Agenda 12/16/2008 Item #16D37 Agenda Item No. 16037 December 16, 2008 Page 1 of 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommend that the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Change Order #1 to Work Order C3TS-FT-4153-0B-02 for design consultant C3TS for the Manatee Park design in the amount of $50,000.00 on a time & material, not-to-exceed basis to provide the Site Development Plan and the required SFWMD permits. The net contractual value of services will total $243.950.00. OBJECTIVE: Site development and the required SFWMD permits for future site development of Manatee Park. CONSIDERATIONS: On June 3. 2008, staff executed a work order agreement with C3TS under Contract #07-4153 Annual Agreement for fixed term Professional Engineering Services for Coastal Zone Management, for the professional design and engineering services for the Manatee Park Project #80122.1. The scope of services was for the development of a Design-Build engineering package. Staff believed that this would be the most cost effective contracting method due to the straight forward nature of this project. This approach developed the design enough to convey the design intent and allow a qualified contractor to bid the balance of the design. permitting and construction. The oriDinal work order amount was $193.950.00. Recent economic conditions and the shortfall of impact fees will delay the construction of Manatee Park and cause a change in the engineering contracting approach. Staff is recommending that the design and permitting process be completed by the design consultant. C3TS, through the Site Development Plan (SOP) process for the site infrastructure. park features, and community center building. Approximately 30% of the design is currently completed. The balance of the design and permitting is expected to take approximately 18 months to complete. At the completion of the design and permitting phase, construction timing and accrued construction funding will be evaluated. An additional sum of $50,000.00 is now required to complete the Site Development Plan and permitting processes. The net contractual vatue for the total scope of services will be $243,950.00. FISCAL IMPACT: The source of funding for this project has been previously allocated and budgeted within FY 08-09 Capital Improvement Funds. Project #346-80122.1. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: This project is consistent with the objectives of Policy 1.1.4 of the Growth Management Plan for new capital improvements for new park sites in areas where major population growth is expected. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office. This item is not quasi-judicial, and as such ex parte disclosure is not required. This item requires majority vote oniy. This item is legally sufficient for Board action. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approve Change Order #1 to Work Order C3TS-FT-4153-08-02 for the design consultant, C3TS for Manatee Park Site Development Plan and the required SFWMD permits for the future site development, and authorize the Chairman to execute the Change Order atter County Attorney approval. PREPARED BY: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E. Director, Coastal Zone Management Department Page 1 of 1 Agenda Item No. 16037 December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 10 COLLIER COUNTY BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16D37 Recommend that the Board of County Commissioners approve and authorize the Chairman to sign Change Order #1 to Work Order C3TS-FT ~4153-08-02 for design consultant C3TS for the Manatee Park design in the amount of $50,000.00 on a time & material, not-ta-exceed basis to provide the Site Development Plan and the required SFWMD permits. The net contractual value of services will total $243,950.00. Meeting Date: 12/16/2008 90000 AM Prepared By Public Services Costal Project Manager Coastal Zone Management Date Gary McAlpin 11125/20083;31;10 PM Approved By Kathy Carpenter Public Services Executive Secretary Public Services Admin. Date 11/26/20088;15 AM Approved By Gary McAlpin Public Services Costal Project Manager Coastal Zone Management Date 11/26120081;19 PM Approved By Marla Ramsey Public Services Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Admin. 12/1/20084;41 PM Apprond By Lyn Wood Purchasing Agent Purchasing Date Administrative Services 1213/2008 12;26 PM Approved By Steve Carnell Administrative Services Purchasing/General Svcs Director Purchasing Date 12/3/20084;57 PM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorner County Attorney Office Date County Attorney 12/4/20089;12 AM Approved By OMB Coordinator Applications Analyst Information Technology Date Administrative Services 1214/20082;10 PM Approved By Susan Usher County Manager's Office Senior Management/Budget Analyst Office of Management & Budget Date 12/8/200811;S8 AM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County Commissioners County Manager's Office 12/9/20081;43 PM file://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ ll8-Decem ber%20 16,%202008\ 16. %20CONSENT%20AGE... 12/1 0/2008 , Engineers Architects Planners EB0005022 AAC002142 . Agenda Item No. 16037 December 16, 2008 Page 3 of 10 November 7. 2008 Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd. Naples, FL 34116 Attention: Mr. J. Gary McAlpin Director Reference: Manatee Park Design Criteria Package Collier County Project No. 346-80122.1 Purchase Order No. 45-101215 Contract No. 07-4153 Work Order No. C3TS-4153-08-02 Dear Mr. McAlpin: Based on our recent meeting, C3TS has evaluated what would be needed to carry the project forward in a new direction. The discussion centered on the likely need to shelve the project based on current economic realities. C3TS was asked to present a cost proposal that would allow the design team to follow through with the project as follows: . File and complete permitting of the Environmental Resources Permit (ERP) through the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) . File and complete permitting of the Side Development Plan SOP through Collier County CDES. . Suspend work on the Design Criteria package. . Wrap up and shelve project after securing SDP and SFWMD C3TS was asked to consider proceeding under two different scenarios. One alternate would not include the Community Center except for a reference of "Future Building". The second alternate would consider the Community Center to be in the project as presented to the SDP process. EXISTING PURCHASE ORDER In analyzing the necessary funding for this work effort, it was necessary to first identify the funds remaining on the current purchase order. To date. we have expended slightly less than half the funds allocated under the above referenced work order. In moving forward, the funds remaining that can be allocated to future efforts are $107,943.60 ALTERNATIVE 1 The first alternate would entail permitting the project without the Community Center Building. This alternate is estimated to require approximately $138,000 dollars. This 3996 f'./urth West 9'~ AV6nll!.", Fort l(llIderdClle, ..Imide'! :{J:109 9.')4.56521 i 3 1800.4A80227 Fodmile 9545674079 'Neb ~)iie' w'N'wc3Is_wrtJ Equal Opportunity Employer '- Agenda Item No. 16037 December 16, 2008 Page 4 of 10 Manatee Park Design Criteria Package November 7, 2008 Page 2 of 2 would result in an additional funding request of approximately $30,000 over the existing Purchase Order. ALTERNATIVE 2 The second alternate would include permitting the project with the Community Center Building. This alternative is estimated to require approximately $158.000 dollars. This would result in an additional funding request of approximately $50,000 over the existing Purchase Order. CAVEATS Please note that this approach assumes the resolution of two major stumbling blocks that have been identified to date through the preliminary SDP process. First of all, COES has indicated that the transfer of property from the school to the park would trigger the need for a SOP amendment to the school property before review could ever begin on our SOP application. Our discussions indicated that the nature of the school board property arrangement would be modified as needed to simplify the SOP process. Our approach does not include efforts to address any modifications to the school SDP. Secondly, the preliminary SOP discussions identified significant limitations on traffic impacts that would be allowed. Johnson Engineering was approached about providing a Traffic Impact Study. Our approach assumes that the traffic study will be performed by Johnson Engineering outside of our contract and that the traffic aspects of the SOP can be addressed with limited input from C3TS. We appreciate the opportunity of working with Collier County. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (954) 565- 2113 or bye-mail at icrews@c3tscom. Sincerely, Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman. PA ~;;/ />>---.- Jeffrey S. Crews Vice President "'000 "'o~ oo~ (DNO ~(.6l!) o~ 0> z~OJ 0><1l E-"'n. o>E =:0> <1l" -00> ",0 0> OJ <( en w " s: 0: w en " ;;; " '" en w .... " :E ;:: en w 0: ::> o :I: Z " :E '" a. " . m E ~ 0; 0 on :! c on ~~ ~ Et: 8;;; ]~~gcn ~ c.. c:M . o . dI III ~ ~ ~~_-gl..l... ~~tid:~ ~ -g,m-*J: ~U:1~;g "'$s"C'i ~~z~~ ~~w,~~ Uc:(Ml1..J.- .. ~ < I " 0 , 0 " . . 0 .!l;i1 ~ ~ , " N . 1 ~ 8 ~ .~ ii :g '::i.....1- < o e o .g ~ ~ Ul8"- c. . oc ~~~ l::"'<'> e' i!~ '.- ~::;:'" . . o ~ ~ 8 ~ -~~ ~ tl)tJ~;;: i~l~ Q.. C' "'_ .;;::.'" . 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CHECKLIST FORM PROJECT NAME: l:>E.C:;''1N c.12=-12-r~ PROJECT #: E=lc> I '2-7-.\ PROJECT MANAGER: c..loq..:j i'l5'''''~ BID/RFP #: fJ 1- Lfj,{iJ:>D #: ~po#: 45'. 9 .,.j bt:.OwORK ORDER #: c..3>iS-L! 1'53-08-oZ- DEPARTMENT: C"Z-"" CONTRACTOR/FIRM NAME: c.:; i" S ~~e:kJI~~ tifJ of 10 Current Contract Amount: $ ~q? Q50.o0 (Starting ~oint) $ L"I~. ctSOyO (Last Total Amount Approved by the BCC) $_~ q -; C\ 50. 00 (Including fAIl Changes Prior To This Modification) Original Contract Amount: Current BCC Approved Amount: Revised ContractIWork Order Amount: $ $ 6. c:J. 000 .00 1- ~ 3>, q5o. 00 (tncluding This Change Order) Change Amount: Cumulative Dollar Value of Changes to this ContractiWork Order: $ ~ooo.oo Date of Last BCC Approva' to. "Z-"!o. 0 1- Agenda Item # Percentage of the change over/under current contract amount Z-5~ ~ % Formula: (Revised Amount I Last BCC approved amount)-1 CURRENT COMPLETION DATE (S): ORIGINAL: 4. \4-~CURRENT: /0.10.10 Describethechange(s): l-1o~ ~oPE.. of ~"[%.G.,,-ro e.'5~.csH- RE.Qu-nPC::..o ~~lVt.l4L DeSJ:tif"'- c::aav'D" :<::~"1'!'J _/<.)(2.... ~~. Specify the reasons for the change(s) r 1. Planned or Elective C 2. Unforeseen Conditions 0 3. QUantity Adjustments r 4. Correction of Errors (Plans, Specifications or Scope of Work). 5. Value Added C 6. Schedule Adjustments Note: One or more may be checked, depending on the nature of the change(s). Identify all negative impacts to the project if this change order were not processed: Lnss nF v" "'-' ,. E 01~;TA-W~ "T1'll2.u De..S=~ ('~ NO S~~ <;J)p ~or: , This change Was requested by: r1Contractor/Consultant . Owner n Using Department r CDES ~ign Professional r1Regulatory Agency (Specify) r Other (Specify) CONTRACT SPECIALIST PARTICIPATION IN NEGOTIATIONS: [', Yes ~o -- - '"" Date: If. -;z.t:.. 08 APPROVED BY: REVIEWED BY: Date: /.). ,2 -0 8' Revised 11.19.2007 Agenda Item No. 16037 December 16, 2008 Page 7 of 10 CHANGE ORDER TO WORK ORDER CHANGE ORDER NO.1 CONTRACT NO. C3T3-4153-08-02 Bee Date: 10.23.07 Agenda Hem: ~ TO: C3TS 3996 North West 9th Avenue Fort Lauderdale. F1. 33309 OA TE: November 26.2008 PROJECT NAME: Manatee Park Des1gp Criteria Package PROJECT NO.: 346-80122.1 Under our AGREEMENT dated October 23,2007 You hereby are authorized mid directed to make the following change(s) in accordance with terms and conditions of (he Agreement: (See attachment) FOR urn (Additive) Sum of: f.iftvThousand & OQ/I00 ($50.000,00. Original Agreement Amounf $193.950.00 Sum of Previous Changes $ -0- This Change Order add $ ~O.OOO,OO Present Agreement Amount $ 243.950.00 111e lime for completion shaJJ be (Increased) by (,L4Ql calendar days due to this Change Order. Accordingly, the Contmct Time is now October, 61 201 0 (776) calendar days. The substantial completion dale 'is Seotember 10. 2010, and tile tinal completion date is OCloher J O. 2.QLQ. Your acceptance of this Change Order shan constitute a modification to our Agreement iJnd will be performed subject to aIllhe same tenns and conditions as contained in our Abrreemcllt indicated abDve, as fully as if the same we.re repeated in this acceptance. The adjustment, if any, to the Agreement shall constitute a fun arid iimll settlement of any and an claims of the Contractor arising out of or related to the change set forth herein, incft/ding claims for impact and delay costs. Accepted: _J2.~""~.er__L, 20 Ot:' CONTRACTOR: e3TS OWNER: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY. FLORlDA / By: ~." --.:......... CHut.J~.c.Pryman, CGC. ,Project M,1!1~ger By: J '. y s. Crews. Vice President DEPARTMENT OmECTOR By: ---L;1]/~ ivl:J c.Ur....;.. J. Gal; McJ\(pin, P.E. Director ~ J '1' '" -:'. '" . ..~ .Ib' " ,-t~ ,", - \"" 'I r.' ,C[ , ',ft: "," --~~ <:'-; !-:. ;1~if! "t, Date.,~'1 " , *':;'~A~~i ,;:,~ OWlllf!t E, Brock, C~k ~!'"'' -. , ;",'1';, !~, <" , ~;; --,'" ",:,;,;",::' "' ., :"~,:f- _ :,V ^:; ,.: ..\pp"roved As '1'0 ~o~fu "",d'Legal Suficie,lto/' ',"; u'","-- ,:J ;iJi ;,;;.--, .>' ',;, ,_:P;';nt~I';" 4Ssistant, County Attorney 'j-'" 1:, ." + It " .,,~i ,". -';'j jo. ,""~ ,q ~ ~(}Jf ':~ \' ,'0;, , ~', -j'!i~;: '1- ",if. Agenda Item No. 16037 December 16, 2008 D"",...,.., 0 ,..,~ "1"\ ~. ,~ ~!t< "':C' ,,,. -'n ,W,-", ,,-I.li Of': . 'iJi~. ,~:::~ .~_A",,"' H;:; ,;."' , " ""; :1, _I " " """". ","'< 'r<jJ .t,;:, }" 1!Ft,~! 1,;' ~ " ~~, .~" :~ ' '~, " '.J,c )r'" ,:'" ":. ."" Engineers Architects Planners EB0005022 AAC002142 . Agenda Item No. 16037 December 16, 2008 Page 9 of 10 November 7, 2008 Collier County Coastal Zone Management Department 3300 Santa Barbara Blvd. Naples, FL 34116 Attention: Mr. J. Gary McAlpin Director Reference: Manatee Park Design Criteria Package Collier County Project No. 346-80122.1 Purchase Order No. 45-101215 Contract No. 07-4153 Work Order No. C3TS-4153-08-02 Dear Mr. McAlpin: Based on our recent meeting, C3TS has evaluated what would be needed to carry the project forward in a new direction. The discussion centered on the likely need to shelve the project based on current economic realities. C3TS was asked to present a cost proposal that would allow the design team to follow through with the project as follows: . File and complete permitting of the Environmental Resources Permit (ERP) through the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) . File and complete permitting of the Side Development Plan SDP through Collier County CDES. . Suspend work on the Design Criteria package. . Wrap up and shelve project after securing SDP and SFWMD C3TS was asked to consider proceeding under two different scenarios. One alternate would not include the Community Center except for a reference of "Future Building". The second allernate would consider the Community Center to be in the project as presented to the SOP process. EXISTING PURCHASE ORDER In analyzing the necessary funding for this work effort, it was necessary to first identify the funds remaining on the current purchase order. To date. we have expended slightly less than half the funds allocated under the above referenced work order. In moving forward, the funds remaining that can be allocated to future efforts are $107,943.60 AL TERNATIVE 1 The first alternate would entail permitting the project without the Community Center Building. This alternate is estimated to require approximately $138,000 dollars. This 3996 North Wf'~' 9lh A...€nuE', Fod lauderdale, Florida 33309 9545652113 1,800448.0227 FacSimile 954.567.4079 Web Site: wv/wdts,epm Equal Opportunity Employer '-..< " Agenda Item No. 16037 December 16, 2008 Page 10 of 10 Manatee Park Design Criteria Package November 7. 2008 Page 2 of 2 would result in an additional funding request of approximately $30.000 over the existing Purchase Order. ALTERNATIVE 2 The second alternate would include permitting the project with the Community Center Building. This alternative is estimated to require approximately $158,000 dollars. This would result in an additional funding request of approximately $50,000 over the existing Purchase Order. CAVEATS Please note that this approach assumes the resolution of two major stumbling blocks that have been identified to date through the preliminary SOP process. First of all. CDES has indicated that the transfer of property from the school to the park would trigger the need for a SOP amendment to the school property before review could ever begin on our SOP application. Our discussions indicated that the nature of the school board property arrangement would be modified as needed to simplify the SOP process. Our approach does not include efforts to address any modifications to the school SOP. Secondly, the preliminary SOP discussions identified significant limitations on traffic impacts that would be allowed. Johnson Engineering was approached about providing a Traffic Impact Study. Our approach assumes that the traffic study will be performed by Johnson Engineering outside of our contract and that the traffic aspects of the SOP can be addressed with limited input from C3TS. We appreciate the opportunity of working with Collier County. If you have any questions. please feel free to contact me at (954) 565- 2113 or bye-mail aticrews@c3ts.com. Sincerely, Corzo Castella Carballo Thompson Salman, PA ~-, Jeffrey S. Crews Vice President