Agenda 12/16/2008 Item #16B13
Item Number:
Item Summary:
Meeting Date:
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Agenda Item No. 16813
December 16, 2008
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Recommendation to award Contract #08~5107 to Oyer, Riddle, Mills and Precourt, Inc.. to
prepare the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organizations 2035 Long~Range Transportation
Plan Update with an estimated project cost of $505,159.00 (Fund 128, Cost Center 138334)
1211612008900:00 AM
Prepa red By
Phill Tindall
Transportation Services
Principal Planner
Transportation Planning
1211/20085:44:12 PM
Approved By
Norm E. Feder, Alep
Transportation Services
Transportation Division Administrator
Transportation Services Admin.
12/212008 11 :58 AM
Approved By
Nick Casalanguida
Transportation Services
MPO Director
Transportation Planning
12/2/20082:58 PM
Appro\'ed By
Caroline Soto
Transportation Services
Administrative Assistant
Transportation Engineering and
12/212008 4:40 PM
Approved By
Scott R. Teach
County Attorney
Assistant County Attorney
County Attorney Office
12/3/20088:53 AM
Approved By
Rhonda Rembert
Administrative Services
Contract Specialist
1214120088:22 AM
Approved By
Steve Carnell
Administrative Services
Purchasing/General Svcs Director
1214/20031:14 PM
Approved By
Pat Lehnhard
Transportation Services
Executive Secretary
Transportation Services Admin
12/4/20082:00 PM
Approved By
OMS Coordinator
Administrative Services
Applications Analyst
Information Technology
12/4120082:12 PM
Appro\'ed By
Mark Isackson
County Manager's Office
Budget Analyst
Office of Management & Budget
12151200811 :15 AM
Approved By
James V. Mudd
County Manager
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Agenda Item No. 16613
December 16, 2008
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Board of County
County Manager's Office
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Agenda Item No. 16B 13
December 16, 2008
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Recommendation to award Contract # 08-5107 to Dyer, Riddle, Mills and Preeourt, Inc., to
prepare the Collier Metropolitan Planning Organization's 2035 Long-Range
Transportation Plan Update with an estimated project cost of $505,159.00 (Fund 128, Cost
Center 138334).
OBJECTIVE: To secure consultant services in connection with RFP # 08-5107 for
development of the Collier MPO's 2035 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) Update, with
an estimated total project cost of $505, 159, by obtaining Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
authorization to enter into a professional services agreement with Dyer, Riddle, Mills and
Precourt, Inc. (DRMP).
CONSIDERATIONS: Title 23 United States Code, 9 134 (h) and (i), requires each MPO to
prepare and update a transportation plan for its metropolitan planning area every five (5) years
(every four (4) years for areas designated as nonattainment per scction 107 (d) of the Clean Air
Act) unless the MPO elects to update the plan more frequently. The Collier MPO adopted the
most recent full LRTP Update on January 12, 2006, which requires the next update to be adopted
by January 12,20] 1.
The Lee County and Collier MPOs developed a Joint Scope of Services and RFP for the update
of their two LRTPs based on inputs and comments from various Lee County and Collier MPO
committees as well as from FDOT and Federal Highway Administration staffs. The Collier MPO
Board approved the Scope of Services on June 13, 2008. RFP #08-5107 was posted in late
August 2008 and a pre-bid meeting was held on September 2, 2008, at the Collier County
Purchasing Department. The deadline for submittal of proposals was September 22, 2008, at
3:00 p.m.
On September 30, 2008, the selection committee met and recommended ranking the firms in the
following order of preference:
]. Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precowi, Inc. (DRMP)
2. Cambridge Systematics, Inc.
3. HDR Engineering, Inc.
The selection committee chose DRMP by consensus as the prime consultant. The Collier MPO
Board approved the consultant selection on October ] 0, 2008 and the Joint Lee-Collier MPO
approved the selection on October 17,2008.
Contract negotiations subsequently took place resulting in revisions to the scope in order to cut
costs for both MPOs. Revisions to the Scope of Services have been approved by the MPO's
committees and thc MPO Board and will be attached to the standard County approved
Professional Services Agreement. A copy of Schedule "A," the Scope of Services, Schedule
"B," the Basis of Compensation, and Schedule "C," the Project Milestone Schedule, all of which
will be attached to the County's standard approvcd contract, are attached for review.
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December 16, 2008
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FISCAL IMPACT: The total anticipated contract cost for the Collier MPO is $505,159 as
reflected in Attachment 2, DRMP Combined Stall' Hour Estimate. The 2035 LRTP update will
be funded in phases corresponding to the availability of funding in the MPO Grants Fund (128)
as reflected in Attachment 3, Collier MPO 2035 LRTP Update - Available Funding.
Approximately $520,305 in total funding will be available between FY 08/09, FY 09/1 0 and FY
] 0/11.
GROWTH MANAGEMENT PLAN CONSISTENCY: Pursuant to subsection 339.1 75 (7),
F.S., the LRTP must be consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with future land use
elements and goals, objectives and policies in the approved local government comprehcnsive
plans of the units of local government locatcd within the jurisdiction of the MPO.
LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed and approved by the County
Attorney's Office, is not quasi-judicial and requires no cx parte disclosure, requires only a
majority vote for approval, and is otherwise legally sufficient for Board action. Subject to the
Board's approval, the standard County approved professional services agreement will be
reviewed and signed by the County Attorney's Office and presented for the Chair's signature.-
STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff recommends: (1) awarding Contract # 08-5107 for
consultant services for the Collier MPO's 2035 Long-Range Transportation Plan (LRTP)
Update, with an estimated total project cost of $505, 159, to Dyer, Riddle, Mills & Precourt, Inc.,
(2) Authorization from the Board for the Chainnan to sign the County approved standard
professional services agreement following County Attorney review.
Prepared by: Phil Tindall, Collier MPO Director
Attachment(s): (I) Schedule "A," "B," and "C" to Contract # 08-5]07, (2) DRMP Combined
Staff Hour Estimate, (3) Collier MPO 2035 LRTP Update - Available Funding
Agenda Item No. 16813
December 16, 2008
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1.0 General
The purpose of this contract will be to provide planning and consulting services for the
development of two 2035 Long Range Transportation Plans for (1) the Lee County Metropolitan
Planning Organization (MPO) and (2) the Collier MPO. This will be one consultant for two (2)
contracts resulting in two (2) separate but coordinated plans. All modeling work will be done in
CUBENoyager format.
1.1 Study Area
The area to be considered in the development of the LRTP is defined by the boundaries of Lee
and Collier County, Florida.
1.2 Schedule
The CONSULTANT shall prepare and maintain a project schedule, which will outline the time
frame for accomplishing the long range transportation plan update and supplemental services
by June 2010. This schedule shall be in sufficient detail to describe the deliverables, when the
various tasks will start and finish, milestones important to maintaining the project schedule and
allow for the review time needed by the various agencies. The schedule should include the
identification of critical milestones. This schedule will allow sufficient time for meetings and take
into account the committee process for both of the MPOs. This task will require the Consultant
to refine and maintain the time schedule for completing the tasks within the approved schedule
for the update. Any changes to the time schedule will be outlined at the time of submittal of
monthly progress reports. If the schedule is not on time a detailed explanation will be provided
to the Lee and Collier MPOs.
1.3 Consistency with Federal and State Requirements
The Consultant will recommend a process based on this scope of services and shall be
consistent with Federal and State requirements. The LRTP will be updated consistent with
SAFETEA-LU which recognizes that transportation investments impact the economy,
environment and community quality of life. Federal Metropolitan Planning laws and regulations
(23U.S.C134 and 23CFR450) and State Metropolitan Planning law (339.175), establish the
framework and provide guidance in the preparation and regular review and update of Long-
Range Transportation Plans by the Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). The plan
(1) Identify the projected transportation demand of persons and goods in the
metropolitan planning area over the period of the plan;
(2) Identify adopted congestion management strategies including, as appropriate,
traffic operations, ridesharing, pedestrian and bicycle facilities, alternative work
schedules, freight movement options, high occupancy vehicle treatments,
telecommuting, Intelligent Transportation System infrastructure and public
transportation improvements (including regulatory, pricing, management, and
operational options), that demonstrate a systematic approach in addressing
current and future transportation demand;
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(3) Identify pedestrian walkway and bicycle transportation facilities in accordance with
23 U.S.C, 217(g); This section will be handled through the Comprehensive
Pathway Planning process each MPO has funded, The CONSULTANT will
coordinate with each MPO's Consultant to assure a smooth transition into each
MPO's Year 2035 LRTP.
(4) Reflect the consideration given to the results of the management systems;
(5) Assess capital investment and other measures necessary to preserve the existing
transportation system (including requirements for operational improvements,
resurfacing, restoration, and rehabilitation of existing and future major roadways,
as well as operations, maintenance, modernization, and rehabilitation of existing
and future transit facilities) and make the most efficient use of existing
transportation facilities to relieve vehicular congestion and enhance the mobility of
people and goods; Include design concept and scope descriptions of all existing
and proposed transportation facilities in sufficient detail, regardless of the source
of funding, in nonattainment and maintenance areas to permit conformity
determinations under the U.S, EPA conformity regulations at 40 CFR part 51. In all
areas, all proposed improvements shall be described in sufficient detail to develop
cost estimates;
(6) Reflect a multi-modal evaluation of the transportation, socioeconomic,
environmental, and financial impact of the overall plan, including all major
transportation investments in accordance with Sec. 450,318;
(7) For major transportation investments for which analyses are not complete, indicate
that the design concept and scope (mode and alignment) have not been fully
determined and will require further analysis. The plan shall identify such study
corridors and sub areas and may stipulate either a set of assumptions (assumed
alternatives) concerning the proposed improvements or a no-build condition
pending the completion of a corridor or sub area level analysis under Sec.
450.318, In nonattainment and maintenance areas, the set of assumed
alternatives shall be in sufficient detail to permit plan conformity determinations
under the U.S. EPA conformity regulations (40 CFR part 51);
(8) Reflect, to the extent that they exist, consideration of: the area's comprehensive
long-range land use plan and metropolitan development objectives; national,
State, and local housing goals and strategies, community development and
employment plans and strategies, and environmental resource plans; local, State,
and national goals and objectives such as linking low income households with
employment opportunities; and the area's overall social, economic, environmental,
and energy conservation goals and objectives;
(9) Indicate, as appropriate, proposed transportation enhancement activities as
defined in 23 US,C, 101(a); and
(10) Include a financial plan that demonstrates the consistency of proposed
transportation investments with already available and projected sources of
revenue, The financial plan shall compare the estimated revenue from existing and
proposed funding sources that can reasonably be expected to be available for
transportation uses, and the estimated costs of constructing, maintaining and
Agenda Item No. 16B13
December 16, 2008
operating the total (existing plus planned) transportation system over th8!jMr7otf Of
the plan. The estimated revenue by existing revenue source (local, State, and
Federal and private) available for transportation projects shall be determined and
any shortfalls identified. Proposed new revenues and/or revenue sources to cover
shortfalls shall be identified, including strategies for ensuring their availability for
proposed investments. Existing and proposed revenues shall cover all forecasted
capital, operating, and maintenance costs. All cost and revenue projections shall
be based on the data refiecting the existing situation and historical trends. For
nonaUainment and maintenance areas, the financial plan shall address the specific
financial strategies required to ensure the implementation of projects and
programs to reach air quality compliance.
Metropolitan planning regulations require that in formulating the long range transportation plan,
the MPO should provide for consideration of projects and strategies that give consideration to
the following eight (8) evaluation factors, as they relate to a minimum twenty (20) year forecast
. Support the economic vitality of the United States, the States and Metropolitan areas,
especially by enabling global competitiveness, productivity and efficiency; and
. Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users.
The safety element shall incorporate or summarize priorities, goals, counter measures or
projects contained in the Strategic Highway Safety Plan; and
. Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and non-motorized users.
The security element shall incorporate or summarize the priorities, goals or projects set
forth in the transit safety and security planning and review processes, plans and
programs; and
. Increase the accessibility and mobility options available to people and freight; and
. Protect and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation, and improve quality
of life; and
. Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and
between modes, for people and freight; and
. Promote efficient system management operation; and
. Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system.
The goal of the plan is to encourage and promote the safe and efficient
management, operation, and development of surface transportation systems
that will serve the mobility needs of people and freight and foster economic
growth and development within and through urbanized areas, while minimizing
transportation-related fuel consumption and air pollution.
The process for developing the plan should provide for consideration of all modes of
transportation and shall be continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive to the degree
appropriate, based on the complexity of the transportation problems to be addressed.
In developing the long-range transportation plan, the MPO's public involvement process should
provide citizens, affected public agencies, representatives of transportation agency employees,
freight shippers, private providers of transportation, representatives of users of public transit,
providers of freight transportation services, and other interested parties with a reasonable
Agenda Item No. 16813
December 16, 2008
opportunity to comment on the proposed plan. In addition, the LRTP shall be d~~ 471
consultation with Federal, State, Tribal and local agencies responsible for land use
management, natural resources, environmental protection, conservation and historic
preservation. The Consultant, with assistance from both MPO's, shall find ways to get input from
underserved communities, such as the Haitian community in Collier County to ensure we are
getting input from a wide cross-section of our community.
The MPO shall identify stakeholders that will be used to make a up a steering committee who
will be brought together at key decision points to review and provide input that will be used to
help develop the plan. During the course of development/update, the long-range transportation
plan will provide input into a coordinated environmental review process for highway construction
projects (Environmental Streamlining/Efficient Transportation Decision Making-ETD). In addition,
as part of this review process the Consultant, with the assistance of staff, shall consider potential
mitigation activities that can be used to mitigate for the projects identified in the Plan.
The modeling shall be done on the Cube Voyager platform and will include transit to analyze
transit operations such as bus rapid transit, light rail transit and commuter rail transit.
The CUBE Voyager model is being validated for use in each MPO's LRTP by the Florida
Department of Transportation, District One. The CONSULTANT will rely on the validated model
for multi-modal transportation alternatives, and can not begin this part of the project until Collier
County MPO and Lee County MPO have accepted the base Year 2007 Validated Model from
2.0 Scope of Services
2.1 Project Initiation, Quality Assurance and Project Management
2.1.1 Project Initiation - The Consultant will initiate the project with research and
collection of all relevant existing documents. This task involves the acquisition of
applicable maps, graphics, existing plans and data from available sources.
2.1.2 Quality Assurance - The Consultant shall assign one person that will be doing
the Quality Assurance reviews and will be the primary contact for the MPOs when
there are issues with the work products.
2.1.3 Project Management - This task involves the ongoing project management
responsibilities throughout the project and will include regular coordination
meetings with the MPOs assigned contacts.
2.1.4 The Consultant will review the current plans and will meet with the MPO staff and
the local jurisdictions to make sure that projects that were included in the currently
adopted plan can still be buill as was previously assumed.
2.2 Public Involvement Program
2.2.1 Process - The Consultant will conduct the public involvement process for the
LRTP update consistent with each of the MPO's Public Involvement Plans,
Federal and State requirements and following good industry practices. The public
involvement process shall include public participation at all stages of the plan
development and the timely release of draft work products to ensure adequate
public and agency reviews.
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2.2.2 Public Meetings - The Consultant shall conduct four (4) public meetings to
review the final proposed plan as well as taking the draft documents through the
Committee's of both MPO's. The Consultant shall maximize the use of maps and
graphics to display the development of the alternatives and the final plan. The
Consultant will be responsible for providing the meeting facilities, advertising the
meeting and providing the staff to conduct the meetings.
2.2.3 Model Coordinating Committee - The Consultant will also coordinate and meet
regularly and work with the Lee and Collier Model Coordinating Committee. The
Model Coordinating Committee will meet at least bi-monthly through the LRTP
update and is responsible for making decisions through a voting process at
decision points.
2.2.4 The Consultant will prepare two (2) newsletters for general distribution in Lee and
Collier Counties.
2.2.5 This Task has been incorporated into Task 3.2.1.
2.2.6 The Consultant will provide information, documents and other pertinent data
throughout the study that will be used to form an ongoing LRTP update website.
This will be loaded on each of the MPO's websites on an as needed to update
2.2.7 All draft and final reports, newsletters and other presentation media shall be made
available in electronic format to both MPO's so that they can put those items on
their respective websites for review and comment.
2.3 Goals and Objectives
2.3.1 The Consultant will evaluate and confirm the validity of each MPO's Goals and
Objectives. The Consultant will ensure that the goals and objectives are consistent
with SAFETEA-LU requirements.
2.3.2 The Consultant will review new or revised Goals and Objectives and will prepare a
memorandum of the changes to be presented to each MPO's TAC and CAC
committee's as well as each of the MPOs for final approval.
2.4 land Use Forecast
2.4.1 The Consultant will be responsible for the development of 2007 zonal data and
roadway network in all of Lee County and in areas of Collier County for which
zonal data and roadway network are not being developed for Collier County under
a separate contract, which after approval will be given to FDOT to conduct the
validation under a separate contract. The Consultant will be provided the 2007
zonal data for Collier County which is being produced under a separate contract
but will be responsible for reviewing and evaluating for reasonableness and shall
make suggested changes to the Collier MPO. The Consultant will also be
responsible for developing the zonal data for the interim and model years (2015,
2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035).
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2.4.2 The Consultant will review the 2007 base year model produced Blf-JEFlD<DfJ2s
consultant and validation report and will evaluate its reasonableness for suggested
changes to the FDOT's Consultant.
2.5 Congestion Management Strategies
2.5.1 This task includes the review and consideration of the MPO's CMS Plan elements
as necessary for inclusion into the Plan Update to meet the requirements of 23
CFR 450.322. Title 23 requires that the development of the Congestion
Management System be addressed and adopted so that mobility management
strategies are identified in the Updated Plan. These should include traffic
operations features, ridesharing, pedestrian and bicycle facilities and other
alternatives such as flex-time, freight movements, ITS features where appropriate
and public transportation improvements. The Consultant will be required to review
both of the MPO's adopted Congestion Management Plans for consistency with
the LRTP Goals, Objectives and Policies. The Consultant shall determine
appropriate performance measures that are consistent with the CMS Process. The
congestion/mobility management plan will be an integral part of the transportation
plan update process and will provide a systematic approach to current and future
transportation demand. To the maximum extent practical, output from the most
recent CMS Plan assessment shall be considered during the LRTP Update. The
Consultant may be required to format travel demand forecasts to facilitate their
use as a component of the CMS plan particularly as it is related to local
concurrency management systems data needs.
2.6 Multi-Modal Transportation
2.6.1 The Consultant will conduct a Multi-Modal Transportation System Assessment
analysis, which will include, as appropriate, a transit system forecast assessment,
an evaluation of the transit and highway networks serving the airport and rail
facilities, and a review of the non-motorized transportation system for each MPO
area including existing facilities deficiencies and their lack of interconnection to the
other public transportation modes in the area. Multiple alternatives will be
screened, including commuter rail for further analysis. The Consultant should
propose to the MPO's how the transit alternatives will be conducted to ensure that
we can show what impact transit improvements would have on the transportation
system. All data files related to the transit networks need to be developed for
modeling both the validation and future year alternatives.
2.6.2 The Consultant should develop a methodology for creating long-range forecasts
for each of the modes including the non-motorized system. The Consultant will
identify the data requirements necessary to characterize the existing system for
each of the public transportation modes, including motorized and non-motorized
systems. The Consultant will identify the existing conditions for each of the
different modes of transportation, identifying and quantifying the deficiencies that
presently exist and make the system less than desirable. The Consultant shall
identify what is needed to make the multi-modal system convenient to choice (not
transit dependent) passengers. Special attention should be given to identifying the
existing deficiencies that impede the development of an integrated and
interconnected multi-model system.
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December 16, 2008
2.6.3 The transit component analysis, in addition to evaluating fixed rOMEtbtl'itt?X
demand, should also include an evaluation of how the transit system presently
serves activity centers and recreational destinations with a comprehensive look at
the generators and attractors. The Consultant, in conjunction with the MPO staff
and transit agency staff, will develop a Transit System Forecast Assessment that
will outline the necessary modifications to the transit system, including but not
limited to, such improvements as new fixed route bus service, express service
routes, reduction of headways, park-and-ride facilities, and TOM initiatives.
Similarly, a non-motorized transportation system component of the report should
evaluate the existing deficiencies, and identify critical link deficiencies that prevent
inter-modal connectivity.
2.7 Goods and Freight Movement
2.7.1 The purpose of this task is to identify improvements needed within the study area
that would facilitate the movement of freight in a safe and efficient manner. This
will include identifying improvements on existing or proposed freight movement
corridors that interface with airport, rail facilities and industrial areas. The
Consultant shall coordinate with each of the MPO's on their currently ongoing
Goods and Freight studies to incorporate the results of those studies within the
Long Range Transportation Plan as well as including specific projects that may
have been identified in those studies. During the alternatives testing phase of the
LRTP Update, how future roadway level of service conditions may affect
movement of trucks and freight should be considered. The Consultant should
provide recommendations on corridors for improvements that will both improve
truck traffic and provide for less congestion. Coordination between the freight
movement study and the congestion management report will be critical.
2.8 Future Conditions
2.8.1 The Consultant will be responsible for the development of the zonal data for the
horizon years. The horizon years for this model update will be by five year
increments (2015, 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035). The Consultant will coordinate the
development of zonal data with the Lee County and Collier County staffs as well
as the local jurisdictions. The 2035 zonal data for Collier County will be provided
by Collier County but will need to be checked for consistency and reasonableness.
2.9 Development of the Needs Plan
2.9.1 The Consultant will develop a Needs Plan for horizon years 2020 and 2035.
2.9.2 The horizon year needs based assessments will be developed in reverse order
beginning with 2035 and working back to 2020.
2.9.3 During the development of each Needs Based assessment, a maximum of four
alternative network scenarios will be developed for each horizon year.
2.9.4 Each of the network scenarios shall:
Agenda Item No. 16813
December 16, 2008
A. Include design concept and scope descriptions of all proposed translt<:i'lfatl&iil
facility improvements in sufficient detail to facilitate the development of cost
B. Identify any new/improved major transportation corridors or investments and
stipulate either a set of assumptions (assumed alternatives) or a no-build
condition pending the completion of a corridor or sub-area level of analysis.
C. Identify any new/improved major transportation investments that are consistent
or unique between alternatives.
D. Consider applicable elements of the various jurisdictions Comprehensive
Plans and identify any inconsistencies Uurisdictions with Comprehensive Plans
Include: Lee County, City of Bonita Springs, City of Cape Coral, City of Fort
Myers, Town of Fort Myers Beach, City of Sanibel, Collier County, Everglades
City, City of Marco Island, and City of Naples).
E. Consider the following to the maximum extent applicable:
. Metropolitan development objectives; and
. National, Sate, Regional and local housing goals and strategies; and
. Community development and improvement plans and strategies; and
. Environmental resource plans;
. Goals and objectives linking low income households with
employment opportunities; and
. The area's overall social, economic, environmental and energy
conservation goals and objectives; and
. Climate changes impact on the existing and future infrastructure.
2.9.5 The Consultant will compile the 2035 Needs assessment alternatives and submit
them. The results shall be reviewed and considered in developing the
recommended Needs Plan. The Consultant will provide data as needed to the
ETDM/NERPM database for the project input utility, and the Environmental
Technical Advisory Team (ETAT) Review Tools. It is anticipated that a majority of
the data may be available from existing database sources. However, the
Consultant will be able to provide electronic conversion between differing
database sources and provide primary or secondary source data input as needed.
The accepted formats for uploading data are ESRI Shapefiles, ArcSDE export or
ARC/INFO coverage export files. The ETDM Project Input Utility may require the
Consultant to input the following project description data: Project Name, Planning
10, Planning Organization, ETDM Stage, Project Type, Road System, Length,
Cost, Pedestrian, Bikeway, Transit, Purpose and Need, Local Government
Comprehensive. Plan, MPO Goals and Objectives, Summary of Public Comments.
The ETDM Project Input Utility may require the following project segment data:
Facility Name, Limits, Jurisdiction, Functional Class, FIHS, Urban Service Area,
Transportation Concurrency Exception Area, Transportation Concurrency
Management Area AADT, Current Configuration and lanes. The CONSULTANT
shall prepare Purpose and Need statements for each project in the adopted Needs
Plan consistent with FOOT's Project Development and Environment Manual. All
project data shall be either in the NERPM database or in another compatible GIS
database and transmitted to the ETDM web for review by the Environmental
Agenda Item No. 16813
December 16, 2008
Technical Advisory Team (ETAT). The ETAT comments shall be ~(dedf4iil
Technical Report.
2.9.6 The Consultant will prepare a Technical Memorandum that documents the
development of the 2020 and 2035 horizon year needs based assessments.
2.10 Financial Plan Development
2.10.1 The Consultant will develop the costs for the proposed improvements identified in
the 2035 Needs Assessment consistent with the MPOAC's financial guidelines
that are attached to this scope. Though it is not specifically identified in the
MPOAC tables, the Consultant shall identify the Maintenance needs, particularly
as it relates to bridges, so that the MPO can determine if there is enough
maintenance funding being provided to resolve current and future deficiencies.
2.10.2 The Consultant will also develop the local, State and Federal revenue sources
consistent with FDOT accepted methodologies that reflect sources and levels that
can reasonably be expected during the planning periods. The revenues will need
to be broken down consistent with the MPOAC tables attached to this scope. The
revenues will need to be inflated to five year increments to be consistent with the
cost estimates of projects that will also be inflated to the middle year of the five
year increments.
2.10.3 The Consultant will prepare a Technical Memorandum that documents the
preparation of the cost estimates for the proposed improvements and the expected
revenues during the planning period.
2.11 Development of a Cost Feasible Plan
2.11.1 The Consultant will develop and recommend a 2035 Financially Feasible Plan to
include a regional transportation element that demonstrates consistency of the
proposed transportation investments with current and projected revenue sources.
This task will also include an analysis of how the proposed implementation of the
Transit Authority in Lee County and associated funding could change the future
funding scenario.
2.11.2 The alternatives that are developed should consider transit alternatives and other
multi-modal considerations including non-motorized improvements.
2.11.3 Projects that are recommended to be built by Tolling shall be further analyzed to
determine how feasible tolling the facility would be. This may include a planning
level of analysis to determine the number of vehicles that would use the facility
based on several toll options and a rough determination of what that toll would
need to be to build the facility.
2.11.4 The Consultant will be required to document the process of developing and testing
alternatives and the Plan will be approved by both of the Board's before
proceeding to the five year blocks of cost feasible projects.
2.12 Development of a Year by Year Cost Feasible Projects
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December 16, 2008
2.12.1 The Consultant will develop a year by year list of cost feasible projects ~lD@ldflily
the five year time frames consistent with the MPOAC direction and as illustrated in
the sheets attached to this scope. The costs of the projects will be based on the
third year of each five year time period (year 2013 for the 2011-2015 time period,
year 2018 for the 2016 to 2020 time frame etc.).
2.13 Final Plan Documentation and Adoption
2.13.1 The Consultant will prepare a Technical Memorandum that
documents the development of the Year of Expenditure Financially Feasible Plans.
The final plan will be reviewed by both MPOs as well as both sets of MPO
committee's to ensure that the Plan has met the adopted Goals and Objectives
and has taken into account comments from the public hearing.
2.13.2 The Consultant will fully document all the Plan activities, which will describe the
Plan development, purpose, content and final recommendations and conclusions
in a final report. The Consultant shall prepare an Executive Summary that details
the specifics of the adopted 2035 Financially Feasible Plan in a manner suitable
for public distribution.
3.0 Study Documentation and Meetinas
3.1 Reports
3.1.1 A number of different reports will be required throughout the life of the project.
They include a Project Schedule, task related project reports, the Executive
Summary, the Final Report and Monthly Progress Reports.
. Task specific reports shall be submitted to the MPO and the Department for review
and comment in draft form as outlined in the project schedule. Final versions shall
be provided to the MPO for distribution.
The Consultant will be required to provide all study reports in an electronic format approved by
the County to facilitatethe electronic distribution and publication of the study documents.
3.1.2 The Monthly Progress Reports shall be submitted to both MPO's in conjunction
with the monthly invoice for services performed. The Report should document the
work performed during the period, problems encountered and their solutions, and
activities scheduled in future periods. Reconciliation of task progress with the
project schedule shall be performed. The submittal of Monthly Invoices and
Progress Reports shall be based upon a schedule agreed upon at the project kick-
off meeting and as defined by the approved scope of services. The Consultant
shall provide a monthly progress report regardless of the progress or whether or
not a progress payment is requested. Five (5) copies will be provided to MPO staff
by the tenth day of the each month. The MPO project manager will monitor the
activities of the Consultant and review each task upon completion
3.1.3 At the conclusion of the Study, copies of all study reports, documentation, maps
and computer data files shall be delivered to the MPO and the Department in their
native electronic format. Printed reports, maps, and exhibits shall also be provided
in electronic PDF format.
3.2 Meetings
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The MPO's and the Consultant will conduct four types of meetings during the course of this
3.2.1 Briefings
Through the course of the update, it will be necessary for the MPO and the Model
Coordinating Committee to meet with Consultant. The meetings will be held in Lee
or Collier Counties unless otherwise specified. The purpose will be for Consultant
to brief the MPO's and the Model Coordinating Committee on project progress and
any problems encountered. Conference or video conference calls may also be
used to communicate on some issues where "face-to-face" meetings are not
3.2.2 Technical Presentations
The Consultant will conduct a maximum of twenty (20) technical presentations or
civic presentations to the transportation planning committee structure (MPO, TAC,
CAC, and PAC/BPCC) during the course of this project. These presentations at a
minimum will be scheduled to occur at the beginning of this effort, and to coincide
with the development of major tasks and/or deliverables during development of the
Long Range Plan Update. These meetings will be scheduled by the MPO in such
a way as to permit presentations to more than one committee during the source of
a single trip in the area.
3.2.3 Public Meetings
The Consultant will make two (2) presentations to each MPO as public workshops
as specified in the Public Involvement Plan throughout the development of the
Long Range Transportation Plan.
3.2.4 Public Hearing
Prior to adoption of the 2035 Cost Feasible Plan, the MPO shall hold and advertise
a public hearing at each of the MPO Board meetings. A court reporter will be
necessary to record the public hearing and shall be provided by the MPO for which
the public hearing is being held.
4.0 Responsibilities of the MPO
The MPO will have the following responsibilities:
a) Provide all coordination and communication with other agencies. This shall
include postage for the mailing of the documents and receipt of comments on
these documents;
b) Provide the Consultant with available documentation (data base, maps, plans,
etc.) in the area;
c) Assist the Department in model validation;
d) Be responsible for conducting the public meetings, including the public hearing;
Agenda Item No. 16813
December 16, 2008
e) Provide timely reviews of material and documents as submitted by th~Y€JIUMil
as specified herein. Review times should be identified and accounted for on the
project schedule;
f) Develop the Goals and Objectives, and Policies;
g) Assist in the development of alternatives;
h) Assist with ETDM data input;
i) Assist in the development of recommended plan;
j) Appoint a project manager for each MPO for one point contact for the Consultant
10 coordinate with; and
k) Identify and coordinate contacts with primary stakeholders or other interested
5.0 Responsibilities of the Consultant
a) Refining the Scope of Services during negotiations;
b) Coordinate the scheduling of advertising, identifying meeting locations, copying
handouts and the various technical meetings and the citizen's involvement
process meetings and public hearings including transcripts of those meetings and
c) Evaluate existing roadways in the area and recommend improvements (based on
review by the all the committee structures within the MPO;
d) Collect the necessary financial data from the MPO member governments and
produce the financial resources report, along with local estimates of right-of-way
e) Draft and develop graphics, write and edit the required technical memoranda and
reports concurrent with the project progress;
f) Develop, evaluate, and recommend preliminary and final needs and cost feasible
plans to the MPO Advisory Subcommittees and to the MPO Board;
g) Document the procedures and techniques used by all involved participants in the
h) Evaluate compatibility with existing plans, such as the Local Government
Comprehensive Plans, various School Board Plans, the Regional Policy Plan,
State Transportation Plan, the Transit Development Plans, Transportation
Disadvantaged Service Plans and Human Services Plans.
i) Make presentations with applicable graphics to local communities and the public
for input in plan evaluation and for plan selection and adoption;
j) Provide the MPO model input data on CD throughout the model validation and
k) Provide the MPO with all model output on CD throughout the Plan update process;
I) Provide the MPO technical memoranda and reports and all final products on CD in
word processing software currently in use for the MPO staff,
m) Appoint a project manager for all MPO contact,
n) Prepare the mail-outs for the public information meetings. This includes the
photocopying, folding, and stuffing of the documents necessary for public review,
0) Develop and implement the Efficient Transportation Decision-Making process for
an analysis of Needs Plan projects;
p) Provide all geographic information systems (GIS) data created or refined during
this project. The format for all data shall be Arc View shape file or Arc/lnfo
coverage's. All associated data should be in a format compatible with that format
and with Microsoft Office. A data dictionary for any GIS data created by the
Consultant should be included.
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Capacity Needs
Description: This table summarizes the identified costs of transportation needs in the MPO area
through the LRTP horizon year of 2034/35. Needed improvements should be assigned to only
one category to avoid double-counting. Costs should include all phases through construction.
In instances where a facility serves more than one category, a percentage of the cost should be
allocated to each category served. For example, a roadway expansion project including
variable message signs may be allocated 90% for roadway and 10% for ITS. Costs should be
expressed in base year FY 2006/2007 dollars. MPOs should report N/A for modes that do not
currently exist and are not planned for their metropolitan area. This table should be supported
by a bullet list or table of individual projects and their cost in base year dollars.
System/Mode Total Cost for All Pro"ects
Other Arterial Roads
Local Expressway/Bridge Authority
Local Roads
Total Roads
Fixed-Route Bus Transit
Fixed-Guidewa Transit
Demand-Res onse Transit
Total Transit
Bic cle/Pedestrian
lntermodal Terminal
Sea ortlMaritime
Frei ht Rail
Total Other
..9J~,.."..l,UI!iillA!re_~*.__I!1ilIlii",__ .,w..
Capacity Revenues
Description: This table summarizes expected revenues by funding category. Revenue
information is broken into 5-year blocks and expressed in year of expenditure dollars.
Revenues for operations and maintenance purposes are accounted for at the state level, and
this fact should be described in MPO LRTPs, but need not be included in this table. Local
revenue sources dedicated to O+M should not be included on this table. If a local revenue
source is entirely devoted to O+M, that part of the field should contain a zero. Local revenues
for O+M costs should be documented separately.
Source 2007- 2011- 2016- 2021-2025 2026. 2031-2035
2010 2015 2020 2030
Other Arterial
Roads 1
Federal Urban Page 18 of 27
Allocation (XU)2
Federal Surface
Program (SE)2
Authority Roads
Local Roads
New StartsO
Total Federal/State
9'" Cent Fuel Tax
LOGT #1 (6 cents)
LOGT #2(5 cents)
Infrastructure Surtax
Impact Fees
Proportionate Share
Sales Taxes
Ad Valorem Taxes
Bond Proceeds
Other Local Taxes
and Fees
Private Dedication
Total Local Funds
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Agenda Item No. 16B 13
December 16 2008
Notes for Capacity Revenues Table
1 The "Other Arterials Roads" category does not include facilities operated by local expressway
or bridge authorities, including those that are a part of the Florida State Highway System.
2 XU and SE Funds are provided by FOOT as components of the funding category "Other
Arterial Roads."
3 MPOs should explain their reasoning for including New Starts funding. These programs are
distributed on a project basis by the Federal Transit Administration and/or FOOT. If the MPO
expects a New Starts project will be approved, it should be included in the LRTP.
4 The TRIP program is distributed to FOOT Districts for prioritization. The MPO should explain
the level of TRIP funding it expects to receive from the District.
Cost Feasible Projects
Description: This table is an example of how an MPO might display cost feasible project
information. The table should include all phases and projects, regardless of mode. Cost
information is broken into 5-year time periods and expressed in year of expenditure dollars for
Agenda Item No. 16813
December 16, 2008
each 5-year time period. Separate phases of the same project may be included 1iAl9!le~
time periods.
The terms used in each column can vary from MPO to MPO. However, care must be taken to
use terms consistently. Suggested terms for use in this table are:
Project Type- Roadway (SIS/FIHS, Other Arterial Roads, Local Expressway/Bridge Authority,
Local), Transit (Fixed-Route Bus, Fixed-Guideway, Demand-Response), Bike/Ped, ITS,
Intermodal Terminal, Aviation, Seaport/Maritime, Freight Rail
Funding Category- Federal/State, Local, Private
Phase- Preliminary Engineering, Right of Way, Construction. Preliminary Engineering includes
PD&E and Design. One line per system/mode should be devoted to O+M. Different phases of
a project can appear in different time periods.
Total Cost- Cost should be expressed in year of expenditure dollars.
[Table on Next Page]
Cost Feasible Projects
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Page 20 of 27
Time Project
Period Number
Projec Funding Description Phase
t Type Cate ories
Total Cost This
Time Period
Total 2007-2010
Total 2011-2015
Total 2016-2020
Total 2021-2025
Total 2026-2030
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B.1.1 As a condition precedent to payment, CONSULTANT shall submit to OWNER as part of
its monthly invoice, a progress report reflecting the Project design and construction status, in
terms of the total work effort estimated to be required for the completion of the Basic Services
and any then-authorized Additional Services, as of the last day of the subject monthly billing
cycle. Among other things, the report shall show all Service items and the percentage complete
of each item.
B 1.1.1 All monthly status reports and invoices shall be mailed to the attention
of Phil Tindall, MPO Director, 2885 South Horseshoe Drive, Naples, Florida 34104~
B.2.1. For the Basic Services provided for in this Agreement, OWNER agrees to make monthly
payments to CONSULTANT based upon CONSULTANT'S Direct Labor Costs and
Reimbursable Expenses in accordance with the terms stated below. Provided, however, in no
event shall such compensation exceed the amounts set forth in the table below.
2.1 Project Initiation, Quality Assurance $ 48,122.00
and Proiect Manaaement
2.2 Public Involvement Program $ 115,010.00
2.3 Confirm Validity of MPO & G&O's and $ 8,656.00
consistencv with SAFETT-LU
2.4 Establish 2007 Zonal Structure and $ 34,280.00
Validate 2007 ZDA T A
2.5 Review MPO's Current CMS Plan $ 17,236.00
2.6 Conduct a Multi-Modal Transportation $ 39,610.00
Svstem Assessment Analvsis
2.7 Determine Suitability of Final Goods $ 14,261.00
and Freight Movement Report with
Year 2035 LRTP Scope of Services
2.8 Future Conditions $ 4,825.00
2.9 Develooment of Needs Plan $ 41,585.00
2.10 Financial Plan Development $ 10,504.00
2.11 Development of a Cost Feasible Plan $ 37,231.00
2.12 Development of a Year by Year Cost $ 4,040.00
Feasible Proiects
2.13 Final Plan Documentation and $ 25,968.00
3.0 Studv Documentation and Meetinas
3.1 Reports $ 2,880.00
3.2. Meetinas $ 85,076.00
Reimbursables - Not to exceed $ 15,875.00
I TOTAL FEE (Total Items 2.1-3.2)
I $ 505,159.00
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P1ge 22 of 27
B.2.2. Direct Labor Costs mean the actual salaries and wages (basic, premium and incentive) pail
to CONSULTANT'S personnel, with respect to this Project, including all indirect payroll
related costs and fringe benefits, all in accordance with and not in excess of the rates set
forth in the Attachment I to this Schedule B.
B.2.3. With each monthly Application for Payment, CONSULTANT shall submit detailed time
records, and any other documentation reasonably required by OWNER, regarding
CONSULTANT'S Direct Labor Costs incurred at the time of billing, to be reviewed and
approved by OWNER.
B.2.4 For Additional Services provided pursuant to Article 2 of the Agreement, OWNER agrees
to pay CONSULTANT a negotiated total fee and Reimbursable Expenses based on the
services to be provided. The negotiated fee shall be based upon the rates specified in
Attachment 1 to this Schedule B and all Reimbursable Expenses shall comply with the
provisions of Section 3.5.1 below. There shall be no overtime pay on Basic Services or
Additional Services without OWNER'S prior written approval.
B.2.5. The compensation provided for under Sections 2.1 of this Schedule B, shall be the total
and complete amount payable to CONSULTANT for the Basic Services to be performed
under the provisions of this Agreement, and shall include the cost of all materials,
equipment, supplies and out-of-pocket expenses incurred in the performance of all such
B.2.6 Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, CONSULTANT
acknowledges and agrees that in the event of a dispute concerning payments for
Services performed under this Agreement, CONSULTANT shall continue to perforrn the
Services required of it under this Agreement, as directed by OWNER, pending resolution
of the dispute provided that OWNER continues to pay to CONSULTANT all amounts that
OWNER does not dispute are due and payable.
B.3.1 . CONSULTANT shall submit, with each of the monthly status reports provided for under
Section 1.1 of this Schedule B, an invoice for fees earned in the performance of Basic
Services and Additional Services during the subject billing month. Notwithstanding
anything herein to the contrary, the CONSULTANT shall submit no more than one invoice
per month for all fees and Reimbursable Expenses earned that month for both Basic
Services and Additional Services. Invoices shall be reasonably substantiated, identify the
services rendered and must be submitted in triplicate in a form and manner required by
Owner. Additionally, the number of the purchase order granting approval for such
services shall appear on all invoices.
B.3.2. Invoices not properly prepared (mathematical errors, billing not reflecting actual work
done, no signature, etc.) shall be returned to CONSULTANT for correction. Invoices
shall be submitted on CONSULTANT'S letterhead and must include the Purchase Order
Number and the Project name and shall not be submitted more than one time monthly.
B.3.3 Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in no event may CONSULTANT'S
monthly billings, on a cumulative basis, exceed the sum determined by multiplying the
applicable not to exceed task limits set forth in the table in Section 2.1 by the percentage
Agenda Item No. 16B 13
December 16, 2008
Owner has determined CONSULTANT has completed such task as of thata,affial.llar
monthly billing.
B.3.4 Payments for Additional Services of CONSULTANT as defined in Article 2 hereinabove
and for reimbursable expenses will be made monthly upon presentation of a detailed
invoice with supporting documentation.
B.3.5 Unless specific rates have been established in Attachment 1, attached to this Schedule
B, CONSULTANT agrees that, with respect to any subconsultant or subcontractor to be
utilized by CONSULTANT for Additional Services, CONSULTANT shall be limited to a
maximum markup of 5% on the fees and expenses associated with such subconsultants
and subcontractors.
B.3.5.1 Reimbursable Expenses associated with Additional Services must comply with
section 112.061, Fla. Stat., or as set forth in the Agreement, be charged without
mark-up by the CONSULTANT, and shall consist only of the following items:
B. Cost for reproducing documents that exceed the number of documents
described in this Agreement and postage and handling of Drawings and
B. Travel expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred with respect to
Project related trips, to the extent such trips are approved by OWNER.
Such expenses, if approved by OWNER, may include coach airfare,
standard accommodations and meals, all in accordance with section
112.061, F.S. Further, such expenses, if approved by OWNER, may
include mileage for trips that are from/to destinations outside of Collier
or Lee Counties. Such trips within Collier and Lee Counties are
expressly excluded.
B. Permit Fees required by the Project.
B. Expense of overtime work requiring higher than regular rates approved
in advance and in writing by OWNER.
B. Expense of models for the County's use.
B. Other items on request and approved in writing by the OWNER.
B.3.5.2 Should a conflict exist between the dollar amounts set forth in Section 112.061,
F.S., and the Agreement, the terms of the Agreement shall prevail.
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December 16, 2008
Page 24 of 27
Project Manager
Senior Engineer
Graphics Designer
Public Involvement GIS Specialist
Administrative Assistant
$ 90.00
$ 85.00
$ 90.00
$ 80.00
$ 47.00
This list is not intended to be all inclusive. Hourly rate fees for other categories of professional,
support and other services shall be mutually negotiated by the County and firm on a project by
project basis as needed
Agenda Item No. 16613
December 16, 2008
Page 25 of 27
2.1 Project Initiation, Quality 43 Calendar Days
Assurance and Project from Notice to
Management Proceed
2.2 Public Involvement ProQram 132 Calendar Days
2.3 Confirm Validity of MPO & 11 Calendar Days
G&O's and consistency with
2.4 Establish 2007 Zonal Structure 37 Calendar Days
and Validate 2007 ZDATA
2.5 Review MPO's Current CMS 19 Calendar Days
2.6 Conduct a Multi-Modal 46 Calendar Days
Transportation System
Assessment Analysis
2.7 Determine Suitability of Final 15 Calendar Days
Goods and Freight Movement
Report with Year 2035 LRTP
Scope of Services
2.8 Future Conditions 7 Calendar Days
2.9 Development of Needs Plan 55 Calendar Davs
2.10 Financial Plan Development 13 Calendar Davs
2.11 Development of a Cost 41 Calendar Days
Feasible Plan
2.12 Development of a Year by 4 Calendar Days
Year Cost Feasible Projects
2.13 Final Plan Documentation and 29 Calendar Days
3.0 Study Documentation and
3.1 ReDorts 3 Calendar DciVs
3.2. MeetinQs 70 Calendar Davs
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Agenda Item No. 16613
December 16, 2008
Page 27 of 27
Collier MPO 2035 LRTP Update - Available Fundinl!
FY 08/09
UPWP Task 2.1 (Data Development & Maintenance) - $18,500
UPWP Task 2.3(Highway and Non-Highway Systems Monitoring) - $38,500
UPWP Task 3.4(Long Range Planning) - $135,000
Total- $192,000
FY 09/10
UPWP Task 2. I (Data Development & Maintenance) - $20,000
UPWP Task 2.3 (Highway and Non-Highway Systems Monitoring) - $15,000 + $15,000 carry forward
UPWP Task 3.4 (Long Range Planning) - $150,000 + $58,305 carry forward
Total FY 09/10 allocated funds $185,000
Total FY 09/1 0 carry forward funds $73,305
Total FY 09/10 funds $258,305
FY 08/09 & 09/10 Combined Total without carry forward $377,000
FY 08/09 & 09/10 Combined Total with carry forward $450,305
FY 10/11
UPWP Task 3.4 (Long Range Planning) - $70,000
Total Funding Available - $520,305