BCC Minutes 03/14/1978 R ): 00 AM LJ Id , r:! Naples, Florida, Mnrch 14, 1978 LET :T DE REM~MDERED, ~hat the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Governing Doard(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in Regular Session in Building "F" of the Courthouse Complex with the following members present: VICE-CHAIRMAN: John A. Pistor Thomas P. Archer Clifford Wenzel David C. Brow'n ABSENT: C. R. "Russ" Wimer, Chairman AI.ElO PRESENTI WilliAm J. RU9an, ClerJc, Uarold L. Hall, Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer, Edna Brenneman and Debbie Pantano (10:05 A.M.), Deputy Clerks; James Siesky, Assistant County Attorney; Irving Derzon, Utility Director, Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Com- munity Development; Clifford Barksdale, Assistant County Engineer; Fred Marks, Data Processing Director, Frank H. Wilcox, Purchasing Director; Carl Clemmer, Zoning Director, Richard JOder, Librarian; Mary Morgan, Administrative Aide to the Board, and Lt. Sam Bass, Sheriff's Department. AGENDA I. INVOCATION II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: February 28, 1978 IVA. PROCLAMATION -- THE h'EEK OF MARCH 12. 1978. AS NATIONAL DEMO LAY WEEK V. ADVERTISED PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Petition R-77-26-C by Collier County Education Asso- ciation requesting rezoning from "RM-l" l-Iulti-Family to "GRC" General Retail Commercial for an office on Lots 55-62, Block A, Rock Creek Park located on the SE corner of Terrace Avenue and.Shadowlawn Drive (Pickworth). VI. OLD BUSINESS 1 bk 41 4 bk 41 March 14, 1978 . x. MISCErLANECUS'~OARD ITE~ B. Report on applicants for County Manager's position (Pickworth) . C. Discussion/direction on advisory boards for fire control districts (dependent). XIII. ITEI>lS FOR DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION D. Proposed ordinances relating to Idtes, system develop- ment charges, operating rules and regulations, and water main extensions for utility systems operated by the County. DELETIONS VIII. COLLIER COUNTY h'ATER/SEh'ER UTUITY DIVISION A. Division Director's Report 4. South Florida Water Management District, Big Cypress Basin -- Waiver of provisions in Ordinanc~ 74-50. XI I I. lTE~IS FOR DISCUSSION A~D POSSIBLE ACTION B. Discussion of ~rastcr Plan and Space Utilization Study for Courthouse. C. Presentation by 4H Club. WEEK OF MARCil 12, 197B PROCLAIMED "INTERNATIONAL DeMOLAY WEEK" _ PROCLAMATION ADOPTED; ACCEPTED BY SCRIBE TIM MOULDER Following Clerk William Reagan's reading of the Proclamation establishing the week of March 12, 1978 A$ International DeMo1ay Week, Commissioncr Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that the Proclamation , be adopted. Scribe Tim Moulder accepted the signed Proclamation on behalf of the local Chapter of DeMolay and the representatives in atten- dance. He outlined the activities being planned in the community . in observation of International DeMolay WeeK and invited the Com- missioners to attend the installation of officers to be held March 30, 1978. 6 bk 41 March 14, 1978 MINUTSG OF FE[)IWllR~ 1I-197lt---- 1'.PPROVED-AS---SUBMITTED; MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 2B, 197B - APPROVED AS CORRECTED Commissioner Archer requested the following corrections be made in the minutes of the meeting of February 2B, 1978: Page 590 - Line 13 Should read: "might restrict his use of it in the work he is doing for them. In" Page 602 - Emergency Medical Service Permit 17B-l Corrected to delete reference to "...unincorpora- ted areas of Golden Gate and Immokalee & as backup for those areas" Page 603 - Emergency Medical Services Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity To be replaced with Certificate deleting reference to "...unincorporated areas of Golden Gate and Immokalee and as backup for those areAs" Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer And carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that the minutes of February 21, 1978 be approved as submittedl and the minutes of February 2B, 1978 be a~proved as corrected above. PUBLIC HEARING RE PETI'nON R-77-26-C BY COLLIER COUNTY EDUCATION ASSOCIATION REQUESTING REZONING FROM "RM-l" TO "GRC" FOR AN OFFICE ON LOTS 55-62, BLOCK A, ROCK CREEK PARK - CONTINUED UNTIL MARCH 28, 197B Legal notice having been published in The Naples Star on February 10, 197B as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider Petition R-77-26-C by the Collier County Education Association requesting rezoning from "RM-1" to "GRC" for an office on Lots 55-62, Block A, Rock Creek Park, located on the Southeast corner of Terrace Avenue and Shadowlawn Drive. Mr. Richard Faust, representing the petitioner, stated that he would like to complete the rezoning request despite the letter EE - .. March 14, 1978 delivered to th~ Commiss~oners from the owner of three of the lots in question, Mr. Larry Calderone, dated March 9, 197B in which he requested that lata 57, 58 and 59 be removed from the petition. lie said that thoro is an existing contract with the owners of the particular parcels which stipulated that the petitioner would be allowed to continue the rezoning to its con- clusion, adding that if the rezoning process is not permitted to continue it would be a breach of that contract. Assistant County Attorney James Siesky stated that he has not seen the letter in question; however, he voiced the opinion that it was undesirable to be involved in a contract dispute between the two parties. Commissioner Archer noted the absence of one of the Com- missioners and pointed out that a rezoning petition requires the affirmative vote of four of the five Commissioners, fOllowing which he suggested that the hearing be continued for another weck for this reason and to permit the Legal Department to further review the matter. Director of Community Development Dr. Neno Spagna commented that the consideration given the rezoning peti- tion by the staff and the Coastal Area Planning Commission was based on all of the lots in question being rezoned and, speaking for the staff, said that he would want to review the petition again if some of the lots were going to be removed from the petition. Commissioner Wenzel moved that the public hearing regarding Petition R-77-26-C by the Collier County Education Association requesting rezoning from "RM-l" to "GRC" for an office on Lots 55-62, Block A, Rock Creek Park, be continued until March 2B, 1978. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Commissioner Wimer absent. 7 bk 41 8 bk 41 March 14, 1978 nID 1300 FOR f[JRNISIlING, DET.IVCRING AND INSTALLING C.P.U. SYSTEM AND TERMINAL EQUIPMENT AWARDED AS FOLLOWS: CPU SYSTEM: DIGITAL EQUIPMENT CORPORllTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $157,578, TERMINAL EQUIP- MENT AND MODEMS: MODEHS PLUS, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,550; CIl^IRMAN AUTHORIZED TO SIGN CONTRlICTS RE SAME WHEN RECEIVED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on February 7 and 9. 1978, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publica- tion filed with tho Clerk, bids were received until March 3, 197B for furnishing, delivering and installing C.P.U. System and Termi- nal Equipment re Data Processing project. Mr. Fred Marks, Data Processing Director, explained that the lowest bids, as bid, exceeded the available ~EAA funds by approxi- mately $59,000; however, the equipment proposed was reviewed and the items which wore not essential to the initial configuration wore eliminated. The resulting configuration, said Mr. Marks, fell within the available LEAA Grant monies and is in compliance with the rcviscd Grant applications. It was his recommendation that the bids be awarded for the revised configuration as follows: A. ~PU System: Digital Equipment Corporation $157,578 D. Terminal Equipment and Modems: Modems Plus, Inc. $21,550 Continuing, Mr. Marks said that, since this project is to be funded 90\ by an LEAA Grant, the final contract award is contingent upon LEM approval. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Bid '300 for furnishing, delivering and installing C.P.U. System and Terminal Equipment be awarded, as recommended by Mr. Marks and outlined above, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreements when received. II'Ji - - March 14, 1978 VICE-CHAIID'AN AUTHO~IZED TO F.XECUTE LEASE OF 1/2 TON PICKUP TRUCK TO CETA FOR ROADSIDE MAINTENANCE PROJECT Fiscal Officer Harold Hall stated that the Board authorized on February l4, 1978 the purchase and lease of a 1/2 ton pickup truck to CETA for the Roadside Maintenance Project. He said that the truck is now available and the lease is ready for exe- cution by the Vice-Chairman. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that the Vice-Chair- man be authorized to execute the lease of a 1/2 ton piCkUp truck' to CETA for the Roadside Maintenance Project. . . * . . * * * . * . * * * * 9 bk 41 * lED - .. March 14, 1978 VICE-CHAIi-MAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE AGREEMENTS WITH GAC AND FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT CmlPAN'i FOR UTILITY SERVICE AT THE NEW GOLDEN GATE LIBRARY BUILDING Librarian Richard Joder explained that construction on the new Golden Gate Library building has reached the point at which it is imperative that work begin on the installation of the utilities to serve the Library. Concerning water, Mr. Joder re- ferred to the letter from CAC Utilities Inc. of Florida, dated October 27, 1977. estimating the cost for providing the utility to be $13,195, which was included in the bids for construction o~ the building and which will come from the LPW Grant. He said that the easement agreement with Florida Power' Light Company is a standard agreement and has been checKed with the County Attorney, the County Engineer, and the Utilities Director, as has the agroement with GAC, and that there are no objections. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by, Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that the Vice-Chairman be authorized to execute Agreements with GAC and with Florida Power & Light Company for utility service at the new Golden Gate Library Duilding, as requested by Mr. Joder. * * * * * * * * * * * * 11 bk 41 * 20 bk 41 March 14, 197B APPEAL BY J1ENR~ J. VINC~NT REGAROING A NUISANCE EXISTING IN UNIT 5, NAPLES PARK, BLOCK 56, LOT 16 - DENIED Zoning Director Carl Clemmer stated that a complaint was received May 23, 1977 regarding Mr. Henry Vincent's property, described as Lot 16, Block 56, Naples Park Unit 5. Following an investigation, Mr. Clemmer said, it was determined that a fire hazard existed and Mr. Vincent was so notified and was requested to abate same. No action was taken by the property owner, he con- tinued, so, therefore, on July 25, 1977 the County had the pro- perty mowed by the contractor in that area at a cost of $30 plus Administrative Costs of $10 - total of $40. Mr. Clemmer stated that Mr. Vincent, upon receipt of the Legal Notice of Assessment of Lien, requested a hearing stating that the charge was excessive and unwarranted. Commissioner Wenzel cited an example, related to him via telephone, of similar work being done in approximately 15 minutes, suggesting the possibility of the charge being excessive. Mr. Clemmer reviewed the type of equipment used, the fact that per- haps an excessive amount of debris might have to be removed, and the like, and stated that each lot is a different problem. He said that the contractor works on a unit basis and that there have been no complaints of excessive charges. When asked if the appellant was notified of the hearing, Mr. Clemmer replied in the affirmative. Assistant County Attorney James Siesky noted that there is a receipt on file from the Cer- tified Letter which was sent to Mr. Vincent notifying him that he was to be present at the meeting at 9:15 A.M. this date. Vice- Chairman issued the call for Mr. Vincent and there was no response. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the appeal by Henry J. Vincent re Assessment of Lien for abate- ment of nuisance on property located as Lot 16, Block 56, Naples ...... &II 11:II March 14, 1979 Park Unit 5, be denic~. The motion carried 3/1 with Chairman Wimer absent and with Commissioner Brown voting in the negative, . stating that he waa concerned about the possibility of excessive charges being assessed. RESOLUTION R-79-J7 RE PETITION PU-77-3-C BY GRACE BIBLE CHURCH REQUESTING AN EXTENSION FOR PROVISIONAL USE (l) FOR TRACT 85, UNIT 29, GOLDEN GATE ESTATES - ADOPTED, EXTENSION GRANTED UNTIL MAY 31, 1978 Director of Community Development Dr. Neno Spagna stated that the petitioner's Representative was unable to attend the meeting to respond to questions regarding Petition PU-77-3-C by Grace Bible Church for extension of provisional use (l) for Tract 85, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates. He said that the church has not bcen able to begin the new facility and would like to have the extension granted until May 31, 1979, noting that the staff is recommending the granting of such extension. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Resolution R-78-J7 granting extension of provisional usa (1) for Tract 85, Unit 29, Golden Gate Estates, as requested in Petition PU-77-J-C by Grace Bible Church, be adopted. In responAe to Commissioner Archer, Dr. Spagna stated that the aforementioned extension is the first one to be requested and that the request is not unusual, that there have been other like extensions granted in other situations. Upon call for the question, the motion carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent. * * * * * * * * 21 hk 41 ..... .. ILl March 14, 197B RESOLUTION R-78-38 RE PETITION PU-77-20-C BY ROBERT GIMAKIS REQUESTIN::: PROVISIuNAL USE (5) OF "GRC" FOR A RESIDENCE IN CON- JUNCTION WITH A BUSINESS ON A PORTION OF TRACT l, GOODLAND ISLES ADOPTED; AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS - ACCEPTED Director of Community Development Dr. Neno Spagna stated that Petition PU-77-20-C is a request by Robert Gimakis for provisional use (5) of the "GRC" district to permit the petitioner to con- struct a residence over a commercial building located in the southern portion of Goodland Isles, referring to the blueprint displayed for exact location of the property. He said that the petition was reviewed by the staff and by the Coastal Area Plan~ ning Commission and recommended for approval with the foll~wing stipulations: 1. Public bathrooms and septic tank are required for the bait and tackle shop. 2. The final site drainage plan be submitted to and approved by the County Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit. Responding to Commissioner Archer, Dr. Spagna stated that the petitioncr has agreed to the stipulations and that he was in attendance to respond to further questions by the Commissioners. Commissioner Henzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Resolution R-7B-38 rc Petition PU-77-20-C by Robert Gimakis requesting Provisional Use (5) of "GRC" for a residence in conjunction with a business on a portion of Tract 1, Goodland Isles, be adopted, and that the Agree- ment to the stipulations by the petitioner be accepted. * * * * * * * 23 bk 41 * 28 bl< 41 March 14, 1978 RESOLUTION ~-78-39 FE PETITION SDP-77-8-C BY DELTONA CORPORATION REQUESTING DEVELOPMENT PLAN APPROVAL Fon THE CLhM BAY PROJECT ON PART OF TRACT F, MARCO BEACH UNIT 22 - ADOPTED AS CORRECTED; AGREEMENT TO STIPULATIONS 2, 3, 4 and 5 - ACCEPTED Director of Community Development Dr. Neno Spagna referred to a site-plan development sketch displayed to locate tho portion of the Clam Bay Project for which Development Plan approval is being requested by Deltona Corporation in Petition SDP-77-B-C. He asked that the landscaping aspects noted on the sketch be disregarded since the requirements for same have been changed since it was prepared. Dr. Spagna explained that the Development Plan approval is a continuance of the TDR permit which was granted to the Deltona Corporation December 6, 1977 and has been reviewed by the staff and by the Coastal Area Planning Commission, adding that it meets all of the requirements for the TDR and, alsc, for the development of the particular parcel of land. Dr. Spagna read the following list of stipulation~ requested by staff and CAPC as part of the recommendation for approval: 1. The Deltona Corporation is hereby cautioned and made aware of the pending TOR court case. This case is currently on appeal to the Circuit Court and an adverse decision in'that case could result in ultimate denial of .their various permits and requests including this petition. 2. The Deltona Corporation' will hllve to submit these plans a long \</i th any other additional information for the county's final review, and approval when ;hey apply for a building permit. . 3. Approval of this petition does not constitute approval of the boat docks shown on plans. Deltona Corpora- tion will have to submit a separate request and follow the regular procedure to qbtain the county's approval for these boat docks. ' 4. Approval of this petition and the construction of' the proposed ~ units will result in the utiliza- tion of .il TOR units out of the originally approved 353 TDR units. . 5. It should be noted that at the time of approval of TDk-77-l-C, there was a great deal'of discussion that the petitioner provide beach access along the southern portion of the property lying west of the north-south access road. L.a .... ... March 14, 1978 No bencl. access is being asked at this time because lhe subject property is located on the bay sido of . the north-Eouth access road. . The requirement for beach access will be considered at: such l:lllle ...s t11e pel:iHollor requtlsL:s app.covill of a site development plan for the gulf front land lying west of the north-Routh accass road. Concerning Stipulation '1, Dr. Spagna said that the attorney for the Deltona Corporation consulted with County Attorney Pickworth and it is their opinion that it is unnecessary and on the basis of that advice requested that the requirement be deleted from the proposed resolution and the Agreement to the stipulations by the petitioner. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Resolution R-7B-39 re Petition SDP-77-B-C by Deltona Corporation requesting Development Plan Approval for a portion of the Clam Bay Project located on part of Tract "F" of Marco Beach Unit 22 be approved subject to the aforementioned staff stipulations, following dele- tion of Stipulation 1, said stipulation being concerned with the pending TDR Court Case; and that the Agreement to stipulations 2, 3, 4 and 5, signed by the petitioner, be accepted. * * * * . * . * * * * 29 bk 41 . --- ....... ..... March 14, 197B Mr. Mike Zcwalk inquired, in the event the Court rules.. against Deltonn, who will be held responsible for approving some- . ' thing not permitted by the courts. Assistant County Attorney James Siesky advised that Deltona has intervened in the case and that the stipulation in question is a superfluous caveat in that Deltona will know as soon as the County knows what the outcome of the case will be, adding that they will be bound just as much as the County by the outcome. As a further response to Mr. Zewa1k, Mr. James Vensel, repre- senting the Deltona Corporation, stated that it is their under- standing that they can proceed with the development, noting that, ObviOUSly, any action they take will be ultimately subject to what the judge says tho resolution of the case should be. Mr. Vensel said that since only the first phase of the development is involved and the density is dependent on an arithmetic combination of build- ing units and acres, and since more acres can be added to it, it is felt that it is not encumbering the court, influencing it one way or the other, by the start of construction of the first phase. BID '293 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING ONE (l) TRACK TYPE LOADER FOR IMMOKALEE LANDFILL - AWARDED TO KELLY TRACTOR COMPANY, MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $103.514 WITH MAINTENANCE CONTRACT Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 24 and 26, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until February 15, 1978 for furnishing and delivering one (1) track type loader for the Imrnokalee Landfill. Purchasing Director Frank wilcox explained that the recom- mendation is to award Bid '293 to the vendor who submitted a total cost purchase proposal - the total cost of the equipment over a period of five years, what it will cost to repair it, and a guaran- tee to repurchase the equipment at the end of five years secured by 33 bk 41 34 bk 41 March l4, 197B i'I performance r?nd. Based on the figures received from the vari- ous vendors, said Mr. Wilcox, the lowest total cost biddor is Kelly Tractor Company, Miami, Florida, of a Caterpillar at a cost of $103,514 with Maintenance Contract, adding that this is a heavy piece of equipment with a lot of maintenance problems. To explain further, Mr. Wilcox stated that the manufacturer is guaranteeing that for the next five years the maintenance and repair costs will not exceed $30,000 - anything over and above th~t amount, the vendor will pay for - that is the maintenance contract. Also, said Mr. Wilcox, the vendor guarantees that at the end of five years, the equipment will be repurchased at a price of $63,000, if the County so desires. I/e said the contract details what the contractor has to do and what the County has to do regarding repairs, stating that they have the right to inspect the vehicle and make recommendations for preventive maintenance. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Bid '293 for furnishing and delivering one (l) track type loader for Immokalee Landfill be awarded to Kelly Tractor Co., Miami, Florida, in the amount of $103,514 including maintenance contract as contained in the recom- mendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated March 1, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. BID '294 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING ONE Cl) RUBBER TIRED LOADER FOR NAPLES LANDFILL - AWARDED TO H. F. MASON, FORT HYERS, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $72,352 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 24 and 26, 197B as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, bids were received until February 15, 1978 for furnishing and delivering one CI} rubber tired loader for Naples Landfill. -- ..... ..... Mar.ch 14, 1978 Purchasing Director Frank H. Wilcox said that it is recom- mcnded that Did '294 be awarded to H. F. Mason, Fort Myers, Florida, the low lump-sum bidder, in the amount ot $72,352. He said that six lump-sum bids were received for the equipment, and three total cost bids. The total cost bids were not accepted, said Mr. Wilcox, because when the various bids were submitted under total cost bids, the vendors raised the unit price, with the exception of Kclly Tractor Co. He said that the difference be- tween the initial price and the relatively small cost of repairs, in comparison to the ndditional net price they charged, caused the Did Review Committee to recommend the total lump sum price. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Bid '294 for furnishing and delivering one (1) rubber tired loader for Naples Landfill be awarded to H. F. Mason, Fort Myers, Florida, in the amount of $72,352 net price, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated March l, 197B, and that the Chairman and thc Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. BID '296 FOR FURNISHING AND DELIVERING ONE (1) 50-TON LOWBED TRAILER FOR TilE ROhD AND BRIDGE DEPARTMENT - AWARDED TO KELLY TRACTOR COMPANY, MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN THE AMOUNT OF $21,100 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on January 24 and 26, 1978 as evidenced by Affidavit of Publica- tion filed with the Clerk, Purchasing Director Frank H. Wilcox advised that bids were received until February 15, 1978 for furn- ishing and delivering one (1) 50-ton lowbed trailer for the Road and Bridge Department. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that Bid '296 for furn- 35 bk 41 36 bk 41 March l4, 1978 iehing and dA] ~_verin<J 0.10 C 1) 50-ton lowbed trailer for the Road and Bridge Department be awarded to Kelly Tractor Company, Miami, Florida, in the amount of $2l,100, as contained in the recommendation of the Bid Review Committee letter dated March 1, 1978, and that the Chairman and the Clerk be authorized to sign and attest the resulting Agreement. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 * * * * * * RECESS from 10:00 A.H. to 10:10 A.M. at which time Deputy Clerk Brenneman was replaced by Deputy Clerk Pantano. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 * * * * * * TWO WATER WELL PERMITS FOR MEEKINS, INC. - APPROVED WITH STIPULA- TIONS Utility Director Irving Berzon stated that Meekins, Inc. is requesting two permits for water wells to be located in Section 23, Township 48 South, Range 26 East, the wells are to be 16 inches in diameter and dug to a depth of approximately 60 feet using a 16 inch steel casing. He further stated the well permit requests were reviewed by the Water Management Advisory Board who has recom- mended approval with the following stipulations: 1. The water sample analysis be provided to the County 2. A copy of the driller's log be provided 3. No water is to be pumped from the pit ex- cept to a plat which is to be constructed in the near future and then recirculated back to the pit, and 4. The permit is to be reviewed again in three years for renewal, if necessary. Mr. Ted Foster, repre~~ntative of Meekins, Inc., Hollywood, Florida, stated his company is in complete agreement with the conditions set down by the Water Management Board. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the two water well permits for Meekins, Inc. be approved subject to the aforementioned stipulations. Motion carried unani- mously 4/0, Chairman Wimer absent. La .. .... March 14, 197B EXCAVATION PERMIT FOR JOHN T. CONROY - APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Utility Director Irving Berzon stated that an excavation permit is requested by Investment Properties, Corp and that the proposed lake will be located in the SW~ of Section 1, Township 49 South, Range 25 East; it will be approximately l585 feet in length and 1354 feet in width, dug to a depth of no more than 10 feet below natural ground elevation, the lake will cover an area of approximately 36 acres and the excavated material will be re- moved from the site. He further stated the Water Management Ad- visory Board has recommended approval of the permit subject to the following stipulation: 1. That the depth of excavation be held to no greater than 10' below existing grade and that it be dug exactly as shown on the draw- ings submitted by the petitioner. Mr. Ber- zon said the objective is to create a lake which in turn will be converted into a com- mercial-recreational areal it will be in- spected at the time of completion at which time a set of as-built drawings will be sub- mitted to the County showing exactly what was constructed. Mr. Tom Peek, of Wilson, Miller, Barton, Soll & Peek, stated the petitioner has agreed to the aforemAntioned condition. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the excavation permit for John T. Conroy be approved with the above stipulation. Motion carried unanimously 4/0, Chairman Wimer absent. EXCAVATION PERMIT FOR ROBERT C. DAVIS, JR. - APPROVED Utility Director Irving Berzon explained that an excavation permit is being requeste~ by Robert C. Davis, Jr., for a lake to be located in the NW~ of Section 23, Township 47 South, Range 27 East; it will be approximately 300 feet long and 150 feet wide, dug to a depth of 5 feet below natural ground. He further stated the purpose of the excavation is to obtain fill material and none 37 bk 41 38 bk 41 March 14, 197B of the fill material will bat~u~r.ed off the site or sold. He further stated that the Water Management Advisory Board has recommended that the permit be approved. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the excavation permit for Robert C. Davis, Jr., of Willy Wiggle Worm Farms bo approved. ~Iotion carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent. Mr. Mike Zewalk, North Naples Civic Association, commented that some time ago the Board had agreed to refer to excavation locations by describing exactly where they are, using a map for example. Mr. Berzon apologized for the oversight and explained this excavation is to be located in the CorKscrew Sanctuary area and the permit for John Conroy is for the east side of Airport Road approximately 1 mile above Pine Ridge Road. THREE 12-INCH WATER WELL PERMITS FOR CAPRI WATER WORKS, INC. _ APPROVED WITH STIPULATIONS Utility Director Irving Berzon explained the request by Capri Water Works, Inc. is for three l2-inch wells to be located in Section 10, Township 51 South, Range 26 East; these wells are to be installed as replacements for existing wells because due to the type of soil they are located in they tend to increase the chloride level in the dry season. He advised that the Water Man- agement Advisory Board has recommended approval of the permits with the following stip~lations: 1. A copy of the driller's log and a water analysis test be provided, 2. A consumptive use permit must be obtained from the South Florida Water Management District 3. A copy of the Engineer's Report be provided to the County and the SFWMD. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, that the three l2-inch water well permits for Capri Wate~ Works, --- ... .... March l4, 1978 Inc. be approved subject to the aforementioned stipulations. 110tion carried unanimously 4/0, with Chairman Wimer absent. PAYMENT OF ROUTINE DILLS - APPROVED Following Clerk William Reagan's statement that the bills being presented have been processed following established proce- dures and that funds are available, Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer and carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer abscnt that the bills be approved for payment as witnessed by the following warrants issued from March 8, 1978 through March 14, 1978: FUND WARRANT NOS. General Fund BCC PAyroll Assessment & Utility Clearing 3522 - 3724 40472 - 40760 11-14 nUDGET AMENDMENT '78-55 TO PROVIDE OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR THE PLAN- NING DEPARTMENT FROM CONTINGENCY FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $4,ll9 ADOPTED Commissioner Wenzol moved, seconded by Commissioner Archer, and cArried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent that BUdget Amendment 178-55 to provide office equipment for the Planning De- partment from Contingency Funds be adopted in the amount of $4,119. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 39 bk 41 .. --- ..... ......... March 14, 197B DUDGET AMENDMENT 178-56 TO PROVIDE OFFICE EQUIPMENT FOR SOCIAL !'F:RVICF.S .N 'T'HF. AMOUNT OF $4AS - 1\DOPTED Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by commissioner 1\rcher, and carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent that Dudget Amendment '78-56 to provide office equipment for Social Services be adopted in the amount of $485. BOARf) Of COUNTY CO/v'oM I SS IONCHS COLLIER COUNTY, FLO~ID^ 'R E QUE S T FOR BUDGET ^HENOHE!U,. NlIme of floQuest n9 Dept .S~ S DESCRIPTION AND JUSTIFICATION OF Af"ENJ,',lENT REQUESTED (Prepllro In trlpl ICllto. Ono ( be retaIned by tho requesting Dopllrtment. Forward orIgInal and ona copy to Fiscal 01 Use continuatIon shoots end at1ech supporting documents, If needod) . To provide Office Equipment for Social Services (For move to Satellite Service Building) .' 1 Folding Table 4 Arm Chairs 1 Square Table 1 Full Module Table Freight on all the above Authorized by Board of County Commissioners 2-28-78. PREPARED BY DEPARTr,1ENT AP?~JVAL Harold L. HAll DATE 3/13/78 DATE COUNTY /v'ANAGER APPROVAL DATE (THIS SECTION TO BE COMPLETED BY FINANCE) ACCOUNT ~ TO: (Increase) Equipment 001-5220-01-4020 $ 485.00 FRQ}I: (Source of Funds) Contingencies 001-2101-00-7010 $ 485.00 41 bk 41 42 bk 4l March 14, 1978 REQUEST FOR rlPPOINTME~TS TO TPE BUILDING CONTRACTORS' LICENSING BOARD - APPROVED AS PER STAFF RECOMMENDATION Mr. Jim Siesky, Assistant County Attorney, stated that in accordance with Ordinance 78-2 which requires a Building Con- tractors' Licensing Board to be appointed by the Board of County Commissioners to consist of nine members and nine alternate members, the following recommendations were made by the staff to fill these positions: 1. Members of the Licensing Board who served under the terms of the previous ordinance have been recommended for reappoint- ment in all instances where they indicated their willingness to serve. (Trades represented in parentheses.) Donald Candee, Regular (Electrical) Robert Utter, Alternate (Electrical) I. K. Wolford, Regular (Plumbing) Bob Hill, Alternate (Plumbing) Robert Towle, Regular (Mechanical) Polk Threlkold, Regular (Specialty) Alec Garland, Alternate (Specialty) Richard Morris, Regular (Architect) Mario LeMendola, Alternate (Architect) James Spade, Alternate (Engineer) 2. Recommendations for appointment of persons who have not served p~eviously are based primarily on qualifications for the appoint- ment and secondarily on the interest expressed in serving. (Trades represented in parentheses.) Paul Jackson, Alternate (Mechanical) Virgil Datcher, Regular (General Contractor) Fritz Thurner, Alternate (General Contractor) WilUam Slocum, Regular (Res. Contractor) Franklin E. Nagle, Alternate (Res. Contractor) Fred Hill, Regular (Roofing) Augie Longo, Alternate (Roofing) Rick Barber, Regular (Engineer) Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the aforementioned 18 persons be appointed to the Building Contractors' Licensing Board as regular and alternate members as listed above. Motion carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent. REPORT ON APPLICANTS FOR COUNTY MANAGER'S HAS NARROWED NUMBER OF APPLICANTS TO 27. RESUMES AND SUMMARY SHEETS AND SELECT THE TACTED FOR INTERVIEWS POSITION - MANAGEMENT TEAM BOARD TO REVIEW THESE 27 FINAL TOP TEN TO BE CON- Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer Harold Hall explained to the Doard that the Management Team along with Clerk William Reagan have IL: KJI ItII March 14, 1978 reviewed all of the applicants and based upon criteria set down by thc Doard have narrowed the number of applicants down to 27, all of which have the required amount of minimum experience and who appear to be exceptionally strong candidates for the County Manager position. He stated that the procedure which was dis- cusscd with the Chairman is that the Commissioners review the resumes of the 27 applicants and from those select the "top ten" who would be contacted for interviews. Mr. Hall further suggested he could make up summary sheets of the 27 applicants outlining thcir major attributes which would be of aid to the Commissioners in their screening procedure. Vice-Chairman Pistor commented this is a good idea as time is of the essence and he would like to see the interviewing process underway in a week to 10 days. Mr. Hall stated he could complete the summary sheets in approximately )-4 hours if the Commissioners requested it. Mr. Hall also suggested that Xerox copies be made of each of the 27 applications for each of the Commissioners to review. Commissioner Brown stated he would like a copy of at lcast the application letter as he feels that if a man has command it comes out in his language. Commissioner Archer suggested the Chair direct Mr. Hall to make Xerox copies of the major parts of the applications on each of the 27 applicants. Vice-Chairman Pistor directed Mr. Hall to do so. APPOINTl-IENT OF MR. C. E. MILLER TO GOLDEN GATE FIRE CONTROL DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD - APPROVED Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that Mr. C. E. Miller, resident of Golden Gate, be appointed as a member of the Golden Gate Fire Control District Advisory Board. commissioner Archcr stated that Mr. Miller and his wife have been 43 bk 41 4 4 bit 41 March 14, 1978 very active ~n the Golden Gate Civic Association and he feels he will r'lako a worthy member to the Advisory Board. The motion carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent. DISCUSSION/DIRECTION ON ADVISOR~ BOARDS FOR FIRE CONTROL DIS- TRICTS - TO BE WORKS HOPPED AT A LATER DATE Vice-Chairman Pistor suggested the staff consider discussion of Advisory Boards for Fire Control Districts to make uniform the conditions under which the Advisory Boards operate. Commissioner Archer commented this can be done in a Workshop Session and possibly ask the Golden Gate Fire Association Advisory Board to meet with the Commissioners. (This item had been deleted from the Agenda at the beginning of the meeting). LETTER DATED MARCH 10, 1978 FROM THE DOT TRANSMITTING 4 COPIES OF THE JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT AND EXHIBIT "A"/STUDY DESIGN FOR THE PROPOSED COLLIER COUNT~ TRANSIT STUD~ - VICE-CHAIRMAN AUTHO- RIZED TO SIGN At this point in the meeting, Commissioner Archer left at 10:30 A.M. stating he would return. * * * * * * 11 * 11 11 11 11 11 11 Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan commented that sarno time ago the Board passed a resolution requesting the DOT to perform a study re mass transportation for Collier County and they have sent four copies of the Joint Participation Agreement, with the required changes, and requested the Vice-Chairman to sign all four agreements to be forwarded to DOT in Tallahassee. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the Vice-Chairman be authorized to sign the four copies of the Joint Participation Agreement and Exhibit "A"/Study Design for the proposed Collier County Transit Study. Motion carried unani- mously 3/0 with Chairman Wimer absent and Commissioner Archer not present at the time of vote. ........ ... ..... March l4, 1978 VICE-CIIAIRMl\N AUTHORIZED TO SIGN LETTER TO PRISONER '77-11-l0 RE illS LETTER DATED FErRUARY 2B. 1978 IN REFERENCE TO ACTIONS TAKEN BY WARDEN LESTER THA'r SUCIl ACTIONS ARE JUSTIFIED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated a letter dated February 28, 197B from Prisoner '77-11-10 indicated some of his gain time has been removed as a result of a disciplinary mea- sure and he requested the Board investigate this matter. She fur- ther stated Ted Thorward has investigated the matter and found the Warden was justified and did take measures as provided by law. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the Vice-Chairman be authorized to sign a letter to Prisoner '77-11-10 stating that Warden Lester is justified in reference to the actions taken and no further investigation is required by the Doard. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 with Chairman Wimer absent and Commissioner Archer absent at the time of vote. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR THREE MONTHS FOR GEORGE INGLE, ROAD & BRIDGE EMPLOYEE - APPROVED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated that George H. Ingle, Road & Bridge employee, is in the hospital and on the advice of his doctor is requesting a 3-month leave of ab- sence to recuperate. Commissioner Wenzel moved, oeconded by Commissioner Brown, that the request for a 3-month leave of absence from George H. Ingle, Road & Bridge, be approved. Motion carried unanimously 3/0 with Chairman Wimer absent and Commissioner Archer absent at time of vote. DR. SPAGNA AUTHORIZED TO ATTEND THE NACO PLANNING DIRECTORS AS- SOCIATION MEETING IN INDIANAPOLIS IN THE ~10UNT OF $300 Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated that in accordance with the policies regarding travel, a request is 49 bk 41 50 bk 4l March l4, 1978 made by Dr. Neno Spagna. Planning, to attend the NACO Planning Directors Association meeting to be held in Indianapolis. She further stated the estimated cost of travel is $300 and it is available.in the Department budget. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the travel request by Dr. Spagna to attend the NACO Planning Directors Association meeting be approved in the amount of $300. The motion carried unanimously 3/0 with Chairman Wimer absent and Commissioner Archer absent at the time of vote. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO MAKE A PRELIMINARY REPORT TO INCLUDE OBTAINING NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO PROPERLY DEDICATE A 20' EASE- l>lENT TO THE COUNTY RE SPERLING COURT ROAD Commissioner Archer returned to the meeting at 10:35 A.M. ,. * * ,. * * * * * * * * * * Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated a pe- tition has been received from property owners on the south side o( Sperling Court requesting that the Board create a road im- provement district; it is a privately-owned access easement which is 20' wide and does not meet the specifications of the County. She further stated it has never been properly deeded or dedicated to thC! County. Commissioner Wenzel questioned whether the County takes over anything narrower _::3n the 60' right-of-way. Mr. Clifford Barks- dale, Assistant County Engineer, explained the 20' easement is the only access to the lots and it can be improved as an alleyway as the current standard for an alleyway is 20'. Commissioner Wenzel stated he would rather it remain private and cooperate with . the property owners in improving the condition of the alley. Vice- Chairman Pistor agreed with Commissioner Wenzel's statement. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, t~at the Board accept the petition and that the Engineering Depart- La .... ILlI March 14, 197B mcnt mnke a preliminary report to include obtaining the necessary documents to properly dedicate the 20' easement to the County. The motion carried unanimously 4/0, with Chairman Wimer absent. PETITION RE SMUGGLERS COVE ROAD - ACCEPTED - ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT AUTIIORIZED TO MAKE A PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING REPORT TO INCLUDE OB- . TAINING TilE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS TO PROPERLY DEDICATE THE 20' EASE- MENT TO THE COUNTY Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated a petition has been received from property owners of Smugglers Cove Road re- questing the 20' wide private access road be paved. She further stated that it has never properly been deeded or dedicated to the COUllty. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the Board authorize the acceptance of the petition re Smugglers Cove Road and that the Engineering Department make a preliminary report to include obtaining the necessary documents to properly dedi- cate the 20' easement to the County. Commissioner Wenzel stressed he would like this road, also, to remain a private road after improvement. The motion carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent. BOARD AUTHORIZED TO ACCEPT PETITION RE NAPLES MANOR LIGHTING AND TO AUTIIORIZE THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TO MAKE A PRELIMINARY REPORT AS DIRECTED IN THE APPROPRIATE GOVERNING ORDINANCE Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated a petition has been received from property owners in Naples Manor requesting the creation of a lighting and beautification district for their area as they are participating with the Sheriff's Department in crime watch and feel that better lighting would be a help in de- terring crime. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the Board accept the petition re Naples Manor lighting and to authorize the Engineering Department to make a preliminary report. folotion carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman wimer absent. 51 bk 41 52 bk 41 March 14, 1978 DISCUSSION RE F'STABLISHMENT OF MSTU TO BE SCHEDtlLZil FOR A FUTURE WORKSHOP SESSION Commissioner Archer suggested it would be to the Board's ad- vantagc to look into the mattcr of the establishment of the MSTU's as set up in state statutes. Assistant County Attorney Siesky sug- gested setting up a MSTU for each subdivision in anticipation of the necds of the people so that when requests are made the Board can order the work to be initiated and be charged to the MSTU. Vice-Chairman Pistor agreed with Commissioner Archer and di- rected the matter be scheduled for a Workshop Session for discussion and then eventually be put on the Regular Agenda. AFTER-THE-FACT AUTHORIZATION FOR CHAIRMAN TO SIGN PROCLAMATION MAKING MARCH 12-18, 197B COLLIER COUNTY'S AID TO SMOKERS WEEK - GRANTED Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated the Seventh Day Adventist is sponsoring a 5-day seminar assisting people to stop smoking and the Chairman has previously signed a proclamation making March 12-18, 1978 Aid to Smokers Week and needs after-the-fact autho- rization to do so. Commissioner Wenzel moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, that the Chairman be authorized to sign an after-the-fact authorization proclaiming the week of March 12-18, 197B Collier County's Aid to Smokers Week. The motion carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent. * * * * * * * * * 54 bk 4l March 14, 1978 VICE-CHAIR}~r: AUTHORIZED TO SIr.N CERTIFICATES FOR CORRECTION ON TAX ROLL Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Brown, and carried 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent, that tho following Cortificates for Correction on the Tax Rolls be approved and that the Vice-Chairman be authorized to sign same: NOS. ~ 1975 Tax Roll 38l - 382 March 2, 1978 1976 Tax Roll 383 - 384 March 2, 1978 1977 Tax Roll 303 - 3BO February 1-28, 197B 1977 Tax Roll 385 - 391 March 2-10, 1978 LETTER DATED MARCH 8, 1978 FROM THE DNR NOTIFYING BOARO THAT A TRACT OF LAND IS BEING EXCHANGED FOR A PARCEL OF LAND FOR USE BY THE SCHOOL BOARD AND IS AVAILABLE TO THE COUNTY FOR PUBLIC OUTDOOR RECREATIONAL PURPOSES - REFERRED TO DR. SPAGNA Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated a letter dated March 8, 1978 has been received from the DNR notifying the Board that a tract of land presently being used by the School Doard is available to the County for public outdoor recreational purposes and if the County determines they wish to use this land as stipulated, a tentative plan for development must be received by the trustees within 90 days. Commissioner Wenzel suggested this matter be referred to Dr. Neno Spagna, Director of Community Development, to determine if the land is adequate for the County to use. Vice-Chairman Pistor directed same. THE DEPARTHENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS IS SPONSORING A SERIES OF REGIONAL WORKSHOPS TO EXPLAIN THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE NEW LEGISLATION, PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE, AND ANSWER QUESTIONS DURING foolARCH AND APRIL RE INVESTHENT PROCEDURES - CLERK WILLIAM REAGAN AUTHORIZED TO SEND REPRESENTATIVE TO SIT IN ON WORK SESSIONS Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated the 1977 Legislature enacted Chapter 218, Part IV, F.S., which provides for state assistance in the investment of local government surplus funds; this program is intended to help local governments achieve 1_.1 , ".... LI March 14, 197B muximum return on their investments with a very low degree of risk. She further stated the Department of Commun1tY-Aff~~8 is sponsoring a series of regional workshops to explain the requirements of the new legislation, provide technical assistance, and answer questions, to be held during March and April. Clerk of Courts William Reagan stated he feels it is not neces- sary to send anyone to sit in on these work sessions as he believes Collier County's investment program is excellent. Vice-Chairman Fistor directed this matter be turned over to Mr. Reagan authorizing him to send a representative to the sessions if deemed necessary. NOTICE TO ALL IN'rERESTED CITIZENS OF PUBLIC MEETING TO BE HELD IN DARTOW, SARASOTA, AND FT. MYERS TO IDENTIFY THE HEALTH NEEDS AND PRIORITIES IN OUR COMMUNITY Administrative Aide to the Board Mary Morgan stated the South Central Florida Health Systems Council is holding a pUblic meeting in Ft. Myers on March 22, 197B a~ 7:30 p.m. at the Ft. Myers Com- munity Hospital cafeteria to accept public input and to identify the health needs and priorities of the community. CERTIFICATE OF PUBLIC CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY FOR AMERICAN AM- BULANCE - REISSUED As stated earlier in the meeting it was the consensus of the Board that a revised Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity be issueu to American Ambulance to correct the legal description of the service area, superseding Certificate dated February 2B,. 1978. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 55 bk 4l .. l.3 K:II .-:J March 14, 1978 REQUEST BY CETA OPERATIONS DIRECTOR TO RELOCATE CETA PROGRAM SER- VICES OUTS ICE TilE COLLIER COU~TY GOVERNMENT COMPLEX - APPROVED CHAIRMAN AND/OR VICE-CHAIRMAN AUTHORIZED TO EXECUTE LEASE AGREE- MENT: PROPERTY AGREEMENT AND 2 XEROX AGREEMENTS Chief Deputy Clerk/Fiscal Officer narold Hall explained that as a rcsult of the review of space needs and requirements, it was determined by the management team that several functions do not necessarily have to operate in the Complex, one of which is the CETA administration program. He further stated that Mr. Jim Meerpohl, CETA Opcrations Director, has made a study as to the advantages and/or disadvantages of the program working outside the government complex and that the main advantage of being out- side the complex is that it will be located close to the emp10y- ment service. Mr. Meerpohl stated that an outside location would adminis- tratively put CETA in a better position to evaluate their programs as well as to better serve the clients. He further stated the pro- posed office site is most beneficial in regards to geography and cost. Mr. Meerpohl stressed he would like to keer the CETA admin- istration and client services together. He said the proposed site is located on 6th Avenue North in the 1060 Building and is next door to the Florida State Uncmployemtn Compensation office; the Employ- ment Service Office and the HRS office is located in the same com- plex. A brief discussion was held concerning CETA's position in re- lation to the Welfare program and the HRS. Commissioner Archer moved, seconded by Commissioner Wenzel, that the relocation of the CETA office to the lOGO Building be approved and the Chairman be authorized to sign the leases re the office and supportive equipment. Motion carried unanimously 4/0 with Chairman Wimer absent. 59 bk 41 . 64 bk 4l March l4, 197B DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED ORDINANCES RELATING TO RATES, SYSTEM DEVELOP- ~ MENT CHARGES,. OPERATING RULES AND REGULATIONS, AND WATER MAIN EX- TENSIONS FOR UTILITY SYSTEMS OPERATED BY THE COUNTY Utility Dircctor Irving Berzon stated there are five proposed ordinances relating to the County's utility system, one of which pertains to adopting the rates, charges and fees for connection to the County's central water service system and deals also with de- posits of installation of meters, methods of bill collection and discrepancy reviews. He further stated the proposed rates are in line with the City of Naples as that is the main objective of the ordinance. Mr. Berzon then pointed out several corrections in the proposed ordinance stating the final draft would be corrected as such. Mr. Berzon went on to say the second ordinance deals with operating rules and rcgulations of County-owned utility systems. Ho pointed out various corrections on this ordinance also. The third ordinance, he said, deals with the policy and pro- cedure for extension of water utility lines and the installation of water supply and treatment facilities by developers. Mr. Berzon stated it is consistent with subdivision requirements and the exist~ ing Ordinance 75-20. ^ few corrections were made on this ordinance. Mr. Berzon stated the fourth and fifth ordinances deal pri- marily with system development charges for the water and sewer system usually referred to as impact fees. In reference to the water ordin~nce, Mr. Berzon said, it is consistent with the City of Naples ordinance and the cost that was developed for the water service is based on the City-County Water Agreement. He stated that Mr. Ted Smallwood, of BlaCk, Crow & Eidsness, had made up a report concerning the cost of construction of the system and it was determined that due to the inflation level, the cost of the construction would increase by 7\ annually. He furthor stated this ordinance fairly complies with the requirements Lj -=- ~ March 14, 1978 set down from the Cjty of Duneedin case with regards to impact fees. ~lr. Derzon stressed the Board is not obligated to adopt this ordi- nance. lIe stated he disagreed with Mr. Smallwood in that the charge should be approximately $595 as compared to Mr. Smallwood's figure of $397 because in 19B2 there will more than likely be a rate in- crease and the higher the charge is now the lower the increase will be at that time. Mr. Ted Smallwood, stated that in his opinion, giving the new customers a credit by having them pay only the $397 fee for system development charge is justified in that they are contributing to the new system as well as supporting the old system that has been in existance. A lengthy discussion was held concerning this matter. Mr. Smallwood stressed the fact that this procedure will have to be reviewed annually and in doing so will determine the rates and credits to be as fair and equitable as possible. Commissioner Archer stated that any charge that is determined he feels it should be backed up as to exactly why that particular amount is determined. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. #I #I #I #I #I #I #I #I #I There being no further businesR for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of tho Chair - Time: ll:55 A.M. ,.. #I ,.. ,.. ,.. #I #I #I . . . . . . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTRO: C. ~wlal. ~RMAN ~ IJUARI/ ,~T.!EST: 0,.... ;.~ WtLLIAW.J'. JU:AGAN, . " \ (;.1 ~/:' f, ~~ _ . "," ,.c ... ; \ i :: " f. ".. . .1 '!.. ~ . I I;' , "l v 65 bk 41