Agenda 12/16/2008 Item #16D29 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 1 of 45 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, the annual Certification for Implementation of Regulatory Reform Activities by the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program. OBJECTIVE: To have the Board execute the Certification for Implementation of Regulatory Reform Activities. CONSIDERATIONS: Collier County is required to submit an annual Certification for Implementation of Regulatory Reforn1 Activities to the State of Florida as part of the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program. This forn1 certifies four key points. I. Permits as defined in sec.163.3164(7) and (8), Florida Statute, for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greatcr degree than other projects; and 2. There is an ongoing process for review of local policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. 3. The cumulative cost per newly constructed housing per housing unit, from these actions for FY 2008 is estimated to be $3,710.48. ..- 4. The cUlllulative cost per rehabilitated housing per housing unit, from these actions for FY 2008 is estimated to be $0.00. Info11'llation collected from this certification is used to assess the impacts of regulatory barriers to affordable housing in Collier County. FISCAL IMPACT: Execution of this certification will ensure that Collier County continues to be eligible to participate in and receive funding from the SHIP Program including an estimated $2,900,000.00 dollars in FY09. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: Execution of this certification and continued participation in the SHIP Program will allow Collier County to enhance the development of affordable workforce housing in accordance with the Housing Element of the Growth Management Plan of Collier County. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County Attorney's Office, and it does not present any legal issues. - CMG RECOMMENDATION: That the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign, the annual Certification for Implementation' of Regulatory Reform Activities form and submit the FY08 SHIP Annual Report Certification Form. ..- PREPARED BY: Frank Ramsey, Housing Manager, Housing and Human Services. Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 2 of 45 Form 1: SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY SeCliM420.9075(10),FS OQ11~108 2008 SubmlttaIO.l<I: FI..,.IV...: FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT NAME OF LOCAL ENTITY: Collier County SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUM08 SHIP FUNDS STRATEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED DESCRIPTION B C Propoud PropOll8d '0," HOMEOWNERSH1P STRATEGIES Amount "'" ",,"00", "0," Amount "0," , Purchase Assistance with Rehab 1,910,008.91 101 207,925.00 9 741,119.47 86 , Rehabilitatioo 58,593.29 4 11.18579 3 233,220.92 8 Total Homeownershln Slratenles 1,968,602.20 10S 219,110.79 12 974,340.39 94 " 1,gll8,8D2.20 2111.110.711) RENTAL STRATEGIES HOE.lc;poond.d HOEncumbe..d i 0,011 0.00 , Total Rental Strateales 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 R,nlIIIExp.md'd R.ntoIEncumb.",.d Administration 200811~r~~1 I .~ Home Ownershio Counselln" 70,000.00 AdmIn fTom prooram Income 000 Admin from DISllster Funds 000 ,\i:."A!r,(;"ci 219:110.791> " I.......'" .':~'1!i"~.'OCT;;;jTff,'. Total '.. 2,335.213.50 105 12 ',974,340.39 ~f~*ffl~W,":~~iVil,f-~~~""~'~kt,,? ~:~; ~:,_,~,~ .,_",~!l!,!~~~:E,,,,~_T~,",,_lb;&~ TABLE A' TABLES' ToIoIR_........I_ronllol d)IorLoo.aI&HIPTruatFund A B Amount Percentage Source of SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds StllUl Annu.1 Oi.trlblltlon 2,966113,00 84,06% Proor.mlncom.lntereatl 278919.00 7.90% Iproo1'llmlncomefPa menla' 283,63268 804% Rec:;;..1'lldFunda 000 0.00% OluawrFunds 000 0.00% OlherFunde 000 0,00% c.rry OVtIr funda from pnIvlooaye.r (can 1M I poshlveorneg.ll\lenumlMr) 0,00% ToI.1 Fund. Oeposltlld Into Loc.1 3,528,664.68 100.00% Affordable Hou.lnn Trullt Fund TABLEC' Enter Total 55 from Table A, Columns A, e, & C: 3528,664.68 ....Enter amount to be cerried forward to next "ear: 0.00 TOTAL 3.528,664.68 -'Clrry lorward.. "sed only in 8 clo..olll Y.~' when the ~mount oflun~' re"",in,ng are not sulfrcienl to lully ISSrst one untt, The unit ISsiSle<l Ii count~d ;nthe next!i,,,,,1 ye~r *~J~Jfui:0i1j'm]N',!~,:,!:, ~~~7~~O~,~S: ij,~~~Jl4,j ~r ~!~ OHI.....FU07 _.11"....' FORM 2: Rents and Compliance Summary Seobon420~75(b),(oJ.(d).{g).F,S FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SubmtttoIO.too: n.c.IV.." 0~115/(JB 200B Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 3 of 45 Name of Loclll Elltity. - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT Collier County Table A' Rental Unit Information (II ..nl. va~ ~:I"'..mt1 unll, ..:~;U:~'-'I amountl A . C 0 E STRATEGY OESCRIPTION Eff. 1 Bed 2... ,... 4 Bed Table B: RIilCIIP of Fundln" Sources for Units Produced Source of $$ Producecl thru June 30th tor Units A Amount of Funds Ex endecl to Date . % of Total Vaiue C SfilP Fundi Ex",n"'d PubllcM___Ex nd.d p"",...Funa.Ex ndod Qwne,E "I 10101 v.l... 01 All Unl", 185'.602.20 118307334 114<19,734.[10 105,950,00 14.1ll7,3lill.54 13,39% $,04% 77.85% 0,72% 100,00% Table C: SHIP Prooram Comollance Summarv. Home OwnershlplConstrucllonlRehab* CompllanceCat.....oru SHIP Funds' TrustFund" % of Trust Fund "L.~tatule Minimum % A . C 0 E HOME OWNERSHIP 2,561,97430 2,966,11300 86.37'% 65% CONSTRUCTlONIREHABILlT A TION 3,367,188,30 2,966.113,00 113.52% 75% . Include amounts expended. encumoored,& unencumPlilred (prolectool'nlh ISleb'e -TruslFundequals Dislrlbullon plus Recaptured Funds Table 0: Program Compliance -Income Set.Asldes Prog..",ComJ>lilI"".byF"ndoE."'n..... Encumbo..d Un.ncurno...d(J>,oJ.cmd) Total SHIPS SHIPS AvaUable 'Total Available Incom.C.teo SHIJ>Sh",ndod Encumbered Unencumbered TohoIA*B*C Funds % Funds A . C 0 E F Ee' 119,484.21 20,25000 3600000 175,734.21 4,98% 3,528,66488 V. .Low'ncome 516,20000 32,185,79 389,154.08 937,539.87 26,57% 3528,66468 Low Income 1,232.734,49 142.675,00 549.186,31 1,924,59580 54,54% 3,528,664,68 Moderate Income 100,183,50 24.000,00 0.00 124.183,50 3.52% 3,528,66468 TOTAL 1,988,602.20 .~:'> '219,110.79 974l'M01U" .'$;~"',\i. "kl"';~' 3;162;053;38 89.81% 3,528,664.68 '1o1al Available Funds" equals State DrstnbutlOn * RtICIlp!lIred Funds * program Income * Carry Over Funds * Other Funds 'From Form 1 Table B Column B tOlal \:'.".::,1,968iii02:2tf:t1[:i'\;":,' :U9;.;fo:iffj',:';" e74,iUiifaif llillmD-'................~,1 _-..,_ ~ . , ,-~.. :~;:'ri:1'~~~~~=:~~ri~.''''' ."",'.. Ell andVLl mU'lequ.1 3ll%or higher and Ell, VU and LI muataQual 60% or higher To~E , cl.IT.. etG,o" 10' Fund. Ell nd.d I. .I..ch... nu~.. ..w.nfo,........M Ii,.., 1 hte...lc,.S.I....Id. Strat....."DescrloUon Special Tar etGrouD Expended Funds Total#ofExDendedUnits A . C 0 ,~, 0,00 0 TableF: ProiectFundlno for Expended Funds Onlv IncomeCategDry Total SHIP SHIP Mortgages, Mongages, Loans LoansandOPL's Average Loan Total 01 SHIP Average Granl Tota' SHIP Funds Total & DPL's . Amount Grants SHIP Grants # Amount EXDended Units # A B C 0 E F G H Ell 119.48421 6 19,914.04 0.00 0 #DIVlO' 119484:21 6 V .Lowlncome 516,20000 " 19.853.85 0.00 0 #OIVIO' ,',,; i~'i'51a200:00 " Low Income 1.232,73449 " 17,865.72 000 0 #OIVIO! ,.,., 'i:olli1.232"734.49 89 Moderate Income 100,163.50 , 25,045.88 000 0 #DIVIOI :.'''" .'."." .'100;183:50 , TOTAL 1,968,602.20 "5 18,748.59 0.00 0 #DIVIO! '/1,968,602.20 '05 ,Thl.tobll,mu~ .q'!.JJ~b..DExpolndediiy liloom;"'ItiG~;' ;'~~:::~.Q.~''''.l''fl:!Nlif;Wi:~~~:p.t5,E.iia.F#;:,:: Table G: Allowable Administration Set ASide from Pro ram Income Totel Amount of ProQram Income A '5% Maximum B -10% MaxImum C TOlal % Program Income Allowed for Administration o 582,55168 28,127,58 . Counhes 1100 Eligible MlImcjplli~ies wflich receive more than lhe m,mmum d'Slrlbut,,:m .. Counties and Eligible Munlcipal~,es whicl1 faceiwlhe minimum distrib<llion or less 56,25517 U..llllherlhIl5%orl0%Samount. Table H: Allowable AdmlnlstrJOtlon Set Aside from Disaster Funds Total Dlsaster Funds Allowed Total Total Amount of Disaster Funds '5% Mexlmum -10% Maximum for Administration Administration A . C 0 E 000 000 000 0.00 Count,es ond Ellglblo Munlc,pollhes which rece'"" moro thon the m,mmum d'SlnOuhon -, Counties and Eligible Municipaln,..s whicl1 recei"" the mimmum distribU1ion or less U.e5orl0% uappUcabl. Form 1 T.b..A ". 'H'P.~RlDl R",""OJOl OHoen NO"" OO~ ",NO ---C!i-.;;t' ~'" L~Ol ",,,, E.oCL ",E "'''' ",'" ,,'" cO '" Ol <l: z o ~ ~tr 8~ ~~~ <0 Zz ~~ z, ,,~ ~g g [!ilf ili 1i:!!: ... g lj 0; ~ "- :...J ~~ ,w iEi i ~ . ~ " U 0'; ~ " . " 8€ I' .. ~ M, ~ . Ct:: .~ 0' ~ " 1 . - . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 , ~ . Ii "' -l! 1 0 II--::- 0 ~ ]J ~ ~.. 1 >1 :~ 0 - - . J l~ 0 , ~' , ,l 0 " ~! . . !1 "' , . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 . . 0 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . ! ! -' - " . il-----ij 0 l~j . ~ I w 1h . , ! I "~ , , . , , 1---" , . , , . I . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . . 0 0 . ! ! - ~ . , . . :~.I" . - , .! ;n I ~ . - . 1 , . - , . 0 0 . 0 0 . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 0 ! ! I 1 ' - ! ,I-- . - - , 1e--" , - ; i" , ,--; , . i :i , ~-" , . . , /j d: , . . 0 0 . . 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . . . 0 . . 0 0 0 ! ! . ' - 1--": . . . . , l~ , - , , 2 !'" I- . . . :: ~ 11-- " - . . J , . i . . , <" ,. 1 !~! I !lg.. ~ olo ip . j , "j , I i j , J i < 1 ~ . I , I I I , I 1 , ! . I, H Ii Ij i ! " ! ! ! Form 4 Program Summary Florida Statutes: Section 420.9075 SubmittlllDllle: 09/15108 2008 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 5 of 45 Fjs~al Year: FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT Name of Local Entity: Collier County 1. Please provide information on the status of the implementation of the Loca] Housing Incentive Plan or Incentive Strategy adopted by the local Affordab]e Housing Assistance Plan. A. IncentiveSlTategy: Expedited Permit Processing of Permits for Affordable Housing Projects. B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identifY local policy: Adopted by Resolution No. 2005-408 on November 29, 2005 C. Implementation Schedule rDate) Ongoing. D Has the plan or strategy been implemented'! Ifno, describe steps that will be taken to implemel1lthe Plan. Yes, slralegylsin place E. StatusofStrategy-([stheSITategyfunctioningasintended,i.e..are time frames being met. etc.) The strategy is functioning as intended. Affordable Housing Project Permits are being expedited Anach a concise description of the support services that areavaila bleto the residents of affordable housing. Participants in the Collier County SHIP Program may be referred to a range of community services. These suppon service~ may include home maintenance, money managcment. transportation orjobrraining. See tab "Form 4 Info". Attach such other data or unique affordable housing aCCllJnplishments considered significant by youI' Agency, (Success Storie"newspaper c1ippings,elc.) See tab "Form 4 Info" Describe how the Annual Report was made availahle for publi(' inspection and comments, AtTach copies of all commenls that were received and provide the local f!.(wemment's response. The Annual Report is avaliable for public comment at our office. The Report is also reviewed by the Affordable Housing Advisory Commillee 4 5,. LifelODaleMortgageForeclosure: A. 1.326 mortgages have been made to very low income households with70 in foreclosure B. 3.149 mortgages have been made to low income households with 21 in foreclosure. C. 10 mortgages have been made to moderate income households with 0 in foreclosure D. ']Olalroreclosurerateforallmortgages2%. 5b. Mortgage Default as of June 30th: A. 1,326 mortgages have been made to very low income households with 0 in defaoh. B. 3,149 mortgages have been made to low income households with 2 in default. C. 10 mortgages hal'e been made to moderate inC0me h0useholds Wilh 0 in default. D. Total Defauhrateforall mortgages is less than 1%,. 6 Describe how eligible sponsors {if applicable) that employed personnel rrom welfare to work programs NfA 7. Lisl strategies and give the average cost of production. Purchase Assistance with Rehab - Average Loan Amount $22,018; Average Cost of Home $157,748 Rehabilitation - Average Loan Amount $18,220. 8. Counties and eligible municipalities utilizing SHIP program funds must provide a list "frecipients by strategy including names. addresses and zip codes for each fiscal year reporting to Florida Housing Finance Corporatioll. NOTE, This is for each FY', EXPENDED FUNDS. MuSI b~ compl~t~d on tab #8. 9. Administrative expenditures separately stated for the costs of the local g0vernment and any sub recipients administering the program. Note: Must equal Form I, Table A and lotal musl not uceed 10% 296,611,30 Must be completed on tab #9. 10 A list of sub recipients and consultants that will administer ary p011ion of the SHIP pr0gram. The list shall include name of person or organization, business type. a des\..TIption of the srrategies lInd responsibilities for each sub.recipicm or consultant Must be completed on tab #10 II a Recaptured Funds-st'parate]y stated by e"ent type iforeclosure, sale 0 fprope11y,rellnance, default) Must be completed on tab#11a I] b. Program Income.separately stated for each transaction type, i.e, dollar amount of loan repayments. recycled funds, rctinance. and all other income derived from the use of funds Must be completed on tab #11b SHIP-ARI07 Rev. 11/19/07 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 6 of 45 Form 4 - Additional Information Form 4 (2) Local partners that provide support services for the residents of affordable housing include: 1. Job Training Partnership Program 6. Services for Seniors 2. Meals on Wheels 7. Collier County Council on Aging 3. Help on Wheels 8. Tri-County Nutritional Program 4. Community Transportation 9. Senior Friendship Center 5. Collier County Housing and Human Services 10. Senior Community Service Employment Program Additionally, Collier County maintains local housing partnerships with interested groups throughout the area whose input is sought on affordable housing issues affecting the community. Partners include: 1. Collier County Loan Consortium 8. Family and Consumer Services Advisory Committee 2. Salvation Army Transitional Living Center 9. Housing Committee - Chamber of Commerce/EDC 3. Affordable Housing Advisory Committee 10. SI. Matthew's House 4. Habitat for Humanity of Collier County 11. Collier County Housing Development Corporation 5. League of Women Voters 12. Empowerment Alliance of Southwest Florida 6. Alliance for the Mentally III 13. Housing Opportunities Made for Everyone 7 Collier United for Rights and Equality (CURE) Finally, Collier County provides a free homebuyer education training for SHIP clients. Form 4 (3) Collier County has a strong working relationship with the Collier County Loan Consortium, a collection of local banks that offer first time homebuyers with very-low, low or moderate incomes, loans at below market rates and preferred terms (e.g. not mortgage insurance required). Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 7 of 45 NamcofLocaJEnllt~': Collier County FlscaJY""r; 2008 Form 4 #8 Expended Funds Strategy Full Name Address City Zip Funds Expended Purchase with Rehab Alexandre, Danielle 13431 GemmerRd NaDles 34114 $ 21000.00 Purchase with Rehab Alliance Vieroenie 13465 Koinonia Drive Nanles 34114 $ 21.000.00 Purchase with Rehab Andre, Gasner 13449 Gemmer Road Naples 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Antenor. Josenh 4730251hPlace$W Naoles 34116 $ 19850,00 Purchase with Rehab Arteana Nelson 13420 Convenanl Road Naoles 34114 $ 21 000.00 Purchase with Rehab Astreide, Jean 3556 Libertv Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Baltazar, Vida 13423 Gemmer Rd Naples 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Baraas Amalia 1925CourtllardWa #F.201 Na les 34112 $ 15.350.00 Purchase with Rehab Bartareau, Buffv 3078 Kinfls LaKe Blvd Na les 34112 $ 16,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Batuk Am 376047!nAvenue NE Na les 34120 $ 22,581.91 PurChase with Rehab Beaumont Sarah J 1280 13th Street SW Na les 34117 $ 22,25000 Purchase with Rehab Bedova, Hector 9051 Gervais Circle # 1509 Na les 34120 $ 26,398,50 Purchase with Rehab Betancourt Odelin 9055 Gervais Circle #1405 Na les 34120 $ 27.448,50 Purchase with Rehab Billv,Olnuine 242120thAve NE Na les 34120 $ 825.00 Purchase with Rehab Blanc. Frannile 13380 Covenant Rd Na les 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Bolivar Roaer 13496 KOinonia Drive Na les 34114 $ 21,000,00 Purchase with Rehab Brett, Karen 156 Pebble Shores DrUnil10 Nanles 34110 $ 18,200.00 Purchase with Rehab Brodbeck Kristv 9055 Gervais Cir#1403 Nanles 34120 $ 27.448.50 Purchase with Rehab Brvant, Stanlev 3499 Santiano Way Naples 34135 $ 1,134.91 Purchase with Rehab Burnos, Felix and Paola 3320 45th Ave NE Naoles 34120 $ 19,700.00 Purchase with Rehab Carilus Minouche 3624 Justice Circle Immokalee 34142 $ 20.250,00 Purchase with Rehab Carithers, James 348115thAve Naoles 34117 $ 20,000,00 Purchase with Rehab Charles, Denie 13497 KOinonia Drive Nanles 34114 $ 21.000.00 Purchase with Rehab Cherv Mirna 13392 Covenant Rd Naples 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Courte, Ravmond E 4060 54lhAve NE Naples 34120 $ 27,500.00 Purchase with Rehab Cruz Rosa 13332 Convenant Rd Naples 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Davidson. Sharon 3645 Boca C1eoa Drive # 112 Nanles 34112 $ 13,700,00 Purchase with Rehab Eltinor. Jean 3576 libertll Wa ImmoKalee 34142 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Exceus, Jean 3540liberivWav ImmoKalee 34142 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Fanfan, Gabince 13473 Koinonia Drive Naples 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Foreste, Esaie 13437 Gemmer Rd Naples 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Freeman, Heather 3775 Santa 8artlara Blvd Nanles 34116 $ 20.163,86 Purchase with Rehab Gallenos. Dollie 3572 LiberivWav ImmoKalee 34142 $ 20,25000 Purchase with Rehab Gasnar-Francisco. Minuel 3608 Justice CirCle ImmoKalee 34142 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Gillett. John 4220 Hawaii Blvd Naples 34112 $ 24.500,00 Purchase with Rehab Gomez, Manuel 2037 Rookerv8av Or #1803 Naoles 34114 $ 2.500.00 Purchase with Rehab Grand Jean, Duaue 13453 GemmerRd Nanles 34114 $ 21,000,00 Purchase with Rehab Grau. Stefani 2016 RooKery Bav Dr. #1405 Naples 34114 $ 832,00 Purchase with Rehab Guerrier, Mireille 13424 Covenanl Road Naoles 34114 $ 21.000.00 Purchase with Rehab Jackson, Edward 1417AmaricaWav ImmoKalee 34142 S 19,200.00 Purchase with Rehab Jean Noel. Jean 3536 Libertv Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Johnson, Mirna 12191 Fuller lane Na les 34114 $ 20488.51 Purchase with Rehab Joseoh, Henrv 448119thAveSW Na les 34116 $ 1,377,6t Purchase with Rehab Jouissance, Marie 13504 Koinonia Drive Na las 34114 $ 21000.00 Purchase with Rehab Jules, Jacnuline 1512 Peace Way ImmoKalae 34142 $ 1875000 Purchase with Rehab Jules Jesumene 13493 Koinonia Drive Na las 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Lano, Fernando 13464Covenanl Rd Na les 34114 $ 21,000.00 Funds must be report&d in year expended. SI-lIP.ARl07 RtW.11119107 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16. 2008 Page 8 of 45 Purchase with Rehab Lanuerre, Antoinette 13427 Gemmer Rd Naoles 34114 $ 21 000,00 Purchase with Rehab Lara, Arturo 3646 Justice Circle ImmOKaiee 34142 $ 20250,00 Purchase with Rehab La"ton, Jessica 6640 Luna Circle #204 Na les 34109 $ 20750.00 Purchase with Rehab Leonard Ernst 411320thPlaceSW Na les 34116 $ 1769.76 Purchase with Rehab Liberus, Ulrick 13501 Koinonia Drive Na les 34114 $ 21 000,00 Purchase with Rehab Llorca Rives, Eddv 12083SitlerlvSlreet Na le5 34113 $ 20000,00 Purchase with Rehab L1ovd, Rave & Avril S055 Gervais Cirde #1406 Na ies 34120 $ 27448.50 Purchase with Rehab Looez Berevides Ramon 13412 CovenanlRd Naples 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Lonez, Katherine 43B04othstNE Naoles 34120 $ 244495 Purchase with Rehab Lonez, Xiomara 4900281hCT SW Naoles 34116 $ 2300000 Purchase with Rehab Marc, Zilana 13481 Koinonia Drive Nanles 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Mathieu Guerline 3568 LibertvWa" Immokalee 34142 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Mendoza, Raul 3616 Justice Cirde Immokalee 34142 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Metz Carlos and Jo ce 9047 Gervais Circle # 1603 Naoles 34120 $ 27448.50 Purchase with Rehab Moneene, Marie 13384 Covenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Montiel, Griselda 2670 BthAve SE Nanles 34117 $ 16,625.00 Purchase with Rehab Moser Babett 9055 Gervais Circle #1401 Nanles 34120 $ 26698.50 Purchase with Rehab MUnoz Daniel 3612 Justice Circle Immokalee 34142 $ 20.250,00 Purchase with Rehab Mvtril, Arnold 192140lhTerreceSW Naples 34116 $ 20,300.00 Purchase with Rehab Nanoleon. Lunel 134B5Koinonia Drive Naples 34114 $ 21,000_00 Purchase with Rehab Newhouse Monica 9055 Gervais Circle #1 406 Naoles 34120 $ 26,623.50 Purchase with Rehab Newton Michael 2775 12th Ave NE Na les 34120 $ 19250,00 Purchase with Rehab Nickerson, Jonathan -436523rdAveSW Naples 34116 $ 12275.00 Purchase with Rehab Nieto, Arnold 1154 Bush StreelE Immokalee 34142 $ 21485.00 Purchase with Rehab Olvera Jose 3592Libert Wa" Immokalee 34142 $ 20250,00 Purchase with Rehab Orta, Roaelio 537319thAvesW Na les 34116 $ 15,164.00 Purchase with Rehab Pardo, Onna 5313 Gllchrisl Street Na les 34114 $ 2,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Parker Bradford A 1675 Florida Club Drive#710 Na les 34112 $ 20000,00 Purchase with Rehab Penaloza, Jose 3644 Justice Circle immokalee 34142 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Petit Homme Verdiew 3560Libert Wa" Immokalee 34142 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Potter. Shannon 2385 NanlesTraceCir#2 Naoles 34109 $ 19,140.29 Purchase with Rehab Previlus, Josenh 3564 LibertvWav Nanles 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Roman, Kellv 3820 43rd Ave NE Naples 34120 $ 19437.50 Purchase with Rehab Rosas-Arro"o, Jose 13441 GemmerRc:l Naoles 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab SantaMaria, Oscar 7484 Bristol Circle Naoles 34120 $ 29.000,00 Purchase with Rehab Seide Jean-Jacnues 13469 Koinonia Dr Nanles 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Selznick, Scott 311843rdSlreetSouth Naples 34116 $ 2472.98 Purchase with Rehab Shinrnan. Latova 3588 Libert"Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Socorro Escobar 13417 GemmerRc:l Naples 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Soler, Adiel 13445 Gemmer Rd Naoles 34114 $ 21,000,00 Purchase with Rehab Tanis Inel 5373TrammelSlreel Nanles 34113 $ 27 000.00 Purchase with Rehab Toro-Gomez, Jairde 9047 Gervais Circle # 1610 Naples 34120 $ 26.698,50 Purchase with Rehab Torres Juan 4601 AlladineLane Naples 34112 $ 188.35 Purchase with Rehab Treio, Samuel 362B Justice Circle ImmoKalee 34142 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Trinidad, Ericka 3596 LibertvWav ImmoKalee 34142 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Valdez, Dannv & Nora 891 Arthur Court Immokalee 34142 $ 3510000 Purchase with Rehab Valleio, Carlos 287535th Ave NE Na 18s 34120 $ 19,550.00 Purchase with Rehab Vasalio, Carlos 205B Rooken'Bav Dr #2307 Na les 34114 $ 2366.27 Purchase with Rehab Vera Vera Mi"'uel 3580 LibertvWa Immokalee 34142 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Villeda, Fiorentino 3584 LibertvWav Immokalee 34142 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Viisaint, Marise 3524 Liberlv Wav ImmoKalee 34142 $ 20 250.00 Purchase with Rehab Waterburv Geri Lvnn 501 LeawoodCir Nanles 34104 $ 1318.01 Purchase with Rehab Wiider, Annela 3532LlbertvWav ImmOKalea 34142 $ 20,250.00 Funds must be reported In year expended. SHI?.ARl07 R.v.l111DI07 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 9 of 45 Purchase with Rehab Zendeias Jor"'e 302852ndTerraceSW Naoles 34116 $ 27485.00 Rehabilitation Bentley, Albert 422 Fahrne~ St ImmOKalee 34142 $ 19,734.21 Rehabilitation Couture Patricia 205917thStSW Naples 34117 $ 6,025.00 Rehabilitation Titus Cedemier 30 33rd Ave NE Naples 34120 $ 28363.00 Rehabilitation Turner, Jennifer 9540 LunaCir#1Q4 Naoles 34109 $ 4,471.08 Funds must be reported In year expended. SHIP....Rl07 RIlII.l1/1gI07 Expended Funds Form 4. #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16. 2008 Page 10 of 45 Funds must be reported In year expended. SH1P-ARl07 Rev,11119/Q7 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 11 of 45 Funds must be reported In year expended. SHIP_ARI07 Rev. 1111~107 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16. 2008 Page 12 of 45 1,968,602.20 Funds must be reported in year expended. SHIP_ARlO? RIOV_111191O? Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 13 of 45 Name of local Entity: Fiscal Year: Collier County 2008 Form 4 #9 Local Government/Sub-Recipients Name Amount Collier County Housinq and Human Services 294,269.00 Total 294,269.00 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 14 of 45 This form must be completed for FY 07/08 forward Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 15 of 45 Name of Local Entity: Collier County Fiscal Year: 2008 Form 4 #10 Sub-Recipients/Consultants Name Business Type Strategy Covered Responsibility SHIP-ARf07 Re....11119/07 O>O:JL{') NO'" 00_ CONO -- -(J;) CO~ ~ L~" "", En '" "Ell. "''' "'u '0" cO " '" <l: = = ~ . . > ~ . ii: .. e , 0 u . = .. " u c , u. " e , a ~ ;; u ~ = '" e w ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ ... .. E . . s . z u. . E o u E E ~ 0> o I;, ,Q ~ ;; ... E S u. = '" ;;; ~ '" '" ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ . = . ~ . ~ ~ E . . u '" ~ 0: e 10 ~ . e e ~ ~ .. . ~ " ~ a 0 " E 5 ~ 0: >- g 0 0 0 0 0 0 "' N ~ ~ ~ ~ t: ~ ~ ~ ~ E ~ ~ . , , 0 " ! 0 . 0. u e E 0 15 e 2- " U . ~ " e ~ :;; ~ ~ 0 .. " 5 0 ~ "' 0: >- .. '0C :'.. lia Iy>. " = ~ y '" ;;; . ~ u ." F1 IF'!1 '1 I '" " " ;\0 '" :,' F ~ .. ;:,' I/Y a >- I 0 - . ~:: o e >-=> : ~~ 0 0 -= 0 e " ~ E " . 5'" 0- I = : 0 J'! .... '2 , => / ..... . 0 0 ~ ~ 0 E " I' 0 u u e I' . E e ~ ." E " ~ " g 0 I;, , 0 " J'! i, 0 '2 ~ => = ..' " 0 ~ ..... 0 , u. " 0 0. 0 " e '} e ..~ ! 15 " ~ .. .' u "' = '" - N ... M J'! I '2 => <. ~ 0 0 i, 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 ~- 0 "' U N N ~ 0 '. ~ i ~ . u " E " " 0 E E il u 0 0 E u " u E E E E . . 0 " '" 0 u .. 10 ~ ~ E ~ ~ ~ " . = ~ >- ::; " 0 0 0 '" > ~ " e >- , , co C:':= "f;: .- , . . t . ~ o i . ~ .~ i o . . - ~ . e ! . o . . > '. ! . ~ ~ . '! . . o ;; ~ i . . ~ ~i . 0 ~ . 00 ~ i ( f Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16. 2008 Page 17 of 45 Homeownership Purchase Assistance-with Rehab 1 Purchase Assistance-without Rehab 2 Rehabilitation 3 Demolition/Reconstruction 4 Disaster Repair/Mitigation 5 Emergency Repair 6 Foreclosure Prevention 7 Impact Fees 8 Land Acquisition 9 New Construction 10 Special Needs 11 Rental Rental Special Needs Rental Tenant Based Assistance 12 13 14 Codes must be filled out on form 1 for FY 06/07 forward. SHlp.AR/07 Rev. 11/19107 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 18 of 45 Form 1: SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY S~bmllblID.te: Fja....IY..r; 09115/(18 2006-2007 SeClion420_9075(1Q),F.S FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION. NAME OF LOCAL ENTITY: SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT Collier County SHIP FUNOS SHIP fUNDS SHIP fUNDS STRATEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED DESCRIPTION B C PropOMd Propoud Code HOMEOWNERSHIP STRATEGIES "moun! """' Amount """' Amount """' 1 purct1lilseAssistancewilhRehab 2.994.423.89 136 86,492.76 5 3 Rehabilitation 510,16741 28 Total Homeownershln Stratenles 3,50.4,591.36 164 86A92.76 5 0,00 0 RENTAL STRATEGIES " Total Rental Strate ies 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 . Subtotal '. 3,504591.36 -'164 86,492.76 5 '. 0.00 ......." Administration 293.797.00 .. .... , .... Home Ownershl Counselln" 52,20000 ". .. ....... , Admin from Pro ram Income . .' I.. Admin from Disaster Funds . . Total 3,850,588.36 164 86,492.76 5 0.00 0.... TABLE A 3,SO..5~1.36 86,.~2.76 o Expenclod HOEnQumbolrod 0.00 8.08 .nt.JExpendld ".ntoIEn.umber.d 'Subtotll$..f 3,S01,0I4.12 CoIum...,.,B,C TABLE B' TatllRwea.../......I..cl/aron'..."m.,Il'...Loo.lllHIPTNO'f"nd A B Amount Percentage Sou.ce of SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds State Annual Dlsulbutlon 2,937,97800 74.62% Pronrlmlncomeftnt&m.tl 385,000.00 9,78% IPmor.m Income IPavmllntal 915,61968 23.26% iii R&canlumdFund. 000% OI....tsrFund. 0,00% Olh.rFund. 000% ~:; ~va'~:~~:"f~::"lI~~~:U~J;::.\ (301.516.56) -7,66% TlIt.1 Funds Dsp<noltad Into Loc.1 3,937,081.12 100,00% Affonl.blsHOllIIin TtustFund TABLE C. Enter Total 55 from Table A, Columns A, B, & C: ....Enle. emoun1 to be ca.ned forward to next year: TOTAL 3,937,081.12 0.00 3,937,081.12 ...Carrylorward..u.adonlyinaclo.eouly....rwhen\h..rnountoflund. r."",Ln;nga,enot.uflIClonltolullv..si.lon.unrl Tho unil a,slsled "counled;nlhe nexll..",,1 ye.r ......u.., R",""'''' FORM 2: Rents and Compliance SlJI11mary Section4200075(b),(c),(d;(9),FS FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION Submlttlll D~t., FI'c~IY.a" O~115108 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 19 of 45 2008_2001 Nllm.ofLocIIIEntlty: - SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT Collier County Tablek Rental Unit Information ~ '''-AC'UAC fllrentav.rylorth....meunll..nt.rg..."'-'-.mount) A B C D E STRATEGY DESCRIPTION Eff. 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed 4 Bed Table B: Recap of Fundino Sources for UnIts Produced Sourceof$S Producedlhru June 301h for Units A Amount of Funds Expended 10 Date B % of Tota' Value C SHIPFund.h nded 3,604,591.36 21545\1450 16.812,22700 194,850,00 22.666.282.88 15,46% 9,51% 7411% 086% 1011.110% PubllcMOrM Ex .n<lood Priv.tlFundoEx ndld OWn.rEqul TctalValUlcfAIIUrIlls Table C: SHIP Pro"ram Compliance Summarv - Home OwnershipJConstructionlRehab. CompllanceCII90orv SH,PFunds" Trust Fund'" % of Trusl Fund ."tatUII Minimum % A B C D E HOME OWNERSHIP 2,99442389 2,937,97800 t01.92% 65% CONSTRUCTIONIREHABILlT A TION 3,504,591,)6 2,937,97800 1t9.29% 75% o Includeamounls expended,encumbered,& unencumbered (proJect M)lnlhlsteble o'TrustFundequals DistribuHon plus Recaplured Funds Table D: Program Compliance -Income Set.Asides Prollr.m Compli.nca by FundI bpenclad Encumbe..d Un.neumberod l"rOj&et.dl Total SHIP $ SHIPS Available "Total Available Incom.C.teoorv SHIPlbll9nd.d Encumbered Unencumbered ToI.IIA+a+c Funds % Funds A B C D E F ELI 38,857_99 38,85799 099% 3,937JJ81,12 Verv-Lowlncome 1293.170_59 86492,76 1,37966335 35.04% 3.937.081.12 Low Income 2,004.081,24 2,004,081.24 5090% 3_937,061_12 Moderate Income 168,481,54 168.481.54 4,28% 3937,081_12 TOTAL 3,504,591.36 86,492.76 0.00 3,591,084.12 91.21% 3.937,081.12 "Total Avollabfe Funds' equals Slate 015tnbutlon + Recaplured Funds + Program Income + Carry Over Funds + Other Funds "From Form 1 Table B Column B total ,,_ ,.",3,,504.59:';36,. 86,492.76 o,Dcf ..I",liMl!~:m!iir~ 3,591,0S4.12lF.....F"""n.IoIoA .>r.'a_......_Fan.......ACO"""nA..,C ELI and VLI muatequal 30% Dr higher and Ell, VU and LI ml.lat eql.lal 60"10 or higher T.blaE. , ci.ITaretGrcu IDrFunckE. ndBd 1,I.t..ch... nu...... "'w.nlor"ma~ lir.li hi... .te S.IAaid. Slrat v Descriotion Soeclal Taraet Groull ExoendlldFunds TolalllofExoended Units A B C D Tol.Il 0,00 0 TableF: Prolect Fundlno for Exoended FundS Onlv Income Category Total SHIP SHIP Mortgages, Mortgages. Loans Loan$andDPl's Average loan Total of SHIP Average Grant Total SHIP Funds Total & DPL's . Amount Grarlts SH'P Grants # Amount Exoended Units II A B C D E F G " ELI 36.857_99 2 19,429.00 #DIVlOI 38857.99 2 V. .Lowlncome 1,293.17059 66 19.593.49 IIDIViO' 1293170.59 e6 Low Income 2,004,081-14 90 22.267.57 #DIV/OI 2,004,081.24 90 Moderate Income 168.48154 6 28,060.26 #DIVIOI 188,481.54 6 TOTAL 3,504,591.36 164 21,369.46 0.00 0 #OIVlO! 3,504,591.36 164 Thillobdmult .qualT.ble 0 Expended by hic_clntlio,Y-:; fflJ:re:)'Wti;&iii:i;itn;,j~Fri.5,E.5&F45 Table G: Allowable AdminIstration Set Aside from Prooram Income Total 0/0 Program Income Total Total Amount of Proaram Income "5% Maximum -10% Ma)(lmum Aliowed for Admlnl ion AdmInistration A B C D E 1,300_61966 65.030_98 130,06197 0.00 " Counties and EligIble MunrClpal<tles wI1lc11 reCeIve more than lhe mlmmum dlslnbutlOn .. Counties and Eligible Municipelities which receive the minimum dlstribuloon or less Uu alltIBr tha 5% or 10% $ amount. He;Form1 Tab!aA 'LIIHI3Sl: Table H: Allowable Admlnlstr"lion Set Aside from Disaster F nds Total Oisa$ter FundS Allowed Total Total AmotJot of Disaster Funds '5% Maximum -10% Maximum for Administration Administration A B C D E DOll 000 000 0.00 Counl,eS and E1F{l'ble MUn'C1pal,tre, wI1lc11 rece,ve more than the mInImum d,stnbullon .. Counties and Eligible Municipalllies which receive the minimum dislribution or less U..e 50r 100/. ...applicable Form 1 Tabla A ". SHOP.~R'" Rov, """"11 moo'" NO"" 00- ",NO - "0 ~N . ~ Ol -0l0l E.o ro OlEa.. ""Ol roO 'O0l :::0 Ol OJ <{ z o ~ . ~1r ~o ~~~ ~~~ <z ~. z> ,,~ ~ 8 ~ ;3:i ill 0::' ~ ~ ~~ig ~ ~ -. ~i i i , = - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 . . 0 . . . 0 . 0 , ~ . H ,. o. 11 --=- . , ,1 , "' 1" . i . , ~f-------; . . , i .1--' 0 , 1 1 ! ~ N . 11 ~. , !l , "0 1 ! . . 0 0 . 0 0 . . . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . ! ! -.: , I , ~~ . . . . 'J I~ - - l 1.., l~ ! ~ , . i---; . , , , - N . . 1 ! . 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . . . . . . 0 . . . . ! ! -': , . 'I , ~---ic , , I , . , ""~ ! , . , , , , , - i 1 ! . 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 . . . 0 0 . . 0 . . . 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 . ! ! , 1 ' i ~ ----: . . , 1----: , , , i !'" ~I---" , N l~ , I . , . , . ! . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . 0 . . ! ! i ' .- 0 . . l~ ;; ~'" , , , , , " ,- , , , , . , , j- 0 . . ; a . . , f . H- , Iii ! ! ' 00 r ! ! I , ., , , , ! ~ I I ! , I I i ~ i ~ . ,g ~ . . ~ u ~.. ~" 5l<i 0" 0" I~ M' ~ . iSl ~. I I j I , ! 1 , I , ! . i Ii 1 , , j , I , , j . ~ . , ! , j , , Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 21 of 45 Namc ofLOCRJ Entlll: Collier County Fi.caJYClIT: 2006.2007 Form 4 #8 Expended Funds Strategy Full Name Address City Zip Funds Expended PUfchase with Rehab Achille, Claricia 3S44 LiberN Waw Immokalee 34142 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Aime Zoublette 5325 Mitchell Slreet Naples 34113 $ 26250.00 Purchase with Rehab Alcime, Marie 1505PeaceWev Immokalee 34142 $ 18,75000 Purchase with Rehab Almanza, Raul Frias 1388AmericaWav Immokalae 34142 $ 18.750.00 Purchase with Rehab Alonso Vivian 13393 Covenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Antoine, Melchior 13388 Covenant Road Naples 34114 $ 21,00000 Purchase with Rehab Arellano. Maria 1322 Conslitullon Court Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Auauste, William 1306 Conslllution Court Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Baotiste, Garrv 5341 JenninasStreet Naples 34113 $ 26.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Batelaan Bruce 1020 Guawa Dnve Na les 34104 $ 30950.00 Purchase with Rehab Belance, Evelvne 13359Cowenanl Road Na las 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Bennett, Kvle 2088 Fairmant Lane Na las 34120 $ 42,530.55 Purchase with Rehab Semina. Jennifer 180 Fursa LakasCir#5 Na les 34104 $ 20,791.16 Purchase with Rehab Blanco, Ricardo 5322 Jenninos Street Naples 34113 $ 26,25000 Purchase with Rehab Brvant, Stanlev 3499SanliaqoWaw Na les 34135 $ 27,57598 Purchase with Rehab Bustamante, Elias 3520 LibertvWav Immokalee 34142 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Bustamante, Rafael 1466 Peace Wa.. Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Castellanos-Florez. Cesar ,4618 Apalachee Slreet INaPles 34114 $ 23,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Castro-Cuevas, Gerardo 1467 Peace Wav Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Charelis, Leanna 494818thCISW Naoles 34116 $ 32,690.00 Purchase with Rehab Chase, Christine 661 Windsor Slluare Ant 101 Nanles 34104 $ 2.500,00 Purchase with Rehab Cramer, Jean 9047 Gervais Clr#1606 Naples 34120 $ 27.448.50 Purchase with Rehab Cueto, Manuel 13345 CovenanlRoad Naples 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Cuevas, Manuel 321 Rose Ave Immokalee 34142 $ 29,700.00 Purchase with Rehab De Santiaao, Jose 1496 Peace Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Decker, Josenh 260 14th Ave NW Naples 34120 $ 26750.00 Purchase with Rehab Dejesus, Alexis 9051 Gervais Cir#1503 Naples 34120 $ 27.448.50 Purchase with Rehab Del Sol, Norne 13397Covenan\ Road Naples 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Demezier. Cabeche 410023rdPlace Naples 34116 $ 21,82900 Purchase with Rehab Destine Sheila 3528 Libel1vWav Immokalee 34142 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Diaz Pare!. Leonardo '3327Cpvenanl Road Naples 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Daly, Ermilus 1470 Peace Wav Immqkalea 34142 $ 18,75000 Purchase with Rehab Dominouez, Ronelio 13373 Covenant Road Naples 34114 $ 20.250,00 Purchase with Rehab Dorcent Isnadv 337 Rose Ave Immokalee 34142 $ 28,950.00 Purchase with Rehab Dassous. Elixer 13614 Lenacv Lane Na les 34114 $ 21,45000 Purchase with Rehab Duckworth, Vanessa 13348 Covenant Road Na las 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Dumel Nade e ~489Peace Way Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Edme, Marie 461 RpseAva Immokalee 34142 $ 29,700.00 Purchase with Rehab Emmanuel. Maccelus 13304 Covenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 20,25000 Purchase with Rehab Esteves. Adia 13331 Covenant Road " '" 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Excellent. Christine 13360 Covenant Road N, '" 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Fanfan Guerline '3364Covananl Rd Na les 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Francoeur, Jonas 14665 Analachee Streel Naples 34114 $ 23,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Frederic, Sadilia 1501PeaceWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Gabriel Fresnel 13383 Covenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Garcia Pardo Onna 5313GilchnstSlraet Naoles 34114 $ 23,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Garcia, Luis 9051 Gervais Clr#1506 Na las 34120 $ 27.448,50 Funds must be rsported in year expended. SHIP_ARl07 Rew,11119K17 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 22 of 45 Purchase with Rehab Garcon Clement 1497PeaceWau Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Georne Natalie 8294 Ke" Rousl Clr #1633 Naoles 34119 $ 1578.09 Purchase with Rehab Gomez, Manuel 2037 Rockerv Ba Or#1803 Naoles 34114 $ 19,145.00 Purchase with Rehab Gonzalez Luis 1513 Peace Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Grau Stefani 2016 Rookerv 8ev Dr#14Q5 Nanles 34114 $ 20153.00 Purchase with Rehab Griffin Jermila 13702 Le"acvLane Naples 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Guerrero Ono"de 13379 Convenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Gutierrez, Joseoh 700 Luisa Ln#2 Naoles 34104 $ 27950.00 Purchase with Rehab Hamilton Jacob 9051 GervalsCir#1505 Na les 34119 $ 27448.50 Purchase with Rehab Hard". Ashle" 387 Valle" Stream Circle Na les 34113 $ 35,000,00 Purchase with Rehab Hernandez, Aml"laro 317 Rose Ave Immokalee 34142 $ 28950.00 Purchase with Rehab Hernandez Kathv 9047 Gervais Cir#1605 Na les 34120 $ 27,448.50 Purchase with Rehab Hinojosa, Mildania 1279 Alleniance Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Jean Pierre Jean 5314 Jenninns streel Nanles 34113 $ 26250,00 Purchase with Rehab Jean-Pierre, Jean Marc 1493 Peace Wau Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Jimenez, Esteban 13372 Covenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab John Svbil 1526 Trafal arLane#C Naoles 34116 $ 20000,00 Purchase with Rehab Joseoh, Henrv 448119thAveSW Naoles 34116 $ 19031,84 Purchase with Rehab Josenh Jean 1509PeaceWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Josel"lh Madeleine 1461PeaceWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18 750,00 Purchase with Rehab Kaml"los, Carla 13328 Covenant Road Naples 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Khan Daulat 4420 Bolanical PlaceCir203 Naoles 34112 $ 19500.00 Purchase with Rehab Lanakil Jr, Georae 13598 Leaacv Lane Naoles 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab lara. Nicolas Huerta 13344 COIJenant Road Nanles 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Leonard Ernst 411320th Place SW Naoles 34116 $ 27 500.00 Purchase with Rehab Licot, David 13363 Covenant Road Naples 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Lofton Rhonda 1488PeaceWa ImmoKalee 34142 $ 18.750,00 Purchase with Rehab Lonez Feline 13376CovenanlRoad Nanles 34114 $ 20 250.00 Purchase with Rehab Lonez, Katherine 438040thStNE Na les 34120 $ 29600.00 Purchase with Rehab luevano, Elsa 1508 Peace Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Maciel Roberto 13340 Covenanl Road Na les 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Martinez Monica 13336 Covenant Road Na les 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab McClain Anthonv 13606 Lenacv Lane Na las 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab McDounall, Loren 6235WilshirePmesCir#1407 Na les 34109 $ 33,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Mendez-Olivero, Rosa 13367 Covenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Metelius Tehel"ne 13396 Covenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 21,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Milier Rachel 3565 Cauntv Bam Rd#103 Naoles 34112 $ 17,585.00 Purchase with Rehab Molnar Nicole 196 Nana Ridna Rd E#5 Nanles 34119 $ 1760.00 Purchase with Rehab Monk William 1961 RookervBav Dr, #403 Naples 34114 $ 15,520,00 Purchase with Rehab Montesano, Johanna 10774 ReaantCircle#301 Naoles 34109 $ 26,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Montez Elva 1479 Peace Wav immoKalee 34142 $ 18.750,00 Purchase with Rehab Moonan Thomas 51828ecklonRoad ImmoKalee 34142 $ 24885.00 Purchase with Rehab Morales, Pabio 5635 RattlesnaKe Rd D.305 Naples 34113 $ 2,066.98 Purchase with Rehab Moreno Panfilo 1375 Patriot Ct Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Morival, Rose 12255 Fuller Lane Naoles 34113 $ 23,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Multidor Yves 13590 Lanacv Lane NaDles 34114 $ 20,25000 Purchase with Rehab Nolasco, Jose 2021 RookervBav Drive #150 Naples 34114 $ 2337.11 Purchase with Rehab Novembre. Louise 13320 Covenant Road Naples 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Olnuine Billv 2421 20lhAve NE Naples 34120 $ 25,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Omeus. Marise 13352 Covenan\ Road Na les 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Patterson, Sherrv 238110thAIJeSE Na les 34116 $ 37,620,00 Purchase with Rehab Perez. Michel 13400 Covenant Road Na les 34114 $ 2100000 Purchase with Rehab Pierre, Milaine 13624 Lenacv Lane Na les 34114 $ 22,200.00 Funds musr be reported In year upended. SHIP.ARl07 R....11/111/07 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 23 of 45 Purchase with Rehab Preisnor Michel 416 School Rd Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 21 900.00 Purchase with Rehab Reves, Armando 3376 Carson Lakes llmmokalee 34142 $ 16,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Revnoso, Juana Lonez 1500 Peace Wav Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 18750,00 Purchase with Rehab Richard Darn'l B468lbisCoveCircle Naoles 34119 $ 35085,86 Purchase with Rehab Roman Irma 13324 Covenant Road Naoles 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Roman Keith 7797 Esmeralda Wa" #K201 Naples 34109 $ 24399.52 Purchase with Rehab Rosales Patricia 1332 Reflections Lane Unit4 Immokalee 34142 $ 1,666,15 Purchase with Rehab Rua, Lazaro 9047 Gervais Cir #1607 Naoles 34120 $ 27 448.50 Purchase with Rehab Rubio Amancio 5321 MitchellSlreet Natlles 34113 $ 26250.00 Purchase with Rehab Saint Germain Patricia 13387 Covenant Road Naples 34114 $ 20.250,00 Purchase with Rehab Saint. Hilaire, Marie 1475 Peace Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Salazar Raudel 1471 PeaceWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Sanchez, Gilberta 9051 GervaisCir#1507 Naoles 34120 $ 27,44850 Purchase with Rehab Santaella Edwin 13316Covenanl Road Na les 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Santos Enrinue 13368 Covenant Road Na les 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Scheele ,Chad 1810 Florida ClubCir#1203 Na les 34112 $ 21,035,00 Purchase with Rehab Seaura Jose 1504 Peace Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Seide Wanner 362118thAveNE Naples 34120 $ 25,550,00 Purchase with Rehab Selznick, Scott 311843rd Slreet South Na les 34116 $ 38,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Slabach, James 466731stAveSW Na~es 34116 $ 36.750,00 Purchase with Rehab Sobiek, Ronald 4645 Samt Croix Ln#1327 Naples 34109 $ 23,075.00 Purchase with Rehab St Hilaire Juliette 13404 Covenant Road Naples 34114 $ 21 000,00 Purchase with Rehab Thermidor, Joseoh 1204Alleolance Wav Immokaiee 34142 $ 16.250,00 Purchase with Rehab Tisdall Pennv 3325 Guilford Ct Naoles 34112 $ 26,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Torres Juan 4601 AlladineLane Na les 34112 $ 28311.65 Purchase with Rehab TUrner, Bonnie 135 Cvnress Wav East 8-4 Naples 34110 $ 21,350.00 Purchase with Rehab Valdez Naomi 1492PeaceWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Vasalio Carlos 2058 Rookery Bav Dr, #2302 Naoles 34114 $ 18627.50 Purchase with Rehab Velasco. Hector 13285 Pasedoonve Naoles 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Velez Kenia 2201 HevdonClrWest Natlles 34120 $ 40,935,00 Purchase with Rehab Victor, Marie 539725thAveSW Naples 34116 $ 28,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Vital, Dezilia 13356CovenanlRoad Naoles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab WaterburY. Geri Lvnn 501 LeafwoodCir Naoles 34104 $ 23,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Willien, Marie 1338 Constilution Court Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Wilson Michael 151CvnressWa E#2 Naples 34110 $ 18,050,00 Purchase with Rehab Wood David 4421661hAve NE Naples 34120 $ 38250.00 Rehabilitation Arena Phil in 5229 Jenninos St Naoles 34113 $ 14,834,76 Rehabilitation Contreras, Paula 905 Pine St ImmOkaiee 34142 $ 29,612,50 Rehabilitation Destine, David 1303 Santa Rosa Immokalee 34142 $ 29.432.99 Rehabilitation Diaz Ana 5309 Catts St Na les 34113 $ 29,906.39 Rehabilitation Edison. Eva 406 School Or ImmOkalee 34142 , 13.10600 Rehabilitation Flores, Josenh 5028reezewood Immokalee 34142 $ 21,212.41 Rehabilitation Hehir Kathleen 1549 SandoiDerSt#57 Na les 34102 $ 26,701.11 Rehabilitation Hernandez, Jose 903 W New Market immokalee 34142 $ 28.335.00 Rehabilitation Hosie, Juanita 404GauntSt Immokalee 34142 $ 27,238.99 Rehabilitation Johnson Martha 411 JonesSI Immokalee 34142 $ 13.61300 Rehabilitation Jose, Francisco 4281 Lillie LeaQueCt Immokalee 34142 $ 2240050 Rehabilitation Ledesma, Juana 4272 little LeaaueCt Immokalee 34142 $ 1.809.02 Rehabilitation Lene. Fincenet 286950thStSW Na ies 34116 $ 15,313.50 Rehabilitation Lowerv, Victoria 3600 14th SI N Na les 34103 $ 6,716.00 Rehabiiitation Luedtke, Brenda 5227 Ralntree Ln Naples 34113 $ 29,999,00 Rehabilitation Martinez, Camillo 1215N 18thSt ImmOkalee 34142 $ 14,250,00 Rehabilitation Martinez, San Juana 5117 PerCh PI Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 18,53931 FundS must be reported In year expended. SHIP-ARlO? R......l1/1910? Expended Funds Form 4. #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 24 of 45 Rehabilitation Murrell Zadock 600 Palm Ridne Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 24 955.49 Rehabilitation Nunez Francisco JooN i8thSt Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 19,724.09 Rehabilitation Peifer Grant 520132ndAveSW Nanles 34116 $ 14572.00 Rehabilitation Prudent Abraham 716 N 9th St Immokalee 34142 $ 29722.95 Rehabilitation Ramos, Jose 330 WAdams Ave Immokalee 34142 $ 13,902.50 Rehabilitation Rivera Hector 420 HabltatCt Immokalee 34142 $ 6.000.00 Rehabilitation Saint-Fleur Marcius 239555lhStSW Na les 34116 $ 7,023.00 Rehabilitation Sanon, Vinet 6039thStN Immokalee 34142 $ 14.801.01 Rehabilitation Smith,Marv 402 Rose Ave Immokalee 34142 $ 15000.00 Rehabilitation Szemoruch, William 498423rdCtSW Nanles 34116 $ 9648.00 Rehabilitation Woolfork, Jewell 702 Breezewood Immokalee 34142 $ 11.797.95 Funds must be reported In YEl8' expended. SHIP--ARl07 Rev. 11/19101 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 25 of 45 Funds must be repor1.ed In year Gl(pended. SHIP.ARl07 Rev. l11111f07 Expended Funds Form 4. #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16. 2008 Page 26 of 45 3.504.591.36 Funds must be reponed In yeilr expended. SHIP_ARl07 Rw_l1/1W07 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 27 of 45 Name of Local Entity: Collier County Fiscal Year: 2006-2007 Form 4 #10 Sub-Recipients/Consultants Name Business Type Strategy Covered Responsibility Biq CypreSs Contruetion Rental/New Construction 51 Rental Units Cooeland Contruetion New Construction 1 Unit One bY One Contruetion New Construction 1 Unit SHIP-ARl07 Rev. 11/19/07 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 28 of 45 Form 1: SHIP DISTRIBUTION SUMMARY OVl15/118 '"'" Seclion42D9075(10).FS SubmlttoIDal.: F",~.IY..r: FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION NAME OF LOCAL ENTITY: _ SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT Collier County SHIP FUNDS SHIP FUMOS $HIPFUNDS STRATEGY EXPENDED ENCUMBERED UNENCUMBERED DESCRIPTION B C PropOlled Prop~d 00," HOMEOWNERSHIP STRATEGIES Amount Units Amount Unite Amount Unit. 1 Purd1aseAssistance-withRehab 2,758,208.37 '" 0,00 0 000 0 3 Rehabilitation 134.69149 " 000 0 0.00 0 Total HomeownershlDStrate les 2.892,899.86 '" 0.00 , '00 0 RENTAL STRATEGIES "0 Total Rental Strilte les 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 " I. . SUbt~tal: ... 2892899.86 150 0.00 0 0.00 , Administration 240,76700 <. . --:- Home Ownershi[l CounsellnQ ..... , . Admin from Pronram Income . . . Admin from Disaster Funds . Total 3,133,666.86 150 0.00 0 0.00 ,,', TABLE A 2,892,8llll.86 0.00 Expel'l<hld HOEncumberad 0.00 0.00 nlalExpenrad "Sl.lbl,""l$ol 2,892,800.88 CoIum"",A.B,'C E~IlIl"T.;tiol'Df' Colu~",t;,,~,}i:':- lo..IR_...l""....,...dIt>ron!lol~l..rLOG.,'HIPT"'"IF"nd A B Amount P8fCentage Source of SHIP Funds of Funds of Funds sum Annual Ol.trlbullon 2.407,672.00 6501% Prolltamln"omellntsrellll 0,00% Proar.mlncome/Pavmenlal 424,47830 14.99% R.canturedFunda 0.00% o;uat&.Funda 000% OltlarFunda 0.00% C.nyo"erfundafromprevlouayur (can be aposlllv9ornegaUvenumb.r} 0.00% Total Fund. Deposlted Into Loc.1 2,832,150.30 100,00% Afford.bl.HoU8ln Trust Fund TABlEB' Enter Total 55 fTom Table A, Columns A, B, & C: 3.133666.86 -enter amount to be carried forward to next "ear: (301.516.56 TOTAL 2,832,150.30 TABLEC' -.C.rryforward;s".edonly'n..c'oseoutyo",whenfhp..mountoffund~ ,emainingaronotsufficienttofully...istoneund. Theunlla..isl.discounted;nlhenextf..calyear '~I._~R"7 Ro,_H".'" FORM 2: Rents and Compliance Summary Sectio~420,907S(bl, (c). (d).19i. F_S FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION Submittal 0011I FiscoIY.." 0lI11~lOe '"'" Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 29 of 45 Nomoofloc.IEnUty: . SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT Collier County TableA'RentalUnltlnformatlon STRATEGY DESCRIPTION A Eft. -AC'UAC (If..nt.vo lorthe......unlt,.ntet .....ot.mount) BCD 1 Bed 2 Bed 3 Bed E 4Bed Table B: Recap of Fundln'" Sources for Units PrOduced Source of S$ Produced thru June 30th forUnlls A Amount of Funds Ex ended to Dllte B % oflolal Value C SHlf' F""llo bpoonllod f'ublieMon....Ex....nded 2,"2,899.a6 1931,90533 14,61609909 253_238.36 19,&94,140.&6 14,89% 9,81% 74,22% 1_29% 100.00% f'nvolo Fu~llo Ex nd.d O.....rEClul Tolol Voiuo of All UnllJl Table C: SHIP Proaram Compliance Summarv -Home OwnershiolConstructlonlRehab' CompllanceCatello'" Fl tatute SHIP Funds' TruslFund- % of Trust Fund Minimum % A B C D E HOME OWNERSHIP 2,758.208.37 2.407.67200 114.56% 65% CONSTRUCTIONIREHABILIT A nON 2,892.899,86 2.407,672,00 120.15% 75% InCludeamllunlsexpended,encumbered_& unencumbered (proteC1ed) m lhlslable -TruslFundequals Djslribulion pluS Receptured Funds Table 0: Program Compliance -Income Set-As/des f'togtom C<>mplio~"" by Funllo Exp,mdod E~euml>o...d U...neumo....d (proioClodl Total SHIP $ SHIP$ Available "-otalAvallable jneomoColooorv SHlf'SExDOndod Encumbered Unencumbered TotojA+Q+C Funds % Funds A B C 0 E F Ell 37.50000 000 000 37,50000 1_32% 2.832,150.30 V. -low!ncome 1.204,25484 000 000 1.204.254,84 42_52% 2,832.150_30 low Income 1,634,572,37 000 000 1,634.572.37 57_71% 2,832,150,30 Moderate Income 16.572,65 000 0.00 16,572.65 059% 2.832,150.30 TOTAL 2,892,899.86 0.00 0.00 2,892,899.86 102.14% 2,832,150.30 "Total Available Funds equals Slale DlstnbuMn + Recaplured Funds + Program Income + Carry Over funds + Other fundS 'fromForrn1 TlIbleBColumnBto!lIl 2,892,899.86 0.00 0.00 ~--.tQTo.;~mw.t!!l"h'W.@.'m~i 2,892,899.86 (l'......Fonn'T....~ TobloE , eiolTor olG,ou fo,F""cI.Ex nclocl I-O.tucho", ~u",o. hi.. onlo'""",,,nt Ii... Ii nto", ole Sot Aoido Strate Description Special Tarnet Grouo Expended FundS Total #ofExpended Units A B C D Tolol 0.00 0 E_"n.........F....\T....~Col.....~...C Ell and Vll muot eQual 30% or higher andELl,VLlondLlmuetequal60%orhigher TableF: Prolect FundlnQ for Expended Funds Onl" Income Category Total SHIP SHIP Mortgages, Mortgages, Loans Loans and DPl's Average loan Total of SHIP Average Grant Total SHIP Funds Tota! & DPL's . Amount Grants SHIP Grants # Amount Ex ended Un1ts# A B C D E F G H Eel 37,500,00 2 18,750.00 000 0 #DIVIOI 37.500.00 2 V. -low Income 1,204.25484 " 18,816.48 000 0 #DIVIO' 1,204254.84 " low Income 1634,572_37 82 19.933.81 0_00 0 #DIVIO' 1,634572.37 82 Moderate Income 16.57265 2 8,286.33 000 0 #DIV/OI 16,572.65 2 TOTAL 2,892.899.86 ,so 19,286_00 0.00 0 #DIV/O! 2,892;899.86 'SO Thle total muel &queL Jable D Exptlnded by Incame co!&gory .,'N.().t~;,ii....~n;;it.:i:(l";;.m'~':C<filiftlj\:D.:;,E4S&F>15 Table G: Allowable Administration Set Aside from Pro"ram Income Total % Program Income Total Total Amount of Pro ram Income '5% Maximum ""10% Maximum Allowed for Administration Administration A B C D E 424,478_30 21.223,92 42.447,83 '~,~i;{":;;'."O.OO Counhes and EIIQlble Munlclpllllhes Much receIve more than the mlmmum alslnbuhon .. Cou~ties and Eligible Municipalities wl1jch receive Ihe minimum dislribulion or less Oee.1II1l1rtheS%or1D%Semount. ..eFonnf-' Tabl,A. , L1n031l: Table H: AllowablE! Adminlstr, tion Set A Ide from Dls"ster Funds Total Disaster Funds Allowed Total Total Amount 01 Disaster Funds '5% Maximum "10% Maximum lor Administration Administration A B C D E 000 000 000 0.00 Counhes and Ehglble MUOlcopalllles wl1lch rece>ve more than Ihe m'nlmum d<stnbuhon .. Counties ana EliQible Municipaljties whiCh recejve the minimum dislrlbulion or less U0&50r1D% asappUeabj" Form 1 Table A "" $~rp-.O...., R,..11I'''''' m"'''' NO"" 00- ",NO -'- ~a . '" '" ,~ L~OJ OJ'" E.o '" OJ ELl. =OJ "," "OJ cO OJ '" <l: ; i . - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . . 0 0 . . , . , e...- o II - !i 16 .~ 0 , . .\ '" .. ~ ! " 0---'-, , . " . . !~ I . . ; ! ~ I . 11 --i' I , I , ". 1 ; , . . . 0 . . 0 . . 0 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . ! ! ~ " " ~ ~~ . 0 , -j .~ . ~ i . w ~~ , . . i j 'f-' , " . 1 ---' ::1'" , , , . 1 ; , . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 0 0 . . ! ! ~ , . , , ~ .1;: ,I---'j 0 . " . , . ..~'- . , , 1 . I ; , 0 0 . 0 0 0 . . . 0 . . . . . . . 0 0 . . 0 0 . . . . 0 0 ! ! , , ; j- . . - ; 1---'-: . . . , , _ 'w I . ~~ , . . ; '---' . ! " , . is :i: · 1 ! , . . . 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 0 . . ! ! , , ~~ . " " , , , , If--- . . , , , l- I W ,~ , . . . = s '- , ~ - " " , , , . ~ , o. ~~- t tw' I I ,!l~ .. T r . ! i , ", , ! ! I I 3 . . I < ~ , ! , z o ~ ~li: 00 8lli ~~i ., Zz .z 0' ii~ 58 '0 ~:;: ~:t ". ~ ! , I i o 1'1 . " ~ " ~ 0'1 ~" 5li' , " 0_ =:=i ~ , ~ . gl ~ " I i i i I , ! , , . j, . L ! I ! , , . . j o ! ! i ! : , , Form 4 Program SlIITU1IlI.ry Florida Statutes: Section 4~O.9075 Submittal Date: 09/15108 2006 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 31 of 45 Fiscal Year; FLORIDA HOUSING FINANCE CORPORATION SHIP PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT J\anlt'ofLocaIEotit),: Collier County I. Please provide infonnation on the status of the implementation of the Local Housing Incentive PlaJ1 or Incentive Strategy adopted by the local Affordable Housing AssislaJ1ce Plan. A Incentive Strategy: B. Adopting Ordinance or Resolution Number or identit}, local policy: C. ImplementationSchedule(Da1e): D. Has the plan or strategy been implemented? lfno, describe steps that will be laken to Implement the Plan. E. StatusofSlr<ltebry-(Isthestralegyfunclioningasintended,i.e.,aretimeframes being met. etc.) Attach a concise deseriptionofthe suppoli services that areavailab letotheresidentsofaft\lrdablehollsing. 3. Auach such other data or unique affordable housing accomplishments considered significant by your Agency. I Success Stories, ncwspaper clippings, etc.) 4 Describe how the Annual Report was made availabl~ for public inspection and commenlS Attach copies of all comments that were received and provide the local government's response 5a. LifetoDateMortgageForeclosure: A ___ mortgages have been made to very low income households with in foreclosure. B. mortgages have been macte to low incomehouseholdswilh_in foreclo sure. c. __ mOl1gages have been made to moderate income households with__ inforecl()sure. D. Total toreclosurerale for all mortgages_._ 5b. Mortgage Det:ault as of June 30th: A. _ mortgages have been made to vel)' low income households with indej;lUlt B. mortgageshavebeenmadetol(l\.\mcomehouseholds\.\lth in default. C ..~lllortgageshavebeenmadetomoderateincomchouseholds",'itJl_indefault. D Total Defaull rate for all mortgages Des~-ribe how eligible sponsors (if applicable} that employed personnel from welfare to work programs. 7. List strategies and give the average cost of production. Counties and eligible municipalities utilizing SHIP program funds must provide a list ofrecipienls by straregy including names, addresses and zip codes for each fiscal year reporting to Florida Housing Finance Corporation. ~OTE Thi, is for each fY's EXPENDED FUNDS, Mu.r be compl~l~d on lab 11-8. 9. Administrative expenditures separately ~tated for the costs of the local government and any sub recipients administering the program. ~ote: MU$1 ~qual Form I, Table A lInd tolllt mllst nol nceed Ill"/. 240.767,00 Must be completed on tab #9. 10. A list of sub rl'cipients and consultants that will administer any pon;on of the SHIP program. The list shall include name of person or organization, business lype. a description ufthe strategies and responsibilities for eaCh sub-recipient or consultant Must be completed on tab #10 II a Recaptured Funds-separately stated by event typc iforeclosure ,saleofpropel1y refinance,default) Must bll completed ontab#11e II b Program Incol11e-separ3lely staled for each transaction type, i.e. d()llar amount of loan repayments. recycled fund,. refinance, and all other income derived from the use of funds. Must be completed on tllb#11b SHlp.ARI07 Rev, 11119107 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 32 of 45 Nam~ orLo~al Entlry: Collier County n,caIYear: 2006 Form 4 #8 Expended Funds Strategy Full Name Address City Z;p Funds Expended Purchase with Rehab Aauilar, Silvia 1310ConslilulionCourt Immokaiee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Ambriz Ana 1436PeaceWa\l Immokalee 34142 $ 18750,00 Purchase with Rehab Ambrose Brennan 5741 GaoeLane#201 Na ies 34113 $ 29 250.00 Purchase with Rehab Andris, Ronald 13683 Leaacv Lane Na les 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Annarat Adelv 1997 Rookerv SavOr #W8 Na~les 34113 $ 19.098.99 Purchase with Rehab Antunez Enrinue 13582 Leoac\l Lane Nanies 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Aradas, Eduardo 13611 Leqac\lLane Nanles 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Arce Adrian 13619 Leoacv Lane Nanies 34114 $ 20 250,00 Purchase with Rehab Atenadem Edith 180CvressWavEC-119 Nanles 34110 $ 22,782.95 Purchase with Rehab Avalos Madai 13586 Leoac\l lane Naoles 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Avila, Lauren 140 16th Ave NE Naoles 34120 $ 16250.00 Purchase with Rehab Baotiste, Solanne 13572 Leoac\l Lane Nanles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Beaucicot, Mathieu 1272 Aile ianceWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18750,00 Purchase with Rehab Belance Cianie 13656 LeaecvLane Nanles 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Blaise. Hickel 13691 LeaacvLane Na~les 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Bolinan. Alvaro 4420 Botanieal PleceClr Naoies 34112 $ 18000.00 Purchase with Rehab BonhOmme, Rodnev 13679 Lenac\lLane Nanles 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Cantu Am" 1302 ConstilLJlion Court Immokale€ 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Castillo, Mario 7342 BrislolCircle Nanies 34120 $ 28011.00 Purchase with Rehab Castro Carlos 1354 PalriolCI Immokalee 34142 $ 18750,00 Purchase with Rehab Cervantes Georae 13882 Leoac\l Lane Na ies 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Charelus 81. Claire 13703 Leqec\l Lane Napies 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Charles, Fauster 13687 Leaacv Lane Na les 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Charles Francois 1318ConstitulionCourt Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Chase, Christine 561 WindsorSouareAnl 101 Na les 34104 $ 26,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Chavarria Joanuin 1383 PalriotCOLJrt Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Clervil, Guv 13699 Leqac" Lane Nanles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Colunoa, Fructoso 1385 America Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Corzo Raul 13587 Leaacv Lane Na"ies 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab De la Rosa, Trinidad 13664 Leoac\l Lane Naoles 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Deleon, Leticia 1447PeaeeWa\l Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Deloado Joe! 1409AmericaWav Immokaiee 34142 $ 18750,00 Purchase with Rehab Desir, Josue 341 Rose Ave immokalee 34142 $ 28,950.00 Purchase with Rehab Dorillas Labanette 13668 Leoae\l Lane Naoies 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Dorvilus, Jacnuelev 13623 Lenac\I Lane Nanles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Drice, Marie 1392AmerieaWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Dume, Marie 13308 CovenanlRoad INanles 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Dunerna, Erzulia 333 Rose Ave Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 29,700.00 Purchase with Rehab Dunerrier, Gaston -;3300 Covenant Rd Nanies 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Esce Patrick 2013 Rooken Ba Dr #1205 Nanles 34114 $ 16235.00 Purchase with Rehab Escobedo, Armando 1443PeaceWav Immokelee 34142 $ 18.750.00 Purchase with Rehab Escobedo, Mire"a 13643 Leoacv Lane Na les 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Estrada Oton 1417 America Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Exavier, Lucciano 13651 Leoac\lLane Na les 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Fradeus Manasse 13652 Lenac\l Lane Na les 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Franco, Bernabe 1291AllenlanceWav Immokaiee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Francois. Mitanne 13635 Leaacv Lane Nanles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Funds must be reported in yaar expended. SHIP-ARl07 R"".11119107 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 33 of 45 Purchase with Rehab Frias, Ricardo 1413AmericaWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Gabeau, Cession 1358 PalriolCourt Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Galllan, Enriaue 1367 PalnolCt Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Garcia Huno 13548 Leoacv lane Naoles 34114 $ 22.200.00 Purchase with Rehab Gonzalez, Carlos 13595 Leaacv lane Naoles 34114 $ 20250,00 Purchase with Rehab Gonzalez, Jerzon 13599 Lenacv Lane Nan/es 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Gutierrez, Riaoberto 1420 Peace Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Gutierrez, Rnner 13615 Lenacy lane Naoles 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Guzman Aleiandrino 1363 Patriot Court Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Gvorkos, Stellen 7412 Berkshire Pines Dr Naoles 34104 $ 35,000,00 Purchase with Rehab Hemandez BuJmaro 1432PeaceWav Immokalee 34142 $ 18.750.00 Purchase with Rehab lribar Laiden 13630 Lenacv Lane Naples 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Jackson. Felicia 1421 Peace Way Immokalee 34142 $ 18750,00 Purchase with Rehab Jean Pierre Moranie 1326 Constilution Court Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Jean, Anelise 13694 Leoacv Lane NaDles 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Jean, Dieuseu) 1263AllenlanceWa Immokalee 34142 $ 18750.00 Purchase with Rehab Jimenez, Jesus 13639 Len8CY Lane Na les 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Jocurin, Rosaline 1211 BUSh Street East Immokalee 34142 $ 37.48500 Purchase with Rehab Johnson, Diana 610 Luisa Ct, #802-1 Na les 34104 $ 25,850,00 Purchase with Rehab Joseoh Euaene 409 Fahreny Street Immokalee 34142 $ 29700.00 Purchase with Rehab Joseph, Ida 1362 PatnotCourt Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Joseph Seloncoeur 13655 Lenacv Lane Na las 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Juan, Andres A. 1355 Patriol Court Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Ledezma Santa 1330ConstitutionCI Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 18,75000 Purchase with Rehab Uma. Esther 2056 Rookerv Ba~ Dr #2303 Naoles 34114 $ 20.899.78 Purchase with Rehab Louizius, Jean 13695 Leoacv Lane Naolas 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Lumeus, Silveste 1371 Patriot Court Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Mareus Dieuseul 1334 Constitution Court llmmokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Martinez, Israel 13293Pasedo Drive Naoles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Martinez. Rosa 457 Rose Avenue Immokalae 34142 $ 23,850.00 Purchase with Rehab Mathurin Jeannine 1379PatriotCourl Immokalee 34142 $ 18.750,00 Purchase with Rehab Mathurin, Marie 13676 Lenacv Lane Naples 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Mendoza Pastor 1455 Peace Way Immokalee 34142 $ 18750,00 Purchase with Rehab Meza Manuel 1359 Palriol Court Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Midouin Marie 13686 Leoacv Lane NaDles 34114 $ 20.250,00 Purchase with Rehab Moinius, Lemoine 13312Covenanl Rd Naples 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Molnar, Nicole 196 Nana Rioqe Rd E#5 Naples 34119 $ 38,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Morales, Pablo 5635 Rattlesnake Ham Rd. - 0 Naoles 34113 $ 20,334,00 Purchase with Rehab Moreau, Marvse 13659 Leoacvlane Na les 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Munoz. Elizabeth 1367 Palnot Court ImmOkalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Munoz, Juan 1440 Peace Wa Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Nasteva, Suzana 4440 Botanical Place Cir Na les 34112 $ 19.500,00 Purchase with Rehab Nicolas, Colbert 13698 Leaacv Lane Na les 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Nolasco Jose 2021 Rookerv Ba~ Drive #150 Na les 34114 $ 18485,00 PurChase with Rehab Oscar. Jean 13627 Leoac~ lane Naples 34114 $ 20.25000 Purchase with Rehab Pantola, Elio 13583 Lenacv lane Na les 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Paredes, Marco 1451 PeaceWa Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Parr, Brian 5635 Rattlesnake Hammock R Naples 34113 $ 23,700.00 Purchase with Rehab Paul Marie 13631 Leoacvlane Naoles 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Paul. Michael 2053 Rookerv BavOr #2005 Naoles 34114 $ 15.485,00 Purchase with Rehab Perez, Dieao 1405 Amerrca Wav Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Polo, Rodimir 13591LenacvLane INaOles 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Ponce.Andrade Christina 1314 Constitution Court Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 18.75000 Funds must be reported In year expended, SHIP-ARl07 RfOV.11119107 Expended Funds Form 4. #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 34 of 45 Purchase with Rehab Portal Humberto 13618le"ac" lane Naples 34114 $ 20250,00 Purchase with Rehab Ralievic, Tomchi 7960 Preserve Clr. #625 Naoles 34119 $ 28,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Ramos, Alejandro 12125 Fuller lane Naoles 34113 $ 20000.00 Purchase with Rehab Re"es Linda 1393AmeticaWav Immokalee 34142 $ 16,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Reves Pablo 1351 PalnotCl Immokalee 34142 $ 16,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Reves, Santiaao 13603leoacvLane Na les 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Rhodes, Renina 13602 leoacv lane Na les 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Robinson, Rhonda 1485PeaceWav Immokalee 34142 $ 16,750,00 Purchase with Rehab Rodrinuez Fabian 13671 le"8c" lane Na les 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Roias Jose 1439 Peace Wa" Immokalee 34142 $ 18,750.00 Purchase with Rehab Roman, Keith Tl97EsmaraldaWa"#K201 Naples 34109 $ 322.65 Purchase with Rehab Rosales. Patricia 1332 Reflections Lane Unit4 Immokalae 34142 $ 20,000.00 Purchase with Rehab Rosas-Ortiz. Deibi 13610 lenacv lane Nanles 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Sainvilus Gerta 13707 Lenacv lane Naples 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Sanchez, Cirilo 1342 Conslituation Court Immokalee 34142 $ 16750,00 Purchase with Rehab Santiaoo Bartola 7334 BrislolCircle Naoles 34109 $ 27,735.00 Purchase with Rehab Silva Jose 13644 Lenacv lane Nanles 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Sire, Nicole 1160 ReserveWav Naples 34105 $ 944.00 Purchase with Rehab Smith, Kristen 4430 Botanical Place Clr Naples 34112 $ 18.000.00 Purchase with Rehab Solorio Ramon 13663Le"ac Lane Naoles 34114 $ 20250,00 Purchase with Rehab Souffrant Na'ac 1396 Amenca Wa" Immokalee 34142 $ 16,750.00 Purchase with Rehab St. Fleur Mimose 13690lenacvlane Nanles 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Suarez, Juan 13667 Leoacv Lane Naoles 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Suavero, Edilberto 13281 pasedoDriva Naples 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab Tabares Steve 13675 le"acv lane Naples 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Tinoco, Adolfo 13706le"ac" Lane Na les 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Torralbas. Roberto 3325 Airnort Rd. N, #06 Na les 34105 $ 20.000.00 Purchase with Rehab Tovar, Rinoberto 12247 Fuller Lane Na les 34113 $ 20,000,00 Purchase with Rehab Trelo, Elena 13660 Lanac" Lane Na les 34114 $ 20.250.00 Purchase with Rehab Urrutia Conrado 13607 le"ac" Lane Na les 34114 $ 20250.00 Purchase with Rehab Vaznuez, Jaime 13289 PasedoDr Na las 34114 $ 20,250.00 Purchase with Rehab VizC8va. Riooberto 13594 Leaacv Lane Nanles 34114 $ 20,250,00 Purchase with Rehab Walker Robert 1225 Reserve Wa" #201 Nanles 34105 $ 17 690.00 Purchase with Rehab Warren, Ethel 1366 Patnot Court Immol<alee 34142 $ 16.750.00 Purchase with Rehab Warta, Goida 4420 Botanical PlaceCir Naoles 34112 $ 18,000,00 Purchase with Rehab Zambrana lsmael 13647leoac Lane Naoles 34114 $ 20.250,00 Rehabilitation Cano, Jose 4317l,ttlelesoue St Immokalee 34142 $ 14,622.75 Rehabilitation Cardenas. Juan 4321 Little LeaqueSl ImmoKalee 34142 $ 3,800.00 Rehabilitation Edison Eva 408 School Rd Immokalee 34142 $ 1,751.68 Rehabilitation Garcia, Janie 421 HabitatCt Immokalee 34142 $ 15,000,00 Rehabilitation Garza Rosa 1208N 18thSl Immokalee 34142 $ 5072.00 Rehabilitation Ledesma, Joana 4272 Lillie Les~ue Ct IlmmoKalee 34142 $ 13,190.98 Rehabilitation LoweN, Victoria 360014lhStN INaples 34103 $ 12,956.00 Rehabilitation Martinez, Camilo 1215N 18thSt IlmmoKalee 34142 $ 494.00 Rehabilitation Neito, Adam 4320 Lillle Les.!Ue Ct Ilmmokalee 34142 $ 13,736,50 Rehabilitation Pineel. Wa"ne 4821 MokokaiDr Naoles 34112 $ 6.866.08 Rehabilitation Rivera, Hector 420 HahitatCouI1 Immokalee 34142 $ 10,597.00 Rehabilitation Silva. Rosa 2200 51st TelTSW Naples 34116 $ 12,537.50 Rehabilitation Stockner, Teresa 5446SholtzSt Naples 34113 $ 14,963.00 Rehabilitation Woolfork, Jewel 702 Breez.ewood Ct Immokalee 34142 $ 9,104,00 Funds must be reported in year expended. SHIP_ARl07 R"".11119107 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 35 of 45 Funds must be reported in year expended. SHIP_ARlOT R......l1/19107 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 36 of 45 Funds must be reported in year expended. SHIP_ARl07 R....111191tl7 Expended Funds Form 4, #8 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 37 of 45 I 2,892,899.86 Funds must be reported in year expanded. SHIP_ARl07 R.....11119f07 Name of Local Entity: Fiscal Year: Total Collier County Form 4 #9 Local Government/Sub-Recipients Name Amount Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 38 of 45 2006 0.00 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 39 of 45 This form must be completed for FY 07/08 forward Name of Local Entity: Collier County Fiscal Year: Form 4 #10 Sub-Recipients/Consultants Name Business Type Strategy Covered Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 40 of 45 2006 Responsibility SHIP-ARlO? Rev. 11/19107 m o:n" NO"" OO~ ",NO ""-0""- o..,.....-.q Z~w WQ) E.o '" wED. ='w ",t) 'Ow cO W Q) <( ~ . . ~ ~ . > . o . " b e , 0 u . 0 '6 " u 0 " u. " ~ 5 C. . ;; u ~ . '" e w . ~ ~ ;;; . " a E . E - . 0 z u. ~ E o u .: E E Ol o It <J ~ ~ .. " E - o u. 0 . ~ ~ ro ,.; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. .. N N ~ v ~ ~ ~ " ~ . " ~ ~ . e ~ ;; ~ . w . 0 ~ e " ~ 0: . e ~ f . j! . . ~ 0 0 E 5 0 ~ 0: - 0. .... !e .(. ;* i, >l i Ie:;' I~'! ,.; ~ v u I<)y! ). .. 0 a: :;' .. ........ 15 - . .." 01: , -" .~ . . -" ,; e 0 ~ E :5~ 0- i = I 0 . .., , " .. . . ~ ~ ,; E 0 0 0 u e , . .: e ~ E 0 . 0: 2 0 It . " " 0 ., , . " 0 " 0 ~ 0 " " 0 u. 0 ,; ~ " 0 ~ a:~ I 5 'E g 0 .. u '" ~ '" 0 " " , " ~ ~ . ,; , .' . ., 0 u 0 <; ~ i " u 0 E 0 0 0 E E " 0 0 0 . E 0 . 0 E E E E . . 0 . w 0 0 " " ~ . E . '" f '" . " 0 - ::; 0 0 0 " 0 w > ~ '" - 0 0 ,; ~ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~ . ~ E 0 ~ ~ ~ , , e 0 ~ 0 . 0. 0 E 0 'E e " '" u . f . e . .. ~ ~ 0 .. 0 5 15 ~ '" 0: - " o. li:ii -::;; "- * t " " & ~ ! ~ o . 2 " . , . . i ! " ~ 0; ! . " ] " o " . . " ~ '" . 1: " E g ~ . e! .~ ~ 8 . i ( f Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16. 2008 Page 42 of 45 Homeownership Purchase Assistance-with Rehab 1 Purchase Assistance-without Rehab 2 Rehabilitation 3 Demolition/Reconstruction 4 Disaster Repair/Mitigation 5 Emergency Repair 6 Foreclosure Prevention 7 Impact Fees 8 Land Acquisition 9 New Construction 10 Special Needs 11 Rental Rental Special Needs Rental Tenant Based Assistance 12 13 14 Codes must be filled out on form 1 for FY 06/07 forward. SHIP-ARl07 Rev. 11/19/07 Page I of 1 Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 43 of 45 COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Item Number: Item Summary: 16029 Recommendation that the Board of County Commissioners approves, and authorizes the Chairman to sign. the annual Certification for Implementation of Regulatory Reform Activities by the Stale Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program Meeting Date: 12/16/2008 90000 AM Prepared By Frank Ramsey SHIP Program Coordinator Date Public Services Housing and Human Services 11/21/20089:42:46 AM Approved By Marcy Krumbine Oi rector Date Public Services Housing & Human Services 11/26/20085:08 PM Appro\-'ed By Marla Ramsey Public Services Administrator Date Public Services Public Services Admin. 12/1/20082:22 PM Approved By Colleen Greene Assistant County Attorner Date County Attorney County Attorney Office 12/1/20082:58 PM Approved By OMS Coordinator Applications Analyst Date Administrative Services Information Technology 12/1/20083:39 PM Approved By Sherry Pryor Management & Budget Analyst Date County Manager's Office Office of Management & Budget 12/31200812:30 PM Approved By James V. Mudd County Manager Date Board of County County Manager's Office 12/4/20088:06 PM Commissioners ti le://C:\AgendaTest\Export\ 118-December%20 16, %202008\ 16. %20CONSENT%20AG E... 12/1 0/2008 CERTIFICATION For hnplementation of Regulatory Reform Activities Required by S.H.LP. Agenda Item No. 16D29 December 16, 2008 Page 44 of 45 SHJP AR/02-1 On behalf of Collier County, I hereby certify that the following information is true and accurate as of the date of submission: 1) Permits as defined in s.163.3164(7) and (8)* for affordable housing projects are expedited to a greater degree than other projects; and 2) There is an ongoing process for review oflocal policies, ordinances, regulations, and plan provisions that increase the cost of housing prior to their adoption. 3) The cumulative cost per newly constructed housing per housing unit, from these actions for **FY08 is estimated to be $3,710.48. 4) The cumulative cost per rehabilitated housing per housing unit, from these actions for **FY08 is estimated to be $0.00. Date Date Witness Tom Henning, Chairman Date Date Witness James V. Mudd, County Manager Or Approved as to form and legal sufficiency Date J1~~ Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Attest (Seal) Note: This form will be utilized beginning with **FY 2003/2004 * 163.3164(7) of the Florida Statutes: "Development order" means any order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a development permit. 163.3164(8) of the Florida Statutes: "Development permit" includes any building permit, zoning permit, subdivision approval, rezoning, certification, special exception, variance, or any other official action of local government having the effect of permitting the development of land. Agenda Item No. 16029 December 16, 2008 Page 45 of 45 CER nFICA nON On behalf of Collier County, I hereby certifY that the information presented herein is true and accurate as of the date of submission. Date Witoess Date Witness Or Date Attest (Seal) Date Tom Henning, Chairman Date James V. Mudd, County Manager Approved as to form and legal sufficiency ~~~ Colleen Green~ Assistant County Attorney GENERAL INFORMA nON Name of Person to call regarding the Annual Report Form: Frank Ramsey Telephone Number: (239) 252-4663 SHIP ARl07