGE GAY RE CANALS IN AND AROUND HOMES ON CYPRESS POINT DRIVE AND REOPENING THE GORDON RIVER SOUTH OF HIS PROPERTY - FILED FOR THE RECORD WITH XC TO ENGINEERING Chairman Wimer noted, for qeneral interest, a letter dated March 9, 1978 from George Gay requesting the Board authorize the . '"i.t.. :;~ 251 SUl5i hk I.I ...... . .. t~*c~'~,{ March 28, 1978 DISCUSSION/nIRECTION REGARDING ADVISORY BOARDS FOR DEPENDENT FIRE COI~TROL DISTRICTS - REQUIREMENTS RE APPOINTMENTS TO GOLDEN GATE FIRE DISTRICT ADVISORY COUNCIL AMENDED - CLAUDE E. MILLER RETAINED AS MEMBER OF SAID COUNCIL Chairman Wimer made the opening statement that there are two areas of conflict in reference to the Advisory Board for Golden Gate Fire District: One concerns the requirement for membership to said Board where a person must be a member of the Golden Gate Fire ^ssociation in order to be considered for membership to Golden Gate Fire District Advisory Council and the other conflict involves the appointment of Claude E. Miller to the Council. Commissioner Archer read portions ot the by-laws of the Golden Gate and Ochopee Advisory Council membership requirements noting Ochopee requires only the person be a resident of the District. He suggested that Golden Gate by-laws be amended to be the same as Ochopee. Commissioner ^rcher commented that the Chairman of the Ad- visory committee for Golden Gate had "opened warfare" against the Commi.ssioners when he rejected their decision to appoint Claude Miller to the Council stating it was a "negative appointment done to complicate their situation as members of the Advisory committee." In doing so, Commissioner Archer said, the Advisory committee has delegated itself to a legislative board and he feels they have out- lived their usefulness under these conditions. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Chairman Wimer, that the Golden Gate Fire District Advisory Board be dissolved and that Chief Dave Reeves be placed under the Board of County Commissioners as a dependent fire district until these conflicts are resolved. Commissioner Wenzel commented the only reason he had suggested to rescind the Board's previous dction of appointing Claude Miller to the Advisory Committee was because that was the only name that had been submitted, to his knowledge. It was not until after the meeting he had been informed of another name up for nomination for the posi tion. L_1 L.:....J L..I March 28, 1978 Con~issioner Arche~ commented there are certain members on tho ^dvisory Council who have a "self-serving" reason for not wanting cert~in people on their Board who conflict with their thinking, adding this is not the purpose of an Ac.1visory Board in that a full indication of the people of the community i8 neec.1ec.1. Commissioner- Archer reminded the Board of a previous situation similar to this where an Advisory Board took it upon themselves to act as a legis- lative Board which was later dissolved by the Board of County com- missioners. Mr. Joseph Schloss, resident of Golden Gate, stated he feels the Golden Gate Advisory Board is necessary and an asset to the Commissioners and does not believe the Advisory Board is trying to dictate to the Commissioners. He further stated the statements in the newspaper were made in haste, two of which were reportec.1 in error and suggested that all members of all Advisory Boards be elected to their positions by their peers and not be appointed by the Commis- sioners. Mr. Schloss said, in reference to Claude Miller, that there is a definite difference of opinion in that Mr. Miller would like the Golden Gate Fire Department to become an all-volunteer unit. Commissioner Pistor inquired as to the purpose of the Golden Gate Fire Association and why it is necessary to be a member of same to be eligible for membership to the Advisory Board. Mr. Schloss replied that the Golden Gate Fire Association is a fund- raising organization to keep up the fire station, purchase equip- ment, etc., and he does not feel it is necessary for a petson to be a member of the Association in order to be on the Advisory Board. He further stated that Reverend Bowen, resident of Golden Gate, has offered to serve on the Golden Gate Advisory Board. Commissioner Wenzel commented that since them are five members on the Advisory Board it should not make any difference if there is 252 jljlg bk 41 \ ',...~: ~. ':.7, " ......;.. /; '>"~S3.'" -.' xXJj lJk 41 . "...,........ " . , ," ,r;.~.. ... , .. :.'"t...,:";'~'~:' .:< :,::... ~'.t.Ji1:g,,~!~{;":"'J&<..;f:~T2! ~~;~,:.';.:..: March 28, 1978 one member opposed to a certain issue as they are decided by majority vote; further stating he agrees with the idea ot the peers electing the members of thp. Advisory noard And aRkAd Mr. Pickw~rth if it was possible to have a paper ballot for the residents. Chairman Wimer stressed that the purpose of Advi~ory Boards is to advise the Board of County Commissioners and he d'lfinitely wants a say-so in who is serving on these Boards. Mr. Pickworth explained that it would be possible to have a paper ballot for the electing of these mombers at a very low expense to the Board if they should dcsire to do so. Mr. Jon Meulonberg, Chairman of Golden Gate Advisory Board, apologized to the Board, Commissioner Archer in particular, for the comments that had appeared in the newspaper. He then explained the procedure involved in nominating people for membership on the Ad- visory Board for the Board of County Commissioners to consider. Mr. Meulenberg stated that a group of names is picked by the Advisory Board and from that one name is submitted to the Board of County Commissioners and that he was not aware the Board was going to appoint Mr. Miller at the time they did. He further stated that a sccond nomination was submitted to the Board which was apparently overlooked by the Commissioners. Mr. Meulenberg requested that the Advisory Board not be disbanded and said that he was misquoted on several comments in the newspaper. He stressed that the Board would prefer not to have a member who would be voting against them as when they advised the Board of County Commissioners they liko to do so unanimously and he has no objections to the suggestion that the clauso be taken out which requires a person to be a member 'of the Fire Association to be on the Advisory Board. Commissioner Archer amended his motion m^de previously that the Golden Gate Advisory Board not be disbanded entiroly, rather the present members be replaced by new people. Chairman Wimer agreed. to the amcnded motion. ~ I...-J L-I March 28, 1978 Chairman Wimer commented that he is displeased with the atti- tude of the Advisory Board as it has not been a very positive one in the- past and has created many problems with the County staff. lie stressed that Chief Dave Reeves is placed in a very unfortunate sit- uation as he is caught in the middle between the Advisory Board an~ his boss, the County Manager. Mr. Meu1enberq stressed that the Advisory Board is trying to represent the people of Golden Gate, the majority of whom do not want a volunteer fire department. The motion concerning replacing all members of the Golden Gate Ad- visory Board failed 2/3 with Commissionors Brown, Pistor, and Wenzel dissenting. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the rules and regulations be amended to allow anyone who is a resident of the Golden Gate area to be eligible as a member on the Golden Gate Advisory Board. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Drown moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel that action taKen by the Board at the last meeting re the appoint- ment of Mr. Claude Miller to the Golden Gate Advisory Board be re- scinded as the Board had not been aware of the other name which had been submitted. The motion failed 2/3 with Commissioners Archer, Pistor, and Wimer dissenting. The Chairman of the Golden Gate Fire Association membership committee came forward to state that Mr. Miller had never joined the Fire Association, even though he was asked to at a meeting of the Civic Union, until after he had been told he had to in order to be on the Advisory Board. Mr. Arthur Kaplan, President of Golden Gate Civic Association, stated he had recommended Mr. Miller as an individual, not represent- ing the Civic Association, and he was the one who informed Mr. Miller of the requiroment of joining the Fire Association which Mr. Miller did. 254 x>>~ bk 41 '. ~. .': .." .~. f"" ..,l.' .... ,J._'.~"" ''''~',. . .'- ,~. ..:)~~t 255 iat Lk 41 lofarch 28, 1978 Mr. Cluude Miller stated that Mr. Jon Meulenberq has spoken ------------. for him asto wha-t--:;ctions or decisions he will make if appointed on the Advisory Board but stressed that he has never held a conver- sation with Mr. Mculcnberg and sta~ed he possesses a card which states he is a member of the Golden Gate Fire Association which was not obtai-ned in an underhanded manner; he stressed the only reason he did join the Association was to be eligible for the Advisory Board as prior to that he had been engaged in action trying to de- lete this very requirement from the rules and regulations of the Golnen Gate Advisory Board. " " " " " " ". ". ". ". ". ". ". ". Meetinq recessed from 12:00 P.M. to 1:30 P.M. " ". " " " " " " ". ". " " " " GEORGE F. KRAFT CO. CHANGE ORDER '2 FOR FIFTH FLOOR, BUILDING "F" - APPROVED IN TilE AMOUNT OF $2,191 Mr. Wafaa Assaad, Planning Department, explained to the Board thnt as a result of their action to move che Ceta Department out- side of the Courthouse Complex and Mary Ellen Hawkins' office to remain in Building "C", changes have occurred on the ground floor of Building "F" as follows: the Personnel Department will extend about 6' lreferring to map - space now occupied by Supervisor of Elections); the space now occupied by Parks and Recreation Depart- ment, the ~laintenance Department, and the cETA office will go to the Supervisor of Elections; he pointed out that the Maintenance office and Animal Control Office will relocate in space currently occupied by Social Services who will be moving to the Satellite Building. The only change needed is to move the partition to allow the 6' expansion for the Personnel Department. Mr. Assaad requested a change order for the Fifth Floor, Building "F" in the amount of $2,191. Mr. Irving Berzon, Utilities Director, explained the change order deals with the relocation of partitions on the fifth floor 1-1 l....-J L..-I March 28, 1978 and if necessary, it will come before the Board to authorize fund- ing to move the partition on the first floor if the County crew cannot do it themsolves. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Pistor, that Change Order 12 for George F. Kraft Co. in the amount ot $2,191 to relocate partitions on the fifth floor of Building .F~ be approved, thereby increasing the contract from $298,616 to $300,807. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. Commissioner Pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the relocating of the partition on the grounc.1 floor on Build- ing "F" be approved. Motion carried unanimously 5/0. ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." ." 256 2l80< bit 41 ," ,(, .'~,i~' .. .~~:..,\:...,~:1,:,..~~::~:~. :~ L___j I..J 1.-1 March 28, 1978 STAFF AUTHORI ZED TO CONTl'.CT THE TOP SEVEN APPLICANTS FROM THE BO^RD OF COU~~Y CO~~ISSIONERS'f LISTS FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEWS Mr. Irving Berzon, Utility Director, statec.1 there were two names from the lists which received unanimous recognition from the Commissioners, one individual was chosen by four ot the Com- missioners, and two individuals were chosen by three ot the Com- missioners. Commissioner Wenzel suggested contacting the two individuals receiving unanimous recognition from the Board for personal interviews. Chairman Wimer stated he preferred to call in all five applicants for interviews for the County ~nager posi- tion. Mr. Berzon then discovered two more individuals who had been selected by three of the Commissioners bringing the count of appli- cants to seven whlch had been selected by three or more of the Com- misl!\ioners. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall recommended c~ntActing the top seven applicants by telephone, to save time, to see if they are willing to come in for personal interviews and to confirm the appointment with a letter. Commissioner pistor moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the top seven applicants be contacted for personal interviews for the position of County Manager. Motion carried unAnimously 5/0_ DISCUSSION OF HOME-HEALTH SERVICES PROGRAM - COLLIER COUNTY TO ACT AS GRANTEE FOR THE FILING OF GRANT WITH THE CONDITION THERE IS TO BE NO CONTINUING COMMI~MENT ON THE PART OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AFTER THE INITIAL GRANT PERIOD Dr. Gunnard Antell, Health Director of Collier Coun~y. Asked the Board to take these things into consideration when deciding the Home-Health Services Program: that 20\ of the population is over 65 years of age and in five years it will rise to 25\; there are only two nursing homes in Collier County with a capacity for 99 patients, the County has three home-health service agencies but they will 258 2)&4x bk 41 259 ~)::J bk 41 '. .. .... ~:';.' ".' ~.U_. ",' ,'~ "'," ".~~_;. :'~ ',,~_':", "'i~:,.,.:~'~>.~~'t'" '''{' ""~~:~~~'; . ..:li' ~':' .~~I>--."',. ~ March 28, 1978 only accept Medicare and private patients7 the State has now decreed that every County Health Department of this size must provide home-health care services. The question is, Dr. Antell said, whether the State or the County receives the grant for this program for $100,000. If the: State receives the grant, he stated, they will receive 28' of it for services rendered, and the County. would not take as much. He explained that at the end of the year, the patients will make payments for the services as they can through Medicaid, insurance companies, or by them- selves, if possible. Dr. Antell assured the Board they will in no way be liable for the $100,000 or be forced into a commitment with the program. Dr. Antell stated he would be the administrator of tho program no matter who receives the grant. It was determined that if the County accepts the grant, the administrative work would then be directed to them. Dr. Antell stated he would hire a nurse to oversee the entire nursing portion of the program, to be paid from the grant, plus'other employees would have to be hired for which funds are already budgeted. Dr. Antell explained the pro- gram would have to become self-sufficient within the grant period of one year through Medicaid, insurance companies, and other such agencies. Commissioner Archer stated he is under the impression that if the home-health program does not become self-supporting within the year, then the County would be responsible to continue the program. Ms. Pat Abbott, Director of Nursing-Health Department, explained that written into the grant is a plan of action for making the pro- gram self-sufficient by the end of the year and she is assuming it will become incorp. " a ted wi th the visiting nursing association by the end of the year which could apply for United Fund money and accept donations from the community. t _.._.~ d.' '--1 March 28, 1978 County Attorney Don Pickworth stated the staff's recommenda-. tion is that the State make the application for the grant as it would involve a great deal of administrative work which would fall on the staff which is now burdened, especially with no County Manager. Mr. Dan Edgar, South Central Florida Health Systems Council, stated that 90% of the cost of the home-health program is guaran- teed to be paid by Medicare. He explained the program is geared to those people who are in hospitals or nursing homes and are not quite well enough to be at home by themselves but not really ill enough to remain in the hospital. The home-health program would provide nursing visit~ on a 3-day per week basis which would be paid for by Medicaid rather than paying for the patient to remain in the hospital. Ho commented this would be a potential for the County to lower the Medicaid expenditure and would bring better health to the population of the County,' psychologically. Mr. Edgar stated the County would not be responsible for the continu- ation of the program after the year is ended. He further stated this program is one of the top priorities for Health Departments as the State is geared to a retirement population. fie commented in his opinion, the $100,000 is not completely noce8sary as he feels it will only require about $70,000 to operate the program. It was determined that a bookkeeper would have to be hired for the Health Department for sending out bills, collecting reimbursments from Medic~re, etc., Mr. Edgar pointed out that the 10\ that will not be paid by Medicare will be paid by private insurance compan~es and Medicaid will pay a portion of the bills. Ms. Abbott stressed the need for the home-health agency 8S the other ones in the County are limited as to who they provide services to and the County would be able to do so at a cheaper cost. Mr. Edgar commented the County be better off sponsoring this program and the South Central Florida Systoms Council is available to the Health Department to develop 260 lZ~:Ai bk 41 ... .'J;, . '....,. . 261 Ui hI<. 41 . t ....' .,....~~.~v'-:;...', t";':":;':<"~;';.'_~j.:~:.~*,', "': " J' ;., " ....."........rI ''', .......""M.arch ':2'8,1'978 and review this grant. He further stated he is not exactly sure what services the State will provide, other than technical assis- tanco, that they charge thB 2B\ of the grant -- the County will do the billing even if the State sponsors the grant. Mr. Edgar stressed that the need for this program is ~hat there is a segment of the County population that need a home-health service and no one is there to deliver assistance to aid people with the "revolving door" synd~ome who, as mentioned before, are not ill enough to stay in the hospital but need someone to help them out at home. Mr. Edgar stated that compared to other counties about the Dame size as Collier, the home-health service sees about 300 people per month. Ms. Abbott pointed out that up until July, 1976, the County Health Department had been an official home-health service agency but the program had to be dropped due to lack of funds to hire sufficient help. Chair- man Wimer stated he is not convinced of the need for this program. Mr. Edgar commented that to conduct a survey of how many people have used this servico in Charlotte County, it would cost more than to g3t the program itself started. Mrs. Martha Skinner, Director of Sccial Services, commented the only problem she could foresee with this program would be the hiring of additional staff, such as a bill collector, a financial overseer, etc. She stated the home aide service provides for approximately 90 people a month, most of which are under poverty level and therefore cannot afford to pay, and that amount of patients is limited to the amount of funds and staff available. There is a long waiting list, she said. Commissioner Brown inquired if this program in any way would lessen the expense for other people to be in the hospital as he was told the reason why it is so expensive is to cover the cost for people who cannot afford to pay anything at all. Dr. Antell replied '" q~"''''",. .----- } , ...__1 --.. March 28, 1978 it \.;auld not have any effect on hospital costs. Commissioner Brown stressed he will voto for the program as ho feels thoro is ~ definite need for this type of service. Utility Director Irving Ucrzon commented this program would reduce hospital costs. Mr. Pickworth stressed that the staff does recognize the need for the program but it would be better for the Stato to make the applica- tion for thc grant. Commissioncr Archer asked how many additional people are needed to implement the program. Dr. Antell determined eight people are needed whether or not the County sponsors the program or the State does. Commissioner Archer then recommended the County apply for the grant, kcep the 28% as they would be doing the administra- tive procedures anyway, and still hire the additional 8 people. Ms. Abbott explained that If the State is the grantee, the 28\ would cover the organization of the initial budget and any operational " procedure would be handled at the local level. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained that if the County is the grantee, the Board of County Commissioners assumes all the responsibility as the appli- cant of the grant and the Clerk will assume responsibility for the fiscal affairs. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by-Commissioner Brown, that the staff review this program and allow the staff to make the decision as to who will sponsor the grant. Mr. Pickworth again recommended the State be made the grantee for this program. Mr. nerzon recommended the same barring information that mar be uncovered before the grant is authorized which would make it more feasible for the County to be the grantee. Commissioner Brown requosted the motion to be amendcd to have th~: County be the grantce of the pro- gram. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown. that the Doarcl accept the original staff recommendation that the State 262 ~ bk 41 ~ , . ~~;~~:;~~. ~;,:.:};~~,,~)~.;~;.::;: ~~;;'f: ;"';::""'.. ~;:~; .:'.:.;:.. ~,~';J~iiri~/i~f;/~:~'(:':'~?r~'w, ~~." :: ".<,. '26'3'.;"""~, '~~'"-'':''.;'~_..''' t.l~.' ~~ ",".. ',' -. , ,-0., ~~~'.,::;, '..-rf'. .~.;." '."..:.L...., U-:'%:: _ ::"':,.,:"";~",,~~ xii bk 41 March '2S; 1978 be the gran! co and H.e staff make A further study and they are authorized to change their recommendAtion to tho County if the staff deems necessary. Commissioner Archer commented that All along the Doard h.os been fighting the state legislature to gain more, local control and no\., \\'.h,cn they have tha t option, the staff is recommending to give the responsibility back to the State. Mr. Pickworth explained that the motion should be clarified to state that either the County assume the responsibility of the grantee or else decline altogether. He said the Board cannot order tho State to be the grantee but are just leaving that option open to them if they desire to do so. Commissioner Henzel rescinded the previous motion. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the Board of County Commissioners Act as grantee for the appli- cation with the condition there is no continuing commitment to Collier County after the initial grant period. Commissioner Archer stressed to make it clear that the 28\ of the grant will go to administrative costs and the remainder to go to salaries to pay for the booKkeoper, nurses, aides, therapists, and people to take care of the insurance paperwork. Mr. Edgar I commented that it probably would not cost as much as 28\ for the County to provide those services. The motion passed unanimously 5/0. . . . oil . . . * * * * * * . RECESS: 3:20 P.M. to 3:27 P.M. . . oil . . . * * * * * * . Chairman Nimcr was absent for the remainder of the meeting. .* L.___.J 1._.J ~. . t........I March 29, 1979 CII/\Int-IAN DIREC'rED TilE COMMISSIONER'S LIST OF APPLICANTS RE COUNTY ;.I!\N!\GI::R POSI'T'ION liP. Tl'RNED OVER TO THE CLERK FOR THE RECORD Vice-Chairman Pistor made the statement that the Board pre- fers not to release the names of the list of applicants the Com- missioners had selected to the press as some of the applications stipulated they would like it to remain confidential. County Attorney Donald Pickworth advised that because this matter is of public record, the Board must release the names. Vice-Chairman Pistor then directed the list of applicants be turned over to the Clerk for public recorc.1. 1/ 1/ .,. 1/ * * * " 1< 1< * .. 1< . * * * * 264 ~~~ bk 41 * .. ./' .... ..,' .... .._.-..~. ._.~...'.' -" ,.". -: ~-\..~.:: ~. '.., '-, .. r(~ -:.~,. ~ - f : r':..,,~ .- :<~i' " 265 U1S bk -11 March 29, 1971J SEI'JER DISTRICT ?INj\NCTNG - BOARD REJECTS DANK'S PROPOSAI. AND 1-10VCS NOT '1'0 1\SSU;.lP. DIS'rRICT':; OBLIGATION RE INTERIM FINANCING County Attorney Donald Pickworth stated that it is nccessary to secure some type of interim loan in order to pay back to the State a revolving loan in the amount of $10.5 million due April ,- 15. lie explalned thilt basically the proposal for doing so is the County as-sume the obligation immediately for the District. and issue a bond anticipation note with tho takeout. being tho Farmers' Home Administration commitment for the loan upon validation of these bonds. Other proposals, he said, included pledging non ad-valorem tax revenues up to tho difference in the interest. on the loan be- tween what was available from system revenues and what t.he interest on this loan would be during the interim period of the loan. Mr. Pickworth stated that Irving Berzon, Ut.ilities Director, and himself have talked to officials in a bank in Tampa and t.hey proposed that whe: the legislature passes the special Act to cure the creation of this district prior to the 15th of April and at t.hat time a loan will be made to the District, possibly a two-year loan, in the Amount of 10~ million dollars with the security being a commitment from the Farmers' Home Administration. He explained the loan agreement would provide, ir the ~vent after two years if the bonds have not. been validated and the 'Farmers' Home funding not secured. the County will purchase the ' , obligation from the bank. Mr. Pickworth commented this would be a faster method than using an underwriter as it takes time to find a purchaser. He stated the crux of the issue is the aRsumption of the District's obligations by the County which does not have to be decided right away but what does have to be discussed is whether or not the . 'Commissioners wants the bank to go ahead and start the processing of the loan and obligate them to pay the legal fees which Mr. Pickworth estimated at $10,000 - $25,000 which the District would pay eventually. Mr. Pickworth ex- t.____-, J L.J March 2a, 197B plnincd the procedure jnvolved with tho validation of bonds for the Dif;lrict. Commissioner Archer inquired about the possibility ot the loan being for 3 years instead of 2 years. !-Ir. Berzon commented the bank had slated they would be uncomfortable with this situation but' he feels if all other terms are acceptable to the bank, they may agree on a 3-year loan. Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that the District has funds available in its current budget to handle the cost of the legal fees of the bank but he has not ascertained whether the District will have now or in the next 2 years funds to payoff the interest on the interim financing. Mr. Pickworth stated the staff recommendation is that the County not assume the District's obligations in any way until a court would instruct them to do so; however, if the County does decide to secure interim financing, the way to do it is through the bank loan as previously explained. Commissioner. Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, not to assume the Distcict's obligations by securing interim financing as expressed previously by the County Attorney in order to keep the financial obligations of the District and the County separate. Motion passed unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent at the time of the vote. * * * * * * * 11 * * * 11 * * There being no further business for the good of th~ County, the meeting WilS adjourned by order of the Chair - Time: 4:05'p.M. * * * * * * * * * * * 11 11 11 ~. "- ,.... ~ v r j, '"' '- BOARD OF COUNTY CONNISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(s) OF SPF.CIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL c.&J}~~N \ (' ,r </. '. , " ,\T'l'~:s'r : \;.r LLyyr J. NT-:/\G/\N, ~nK /;;4#' ~L/'